HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400023_Comprehensive Site Assessment_19991217IT CORPORATION AMember of 7Ke ff Group COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT (CSA) W. P. Ballard Property 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina NCDENR Groundwater Incident # 6953 IT Corporation of North Carolina Project # 107535 December 17, 1999 Prepared by. IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. 1000 Perimeter Drive, Suite I Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 467-2227 PART 1 Phase 1 Full Scale Permanganate injection at WP Ballard site in G reensboro Subject: Phase I Full Scale Permanganate injection at WP Ballard site in G reensboro Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 08:06:36 -0700 From: "Ogden, Keith" <Kogden@TheITGroup.com> To: "'Pritzl, Mark"' <mark.pritzl@ncmail.net>, "'Knight, Sherri"' <sherri.knight@ncmail.net>, "'Wells, Melanie"' <MWELLS@co.guilford.nc.us> CC: "'Grandys, Tom"' <tgrandy@sears.com>, "Bertz, Charles" <Cbertz@TheITGroup.com>, "Egner, Dale" <Degner@TheITGroup.com>, "Hammad, Hass" <Hass.Hammad@theitgroup.com>, "Raymond, Thomas" <Traymond@TheITGroup.com>, "Lewis, Rick" <rlewis@theitgroup.com> Mark, Sherri and Melanie I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail to let you know that we completed the full scale permanganate injection in the Phase 1 area (near the former Sears distribution center building) last week on the July 11th. Starting on June 18, 2001 we safely injected a total of 21,450 lbs of permanganate in 66 geoprobe injection points. We have follow-up monitoring events scheduled for August and September to determine the effectiveness of the injection. After we compile the data from the injection and obtain the monitoring results, we will submit a these data to you for review. We will also be requesting NCDENR approval of the UIC permit for the Phase 3 full scale injection in the source area. Timely receipt of this approval is critical for the success of this project. In the next several months, we will also be planning the full scale permanganate injection in the Phase 2 area. This next phase of full scale injection is tentatively scheduled to start in late September and to last for several months. The detailed design of this injection event will be based on lessos learned and data collected during Phase 1, as well as the most current groundwater analytical data from the area. As you know, we have been operating a High Vacuum Dual Phase/SVE remediation system in this area since March of this year. While on site in June and July, we also collected some geoprobe soil samples from the Phase 3 source area and are analyzing these samples now to provide data for design of the permanganate injection in this area. Finally, we have not heard anything from NCDENR regarding the CAP approval. My understanding after our June 7, 2001 meeting was that someone from NCDENR would be looking at this. Can I get a status update? Let me know if you have any questions or need more information. Thanks, Keith Ogden, PE, RSM IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Office Phone: (919)467-2227, extension 224; Mobile Phone: (919) 616-1691; Fax: (919) 467-2299 e-mail: kogden@theitgroup.com IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT (CSA) W. P. Ballard Property 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina NCDENR Groundwater Incident # 6953 IT Corporation of North Carolina Project # 107535 December 16, 1999 Prepared by. IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. 1000 Perimeter Drive, Suite I Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 467-2227 Release / Site Information: Land Use Category: To be assigned by department Responsible- Party/: W.P Ballard and Company of Greensboro, Inc. Current Property Owner 1775 The Exchange Suite 320 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Phone (770) 952-1661 Contact: Mr. Wiley P. Ballard Date Release Discovered: September 3, 1991 Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Source of Release: 550-gallon gasoline UST and historic dry cleaning operations USTs at Time of Release: 1-550 gallon gasoline and 1-550 gallon heating oil Latitude and Longitude: 36.106300 N and 79.823930 W IT Corporation Of North Carolina, Inc. CAR0`' GLfVS�c� ••9 • • Dale E. Egnir, I.A.G. 1708 Project Geopagg•.�,���� a�,��s��`= D WA RQ IT Corporation Of North Carolina, Inc. wloe_'r� I R. Keith Ogden, I , P.E., RSM Engineer in Respi nsible Charge IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc, A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The CSA investigation performed in 1999 by IT Corporation, previous to this report being prepared, was an extension of previous investigations conducted by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. and IT Corporation. These investigations are referenced in Section 1.1 and salient information from previous investigations that was used in the analysis of present site conditions is tabulated or appended to this report. The investigation was designed to collect data necessary to delineate adsorbed and dissolved phase volatile organic compounds (mainly tetrachloroethylene) present within the subsurface of the W. P. Ballard and impacted downgradient properties. Constituents of Concern (CoCs) on the W. P. Ballard and downgradient properties include Petroleum Hydrocarbons from a gasoline UST Release and Perchloroethene (PCE), also known as Tetrachloroethylene, from PCE AST and possibly transfer release(s). Subsurface data collected during drilling operations indicates that the site stratigraphy consists of Amphibolite Gneiss overlain by saprolite that consists of unconsolidated mixtures of predominantly silt -sized particles with varying amounts of sand and clay -sized particles. The Amphibolite Gneiss bedrock is very competent (few fractures), light gray to dark green and was encountered at depths ranging from 105 to 123 feet below grade The saprolite can be separated into two zones based on density and/or degree of weathering. The upper saprolite zone is soft to moderately consolidated and is delineated at depth by auger refusal occurring at depths ranging between 45 and 79 feet with the average depth being approximately 69 feet. The lower zone appears to be comprised of differentially weathered bedrock and has been defined based on depths at which auger refusal and slower rotary hammer drilling rates were encountered. Other than the interface between the unconsolidated overburden and the competent bedrock, significant lithologic changes have not been observed in materials beneath the site. Subsurface exploration indicates that the saprolite is saturated below a depth ranging from 7 to 28 feet below ground surface and in a very limited number of fractures in the bedrock allow groundwater to penetrate to an undetermined depth in at least one location. Due to the limited fracturing observed in cores and the lack of apparent weathering in observed fractures it is concluded that the bedrock is not a conduit for groundwater. The aquifer beneath the site is unconfined and the water surface elevations generally correspond with changes in the natural topography. The predominant groundwater flow direction at the site is to the east with an average hydraulic gradient of 0.023 feet -per -foot and the average hydraulic conductivity is 1.55 ft/day. Hydraulic conductivity varies significantly between the shallow and deep saprolite zones due to the degree of weathering of the in -place materials. Hydrocarbon constituents in soil appear to be limited in extent and are less than the Commercial - Industrial standards published by NCDENR in 1998 . The areal extent of BTEX constituents from petroleum hydrocarbons appears concentrated to an area around GP-4 which was a probe was placed immediately south of the former underground storage tank (UST) in front of the W. P. Ballard property along Rollins Road, as shown on Figure 15. The radial extent is less than 20 IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A 31ember of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 feet based on a soil sample from the 14 to 16 foot interval of BMW-1 which had no BTEX detected, and a Geoprobe® soil sample from the 9 to 12 foot interval in GP-3, which also had no reported BTEX constituents. The vertical extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in soil extends to the water table in the area immediately north of Rollins Road delineated by Geoprobe® probes GP-3, GP-4, and GPW-3. The extent of soil VOC contamination is confined to the W. P. Ballard property with a possible extension beneath Rollins Road to the south of the property. This finding is based on laboratory analysis of a soil sample from BMW-1, soil gas levels, and the concentration of Tetrachloroethene and its decay products in the groundwater. The areal extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater appears to be limited to the parking lot area in the southern half of the W. P. Ballard property, across Rollins Road to the south, and on a small portion of the former SLS property. The lateral extent of the dissolved BTEX plume is illustrated on Figure 15, Petroleum Hydrocarbon Investigation Geoprobe Locations with Total BTEX Iso-Concentration Contours, a plot of the total BTEX concentrations reported in the Geoprobe® water samples. The vertical extent of dissolved BTEX constituents appears to be less than 25 feet due to the water samples from wells screened from 25 to 35 feet within plume delineated by the Geoprobe® water samples and in the immediate vicinity, not reporting,,detectable levels of BTEX constituents in groundwater. The extent of the dissolved phase chlorinated solvent plume has been delineated in three zones in the aquifer; shallow (approximately 25 to 35 feet bgs), deep (approximately 60 to 85 feet bgs), and in the bedrock. Figure 13 illustrates the areal extent of the dissolved VOC plume in the shallow zone. Figure 14 depicts the dissolved total VOC plume in groundwater from the 60 to 80 foot zone beneath the site. This plume appears to have a similar "footprint" or areal extent to the shallow zone plume. This is as expected considering the relatively uniform nature of the saprolite which would tend to produce relatively uniform horizontal groundwater velocities with depth (i.e. no stratified zones of more transmissive materials producing higher horizontal groundwater velocities. It does not appear that VOCs are extensively dispersed below the bedrock surface due to the lack of water bearing fractures. The bedrock well groundwater sample analytical data and the apparent absence of water bearing fractures in bedrock were used to support the vertical extent delineation of the dissolved VOCs. The migration of the VOC's in the shallow zone is strongly influenced by the groundwater flow and reflects the easterly gradient as well as the southeasterly component in the gradient in the Western portion of the site. [so -concentration contours have been depicted on Figure 6, Cross - Section A -A' to illustrate the projected vertical extent of the dissolved total VOC plume along the east -west axis (down -gradient) of the plume. K I1 IT COrporAdon OfNOrih C mlfiuj� lne� A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 No free product was observed in any monitoring wells at the site. Petroleum hydrocarbon product was not observed in any of the four temporary Geoprobe® wells but a strong petroleum odor was noted in the bailer sample removed from GP-4. During the October 1999 sampling event, all monitoring wells were checked for LNAPL and DNAPL with a Soilinst Interface probe when water levels were taken prior to purging for sampling. No LNAPL or DNAPL accumulations were detected. 3 IT. Corporation ofNorth Carohns, In& A 31ember of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY.................................................................................................................1 TABLEOF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. 4 LISTOF TABLES............................................................................................................................5 LISTOF FIGURES........................................................................................................................... 5 APPENDICES.................................................................................................................................. 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT (CSA)............................................ 6 1.2 SITE OWNERSHIP HISTORY.................................................................................................. 7 1.3 RELEASE SCENARIO AND SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION..........................................................7 1.4 REMEDIAL ACTIONS TO DATE............................................................................................... 7 1.5 RECEPTOR INFORMATION.....................................................................................................8 2.0 CURRENT SITE AND SURROUNDING CONDITIONS.....................................................10 2.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY............................................................................... 10 2.2 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 Soil Sampling Results.............................................................................................. 11 Soil Sampling Activities..........................................................................................................11 Hydrocarbons........................................................................................................................12 Chlorinated Solvents........................................................................................................:.....13 2.2.2 Soil Vapor Sampling Results.................................................................................... 13 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Installation.................................................................................13 Soil Vapor Sampling..............................................................................................................13 2.2.3 Groundwater Sampling Results............................................................................... 14 Well Construction and Sampling Activities.............................................................................14 Hydrocarbons........................................................................................................................16 Chlorinated Solvents..............................................................................................................16 2.2.4 Free Product Investigation Findings......................................................................... 18 2.2.5 Hydrogeologic Investigation..................................................................................... 18 3.0 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS..............................................................................................20 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................23 4 IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc - A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Property Ownership, W.P. Ballard Property Table 2 List of Adjacent Property Owners ` Table 3 Groundwater Gauging and Water Table Elevation Summary Table 4 Summary of Soil Analytical Data - Geoprobe® Investigation Table 5 Summary of Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Test Data Table 6 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Purging Data Table 7 Well Construction Summary Table 8 Summary of Groundwater Sampling Field Parameters Table 9 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data - Geoprobe® Investigation Table 10 Summary of Shallow Monitoring Well Groundwater Analytical Data Table 11 Summary of Deep Monitoring Well Groundwater Analytical Data LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map - UGS Topo Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Adjacent Property Owners Map Figure 4 Monitoring Well Location Map Figure 5 Cross Section Location Map Figure 6 Cross Section A -A' Figure 7 Cross Section B-B' Figure 8 Cross Section B-B" Figure 9 Cross Section C-C' Figure 10 Cross Section C-C" Figure 11 Cross Section D-D' Figure 12 Water Table Elevation Contour Map Figure 13 Iso-Concentration Contours of Total Volatile Organics — Shallow Zone Figure 14 Iso-Concentration Contours of Total Volatile Organics — Deep Zone Figure 15 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Investigation Geoprobe® Locations with Total BTEX Iso-Concentration Contours . Figure 16 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Locations Figure 17 Soil Gas Survey Baseline VOC Iso-Concentration Contour Map APPENDICES Appendix A Boring and Well Construction Logs Appendix B Aquifer Test Data Appendix C Analytical Data with Chain -of -Custody 5 IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc, A :11ember of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 1.0 INTRODUCTION - The subject site is a former dry cleaning supply facility, located at 2701 Branchwood Drive, approximately 400 feet east of Battleground Avenue in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina. Currently, the site is unoccupied. The site location is shown on a portion of the United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic map of Greensboro, North Carolina Quadrangle, included as Figure 1, Site Location Map. 1.1 Objective of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) This Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) has been prepared by IT Corporation of North Carolina, on behalf of Sears Logistics Services, Inc (SLS). SLS is the former owner of the downgradient property. SLS is remediating this site and performing these assessment activities on behalf the W. P. Ballard (Ballard) as part of remediation agreements between SLS and Ballard, and between SLS and the current owners of the downgradient property. The CSA has been designed to delineate adsorbed and dissolved phase volatile organic compounds (mainly tetrachloroethene) present within the subsurface of the Ballard property and surrounding properties. This CSA has been prepared in accordance with the Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Volume 1, dated May 1998. The site has been actively investigated since 1992. The following is a summary of previous reports prepared and submitted to the NCDENR regarding the investigation of the chlorinated solvent release at the W. P. Ballard property and surrounding properties: • W. P. Ballard (UST Closure Letter), Piedmont Environmental Services, Inc., September 20, 1991. • Contamination Assessment (CA) Update, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., August 14, 1992. • Contamination Assessment (CA) Update No. 2, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., February 26, 1993. • Response to Notice of Violations Dated April 30, 1993, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., May 11, 1993. • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., September 30, 1993. • Disposal of Well and Test Boring Cuttings, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., August 23, 1995. • Monitoring Well Construction Details and Analytical Results, Mortensen Engineering, Inc., January 15, 1997. • Pre -CAP Groundwater Monitoring Report, GT Design Services, Inc., P.C. (IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc.), January 11, 1999. 6 IT Corporation oMorth Cam&Le, Inc. A 1lemher of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16. 1999 Pre -CAP Groundwater Monitoring Report, IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc., March 16, 1999. 1.2 Site Ownership History The site ownership history is documented in Table 1, Property Ownership, W. P. Ballard Property. The attached table lists property ownership since 1957, dates of ownership, uses of the site and potential sources of contaminants. 1.3 Release Scenario and Source Characterization The subject site was developed in 1957 as a dry cleaning supply and distribution facility, operated by the WP Ballard and Company of Greensboro, Inc. (Ballard). From 1990 to July 1999, Phenix Supply Company leased the site from Ballard. A petroleum hydrocarbon release was discovered during the performance of underground storage tank (UST) removal activities in September 1991. At the time of the discovery of the . release, two 550-gallon USTs, one containing heating -oil and one containing gasoline, were removed. The release was reported to have been associated with the former gasoline UST. The estimated quantity and cause of this release are unknown. The NCDENR was notified of the release in September 1991. There are currently no other UST systems at the site. To assess the extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, six monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-6) were installed on -site by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. (Mortensen) in April 1992.. Laboratory analytical results for the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-6 indicated the presence of high concentrations of dissolved phase chlorinated solvents, consisting mainly of tetrachloroethene and its associated breakdown products. Tetrachloroethene concentrations detected ranged from 11 ug/L (MW-5) to 270,000 ug/L (MW-3). The detected release is associated with tetrachloroethene distribution activities that have historically been performed on site. The estimated quantity of the PCE release or releases is unknown. The cause of the release is also unknown. The release could have been caused by a leak or leaks from 55-gallon drums stored on site and/or the 6000-gallon AST, from a spill during filling of the 6000- gallon AST, or during filling of distribution trucks. In July 1999, the Phenix Supply Company vacated the property and dry cleaning supply operations ceased. In August 1999, the 6000-gallon AST the formerly held bulk PCE was removed from the site. A site map showing the former locations of the PCE AST and the gasoline UST is included as Figure 2, Site Map. 1.4 Remedial Actions to Date In September 1991, two 550-gallon USTs, one containing heating oil and one containing ', _i gasoline, were removed. Only the gasoline UST was found to have leaked.. In August 1999, the 6000-gallon AST that formerly held bulk PCE was removed from the site. No j other remedial activities associated with the original petroleum hydrocarbon release nor the later detected chlorinated solvent release have been performed to date. 7 IT Corporadon of Norih Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 I In early 1999, IT Corporation performed an evaluation of remedial alternatives and prepared a proposed Corrective Action Plan (IT Corporation, May 1999) for this site that was submitted to NCDENR. The conceptual remedial design was prepared based on the evaluation of remedial alternatives, and results of the pilot scale and bench scale testing activities that had been performed in 1997, 1998 and 1999. A multi -phase approach is proposed. The initial phase will consist of a comprehensive in situ oxidation application event. The in situ oxidation will be performed by application of an oxidizer, sodium permanganate, into the subsurface using direct push technology (Geoprobe). The application of permanganate is expected to rapidly and aggressively oxidize the chlorinated ethenes and significantly reduce their concentrations in soil and groundwater at the site. Based on the results of the initial in situ oxidation event, a high -vacuum dual phase (HVDP) groundwater extraction and treatment coupled with a low vacuum soil vapor extraction (SVE) and treatment system will be designed and installed. The purposes of the HVDP and low vacuum SVE systems are twofold. First, the system will be designed to specifically address the source area and any adjacent areas where elevated adsorbed and dissolved phase concentrations persist following the initial oxidation event. Secondly, the groundwater and soil vapor extraction system will be used " to augment future in situ oxidation events in impacted areas isolated from advective flow. Implementation of the Phase 1 of this remedial approach is currently awaiting approval of a UIC permit application by NCDENR. 1.5 Receptor Information The subject site is located in a mixed commercial and residential area of Greensboro, North Carolina. Surrounding property owners are listed on Table 2, List of Adjacent Property Owners and shown on Figure 3, Adjacent Property Owners Map. On November 18, 1998, field reconnaissance was performed within a 1,500-foot radius of the site as part of a sensitive receptor survey performed by IT Corporation. The visual reconnaissance did not identify domestic water supply wells within the specified radius. The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department was contacted, and indicated that municipal water supplied by the City of Greensboro is available in the vicinity of the subject site. Water line and storm sewer location maps were copied and reviewed prior to performing the site reconnaissance. Water meters and fire hydrants were evident within 1,500 feet of the subject site. Historic reports indicate that the closest downgradient surface water body is located to the east-southeast of the site. Located approximately 1,000 feet from the subject site, on the east side of Lawndale Avenue, is an unnamed intermittent tributary to Buffalo Lake. Buffalo Lake is identified as a Class C nutrient sensitive waterway (NSW). At the time of the field reconnaissance (November 18, 1998), the tributary was not observed to.be flowing, and no standing water was observed. Subsurface structures within 1500-feet of the release are shown on Figure 2, Site Map. Potential man-made migration routes identified in the immediate vicinity of the site E3 IT Corporation ofNor& Carolina, Inc, A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 include storm sewer lines located along Rollins Road, Branchwood Drive, along the western portion of the former SLS property and along Lawndale Avenue. The storm sewer lines located in the immediate vicinity of the site, along Rollins Road, appear to be shallow and above the water table. The storm sewer lines located along the west - northwest side of the remaining portion of the former Sears Logistics Services distribution center appear to be installed at a greater depth, and likely intersect the groundwater table. No designated wellhead protection areas are located within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release. Currently the Ballard property is vacant and not being used. However, potential future uses could be as an office, warehouse, manufacturing operation, distribution center or other commercial activity. The adjacent properties are primarily commercial or light industrial. Activities that could potentially expose future on -site workers to impacted soil include: dermal contact with.impacted surface soil by on -site workers; inhalation of vapors from impacted surface soil by on —site workers, and; dermal contact with or ingestion of impacted soil by on -site construction workers (a short-term exposure). Since the area is served by public water supplies, on -site workers will not be exposed to impacted groundwater through ingestion. However, activities that could potentially expose future on -site workers to impacted groundwater include: dermal contact with or ingestion of -impacted groundwater by on -site construction workers (a short-term exposure). ff Corporation ofNoz4h Carof ns, Ine, - A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 2.0 CURRENT SITE AND SURROUNDING CONDITIONS 2.1 Regional Geology and Hydrology The Ballard Property is situated in Guilford County, which is located within the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. Based on interpretations made from the Geologic Map of North Carolina (Brown, Philip et. al., North Carolina Geologic Survey, 1985), the area is located in the Carolina Slate Belt geologic belt and is indicated to be underlain by metamorphosed granitic rock. This was confirmed during drilling of bedrock core -holes at the site that obtained core samples of Amphibolite Gneiss. The regional groundwater flow in the vicinity of the site generally follows the surface topography, is under unconfined conditions, and is free to rise and fall in response to seasonal variations in recharge and discharge. 2.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology - Based on data collected during drilling operations, the subsurface stratigraphy consists of Amphibolite Gneiss overlain by saprolite that consists of unconsolidated mixtures of predominantly silt sized particles with varying amounts of sand and clay sized particles. The saprolitic materials are generally characterized by micaceous silt with some sand and retain the relict features of the parent rock; unconsolidated material with these features is termed saprolitic. The saprolite can be separated into two zones based on density or degree of weathering. The upper saprolite zone is soft to moderately consolidated; and is delineated at depth by auger refusal occurring at depths ranging between 45 and 79 feet with the average depth being approximately 69 feet. The lower zone appears to be comprised of differentially weathered bedrock. Auger refusal and slower rotary hammer drilling rates encountered at varying depths in the lower zone are indicative of presence of pockets of less weathered bedrock above true bedrock (undisplaced boulders) due to differential weathering. Based on observations made during drilling, true, competent bedrock is concluded to exist at depths ranging from 105 to 123 feet below grade. Bedrock cored beneath the site was a very competent (few fractures), light gray to dark green Amphibolite Gneiss. Other than the interface between the unconsolidated overburden and the competent bedrock, significant lithologic changes have not been observed in materials beneath the site. To illustrate the subsurface. conditions beneath the site, several geologic cross -sections have been prepared using boring logs generated during the installation of onsite monitoring wells. A site map showing the locations of cross-section lines is included as Figure 5, Cross Section Location Map. Cross -sections, A -A', B-B' and B-B", C-C' and C-C", and D-D' are included as Figures 6 through 11, respectively. Boring and well construction logs for wells included in the cross sections are included in Appendix A and locations of monitoring wells are illustrated on Figure 4, Monitoring Well Location Map. �1 10 IT Corporation ofNorih Carolina, Inc - A ,1lember of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report i W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 Monitoring well data indicate that, the depth to groundwater follows the regional trend across the site and ranges from 4.02 to 28.44 feet below grade. Wells exhibiting the shallowest depth to groundwater measurements (e.g., MW-13, MW-17, DW-8 and DMP- 4) are located in 'cut' areas, where the natural topography was excavated to accommodate the former Sears Logistics Services facility. Data collected during the most recent well sampling performed October 25 through 27, 1999 are presented in Table 3, Groundwater Gauging and Water Table Elevation Summary. A water table elevation contour map prepared with data from the October 1999 gauging and sampling event, is included as Figure 12, Water Table Elevation Contour Map. Variations in the groundwater surface elevation generally correspond with changes in the natural topography. This is demonstrated most effectively by the water table surface in the northwestern corner of the site. In this area, the water surface gradient has a vector to the south and east which reflects the influence of the topographic high that is just northwest of the corner of the site. The predominant groundwater flow direction at the site is to the east with an average hydraulic gradient of 0.023 feet -per -foot. The groundwater flow patterns on the site have a demonstrable influence on the migration of the chlorinated solvent plume. As shown on Figure 13, Iso-Concentration Contours of Total Volatile Organics — Shallow Zone and Figure 14, Iso- Concentration Contours of Total Volatile Organics — Deep Zone, the main portion of the plume trends east influenced by the predominant gradient and a minor perturbation of the plume flows to the southeast influenced by the southern vector of the gradient found in the western portion of the site. 2.2.1 Soil Sampling Results During drilling of monitoring wells and Geoprobe® core sampling conducted from September 29 to October 21, 1999, soil samples were taken for laboratory analysis. Samples analyzed were obtained from the zone above the water table. The analytical method for each sample was dependent on the chemicals of concern, hydrocarbons or chlorinated solvents, and is indicated in the section below that describes the results of each investigation. Soil Sampling Activities Soil sampling to delineate the extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil for the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) investigation was performed September 29 and 30, 1999 and involved obtaining soil samples using a MacroCore® core sampler in Geoprobe® probes GP-1, -2, -3, and —4. The probes were located on the W. P. Ballard property and the former SLS property as shown on Figure 15, Petroleum Hydrocarbon Investigation Geoprobe® Locations with Total BTEX Iso-Concentration Contours. All probes were advanced to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface to assure penetration of the groundwater/vadose zone interface. At the four (4) probe locations 11 IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16,1999 (GP-1, -2, -3, and —4) continuous soil samples were collected using a MacroCore sampler from ground surface to termination. Soil samples were field screened with a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) to select an individual sample from the vadose zone from each point for laboratory analysis. The soil sample with the highest PID reading from - each of the four probes was sent to be analyzed by EPA Method 8260+MTBE+IPE, EPH & VPH, and EPA Method 8270. Monitoring wells DW-13, -14, and —15 and BMW-1, -2, -3, and -4 were drilled as part of the recent investigation, primarily to evaluate the extent of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. In the pilot (surface casing) boreholes for these Type III wells, soil samples were obtained using split -spoon samplers. Split -spoon samples were not taken in boreholes for wells BMW-2 and DW-14 because they were drilled in close proximity to wells BMW-1 and BMW-4, respectively, and these wells had already been sampled. In sampled boreholes, soil samples were collected at five-foot intervals from the ground surface to the top of competent bedrock or auger refusal in each monitoring well borehole. All split -spoon soil samples were visually inspected to note color, texture/grain size, apparent solvent odor or staining, and moisture. In accordance with the Additional Assessment Activities plan, only split spoon samples from drill hole BMWA were field screened using a PID and the soil sample exhibiting the highest response collected from above the water table submitted for laboratory analysis by EPA Method 8260. Hydrocarbons Laboratory analytical information for samples taken to investigate the extent of hydrocarbons in soil is presented in Table 4, Summary of Soil Analytical Data — Geoprobe® Investigation. Based on field and analytical data, hydrocarbon constituents in soil appear to be limited in areal extent and are less than the Commercial -Industrial standards published by NCDENR in 1998. BTEX constituents, benzene, toluene, and xylene, were detected in only one Geoprobe® soil sample from the 9 to 12 foot interval of GP-4. This probe was placed immediately south of the former underground storage tank (UST) in front of the W. P. Ballard property along Rollins Road, as shown on Figure 15. The areal extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil is substantiated by the following soil samples taken within a 20 foot radius of GP-4. • A soil sample from the 14 to 16 foot interval of BMW-1, a monitoring well approximately 20 feet north of GP-4, had no detections reported for BTEX constituents in the soil. • Similarly the Geoprobe® soil sample from the 9 to 12 foot interval in GP-3, approximately 20 feet east of GP-4, had no reported BTEX constituents. The vertical extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in soil extends to the, water table in the area immediately north of Rollins Road delineated by Geoprobe® probes GP-3, GP-4, and GPW-3. 12 IT Corporation ofNorib Carolina, Ine. A Memher of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 Chlorinated Solvents Laboratory analysis of a soil sample from the 14 to 16 foot interval in BMW-1 indicated the presence of Tetrachloroethene at 39.06 mg/kg (reported as 0.7812 mg/kg @ dilution factor of 50) and 1,1,2-Trichloroethane at 0.0045 mg/kg. This information coupled with soil gas levels, depicted on Figure 17, Soil Gas Survey Baseline VOC Iso- Concentration Contour Map, and the concentrations of Tetrachloroethene and its decay products in the groundwater suggest that the chlorinated solvent soil contamination is confined to the W. P. Ballard property with a possible extension beneath Rollins Road to the south of the property. 2.2.2 Soil Vapor Sampling Results The laboratory analytical results from the January 20 and 27 and November 19, 1999 soil vapor sampling events indicate that chlorinated compound concentrations were detected in soils immediately south of the buildings on the W. P. Ballard property. Compounds detected include: 1,1,2-trichloroethane; chloroform; tetrachloroethene; trichloroethene; 1,2-dichloroethane; cis- 1,2-d ich loroethene; and 1,1-dichloroethene. Tetrachloroethene concentrations detected ranged from 57,000 mg/m3 in SVMP-2 to <250 mg/m3 in SVMP- 6. Summaries of the baseline and current soil vapor monitoring results are included as Table 5, Summary of Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Test Data. Results for the January 20 and 27, 1999 sampling events were averaged to calculate a baseline total VOC soil vapor concentration and the November 19, 1999 data are compared to this established baseline. A soil vapor total VOC isoconcentration map that presents the baseline data is included as Figure 17, Soil Gas Survey Baseline VOC Iso-Concentration Contour Map. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Installation During the week of January 4, 1999, twelve soil vapor monitoring points (SVMP-1 through SVMP-12) were installed on the W. P. Ballard property at the locations shown on Figure 16, Soil Vapor Monitoring Point'Locations. These soil vapor monitoring points were placed in a grid pattern across the source area to monitor soil vapor concentrations throughout the remediation process. Each of the soil vapor monitoring points was advanced to a depth of 12 feet below ground surface, and constructed with a 10-foot section of 0.020-inch slot Schedule 40 PVC screen and a 2-foot section of Schedule 40 PVC riser. The annular -space around the screen was backfilled with filter sand to approximately 0.5 feet above the screen. The annular space above the sand pack was backfilled with a bentonite seal to approximately 0.5 feet from ground surface. Each soil vapor monitoring point was secured with an expandable, lockable cap, and finished at the surface with a bolt -down, flush -mount cover set in a 2'x2' concrete pad. Well construction records and boring logs are included in Appendix A. Soil Vapor Sampling On November 19, 1999 soil vapor extraction wells SVMP-1 through SVMP-12 were sampled. The wells were sampled by removing the well cap, and installing a temporary (tri-seal) well head adapter. Each well was then field screened for VOC concentrations 13 1T Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Ine- A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 using a photoionization detector (PID) prior to purging. A Gast vacuum pump was connected to the well head adapter using polyethylene tubing, with new tubing being used at each point. Using the Gast vacuum pump, three boring volumes of soil vapors, or approximately 28.5 W, were evacuated from each well at a maximum flow rate of 1.5 - cfm. Purged soil vapors were field screened using a PID following the evacuation of each well boring volume. Following purging, the vacuum pump was disconnected and the well was allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of five minutes. The soil vapor total VOC concentrations were again field screened using a PID and an air bag sample was collected at each point. Air samples were shipped via overnight courier to Micro -Seeps, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the analysis by Method AM 4.03 - for the Method 601 Compound List. Soil vapor monitoring point purging data are presented in Table 6, Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Purging Data. 2.2.3 Groundwater Sampling Results Results of the groundwater sampling activities performed October 25 through 28, 1999, during the CSA investigation, indicated detectable concentrations of halogenated and aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi -volatile organics to be present beneath and down gradient of the W. P. Ballard property. Of the compounds detected in the monitoring well and Geoprobe® groundwater samples; Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Bromoform, Ethylene Dibromide, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform, Vinyl Chloride, 1,1-Dichloroethane,1,2-Dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- Dichloroethene, 1,2-Dichloropropane, Tetrachloroethene, and Trichloroethene were detected above the current 2L standards. Well Construction and Sampling Activities Monitoring well construction for the CSA investigation was conducted from September 30 to October 21, 1999 to expand the groundwater monitoring network in the intermediate (60 to 80 feet below ground surface (bgs)) and deep/bedrock zones. The aquifer beneath the site appears to be unconfined but due to its thickness has been divided into shallow (25 to 35 bgs), intermediate (60 to 80 feet bgs), and deep or bedrock (>100 feet bgs) zones. Previous investigations by Mortensen Engineering and IT Corporation resulted in the construction of 32 wells in the shallow and intermediate zones. Seven of the 32 wells have been destroyed by construction on the former SLS property. The seven (7) CSA investigation wells, described in the following paragraph, were intended to expand the existing monitoring well network to achieve areal and vertical delineation of the chlorinated solvent plume. To attempt to delineate the areal extent of the chlorinated plume, three Type II monitoring i wells (DW-13, -14, and —15) were completed to a total depth of 65 feet below grade at - locations indicated on Figure 4, Monitoring Well Location Map. Each well was constructed using 50 feet of 2-inch ID, 0.010 slot, Sch. 40 PVC manufactured screen with threaded joints and 15 feet of 2-inch ID, Sch. 40 PVC well casing with threaded joints. A sand filter pack was installed to a depth equivalent to two feet above the top of the well 14 IT Corporation of 1Yorth Carolina, Inc, A d/ember of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 screen. A bentonite seal consisting of three feet of hydrated bentonite was installed on top of the sand filter pack. The remaining borehole annulus was backfilled with a Portland cement/bentonite slurry. Each well was completed with a 2 ft. by 2 ft. concrete pad and flush mount, traffic rated, bolt down cover. Four (4) deep zone or bedrock Type III monitoring wells (BMW-1, -2, -3 & -4) were installed at locations indicated on Figure 4 to attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the chlorinated solvent plume. During drilling in the unconsolidated materials, split spoon samples were collected every 5 feet in each of the drill holes to characterize the materials. Drilling continued five (5) feet into competent bedrock and then a 6-ID steel surface casing was installed to the total depth and grouted in place. After the grout had set (at least 24 hours), rock coring or drilling proceeded to the target depth. In two of the drill holes, BMW-1 and —3, continuous core samples were collected to observe the ,bedrock characteristics. Core samples were not taken in BMW-2 because it was drilled adjacent to BMW-1 and the subsurface information from BMW-1 was used to determine the total depth of the well constructed. BMW-4 was also not cored due to it being decided during drilling that the monitoring well at that location was to be constructed in the near bedrock "rubble" zone that appeared to be a relatively high yield zone for groundwater. To facilitate monitoring well construction in coreholes, at the completion of coring the corehole was reamed with an air hammer to approximately 5.25 inches. After reaming or drilling to the target depth , monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch ID Sch. 40 PVC well casing with 0.010 slot screen at lengths of 5 to 20 feet, dependent upon subsurface conditions noted during coring or drilling. A sand filter pack was installed to a depth equivalent to two feet above the top of the well screen. A bentonite seal consisting of hydrated bentonite was installed from the top of the sand filter pack to at least five (5) feet above the top of the surface casing. The remaining borehole annulus was backfilled with a Portland cement/bentonite slurry. Each well was completed with a 2 ft. by 2 ft. concrete pad and flush mount, traffic rated, bolt down cover. At the completion of well construction, the wells were developed by purging and surging until the water was relatively clear, and conductivity and pH were indicative of formation fluids (i.e., three consecutive pH and Conductivity readings taken after purging in five to 'f ten gallon increments are within ±0.1 pH units and ±10%, respectively). After well development the wells were allowed to recover for at least 48 hours, then water samples were taken after purging at least three (3) well volumes, or, if the well purged dry, after recovery to 80% of the pre -purging water level. Groundwater samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis by EPA Method 8260. Well construction details are provided in boring logs enclosed in Appendix A and are summarized in Table 7, Well Construction Summary. Well purging and sampling 15 IT Corporation of North Cam mn, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 information is summarized in Table 8, Summary of Groundwater Sampling Field Parameters. To qualitatively evaluate the subsurface hydrogeology, the following observations were made during coring: 1. Drilling fluids used during coring are unchanged, losing, lost, or gaining during coring; 2. Coring rate changes or sudden step changes in depth indicating fractures; 3. Changes in water recovery at each fracture encountered also noting depth that core bit was at when fracture first detected; and 4. Core samples were observed to note fracture orientation relative to vertical and aperture, in -filling, or discoloration of fractures. Observations are noted on the Boring Logs attached in Appendix A. Hydrocarbons The source of petroleum hydrocarbons was a gasoline UST previously located on the W. P. Ballard property. Evaluation of the hydrocarbon constituent plume was accomplished using information from a total of eight (8) Geoprobe0 points installed on the W. P. Ballard property and the former SLS property. The probes were advanced to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface to assure penetration of the vadose/saturated zone interface and a groundwater sample collected from each probe point and analyzed by EPA Method 601, EPA Method 602+MTBE+IPE, and VPH & EPH. Laboratory analytical information for groundwater samples taken to investigate the extent of dissolved hydrocarbons is presented in Table 9, Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data - Geoprobe0 Investigation. The areal extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater appears to be limited to the parking lot area in the southern half of the W. P. Ballard property, across Rollins Road to the south, and on a small portion of the SLS property. The lateral extent of the dissolved BTEX plume is illustrated on Figure 15, Petroleum Hydrocarbon Investigation Geoprobe Locations with Total BTEX [so -Concentration Contours, a plot of the total BTEX concentrations reported in the GeoprobeO water samples. The vertical extent of dissolved BTEX constituents appears to be less than 25 feet due to the water samples from wells screened from 25 to 35 feet within plume delineated by the Geoprobe0 water samples and in the immediate vicinity, not reporting detectable levels of BTEX constituents in groundwater. Chlorinated Solvents The extent of the dissolved phase chlorinated solvent plume has been delineated in three zones in the aquifer; shallow (approximately 25 to 35 feet bgs), deep (approximately 60 -, to 85 feet bgs), and in the bedrock. The source of information for making this delineation is data collected during the CSA investigation conducted in September and October of 1999 by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. Groundwater analytical data from monitoring wells sampled October 25 through the 28, 1999 are presented in Table 10, Summary of Shallow Monitoring Well Groundwater 16 IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Ine. A 31ember of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 Analytical Data and Table 11,•Summary of Deep Monitoring Well Groundwater Analytical Data. Data from Tables 10 and 11 are used to prepare iso-concentration contour maps of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) plumes in the shallow and deep zones as shown on Figures 13 and 14. Figure 13 illustrates the areal extent of the dissolved VOC plume in the shallow zone. The plume extends approximately 1500 feet to the east and approximately 540 feet to the southeast and is delineated by non -detect wells on all sides except at the distal end of the plume. The reported VOC level at MW- 23 which is the well at the distal end of the plume is 3.6 ug/1 and thus the extrapolated zero contour is assumed to pass just east -of MW-23 and be well within the bounds of the former SLS property. The migration of the VOC's in the shallow zone are strongly influenced by the groundwater flow and reflect the easterly gradient as well as the southeasterly component in the gradient in the western portion of the site. The southerly extent of the shallow plume is also thought to be influenced by a possible, much smaller release, of Trichloroethene (TCE) near the southeastern corner of the building across Rollins Road from the W. P. Ballard property on the former SLS property. This is thought to be a separate release because the reported VOC in MW-27, the well near the possible release location, is primarily TCE. Figure 14 depicts the dissolved total VOC plume in groundwater from the 60 to 80 foot zone beneath the site. This plume appears to have a similar "footprint" or areal extent to the shallow zone plume. This is as expected considering the relatively uniform nature of the saprolite which would tend to produce relatively uniform horizontal groundwater velocities with depth (i.e. no stratified zones of more transmissive materials producing higher horizontal groundwater velocities). The delineation of the zero line for most of the plume is based on extrapolating the trend developed by inner contours. However, the distal end of the intermediate zone plume does have a non -detect well, DW-12, to define the eastern extent at the property line. The bedrock well groundwater sample analytical data and the apparent absence of groundwater in bedrock were used to support the vertical extent delineation of the dissolved VOCs. BMW-1, the bedrock monitoring well in the source area, was screened from 130 to 150 feet bgs and is dry. BMW-2, a monitoring well completed at the bedrock saprolite interface within 15 feet of BMW-1, is screened from 95 to 115 feet bgs. The water sample analysis from BMW-2 reported 48,800 ug/1 of Tetrachloroethene and no other VOCs. The water sample analysis from BMW-3, a bedrock well nested with MW-12 and DW-7 and screened from 123 to 143 feet bgs, reported 260 ug/I of Tetrachloroethene and 18 ug/1 of additional VOCs. Based on this information it is concluded that in the source area the bedrock at the 130 to 150 foot bgs horizon is not transmissive (i.e., fractures are few and/or do not allow fluid migration) and thus the zero level for VOCs is between 115 and 130 feet bgs. Considering the conditions observed at the BMW- 1/BMW-2 location, it is assumed that the bedrock below BMW-3 (below 143 feet bgs) becomes less transmissive rapidly and the VOC zero line is somewhere is the vicinity of 17 IT Corporation ofNorih Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 150 feet bgs. This is also substantiated by the observation that core from BMW-3 was generally unfractured, similar to the core from BMW-1, and only had one weathered fracture noted from 126.3 to 126.4 feet bgs. Iso-concentration contours have been depicted on Cross -Section A -A' to illustrate the projected vertical extent of the dissolved total VOC plume along the east -west axis (down -gradient) of the plume. 2.2.4 Free Product Investigation Findings Four of the eight Geoprobe® probes were converted into temporary monitoring wells by installing 1.25-inch ID PVC well casing with a 10 foot, 0.010 slot well screen on the bottom to total depth of the probe. The four temporary monitoring wells were allowed to stand for a period of 17 days to monitor for the presence of liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH), and were properly abandoned after being checked for LNAPL using a bailer. Product was not observed in any of the four temporary wells but a strong petroleum odor was noted in the bailer sample removed from GP-4. During the October 1999 sampling event, all monitoring wells were checked for LNAPL and DNAPL with a Soilinst Interface probe when water levels were taken prior to purging for sampling. No LNAPL or DNAPL accumulations were detected. 2.2.5 Hydrogeologic Investigation Aquifer tests were completed during remedial pilot testing conducted between September 10, 1997 and September 18, 1997. Pilot test activities were performed by IT Corporation in the water table aquifer at the site to evaluate the feasibility of remediation options to be used at the site. As part of the pilot testing, an aquifer test was performed, in which groundwater was extracted and aquifer response was measured. The aquifer test was performed under several conditions: vacuum enhanced vs. non -vacuum enhanced, variable flow rates, multiple pumping wells, etc. As such, traditional data reduction methods could not be employed to evaluate the data. However, examination of these data does provide useful insight into the subsurface conditions, as well as, the characteristics of the aquifers at the site. Data used for the following interpretation of site hydrogeologic conditions are included in Appendix B. Data reduction for two wells will be discussed here. Well EW-2 is a "shallow" well, installed to a total depth of 25 feet below grade. Well EW-3 is a "deep" well, installed to a total depth of 65 feet below grade. Water level recovery data for these wells were input into the Bouwer and Rice formula, using the AQTESOLV data reduction program. Data reduction resulted in the following average horizontal hydraulic conductivity values for the screened intervals of each well: EW-2: Kh = 0.60 ft/day EW-3: Kh = 8.11 ft/day 18 IT Corporation ofNortn Cam nma, Inc. A Member of The /T Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 These values were compared to typical values of horizontal hydraulic conductivity for aquifer materials. It was concluded that these estimated values fall within the typical ranges for sand and silt aquifers. Note that well EW-3 has a higher estimated horizontal hydraulic conductivity. The screened interval for this well was installed near the top of bedrock. The higher hydraulic conductivity in this well is likely attributed to a zone of coarse particles (partially weathered rock) near the top of bedrock. The average horizontal hydraulic conductivity was calculated to be 2.20 ft/day for the entire thickness of the aquifer. Since the aquifer is saprolitic in nature (e.g. result of in - place weathering not deposition), the average vertical hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is assumed to be 0.5 that of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity. As such, the overall average hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is estimated to be approximately 1.55 ft/day. The groundwater gradient is estimated to be 0.023 feet -per -foot across the site. Assuming a porosity of 0.3 and using the average horizontal hydraulic conductivity (2.20 ft/day), the average linear groundwater velocity across the site is 0.17 feet/day. Average linear groundwater velocity is calculated using the following formula: conductivity V = [ i Kh ]/ne where: V = average linear velocity i = hydraulic gradient Kh = horizontal hydraulic ne = effective porosity Transmissivity of the aquifer may be estimated by the following equation: T = Kh * b where: T = transmissivity Kh = horizontal hydraulic conductivity b = aquifer thickness Using an average Kh of 1.55 feet per day, and an average aquifer thickness of 55 feet (ground surface to top of bedrock), the aquifer transmissivity is estimated to be 85.25 feet squared per day. 19 IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 3.0 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS Subsurface data collected during drilling operations indicates that the site stratigraphy consists of Amphibolite Gneiss overlain by saprolite that consists of unconsolidated mixtures of predominantly silt sized particles with varying amounts of sand and clay sized particles. The Amphibolite Gneiss bedrock is very competent (few fractures), light gray to dark green and was encountered at depths ranging from 105 to 123 feet below grade The saprolite can be separated into two zones based on density or degree of weathering. The upper saprolite zone is soft to moderately consolidated and is delineated at depth by auger refusal occurring at depths ranging between 45 and 79 feet with the average depth being approximately 69 feet. The lower zone appears to be comprised of differentially weathered bedrock and has been defined based on depths at which auger refusal and slower rotary hammer drilling rates were encountered. Other than the interface between the unconsolidated overburden and the competent bedrock, significant lithologic changes have not been observed in materials beneath the site. Subsurface exploration indicates that the saprolite is saturated below a depth ranging from 7 to 28 feet below ground surface and in a very limited number of fractures in the bedrock allow groundwater to penetrate to an undetermined depth in at least one location. Due to the limited fracturing observed in cores and the lack of apparent weathering in observed fractures,. it is concluded that the bedrock is not a conduit for groundwater. The saprolite aquifer beneath the site is unconfined and the water surface elevations generally correspond with changes in the natural topography. The predominant groundwater flow direction at the site is to the east with an average hydraulic gradient of 0.023 feet -per -foot and the average hydraulic conductivity is 1.55 ft/day. Hydraulic conductivity varies significantly between the shallow and deep saprolite zones due to the degree of weathering of the in -place materials. Hydrocarbon constituents in soil appear to be limited in extent. The areal extent of BTEX constituents from petroleum hydrocarbons appears concentrated to an area around GP-4 which was a probe was placed immediately south of the former underground storage tank (UST) in front of the W. P. Ballard property along Rollins Road, as shown on Figure 15. The radial extent is less than 20 feet based on a soil sample from the 14 to 16 foot interval of BMW-1 which had no BTEX detected, and a Geoprobe® soil sample from the 9 to 12 foot interval in GP-3, which also had no reported BTEX constituents. The vertical extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in soil extends to the water table in the area immediately north of Rollins Road delineated by Geoprobe® probes GP-3, GP-4, and GPW-3. 20 fT Corporation ofNortb (.ar &ui4 Joe - A Member of The IT Croup Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 The extent of soil VOC contamination is confined to the W. P. Ballard property with a possible extension beneath Rollins Road to the south of the property. This finding is based on the following: i • A laboratory analysis of a soil sample from the 14 to 16 foot interval in BMW-1, • soil gas levels, depicted on Figure 17, Soil Gas Survey Baseline VOC Iso- Concentration Contour Map, and • the concentrations of Tetrachloroethene and its decay products in the groundwater. The areal extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater appears to be limited to the parking lot area in the southern half of the W. P. Ballard property, across Rollins Road to the south, and on a small portion of the former SLS property. The lateral extent of the dissolved BTEX plume is illustrated on Figure 15, Petroleum Hydrocarbon Investigation Geoprobe Locations with Total BTEX Iso-Concentration Contours, a plot of the total BTEX concentrations reported in the Geoprobe® water samples. The vertical extent of dissolved BTEX constituents appears to be less than 25 feet due to the water samples from wells screened from 25 to 35 feet within plume delineated by the Geoprobe® water samples and in the immediate vicinity, not reporting detectable levels of BTEX constituents in groundwater. The extent of the dissolved phase chlorinated solvent plume has been delineated in three 1, zones in the aquifer; shallow (approximately 25 to 35 feet bgs), deep (approximately 60 to 85 feet bgs), and in the bedrock. Figure 13 illustrates the areal extent of the dissolved VOC plume in the shallow zone. Figure 14 depicts the dissolved total VOC plume in groundwater from the 60 to 80 foot zone beneath the site. This plume appears to have a similar "footprint' or areal extent to the shallow zone plume. This is as expected considering the relatively uniform nature of the saprolite which would tend to produce relatively uniform horizontal groundwater velocities with depth (i.e. no stratified zones of more transmissive materials producing higher horizontal groundwater velocities. The bedrock well groundwater sample analytical data and the apparent absence of water bearing fractures in bedrock were used to support the vertical extent delineation of the dissolved VOCs. The migration of the VOC's are strongly influenced by the groundwater flow and reflect the easterly gradient as well as the southeasterly component in the gradient in the i western portion of the site. Iso-concentration contours have been depicted on Figure 6, Cross -Section A -A' to illustrate the projected vertical extent of the dissolved total VOC plume along the east -west axis (down -gradient) of the plume. 21 ff GaToradon ofNoAh Carolhia, Ine. A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16 1999 i No free product was observed in any monitoring wells at the site. Petroleum hydrocarbon product was not observed in any of the four temporary Geoprobe® wells but a strong petroleum odor was noted in the bailer sample removed from GP-4. During the October 1999 sampling event, all monitoring wells were checked for LNAPL and DNAPL with a Soilinst Interface probe when water levels were taken prior to purging for sampling. No LNAPL or DNAPL accumulations were detected. 22 x IT Corpora>bion ofNortb CAmlma, Ine. A Member of The IT Group Comprehensive Site Assessment Report W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties December 16, 1999 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is concluded that the objectives of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) have been met in that the extent of CoCs in soil and groundwater have been fully delineated. In addition, analytical data indicate that petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in soil around the source area, the former UST location on the WP Ballard property, are less than the NCDENR Commercial -Industrial standards. 23 IT Corporation oPNorih Carolina, Inc, A Member of The IT Croup TABLES u TABLE 1 Property Ownership W.P. Ballard Property 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro, NC Property Owner Dates of Ownership Uses of the Site Potential Sources ofm Mr. Wiley P. 1957-1990 W.P. Ballard Contaminants 55-gallon drums of PCE stored Ballard & Mr. Company on site; McCary Ballard distributed PCE to Bulk delivery to 6000-gallon the dry cleaning AST and storage of PCE industry from the (removed); site Filling 400-gallon tanks on delivery trucks with PCE from 6,000- gallon AST; Alleged PCE spill in 1984 — quantity and source unknown; 550-gallon gasoline UST (removed September 1991 — evidence of leakage); 550-gallon heating oil UST (removed September 1991 — no evidence of leakage); Mr. Wiley P. 1990- July 1999 Phenix Supply 55-gallon drums of PCE stored Ballard & Mr. Company leased on site; McCary Ballard the site and Filling 200- to 400-gallon tanks distributed PCE to on delivery trucks with PCE the dry cleaning from 6000-gallon AST; industry from the 550-gallon gasoline UST site. (removed September 1991 — evidence of leakage); 55b- gallon heating oil UST (removed September 1991 — no evidence of leakage); Mr. Wiley P. July 1999 to Present Site is currently 6000-gallon AST removed Ballard & Mr. vacant from site in August 1999 McCary Ballard TABLE 2 Surrounding Property Owners W. P. Ballard Property Greensboro, North Carolina Map Number Map Block Lot Property Owner Name & Address MRF Corporation 2414 Battleground Ave. 1 319 1 9 Greensboro, NC 27408-4002 W.D. Coble 6010 West Friendly Ave. 2 319 1 13 Greensboro, NC 27410-4006 Battleground Partners LLC P.O. Box 35166 3 319 1 7 Greensboro, NC 27425-5166 Iris W. Marus 113 Nutbush Drive 4 319 1 6 Greensboro, NC 27410-5521 Odis A. Alexiou & Sylvia I. & Gene H. & Patricia L. White 3803 Kirby Drive 5 319 1 5 Greensboro, NC 27403-1025 Iris W. Marus 113 Nutbush Drive 6 319 1 6 Greensboro, NC 27410-5521 Tire and Auto Holdings, Inc. 2107 Grand Ave. 7 319 1 1 Kansas City, MO 64108-1806 W. Winburne King, III Etal TR and Robert N. Hunter Jr. Trustee 204 Meadowbrook Ter 8 396 1 5 Greensboro, NC 27408-6528 Robert C. Canham, II P.O. Box 39513 10 396 1 6 Greensboro, NC 27438-9513 Mary E. Westmoreland 2807 Branchwood Drive 11 275 5 9 Greensboro, NC 27408-4013 Gary D. & Deborah N. Jobe 8 Lock Ridge Drive 12 275 4 3 Greensboro, NC 27408-0000 Lawrence William Tilley 5404 Ashbey Lane 13 275 4 1 Summerfield, NC 27358-0000 —Cecil o 2223 Oak Hill Drive 14 275 4 10 Greensboro, NC 27408-4017 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 2 Surrounding Property Owners W. P. Ballard Property Greensboro, North Carolina Map Number Map Block Lot Property Owner Name & Address Charles A. 8, Faye J. Lynam 2221 Oak Hill Drive 15 275 4 9 Greensboro, NC 27408-4017 Richard F. Bean 2217 Oak Hill Drive 16 275 4 7 Greensboro, NC 27408-4017 Diana Lynn Wagner & Donna Lee Smith 2213 Oak Hill Drive 17 275 4 2 Greensboro, NC 27408-4017 Raymond W. & Sharon H. Comer 2211 Oakhill Drive 18 275 4 5 Greensboro, NC 27408-4017 Martin L. Borders 2209 Oakhill Drive 19 275 4 4 Greensboro, NC 27405-4017 Jerry E. Cooper 2207 Oak Hill Drive 20 275 4 8 Greensboro, NC 27408-0000 Little Mouse Playhouse 290 Lawndale Drive 21 275 4 13 Greensboro, NC 27408-4121 Dwight D. & H.D. Stone 2906 Lawndale Drive 22 283 1 1 Greensboro, NC 27408-4122 Charles H. Jr. & Patricia C. West 843 W. Market Street 23, 283 1 13 Greensboro, NC 27401-1812 Lawrence D. Whitlow 9316 Foxburrow Ct 24 283 1 10 Raleigh, NC 27613-7505 Ruth P. Wicker 1200 Hobbs Road 25 283 4 7 Greensboro, NC 27410-4822 Beaman Realty Co, Inc. PO Box 9373 26 283 4 1 Greensboro, NC 27429-0373 BP Exploration & OilInc. C/O Arthur Anderson LLP Property Tax Department 15990 North Barkers Landing 27 283 7 3 Houston, TX 77079-0000 Page 2 of 2 TABLE 3 Groundwater Gauging and Water Table Elevation Summary October 22, 1999 W. P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties ( Greensboro, North Carolina Well Number Date Top of Casing Elevation Depth to Water Water Table Elevation MW-1 10/22/99 881.03 9.50 871.53 MW-2 10/22/99 882.43 8.97 873.46 MW-3 10/22/99 883.10 12.94 870.16 MW-4 10/22/99 882.33 12.19 870.14 MW-5 10/22/99 883.47 15.64 867.83 MW-6 10/22/99 884.33 14.65 869.68 MW-7 10/22/99 882.59 7.65 874.94 MW-8 10/22/99 883.03 12.85 870.18 MW-9 10/22/99 880.43 11.65 868.78 MW-10 10/22/99 882.42 18.73 863.69 MW-11 10/22/99 874.71 14.00 860.71 MW-12 10/22/99 862.15 8.68 853.47 MW-13 10/22/99 863.77 7.06 856.71 MW-14 10/22/99 NS NA NS MW-15 10/22/99 872.10 14.75 857.35 MW-17 10/22/99. 861.43 5.26 856.17 MWA 8 10/22/99 862.26 10.35 851.91 MW-20 10/22/99 866.15 22.99 843.16 MW-21 10/22/99 866.12 28.44 837.68 MW-22 10/22/99 861.83 9.57 852.26 MW-23 10/22/99 861.15 24.13 837.02 MW-27 10/22/99 879.80 15.34 864.46 MW-28 10/22/99 881.23 13.42 867.81 LMP-1 10/22/99 873.50 11.39 862.11 LMP-2 10/22/99 871.41 11.32 860.09 DW-1 10/22/99 882.31 10.72 871.59 DW-2 10/22/99 881.12 14.45 866.67 DW-3 10/22/99 882.59 12.35 870.24 DW-4 10/22/99 883.69 18.35 865.34 DW-5 10/22/99 872.80 17.21 855.59 DW-7 10/22/99 862.11 7.91 854.26 DW-8 10/22/99 861.44 4.02 857.42 DW-9 10/22/99 NS NA NS DW-11 10/22/99 NS NA NS DW-12 10/22/99 845.45 12.82 832.63 DW-13 10/22/99 861.10 11.91 849.19 DW-14 10/22/99 860.06 22.52 837.54 DW-15 10/22/99 861.20 24.91 836.29 DMP-1 10/22/99 870.83 13.82 857.01 DMP-2 10/22/99 872.13 11.71 860.42 DMP-3 10/22/99 862.18 7.64 854.54 DMP-4 10/22/99 862.25 7.13 855.12 BMW-1 10/22/99 882.45 DRY NA BMW-2 10/22/99 882.97 13.10 869.87 BMW-3 10/22/99 862.12 11.81 850.31 BMW-4 10/22/99 860.08 22.45 837.63 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 4 Summary of Soil Analytical Data Geoprobe Investigation W. P, Ballard and Downgradient Properties September 1,1999 Sample Location: Sample Date: GP-1 GP-2 GP-3 GP-4 9/29/99 9/29/99 9/30/99 9/30/99 Analysis Method: 8260NPH/EPH 8260NPH/EPH 8260NPH/EPH 826ONPHIEPH Analyte Industrial/ 8260 Commercial* Benzene 200 ND ND ND 4.521 Ethylbenzene 40000 ND ND ND <2.74 Toluene 82000 ND ND ND 105.2 ylenes 200000 ND ND 0.0076 277.5 Methyl 4-butyl ether (MTBE) 4088 ND ND ND <13.70 Isopropylether (IPE) 4088 ND ND ND <13.70 VPH/EPH C5 - C8 Aliphatics 24528 ND ND ND ND C9 - C18 Aliphatics 245280 ND ND ND 338 C19 - C-36 Aliphatics >100% 18.6 18.2 ND ND C9 - C22 Aromatics 12264 ND ND ND 225 Notes: Results reported in mg/kg Industrial/Commercial Standards are from Table 4, Page 41, Volume II, Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater ( NCDENR, Jan 98') Compounds detected above the NCDENR Industrial -Commerical standard are shown in bold. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5 Summary of Soil Vapor Monitoring Results W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Location SVMP-1 SVMP-2 SVMP-3 SVMP-4 Date Sampled Compound 1/20/99 (mg/m) 1/27/99 (mg/m3) 11/19/99 (mg/m) 1/20/99 (mg/m) 1/27/99 (mg/m) 11/19/99 (m9/m) 1/20/99 (mg/m) 1/27/99 (mg/m) 11/19/99 (mg/m3) 1/20/99 (mg/m) 1/27/99 (mg/m) 11/19/99 (mg/m3) Bromodichloromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Bromoform <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Dibromochloromethane <0.5 <260 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.5 <250 0.006 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Vinyl Chloride <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 Chloromethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 1 <0.5 <250 6.6 <0.5 <250 7.3 Bromomethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 Chloroethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 0.08 t-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 <0.1 <0.5 <250 0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.1 <0.5 <250 0.1 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.281 <0.5 <260 1.14 2.2 <250 3.064 <0.5 <250 0.765 1,2-Dibromoelhane <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Chlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 c-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 t-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <260 <0.01 ' <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <260 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 Methylene Chloride <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 Chloroform <0.5 <250 0.141 <0.5 <250 0.291 1.9 <250 0.423 <0.5 <250 0.194 Carbon tetrachloride <0.5 <250 0.034. <0.5 <250 0.04 <0.5 <250 0.054 <0.5 <250 0.017 Tetrachloroethene 5,300 8,600 1530.03 7,500 57,000 2180.56 8,300 13,000 2105.56 5,900 6,500 805.59 Trichloroethene 5.2 <250 0.954 7.8 <250 1.376 20 <250 3.218 24 <250 3.123 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.006 <0.5 <250 0.006 <0.5 <250 0.011 <0.5 <250 <0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0 01 1.5 <250 0.92 c-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 <0.1 1.7 <250 <0.1 4.1 <250 1.4 5.6 <250 1.6 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1 <250 <0.01 1 0.58 1 <250 0.05 Sum of Detected EPA 601 Compounds 5,305.20 8.600.00 1,531.45 7,509.50 57,000.00 2,184.61 8,329.20 13,000.00 2,120.34 5,931.68 1 6,500.00 819.74 Baseline Total VOC Concentration" 6,952.60 32 254.75 10 664.60 6,215.84 Notes: Soil vapor analysis performed by EPA Method TO3 for the Method 601 compound list. Detected compounds shown in bold. The Baseline Total VOC Concentration is the average of the two modified total VOC concentrations detected during the initial baseline sampling events. Pane 1 of TABLE 5 Summary of Soil Vapor Monitoring Results W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Location SVMP-5 SVMP-6 SVMP-7 SVMP-8 Date 1/20/99 2/2/99 11/19/99 1/20/99 1/27/99 11/19/99 1120/99 1/27/99 11/19/99 1120/99 1/27/99 11/19/99 Compound p (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/m3 ) 3 (mg/m) 3 (mg/m) 3 (mg/m) 3 (mg/m) 3 (mglm) 3 (mg/m) (mg/m3) (mg/m 3) (mg/m3) Bromodichloromethane <0.5 <250 0.008 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Bromoform <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Dibromochloromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Vinyl Chloride <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 Chloromethane <0.5 <250 7.1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 1.1 Bromomethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 Chloroethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 0.01 <0.5 <250 0.14 t-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 0.1 <0.5 <250 0.2 <0.5 <250 0.4 <0.5 <250 0.4 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 3.2 <250 3.687 <0.5 <250 1.545 2 <250 2.766 <0.5 <250 1.369 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Chlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 c-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 t-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 Methylene Chloride <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 Chloroform 2.9 <250 0.635 2.1 <250 0.455 3 <250 0.546 <0.5 <250 0.182 Carbon tetrachloride <0.5 <250 0.06 0.5 <250 0.084 0.77 <250 0.141 <0.5 <250 0.048 Tetrachloroethene 8,600 48,000 2890.87 8,700 17,000 2791.58 12,000 35,000 3782.39 6,600 5,600 1956.24 Trichloroethane 23 <250 3.534 22 <250 3.29 37 <250 7.338 2 <250 1.663 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.017 <0.5 <250 0.012 <0.5 <250 0.066 <0.5 <250 0.023 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.26 <0.5 <250 0.05 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 0.11 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.6 <250 1.9 4.8 <250 1.4 14 <250 3.6 0.65 <250 1.3 1,1-Dichloroethene 1.5 <250 0.08 1.6 <250 <0.01 2.2 <250 0.25 <0.5 <250 0.25 Sum of Detected EPA 601 Compounds 8,636.20 48,000.00 2,908.25 8,731.00 17,000.00 2,798.62 12,058.97 35,000.00 3.797.51 6,603.05 5,600.00 1,962.83 Baseline Total VOC Concentration" 28 318.10 12 865.50 23 529.49 6.101.53 Notes: Soil vapor analysis performed by EPA Method TO3 for the Method 601 compound list. Detected compounds shown in bold. '• The Baseline Total VOC Concentration is the average of the two modified total VOC concentrations detected during the Initial baseline sampling events. PnnP ? of 1 TABLE 5 Summary of Soil Vapor Monitoring Results W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Location SVMP-9 SVMP-10 SVMP-11 SVMP-12 Date 1/20/99 1/27/99 11/19/99 1/20/99 1/27199 11/19/99 1/20/99 1127199 11/19/99 1/20/99 1/27/99 11/19/99 Compound (mg/m3) (mg/m) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/. 3 (mg/m) (mg/m3) (mg/m 3) (mg/m3) (mg/rn3) (mg/nt3) Bromodichloromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Bromoform <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 2-Chloroethylvinylether <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Dibromochloromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 • <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 Vinyl Chloride <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 <0.5 <250 <3 Chloromethane <0.5 <250 1.2 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 Bromomethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 Chloroethane <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 <0.5 <250 <1 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.04 <0.5 <250 0.05 <0.5 <250 0.06 <0.5 <250 0.01 t-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 0.1 <0.5 <250 5.7 <0.5 <250 2 <0.5 <250 0.9 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.5 <250 0.123 <0.5 <250 1.71 1.5 <250 8.363 4 <250 6.074 1,2-Dibromoethane <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA <0.5 <250 NA Chlorobenzene <0.5 <250 0.2 <0.5 <250 0.28 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 c-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 t-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.5 <260 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 <0.5 <250 <0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 5250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 <0.5 <250 <0.07 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.1 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 <0.5 <250 <0.2 Methylene Chloride <0.5 <260 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 <0.5 <250 <2 Chloroform <0.5 <250 0.183 <0.5 <250 0.159 <0.5 <250 0.128 1.5 <250 0.32 Carbon tetrachloride <0.5 <250 0.005 <0.5 <250 0.015 1.1 <250 0.284 1.3 <250 0.33 Tetrachloroethene 6,400 5,500 819.35 5,900 11,000 783.44 11,000 55,000 4040.74 12,000 43,000 3371.61 Trichloroethene 61 <250 12.14 200 <250 22.59 120 <250 14.47 80 <250 9.569 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.5 <250 <0.005 <0.5 <250 <0.005 2.6 <250 0.684 1.1 <250 0.326 1,2-Dichloroethane 1.2 <250 0.69 <0.5 <250 0.17 -<0.5 <250 0.12 <0.5 <250 <0.01 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 <250 24.1 620 <250 213.3 300 <250 57.96 130 <250 27.09 1,1-Dichloroethene <0.5 <250 0.9 <0.5 <250 3.86 <0.5 <250 1.59 5.7 <250 1.17 Sum of Detected EPA 601 Compounds 6,562.20 5,500.00 859.03 6,720.00 11,000.00 1,031.27 11,425.20 65,000.00 4,126.40 12,223.60 43,000.00 3,417.40 Baseline Total VOC Concentration" 6,031.10 8,860.00 33 212.60 27 611.80 Notes: Baseline Soil vapor analysis performed by EPA Method TO3 for the Method 601 compound list. Detected compounds shown in bold. The Baseline Total VOC Concentration is the average of the two modified total VOC concentrations detected during the initial baseline sampling events. Page 3 of 3 TABLE 6 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Purging Data November 19,1999 W. P. Ballard Propety Greensboro, North Carolina Soil Vapor Well Number Flow Rate (scfm) Initial VOC's1st (ppm Volume VOC's 2nd Volume VOC's 3rd Volume VOC's Time Air Sample Collected Start Time Stop Time SVMP-1 .90 861 >2500 >2500 >2500 1002 0943 1003 SVMP-2 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1030 1010 1031 SVMP-3 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1100 1040 1101 SVMP-4 90 2150 2223 2294 2254 1125 1105 1126 SVMP-5 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1150 1130 1151 SVMP-6 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1215 1155 1216 SVMP-7 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1240 1220 1241 SVMP-8 90 2041 1974 1567 2130 1305 1245 1306 SVMP-9 90 888 591 749 831 1330 1310 1331 SVMP-10 90 738 811 813 982 1355 1335 1356 SVMP-11 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1420 1400 1421 SVMP-12 90 >2500 >2500 >2500 >2500 1445 1425 1446 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 7 Well Construction Summary W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Well Identification Casing Diameter Casing/Screen Material Total Depth Cased Interval Screened Interval Top of Casing Elelvation Notes MW-1 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 881.03 MW-2 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 882.43 MW-3 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 883.10 MW-4 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 882.33 MW-5 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 883.47 MW-6 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 884.33 MW-7 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 882.59 MW-8 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 883.03 MW-9 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 880.43 MW-10 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 882.42 MW-11 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 874.71 MW-12 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 862.15 MW-13 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 863.77 MW-14 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 884.36 MW-15 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 872.10 MW-16 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' NS Damaged during construction MWmW 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 861.43 MW-18 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 862.26 MW-19 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' NS Destroyed during construction MW-20 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 866.15 MW-21 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 866.12 MW-22 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 861.83 MW-23 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 861.15 MW-24 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' NS Destroyed during construction MW-25 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' NS Destroyed during construction MW-26 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' NS Destroyed during construction MW-27 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 879.80 MW-28 1" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 881.23 LMP-1 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 873.50 LMP-2 2" PVC 35' 0-25' 25-35' 871.41 DW-1 1" PVC 65' 0-50' / 0-55' 55-65' 882.31 DW-2 2" PVC 65' 0-50' / 0-55' 55-65' 881.12 DW-3 2" PVC 65' 0-50' / 0-55' 55-65' 882.59 DW-4 2" PVC 65' 0-50' / 0-55' 55-65' 883.69 DW-5 2" PVC 63.5' 0-45' / 0-48.5' 48.5-63.5' 872.80 DW-6 2" PVC 63.5' 0-45' / 0-48.5' 48.5-63.5' NS Destroyed during construction DW-7 2" PVC 63.5' 0-45' / 0-48.5' 48.5-63.5' 862.17 DW-8 2" PVC 63.5' 0-45' / 0-48.5' 48.5-63.5' 861.44 DW-9 2" PVC 53' 0-40' / 0-43' 43-53' NS Page 1 of 2 TABLE 7 Well Construction Summary W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Well Identification Casing Diameter Casing/ Screen Material Total Depth Cased Interval Screened Interval Top of Casing Elelvation Notes DW-10 2" PVC 58' 0-40' / 0-43' 43-58' NS Destroyed during construction DW-11 2" PVC 53' 0-40' / 0-43' 43-53' NS DW-12 2" PVC 47' 0-40' / 0-42' 42-47' 845.45 DW-13 2" PVC 76' 0-61' 61-76' 861.10 DW-14 2" PVC 68 0-53' 53-68' 860.06 DW-15 2" PVC 79' 0-64' 64-79' 861.20 DMP-1 2" PVC 65' 0-45' / 0-50' 50-60' 870.83 DMP-2 2" PVC 60' 0-45' / 0-50' 50-60' 872.13 DMP-3 2" PVC 57' 0-40' / 0-47' 47-57' 862.18 DMP-4 2- PVC 64' 0-41' / 0-49' 49-64' 862.25 BMW-1 2- PVC 150' 0-123' / 0-130' 130-150' 882.45 BMW-2 2" PVC 115' 0-90' / 0-95' 95-115' 882.97 BMW-3 2" PVC 143' 0-110' / 0-123' 123-143' 862.12 BMW-4 2" PVC 100, 0-71' / 0-80' 80-100' 860.08 EW-1 4" PVC 64' 0-49' 49-64' 882.57 Pilot Test Extraction Well EW-2 4" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.56 Pilot Test Extraction Well EW-3 4" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.81 Pilot Test Extraction Wel EW-4 4" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.84 Pilot Test Extraction Wel PT-1S 1" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.69 PT-2S 1" PVC 22.2' 0-2.2' 2.2-22.2' 882.95 PT-3S 1" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.59 PT-4S 1" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.21 PT-5S 1" PVC 25' 0-5' 5-25' 882.97 PT-1 D 2" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.70 PT-21) 2" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.95 PT-3D 2" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.66 PT-4D 2" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.41 PT-5D 2" PVC 65' 0-50' 50-65' 882.96 1 1 Page 2 of 2 TABLE 8 Summary of Groundwater Field Sampling Parameters W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Well pH pH Specific Specific Identification Cond. Cond. (uS) (US) Date 12/2/98 12/29/99 12/2/98 " 12/29/99 MW-1 5.01` ` 5.40 51 68 MW-2 5.70` 6.76 150 165 MW-3 4.90" 6.44 35 79 MW-4 5.50: 5.41 95 98 MW-5 5.40 5.73 19 29 MW-6 5.50 '' 5.70 3.1 39 MW-7 5 60 '' 5.63 56 84 MW-8 4.80 !' 4.99 37 46 MW-9 5J3: 5.28 60 44 MW-10 5 70 5.52 17 . 20 MW-11 6 30 7.80 47 580 MW-12 5 80 6.41 164 198 MW-13 710 '. 7.00 420 80 MW-14 7 70 .- NS 280 NS MW-15 5 60 5.87 57 50 MW-17 6.1 0'` 7.00 .79 90 MW-18 6.01 :_` 6.21 82 100 MW-20 6 30 5.77 154 150 MW-21 6.10 6.19 63 70 MW-22 6.66 7.00 1Q0 110 MW-23 6 20 is 6.70 598 . 760 MW-27 4 70 5.05 235 232 MW-28 5.22 25 37 LMP-1 6.80.! 6.60 318 330 LMP-2 6 7Q 6.36 79 111 DW-1 6.2Q :'; 7.01 178 89 DW-2 5 5Q 6.71 83 1 DW-3 5 50 5.23 61 43 DW-4 5.60 •; 6.40 57 61 DW-5 6.10 ' 6.58 114 120 DW-7 6.60 7.52 172 187 DW-8 6 50 6.81 84 98 DW-9 7.00.:, NS 1;70 NS DW-11 8 30 _ NS 136 . NS DW-12 7 34 :. 6.58 1!10 100 DW-13 7.17 150 DW-14 6.82 160 DW-15 7.30 180 DMP-1 5.80 -. 6.36 `643 569 DMP-2 7.60: ; 7.02 L 187 163 DMP-3 7.10 6.98 1!51 100 DMP-4 7.10 " 7.13 1`52 90 BMW-1 DRY DRY BMW-2 6.80 119 BMW-3 7.43 L a. 320 BMW-4 6.80 530 Dissolved Dissolved Temp. Temp. Oxygen Oxygen 2:00 3.92 AM 22.0 3.00L::L 5.44 17.7 16.9 4.60 4.51 18.0 20.3 2.10 .:,., 3.96 1.9.0 18.9 5.90 4.67 19.0 15.7 4.90 4.95 18.0' 13.6 2.001, 4.25 19.1 20.3 1.82 3.32 19.9 4,08 4.43 .20.0 21.8 5.50 5.38 19.0 18.8 7.03 18B 19.6 390 4.87 19.0 20.0 NS 6.40 I& 15.0 NS. NS 15.2.' NS 3.99., ,. 4.39 19.0 18.4 5.80 5.80 19.0 16.7 3.60 5.03 18.3 15.5 NSL L. 4.77 17.6 17.1 5.30 5.18 17.07 17.2 5.50 5.90 1:6.1:: 16.8 1;60 4.90 16 9 18.4 250 3.54 20 0 20.5 2.10 3.44 20.0. 20.9 NS, 5.28 19:3 20.4 NS 4.99 18 T 20.4 17Q 4.13 174.;. 17.3 4.60 4.89 19 Q 22.0 5.00 4.17 18.0.. 16.5 4.40 4.58 20.0:. 18.0 3.40 3.79 20.0, 19.7 3.30 6.02 21.0' 20.3 4.60 8.62 18.6 17.3 0.94 NS 17.9 , - NS 4.60 NS 16.4 NS 4'.3Q 4.60 19.0 16.3 4.60 17.8 4.30 17.2 4.24 °f 19.5 NS 4.18 1810 19.3 NS 4.51 17.8 20.3 NS 5.73 1:6. 1 17.1 NS .. .. 5.89 15.8 15.8 DRY DRY 5.08 20.7 6.48 18.7 5.04 17.7 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 9 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data Geoprobe Investigation September 29, 1999 W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North,Carolina Sample Location: GP-1 GP-2 GP-3 GP-4 GPWS-1 GPWS-2 GPWS-3 IGPWS-4 Analyte NCAC 2L 601/602 otal STEX � £a :.. KZU 1 1A ( 5 '� S' ' 6 a� 'J ss J s s Benzene .. 1.0 M.�.. ND ND 1400.0 3180.0 ND ND 10.2 ND Ethylbenzene 29 ND ND 805.0 1206.0 ND 1.3 34.5 ND Toluene 1000 ND 1.3 6900.0 14100.0 ND 3.3 20.4 3.0 m,p - Xylenes 1.1 1.4 3050.0 3910.0 2.5 2.3 80.0 3.8 o - Xylenes ND ND 950.0 1640.0 ND ND 42.7 ND Chloroform 0.19 ND M ND ND 1.6 ND 9.1 ND Dibromochloromethane ND ND 30.0 ND ND 3.1 8.4 ND Ethylene Dibromide 0.0004 ND ND 16.0 ND ND ND ND ND 1,1 - Dichloroethane 700 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,2 - Dichloroethane 0.38 ND ND 17.0 ND 6.1 ND ND ND 1,1 - Dichloroethene 7 ND ND 11.0 70.0 ND 2.0 5.4 ND cis - 1,2 - Dichloroethene 70 510.0 120.0 295.0 4260.0 ND 58.5 465.0 ND trans - 1,2 - Dichloroethene 70 1.9 ND ND ND ND 1.0 4.7 ND etrachloroethene 0.7 22.2 41.8 26,900.0 22,400.0 234.0 2,450.0 8,450.0 169.0 1,1,2 Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.2 ND richloroethene 2.8 68 705.0 ND 500.0 53.8 50.5 85.0 ND Methyl -t-butyl ether (MTBE) 200 ND ND 66.0 ND 7.0 ND ND ND Isopropylether (IPE) 70 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND VPH C5 - C8 Aliphatics 420 370 660 29,900 13400 180 930 5140 170 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND ND 10,100 12500 ND ND 730 ND C9 - C10 Aromatics ND ND 2,380 2240 ND ND 500 ND EPH C9 - C18 Aliphatics 4200 ND ND ND 1310 ND ND ND ND C19 - C-36 Aliphatics 42000 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND C11 - C22 Aromatics ND ND 417 1020 ND ND ND ND Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. Results reported in ug/L Page 1 of 1 Sample Location Sample Date Analyte NCAC 2L Benzene 1.0 Ethylbenzene 29 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 Chloromethane (ug/L) none Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 1. 1 -Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 1. 1 -Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 Trichlorcethene (ug/L) 2.8 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 1, 1. 1 -Tdchloroethane (ug/L) 200 1, 1,2-Tdchloroethane (ug/L) none Methyl tert-butvl ether (MTBE) (uc/n 200 TABLE 10 Summary of Shallow Groundwater Analytical Data W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina 5/29/92 A NA 7/22/94 A NA MW-1 07/11/96 A NA 12/02/98 B <100 10/28/99 B <50 5/29/92 A NA 7/22/94 A NA MW-2 07/12/96 A NA 12/02/98 B <100 1 10/27/99 B <1 I 1 5/29/92 NA 1 6/25/93 A NA 7/22/94 A MW3 7/10/96 A 07/10/96 B 12/02/98 B 1121/99 B 10/28/99 B 5/29/92 A 07/10/96 A MW-4 7/10/96 B 1212/98 B 1028/99 B NA NA NA <100 <500 <5,000 NA NA NA <100 <500 NA NA NA <100 <50 NA NA NA <100 <1 NA NA NA NA NA <100 <500 <5,000 NA NA NA <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <1,200 <500 <250 540 <100 <250 <500 <5 <10.000 <5,000 <1000 <25,000 <25.000 <500 <2,500 <25,000 <2,000 <12,000 <2,500 <500 <2,500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,C00 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <1CO 5500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <i <10,000 <5,000 2,100 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 NA NA NA <100 <50 NA NA NA <100 1,070 NA NA NA NA NA 310 <500 <5,000 NA NA NA <100 <500 NA NA NA <100 <50 NA NA NA <100 14.4 NA NA NA NA NA <100 <500 <5,000 NA NA NA <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5.000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 156 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 210 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 33,000 8,000 18,000 12,600 3,880 11,000 6,500 4,100 5,080 56 270,000 250,000 110,000 200,000 200,000 152,000 94,000 60,500 55,000 39,000 38,000 17,000 22,200 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 <1,000 <100 <250 <100 <50 <200 <100 <50 <100 <1 <10,000 <5,000 <1000 <5,000 <5,000 <100 <500 <5,000 <2,000 <2,500 <2,500 <100 <500 NA I NA I NA I NA 1 <50 1 NA I NA NA NA 19.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA -NA <5,000 NA NA NA NA <500 Sample Location: Sample Date: -" 529/92 A MW-5 722/94 A 722/96 A 12/02/98 B 1028/99 B 529/92 A MW-6 I 7/11/96A 12/02/98 B 1028/99 B 1/9/93 A 722/94 A MW-7 7/12/96 A 12/02/98 B 1027/99 B 1/9/93 A 721/94 A -h1W-8 7/11196 A 12/02/98 B 1028/99 B Analyte NCAC 2L - Benzene 1.0 Ethylbenzene NA NA NA <1.0 <100 NA NA <1.0 <10 NA NA � JA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 29 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 NA <200 NA <100 NA <500 <1.0 <5.0 <100 <500 NA <10 NA <1.0 <10 NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA ;NA <1.0 <1.0 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <5 <1 <5.0 <1.0 <50 <10 6.8 <1 <1 1.4 <5 <1 <5.0 <5.0 7.8 <1 <5 <5.0 <5.0 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <1 <1.0 <10 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <1 <1.0 <10 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane(ug/L) 700 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <1 1 <10 12 38 16 2.3 1.2 <1 <1 <1 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <1 <1.0 <10 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1:0 <1.0 1. 1 -Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <200 <100 <100 6.9 <100 54 89 203 199 <1 5.9 1.8 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA 1.5 <100 NA NA 1.9 <10 NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA .<1 NA <1.0 <1.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA <1.0 <100 NA NA 1.6 <10 NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 <1 <1.0 <10 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 1 < <1.0 <1.0 Trichloroethene (ug/L) 2.8 <200 <100 <100 1.2 <100 <10 <1 <1.0 <10 <1 <i <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 9,500 5,100 6,300 3,200 7,590 11 28 66 37 1.4 2A 1.3 <1.0 <1.0 4.5 3.9 "26 4.2 <1.0 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) 200 <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 18 16 19 18 4.4 6 3.4 <1.0 <1:0 <1 <i <1 <1.0 <1.0 1, 1,2-Tdchloroethane (ug/L) none <200 <100 <100 <1.0 <100 <10 2.8 2.8 <10 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 <1 <1.0 <1.0 Meth I tert-b I ether MTB u 200 NA NA NA NA <100 NA NA NA <10 NA NA NA NA <1.0 NA NA '.,'NA NA <1.0 Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. A - indicates samples collected by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. B - indicates samples collected by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. (formerly Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc) NA denotes compound not analyzed NS denotes well not sampled Monitoring wells MW-16, MW-19, MW-24, MW-25 and MW-26 were destroyed during site construction activities. Page 1 of 3 TABLE10 Groundwater Analytical Results for Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Wells W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Sample Location: Sample Plato. -NCAC 2L 1/9/93 a 7lOil(]A A MW-9 79/96 A 7 i9/96 B 12/02/98 B i 027/99 B 1/9/93 A 6/25/93 A 721/94 A MW-10 07/10/96 A _ 7/10/96 B 12/02/98 B 1027l99 B 6125/93 A 7/9l96 A MW-11' ' 7/9196 B 12/02/98 B 10/26/99 B 1 6/25/93 A 7/9/96 A NW-12 7/9J96 B 12/02/98 B 10/26/99 B Analyte <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 2.4 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.7 <1.0 3.5 <1.0 <1.0 13 8,090 <1.0 8.3 <1.0 NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA NA <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA NA 2.4 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 c1 <1 <1 NA 111 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA <1 <i <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA NA <25 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NA NA <5 <5 110 <5 <5 NA NA NA 44 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA 54 1.2 1 <1 <1 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 21 2.4 2.1 <1.0 NA <10.0 <10.0 <50.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 1 0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 NA Benzene Ethylbenzene Methylene Chloride (ug/L) Chloroform (ug/L) Chloromethane (ug/L) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 1, 1 -Dichloroethane (ug/L) 1.2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 1.1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) Trichloroethene (ug/L) Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 1. 1. 1 -Tdchloroethane (ug/L) 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane (ug/L) Methyl tert-b I ether MTB ug4 1.0 29 5.0 0.19 none 0.3 700 0.38 7.0 70 70 0.56 2.8 0.7 200 none 200 NA NA 9.5 <1 <i <1 <1 <i <1 NA NA <1 <i 14 <1 <1 NA NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 7.7 <1 <1 NA NA NA <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 4.3 <1 <1 NA NA NA <1 <1 <1 <i <1 <1 <1 NA NA <1 <1 3.8 <1 <1 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 9.1 <1.0 <1.0 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 NA NA <250 <250 13,000 <250 <250 NA NA NA <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 NA NA <100 <100 7,200 <100 <100 NA NA NA <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <1G0 NA NA <100 <100 12,000 <100 <100 NA NA NA <2,500 <500 <500 <500 <500 <500 <500 NA NA <500 <500 12,000 <500 <500 NA NA NA <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250 NA NA <250 <250 11,000 <250 <250 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 5.8 <1.0 <1.0 21 12,000 <1.0 11 NA Sample Location: Sample Date:. Analyte NCAC 2L 625/93 A 7/9/96 A MW-13 7/9/96 B 1/21/99 B 10/25/99 B 625/93 A 1 7/9/96 A MW-14 7/9196 B 1 1/21/99 B 10/26/99 B 7/10/96 A MW-15 7110/96 B 12/02/98 B 10/27/99 B 7/10/96 A MW-16 1 7/10/96 B 10/26/99 B 7/10/96 A 7110/96 B MW-17 10/07/96 B 1?/02/98 B 1026/99 B NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 Benzene 1.0 Ethylbenzene 29 NA NA NA NA NA <1 <t NA NA NA <1 NS NA Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 <1. <5 NA 1.5 <1 <1 NA NA NA <1 NS NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 <1 <1 <1 <5 <1 <5 <1 <1 <5 <1 <5 NS <25 <1 <5.0 <5.0 <5 1.4 NS <250 <50 <10 <5.0 <5.0 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <i <1 NS 28 27 24 16.4 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 31 <1.0 1.6 Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane (ugll-) 700 <i <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS 29 24 13 7.7 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 140 6.4 12.6 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA <1 <1 NA NA NA <1 NS NA NA 16 18.9 NA NA NS NA NA NA 59 95 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 <1 <1 <1 <i NA NA NA <1 NS NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 Trichloroethene (uglL) 2.8 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 6.0 Tetrachloroethene (uglL) 0.7 <1 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <i <1 <i NS 130 95 221 280 <1 <1 NS 780 620 120 490 960 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug&) 200 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS 42 33 39 20.8 <1 <1 NS 5,200 5,200 28 2,600 4,880 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane (ug/L) none <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 Methyl tert-b I ether MTB u A 200 NA NA NA NA <1 NA <1 NA <1 NA <1 <1 NS <5 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <1 <1 NS <50 <50 <10 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NA NA NA NA NS I NA NA NA NA NA Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. A - indicates samples collected by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. B - indicates samples collected by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. (formerly Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc.) NA denotes compound not analyzed NS denotes well not sampled Monitoring wells MW-16, MW-19, MW-24, MW-25 and MW-26 were destroyed during site construction activities. Page 2 of 3 TABLE 10 Groundwater Analytical Results for Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Wells W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Sample Location: t Sample Datea i0ii/96A ::_ MW-18 110/07/96 B 112/02/98 B � 10/26/99 B I 10/7196 A MW-19 � 10l7/96 B 10/26/99 B 10/7/96 A 10"/96 B MW-20 12/02/98 B _ _-__ _ mn1/99 a _.._..__ _ �0/26/99 a ._.__.__ _. �Of719 a ,,.,.,.,6A MW-21 ,nmoc o ,0/7/96 B 1 12i0298 B 10/2699 o 1OR196A NW-22 106/96 C 1 12/02/98 B iO/25/99 B na a NCAC 2L NA NA <1 <0.19 <2 <0.30 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <0.20 <1 7.7 <1 <1 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.9 <1.0 <1.0 39 310 <1.0 <1.0 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.c 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 40.9 252 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA <120 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 NA NA <25 ' 62 1500 <25 <25 NA I NA NA <1 <0.19 <2 <0.30 <1 <1 <1 NA NA 2.8 53 910 <1 <1 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 31.4 <1.0 <1.0 110 1,240 <1.0 <1.0 INA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.5 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 50.3 <1.0 <1.0 146 1,680 <1.0 <1.0 NA Benzene Ethylbenzene Methylene Chloride (ug/L) Chloroform (ug/L) Chloromethane (ug/L) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 1,1-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 1,2-Dichloroethane(ug/L) 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene(ug/L) 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) Trichloroethene (ug/L) Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 1,1,1-Trichloreethane(ug/L) 1, 1,2-Tdchloroethane (ug/L) [Methyl tert-b I ether MTB u 1.0 29 5.0 0.19 none 0.3 700 0.38 7.0 70 70 0.56 2.8 0.7 200 none 200 NA NA <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 NA NA <50 440 2,100 <50 <50 NA NA NA <100 <19 <200 <30 <100 <100 <100 NA NA <20 380 1,600 <100 <100 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 0.0 <1.0 18 <1.0 <1.0 680 2,100 <1.0 <1.0 NA <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 15.6 <1.0 12.0 730 2,100 <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NA <2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NA NA <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NA NA NA <1 <0.19. <2 <0.30 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <0.20 <1 <0.70 <1 <1 NA NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NA NA <2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NA NA <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NA NA NA <1 <0.19 <2 <0.30 <1 <1 <1 NA NA <0.20 <1 <0.70 <1 <1 NA <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NA NA NA <2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NA NA <0.50 11 98 <0.50 <0.50 Nq Sample Location:.. Sample Date:: NCAC 21- 10l7/96 A MW-23 10l7/96 B 12/02/98 B 10/25/99 B I 1017/96 A I MW-24 IOR196 B I 10/26/99 B - NMI-25 10/7/96 A ' 10f7/96 B 1 10/26/99 B 1WI96 A MW-26 I 1OR196 B 10/26/99 B 826/97 B MW-27 122/98 B Analyte Benzene Ethylbenzene 1.0 29 NA NA NA <1.0 1.1 NA NA NS NA NA NS NA NA NS NA <1.0 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 9.3 NA 6.5 <1.0 <5.0 2.5 <5.0 NA <0.05 NA NS NA NA NS NA NA NS NA <1.0 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 4.7 3.8 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 <0.19 NS NS <2.5 <0.50 <1 <0.19 NS <2.5 <1 NS <200 <5.0 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <0.50 <2 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <2 NS <0.50 <2 NS NS 0.97 0.49 NS <200 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride,(ug/L) 0.3 <0.50 <0.30 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.30 NS <0.50 <0.30 NS <0.50 <2 NS <200 <1.0 1. 1 -Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 <0.50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <0.50 <0.30 NS <200 <1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <0.50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <1 NS <200 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <0:50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <1 NS <0.50 <1 NS <200 <1.0 cis 1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS <0.50 NA <1 NS <0.50 <1 NS <200 <1.0 trans-1,2-Dichloreethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NS NA NA NS 12,000 2,300 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 <0.50 <0.20 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.20 NS <0.50 NA <0.20 NS NS NA NA NS <200 13 Trichloroethene (ug/L) 2.8 <0.50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <0.50 <0.20 NS <200 <1.0 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 <0.50 <0.70 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.70 NS <0.50 <1 <0.70 NS NS <0.50 <1 NS 64,000 8,340 1,1,1-Trichlaroethane(ug/L) 200 <0.50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <0.50 <0.70 NS: <200 <1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethene (ug/L) none i <0.50 <1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1 NS <0.50 <1 <1 NS <0.50 <1 NS <200 <1.0 Methyl tert-butyl ether MTB u 200 1 NA NA NA I NA NA NA NS NS <0.50 <1 NS <200 <1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NS NA NA Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. A - indicates samples collected by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. B - indicates samples collected by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc (formerly Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc.) NA denotes compound not analyzed NS denotes well not sampled Monitoring wells MWA 6, MW-19, MW-24, MW-25 and MW-26 were destroyed during site construction activities. 1027/99 B NMI-28 826/97 B 1212/98 B 1027/99 B LMP-1 0121/99 B 1026199 B LMP-2 0121/99 B 1026199 B <500 NA <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <500 NA <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2500 <200 <5.0 <50 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.4 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.7 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 3,700 280 1,170 323 47.8 21.2 10 10.9 <500 <200 3 <10 1A <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 1370 1560 238 316 15,900 180 800 192 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <7.0 <500 <200 70 <10 192 145 25.4 45.5 <500 <200 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1A <500 <200 1 <1.0 <10 <1.0 I <1.0 <1.0 8.3 <500 NA NA <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 NA Page 3 of 3 Table 11 Summary of Deep Groundwater Analytical Data W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Sample Location: DW-1 DW-2 DWG DW-4 DW-5 Sample Date: 7/22/94 A 7/12196 A 12/2/98 B 10/27/99 B 7/22/94 A 7/11/96 A 12/2/98 B 10/28/99 B 7/22/94 A 7/10/96 A 7/10/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/28/99 B 7/22/94 A 7/11/96 A= 12/2/98 B 10/28/99 B 7/15/96 A 7/15/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/27/99 B Analysis Method: EPA 601 EPA601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 Analyte NCAC 2L Benzene 1.0 NA NA NA <1.0 NA NA NA <10.0 NA NA NA <1.0 - <5000 NA NA NA <500 NA NA NA <1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 <1,0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 1.3-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 4500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 1.2 14 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <12 <5.0 <50.0 <100 <12,000 <1,000 50 <25000 <100 <1,200 <5.0 <2500 <5 <10 <5.0 <5.0 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 6.1 <1.0 <1.0 1.2 3.2 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 4 <5000 <100 c250 <1.0 <500 20 31 20 23.1 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <1,0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <2,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 <1.0 <1,0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 100 140 27 73.2 1,1-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 <1.0 <1,0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.6 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 2.7 <10 47.0 <1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.015 ° <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 1.6 4.6 <1.0, 9.4 23 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 3 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA 29.2 10.5 NA NA <1.0 <10.0 NA NA NA 24.5 <5000 NA NA 97.7 <500 NA NA 14 22.1 trans-11,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA <1.0 <1.0 NA NA <1.0 <10.0 NA NA NA 1.4 <5000 NA NA <1.0 <500 NA NA C1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 C1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 41.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 Trichlorcethene (ug/L) 2.8 41.0 3 52.1 8.8 <1.0 <2.5 1 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <7,000 56.1 <5000 <100 e250 64A <500 94 120 78 261 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 31 59 182 170 55 110 126 150 19,000 82,000 60,000 66,000 174,000 10,000 16,000 8,600 23,900 19 28 54 52.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) 200 1.4 4.8 3 4.8 4.4 5.6 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 41.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 21.1 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 Bromoform 0.19 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.0 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <2,500 <1,000 <1.0 <5000 <100 <250 <1.0 <500 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 .Methyl tert-butyl ether B u 200 NA NA NA <1.0 NA NA NA I <10.0 NA I NA I NA I NA 1 <5000 1 NA I NA NA <500 NA NA NA NA Sample Location: Sample Date: _ DW-6 DW-7 DW-8 DW-9 7115/96 A 7/15/96 B 10/27/99 B 7/15196 A 7115/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/26/99 B 7/15/96 A 7/15/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/26/99 B 7/15/96 A 7/15/96 B 10/6/96 A 10/6/96 B ' 12/2198 B 10/28/99 B Analysis Method: EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 Analyte NCAC 21L Benzene 1.0 NA NA NS NA NA NA <10.0 NA NA NA <1.0 NA NA NA NA NA NS 1,2-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS 1.3-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 <5 <1.0 NS <25 <1.0 <5.0 <50.0 <500 <100 <5.0 <5.0 <5 <1.0 5.3 6 <5.0 NS Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 1.5 2.6 NS <5 2.9 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 5.6 3.4 4.6 1.5 1.2 <1.0 NS Chloromethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <2.0 NS <5 <2.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <200 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <2.0 <0.50 <2.0 <1.0 NS Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 19.7 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.30 <1.0 NS 1,1-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1,0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 el.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS Vinyl chloride 0.015 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NS NA NA <1.0 <10.0 NA NA 280 530 NA NA NA NA <1.0 NS trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NS NA NA <1.0 <10.0 NA NA <1.0 2.1 NA NA NA NA <1.0 NS 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 <1.0 c1.0 NS <5 2.1 <1.0 15 <100 <100 <1.0 1.1 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.20 <1.0 NS Trichloroethene (ug/L) 2.8 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 1.0 10 <10.0 630 440 380 1,300 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS Tetrachloraethene (ug/L) 0.7 1.1 1.6 NS 230 180 206 221 3,700 2,600 1,620 4,290 <1.0 3.4 <0.50 <0.70 <1.0 NS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) 200 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1,0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS Bromoforrn 0.19 <1.0 <1.0 NS <5 <1.0 <1.0 <10.0 <100 <100 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS Methyl tert-butyl ether B u 200 NA NA NS NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NA I NS Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. A - indicates samples collected by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. B - indicates samples collected by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. formerly Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. NA = denotes compound not analyzed NS = indicates not sampled Deep monitoring wells DW-6 and DW-10 were destroyed during site construction activities. Page 1 of 2 12/14/99 Table 11 Summary of Deep Groundwater Analytical Data W.P. Ballard and Downgradient Properties Greensboro, North Carolina Sample Location: DW-10 DW-11 DW-12 DW-13 DW-14 DW-16 Sample Date: 7/15/96 A 7/15/96 B 1016196 A 10/6196 B 10/27/99 B 10/6/96 A 10/6/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/27/99 B 10/6/96 A 10/6/96 B 12/2/98 B 10/25/99 B 10/25/99 B 10/25/99 B 10/25/99 B Analysis Method: EPA 601 EPA 601 _ EPA 601 E601 PA EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA'601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 Analyte NCAC 2L Benzene 1.0 NA NA NA NA NS NA NA NA NS NA NA NA <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ' none <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.3-Dichlorobenzene- none <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 <5 <1.0 <2.5 <1.0 NS <2.5 <1.0 <5.0 NS <2.5 <1.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5 <5 <5 Chloroform (ug/L) 0.19 <1.0 3.1 <0.50 <0.19 NS 7.1 5.4 <1.0 NS 4.1 4.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <2.0 <0.50 <2.0 NS <0.50 <2.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride-(ug/L) 0.3 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.30 NS <0.50 <0.30 <1.0 NS <0.50 <0.030 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.015 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.1 1.3 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA NA NS NA NA <1.0 NS NA NA <1.0 <1.0 5.0 3.1 2.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 NA NA NA NA NS NA NA <1.0 NS NA NA <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <0.20 NS <0.50 <0.20 <1.0 NS <0.50 <0.20 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Trichloroethene (ug/L) 2.8 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 21.7 84.5 71.7 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 <1.0 1.9 <0.50 <0.70 NS <0.50 <0.70 <1.0 NS <0.50 <0.70 <1.0 <1.0 421 304 398 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) 200 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Bromoform 0.19 <1.0 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 NS <0.50 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 ,Methyl tert-butyl ether BE u /1 200 NA NA NA NA I NS I NA I NA NA I NS I NA I NA I NA NA NA NA NA Sample Location: Sample Date: DMP-1 DMP-2 DMP-3 DMP-4 BMW-1 BMW-2 BMW-3 BMW-4 1/21199 B 10/27/99 B 1/21/99 B 10/27/99 B 1/21/99 B 10/26/99 B 1/21/99 B 10/25/99 B 10/28/99 B 10/28/99 B 10/26/99 B 7/15/96 A Analysis Method: EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 EPA 601 Analyte NCAC 2L Benzene 1.0 NA 1.6 NA c1.0 NA <1.0 NA <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 4.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1.3-Dichlorobenzene none <1.0 1.1 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 Methylene Chloride (ug/L) 5.0 <5.0 8.0 <5.0 <5.0 <25.0 <5.0 <50.0 <5.0 NS-DRY <2500 <50.0 <5.0 Chloroform (ug1L) 0.19 6.0 <1.0 7.5 3.5 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 5.7 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 Chloromethane (ug/L) none <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) 0.3 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 8.2 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 17.1 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 700 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane (ug/L) 0.38 <1.0 8.4 <5.0 2.8 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.015 <1.0 3.6 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 7.0 <1.0 3.5 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 1.2 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 1620 3,"0 24.5 6.8 <5.0 10.4 269 276 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (ug/L) 70 24.0 16.9 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 2.8 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 5.5 1,2-Dichloropropane (ug/L) 0.56 28.0 28.6 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 18 <1.0 (ug/L) 2.8 <1.0 355 <5.0 505 <5.0 90 <10.0 1,180 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 118 �Trichloroethene Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 0.7 60.7 60 264 329 580 562 3460 4,500 NS-DRY 48,800 260 607 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) 200 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (ug/L) none 41.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 LIBform0.19 e1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10.0 <1.0 NS-DRY <500 <10.0 <1.0 tert-b I ether B u /1 200 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA I NS-DRY I <500 NA NA Notes: Compounds detected above the North Carolina 2L Standard are shown in bold. A - indicates samples collected by Mortensen Engineering, Inc. B - indicates samples collected by IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. formerly Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. NA = denotes compound not analyzed NS = indicates not sampled Deep monitoring wells DW-6 and DW-10 were destroyed during site construction activities. Page 2 of 2 12/14/99 IT Corporation ofNorth Cmmfini, Inc, A Member of The IT Group FIGURES SOURCE: U.S.G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE GREENSBORO QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES PHOTO REVISED 1963 SCALE 1:24,000 N 1� 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE FEET DESIGNED: IT Co"wTim SITE LOCATION MAP Aa[em6Q•afTberl'CaoW W.P. BALLARD AND DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTIES DETAILED: SITE: DRAWING DATE: 1000 PERIMETER PARK DR. RHW W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY 3 SUITE I 119199 MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 CHECKED: (919) 467-2227 LOCATION: FIGURE: GREENSBORO, NC r a7 arAa+c MW—S ammo .ma°°;s a r _ ... �--2 i NOTES - HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '93. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED -ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENS13GRO D.C. PARTNERS, LTD.'. DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON, INC. MW-14 • 1 f ® 8 . j 4 r A9�I:ALT PAVEM f / PAVE .+ DMP_2 • 5 • MW:S a LVc • Dkp—) 21 • A1PKALT PAVLVW.NT I Ob • MW.T1 GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 0 120 ( IN FEET ) MXFHW MAINQE IT MC. _ MOP" CAROLWA� �- AXmmbwufMlwJTQmp 1 i 1000 PERIMETER PARK OIL J/ _ J MORI93V IIE. NC 275M (919) "7_2127 1 i SITE MAP LEGEND I ® MONITORGVG WELL / 1 1 RIDWEIRCED CONCRETE PIPE / cla' Urn' POLE TLRTE: 1 W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY U04T POLE / O DTLET I DCATKIN; GREENSBORO. NC ® DRAWACE MANHOLE 0 DESIGNED RT': DETAILED g1: CHECKED RT: SS BOUT RHW DG WATER VALVE —EL ELECTRIC LINE DRAWING OATS: ACAD FILE: FIRE HYDRANT —W— WATER LINE 11/23/99 7535XLOC 0 EIDSTING RON PIPE —0— CAS LINE PROJECT NEI- NOTES ; ® — T— TELEPHONE LINE I I 107535 SEWER MANHQ,E cv I Da US """E FIG. 2 0 300 600 pm SCALE FEET SOURCE: GUILFORD COUNTY TAX MAP ®IT CORPORATION of North Carolioi, Inc. 1000 PERIMETER PARK DR. MORRISYILLE, NC 27550 (910) 467-2227 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MAP W.P. BALLARO PROPERTY DESIGNED BY: I DETAILED BY: CHECKED BY. PJB JEL DRAWING DATE: ACAO FILE- 7/1 /99 7535—PROP PROJECT NO.: NOTES: 107535 FIGURE 3 MM-7 • r mr MW�3 euawe rm°1DO1soa i r BM -2 NOTES- HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVO '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON - 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED 'ALTA/AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS. LTD.'. DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC. MW-14 • GILL4 AND TIFFS - oyM L F� M+�awr�ro va�vE MW q 640M OF Cm frffr Lj DW-130 rAm Dr IlTA.+a * OMW 2O O pW_ 140 GATE •• OW 8 OMP SUIV 4 • i4 4IW_ A¢IIALiPAYE11p1T • t7 ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 0 AND CONCRETE PAVE 'jl \ •OW_ 1 OMo_s_ 5 DA(P�2 5 £ • AIW 5 elwaMe JWW 18 I • DA1P_ 1 4tw 27 • r qr ASi1ALT PA1EIpIT 'UP 1 ® OW 2 • MW UIP_ 2 • �� arA� � • I T?� 8Mw 3 MW-20 • • MW-21 BUILDING M W- 23 .• MW VMTAQ GOIQIAMft uGM r J---7 TEUYH F MAA/KAE r- • Mw-�� I I. ` PROPERT I 1 ILLS AtTA _ t NOMW ruto°Firc. !i Ammawd5n'cimp / � _ 1 1000 PERIMETER PARK OR. O , ` MO6tl3V61i. Nc 27560 (910) 497-2227- MONITORING WELL LEGEND LOCATION MAP / / $ ® MONITORING WELL jTaR ' n REUFORCEO CONCKTE PIPE / lITE T 'nA UTILITY POLE W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY / - LIGHT POLE / ❑ M£T GREENSBORO. NC ® DRANAGE MANHOLE / O DESIGNED 9Y: OETAIIED 67: CHECKED 6Y: GRAPHIC SCALE SS CLEANOUT RHW / 60 0 30 60 0 120 rATER VALVE DRArNG DATE: ACAO FILE - 11/23/99 7535XLOC FIRE HYDRANT HYDT ( IN FEET) EXISTING NON PIPE PROJECT NO.: NOTES: ® SEVER MANHOLE I I 107535 ev GAS VALE FIG. 4 i I1 WARM METIM B — , BlanNc r as adcE.MaL . goo 1 aaln 1 �T MW-14 �9 �•;.1 ewnNc ' � � 1 taQ 6 °Aro01 0 A971ALT IP1'M(1i11T PAVE j OMP,2 0 ow-5 • DAIP—) AIw_27 Iry / Dim I 4 A$:ULT PAvtvoIT LAM— I 1 f r` • LUP_21 Dw 7A4 / 8Al w— Q GRAAST.AND TAM __AM OyM r TAIING WALL AND TIRE RmMAMr ANDrgTE Jww— BMW �2 f C G DIy t4 �. Br �x _. BMW -8� DMP ���•� 4 • 17 �, _ / ' \ ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE i0W ►5 MW-23 HW VOLTAM A DMP-3 , _ _ • cEmmmR mme r IW T 8� . ,ItMW-21 O BUILDING w- M I A� ... D "o' �a �Mw ` OPERTY C d LINE (T'►CAL) O illllj�`dw DW-12 K, R/ It LEGEND g� I 4� ® Lro1llraawc WELL \ REIWORCED CONCRETE PIPE / `n+ U11UTY POLE / UO1T POLE / NOTES HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '8& INLET VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. / GRAPHIC SCALE .+ 55 CLEANOLIi MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET, MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON 2 FEET,( \/ 60 0 30 60 0 120 WATER VALVE LINEY FROM PLAN ENTITLED ' LAND FIRE HYDRANT TITLEPROPSTY TITLE SURVEY FOR: CREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS, ITD.', PARTNERS. \ O E105TLNC MCN PIPE DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC IN FEET' ) ® I I SEWER MANHOLE . cv GAS VALVE dfum amw 1000 PENIS&'= PARK 0% YORRISIRLLE. NO 275M (212) "7-2127 CROSS SECTION LOCATION MAP W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY ;ATION: GREENSBORO. NC WNEO WT: OETAILEO BF, CHECKED BY; RHW IVANG PATE: ACAO FILE! 11/23/99 7535XLOC 1JECT NO.: MOTES 107535 FIG. 5 I] U B—B' C—C' Iv C—C" D—D' 0 o w 0 Lp ?-0 cn ♦ 0 0 0000o S rr 1I 1 _o I I I I I I ND/1.2 56/1,316 I III 60,500/60 00 ` \ \ ND/19,600 — — MW-7 M ; 21 I I I —3 \ \ \ MW`27 I �F ND/ND ND/ND MW-20 1 170/199 I III 174,000/174.000 —12 DW-1'� DW-3 ' 1 ` ` \ 60/3,931 I3APR LITE DMP-1 221A36 9 � \ \ i DW-7 I 1 1\ N 48,000/48,000 / I I 1 BEDROCK - ::9 :m 840 820 780 760 740 720 LEGEND WATER TABLE ELEVATION MW-3 WELL NUMBER SCREENED INTERVAL 221/236 PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTEDs ?— — —� APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ SAPROLITE INTERFACE 10,000 TOTAL VOC ISOCONCENTRATION CONTOUR (ug/L) 0 115 230 HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET 0 20 40 VERTICAL SCALE FEET IT CORPORATION OF 1 000 PERIMETER PARk DR. NORTH CAR( UNA, INC. SUITE MORRd�[®6Qaf nefficamp (919) 2 27560 919) 467-227-27 . REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 12/15/99 1 7535—AA CROSS SECTION A -A' CLIENT: PM: W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY KO LOCATION: PE/RG: GREENSBORO, NC DEE DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: RHW 1 107535 6 �.: s A —A' B By C—C, C—C" m m 860 ` 60,500/60.500 7.590/7.590 — — — MW-3 MW-5 \ 840 � \� ---- 174,000/ 174, 000 820 DW-3 23, 900/23.900 DW-4 SAPROLITE :m 780 48,800/48,800 BMW-2 760 740 720 14,880/5,995 MW-17 4,290/6.149 DW-8 1, 680/ 1,879 MW-22 4,500/6,085 DMP-4 304/393 DW-14 607/731 1) LEGEND — — WATER TABLE ELEVATION MW-3 WELL NUMBER SCREENED INTERVAL 4,880/5,995 PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTED '— — —? APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ SAPROLITE INTERFACE 0 115 230 HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET 0 20 40 mmim VERTICAL SCALE FEET u 3; • A —A' LEGEND V — WATER TABLE ELEVATION MW-3 WELL NUMBER SCREENED INTERVAL C—C' C—C" D—D' 398/474 PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTED —�_ APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ SAPROLITE INTERFACE 860 60.500/60.500 7,590/7,590 MW-3 MW-5• \ 840 --------------------1------ 4,880/5,955 ND/ND t 74,000/174,000 23,900/23.900 MW=17 820 MW-23 DW-3 DW-4 4.290/6.149 4,500/6,085 800 ND/ND SAPROLITE DW-8 DMP-4 DW-12 398/474 780 48,000/48,000 DW-15 BMW-2 IT CORPORATION OF 1000 PERIMETEE NORTH CAROLINA, INC. SUITE IVILLE, 760 / Nc A�femGsdTbell'6eonp MORRIS(919) 467-222 ? ? REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 12 15 99 7535-8-1 CROSS SECTION B-B DRY 740 BEDROCK 0 115 230 CLIENT: W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY B 1—HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET LOCATION: GREENSBORO, NC 720 — 0 20 40 DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: VERTICAL SCALE FEET RHW 107535 C ::e :m 840 820 :ol 780 760 740 720 A —A' B—B" B- B' -------------- ND/ND 45.5/374 208/345 MW-1 1 LMP-2 MW-15 ND/ND 4,880/5,955 MW-13 MW-17 60/3,931 52.3/432 DMP-1 DW--S SAPROLITE 4,290/6.149 DW-8 LEGEND V — WATER TABLE ELEVATION MW-13 WELL NUMBER SCREENED INTERVAL 52.3/432 PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTED —� APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ SAPROLITE INTERFACE 0 115 230 HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET 0 20 40 VERTICAL SCALE FEET IT CORPORATION OF 1 000 PERIMETER PARk DR. NORTH CAROUNA, INC. SUITE MORRAX�6�of neffcnmp (919) 2 27560 919) 467-227-27 REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 12 15 99 1 7535—CC CROSS SECTION C-C' CLIENT: PM: W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY KO LOCATION: PE/RG: GREENSBORO, NC DEE DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: RHW 107535 9 C B—B" Crr A —A' B—B' 880 860 ----- ND/ND 840 MW-1 1 ND/240 2,100/2,858 1.680/1,879 820 MW-12 MW-18 MW-22 562/662 221 /236 1 4,500/6,085 800 DMP-3 D SAP RO LITE W-7 DMP-4 421 /448 780 DW-13 740 720 y — WATER TABLE ELEVATION MW-22 WELL NUMBER SCREENED INTERVAL 221 /236 PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTED —� APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ SAPROLITE INTERFACE 0 115 230 HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET 0 20 40 VERTICAL SCALE FEET LEGEND D p� A —A' B—B" B—B' — y — WATER TABLE ELEVATION 880 MW-21 WELL NUMBER j SCREENED INTERVAL 860 607/731- PCE/TOTAL VOC's (ug/L) ND NOT DETECTED ? =L _ _ APPROXIMATE BEDROCK/ 840 '-----------_S__--? SAPROLITE INTERFACE ND/ND 252/293 MW-20 MW-21 820 800— 304/393 DW-14 0 115 230 HORIZONTAL SCALE FEET 780 SAPROLITE 0 20 40 607/731 VERTICAL SCALE FEET 760 BMW-4 IT CORPORATION OF 1000 PERIMETER PARk DR. SUITE I _ _ NORTH CAROUNA, INC. MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 deaf 1LDtl, (919) 467-2227 REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: JACAD FILE: BEDROCK 12 15 99 7535—DD 740 CROSS SECTION D-Dr CLIENT: PM: W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY KO 720 _ LOCATION: PE/RG: GREENSBORO, NC DEE DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: RHW 107535 11 i \ \ ► 8,40\ 387M194� 1 1 i ,A>R MNIDa / I I R0, I aNLwa NQ r ar / Oro 5 (871.53) 8�l RaRIING NIW-1 -2 (070.1 `` / / \ 868.78) 870.0----- ^ 1 1 M: 14 \ 1 1 1 ► t 1 (NG) Mw_ 1 1 I 856.71 \ MRS \ o Apr IGrNAi L( 52.25) 1 1 1 1 1 0 \ \ 1 \ DW 14 47 ur / ! 1 1 Ifwy 2� 1 ID -b 1 I ► ► I �i \ t 2 (15 867. 3 :� //' // OW 8/ / OM�I_ BMW-4 (855.12) / ""Ir,?7- �/ / / / / / / / / / /� / / \,A�PHALT PAVEyFENT `\ "� iT �(856.17) / // / / / / / // / / o// / / / AND C_QUGRtTE \ a9v9.82)/.' / / i i� ////' /// /'/ / / ' / // ��DW-15 1 q i/ i' DM / / / // / / / / / / /'/ / / — — — MW-23 / mm vRATA" e f(867. 81) 1 I \ I (854.54) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / — — — -6 / RR]QN 1TRA usDE fl I I P_ 1 ow5 �',, / /// //// /// / / (937.02) "nib I I I ►� \lull -is �� �'� eo' iii' / // (857•j 1(a51.5� / o/ 'i/ / /i/ / /'// / j // o 1 _27 / / 1 1 1 I / / / / / / / / / / / %W-21 (864.46) / I / / �j' / / / /I I I I r / / / //(836.68) / 1 / / o ,s / ► I 1 / I 1 ► 1 I r / / / / / III 1 r r / OW-12 I(I / (832.63) �TP1,IE,E„r 1 4p` r 1 (8go.o9) 1 1 1 I �+w: 2) I I I l l 1 I I 1 1 I BUILDING / / I+I (862.11)1\ LMP_21 � \ Dw_ \\ \ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 \ op ar \ ® \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ 1 \ 1 1 1 mEYHoc owe If 6$O /' G / / / / I I 1 1 \ \ 1 \ : \ \ \\ \ (843.16) 11\ 1 \ $//\\00 O� // \ // / / / I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1► Q;06 1;;� Awe Mu O o0• rl O NacDo O ui a w OD a �o Duao DO 00 cs 00 Nb6y' / \ / �/ // / / / / 1 I / `o 06 ,/ �' o/ ,n 4 m ` _ _ — — PROPERTY _ UNE (TYPICAL) (860.71) / / / O / er h _ h�tiO O/ O O / + 4r 0" NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. AlAPPRAG SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED 'ALTA/AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO O.C. PARTNERS. LTD.'. DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON.INC. �j OAS'�E / � 1 Q /LEGEND % % -7 / (836.68) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FT) / 11 (NG) NOT GAUGED If / 860 � GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR / / MONITORING WELL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE / \ / `n+ UTRJTV POLE / / * LIGHT POLE ff �d7iDr ll'6io�ir y 1000 PESMEM PARK OIL MOMMM. L NO 27360 (912) ap-22271 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR MAP OCTOBER 22, 1999 W.P. RAIIAIRED PROPERTY I 0 W-ET GREENSBORO. NC / ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE DESIGNED BY. DEE I DETAILED BY: RHW I CHECKED sT: / / \1( GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 0 120 O a C EAXWT HATER VALVE - FRE HYDRANT DRAWING DATE: 3/1/99 ACAD FILE: sItR2 \ \\ ( IN FEET) O ® E=SrNr. IRON PIPE SEVER MANHOLE - I I PR ECT0N0.: 5 NOTES: N GAS VALVE FIO. 12 ', NTR ML,E7S -- (12) _ MW-7 /r MW-14 / �� ��• ` - KTANOW WILL FIRE NVQVWT A:n vALW.E -Soo- Alpo —1 p 0� \ \ aP 4b L 00p _ ` Aa ors c"4r�_�__ Ghlre I 1 e:DW na 1 �W�•(60 500)" `S. — — — — —MW 22 \ ` • ` T pW-3 5 000 ) OW-14 ` 1 I ' \ •�AW'A .A V 75 ) �L hti�1 ` \awOile 8 : MP_ ,880 OF • \ \ ASPHALT PAVEMENT (ND) v \* "�""L'°"'°74M� MW_1j \ ° \ AND CANCRETE \ 8.123)(5,955) ) \ •�\ �� PANE • •DW-1S \ HCI VGLTAM It S. \ DMP-3 / // (36}2 \ WallouTNw umaE I 4 • // pK,_s 293 //loe \� ND)\\ \ \ (� Vp.000\ / / 'WM-15 • / BUILDING (ND) Q \AbU&T PAvmmr 24D / �► \ \ LMP_1 /`^ 2 i ,ENFPNOL MANN= MW-20 -I A (ND) as , \ �Q• s PROPERTY LilyE 1 4d / / GRAVEL / _ �s P�VC I- I — � � ` ► AYmmbwd7LIT6iwp / LESS _ 1 ,000 vErowErw PARN ow. - I (293) TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION (ugA) ` Y°a141"� tO asw (stW) ANw-zu> j / i I ---500---- TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (ugA) TOTAL VOC / ISOCONCENTRATION MAP I (ND) NOT DETECTED / FOR SHALLOW WELLS 1 / / (NS) NOT SAMPLED OCTOBER 22, 1999 / ® MONITORING WELL \ ,Q UREtNFOLID� RPrpE / SITE'W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY i POLE 1 L,aNT POLE Nounow: j GREENSBORO, NC HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD 'B3, ❑ INLET VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. / I ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE OMGNEo ITT:: oEruLED er: CNREG,ED er: THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, DEE RHW MAPPINOT FOR RECORDATION, / GRAPHIC SCALE 0 55 CLEANWT DRAWING DATE: ITY 7535TVi0995 FNE NG SCALE 1 INCH = 60 FEET, \/ 60 0 30 60 0 120 pQ WATER VALVE 12/9/99 t MAPPNG CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET, - PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED -ALTA/ACSM LAND N RRE HYDRANT DATED 5/ 2/95TITLE SURVE 0PREPARED BYRROBERT E. WIELSONRS.`INC. \\ I I PROJECT NorEs j ( [N FEET) Q EXISTING IRON APE 107535 SEWER MANHOLEcv 1 M GAS VALVE FIO. 13 MAUR UETM MW-7 • MW-14 lir 0-, FIRE Mp�'ANri,NGA vKVE SOp MW 13--t------ VIALL (448)(174000) \ • \ \ GATE r c7 1p.00-- -0 OAIW_ DW°14 (6.149(3)43 \ I o.o ��M 1 U -8 Dr-4 \ Buxom a1 ASPHALT PAVEMENT �IASPHALT PAVEMENT \ \ AND CONCRETE \ PAY( DMP-3 / •DIN-75 MW-23 i \ \ \ (432) — — — — (474) • / \ \ 4 ~ Dap-2 ' • OW 5 / \ \-15 _ \WIAMC \ AIw 18 DAIP \ kq, L \�`` 4 ASPHALT PAYE tM , ` \ AIW T ow - NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED-ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS. LTD.', DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC. / / BUILDING / MW-20 • MGM VOLTAGE t GENERATOR MGM r 0 G A± • ` DW-12 (ND) r -70EPlIp1E MA,HDLE r-_ ,A* PROPER / T_L1NE (�ICAL) I ca Krr � _ Art /LEGEND � (474) TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION (ugA) / ---500---- TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (ugA) / / (ND) NOT DETECTED / ® MONITORING WELL / b, / n REINFORCED H910tETE ALA UTILITY POLE / # U04T POLE ❑ INLET O DRAINAGE MANHOLE If GRAPHIC SCALE w SS t]iANOUT / 60 0 30 60 0 120 D4 WATER VALVE JX FlRE HYDRANT \ ( IN FEET ) EMSTNC [RON PPE 0 SEWER MANHOLE \ LV M GAS VALVE llt�IA�d�Lel/'61R1� , 1000 PERIMETER PAKK OR. MORRRVILLE. NG 27540 (919) 447-2l271 TOTAL VOC ISOCONCENTRATION MAP FOR DEEP WELLS OCTOBER 22, 1999 SITE: W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY LOCATION: ' GREENSBORO. NC DESIGNED BY: DETAILED BY: CHECKED BY. DEE RHW DRAWING DATE: ACAO FILE: 12/9/99 7535TV1099D PROJECT NO.: NOTES: ; 107535 E FIG. 14 ® 1 MW-6 V N�C OW_1 fL BUILDING FORMER ny PCE AST LOCATION Z\ BUILDING <yY-o ` / 0 BUILDING GPWS-2 / 0 / `CPWS-4 p�M�17 —413.1 )\ �(6.8) -Y 9'� GP-3 \ t \ \ (g g) G 0=10,000— i ' Soo \oill'� (24.030) f P p�MENZ \ Eon` i+ GPWSS-1 ROB (2.5) GP-1 V FORMER GASOLINE <�O \ �5 RCp UST LOCATION 9p GP-2 9 _ (2.7) / s NOTES: \� HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY, NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH = 60 FEET, MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED -ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS, LTD.', DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON, INC. 4 ®27 BUILDING PAVE ® 2 u ASPHALT PAVEMENT L ND ® YpVITpi1NC WELL GEOPROBE SAMPLING LOCATION REWORCEO CONCRETE PPE `a+ uranr POLE 0 TEMPORARY GEOPROBE MONITORING WELL uar POLE ❑ wtFr — —500— — ISOCONCENTRATION CONTOUR (ug/L) (1) DRAINAGE MANHOLE 0 SS QEANOUT DG WATER VALVE GRAPHIC SCALE iX FIRE "mwwr 20 10 20 p 40 O E7USnNG u10Y PmE ® SEMEN MANHOLE ( IN FEET) aw � ws vavE VIOLS BUILDING EpGE Of BUILDING GS RD P� 15 RCP BLOCK WALL BUILDING �ps�P_15 BUILDING SVMp _6 E�- O cV P'7 O ( 0\,N-3 Lit) ® �w_3 GRAVEL P 12 (UNPAVED) SP— SVM � SAP —AA ® POLE ®SVMp'8 ®SVMp_3 ® SVMp _ 4 W ® SAP _9 VMp'10 �W W P AMEN LEGEND GRAPHIC SCALE to s 10 0 20 ® MONITORING WELL n REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IN FEET) `n+ UTILITY POLE UOIT POLE ❑ INLET ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE NOTES: 0 SS CLEANOUT HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD NCVD '29. VERTICAL DATUM IS 9. pd WATER VALVE -EL- ELECTRIC LINE THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. TX FIRE HYDRANT —W— WATER LINE MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH - 60 FEET. O EMSTINc IRON PIPE —G— GAS LINE MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED 'ALTA/ACSM LAND ® MANHOLE _ —T— TELEPHONE LINE TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS. LTD.". c D4 GAS VALVE —SS— SANITARY SEWER DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC. z. 4 II ®cwRo Zr9Amp . L LiSHHHrHHt7i.a6a� 000 PERIMETER PARK OR. NC 27560 (919) 497-2227 SOIL VAPOR YONITORINO POINT LOCATION MAP W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY GREENSBORO. NC SNED 91': DETAILED ITT: CHECKED B RHW IINO DATE: ACAD FILE: 9/27/99 7535PTEST ECT NO.: NOTES: 107535 FIG. 16 BUILDING EDGE 0 BUILDING BUILDING ' \ FORMER PCE AST LOCATION \ BUILDING 6 (8,893.85) 5'4 70 p1 � 5®(1 4806.25) MW-13 moo' ,�p•�� ��--- � 1 j �� ♦ O.i'� ♦ % j /� ' rypooppp. SVMp.2 ; 1 5 / / a yo• g �)� 1 (351153.35 1 11(8,042.65) S` p� (34.195.88) 1 / 1 1 1 SVMp �1®(3o.2ss.s5) 140 1 1 I ® pcM a i/gy 1 '0� #* ow.. 5�1p (12.605.35) ♦����__ -'oo�i 9 — (7,972.00) VMp -10 (10.801.13) MW-A ® 0W-2 0� GS �G P� �° i �15 RCP Y EDGE OF P i GRAPHIC SCALE ,0 5 ,o 0 20 ( IN FEET NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD '29. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH - 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY UNE FROM PLAN ENTITLED 'ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS, LTD.', DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC. f10 POLE ®R cooImm AMmdwof 7 loZrGmp .. 1000 PMMETER PARK OR LEGEND YORRWUr. NC 27SM (919) "7-ZM7 (286) TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION (mg/m3) SOUL VAPOR --10,000--TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION CONTOUR TOTAL VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS [VOCal is n „O,I Tw WELL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE DECEMBER 1998 AND JANUARY 1999 `n+ UTILITY POE LIGHT POLE SITE.W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY LOCATION: GREENSBORO, NC ❑ INLET ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE DE310NED ®1': oETA7LE0 ®T; RHW CHECKED B DG SS CLEANOUT WATER VALVE FIK HYDRANT ��7* i\ DRAPING DATE 3/2/99 ACAD FILE: 7535SVMP O EIDSTING IRON PIPE PRWECT No.: NOTES: ® sE1RER LUR/RaLE 107535 I I US VALVE FIG. 17 IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Group APPENDIX A BORING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION LOGS ITIIT CORPORATION A MeaDer or the IT GeoW I Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-1 Project W.P Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive: Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. 882.93 It. Total Hole Depth 153.3 It. Diameter B-516.0 in Top of Casing 882.45 It. water Level Initial Static COMMENTS. Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 20 It. Type/Size •010 in. >re# Dry on bizsisg Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 1231130 It. Type Galy. Steel/Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Mobile B-61, Drilitech Drill Co. Geolacic Exploration Method Rock Care/Air hammer Driller Mike MCConahey Log By R. Gass Date 10107199 Permit 0 Checked By Dale Eoner License No. 1175 a� well DE o ` a 0,o g to U; Description (D o Completion a a a U E s m �-' U) (Color. Texture, Structure) N m° x U) Trace < IM little IDS 10 2M Sore 202 to 352. And 352 to SOX _2 0 - 0-4' Reddish Brown Clayey SILT, some gravel, dry. 2 r <v r < r < r cv 4 r < v r1 < r < r < v 6 r <v r < r < r 35 4-B' 8 r r r cv r t0 v • Reddish brown to yellow SILT, trace clay, trace fine c v <r <r < v 35 9-11 quartz sand, soft. dry. 12 r r r r 14 v `r `r `r v `r Reddish brown Sandy SILT, quartz rich, mica rich, with 16 < v r <1 < I < v 74 14-iz36 relic foliation, soft, moist. (Saprolite) 18 <v r < I<I r r <v 20 r < v r < r < r < v 22 r <v r < r c r <v 2.0 19-2 1' 5,5,7 ,5 24 I- <V r I r I<V r ML 26 r < v r < r < r < v _ 24- 28 r <r r <r r `r r `r 30 Tan Sandy SILT, quartz rich, trace mica, soft, wet. ` v < < c v - 29-33,3,5,8 (Saprolite) 32 r r r r <v < < cv 34 r r r r 36 c v r < r < r < v r - 34-3B' 3,3,4,7 38 v `r `r `r v `r 40 v `r`r v 42 ` < < < V - 39-41' 44 r <`' r < r r <V 46 if, I <r r <r i r `r r `r 44 4,5,10.11 Tan to light olive green Silty quartz SAND, fine to coarse 48 < v < < < v grained, some mica, soft, wet. 50 r <V r r r <V _ 495 SM 52 r <v r < r < r <v 7,9,22,23 54 r <v r < r < r <v 56 r r r r - 54- B' ,2.fi,ls 1cliwiaaa wunncp-1wv* Page: 1 of 3 Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-1 Project w.P Ballard P/opertl/ Owner Sears Logistics Services Location Branchw00d 06M Greensboro, NC Prni Nn 107535 well OE p Z T m o o t� U; U)a Description Completion i as E ; a, ° 1n (Color, Texture, Structure) to 0 m is to CDj Trace < U. Little 10% to 201. Some 20% to 352. And 352 to 5ox 56 r <V r 1<� r r 58 60 r < v r < r < r < v - 59-gg1 SM 62 r <v r < r < r <v 3,4,7,15 r `r r `r r `r r `r 66 Dark olive brown SILT, mica rich, some quartz fragments, < v < < < v trace feldspar fragments, soft, wet. 68 r v r r r v 70 72 < r <r 11 �r <ry - 69-2�.4.13 ML 7 4 v `r `r r `1r r v `r- 76 `r `r `r `r . Auger refusal to 75'. Started drilling with air hammer. 78 <v r < 1r < rr <� r v •0 80 v <r v `r `r v `r 0.'o Dark green weathered Amphibolite, quartz and feldspar 82 < < < < v rich, soft to hard. 84 r < r r < r <� Q•o 86 r < r < r < r <� v 0 •0 88 < v <r <r < v , 0 90 r < v r < r < r < 92 r < r < r r <�.v v 94 r <v r < r < r <v '7 96 r r 98 <r � v r r <� r vPKR 100 `r v `r `r `r `r `r v `r. v `r •'o v 0' Bedrock, noticeably harder. 102 104 <� r r r <� r VIC p 0 106 < ` < < v 7 Soft zone. 108 r r r rIQ 110 r <r r <r 0 p 0 112 <v r <v r v' Q 'o 114 <� <� v • 116 r < V r < v 0,0 118 < v < v Competent bedrock. Dark green Amphibolite. 120 r <v r <v 122 r v r v 124 Rk oo Ream borehole to 123', set 6" galvanized surface casing. 126 128 12/15/1999 6lhmcp-ian95 Page: 2 of 3 Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-1 Project N.P BallardProPerty Owner Sears Logistics Services Location arancnwooaurive. vreensooro. NC Proi. No. 107535 a well oa O T o Lo, ai � Description m,r Completion a s n U o rn (Color, Texture, Structure) to N in x u. Trace < XM Lillie 10% to XX Sm MS to 3% And 35% 10 50% 128 130 Ream borehole to 132' with 6" air hammer. set up to rock 132- — core. 132 to 135.2' Grayish white to dark green AMPHIBOLITE, 134 = 50% plagoclase feldspar, 50% Amphibole (hornblende), 136 =_ minor pyrite inclusions. 135.2 to 138.9' Phyllicous GREENSTONE, calcite veins, minor 138 — feldspar, chlorite, and epidote. -140 _- 138.9' to 140.1' Amphibolite as above. - -142 — = ROB 140.1 to 153.3' Greenstone as above. -144 = well dry at installation -146 =_ -148 -150 _= - -152 -154 Bottom of Corehole at 153'. Set monitoring well at 150'. -156 -158 Core Run information: -160 Run#1 - 132' to 136' Recovery 4.0'. ROD = 75% -162 Run#2 - 136' to 140.1' Recovery 4.1. ROD = 83% -164 Run#3 - 140.1' to 143.3' Recovery 3.2', ROD = 100% -166 Run#4 - 143.3' to 148.3 Recovery 5.0', ROD = 100% -168 Run#5 - 148.3' to 153.3' Recovery 5.0', ROD = 100% -170 -172 -174 -176 -178 -180 -182 -184 -186 -188 -190 -192 •194 •196 -198 20 Izi10naea hthmcp-iane5 Page: 3 of 3 ITI IT CORPORATION i A Member of the !r 6rap i Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-2 I' Project M.P. SaNardProperty See Site Map Owner Sears Logistics Services For Boring Location Location Branchwood 01M Greensboro. NC Prof. No. 107535 Surface Elev. 88320 It. Total Hole Depth 115 It. Diameter 8.5/6.0 ire COMWNTS.- j Top of Casing 882.97 /t. pater Level Initial Static 13.I0 ft. L Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 20 tl. Type/Size •010 in Casing: Oia 612 in- Length 90195 It. Type Galy. Steel/Sch 40 PVC ( Fill Material 5WIca Sand Rig/Core Mobile B-61. Ordltech Drill Co. Geolock Exploration Method Rock Core/Air hammer Driller Mike MCConahey Log By R Gass Date 10112199 Permit f Checked By Da1e Eoner License No. 1175 a:: Well OE o T m c cQ h Description o" Completion a s a ll 00 e s m ao ..� v N (Color, Texture. Structure) Vi m° K o rn Trace < la Little = to 20k Soft ZOX to 3A And 3a 10 50t -2 0 Well BMW-2 is located in close proximity to BMW-L r `r r461, ` r ` r `r 4 r r Sprit -spoon samples were not collected during installation < v < <I < V of BMW-1. 6 $ r < v r r ` r r < r r < v r Well installed with air hammer 10 v11 `ry v `r `r v Refer to Well log for BMW-1 for lithologic information. 12 14 <� < < <V r r r r 18 r <V r I<� r r 20 r <V r < r < r le 22 r <V r I r I<V r 24 r <V r < r < r <V 26 r r r r 28 r <v r < r < r <V 30 °v < r < r < < v 32 r <V r < r < r < V 34 r r r r 36 < V r ` r r ` V r 38 v `r `r ` v `r 40 v `r `r r `rr v 42 <V r. <V 44 r <V r < r < r <V 46 r <V r r < r <V 48 r <VIf, r < r < r <V 50 rr <V< r r <V 52 rr <V r r <V 54 r < V r r < r < V 56 r r r r wl,w luau mn=p-WnaD Page: 1 of 2 i Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-2 Project NP Ballard Properly Owner Sears L0.0slics Services Location BranChwOod Olive. Greensboro. NC p.n; kin 107535 aw a) o well Completion of a n m o o G V V E a v ) ° to m x to ° �� U <n tn Description (Color. Texture. Structure) Trace < IOX. Lillie 10% to 2OX. Some 20% to 355. And 35% to SOS 56 r r r r <V <I I<V 58 60 r r r r <V 41 < I<V 62 r r r r <v < < <v 64 r ri r r �v < <v 66 r r r r [cr. 68 r r r `v < <,V 70 r r r r v v `r `r `1r `r 72 74 v v `r `r `r `r 76 ` � < < <� 78 r r r r � << <� 80 r r r r <v <v 82 r r r r <v < < <v 84 r r r r < <� 86 r r r r <� < <� 88 r r r r 90 r r Boring advance to 90'. 6" diam. outer casing set at 90'. 92 94 96 = 98 =_ 100 102 = 104 108 = 110 =_ 112 = 114 =_ 116 Internal boring advanced to 115'. Monitoring well set at 115' 118 120 122 124 126 128 12/15/1999lithmcp-ian95 Page: 2 of 2 IT CORPORATION i A MQaDer of the IT BrocV Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-3 Project M.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services 5ee Site Map Location SranchmOod Ol. Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 For Bormg Location Surface Elev. 862.261t. Total Hole Depth 1433 It. Diameter Enoft Top of Casing 86212 ft. Water Level Initial Static 4811t. COIMAEE'NM Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 20 It. Type/Size .010 in. Casing: Dia 612 A Length 1101123 lt. Type Gaiv. Sfeel/Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sdca Sand Rig/Core Mobile 8-6L Oiifffech Orin Co. Geologic Exploration Method Rock Core AY hammer Driller M*e MCConahey Log By P. &adlleyld-Gass Date 10105199 Pernpt Checked B 0a1e Eoner Y License No_ 1175 n well of 0 Z a �+ C m o ra h Description 0— Completion d a .. E = m o rn (Color, Texture. Structure) 2 M In m K r,J U, Trace < IM Tillie 0 10 2oX Sae M to ZX AM 35S to 5a _2 Q - 0-4' Concrete 2 c v <r <r v GM Gravel mixed with clay and silt (fill) 4 < y r < r v Brownish -red Clayey SILT 6 < v cr c < 0.2 4-8' 2,2,3,8 8 r r cr r c r 10 v `r `r `r v `r 12 v `r ` if `r v ` 0 9-11, 14 `v r `r `r r `r r Orange to yellow Clayey SILT, wet. 16 < < < c 0.2 14-18' r r r r 18 " < c V<� 20 r c v r c r c< r v 22 r <v P.r < c r 0.4 19-21' 2,2,3,3 24 r <y r r c cv r <v 26 r c v r < r < r < v 0.4 4- 3,ppgg 3,8,10 28 r <v r < r < r cv 30 < r < r < 1< r v 0.4 29-7,15,21 ML 32 r r r r cv < < cv 34 V <r �r V Yellowish brown Clayey SILT, wet, with relict foliation and 36 r r r r o.2 34 4 fractures with mineral staining. (Saprolitic) 38 vI `r `r `1r v `r 40 v `r `r `rr v `r 42 <v c < <v 0.4 39-41' 44 r <v r < r < r cv r r 1r r 46 < v < It I< v 0.2 44-4gg' 8,8,8,13 r r r r 48 <v c cV 50 r < " r r c r r < r r c v r 0.4 49-5g1' 52 cv < I <I cv 5,5,5,20 54 r <V r r < r <� 56 r r r r 0.4 54-5 ' 4.5,e,21 rJrJJ _ — --.a Page: 1 of 3 Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-3 Proiect M.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location Branchwood Drive. Greensboro, NC Prni Pin 107535 aw well 0E 0 T m o o L0 Ul Description o, Completion a a E s 01 1n (Color, Texture, StruCture) to N m K j Trace < IM Lillie IN to 202. Sore 202 to 35X And 35% 10 5N 56 r < r r 4 r 1 <V 58 60 r r r r 1< v 0.5 59-61 62 r <v r < r < r <v 8,8,13,16 ML 64 r <v r <I r <I r <v 66 r < v 1, < Ir <I r < v 620.50/5 Auger to 66'. Ream with air hammer to set casing. G 68 r r r r v �'.a 70 r <V r < r < r <V 57 7 2 r r r r p. ,a 7 4 v `r `r `r v `r 78 r <v r r < r <� �'.•a 80 r <r r `r r `r r ` r 0 a Dark green weatherd Amphibolite, quartz and feldspar 82 < v < c < v • rich, soft to hard. 84 <v <I < <V D.'v 86 r <V r r r <VOZ + 88 <� < < <V v 90 r <v r r r <V p.•a 92 < v r < r < < v v 0,v 94 r <v r < r < r <v v 96 r <V r r r <� 7 98 r r. if, r- D.•a - 100 v `r <r `r v `r 0 102 v `1r `r `r v `r 0 a 104 <v < < <v Q'.a 106 r ` v r "' r r < v Competent Bedrock. Dark green Amphibolite. 108 r <v r <v 110 r r Ream borehole to 110', set 6" galvanized surface casing. 114 116 Ream borehole to 115' with 6" air hammer, set up to rock p,O core. 118 120 122 124 =_ 128 _ 12M/1999 Gthmcp-ian95 Page: 2 of 3 Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-3 Project N.P Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location BranchNood Drive. Greensboro. NC orn; Kin 107535 a� Well 0 'Z ; 01 m o g V rQ yj � Description o., Completion -c a s E 3 w `0CX � N (Color, Texture, Structure) ° ¢ to ) m at 0 cn Trace < 105, Lillie IOt to tot. Sore 2OZ to 35%. And 35Z l0 5a 128 130 _= 132 = 115 to 118.3' Greenish white AMPHIBOLITE, 50% plagoclase 134 =_ feldspar, 50% Amphibole (hornblende), massive. 136 ;. w weathered fracture from 126.3' to 126.4', possible water = bearing zone. 138 = Greenstone, Massive. 140 =_ Greenish white AMPHIBOLITE as above, massive. 142 = Greenstone as above. 144 Bottom of Corehole at 143.3. Set monitoring well at 143'. 146 Core Run information: 148 Run/1 - 115'.to 118.3' Recovery 3.3', ROD = 100% 150 Runtl2 - 118.3' to 123.3' Recovery 5.0. ROD = 100% 152 Run#3 - 123.3' to 128.3' Recovery , ROD = 94% 154 Run#4 - 128.3' to 133.3' Recovery 5.0', ROD = 100% 156 Run#5 - 133.3' to 138.3' Recovery 4.7', ROD = 100% 158 Run#6 - 138.3' to 143.3' Recovery 5.0. ROD = 80% 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 20 wimnvuv ummcp-ianab Page: 3 of 3 ITIT CORPORATION A Hefter of the IT GroW Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-4 Project N-P. Ballard Pr=erty Owner Sears Loastics Services See Site AD Location Branchwood Drive. Greensboro. NC Prof. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. 860.08 It. Total Hole Depth 100 It. Diameter 8.516.0 A COKWNM Top of Casing 859.81It- water Level Initial Static 22451t. Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 20 It. Type/Size .010 in Spit -spoon sagptes not cwecrea Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 71180 It. Type Gale. Steel/Sch 40 PVC Fill Material 217ica Sand Rig/Core Mobile B-64 Orr4tech Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Rock Core/Air hammer Driller Mike MCConahey Log By R Gass Date 10105199 Permit Checked By License No. a� well on 0 1 a m c o ra Description o,- Completion a a E = m o� (Color, Texture, Structure) ® o o: N 2 x t7 ? Trace < WX Little In to IOz. Sae 209 to 355. k4 35S to 50S 0 Concrete 2 r Ic ler ;, CL Reddish saty Clay 4 r ` r r r Reddish -brown clayey Sat 6 r r r r 4.5-5.0' Quartz boulder (very clear quartz fragments in < v < < < v cuttings) g Brownish -red clayey Silt 10 12 r v `r r <r r <r r v `r 14 `V < <V 16 r < r < r < r < Orangy-red, moist clayey Silt 18 r <v r < r < r <v 20 r `r r <r r <r r <r Brown, wet, clayey Silt 22 <v < < cv 24 r < V r r < (I< < V 26 r <v r c I< r I<V r 28 r r r r 30 r <� r' < r < r <V ML 32 r <v r < r < r <v 34 r <v r < r < r- <v 36 r <v r < r r v 38 40 r v `r `r `r `v 42 `� Ic Ic r <� 44 r <� r < r < r <V 46 r <V r < I r < 1<V r 48 r <V r < I r < r <V 50 r < V r < r < r. < V 52 r r r r 54 <rV r r r <V 56 r r r r 1211511eas 6th co-iarm Page: 1 of 2 Bedrock Monitoring Point BMW-4 Project M.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location BranchwOod Drive, Greensboro, NC Prni Nn 107535 well of a,o `; r� H U Description 0 o Completion a n a E U s c°� a) Sao to (Color, Texture, Structure) N m x U) Trace < OX Lillie IN to 202. Some 20% to 35%. And 3U 10 5N 56 V, ° Auger refusal at 56' r r r r 58 <v v 60 r r < r r 0 ,'o 62 64 c y r < r < < � v 66 r <v <v 0 68 < < . ° 70- 72 '•:.'ti Borehole reamed to 71'. 6" diam, outer casing set at 71'. -74 7 6 ,r,<, •••• •7�e O.'v 78 7 80 _ Dark green weathered Amphibolite, quartz and feldspar 82 = rich, soft to hard. 84 = 86 88 go— 92 ..._- = R«. 94 96 =_ 98 100 Ream borehole to 100'. Set monitoring well at 100'. 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 12/15/1999 rithmcp-jan95 Page: 2 of 2 TTIIT CORPORATION Monitoring Point DW-13 (PMW-29) A Membff of the IT Group Project MP Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 Surface Elev. 861.52 ft. Total Hole Depth 76.5 ft. Diameter 8.5 in. Top of Casing 861.10 It. Water Level Initial Static 1191 ft. - Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 15 ft. Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 61 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Brian Thomas Log By R. Gass Date 09130199 Permit Checked By Dale FOE License No. 1175 aw C O �;, oa 0 T , , C a) o o to) bi rn Description m o" 3a a s n E c 0 aO �� in (Color, Texture, Structure) c U to in- atin Trace < 1OX, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50%' -2 -- (0-41 Asphalt 2 c Red -brown silty Clay with gravel 4 < < Tan SILT, trace fine sand, trace orange -brown mottling, soft, 6 < < 0 N-67 3.4.8,8 dry. 8 < < 10 12 c < 0 f9-I11 14 < ` < ` Tan to light olive brown SILT, some mica flakes, some dark brown 16 0 [A-�4,4,5,5 mottling, soft, moist to wet. 18 ` ` ML 20 < < Light olive brown Sandy SILT, some mica flakes, some fine quartz 22 ` __ '14,5,8,8 sand, soft, wet. 24 < < 26 < < -- 124- 815.8.10 28 < < 30 < _ 32 ,2,3,3 34 < < 36 t�-3�g� White Silty Quartz SAND, fine, stiff, moist. (Saprolite) < < 38 40 < < SM < tr _ - 1149.20.20 _42Ar 44 ` ` �r 46 ` ` 112i5,129,43 , Dark brown Sandy SILT, quartz rich, trace mica flakes, stiff, wet. 48 (Saprolite) 50 ` < __ nn le i0,20.32 ML 52 < 54 Olive brown SILT, some orange -brown mottling, trace quartz sand, 56 110,1�.24.28 trace mica flakes, stiff, wet. (Saprolite) Izr1*ri8uv Gtn)og-Mar,ss Page: 1 of 2 I IT CORPORATION A Member of the IT Group Monitoring Point DW-13 (PMW-29) Project W-P Ballard Property owner Sears Logistics Services Location Branchwood&ka Greensboro, NC Prni fdn 107535 Z :5;� 2i— C 3 a :1. t C 8 0 U; U Description cL M 0 E— 3C a e a. QL — E 3: 0 ED to (Color. Texture, Structure) 0 U M 0 M U) (0 at to U cn Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 56 - -58-. 60 - -16,39, 62- 50/.5 64 = Mt. (64 2 .50/3 68-'-1- -70 Encounter weathered bedrock and quartz fragments. 72-' 1 11.5044 74 VI.V.- 76 t4 PWR Auger refusal at 76.5'. Set monitoring well at 76'. -78- —so- 82- -84- -86- -88- -90- -92- -94- 96- -98- -100- -102- -104- -106- -108- -110- -112- -114- -116- - 118 - -120- -122- -124- -126- -128- 12/15/1999 1ithlog-Mar.99 Page: 2 of 2 ITIT CORPORATION A F1temDer of fhe IT Grocp Monitoring Point OW-14 (PMW-30) Project w.P. 8a/lard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services See Site Map Drive. Greensboro, NC Location Branchwood D Proj. N0. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Bev. 860.061f. Total Hole Depth 681t. Diameter 8.5 in COMMENT Top of Casing 859.85 !f. water Level Initial Static 22.52 ft. Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft. Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 54 It. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-I20 - Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Brian Thomas Log By R. Gass Date 10104199 Permit 0 Checked By Dale Eoner License No. 1275 Qw C ';O 0 0 � T ,••, C a, o m `-'�, ao N tlJ `0 U Description 01" o 0,- 3 a -a as a U u M o z U (Color, Texture, Structure) c In m x tm`oJ U Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20Z to 35%. And 35% to 50X -2 0 -- t0-41 Concrete 2 < c CL Red -brown silty Clay with gravel 4 < < Reddish brown Clayey SILT, some gravel, soft, dry. 6 < < 0 14-51 4,5,8.10 8 < 10 12 < < 0 19- 14 < < 16 < < 0 114-*1.3.3,4 18 < < 20 ` ` to Medium brown to tan Clayey SILT, trace to little quartz sand. soft, wet. 22 ` ` 24 < < 26 < < -- 124- 28 < < 30 _ - I29-3Q.4.5.8 ML 32 3 < < 34 < , < Tan to olive green Sandy Silt, quartz rich, soft, wet. (Saprolite) 36 17- 38 40 < < 42 ` ` 5.5,10.13 44 ` ` Tan to off white Saprolite, quartz rich, wet. stiff. 46 < it ` r -- (44-41 8.13,23,32 48 ` 50 l4e-11.50/.5 52 54 56 = -- 1"7;25128,27 12/15/1999 rthlog-Mar.99 Page: 1 of 2 ITIT CORPORATION Monitoring Point DW-14 (PMW-30) A Member of the IT Group Proiect M.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location BranchwOOd Dfive, Greensboro, NC prn; ki. 107535 .0 OE to 0 - U Description 0- 0 3C Q E CX CL CX CX L) E 3 0 to a -j U) (Color. Texture, Structure) 0 U M 0 M V) M be to U ty Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%.- Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -56- 513 - 60 � 1.50/.5 82 64 - ML 66 68 -70- Auger to 69'. Set monitoring well at 69'. 72- -74- -76- -78- -80- -82- -84- -86- -88- -go- -92- -94- -96- -98- -100- -102- -104- -106- -108- 110- 112 114 116 118 -120- -122- -124- -126- -128- lif/10fluvU lltraog-mar.99 Page: 2 of 2 ITIT CORPORATION A Member of the IT Group Monitoring Point DW-15 (PMW-31) Project N.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive. Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. 861.20 ft. Total Hole Depth 79 ft. Diameter 8.5 in COMMENTS Top of Casing 860.57 /t. pater Level Initial Static 24.91 ft. Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ff. Type/Size •010 in - Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 64 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Brian Thomas Log By R. Gass Date 10101199 Permit iF Checked By Dale Toner License No. 1175 aF C O OE 0 T .. c W a o U rw tl! N Description a,� 0'�, 3 E ..a o_ a Q () U 6 ; a0 a� in (Color, Texture, Structure) U N iii x in Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% _2 0 -- (0-416H Asphalt 2 < 4 Reddish brown Clayey SILT, soft, dry. < < 6 < < 0 I4-e7 s < < 10 12 C < 0 19-m 14 ` < ML 0 (M- 18 ` 20 Dark olive green SILT, organic rich, soft, moist. 22 < _- I�-m 2,2.3.7 24 < Light olive green Silty SAND, quartz rich, some olive brown 26 ` < t243,3.5,10 mottling, soft, wet. 28 < < 30 ` ` 3 sM 32 4.5.10 < 34 < < Medium brown Sandy SILT, quartz rich, trace mica flakes, soft, 36 l34-'%3,s.e wet. (Saprolite) < < 38 40 < < < <-�4,8,9,I7 42 44 ` 46 ` ` -- pp I1�-,8�8,11,13 ML 48 ` 50 __ p t19.13,17.22 52 < < 54 56 -- l-4t5.11.22 12/15/1999lithlog-Mar,99 Page: 1 of 2 ITIT CORPORATION Monitoring Point DW-15 (PMW-31) A Member of the IT Group Project X-P Ballard Pfoverly Owner Sears L ocistics Services Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC orni Mn 107535 S:! C C3 E 0 o 0 2 JC �A U Description (U— 0 CUR X CX E "a CL a U E 3 ao (Color. Texture, Structure) 0 U M 0 CC U) @ bt U W Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 56- -58 g -80- 21 14.50/.5 Weathered bedrock fragments encountered. 62 64 - 66 — 3 .50/.4 ML TO 72 74 - 76 78 - 80- Auger to 79'. Set monitoring well at 79'. -82- -84- -86- 88- -go- -92- -94- -96- -98- -100- -102- -104- -106- -108- -110- -112- 114- -116- -118- -120- -122- -124- -126- E 128- izimimus ramog-mar,99 Page: 2 of 2 ITIT CORPORATION GEOPROBE POINT GP-1 A Member of the 1T Grow Project MP Ballard Proyert r owner Sears [ooistics Services See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, AC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter tin. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static COMMENTS: Screen: Dia NA in. Length NA ft. Type/Size NA in. Casing: Dia NA in. Length NA 1t. Type NA Fill Material NA Rig/Core GeODrObe Drill Co. Geolooic Exvloration Method Driller Log By R. Gass Date 09129199 Permit f Checked By Dale Ewner License No. 1175 ' a; o" 0E a Cl p � a. C - 01 a� o g p U U c Q to m ae U :E a0 �J ui N U) Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20X to 35%. And 35% to 50X _2 0 2.0 lo-M Asphalt and gravel Reddish —brown, dry, stiff, clayey Silt 2 2.5 la-51 4 6 2.5 18--0 8 1.5 to -in Same as above, soft, saprolitic 10 ML 12 3.2 12-151 Same as above, moist 14 3.0 15-181 Same as above, wet 16 18 1.5 16-ml 20 22 24 Page: 1 of I IT CORPORATION GEOPROB P — ITTIANOW— ris— itcr E DINT GP 2 o Ww Project M.P Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location BranchNood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 lt• Diameter tin Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia NA in. Length NA /t. Type/Size NA in. Casing: Dia NA in. Length NA /t. Type NA Fill Material NA Rig/Core Geoprobe - Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Driller Log By R. Gass Date 09129199 Permit f Checked By Dale Eoner License No. 1175 I rP_ I ��� n o" of ag a C o o E s o to in- ¢ ) x U rQ -J y to U) Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 0.0 OW31 Asphalt and gravel Reddish -brown, dry, stiff, Silt with trace of clay 2 2.0 u-01 4 6 2.2 le-M Same as above. dry to slightly moist, soft 8 1.0 M-In t0 ML 12 5.0 02-a7 Same as above, moist. soft, saprolitic 14 5.0 (5-in Same as above, wet 16 18 2.0 (6-201 20 22 24 Iwiwiiaaa utruog-Mar,ee Page: 1 of 1 IT CORPORATION GEOPROBE POINT GP-3 A NenOw o/ the I7 Gro yv Project M.P. Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services Location BranChwOod Drive, Greensboro. NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 It. Diameter 2 in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia NA in. Length NA ft. Type/Size NA in. Casing: Dia NA in. Length NA It. Type NA Fill Material NA Rig/Core Ge0Qr0be Drill Co. Geologic Exploralion Method Driller Log By R. Gass Date 09/30/99 permit Checked By Oale Eoner License No. 1175. aF oaa, o a o o La �+ Description o,. a a a U V c a0 1 (Color, Texture, Structure) to iii betn cNi Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% O 1.8 M-31 Red -brown, dry, soft. clayey Silt and Gravel 2 3.8 13-87 GM 4 6 5.2 (8-91 Reddish -brown, dry, stiff, Silt with trace of clay 8 7.0 (9-In 10 12 17.o (12-81 Same as above, moist to wet ML 14 20.0 to -ref Same as above, wet 16 18 28.0 18-M 20 22 24 lcignaatr nirnog-Mar.vu Page: 1 of 1 I ; IT CORPORATION A Member of the iT Group GEOPROBE POINT GP-4 Proiect MP Ballard Property Owner Sears Logistics Services See Site Map Location BranchwoodOrive. Greensboro. NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter tin. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static COMMENTS.* Screen: Oia NA in. Length NA ft. Type/Size NA in. Casing: Dia NA in. Length NA ft. Type NA Fill Material NA Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Driller Log By R. Gass Date 09130199 Permit 0 Checked By Dale Egner License No. 1175 L^ OE 0! 'o ' LOJ Description O: p" ..a a s a V 0 E a 0)m� ap U N (Color, Texture, Structure) N m° K (n Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 7.0 tart Red -brown, dry, soft, clayey Silt and Gravel 2 GM 19 0-a7 Reddish -brown, dry, stiff, Silt with trace of clay 4 6 40 1a-89 8 150 1a-in 10 12 100 [p-b7 ML 14 140 16-61 Same as above, moist to wet 16 18 100 1e-2M Same as above, wet 20 22 24 191 W11000 119fLUY-AdF.V V Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-1 Proiect PIP BWard Property Owner M.P. BaWrd 6 Ca o/ Greensboro See Ste Map Location 270/ Branchwood Drive Greensboro NC For 80ri1g Location Surface Elev. Prof. No. 101535 Total Hole Depth J2 /t• _ Diameter 8.5 ire Top of Casing Water Level Initial C01'NTSc -- Static Screen: Oia 2 �. Length /0 /t. Type/Size •020 A Casing: Dia 2 gin- Length 2 /t- Type PVC Wr-�A0w not used Fill Material SAca Sand Rig/Core O"ed'ich D-120 Orin Co. ;ic Exp/WOO Method HOLLOM STEMAUGER Driller Checked By C Berfr Log By R.-Gass Date 1/6199 Permit >t License No. � 2 °n o � a h •• C O CpQ U Description a E d G �1 U a ; m m� (Color. Texture. Structure) in crn m x rn Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% U 2 4 23 6 = 8 10 = 35 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/=9 ilhl0g-Ju+e.96 CL Gravel Red -brown silty Clay Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-2 Proiect M.P. Ballard Properly Owner M.P. Bayard 6 Co. 01 Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro AC For 80609 Location Surface Elev. Proi. No. 107535 Total Hole Depth it. Diameter G5 in. Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static COMEW Screen: Dia 2 u►• Length /0 ft. T Type/Size •020 in Casing: Dia 22 A Length 2 ft. Type PVC s_ not users Fill Material Ssca Sand Rig/Core 'lch D-120 Drill Co. GeofooicErolorati0n Method HOLLOMSTEMAUGER Driller Checked By r- Bertz Log By R. Gass Date 96199 Pernrt rr License No. t_ C ° 3 Q a o a .. m U a a N Description ov E o E i m m o o° o u (Color. Texture. Structure) c� cn m x tn Trace < tO%. Little 1O% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%• And 35% to So% - 22 �{ �o GP Gravel Red -brown silty y Clay (soft) 4 55 5' 6 _— CL 8 = 10 = 92 lo• 12 = 14 16 18 1 20 22 24 03/15/1999 ilNog-June.96 i; Page: I of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-3 Project M.P BWard Proowty Owner MP. Ballard 6 Ca o/ GreensDoro Location 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro See Site flap For Surface Elev. NC Prof. No. 107535 Total Hole Depth 12 /t. Boring Location Top of Casing Diameter a5 A Water Level Initial Static COhPENTS� Screen: Oia 2 « Length 10 /t. Type/Size -020 A Casing: Oia 2 A Length 2 /t. Type PVC Fill Material ST,ca Sand Rig/Core 0ied)'kh 0-120 Drill Co. Geolo k oration Method HOLLOW STEM ALCER Origer Checked By 0 Benz Log By R Gass Date UB/w --- Permit f License No. .C� Description A-" (Color. Texture. Structure) Trace c 10X. Little 10% to 20X, Some 20X to 35X, And 35X to 50X - -2 J } 3 d-714,11,11,15 2 4 = 38 t5-174,S.B.t2 6 8 = 1 = 45 f0-7B.5.4.5 12 = - 14 - 16 - 18 -20 - 22 .24 03ASPOSS itNog-jurte.96 ML Gravel Red -brown silty Clay to clayey Silt (Stiff and Dry) Red -brown clayey Sat Red -brown clayey Silt with some fine sand Page: I of I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-4 Proiect M.P Ba4ard Pwwty Owner w.P. Barard 6GreensDao Location 2701 Branchwood Drive Gieens0oro See Site Map For Surface Elev. NC Total Hole Depth !? ft. Prof. No. b7535 Baring Location Top of Casing— . Diameter B5in. Water Level Initial __ Static w COM NTS: Screen: Oia 2 in. Length /0 It. Type/Size •020 in Casing: Oia 2 �• Length 2 ft. Type PVC sir -moor, nor usao Fill Material SATca Sand Rig/Core ;h D-l20 Orin Co. Geolooic oration Method hULLOM STEMAUGER Driller Checked By C Bertr Log By R. Gass Date O/99 Permit e License No. •• :Ccej ` as °n ° a C m a o v ao .; a Description —A o as u 0 o mJ ° rn ° (Color, Texture, Structure) 1n m x ta Trace < 10%. Little tOX to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50X 2 0 Do p GP Gravel •� 2 Red -brown clayey Silt (soft) - Strong odor 4 20 s• 6 = CL 8 = 10 = e5 10• 12 = - 14 - 16 - 18 -20 - 22 -24 03/15/=9 itNog-,1une,9e Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-5 Proiect XP BaifaraProperttr owner W-P BaWard B Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701&aachwood Orive Greensboro NC For Baring Location Surface Elev. Proi. No. 107535 Total Hole Depth 12 fL Diameter a5kL Tap of Casing water Level Initial Static COMENTS Screen: Oia 2 in. Length JO It. Type/Size .020 A Casing: Oia 2 in Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Sfica Sand OiedriCh D-1I0 Rig/CoreMOLLOM Orin Co. Geolooic Exploration Method STEMAUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Datey6199 Perrrot Checked By C Bertr license _— No. �v c �n o n U Descriptiona 3n O o N UU (Color, Texture, Structure)O to m xw Trace c 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35X, And 35X to 50% - -2 N 2 n-n 5,tO,17,24 — 4 = 88 R-n 6 = 8 10 = 105 12 —' 14 16 18 1 � • 20 22 24 03/15/t899 ithlog-,1une.98 0 Gravel Red -brown clayey Silt (Stiff and Dry) Red -brown clayey Silt - Strong odor Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SUMP-g Project M.P. Ballard Provenly p�n� W.P. Balard 6 Co. of Greensboro See Site 1 Location 2701 BranchMood Drive Greensboro NC For Boring Location Surface Elev. ap Prof. No. 1b7535 Total Hole Depth ►211. Diameter GSin. Top of Casing __ Hater Level Initial COKWNr Screen: Oia 2 in. Static Length 10 Il. Type/Size •020 in, Casing: Oia 2 in. Length 2 1t. T PVC stir -VOW not used Fill Material S&ca Sand Type Rig/Core h 0-120 Drill Co. Se olo tic Erdaralion Method HOLLOW STEVA -R Driller Log By R Gass Date //7/99 Checked By C Berti Permit License No. N-2 o 0 � aC U a �" °a m° a -C Description 3a aQ a V .0 a0 cn c a o ¢ U (Color. Texture, Structure) c� rn m x Trace c f0%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0cc) GP Gravel 22' CL Red -brown silty Clay with some gravel 4 = se. 5' Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 6 = ML 8 = 10 = 151 10• 12 = ,. 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/=g 1thjOg_j+ne,ge Page: 1 of I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-7 Project t+!P BatiardPioperty __ Owner IdI? Bakx06 Co o! Greensbero See Site Map Location 270J Branchwood Qryye Greensboro Surface Elev. AC For Baring Location Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Prof. No. 1t71535 Top of CasingDiameter fl5ri. water Level Initial Static CENTS: -. Screen: Oia 2 A Casing: Oia 2 A Length 10 ft. •020 in — Fill Material S.Tca Sand Length 2 ft. Type TYpe PVC Drill Co. Geofo WC Oration Rig/Core Died'i "h D-120 Method HOLLOW SFA R Driller Checked By C BertZ Log By R. Gass Date f/T/t�.9 Permit a License No. rE Description M1111 (Color. Texture. Structure) Trace < 10X. ":11 Little to% to 20X. Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% Gravel Red -brown clayey Sat L 14 - 16 -18 -20 - 22 -24 03/15/moo 10dog-,JUM.96 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-8 Proiect M.P. Bapard Prooerl r Owner M.P. Ballard 6 Co• of Greensboro See Site lap Location 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro AC 107535 Proj. No. For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 /t. Diameter 8.5i1'• Top of Casing Hater Level Initial Static CONPEW Screen: Dia 2 in. Casing: Oia 2 in. Length 10 It. Tpe/Size •020 Length 2 It. g Soft -wow not used Fill Material Silica Sand Type PVC Rig/Core Oiiedri lr D-120 Orin Co. GeoloGic ErD/ora"On Method HOLLOW STE F AUBER Driller Log By R. Gass Datey7�� Permit 0 Checked By C Bertz License No. �= �a n u as Description as c a n o ¢ o rn cn (Color. Texture. Structure) _ _2 N is x in Trace < IOX. Little 10X to 20%. Some 20% to 352. And 35X to 50X L 2 4 Is 6 = 8 = 10 = 39 12 -' F. 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1099 11niog-j".96 ML Gravel Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) Page: I of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP—g Project N.P. B Ward Prooert v Owner N.P. Ba Wd G Ca at Greensboro See Site Nap Location 2701 Branchrvcod Drive Greensboro For Surface Elev. NC Prof. No. b7535 Bourg Location Total Hole Depth !2 != Top of Casing Diameter d5il Water Level Initial COAaE'NTS• Static Screen: Oia 2 in Length 10 1t. Type/Size .020 A Casing: Dia 2 A Length 2 tt. �r-iooW no axe Type PVC- Fill Material Sica Sand Rig/Core Dredrkh D-120 Drill Co. Geolooic Erdwaticn Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ori9er Checked By C t3ertr Log By R Gass Date 97199 Permit License No. a � `o a� m ° E m G t Description ° as 0 as n u 0 c Q o� u (Color, Texture. Structure) U to is >K W Trace < 1OX. Little 10X to 20%. Some 201% to 35%. And 35X to - -2 0 00 6P Gravel Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, dry) 2 4 e.s 5• 6 = ML 8 = 10 = 10 10, 12 14 16 18 20 1� 22 24 03/1S/1999 j1hiog-June.96 �� Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-10 Proiec t NP B Uwa yowl, Owner M.P Ballard 6 Co. o/ Greensboro Location 2701 Branchwood Orive Greensboro See Site Map Surface Elev. --� Total Hole Depth t1lC Prof. No. I07535 12 ft. Far Bourg LoCalion Top of Casing Water Level Initial Diameter ASiR COnt�E'NTS� Screen: Dia 2 AStatic Length 101t. Type/Size ix Casing: pia 2 A Length 2 ft. •020 Type PVC $ir_spoow aw USW Fill Material S�Ca Sand Rig/Core 1h 0-120 Drill Co. Geoloo is Ern/oraN on Method hQLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Checked By C Berfz Log By R. Cass Date 1/7�98 Permit e License No. W= c as an � a n U � ao U Description U to o ¢ is -j 0 N u (Color, Texture. Structure) Trace c 10%. x U3 Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to --2 A 2 4 = too 6 = 8 = 10 = ls5 12 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 22 -24 09/15/Ing Ithlog-june.96 ML Gravel Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-11 Project MP Ballard Prooerly Owner NAB kWd 6 Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branch wood Drive Greensboro NC For Boring Location Surface Elev. Prof. No. �7535 Total Hale Depth 12 fl. Diameter 85 n Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static COMENT& Screen: Dia 2 at• Length 10 /1. Type/Size .020 iR Casing: Dia 2't _ Length 2 /1. Type PVC SAN_SPOW 1101 used Fill Material SJFCa ;and ieolr�cf► Die Rig/Core D-J20 DriO Co. Gedo�C ErDloralion Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Checked By D Bertz Log By R. Gass Datey7 99 Permit a License No. C 0 g� as °a O r C y n U no a o 0 as IQ x m coJ or.Description ure U UI is N Trace < IOX. Little O(Col% to 20XtSome 20% tor35%. And-35X to - -2 0 2 4 = 310 6 = 8 = 10 — 370 12 - 14 16 ii 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 itNCg-June.9e I l ML Gravel Red -brown clayey Sat with some gravel Red -brown clayey Sat (soft, moist) Page: I of I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-12 Proiect WA B Wwd Pro4wl, Owner M.P Bayard 6 co. of &eensbao See Site Map Location 2701 Branchw00d Orive Gfeensboro " Surface Elev. For Boring Location NC 107535 Prof. No. Top of Casing Total Hole Depth 1211. Diameter a5A Water Level Initial C~NTS Screen: Dia 2 AStatic Length 10 ft. Type/Size .020 A Casing: Dia 2 A Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material SAca ;and Rig/Core Ok*dl'iCh D-120 Drill Co. Geotooic oration Method HOLLOM STEM ALDER Driller Checked By G Behr Log By R. Gass Date 7 99 Permit License No. c G-� m� 3a �a a C m �J 0 a no � Description an o o ¢ c�J cNi (Color, Texture, Structure) c� rn m x Trace < 10X, Little lot to 20X. Some 20X to 35X, And 35% to 50X —2 0 { �{ �o cip Gravel 2 Red -brown silty Clay (soft. moist) - Strong odor 4 = ,ot ts-n 6 = CL 8 = 1 = 386 Win 12 = 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/ioss iuuog-june,ge Page: I of i EA Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-1 Project WA Board Property Owner Greensboro 05IfftliM Grog L L C See Site Map Location Brarlchwood Q►ive Greensboro NC Prof. No. b705 Fa Bang Location Surface Elev. __ Total Hole Oepth 35 ft. Diameter 8.5;n Top of Casing _ water Level Initial Static COf++rr'ENT& Screen: Oia 2 A Length 10 ft. Type/ Casing: Oia 2 A Length 25 If. Type .OAO AC Fin Material Sxa Sand Ype Rifl/Core Oiit?+&iit:h O-I20 Drip Co. Ge&cGfc E:ralaation Method HOELONVEMALVER Driller Log By R Gass Checked By G Bertz Date �1� -`� Permit if License No. p O IMN ._ —? 2o a m o `a Description 0 E E = �� N C o cU(Color. Texture. Structure) U rn m to Trace < tOX. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50X -2 _ 0 _2 ` < < < CL -4 < < _ 6 < < o 5-M 3.4.5 .8 •10 < < o� 3.3.3 12 < 14 < < 16 < < 0 Ib-1d573.3.3 18 20 < 0.5.6 ML 22 ,24 28 0 = 28 = 30 = - o ao- 32 34 = 36 — . o ns-z.2.7 Asphalt Red -brown suy Clay with gravel Red -brown clayey Sat (soft. dry) Brown Silt with trace clay (soft. moist) Yellow -brown Silt. trace clay with some red -brown mottling (soft. wet) 03/15/1999 ithloy-June,ge Page: t of 1 Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-2 Proiect W.P. Banard Property Owner G1eens0or0 QVstrib►tion Grom LLC See Site MV Location Branchwood Drire Greens0oro NC Prof. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 371t. Diameter 6L5A Top of Casing water Level Initial COMA�NTS Screen: Oia 2 Static Length /0 ft. Type/Size •0p A Casing: Dia 2 A _ Length 25 It. T PVC Type Fill Material Si6Ca Sand Pig/Core Diie&ich D-120 Orin Co. Geolook Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1�11/99 Permit f Checked By C Bertz License No. C C) a e t 2 6 r. ? ; V mV 3a oa n ao Description o c a s m c a �� cNi (Color, Texture. Structure) U N m a QN Trace < 10X, Little 10% to 20X, Some 20% to 35% A d 3 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 c �< < v < < o IIts-m v J 'Cl < < < < Q 0 = o 0 110-t27 12s-2n 3.3.8,) UO-3n US-3n N 1 11FINIUMN n s% to sox Asphalt Red -brown silty Clay with concrete debris and gravel Red -brown clayey Silt with trace fine gravel (soft. dry) Red -brown clayey Silt (moist to wet) "L II Brown clayey —Sift (soft, wet) Brown Silt with trace clay (soft, wet) Brown to tight orange brown Silt with trace clay (very soft, wet) Same as above with thin 1-2 mm thick bands throughout sample (wet) 03/15/ 1999 11 MQ-Jwe,98 Page: 1 of 1 --7 Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-1 Proiect w.P SaWd Property Owner Greensboro Distr'bubon Group LLC See Site Map Location Branchwood Ol Greensboro NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 85 ft. Diameter 8.5155 iR Top of CasingCOUNTS: Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 15 ft. T ype/Size •010 in. Casing: Oia 8/2 in. Length 45150 ft. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material SATca Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic Ere/aation Method Ai► bVMW Driller Log By _P. Crowley Date 1114199 Permit 0 Checked By C Bertz License No. c p � a a t 2 "' C m V h a;= oQ to o o rQ ao Description 0 3: c a s E c to (Color, Texture, Structure) U N m x 0 Trace < IOX, Little IOX to 20X. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50% 0 2 0 0-2' Asphalt and gravel at surface Red, brown. trace gray SILT, ` ` clayey trace feldspathic fragments. moist 4 _ 6 < < 5 5-7' Mottled red and brown. trace gray and off white. SILT, clayey, _ 8 moist to wet _ — 10 < < - 12 < 22 0-7 Mottled red, orange and brown trace black _ (hornblend/weathered) saprolitic texture. SILT, very clayey, moist — 14 < 36 is Same as above - 18 - 20 22 < ` < 0 2r Predominantly orangish brown, some red. SILT, very clayey, moist - to wet - 24 < - 26 r 29 2s-2r Light brown, trace light gray. SILT, clayey, moist to wet - 28 ` - 30 - 32 < 15 30--3r Mottled off white to light brown. SILT, clayey, abundant < "� weathered feldspar fragments, moist to wet - 34 r 31 3s-3r Mottled fight brown, off white with occassional red and black, SILT - 38 ` ` clayey to very clayey, weathered hornblend. moist to wet - 40 < 1a Same as above - 42 -44 - 46 :'f 20 4s-4r Predominantly off white with light brown to brown. SILT, wet, - 48 feldspar fragments were weathered - 5 1.2 4lS-5w 5.7.8 Brown Silt with trace clay (stiff, wet) - 52 - 5 4 = 1.1 s3s-�• - 56 - 14.14•15 58 =_ - 60 = 0 �30 0/.4 Brown to tight orange Saprolite (hard) .62 - Used rotary drill to advance 60-65 feet 03/18/1999 tithlog-AM.Sa Page: I of I Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-2 Project M.P. Ballard Pro tv Owner Greensboro Oistrbution Grog LLC See Site Map Location Branchwood ne ve Greensboro NC Prof. No. f0/535 _ For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 80 ft. Oiameter 8.5/5.5 a Top of Casing water Level Initial COfNTS Screen: Oia 2 in. Static Length f0 ft. Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Oia 6/2 in. Length 45/50 ft. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core 06H Co. Geologic E.rnforation Method Air hammer Driller Log By _A Cro dey Date 11J4-15199 permit 0 Checked By G Bertz License No. ILO = m�oa °' o' Description Uo` 3o o o Q (Color, Texture, Structure) U u) m >K Trace < 10%, Little 10X to 20X, Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to 50X 11 —2 0 2 0 0-2' Asphalt and gravel (41 Red, SILT, clayey. trace off white feldspar fragments. weathered, 4 < < sightly moist to moist 6 < < NA 5-7• Red to brown, SILT, clayey to very clayey (not enough sample to 81 scan with PIO) 10 12 < 0 lo-tz Brownish -red. SILT, clayey, moist to wet 14 < < 16 18 c c 0 e'°' Red, brown, orange, occassional gray. trace black, SILT, clayey, saprolitic texture, occassional < c black hornblend (weathered), moist to wet 20 22 ` < 0 20"tt Same as above 24 < < 26 ` ` 0 n'n' Light brown, gray, occassional off white, SILT, micaceous 28 weathered feldspar and hornblend, wet 30 32 < r ` ` < 0 *-3. ML Mottled light brown, brown to off white. SILT, clayey, trace sand, 34 saprolite. wet 36 < < 0 35-3r Mottled, light brown, off white, grayish green. SILT, clayey, 38 < < saprolotic, feldspar (weathered) mica, (soil was very firin, hard to 40 < c get out of tube, hard to push), moist to wet 42 0 40-47 Light brown, some light gray to off white. SILT, dense (hard to push), wet at bottom 44 of tube, clayey, trace black hornblend 46 "'' 0 4s-4r Mottled brown, light brown, gray, white, SILT, clayey, 48 micaceous, saprolite (foliation n still a ( atio still evident), dense, moist 50 52 = 54 56 =_ 58 = 60 = 62 64 66 68 03/18/isso RhWg-June,88 Page: 1 of 1 Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-3 Project W.P. Ballard Properly Owner Greensboro Mi butian Gros, LLC Location Branchwood Q ive Greensboro NC Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 57 ll. Prof. No. 107535 Diameter B5/5.5k, Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 ft. Type/O Casing: Oia 612 i7 Length 40147 it. TSzeChad 40 P Type PVC Fill Material S&ca Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Gefto'c Exploration Method Air hammer Driller Log By R. Gass Date V 14199 Pernnt Checked By C- Bertr License No. t -•. p 1 �• r C m U ai O! See Site lip For Boring Location COMtENM n� wen oa m o a cQ Description Compietion a a E = m M --o+ on (Color. Texture. Structure) 00 to m k � U Tray < 1A litlb IDS to 20S. Some 2= lop 35X. And 35S to 59X 7-2 -0 -2 -4 _6 -8 -10 - 12 -14 -16 18 •20 .22 .24 •26 .28 30 32 34 36• 38• 40• 42- 44- 46- 48- 50 - 52 - 54 - 56 - 58 - 60 - 62 - r cV r < r le r <V r le V, r < r < r <V r <V r < r < r <V r < V r < r < r < V r <� r < r < r• <� r ,C r r < r• < V <V < c <V c V < c c V r <V r < r < r= <V r IV r < r < r? < V r < V r < r < r' < V < V < < Ic < V < c < V1 <� < < <� <� < <� �r < V..... r r r < " ML Brown Slit B 03/15/=9 ithmp-imgS Page: 1 of 1 Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-4 Project MP Baaard Prooertr Owner Greensboro LfStrlbution Group LLC See Site map Location Branchlwood Olive Greensboro NC Prof. No. 101535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth G4 It. Diameter 85/5.54 Top of Casing water Level Initial COJIUtENT Screen: Do A Static Length 15It. Type/Size .0/0 Casing: Dial 612 in. �0� u1� 0-45 reer spar spoon 9� length 4I/49 It. Type Sched 40 PVC used is-QS /e+ee Fill Material SiTrca Sand Rig/Core Orin Co. GeO100iC Exploration Method Auoer/Air hammer Griner Log By R Gass Date V12-13199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. o a n� well oQ 0,o o CQ U Description Completion a s E = m CL 0 fA (Color, Texture, Structure) N 7 m x N Trace < 11A tittle 113 to 2M Sfine 20= to 3sx Am va ie Q* - -2 -0 _2 -4 -6 _8 -10 .12 . 14 16 18 •20 22 •24 .26 •28 .30 32 34 36, 38. 40• 42- 44- 46- 48- 50 - 52 - 54 - 56 - 58 - 60 - 62 - 64 - 66 - 0 0-z' r r r r < V < < < V r r r r r r r r <V < <� r r r r < Y < < 0 10-12' r r r r <V < c <V r r r 1r < v < < < V, 1.0 15-17' r r r r r r r r < < < < 1.8 0-22' <V I< <� < < < < 0 25-27' rr r r r- <V < 1< <V �r r r r < V< < < t 30-32' It < < c < v 2.6 VV�''`'V [5-37' 14 0-42' 9.7 1.7 45-47' 48.5-50' 10.12.25 = _— 0 53.S-55' — 9.28.28 = 0 58.5-60, = 34.50/.5 101 Concrete Brown Silt with some fine sand and trace fine gravel (dry) Brown Silt (soft, dry) Brown Silt with fine mica flakes, trace clay (soft, dry) Same as above, no clay Brown Silt with fine mica flakes (soft. moist) Same as above with trace clay Same as above with lesser amounts of mica (wet) Brown to orange -brown Silt, no mica (soft, wet) Brown Silt (soft to medium stiffness, wet) - Trace black mineral lenses <1 mm thick Brown to tan Saprolite (stiff to very stiff, wet) - Mica rich Brown to light orange -brown Saprolite with thin <1 mm black mineral lenses throughout (very dense) 03/15/1909 fithmp-ian95 Page: 1 of 1 Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section 2.0. 3ox 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) .33-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Y. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH Road , Communit From To y, or Sub lvlslon an Lot NO.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED B-25-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 4. FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT use — is Above :cp of casiaq; TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* raa=q Terminated at/or below Eand surface is illegal unless a -&=lance :s issued in accordance rit:h 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A .0. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A _1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A _2. CASING: Nall Thickness =e9-~ .iamet__ or Weight/Ft. Mat-_ia: .r:.... 0.0 _ ��.: ._. 4 :14CH SCH 40 PVC 3. GROGT Dept-& .rim 0.0 To 45.0 From To 4. SCREEN: Material Metacd Ft. PCRT:IND BENTONI:'S S:.QRRY Ft. Oeoth Diameter Slot Size ".later ial From 49.0 To 64.0 ._. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To ._. in. in. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL ?ACK: Depth Si:e Material From4'.0 .o i4.3 Ft. ::o FINE S:L.CA SAND Frcm To Ft. t) . REMARKS: EW-1 GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0• 10.01 AEC CLAYEY SILT 1o.D 65.0' ?AN SILT'. CLAY .` additional_ space is needed use back o: !ora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show directicn and distance - om at !east txo Sta_e Roads, or othe :Dap reference oeints.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 47.0 FE__ LAL04cj�' 1 1% I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CCNSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Sri-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of _nv:ronmencal Management and copy to •e:: owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 77 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: ow sketch of the -location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD 'DEPTH DRiLLINU LUG From To Formation Description Road, Community, or S lvlslorl ar. Lot No. ) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179_ City or Town, State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 2T.-T FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES 1XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use -f Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* Easing Te=+hated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a ariance :.s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0119 - YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 0. WATER ZONES p h): N/A _1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 2. CASING: Wall Thickness _epth Diame_er or Weight/Ft. Materia: 5.0 Ft. 4 :NCH SCH 40 PVC m... __. 3. GROUT: Deoth .Material Method From 0.0 To 1.5 Ft. PORTLAND 3ENTONITE SLURRY TJ Ft. 4. SCREEN: Depth Diameter S:ot Size Material =rom 5.0 Tc 25.0 Ft. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC 'rom To in. in. From To Ft. in. in. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Dept.`. S:_e Material Frcm 3.3 Io Z5.0 Ft. 12-20 FINE SILICA SAND From Io Ft. 0.01 25.01 RED CLAYEY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) PfVe, tip. 16. REMARKS: EW-2 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Ate, '�ru q-u- R?- JW - i REV. 9 / 9 '_ Submit original to Di9_sLon of 7-nvL:onmenta: Management and copy to veil 0.ner. Division of =nvironmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Sox 29535 - Ra'ei h, Y.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -)RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 11 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REG.LSTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD 'DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To .ormation ;escription Road, Community, or Sub -vision and Lot No.) Z. OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or own State Zip Co e- DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY 1. TOTAL DEPTH Z777 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use __f Above Top of Casing) _. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' •Casing To—inated at/o= below land surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 �. YIELD (9Fm)• N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A _J. WATER ZONES (death): N/A :1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A _?. CASING: Wall Thickness lept Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material rom To 30.0 Tt. . :NCH SCH 40 PVC From To -t• From Tc =3. GROUT: Depth Material Method =ram 0.0 To 46.0 Ft. PORTLAND 3ENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Death Diameter Slot Size Material ram 50.0 To 65.0 Ft. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC ?ram To _-. in. in. in. in. 1-3. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Hacerial ?rom 48.3 Lc 55.3 t. '-20 a-^:.W- S:L:CA SAND rom "'a Ft. 16 REMARKS: EW-3 0.0' 30.0' RED SANDY SILT 30.0' 65.0' TAN CLAYEY SILT additional space is needed use back of fors LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at _east two Sta:e Roads, or ot:e Mao re'erence points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 46.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. W — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Divisioc of 3nvironmenta- Yanagesent and :epy to we__ owner. Division of En•4rcnmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Sox 29535 - Ralei 1, N.C. 27626-1535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD _LILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the iocation below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD .oad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 2S—.T —FEET CUTTINGS COLLECT XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use if Above 'op o: Cas_ag) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* asiaq Tee A ted at or below oad surface is illegal unless a =fiance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC ZC .0118 YIELD (qpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (�pth): N/A __. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A __. CASTING: Wall Thickness 7ec=^ Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material ____ :.J To 5.0 -_. 4 _NCH SCH 40 3VC 71 CROUT: Death Material Method rom 0.0 To 1.5 Ft. PORTLAND 3ENTONITS SLURRY -=m To Ft. 1. SCREEN: Death Diameter Slot Size Material .Ica 5.0 To 25.0 .t. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From in. in. _L. SAND GRAVEL PA K: To - Depth Size Material Ftcm 3.3 To 25.3 Ft. "2-20 F_9E S:L:U SAND From To Ft. _ REMARKS: EW- 4 —DEPTH URILLING LUG Fr ce To Formation Description 0.0' 25.0' NED SANDY SILTT CLAY _= additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at '_east two State Roads, or othe mao reference points.) ("'Wu-jm" �k • C�JGLe. � rood BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND -THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HA BEEN PROVIDED TO THE 'ATELL OWNER. J&14) q-Z = 4 — 1 REV. 9 / 9 i Submit ortgzaal to Diva con of 3nvcror=en=a: Manageaent and =cpy to well :w*.er. Divi3lOn of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, Y.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL -LOCATION: (Show sketch of -the ocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH UKiLLINU LUG -Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot NoFrom To Formation Description .} OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Co e - DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECT XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (use '+• if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* :asinq Terminated at/or below and surface is illegal el� unless a i issued in accordance With liA NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount —N/A -2. CASING: Wall Thickness Copt '.iameter or Weight/Ft. Mazeriial From 0.0 To 5C.3 . 2 :NCH SCi 40 ?7C To Tt Depth Material Method =om 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. ?CRT:AND 3ENTONI7-z SLURRY From :. SCREEN: To Ft. Deoth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 65.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC =om To _. in. in. in. in. -3. SAND GRAVTL PACK: Dept1 Size Material From 48.0 .o i5.0 Ft. '-20 F-VE S:L:G1 SAND From Ta Ft. - 4. REMARKS: PT-1D 0.0E io.0' RED CLAY 10.0E 25.0E ORAL*-- SILTT CLAY 25.0E 65.0E TAN SILT .f additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance =r = at least two State Roads, or othe map re-'ererce points.) Sc�G BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD S BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. &Z" 14 _ REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Civis.on of Environmental Mana ement and c c 4 PY to el: ovrer. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Ralei h, N.C. 2:626-0535 Phone (9191 133-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -)RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the ocation below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179,-_ City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH TS.�FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTEDS 1XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: E'F (Dse if Above Top of casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 t. Above wand Surface* 'Casing Te�inAted at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a rariance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 _. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES ((-Ee—ptYl) : N /A _1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Tllckness 2ec=h 74ameter or Weight/Ft. Hateria: _om 0.o To 50.0 2 _NCH 5CH 40 PVC rim Tc ?rorc Tc 3. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To 45.0 From To '_ 4 . SCREEN: Material Method Ft. PORTLAND 3ZNT0NZTE SLURRY Ft. Depth Diameter Slot Sire Material From 50.0 To 65.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC .rom To Ft. in. in. From To in. in. =3. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Dept.`. Size Material From 48.3 ^a 65.3 Ft. 12-20 FINE S:L:CA SAND From 'o Ft. o'. REMARKS: PT-21D -DEPTH URILLING LUG— Fzom To Formation Descriptioa 0.0' 15.0' ORAUG9 CLAY 15.0' 20.0' R[D BROOM CLAY 20.0' 65.0' TAM BR W SILTT CLAY .' additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two S=az:= Roads, or othe mac reference points.) Ci BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. xd*— `-�� '-ZW REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of 3ay.rcnnenta: Manageaent and _spy to .e_: owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groandvater Section P.O. aox 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD )RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) From To Formation Description ?. OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip o e �. DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES XI NO I I OCES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LZ-1EL Below Top of Casing:-- FT (Use '*' is Above top of Casing; TOP CF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* Cas=q Te*+e;n-ted at/or below Eand surface is illegal unless a rariance ;.s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 3. WATER ZONES (Tepth): N/A :1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A —Amount N/A =2. CASING: Wall Thickness 'e7t:: Diameter or weight/Ft. .later ia:. '_cm 0.0 Tc 5C.3 t. 2 L?iCH SCH 40 PVC 3. GROUT- Deptz Material Method From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. PORTLAND 3HN1. M_ SLURRY F=om To Ft. -4. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 65.0 -. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. in. in. 3. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Site Material From 48.3 .0 65.3 Ft. 12-20 F-_NE SILICA SAND From 70 Ft. :o" REMARKS: PT-3D 0.0 20.0• RED CLAY 20.3' 30.0' RED HRONK CLAY 30.0' 65.0' TAN SILTY CLAY If additional space is needed n.7e back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe mao reference points.) "Ila �Udi�J BENTONITE SEAL FROM 43.0 TO 48.0 FEET I CO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 13A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD F S BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SW-1 REV. 9/91 Subm:c o:c;:^a. to 017_r-an ?nvcrormenta! 4aaay-e=ent and =cpy to +e:! 0vner. ^i•r_slon of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Sox 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH ROdC, COmmunity, Or S lvislon an Lot No. ) From To Foray"°° Deseri OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip o e - �. DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use* if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface - Casing '1'ex=imated at/or rand or asurface is ill egal unless a ari.ance _s issued is accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 -, YTELD (yen,: N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth) : N/A - pc ion 0.0' 20.0' RED SANDY CLAYEY SILT 20.0E 65.0' TAW CLAYST SILT ' . CHLORINATION • Type N/A Amount N A If additional space is needed use back of fora -2. CASING: :e?th Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. !later_a: LOCATION OF SKETCH _roa .0.0 To 50.0 t 2 :4CH SCH 40 PVC " (Show direction and distance from at least two State - Roads, or othe map reference Points.) 3. GROUT: v Deota From 0.0 710 45.0 Material Method Ft. PORT:.AND 334TONITS SLURRY \ l.Vn From To Ft . 4. SCREEN: 6q�NN�' Deoth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 Tc 65.0 Ft . 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC AwA r0m —To _. in. in. _5. From To C� SAN'JEL PACK: in. in. ` Depti Frcm 48.3 ".0 65.0 Ft. Sire Material 2-20 F:NE S:L:CA SAND From 70 Ft. REMARKS: PT-4D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I CC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. L. - I — 1 REV. a 1 Submit original to 0ioisior. 0f 3n7:ronme.^.tal Management and _cpy to ve a owner. Division of _nvizonmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. 3ox 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. �x STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL OCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH DRILLING LUG - Road, Community, or Subdivision dlislon andFrom To ?ormation Description p Lot No. ) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zlo Co e �. DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECT XI NO I I CCES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — ET (Use if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' Cas=g Toxmi-n ted at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a ariance issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 _. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHCD OF TEST N/A �. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A -2. CASING: Wall Thickness iaaeter or ae.gbt/Ft. Material __zm 0.0 TC SC.O t. ? *NCH SCH 40 PVC -Cm TC Ft 3. GROUT: Derca Material Method From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. PCRTLAND 3E4TCNI7S SLURRY From To F t . 4. SCREEN: ::ecth Diameter Slot Size Material rom 50.0 To 65.0 _. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC From ^To -. in. in. From To _. in. in. =5 . SANOTGRAV EL PACK: Depta Size Material Frcm 48.3 Io iz.0 Ft. 2-20 FINE S;L:CA SAND F_cm Tc Ft. 0.0' 20.01 iED SILTY CLAY 20.0' 30.0' BROWN SILTY CLAY 30.0' b5.0' TAN SILTY CLAY If additional. space is needed use back of `ore LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance frcm at least two Stat=- Roads, or othe map reference points.) 16. REMARKS: PT-5D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. .;W — 1 REV. 9 / 91 Submit ortginal CO D:Ji3icn 3nv:ror=enta: Manageient and zopy to owner. Drilling Log FUWtDAMIL cft_. - . ����- , � Moilia in.g.y�e!!_•�EW—� .. - Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina Location Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth.64 ft. Diameter COMMENTS. - Top of Casing 100.24 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 4 in, Length 49 ft. Type Scn 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log 13y Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C C p N U as of q Description o" a = a EE �� (Color, Tbxture. Structure) c _ Trdce < tOX. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to 50% -2 -� 0 2 6 < < 8 -=< < 10 12 < < 14 ` < 16 < 18 20 < 22�< , 24 ;< 26 < 28 < 30 < < 32 < < 34 36 ` 38-,< < �< 4042 < 44 . < <j 46 48 50 52 _ 54 56 60 = 62 64 66 68 . 10/15/1997 ;ithlog-June.96 Page: I of ' Drilling Log FwoRDajNsiEL c iil ._ . 4 . _.._ . -_.. __ ._. . _. _,:',M.onitoring_:ktel�> E.W-2 Project Sears=Greensboro owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location vreensboro. Nortn Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.21 ft. water Level Initial. Static _ Screen: Dia 4 in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.020 in. Casing: Dia 4 in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC _ Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. -eologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By xim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 t-; O _ a� 0! C1 t a a a Description aai - o 0.2 �J (Color. Texture. Structure) N Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% i O I 1 4 ='.. i Page: i G= 1 FWOR DANIEL Glrl.__4 Drilling Log �Moni.t.or,ig Well -APT-1S Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro, North Carolina Location Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS. - Top of Casing 100.59 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia !in, Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia l in- Length 5 ft Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core. Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked By OSM License No. 1175 t.� aF c �;, O a� 2 ao Ch a Description m 0" 3a c a 4 �� U (Color. Texture. Structure) (A Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% _2 0 2 4 6 = 8 -� = 10 I f 12 = 14 R. 16 _ 18 20 22 2 4 -1 26 - 28 i I 30 ia/;5P997 l triog-June,96 Page: 1 of FLUOR AIL GTI - Drilling Log _M.on toOag Well -EW-3 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.13 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 4 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 4 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch -40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile -- Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 t .. �� 0 0 a p rr a Cl as ri N U Description o" 3 E of (Color. Texture. Structure) c m u) Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And.35% to 50% 0 4 <1 < I 6 1 V < 8 12 14 < < 16 < < 18 -q 20�` i 22-< 24 < 26 i 28 30< 32 - 34 - 36 ` < 38 < . 40-�< 42 -r < 44=< < 4 6 48 i -50 52 54 60 62 = I 64 66 i 68 ui:aiiaa, ,imiog-June.u6 ?age: I of 1. honLtgQ i. g-Kell See Site Map For Boring Location -0497 COMMENTS. :scription a ture, Structure) Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% Drilling Log Morti.tar.i.agTWei _EW-4 - Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring L oca tion 5 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Static Type/Size 0.010 in. Type Sch 40 PVC ` Rig/Core Mobile -w Stem Auger Date 08126197 Permit # e No. 1175 Description (Color, Texture. Structure) Trace < 10%. Little 1O% to 20%. Some 20.% to 35%, And 35% to 50% Page: 1 of I Page: I of 1 ' FLUOR DAMIL aw Drilling Log f _- __ = Monit.oripg. hell Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolrna Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring L oca tion Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.59 ft.Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia I in, Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in- Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoorobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 a c p „ Description 01 o" 0;, 3 a „ E n°1 4� N (Color. Texture. Structure) ti y Trace < 10X. Little 10X to 20%. Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% -2 2 4 6 = 8 10 12 _ 14 18 -� 20 ::.::: _ .: 22 24 : _ 26 i I I 28 -- I 30 10/15/1997 !ithlog-June,96 Page: 10r . FUJOR DAML OT Drilling Log -T y .}--MQ.r4VGUn,, 9.--Wgll PT-2S. Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina Location Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 22.5 ft. Diameter COMMENTS. - Top of Casing 100.62 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia I in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia I in- Length 2.5 ft. Type -Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core GeoArobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method GeoArobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit 0 Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C p a; ai U Description o" 3 E a �� (Color. Texture. Structure) N Trace < 10%. Little 10X to 20%. Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to 50% -2 0 H 2 � 4 �. I i 6 = i 8 10 12 14 1 = 16 = 18 —_ 20 I 22 24 26 28 I !0/;5/19g. .ithlog-June.96 Page: i of , Drilling Log FURM DANIEL 071 - :r,.,;�p } , •, ; .. �.Nlonf _oral ,g W. e4k p-T --3S Proiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map ' ;raensboro. North Carolina 05.324-0497 For Boring Location Location Prol• No. Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.55 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia I in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Oia 1 in- Length 5 ft. Type=Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoorobe Drill Co. Geolovic Exploration Method Geoorobe Driller Log By Renee Leary - Date 08125197 Permit i Checked By DSnf License No. 1175 a+ O �, o co Description Q ` 3 E E tp J N (Color, Texture. Structure) 0 N Trace < IOX. Little IOX to 2OX. Some 20% to 3SX. And 3S% to SOX -2 0 2 -� 4 I I 8 10 12 -= 14 18 � .20 - 22 24 — i 26 !i 28 30 , - !Oi!Si!99i iithlog-June,96 ?age: I of I Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEL GTV Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location - reensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter. Top of Casing 99.97 ft. water Level Initial Static COMMENTS: Screen: Dia /in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia /in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoorobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geo,orobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By QSM License No. 1175 c 0 a p ao •i Description o`� 3 c a °j (Color. Texture. Structure) U o N u) Trace < IOX. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to SOX 0 2 i i i 4 ~ �} ... 8 -- — 10 = j 12 - 14 - 18 _ -20i = - 22 = i _ 24 4 - 26 - 28 - 30 i�iioi ���, a[niag—JUf1E,5lC Page: i . I i l r Drilling Log FuroR�a�n>u �tE: R- • <�--Monitor:ingr —5S _ <.�: Ike{!: i?� Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map For Boring L oca tion Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft• Diameter Top of Casing /00.77 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia I in- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia I in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit f Checked By DSN License No. 1175 aw o n ao Description 0;, a e °� (Color. Texture. Structure) v NCD Trace < IOX. Little IOX to 20%, Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to SOX -2 0 iEER 2 EEO 4 �- � I 6 1 8: 10 — 12 14 _ 16 = 18 22 24 26 I 2 8 30 I ;Gi15/!99- iithlog-June.96 Page.. I of Drilling Log Fwat DAMIL OT Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. rnc. See Site Mao Location 22ensbcro. North Carchna Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.37 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in, Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08127197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 t� a: . —� 0�— we C ii tp ° U Description Z'G 0,9 G U c0i E ; V po �� N (Color. Texture, Structure) U a to m x U) Trace < lox, Little 10% to 20%. Some 2OX to 35X. And 35X to SOX I —2 ` 0 2 -' 6 2.6 3-4-4 3.5'-5.0' Maroon, clayey, SILT. 8 ! 10 < < aI 3.0 3-4-4 !i M� 8.5'-10.0' Maroon, tan and white, clayey, SILT, with relic structure. 12 14 -r < < 3.6 3-3-3 13.5'-15.0' Same as above, with black relic structure. 16 < < E 18 20 < 4'r 18.2 2-3-3 8 - ' . 1 SM 18.5'-20.0' Tan, brown and white, wet, saprolitic, SILT and SAND, 22 < < i with relic structure, silght odor. 24 _ < < 50 3-3-3 8 23.5'-25.0''nlhite, gray and :an, saprolitic, silty. SAND, with reiic 26 4 structure, slight odor. 28 -r it 30 < < 40 5-5-5 28.5'-30.0' Same as above. 32 SM 34 -a 30 3-3-3 33.5'-35.0' Same as above. 36 * < 38 40 a < 3-3-3 38.5'-40.0' Brown and tan, saprolitic. SAND, some mica.- 42 -- < < � Too much stuff in augers at 40 feet to go any further with 44 < < sampling. 46It 48.;: 50..: 52 5 4 56 58 • : _ •: i 601-62 ,64 Boring terminated at 65 feet below ground level. Ici15i1997 Rhlog-iune.96 Page: I of I FWOR DAML GTI Drilling Log �,. ::_ :�,t :.-ate :.- �M�oiao:rg►le!! FT--2D Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Lovistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Caroirna prof. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.78 ft.Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft- Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Pig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geoloyic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 c C p ►r 2 .; h Description o" 3 c a of 41 (Color. Texture. Structure)) to j Trace c 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 - 0 2 4 < 8 10 < 12 < 14< < I 16�< < 18 i 20 22-!< < ! ti 24�< 26 i 28 30 < 32 <- 34 < 36 ` 38 < < 40 42-�` < 44 ` < 46 48 �. 50 52 = 54 �' _ 56 58 60 ; =_ 62 = 64 _ 66 68 !0li5/t99T lithioo-June.96 Paae: ! 04 Drilling Log FLUOR DAWEL Gti Monitorin.ell PT-3 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing l00.20 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in, Length 15 ft- Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked 8y OSM License No. 1175 L.- aw c C v 6 O u Cl as h 0 Description o" 30 a �� (Color. Texture. Structure) N Trace < 10%. Little IOX to 2OX. Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to 5OX _2 - - 0 2 4 < 8 �� < �< I 14 < 16 < < 20-�` I - 22 24 < < 26 28 - < 1 30 < < 32 < 34 < 36 < < 38 < 40 i 42 ` I 44 46 48 �... i - 50-4.:::_:;: 52 54 =_ 56 -� 58 �: 60 62 64=` 166� -68 I 10/ 15/1991 lithlog-June.96 Page: I of Drilling Log FLUORal►NuEL cn�4 o n it o:_ Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 99.87 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 15 ft- Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exp/oration Method Hollow Stem Auqer Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08127197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 L c O 0 w Description Ov 3E E as OJ N (Color. Texture. Structure) N u) Trace < 10X, Little 10% to 20X. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50% i 0 4 �< < 6 �< < 8 �� < 14 ` < 16 �< 18 �< < < 222 < j 24 < 26 28=�< 30 — < 32 34 < < 36 ` 38 < 40 - 4 2 -� < < 4 4 —' < < -46 48 is 5052 -54 56 58 60 -- 62 -= 64 68 -� ;0/15i!997 iithlog-June.96 Page. I ` ! FLUM DAM IL GTI Drilling Log ,onitor Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Pro j. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.61 ft. pater Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft_ Type/Size aO10 in. Casing: Dia 2 in, Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exoloration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit f Checked 8y DSM License No. 1175 L.: c G a p ° a O ao ui i Oescription 0 o`" 3 e e QJ m (Color. Texture. Structure) c°� of Q Trace < 10%. Little 101i to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% —2 0 < 2 yc 6 ?< < i 8 < < I < 102 < 14 -1 16 I< < i 18 11 < 20_'< < 22 < 24�< < < i 26 28 „ I 30 < < 32 < 34 < 36 ` 38 < < 40 < 42 ; I -44J< < i -46-? I -48- I' - 50 - 52 = 54 :: = - 58 - 60 -62� = - -64 -68� iu/Ip/iyjvt ianlog-iune.se Page: I 1 Drilling Log FLUOR DAMIL GT/ Monitoring Well MW-26 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-04 - Proi. No. For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 99.09 ft. water Level Initial Static COMMENTS: Screen: Dia l in- Length IO ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia I in- Length 25 ft. Type Sch 40-PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoorobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoorobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked 8y DSM License No. 1175 t .-. G a 2 ao �► Description �v 0 3 a 0 a ofra (Color. Texture; Structure) U (A j Trace -C 10%. Little 10X to 20%. Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to SOX -2 � - 0 2 < < I< < 4 < < 6 < < 8 < 10 J` 12 !< I 14 < < 16 < < 18 < < 20 22 24 - 26 - 28 = - 30 - 32 -34� -36-� wi w,asw 11 into g—June. li Page: I of I ■ Drilling Log FLUOR DAMEL GTI Monitoring Well MW-27 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter Top of Casing97.28 ft. COMMENTS: Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia i in Length 10 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia I in. Length 25 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoorobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoorobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked By DSM License No. 1175 ' c O O to a ao Description O E E �-' m O (Color. Texture. Structure) O� p U c� to Twice < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to SOX - -2 0 _ 2 �< < I 4 < < < t0 14 r I i< < I 12 < I a 14 ` `r 16 -� r r 18 < 20 ` `� 227 24 26 i =_ 28 30 32 3436 10 / 15 / 199 7 li th to a - J un e.9 6 Paae: I c` I North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Boa 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221-- WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc -- Lat ` Long Minor Basin Basin Code Header -Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: (Show -sketch of t e location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC o.o 1.01GRAVEL ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 1.01 3.01 TAN BROWN SANDY SILT - (Street or Route No.) 3.01 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT - ATLANTA- GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Co e -,3. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 127TFEET _ 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI 6. 7: DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I 1 NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - - 8. FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C 9. .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (Tepth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A If additional space is needed use back of form 12. CASING: Nall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC LOCATION OF SKETCH From To Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 13. From GROUT: To Ft. 'I 1, 'Ct�C. D/1Vt, Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY 14. From To Ft. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 15-. From To Ft. in. in. SAND GRAVEL PACK: -- Depth Size - Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND (Y w From To Ft_ 16. REMARKS: SVMP-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO -THE WELL OWNER. / -Z Z 3 SIGNATURE OF CCyrRACTOR OR AGENT DATE GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. .-OFFICE North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 2762670535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ,DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Long7777 Minor Basin Basin Code - Header:Ent GW-. Mn- ".- STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the iocation a ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH From To Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) °2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 3�FEET S. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI i. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use "+" if Above Tap of Casing) 3. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terndm ted at/or below land surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (c�h) : N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: 14. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. Slot Size Material .010 in. PVC GUILFORD URILLiNu LUG - Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) jL4VjtdaLL Dr�ve From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15'. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND f From To Ft. '16. REMARKS: SVMP-2 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN .PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. A r,1-1 Z'7i3 SIGNATURE OF VRTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE _I%.3 - 1 REV . 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. f north Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Boa 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 " WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. -3- _ FOR_OFFICE -USE 30NLY. s , UAD NO _ - SERIAW� - 0: L s� , :g am hat Long RO 'Minor Basin Basin Code .Header.Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: -. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD '-LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH URILLINU LOG 'Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC 0.01 1.01 GRAVEL ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 1.01 3.01 TAN BROWN SANDY SILT (Street or Route No.) 3.01 12.01 ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT + ATLANTA ' GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code - DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH ET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED --Y-E-97 I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use '+• if Above Top of Casing) R. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below and surface is illegal unless a variance s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 _. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A -0. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A '.1. CHLORINATION • Type N A Amount N/A if additional space is needed use back of form _2. CASING: Wall Thickness - Death Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2'INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) From 3. GROUT : To et. lea Depth Material Method - From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. A. SCREEN: S( Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in, in. V From To Ft. in, in. 5.* SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND { From To Ft. -_I'6. REMARKS: SVMP-3 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL _ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS'RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO "THE WELL OWNER. 'rW-1 REV. 9/91 ATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATI Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 _ Phone (919) 733-3221- WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Lat _ :;_Lon._. RO_ Minor -Basin - 'BAsin Code _ cider -Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketcft ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO LAWNDALE DRIVE (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE of WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES II NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I 1 NO 13C1 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) a. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Method Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. County: GUILFORD -DEPTH DRILLiNu LUG From To Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 1 D�1N`� 16. REMARKS: SVMP-4 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET L,buf', Jac/ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT --THIS-_WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED__IN ACCORDANCE _RITH__],5A NCAC 2C, WELL _. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C.-27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. ;flat Long. RO— Mnor Basln Basin Code header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH ;Road, Community, or Sub lvision an Lot No.) From To ?. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH ITTU FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI �. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 11 NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) �. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* 'Casing Terminated at/or below and surface is illegal unless a -rariance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 3. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (�th): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A 12. CASING: Hall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Material Method CONCRETE SLURRY Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PA K: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD DRiLLiNG LOG Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) Lz-.'du� 16. REMARKS: SVMP-5 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET Lb-t.i Drt-<, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED -IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL _ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Z3 GW — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. -earth Carolina - Depart, nt of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Boz 29535 - Raleigh, N.C..27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. k' OMCE'.USE 'ONLY y , QUAD 10 L AL -NO F : . Lat : ---Long Minor -Basin Basin Code " Header *Ent --GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show -sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH URILLINU LUG __;Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC GRAVEL _ ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 1.01 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT (Street or Route No.) 3.0' 12.01 ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code -3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR .. 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET Z. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES II NO IXI o. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: F1 (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) �. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* VCasing Terminated at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a 'variance -s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 1-0. WATER ZONES pth): N/A � 'll. CHLORINATION: Type N A Amount N A If additional space is needed use back of fora 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH ?ram 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2.INCH SCA 40 PVC From To Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map points.) From To Ft. +r_eference l �,L4,..W1� ,fl A- _lL Pt-lti,{� :3. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 146 14. SCREEN: J Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. D^W- _15. From To Ft. in, in. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND - From To Ft. ` 16. REMARKS: SVMP-6 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET i I DO -"HEREBY CERTIFY THAT --THIS WELL- WAS. CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE -WITH_ 15A_ NCAC 2C, WET.T. _... . CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. i SW-1 REV.. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR CIFFICS' )3E9 NLY " t "; �0 t2U p ^"`' SERIAL" .-Lai - -Long . TO Minor Basin Basin -Code ;rHeader Ent GW- I Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO LAWNDALE DRIVE (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH IT.-U -FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I( NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_ I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) 9. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Lard Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To From 13. GROUT: TO Ft. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: County: GUILFORD -DEPTH URiLLiNG LOU From To Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) (fin J0'L"' l7 nvt- Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: SVMP-7 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO­HEREBYCERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE. WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Z3 Z GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535.- Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 _- Phone (919) 733-3221' WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. -Lat -_-Long - •RO_. Minor Basin Basin Code --Header Ent GW- -Ent - .. . STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From T° :2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH IT.-T -FEET CUTTINGS COLLEC ED YES I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IRI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or or and surface is illegal unless a 'variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of fora 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From 13 . GROUT : To Ft. Depth From 0.0' To 0.5 Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Material CONCRETE Method SLURRY Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft, in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 1 Lc,.,,4c-U Drb -- 16. REMARKS: SVMP-8 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET EE L` b v�y Dec. -I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. A re� � 91 \ - z Z3-1q -9-I-GNATURE OF CONT4AACTOR OR AGENT DATE GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Lat Long . - ....�..,, _.... RO _ Minor Basin - Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH From To (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH BEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECT D YES II NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I ( NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+ if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Lard Surface* *Casing ToxmL*+ated at/or below lind surface is ille gal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (cTe-pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Decth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC ?rom To Ft. From Ta Ft. 13. GROUT. Depth Material Method ?rom 0.0 To 0.5 ._. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 15. From To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. Depth From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. Size Material 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD URiLLiNG LUG Formation *Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of fors LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 16. REMARKS: SVMP-9 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET iJ-el I; bU+v DHYIc I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section 1 P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. _27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD y DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. ra FOR OFFICE xUSE ONLY n r ;;.QUAD `N0 `SERIAL=No ws, Lit song `., `Minor B-main Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent .. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: ti I 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show -sketch ot the location below) li( Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH ( Road Commun4 From To Formation Description y, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Co e `3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET 15. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YE I NO IXI do. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IR1 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - Ft` (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Caning Terminated at/or below and surface is illegal unless a invariance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 ''9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 1-2. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. f13. GROUT: 1 Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. j 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 15. From To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. Depth From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. Size Material 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. J 16. REMARKS: SVMP-10 P 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT_THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC _2C,-WELL__ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ") k' 7i23 1 6j i_IGW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C."27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE tsE ONLY., at.. _ .. Long RO . ;: •.< :� .._� �. ... Minor Basin Basin Code Header_.Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest.Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Communit yt or Sub ivlsion an Lot No. ) From To 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 12--T FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTYT--------YES-T I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use ".. if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* --,*Casing Terminated at or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (Cre-Pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount NIA `12. CASING: Wall Thickness Death Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To 0.5 From To :14. SCREEN: Material Method Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY Ft. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD DRILLING LO-G Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or`)),othemap reference points.) 1 �t lv i1 daft, P n"Vp- 16. REMARKS: SVMP-11 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO -HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ----•- fia�ca�..tva� vas a7VL'av1 UL"il1 GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. R XOFFICE gUNLY - "� at S _ _ _:Long..-=�"--- � '' ;,��:RO - .: �-��• `;Minor B Basin'Code " r�Header :-Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH DKILLING LOU (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) From To Formation Descri ti 1-12. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC I ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State Zip Co e '- 3. DATE DRILLED 01-15-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH BEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YESNO 1XI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - F-T (Use '+1 if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or be ow and surface is illegal CJ� unless a is issued is accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (9pm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES ffepth): N/A I'. '11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 50.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. 6 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 43.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 60.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 48.0 To 60.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND p on 0.0' 0.8 CONCRETE/ASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.01 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT 25.0' 45.0' BROWN TAN SANDY SILT - 45.0' 59.0' ORANGE TAN WHITE SILTY SAPROLITE 59.0' 60.0' BEDROCK If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) ILG,,, J(R_ D rot, sx. From To Ft. =16. REMARKS: D-2 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 43.0 TO 48.0 FEET (-i b fv DAVe, I DO - HEREBY-- CERTIFY -THAT - THIS WELL -WAS -CONSTRUCTED IN.. ACCORDANCE WLTH .15A NCAC 2C, _WELL ... CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. �JGW-1 REV. 9/91 Z-7_3 -!9 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. '.QUAD NO: SERIAL "N0k�y; _ Lat.::__. ,Long an Minor.Basin ;Basin Code ._Header Ent GW- :Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the- location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivlslon and Lot No.) From r° 12. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) 1 ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH IT.-T FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES 1 1 NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? Y7S 11 NO IXI _I7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or below lind surface is illegal unless a (variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES I[Teipth): N/A �11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A ''12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 115. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND --IFrom To Ft. `­16. REMARKS: SVMP-12 GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BRCWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET D14,,A� I --DO HEREBY CERTIFY -THAT THIS WELL -WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. L12- SIGNATURK OF CONT TOR OR AGENT DATE U GW - 1 REV. 9/9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE -ONLY -'QUAD :NO ;'. - :::' ;%�r SERIAL NO a. . Lat Long .. RO Minor Basin :Basin Code Header. Ent GW- Ent - STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) j Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTHURiLLINU LUG (Road Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description "' 2 . OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC 0.0' 0.e' CONCRETE/ASPHALT ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD 0.e' 1.5' GRAVEL (street or Route No.) 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BRGWN SANDY SILT ATLANTA GA 30326 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT City or Town State Zip Code 25.0' 41.0' BACWN TAN SANDY SILT - 3. DATE DRILLED USE of WELL MONITOR 41.0' 60.0' ALL COLORS HARD PARTIALLY 70�1---113�99 4. TOTAL DEPTH OY . U C r.�T 3. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES II NO IXI WEATHERED ROCK SILT ,6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI 60.0' 64.01 HARD SAPROLI7E j I7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) 9. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below and surface is illegal unless a j ;variance Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 '9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A If additional space is needed use back of form 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH From 0.0 To 49.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From 0.0 To 41.0 Ft. 6 INCH SCH 40 PVC (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 13. GROUT: To Ft. Depth Material Method ` From 0.0 To 39.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENT_ONITE SLURRY C 14. From To Ft. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 49.0 To 64.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 47.0 To 64.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: DMP-4 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 39.0 TO 47.0 FEET EEL--6-&iy j)rA_-t_ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. LJGW-1 REV. 9/91 sucmlt original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C.. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO ;SERIAL N0: IN _ __.hat Long _ _ RO Minor Basin - Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) r°m To .2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) j ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State Zip Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-14-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 37 T -FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED. YES I I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FY (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) a. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or below land surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N A Amount N A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material iron 0.0 To 47.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC i From 0.0 To 40.0 Ft. 6 INCH SCH 40 PVC From l (13. GROUT: To Ft. GUILFORD uRiLLiNu Formation Description 0.0' 0.8' CONCRETE/ASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT 25.0' 40.0' BROWN TAN SANDY SILT 45.0' 50.0' HARD COBBLES 6 SAPROLITE 50.0' 57.0' HARD SAPROLITE If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) L-G,wnJ C, (t f7 nit. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 39.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 47.0 To 57.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC J From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. ) 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 45.0 To 57.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: DMP-3 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 39.0 TO 45.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN_ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL . . CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. '-�GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO SERIAL NO Lat Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: �I i WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) �I Nearest Town: GREENSBORO LAWNDALE DRIVE (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC 1 ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State Zip Code' 3. DATE DRILLED 01-12-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTHT5.9 FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO 1XI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YZS I I NO IAI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 3. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* i *Casing Terminated at or Blow land surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (de th N/A r P ) .11-. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or height/Ft. Material i From 0.0 To 25.0 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 21.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 25.0 To 35.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 1 From To Ft, in, in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 23.0 To 35.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: LMP-1 County: GUILFORD -DEPTH URILLINU LOU From To Formation Descrintion 0.0' 5.0' RED CLAY 5.0' 25.0' ORANGE RED TAN SILTY CLAY 25.0' 35.0' ORANGE SILT ( Show c. Roads, o BENTONITE SEAL FROM 21.0 TO 23.0 FEET i use back of form F SKETCH ..ice Lrom at least two State .pence points.) E� U I 6*-4N 'D rpt, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN -ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. i GW-1 REV. 9/91 Z-2 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. worth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO .:SERIAL NO' Lat Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO LAWNDALE DRIVE „Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC 'ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-12-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 7 . FEET _. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI . STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 3 TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below Eand surface is illegal unless a •variance iIs issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. CHLORINATI.ON: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 25.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 21.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY County: GUILFORD -DEPTH DhiLLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0' 5.0' RED CLAY 5.0' 25.0' ORANGE RED TAN SILTY CLAY 25.0' 35.0' ORANGE SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two Stare Roads, or othe map reference points.) LaVnCW_?_ _P: 'V �, From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth From 25.0 To 35.0 Ft. Diameter Slot Size Material 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC r From To Ft. in. in. 15. From To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. -, Depth From 23.0 To 35.0 Ft. Size Material 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND � I From To Ft. - 16. REMARKS: LMP-2 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 21.0 TO 23.0 FEET Y I DO HEREBY -CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL -WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCI CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN I / SIGNATURE OF C TRACTOR OR Ak� GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Manage. I i ty VNER. ,-irE .ell owner. North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD !DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. : OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO ; SERIAL .: NO"-.- -, .. .. . Sat Long - - RO- Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent - STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show s etc of the location-below Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 j City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-14-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH ZT-.0 T 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 3. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below .and surface is illegal unless a variance 'is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Depth From 0.0 To 50.0 From 0.0 To 45.0 From 13. GROUT: TO Ft .: Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC 6 INCH SCII 40 PVC Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 43.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: '15. 16. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 65.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 48.0 To 65.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD URiLLINU LUG Formation Description 0.0' 0.8' CONCRETE/ASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT 25.0' 45.0' BR9WN TAN SANDY SILT 45.0' 65.0' TAN 6 WHITE SILTY SAPROLITE If additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) REMARKS: D-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 43.0 TO 48.0 FEET �L brPj_-- I DO .HEREBY -.CERTIFY .THAT THIS. WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN. ACCORDANCE WITH._15A-.NCAC 2C, WELL_. __. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CON CTOR OR AGENT DATE GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-1 Project wp Ballard Prooertr Owner W.P. Ballard G Co. of Greensboro Location 27018ranchwoodOriv_e_, Greensboro. NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 121t. Diameter 8.5in• Top of Casing water Level; Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 1t. Type/Size •020 A Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 It. Type PVC Fill Material Srlica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. GeoloOic ExQldration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Oriller Log By R. Gass Date U619-9 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. See Site Map For Boring Location COMMENTS.' soil -spoon not Used a` C O �'0, of 0 A C m o o Lo M N Description m o" 3a a° n U u e z (0°-+ aO N (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U m ° N is at Trace -C10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel ° O GP Red -brown silty Clay f; 2 4 _ 23 5' 6 =_ = CL 8 1 — 35 10' 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/=g ilhb9-Jwe,98 Page: I of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-4 Project W.P. Ballard Property Owner N.P. Ballard G Co. o/ Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 121t. Diameter 85A COAWNTS.• Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size .020 in. 401_S,,, not Used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Oie&ich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 118199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. L .-; CL C O m;, oa 0 � C a)o V tQ Description o" ; Cl o. n p U u e s m n0 �� to (Color. Texture. Structure) ° U ° ° ¢ In is x cn Trace < 1OX. Little tOX to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50% _2 0 Gravel 7, 7 OV GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft) - Strong odor 2 20 5' 6 _= = CL 8 10 — 45 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 wnaneae rtruog-,nme.se Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SUMP-2 Project W-P BallardProperty Owner M-P Bafard & Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 27018fanChwoodDrive ,Greensboro . NC Prof. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 ft Diameter 8.5 ft Top of Casing Water Level Initial — static CONENT& Screen: Oia 2 A Length 10 ft. Type/Size .020 in. 5001-spoor not used Casing: Oia 2 in. Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fig Material Silica Sand Rig/Core DiedVich D-120 Drill Co. Geolock EADWafibn Method H0LiOJVSTEKAUWR Driller - Log By R Gass — Elate M6199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Berti — License No- C .2 C3 C3 Z: tQ Description 3a a CL a U E 39 0 ao 10 _J - U (Color, Texture. Structure) 0 U 0 W U) 0 (9 U W Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel 0 O 6P Red -brown silty Clay (soft) 2 4 55 5* 6 CL 8 10 =92 10' 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 -20- -22- -24- Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-4 Project WA Ballard Property Owner M.P. BaWd G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 -0 Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 It. Diameter 8.5 in- COAWENTS. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size .020 in Sofr-spoon not +sect Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Pig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. GeOJO C ExD10ration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 116199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. aF C 0 m'0 oQ 0 Z rr C m 'o o' U as L) Description 0 3 E n a E s U m T-i in (Color. Texture. Structure) ° U 1p ° ac to m k Fn Trace < tOX. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50X 0 Gravel c GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft) - Strong odor :; z} 2 4 _ 20 5' 6 = = CL 8 = 10 45 10' 12 - 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 itreog-Jtme.98 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-5 Project M.P. Ballard Progerty Owner W-P Ballard & Co. of Greensboro See Site McIp Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC 107535 For Boring Location Proi. No. Surface Elev. - Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Diameter 8.5 irx COMMENTS* Top of Casing - Water Level Initial - Static Screen: Do 2 in- Length 10 11- - Type/Size -020 in. Casing: Oia 2 in- Length 2 ft. - Type PVC Fill Material S17ica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic EzVoration Method HOL L ON STEM AUGER Driller Log By I Gass Date 118199 Permit 0 Checked By C- Bertz - License No. C .0 OE C, rr C v on 0 V d; CA Description ON X a E -a CL a 'a U E 3 0 ao M_J (n (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U 0 , M U) M At U U) Trace < IOX, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50X 0 Gravel D-31 6P Red -brown clayey Silt (Stiff and Dry) 2 4 Be 155-n ML 8 -10 105 la -in Red -brown clayey Silt - Strong odor 12 14 16 18 -20- 122-- 24- 1 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Svmp-6 Project XP- Ballard Proverb owner N-P BaYard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC — Prof. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. — Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Diameter a5 A COMMENT Top of Casing — Water Level Initial — Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 ft- — Type/Size .020 A SOFt-s000n not used Casing: Oia 2 in. Length 2 It- — Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. GeOlaGiC ExD10fation . Method HOLL ON S TEM AUGER Driller Log By E. Gass - Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz — License No. C 0 0 E 0 C 0 0 0 Description az 0 MR 3C CX E C, CL a L) E X CL 0 _J U tn (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U M .2 M tn co X 0 U W a Tr ace -c 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20X to 35%. And 35X to 50X 0 Gravel ow GP 2 2' 1 CL Red -brown silty Clay with some gravel 4 56 5' Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) ML 8 _10- 151 10* -12 -14- 16 -18- 20- -22- 24 Page: 1 of 1 I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-7 Project M.P. BallardProperty Owner MP Ballard 6 Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 It. Diameter 8.5 in• COMMENTS: Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size .020 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 It. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geolo_oic Exploration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date Y7199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. c .° ` OQ > r _di ' tion Description o-- 3 E Da a n v m 0 M-1 UU fn (Color. Texture. Structure) C m ° a m N Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% UN x W -2- 0 Gravel o o GP D-31 Red -brown clayey Silt 2 4 —_ 215 M-n 6 = — ML 8 = 10 — 337 I11-In 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 Mog-"e.96 Page: I of I �I I� Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-8 Project W-P Ballard Prooertr Owner W.P. Sailard 6 Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Prol. No. 107535 For Bourg Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth /2 It- Diameter 8.5A COMMENTS. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 ft. Type/Size -020 in. soar -spoon not used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 It. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log 8y & Gass Date 1Z7199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bentz License No. C a o e p ►+ C m o o U r Q to Description N o'" ;t1 `.a a a Q U V t=_ s m a° °-J to (Color. Texture, Structure) ° � f0 ° b to m x En Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% . _2 0 fGravel ° Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, dry) 2 -- 2• 4 = - _— 15 5' 6 = ML 8 -10 — 39 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 ]1_ I I UU15/1999 ithlog-JuM.98 � Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SUMP-9 Project NA Ballard Property owner N-P Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Orive, Greensboro, NC — Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. — Total Hole Depth 12 It. Diameter 8.5 A COMWNT& Top of Casing — Water Level Initial — Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 fl- — Type/Size. -020 A SWI-woon not used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 fl. — Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOL L ON STEM AUGER Driller - Log By R. Gass - Date I/7/99 Permit 0 Checked By C Bef tz — License No. C 0 of '0' tp U Description (D _ aU E a , E 3: O Q 0 to _J U) (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U M W CO at U U) 3 Trace -C IOX. Little IOX to 20X. Some 20% to 35X. And 35X to 50% -2- 0 Gravel ow i>q GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 2 7�E 4 6 ML 8 _10 10 10, 12 -14 16 - 18 -20- -22- 24 ujimimus htrjog-itme.sa Page: 1 of 1 I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-10 Project N.P. Ballardfroverty Owner M.P.BWard & Co. of Greensboro Location 2701 Branchwood Grim Greensboro, NC — Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. — Total Hole Depth 12 It. Diameter 8.5 in. Top of Casing — Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 ff. Type/Size .020 A Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 It- Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Care Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geolocic Exploration Method HOLLONSTEM AUGER Driller Log By E. Gass - Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bef 1Z — License No. See Site map For Boring Location CONVENTS' sit -spoon not used C 0 0 IL C3 C 0 2 ! .2 C Cl Nl U Description 0 3C a E as Q U E 3 Cl 0 to (Color. Texture, Structure) 0 U 0 .2 Cr U) 0 U ra Trace < IOX. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel 0 6P Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 2 ISO 51 ML 8 -10 195 10' 12 14 16 18 20- -22- -24 03imlws ithlog-iune.96 Page: 1 of 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Svmp-11 Project W.P. Ballard Property Owner NA Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Qrhog Greensboro, NC Proi. No. l07535 For Baring Location 'Surface Elev. - Total Hole Depth 12 /1- Diameter 8.5 A Top of Casing - Water Level Initial - Static COMWN]r& Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 10 It. Type/Size -020 A Soft -spoon not Uwd Casing: Oia 2 in. Length 2 It. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Qe&kh D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Explanation , Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. 6aSS Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C Bef1Z License No. C 0 0 Z: >. — C 0 0; - I Description 0 X a E CE CL C, CL U U E 3 03 0 _J U (n (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U 0 0 M U En Trace < IOX, Little 10X to 20%. Some 20% to 35X. And 35X to SOX 0 Gravel 0 6P Red -brown clayey Silt with some gravel 2 4 319 5' Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, moist) ML 8 10 370 110' 12 14 16 -18- -20- -22- -24- Page: 1 of I Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-12 Project N-P Ballard Properly Owner NA Bayard & Co. of Greensboro Location 2701 BranChwood Drive, Greensboro. AC , Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. — Total Hole Depth 12 ft- a. Diameter 5 A Top of Casing — Water Level Initial — Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 1& — Type/Size .020 A Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 2 It. — Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core DigoVich 0-120 Orill Co. Ge010Q1'C Exploration Method HOLLONSTEM AUGER Driller Log By E. Gass Date WIN Permit 0 Checked By C BertZ License Na- - C E C3 *Z a0 C 0. C a ui FJ Description (U 0 X a E CL U E a 0 tn (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U U) 10- be Lo U W Trace < 1OX, Little IOX to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50X D 0 Gravel ow SP Red -brown silty Clay (Soft. moist) - Strong odor 2 401 m-n 6 CL 8 388 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20- -22- -24 Page: I of 1 Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-1 Project MP Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group LLC Location BranchwoodOrive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35It. Diameter 8.5#X Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length /0 /t• Type/Size •0/0 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 25 ff. Type PVC Fill Material SAca Sand Rig/Core Oie&ich 0-120 Drill CO. Geolooic EA210fation Method HOLLOM STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1112199 Permit # Checked By C. Bef1Z License No. _- a� C O �,;, on 0 T H C o, 0 g U to a0 q y Description o" 3 E a n E= 0 m ¢ °-' N (Color. Texture. Structure) ° U ° 1n m >R W Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 2OX. Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% -2 0 -- Io-i1 Asphalt 2 c c RM Red -brown silty Clay with gravel < < CL 4 < < 6 < le0 a-Wil3,4,5 Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 8 < < < < 10 < < 3,3,3 12 c c Brown Silt with trace clay (soft, moist) < < 14 < < 16 < < 0 f6-iR573.3.3 t8 20 < 0 ML 22 t 24 26 0 0-9.4,4 = 28 30 = 0 0'- �.4.r Yellow -brown Silt, trace clay with some red -brown Mottling(soft, —_ wet) 32 = 34 36 0 135-'1.2.7 �� Page: 1 of 1 Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-2 Project NP Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group LLC Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 37 ft. Diameter 8.5in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length /0 It. Type/Size .0/0 in. Casing: Oia 2 in - Length 25 !t. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-I20 Drill Co. GeolooicE.rploration Method HOLLOMSTEM AUGER Driller Log By !Gass Date JVW99 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. t-� a:: C G 0.2 6 oa 0 � a C a, u ° U no Vi to in Description �.r X as E m = �0 m (Color. Texture, Structure) ° U fA m K ° °C W Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35X. And 35% to 50% —2 - 0 -- M-s1 Asphalt 2 < < Red -brown silty Clay with concrete debris and gravel < < CL 4 < < 6 < < 0 IS-n Red -brown clayey Silt with trace fine gravel (soft, dry) 8 < < < < 10 < < 0 win 12 < < < < 14 < < 16 c < 0 is-m Red -brown clayey Silt (moist to wet) 3,4,4,7 18 < c 20 < < 0 wen 22 3.3.4.E ML Brown clayey -Silt (soft, wet) 24 26 0 125-2n Brown Silt with trace clay (soft, wet) = 28 = 30 = 0 no-rn Brown to light orange brown Silt with trace clay (very soft, wet) 32 34 36 0 05-3n Same as above with thin 1-2 mm thick bands throughout sample (wet) Page: 1 of 1 Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-3 Project w.P Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Groin LLC See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive_ Greensboro. NC Proj. No. l07535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 57 ft. Diameter 55/5.5 in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static C014WAfM Screen: Oia 2 in. Length ro ft. Type/Size .Oro fin. Casing: Dia 672 A Length 40147 ft. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geotooic Eapioration Method Air hammer Driller Log By R Gass Date M14199 Permit 0 _ Checked By D Bertz License No. L•-: n� WelloQ p � a. rr r m m o o V r0 ui to to Description o�, Completion a a E s m �-j rn (Color, Texture. Structure) to m atc7 Trace < 1A t➢tue tot to tot, Sae tot 10 35t, An0 35t 10 5= —2 0 Brown Sit 2 r <v r < r < r <v 4 6 r v `r r `r r `r r v `r 8 -C < %0 ' 10 r < r < r < r <v 12 <� < < <� 14 i r < � r < r < r 1, 16 18 r vI `r r `r r `r r v `r 20 <� < <V 22 r <� r < r r <� 24 r r < r Ic r <V 26 r `V` ri ri r <y 28 r P. r r 30 v vML 32 r r r < r < 34 r <� r r r <� 36 r <v r < r < r <v 38 r <v r r r <v 40 42 44 46 48 = 50 =_ 52 = 54 = 56 58 60 62 03/15/=9 ithmcp-fangs Page: 1 of 1 Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-1 Project h!P. BallardProperty Owner Greensboro Distribution Group LLC $ee Site Map Location Branchwood Drive Greensboro NC Prof. No. /07535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 It. Diameter B.5/5.5 N Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static COMMENTS. Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft. Type/Size in. Casing: Dia 6/2 in. Length 45150 It. 4 Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. GeoloAlc Exploration Method Air hammer Driller Lag By _P. Crowley Date //14/99 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. C p �. •i C c, oa � o ; tQ U Description o 3as 3 m cn E E o 0 o L) (Color; Texture. Structure) U rn m x th Trace < 10%. Little 10X to 20X. Some 20X to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 0 2 0-2- Asphalt and gravel at surface Red, brown, trace gray SILT, < < clayey trace feldspathic fragments, moist 4 6 < < 5 5-71 Mottled red and brown, trace gray and off white, SILT, clayey, 8 moist to wet < < 10 22 12 ` ` I. Mottled red, orange and brown trace black (hornblend/weather ed) saprolitic texture. SILT, very clayey, moist 14 c,< 16 < < 38 a-r Same as above 18 20 ` < 0 22 ` ` 20-27 Predominantly orangish brown, some red. SILT, very clayey, moist to wet 24 < < 26 29 25-2r Light brown, trace light gray. SILT, clayey. moist to wet 28 < 30 ` < 15 32 < 30-3r Mottled off white to light brown. SILT, clayey, abundant < 34 "L weathered feldspar fragments, moist to wet 36 ` ` 31 3s-3r Mottled light brown, off white with occassional red and -black, SILT 38 < < clayey to very clayey, weathered hornblend, moist to wet 40 1s 42 0-47 Same as above j 44 46 20 4r Predominantly off white with light brown to brown, SILT, wet, 48 feldspar fragments were weathered S0 1.2 4as-5o* Brown Silt with trace clay (stiff, wet) 52 = 54 = 1.1 su-w 56 = 14,14.15 58 - 60 = 0 %"30w,5oi.4 Brown to light orange Saprolite (hard) 62 - Used rotary drill to advance 60-65 feet ! 64 66 68 03/16/1999 5thlog-June.9a Page: 1 of 1 ` Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-2 Proiect M.P. Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group LLC See Site Map BranchNo i Boris Location Location odDrve Gr n 9 at on ee sboro NC ' Proti No. l07535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 60 it. Diameter 8.5/5.5&L COMMENTS. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Dia 6/2 in. Length 45/50 It. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Saca Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Air hammer Driller Log By P Crowley Date 1/14-15/99 Permit 0 Checked By C Bertl License No_ n C C may oa 'Z A 0 C o o =a tli N Description o" 3 E a s U E; m ao °� N (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U m ° ¢ In iii x U) Trace < IOX, Little IOX to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50X -2 2 0 0-2' Asphalt and gravel (41 Red, SILT, clayey, trace off white feldspar fragments, weathered, sightly moist to moist 4 < < 6 < < NA s-r Red to brown. SILT, clayey to very clayey (not enough sample to 8 scan with PID) t0 12 < < 0 o-Ir Brownish -red, SILT, clayey. moist to wet 14 < < t6 < < 0 &W Red, brown. orange, occassional gray, trace black, SILT, clayey, 18 saprolitic texture, occassional black hornblend (weathered). moist 20 ` to wet 22 -C24 0 Ott' Same as above < < 26 0 m-2r Light brown, gray, occassional off white. SILT, micaceous 28 4 < weathered feldspar and hornblend, wet 30 32 < ` 0 30-3r ML Mottled light brown, brown to off white, SILT, clayey, trace sand, < saprolite, wet 34 36 < < 0 36-3r Mottled, light brown, off white, grayish green, SILT, clayey. 38 ` ` saprolotic, feldspar (weathered) mica, (soil was very firm. hard to 40 < < get out of tube, hard to push), moist to wet 42 0 40-4r Light brown, some light gray to off white. SILT, dense (hard to 44 push), wet at bottom of tube, clayey, trace black hornblend 46 •`. 0 4r Mottled brown, light brown, gray, off white. SILT. clayey, 48 micaceous, saprolite (foliation still evident), dense, moist 50 52 = 54 56 _= 58 = 60 - 62 64 66 68 .._,.,,,.000,....w-M+..�.eo Page: 1 of 1 Down Gradient Monitoring Point OMP-4 Proiect MP Ballard Property Owner Greensboro QStribuWn Gr LLC See Site Neap Location Branchwood Drive Greensboro NC Prot. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 64 It. Diameter 8.5/5.5in Top of Casing water Level Initial Static COMMENT^• Screen: Do 2 in. Length 15 /t. Type/Size •0b A Gewme rrtareoo-4s feet sbst spoon Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 41/49 It. Type Sched 40 PVC used 45-Os feet Fill Material Sirica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Auaer/Air hammer Driller Log By R. Gass Date 02-13/99 Perrot Checked B C. Bertz Y License No. t^ a:� well oQ 0 Z " C m m p g U to Description j 0— Completion o. a E = m p -' rn (Color, Texture. Structure) U m x Trace c 1M little U to NX Son 20% to 35S. And 35S 10 50S -2 0 0 0-2' Concrete - 2 < <r <r c v Brown Silt with some fine sand and trace fine gravel (dry) 4 6 1r c v< r r << r v 0 5-7' Brown Silt (soft, dry) 8 r <v r < r < r <v 10 12 r <r r <r r < v r. 0 10-12' Brown Silt with fine mica flakes, trace clay (soft. dry) 14 v `r `r `r v `r 16 < " < < V 1.0 is-17• Same as above, no clay 18 r cv r < r < r cv 20 r < r r < r < V 1.8 0-22' Brown Silt with fine mica flakes (soft. moist) 22 24 r v `r r `r r `r r v `r 26 < v < < < v 0 25-27' Same as above with trace clay 28 r r < r < r <� 30 r < v r < r < r < v 1 30-32' 32 34 r `r r `r<36 ML <" v 2.8 35-37' Same as above with lesser amounts of mica (wet) r38 Ic < v 40 J.CCr�b 14 40-42' Brown to orange -brown Silt, no mica (soft. wet) 424446 f'':: 9.7 45-47' 48 50 — 1.7 48.5-50' Brown Silt (soft to medium stiffness. wet) - Trace black 52 = = 10.1225 mineral lenses <1 mm thick 54 = 0 53.5-55' Brown to tan Saprolite (stiff to very stiff, wet) - Mica 56 = 9.26.28 rich - 58 = 60 = 0 58.5-80' Brown to light orange -brown Saprolite with thin <1 mm 62 — = 34.50/.5 black mineral lenses throughout (very dense) 64 = 66 03/15/1M ithmcp-ian95 Page: 1 of 1 IT Corporation ofNor& Carolina, Ina A Member of The IT Croup APPENDIX B AQUIFER TEST DATA PILOT TEST SUMMARY AND LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES FORMER SEARS PROPERTY GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA EA_ GENERA The pilot test was conducted from September 10, through September 18, 1997. The test consisted of a Step Test, Pump -Vent Test, Sparge Test, Sparge-Vent Test, and a Pump Vent Test - EW-1 and EW-2. The pilot test used 10 monitoring wells and 4 extraction wells to conduct and monitor the test. The layout of the extraction and monitoring wells are presented on Figure 1. The vacuum systems used for the pilot test consisted of a Rotron blower (System 1), connected to EW-1 and EW-2, and a Venturi (System 2), connected to EW-3 and EW-4. The following sections present the data recorded during the pump test. Tables Pilot Test Chronology Data Logger Data Flow Meter Readings Monitoring and Extraction Well Construction and Well Completion Reports Water Level Measurements - September 8, 1997 Groundwater Sampling Results for monitoring and extraction wells Influent and effluent sampling Figures Figure 1 Pilot Test Well Location Plan Figure 2 Shallow Well Water Level Contours - September 8, 1997 Figure 3 Deep Well Water Level Contours - September 8, 1997 The Step Test was conducted on September 10, 1997. The purpose of the Step Test was to establish the optimum flow rate for each Extraction Well and each vacuum system. Pumping Data Graphs A-F Specific Capacity Calculation Distance-Drawdown Curves Water Level Data - Additional Wells Figure 4 Water Level Change After 100 Minutes SVE Test Data Data Summary Table - September 10, 1997 Graphs - Vacuum Influence vs. Time PT-3S, PT-4S, PT-5S, and PT-3D H E-3: PUMP -VENT TEST -TWO SHALLOW OW WELLS R The pump vent test was initially conducted on the two shallow wells EW-2 and EW-4) on September 11 and 12, 1997. Pumping Data Graphs G-J Water Level Data - Additional Wells SVE Test Data Data Summary Table - September 11, 1997 Graphs - Vacuum Influence vs. Time PT-3S, PT-4S, and PT-3D E-4: PUMP -VENT TEST - ALL FOUR EXTRACTION WFI I S o1 JMpI G The Pump -Vent test was continued using all four wells, starting on September 12, 1997 and ending on September 16, 1997. Pumping Data Graphs K and L Graph M - Drawdown Comparison of PT-3S and PT-3D Water Level Data - Additional Wells Figure 5 Water Level Change After 500 Minutes SVE Test Data Data Summary Tables - September 12-16, 1997 Graphs - Vacuum Influence vs. Time (for each day) PT-3S, PT-4S, and PT-3D Data -Summary - Vacuum Response September 10-16, 1997 Vacuum Influence vs. Time (September 11-16, 1997) PT-3S, PT-4S, and PT-3D E-5: SPAR +F TFST The Sparge Test was conducted on September 16, 1997 after the pumping wells had recovered from the pump test. Monitoring well PT-1 D was used as the sparge well. Sparge Data Dissolved Oxygen Readings - September 16, 1997 Pressure Responses l VOC Responses Graph - VOC Responses vs. Time E-6: SPAR GENENT TEST The Sparge-Vent Test was conducted on September 17, 1997. Monitoring well PT-1 D was used -as the sparge well and EW-2 and EW-4 were used as vent points. ii i ! Sparge Data Vacuum -Pressure Responses VOC Concentrations VOC Concentration vs. Time SVE Test Data Data Summary Tables - September 17, 1997 E-7: PUMP -VENT TEST FOR W-1 AND EW-2 A short Pump -Vent Test was conducted on EW-1 and EW-2 on September 18, 1997. The purpose of this test was to use the two best pumping wells (EW-1 and EW-2) and the venturi to see what the maximum removal rate could be. The venturi was moved from EW-3 and EW-4 and installed on EW-1 and EW-2. Pumping Data Graphs N - P Water Level Data - Additional Wells Figure 6 Water Level Change at Maximum SVE Test Data Data Summary Tables -September 18, 1997 iii ■ E-1 GENERAL Pilot Test Chronology I ea[ �nronoioov Vacuum (in. H20) Pressure (psi) Date Time::::Event PumpingRates m System 1-Rotron System 2-Venturi (PT-1D) EW-1 EW-2 EW-3 EW-4 STEP TEST - EW-1 and EW-2 EW-3 and EW-41(sparge well 9/10/ 7 10:0 ------------------------------------- ------ ------'-------------------------------------------- 9/10/97 10:10tarted Hermit ----- -------' - -- -- — --- ------ ------ ---- --------------------------------------- 9/10/97 10:30tarted 7Sta Vacuum - Both s stems t m 0 0 0- 50 10/97 10_40tarted StartedVacuu --Both -y --- - -- Shallow Pumps-- -------------- _;_---- --0 — 0 0_25 --------- 0 ------ 0.25 ---------------------- 50 50-------9/10/710:3 ---------------------- 50 ----------------- urned off EW-2 D ( (Dry); Turned on EW-1; - -------- ------- ------------------- - ----- ----------- ----------------- - -- 9/10197 11:30 ------- - - 90 Transducer 8 says disconnected ---------------- - -------------------------- - -0.25 - 0 0.25 50 Increased flow rate at EW-1 and EW-4; -- - - - ----- ------ -50 ---- --- ------ - - ---- --- ------- 9/10/97 13:15 ------- - 195 shutoN EW-4 and turned on EW-3 ----------------------------------------------- 0.25 0 0_25 0 50 flow rate at EW-1 and EW-3; - ------- -- --- -- --- ------ 50 ------ - ---- ------------------ Increased Increased vacuum on EW-1 and EW-2; 9/10/97 15:15 ----- --7 315 - -'-----'34 Started Pumping EW-2 and EW-4 -------'-SEW-- --- - - — -- -' ....1 0.125 1 0.125 60 50 15: 0 ___-- 9/10/97 15:40 340 ---'- -'-35 Turned up EW-3 vacuum vac ---------------------- 1 ---- 0.125 -------- 1 ------ 0.125 --------------'--- 60 ---------"------- 60 ------------- 9/10/97 15:55 15:5 355 Turned own flow rat Turned down flow rate on EW-3 1 -------- 0.125 ------- 0.33 ------ 0.125 ----------- 60 __________ ____ Fj — — _________________ ncreased flow rate in EW-1; Increased ------ ------------------ -------------------- ----------------- --- 9/10/97 17:15 ______-____435 - vacuum in both ------ - - ---------------- 1.25 0.125 0.33 0.125 70 70 9/10/97 18:20 9110--7 18:' -18:3 500 -- ------ - - True Turned oN EW-2 and EW-4 ------- - - --- - - '- --- -1_25 -- --- - 0 -------- 0.33 ------- 0 ---- -- ---'- -- '-- 70 - ----- ----^- 70 -- ---- ---- 9l10/97 1830 - - 510 Increased flow rate in EW-1 to ate in E -- ----------ow-rate------ --- 1 5 -----= -- -- ------- 0 --- --- 0.33 -- 0 - --- ---- ------ 70 -- ----------70 70 ---------------- Increased flow rate in EW-1: Increased Increased -------- ------- ------------------- " --------- _"""-'""""- ----------------- 9/10/97 19:15 ------7 - 555 - ---- '------- vacuum in venturi - --- ------ - - --- ------------ -- 1.75 `- 0 0.33 0 70 100 20: 9/10J97 20:10 610 Shutdown test - 0 ------- 0 ---- - ----- -"_""" -------- ------- - ----- ----------------- 0 0 START OF PUMP -VENT ----- ---- ----- TEST -TWO ------ ------ SHALLOW -WELLS tarted pumping EW-- and E---4; tart'- tarted pumping EW-2 and EW-4; Started ------- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------------S- 9/11/97 8:00 0 Vacuum in Sys. 1 and Sys. 2. 0 0.125 0 0.125 60 80 9/11/97 10:15 ----------- 135 --- ---- ----- EW-2 Shutdown - -- --- --- --- -- ----------- -- --- 0 0.125 60 -�-- — — -------------- 9/11/97 12:20 260 EW-2 restarted --------------------' --- —� -------0 ---------- __""__"'" """'- -� ----80 60 -------- ------ 9/11/97 13:00 300 EW-4 Shutoff --------------- - - --- 6.12 ---- ----- ------------------ ---------'-- ---- --- ------ 9/11/97 13:30 330 - - EW-4 Restarted -- 0 - 0.12 0.125 0 -'--- 0.125 - -------'-------- - 60 --------------- 80 ------ -^-- CONTINUING PUMP-V -------- --ENT TEST ------------- -----------------ALL FOUR EXTRACTION WELLS---- PUMPING ---------------------- . 9112197 10:50 ------- --------- 1610 --------------- EW-1 and EW-3 started -----------------------------' ----- -- 0.5 —----- 0.125 — ------ 0.5 —---- 0.125 --------------- 60 --------------- 80 — ---- ----- - 9112/97 16:30 1950 Increased flow rate in EW-1 ---- 0.5 0.12s ----------------- 60 ^------- - - --- 80 ----------------- 1 /97 18:30 --__-2070 Increased flow -rate -in EW-1 -0.75 1.0 —0_125 ....... 0_125 0_5 0.125 60 0 9/13/97 11:18 --- — ---------- ---------- 3078 Increased flow rate in EW-1 ----ease- 1.125 0.125 __- 0.5 0.125 .125 . _ ---_ 60 ------��-----__ 80 — ----- -------- 9/13/97 12:50 ----------- -- 317 3170 - ----- ------ low-rate-n EW----------------- Increased flow rate in EW-1 -1-------------- - -------- --- ------in --'-- 1.25 ---- --- 0.125 -'-----' 0.5 - 0.125 --------- 60 — — — 80 —_ - -- 7 20: --' 9/13/97 20:00 --'- 3600 ---'------ — Increased flow rate in EW-1 E — --------- ---- 1.50 -------- 0.125 ------- 0.5 ^----- 0.125 -------------------' 60 -— — --____________ 5197 1 9/15/97 14:15 - - - - 6135 - -- Increased cuum-in system Increased vacuum in system 2-------- --greased -cuu - -- ---- - - 1_50 ---- 0.125 ------ 0.5 ---- ' 0.125 — ------ -'-------- 60 - -'-----------80 1_17 ----------------- 9/15/97 18:00 ------------ ------- 6360 ---- --------- Increased vacuum -- s stem 2 ------------ -----Y --- - ---- - - 1.50 -' -- 0.125 ----- 0.5 ------ 0.12s --------------------- 60 -____ _ — — - 130 1 /97 6:30 7110 _ Shutdown um vent test --- 0 --- -- 0 - — 0 -- 0 --------------- - -- 0 --------------------0 ----------------- STARTED SPARGE TEST ----9/161-7 11:4- - - --- ---- - 16/97 11:45 0 -- -ted Sparg -Test - PT-. - -- - -- Started Spare Test- PT — ---- ----- --- ----------- ---- ---- -------------- -- ----'-------- 9/16l97 14:30165 Increased pressure________-- ---- ------'- --- ------- — --_— ----------' 15 9/16/9716:00 255lncreased ---17:4 ressure ---------36 _ 9/16/97 17:45 360 - ----- ---- - Increased pressure —re ----p pressure ---- ------ ------ ----- ---- ------ - -- --- ---- ------ -------- _ — --'--------- -4 9/16/9718:30 405 - -------52 Stet- --essure-- ------- Increased pressure - --'-- -- ------- - ---- ----- -----22 9/16/97 20:30 525 ncle! Ppne -- - -- -- —---- — Ended S ar a Test --- ----- ---- --- ------ ----- -^--- — 24 SPARGE-VENT TEST BEGINS --- --- --- 0 ------------- 9/17/97 8:00 0 --- — --- -------------'- -------------------------------' Started S ar a -Vent Test --- ----- - -- _— ----------- --"'-- —"-- -- -- -- 9/17/97 8:10 10 ----------------- ----------Q -$ - ------------- ----- Turned s are ressure down P- ---- --' - ---- ----" -______--_______60 ----_----__--_ 117 ---- --- - 24 --------------- -- —P ---------------------- Turned down vacuum on sys.2 -blowing ----- -------- —'-- ------------ 60 117 20 9117/97 14:30 390 -------------' -- --- - water and silt 60 9/17/97 17:30 570 -------------- ---------- ----- ----- --- Last readin -- test ended --- ---- " ------- ------ --------------------- ---------------104 ----------- 20 PUMP -VENT TEST - EW-1 AND EW-2 ------------------- --------------- ------------------------------- 60 104 20 — ---------------------------------------- tarted pumping EW-1 and EW-2; moved --- -- ---- - -'— --- ---------------- -- ---- ' ----S- venturi to EW-1 and EW-2 and pulled 9118197 8:10 ___ 0 --------------'------ ---------- vacuum -----'----'---------------------P_-------- 1.6 0.125 0 0 117 /18/97 16:30 500 - Ended EW-1 and EW-2 Pum vent test Data Logger Data Setups Type Mode I.D. Reference PSI at Ref. SG Linearity Scale factor Offset Delay mSEC Initial DTW Date Time Elapsed Time 9/10/97 10:00 9/10/97 10:10 9/10/97 10:20 9/10/97 10:30 9/10/97 10:40 9/10/97 10:50 9/10/97 11:00 9/10/97 11:10 9/10/97 1 1:20 9/10/97 1 1:30 9/10/97 11:40 9/10/97 11:50 9/10197 12:00 9/10/97 12:10 9/10/97 12:20 9/10/97 12:30 9110/97 12:40 9/10/97 12:50 9/10/97 13:00 9110/97 13:10 9/10/97 13:20 9/10/97 13:30 9/10/97 13:40 9/10/97 13:50 9/10/97 14:00 9/10/97 14:10 9/10/97 14:20 9/10/97 14:30 9/10/97 14:40 9/10/97 14:50 9/10/97 15:00 9/10/97 15:10 9/10/97 15:20 9/10/97 15:30 9/10/97 15:40 9/10/97 15:50 9/10/97 16:00 9/10/97 16:10 9/10/97 16:20 9/10/97 16:30 0:00 0:10 0:20 0:30 0:40 0:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 SE2000 Enviro nmental Lo 9 /22 11:09 Unit# 5 52 T INPUT 1 INPUT 2 INPUT 3 INPUT 4 Level(F) Level(F) Level(F) Level(F) TOC TOC TOC TOC 2D 2S EW4 EW3 0 0 0 0 18.991 5.474 2.672 10.365 1 1 1 1 0.122 0 0.045 0.037 19.781 16 10.065 9.79 -0.031 4 -0.036 -0.011 50 50 50 50 15.92 16.48 16.74 16.59 Step 0 9/10/97 10:00 INPUT 1 INPUT 2 INPUT 3 INPUT 4 STEP TEST -0.075 0.02 0.022 0 -0.006 -0.005 0.015 0 -0.012 -0.01 0.015 0 -0.031 0.156 3.318 0 -0.05 0.236 4.326 0 -0.044 0.276 4.734 0 -0.05 0.297 4.693 0 -0.05 0.312 5.827 0 -0.201 0.377 6.806 0 -0.069 0.352 7.448 0 -0.062 0.367 7.448 0 -0.062 0.382 7.445 0 -0.056 0.402 7.442 0 -0.056 0.407 7.445 0 -0.05 0.417 7.442 0 -0.044 0.432 7.448 0 -0.037 0.432 7.442 0 -0.025 0.453 7.445 0 -0.037 0.463 7.445 0 -0.044 0.478 7.439 0 -0.919 0.473 7.442 0 -0.843 0.458 6.315 0 -0.749 0.432 5.099 0.031 0.503 0.422 4.227 3.949 0.598 0.402 2.677 6.81 0.692 0.387 2.173 8.906 0.78 0.372 1.824 10.578 0.85 0.362 1.593 12.789 0.925 0.352 1.374 14.356 0.994 0.347 1.329 15.499 1.051 0.342 1.053 16.111 1.095 0.337 2.309 18 1.145 0.377 2.871 21.313 1.19 0.387 2.82 23.744 1.278 0.432 3.105 23.322 1.334 0.458 3.365 21.378 1.353 0.483 3.723 20.893 1.391 0.498 3.793 20.215 1.404 0.533 3.914 19.728 1.416 0.563 4.006 20.619 gger est 0 INPUT 5 INPUT 6 INPUT 7 INPUT 8 Level(F) Level(F) Level(F) Level(F), TOC TOC TOC TOC. 3S EW1 3D EW2 0 0 0 0 2.978 10.585 18.926 2.229 1 1 1 1 0.135 0.034 0.13 0.046 20.239 10.13 20 9.925 0.387 -0.185 -0.146 0.029 50 50 50 50 18.60 18.65 18.60 18.2 10:57 INPUT 5 INPUT 6 INPUT 7 INPUT 8 -0.006 0 0.249 -0.003 0.006 0 0.229 0 -0.006 0 0.242 -0.006 0.095 0 0.217 3.375 0.191 0 0.21 5.167 0.255 0 0.191 6.309 0.313 0 0.223 6.309 0.358 0 0.229 6.303 0.39 0 0.268 6.29 0.434 0 0.434 6.296 0.453 0 0.727 6.303 0.466 0 1.04 5.37 0.473 0 1.474 4.418 0.479 0 1.691 3.642 0.479 0 1.825 2.981 0.473 0 1.915 2.602 0.466 0 1.959 2.304 0.466 0 1.991 2.034 0.466 0 2.023 1.812 0.473 0 2.036 1.639 0.473 0 2.234 1.439 0.485 0 2.496 1.288 0.485 0 2.681 1.163 0.492 0 2.808 1.019 0.505 0 2.91 0.947 0.511 0 2.993 0.821 0.524 0 3.051 0.758 0.537 0 3.095 0.693 0.549 0 3.146 0.646 0.562 0 3.172 0.636 0.569 0 3.21 0.586 0.588 0 3.287 2.103 0.645 1.302 3.606 3.144 0.716 2.55 3.95 4.061 0.805 3.193 4.205 5.142 0.882 4.039 4.422 6.005 0.952 4.286 4.607 6.309 1.01 4.463 4.754 6.293 1.08 4.575 4.856 6.293 1.144 4.665 4.92 6.303 9110/9716:40 6:40 1.435 0.578 4.113 21.174 1.195 4.736 4.983 6.299 9/10/9716:50 6:50 1.46 0.599 4.246 21.529 1.233 4.794 5.041 6.299 9/10/9717:00 7:00 1.492 0.573 4.513 22 1.272 4.839 5.085 6.296 9/10/9717:10 7:10 1.523 0.629 5.431 22.992 1.31 5.539 5.143 6.281 9/10/9717:20 7:20 1.536 0.679 5.422 23.002 1.361 7.136 5.29 6.29 9/10/9717:30 7:30 1.555 0.699 5.438 23.005 1.4 7.797 5.481 6.293 9110/97 17:4 0' 7:40 1.58 0.714 5.416 22.999 1.425 8.128 5.64 6.29 9110/9717:50 7:50 1,599 0.729 5.39 23.211 1.457 8.317 5.749 6.29 9/10/9718:00 8:00 1.618 0.739 4.978 23.143 1.489 8.433 5.832 6.29 9/10/9718:10 8:10 1.649 0.739 4.931 23.134 1.515 8.513 5.908 6.278 9110/9718:20 8:20 1.662 0.815 7.445 23.578 1.547 8.169 5.806 6.29 9/10/9718:30 8:30 1.681 0.81 7.069 23.482 1.553 10.913 6.004 6.293 9/10/9718:40 8:40 1.699 0.785 4.861 23.488 1.559 11.949 6.291 6.303 9/10/9718:50 8:50 1.718 0.75 4.002 23.618 1.547 12.392 6.501 6.027 9110/9719:00 9:00 1.737 0.734 3.365 23.627 1.534 12.622 6.648 5.182 9/10/9719:10 9:10 1.75 0.75 4.056 25.102 1.534 14.504 6.769 4.603 9/10/9719:20 9:20 1.788 0.755 3.353 24.046 1.521 17.717 7.03 4.058 9/10/9719:30 9:30 1.8 0.739 2.49 22.82 1.502 21.652 7.597 3.595 9/10/9719:40 9:40 1.806 0.724 2.347 22.345 1.54 23.682 8.018 3.166 9/10/9719:50 9:50 1.819 0.704 2.037 21.889 1.547 23.992 8.317 2.877 9/10/97 20:00 10:00 1.857 0.604 -4.091 10.581 1.438 11.821 8.476 -2.165 END OF STEP TEST -RECOVERY 9/10/97 20:10 10:10 1.832 0.498 -2.531 5.375 1.342 0 7.119 -1.43 9/10/97 20:20 10:20 1.743 0.427 -1.654 0.974 1.259 0 5.627 -1.01 9/10/97 20:30 10:30 1.624 0.362 -1.108 0 1.189 0 4.448 -0.705 9/10/97 20:40 10:40 1.504 0.307 -0.774 0 1.125 0 3.58 -0.464 9/10/97 20:50 10:50 1.372 0.261 -0.552 0 1.061 0 2.936 -0.285 9/10/97 21:00 11:00 1.246 0.231 -0.396 0 0.997 0 2.451 -0.144 9/10/97 21:10 11:10 1.12 0.201 -0.273 0 0.933 0 2.074 -0.021 9/10/97 21:20 11:20 1.007 0.181 -0.187 0 0.875 0 1.793 0.078 9/10/97 21:30 11:30 0.9 0.161 -0.12 0 0.824 0 1.564 0.153 9/10/97 21:40 11:40 0.799 0.151 -0.069 0 0.773 0 1.372 0.207 9110/97 21:50 11:50 0.705 0.135 -0.031 0 0.728 0 1.219 0.247 9/10/97 22:00 12:00 0.623 0.13 -0.003 0 0.684 0 1.091 0.276 9110/97 22:10 12:10 0.547 0.12 0.022 0 0.645 0 0.989 0.294 9110/97 22:20 12:20 0.478 0.11 0.041 0 0.607 0 0.893 0.307 9/10/97 22:30 12:30 0.415 0.105 0.053 0 0.575 0 0.81 0.313 9/10197 22:40 12:40 0.358 0.1 0.063 0 0.537 0 0.74 0.313 9/10/97 22:50 12:50 0.308 0.095 0.069 0 0.511 0 0.683 0.31 9110/97 23:00 13:00 0.258 0.09 0.076 0 0.479 0 0.625 0.301 9/10/97 23:10 13:10 0.214 0.085 0.079 0 0.453 0 0.581 0.288 9/10/97 23:20 13:20 0.176 0.085 0.082 0 0.428 0 0.536 0.276 9/10/97 23:30 13:30 0.138 0.08 0.085 0 0.402 0 0.498 0.26 9110/97 23:40 13:40 0.107 0.075 0.082 0 0.377 0 0.459 0.247 9/10197 23:50 13:50 0.075 0.07 0.082 0 0.358 0 0.427 0.232 9/11/97 0:00 14:00 0.05 0.07 0.082 0 0.338 0 0.395 0.216 9111/97 0:10 14:10 0.025 0.065 0.082 0 0.319 0 0.37 0.203 9/11/97 0:20 14:20 0.006 0.06 0.079 0 0.3 0 0.344 0.188 9/11197 0:30 14:30 -0.018 0.06 0.076 0 0.281 0 0.319 0.175 9/11/97 0:40 14:40 -0.037 0.055 0.073 0 0.262 0 0.3 0.163 9/11/97 0:50 14:50 -0.056 0.05 0.066 0 0.249 0 0.274 0.147 9111/971:00 15:00 -0.075 0.045 0.063 0 0.23 0 0.261 0.134 9/11/971:10 15:10 -0.088 0.025 0.063 0 0.217 0 0.242 0.125 9/11/971:20 15:20 -0.1 0.04 0.06 0 0.204 0 0.223 0.112 9111/971:30 15:30 -0.119 0.04 0.06 0 0.191 0 0.21 0.103 9/11 /97 1:40 15:40 -0.132 0.04 0.06 0 0.179 0 0.191 0.09 9/111971:50 15:50 -0.144 0.035 0.053 0 0.166 0 0.178 0.081 9/11/97 2:00 16:00 -0.151 0.035 0.053 0 0.153 0 0.166 0.072 9/11/97 2:10 16:10 -0.163 0.03 0.047 0 0.14 0 0.153 0.059 9/11/97 2:20 16:20 -0.176 0.03 0.047 0 0.127 0 0.14 0.05 9111/97 2:30 16:30 -0.188 0.025 0.044 0 0.115 0 0.127 0.037 9/11/97 2:40 16:40 -0.195 0.02 0.041 0 0.108 0 0.114 0.028 9111/97 2:50 16:50 -0.201 0.02 0.038 0 0.095 0 0.108 0.018 9/11/97 3:00 17:00 -0.214 0.015 0.034 0 0.083 0 0.095 0.006 9/11/97 3:10 17:10 -0.22 0.015 0.031 0 0.076 0 0.089 -0.003 9/11197 3:20 17:20 -0.233 0.01 0.028 0 0.063 0 0.076 -0.012 9/11/97 3:30 17:30 -0.239 0.015 0.028 0 0.057 0 0.063 -0.021 9/11/97 3:40 17:40 -0.245 0.015 0.028 0 0.044 0 0.063 -0.028 9/11/97 3:50 17:50 -0.251 0.01 0.025 0 0.038 0 0.051 -0.037 9/11/97 4:00 18:00 -0.258 0.005 0.025 0 0.031 0 0.044 -0.047 9/11/97 4:10 18:10 -0.264 0.005 0.022 0 0.025 0 0.038 -0.053 9/11/97 4:20 18:20 -0.27 0.005 0.022 0 0.012 0 0.031 -0.062 9/11/97,4:30 18:30 -0.277 0.005 0.019 0 0.006 0 0.019 -0.069 9/11/97 4:40 18:40 -0.283 0 0.015 0 0 0 0.012 -0.078 9/11/97 4:50 18:50 -0.289 0 0.015 0 -0.006 0 0.012 -0.084 9/11/97 5:00 19:00 -0.295 0 0.015 0 -0.012 0 0.006 -0.09 9/11197 5:10 19:10 -0.302 -0.005 0.012 0 -0.019 0 -0.006 -0.097 9/11/97 5:20 19:20 -0.308 -0.005 0.012 0 -0.025 0 -0.012 -0.103 9/11/97 5:30 19:30 -0.314 -0.005 0.009 0 -0.038 0 -0.012 -0.109 9/11/97 5:40 19:40 -0.321 -0.005 0.012 0 -0.038 0 -0.019 -0.116 9111/97 5:50 19:50 -0.321 -0.01 0.009 0 -0.044 0 -0.025 -0.122 9/11/97 6:00 20:00 -0.327 -0.01 0.009 0 -0.051 0 -0.031 -0.128 9/11/97 6:10 20:10 -0.333 -0.01 0.006 0 -0.057 0 -0.038 -0.134 9/11/97 6:20 20:20 -0.34 -0.01 0.006 0 -0.063 0 -0.038 -0.138 9111/97 6:30 20:30 -0.34 -0.015 0.003 0 -0.07 0 -0.044 -0.144 9/11/97 6:40 20:40 -0.346 -0.015 0.003 0 -0.076 0 -0.051 -0.147 9111/97 6:50 20:50 -0.352 -0.015 0.003 0 -0.076 0 -0.057 -0.153 9/11/97 7:00 21:00 -0.352 -0.015 0.003 0 -0.083 0 -0.057 -0.159 9/11/917:10 21:10 -0.358 -0.015 0.003 0 -0.089 0 -0.063 -0.163 9/11/97 7:20 21:20 -0.358 -0.02 0 0 -0.095 0 -0.07 -0.169 9/11/97 7:30 21:30 -0.365 -0.02 0 0 -0.095 0 -0.07 -0.172 9/11/97 7:40 21:40 -0.371 -0.02 -0.003 0 -0.108 0 -0.089 -0.178 9/11/97 7:50 21:50 -0.371 -0.02 -0.003 0 -0.115 0 -0.095 -0.181 PUMP - VENT TEST - SHALLOW WELLS (EW-2 AND EW-4) 9/11/97 8:00 22:00 -0.396 0.035 6.394 0 -0.044 0 -0.108 4.043 9/11/97 8:10 22:10 -0.365 0.337 6.23 0 0.063 0 0.153 4.897 9111/97 8:20 22:20 -0.333 0.276 5.824 0 0.134 0 0.14 5.755 9/11/97 8:30 22:30 -0.321 0.337 5.362 0 0.185 0 0.089 6.274 9/11/97 8:40 22:40 -0.321 0.372 5.254 0 0.223 0 0.051 6.303 9/11/97 8:50 22:50 -0.314 0.402 5.13 0 _0.262 0 0.012 6.303 9111/97 9:00 23:00 -0.321 0.427 5.02 0 0.294 0 0 6.303 9/11/97 9:10 23:10 -0.327 0.437 4.918 0 0.326 0 -0.006 6.303 9/11/97 9:20 23:20 -0.327 0.453 4.959 0 0.351 0 -0.012 6.299 9/11/97 9:30 23:30 -0.333 0.468 4.89 0 0.383 0 -0.006 6.299 9/11/97 9:40 23:40 -0.352 0.478 4.89 0 0.402 0 -0.012 6.296 9/11197 9:50 23:50 -0.352 0.488 4.839 0 0.422 0 -0.006 6.293 9/11/9710:00 0:00 -0.358 0.483 4.874 0 0.441 0 -0.012 6.293 9/11/9710:10 0:10 -0.358 0.498 4.871 0 0.447 0 -0.012 6.293 9/11/9710:20 0:20 -0.358 0.498 4.893 0 0.46 0 -0.012 6.293 9111/9710:30 0:30 -0.358 0.508 5.219 0 0.466 0 -0.006 6.293 9/11/9710:40 0:40 -0.365 0.513 5.406 0 0.46 0 -0.006 6.299 9/11/9710:50 0:50 -0.365 0.523 5.606 0 0.434 0 0 6.306 9/11/9711:00 1:00 -0.365 0.533 5.742 0 0.409 0 0 5.298 9/11/9711:10 1:10 -0.371 0.543 5.834 0 0.377 0 -0.006 4.39 9/11/9711:20 1:20 -0.371 0.548 5.951 0 0.338 0 -0.012 3.723 9/11/9711:30 1:30 -0.371 0.558 5.983 0 0.313 0 -0.019 3.166 9111/9711:40 1:40 -0.371 0.563 5.897 0 0.268 0 -0.031 2.693 9111/9711:50 1:50 -1.379 0.573 5.986 0 0.242 0 -0.044 2.31 9/1119712:00 2:00 -1.41 0.568 6.081 0 0.211 0 -0.063 1.969 9/11/9712:10 2:10 -1.436 0.578 6.043 0 0.185 0 -0.063 1.721 9/1119712:20 2:20 -1.448 0.578 6.141 0 0.166 0 -0.076 2.752 9/11/9712:30 2:30 -1.473 0.583 6.144 0 0.179 0 -0.089 4.23 9111/9712:40 2:40 -1.492 0.583 6.15 0 0.217 0 -0.095 5.658 9/11/9712:50 2:50 -1.517 0.599 5.58 0 0.262 0 -0.095 6.309 9/11/9713:00 3:00 -1.517 0.573 4.272 0 0.3 0 -0.102 6.306 9/1119713:10 3:10 -1.524 0.548 3.33 0 0.338 0 -0.095 6.303 9/1119713:20 3:20 -1.53 0.528 2.757 0 0.377 0 -0.089 6.299 9/1119713:30 3:30 -1.536 0.503 2.807 0 0.396 0 -0.063 6.29 9/11/97 13:40 3:40 -1.549 0.503 3.058 0 0.428 0 -0.076 6.296 9111/9713:50 $:50 -1.549 0.488 3.172 0 0.441 0 -0.083 6.296 9/11/9714:00 4:00 -1.612 0.473 3.257 0 0.447 0 -0.089 6.296 9/11/9714:10 4:10 -1.618 0.458 3.406 0 0.447 0 -0.089 6.299 9/1119714:20 4:20 -1.625 0.468 3.41 0 0.453 0 -0.089 6.299 9/1119714:30 4:30 -1.612 0.473 3.438 0 0.447 0 -0.089 6.299 9/11/97 14:40 4:40 -1.618 0.463 3.54 0 0.428 0 -0.07 6.287 9/11/9714:50 4:50 -1.631 0.478 3.872 0 0.434 0 -0.095 6.296 9/11/97 15:00 5:00 -1.631 0.473 4.126 0 0.428 0 -0.095 6.299 9111 /97 15:10 5:10 -1.637 0.488 4.342 0 0.422 0 -0.095 6.299 9/1119715:20 5:20 -1.631 0.483' 4.468 0 0.422 0 -0.089 6.299 9/11/9715:30 5:30 -1.643 0.493 4.605 0 0.422 0 -0.114 6.303 9/11/9715:40 5:40 -1.681 0.508 4.712 0 0.409 0 -0.095 6.29 9/11/97 15:50 5:50 -1.65 0.503 4.785 0 0.422 0 -0.114 6.303 9/11/9716:00 6:00 -1.656 0.508 4.82 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.303 9/11/97 16:10 6:10 -1.656 0.518 4.912 0 0.434 0 -0.121 6.303 9/11/97 16:20 6:20 -1.656 0.513 4.991 0 0.441 0 -0.121 6.303 9/11/97 16:30 6:30 -1.839 0.538 5.001 0 0.428 0 -0.102 6.293 9/11/9716:40 6:40 -1.801 0.533 4.997 0 0.447 0 -0.114 6.303 9/11/9716:50 6:50 -1.795 0.533 5.016 0 0.447 0 -0.114 6.303 9/11/97 17:00 7:00 -1.801 0.543 5.032 0 0.447 0 -0.108 6.303 9/11/97 17:10 7:10 -1.788 0.533 5.058 0 0.441 0 -0.108 6.303 9/11/9717:20 7:20 -1.788 0.543 5.07 0 0.434 0 -0.108 6.299 9/11/9717:30 7:30 -1.788 0.548 5.023 0 0.428 0 -0.127 6.296 9/11/97 17:40 7:40 -1.795 0.558 5.105 0 0.409 0 -0.114 5.905 9/1119717:50 7:50 -1.788 0.553 4.231 0 0.383 0 -0.127 4.603 911 1 /97 18:00 8:00 -1.788 0.548 4.959 0 0.358 0 -0.121 4.177 9/11/97.18:10 8:10 -1.788 0.553 5.073 0 0.332 0 -0.121 4.068 9/11/9718:20 8:20 -1.788 0.548 5.149 0 0.306 0 -0.121 3.363 9/11/9718:30 8:30 -1.788 0.553 5.172 0 0.281 0 -0.127 3.031 9/11/9718:40 8:40 -1.788 0.553 5.219 0 0.262 0 -0.134 2.567 9/1119718:50 8:50 -1.788 0.558 5.232 0 0.242 0 -0.14 2.887 9/11/9719:00 9:00 -1.788 0.563 5.251 0 0.223 0 -0.14 2.523 9/11/9719:10 9:10 -1.788 0.563 5.279 0 0.204 0 -0.146 2.36 9111/9719:20 9:20 -1.788 0.563 5.289 0 0.179 0 -0.153 2.282 9/11/9719:30 9:30 -1.788 0.563 5.298 0 0.166 0 -0.159 2.091 9/11/97 19:40 9:40 -1.795 0.568 5.314 0 0.147 0 -0.166 1.843 9/11/9719:50 9:50 -1.807 0.568 5.305 0 0.134 0 -0.172 2.006 9111197 20:00 10:00 -1.807 0.573 5.539 0 0.115 0 -0.172 1.417 9/11/97 20:10 10:10 -1.807 0.578 5.435 0 0.089 0 -0.159 2.012 9/11/97 20:20 10:20 1.801 0.583 5.4 0 0.108 0 -0.178 3.231 9/11/97 20:30 10:30 -1.801 0.583 5.355 0 0.134 0 -0.185 3.908 9111197 20:40 10:40 -1.82 0.588 5.368 0 0.14 0 -0.166 4.271 9/11/97 20:50 10:50 -1.807 0.588 5.359 0 0.159 0 -0.166 4.681 9/11/97 21:00 11:00 -1.839 0.583 5.194 0 0.172 0 -0.172 3.986 9/11/97 21:10 11:10 -1.82 0.578 5.178 0 0.191 0 -0.185 4.594 9/11/97 21:20 11:20 -1.82 0.583 5.105 0 0.204 0 -0.185 5.082 9/11/97 21:30 11:30 -1.82 0.578 5.042 0 0.223 0 -0.185 5.423 9/11197 21:40 11:40 -1.814 0.573 5.029 0 0.242 0 -0.185 5.699 9/11197 21:50 11:50 -1.826 0.578 5.134 0 0.255 0 -0.185 6.012 9/11197 22:00 12:00 -1.82 0.573 5.333 0 0.274 0 -0.185 5.789 9/11/97 22:10 12:10 -1.82 0.578 5.419 0 0.281 0 -0.178 5.955 9/11/97 22:20 12:20 -1.814 0.578 5.441 0 0.3 0 -0.178 6.165 9/11/97 22:30 12:30 -1.82 0.583 5.441 0 0.306 0 -0.172 6.284 9/11197 22:40 12:40 -1.814 0.583 5.441 0 0.319 0 -0.172 6.299 9/11/97 22:50 12:50 -1.82 0.588 5.473 0 0.326 0 -0.172 6.299 9/11/97 23:00 13:00 -1.814 0.583 5.488 0 0.332 0 -0.166 6.299 9/11197 23:10 13:10 -1 :814 0.583 5.476 0 0.338 0 -0.166 6.299 9/11/97 23:20 13:20 -1.807 0.588 5.46 0 0.345 0 -0.166 6.299 9/11/97 23:30 13:30 -1.807 0.583 5.454 0 0.351 0 -0.159 6.299 9/11/97 23:40 13:40 -1.807 0.588 5.476 0 0.358 0 -0.159 6.299 9/11/97 23:50 13:50 -1.807 0.588 5.463 0 0.364 0 -0.159 6.299 9/12/97 0:00 14:00 -1.807 0.588 5.463 0 0.364 0 -0.153 6.299 9/12/97 0:10 14:10 -1.807 0.568 5.593 0 0.377 0 -0.159 6.299 9/12/97 0:20 14:20 -1.807 0.588 5.564 0 0.383 0 -0.153 6.299 9/12/97 0:30 14:30 -1.801 0.588 5.539 0 0.383 0. -0.153 6.299 9/12/97 0:40 14:40 -1.801 0.594 5.498 0 0.39 0 -0.153 6.299 9/12/97 0:50 14:50 -1.801 0.588 5.46 0 0.39 0 -0.146 6.299 9/12/971:00 15:00 -1.801 0.594 5.492 0 0.39 0 0.146 6.299 9/12/971:10 15:10 -1.801 0.594 5.476 0 0.39 0 -0.146 6.299 9/12/971:20 15:20 -1.801 0.583 5.457 0 0.396 0 -0.146 6.296 9/12/971:30 15:30 -1.795 0.588 5.457 0 0.396 0 -0.146 6.299 9/12/971:40 15:40 -1.795 0.583 5.447 0 0.396 0 -0.14 6.299 9/12/971:50 15:50 -1.795 0.583 5.431 0 0.402 0 -0.14 6.299 9/12/97 2:00 16:00 -1.788 0.573 5.511 0 0.415 0 -0.204 6.296 9/12/97 2:10 16:10 -1.795 0.578 5.441 0 0.409 0 -0.134 6.296 9112/97 2:20 16:20 -1.801 0.588 5.59 0 0.409 0 -0.14 6.296 9/12/97 2:30 16:30 -1.788 0.583 5.723 0 0.409 0 -0.14 6.296 9/12/97 2:40 16:40 -1.788 0.573 5.786 0 0.409 0 -0.197 6.296 9/12/97 2:50 16:50 -1.788 0.588 5.85 0 0.409 0 -0.134 6.296 9/12/97 3:00 17:00 -1.788 0.594 5.869 0 0.415 0 -0.14 6.296 9/12/97 3:10 17:10 -1.788 0.594 5.903 0 0.409 0 -0.134 6.299 9/12/97 3:20 17:20 -1.788 0.594 5.938 0 0.415 0 -0.197 6.296 9/12/97 3:30 17:30 -1.788 0.599 5.948 0 0.415 0 -0.14 6.296 9/12/97 3:40 17:40 -1.782 0.599 5.979 0 0.422 0 -0.134 6.296 9/12/97 3:50 17:50 -1.782 0.599 5.995 0 0.422 0 -0.134 6.299 9/12/97 4:00 18:00 -1.782 0.594 5.808 0 0.422 0 -0.197 6.296 9/12/97 4:10 18:10 -1.782 0.594 5.894 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 4:20 18:20 -1.782 0.594 5.926 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 4:30 18:30 -1.782 0.594 5.97 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 4:40 18:40 -1.782 0.594 5.995 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 4:50 18:50 -1.776 . 0.599 6.021 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 5:00 19:00 -1.782 0.599 6.049 0 0.422 0 -0.127 6.299 9/12/97 5:1 Q 19:10 -1.776 0.604 6.055 0 0.428 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 5:20 19:20 -1.776 0.604 6.065 0 0.434 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 5:30 19:30 -1.769 0.604 6.068 0 0.434 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 5:40 19:40 -1.769 0.604 6.081 0 0.428 0 -0.127 6.296 9112/97 5:50 19:50 -1.769 0.604 6.09 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 6:00 20:00 -1.769 0.599 6.388 0 0.428 0 -0.127 6.296 9/12/97 6:10 20:10 -1.763 0.614 6.315 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 6:20 20:20 -1.763 0.619 6.261 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 6:30 20:30 -1.763 0.619 6.204 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 6:40 20:40 -1.757 0.619 6.169 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 6:50 20:50 -1.757 0.624 6.173 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 7:00 21:00 -1.757 0.624 6.15 0 0.428 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12197 7:10 21:10 -1.751 0.624 6.128 0 0.422 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 7:20 21:20 -1.757 0.624 6.122 0 0.422 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 7:30 21:30 -1.751 0.624 6.128 0 0.415 0 -0.114 6.296 9112/97 7:40 21:40 -1.751 0.629 6.103 0 0.409 0 -0.121 6.296 9/12/97 7:50 21:50 -1.751 0.629 6.119 0 0.409 0 -0.114 6.296 9112/97 8:00 22:00 -1.751 0.619 6.166 0 0.402 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 8:10 22:10 -1.744 0.629 6.138 0 0.402 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 8:20 22:20 -1.732 0.629 6.138 0 0.402 0 -0.114 6.299 9/12/97 8:30 22:30 -1:744 0.624 6.112 0 0.396 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 8:40 22:40 -1.732 0.629 6.106 0 0.396 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 8:50 22:50 -1.732 0.634 6.1 0 0.396 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 9:00 23:00 -1.732 0.634 6.103 0 0.396 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 9:10 23:10 -1.732 0.629 6.106 0 0.39 0 -0.114 6.296 9/12/97 9:20 23:20 -1.732 0.629 6.084 0 0.383 0 -0.121 6.299 9/12/97 9:30 ' 23:30 -1.732 0.629 6.087 0 0.383 0 -0.121 6.296 9112/97 9:40 23:40 -1.732 0.634 6.084 0 0.377 0 -0.121 6.299 9112197 9:50 23:50 -1.744 0.634 6.078. 0 0.377 0 -0.127 6.299 9/12/9710:00 0:00 -1.744 0.634 6.021 0 0.37 0 -0.134 6.303 9/1219710:10 0:10 -1.738 0.624 5.989 0 0.37 0 -0.134 6.299 9/1219710:20 0:20 -1.751 0.629 6.017 0 0.358 0 -0.114 6.29 9/12/9710:30 0:30 -1.738 0.629 6.052 0 0.37 0 -0.127 6.299 9/12/9710:40 0:40 -1.776 0.614 6.09 0 0.377 0 -0.134 6.299 911219710:50 0:50 -1.744 0.614 6.059 0 0.377 0 -0.012 6.303 STARTED PUMPING ALL FOUR WELLS 9/12/9711:00 1:00 -1.662 0.629 6.068 0 0.39 0 0.529 6.299 9/12/9711:10 1:10 -1.549 0.629 6.062 0 0.409 0 1.034 6.303 9/12/9711:20 1:20 -1.436 0.634 6.078 0 0.441 0 1.411 6.303 9/1219711:30 1:30 -1.328 0.644 6.084 2.786 0.473 0 1.679 6.299 9/12/9711:40 1:40 -1.221 0.654 6.09 5.49 0.505 0 1.928 6.303 9/12/9711:50 1:50 -1.121 0.664 6.09 7.445 0.53 0 2.138 6.303 9/12/9712:00 2:00 -1.02 0.674 6.188 9.015 0.569 0 2.298 6.303 9/12/9712:10 2:10 -0.938 0.694 6.169 10.5 0.601 0 2.432 6.303 9/12/9712:20 2:20 -0.856 0.694 6.135 12.214 0.626 0 2.553 6.303 9/1219712:30 2:30 -0.774 0.709 6.157 13.478 0.658 0 2.649 6.303 9/12/9712:40 2:40 -0.705 0.709 6.135 14.362 0.684 0 2.719 6.303 9/12/9712:50 2:50 -0.642 0.719 6.116 15.005 0.709 0 2.783 6.303 9/12/9713:00 3:00 -0.579 0.729 6.128 15.493 0.735 0 2.834 6.303 9/12/9713:10 3:10 -0.516 0.734 6.163 15.925 0.767 0 2.891 6.303 9/12/9713:20 3:20 -0.484 0.734 6.135 16.16 0.786 0 2.923 6.303 9/1219713:30 3:30 -0.447 0.745 6.154 16.367 0.811 0 2.955 6.303 9/12/9713:40 3:40 -0.415 0.75 6.176 16.534 0.824 0 2.98 6.303 9/12/9713:50 3:50 -0.384 0.755 6.128 16.58 0.837 0 3 6.303 9/12/9714:00 4:00 -0.358 0.75 6.119 16.673 0.856 0 3.012 6.303 9/12/9714:10 4:10 -0.333 0.77 6.157 16.768 0.869 0 3.044 6.303 9/12/9714:20 4:20 -0.314 0.77 6.179 16.855 0.882 0 3.07 6.303 9/12/9714:30 4:30 -0.295 0.765 6.09 16.808 0.895 0 3.095 6.303 9112/9714:40 4:40 -0.277 0.77 6.192 16.938 0.907 0 3.114 6.303 9/12/9714:50 4:50 -0.258 0.78 6.223 16.978 0.927 0 3.134 6.303 9/12/9715:00 5:00 -0.245 0.78 6.211 16.984 0.927 0 3.153 6.303 9/12/9715:10 5:10 -0.226 0.785 6.207 17.018 0.946 0 3.166 6.303 9/12/9715:20 5:20 -0.214 0.79 6.233 17.108 0.952 0 3.178 6.303 9/12/9715:30 5:30 -0.207 0.79 6.233 17.16 0.959 0 3.185 6.303 9/12/9715:40 5:40 -0.195 0.795 6.239 17.213 0.971 0 3.197 6.303 9/12/9715:50 5:50 -0.182 0.8 6.233 17.241 0.978 0 3.21 6.303 9/12/9716:00 6:00 -0.17 0.79 6.144 17.188 0.984 0 3.223 6.303 9/12/9716:10 6:10 -0.17 0.8 6.188 17.265 0.984 0 3.229 6.303 9/12/9716:20 .. 6:20 -0.157 0.79 6.182 17.256 1.003 0 3.236 6.303 9/12/9716:30 6:30 -0.144 0.81 6.214 17.287 1.003 0 3.402 6.303 9/12/9716:40 6:40 -0.138 0.81 6.217 17.296 1.016 0 3.58 6.303 9/12/9716:50 6:50 -0.125 0.81 6.217 17.315 1.029 0 3.727 6.299 9/12/9717:00 7:00 -0.113 0.81 6.211 17.315 1.042 0 3.823 6.303 9/12/9717:10 7:10 -0.1 0.815 6.245 17.349 1.054 0 3.893 6.303 9/12/9717:20 7:20 -0.081 0.82 6.245 17.694 1.074 0 3.944 6.303 9/12/9717:30 7:30 -0.075 0.82 6.214 17.926 1.086 0 3.982 6.303 9112/9717:40 7:40 -0.056 0.82 6.22 18.12 1.099 0 4.014 6.303 9/12/9717:50 7:50 -0.044 0.82 6.223 18.253 1.112 0 4.04 6.303 9/12/9718:00 8:00 -0.025 0.83 6.369 18.5 1.118 0 4.065 6.303 9/12/9718:10 8:10 -0.006 0.835 6.347 18.852 1.131 0.868 4.065 6.303 9/12/9718:20 8:20 0 0.84 6.321 19.432 1.15 2.097 4.25 6.303 9112/9718:30 8:30 0.018 0.84 6.306 19.817 1.157 2.695 4.416 6.303 9/12/9718:40 8:40 0.037 0.845 6.309 20.082 1.176 2.978 4.543 6.303 9/12/9718:50 8:50 0.056 0.845 6.302 20.286 1.189 3.106 4.633 6.303 9112/9719:00 9:00 0.081 0.845 6.274 20.4 1.201 3.216 4.69 6.303 9/12/9719:10 9:10 0.094 0.845 6.277 20.505 1.221 3.274 4.741 6.303 9/12/9719:20 9:20 0.113 0.845 6.173 20.48 1.233 3.315 4.779 6.303 9112/9719:30 9:30 0.144 0.845 6.239 20.61 1.227 3.37 4.818 6.293 9/12/9719:40 9:40 0.144 0.855 6.277 20.687 1.253 3.389 4.83 6.303 9112/9719:50 9:50 0.157 0.85 6.239 20.742 1.259 3.438 4.85 6.303 9/12197 20:00 10:00 0.176 0.85 6.078 20.61 1.272 3.483 4.875 6.303 9/12/97 20:10 10:10 0.188 0.86 6.296 20.884 1.291 3.518 4.894 6.303 9/12/97 20:20 10:20 0.201 0.86 6.29 20.909 1.297 3.518 4.926 6.303 9/12/97 20:30 10:30 0.22 0.86 6.296 20.93 1.304 3.576 4.939 6.303 9/12/97 20:40 10:40 0.22 0.855 6.293 20.958 1.31 3.573 4.958 6.303 9/12/97 20:50 10:50 0.232 0.845 6.252 20.949 1.316 3.592 4.964 6.299 9/12/97 21:00 11:00 0.239 0.86 6.287 20.998 1.323 3.618 4.971 6.299 9/12/97 21:10 11:10 0.245 0.865 6.312 21.023 1.323 3.618 4.983 6.299 9112/97 21:20 11:20 0.251 0.86 6.337 21.057 1.329 3.64 4.99 6.299 9/12/97 21 :30 11:30 0.264 0.865 6.369 21.137 1.329 3.637 4.99 6.299 9/12/97 21 :40 11:40 0.264 0.87 6.356 21.115 1.336 4.158 5.003 6.299 9/12/97 21:50 11:50 0.27 0.87 6.378 21.165 1.329 4.582 5.073 6.299 9/12/97 22:00 12:00 0.27 0.86 6.486 21.378 1.336 4.762 5.13 6.299 9/12/97 22:10 1210 0.277 0.875 6.432 21.322 1.336 4.832 5.181 6.299 9/12/97 22:20 12:20 0.289 0.88 6.426 21.322 1.361 4.9 5.213 6.299 9/12/97 22:30 12:30 0.289 0.875 6.41 21.325 1.355 4.935 5.245 6.299 9/12/97 22:40 12:40 0.308 0.885 6.385 21.31 1.361 4.967 5.264 6.299 9112/97 22:50 12:50 0.314 0.88 6.378 21.353 1.361 4.99 5.277 6.299 9/12/97 23:00 ' 13:00 0.314 0.88 6.369 21.362 1.355 4.996 5.283 6.299 9/12/97 23:10 13:10 0.321 0.885 6.363 21.362 1.361 5.012 5.29 6.299 9/12197 23:20 13:20 0.333 0.885 6.334 21.356 1.368 5.041 5.302 6.299 9/12/97 23:30 13:30 0.333 0.891 6.318 21.378 1.368 5.041 5.309 6.299 9/12/97 23:40 13:40 0.34 0.885 6.312 21.399 1.368 5.077 5.321 6.299 9/12/97 23:50 13:50 0.346 0.885 6.312 21.411 1.374 5.109 5.321 6.299 9/13/97 0:00 14:00 0.358 0.88 6.258 21.374 1.374 5.073 5.334 6.299 9/13/97 0:10 14:10 0.358 0.88 6.283 21.418 1.374 5.112 5.341 6.299 9/13/97 0:20 14:20 0.365 0.885 6.302 21.424 1.374 5.106 5.347 6.299 9113/97 0:30 14:30 0.365 0.875 6.302 21.445 1.38 5.115 5.347 6.299 9/13/97 0:40 14:40 0.371 0.891 6.331 21.476 1.374 5.118 5.353 6.299 9/13/97 0:50 14:50 0.371 0.885 6.318 21.47 1.38 5.118 5.36 6.299 9/13/971:00 15:00 0.377 0.891 6.337 21.488 1.374 5.122 5.36 6.299 9/13/971:10 15:10 0.384 0.885 6.347 21.495 1.387 5.134 5.36 6.299 9/13/971:20 15:20 0.384 0.891 6.325 21.488 1.38 5.154 5.366 6.299 9/13/971:30 15:30 0.39 0.891 6.34 21.519 1.38 5.154 5.372 6.299 9/13/971:40 15:40 0.396 0.891 6.347 21.519 1.38 5.144 5.372 6.299 9/13/971:50 15:50 0.396 0.891 6.363 21.538 1.387 5.151 5.372 6.299 9/13/97 2:00 16:00 0.396 0.891 6.47 21.729 1.38 5.17 5.372 6.299 9/13/97 2:10 16:10 0.403 0.901 6.461 21.68 1.387 5.17 5.379 6.299 9/13/97 2:20 16:20 0.409 0.896 6.439 21.652 1.374 5.173 5.379 6.299 9/13/97 2:30 16:30 0.409 0.896 6.426 21.624 1.38 5.176 5.385 6.299 9/13/97 2:40 16:40 0.409 0.901 6.42 21.618 1.374 5.179 5.385 6.299 9/13/97 2:50 16:50 0.415 0.901 6.416 21.615 1.374 5.186 5.385 6.299 9/13/97 3:00 17:00 0.415 0.901 6.401 _ 21.596 1.374 5.202 5.392 6.299 9/13/97 3:10 17:10 0.415 0.906 6.429 21.633 1.374 5.202 5.392 6.299 9/13/97 3:20 17:20 0.421 0.916 6.429 21.64 1.374 5.208 5.392 6.299 9/13/97 3:30 17:30 0.428 0.906 6.416 21.652 1.374 5.221 5.392 6.299 9/13/97 3:40 17:40 0.428 0.906 6.404 21.655 1.374 5.186 5.398 6.299 9/13/97 3:50 17:50 0.434 0.911 6.407 21.667 1.368 5.302 5.398 6.299 9/13/97 4:00 18:00 0.428 0.901 6.404 21.698 1.374 5.212 5.398 6.299 9/13/97 4:10 18:10 0.434 0.911 6.407 21.714 1.368 5.231 5.398 6.299 9/13/97 4:20 18:20 0.44 0.911 6.401 21.707 1.368 5.24 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 4:30 18:30 0.44 0.906 6.388 21.723 1.361 5.215 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 4:40 18:40 0.44 0.911 6.41 21.741 1.368 5.237 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 4:50 18:50 0.447 0.911 6.363 21.71 1.361 5.26 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 5:00 19:00 0.44 0.911 6.372 21.751 1.361 5.26 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 5:10 19:10 0.453 0.916 6.397 21.794 1.361 5.25 5.404 6.299 9/13/97 5:20 19:20 0.447 0.916 6.41 21.812 1.361 5.266 5.411 6.299 4 9/13/97 5:30 19:30 0.453 0.916 6.426 21.824 1.361 5.25 5.411 6.299 9/13197 5:40 19:40 0.453 0.911 6.432 21.846 1.361 5.279 5.411 6.299 9/13/97 5:50 19:50 0.459 0.921 6.439 21.849 1.361 5.263 5.411 6.299 9/13/97 6:00 20:00 0.465 0.916 6.375 21.818 1.361 5.26 5.411 6.271 9/13/97 6:10 20:10 0.472 0.911 6.397 21.834 1.342 5.279 5.423 6.29 9/13/97 6:20 20:20 0.465 0.916 6.413 21.831 1.361 5.269 5.423 6.299 - 9/13/97 6:30 20:30 0.472 0.956 6.413 21.818 1.361 5.285 5.43 6.165 9/13197 6:40 20:40 0.472 0.921 6.442 21.84 1.361 5.292 5.43 6.181 9/13/97 6:50 20:50 0.478 0.926 6.439 21.834 1.361 5.298 5.423 6.168 9/13/97 7:00 21:00 0.478 0.921 6.461 21.855 1.355 5.292 5.43 6.184 9/13/97 7:10 21:10 0.478 0.926 6.461 21.855 1.355 5.302 5.43 6.215 9/13197 7:20 21:20 0.484 0.926 6.467 21.861 1.355 5.305 5.43 6.253 9/13/97 7:30 21:30 0.484 0.926 6.461 21.855 1.355 5.298 5.43 6.212 9/13/97 7:40 21:40 0.484 0.931 6.451 21.849 1.355 5.282 5.43 6.193 9/13/97 7:50 21:50 0.491 0.931 6.473 21.874 1.348 5.131 5.423 6.193 9/13/97 8:00 22:00 0.491 0.921 6.188 21.71 1.348 5.475 5.417 6.218 9/13/97 8:10 22:10 0.503 0.931 6.467 21.911 1.355 5.366 5.443 6.262 9113/97 8:20 22:20 0.51 0.936 6.467 21.877 1.355 5.34 5.443 6.209 9/13/97 8:30 22:30 0.51 0.936 6.473 21.861 1.355 5.321 5.443 6.171 9/13/97 8:40 22:40 0.503 0.936 6.473 21.84 1.348 5.305 5.443 6.199 9/13/97 8:50 22:50 0.503 0.941 6.464 21.824 1.342 5.285 5.43 6.243 9/13/97 9:00 23:00 0.51 0.941 6.461 21.991 1.342 5.43 5.43 6.237 9/13197 9:10 23:10 0.51 0.941 6.461 22.16 1.336 5.648 5.455 6.184 9/13/97 9:20 23:20 0.516 0.941 6.432 22.278 1.342 5.745 5.481 6.149 9/13/97 9:30 23:30 0.516 0.941 6.464 22.441 1.342 5.783 5.5 6.246 9/13/97 9:40 23:40 0.522 0.946 6.458 22.462 1.348 5.809 5.513 6.159 9/13/97 9:50 23:50 0.522 0.946 6.464 22.472 1.342 5.61 5.519 5.933 9113/9710:00 0:00 0.528 0.951 6.562 22.718 1.348 5.806 5.525 6.03 9/13/9710:10 0:10 0.535 0.951 6.546 22.718 1.342 5.819 5.532 5.921 9/13/9710:20 0:20 0.541 0.956 6.521 22.727 1.348 5.902 5.538 5.999 9/13/9710:30 0:30 0.547 0.956 6.502 22.912 1.342 6.4 5.57 5.974 9/13/9710:40 0:40 0.547 0.956 6.486 23.11 1.348 6.593 5.621 5.93 9/13/9710:50 0:50 0.554 0.961 6.451 23.122 1.342 6.705 5.666 6.127 9/13/9711:00 1:00 0.56 0.961 6.432 23.316 1.348 6.795 5.691 6.043 9/13/9711:10 1:10 0.566 0.961 6.442 23.313 1.342 6.953 5.71 6.005 9/13/9711:20 1:20 0.573 0.966 6.429 23.485 1.348 7.341 5.755 6.002 9/13/9711:30 1:30 0.579 0.966 6.407 23.482 1.348 7.508 5.806 6.253 9/13/9711:40 1:40 0.579 0.966 6.432 23.498 1.355 7.585 5.844 6.043 9/13/9711:50 1:50 0.585 0.966 6.359 23.578 1.348 7.624 5.87 5.921 9/13/9712:00 2:00 0.598 0.966 6.432 23.673 1.355 7.643 5.889 5.793 9/13/9712:10 2:10 0.598 0.971 6.426 23.683 1.355 7.633 5.902 5.833 9/13/9712:20 2:20 0.61 0.966 6.42 23.701 1.368 7.656 5.921 5.818 9/13/9712:30 2:30 0.61 0.966 6.404 23.837 1.361 7.643 5.927 5.761 9/13/9712:40 2:40 0.617 0.971 6.432 23.864 1.355 8.009 5,921 5.855 9/13/9712:50 2:50 0.623 0.976 6.442 23.864 1.355 8.436 5.978 5.802 9/13/9713:00 3:00 0.629 0.976 6.442 23.864 1.368 8.638 6.036 6.021 9/13/9713:10 3:10 0.629 0.976 6.458 23.867 1.361 8.683 6.08 5.824 9/13/9713:20 3:20 0.642 0.966 6.448 23.874 1.361 8.728 6.118 5.852 9/13/9713:30 3:30 0.635 0.976 6.461 23.88 1.361 8.744 6.125 5.752 9113/9713:40 3:40 0.648 0.971 6.47 24.034 1.348 8.779 6.15 5.742 9/13/9713:50 3:50 0.642 0.971 6.467 24.018 1.361 8.786 6.15 5.589 9/13/9714:00 4:00 0.654 0.981 6.511 24.154 1.374 8.786 6.157 5.636 9113/9714:10 4:10 0.654 0.981 6.489 24.12 1.361 8.799 6.163 5.63 9/13/9714:20 4:20 0.661 0.986 6.489 24.105 1.374 8.76 6.169 5.63 9/13/9714:30 4:30 0.667 0.986 6.47 24.086 1.368 8.783 6.182 5.595 9/13/9714:40 4:40 0.667 0.986 6.458 24.074 1.368 8.77 6.176 5.696 9/13/9714:50 4:50 0.667 0.986 6.454 24.068 1.361 8.783 6.176 5.608 9/13/9715:00 5:00 0.673 0.991 6,435 24.058 1.368 8.76 6.176 5.548 9/1319715:10 5:10 0.673 0.986 6.435 24.052 1.361 8.773 6.176 5.624 9/13/9715:20 5:20 0.673 0.986 6.423 24.043 1.361 8.757 6.176 5.57 9/1319715:30 5:30 0.68 0.991 6.432 24.034 1.361 8.741 6.182 5.552 9/13/9715:40 5:40 0.68 0.986 6.426 24.021 1.361 8.779 6.182 5.558 9/13/9715:50 5:50 0.686 0.991 6.432 24.012 1.355 8.786 6.189 5.649 9/13/9716:00 6:00 0.686 0.991 6.407 23.864 1.355 8.831 6.182 5.348 9/13/9716:10 6:10 0.68 0.991 6.388 23.914 1.355 8.811 6.189 5.395 9/1319716:20 6:20 0.686 0.991 6.397 23.92 1.355 8.84 6.201 5.404 9/13/9716:30 6:30 0.673 0.986 6.416 23.92 1.355 8.831 6.176 5.367 9/13/9716:40 6:40 0.686 0.991 6.407 23.926 1.348 9.232 6.176 5.358 9/13/9716:50 6:50 0.692 0.991 6.426 23.92 1.355 9.469 6.227 5.339 9/13/9717:00 7:00 0.692 0.991 6.423 23.92 1.348 9.562 6.284 5.257 9/13/9717:10 7:10 0.698 0.996 6.451 23.926 1.348 9.585 6.303 5.395 9/13/9717:20 7:20 0.705 0.996 6.448 23.92 1.361 9.184 6.316 5.307 9/13/9717:30 7:30 0.705 1.001 6.448 23.929 1.329 9.078 6.284 5.198 9/13/9717:40 7:40 0.711 0.996 6.423 23.92 1.329 9.437 6.291 5.317 9/13/9717:50 7:50 0.711 0.996 6.48 24.074 1.348 10.162 6.373 5.705 9/13/9718:00 8:00 0.717 1.001 6.489 24.077 1.368 10.345 6.444 5.567 9/13/9718:10 8:10 0.724 0.996 6.521 24.061 1.361 10.355 6.488 5.624 9/13/9718:20 8:20 0.724 1.001 6.47 24.065 1.38 10.769 6.507 5.426 9/13/9718:30 8:30 0.724 1.006 6.486 24.058 1.393 11.106 6.571 5.62 9/13/9718:40 8:40 0.73 1.001 6.451 24.055 1.393 11.253 6.628 5.436 9113/9718:50 8:50 0.736 1.001 6.454 24.052 1.4 11.353 6.673 5.455 9/13/97 19:00 9:00 0.743 ' 1.006 6.442 24.046 1.406 11.789 6.718 5.514 9113/9719:10 9:10 0.749 1.001 6.454 24.046 1.412 12.026 6.781 5.486 9/13/9719:20 9:20 0.749 1.006 6.454 24.049 1.425 12.167 6.832 5.445 9/13/9719:30 9:30 0.761 1.006 6.458 24.046 1.425 12.238 6.871 5.395 9/13/9719:40 9:40 0.761 1.006 6.458 24.046 1.438 12.311 6.902 5.514 9/13/9719:50 9:50 0.768 1.006 6.464 24.049 1.432 12.074 6.922 5.361 9/13/67 20:00 10:00 0.774 1.006 6.461 23.972 1.451 12.366 6.941 5.505 9113/97 20:10 10:10 0.78 1.006 6.496 23.984 1.444 12.353 6.953 5.489 9/13/97 20:20 10:20 0.787 1.006 6.483 24.105 1.451 12.385 6.973 5.483 9/13/97 20:30 10:30 0.793 1.006 6.508 24.111 1.457 12.392 6.979 5.439 9/13/97 20:40 10:40 0.787 1.001 6.499 24.108 1.457 12.398 6.979 5.511 9/13/97 20:50 10:50 0.793 1.006 6.496 24.108 1.476 12.417 6.985 5.473 9/13/97 21:00 11:00 0.799 1.006 6.492 24.114 1.464 12.446 6.998 5.408 - 9/13/97 21 :10 11:10 0.805 1.006 6.492 24.117 1.47 12.443 6.998 5.461 9/13/97 21:20 11:20 0.812 1.011 6.505 24.123 1.47 12.469 7.004 5.517 9/13/97 21:30 11:30 0.812 1.011 6.524 24.129 1.476 12.485 7.011 5.627 9/13197 21:40 11:40 0.818 1.006 6.486 24.126 1.476 12.481 7,017 5.47 9/13/97 21:50 11:50 0.824 1.011 6.489 24.126 1.476 12.491 7.024 5.564 9/13/97 22:00 12:00 0.824 1.011 6.499 24.132 1.495 12.501 7.024 5.47 9/13/97 22:10 12:10 0.831 1.011 6.521 24.157 1.476 12.481 7.03 5.464 9/13/97 22:20 12:20 0.831 1.011 6.521 24.16 1.495 12.501 7.03 5.467 9/13/97 22:30 12:30 0.837 1.011 6.524 24.305 1.483 12.52 7.036 5.552 9/13/97 22:40 12:40 0.837 1.011 6.524 24.32 1.495 12.549 7.036 5.545 9/13/97 22:50 12:50 0.843 1.011 6.524 24.311 1.489 12.513 7.043 5.495 9/13/97 23:00 13:00 0.85 1.016 6.527 24.308 1.489 12.539 7.049 5.52 9/13/97 23:10 13:10 0.85 1.016 6.543 24.314 1.489 12.523 7.049 5.48 9/13/97 23:20 13:20 0.856 1.016 6.54 24.314 1.489 12.529 7.049 5.451 9/13/97 23:30 13:30 0.856 1.016 6.502 24.311 1.502 12.539 7.049 5.464 9/13/97 23:40 13:40 0.856 1.011 6.511 24.308 1.489 12.536 7.049 5.517 9/13/97 23:50 13:50 0.862 1.021 6.521 24.314 1.502 12.597 7.049 5.279 9/14/97 0:00 14:00 0.862 1.016 6.546 24.302 1.495 12.558 7.055 5.345 9114/97 0:10 14:10 0.862 1.016 6.537 24.446 1.502 12.549 7.055 5.348 9114/97 0:20 14:20 0.868 1.021 6.53 24.422 1.495 12.539 7.055 5.392 9/14/97 0:30 14:30 0.868 1.021 6.546 24.431 1.495 12.539 7.055 5.42 9114/97 0:40 14:40 0.868 1.021 6.54 24.425 1.502 12.542 7.062 5.508 9/14/97 0:50 14:50 0.868 0.981 6.553 24.425 1.502 12.533 7.062 5.37 9/14/971:00 15:00 0.868 1.026 6.537 24.419 1.502 12.542 7.062 5.345 9/14/971:10 15:10 0.875 1.026 6.553 24.406 1.502 12.526 7.062 5.392 9/14/971:20 15:20 0.875 1.026 6.556 24.406 1.508 12.52 7.055 5.495 9/14/971:30 15:30 0.881 1.026 6.562 24.403 1.502 12.513 7.062 5.379 9/14/971:40 15:40 0.881 1.026 6.568 24.403 1.508 12.51 7.062 5.411 9/14/971:50 15:50 0.875 1.026 6.565 24.4 1.502 12.982 7.062 5.379 9/14/97 2:00 16:00 0.881 1.026 6.543 24.271 1.502 13.276 7.113 5.339 9/14197 2:10 16:10 0.881 1.031 6.587 24.449 1.521 13.398 7.164 5.251 9/14/97 2:20 16:20 0.887 1.031 6.581 24.446 1.508 13.796 7.202 5.257 9114/97 2:30 16:30 0.887 1.026 6.559 24.446 1.527 14.081 7.259 5.314 9/14/97 2:40 16:40 0.887 1.031 6.578 24.453 1.534 14.193 7.317 5.333 9/14/97 2:50 16:50 0.9 1.026 6.559 24.446 1.534 14.286 7.349 5.276 9114/97 3:00 17:00 0.9 1.026 6.543 24.443 1.521 14.344 7.38 5.248 9/14/97 3:10 17:10 0.9 1.031 6.511 24.443 1.534 14.398 7.4 5.242 9/14/97 3:20 17:20 0.906 1.031 6.572 24.449 1.534 14.437 7.419 5.276 9/14/97 3:30 17:30 0.913 1.031 6.553 24.443 1.54 14.459 7.431 5.461 _ 9/14/97 3:40 17:40 0.919 1.037 6.534 24.449 1.534 14.472 7.444 5.21 9/14197 3:50 17:50 0.919 1.031 6.54 24.449 1.54 14.498 7.457 5.304 9/14/97 4:00 18:00 0.925 1.037 6.543 24.449 1.54 14.514 7.463 5.442 9114/97 4:10 18:10 0.925 1.037 6.556 24.449 1.547 14.542 7.47 5.307 9/14197 4:20 18:20 0.931 1.037 6.549 24.449 1.553 14.533 7.476 5.248 9114/97 4:30 18:30 0.938 1.037 6.565 24.449 1.547 14.552 7.482 5.192 9114/97 4:40 18:40 0.938 1.037 6.565 24.456 1.559 14.555 7.489 5.42 6/14/97 4:50 18:50 0.938 1.037 6.565 24.459 1.553 14.565 7.495 5.351 9/14/97 5:00 19:00 0.944 1.042 6.587 24.459 1.559 14.606 7.495 5.279 9/14/97 5:10 19:10 0.944 1.037 6.587 24.459 1.559 14.584 7.502 5.314 9/14/97 5:20 19:20 0.944 1.042 6.578 24.468 1.566 14.623 7.508 5.317 9/14/97 5:30 19:30 0.95 1.042 6.575 24.468 1.566 14.626 7.514 5.257 9/14/97 5:40 19:40 0.95 1.042 6.572 24.468 1.572 14.616 7.514 5.286 9/14/97 5:50 19:50 0.95 1.042 6.214 24.074 1.566 15.132 7.54 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23.365 1.623 16.039 7.858 4.625 9/15/97 9:00 23:00 1.152 1.102 6.686 23.485 1.63 16.042 7.858 4.678 9/15/97 9:10 23:10 1.158 1.102 6.711 23.495 1.617 16.019 7.858 4.597 9/15/97 9:20 23:20 1.158 1.102 6.752 23.501 1.611 16.029 7.865 4.735 9/15/97 9:30 23:30 1.158 1.107 6.79 23.532 1.617 16.039 7.852 4.622 9/15/97 9:40 23:40 1.158 1.107 6.8 23.633 1.617 16.055 7.852 4.663 9/15/97 9:50 23:50 1.152 1.112 6.809 23.639 1.617 " 16.067 7.852 4.716 9/15/9710:00 0:00 1.158 1.112 6.939 24.348 1.617 16.087 7.852 4.728 9/15/9710:10 0:10 1.158 1.142 6.856 24.369 1.623 16.064 7.858 4.65 9/15/9710:20 0:20 1.177 1.152 6.882 24.225 1.623 16.042 7.858 4.625 9/15/9710:30 0:30 1.183 1.157 6.913 24.197 1.623 16.032 7.858 4.603 9/15/9710:40 0:40 1.177 1.152 6.945 24.151 1.617 16.019 7.858 4.703 9/15/9710:50 0:50 1.183 1.147 6.888 24.114 1.623 16.035 7.858 4.603 9/15/9711:00 1:00 1.177 1.147 6.91 23.991 1.623 16.013 7.858 4.634 9/15/9711:10 1:10 1.177 1.152 6.91 23.969 1.623 15.978 7.852 4.628 9/15/9711:20 1:20 1.177 1.147 6.749 23.633 1.617 15.987 7.852 4.647 9116/9711:30 1:30 1.177 1.142 6.787 23.667 1.623 15.994 7.852 4.628 9/15/9711:40 1:40 1.171 1.137 6.746 23.646 1.617 15.965 7.846 4.672 9/15/9711:50 1:50 1.171 1.142 6.777 23.63 1.617 15.958 7.846 4.644 9/15/9712:00 2:00 1.171 1.142 6.806 23.636 1.611 15.955 7.839 4.578 9/15/9712:10 2:10 1.164 1.137 6.812 23.636 1.611 15.933 7.833 4.606 9/15/9712:20 2:20 1.164 1.152 6.961 23.815 1.611 15.946 7.827 4.587 9/15/9712:30 2:30 1.171 1.152 6.917 23.787 1.611 15.952 7.833 4.591 9/15/9712:40 2:40 1.171 1.172 6.917 23.784 1.623 15.946 7.839 4.644 9/15/9712:50 2:50 1.171 1.157 6.913 23.778 1.611 15.91 7.833 4.547 9/15/9713:00 3:00 1.171 1.152 6.879 23.75 1.623 15.901 7.833 4.559 9/1519713:10 3:10 1.171 1.157 6.847 23.716 1.611 15.856 7.827 4.547 9/15/9713:20 3:20 1.171 1.157 6.85 23.683 1.617 15.821 7.82 4.55 9/15/9713:30 3:30 1.171 1.157 6.844 23.664 1.604 15.827 7.814 4.606 9/15/9713:40 3:40 1.171 1.167 6.8 23.633 1.604 15.782 7.807 4.569 9/15/9713:50 3:50 1.164 1.157 6.8 23.584 1.598 15.76 7.795 4.54 9/1519714:00 4:00 1.171 1.157 6.796 23.559 1.598 15.782 7.788 4.562 9/15/9714:10 4:10 1.152 1.268 7.445 25.155 1.591 15.782 7.788 4.468 9/15/9714:20 4:20 1.177 1.318 7.448 25.158 1.591 15.769 7.788 4.465 9/15/9714:30 4:30 1.19 1.334 7.448 25.158 1.591 15.747 7.788 4.553 9/15/9714:40 4:40 1.19 1.323 7.452 24.727 1.585 15.744 7.782 4.506 9/1519714:50 4:50 1.183 1.318 7.452 24.326 1.585 15.689 7.782 4.462 9/15/9715:00 5:00 1.177 1.308 7.455 23.954 1.585 15.664 7.782 4.456 9/15/9715:10 5:10 1.171 1.308 7.455 23.806 1.598 15.661 7.776 4.428 9/15/9715:20 5:20 1.164 1.303 7.455 23.639 1.585 15.654 7.769 4.45 9/15/9715:30 5:30 1.158 1.293 7.455 23.59 1.585 15.625 7.769 4.603 9/15/9715:40 5:40 1.164 1.293 7.455 23.516 1.579 15.597 7.763 4.431 9/1519715:50 5:50 1.152 1.288 7.455 23.467 1.572 15.593 7.75 4.45 9/15/9716:00 6:00 1.152 1.283 6.264 22.928 1.572 15.625 7.75 4.425 9/15/9716:10 6:10 1.145 1.268 6.372 22.977 1.572 15.654 7.75 4.428 9/15/9716:20 6:20 1.145 1.268 6.378 23.125 1.572 15.683 7.756 4.39 9/15/9716:30 6:30 1.145 1.263 6.372 23.134 1.566 15.725 7.763 4.456 9/15/9716:40 6:40 1.145 1.263 6.378 23.162 1.566 15.744 7.763 4.44 9/15/9716:50 6:50 1.145 1.303 6.875 24.474 1.566 15.75 7.763 4.494 9/15/9717:00 7:00 1.158 1.303 6.885 23.984 1.553 15.773 7.782 4.365 9/15/9717:10 7:10 1.152 1.308 6.879 23.926 1.559 15.808 7.776 4.4 9/15/9717:20 7:20 1.152 1.308 6.866 23.892 1.566 15.811 7.782 4.4 9/15/9717:30 7:30 1.152 1.303 6.768 23.75 1.566 15.827 7.788 4.431 9/1519717:40 7:40 1.158 1.298 6.739 23.71 1.572 15.85 7.795 4.387 9/15/9717:50, 7:50 1.152 1.298 6.72 23.686 1.566 15.869 7.795 4.381 9/1519718:00 8:00 1.158 1.303 6.638 23.612 1.572 15.846 7.801 4.418 9/15/9718:10 8:10 1.158 1.298 6.625 23.618 1.572 15.837 7.801 4.384 9115/9718:20 8:20 1.158 1.303 6.572 23.602 1.579 15.834 7.807 4.412 9/15/9718:30 8:30 1.158 1.303 6.635 23.606 1.572 15.811 7.807 4.393 9/15/9718:40 8:40 1.164 1.288 6.619 23.587 1.572 15.811 7.801 4.472 9/15/9718:50 8:50 1.158 1.303 6.587 23.566 1.579 15.792 7.801 4.509 9115/9719:00 9:00 1.164 1.298 6.435 23.535 1.572 15.798 7.788 4.387 9/15/9719:10 9:10 1.164 1.293 6.53 23.522 1.579 15.814 7.795 4.472 9/15/9719:20 9:20 1.158 1.293 6.439 23.501 1.572 15.802 7.788 4.365 9/15/9719:30 9:30 1.164 1.298 6.524 23.516 1.579 15.786 7.788 4.368 9/15/9719:40 9:40 1.164 1.288 6.391 23.492 1.566 15.802 7.776 4.34 9/15/9719:50 9:50 1.158 1.283 6.559 23.516 1.566 15.824 7.776 4.694 9/15/97 20:00 10:00 1.158 1.288 6.04 22.996 1.566 15.494 7.776 4.274 9/15/97 20:10 10:10 1.158 1.288 6.489 23.458 1.572 15.85 7.782 4.328 9/15/97 20:20 10:20 1.164 1.293 6.426 23.47 1.566 15.904 7.788 4.29 9/15197 20:30 10:30 1.164 . 1.288 6.359 23.479 1.572 15.914 7.795 4.303 9/15/97 20:40 10:40 1.164 1.283 6.483 23.498 1.572 15.92 7.801 4.23 9/15/97 20:50 10:50 1.164 1.288 6.603 23.501 1.566 15.939 7.795 4.259 9/15/97 21:00 11:00 1.164 1.283 6.502 23.498 1.566 15.93 7.795 4.246 9/15/97 21:10 11:10 1.177 1.278 6.42 23.498 1.566 15.926 7.795 4.268 9/15/97 21:20 11:20 1.177 1.283 6.401 23.507 1.572 15.958 7.801 4.243 9/15/97 21:30 11:30 1.183 1.283 6.448 23.51 1.572 15.958 7.801 4.265 9/15/97 21:40 11:40 1.183 1.283 6.435 23.519 1.585 15.971 7.814 4.381 9/15/97 21:50 11:50 1.19 1.283 6.486 23.624 1.572 15.978 7.814 4.23 9/15/97 22:00 12:00 1.183 1.283 5.688 22.98 1.579 15.981 7.807 4.281 9/15/97 22:10 12:10 1.183 1.288 6.407 23.618 1.572 15.984 7.807 4.268 9/15/97 22:20 12:20 1.19 1.283 6.502 23.621 1.579 16.003 7.82 4.262 9/15/97 22:30 12:30 1.19 1.288 6.321 23.627 1.579 15.974 7.82 4.315 9/15/97 22:46 12:40 1.19 1.283 6.321 23.621 1.579 15.997 7.82 4.287 9/15/97 22:50 12:50 1.19 1.288 6.565 23.723 1.579 16 7.82 4.287 9/15/97 23:00 13:00 1.196 1.288 6.492 23.695 1.579 16.007 7.82 4.312 9/15/97 23:10 13:10 1.202 1.283 6.217 23.664 1.579 16.016 7.82 4.321 9/15/97 23:20 13:20 1.196 1.283 6.356 23.661 1.579 16.007 7.827 4.271 9/15197 23:30 13:30 1.196 1.283 6.277 23.661 1.585 16.026 7.827 4.321 9/15/97 23:40 13:40 1.202 1.278 6.173 23.673 1.579 16.023 7.827 4.346 9/15/97 23:50 13:50 1.202 1.278 6.331 23.612 1.585 16.045 7.827 4.324 9/16/97 0:00 14:00 1.202 1.283 6.154 23.667 1.572 16.032 7.827 4.365 9/16197 0:10 14:10 1.196 1.273 5.948 23.273 1.579 16.039 7.827 4.371 9/16/97 0:20 14:20 1.202 1.273 6.344 23.612 1.572 16.029 7.827 4.243 9116/97 0:30 14:30 1.208 1.278 6.264 23.772 1.579 16.029 7.827 4.237 9/16197 0:40 14:40 1.202 1.273 6.036 23.544 1.572 16.035 7.827 4.287 9/16/97 0:50 14:50 1.208 1.278 6.34 23.732 1.579 16.023 7.827 4.259 9/16/971:00 15:00 1.202 1.278 6.274 23.578 1.579 16.042 7.827 4.293 9/16/971:10 15:10 1.208 1.278 6.097 23.596 1.572 16.048 7.827 4.293 9/16/971:20 15:20 1.215 1.283 6.388 23.624 1.572 16.032 7.827 4.265 9/16/971:30 15:30 1.215 1.278 6.049 23.609 1.572 16.039 7.827 -4.353 9/16/971:40 15:40 1.215 1.278 6.195 23.621 1.579 16.045 7.827 4.224 9/16/971:50 15:50 1.208 1.278 6.439 23.649 1.572 16.055 7.827 4.237 9/16/97 2:00 16:00 1.208 1.273 6.043 23.482 1.585 16.058 7.833 4.44 9/16/97 2:10 16:10 1.215 1.273 6.337 23.522 1.572 16.013 7.833 4.277 9/16/97 2:20 16:20 1.208 1.268 6.344 23.599 1.579 16.035 7.827 4.296 9/16/97 2:30 16:30 1.208 1.283 6.353 23.778 1.572 16.023 7.827 4.237 9/16/97 2:40 16:40 1.221 1.273 6.369 23.664 1.572 16.055 7.827 4.29 9/16/97 2:50• 16:50 1.221 1.273 6.214 23.707 1.566 16.064 7.827 4.259 9/16/97 3:00 17:00 1.221 1.293 6.42 23.704 1.572 16.058 7.827 4.346 9/16/97 3:10 17:10 1.215 1.278 6.211 23.71 1.566 16.061 7.827 4.306 9/16/97 3:20 17:20 1.221 1.273 6.439 23.778 1.566 16.058 7.827 4.224 9/16/97 3:30 17:30 1.221 1.278 6.445 23.815 1.566 16.077 7.833 4.212 9/16/97 3:40 17:40 1.221 1.278 6.553 23.747 1.566 16.077 7.833 4.362 9/16/97 3:50 17:50 1.227 1.273 6.112 23.427 1.559 16.067 7.827 4.174 9/16/97 4:00 18:00 1.221 1.278 6.182 23.661 1.559 16.099 7.827 4.199 9/16/97 4:10 18:10 1.227 1.268 5.916 23.168 1.566 16.096 7.827 4.209 9/16/97 4:20 18:20 1.221 1.268 6.046 23.384 1.553 16.061 7.827 4.174 9/16197 4:30 18:30 1.221 1.268 6.109 23.544 1.559 16.083 7.827 4.158 9/16/97 4:40 18:40 1.221 1.268 6.287 23.732 1.559 16.093 7.833 4.271 9/16/97 4:50 18:50 1.221 1.268 6.154 23.636 1.559 16.074 7.833 4.234 9/16197 5:00 19:00 1.221 1.268 6.283 23.689 1.553 16.106 7.833 4.115 9/16/97 5:10 19:10 1.221 1.263 6.192 23.676 1.559 16.064 7.833 4.171 9/16/97 5:20 19:20 1.221 1.268 6.239 23.689 1.553 16.087 7.833 4.13 9/16/97 5:30 19:30 1.221 1.273 6.211 23.698 1.547 16.115 7.833 4.137 9/16/97 5:40 19:40 1.227 1.268 6.296 23.809 1.553 16.103 7.833 4.328 9/16/97 5:50 19:50 1.227 1.228 6.42 24.055 1.553 16.109 7.833 4.112 9/16/97 6:00 20:00 1.227 1.278 6.369 24.012 1.553 16.17 7.833 4.068 9/16197 6:10 20:10 1.227 1.278 6.451 24.003 1.553 16.122 7.839 4.143 9/16/97 6:20 20:20 1.271 1.102 -2.073 7.686 1.438 0 7.272 0.172 END OF PUMP VENT -TEST 9/16/97 6:30 20:30 1.158 0.991 -1.133 2.867 1.31 0 5.774 -0.445 9/16/97 6:40 20:40 1.013 0.916 -0.66 0 1.195 0 4.556 -0.501 9/16/97 6:50 20:50 0.875 0.845 -0.361 0 1.093 0 3.676 -0.564 9/16/97 7:00 21:00 0.724 0.79 -0.155 0 0.984 0 3.025 -0.602 9/16/97 7:10 21:10 0.579 0.739 -0.012 0 0.895 0 2.54 -0.63 9/16/97 7:20 21:20 0.44 0.699 0.095 0 0.811 0 2.164 -0.674 9/16/97 7:30 21:30 0.314 0.664 0.177 0 0.741 0 1.864 -0.718 9/16/97 7:40 21:40 0.195 0.634 0.241 0 0.671 0 1.634 -0.759 9116197 7:50 21:50 0.088 0.609 0.285 0 0.613 0 1.436 -0.803 9/16/97 8:00 22:00 -0.012 0.583 0.317 0 0.562 0 1.276 -0.834 9/16/97 8:10 22:10 -0.1 0.568 0.342 0 0.511 0 1.142 -0.865 9/16/97 8:20 22:20 -0.182 0.548 0.358 0 0.466 0 1.027 -0.887 9/16/97 8:30 22:30 -0.258 0.533 0.371 0 0.428 0 0.932 -0.909 9/16/97 8:40 22:40 -0.321 0.518 0.377 0 0.39 0 0.849 -0.928 9/16/97 8:50 22:50 -0.384 0.503 0.384 0 0.351 0 0.766 -0.938 9/16/97 9:00 23:00 -0.434 0.493 0.384 0 0.319 0 0.702 -0.944 9/16/97 9:10 23:10 -0.497 0.483 0.38 0 0.287 0 0.638 -0.953 9/16/97 9:20 23:20 -0.541 0.473 0.377 0 0.262 0 0.587 -0.96 9116/97 9:30 23:30 -0.585 0.463 0.374 0 0.23 0 0.555 -0.969 9116/97 9:40 23:40 -0.629 0.458 0.368 0 0.217 0 0.504 -0.972 9/16/97 9:50 23:50 -0.654 0.442 0.355 0 0.191 0 0.466 -0.978 9/16/9710:00 0:00 -0.686 0.432 0.352 0 0.172 0 0.434 -0.981 9/16/9710:10 0:10 -0.711 0.422 0.345 0 0.153 0 0.408 -0.988 9/16/9710:20 0:20 -0.736 0.417 0.339 0 0.134 0 0.376 -0.988 9/16/9710:30 0:30 -0.762 0.407 0.333 0 0.121 0 0.351 -0.991 9/16/9710:40 0:40 -0.774 0.402 0.323 0 0.102 0 0.332 -0.997 9/16/9710:50 0:50 -0.793 0.392 0.32 0 0.089 0 0.306 -1 9/16/9711:00 1:00 -0.812 0.382 0.311 0 0.076 0 0.293 -1.003 9/16/9711:10 1:10 -0.831 0.377 0.304 0 0.057 0 0.268 -1.013 911619711:20 1:20 -0.843 0.377 0.301 0 0.044 0 0.255 -1.013 9116/9711:30 1:30 -0.869 0.367 0.292 0 0.031 0 0.229 -1.013 9/16/9711:40 1:40 -0.875 0.362 0.285 0 0.019 0 0.166 -1.019 STARTED SPARGE TEST 9/16/9711:50 1:50 -0.913 0.357 0.279 0 0 0 0.038 -1.019 9/16/9712:00 2:00 -0.932 0.352 0.272 0 -0.019 0 0.019 -1.022 9/16/9712:10 2:10 -0.944 0.347 0.269 0 -0.031 0 0.038 -1.025 9/16/9712:20 2:20 -0.951 0.342 0.26 0 -0.044 0 0.057 -1.029 9116/9712:30 2:30 -0.957 0.337 0.257 0 -0.051 0 0.063 -1.032 9/16/9712:40 2:40 -0.988 0.337 0.25 0 -0.076 0 0.089 -1.041 9/16/9712:50 2:50 -0.976 0.327 0.244 0 -0.07 0 0.076 -1.041 9/16/9713:00 3:00 -0.982 0.322 0.241 0 -0.076 0 0.083 -1.047 9/16/9713:10 3:10 -0.982 0.312 0.234 0 -0.083 0 0.083 -1.047 9/16/9713:20 3:20 -0.988 0.307 0.228 0 -0.095 0 0.07 -1.054 9/16/9713:30 3:30 -0.995 0.307 0.225 0 -0.102 0 0.076 -1.054 9/16/9713:40 3:40 -1.001 0.297 0.219 0 -0.115 0 0.025 -1.054 9/16/9713:50 3:50 -1.026 0.286 0.212 0 -0.121 0 -0.07 -1.057 9/16/9714:00 4:00 -1.039 0.281 0.209 0 -0.134 0 -0.089 -1.06 9/16/9714:10 4:10 -1.045 0.276 0.203 0 -0.153 0 -0.102 -1.069 9/16/9714:20 4:20 -1.051 0.276 0.199 0 -0.159 0 -0.089 -1.066 9/16/9714:30 4:30 -1.051 0.271 0.193 0 -0.166 0 -0.083 -1.073 9116/9714:40 4:40 -1.051 0.266 0.19 0 -0.166 0 -0.083 -1.073 9/1619714:50 4:50 -1.064 0.261 0.184 0 -0.172 0 -0.089 -1.073 9/16/9715:00 5:00 -1.064 0.256 0.18 0 -0.179 0 -0.083 -1.076 9/16/9715:10 5:10 -1.07 0.251 0.174 0 -0.191 0 -0.076 -1.079 911619715:20 5:20 -1.07 0.246 0.171 0 -0.198 0 -0.083 -1.079 9/16/9715:30 5:30 -1.077 0.241 0.165 0 -0.204 0 -0.089 -1.085 9/1619715:40 5:40 -1.077 0.241 0.161 0 -0.211 0 -0.083 -1.085 9/16/9715:50 5:50 -1.083 0.236 0.158 0 -0.217 0 -0.102 -1.088 9/16/9716:00 6:00 -1.095 0.231 0.152 0 -0.223 0 -0.178 -1.091 9/16/9.716:10 6:10 -1.102 0.241 0.149 0 -0.242 0 -0.223 -1.091 9/16/9716:20 6:20 -1.114 0.226 0.142 0 -0.255 0 -0.255 -1.098 9/16/9716:30 6:30 -1.114 0.226 0.139 0 -0.262 0 -0.255 -1.098 9/16/9716:40 6:40 -1.121 0.221 0.133 0 -0.274 0 -0.261 -1.101 9116/9716:50 6:50 -1.127 0.231 0.13 0 -0.281 0 -0.261 -1.101 9/16/9717:00 7:00 -1.133 0.216 0.126 0 -0.287 0 -0.242 -1.104 9/16/9717:10 7:10 -1.133 0.211 0.123 0 -0.294 0 -0.229 -1.11 9/16/9717:20 7:20 -1.133 0.211 0.12 0 -0.3 0 -0.21 -1.11 9/16/9717:30 7:30 -1.133 0.211 0.117 0 -0.3 0 -0.204 -1.113 9/16/9717:40 7:40 -1.127 0.206 0.111 0 -0.306 '0 -0.255 -1.113 9/16/9717:50 7:50 -1.152 0.201 0.101 0 -0.326 0 -0.466 -1.116 9/16/9718:00 8:00 -1.184 0.191 0.085 0 -0.358 0 -0.632 -1.126 9/16/9718:10 8:10 -1.209 0.201 0.069 0 -0.39 0 -0.753 -1.132 9/16/9718:20 8:20 -1.228 0.181 0.057 0 -0.415 0 -0.843 -1.142 9/16/9718:30 8:30 -1.253 0.176 0.044 0 -0.441 0 -0.906 -1.154 9/16/9718:40 8:40 -1.253 0.176 0.028 0 -0.473 0 -1.002 -1.17 END OF SPARGE TEST 9/1619718:50 8:50 =1.297 0.166 0.006 0 -0.511 0 -1.322 -1.179 9/16/9719:00 9:00 -1.354 0.156 -0.019 0 -0.569 0 -1.635 -1.195 9/16/9719:10 9:10 -1.398 0.186 -0.041 0 -0.62 0 -1.884 -1.22 9/16/9719:20 9:20 -1.436 0.14 -0.063 0 -0.677 0 -2.069 -1.242 9/16/9719:30 9:30 -1.473 0.135 -0.082 0 -0.729 0 -2.197 -1.267 9/16/9719:40 9:40 -1.505 0.125 -0.101 0 -0.773 0 -2.274 -1.292 9/16/9719:50 9:50 -1.53 0.12 -0.117 0 -0.818 0 -2.306 -1.32 9/16/97 20:00 10:00 -1.549 0.11 -0.133 0 -0.856 0 -2.299 -1.346 9/16/97 20:10 10:10 -1.562 0.105 -0.149 0 -0.888 0 -2.28 -1.371 9/16/97 20:20 10:20 -1.574 0.1 -0.165 0 -0.914 0 -2.261 -1.396 9/16/97 20:30 10:30 -1.593 0.095 -0.18 0 -0.946 0 -2.242 -1.421 9/16197 20:40 10:40 -1.599 0.09 -0.193 0 -0.965 0 -2.222 -1.443 9/16/97 20:50 10:50 -1.612 0.08 -0.203 0 -0.984 0 -2.21 -1.465 9116/97 21:00 11:00 -1.65 0.08 -0.203 0 -0.991 0 -1.973 -1.493 9/16/97 21:10 11:10 -1.511 0.08 -0.177 0 -0.94 0 -0.983 -1.512 9/16/97 21:20 11:20 -1.373 0.085 -0.146 0 -0.863 0 -0.268 -1.521 9/16197 21:30 11:30 -1.297 0.08 -0.12 0 -0.78 0 0.108 -1.512 9/16/97 21:40 11:40 -1.253 0.085 -0.098 0 -0.709 0 0.268 -1.484 9/16/97 21:50 11:50 -1.221 0.085 -0.082 0 -0.652 0 0.325 -1.449 9/16/97 22:00 12:00 -1.202 0.09 -0.066 0 -0.601 0 0.338 -1.415 9/16197 22:10 12:10 -1.184 0.09 -0.053 0 -0.562 0 0.325 -1.386 9/16197 22:20 12:20 -1.171 0.09 -0.044 0 -0.537 0 0.293 -1.361 9116/97 22:30 12:30 -1.165 0.095 -0.034 0 -0.511 0 0.255 -1.339 9116/97 22:40 12:40 -1.158 0.09 -0.025 0 -0.492 0 0.223 -1.317 9/16/97 22:50 12:50 -1.152 0.095 -0.019 0 -0.473 0 0.185 -1.295 9/16/97 23:00 13:00 -1.152 0.095 -0.012 0 -0.466 0 0.153 -1.28 9/16/97 23:10 13:10 -1.146 0.095 -0.006 0 -0.454 0 0.114 -1.261 9116/97 23:20 13:20 -1.146 0.095 0 0 -0.447 0 0.089 -1.242 9/16/97 23:30 13:30 -1.146 0.11 0.003 0 -0.447 0 0.063 -1.229 9/16/97 23:40 13:40 -1.146 0.095 0.006 0 -0.441 0 0.044 -1.214 9/16/97 23:50 13:50 -1.146 0.095 0.006 0 -0.434 0 0.019 -1.204 9/17/97 0:00 14:00 -1.146 0.1 0.006 0 -0.434 0 0.006 -1.195 9/17/97 0:10 14:10 -1.146 0.09 0.006 0 -0.434 0 -0.006 -1.185 9/17/97 0:20 14:20 -1.146 0.09 0.006 0 -0.434 0 -0.019 -1.179 9/17/97 0:30 14:30 -1.152 0.09 0.006 0 -0.434 0 -0.031 -1.173 9/17/97'0:40 14:40 -1.146 0.09 0.003 0 -0.434 0 -0.038 -1.167 9/17/97 0:50 14:50 -1.152 0.095 0.003 0 -0.428 0 -0.044 -1.16 9/17/971:00 15:00 -1.152 0.085 0 0 -0.428 0 -0.057 -1.154 9/17/971:10 15:10 -1.152 0.085 -0.003 0 -0.428 0 -0.063 -1.151 9/17/971:20 15:20 -1.152 0.085 -0.003 0 -0.428 0 -0.063 -1.148 9/17/971:30 15:30 -1.152 0.085 -0.006 0 -0.428 0 -0.07 -1.142 9/17/971:40 15:40 -1.158 0.08 -0.009 0 -0.428 0 -0.076 -1.138 9/17/971:50 15:50 -1.158 0.08 -0.009 0 -0.428 0 -0.076 -1.135 9/17/97 2:00 16:00 -1.158 0.08 -0.012 0 -0.428 0 -0.076 -1.135 9/17/97 2:10 16:10 -1.158 0.075 -0.015 0 -0.428 0 -0.083 -1 .132 9/17/97 2:20 16:20 -1.158 0.075 -0.019 0 -0.428 0 -0.083 -1.129 9/17/97 2:30 16:30 -1.158 0.075 -0.019 0 -0.428 0 -0.089 -1.129 9/17197 2:40 16:40 -1.165 0.075 -0.022 0 -0.434 0 -0.095 -1.129 9117197 2:50 16:50 -1.165 0.075 -0.025 0 -0.434 0 -0.095 -1.126 9/17/97 3:00 17:00 -1.165 0.07 -0.025 0 -0.434 0 -0.095 -1.123 9/17/97 3:10 17:10 -1.165 0.07 -0.025 0 -0.428 0 -0.095 -1.123 9/17/97 3:20 17:20 -1.165 0.065 -0.028 0 -0.434 0 -0.102 -1.126 9/17/97 3:30 17:30 -1.165 0.07 -0.031 0 -0.434 0 -0.108 -1.123 9117/97 3:40 17:40 -1.171 0.08 -0.034 0 -0.434 0 -0.108 -1.123 9/17/97 3:50 17:50 -1.171 0.065 -0.034 0 -0.441 0 -0.114 -1.12 9/17/97 4:00 18:00 -1.171 0.06 -0.034 0 -0.441 0 -0.114 -1.116 9/17/97 4:10 18:10 -1.171 0.06 -0.038 0 -0.441 0 -0.114 -1.12 9/17/97 4:20 18:20 -1.171 0.055 -0.041 0 -0.441 0 -0.114 -1.116 9/17/97 4:30 18:30 -1.171 0.055 -0.041 0 -0.441 0 -0.114 -1.116 9/17/97 4:40 18:40 -1.171 0.055 -0.044 0 -0.441 0 -0.121 -1.113 9/17/97 4:50 18:50 -1.171 0.05 -0.044 0 -0.441 0 -0.121 -1.113 9/17/97 5:00 19:00 -1.171 0.055 -0.044 0 -0.441 0 -0.121 -1.113 9/17/97 5:10 19:10 -1.177 0.05 -0.047 0 -0.441 0 -0.127 -1.113 9/17/97 5:20 19:20 -1.177 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.441 0 -0.127 -1.113 9/17/97 5:30 19:30 -1.177 0.045 -0.05 0 -0.447 0 -0.127 -1.113 9/17/97 5:40 19:40 -1.177 0.045 -0.053 0 -0.447 0 -0.134 -1.11 9/17/97 5:50 19:50 -1.177 0.045 _ 0.053 0 -0.447 0 -0.134 -1.11 9/1719 7 6:00 20:0 0 -1.177 0.05 -0.053 0 -0.447 0 -0.134 -1.107 9/17/97 6:10 20:10 -1.177 0.045 -0.057 0 -0.447 0 -0.134 -1.107 9/17/97 6:20 20:20 -1.177 0.045 -0.057 0 -0.447 0 -0.134 -1.104 9/17/97 6:30 20:30 -1.177 0.04 -0.057 0 -0.447 0 -0.14 -1.107 9/17/97 6:40 20:40 -1.177 0.04 -0.06 0 -0.447 0 -0.14 -1.104 9/17/97 6:50 20:50 -1.177 0.04 -0.06 0 -0.454 0 -0.14 -1.104 9/17/97 7:00 21:00 -1.177 0.04 -0.06 0 -0.454 0 -0.14 -1.101 9/17/97 7:10 21:10 -1.184 0.035 -0.063 0 -0.454 0 -0.146 -1.101 i 9/17/97 7:20 21:20 -1.196 0.035 -0.063 0 -0.46 0 -0.153 -1.098 9/17/977:30 '7:40 21:30 -1.19 0.035 -0.063 0 -0.46 0 -0.153 -1.098 9/17/97 21:40 -1.19 0.035 -0.066 0 -0.454 0 -0.153 -1.094 9/17/97 7:50 21:50 -1.184 0.312 7.445 0 -0.345 0 0.07 2.849 SPARGE-VENT TEST BEGINS 9/17/97 8:00 22:00 -1.108 0.392 6.489 0 -0.313 0 -0.134 2.11 9/17197 8:10 22:10 -1.127 0.437 4.94 0 -0.37 0 -0.466 1.473 9/17/97 8:20 22:20 -1.127 0.478 4.088 0 -0.434 0 -0.651 1.041 9/17/97 8:30 22:30 -1.14 0:488 3.486 0 -0.479 0 -0.823 0.708 9/17/97 8:40 III 22:40 -1.165 0.488 2.934 0 -0.524 0 -0.798 0.439 9/17/97 8:50 22:50 -1.177 0.448 2.36 0 -0.556 0 -0.836 0.188 9/17/97 9:00 23:00 -1.196 0.412 1.824 0 -0.588 0 -0.874 -0.367 9/17/97 9:10 23:10 -1.221 0.407 1.868 0 -0.62 0 .-0.958 -0.548 9/17/97 9:20 23:20 -1.24 0.397 1.38 0 -0.645 0 0.894 0.705 9/17/97 9:30 23:30 -1.259 0.387 1.475 0 -0.665 0 -0.906 -0.837 9/17/97 9:40 23:40 -1.272 0.377 1.034 0 -0.69 0 -0.9 -0.95 9/17/97 9:50 23:50 -1.278 0.362 1.428 0 -0.709 0 -0.964 -1.047 9/17/9710:00 0:00 -1.291 0.367 1.669 0 -0.729 0 -0.887 -1.151 9/17/9710:10 0:10 -1.303 0.362 0.961 0 -0.741 0 -0.9 -1.211 9117/9710:20 0:20 -1.303 0.342 2.11 0 -0.754 0 -0.9 -1.113 9/17/9710:30 0:30 -1.328 0.337 0.584 0 -0.767 0 -0.97 -1.226 9/17/9710:40 0:40 -1.328 0.327 0.285 0 -0.78 0 -0.913 -1.308 9/17/9710:50 0:50 -1.328 0.302 0.238 0 -0.786 0 -0.919 -1.368 9117/9711:00 1:00 -1.335 0.312 0.187 0 -0.805 0 -0.938 -1.421 9/17/97 1 11. .0 1:10 -1.341 0.307 0.142 0 -0.818 0 -0.951 -1.459 9/17/9711:20 1:20 -1.341 0.302 0.171 0 -0.831 0 -0.964 -1.506 9/17/9711:30 1:30 -1.347 0.286 0.174 0 -0.844 0 -0.964 1.512 9/17/9711-:40 1:40 -1.347 0.276 0.18 0 -0.856 0 -0.958 -1.562 9/17/9711:50 1:50 -1.347 0.266 0.12 0 -0.863 0 -0.951 -1.603 9/17/9712:00 2:00 -1.347 0.256 0.212 0 -0.876 0 -0.958 -1.612 { 9/17/9712:10 2:10 -1.347 0.241 0.161 0 -0.882 0 -0.945 -1.65 9/17/9712:20 2:20 -1.335 0.236 0.187 0 -0.882 0 -0.919 -1.637 9/17/9712:30 2:30 -1.341 0.226 0.206 0 -0.895 0 -0.913 -1.663 9/17/9712:40 2:40 -1.341 0.221 0.18 0 -0.895 0 -0.894 -1.669 9117/9712:50 2:50 -1.341 0.216 0.272 0 -0.895 0 -0.887 -1.672 1 9/17/9713:00 3:00 -1.354 0.206 0.076 0 -0.901 0 -0.894 -1.669 9/17/9713:10 3:10 -1.354 0.196 0.117 0 -0.908 0 -0.894 -1.694 9/17/9713:20 3:20 -1.354 0.191 0.133 0 -0.914 0 -0.919 -1.688 9/17/9713:30 3:30 -1.354 0.181 0.146 0 -0.92 0 -0.926 -1.7 9/17/9713:40 3:40 -1.36 0.176 0.177 0 -0.927 0 -0.926 -1.681 ` 9117/9713:50 3:50 -1.398 0.181 0.193 0 -0.946 0 -0.894 -1.71 9/17/9714:00 4:00 -1.36 0.161 0.184 0 -0.94 0 -0.906 -1.691 9/17/9714:10 4:10 -1.36 0.161 0.231 0 -0.933 0 -0.887 -1.678 9/17/9714:20 4:20 -1.36 0.14 -0.139 0 -0.94 0 -0.881 1.71 9/17/9714:30 4:30 -1.366 0.13 -0.044 0 -0.94 0 -0.868 -1.691 END OF SPARGE - VENT TEST 9/17/9714:40 I 4:40 -1.373 0.125 -0.009 0 -0.94 0 -0.849 -1.732 9/17/9714:50 4:50 -1.366 0.12 0.231 0 -0.94 0 -0.843 -1.744 9/17/9715:00 5:00 -1.366 0.115 -0.069 0 -0.94 0 -0.849 -1.713 9/17/9715:10 5:10 -1.36 0.105 -0.076 0 -0.946 0 -0.849 -1.7 9/1719715:20 5:20 -1.36 0.105 -0.104 0 -0.946 0 -0.855 -1.706 9/17/9715:30 5:30 -1.36 0.1 -0.05 0 -0.946 0 -0.836 -1.703 9/17/9715:40 5:40 -1.36 0.095 -0.05 0 -0.946 0 -0.836 -1.732 9/1719715:50 5:50 -1.354 0.1 -0.123 0 -0.946 0 -0.823 -1.713 9/17/9716:00 6:00 -1.354 0.09 -0.006 0 -0.946 0 -0.811 -1.719 9/17/9716:10 6:10 -1.354 0.085 -0.034 0 -0.946 0 -0.804 -1.719 9/17/9716:20 6:20 -1.347 0.075 -0.111 0 -0.946 0 -0.785 -1.716 9/17/9716:30 6:30 -1.347 0.07 -0.082 0 -0.946 0 -0.779 -1.725 9/17/9716:40 6:40 -1.341 0.07 -0.114 0 -0.94 0 -0.766 -1.688 9/17/9716:50 6:50 -1.335 0.065 -0.092 0 -0.94 0 -0.747 -1.697 9/17/9717:00 7:00 -1.328 0.065 -0.019 0 -0.933 0 -0.728 -1.697 9/17/9717:10 7:10 -1.341 0.055 0.066 0 -0.927 0 -0.715 -1.675 9117/9717:20 7:20 -1.335 0.045 -0.355 0 -0.927 0 -0.696 -1.688 9/17/9717:30 7:30 -1.341 0.055 -0.212 0 -0.927 0 -0.683 -1.719 9/17/9717:40 7:40 -1.354 -0.04 -3.853 0 -1.023 0 -0.74 -4.429 9/17/9717:50 7:50 -1.341 -0.12 -2.613 0 -1.08 0 -0.325 -3.581 9/17/9718:00 8:00 -1.291 -0.171 -1.959 0 -1.055 0 0.07 -3.066 9/17/9718:TO 8:10 -1.247 -0.211 -1.587 0 -0.984 0 0.28 -2.68 9/17/9718:20 8:20 -1.215 -0.236 -1.343 0 -0.914 0 0.389 -2.4 9/17/9718:30 8:30 -1.19 -0.251 -1.168 0 -0.85 0 0.44 -2.19 9/1719718:40 8:40 -1.171 -0.256 -1.031 0 -0.792 0 0.459 -2.014 9117/9718:50 8:50 -1.152 -0.261 -0.93 0 -0.741 0 0.453 -1.876 9/17/9719:00 9:00 -1.14 -0.256 -0.847 0 -0.697 0 0.427 -1.754 9/1719719:10 9:10 -1.133 -0.251 -0.78 0 -0.658 0 0.395 -1.659 9/17/9719:20 9:20 -1.127 -0.241 -0.72 0 -0.626 0 0.357 -1.578 9/17/9719:30 9:30 -1.127 -0.236 -0.676 0 -0.601 0 0.319 -1.502 9/17/9719:40 9:40 -1.121 -0.226 -0.634 0 -0.581 0 0.28 -1.437 9/17/9719:50 9:50 -1.121 -0.221 -0.596 0 -0.562 0 0.249 -1.38 9/17197 20:00 10:00 -1.121 -0.211 -0.565 0 -0.556 0 0.217 -1.336 9/17/97 20:10 10:10 -1.121 -0.206 -0.536 0 -0.543 0 0.178 -1.292 9/17/97 20:20 10:20 -1.121 -0.201 -0.511 0 -0.53 0 0.159 -1.258 9/17/97 20:30 10:30 -1.121 -0.196 -0.485 0 -0.524 0 0.127 -1.226 9/17197 20:40 10:40 -1.127 -0.191 -0.463 0 -0.517 0 0.108 -1.195 9/17197 20:50 10:50 -1.127 -0.186 -0.444 0 -0.511 0 0.083 -1.17 9/17/97 21:00 11:00 -1.127 -0.181 -0.425 0 -0.505 0 0.063 -1.148 9/17/97 21:10 11:10 -1.127 -0.176 -0.409 0 -0.498 0 0.051 -1.129 9/17/97 21:20 11:20 -1.133 -0.171 -0.393 0 -0.492 0 0.031 -1.11 9/17/97 21:30 11:30 -1.133 -0.171 -0.38 0 -0.486 0 0.025 -1.094 9117/97 21:40 11:40 -1.14 -0.151 -0.371 0 -0.486 0 0.006 -1.082 9/17/97 21:50 11:50 -1.14 -0.161 -0.361 0 -0.479 0 0 -1.069 9/17197 22:00 12:00 -1.14 -0.161 -0.349 0 -0.479 0 -0.006 -1.057 9/17/97 22:10 12:10 -1.14 -0.151 -0.339 0 -0.479 0 -0.019 -1.047 9/17/97 22:20 12:20 -1.14 -0.151 -0.333 0 -0.473 0 -0.025 -1.038 9/17/97 22:30 12:30 -1.14 -0.151 -0.323 0 -0.473 0 -0.031 -1.032 9/17/97 22:40 12:40 -1.14 -0.151 -0.317 0 -0.473 0 -0.038 -1.025 9/17/97 22:50 12:50 -1.146 -0.151 -0.311 0 -0.466 0 -0.044 -1.019 9/17/97 23:00 13:00 -1.146 -0.145 -0.304 0 -0.466 0 -0.051 -1.013 9/17/97 23:10 13:10 -1.146 -0.135 -0.298 0 -0.466 0 -0.057 -1.007 9/17/97 23:20 13:20 -1.146 -0.14 -0.295 0 -0.466 0 -0.063 -1.003 9/17/97 23:30 13:30 -1.146 -0.14 -0.288 0 -0.466 0 -0.07 -1 9/17197 23:40 13:40 -1.146 -0.135 -0.285 0 -0.466 0 -0.07 -0.997 9/17197 23:50 13:50 -1.146 -0.135 -0.279 0 -0.46 0 -0.076 -0.994 9/18/97 0:00 14:00 -1.152 -0.135 -0.276 0 -0.46 0 -0.076 -0.991 9/18/97 0:10 14:10 -1.146 -0.13 -0.273 0 -0.46 0 -0.083 -0.988 9/18/97 0:20 14:20 -1.152 -0.13 -0.269 0 -0.46 0 -0.083 -0.985 9/18/97 0:30 14:30 -1.152 -0.13 -0.266 0 -0.46 0 -0.089 -0.981 9/18/97 0:40 14:40 -1.152 -0.13 -0.263 0 -0.46 0 -0.089 -0.981 9/18/97 0:50 14:50 -1.152 -0.13 -0.263 0 -0.46 0 -0.095 -0.978 9/18/971:00 15:00 -1.152 -0.135 -0.26 0 -0.46 0 -0.102 -0.978 9/18/971:10 15:10 -1.152 -0.125 -0.26 0 -0.46 0 -0.102 -0.978 9/18/971:20 15:20 -1.152 -0.125 -0.257 0 -0.46 0 -0.108 -0.978 9/18/971:30 15:30 -1.152 -0.12 -0.257 0 -0.46 0 -0.108 -0.975 9/18/971:40 15:40 -1.152 -0.125 -0.257 0 -0.46 0 -0.108 -0.975 9/18/971:50 15:50 -1.152 -0.125 -0.253 0 -0.46 0 -0.114 -0.975 9/18/97 2:00 16:00 -1.152 -0.11 -0.253 0 -0.46 0 -0.121 -0.975 9/18/97 2:10 16:10 -1.152 -0.12 -0.253 0 -0.46 0 -0.121 -0.975 9/18/97 2:20 16:20 -1.152 -0.125 -0.253 0 -0.46 0 -0.121 -0.975 9/18/97 2:30 16:30 -1.158 -0.125 -0.253 0 -0.46 0 -0.127 -0.975 9/18197 2:40 16:40 -1.158 -0.125 -0.253 0 -0.466 0 -0.127 -0.975 9/18/97 2:50 16:50 -1.158 -0.125 -0.253 0 -0.466 0 -0.127 -0.975 9/18/97 3:00 17:00 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.134 -0.975 9/18/97 3:10 17:10 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.134 -0.975 9/18/97 3:20 17:20 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.134 -0.975 9/18/97 3:30 17:30 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.134 -0.978 9/18/97 3:40 17:40 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.14 -0.978 9/18/97 3:50 17:50 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.146 -0.978 9/18/97 4:00 18:00 -1.158 -0.125 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.146 -0.978 9/18/97 4:10 18:10 -1.158 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.146 -0.978 9/18/97 4:20 18:20 -1.158 -0.125 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.146 -0.978 9/18/97 4:30 18:30 -1.165 -0.12 -0.25 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.978 9/18/97 4:40 18:40 -1.158 -0.12 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.146 -0.978 9/18/97 4:50 18:50 -1.165 -0.12 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9118/97 5:00 19:00 -1.165 -0.12 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9/18/97.5:10 19:10 -1.165 -0.115 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9/18/97 5:20 19:20 -1.165 -0.11 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9/18/97 5:30 19:30 -1.165 -0.12 -0.247 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9118/97 5:40 19:40 -1.165 -0.115 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9118/97 5:50 19:50 -1.165 -0.115 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.975 9/18/97 6:00 20:00 -1.165 -0.12 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 6:10 20:10 -1.165 -0.115 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 6:20 20:20 -1.165 -0.115 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.153 -0.972 9/18/97 6:30 20:30 -1.165 -0.12 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 6:40 20:40 -1.165 -0.115 -0.244 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 6:50 20:50 -1.158 -0.115 -0.241 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 7:00 21:00 -1.165 -0.12 -0.241 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.972 9/18/97 7:10 21:10 -1.158 -0.115 -0.241 0 -0.466 0 -0.159 -0.969 9/18/97 7:20 21:20 -1.158 -0.115 -0.241 0 -0.473 0 -0.166 -0.972 PUMP -VENT TEST - EW-1 AND EW-2 9/18/97 7:30 21:30 -1.158 -0.13 -0.238 0. -0.466 0 -0.166 -0.972 9/18/97 7:40 21:40 -1.158 -0.115 0.269 0 -0.466 0 -0.166 -0.872 9/18/97 7:50 21:50 -1.171 -0.11 -0.117 0 -0.441 0 0.134 0.903 9/18/97 8:00 22:00 -1.158 -0.11 -0.155 0 -0.345 9.623 1.596 2.285 9/18/97 8:10 22:10 -1.146 -0.115 -0.18 0 -0.242 19.557 3.529 2.36 9/18/97 8:20 22:20 -1.108 -0.115 -0.196 0 0.134 26.104 4.888 6.278 9/18/97 8:30 22:30 -1.058 -0.115 -0.209 0 0.434 22.966 5.978 6.281 9/18/97 8:40 22:40 -0.995 -0.115 -0.215 0 0.53 24.443 6.59 6.299 9/18/97 8:50 22:50 -0.938 -0.11 -0.219 0 0.773 24.695 7.068 6.306 9/18/97 9:00 23:00 -0.869 -0.115 -0.222 0 0.805 24.881 7.412 5.858 9118/97 9:10 23:10 -0.812 -0.11 -0.222 0 0.843 24.532 7.674 5.129 9/18/97 9:20 23:20 -0.749 -0.115 -0.225 0 0.895 24.651 7.897 4.531 9/18/97 9:30 23:30 -0.711 -0.11 -0.225 0 0.927 24.778 8.094 4.459 9/18/97 9:40 23:40 -0.642 -0.11 -0.225 0 0.997 24.929 8.234 4.778 9/18/97 9:50 23:50 -0.648 -0.095 -0.219 0 1.061 25.082 8.368 5.307 9/18/9710:00 0:00 -0.547 -0.105 -0.219 0 1.15 25.222 8.483 5.883 9/18/9710:10 0:10 -0.503 -0.105 -0.215 0 1.227 25.676 8.585 6.303 9/18/9710:20 0:20 -0.466 -0.1 -0.212 0 1.316 25.705 8.693 6.306 9/18/9710:30 0:30 -0.421 -0.1 -0.209 0 1.387 25.73 8.782 6.303 9118/9710:40 0:40 -0.384 -0.1 -0.206 0 1.457 25.75 8.852 6.303 9/18/9710:50 0:50 -0.352 -0.1 -0.203 0 1.521 25.765 8.916 6.303 9/18/9711:00 1:00 -0.327 -0.1 -0.203 0 1.572 25.836 8.961 6.303 9/18/9711:10 1:10 -0.295 -0.1 -0.199 0 1.63 25.957 9.012 6.299 9/18/9711:20 1:20 -0.27 -0.095 -0.196 0 1.681 26.094 9.056 6.299 9118/9711:30 1:30 -0.245 -0.095 -0.193 0 1.726 26.094 9.094 6.299 9118/9711:40 1:40 -0.214 -0.095 -0.193 0 1.777 26.12 9.133 6.299 9118/9711:50 1:50 -0.195 -0.085 -0.19 0 1.815 26.117 9.139 6.299 9/18/9712:00 2:00 -0.17 -0.08 -0.187 0 1.86 26.117 9.164 6.299 9/18/9712:10 2:10 -0.138 -0.09 -0.18 0 1.905 26.117 9.19 6.303 9/18/9712:20 2:20 -0.125 -0.085 -0.18 0 1.943 26.12 9.209 6.299 9/18/9712:30 2:30 -0.107 -0.085 -0.177 0 1.975 26.12 9.228 6.299 9/18/9712:40 2:40 -0.094 -0.08 -0.174 0 2.007 26.12 9.241 6.299 9/18/9712:50 2:50 -0.075 -0.08 -0.174 0 2.045 26.12 9.254 6.299 9/18/9713:00 3:00 -0.062 -0.08 -0.168 0 2.077 26.12 9.266 6.299 9/18/9713:10 3:10 -0.05 -0.08 -0.171 0 2.096 26.117 9.266 6.299 9/18/9713:20 3:20 -0.044 -0.075 -0.168 0 2.135 26.12 9.279 6.299 9/18/9713:30 3:30 -0.031 -0.085 -0.165 0 2.147 26.12 9.285 6.299 9/18/9713:40 3:40 -0.018 -0.075 -0.165 0 2.173 26.12 9.298 6.299 ' 9/1819713:50 3:50 -0.006 -0.07 -0.161 0 2.122 24.42 9.305 6.306 9/18/9714:06 4:00 0 -0.075 -0.161 0 2.23 26.117 9.311 6.299 9/18/9714:10 4:10 0.012 -0.07 -0.158 0 2.25 26.117 9.324 6.299 9/18/9714:20 4:20 0.025 -0.015 -0.152 0 2.282 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/18/9714:30 4:30 0.031 -0.07 -0.155 0 2.301 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/18/9714:40 4:40 0.037 -0.065 -0.152 0 2.307 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/18/9714:50 4:50 0.05 -0.065 -0.149 0 2.333 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/18/9715:00 5:00 0.056 -0.065 -0.146 0 2.345 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/1819715:10 5:10 0.062 -0.06 -0.142 0 2.365 26.117 9.336 6.299 9/18/9715:20 5:20 0.075 -0.06 -0.142 0 2.377 26.117 9.33 6.299 9/18/9715:30 5:30 0.081 -0.06 -0.139 0 2.377 26.114 9.336 6.299 9/1819715:40 5:40 0.025 -0.04 -0.136 0 2.371 26.101 9.343 6.287 9/1819715:50 5:50 0.088 -0.055 -0.136 0 2.403 26.114 9.336 6.299 9/18/9716:00 6:00 0.094 -0.055 -0.136 0 2.409 26.114 9.324 6.299 9/18/9716:10 6:10 0.1 -0.055 -0.133 0 2.422 26.114 9.343 6.299 9/18/9716:20 6:20 0.107 -0.05 -0.13 0 2.16 13.687 9.343 -0.649 9/18/9716:30 6:30 0.132 -0.05 -0.13 0 1.719 0.765 8.011 -1.377 STPPED PUMP VENT TEST ON EW-2. 9/18/9716:40 6:40 0.125 -0.05 -0.13 0 1.63 0 6.431 -1.051 ., 9/18/9716:50 6:50 0.1 -0.05 -0.126 0 1.553 0 5.2 -0.806 9/1819717:00 7:00 0.062 -0.035 -0.126 0 1.476 0 4.288 -0.63 9/18/9717:10 7:10 0.012 -0.045 -0.123 0 1.4 0 3.612 -0.505 9/1819717:20 7:20 -0.037 -0.045 -0.123 0 1.323 0 3.102 -0.41 9/18/9717:30 7:30 -0.088 -0.045 -0.123 0 1.246 0 2.7 -0.338 9/18/9717:40 I' 7:40 -0.144 -0.045 -0.123 0 1.182 0 2.387 -0.279 9/18/9717`.50 7:50 -0.195 -0.045 -0.123 0 1.112 0 2.125 -0.238 9/18/9718:00 8:00 -0.245 -0.04 -0.12 0 1.054 0 1.915 -0.207 9/18/9718:10 8:10 -0.295 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.99 0 1.73 -0.185 9/18/9718:20 8:20 -0.34 -0.04 -0.12 0 0.939 0 1.576 -0.172 9/18/9718:30 8:30 -0.384 -0.045 -0.12 0 0.888 0 1.442 -0.169 9/18/9718:40 8:40 -0.421 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.843 0 1.328 -0.172 9/18/9718:50 8:50 -0.459 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.799 0 1.225 -0.181 9/18/9719:00 9:00 -0.491 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.754 0 1.136 -0.194 9/18/9719:10 9:10 -0.522 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.716 0 1.059 -0.21 9/1819719:20 9:20 -0.554 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.677 0 0.983 -0.228 9/18/9719:30 9:30 -0.579 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.639 0 0.919 -0.244 9118/9719:40 9:40 -0.604 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.607 0 0.861 -0.26 9/1819719:50 9:50 -0.629 -0.04 -0.123 0 0.575 0 0.804 -0.279 9/18197 20:00 10:00 -0.654 -0.04 -0.126 0 0.543 0 0.759 -0.294 9118/97 20:10 10:10 -0.673 -0.04 -0.126 0 0.511 0 0.715 -0.31 9/18/97 20:20 10:20 -0.692 -0.04 -0.126 0 0.492 0 0.676 -0.326 9/18/97 20:30• 10:30 -0.711 -0.04 -0.126 0 0.46 0 0.638 -0.338 9/18/97 20:40 10:40 -0.724 -0.04 -0.126 0 0.441 0 0.606 -0.354 9/18/97 20:50 10:50 -0.736 -0.035 -0.126 0 0.415 0 0.574 -0.367 9/18/97 21:00 11:00 -0.755 -0.04 -0.13 0 0.396 0 0.549 -0.379 9/18/97 21:10 11:10 -0.768 -0.04 -0.13 0 0.37 0 0.523 -0.392 9118/97 21:20 11:20 -0.78 -0.04 -0.13 0 0.351 0 0.498 -0.404 9/18/97 21:30 11:30 -0.787 -0.04 -0.13 0 0.332 0 0.472 -0.417 9/18/97 21:40 11:40 -0.799 -0.04 -0.13 0 0.319 0 0.453 -0.429 9/18/97 21:50 11:50 -0.806 -0.045 -0.13 0 0.3 0 0.434 -0.439 9/18/97 22:00 12:00 -0.818 -0.045 -0.133 0 0.281 0 0.415 -0.448 9/18/97 22:10 12:10 -0.825 -0.045 -0.133 0 0.268 0 0.402 -0.461 9/18/97 22:20 12:20 -0.837 -0.045 -0.133 0 0.249 0 0.383 -0.47 9/18/97 22:30 12:30 -0.843 -0.05 -0.133 0 0.236 0 0.37 -0.479 i 9118197 22:40 12:40 -0.85 -0.045 -0.133 0 0.223 0 0.357 -0.489 9/18/97 22:50 12:50 -0.856 -0.045 -0.136 0 0.211 0 0.338 -0.498 9/18/97 23:00 13:00 -0.862 -0.045 -0.136 0 0.198 0 0.332 -0.508 9/18/97 23:10 13:10 -0.869 -0.045 -0.136 0 0.185 0 0.319 -0.517 9/18/97 23:20 13:20 -0.875 -0.05 -0.136 0 0.172 0 0.306 -0.523 9/18/97 23:30 13:30 -0.875 -0.05 -0.139 0 0.166 0 0.293 -0.533 9/18/97 23:40 13:40 -0.881 -0.05 -0.136 0 0.153 0 0.287 -0.539 - 9/18197 23:50 r � 13:50 -0.888 -0.05 -0.139 0 0.14 0 0.28 -0.548 9/19/97 0:00 14:00 -0.894 -0.05 -0.142 0 0.134 0 0.268 -0.555 9/19/97 0:10 14:10 -0.894 -0.05 -0.142 0 0.121 0 0.261 -0.561 9/19/97 0:20 14:20 -0.9 -0.055 -0.142 0 0.115 0 0.249 -0.57 9/19/97 0:30 14:30 -0.9 -0.05 -0.142 0 0.102 0 0.242 -0.574 9/19/97 0:40 14:40 -0.906 -0.055 -0.142 0 0.095 0 0.236 -0.583 9/19/97 0:50 14:50 -0.906 -0.055 -0.142 0 0.083 0 0.229 -0.586 9/19/971:00 15:00 -0.913 -0.055 -0.146 0 0.076 0 0.223 -0.592 9/19/971:10 15:10 -0.913 -0.03 -0.146 0 0.07 0 0.217 -0.599 9/19/971:20 15:20 -0.919 -0.05 -0.146 0 0.063 0 0.21 -0.605 9/19/971:30 15:30 -0.919 -0.025 -0.146 0 0.051 0 0.204 -0.608 9/19/971:40 15:40 -0.925 -0.07 -0.146 0 0.044 0 0.197 -0.614 = 9/191971:50 15:50 -0.925 -0.05 -0.146 0 0.038 0 0.197 -0.618 9/19/97 2:00 16:00 -0.925 -0.055 -0.146 0 0.031 0 0.191 -0.624 9/19/97 2:10 16:10 -0.925 -0.055 -0.146 0 0.025 0 0.185 -0.627 9/19/97 2:20 16:20 -0.932 -0.055 -0.146 0 0.019 0 0.178 -0.633 9/19/97 2:30 16:30 -0.932 -0.055 -0.149 0 0.012 0 0.172 -0.636 9/19/97 2:40 16:40 -0.938 -0.055 -0.149 0 0.012 0 0.108 -0.639 9/19/97 2:50 16:50 -0.938 -0.055 -0.149 0 0.006 0 0.166 -0.646 9/19/97 3:00 17:00 -0.938 -0.055 -0.149 0 -0.006 0 0.159 -0.649 9/19/97 3:10 17:10 -0.944 -0.055 -0.149 0 -0.006 0 0.159 -0.652 9/19/97 3:20 17:20 -0.944 -0.06 -0.149 0 -0.012 0 0.089 -0.655 9/19/97 3:30 17:30 -0.944 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.019 0 0.146 -0.658 9/19/97 3:40 17:40 -0.944 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.025 0 0.146 -0.661 9/19/97 3:50 17:50 -0.951 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.031 0 0.14 -0.665 9/19/97 4:00 18:00 -0.951 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.031 0 0.07 -0.668 9/19/97 4:10 18:10 -0.951 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.038 0 0.134 -0.671 9/19/97 4:20 18:20 -0.951 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.044 0 0.127 -0.674 9/19/97 4:30 18:30 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.044 0 0.127 -0.677 9/19/97 4:40 18:40 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.051 0 0.063 -0.68 9/19/97 4:50 18:50 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.057 0 0.121 -0.683 l 9/19/97 5:00 19:00 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.057 0 0.121 -0.683 9/19/97 5:10 19:10 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.063 0 0.114 -0.687 9/19/97 5:20 19:20 -0.957 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.07 0 0.114 -0.69 9119/97 5:30 19:30 -0.963 -0.06 -0.155 0 -0.07 0 0.108 -0.69 9/19197 5:40 19:40 -0.963 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.076 0 0.108 -0.693 9/19/97 5:50 19:50 -0.963 -0.06 -0.155 0 -0.076 0 0.102 -0.693 9/19/97 6:00 20:00 -0.963 -0.06 -0.155 0 -0.083 0 0.102 -0.696 9/19/97 6:10 20:10 -0.963 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.083 0 0.095 -0.696 9/19/97 6:20 20:20 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.083 0 0.102 -0.699 9/19/97 6:30 20:30 -0.963 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.089 0 0.095 -0.699 9/19/97 6:40 20:40 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.089 0 0.095 -0.702 9119/97 6:50 20:50 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.095 0 0.095 -0.702 9/19/97 7:00 21:00 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.095 0 0.089 -0.705 9/19/97 7:10 21:10 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.102 0 0.089 -0.705 9/19/97 7:20 21:20 -0.969 -0.06 -0.152 0 -0.102 0 0.089 -0.705 Flow Meter Readings i I i I flowdataAs Sears Greensboro Flow Meter Readings Date Time I Elapsed Time I Flow Meter Readin aI STEP TEST 9/10/9710:30 0 0 _ 9/10/97 14:00 — 210 721 9/10/9715:00 9110/9716:00 9/10/97 17:00 ------------- 9/10/9718:00 ------------- 9/10/9719:00 _ _- --270 330 - —390 450 ----------- 510 —_-- 774 912 -----1040 ----------1190 1285 9/10/97 20 00 ____— 570 _ _ _ — — — 1450 START OF PUMP -VENT TEST -TWO SHALLOW WELLS 9/11/97 8:00 9/11/97 14:00 --0 _ -- 1450 1613 _ 9/11/97 16:00 _ _ _360 — 480-- — 1670 — 9/11/97 20:00 _— 720 —_ 1720 9/11/9722:00 846-- 175_0 9/12/97 0:00 9/12/97 2:00 -- 960 _-- 10_8_0 -- — — — 1850 --------- 1900 9/12/97 4:00 --------- 1200 --------- -- 1950 9/12/97 6:00 _ 1320 — — ---------- -- 2000 9/12/97 8:00 ------- 9/12/97 10:00 1440 ------------ 1560 _ _ — --- 2040 ------- ------ 2100 PUMP -VENT TEST - FOUR EXT. WELLS PUMPING 9/12/9712:00 _ 2263 9/12/97 14:00 _1680 1800 —�_— 2440 — 9/12/97 16:00 1920 2670 9/12/97 18:00 — 2040 _ _ —_ -- 2890 9/12197 20:00 —_ 2160 _ — --_ 3110 9/12/97 22:00 2280 — 3390 9/13/97 0:00 _ 2400 _—_ _ 3620 9113197 2:00 _ _ — 2520 _ _ 3880 9/13/97 4:00 _ 2640 _ — 4150 9/13/97 6:00 2760 — 4370 9/1319710:00 3000 4930 9/13/9712:00 3120 _ 5180 -9113/9714:00 3240 5_410 9/13/97 16:00 -- — 3360 — _ —_ — 5700 9/13/9718:00 3480 5970 9/13/97 20:00 _— 9/13/97 22:00 9/14/97 0:00 --------- — — 3600 _ -- 3720 3840 — 6250 _--- __— ---- 6580 6850 9/14/97 2:00 -------- _ 3960 ------- - 7130 9/14/97 6:00 _ 4200 _ — — 7720 9/14/97 8:00 4320 8080 9114/97 10:00 _ 4440 8370 9/14/97 14:00 4680 _ 9010 9/14/9718:00 4920 9540 9/14/97 20:00 — 5040 — --- 9840 9/14/97 22:00 5160 — 10170 9/15/97 0:00 5280 10496 9/15/97 2:00 5400 _— 10832 9/15/97 4:00 _ _— 5520 11108 9/15/97 6:00 11430 9/15/97 8:00 ---- _5640 5760 _��----- 11700 9/15/97 12:00 ------------ _ -- 6000 _ -- -- 12316 9/15/9716:00 ------- ------- 6240 -------- ----- 12900 9/15/97 18:00 6360 ----------- 13180 9/15/97 2000 _ _— 6480 — -- 13500 9/15/97 22:00 �9/16197 _ 6600 13820 0:00 -------- 9/16/97 2:00 9/16/97 4:00 -------------- 9/16/97 6:00 67201 ---------- 6840 6960 ------------ 7080 _ ----------— 14087 14422 14714 ------------------------ 15078 PUMP -VENT TEST - EW-1 AND EW-2 9118/97 7:30 ----- ----- 9/18/97 10:00 9/18/9712:00 0 -------- 150 270 ---------------15078 15320 15570 9/18/9714:00 390 ---510 15820 9/18/97 16:00 -- _ 16060 9/18/9716730 540 ------- 16127 6/2/9a Well Completion Summaries Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) '33-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -)RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 3 'Ent GW ' Ent;, STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of t e iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH oao, Community, or Sub ivis on and Lot No. ) From To OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 6017Q City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED B-25-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH T4�FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I �. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use "+ if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* sing Termimated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a rariance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A . WATER ZONES (depth): N/A -1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A C SING: Wall Thickness Diameter sr weight/Ft. Meter-* a_ 0.0 To 49.3 __. 4 _NCH SCH 40 PVC From To From To '3. GROUT: Ft. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 45.2 Ft. PCRTLAND BENTON= SIORRY From Tc Ft. _ 4 . SCREEN : Dept` Diameter Slot Size Material _r= 49.0 To 64.0 ._. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC _ To _aim Tc .... in. in. 5. SAND7�RAVET- PACK: Depth Size Material From 41.0 To 64.0 Ft. _2-20 F:NE S1L1CA SAND Fr_ To Ft. REMARKS: -. W-1 GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 10.0' RED CLAYEY SILT 10.0' 65.0' TAN SILTY CLAY if additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 47.0 FEET ULPIJ& DC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PRCVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. al� 'r-2 -R�T- 'W — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH UhILLiNU LUG dCFrom To FormDescription oa, ommunitSbdiiid LationescrP y, or uvson anot No OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED B-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH TT.-�FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: Ffi (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* wing Terminated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a ariance -s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (Te—pth): N/A -1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A 1. CASING: Wall Thickness 2erh iamezer or Weight/Ft. Material From ,0 5.0 Ft. 4 :NCH SCH 40 PVC _rom To ?rom To -j. GROUT: Depth _rom 0.0 Tc i.5 SCREEN. my Cen_h Ft. Material Method Ft. PORTIAND BENTONITE SLURRY Ft. :ia..meter Sic: Size Material _. in. .010 in. PVC rom Tc _ S. SAND GRtV_L PACK: Depth S-ze From 3.0 To 25.0 Ft. 12-20 From To Ft. �. REMARKS: EW-2 _... in. in. in. Material F:NE S.L:CA SAND 0.0' 25.0' RED CLAYEY SILT if additional space is neeced use back of :ora LOCATICN OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDES TO THE WELL OWNER. z&Y-1 �fu q.ZS-4� 3W — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD .RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. ,+...- • �rE. +<. ��.s3+' `ice £s, i STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO LAWNDALE ROAD :oad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip CoZie I DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YET-1 X I NO I I 7. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: Ffi iUse +" if Above Top of Casing) TOP of CASING IS0.0 FT Above Land Surface* asing Te* in ted at/or below Tanel surface is illegal unless a ...riance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A CASING. Nall Thickness �eCtY: Diameter cr Weight/Ft. Materia_ Frcm 0.0 To 50.0 Ft. 4 :NCH SCH 40 PVC From To_. From To Ft. :.3 . GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 Tc 46.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY -om .c Ft. -1. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material _rom 50.0^ Tc 65. C Tt. 4.0 in. .0?0 in. PVC ._or.: •To in. in. -cm Tc in. ia. SAND GRA°JEL PACK: 1 Depth Size Material From 48.0 To 65.0 Ft. 2-20 F:NE S..LICA SAND From To Ft. 0. REMARKS: EW-3 County: GUILFORD DEPTH UhiLLiNG LOG From To Formation Description 0.0' 30.0' RED SANDY SILT 30.0' 65.0' TAN CLAYEY SILT additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) AvtAj\(, BENTONITE SEAL FROM 46.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.o. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ULLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION nRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD DEPTH DRiLLiNG LOG LAWNDALE ROAD ad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. 0.01 25.0' RED SANDY SILTY CLAY ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 7577 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 11 NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '-" if Above Top of Cas-nq) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* sing To—inrated at/or below llwi surface is illegal unless a dance s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth): N/A - _. HLO C,�RINATION: Type N A Amount N A If additional space is needed use back of fors CA_S I NG : Nall Thickness Oe,zzh Diameter or weight/Ft. Mazer_a_ To 5.0 Ft. 4 INCH SCH 40 ?VC _-ca To _-. rom To Ft. _. GROUT: Depth Material _-.,._. 0.0 To 1.5 Ft. PORTLAND 37-NT.ONITE -om To Ft. SCREEN: :eL,th :. ameter Slot Size Mate. --al rca 0 To �5.0 Ft. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC —c To _ -. in. Fr -To Ft. in. in. %ND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Si_e Material From 3.0 To 25.0 Ft. 2-20 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. REMARKS: EW-4 Method SLURRY LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) C.110- ku &-U- (k caHd BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CCNSTRUCT=ON STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HA BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. W — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -ILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. in t iyyM•-f y� yam'' STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD )ad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH ZT-7 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use "+" if Above Top of casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' sing Terminated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a iance 3 issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth): N/A CHNLORINATION: Type N A Amount A CASING: Wall Thickness Dect" Diameter or aeignt/Ft. Material _rom 0.0 To 50.0 ._. 2 _NCH SCH 40 PIC -DEPTH DRILLING LUG From To Formation Description 0.0' io.0' RED CLAY 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE SILTY CLAY 25.0' 65.0' TAN SILT _f additional space is needed use back of fo W LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State TO - Roads, or othe map reference points.) From To Ft. GROUT. Depth Material Method ?rom 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. PORTLIND HENTONITE SLURRYf{�'a ��yi _rCm To Ft. ,- ~'1^^1��� �/Y} J SCREEN: Dept:: l V� Diameter Slot Size Material .rcm 50.0 To 65.0 _,.. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVCFrcm To SAND GRAVEL PACK: -• in. in. Dept.`. Frcm 46.0 ^c 65_0 Ft. Site Material '-20 FINE S_:.:CA SAND From To Ft. 6. REMARKS: PT-1D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CCNSTRUCT_ON STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD PAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. A�� �� q—z ct--�- W-1 REV. 9/91 1:7 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to wel' owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD BILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. AMA STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD )ad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179, City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH T577 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED Y S IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: Ffi (Use if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* using Terminated at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a ariance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A . WATER ZONES (depth): N/A .-. ..HLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A CMSING: Wall Thickness :eort Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 30.0 _-. 2 INCH. SCH 40 PVC From To From To _ GROUT: Depth 'roa 0.10 TO 45.0 From To _:. SCREEN: Ft. Ft. Material Method Ft. PORTIAND BEN^ONI"E S URRY Ft. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material _r. 50_0 .Po 65.0 0 in. .0_ir.. PVC _r=7 To ..in. in. To Ft. in. S-ND GRAVE PACK: Dept.`. Size Material From 48.0 To 65.0 Ft. 12-20 FINE S:LICA SAND From To Ft. -DEPTH URiLLiNG LOU From To Formation Description 0.0' 15.0' ORANGE CLAY 15.0' 20.0' RED BROWN CLAY 20.0' 65.0' TAN BROWN SILTY CLAY :f additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) REMARKS: ?T-2D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I CO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TEAT A COP`_' OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. 3W - 1 REV . 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD _FILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Jong = " ?s=AK t'] STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the iocation e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH DKILLiNG LOG From To Formation Description Dad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH BEET CUTTINGS COLLECT YES JXJ NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 11 NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' wing Te*+i —ted at/or below and surface is illegal unless a :iance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (cTepth): N/A _. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A 2. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material .r-.. 0.0 To 5C.0 .-. 2 :NCH SCH 40 PVC From To --. From To Ft. GROUT: Depth Material From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. PORT'..AND BENTONITE From To SCREEN: Depth .ror 50.0 To 65.0 ._ From ..To Ft Ft. Method Diameter Slot Size Material 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC in. in. ror - --. in. in. 5. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Dept.`. Size Material .rcm 48.3 .o 65.0 Ft. '2-20 F--NE S:L:CA SAND From To Ft. _6. REMA.RKS: PT-3D 0.0' 20. 0' RED CLAY 20.0' 30.0' RED BROWN CLAY 30.0' 65.0' TAN SILTY CIAY If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 11 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET 1 DC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDA_RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD u S BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ON&l-zs V_ 3W - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 21626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -:LLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILIER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH URiLLiNU LOU From To ForlRation DescriP =ion ad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 Citv or Town State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH T57T FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED Y S IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* ling Terminated at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a .ante issued is accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (cfe—pth): N/A C:L0RINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A .. CAING: Wall Thickness ::epzh Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 50.0 Ft. 2 _NCB SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. PORTLAND 3ENTONITE SLURRY =o To SCREEN: Depth 50.0 Tc Ft. Diameter Slot Size Material 65.0 ... 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC SANfi7G AVEL PACK: Dept.. Size From 4e.0 TO 65.0 Ft. 12 -20 From To Ft. .. REMPRKS: PT-4D ir.. in. _n. in. Material F:NE S":CA SAND 0.0' 20.0' RED SANDY CLAYEY SILT 20.0' 65.0' TAN CLAYEY SILT If additional space is needed use back of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) LvAD"A_ BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I :0 HERE3Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRGCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. 1 - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Division of 2.nvironmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ,WILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location e ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH URiluLiNG LOU gad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.} From To Formation Description OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. 0.01 20.01 RED SILTY CLAY ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD 20.0• 30.0 BROWN SILTY CLAY (Street or Route No.) 30.0' ,65.0' TAN SILTY CIAY HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 ' City or Town State Zip Co e :. DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH TF.-U -FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES 1XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — Efi (Usej " if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS0.0 FT Above Land Surface' sing Temirmted at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a lance _s issued in accordance with 15A NCXC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth): N/A _1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A _2. CAS=NG. Wall Thickness ::ec.h ..lax eter or Weight/Ft. Material 7rom 0.0 Tc 5C.0 - INCH SCH 40 PVC _rom To Srom To _. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To 45.0 __om To SCREEN: Ft. Material Method Ft. PCRTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY Ft. Depth D4 amete: Slot Size Materia: '_oLc 50.0 ^ To 65.0 __. in. .020 in. PVC ^To _. in. in. To _. in. in. SAND�JEL PACK: Dept:', Size Material .rom 45.0 To 65.0 Ft. 12-20 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft, If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 1 =6. REMARKS: PT-5D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCT:CN STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PRCVIDEi TO THE WELL OWNER. ,lrw W � q'Z5 4� 3W — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Drilling Log FWOR DANIEL GT1 Monitoring Well EW-1 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location `' A Proj• No. For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 54 ft. Diameter. COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.24 ft.Water Level Initial Static. Screen: Dia 4 in- Length 15 ft• Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 4 in. Length 49 ft• Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auqer Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit f Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C O �, Q U r o, y y 10 Description ov a E E �� (Color, Tbxture, Structure) N Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% —2 0 < 2 7 �< 4 -� 10 12 < < 14 < < 16 �< < 18 20 < 22�< < 24�< < 26 28 30-�< < 32 < 34 7 36-4< 38 " < < 40 42 < < 44 < < 46 — 48 50 52 54 56 = 58 = 60 _ 62 =_ 64 66 68 10/15/ 1997 li thlo g-June.96 Page: I of I FLUOR DANIEL GTI bo rl"-� Drilling Log Monitoring Well EW-2 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proj. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 fL Diameter Top of Casing 100.21 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.020 in. Casing: Dia 4 in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C O O U t o, vi H U v Description �- 3 a E n O '�-' (Color, Texture, Structure) o c u) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% _2 i I M � 0 ! I 2 ' 4 6 i = 8 10 = ` 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 11 I 28 307 10/15/1997 lithlog-June,96 Page: 1 of 1 Drilling Log FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well EW-3 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing /00.13 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.0/0 in. Casing: Dia 4 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C O as N Description o" 3 E E �- (Color, Texture, Structure) I U N cn u) Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. S-ome 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 2 4 < 6 �< ` 8 < 10 1 12 < < 14 - < < 16 < 18 i 20 A 22;< < 24 -J 26 �' < 28 Tr ` 30 < 32 34 36 < 38 < 40 �I 42r 44 ' < < 46 48 �;:::.:_:. 5052 54 56 58�:::::=:. 60-i::.=::. 62�- 64 = 66 68 10/15/1997 lithiog-June,ss Page: I of I Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEL GTI Monitoring Well EW-4 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro, North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proj. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev." Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100.58 ft-water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.0/0 in. Casing: Dia 4 in- Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 r� c -- p d) L 0, ui Description aai O�" 3 a a E Q ° �J rn (Color, Texture, Structure) U N u) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% —2 0 2 4 6 10 12 = 14 = 16 = 18 i 20 _ 22 �., 24 26 - - 28 _ 30 10/15/1997 lithlog—June,96 Page: 1 of 1 FLUOR DANIEL GT1� Drilling Log Monitoring Well PT-1S Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro, North Carolina 25324-0497 Location Proi. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100.59 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia l in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 y C 2 _ 0 U t 0; ai 0 Description Q. W- „ a o, ap 001-- E e `�_j N (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 U go N u) Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% _2 0 2 4 6 8 _ = (I 10 = I 12 = 14 18 20 22 — 24 = I 26 28 30 10 / 15/1997 Iithlo g—June,96 Page: I of I Drilling Log F.uatDaNIEL aTI� Monitoring Well PT-2S Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Prol• No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 22.5 2- Diameter Top of Casing 100.62 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia I in- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.0f0 in. Casing: Dia I in. Length 2.5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary- Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 r� C o - v m ,. �, U r �, m H M Description a� v o`er — 3a E n ao Ip N (Color, Texture, Structure) v N c7_ Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% -2 0 2 j 6 = 8 10J='` 12 14 18 -- 2 0 22 j 24 - 26 I �i 28 -j 30 - - 10/15/1997 iithlog-June.96 Page: I of 1 Drilling Log FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-3S Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft- Diameter Top of Casing 100.55 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 1 in- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in. Length 5 ft- Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 aw C O �, N F Description „ QO1 O 3 E E J rn (Color, Texture, Structure) U N n � Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 2 4 6 == 10 = 12 14 -16 18 20 -22 I 24;: 26 I � 28 J 30 10/15/1997 lithlog-June.96 Page: I of I - Drilling Log FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-4S Project -Sears -Greensboro Owner _Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 99.97 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia l in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia l in- Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1/75 t� a C O -� 0 . „ 0 t 0, W vJ to Description a E a ov (Color, Texture, Structure) U ( In Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20X, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% —2 0 2 4 8 �. 10 12 =_ 14 . 16 = is 20 22 = 24 ':..:] — 26 I 28 30 10/15/1997lithlog—June.96 Page: I of I Drilling Log FLUOR DAMIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-5S Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proj. No. For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.77 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia I in- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit 1R Checked Sy DSM License No. 1175 c O C3 v U aO1 q C.)Description Cl-�, O" 3 E O v U! (Color, Texture, Structure) U N En Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% _2 0 2 4 6 = 10 = 12 = 14 16 18 - I 22 7 .�: — -_ :•.- .�`•: it i 2 4 ;' __ I 26 28 30 10/15/1997 lithlog—June,96 Page: I of 1 Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-10 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro, North Carolina Location Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev, Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 160.37 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08127197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 c - v E 0 �. �, o> r m N o Description o" 3 E o a E 3 CL �-� N (Color, Texture, Structure) 0 a N m K 0 j Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% —2 �I 0 2 �< < 6 < < 2.6 3-4-4 3.5'-5.0' Maroon, clayey, SILT. 8 < 10 3.0 3-4-4 ML 8.5'-10.0' Maroon, tan and white, clayey, SILT, with relic structure. 12 —, 16 7 r 3.6 3-3-3 13.5'-15.0' Same as above, with black relic structure. - < < 18 =4, r1 20 r taz 2-3-3 5M 18.5'-20.0' Tan, brown and white, wet, saprolitic, SILT and SAND, 22 < < with relic structure, silght odor. 24 -7 < < so 3-3-3 23.5'-25.0' White, gray and tan, saprolitic, silty, SAND, with relic 26 1 r structure, slight odor. 28 1 c < 30 -1< < 40 5-5-5 28.5'-30.0' Same as above. 32 SM 30 3-3-3 33.5'-35.0' Same as above. 36 -J < < . 38 ` a < 40 - 3-3-3 38.5'-40.0' Brown and tan, saprolitic, SAND, some mica. < 42 <. r I Too much stuff in augers at 40 feet to go any further with 44 —; < < sampling. 46 48 —�i... 50 54 56 60 = I 62 64 66 Boring terminated at 65 feet below ground level. 68 1 10/15/199T lithlog-June,96 Page: I of 1 Drilling Log FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-2D Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proj. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev: Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100.78 ft. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length i5 ft. Type/Size. O.Ol0 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No, 1175 C °OL O „ V r � N y Description �- a a e '�°� CO (Color, Texture, Structure) ° .;, f0 fn u) Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% -2 0 2 4 < 6< i< 8 < < 10 12 < < 14 < - 16 < < 18 20 ` 22 < < 24 < 26 28 30 < < 32 34 < < 36 ` ` 38 < < 40 -{ 42�` < 44 < < 46 48 50 56 58 _ 60 62 _ 64 66 68 10/ 15/1997 li thloa-June.96 Paae: 1 of 1 Drilling Log FWOR DANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-30 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Pro!. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.20 ft.Water Level Initial. Static.. Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft• Type/Size _ 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Dill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit f Checked By DSM License No. 1175 L.. C ►.r 2 W, fd 10 Description o-- a E aQL e c w (Color, Texture, Structure) e U U ED Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 2 4 << 6 ` 8 < 10 12 Al < < r 14 16 �< < < < 18 �< 20 < 24�< < < 26 28 ` 30 < < 32 34 < 36 ` ` 38 �4-11 < 40 42 ` 44 < 46 4850 5254 56 58 60 —_ 62 = 64 = 66 68 10/15/1997 lithlog—June,96 Page: I of I l 1 FWOR DANIEL GTI Drilling Log Monitoring Well PT-40 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Pro!. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 99.87 ft. Water Level Initial —T Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 50 ft. _Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08127197 Permit # Checked By DShf License No. 1175 i aF C O �;, 0 �, a� m Description o" 3 E- E O �J (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% —2- 0 2 - 4 �< < 6 8 �< < 10 4 12� < < 14 < < 16 < 18 20 < 22 < 24�< 26 - < < 28-<r 30-< < 32�< < 34 -i 36` 38 < 40 ' II 42 < r1 44 - < < ! 46 I 48 50 -- 52 _ 54 - 56 -58 -60 62 = 64 := _ 66 68 10/15/1997 lithlog-June.96 Page: 1 of I Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-5D Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina 05324-0497 - Proj. No. For Boling Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter - Top of Casing 100.61 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size. 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 r� a: C O -- m °' O „ t cm W Description o:- QL 3 E n E 0.0 °� rn (Color, Texture, Structure) N U) Trace. < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% I _2 - 0 2 4 < < 6 ` 8 �< < 10 -� 12 < < 14�< < 16 -; < < 18 20-�< < 22 < 24 < < 26 28 < < 30 < < 32 34 < < 36 . 38 '< < 402 < < 44 - ` ` 46 48 .;:. 50- 52 54 _ 56 =_ 58 60 62 64 66 68 10/15/1997 iithlog-June,96 Page: I of 1 Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEIL GTI Monitoring Well MW-28 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proi. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 99.09 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia l in. Length /0 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia l in. Length 25 ft• Type Sch 40_PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 aw C O w „ O -- y y U Description E a E CL O °_J N (Color, Texture. Structure) U N go Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 - 0 2 < < 4 < < 6 < 8 ` 10 < < 12 < 14 16 < < 18 < < 20 22 24 26 = 28 = 30 = 32 34 36 10/15/199T iithiog-June.96 Page: I of I Drilling Log FWOR DANIEL GT1 Monitoring Well MW-27 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 Location Proj. No. For Boring Location . COMMENTS. Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 97.28 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 1 in. Length 10 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia l in. Length 25 ft. Type SCh 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method -Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C � N Description ao U 3 n E �� rn (Color. Texture. Structure) U N o U) Trace < 10X. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50X -2 0 2 < 4 < < 6 < 8 ` 10 �< < < 12 < 14 16 < < 18 < < 20 22 24 26 2 8 30 32 34 36 I0 /15/1997 lithlo a-June.96 Paae: I of I Water Level Measurements - September 8, 1997 Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements 09/08/97 15:30-16:00 TOC Depth Elevation Date Time Elevation' to Water (feet)' EW-1 100.24 18.65 81.59 EW-2 100.21 18.20 82.01 EW-31 100.13 16.59 83.54 EW-4 100.58 16.74 83.84 PT-1 S 100.59 17.45 83.14 PT-2S 100.62 16.48 84.14 PT-3S 100.55 18.60 81.95 PT-4S 99.97 19.17 80.80 PT-5S 100.77 16.35 84.42 PT-1 D 100.37 18.38 81.99 PT-213 100.78 15.92 84.86 PT-31) 100.20 18.60 81.60 PT-41) 99.87 18.65 81.22 PT-5D 100.61 16.05 84.56 MW-26 99.09 15.80 83.29 MW-27 97.28 17.161 80.12 'Elevation based on an arbitrary datum of 100 feet established by others. Dtwdata.xls\9-8-97 6/2/98 Groundwater and Influent/Effluent Analyses Groundwater Sampling Analytical Results Summary Sears -Greensboro Pilot Test Sample Location: PT-1S PT-2S PT-3S PT-4S PT -SS PT-1D PT-21) PT-3D PT-413 PT-513 EW-1 EW-2 EW-3 EW-4 Compound I Date Sampled: 8/29/97 8129/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8/29/97 8129/97 8/29/97 9/17/97 8/29/97 9/17/97 8/29/97 9/17/97 8129/97 9/17/97 1,1-Dichloroethene _ _ 5.4 cis 1,2-Dichloroethene _ 3900 _ ___ 1100 11 46 Trichloroelhene 1800 2900 36 __ 4800 9200 6500 6300 120 28 62 Tetrachloroelhene _- 12000 9800 - 2400 _ 120 20000 1900 440 230 930 17000 930 1500 19000 10000 15000 11000 _ 42000 30000 Chloroform - -- - - -- -- _ _ -- _ - - ----- -- 7.6 -- -- 26 6.9 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane _ 82-- - __ _ 5.3 35 1,1,2-Trichloroethane _ _ 28 13 120 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane __ 36 19 90 Methylene Chloride -- — 5 Acetone - 23 MTBE -- — 14 Benzene _ _ 7.8 690 Toulene 5.8 670 Eth (benzene - --- _ _ 33 m+p-X lene - _ - 110 o•Xylene - 300 1,3,5-Trimeth (benzene 38 1,2,4-Trlmethylbenzene 38 Na hthalene 12 38 1,2-Dibromoethane 9.6 9.6 Chlorobenzene Samples Collected on 9/17/97 were analyzed using EPA Method 601 piblgw.xls\GW Sampling Data Influent - Effluent Data for PlIot Test Date Sampled: 09/10/97 09/11/97 09/12/97 09/13/97 09/14/97 09/15/97 09/17/97 Compound INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT 1,1-Dichloroethene cis 1,2-Dichloroothen 3200 1800 Trichloroethene 2200 _2700 3100 4000 Tetrachloroethene 4300 7200 7400 6600 5900 6600- --TB-OO Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethans 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Methylene Chloride 10 18 14 9.3 5.7 5.5 5 Acetone MTBE Benzene Toulene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylene o-Xylene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene 1,2-Dibromosthane- jlChlorobenzene 160 oarnpies were anaryzeu using r-r-m iviemou oui p11otgw.x1s\1NF-EFF data R 'r £ MW.�-26 18) (84.56) 2D T-5D -23* PT-5! I EW + / 81A) W-3 ( PT-l1 D 2 / I I LEGEND: -�- EXTRACTION WELL PILOT TEST MONITORING WELL --W- GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION 0 30 60 SCALE FEET PERIMETER PARK DR. SUITE I MORRISVILLE. NC 27560 FLUOR DM EL OTI (919) 467-2227 REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 11/03/97 0497PILO WATER LEVEL CONTOURS DEEP WELLS SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 CLIENT: PM: SEARS LOGISTIC SERVICES, INC. FACILITY #88491 LOCATION:2600 LAWNDALE DRIVE PE: GREENBORO, NC. DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: DM CJM 05324-0497 = 3 E-2 STEP TEST i Pumping Data STEP TEST Graphs of A - drawdown for all data logger wells during full test B - drawdown for all data logger wells during first 720 minutes C - drawdown for all data logger wells during first 500 minutes D - drawdown for recovery wells during full test E - drawdown for recovery wells for first 590.minutes F - shows EW-1 and EW-3 drawdown and recovery A - Shows drawdown in recovery wells EW-2 and EW-4 exceeding the transducer depth. - Also shows pumping activities in EW-3 and EW-1 vacuum. Wells recharged to pre -pumping levels within approximately 4 to 5 hours. B - Shows same information as Chart A but only out to 720 minutes. C - Shows same information as Chart Abut only out to 510 minutes. D - Shows recovery wells EW-2 and EW-4 during pumping and recharge. Note: rebound of 2.4 and 4 feet for above pre -pumping levels. E - Shows wells EW-2 and EW-4 for pumping events (not "recovery" event). F - Shows wells EW-1 and EW-3. Well EW-1 seems to have been disconnected from the data logger while well EW-3 data was colleted and shows recovery in approximately one hour. - Deeper wells recovered a lot quicker than shallower wells. - Drawdown at 110 minutes shown on contour map and graph. - Specific capacity shown on page 1. - Two distance drawdown graphs were generated from Step Test data and are shown on pages 2 and 3. 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 c 3 0 3 -10 0 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 STEP TEST 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 Elapsed Time ♦—EW-2 -- —EW-4 — A-2D —)( 2S )K EW3 —0-3S --I EW1 3D 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 F -8 3 0 3 -10 L° 0 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 STEP TEST 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 Elapsed Time -4 EW-2-F-EW-4 -fir-2D X 2S -KEW3 -♦-3S 1 EW1 3D STEP TEST 0 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 c 3 0 3 -10 0 -12 -14 -16 -18 . -20 -22 -24 -26 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Elapsed Time SEW-2 —M—EW-4 —A,-2D )F2S —KEW3 f3S —I EWi 3D 1� EW-2 AND EW-4 5 - ._,_. - - - -- - - - ---- - -- -- - - -- 3 — - — - -- 2 - — -- 0 -- — - - — 0 3 o -2 - -3 -4 -5 IM -7 -8 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 Elapsed Time --�- EW-2 -FEW-4 EW-2 AND EW-4 1 0 -2 -5 -6 -7 -81 - 1- 1• 1 1- 1 1- 1 1- 1• I - I• 1- 1 1- 1- I - I - I - 1• 1 1, I• I, I• I I - i E I I' 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 Elapsed Time --4—EW-2 —FEW-4 STEP TEST r 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 v L -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 Elapsed Time —)K EW3 —1 EW1 600 660 720 SPECIFIC CAPACITY STEP TEST WELL EW-4 DRAWDOWN 7.5 PUMPING RATE SPECIFIC CAPACITY 0.25 0.03 WELL EW 2 DRAWDOWN PUMPING RATE SPECIFIC CAPACITY 6.3 0.25 0.04 AQTESOLV CALCULATIONS T 8.03E-04 ft2/min S 0.5464 Sy 0.2839 8 0.8 PUMPING RATE OF 0.25 gpm AT 117 in. OF WATER l Step Test Distance drawdown well distance drawdown 32 feet feet j 28 EW-2 0.5 6.3 24 PT-3S 20 0.45 1 w LL 20 z p 16 0 12 0 8 4 0 0.1 DISTANCE DRAWDWON PLOT WELL EW-2 STEP TEST EW-2 PT-3S . I 1 DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL (FEET) 10 �DRAWDOWN Step Test Distance drawdown well EW-4 PT-S2 PT-5S 9 distance drawdown, feet feet 8 0.167 7.5' 16 0.371 26 0 w 6 w LL_ Z 5 O O 4 3 0 1 0 0.1 EW 4 DISTANCE DRAWDWON PLOT WLLL LW-4 51 I PT-2S PT-5S 1 10 100 i DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL (FEET) W --- �DRAWDO Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT -IS PT-4S PT-5S PT-1 D PT4 D PT-5D M W-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC (feet) - (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) , (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/10/97 09:35 17.99 82.60 19.40 80.57 17.02 83.75 18.62 81.75 18.89 80.98 17.06 83.55 14.50 84.59 16.36 80.92 11:30 18.11 82.48 19.35 80.62 17.00 83.77 18.99 81.38 18.91 80.96 17.05 83.56 14.46 84.63 16.28 81.00 13:00 18.15 82.44 19.36 80.61 17.40 83.371 20.24 80.13 19.10 80.77 17.70 82.91 14.35 84.74 16.19 81.09 14:00 18.18 82.41 19.38 80.69 17.06 83.71 21.07 79.30 19.19 80.68 17.17 83.44 14.34 84.75 16.11 81.17 15:00 18.16 82.43 19.36 80.61 17.11 83.66 21.39 78.98 19.28 80.59 17.28 83.33 14.27 84.82 15.94 81.34 16:00 25.56 75.03 19.39 80.58 17.16 83.61 22.61 77.76 19.46 80.41 17.39 83.22 14.33 84.76 15.89 81.39 17:00 18.28 82.31 19.42 80.55 17.18 83.59 23.06 77.31 19.61 80.26 17.45 03.16 14.22 _ 84.87 15.90 81.38 18:00 18.36 82.23 19.47 80.50 _ 17.23 83.54 23.71 76.66 19.76 80.11 17.51 83.10 14.19 84.90 15.88 _ 81.40 19:00 18.42 82.17 19.52 80.45 17.28 83.49 24.37 76.00 19.89 79.98 17.53 83.08 14.16 84.93 15.86 81.42 20:00 18.42 82.17 19.54 80.43 17.30 83.47 25.33 75.04 20.00 79.87 17.541 83.07 Dtwdata.xls\9-10-97 6/2/98 M -26 2D,k- PT-5D -2S* *PT- EW-4+ / W-3 �S PT-1 D 2 j. �00 O� LEGEND: -- EXTRACTION WELL PILOT TEST MONITORING WELL 0 30 60 SCALE FEET MW-26 + 1 -.STY. BRK. MW-27 PT (0 PT-4S* (2.05) (7.5) (0) PT- (01) PT-5D (.02) PST_ -SS W -3 IS �N/A) / LEGEND. - EXTRACTION WELL PILOT TEST MONITORING WELL .37 CHANGE IN WATER LEVEL NOTE: 1. 100 MINUTES OF PUMPING FOR STEP TEST PUMPING SHALLOW WELLS EW-2 AND EW-4 0 20 40 SCALE FEET COLUMBGATEWAY DRIVE GATEWAY CROSSING 95, SUITE A 9 fOLUMBU4 MARYLAND 21046 FLUOR DANIEL OTI (410) 290-1300 REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 10/31/97 1 0497PIL3 WATER LEVEL CHANGE AFTER 100 MINUTES STEP TEST CLIENT: PM: SEARS LOGISTIC SERVICES, INC. FACILITY #88491 LOCATION: 2600 LAWNDALE DRIVE PE. GREENBORO, NC. DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: DMA CJM 05324-0497 4 SVE Test Data Sears Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 10th, 1997 Time Well ID Data Collected at Each Well Head Total System Influence Reading Vac.Applled Flow VOCConc. Conc. Flow PT-1S PT-2S PT-3S PT4S PT-5S PT-1D PT-2D PT-3D PT -AID PT-5D Inch H2O CFM ppm,. ppmv CFM Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= 10:30AM/Omin EW-2 50 10 65 3 140 EW-4 50 13.7 291 190 42 11:30 AM/60 min EW-2 50 9.9 73 3 140 0.06 0 0.44 0.03 0.56 0 0 0 0 0 EW4 50 19 413 300 83 13DO/150 min EW-2 50 12 4 140 0 0 0.34 0 0.13 0 0 0.02 0 0 EWA 52 12.4 221 72 1400/210 min EW-2 50 12.3 53 4 130 0 0 0.36 0.06 0 0 0 0.03 0 0.25 EW-4 52 12 254 220 78 1500/270 min EW-2 50 17 45 6.8 140 0 0 0.3 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.04 0 0.44 EW-4 52 12 317 208 77 1600/330 min EW-2 60 12.2 41 10 100 0 0 0.54 0.08 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.2 EW-3 60 12 30 EW-4 60 13 312 19B 78 1700/390 min EW-2 60 12.4 38 9 110 0.03 0 0.82 0.05 0.45 0 0 0 0.22 EW-3 60 10.5 25 EW-4 60 13.6 350 175 100 1800/450 min EW-2 70 16.3 40 15 65 0.03 0 1.2 0.06 0.49 0 0 0 0 0.04 EW-3 70 13.3 110 - - EW-4 - ---70 20.1 343 163 108 - --- 1900/510 min EW-2 73 15.3 69 37 15.3 0.03 0 1.2 0.1 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.32 EW-3 80 11.5 28 EWA 80 19.1 321 152 160 2000/570 min EW-1 70 14 26 EW-2 70 12.6 52 28 28 0.01 0 1 0.02 0.12 0 0 0 1 0 0.11 EW-3 100 26.2 21 EW-4 100 30.1 175 131 210 EW-1= 10' EW-2= 12' 1' EW EW-4= 50' 0.4 0.2 0 -I— —® -- T-- 60 150 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 10, 1997 210 270 330 390 450 510 570 Time (minutes) 0.12 0.1 1 1: N 2 L v 0.06 E M 0.04 11111N 0 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 10, 1997 60 150 210 270 330 390 450 510 570 Time (minutes) 0.6 T — 0.5 0.4 0.1 i 0 EW-1= 65' EW-2= 68' EW-3= 23' EW-4= 25' 60 150 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-5S) September 10, 1997 210 270 330 390 Time (minutes) 450 510 570 a Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3D) September 10, 1997 0.045 - —_ EW-1= 0.04- EW-2= EW-3= 0.035 EW-4= ... 0.03 - — O N .c 0.025 - E 0.02 -- - e� 0.015 - '0.01 0.005 0 60 150 210 270 330 390 450 510 570 Time (minutes) PUMP AND VENT TEST (wells EW-2 & EW-4) Graphs of G - all data logger data d 9 full test r H - pumping well data for full test I - observation well data for full test J - pumping wells and wells PT-2S and PT-3S G - Shows pumping and recovery events. H - Water levels in well EW-2 periodically exceeded the depth of the transducer and then were allowed to periodically recover. Water levels in EW-4 show "stepped" drawdown. I - Showed increasing water levels in well PT-21D and PT-3D. Well 2S transducer problem. Wells 2S and 3S showed response/drawdown. J - Shows recovery wells and corresponding wells that showed response to pumping of EW-2 and EW-4. PUMP AND VENT TEST 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) —*--2D —*-2S —A EW-4 —X EW-3 —W 3S—*—EW-1 --1 3D EW2 -- -- Y'ullip Vb,,L Voa l J -- Pump and Vent Test 0 -1 -2 =-3 ar w c 3 0 v 3 cam. -5 -6 -71 I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 Elapsed Time (minutes) Well EW-2 --*—Well EW-4 PUMP AND VENT TEST 2 1.5 1 w 0.5 G 0 -0.5 -1-� i � i i 4 ► �— G I- I I I I a I I I a I I I I I � a I ! 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660' 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) -2D —=2S —XEW-3 —)K 3S — --EW-1 :: 3D 0 -2 -3 0 -5 -6 -7 �..�p V-... _hart PUMP AND VENT TEST ! I M=C mcma Mao- *mom 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) --�-2S—A—EW-4--*-3S EW2 Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT-1 S PTAS PT-5S PT-1 D PT-4D PT-5D MW-26 M W-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) from TOC) ) (feet). (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/11/97 08:00 _ 17.97 _ 82.62 _ 19.11 _ 60.86 16.93 83.84 18.34 82.03 18.52 81.35 17.00 83.61 13.71 85.38 15.40 81.88 10:00 _ 18.22 _- _82.37 - 19.10 80.87 17.00 83.77 _ 18.41 81.96 18.58 81.29 16.96 83.65 13.66 85.43 15.29 81.99 -- 12:00 :00 18.27 18.28 18.29 82_32 82.31 18.06 19.03 -_ 19.03 81.91 17.03 83.74 18.39 ---- - -- 81.98 - 18.56 81.31 16.96 83.65 13.63 85.46 15.28 00 82U82112 80.94 17.02 83.75 18.38 81.99 18.56 - 81.31 -- - 16.93 ----- 83.68 ------ 13.56 ---- 85.53 15.18 16:00 82.30 80.94 17.03 83.74 18.38 81.99 18.54 81.33 16.92 83.69 13.51 85.58 15.19 18:00 18.31 82.28 19.00 60.97 17.03 83.74 18.39 81.98 18.52 81.35 _ 16.94 83.67 13.49 85.60 15.14 20:00 18.32 82.27 18.98 80.99 17.05 83.72 18.34 82.03 18.48 81.39 16.93 83.68 13.49 85.60 15.17 22:00 _ 18.33 82.26 18.98 _ 80.99 17.06 83.71 18.32 82.05 18.47 81.40 16.93 83.68 13.49 85.60 15.1824:00 18.34 82.25 18.94 81.03 17.05 83.72 18.35 82.0218.48 81.39 16.93 83.68 13.50 5.59 15.16 Dtwdata.xls\9-11-97 6/2/98 Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements Date Time 09/12/97 02:00_ PT-1 Depth to Water (from TOC) -- 18.34 _ 18.34 8.36 _ 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.40 -_- 18.42 _ 18.._ -- 18.44 18.46 18.45 S Elevation (feet) 82_25 PT-4S Depth to Water (from TOC) 18_94 Elevation (feet) 81.03 - 81.04 81.04 -81.05 81.03 -- 81.04 81.04 80.97 _ 80.67 80.94 80.93 80.93 PT-5S Depth to Water (from TOC) _ 17.08 17.07 Elevation (feet) 83.69 PTA Depth to Water (from TOC) 18.37 _ 18.38 18.39 D Elevation (feet) 82.00 81.99 PT-dD Depth to Water (from TOC) 18.49 18.50 Elevation (feet) 81.38 81.37 PT-5D Depth to Water (from TOC) 16.93 16.92 Elevation (feet) 83.68 83.69 MW-26 Deptho Water (from TOC) 13.52 13.52 Elevation . (feet) 85.57 85.57 M Depth to Water (from TOC) 15.18 W-27 Elevation (feet) 04:00 - 82.25 82.23 82.21 82.21 82.21 82.19 82.17 82.15 82.15 82.13 82.14 - _ 18.93 18.93 18.92 18.94 - 18.93 18.93 19.00 -- ---- -19.031 - 19.04 19.04 83.70 83.69 82.10 82.11 ------- _ _ 83.73 82.06 82.04 82.00 82.03 82.02 17.O8 81.98 18.52 18.52 18.51 18.75 19.05 19.16 19.01 19.47 81.35 _ 81.35 81.36 81.12 80.82 80.71 80.86 80.40 - 15.93 _ 16.93 16.93 17.12 17.31 17.41 17.44 17.49 ----- 84.68 83.68 83.68 83.49 83.30 83.20 83.17 83.12 --- 15.20 13.58 13.60 13.63 13.70 13.74 13.80 13.85 -- 83.89 85.51 85.49 85.46 85.39 85.35 85.29 85.24 15.17 - 13.55 15.22 15.24 15.28 15.25 15.26 15.28 15.32 08:00 17.08 83.69 18.40 18.38 - 20.53 21.37 21.58 - 22.31 -- 23.02 _-23_27 81.97 81.99 79.84 79.00 78.79 78.06 77.35 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 0:00 _ 17.10 _ 17.13 _ 17.24 17.26 _ 17.31 17.36 17.40 17.40 83.67 83.64 83.53 83.49 83.46 83.41 83.37 82.00 --- - 81.96 - --- -- ---- 81.92 -__ _--77.10 19.56 - 80.31 17.52 83.09 13.91 85.18 - 15.36 _ 24:00 83.37 23.47 78.90 1961. 80.26 17.55 83.061 13.96 85.13 15.38 81.90 Dtwdata.xls\9-12-97 6/2/98 SVE Test Data 0.025 - -- EW-1= 18' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 19' @ 60" H2O 0.02 - = 1'.@ 80" E '@80" .015 0.01 0 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-31D) September 11, 1997 0 120 240 360 480 600 Time (minutes) 720 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 11, 1997 0.07 - ---- - - EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O 0.06--EW-2= 12_@ 60"-H2Q- -_ EW-3= 50' @ 80" H2O EW-4= 50' @ 80" H2O 0.05 - --- O N = 0.04 --- - — -- — -- v C E 0.03 — - -- -- -- 0.02 -- -- -_ 0.01 A 0 120 240 360 Time (minutes) 480 600 720 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 11, 1997 0.07 - EW-1= 48' @ 60" H2O 0.06 EW-2= 45' a�60"H20 EW-3= 88' @ 80" H2O EW-4= 88' @ 80" H2O 0.05 O N s 0.04 -- - c E e� 0.03 - 0.02 0.01 0 0 120 240 360 480 Time (minutes) 600 720 Seen Greensboro, North Caroline SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 11th, 1997 Time Well ID I Data Collected at Each Well Head Total System _ Influence Reading _ Vac. Applied Inch H20 _ Flow _ _CFM VOC Cone. ppm,. Cone. Flow _ PT -IS _ PT-29 PTJS PT-4S Pus PT -ID PT-2D PT-30 PT41) PT-5D ppny CFM Inch H=0 Inch H2O Inch H=0 Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O _ Inch H2O _ Inch Hr0 Dist= Dist-- Dist= Dist= Dist- Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= 0000/0 min . ___ EW-1 E1N-2 60 60 8 12 15 27 5 0.02 0 0.04 0.02 0.16 0.02 0 0.02 0 - 125 5- EW-4 80 42 30 83 2001 120 min EW-1 60 63 23 EW-2 60 _ 25 18 2 0.02 0 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 j 0 0.02 0 0.25 EN-3 80 _ 29 56 EW-4 80 57 133 115 - 400f240 min _ EW-1 60 _ 30 25 EW-2 60 38 32 8 0.01 0 0.06 0.03 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.05 EW-3 80 80 52 EW-4 80 55 24 111 600/360 min EW-1 60 30 18 EW-2 60 57 31 5 0.02 0 0.04 0.06 0 0 0.03 0.02 0 0.04 _ EW-3 80 42 32 EW-4 80 39 22 96 800/4B0 min EW-1 80 73 10- _ EW-2 60 19 27 3 0.02 0 0.04 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.05 EW-3 80 61 10 EW-4 80 50 147 74 1000/600 min EW-1 60 50 10 EW-2 60 11.1 21 2 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0.01 1 0 0.02 EW-3 60 35 35 EW-4 80 50 136 81 1200R20 min EW-1 60 41 7 EW-2 60 55 10 2 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.04 _ EW-3 80 26.3 7 EW4 80 39 98 71 FJ E-4 PUMP -VENT TEST - ALL FOUR EXTRACTION WELLS PUMPING Pumping Data PUMPING EW-1, EW-2, EM & EW-4 Graphs of K - all data logger data for entire test L - recovery wells EW-1 and EW-3 and response of PT-313 to pumping K - Shows very limited drawdown of shallow wells in response to pumping and good response of 3D to pumping. L - Shows drawdown response of well 3D to pumping EW-1 but data from 1600 to 3040 minutes is anomalous from 1600 to 3040 minute observation levels are deeper than pumping wells possibly due to XD problems. M - When 25 feet of drawdown in EW-1 gets 8 feet of drawdown in 3D which is 34 feet away. Contour map may not be accurate. Data seems problematic. - - - - - F - F'UI G u - , FOUR WELLS PUMPING 1600 2320 3040 3760 4480 5200 5920 6640 7360 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) --E—EW3 fEW1 —f-3D ►!�p11!!I DRAWDOWN COMPARISON OF WELLS EW-3 AND PT-3D 24 22 --- - --- 20 -- -- -- - U) - --- --- G 18 ---- M Q 16 -- - w d w ' 14 F- z O a 12 z rx O Z 10 -- O Z_ 8 Z O 6- 4- 2 — -- — — ----- — --- --.. oll 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 DRAWDOWN IN RECOVERY WELL (feet) Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT-1S PT4S PT-5S PT-1 D PT4D PT-5D MW-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/14/97 02:00 18.32 82.27 18.80 81.17 17.56 83.21 25.08 _ 75.29 19.97 79.90 17.66 82.95 14.44 84.65 15.60 81.66 06:00 _ 18.30 82.29 _ _ 18.79 81.18 _ - 17.56 83.21 25.45 74.92 20.05 79.82 17.68 82.93 14.50 84_.59 15.62 81.66 08:00 18.31 - 82.28 18.80_ 81.17 _ 17.56 83.21 25.49 74.881 20.08 79.79 17.69 82.92 14.52 84._57 15.66 81.62 10:00 18.27 82.32 _ 18.79 _ 81.18 17.58 83.19 25.62 74.75 20.12 79.75 17.70 82.91 14.56 84.53 15.66 81.62 12:00 18.26 82.33 18.77 81.20 17.91 82.86 25.64 74.73 20.13 79.74 17.71 82.90 14.59 84.50 15.66 81.62 14:00 18.24 82.35 18.74 81.23 17.62 83.15 25.61 74.76 20.14 79.73 17.72 82.89 14.62 84.47 15.65J;�81.61 _ 16:00 18.23 62.36 18.72 81.25 17.61 83.16 25.65 74.72 20.11 79.76 17.71 82.90 14.61 84.48 15.6718:00 18.23 18.22 18.22 82.36 18.68 81.29 17.60 83.17 25.65 74.72 20.14 79.73 17.72 82.89 14.67 84.42 15.7020:00 82.37 82.37 18.70 18.69 ____81.27 17.62 83.15 25.67 74.70 20.15 79.72 17.71 82.90 14.69 84.40 15.7222:00 81.28 17.62 83.15 25.70 74.67 20.16 79.71 17.73 82.88 14.72 84.37 15.7524:00 18.23 82.36 18.67 61.30 17.62 83.1525.72 74.65 20.17 79.70 17.74 82.87 14.76 84.33 15.76 Dtwdata.xis\9-14-97 6/2/98 Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT-1 S PT-4S PT-5S PT-1 D PT-4D PT-5 D MW-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/13/97 02:00 18.42 82.17 19.02 80.95 _ 17.40 83.37 23.51 76.86 19.65 80.22 17.55 83.06 14.00 85.09 15.39 81.89 04:00___ __ 18.42 _ 82.17 18.99 80.98 17.44 83.33 23.55 76.82 19.65 80.22 17.56 83.05 14.04 85.05 15.41 81.87 06:00 18.41 82.18 18.97 81.00 17.45 83.32 23.56 76.81 19.66 80.21 17.57 _ 83.04 14.08 85.01 15.43 81.85 08:00 18.40 82.19 18.96 _ 81.01 17.46 83.31 23.57 76.80 19.66 80.21 17.58 83.03 14.12 84.97115.48 81.83 10:00 18.40 _ 82.19 18.92 81.05 17.47 83.30 23.66 76.71 19.68 80.19 17.59 83.02 14.07 85.02 81.81 12:00 18.38 82.21 18.91 81.06 17.50 83.27 23.97 76.40 19.72 80.15 17.59 83.02 14.20 84.89 81.81 14:00 _ 18.35 _ 82.24 18.86 _ 81.11 17.49 83.28 24.20 76.17 19.76 80.11 17.60 83.01 14.22 84.8781.8016:00 18.35 82.24 18.84 81.13 17.51 83.26 24.24 76.13 19.77 _ 80.10 17.61 83.00 14.25 84.8481.8018:00 18.32 82.27 18.81 81.16 17.51 83.26 24.45 75.92 19.79 80.08 17.61 83.00 14.28 84.81 81.7820:00 18.31 82.28 18.80 81.17 _ 17.51 83.26 24.89 75.48 19.88 79.99 17.63 82.98 14.32 84.77 81.7622:00 18.32 82.27 16.8181.16 17.32 83.45 24.90 75.47 19.89 79.98 17.62 82.99 14.32 84.77 81.76 24:00 18.31 82.28 19.83 80.14 17.53 83.24 25.021 75.351 19.961 79,9111 82.96 14.33 84.761 15.551 81.7311 Dtwdata.xls\9-13-97 6/2/98 Sears -Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT -IS PT4S PT-5S PT-1 D PTAD PT-51) MW-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/15/97 02:00 18.20 _ 82.39 18.65 81.32 17.63 83.14 25.73 74.64 20.17 _ 79.70 17.75 82.86 14.77 84.32 15.78 81.50 04:00 18.19 82.40 18.63 81.34 17.63 83.14 _ _ 25.73 74.64 20.17 _79.70 17.75 82.86 14.79 84.30 15.79 81.49 06:00 18.19 82.40 18.62 81.35 17.64 83.13 25.73 74.64 20.18 _ 79.69 17.75 _ 82.86 _ 14.83 84.26 __ 15.82 81.46 08:00 18.20 82.39 18.62 81.35 17.65 83.12 25.77 74.60 20.18 79.69 17.75 82.86 14.85 _ 84.24 _ 15.83 _ 81.45 10:00 18.21 82.38 18.62 81.35 17.65 83.12 25.80 74.57 20.18 79.69 17.75 82.86 14.86 84.23 15.83 81.45 12:00 18.21 82.38 18.89 81.08 17.66 83.11 25.73 74.64 20.18 79.69 17.76 82.85 14.88 84.21 15.84 81.44 14:00 18.21 82.38 18.90 81.07 17.67 83.10 _ 25.74 74.63 20.18 79.69 17.76 82.85 14.89 84.20 16:00 18.23 82.38 18.56 81.41 17.77 83.00 25.67 74.70 20.15 79.72 17.80 82.81 _ 14.91 84.18 _JE81.4 18:00 18.22 82.37 18.52 81.45 17.73 83.04 25.72 74.65 20.15 79.72 17.80 82.81 14.93 04.16 _ 20:00 18.21 82.38 18.50 81.47 17.76 83.01 25.74 74.63 20.14 79.73 17.81 82.80 14.97 84.12 E]15.80 22:00 18.20 82.39 19.50 80.47 17.75 83.02 25.76 74.61 20.16 79.71 17.83 82.78 14.98 84.11 24:00 18.19 82.40 18.48 8149 1775 83.02 25.78 74.59 20.18 79.69 17.84 82.77 15.01 84.08 Dtwdata.xls\9-15-97 =a. 6/2/98 M +26 1- STY. BRK. MW-27 (1.66) PT-2 PT-21 (0.82) EW-4+ (7.45) (0.37) T- S (5.81) T-1D PT-3D (EW T-3 / (4.55) (6.229) PT 4D / (0.87) PT-4S-* (0.07) (0.46) � PT-5D (0.21) LEGEND: EXTRACTION WELL PILOT TEST MONITORING WELL LEGEND: 1. PUMP FROM EW-1 THROUGH EW-4 AFTER 500 MINUTES (2,100 MINUTES INTO FULL TEST) 2. VACUUM IN ALL FOUR WELLS AT 20 INCHES OF WATER. 0 20 40 SCALE FEET 7130 COLUMBGATEWAY DRIVE GATEWAY CROSSING 95. SUITE A 9 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 FLUOR DANIEL GTI `410) 290-1300 REV. NO.: DRAWING DATE: ACAD FILE: 10/31/97 0497PIL3 WATER LEVEL CHANGE AFTER 500 MINUTES PUMP VENT TEST CLIENT: PM: SEARS LOGISTIC SERVICES, INC. FACILITY #88491 LOCATION:2600 LAWNDALE DRIVE PE: GREENBORO, NC. DESIGNED: DETAILED: PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: DM CJM 05324-0497 5 Seam Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Teat During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 16th, 1997 Time Well ID Data Collected at Each Well Head Total System Influence Reading Vac. Applied Flow VOCConc. Conc. Flow PT-1S PT-2S PT-3S PT-4S PT-5S PT-1D PT-2D PT-31) PT-413 PT-5D Inch H2O CFM ppmv ppmr CFM Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H2O Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= 000010 min EW-1 60 13.3 2 - - - - - - - _ EW-2 60 11.5 10 1 107 0 0 0.09 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 EW-3 - - 10 Hg - 14.6 0 200 / 120 min EWA EW-1 10 Hg _ --'CO 30.9 14 6 218 - - - - - - 10.2 1 EW-2 60 12.8 2 1 108 0 0 1 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 EW-3 10 Hg 11.8 0 EWA 10 Hg 30.1 14 6 218 4001240 min EW-1 60 10.3 2 _ EW-2 - 60 12.2 - 10 - 2 ---- 109 0 -- 0 — 1 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.01 0 0 EW-3 10 Hg 18.5 - - EWA 10 Hg 31 20 15 218 6001360 min EW-1 60 16.2 2 EW-2 60 14.3 5 0 109 0 0 0.09 0.02 0.01 0 0.02 0 0 0 EW-3 10 Hg 9.1 2 EWA 10 Hg 31.4 7 5 218 1.2 EW-1= 10'@ 60" H2O EW-2= 12'@ 60" H2O EW-3= 50'@ 80" H2O 1 EW - 4-=- -5-0-'-@ 80" H2O )OW 0 0.6 E > 0.4 0.2 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 16,1997 120 240 Time (minutes) 360 SVE Test Data Scars Greensboro, North Caroline SVE Test During simultaneous Pumping Date: September 12th, 1997 o0000 BMW ffigaw MUM 4001240 min MUM ®MMM �®o����������������� ®���®o��o�o�oo��� )IM EW-1= 48' @ 60" EW-2= 45' @ 60" EW-3= 88' @ 80" 0.05 -EW-4= 88'- 86" 1 0.04 r 0.03 ea 0.02 0.01 9 0 120 240 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 12, 1997 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Time (minutes) Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 12, 1997 EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O 0.09 EW-2=-12' a60"-H20 EW-3= 50' @ 80" H2O EW-4=50' @ 80" -H20 0.07 -- O = 0.06 v 0.05 E 0.04 - 0.03 — 0.02 --- - — 0.01 — 0 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Time (minutes) Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-313) September 12, 1997 EW-1= 18' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 19' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 51' @ 80" H2O 0.05 1-- EW-4= 51' @ 80" H2O 0.04 r 0.03 E c� > 0.02 0.01 C 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 Time (minutes) 840 960 1080 1200 1320 a.. Dr..n.boro, Norm Cwolln. SVE T..1 Durinp Olmulr.nrou. Pumpinp D.b: E.pt..bw 13m, 1D97 ■_ii_■_�-i_� Oo��T■i ®00©0000��00 K� oo©■��i�i' ���iii��ii �oiiii�ii■�iii��i�� Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 13, 1997 1.2 EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 12' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 50' @ 80" H2O 1 EW-4= 50' a9 80" H2O X: w�� r 0.6 E > 0.4 - -- ----- - — - 0.2 ® - 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Time (minutes) 0.06 EW-1= 48' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 45' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 88' @ 80" H2O 0.05 I EW-4= $B'— 80'T H2O 0.04 O N t V 0.03 E c� 0.02 0.01 E 120 240 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 13, 1997 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Time (minutes) Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3D) September 13, 1997 - --- -- -- - - -- EW-1= 18' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 19' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 51' @ 80" H2O EW-4= 51' @ 80" H2O 0.02 . -�, --- �- .�-... _ O = 0.015 M KO M E7 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Time (minutes) Sean Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 14th, 1997 Time Well ID Data Collacted at Each Well Head Total System Influence Reading - _ Vac. Applied Inch H2O Flow _CFM VOCConc. ppm, Conc. ppm, Flow CFM PT-1S Inch H,0 PT•2S Inch H,0 PT-3S Inch H2O PT-4S Inch H2O PT•5S Inch H2O PT-1D Inch H2O PT-2D Inch H,0 PT-3D Inch H2O PT-0D Inch H,0 PT-5D Inch H2O 000010 min EW-1 60 30 1 Dist= Dist= Dist-- Dist= Disl= I Dist- Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= 60 80 1B 1 2 104 0 -- 0 0.08 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 _EW-3 __ EW-4 80 19 11 32 008 2001120 min EW1 60 38 0 _-_ _ _EW-2 EW3 80 80 20 11 20.1 0 3 105 0 0 1 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.02 - - EW4 80 19 48 26 120 4001240 min EW-1 60 35 8 EW-2 EW-3 60 80 10 16 12 11 1 1.06 0 0 0.09 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 EW-4 80 15 30 26 109 6001380 min EW-1 60 25 5 ____ _ EW2 EW-3 80 80 12 9 21 23 2 100 0 0 0.09 0.03 0 0.08 0.04 0.02 0 0.04 EW-4 80 22 42 22 770 8001480 min EW-1 60 23 7.2 EW-2 EW-3 60 80 15 8 20 14 2.9 107 0 0.01 1 0.05 0 0 0.02 0.03 EW-4 60 25 So 29 90 1000/600 min EW1 80 20 5.5 EW-2 EW-3 80 80 12 10 5 3 2 107 0.01 0 1 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.02 0 0.03 EW-4 80 23 33 20 104 12007720 min EW-1 8D 9.5 4 EW-2 80 80 11 12 15 11 1.2 90 0 0 0.9 0.04 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.03 EW-4 80 22 1 44 12.4 110 1400/840 min EW-1 60 22 3 EW-2 EW-3 80 80 14 11 20 2 1 108 0 0 1 0.02 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.03 EW-4 80 20 56 18 109 1600/960 min_ EW-1 60 11 23 __ EW2 _ EW-3 80 BO 22 _ 14 2 2 1 109 0 0 0.8 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.02 EW-4 80 20 1 35 24 224 1800/1080 min EW-1 -80 20.2 2 EW-2 EW-3 60 80 26.2 60.5 18 1 2 110 0 0 0.08 0.02 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.02 EWA 80 19.9 26 17 550 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 14, 1997 1.2 - EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 12' @ 60" H2O 1 EW-3= 50' 8 -" WO EW-4= 50' y " H2O 0.8 _. O N t C,1 •v 0.6 E > 0.4 0.2 La" �Amf.-]111111111111v. 0 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Time (minutes) 1.2 EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 12' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 50' @ 80" H2O EV1T4= 50' "-H20 0.8 O N 2 L V 0.6 E �v > 0.4 0.2 .f u 0 240 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 14, 1997 �.. ,...Uj A 360 4:1 600 720 840 960 Time (minutes) 1080 1200 1320 '. 081101 EW-1= 48' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 45' @ 60" H2O 0.05 EW-3= 88' a 80" H2O EW-4= 88' @ 80" H2O Ai or a� L V 0.03 E > 0.02 0.01 IC 0 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 14, 1997 yi.a. ro 1 • , , / 600 , , • , 1080 1200 13&1, Time (minutes) Seen Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 16111, 1997 Time Well ID Data Collected at Each Well Hood Total Syatem Influence Reading Vac. Applled Flow VOC Conc. Cone. Flow PT -IS PT-2S PTJS PTdS PT-59 PT-1D PT-2D I PT-3D PT4D I PTSD Inch H=0 CFM ppm, ppm, CFM Inch H2O _ Inch H2O Inch H,0 Inch Ht0 Inch H2O Inch H,0 Inch H2O Inch H,0 Inch H}0 Inch H=0 Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist- Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= I Dist= 0000/ 0 min EW-1 60 26.7 0 - EW-2 EW-3 60 ea _-- 53.5 _ -_z3.e 12 0 104 - 0 --- 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0.01 D 0.02 2 - - _ EW-4 80 90.5 21 a 118 200 / 120 min EW-1 60 --- 21.8 0 EW-2 60 36.9 0 0 109 0 0 1 0.02 0.04 0 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 - -- - Ew-3 -EW.4 so -so se o ------ 44.7 14 a 122 - -- 400/240 min _ EW-1 60 13.4 1 _- EW-2 60 14 2 0 109 0.01 0 1 - 0.02 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 EW-3 80 . 16.3 2 EW-4 80 20.6 14 a 121 600/360 min EW-1 60 14 0 _ EW-2 80 _ 13 1 0 103 0 0 0.09 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 EW-3 80 22 2 EW-4 so 25 20 7 140 809/480 min EW-1 00 14.2 2 EW-2 60 18 1 0 115 0 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 0 0.01 1 0 0.01 EW-3 1 80 19 2 EW4 so 21 7 5 109 1000/600 min EW-1 60 14.5 2 EW-2 60 12 13 10 110 0 0 0.09 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0.03 EW-3 80 10 5 EW-4 80 18 27 20 115 MUM min EW-1 60 14.3 1 EW-2 60 1a 12 6 110 0 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 EW-3 80 21.3 a Ew-4 e0 22 22 21 121 1400/840 min EW-1 60 14.8 6 EW-2 60 12.6 19 2 101 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.05 0.01 0 0.02 0.02 0 0.02 EVII.3 9Hg 51 4 EW-4 9Hg 32.5 32 6 218 1600/960 min EW-1 60 14.8 7 EW-2 60 12.3 17 2 94 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.04 0 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 EW-3 10 Hg 1a 6 EW-4 10 Hg 32 24 14 218 1 e0O/1080 min EW-1 60 13.2 4 EW-2 80 15.4 16 2 102 0 0.01 0.09 0.04 0 0 0.02 1 0.02 0 0 EW.3 10 Hg 22 3 EW4 10 Hg 19.8 22 14 218 2000/1200 min EW-1 60 19 4 EW-2 60 13.9 5 2 98 0 0.01 1 0.03 0 0 0.02 0.02 0 0 EW-3 10 Hg 12.7 3 1 ElN-4 10 Hg a 26 11 218 0.06 0.05 �M O N 2 t v 0.03 E 0.02 0.01 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 15, 1997 EW-1= 48' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 45' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 88' @ 80" H2O EW-4= 88' @80" H2O ---- - - - 0 j- 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 Time (minutes) 1.2 - EW-1= 10' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 12' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 50' @ 80" H2O 1 --EW-4= 0.8 O N .WAI Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 15, 1997 ® -- - - — - -®— -® ------ - -�- � i r r r � � r - - i 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 Time (minutes) 0.025 0.02 O = 0.015 t U C E 0.01 0.005 1 0 EW-1= 48' @ 60" H2O EW-2= 45' @ 60" H2O EW-3= 88' @ 80" H2O EW-4= 88' 80" H2O 0 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 16, 1997 120 Time (minutes) 240 360 Sears Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 11 through 16,1997 I I 1 Date Time Minutes PT -IS I Inch H2O 1 PT-2S 1 Inch H2O ! PT-3S I j Inch H2O PT3S Inch H2O PT -SS Inch H2O PT-113 Ineh H2O PT-2D Inch H2O PT-3D Inch H2O I PT-4D I Inch H2O PT-513 Inch H2O 11-Sep-97 ! 0 0.02 0 0.04 0.02 1 0.16 0.02 0 j 0.02 0 - j 12-Sep-97 j ! 120 240 260 480 600 720 780 ! 840 ' 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 . 1560 1680 I 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 j I 0.06 j 0.04 0.04 ! I 0.04 I j 0.04 ! ! 0.06 ! 0.06 ; p.os 0.04 j 0.04 I 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.01 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.05 0.02 0 0 I 0 0 0 j p ! 0 o 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 I 0.01 0.01 j 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.05 0 I 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 a j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.02 j 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 1800 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0.03 0.02 0 0.04 13 Sep-97 ! 1920 1 2040 2100 2160 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 ! 0 0.09 1 0.09 0.09 j 0.09 ! 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 j 0 0 ! 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.01 0.02 I 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.03 0.03 0 2280 2400 0 0 I 0 1 0 0.09 0.09 0.04 0•05 D I 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 j 0 0 0 0.03 2520 0 0 0.09 0.05 j 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.03 2640 0 0 1 0.05 j 0 j 0 0 j 0.02 0 j 0.03 2760 0 0 1 0.03 0.02 0 0 0.02 j 0 0.04 2880 0 0.01 1 i 0.02 I 0 0 0 I 0.02 0 0.03 3000 0.02 0.01 1 0.05 0 j 0 0 j 0.02 1 0 j 0.03 3120 0.01 1 0.01 0.8 0.03 0 I 0 0 I 0.01 j 0 j 0.03 3240 0 0 j 1.02 0.04 i 0 I 0 0 0.02 I 0 0.04 3360 0 0 0.09 0.04 I 0 I 0 0 1 0.02 ; 0 0.04 14-Sep-97 i 3480 3600 j 0 0 0 I 0 1 1.02 I j 0.08 i 0.04 0.03 ! 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0.01 j 0 0 j 0 0.04 0.03 3720 ! 0 j 0 I 1 0.03 0 0 j 0 0.01 0 0.02 3640 0 I 0 I 0.09 0 ! 0 0 j 0 0 I 0.03 j 0.04 3960 0 0 I 0.09 0.04 i 0 0 I 0 I 0 j 0 0.04 4080 0 0 j 0.09 0.03 0 0.08 0.04 0.02 I 0 0.04 4200 0 0.01 1 0.05 ! 0 0 j 0.02 - 0.03 4320 0.01 0 1 0.05 ! 0 I 0 I 0.01 0.12 j 0 0.03 I 4440 j 0 0 I 0.9 j 0.04 1 0 0 0 0.01 j 0 0.03 j 4560 ; 0 I 0 1 j 0.02 I 0 0 0 0.01 0 4680 0 I 0 0.8 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 04800 #E)3 15-Sep-97 4860 0 0 0 0 0.08 i j 0.08 1 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 I 0.01 j 0 j 0.01 1 0.01 00.02 0 p,p2 I 4920 0 0 I 1 0.02 1 0.04 0 j 0.02 0.01 j 0 j 0.01 5040 1 0.01 1 0 1 1 0.02 I 0 j 0 j 0.01 0 0.01 5160 0 1 0 0.09 j 0.02 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 5280 0 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 j 0 0.01 I 0 0.01 5400 0 0 1 0.09 ! 0.04 ; 0.02 j 0 0 0.02 0 0.03 5520 0 0 ' 0.09 1 0.05 j 0 0 0 ( 0.01 0 0.01 5640 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.05 0.01 0 0.02 0.02 1 0 0.02 5760 0.01 0.01 0.09 1 0.03 0.04 0 j 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 _ 5880 0 0.01 0.09 0.04 i 0 0 0.02 i 0.02 0 p 16 Sep 97 60QO 6120 0 0 0.01 0 1 0.09 0.03 0.02 ! 0 0 0 0 j 0.02 0.02 0.02 1 0 0 077 p 0 6240 0 0 1 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0 ! 0 6360 0 0 1 I 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.01 0 0 6480 0 0 0.09 0.02 0.01 0 1 0.02 0 0 0 Sears Greensboro, North Carolina SVE Test During Simultaneous Pumping Date: September 10 through 16, 1997 I i I Date Time PT -IS PT-2S PT-3S PT-4S I piss PT-1D VT- 2D PTJD PT1D ! I PTSD 10-Sep•97 ! Minutes ; Inch Hi0 I 1 _ Inch H=0 1 _ Inch Ht0 _ I Inch H=0 I Inch H=0 1 I _ I Inch Ht0 Inch -Ha ! Inch H20 _ 1 Inch H2O _ ! Inch H20 ! _ 1 60 I 0.06 , 0 O.M 0.03 0.56 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 1 0 0.34 0 0.13 0 0 0.02 0 0 210 i 0 0 0.36 1 0.05 1 0 0 0 0.03 1 0 1 270 1 0 0 0.3 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.D4 ! 0 N. 0.4 1 330 0 I 0 0.54 0.08 0.05 0 0 0 0 02 390 0.03 1 0 1 0.82 0.05 ! 0.45 0 0 0 022 t 0.03 0 12 0.06 I 0.49 0 0 0 0 0.04 510 510 i 0.03 0 1 12 0.1 ' 0.2 0 0 0 ! 0 1 0.32 570 0.01 t 0 1 0.0E I 0.12 0 0 0 0 I 0.11 11-Sep-97 I 0 0.02 , 0 j 0.04 0.02 0.16 0.02 0 0.02 j 0 120 I 0.02 j 0 0.G4 0.02 1 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 1 0.25 240 ! 0.01 1 0 0.06 0.03 , 0 0 a 0.02 ! 0 0.05 360 I 0.02 1 0 0.04 0.06 ! 0 0 0.03 0.02 I 0 0.04 480 0.02 1 0 0.04 0.01 I 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.05 600 I 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 601 0 0.02 7" 0 ! 0 0'.04 0 0 0 0 0.01 G 0.04 12Sep-97 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.04 120 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.04 240 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.04 360 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 480 , 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 60o j 0 0 0.06 0.01 0 D 0 0.01 0 0.04 720 1 0.02 0 0.08 0 O.o2 1 0 0 --o-m--T 0 0.04 840 I 0.01 1 0 0.G8 0 0.01 0 0 0.05 0 0.D4 960 j 0.02 1 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0 0.04 1080 ! D I 0 0.08 0 0 0 1 0.03 0.02 ! 0 0.04 - 12DO i 0 1 0 0.09 1 0.03 0 1 0 0 1 0 ! 0 j 0.02 1320 1 0 I 0 0.09 0.04 1 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.03 13-Sep•97 I I ! 0 I 0 0 0.09 0.03 0 I 0 1 0 0.02 1 0 , 0.03 120 0 0 1 0.D9 ! 0.03 0 ! 01 0.02 1 0 0 0 240 1 0 0 1 0.09 0.04 1 0 0 360 0 i 0 0.09 0.05 ! 0 1 0 1 0 0.02 0 1 0.03 480 0 0 1 0.09 1 0.05 0 0 0 1 0.02 ! 0 ! 0.03 600 0 I 0 i 1 1 0.05 0 0 0 I 0.02 i 0 1 0.03 720 0 0 I 1 0.03 1 0.02 0 j 0 0.02 j 0 I 0.D4 NO 0 I 0.01 1 1 0.02 0 0 0 0.02 I 0 ! 0.03 960 I. 0.02 1 0.01 1 0.05 ! o 0 0 I 0.02 0 0.a3 1080 0.01 1 0.01 0.8 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 I 0 0.03 1200 0 1 0 1 1.02 0.04 I 0 0 0 0.01 1 0 0.04 1320 0 ! 0 0.09 0.04 I 0 0 1 0 0.02 0 ! 0.04 1440 1 0 0 ; 1.02 0,04 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.04 14-Sep-97 I 1 0 0 0 0.08 0.03 ! 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.03 240 I 0 1 0 1 1 0.03 ! 0 0 0 1 0.01 I 0 I 0.02 360 0 0 0.09 a 1 0 ! 0 I 0 0 0.03 j 0.04 480 - 0 I 0 0.09 I O.a4 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.D4 600 0 0 0,09 0.03 1 0 i 0.08 0.04 0.02 i 0 1 0.04 720 ! 0 0.01 1 a.05 0 0 0.02 0.03 840 0.01 ! 0 1 i 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.02 ! 0 I 0.03 960 1 0 1 0 0.9 0.D4 1 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.03 ' 1080 0 0 1 0.02 ! 0 0 0 0.01 0 ! 0.03 1200 0 0 O.B 1 0.03 i 0 0 0 ! 0.01 1 0 I 0.02 1320 0 0 i 0.08 ; 0.02 0 ; 0 0.01 ! 0.01 0 6.62 15-Sep-97 I 0 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 I 0.01 1 0 j 0.92 120 0 0 1 1 0.02 0.04 0 1 0.02 0.01 I 0 0.01 240 0.01 1 0 1 0.02 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 360 0 0 0.09 j 0.02 1 0 0.01 0 0.a1 0 0 480 0 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 ' 600 0 1 0 0.09 0.04 j 0.02 1 0 0 I 0.02 I 0 I 0.03 720 0 0 1 0.D9 1 0.05 0 a 1 0 0.01 p 0.01 540 0.01 0.01 1 0.09 i 0.05 0.01 1 0 0.02 0.02 0 1 o.02 960 0.01. 0.01 I 0.09 1 0.03 0.04 1 0 I 0.02 1 0.01 ! 0 I 0.01 1080 0 0.01 i 0.09 0.04 0 i 0 ! 0.021 0.02 0 0 1200 0 0.01 1 0.03 0 j 0 i 0.02 1 0.02 i 0 0 16-Sep-97 1 , _ 0 0 0 0.09 1 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 120 0 0 1 1 0.02 0 0 0.02 p 0 0 _ 240 0 0 1 1 0.01 0 0 0.02 j 0.01 1 0 0 _ 360 0 0 i 0.09 0.02 I 0.01 i 0 1 0.02 1 0 1 0 I 0 Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3S) September 11 through 16, 1997 EW-1= 10' EW-2= 12' EW-4= 50' A: 0.4 0.2 - -- - - - -- - ---- - --- - i Io�1'.1r r i ��111,riirr r 0 1p CP �'��nV d, � V V V V V V Time �O m4inutesf Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-4S) September 11 through 16, 1997 0.07 ��� 0 N = 0.04 c E 0.03 u tiliyal 0.01 0 IM, o�o�000�oo�000�o(zo�o�00000�o�o�0000��00000000000�0�000�0�000�000�0000000�0�000 4P, b br!') Time (minutes) M EW-1= 18 0.05 . _. EW-2.= _1.-9. EW-3= 51' EW-4= 51' 0.04 - O N t v 0.03 -- - - ---- E 7 V 0.02 - - - 0.01 0- I T T i T 1 T O�rLO Ce�O�O"'0,Ne��O Vacuum Influence VS Time (PT-3D) September 11 through 16, 1997 O P 00 00 tO 9O rO 00 00 �O O �O 00 00 �O 00 00 �O �O �O 00 `LSO �� O'� 03 00 O��►� Time (minutes) E-5 SPARGE TEST Sparge Data Seam Greensboro, North Carolina Sparge Test Date: September 161h, 1997 Dissolved Oxygen Readings PT -SS DO Readings EW-2 EW-3 PT -IS PT-2S PT-3S PT4S PT -ID PT-2D PT-3D PT-4D PT-5D —EW-1 Pin; - -PpMv -- --ppm, --EW4 Ppm. — ppm, ppm. ppm, -- ppm. PM ppm, ppm, PPM' ppmv ppmv Background Final 3.2 6.2 5 5 5.2 8.43 6 4.9 2.3 6 5.3 4.5 2.6 3.7 3 1.5 7.61 Seam Greensboro, North Carolina Sparge Test Date: September 161h, 1997 Sparge Break Pressure 12.76 psi Sparge Well PT-10 - Pressure Responses Distance Feat 19 23 22 24 31 29.-- 66 45 38 32 58 - - 45__.' Time EW-11 1 EW-3 — IEW-4 __6 — PT-11S —_ PT-2S --Tn—r-h PT-3S__ PTAS PT -SS PT-21) _ PT-3D PT-413 .--PT.SD--- 1nhK2_O Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch-H-20- --Inch H2O V F2O nch H 20 Inch H2OInch H 20 Inch H 20 Inch H2O Inch H2O Inch H20 120 180 240 300 360 ___426 4e-0 0 0 0 0 0 6- T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _0 --- 0 0 0 0.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0______ 0.02 0.02 0.01 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- 0.-02-- -a 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0.1 0.14—.- # 0.01 0 0 0 0 Sears Greensboro, North Carolina Sparge Test Date: September 16th, 1097 Sparge Break Pressure 12.76 psi Sparge Well PT-10 - VOC Responses Distance Feet 19 23 22 24 6 31 29 66 45- ---38 32 58 45 Time EW-1 EW.2 EW-3 EW-4 PTAS PT-2S PT-3S PT4S PT -SS PT-21) PT-3D PT413 PT-5D WE, PPM, —PPM� PPM. PPM. ppm, ppm' ppm, ppm, pPMv ppm. PI)MI ppm, 180 240 300 360 4�70 480 600 -1-1- 7 8 10 -IT 13 15 2.9 ----1-3 12 12 13 -15— 18 22 14 60 19 16 —19 ----- 13 72 0- 7 6 2 2 -- - - S-- 32 18 7 20 27 28 26 7 4 6 5 9 14 14 13 10 14 14 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 16 6 9 34 60 65 6 6 7 30 44 39 8 11 13 33 45 so 41 42 36 30 5 28 11 60 29 36 32 —i(F' 20 27.7 5 5 5 6 26 12 12 14 7 39 4 54 i VOC Concentrations VS Time (Sparge Test at PT -ID) September 16, 1997 L• 70 .c A( E, a a 40 V O 30 20 10 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 600 Time -f- EW-2=23' --A- EW-3=22' -- EW-4=24' -*- PT-1 S=6' -+- PT-2S=31' - i PT-3S=29' PT-4S=66' PT-5S=45' --o- PT-2D=38' -�- PT-3D=32' - x PT-4D=58' -)- PT-5D=45' Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT-1 S PT-4S PT-5S PT-1 D PT-4D PT-5D MW-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feel) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09/16/97 02:00 18.18 _ 82.41 18AB _ 81.49 17.75 83.02 _ 25.78 74.59 20.18 79.69 17.83 82.78 15.03 84.06 15.84 81.44 04:00 18.17 18.17 82.42 __ 18.46 18.46 _ 81.51 17.75 83.02 25.79 74.58 20.18 79.69 17.83 _ 82.78 15.05 84.05 15.85 06:00 82.42 81.51 17.77 83.00 25.80 74.57 20.18 79.69 17.84 82.77 15.07 84.021 15.87 _ 10:30 17.77 82.82 18.41 _ 81.56 17.41 83.36 18.63 81.74 18.93 80.94 17.28 83.33 12:30 17.66 82.93 18.40 81.57 17.31 83.46 18.78 81.09 17.25 83.36 13:30 17.66 82.93 _ 18.43 __ 81.54 17.24 83.53 _ _ 18.76 81.11 17.16 83.45 14:00 17.90 17.62 82.69 82.97 18A1 18.42 81.56 81.55 17.23 83.54 18.72 81.15 17.16 83.45 15:30 17.19 83.58 _ _ 18.68 81.19 17.13 83.48 16:00 17.42 83.17 18.40 81.57 17.13 83.64 18.66 81.21 17.18 83.43 _ 17:30 17.56 83.03 18.42 81.55 17.16 83.61 18.65 81.22 17.12 83.49 18:30 17.82 _ 82.77 18.41 _ 81.56 17.15 83.62 17.11 82.76 18.58 82.03 20:30 14.95 85.64 18.41 61.56 17.15 83.62 18.25 81.62 19.08 81.53 24:00 18.19 82.40 18.48 81.49 17.75 83.02 25.78 74.59 20.18 79.69 17.84 82.77 15.01 84.06 15.841 81.44 Dtwdata.xls\9-16-97 6/2/98 E-6 SPARGE VENT TEST Sparge Data SVE Test Data Sears Greensboro, North Carolina Sparge I SVE Test Date: September 17th, 1997 Snarne Well PT-1D Time well ID Data Collected c. Applied Inch H,_O_ at Each Well Flow b F M_ ----- Head VOC Conc. Total System lk qi ppm,iis-1c . .......... - Flow CFM Innuence .- ___ .- __ ------- FT_4S __FT_._6S PT-11S PT.2S T-TS �PT"S InHO Inch H2OH20 m�R'O inch H20 inch 1­1�0 DIs Dist= Dist= Dist= Dist= Dlst-- Reading PT-46 D 2D PT-3D D PT-1 --PT.21- PT"5 0 M Inch Inch Inch 20 PSI '�M [_;.]cd�WH� ist= Dist= Dist= DIst=O Ust_ - PPM ,n 60 M- EW= 1 EW-3 60 5.5 0 0 104 ------ 0____ 0.01 018 2or. ci- 0 1OHg 10Hg 7.6 11 3 118 000 120min EW1 EW-2 80 60 9 15 0 6- .16 0 0.01 tore 0.01 0.01 10Hg 14 8 218 -,To-o/ 18-6 min fWA Eyy_2 EW-3 80 60 10 Hg 10.6 18.6 24.3--. 6 7 1 91 0 0.01 2016.5 0 0 _120_012_40�Rn EPW-1- EW-_2_ 160_Hg 30.5 29 -2 ---------- 218 107 _0 0 0.15 0 0 20f7 BO 15.3 -EW-3 EW4 9 Hg -9 H 9 16.7 9 22 5 218 14-0-056-0 �I EW-1 EW-2 60 60 r39.5 16.1 15.2 - 0 2 1 82.5 0 0.15 20fir 0 0 0 0 EW-3 9 Hg 21.2 0 - EW4 9 Hg 5 35.3-. 30 4 _218 ....................... 7- 1660-14NO -min EWTMI EW-2 2 60 60 7.8 12.8 0 4 0 103 0 0.14 0 0 18f7 0 0 0 0 EW-3 9Hg 19.1 0 -_.EW_: -9 Hg 33.8 12 3 M 660min EW-1 60 60 24.6 18 0 8 - ------ 0 90 0 -0.- 14 0 _ 1917 0 0 0 0 9 Hg 15.9 0 A- EW4 9 Hg 35 28 3 218 E-7 PUMP VENT TEST EW-1 AND EW-2 Pumping Data 0 9 PUMP AND VENT TEST EW-1 & EW-2 (last test) Graphs of N - all data logger data for full tests 0 - all data logger data for pumping phase P - all data logger data for recovery phase N - Shows several water levels above 0 for start of test. 0 - Shows PT-3S responding to EW-2 pumping and PT-31D responding to EW-1 pumping. P - Shows recovery of liquid levels within seven hours. lovi Q & R show same data PK potential effects of .pumping iO EW-1 may be up to 87 feet away. S effects of pumping EW-2 may be seen as far as 45 feet away Contour map of data. i _'v� c�/✓c c.TCc Aqtesolv of data from PT-31D (un�for vacuum) show: T = 8.092 x 10' ft2/m i n Sy = .2839 P AP R OJ ECTSMAR MTEST. NTS f PUMPING EW1 AND EW2 5 r -5 -20 -25 -30 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) -�2D --f-2S - A -E-EW3 -CIE-3S -*-EW1 --H-3D EW2 5 0 -5 -20 -25 -30 A 4 gal -�s �I i 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) --�-2D --�-2S —&—EW4--)(---EW3 —)K 3S--♦—EW1 — 1-3D EW2 PUMPING EW1 AND EW2 2 0 -2 -6 .f -10 4- 510 570 630 690 750 810 870 930 ELAPSED TIME (minutes) -4--21) -1F-2S --A-EW4 -X EW3 CIE-3S -EW1 —1-3D EW2 Lvv- , AND tvv-2 Step Test Distance drawdown well EW-1 PT-3D distance drawdown feet feet 0,5 26.11 14 9.34 30 25 y 20 d w 15 10 5 0 DISTANCE DRAWDOWN PLOT PUMP AND VENT TEST EW-1 AND EW-2 1 1 6 0.1 1 10 100 DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL (feet) r $ DRAWDOWN AT KNOWN RADIUS I misc Chart 7 30 25 20 10 5 0 1- 0.1 DISTANCE DRAWDOWN PLOT PUMP AND VENT TEST EW-1 AND EW-2 PT-3D 41 ,Iwo'• � h �yp�y�,��j,� �` yam+ kY ,� "� �� q ��g� i �j ,� � �a� h a�i�'J�e14Y�y'kAiKS'yr �I b I •i �aihf I c"S :;4 i. �+µ` 1 DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL (feet) Page 1 10 —$ DRAWDOWN AT KNOWN RADIUS 100 DISTANCE DRAWDOWN PLOT OF PT-3S RESPONSE TO PUMPING EW-2 7 6 - _..- - - --- - ---- — - ----- — -- -- - 5 - - -- - -- — - -- — — 4 ---- --- -- - - z 0 c c 2 -- - 0 0.1 1 10 100 DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL (feet) Sears - Greensboro Pilot Test Groundwater Level Measurements PT -IS PT-4S PT -SS PT-1 D PT -ID PT-513 MW-26 MW-27 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Water Elevation Date Time (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC (feet) ) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) (from TOC) (feet) 09117197 07:30 17.76 82.83 82.78 18.50 18.70 81.47 16.95 83.82 18.07 82.30 18.65 81.22 17.01 83.60 14.96 84.13 16.15 81.13 10:30 17.81 _ 81.27 16.93 83.84 19.97 80.40 17.05 82.82 15.05 85.56 16.18 82.91 16:00 17.90 82.69 19.13 80.84 16.92 83.85 2072. 79.65 17.16 82.71 15.22 85.39 16.22 82.87 Dtwdata.xlsl9-19-97 612/98 VOC Concentrations Extraction Wells VS Time (Sparge Test at PT-1 D) September 17, 1997 Is- - - -- ------ -- - -- - -- 30 25 20 E a a C) j 15 Me] 5 0 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 Time (minutes) Lam— EW-1= 19'--m— EW-2= 23' —A— EW 3= 22' --— EW-4= 24' SVE Test Data Sears Greensboro, North Carolina Sparge / SVE Test Date: September 17th,1097 Sparge Well PT-1D-Vacuum/Pressure Responses Time PT-1S PT-2S PUS PT-6S PT -ID PT2D PT-3D PTr{D PT -SD _ Mlnutes _ Inch H,0 Inch H,0 _PT-39 Inch H,0 Inch H,0 Inch H20 Inch H20 Inch H,0 Inch H20 Inch H2O Inch H,0 80 0 0.18 - 2016 0 0 0 0.01 120 0 0.16 0 _ 2016 0.01 0.01 0 -- ---180 - - - ---- --_ - - 0 — — 0.16 0 _0.01 0.01 2016.5 0 _ 0 0 240 0 0.15 0 0 20f7 0 0 0 0 360 ____ 0 0.15 0 20/7 0 0 0 0 480 0 0.14 0 0 _ 18P 0 0 0 0 _ 600 0 0.14 0 0 19f7 0 0 0 0 n 7