HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8190401_HISTORICAL FILE_20190509PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS SWs 44 041 1 ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS M HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE oi0190505 � YYYYMMDD ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrerary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director May 9, 2019 — " Y� •�Sk �u�rn Y�`R� NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality City of Wilmington Attn: Sterling Cheatham, City MDnager PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 North Waterfront Park High Density Commercial Project New Hanover County Dear Mr. Cheatham: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on April 1., 2019, with final information on May 8, 2019, Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined.that the project, as proposed, complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 amended on January 1, 2017 (2017 Rules). We are hereby forwarding Permit No, SW8 190401 dated May 9. 2019, for the construction of the built -upon areas (BUA) and Stormwater control measures (SCMs) associated with the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 9, 2027 and the project shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and does not supersede any other agency permit that may be required. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in future compliance problems. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Division. This cover letter, attachments, and all documents on file with DEMLR shall be considered part of this permit and are herein incorporated by reference. if any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have'the right to request an adjudicalory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of .Administrative Hearings (OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 671.4 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www.NCOAH.com, Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Linda Lewis in the Wilmington Regional Office, at (910) 796-7215 or linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, �( oµ S. Daniel Smith, interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Enclosures: Attachment A - Designer's Certification Form Application Documents C,DS/a1I: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2019\190401. HD\2019 05 permit 190401 cc: Adam Pike, P.E., Stewart, inc.(223 S West Street Strife 1100 Ral&gh NC 27603) New Hanover County Building Safety Department. Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File North Carolina Department or Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910.7963215 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In compliance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission; including 15A NCAC 02H.1000 amended on January 1, 2017 (2017 Rules - the "stormwater rules"), PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO The City of Wiln7ington North Waterfront Park 10 Cowan Street, Wilmington, New Hanover County FOR THE construction; management, operation and maintenance of built -upon area (BUA) and two (2) infiltration basins (RainTankO) and 5 areas of permeable pavement (� stormwater control measures': or "SCMs';) as outlined in the application; approved stormwater management plans, supplement; calculations, operation and maintenance agreement; recorded documents; specifications; and other supporting data (the 'approved plans and specifications") as attached and/or on file with and approved by the Division of Energy; Mineral and Land Resources (the "Division" or "DEMLR"). The project shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with these approved plans and specifications. The approved plans and specifications are incorporated by reference and are enforceable part of this.permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 9, 2027 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until the permittee files a request with the Division for a permit modification, transfer, renewal; or rescission; however, these actions do not stay any condition. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit; revoking and reissuing the permit; or terminating the permit for cause as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and NCGS 143-215.1 et.al. BUA REQUIREMENTS. The maximum amount of BUA allowed for the entire project is 90,560 square feet. The runoff from all BUA within the permitted drainage areas of this project must be directed now and in the future, into the permitted SCMs. The following specific requirements pertain to the BUA on this project: a. SCM BUA LIMITS, The SCMs labeled DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA5, DA6 and DA7 have been designed using the runoff treatment method to handle the runoff from 36.437 sf (square feet); 6,637 sf; 10,175 sf; 8,186 sf; 13,463 sf; 8,724 sf; and 6,938 sf of BUA, respectively, within the delineated drainage areas. This permit does not provide any allocation of BUA for future development within the delineated drainage area(s). b. CAMA AECs. Where a project or lot is located within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern (AEC), the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) may calculate a different maximum BUA based on CAMA regulations. The more restrictive BUA limit will apply to the project. Page 1 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 2. SCM REQUIREMENTS. The following requirements pertain to the SCMs on this project: a. SCM DESIGN. The SCMs are permitted based on the design criteria presented in the sealed, signed and dated SupplementEZ form and as shown in the approved plans and specifications. The SCMs must be provided and maintained at the design condition. b. PRETREATMENT. The following pretreatment device(s) has (have) been provided to prevent clogging: sumpsin catch basins. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT. The following considerations pertain to the proposed infiltrating permeable pavement. i. Except for the incidental, unavoidable runoff from the stable vegetated areas shown on the approved plans, runoff from adjacent pervious areas shall be prevented from reaching the permeable pavement. ii. It is recommended that during the installation of the permeable pavement, care is taken to avoid compaction of the underlying subgrade soils. To confirm compaction has not occurred, it is recommended that a direct measurement of the soil's infiltration rate bconducted after excavation and before the aggregate is placed. If the infiltration rate has diminished; it is recommended to scarify; rip, or trench the subgrade to restore the infiltration rate. iii. After installation; the permeable pavement shall be protected from sediment deposition until the site is completed and stabilized. iv. Concentrations of oils, grease, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals shall not be stored or handled where they may enter the permeable pavement. V. At no time shall the approved permeable pavement be paved over or repaired with any type of conventional paving material. 1 STORMWATER OUTLETS. This project has demonstrated that the on -site stormwater systems will not discharge from the 10-year storm event and therefore will not have the opportunity to cause erosion during the 10-yea'r storm event. 4. VEGETATED SETBACKS. A 50-foot wide vegetative setback must be provided and maintained in grass or other vegetation adjacent to all surface waters as shown on the approved plans. The setback is measured horizontally from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, from the top of bank of each side of streams or rivers, and from the mean high waterline of tidal waters, perpendicular to the shoreline. a. BUA IN THE VEGETATED SETBACK. BUA may not be added to the vegetated setback except as shown on the approved plans or in the following instances where the BUA has been minimized and channelizing runoff from the BUA is avoided: i. Water dependent structures; and ii. Minimal footprint uses such as poles, signs, utility appurtenances, and security lights that cannot practically be located elsewhere, b. RELEASE OF STORMWATER NOT TREATED IN AN SCM, Stormwater that is not treated in an SCM must be released at the edge of the vegetated setback and allowed to flow through the setback as dispersed flow. 5. RECORDED DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS. The stormwater rules require the following documents to be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds: a. ACCESS AND/OR EASEMENTS. The entire stormwater conveyance system, including any SCMs: and maintenance accesses must be located in public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas that extend to the nearest public right-of-way, and/or permanent recorded easements that extend to the nearest public right-of-way for the purpose of inspection, operation, maintenance, and repair. b. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, The operation and maintenance agreement must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds. c. FINAL PLATS. The final recorded plats_must reference the operation and maintenance agreement and must also show all public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas; and/or permanent drainage easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 2 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 d. DEED RESTRICTIONS The permittee shall incorporate specific restrictions and conditions into a facility management plan or another legal instrument in lieu of deed restrictions and protective covenants. 6. CONSTRUCTION. During construction; erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the on -site stormwater system will be repaired immediately. a. UNDERGROUND SCMs. It is recommended that during the installation of the underground SCM; photos be taken documenting the construction and demonstrating that the constructed SCM meets the approved design. It is further recommended that these photos be submitted with the required Designer's Certification. b. SCM OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT. During construction now and in the future; all operation and maintenance for the project shall follow the Erosion Control Plan requirements until the Sediment -Erosion Control devices are fully converted to SCMs. The permittee shall ensure that the SCM is protected from any sediment and erosion generated by any future construction within the project area. The permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance as outlined in the applicable section below. c. SCM RESTORATION. If one or more of the SCMs are used as an Erosion Control device and/or removed or destroyed during construction, it must be restored to the approved state stormwater design condition prior to close-out of the erosion control plan and/or project completion and/or transfer of the state stormwater permit. Upon restoration, a new or updated certification will be required for the SCM(s) and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office. 7. MODIFICATIONS. No person or entity; including the permittee, shall alter any component shown in the approved plans and specifications. Prior to the construction of any modification to the approved plans, the permittee shall submit to the Director, and shall have received approval for modified plans; specifications; and calculations including, but not limited to, those listed below. For changes to the project or SCM that impact the certifications, a new or updated certification(s), as applicable, will be required and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office upon completion of the modification. a. Any modification to the approved plans and specifications, regardless of size including the SCM(s), BUA, details, etc. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of BUA or to the drainage area. c. Further development; subdivision, acquisition; lease or sale of any, all or part of the project and/or property area as reported in the approved plans and specifications. d. Altering, modifying; removing, relocating, redirecting; regrading; or resizing of any component of the approved SCM(s), stormwater collection system and/or vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. e. The construction of any allocated future BUA. f. The construction of any permeable pavement; #57 stone area, public trails; or landscaping material to be considered a permeable surface, not already shown on the approved plans and specifications. g. Any other modifications as determined by the Director. Page 3 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 8. DESIGNERS CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the project, the permittee shall determine if the project is in compliance with the approved plans and take the necessary following actions: a. If the permittee determines that the project is in compliance with the approved plans; then within 45 days of completion, the permittee shall submit to the Division one hard copy and one electronic copy of the following: i. The completed and signed Designers Certification provided in Attachment A noting any deviations from the approved plans and specifications. Deviations may require approval from the Division; ii. A copy of the recorded operation and maintenance agreement; iii. Unless already provided, a copy of the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants; and iv. A copy of the recorded plat delineating the public rights -of -way; dedicated common areas and/or permanent recorded easements, when applicable. b. If the permittee determines that the project is not in compliance with the approved plans; the permittee shall submit an application to modify the permit within 30 days of completion of the project or provide a plan of action, with a timeline, to bring the site into compliance. 9. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. The permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance necessary, as listed in the signed operation and maintenance agreement; to assure that all components of the permitted on -site stormwater system are maintained at the approved design condition. The approved operation and maintenance agreement must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals. a. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED. If the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the permittee shall take immediate corrective actions. This includes actions required by the Division and the stormwater rules such as the construction of additional or replacement on - site stormwater systems. These additional -or replacement measures shall receive a permit from the Division prior to construction. b. MAINTENANCE RECORDS. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of the Division. The records will indicate the date; activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 10. PERMIT RENEWAL. A permit renewal request must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. The renewal request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 02H,1045(3). 11, CURRENT PERMITTEE NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES. The permittee shall submit a completed Permit Information Update Application Form to the Division within 30 days to making any one or more of the following changes: a. A name change of the current permittee; b. A name change of the project; c. A mailing address change of the permittee. Page 4 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 12., PERMIT TRANSFER. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. Neither the sale of the project and/or property, in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party constitutes an approved transfer of the permit. a. TRANSFER REQUEST. The transfer request must include the appropriate application; documentation and the processing fee as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2) and must be submitted upon occurrence of any one or more of the following events: i. The sale or conveyance of the project and/or property area in whole or in part, ii. Dissolution of the partnership; corporate; or LLC entity; subject to NCGS 55-14-05 or NCGS 57D-6-07 and 08; iii. Bankruptcy; iv. Foreclosure, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2013-121; b. TRANSFER INSPECTION. Prior to transfer of the permit, a file review and site inspection will be conducted by Division personnel to ensure the permit conditions have been met and that the project and the on -site stormwater system complies with the permit conditions. Records of maintenance activities performed to date may be requested. Projects not in compliance with the permit will not be transferred until all permit and/or general statute conditions are met. 13. COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of this permit and the approved plans and specifications until the Division approves the transfer request. a. REVIEWING AND MONITORING FOR COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed BUA for the entire project and within the drainage area of, each permitted SCM, does not exceed the maximum amount allowed by this permit. The permittee shall review and routinely monitor the project to ensure continued compliance with the conditions of the permit; the approved plans and specifications. b. APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A copy of this permit; approved plans; application; supplement; operation and maintenance agreement; all applicable recorded documents; and specifications shall be maintained on file by the permittee at all times. c. DIVISION ACCESS. The permittee grants Division Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours to inspect all components of the permitted project. d. ENFORCEMENT. Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the requirements of the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. e. OBTAINING COMPLIANCE. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of modified plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. OTHER PERMITS. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the permittee from obtaining and complying with any and all other permits or approvals that are required for this development to take place, as required by any statutes; rules, regulations; or ordinances, which are imposed by any other Local; State or Federal government agency having jurisdiction. Any activities undertaken at this site that cause a water quality violation or undertaken prior to receipt of the necessary permits or approvals to do so are considered violations of NCGS 143-215.1, and subject to enforcement procedures pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Page 5 of 6 Permit issued this the 9111 day of May 2019. State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION .!�,-.,5. Daniel ith. Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 190401 Page 6 of 6 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW$ 190401 AS- ItUI[A' 1'h,JJ:UIT FE, CERTIFICATION 1 hereby state that 1 air the current permittce for the project named above, and 1 certify by my signature bclo\v, that the project meets the below listed Final Sttbrnitlal Requirements found in NCAC 021-1.1042(4) and the terms; conditions and provisions listed in the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division. eCheck here ifthis is a partial certification. Sect 1on/ph ase/SCN1 l? Check here if this is pan of a Fast Track As -built Package Submittal. Printed Narne Signature , a Notary Public. in the State of Cowry of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of -this as -built certification. \ itness my hand and official seal 19y commission expires (S HA L) 20 Permittee's Certification \TCAC .1042(4) Completed / Provided I N/A A. DEED RESTRICTIONS / BUA RECORDS i . The (iced restrictions and proteenve covenants have been recorded and or N contain the necessary language to ensure. that the project is maintained consistent with the storm),vatcr regulations and with the permit conditions. 2. A copy of t.hc recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants has been Y or N provided to the Division. _ 3. Records which track the HUA within each DA are being kept. Y or N l. _MAINTENANCE ACCESS - 1. The SCMs are acccssible.for inspection, maintenance and repair. Y or IN- 2. The access is a rninirnum of 10 feet wide. Y or N i 3. The access extends tothe nearest public right -of way. j Y or ::\, f C. EASEMENTS 1, The SCMs and the components of the runoff collection / conveyance system °C l are located in recorded drainage casements rights -of way or corntnon areas. 2. A copy of the recorded plats) is provided. Y or N 11). SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS - Plats for residential lots that: Y or N N/A have an SCM include the following: I . The specif is location of the SCNI on the lot. Y or N f N/A 2. A typical detail fbr the SCNI. Y or N N/A 3. A note that the SCM is required to meet siorrrtwatcr regulations and (fiat the ' lot owner is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article Y or N NIA 21 i f the SCSI is removed relocated or altered without 1ILLor ao)roval. E. _ OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Y or N 1. The O&M Agreement is referenced on the final recorded plat. Y or N 2. The O&NI Agrecrnent is recorded with the Register of Deeds and appears to the chain of title. Y or N IL 3. Specific restrictions and conditions have been incorporated into a facility management plan or another legal instrument in lieu of deed restrictions and Y or N protective covenants. F. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN— maintenance records are being kept in a known set location for each SCM and are available for review. Y or N G. DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION FORM — has been provided to the Division. Y or N Page 1 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 AS-13GI1..'I' Uh S!G\h:lt'S CER11FICATION GFNERAL. NIDC 1 hereby state that 1 am a licensed professional and I certify by my signature and seal below. that I have observed the construction of the project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care and diligence; and that the project meets the below listed General NIDC found in NCAC 021-1.1050 in accordance with the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division; except as noted on the "AS - BUILT' drawings. such that the intent ofthe stort-riwater rules and statutes has been preserve(]. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCNM Check here if this is a part of a Fast -Track As -Built I'ackage Submittal per .1044(3). Check here if the designer did not observe the construction, but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of'thc SCN•1 are provided. Printed Narnc NC Kegistration \umber SEAL: Signature Date Consultant's \-]ailing Address: City/state/7,I11 Phone Number Consultant's E-mail address: O Circle N if the as -built value differs from the flan. IfN is circled; provide an explanation on Page 2. OO \/I = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) ON/A = not applicable to this SCNI or project. Consultants Certification NCAC .1003((3) & General MDC .1050 OAs-built SNlp. OO NIA A. TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS / BUA I 1. The SCM achieves runofftreatrrtcnt. Y or N, 2. The SCM achieves runoff volume match. Y or N 3. Runoff from offsite areas and/or existing 13UA is bypassed. Y or .:\' 4. Runoff frorn offsite areas and/or existing 13UA is directed into _ the permitted SCNI and is accounted For at the full build -out Y or N potential. 5. The project controls runoffthrough an offsite permitted SCNI \� that meets the rcquiremcnts of the NIDC. or 6. All of the constructed BUA has been accounted for in the Y N design of the appropriate S_CN9(s). or _ 7. "I'hc SCNI(s) meets all the specific minimum design criteria. Y or N B. VEGETATED SETBACKS / BUA I . The width of the vegetated setback has been measured from the normal pool of impounded waters, the V11-1W line of tidal Y or N waters, or the top of bank of each side of rivers or streams. 2. The vegetated setback is maintained in grass or other N vegetation. or 3. 13UA that meets the requirements of NCGS 143-214.7 (1)2)(2) is located in the setback. Y or \ 4. BUA that does not. meet the requirements of NCGS 143-214.7 (b2)(2) is located within the setback and is litnited to: a. Publicly funded linear projects (road, greenway sidewalk) Y N b. Water -dependent structures or c. Minimal footprint uses (utility poles, signs, security lighting and apd)urtcnanccs 5. Stortnwatcr that is not treated in an SCNI is released at the edge of the setback and allowed to flow through the setback as Y or N dispersed flow. Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No SW8 190401 Or As -built OO N/E OO N/A C. STORMWATER OUTLETS — the outlet handles the peak flow Y N € from the 10 year storm with no downslo e erosion. or D. VARIATIONS 1. A variation (alternative) from the stormwater rule provisions has been implemented. . or 2. The variation provides equal or better storrnwater control and equal or better protection of surface waters. or E, C01II'LIANCE WITH OTHER REGULATORY, y or IN PROGRAMS has been met. F. SIZING -the volume of the SCM takes the runoff from all surfaces into account and is sufficient to handle the required storm Y or N depth, G. CONTAMINATED SOILS — infiltrating SCM 's are not located Y N in or on areas with contaminated soils. or i j Ii. SIDE SLOPES I 1 . Vegetated side slopes are no steeper than 3I IT l V. Y or N 2. Side slopes include retaining walls; gabion walls, or other Y N surfaces that are steeper than 31-I:1 V. or 3. Vegetated side slopes are steeper than 3 FL 1 V (provide Y N' supporting documents for soils and vc etation). or I. EROSION PROTECTION i . The inlets do not cause erosion in the SCM. V or N 2. ` h.c outlet does not cause erosion downslope of the discharge Y or N point during the peak flow frorn the 10 year storm. .I. EXCESS FLOWS — An overflow 1 bypass for volumes in excess. Y N of the -treatment volume has been provided. or K, DEWATERING —A method to drawdown standing water has Y N been provided to facilitate maintenance and inspection. or L. CLEA\OUT AFTER CONSTRUCTION — the SCM has been Y or N cleaned out and converted to its approved design state. Nl. MAINTENANCE ACCESS 1. The SCM is accessible for maintenance and repair. Y or N 2. The access does not include lateral or incline slopes>3:1. Y or iN N. DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS (FAST -TRACK PERMIT) — The designer is licensed under Chapters 89A, 89C; 89E, or 89F of Y or N the General Statutes. Provide an explanation for every N,11)C that was not met, and for every item marked ",N/A" or "NA'", below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 AS-13CILT DF_SI(.NI_.WS C IRTIFICATION FOR INFILTRATION 11ItOJLCT I hereby state that I am a licensed professional and I certify by rrav signature and seal below, that I have observed the construction of the project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care ,and diligence, and that the project elects all of the N,lDC found in .NCAC 021-1.105I in accordance with the permit documents, plans and specifications on file with or provided to the Division; except as noted on the "AS -BUILT" drawings, suc11 that the intent of the stormwater rules and the general statutes has been preserved. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SCM 1;? Check here if this is a part of a lust -Track As -Built. Package Submittal per .1044(4). Check here if the Designer did not observe the construction, but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of the SCNI are provided. Printed Name NC Registration Number 5Ef11,: Signature Date Consultants Ntailing Address: City/state/71 P Phone Number Consultant's Email address OO Circle _N if the as -built value differs from the flan. If N is circled, provide in explanation on Page 2. ON/1: = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) ON/A = not applicable io this project or SCtNI This Certification must be completed in conjunction with the General NMDC certification under NCAC 021.1.1050 Consultant's Certification (MDC .1051) OO As -built ON/E A. Inlets / Pretreatment / Design Depths / Elevations I 1. Inlets are located per the approved plans. Y or N f Pretreatment measures are provided? (Rooftop runoff does not Lrc urrc pre-trcaUnent.) Y or j 3. BASIN only — the area and depth of the basin is consistent with Y N + the approved plans _ or 4. TRENCH only- the provided width; length and height of the 1 N trench are consistent with the approved plan. or I'REHN'CH only- the provided length and sire ofthc perforatedY piis consistent with the approved plan. LLlLc� or N G. The bottom elevation of the basin / trench is consistent with the Y N, f approvcd plans. or 7. The bypass elevation is consistent with the approved plan. Y or N _� S. The overflow elevation is consistent with the approved plan. I Y or 1I B. Soils / SHWT / Sub rade 1. TI'ic hydraulic properties of the insitu soils arc in accordance with tlac soils report. Nr °r N 2. The lowest point of the infiltration system is a ininirrturn of 2 I N' N 1 feet above the SI INNIT. or 3. If separation to the S11NN T is less than 1 foot, the water table draws down to its re -storm Icvci within 72 hours. Y or N; j i I� 4. The slope of the soil subgrade is <- 2%. Y or N f f C. Drawdown Time j 1. The system dewaters within 72 hours`. Y or _ _ 2. I'he Irisnu soils were removed and replaced with suitable N N ltration media to achieve the 72 hour drawdown. or Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No SW8 190401 OAs-built OO NIL ON/A D. Observation Port — for underground systems, a minimum of one y N inspection port has been provided. or Provide an explamnion [or every %,IDC that was nol mct, and for every item marked "N/A" or "\'/l ", below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 5 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 190401 AS-BU LT D1:SIGNFIVS CF,RT1F WATION FOR IIER 1F;ABLF PAVF;NIF;NT P110,1F:CC 1 hereby state that I am a licensed professional and 1 certif., by any signature and seal below; that 1 have observed the construction of t}tc project named above to the best of my abilities with all due care and diligence; and that the project meets all of the \-1DC found in NCAC 021-1.1055 in accordance with the permit documents; plans and specifications on File with or provided to the Division, except as noted on the "AS-1311ILT" drawings; such that the intent of the storruwater rules and the general statutes has been preserved. Check here if this is a partial certification. Section/phase/SC1'l ? Check here if this is a part of a Fast -"Track As -Built Package Submittal per .1044(4). Check here if the Designer did not observe the construct ion; but is certifying the project. Check here if pictures of -the SCN,1 are provided. Printed Name NC Registration Number SI-AL: Signature Date Consultant's Nlailing address: City/State/711' Phone Number Consultant's Email address: ( Circle N if the as -built value differs from the Plan. If N is circled, provide an explanation on Page 2. O� N/I1' = not evaluated (provide explanation on page 2) Oa \IA = not applicable to this project or SCM '['his Certification rnust be completed in conjunction with the General MDC certification under NCAC 021-1.1050 Consultant's Certification (MDC .1055) CAs-built { ON OO N/A A. DESIGN / DRAWDOW I , Washcd aggregate base material has bccn used. Y or N 2, The provided amount of permeable pavement surface area is Y N consistent with the approved plans._ or 3. The amount of non -roof adjacent built -upon area is consistent with the approved plans and is directed onto the permeable pavement Y or N surface and does not exceed the re aired 1:1 ratio (Aa/Ap)_��__ 4. The runoff from adjacent pervious areas is prevented from reaching the permeable pavement except for incidental, Y or ,N unavoidable runoff from stable vegetated areas. 5. The permeable pavement infiltrates the design volume to the Y N bottom of the subgrade within 72 hours. j- or 6. if the permeable pavement was installed as a detention system, the drawdown assembly releases the storrnwater stored in the Y or N ys. aggregatc in 2-5 da- 13, SOILS / SHWT / SUBGRADE j I . The hydraulic properties and characteristics of the in -situ soils conform to the soils report. Y or N I� 2. For infiltrating permeable pavement; the lowest point of the system is a minimum of 2 fcct above the S1-1WT. Y or N 3. For infiltrating permeable pavement, if the lowest point of the system is less than 2 feet above the SI-lWT, the soils have been Y or N modified to assure drawdown within 72 hours. 4. The in -situ soils have been removed and replaced with infiltration Y N media in accordance with the approved plan. or 5. Infiltration media has been placed on top of in -situ soils. 1` or N Page 6 of 7 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW$ 190401 rOAs-built Of /E ONIA 1 C. CONSTRUCTION 1. At least one capped observation well has been provided at the low Y or N point of each permcablc pavement area? 2. The subgrade is terraced in accordance with the approved pL ns and has at least one capped observation well within each terrace Y or SccUon. 3. For I'ICP and concrete grid pavers; an edge restraint has been Used around the perimeter of the permeable pavement. °r 4. The subgrade for infiltrating permcablc pavement was graded Y N when it was dr-v and there was no precipitation. or 11). CERTIFICATION { 1. The infiltration rate of the pavement surface is at least 50 inches Y N per hour using a head less than or equal to four inches. or r 2. After installation; the permcablc pavement was protected from E sediment deposition. Y or N' 3. The site is complete and stabilized. - - Y or Provide an explanation for every \,11)C that was not met, or for every item marked "N/- or "NW", below. Attach additional pages as needed: Page 7 of 7 DE,IN9LR USE ONLY [date Received Fee Paici Permit Number 4-1- 00141 JJ466ffaW--# 354CXg7 5'(Vf 19U o I Applicable Rules: (select all that apply) ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW - 2008 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Universal Storrnwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ M mt Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopies[ for rise as an original 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): North Waterfront Park 2. Location of Project (street address): 10 Cowan Street City:Wilmin ton County:New Hanover Zip:28401 3. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): 250 LF north west from intersection of N 3ra Street and N Front Street. 4. LatitUde:34° 14' 50.7264" N Longitude:770 56' 59.4924 " W of the main entrance to the project. 11, PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is (check one): ®New ❑Modification ❑ Renewal xv/ Modificationt tRe m,,als with rnodifrcalions also rcquircs S1,VU-102 - Renewal Application Forst b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number , its issue date (if known) , and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ❑Partially Completed* ❑ Completed* *provide a designer's certification Specify the type of project (check one): ❑how Density ®I-ligh Density []Drains to an Offsite Storillwater System ❑Other I. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a Ietter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project, if different than CUrrently proposed, 4. a.Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks; information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ®CAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control: 7.33 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NI'DES Industrial Storinwater ❑404/40"1 Permit: Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit: 5. is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? ONO ®Yes 7— a 177, If yes, see S,L. 2072-200, Part Vl: htt ortal.ncdenr.or iveb Ir rules -and -re ulations � APR 0 1 2019 r, 6Y: Form SWU-10[ Version Oct. 31, 2013 Pa,e I of Ill. CONTACT INFORMATION I. a. Print Applicant / Signing Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc. who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:City of Wilmington Signing Official & Title:Sterling Cheatham, City Manager b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Add ress:102 N. 31a Street City:Wilmington _ State:NC Zip:28401 Mailing Address (if applicable): PO Box 1810 City:Wilmington Phone: (910 ) 34-1 78-10 Eiiiail:sterlitig.cheatliani@rviiiiii[igtoniic.gov State:NC Fax: (N/A Zip:28402 c. Please check the appropriate box. The applicant listed above is: ® The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b belo►+•) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below, if you are the lessee, purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official & Title: b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above Sheet Address: City: Sta le: Zip: Mailing Address (if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: ( Fax: { Email: 3. a. (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organiza Signing Official & 'Title:ArneBg of Im b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: rector 9--UE1EE GY: Mailing AddrewPO Box 1810 City:Wilmingtort State:NC Zip:28402 Phone: (910 ) 34"1 5838 Fax: NA l-nlall:am '.beatt @N,ifnlrn tonnc.'oV 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: New Hanover CountV Point of Contact:Suzanne Keenan Phone #: (910 ) 7987356 Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 2 of G s PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. The addition of concert venue with associated site ammenites. They included walk maths, a water feature, _ concession stand and other various elements. Old Front Street will also be extended from Harnett St. to Cowan Street along with the extenstion of Nutt Street as a private street. 2. a. If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights, identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordance with: ❑ Coastal SW -- 1995 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 6.43 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area:.08 acres 7. Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) -- Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area-6.35 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the followinx the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal Hi h Water (NI-W line or Mean High Water (MHW) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or Normal line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non -coastal wetlands landward of the NHW (or MHW) line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 27 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?7 (For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects, use I for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below.,a,F A SPF C PP- A- PP- 6 Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4 Receiving Stream Name Cape Fear Cape Fear Cape Fear Cape Fear Stream Class * SC:Sw SC:Sw SC:Sw SC:Sw Stream Index Number * 18-74-(61) 18-74-(61) 18-74-(61) 18-74-(61) Total Drainage Area (so 120523 6637 10344 8354 On -site Drainage Area (so 120523 6637 138B61U 8354 Off -site Drainage Area (sf) 0 0 0 0 Proposed Impervious Area** (so 36437 6637 10175 8186 Impervious Area** total 30 100 98 98 Impervious— Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drainage Area 3 Drainage Area 4 On -site Buildings/Lots (so 10967 On -site Streets (sf) 6637 On -site Parking (sf) On -site Sidewalks (so 25470 2962 2336 Other on -site (sf) 7213 5850 Future (so Off -site (so Existing BUA*** (sf) Total (sf): 36437 6637 10175 8186 * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: htWf&ortal.ncdenr.o_rZA eb/wq is/csu/classi;�rcations Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parkinrreas- g sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. J!C �; !!' E ***Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any;existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. APR 3 0 2019 Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 3 of 6 BY: - FA PP EasfA- PP 6 PP weo, Basin Information Drainage Area 5 Drainage Area 6 Drainage Area 7 Receiving Stream Name Cape Fear Cape Fear Cape Fear Stream Class SC;Sw SC;Sw SC;Sw Stream Index Number 18-74-(61) 18-74-(61) 18-74-(61) Total Drainage Area (sf) 13,463 9,092 7,398 On -site Drainage Area (sf) 13,463 9,092 7,398 Off -site Drainage Area (sf) 0 0 0 Proposed Imervious Area (sf) 13,463 8,724 6,938 Impeevious Area (total) 100.00% 95.95% 93.78% Impervious Surface Area Drainage Area 5 Drainage Area 6 Drainage Area 7 On -site Building/tots (sf) 0 0 0 On -site Streets (sf) 5,631 0 0 On -site Parking (alley) (sf) 0 0 0 On -site Sidewalks (sf) 0 0 0 Other on -site (sf) 7,832 8,724 6,938 Future (sf) 0 0 0 Off -site (sf) 0 0 0 Existing BUA (sf) 0 0 0 Total (sf): 13,463 8,724 6,938 ECE4VE APR 3 0 1019 BY: 11. How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation. N/A __ Proiects in Union Count•: Cowac•1 DEAII_R Cenlrrll Office staff'io check if the project is located ;14ilih i a Threatened R Endangered Species ivatershed that nla), he subject to lnore sirbigent slorimi,aler rL'quiret}Ienls (is per 15A A1C,4C 028 .0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS l lw appllc,ible sLaLe SLoi,niwaLej, nian< geaient. peonit. 5rlpll1kanc'.Ill alld opci-,Aioll and Illainteilarick: (O&M) forms must be submitted for each 13MP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can Lie downloaded from httv:/ /nortal.ncdennora/web/wo/ws/su/bmn-manual. V1. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms does. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ws/su/mal2s.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item. All original documents iVIUS1' be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms dots. 1. Original and one copy of the Storniwater Managenient Permit Application Form. g' 'als C 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants N� Form. (if required as per 1'(7rf V11 below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Forni(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M agreenlent(s) for each BMP. 4. Permit application fee $505 NCDENR. � processing of payable to (For an Express review, refer to http://w ww.envlie 1p.orgIpages/ onestopexpress. 11tml for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application sleeting.) 5. A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the storm water treatment/in anage men tfor '�+{ the project. This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information, item -1. 6. A USGS map identifying the site location, If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 nlile of the site boundary, include the mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed, signed and dated calculations (one copy). 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x '14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including: a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firni. C. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. - -,- ,- d. Legend. e. North arrow, f. Scale. APR 0 T 2613 g. 1Zevision number anti dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of BY. impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NFlW line of tidal waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHVV or NHW titles. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of iIllpounded structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the NJHW (or NHW) of tidal waters. i. Diniensioned property/project Boundary with bearings & distances. j. Site Layout with all BOA identified and diniensioned. k. Existing contours, proposed contours, spotelevations, finished floor elevations. I. Details of roads, drainage Features, collection systems, and stortliwater control meaSUIVS, in. bVetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a ilualified person. Provide dOCLI Ilion ta tion of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate docutllent). Forni SWU-[01 Version Oct. 31 2013 Pa,e 4 of'6 p. Vegetated buffers (where required). Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHMf elevations (Please identify elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs. Include an 8.5"x11" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. 1'or projects with infiltration $MPs, the report should also include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the ruethod of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO: Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to verrfij the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 1 U. A copy of the most current property deed. Deed book: � I7 Page No: 2M /►0 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations (1..1_C): Provide documentation from the NC IV! Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item 1a, 2a, and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 21-1.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. htt www.secretarv.state.nC.us Corpora Lions CSea rch.asi2x VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lotsizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a table listing each lot number, lot size, and the allowable built -upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from httpJ//12ortal.ncdenr.org/webhr/state-stormwater- forms does. Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:Adam Pike Consulting Firm: Stewart, Inc Mailing Address:223 S. West Street Suite "1-100 City:Raleigh Phone: (919 ) 866-4805 1-mail:apike@stewartinc.com Sta te: NC Z i p:27603 Fax: (919 ) 380-8752 IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Inforrrration, item 2 has been filled out, cotaplete this section) I, (print or type nacre of person listed ill Contact Information, item 2a) , certify that I own the property identified in this permit application, and thus give permission to (print or type Barrie of person listed in Contact Information, itern 1a) wit11 (print or type wonc of orsarri_ariort listed in Contact Itrforillatiox, iterrr If?) to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy, of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal, which indicates the party responsible for the operation acid maintenance of the storrrnvater System. Iy APR a 12019 BY. - Fonts S "'U-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner 1 acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement, or pending sale, responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Narne/Ownership Change Norm within 30 days; otherwise I %vill be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue-143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature: Date: a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this _ day of , and acknowledge the due exeCUtiorr of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or (ilpc namc of person listed in Contact Information, item 1a) Sterling Cheatham certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the reiluirements of the applicable stormwater rules under -15A NCAC 21-I .1000 and any other applicable state stormwater reiluirements. Signature: Date: I, Y1Y { -DI I✓1re .-L�o a Notar�yJ�['ublic for the State of �- r, — 6GC� 0 I GL , County of i1 r1 CNt L do herby certify that S �t�✓ f ,- > CZ1 V[ �C i'ilpersonally appeared fE� �y� before me this ray of �i,��� Ste( �, and , nowledge the due e ' noll of the application for a stormwater permit_ Witness my hand and official seal, 4 _ � r Tp�RY z v �B�IG t SEA L My commission expi APR 0 1 2019 ' BY: Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 6 of ra �; ,,, . • +, Y t. y A _ _ LLB ilk SUPNLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE Foanns Lonol o PROJECT INFORMATION 1 Project Name NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 2 Pro ect Area ac 7.33 3 Coastal Wetland Area ac 0 4 Surface Water Area ac - 0 5 Is this oroiect High or Low Density? High 6 Does this project use an off -site SCM? No COMPLIANCE WITH 02H A003(4) 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided feet NIA 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? Yes 9 Is BUA other that as listed in .1 0034 c-d out of the setback? No 10 Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? Yes NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: 11 1 Infiltration System 2 12 jBioretention Cell 0 13 Wet Pond 0 14 Stormwater wetland 0 15 Permeable Pavement 5 16 Sand Filter 0 17 Rainwater Harvestin RWH 0 18 Green Roof 0 19 Level Spreader -Filter Strip LS-FS 0 20 Disconnected Im ervious Surface (DIS) 0 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry Pond 0 23 StormFilter 0 24 Silva Cell 0 25 Ba alter 0 26 Filterra 0 DESIGNER ,CERTIFICATION : "'y 27 Name and Title: Adam Pike PE, Pro'ect Manager 28 Organization: Stewart 29 Street address: 223 S West St 30 CiN, State Zip: Ralei h NC 27603 31 Phone numbers : 9194166-4805 32 Email: apike@stewartinc.com I certify, under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or `supervision; that the information provided in the form is, to the best 'of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and that the engineering plans, specifications, operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent ,with,the,information ,Provided here.- al / -- Signature of Designer Date ECEIV All 3 0 1111 BY: DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high density project? Yes 2 If so, number of drains a areaslSCMs 7 3 Is alllpart of this project subject to previous rule versions? No FORMS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site 1 2 3 4 5 4 T e of SCM INFILTRATION SYSTEM A INFILTRATION SYSTEM C PERMEABLE PAVEMENT A PERMEABLE PAVEMENT B PERMEABLE PAVEMENT EAST A 5 Total BUA in project s ft 36437 sf 6637 sf 10175 sf 6186 sf 13463 sf 6 New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to ermittinal (so ft 7permitting) New BUA outside of subdivided lots (subject to s 36437 st 6637 sf 10175 sf 8186 sf 13463 sf 8 lOffsite - total area (sq ft 9 Offsite BUA (sq ft 10 Breakdown of new BUA outside subdivided lots: Parking (sq ft Sidewalk (sq ft 25470 sf 2962 sf 2336 sf Roof (sq ft 10967 sf Roadway s ft 6637 sf 5631 sf Futuresq ft Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft 7213 sf 5850 sf 7832 sf 11 New infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided lots (sq ft 12 New infiltrating permeable pavement outside of subdivided lots s ft 7213 sf 5850 sf 7832 sf 13permitting) Exisitng BUA that will remain (not subject to s ft 14 Existing BUA that is already ermitted (sq ft 15 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq ft 16 Percent BUA 30% 100% 98% 98% 100% 17 Design storm inches 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 18 Desi n volume of SCM cu ft 1170 cf 708 cf 1085 cf 873 cf 1436 cf 19 Calculation method for design volume NRCS NRCS NRCS NRCS NRCS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 20 Please use this space to provide any additional information about the drainage areas : The "other" proposed impervious refers to proposed permeable pavement ECE6l9E APR 3 0 2019 BY: DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high density project? Yes 2 If so, number of drainage areas/SCMs 7 3 Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule versions? I No FORMS LOADED DRAINA_G_E%R_ EA1INF,ORMATION ntireISite� 4 ITYpe of SCM `PERMEABLE PAVEMENT EAST .B PERMEABLE PAVEMENT WEST 5 Total BUA in ro'ect s ft ^8724 sf 6938 sf 6 New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to permitting)s ft } :• 7 New BUA outside of subdivided lots (subject to ermittin s xj a 1; *8724 sf 6938 sf 8 Offsite - total area (sq ft 9 Offsite BUA (sq ft 10 Breakdown of new BUA outside subdivided lots ' `• 4 #,+* i� � ram�x.,, �: -Parking sq ft e"F Sidewalk (sq ft Roof (sq ft Roadway s ft t•' , :,, ';.r: 3Fs: > Future (sq ft r✓ "ti "f: ; k -; .F+. „»i Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq fi "+ # :,�� 8724`sf 6938 sf 11 New infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided lots (sq 8 ` 12 New infiltrating permeable pavement outside of subdivided lots (sq ft 8724sf 6938 sf 13 Exisitng BUA that will remain (not subject to permittin )_(sq ft a , r 14 Existina BUA that is al ready ermitted (sq ft " r 15 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq ft_ 16 Percent BUA.96% 94% 17 Design storm inches 1 .5 18 Desi n volume of SCM cu ft .'931 d ' •740 of 19 Calculation method for design volume :`4 ". • ." !NRCS NRCS ADOITIO NALM INFORMATION 20 Please use this space to provtdo any additional information about the drainage areas : The',,14other",prdposed impervious refers to proposed permeable pavement E C E 1 V E APR 11 2111 BY: INFILTRATION SYSTEM 1 Drainage area number 1 2 2 IDesign volume of SCM (cu ft) 1170 ct 708 cf GENERALD 1 3 1 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? YES YES 4 Is the SCM located away from contaminated soils? YES Yes 5 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? NIA N/A 6 r7 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? NO NO Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10-year storm)? YES YES 8 is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? YES YES g lWhat is the method fordewatering the SCM for maintenance? Pump (preferred) Pump (preferred) 10 If applicable, will the SCM be Leaned out after construction? Yes Yes 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes Yes 12 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes Yes 13 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does (will?) the plat comply with General MDC 00)? 14 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes 15 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Yes 16 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? Yes Yes 17 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes Yes INFILTRABON SYSTEM MOG E89M u2H .1052 18 jProposed slope of the subgrade surface (%) 0% 0% 19 1 Are terraces or baffles provided? No No 20 Type of pretreatment: Other Other Solis Data 21 Was the sail investigated in the footprint and at the elevation of the infiltration system? Yes Yes 22 SHWT elevation (fmsl) 4.00 4.00 23 Depth to SHWT per soils report (in) 8.43 3.84 24 Ground elevation at boring in soils report (fmsl) 12.43 7.84 25 Is a detailed hydrogeologic study attached if the separation is between 1 and 2 feet? I Yes Yes 26 ISoll infiltration rate (in/hr) 2.00 2.00 27 lFactor of safety (FS) (2 is recommended): 10.00 10.00 Elevations 29 Bottom elevation (fmsl) 5 ft 5 ft 30 IStorage elevation (fmsl) 6.18 ft 7.26 R 31 Itypass elevation (fmsl) For Basins Only 32 Bottom surface area, ft2: 33 Storage elevation surface area (ftz) For Trenches Only 34 Length (ft) 59,05 41. 34 35 Width (h) 17.72 11.81 36 Perforated pipe diameter, if applicable (inches) 37 Number of laterals 38 Tota! length of perforated piping 39 Stone type, if applicable 40 void ratio (%) ( }°ems 950/0 95% free of fines? Yes Yes P4Rstone the stone wrapped in geotextile fabric? Yes Yes sat least one infiltration port been provided? Yes Yes VolumaWDrawdown 44 IDesign volume of SCM (cu ft) 1170 cf 708 cf 45 Lljime to drawdown (hours) 7 hrs 4 hrs ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 46 Please use this space to provide any additional information about the infiltration system(s): The infiltration systems will be R-Tanks by ACF. These systems will replace the typical stone filled area in an infiltration trench. This allows for greater void ration and ultimately a smaller footprint APR 3 0 2619 BY: infiltration 4 8:16 AM 4/30/2019 . ., PERMEABLE PAVEMENT 32 Was the soil investigated in the footprint and at the elevation of the subgrade? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 33 Soil infiltration rate (in/hr) 2 in/hr 2 in/hr 2 in/hr 2 in/hr 2 Whir 34 Is a detailed hydrogeologic study attached if the separation is between 1 and iNIA 2 feet? NIA NIA NIA NIA 35 Is additional media being added to the soil profile? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 36 Proposed slope of the subgrade surface (%) 2% 20,6 2% 2% 2% 37 Top of the subgrade (bottom of the aggregate) (fmsl) 7.5 7.5 7,5 7.5 7.5 38 IDewatering time (hours) 5 hrs 5 hrs 5 hrs 4 hrs. 4 hrs For DetentionPavement Systems 33 jDrawdown time (hours) Aggregate 40 Aggregate depth (in) 12 in 12 in 12 in 12 in 41 Aggregate porosity (n) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 42 Size of aggregate to be used in the subbase #57 Lj #57 #57 #57 49 + e aggregate e washed? es es Yes,es 44 TIONAL INFORMATION use this space to provide any rates are assumed based on specified engineered fill IV MAY 0 8 2019 BY. Permeable Pavement 1 2:34 PM 5/8/2019 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 9:06 AM To: sterling.cheatham@wilmingtonnc.gov; amy.beatty@wilmingtonnc.gov; apike@stewartinc.com Subject: SW8 190401 - North Waterfront Park Attachments: SW8 190401 - North Waterfront Park.pdf The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) completed their review of the Express Stormwater Permit Application for the subject project. Attached is the cover letter and permit issued on May 9, 2019 that will be mailed separately, along with any other supporting documents. Please direct any questions to your reviewer. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. it Landis March 28, 2019 Adam Pike, PE Project Manager Stewart, Inc. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 Soil Science l hrlrflkt it Scienee (;rarr711114wter Seirznce furiruurmrrLtl Seience 1Vjfeshed X1,ru4gr»trttt Lanthcapr Arilateawr Re: Stormwater Infiltration Systems & SHWT Conditions for North Waterfront Park, Wilmington, North Carolina" Dear Adam, As you requested, I am providing the SHWT for the Loading Dock Infiltration Gallery System, and information concerning the infiltration treatment in the Planting Soils in the central portion of the park site in lieu of a third infiltration gallery system. Loading Dock and Infiltration Gallery System The loading dock is located at the north edge of park property and the proposed infiltration gallery system is located adjacent to the cul-de-sac right-of-way. The existing topography slopes down to both of these locations and the existing surface elevation at the end of Cowan Street is at 2 feet. 4n January 15, 2018 1 mapped the water table depths across the park site. In the center of the park site the SHWT was at or near the surface of the ground. The water table slopes to north, west and east away from the center of the site. The steepest gradient is to the north in the direction of the proposed loading dock and cul-de-sac. I determined on that date that the seasonally high water table was at an elevation of approximately 4 feet. I choose this date and method to determine the SHIM", because it was immediately after considerable precipitation and at that date the apparent water table would be at worst case conditions. A soil evaluation of redoximorphic conditions was not chosen due to the amount of man-made soil disturbance that had previously occurred on the site. Infiltration of Stormwater in the Proposed New Plantin Soils "Sheet LS-001-Pl shows the type and location of proposed site soils across the park site. They include; 1. Lawn Soil Profile, 2. Tree/Garden Soil Profile, 3. Native Grass Soil Profile, 4. Coastal Soil Profile, 5. Permeable Pavement Soil Profile, 6. Artificial Turf Soil Profile, 7. Crushed Stone Soil Profile, and B. Landform Soil Profile." "Sheet LS-003-Pi shows the vertical section or soil profile for each of these soils. The soil depths, subsurface drain lines or sloping site conditions are used to maintain a minimum of 24- inches of aerobic soils that will provide for treatment of the stormwater. Most of the proposed soils will maintain 31 to 42-inches of aerobic soils. Therefore the depth to seasonally high water table corresponds to the depth of the aerobic soils." Landis, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Ur. Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 telephone 919,696.6930 "Sheet LS-002-P1 shows the network of subsurface drainage mats that are in addition to the other subsurface drain lines on the engineering sheets. The combination of both types of subsurface drain lines are at depths and spacing to maintain the at least 24-inches to a seasonally high water table for the design storm. There are two exceptions: first the Riverfront Lawn and the Coastal Soil Profile along the Cape Fear River drain laterally due to the steep slopes down to the river and second the Landform Soil Profile drains to several subsurface drain lines along its edges. Each type of these soils has been carefully designed for drainage during storm events and holding moisture for the plantings. Each of the soil types has a separate soil construction specification for its components, laboratory testing, and installation." Summary The North Riverfront Park in Wilmington has been designed to infiltrate the rainfall and runoff from impervious surfaces so as not to discharge the 1.5-inch rainfall event from leaving the park site. A combination of treatment in proposed planting soils and two infiltration galleries will more than adequately aerobically treat the stormwater. Therefore there will be no off -site flow of stormwater for the 1.5-inch rainfall event. In fact the site has the capacity to handle in the same manner much larger storm events. We have been designing such stormwater non -discharge system since 1992. These sites include Great Lawn in Central Park and Hudson River Park both in New York City; Main Fountain Garden at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA; Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial and National Air & Space Museum both in Washington, DC., Sculpture Park Entrance at NC Museum of Art and Historic Moore Square Park in Raleigh, NC. All previous installations are working in a very satisfactory manner. Sincerely, Landis, P Barrett L. ays, Ph. ., Soil Scientist NC Licensed Soil Scientist VA Certified Professional Soil Scientist National Certified Professional Soil Scientist NC Registered Landscape Architect VA Certified Landscape Architect NY Registered Landscape Architect Fellow of American Society of Landscape Architects NCLSS #1005, CPSS #01501, NCRLA #304 Landis '10 March 28, 2019 Adam Pike, PE Project Manager Stewart, Inc. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 soil Srienre 111droto?ri Science Groundwater Science Environmental science I1,11ershed 114,1114g�'M('ttr Landscape Arrhitertn re Re: Stormw6ter Infiltration Systems & SHWT Conditions for North Waterfront Park, Wilmington, North Carolina" Dear Adam, As you requested, I am providing the SHWT for the Loading Dock Infiltration Gallery System, and information concerning the infiltration treatment in the Planting Soils in the central portion of the park site in lieu of a third infiltration gallery system. Loading Dock and Infiltration Gallery System The loading dock is located at the north edge of park property and the proposed infiltration gallery system is located adjacent to the cul-de-sac right-of-way. The existing topography IV slopes down to both of these locations and the existing surface elevation at the end of Cowan Street is at 2 feet. On January 15, 2018 1 mapped the water table depths across the park site. In the center of the park site the SHWT was at or near the surface of the ground. The water table slopes to north, west and east away from the center of the site. The steepest gradient is to the north in the direction of the proposed loading dock and cul-de-sac. I determined on that date that the seasonally high water table was at an elevation of approximately 4 feet. I choose this date and method to determine the SHWT, because it was immediately after considerable precipitation and at that date the apparent water table would be at worst case conditions. A soil evaluation of redoximorphic conditions was not chosen due to the amount of man-made soil disturbance that had previously occurred on the site. Infiltration of Stormwater in the Proposed New Planting Soils "Sheet LS-001-Pl shows the type and location of proposed site soils across the park site. They include: 1. Lawn Soil Profile, 2. Tree/Garden Soil Profile, 3. Native Grass Soil Profile, 4. Coastal Soil Profile, 5. Permeable Pavement Soil Profile, 6. Artificial Turf Soil Profile, 7. Crushed Stone . Soil Profile, and 8. Landform Soil Profile." "Sheet LS-003-Pl shows the vertical section or soil profile for each of these soils. The soil depths, subsurface drain lines or sloping site conditions are used to maintain a minimum of 24- inches of aerobic soils that will provide for treatment of the stormwater. Most of the proposed soils will maintain 31 to 42-inches of aerobic soils. Therefore the depth to seasonally high water table corresponds to the depth of the aerobic soils." Landis, 13LLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 telephone 919.696 6930 "Sheet LS-002-P1 shows the network of subsurface drainage mats that are in addition to the other subsurface drain lines on the engineering sheets. The combination of both types of subsurface drain lines are at depths and spacing to maintain the at least 24-inches to a seasonally high water table for the design storm. There are two exceptions: first the Riverfront Lawn and the Coastal Soil Profile along the Cape Fear River drain laterally due to the steep slopes down to the river and second the Landform Soil Profile drains to several subsurface dram lines along its edges. Each type of these soils has been carefully designed for drainage during storm events and holding moisture for the plantings. Each of the soil types has a separate soil construction specification for its components, laboratory testing, and installation." Summary The North Riverfront Park in Wilmington has been designed to infiltrate the rainfall and runoff from impervious surfaces so as not to discharge the 1.5-inch rainfall event from leaving the park site. A combination of treatment in proposed planting soils and two infiltration galleries will more than adequately aerobically treat the stormwater. Therefore there will be no off -site flow of stormwater for the 1.5-inch rainfall event. In fact the site has the capacity to handle in the same manner much larger storm events. We have been designing such stormwater non -discharge system since 1992. These sites include Great Lawn in Central Park and Hudson River Park both in New York City; Main Fountain Garden at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA; Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial and National Air & Space Museum both in Washington, DC; Sculpture Park Entrance at NC Museum of Art and Historic Moore Square Park in Raleigh, NC. All previous installations are working in a very satisfactory manner. Sincerely, Landis, PL Barrett L. ays, Ph. ., Soil Scientist NC Licensed Soil Scientist VA Certified Professional Soil Scientist National Certified Professional Soil Scientist NC Registered Landscape Architect VA Certified Landscape Architect NY Registered Landscape Architect Fellow of American Society of Landscape Architects NCLSS #1005, CPSS #01501, NCRLA #304 w� n LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 7k- J STEWART BY:._�-- STRONGER BY DESIGN TO FROM Linda Lewis Adam Pike, PE NCDEQ STEWART 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (919) (866-4805) Wilmington, NC 28405 DATE SENT VIA 04/10/2019 UPS Next Day Saver (3:00 pm) PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME C17135 North Waterfront Park COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 2 04/10/19 Construction Documents 1 04/10/19 Revised app, suppl. Form, SIA response to comments Check for 500 For approval ❑ For review & comment Returned for corrections For your use ❑ Approved as submitted F Returned after review As requested ❑ Approved as noted F Resubmit copies for approval State Stormwater Submittal L AS dusu�xs��1, V'� ljevc�vc F ?l,G(� 3 tel- SIGNED /� COPIED TO file Adam Pike, PE 421 FAYETTEVILLE ST. SUITE 400 RALEIGH, NC T 919.380.8750 2760I F 919.380.8752 1 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 6:55 PM To: sterling.cheatham@wilmingtonnc.gov Cc: Adam Pike (APike@ste%vartinc.com); Scott, Georgette; Weaver, Cameron Subject: North Waterfront Park SW8 190401 2nd Request for AdditionaE Information Attachments: Letterhead 2018_DEMLR_Wilmington_B1M,2019 01 24.pdf Attached, Adam, I am happy to schedule a meeting to go over these comments, if you need it. Hopefully, my comments are self-explanatory. Linda f ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director April 24. 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality City of Wilmington Attn: Sterling Cheatham, City Manager (via email Sterling. chea tham @wilmiotonne. ov PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 190401 North Waterfront Park New Hanover County Dear Mr. Cheatham: The Wilmington Regional Office received an Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on April 1, 2019 with additional information received on April 11, 2019. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information: 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(b): a. Please confirm that the "white boxes" in the middle of the permeable pavement are 4' x 4' landscaped areas for a tree. I assume that the square footage of these boxes has been deducted from the proposed amount of permeable pavement? b. Please report the storage elevation as FMSL on the permeable pavement supplement form. Right now, it's reported as a height in inches above the bottom, not as an elevation. c. Line 34 on the Permeable Pavement Supplement cannot be marked as "N/A". Where the SHWT is between 1-2 feet below the bottom of the system, you must provide a "detailed hydrogeologic study". This is much more than a standard soils report and evaluation of the site to estimate the SHWT or the soil's hydraulic conductivity. The components of a hydrogeologic evaluation are outlined in Chapter A-2 of the Division's SCM Design Manual. Please go through those components and reference the specific places in the soils report where that information has been provided. d. Please label the point at which the proposed sidewalk which will extend all the way to the river changes from concrete'to boardwalk. e. Please show a cross section detail and width dimension of the Nutt Street paved sidewalk in relat'lonship to the permeable pavement area. Nutt Street scales at 20', but it's best to have that dimension labeled on the plans. f. DA-4 (East Front) should be broken down further into 2 separate drainage areas. The street and parking spaces are one DA and the permeable pavement sidewalk on the east side is a separate DA treating only its own footprint. There is no opportunity for the street runoff to utilize the sidewalk for treatment because of the curbing. g. The drainage areas for DA's 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be equal to the total square footage of street, sidewalk and permeable pavement. The calculations show some "managed grass" pervious areas, but please note that grassed areas should not be graded to drain toward a permeable pavement. h. The amount of permeable pavement should be reported as a separate amount from the adjacent BUA it treats on the application under the drainage area columns. i. Please check the drainage area of DA-6 (PP-B) reported on the application - it appears to be much larger than sheet SW.03 suggests it should be. DA-6 only treats half of the Nutt Street sidewalk (about 2300 sf) and a permeable pavement area of about 5700 sf, for a total DA of about 8000 sf, not 22,555 sf. RENorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources Q` Wilmington Regional Office i 127Cardinal Drive Extension 1 Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 d [n.nanm.,,rwwry� 910.796.7215 Statc Stormwatcr f`crmit Xo. SW8 190401 Page 2 o j. Please check the 9,033 sf BUA for DA-5 (PP -A) reported on the application. Based on scaling the drainage area map on SW.03, it appears that there is about 2,700 sf of paved sidewalk (Nutt Street) and about 7,050 sf of permeable pavement or 9,750 sf total. k. Please check the drainage area of DA-3 (West Front) reported on the application - it appears to be much larger than sheet SW.03 suggests it should be. This drainage area should only be the permeable pavement sidewalk which scales around 7200 sf. I. My estimates of permeable pavement area are based on scaling, but I'd like to be more accurate. How wide is the permeable pavement sidewalk on each side of Front Street? The details refer to the plans for dimensions, but the plans have no dimensions on them for this permeable pavement. m. DA-1 (Basin A) appears to include the stage. back of house and restroom buildings, but there is no amount for buildings listed on the application for DA-1. These buildings may be "on hold" now, but if you are planning to direct that runoff into Basin A, you must account for it on the application now. 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(1) and .1055(1): Both of the cited MDC for infiltration and permeable pavement require that the soils evaluation take place "within the proposed footprint and at the proposed elevation" of the SCM. I am unable to tell from the current soils report if this is the case. Please provide documentation that at least one boring was taken within the footprint of each proposed SCM. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1055(7)(a): Unfortunately, now that Front Street is regraded so that all of the runoff is directed to the permeable pavement parking spaces in DA-4, the maximum 1:1 ratio of adjacent BUA to permeable pavement area has been exceeded. The permeable pavement parking space area within DA-4 is only 3,060 square feet, so the most adjacent BUA that can be treated is 3,060 sf, but the proposal is to treat 8,846 sf of asphalt pavement. You cannot claim treatment for the road in the permeable pavement sidewalk on the East side, since none of the runoff from the street is able to access that system for treatment. See comment #1(f) above. Due to the insufficiency of the application, please submit a $500 fee for the additional review required for this application (in accordance with Session Law 2003-284, Section 11.4A(b)). Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). The requested information should be received in this Office by April 30, 2019, or the application will be returned as incomplete. Only two requests for additional information are allowed. If the application cannot be made complete upon the submission of the requested information, the project must be returned as incomplete. If there is a desire to re -submit the application into the Express Program, please contact the Express Coordinator to schedule a new review date. All required application documents must be resubmitted at that time, including the application fee. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request, prior to the original due date, to the Division at the email address provided below. The extension request must include a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted to the Division, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. Please remember that extension requests delay the issuance of the final permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov. State Stormwater Permit No. SWS 190401 Page of Sincerely, LbndcvLewbk Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2019\190401 HD\2019 04 addAfo_2 190401 cc: Adam Pike. P.E. (via email: apike@stewartinc.com) Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Landis April 10, 2019 Mr. Adam Pike, PE Project Manager Stewart, Inc. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 ECEIVE- APR 3 0 2019 BY: Soil Science Ilprliolugic S''ienre (mm rrdrnater Seirrtre Enuhvu,urxrrrl Science It arershed r1lan, Yewerrr Landscape Arrliitertrrre Re: Stormwater Infiltration Systems & SHWT Conditions for North Waterfront Park, Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Adam, As you requested, I am providing the SHWT for the four types of permeable pavement to be installed in North Waterfront Park. In addition to SHWT, all of the soils to be installed are similar to the planting soils and are designed to maintain aerobic conditions conducive to treatment of the stormwater. The four types of permeable pavement systems are as follows: 1. Permeable pavers in and/or along streets -- Plan Sheet LS-003-PI shows detail #5. In this detail it shows the range in depth of the constructed s_Pii_profile_which is 31 to 42- inches below the paver surface. The subsurface slotted drainage mart controls the SHWT which is at depth of 31 to 42-inches below the paver surface. The soil profile uses Type 3 coarse sand and fine gravel soil mix immediately below the pavers. Below the Type 3 layer, the soil profile consists of Type 1 loamy sand soil mix. 2. Permeable pavement - Plan Sheet LS-003-Pl shows detail #5. In this detail it shows the range in depth of the constructed soil_profile which is 31 to 42-inches below the paver surface. The subsurface slotted drainage at controls the SHWT which is at depth of 31 to 42-inches below'the paver surface. The soil profile uses Type 3 coarse sand and fine gravel soil mix immediately below the pavers. Below the Type 3 layer, the soil profile consists of Type 1 loamy sand soil mix. 3. Artificial Turf— Plan Sheet LS-003-Pi shows detail #6. In this detail it shows the range in depth of the constructed soil profile which is 31 to 42-inches below the paver surface. The subs`Urface slotted drainage mat controls the SHWT which is at depth of 31 to 42- inch&s below -the paver surface. The soil profile uses foam matting under the artificial turf. The foam matting allows for drainage into the under lying Type 1 loamy sand soil mix. 4. Crushed Stone — Plan Sheet LS-003-P1 shows detail #7. in this detail it shows the depth of the constructed soil profile to be 42-inches below the crushed stone surface. The Subsurface slotted drainage mat controls the SHWT which is at the 42-inch depth. Below the crushed stone surface layer is the Type 1 loamy sand soil mix. In addition the minor walkways that are not permeable allow for surface flow into the adjacent planting soils. The planting soils have been designed for a saturated hydraulic conductivity of at least 5-inches per hour. Saturated flow will only rarely occur in these soils and will occur only from very large rainfall events. The vast majority of the time the planting soils will hold all of water from smaller rainfall events such as 1.5-inch events and allow the water to be taken up by the plants and then will be released by evapotranspiration. Even without any *,pjgP JLE)m 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, Marti Carolina 27612 telephone 919.6966930 1 small rainstorms, the soils can easily handle a 1.5-inch rainfall occurring each day or every five days and maintain the SHV T and aerobic treatment conditions. Let me know if you have any additional questions or need further elaboration at this time. Sincerely, Landis, PLL Barrett L. ays, Ph.D., Soil Scientist NC Licensed Soil Scientist National Certified Soil Scientist NC Registered Landscape Architect NCLSS #1005, CPSS #01501, NCRLA #304 IF Adam Pike PE Project Manager, Civil Engineering Stewart E � E I April 10, 2019 APR 1 1 2019 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III NCDEQ �Y' �t 1. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(2) and 02H.1055(2): The separation from the bottom of the infiltration system / permeable pavement can be reduced to no less than one foot if the applicant provides a hydrogeologic evaluation. For infiltration basins and trenches, the water table must subside to its pre -storm elevation within 5 days or less. For permeable pavement, the standard is to demonstrate that the modified soil profile allows for infiltration of the design volume within 72 hours. The components of a hydrogeologic evaluation are outlined in Chapter A-2 of the Division's SCM Design Manual. Please assure that the soils report submitted with the application contains all of the elements to be considered as the required hydrogeologic evaluation. Response: See letters from Eric Lappala and Barret Kays (attached). Systems will have appropriate separation from SHWT for permeable pavement systems, and engineered soils designed for infiltration system areas will allow for the water table to subside well within the required time limit f 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): Please provide an electronic copy of the application materials. Response: CD with all relevant information is attached. {/`3. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(b): a. The supplement forms currently in use contain a design omission that has not been corrected yet. Please indicate both the minimum amount of volume that must be provided in the SCM i.e., the design volume, and the amount of volume that has been provided in the proposed SCM. Until the form is corrected, you can show one or the other of these values in the Additional Information area at the bottom of the form. Just label which one it is. Response: CD with all relevant information is attached b. Please address the following discrepancies on the permeable pavement design information sheet: i. The columns are labeled as 4, 5, 6 and 7, but the application reports columns 3, 4, 5 and 6. Is there a DA7? Response: There will only be 6 Devices and 6 associated drainage areas ii. All of the answers to the General MDC lines 7-17 are crossed out as if they do not apply? The General MDC do apply to this project. Response: This was an error with the EZ tool. Tool has been filled out by hand. ✓,iii. Please provide an actual number for Line 22, the storage elevation. Response: Storage elevation provided For the infiltration system supplement, please address the following: i. For Infiltration A and C, the diversion weir is set at the same elevation as the top of the Rain 'sank, so, your storage and bypass elevations should be the same on the supplement form, 6.18 for A and 7.26 for C. Resposne: Spreadsheet was rounding the bypass elevations, but these elevations are the same. /ii. The bottom surface area and storage elevation surface areas have been left blank (lines 32 and 33). Please fill these in. Response: These were for infiltration basins only, our products have been classified as / trenches r iii. For a RainTank system, there is no need to complete any of the "For Trenches Only" information. The 59x18 and the 41x12 lengths and widths will need to be multiplied out and entered as bottom surface areas in Line 32. Since the RainTank system is rectangular, the bottom and storage surface areas are the same. (Line 33). Response: Acknowledged �( d. The March 28, 2019 soils report and SHWT estimate appears to be specific tothe loading dock area (Infiltration C). What about the soils, infiltration rate and SHWT estimates for Infiltration A and the 4 permeable pavement areas? Response: See letters attached. e. Piped runoff must be treated in an SCM - it cannot be bypassed. It appears that only half of the runoff from Old Front Street is being treated by permeable pavement. The other half is being collected and discharged into the existing piped drainage system in Cowan Street. Please provide treatment for all of the road runoff. Response: Old Front St has be regraded to flow all of the runoff to the Permeable Pavement System to the west f. The diversion structure for Infiltration A is technically 54-JB. This is the point at which the runoff is either sent into Infiltration A or is "diverted" to 53-JB to exit the site. The details on Sheet C-136-P1 indicate that 54-JB might also be called "Diversion Structure B". The subdrainage plan C-131-P1 does not label Diversion Structure B. Please be consistent in labelingthe structures. Response: Structure label has been changed for consistency. Diversion no longer required. 2 g. It does not appear that a design for all of the permeable pavement / pervious concrete areas has been provided. On the proposed drainage area map, SW.03, the green hatched "zero runoff area" contains pervious concrete, but no design information, calculations or supplements have been provided. In order to count that as a pervious surface, you must demonstrate via calculations, and supplement form that it has been designed to infiltrate. Resposne: There's no pervious pavement/permeable pavement in the zero runoff area. This has been changed based on the landscape architects request. This area has concrete and gravel impervious surfaces. All area drains have been removed from impervious surfaces requiring runoff to sheetflow to landscape and lawn areas. Without any directly connected impervious surfaces to collection systerns, this area has been calculated to have a CN below 64. As outlined in the MDC this will have 0 cfs of runoff frorn the design storm and therefore no treatment device is required. Calculation sheet for zero runoff areas is included in the calculation packet. h. The proposed impervious area map SW.02 indicates that the black hatched area is sidewalk. Is it intended that this sidewalk will extend all the way to the river? It also appears that there is a narrow sidewalk or retaining wall running north -south roughly following the 10-contour toward the stage area. Please label what this structure is on the plans. How is the runoff from these areas going to be collected and treated? Sheet flow of runoff from impervious surfaces does not meet the high density treatment requirement. Resposne: Sidewalk will change to boardwalk to connect to the existing Riverwalk. Impervious surfaces in this area sheet flow to lawn/landscape areas and will result in a CN value below 64 indicating 0 cfs of runoff from the design storm. Calculation sheet for zero runoff areas is included in the calculation packet. i. What's being proposed in the area where Sediment Basin #2 is located? The pipe that collects the runoff from that paved sidewalk area won't be able to collect anything if there is no low spot graded there for the runoff to stage up. Right now, everything appears to simply sheet flow down to the river. If this area has proposed boardwalks, please show and label them on the plans. Response: Area drain will be graded to lowpoint in this area. Annotation has been added. We will coordinate with the Hargraves and Associates on revising the grading. j. Please show grading, spot elevations and dimensions for the Nutt St►eetsidewalk and for the permeable pavement areas that will treat that runoff. Response: Grading plan has been included in the set k. Please label the split section views on Sheet C-135-P1 as East and West to correlate Isof with the supplement forms and the drainage area sheet SW.03. Response: Sheet has been split 4. Until these questions are addressed, I am unable to check the SCM design. Please ensure that the area of the permeable pavement itself is included as BUA when calculating the minimum required design volume to infiltrate. Resposne: SCM design sheets have been revised to include permeable pavement areas as BUA t Ir r Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov April 8, 2019 Subject: North Waterfront Park Infiltration Systems Dear Ms, Lewis: This letter provides my assessment of the stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) systems that have been designed by Stewart Engineers for the North Waterfront Park (NWP) in Wilmington. As documented in our August 8, 2018 hydrogeologic report to Hargreaves and Associates which I understand you have reviewed, the BMP for runoff from impervious surfaces will provide the necessary separation from the SHWT that will occur in the engineered high permeability back -fill below the system and connecting to the bank of the Northeast Cape Fear River. This system is shown on Stewart Drawing Sheets C-138-P1 and C-136-P1 which are attached. The BMP to be constructed below the Loading Dock will also be connected to the bank of the river with a high permeability engineered Ell zone and will therefore perform as the one evaluated in our hydrogeologic report, These systems will also provide the required dissipation of mounding from infiltration of the design storm within 24 hours as shown in our hydrogeologic report. Sincerely yours, Eric G. Lappala, P.E., P.H. Attachments: Stewart Drawing Sheets C 138-P I and C- I 36-P 1 Eagle Resources, P.A. 215 West Moore Street Southport, NC 28461 919-345-1013 www.eagleresources.cam Li t .mow. ,a„ �a;trly4+v*�a��•�� �+w..,ti�; tT`Ag - \ 1i .:.... ..•..•.e.;.% ,....ne..e»»_..o-.»e Ton erllEren R,w �» + I � R-TANFM 3 HS-20 LOADS - SECTION VIEW .e... •.. _ LEI" y p t Y�.� aPr � ...n«_�......,... R-TANK'- SINGLE MOODLE .� . t-.� F•M1wu�.,,� aw.ty .w.rwr._w� .xim, cuum KMs �,,. Approved Construction Plan Name, Date I`4n'"9 Traffic Fm 1� NORTH WATERFRONT PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM A DETAILS �4 C-136-PI It 1 �uv C a Y a ��9OmsIDoaaa6pi7re >Da�tlp@mG�y ma�si as sc�xtei made aeiedaae+#Q�po --- - ---_ ---- a I di-- --` - __- `___--------- -_`----'--1 �. 4 � �I -t _- __ -� I17 I(� m m� JT R-7AN1C1O 8 HS-20 LOAD. - SECTION VIEW W I Nh' 4 F a R-TANK1°-DOUBLE NUMLE �• Approved Construction Plan Name- Data planning T,01fc I— — NORTH WATERFRONT PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA s a.o�rYwr•�•r�im. �.N �wvw°ror cam•° a< mw CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM C DETAILS C-138-P1 A 1;. �;. Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 8:46 AM To: 'sterling.cheatham@wilmingtonnc.gov' Cc: Adam Pike (APike@stewartinc.com) Subject: EXPRESS- Request for Additional Information SW8 190401 Attachments: Letterhead 2018_DEMLR_Wilmirgton_BW 2019 01 24.pdf Attached please find the Division's request for additional information regarding the North Waterfront Park project. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewisPncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 4 Nothing Compares_-`.` Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. i 'kOY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director April 3, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality City of Wilmington Attn: Sterling Cheatham, City Manager (via email Sterlin .cheatham@wilmin tonnc. ov PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 190401 North Waterfront Park New Hanover County Dear Mr. Cheatham: The Wilmington Regional Office received an Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on April 1, 2019. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information: 1. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(2) and 02H.1055(2): The separation from the bottom of the infiltration system / permeable pavement can be reduced to no less than one foot if the applicant provides a hydrogeologic evaluation. For infiltration basins and trenches, the water table must subside to its pre -storm elevation within 5 days or less. For permeable pavement; the standard is to demonstrate that the modified soil profile allows for infiltration of the design volume within 72 hours. The components of a hydrogeologic evaluation are outlined in Chapter A-2 of the Division's SCM Design Manual. Please assure that the soils report submitted with the application contains all of the elements to be considered as the required hydrogeologic evaluation. 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2): Please provide an electronic copy of the application materials. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(b) a. The supplement forms currently in use contain a design omission that has not been corrected yet. Please indicate both the minimum amount of volume that must be provided in the SCM i.e., the design volume, and the amount of volume that has been provided in the proposed SCM. Until the form is corrected, you can show one or the other of these values in the Additional Information area at the bottom of the form. Just label which one it is. b. Please address the following discrepancies on the permeable pavement design information sheet: I. The columns are labeled as 4, 5, 6 and 7, but the application reports columns 3, 4, 5 and 6. Is there a DA7? ii. All of the answers to the General MDC lines 7-17 are crossed out as if they do not apply? The General MDC do apply to this project. iii. Please provide an actual number for Line 22, the storage elevation. c. For the infiltration system supplement, please address the following: i. For Infiltration A and C, the diversion weir is set at the same elevation as the top of the Rain Tank, so, your storage and bypass elevations should be the same on the supplement form, 6.18 for A and 7.26 for C. ii. The bottom surface area and storage elevation surface areas have been left blank (lines 32 and 33). Please fill these in. iii. For a RainTank system, there is no need to complete any of the "For Trenches Only" information. The 59x18 and the 41x12 lengths and widths will need to be multiplied out and entered as bottom surface areas in Line 32. Since the RainTank system is rectangular, the bottom and storage surface areas are same.thp (Line 33). e:!�fD �..- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ��/J/j� Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinai Drive Extension i Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Noran+cawouua r 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Pcrmit No. SW8 190401 Page 2 of 3 d. The March 28, 2019 soils report and SHWT estimate appears to be specific to the loading dock area (Infiltration C). What about the soils, infiltration rate and SHWT estimates for Infiltration A and the 4 permeable pavement areas? e. Piped runoff must be treated in an SCM - it cannot be bypassed. It appears that only half of the runoff from Old Front Street is being treated by permeable pavement. The other half is being collected and discharged into the existing piped drainage system in Cowan Street. Please provide treatment for all of the road runoff. f. The diversion structure for Infiltration A is technically 54-JB. This is the point at which the runoff is either sent into Infiltration A or is "diverted" to 53-JB to exit the site. The details on Sheet C-136-PI indicate that 54-JB might also be calied "Diversion Structure B". The subdrainage plan C-131-PI does not label Diversion Structure B. Please be consistent in labeling the structures. g. It does not appear that a design for all of the permeable pavement/ pervious concrete areas has been provided. On the proposed drainage area map, SW.03, the green hatched "zero runoff area" contains pervious concrete, but no design information, calculations or supplements have been provided. In order to count that as a pervious surface, you must demonstrate via calculations, and supplement form that it has been designed to infiltrate. h. The proposed impervious area map SW.02 indicates that the black hatched area is sidewalk. Is it intended that this sidewalk will extend all the way to the river? It also appears that there is a narrow sidewalk or retaining wall running north -south roughly following the 10-contour toward the stage area. Please label what this structure is on the plans. How is the runoff from these areas going to be collected and treated? Sheet flow of runoff from impervious surfaces does not meet the high density treatment requirement. i. What's being proposed in the area where Sediment Basin #2 is located? The pipe that collects the runoff from that paved sidewalk area won't be able to collect anything if there is no low spot graded there for the runoff to stage up. Right now, everything appears to simply sheet flow down to the river. If this area has proposed boardwalks, please show and label them on the plans. j. Please show grading, spot elevations and dimensions for the Nutt Street sidewalk and for the permeable pavement areas that will treat that runoff. k. Please label the split section views on Sheet C-135-P1 as East and West to correlate with the supplement forms and the drainage area sheet SW.03. 4. Until these questions are addressed, I am unable to check the SCM design. Please ensure that the area of the permeable pavement itself is included as BUA when calculating the minimum required design volume to infiltrate. Due to the insufficiency of the application, please submit a $500 fee for the additional review required for this application (in accordance with Session Law 2003-284, Section 11.4A(b)). Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). The requested information should be received in this Office by April 11, 2019, or the application will be returned as incomplete. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit to the Express Program, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express Coordinator for the next available review date and will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request, prior to the original due date, to the Division at the email address provided below. The extension request must include a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted to the Division, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. Please remember that extension requests delay the issuance of the final permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. State Stormwater I'crtnit No. S%%18 190401 Page 3 of ? f Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Mm Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2019\190401 HD\2019 04 addinfo 190401 cc: Adam Pike, P.E. (via email: aIike@stewartir7c.com) Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File STEWART LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO ECEIVE APR 11 2019 BY' FROM Linda Lewis Adam Pike, PE NCDEQ STEWART 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (919) (866-4805) Wilmington, NC 28405 DATE SENT VIA 04/10/2019 UPS Next Day Saver (3:00 pm) PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME C17135 North Waterfront Park COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 2 04 10/ /19 Construction Documents 1 04/10/19 Revised app, suppl. Form, SIA response to comments, Check for $500 _ ® For approval ❑ For review & comment EReturned for corrections For your use ❑ Approved as submitted Returned after review As requested Approved as noted Resubmit copies for approval State Stormwater Submittal SIGNED Adam Pike, PE COPIED TO file STRONGER 8Y DESIGN 421 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, NC T 919.380.8750 SUITE 400 27601 F 9I9.380.8752 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 4:13 PM To: Adam Pike (APike@stewartinc.com); Luke Perkins Cc: 'Amy Beatty';'mike.naklicki@wilmingtonnc.gov; Weaver, Cameron Subject: Wilmington Waterfront Express Meeting 131 To summarize our meeting earlier today at 11 am; I have the following items in my notes: 1. You can exclude proposed public streets from the project area and density calculation if they will be designed per NCDOT standards and will be turned over and maintained by a public entity holding an MS4 permit. 2. Update the O&M to remove the proposed sand filters and switch to infiltration trenches instead of basins. 3. Provide new supplements using supplement EZ available on our website. This should eliminate the BUA credit problem with the permeable pavement: https://deg.ne.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral_-land-resources/eneny-mineral-land-permit- uidance/stormwater-bm -manual 4. For SupplementEZ, there is only one supplement to cover both basins and trenches. 5. Please match up the SCM id numbers with the drainage area columns on the application. 6. Please ensure that the calculation pages are complete and that information was not cut off from the pages which were copied in "landscape" mode. 7. Please do not composite a curve number for the drainage area. You must run the calculation twice, once for the directly connected BUA and once for the rest of the site and add the two volumes together. 8. Please ensure that the estimated SHWT elevation is specified in the soils report. 9. Please check that the proposed buildings do not infringe on the 50' buffer. If the Division of Coastal Management has determined that this "Urban Waterfront" meets the requirements of 07H.0209(g), then a vegetated setback is not required for state stormwater, (we did not discuss this in our meeting, but I thought about it later). 10. if you reduce the separation distance to the SHWT down to one foot, you must provide a hydrogeologic evaluation which demonstrates that the water table will subside to pre -storm levels within 5 days or less. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 For DEC Use ONLY Reviewer North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Cr Submit: i Request for Express Permit Review Time. Confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative site plan (PDF file) and vicini(y map (same items expected in the application acka a of the project location. Please include this form in the application package. • Asheville or Mooresville Regions -Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;alison.davidson(a)ncdenr.gov • Winston-Salem, Fayetteville or Raleigh Regions -David Lee 919-791-4204; david.lee(dncdenr.,7ov • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or 1 n.hardison ncdenr. ov Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7265 or cameron. weavencdenr. ov NOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: NORTH WATERFRONT PARK County: NEW HANOVER Applicant: CITY OF WILMINGTON Company: Address: 102 NORTH THIRD STREET City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28402-1810 Phone: , Fax: _ = T, Email: @ .Physical Location.34.247901,-77.950417 P t D 'n ' t SC w tors - Water classification SW DWR Surface Water Classifications Man) Provided Existing Permits related to this Proiect SW SW _ SW _ NPDES NPDES WQ _ WQ _ E&S E&S Other r0)eC ral s In 0 _ a _ Project Located in CAPE FEAR River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? YIN, within '/z mile and draining to class SA waters YIN or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? YIN EngineeriConsultan t: ADAM PIKE Company: STEWART Address: 223 S. WEST ST SUITE 1100 City: RALEIGH, State: NC Zip: 27603-_ ECEIV. Phone: 919-866-4805, Fax: 919-380-8752, Email: spike@stewartinc.com PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE FEB 11 20' $ # JOBS SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWR, ❑ DCM, ❑ DEMLR, ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ IntermittentlPerennial Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear ft or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ElHigh Density -Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ® High Density -Infiltration 2 #Treatment Systems ® High Density -Bio-Retention 19 Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems/❑ MOD:❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ Plan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW (Provide permit4) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ® Land Quality ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 7_5 acres to be disturbed. (CK # & Amt. (for DEQ use)) SECTION THREE - PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE_ TO YOUR PROJECT (for both scoping and express meeting requestl Wetlands on Site ® Yes ❑ No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ® Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ® Yes ❑ No Received from US ACOE ® Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: _acre(s) Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ® No 404 Application in Process wi US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit For I)1:0 use anit Fee Split for multiple permits: {Check # _ Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Mai; )] Min) $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LID, ❑ Gen) 1 $ 401: 1 $ LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ NCDEQ EXPRESS August 2018 North Waterfront Park Wilmington, North Carolina Prepared By Stewart Inc. STEWART SUMMARY Site Information The proposed North Waterfront Park will be located in Wilmington, north of downtown toward Isabel Holmes Bridge where Hwy 74 crosses over the Cape Fear River. Currently the site consists of two parcels with acreage of 6.44 and 0.21. The two parcels are divided by City of Wilmington ROW which contributes an additional 0.887 acres to the project area. The parcels and ROW contain predominantly lawn, perimeter scrub growth, and minimal impervious area in the form of gravel parking. There are no existing structures on the property and the Wilmington Riverwalk Boardwalk is adjacent to the west perimeter of the site. The combined area of 7.537 acres is proposed to be redeveloped as a public park with pre -agreed shared - use as a venue with Live Nation. The existing ROW is proposed to be realigned and a new roadway is proposed along the eastern edge of the site to provide one-way vehicular and bicycle traffic from north to south. The site design also includes an arched vehicle -rated pedestrian path following the arch of the historic railroad alignment through the site. Three buildings are proposed as part of the park: (1) a stage with attached support structure for restrooms, kitchen, and artist hospitality areas, (2) a central concession building with restrooms and mechanical equipment, and (3) a small box office. The proposed park design also includes a playground, urban garden, and adjustments to the existing rivers edge topography to provide coastal marsh areas. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SITE �Ci Q /; �•� rR �i d SHEET NOTES DEVELOPMENT SITE LEGEND �'�.iY eSS4S' Yls4 m a UTU O,SITE p �r s � `• i m `� r .`•_`\��"a.> DEVELOPMENT i ( renn+cas SITE+� ri._Y1a Pk �.l z - _ i •�``�L �'i _- - �'i�� '-I t.x �'�..� �.le -•�.a 1 I., sr.ztlsu.s-rv�z WALk� _ ar �-. -71 - i IV 0 E A 1:10�j�sa4srzeHu"o.- C � A � F o.r.:e oxKs<L '�• ����� `` _ - __- __ ssr sa. st Htewrrw. NORTH WATERFRONT' PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLIN" CONFIDENTIAL NO L FOR coNS TRUORON 0 sO w�nw:.wR <z prt•d flt .a.44 ptw. -n1mt. LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PLAN L-131 5USGS sttienae Iw a changing world IIORTH CAROLIH COARRANGLE LCXAT10H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 9' 19' - 166 MILS_- lG„ 3t V 39.._ i �29 MILS ,f t UTM GRID AND 2016 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET 1 I-aland 1 I 2 3 2 Castlo Hayno O.S. National Grid 3 Scotts Hill IMOLD— Sn— ID 4 5 4 Winnabow 5 Wrightsvillo Boesch TC 6 Fun5ton 6 7 8 7 Carolina Boach 8 Carolina Boach Of E rr�a ime oeslQ.atvl ADJ R WIG QOADRAHGtES t>!S Produced by the United States Geological Survey 1lorth Amxican Datum of 1993 (NAD83) World Gvodotic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 00 0-motor grid: Universal Transvorso Morcator, Lana 1BS 10 ODD -foot ticks: North Carolina Coordinate System of 1983 This map is not a logal document. Boundaries may bo gonoializod for this map scale. Private lands within govornmeni romKvations may not bo shown. Obtain pormission botoro ontoring privato lands. Intagory ........................... ........................ t1A1p, May 2014 Roads ................................ t1.S. Consus Buroau, 2015 - 2016 llamos............ ...................... ........................ G111s, 2016 Hydrography....................National Hydrography Datasat, 2014 Contours ............... ............. Ilatianal Elovation Datasot, 20D8 Boundaries... --------- Meiliplo saurcos; seo nwtadata fib 1972 - 2016 Wetlands ......... FWS National Wattands Invontory 1971 - 2014 ROAD CLASSIFICATION Exprossway Local Connoctor Socandary Hwy Local Road Ramp 4WD ------ ® Intorstato Routo C3 UsRouts O Stalo Routo Tha National Map �USTopo WILMINGTON QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5-MINUTE SERIES WILMINGTON, NC 2016 SCALE 1:24 000 �� a 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2SC �M Y low500 0 METERS WOO 2000 04 I 0.5 0 9D K C=l— 1n MILES I (D 1D00 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 50DO 6000 7000 8000 90DO 10000 MR �k*1 CO FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET � Z NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 LLL,1 Iml!Y = 4 This map was producod to conform with tho 0) C7 National Goospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011. xm_= x A motadata f1To associatod with this product is draft version 0.6.19 Weaver, Cameron From: Adam Pike <APike@stewartiric.com> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 2:40 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Luke Perkins; Joe Puckett; Mary Lydecker Subject: RE: [External] Wilmington Water Front Park Attachments: REQUEST FOR EXPRESS form FINAL.pdf; Site Plan.pdf; C17135-USGSette.pdf; NWP narrative.pdf Fallow Up Flag: Flag Status: Cameron, Follow up Completed Please find attached the needed information for express review request for state stormwater and erosion control. Please note that the site plan is from our DID submittal and have change very slightly. Please let me know if you need anything else to get us on the calendar. Thanks Adam Pike, PE, LEED AP I Project Manager, Civil Engineering Direct 919.866.4805 STEWART STRONGER BY DESIGN Find out why we are a 2017 BES T PLACE TO WORK! Visit us at www,stewartinc.com From: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 9:44 AM To: Adam Pike <APike@stewartinc.com> Cc: Luke Perkins <Iperkins@stewartinc.com>; Joe Puckett <JPuckett@stewarbnc.com>; Mary Lydecker <mlydecker@ hargreaves.com> Subject: RE: [External] Wilmington Water Front Park The Division maintains a website that will provide you with information and requirements for applying to the Express Review Program. To schedule an express review of a project, please contact Cameron Weaver at 910-796-7265 or via email Cameron.w_eave_r(c-�ncdenr.gov. Linda From: Adam Pike <APike@_stewartinc.com> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 9:09 AM To: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Luke Perkins <I erkins stewartinc.com>; Joe Puckett <JPuckett stewartinc.com>; Mary Lydecker <mlydecker@ hargreaves.com> Subject: [External] Wilmington Water Front Park Good Morning Linda, I'm stepping in to help Joe Puckett and Natalie Carmenfor the noted project. I understand that they had a presubmittal meeting with you sometime time ago about the project. We now have our plans at a place suitable for permitting with DEQ. We would be looking for State and Land Quality express review on my end. I understand that there is a little bit of a lead time for getting express review date. Would it be possible to get a current time from request form submittal to express review date? If not, completely understand. Thanks Adam Pike, PE, LEED AP I Project Manager, Civil Engineering STEWART STRONGER BY DESIGN Direct 919.866.4805 Main 919,380.8750 Mobile 919.395.2272 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100, RALEIGH, NC 27603 {WE'VE MOVED! Find our why we are a 2017 BEST PLACE TO WORK! Visit us at www.stewartirc.com ;.c t �p l l N �' l ROUNDABOUT & GN LT81 L R 1 v CO i ` 1 M n- / o a SDMH'A' J SSMH'K' c� SSMH'J' 4 LT83 / . -25 w 1 15" RCP -. -{3- CI'F °� f DI'C CURB INLET "B" 5.31' SDMH'8' - - -TW=29.38Az_' Lnn l0� �� CONCRETE STORM WATER FH TQI�=9.a4' o �. G' �~�_ - --� - - - - 20� NE,AINIWMALI_ , BOX W/ NO GRATE TW-29.06' BW=26.88' L �S� INV IN (S) 5.44' 4" RCP , tU �- - --cd_- �- - FcdAEWAL5V1AN6 �i _ INV OUT (NE) / cn J L s,Ruc,,,A�ow�s -- 25~ \� i� -BW=27.81' TW=29.15' �i \ 12 �2`:P CONCR BW= 26.00 � ; N �� �� ETC WALL TW=28.93' DM i 20~ -� i" x`r �'✓�` _~ -- BW=24.43' 1 �0 `\` % 1 %`�~� �25 -rr � � H' LT83 J _ � ___,_ -r 1 � � _ ��•-��_ ao � � � �_ �. - I'B' 1 f -- ---- =-\.................,\ STREF ,: I 0 oa CB -Ex- - r" _ W i W K --� -- - -- __ _ 16.17' :� / SSMH'B2 + I - � - _ /�� _- fj 5.v^h•' uz O� SSMH' SSMH'la` i �0 . --_�_� ��J-iTJ [ „7 ' } SMH'C' - lf} MH-01` �` -- _ - \ ,` , r �- � - � -..: / �' � ��r�' `'i f � �`• ,s � - - - �II i 1 a, r Q �� - S r LVEG 1-CB 1 ' \ � _. ' ` ' � N % ` '<, , , CONTOURS 3 I CONCRETE F' g VEY O �O EX15T1{dG i' SIDEWALK ^- t 5C0 YEAR 41 �... / I \ �\ r.F�A�l1Y / �\ i/ r fir'' F MASPECIAL-, jll 13,79' T92L S� WEP /' �, / r, \ � , E J ��� tit-JB Q` O/ ` FLOOD 35W ® �` - -=//�i'-� "` �� / ^•� a CO-6 - - HAZARD AREA - Gti�'drB5W u� I \ pMH'F' f `� .J - , v = - '%/ ,l--�r0_�_ i -A] `f - ',-�__.._ �'-�. _ �7��W- ® - _ - _ _ -�-�-_ �yfsK O M; $C I z J f JS �� 99C20 � DI' ; � l - ,5' � - -��� � � ♦: '` \ -' .-r i � l.t -_ ` ti' 1 1 ,�� � � � � l 1 0 YEAR 1 I l 66' PUBLIC ROW � o�// SQMH'G' / ' 7 FLOOD s {} �- �i� /► r - �" ' \ �\ '*,' �t)�O-A us. �• � i - n-` ` BSW PANLL I i 1SSMH'K' 5-7 -AD ��o� c7� ill►/ c,Tr �T \ \j ; B JB. + � GRAVEL � 41 -J' ED 51-AD SURFACE ELEC. �S `51�>N STRUCTURE r.� ^� ^� / `4 \ \ \ PVC H �` �-1 Q � � _ - \ �-`�j /• \ � ; q -- �, ` , y �! i �` s; �I�►,� 'tgAPeaOlf RIGHT -_ �. - � - _ - � STOW LG, ` 1 P1 15 R.pq�yl, r. f `iGN BSW 5�- ` , - - LIND `, ��, 1 1 i ,� l I BRICK CROSS ��� ♦: r:? - I '= 1 / ` \ \ _ , \ _���-5S ° I 5" RCP WALK i I _ •- � • ° 1 1 DM M' SDM.�.-1�:-r 1rADIU4 i_ __ __---f- ! ♦ o 5MH'G' C P BACK OF G ��� / J` HOUSE' ,'4i �` (ON HOLD) � \ � y ti �\ \ \� ` � � �ti tit. ./ ROUNDS 40 /' I SIG / .�"0 6 Ja\\51-c0-A58p, �Pq.V]L 2d" cJTVLTi� fE I c� GRAN Y SEWER ELECT. A -CB \ -AD ,H OUTLETSTRUCTURE IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL CURVE NUMBER ti `��y' �' \ ` 1 ��� \ \ ` � 00-CB-EX 2539 9281 11820 59.52 �* 150- / a Ol-CB 1754 3913 5667 64.17 �� �151-AD Ol-EX-CB 1567 2587 4155 67.49 `\y. \ ' �` -� i ` ` /.. / '1 r ! �= - \\ `\ � �,. 02-CB 1967 3914 5881 65.39 i \� �� 4 i` 03-CB 1632 2435 4067 68.66 102-AD� �� - Q 04-CB 1301 2489 3790 65.82 �10- {� 05-CB 981 1491 2472 68.44 CW2 ' \�O` ��A -`�-'; '/� -_ _ `� 101-JB 1182 31 1213 96.76 `AD 102-CB 904 904 98.00 \,\ \ c '`•'`. \ `' TRUC E 410 -A 510 h - - -- - -' 8 5684 5691 49.07 _ 1 103-A D 1 ` / � ' \� '' � �� 'I '- -- __.� -inn-+`-`9s- .-_- na°�r✓� �` � _ - ._ i f 10�• ��� 1'_ ,y,f 1.04-Ap - �- _ - - - - ,® //' - 103-CB 1628 111 1738 94.87 -JBv - - 104-A D 3068 5 3072 97.93 \ -- ^-/�� - i 105-J B 9872 14014 23886 69.25 \ _ C\W3\\ �_ `\ _-�1� _��`� I Y / _- -/ 106-JB 7607 7607 98,00 a / _? 150-AD 1448 10423. 11871 54.98 N ° 151-A D 2145 33866 36011 51.92 i _A8 \' ; "f R31-CB 1902 9430 11332 57.23 OP OF M � • � 50 AD -EX 2110 1320 3430 79.14 NHWL4 CW4 \ �- ulstic�Aa�aEUNx D \ �` \ ,° 50-CO-A 15 1099 1113 49.65 51-A D 3202 14415 17617 57.91 I 57-A D 2032 7613 9645 59.32 �NHWL5 59-AD 1989 1989 49.00 _ �- J �- 60-A D 5 5014 5018 49.05 ~~�61-AD _ 1636 11228 12864 55.23 - -.� /0. 904 � _-- 1313 2218 68.99 NHWL6 NH 62-JB by( 1_ - - - - � ---=---.--.--•- 1 � 63-A D 5502 5502 49.00 � ~NHWt �o NHWI :.g - _ 64-AD 42 10302 10344 49.20 NHWL7 _ C NHWLS „ �-�_ L11 �o 81-AD 8576 19953 28528 63.73 DI RECTO TO I N FI LTRATI 0 N C 6650 400 7050 95,22 - �►`. RAp .NSW--- L 5 ST C ��. HW NHW ` LEGEND 0 15 30 60 NORTH P� � ,, �.,7 1` ORMq� SCALE: 1 "=30' �, GH W� �� ) z DRAINAGE. TO INFILTRATION SYSTEM A B ,_ NPIWL DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT A �CRI ALK H W 3 DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT B DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST WEST r l DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST EAST �- ZERO RUNOFF AREA DRAINAGE TO INFILTRATION SYSTEM C Co Ez ' BYPASS DRAINAGE 1 .APR O x 2019 BY: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesionesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, INC 27603 www.stewartinc-com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE NOT FOR CA CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION = : Q SEAL _ y 036231 i U,, ��, '',ff',llfl f11f111\11\" I ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE APPLICATION 03/22/2019 I KEY MAP _ N I +_l ; t;q A aICIaelZ4ill F-1ILOU Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 03.05.2019 Scale: 1 " = 30' SHEET TITLE PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREAS SHEET NO. PROJECT INFORMATION t l r' C�/ N ROUNDABOUT SI GIN L T81 L 441 Q y ♦ ♦ SDMf�'' Ay \ \ J� \ tH'K' S S% I j \ LT83 ♦ 15" RCP ♦ CURB INLET "B" 5.31' SDMH'B' ` \ TOP=9.04' 4 L ��,� INV IN (S) 5.44' 4" RCP t �' INV OUT (NE) t �) M H' iv ♦ ♦cP., LT83 \ 'B / ♦ 00-CB-EX — K D� SMH'A'/ � SSMH'B`a ,e ng' I SSMH'D' SSMH D 101t CI 0 \ ` SMH'C' y � H-01 3 T q9 /} / V.C.P. fGRAVITY T92 SEWER \ DMH'F' I 63, P\. 1 , SDMH'G' o Cl./ /\ / _— f — 1` / o / / ii \ i H ftETRUCTURALI,SEE V MATERN4.SPW465TAUCTlIRAL �VYGS P Q MH:02 n/ f \ z S i t y_ 4 1 � -. ai \•�•i�4 -- `����w.w — 11 r—r.'� .ii,:.�i, `�►t`� ' r • w ,r FIX 1. M ON STREET OLD FRON7 • CONCRETE , a \\ t i ��; 7 • •••`'' �'\\�`�4� is , . � � � I II II� I I f• e��f\ �,1� � a 4 � 1 �� : �I� : - I I I II •. II I i I LK PUBLIC ROW LM MI RICK I $OSS : •. +s+ l ' �� �� ,` it �� \� �' „� . - - - '\ ���'�`\. � ;�i� 5rlu III \ 1111 1 I I RAF � � � s"tom �` \ ����t\�\- \ � .a� aft`` , �\ _ - i1\i , -- ���►�r ,--- �+�1f _ , <. � ,- �• `' �� � \ \. , \ '\�\ � \ \ � .,.._- �\\fir\l\�,�-- . * ������ . a ����\r��� � L4. a� � 4oll hFr.4.. ♦.� ` 1 � = \ ` �\ \ \ ` '���� `��`\` \ � �� �..aaw�������\�\tti .,,.. iS�12��sw�� _. . ` � \ 4 � a \ � ♦ `r \ `\ i\ � , ,-fir. _ _ - - � . � ��X��\\�� �� .. � { a n �, If •.,. II Ilpl . IIII I I \ \ o \. \ 10 III II IN M � 1.�•'��* \ .- � i`. Y�� II III+tV\\�\\�`` �,1..Q-`1�aa�� ``� ' 1 I I` .,., ., ` ', .gyp `� v_„-. � 1\'ti�\\t����\��RM►�\���� r, o \ ,� `:tom. <,--, �� `�` __ � � �c �+'t�,� ;tr r\ �"`e►,\��i , 1 I I I I I Ie , `% d.��l 1 mow'\,.\ \\ �\ \\ �\'♦ \ ,. � R-'1A r1�► 1 �fl•l��Y�`Q`•�1 2 h 1 I �a-co-B Ii 1 aj COVERAGE TYPE �t BUILDING LAWN PERVIOUS CONCRETE PERVIOUS PLAYGROUND PERVMEABLE PAVEMENT PLANTING ROAD SIDEWALK WAT WATER IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS TOTAL 13677.77 13677.77 100351.31 100351, 31 11072.91 11072.91 3689.66 3689.66 35818.27 35818.27 102244. 39 102244, 39 18341- 65 18341- 65 43852.34 43852.34 903.77 903.77 12533.40 12533.40 LEGEND \� LAWN PLANTING AREA TYPE 1 PLAYGROUND (PERVIOUS) BUILDINGIROOF PERVIOUS CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVEMENT AREA ROADWAYIPAVEMENT SIDEWALK WATER EG IVE7. A APR 0 12019 by. 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 18 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 NORTH WATERFRONT PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign,com I SEAL/SIGNATURE `i,Ltll lrll • SEAL q ' 036231 iu i y NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 COORDINATION SET 01/31/2019 4 PERMIT SET 02/15/2019 KEY MAP N� Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 03.05.2019 lScale: 1" = 30' I SHEET TITLE lSHEET NO. „ PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREAS Wo 2 L�10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON NC 28403 K J H G F E C 1.9 NCDEQ EXPRESS REVIEW ISSUED DATE: 04.30.2019 4 21 17 Y VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 500' SITE S 4' •"IF SITE DATA PROJECT NAME: NORTH WATERFRONT PARK SITE ADDRESS: 10 COWAN STREET - WILMINGTON NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER RIVER BASIN: CAPE FEAR DISTURBED AREA: 7.33 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 23,942 SF PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 156,619 SF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT axon Swam via meet St siaden LP Bruoswick St z ono-4er '* C: Vol 14 Fanlni- . Hianoyer Sr St Red Crcss LLOA VM 7 -WIAY raft t STORMWATER SHEET LIST SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE G-001-PI CIVIL NOTES AND LEGEND C-100-Pi CIVIL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY C-101-Pi CIVIL DEMOLITION PLAN C-111-Pi CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES C-112-P1 CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION (PHASE i) C-113-P1 CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION (PHASE II) C-131-P1 CIVIL SUBDRAINAGE PLAN C-132-P1 CIVIL STORM PIPE TABLE C-133-P1 CIVIL STORM STRUCTURE TABLE C-134-P1 CIVIL INFILTRATION GALLERY DETAILS C-135-P1 CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM A DETAILS C-136-P1 CIVIL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT DETAILS C-137-P1 CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM B DETAILS C-138-P1 CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM C DETAILS C-139-P1 CIVIL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT DETAILS C-151-Pi CIVIL FRONT STREET PLAN AND PROFILE C-150-P1 CIVIL FRONT STREET LAYOUT PLAN C-152-P1 CIVIL SUB -SLAB PLAN AND DETAILS C-153-P1 LOADIN DOCK GRADING PLAN AND DETAILS C-510-P1 CIVIL EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C-530-P1 CIVIL STORM DETAILS CIVIL ENGINEERING .�j A44 STEWART EROSION CONTROL SHEET LIST SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE C-001-Pi CIVIL NOTES AND LEGEND CIVIL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CIVIL DEMOLITION PLAN CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES C-100-P1 C-101-Pi C-111-P1 C-112-P1 CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION (PHASE i) C-113-P1 CIVIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION (PHASE II) C-131-P1 CIVIL SUBDRAINAGE PLAN CIVIL FRONT STREET PLAN AND PROFILE C-151-Pi C-520-P1 CIVIL UTILITY DETAILS CIVIL STORM DETAILS C-530-P1 APPROVED NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 6q-II14Y- Zaq IVEn APR 3 0 2419 I HARGREAVES ASSOCIATES A 180 VARICK STREET SUITE 204 STEWART INC. - CIVIL 223 S. WEST STREET FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 j 4( NEW YORK, NY 10014 CONTACT: ADAM PIKE, PE, LEED AP SUITE 1100 ww.stewartinc.com w t3Y: PROJECT MANAGER 919IGH, N PROJECT#: C17135 CONTACT: MARY LYDECKER 507603 617.401.9155 919.866.4805 (T) MLYDECKER@HARGREAVES.COM APiKE@STEWARTINC.COM 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 1 6 1 7 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 12 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineenng = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www_deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE A _ •, ti.% Q SEAI_4%i e _ 036231 , Lu ISSUEIREVISIONS - NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 KEY MAP ��aa1suIasi atlrwMR Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: Checked By: Date: Scale: SHEET TITLE SHEET NO. N M L K J low] re- F E F C A 1. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE OFFICE OF STATE CONSTRUCTION, DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE, NCDENR, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL GUIDELINES. ALL UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION INCLUDING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING DIVISION, DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 2015. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING, COORDINATING AND PAYMENT FOR ALL NECESSARY LOCATING SERVICES INCLUDING INDEPENDENT LOCATING SERVICES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NOTICE OF EXCAVATION TO NOTIFICATION CENTER AND FACILITY OWNERS (PER NC STATUTE) NO LESS THAN 3 BUSINESS DAYS AND NO MORE THAN 12 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION OR ANY OTHER FORM OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS, NO EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION SHALL BE STARTED WITHOUT ALL UTILITIES BEING LOCATED. 4. ALL SUB -SURFACE UTILITIES IDENTIFIED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION BASED ON SURVEY INFORMATION GATHERED FROM FIELD INSPECTION AND/OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE RECORD DRAWINGS WHICH MAY BE AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS. 5. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED OR REPLACED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE CONCRETE (WHERE REQUIRED) TO THE FIRST COLD JOINT OR SAW CUT TO OBTAIN A CLEAN EDGE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT EXISTING ASPHALT (WHERE REQUIRED) TO OBTAIN A CLEAN EDGE. 3. CLEANOUTS AND WATER VALVES LOCATED IN AREAS OF DEMOLITION OR SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE AND RAISED TO BE FLUSH WITH NEW GRADE. 4. ANY UTILITY SERVICES SHOWN TO BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY PROVIDER. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATE SEQUENCING OF UTILITY DEMOLITION WITH THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY AGENCIES. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. NOTIFY "NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL" (TELEPHONE 1-800-632-4949) AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF DEMOLITION TO HAVE EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ANY LOCAL UTILITIES THAT PROVIDE THEIR OWN LOCATOR SERVICES INDEPENDENT OF "NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL." 6. CLEAN SOILS SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR BACKFILL. COMPACTION OF THESE SOILS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 7. ALL ITEMS DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED COMPLETELY, INCLUDING ALL SUBGRADE MATERIALS DIRECTLY 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND COORDINATING PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS WHICH MUST BE MET UNDER THIS CONTRACT. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS TO RECORD THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF ALL PIPING PRIOR TO CONCEALMENT, VALVE AND MANHOLE CHANGES, AND HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE CHANGES. DRAWINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AT REGULAR INTERVALS, OR AS REQUESTED THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT FOR RECORD KEEPING. 8. IF DEPARTURES FROM THE PROJECT DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CONTRACTOR, DETAILS OF SUCH DEPARTURES AND REASONS THERE OF SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR REVIEW. NO DEPARTURES FROM THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 9, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RELOCATION OF ANY EXISTING UTILITY LINES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ANY PORTION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION AND COSTS OF THE RELOCATION AND ASSOCIATED WORK. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATIONS OF WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. 11. THE ENGINEER ANDIOR OWNER DISCLAIM ANY ROLE IN THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND/OR METHODS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT AS SET FORTH IN THESE PLANS. 12. ROADWAYS (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) MUST BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS (85,000 LBS) DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION ONCE VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN. ASSOCIATED WITH ITEMS TO BE REMOVED. 8. ALL ITEMS DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE DISPOSED OF LEGALLY OFF -SITE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THIS PLAN. 15. DEMOLITION AND SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION OF UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER, ETC) SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE OLD PIPE AND STRUCTURES REMOVED DO NOT IMPACT OR MINIMIZE SERVICE INTERRUPTION TO EXISTING FACILITIES TO REMAIN. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MAINTAIN SERVICE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 9. REFER TO EROSION CONTROL DRAWINGS FOR TREE PROTECTION PLAN 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL AND REQUIREMENTS. DAMAGES TO THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY, PARKING LOT, SIDEWALK AND CURB AND GUTTER AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND 10. ALL DEMOLITION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE TRAFFIC. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A PRE -CONSTRUCTION VIDEO AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL CODES OR REQUIREMENTS. OR PHOTO DOCUMENTATION TO SHOW NO DAMAGES OCCURRED. 11. TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION 12. EROSION CONTROL PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED AND ONSITE PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION. 13. ITEMS DESIGNATED TO BE SALVAGED AND/OR RE -USED SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND PROVIDED TO THE OWNER. COORDINATE STORAGE LOCATION WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 14. DEMOLITION AND SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINAGE PIPING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE OLD PIPE AND STRUCTURES REMOVED DO NOT IMPACT DRAINAGE UPSTREAM OF THE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MAINTAIN STORM WATER DRAINAGE PATTERNS DURING CONSTRUCTION, 1. WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED SEWERS, UNLESS LOCAL CONDITIONS OR BARRIERS PREVENT A 10-FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IN WHICH CASE; a. THE WATER MAIN IS LAID IN A SEPARATE TRENCH, WITH THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER; OR b. THE WATER MAIN IS LAID IN THE SAME TRENCH AS THE SEWER WITH THE WATER MAIN LOCATED AT ONE SIDE OF A BENCH OF UNDISTURBED EARTH, AND WITH THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP TO THE SEWER. 2. CROSSING A WATER MAIN OVER A SEWER. WHENEVER IT IS NECESSARY FOR A WATER MAIN TO CROSS OVER A SEWER, THE WATER MAIN SHALL BE LAID AT SUCH AN ELEVATION THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER, UNLESS LOCAL CONDITIONS OR BARRIERS PREVENT AN 18 INCH VERTICAL SEPARATION, IN WHICH CASE BOTH THE WATER MAIN AND SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF FERROUS MATERIALS AND WITH JOINTS THAT ARE EQUIVALENT TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE POINT OF CROSSING. 3. CROSSING A WATER MAIN UNDER A SEWER. WHENEVER IT IS NECESSARY FOR A WATER MAIN TO CROSS UNDER A SEWER, BOTH THE WATER MAIN AND THE SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF FERROUS MATERIALS AND WITH JOINTS EQUIVALENT TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE POINT OF CROSSING. A SECTION OF WATER MAIN PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED AT THE POINT OF CROSSING. SEPARATION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND STORM SEWERS: 1. A 24" VERTICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN STORM SEWER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES OR BOTH THE SANITARY AND THE STORM LINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF FERROUS MATERIALS. 17. ALL MATERIALS, FURNISHINGS, UTILITIES, AND PAVEMENT THAT ARE NOT SCHEDULED TO BE DEMOLISHED AND ARE DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS A RESULT OF THE DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN INGRESS 1 EGRESS TO ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS, PARKING LOTS, AND PATHS OF PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 19. ALL MATERIALS, FURNISHINGS, UTILITIES, AND PAVEMENT THAT ARE NOT SCHEDULED TO BE DEMOLISHED AND ARE DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS A RESULT OF THE DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 1. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUTS LOCATED IN PAVEMENT AREAS SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC BEARING CASTINGS. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ARE 4' DIA. 3. MANHOLES LOCATED IN PAVEMENT, CONCRETE OR OTHER TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE SET AT GRADE. MANHOLES LOCATED IN OTHER AREAS (I.E. GRASS OR WOODED AREAS) SHALL HAVE THEIR RIMS RAISED SIX INCHES ABOVE THE SURROUNDING GRADE. MANHOLES SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE WATER INFILTRATION SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT, BOLTED LIDS. 4. MINIMUM REQUIRED SLOPES FOR SEWER SERVICES: 4" SEWER SERVICE - 2.00% SLOPE 6" SEWER SERVICE - 1.00% SLOPE 8" SEWER SERVICE - 0.50% SLOPE 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, LOCATE SANITARY SERVICE CLEANOUTS AT ALL HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL CHANGES IN DIRECTION. MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN CLEANOUTS SHALL BE 75 FEET. 6, SEWER LINES LESS THAN 3 FEET OF COVER SHALL BE CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. SEWER LINES WITH GREATER THAN 3 FEET OF COVER SHALL BE AS NOTED BELOW: 4" SEWER SERVICE - SCH 80 6" SEWER SERVICE - SCH 80 8" SEWER SERVICE - SDR-35 7. SEWER LINES UNDER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DIRT, DEBRIS OR OTHER CONTAMINANTS ENTERING THE NEW SYSTEM. A MECHANICAL PLUG SHALL BE UTILIZED BOTH IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION AND AT THE FIRST MANHOLE DOWNSTREAM IN THE EXISTING SYSTEM. EXISTING STRUCTURES, PIPING AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM ANY INFLOW OF WATER, DIRT OR DEBRIS DUE TO NEW CONSTRUCTION CONNECTING TO OR IN THE VICINITY OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND PLUG PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. 8. ALL MANHOLES COVERS SHALL BE PAINTED TO LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 1_ AS INDICATED, ALL WATERLINES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI-AWWA C151 PRESSURE CLASS 350 OR SOFT COPPER TYPE K PIPE PER ASTM B88. IF PVC WATERLINE IS INDICATED ON THE PLANS IT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF AWWA C-900; CLASS 200. 2. ALL WATERLINES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3.5 FEET OF COVER. 3. TESTING NOTES: PRESSURE: LEAKAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE SPECIFIED IN AWWA C 600. MINIMUM TEST PRESSURE SHALL BE 150 PSI FOR DOMESTIC AND 200 PSI FOR FIRE PROTECTION. BACTERIOLOGICAL: TWO SAMPLES FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLING SHALL BE COLLECTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS APART. IF CONTAMINATION IS INDICATED, THEN THE DISINFECTION PROCEDURE AND TESTING SHALL BE REPEATED UNTIL SATISFACTORY RESULTS ARE OBTAINED, 4. THE CHLORINE IN HEAVILY CHLORINATED WATER FLUSHED FROM MAINS NEEDS TO BE NEUTRALIZED BEFORE DISCHARGE. CONTRACTORS SHALL NEUTRALIZE HEAVILY CHLORINATED WATER FLUSHED FROM MAINS PRIOR TO DISCHARGE OR TRANSPORT ALL HEAVILY CHLORINATED WATER OFFSITE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. 5. PAINT VALVE COVERS, FIRE HYDRANTS AND OTHER WATER APPARATUS TO MEET THE LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT FOR THE PROPERTY RECORDED IN BOOK 53, PAGE 55-59, DATED JUNE 25, 2008. DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS BOOK 5326, PAGE 1093-1153. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT SHALL BE ADHERED TO. Approved Construction Plan Name Date Planning Traffic Fire PROJECT INFORMATION _ NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresou rces. com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.corn Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com I SEALISIGNATURE 111"'"a 0" t k• ti� SEAL�,�% �y= 036231 •tL,: i - GINS ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4119/2019 { KEY MAP N Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: N.T.S. ISHEET TITLE CIVIL NOTES AND LEGEND 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 SHEET NO. ©■ XIIIIII L K i no G F E U CIQ f=3 SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION I, PETER J BRENNAN. JR. CERTIFY THAT THIS PROJECT WAS COMPLETED UNDER I CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE MY DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FROM AN ACTUAL (GPS) SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM DEED AND MAP REFERENCES SHOWN HEREON AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION SHOWN,HEREON; THAT UNDER MY SUPERVISION; THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET FEDERAL THE RATIO OF PRECISION OR POSITIONAL ACCURACY IS 1:10,000+; AND THAT THIS MAP, MEETS THE GEOGRAPHIC STANDARDS AS APPLICABLE; THAT THE IMAGERY AND/OR ORIGINAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROI.INA (21 )DATA WAS OBTAINED ON (9/15/2015i; THAT THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON MCAC )." 5th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2015. (�2s15 ; THAT CONTOURS SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES MAY NOT MEET THAT c� STATED STANDARD; AND ALL COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NAD '83 (2011). CITY OVEYOR, NCPLS # 3 43 -11 SDMH"A' 13.08' 10.98' 43' �SW �U"Agnmps E 2,317,030,4544' PS "` SDMH'B' SDMH'C' SDMH'W 10.13' 9.92' 9.85' 08' 1.92' 1.65, (Sw)6.02' (SW -NE? X-PIPE 3.33' 5,03' ( 1.72' 1.6W ,343.211fi' N41.20'15"E 7.55' Al N-183,345.4390' E-2,317,035.4390' SDHM'E' 9.89, 1.49' (W)4.44 �MW 1.49' S3240'30"W 8.50' CI'A' 8.91, (NE)5.88' A2 N-183,341.7230' E-2,317,030.85DCY CI'B' 9.04' (SW)3.60' SE)5.31' (NW)-1.68 S25'22'3WE 20.67' SDMH'r 4.22' (SW)-1.88 A3 N-183,323.0450' E-2,317,039.70' CI'C' 8.84' (NE)5.33' S24'03'12"W 30.3S CI'D' 8.49' (SW)5.08' (NW)4.95' A4 N-183,295.3510' E-2,317027.3480' (NE)0•98, N5137'40"W 41.41' SDMH'G' 4.e7' (SW)0.98' (SE)0.56 (SW}-1.11' A5 N=183,306.9180' E=2,318,994.1(780' (A.B. 4.21' (SE) ( ("o-99' S71'26'09"W 34.5Z A8 N-183.295.9290' E-2,316,961.9100' S39'26'41"W 46.97' STR I Me EL." aIN INV IN lily IN INV OUT A7 N-183.259.6540' E-2,316,931.5410' SSMH A' 8.27 ' (N -3.13' (SW)-3.13' S51.16'54"W 29.15' SSMH'S' 8.52' NE -3.08 (SW)-3.06' AS N-183,241.4230' E-2,316,908.8000' SSMH'C' 10.41 -3.59' (SE)-3.59 (NW)-3.59' S30'24'14'W 22.48' SSMH'D' 10.56' (SW)-3.52 NMI)-3.52 Ai0 N-183.222.0310' E-2,316,897.4210' SSMH'E' 1.90' (SW)-2.72 NE)-2.72 S28 43'35"W 57.10' SSMH'r 10.61' (NE)-2.611 S)-2.68 All N-183,171.9820' E-2.316,869.9790' SSMH'G' 10." (S)-2.66 (SW)0.24' (N)-2.66 S14*01'29"W 55.06' SSMH'55MH'H' ("E)0'56, Al2 N-183,11&5440' E-2.316,856.6360' 17.37 ' E)1 02' (W)IO.02 S13'S5'25 W 31.81 SSMH'J' 20.60' (E)11.79' (W)11.79' A13 N-183,087.6700' E-2,316,848.9820' SSMH'K' : 19.50' SYR CI'E' TOP EL_ INV IN INV IN i4!Ilf { •43' SA.�.TA! 1METLANOS Al TO NHWL1 S59'37'5eS 51.31' 14.68' .,- CI'F' 18.77' S)16.10' IRF /8 N-183 097.8731' E-2,317.287.9285' , DI'C, 17.89' (N)1 S.34' (SW)6.02' NW)1.72' N61 45.12' - SDMN`W-`17.28'= SDHMIT . 14A6' ( 10:00' ( .14' (SE".49' (SW)6.26' (5)a.06 2.78' NW)2.11' 3.321E N-183,321.7720 E=2,3t6,990.7510' S45'S5'14'W 29.27' SDMH ' ' J q10' 11.95 41.43' ( S .21 (W)0.21' (S)7.93' CW2 N-183,301.4130' E=2,316,989.7270' CI'H' 11.45' (N)7.79' SIMt)7.72' S44'13'24"W 55.85' SDMi'K' 10." (E 6.55' (5)6.65' .55' CW3 N45*WI51.5310' E=2,31fi,930.8120' S1)M#i'L' SDM H'if i 0.44' 10.41' {E -0.24 (Q-0.31 0.24 F.Wi N45'38'10"W 44.14' . CW4 N=183,230.8700 E-2, , 318 899.3580 S51'3740'W 41.41' CW5 N-183.204.965V E-2,316,866.8940' IRON ROD CM #5 N-183,097.6731' E-2,317,287.9285' FOUND #6#6 c a 's N48'502"E 405.93' N� 183.343.2116' NHWL1 �N-183.374.$712' E-2.316,991.1966' ` E-�2,317,030.4544` N33'14 54 E 45.38 N75'38'12"E=18313369380' E2.31S,9SS.3280'9r �,� Q 4.421 W4WL3 N-1183,325.6620' E-2,316,926.1990' N40i11'48'E 37.81' NHWL5�N-183,204.8640' E-2,318,867.2190' N20'281�4 E 99AW - 1 NHWL6 N=183,157.8950' E-2,316,851.8520' MIn-rDO"E 49.42` Al NHWL7 N-183,123.3730' E-2,316,841.7080' .4 > N16'22'30'E 35.98' 14 RIVERWALK EASEMENT NHWL8 N■•183,07&3370' E-2,318,838.1920' MAP BOOK 53 PAGE 279 �� N04'27'5t"E 45.17' NHWLIO N-183,014.7690' E-2,316,845.9720' 20' UTILITY R/W No. 1 IC, CO. , 4p- N0638'40"E 64.04' DEED BOOK 825 PAGE 213 O / NHWLI1 N-182,923.1590' E-2 318 837.1220' MAP BOOK 12 PAGE 3 /_ 40 p I N e N05'31'05"E 92.04' �Q 3y . NHWL12 N-182,799.459W E-2,316,810.2100' N1216'26'E 126.59' NHWL13 N-182,636.7e26' E=2.316.769.9430' N13'54'04'E 167.61' MHWL3 20' UTILITY R/W No. 2 DEED BOOK 825 PAGE 213 MAP BOOK 12 PAGE 3 LEGEND PUBLIC UTILITY RIGHT-OF-WAY (DO 1904 PG 147) UM1TY RIGHT-OF-WAY & EASEMENT (08 1094 PG 144) ROW-- - - RIGHT OF WAY LIDS ® NC GRID MONUMENT ® CENTERSTONE FOUND 0 IRON ROD FOUND 0 IRON PIPE FOUND COMPUTED POINT Cr MAG NAIL SET • REBAR PIN SET "� ' �^ •� •.. n.. ►' " GRAVEL DRIVEWAY + 1 9.6 SPOT ELEVATION �8 p� EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY 0 WATER METER ® WATER VALVE SM. SEWER MANHOLE STORMDRAIN MANHOLE 1 ADDED SPOT ELEVS, ADDRESS DESIGNER COMMENTS 2/7/2018 1 ADDED ENVIRONMENTAL FLAGGING. REVISIONS TO TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND NOTES 1/10/2018 • REVISIONS DATE Curve Table CURVE # LENGTH RADIUS CHORD CHORD BEARING C1 142.22 75.00 121.85' S18' 16' 42"E C2 33.18 75.00 32.91 ' S85' 16' 27"E C3 33.27 150.00 33.21' S88' 24' 31 "W C4 47.26 150.00 47.00 S76' 12' 39"E CAROI�'�fi� SEAL r L-3743 4 t I � ••"•arrrarra••• �•,� BRE111N� ���� ROUNDABOUT SIGN �, ... 0 ✓ CURB INLET "9" TOC=9.14' 15" TOP-9.04' FOR-8.65' 4" 1 W IN (S) 5.44' 1% OUT (NE) 5.31' 9-, TOC-10.75' EOP-10.28' \ r r TOC-10.70'� gip• - 10.26 TOC-8.58' EOP-8.14' Q� �i NHWLS- V"Wt NHWL7 NOTES 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND. 2. ALL AREAS BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION. D(ISTING PK NAIL 4-182.821.6241' k : 2,317,676.8818" L-40.44' EXISTING PK NAIL 1N i INTERSECTION OF COWAN STREET AND 0 NORTH FRONT STREET (31 1 � v' ' M FLOW, r 1 -i 10 {� 4 ec 73 DEED BOOK 5105 PAGE 729-SUBJECT PROPERTY DEED. 3. TRACTS 1A, 1B, 2 do 3 LIE PARTIALLY WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD MAP BOOK 58 PAGE 310 HAZARD ZONE "AE" AS SHOWN ON FIRM MAP 3720311800K, REVISED MAP BOOK 50 PAGES 155-159 JUNE 2. 2006. MAP BOOK 12 PAGE 3 MAP BOOK 31 PAGE 97 4. TRACT 1-A AND 2 ARE SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT FOR RIVERWALK DEED BOOK 1094 PAGE 139-HARNETT STREET CLOSURE AND AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 5364 PAGE 914. EASEMENT RESERVATION. DEED BOOK 906 PAGE 75-HARNETT STREET CLOSURE 5. HARNETT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSED BY DEED BOOK 906 PAGE DEED BOOK 1094 PAGE 147-SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD 74 AND DEED BOOK 1094 PAGE 139. COMPANY UTILITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT. DEED BOOK 5199 PAGE 2054--RAIL CORRIDOR VACATION AGREEMENT. 6. PARCEL 2A AND THOSE SHOWN ON THIS PLAT SHALL BE DEED BOOK 5646 PAGE 1465.-AMENDMENT TO SERVED BY INFRASTRUCTURE (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS. ROAD ACCESS, WATER, SEWER AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) ADDITIONALLY THE PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO, OR BENEFIT FROM THE FOLLOWING DEEDS OF EASEMENTS: ON WHICH PARTIES TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) HAVE DEED BOOK 5891 PAGE 1700 COMMITTED TO CONSTRUCTING. THE OA IS THE AGREEMENT DEED BOOK 5820 PAGE 1205 BETWEEN RIVERFRONT HOLDINGS AND THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, DEED BOOK 5797 PAGE 1679 AS EXECUTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 2008 AND AS AMENDED. DEED BOOK 5797 PAGE 1687 criy OF GTaN NORTH CAROLINA Peter 1. Bre r. - NCPLS # 3743 Engineering Division P.O. Box 1810 • 212 Operations Center Dr. • Wfimington NC 28412 • (910) 341-7807 DATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 DRAWN CTR CHECKED PJB SURVEYED JBBJFHA 01 PATH G:\Surveys\Project Files\Paris Bond-N Riverfront Park-2017\Design\Drawings\N Riverfront Park-2017.dwg ,.FILENAME N Rimrfront Park-2017.dwg ASPHALT PARKING LOT NOW OR FORMERLY NRHM HOLDINGS, LLC DEED BOOK 6007 PAGE 1025 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 50 VL SSMH'K' ri2�TOC-18.42' EOP-18.46' OLD FRONT STREET (e6' CLOSER RM am 16.17' TOC-15.50' EDP-15.04' CONCRETE y' SIDEWALK BSW QZ TOC-13.84' EOP-13.26' I TOC-12.58' EDP- 12.1 W 8SW 12.66' 26' GN " EDP 0 ` EOP-10.41TOC=tD.85' 16 DI am AMP r LIND BRICK n MH'GCROSS I S 5" � i SD� WALK 15" RCP TOC-11.00' ; EOP-10.99'ROUNDABOUT SIGN S TOC-f0.76' ELECT. ELECT. EOP-10.28' VAULT 1 VAULT 4' �I i 1 TOC-10.44' PVC ' f jg l ~ 1 EOPw9.97' TOC-10.64 EOP-10.11' E 1 I } 1. HORIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM is NAD 83 (2011). 2. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD 88 (20128). 1 j 3. CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1.0', 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN AS LOCATED BY CAROLINA 811. TICKET No. C172422503 DATED: 8/30/17 chi - 1 LEGEND -UTILITIES SS SANITARY SEWER .LINE -- "- - - GI9=W`-- WATERLINE FROM GIS OVERHEAD OHE POWERLINE UE UNFOUND ELECTRIC LINE STORMWATER LINE COMPUTED POINT NHWL NORMAL HIGH WATER LINEREBAR 404 U.S. ARMY CORP 404 WETLANDS CW COASTAL WETLANDS LINE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF 9.37ACRESt ALMONT SHIPPING COMPANY TRACT (NON -MARINA LAND) DEED BOOK 5105 PAGE 729 OWNER: THE CITY OF WILMINGTON CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1. REFER TO SHEET C-001-Pl FOR GENERAL AND DEMOLITION NOTES. r SCALE 1 50'. 1 SHEET of �. PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WIF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEAL/SIGNATURE O1� SEAL[,�/� 036231 cu ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 KEY MAP N Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: - Checked By: - Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: AS NOTED SKEET TITLE CIVIL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 12 1 13 14 1 15 16 17 SHEET NO. PROJECT INFORMATION K J 1. REFER TO SHEET C-001-PI FOR GENERAL NOTES, 2. GRADING BY OTHERS, REFER TO SHEET L-111-P1 AND L-112-P1, `'� , 111` SEE SHEET L-121-Pl AND L-122-P1 FOR EXTENTS OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK / - ss _ter - ~` "' rr--.- J� ... .__ - 0 CB �� "-' -Ir.. _ 8w UND.OR DTRAI FOR r- moo- Wow r . . ��_� - ,�, ___ ss ' "� PERMEABLE PAVEMENT1 ��, .�-- ^r -. 1' wp—w _. -__ �' !- -. O -- a5 -. -- r - ,� . . / - ss 1 �� -- 'fir r . ' Ab QQ-CB-EX `"'� - � f : - _- --- - - I �� J- ss � 31 CB" 1� r �-"' r - - -' � 16 :,11 t- - - - _ - __- I -s's - - '� -CB-� -. - ;.� _ _ - UNDER DBLE RAIN TINEMENT E INTO . i _ - AD _ y _� _ , __ ss ------ ^ ' , -" . -z �- �„� - - -- _ _ uv � �� EXISTING STRUCTURE 11 .. � I ! . _ i / : - _. _� 0 1 _ _ l / e -./ ,•' �' „-' __.v /:' f - a,.. :1.., ,.. r f - - Air -.. rn. ' CB 111 55MH D E r _._ �. , _tl. , - r. . I . . . Cf ,.,, . � . ,�, 11�- - � \ / - ! r f - - _. _ ,, _ , . _ .\ :\ / �, HD \ t �' ter: _.1. �s . . __ (.c ,' - MH-01 _._._ � � ., _ _ _ i �: L _ ' ___ / I *ALf .J \ \ Via-. /,..r A j y 'N _--- . --_ -� _-.-.-._ -- NG - - i i \ , a7 ! J = _}—'- PAS} It k ) . X \ f , - r \\ \ \ --, \1 . ENT Ao w . / / \ \ r M fl!! - / ,i // - - 11, . i � ,' , / ya / , r \ 1. / /I M1,.:,. I PERMEABLE CONCRETE i i \� \ e \ - ``�_ . j j` / w `` / _ . \ .. 62JB c --. . \ O . t. \. �\ : / UNDER DRAIN FOR i� \ _ \. ' __ -_ 1l B CO-B1. EN ISIE R _ \ S ENGINEERED ED SOILS k / _ , \ >_ / , ,\ \ xr , _ \ \ • \ \� i W J �_ _ \ \ I ._ / , ./ f - � . ,, ti . r i __ /.. _ �\ \ \ 11 _ _ \ ,_ r 1 / i _ \ \ \ V \- i r r_ - \ i \ \ " �i / \ \. , , i l / , / __ \ \ r .. \ I l k, ; ROW \ 6' P _. 6 f ff /i\ I ! \% l ... \Nl \ \ /� // / , \ \ 1 / , \ / / \ - , . \\� \ ,� < I f �-�. \ 1 i - i' - is \\ ) 1 .' : \ / ; . \ \ i5 601-J f \ � \ \ \ , 60-CO- \ \ i i';//! \ \ 1 . \ � \ `.` \\ }1 .. =� ., � �./ iNFILTRATING\L6WN \ \ -\ , ! , i c`�n . _,. \ -- \ �: ,\ ,� �,- \ Ig11TH ENGINEERED OIL. \ `\` l i k \\ \ .. \ ,\ tom% rt S / \ \ - 1 SHEET SD-003-� \ \ \ 1 . i i �' . r ,::_ � / - FOR'SOIL PROFILE. AND \, \\� �.-.. -%"' 1 -1. . ,r S ET C-132 ` \ �.,ih i � r . \ - H-10 . ` \ \ - -- \'NL \\ a 1 �-AD } '� �..\ / � DIV i A v, // a `\'' . \ . H 1 : r ,, I 4 __ , , , F, t , ll 1 A:_Ri._s PLAM1zY."i.;:l,RAf1\},') # p, nk �,- .. �` � ...,., ' . \ � �. . \ \ `♦, \` \ '. `` i'. :U :12:;' - : - \ ;� / � '�. \ \ \ , , \ �, .; . DAYLIGHT DOWNSPOUTS TO LAWN II _ _ ' . l \ - " .. �\ ! '� t ; f \ 1 x \ - - ` 5 -.� --- I ri .r:e5^ <a • 151 CO C 1 \ - ... .... . ': ",:, ZF �" A. b Y2`: ,. /. d� : \ is \ `\ , , c , v� I_ - _ , yr.(�'":..�' ;�`� 'f 1 \ `! i t \ t . y. _ f , ". f _ j4 .:. -'/4iy rv_ .I._ to �# / a: ,. :',,ate„: _ - .` , `:' n._ ...,, ,_; ./ `� . ♦, \ \. \ \ , �,, I / I .,, �- ip M1 a1. �. _ _ INFILTRATION SYSTEM C >x ,, ~ -- - , �, A 1� / �NI_-, ._." -,--� � -- "r *-__ — _ vow_ _ _ _ r- SEE SHEET C-137-P1 I , _ - - - i �' f �� __ ., fc - w 1 51 e i' ----- I �1.. .. .� 'Iww . - �A ' . . cs .. i't s i .. ....._ \ - .,, _ \ J� \ �, 1 i 1 l r.. -�„ - _ _ -} + ` 1.I .: �'.�__��� � .. ^� � : -. ` — �� - _ .� y+ . � t \\ \ \. \ ''S '\ .\ 1 L'1 t 't i \ + y 1 \ ,;:. r �,-- _ _ ��� - -- M a rc , - .. V J; 4 y a ,.. °i\\ i \_ \ \ ,' i i s c ( L r -_r - M - f_ `` L p - - \I 1't , . i' 1' - Y _ j „'h-:,: .fit.. .v., s�, :'r' ---- - r __ --- - � , \ , \ e S, s - �� J ' si9u Lam,., r _ M .. .6-r #- _ .. .:.. ' ,,..:..: \� ''^ " "z \ -\ ♦ SW,..�T_."��� ,. 4 I ` a L ; 'w�•p' Sri* ` �" ° r -7' *, s,a.:.:ar:. r -y'� Y G k . g:. i �i� \ 1 ___ i 1 S + i Wit, - :., F _ _ _� P -: r'_""`"a'... i i, shstiy; �1,tc4} •'-fir-+ " _ -. tl g ✓ \ -� III" mi . r. k / \ I --- �� �-_ _„r i sad \ \_> \ \, \ 1 _ r �--� ��� �� _ - ,3:r ax�L :,-vr� ate`IL- - ._ ., — -- �-1. , .11, r ; i.,.,. �. ,:' {t. /fJ STORMIiVATER CONTROL - ``,' --- ' •,, \-' �,1,.y.. f MEASURE'ACCE AND' \ 151-CO A \ 1 - \, } - .. . ./- -110 � 4, . ,_ MAINTENANCE 1=A$EMEMT D \ / �, _--- - r _ - 1� ,. C s .. --`% 1 iWr­goo . __. i,� , r... ., \ 7 i' ,. z:., ° k ,,:,c ,ka ,. 1. A. , e. % J\ s �: r. \ / - \ #�. . x . \ , L a \ \ r� ;? _ .{ 'Cf T ,?w"5 ps.. / / .. ♦ %//( / r \ 1 .;,. % ! " - ;: ez r OUTFACE TIE IN OF 2.2' ELEVATION \ - �' F \ / _ 1' &y. :.*w. L a'. �, \ / , ,. "ram'- {. .: .v '- .tit - `.. ; fi I -� . % ', f/ \ I I ! \1' \ 'i , 1 \ r w: f z I i % , .a: ;/ a € ,! \1 I is . . .�r r,..,,�'f, , ---" , � \ 11 .., 1Q4-00 Bi \ f I .. .. ---� . � . . �- -\ ., ,. , , \ `ems..' i f ,I , � � . ~ I I , . — : —_7 � I i I k r \ „- \ \ / ,, U":. ,? �. r� r \ r - \ ,,._. ti' .� �.. / \ , , \ . p 1 .: ':. , . y. ,� _ _ (� / i 1.m .. '>s'.-j°. as r :, , � , ^ \� 150-AD r �� A � r f , ,, ,, �. t 104-CO-A - r V �. �\ III • 11 .\., f %` `. �\ '\ _ % I „� _ -- M / a ; V t 4e ¢ r :Sra a , 4 \�-' -- ��- M ----- __ _..- M — -- - % I \ \ m; rl 'Ie - i ;. \ , -.' ry �y _ } :�5.,a b ORMWATE 'CONY OL ``; 5 t � , �\ ���'' , /MEASUREACIFrESS ND / , . `� ` " DIVERSION STRUCTURE A \,�� a e w " - AILVTENANCE EA, ENT \ I I ': \1 '� \ -' �l„, \ - r,F� r,a I Jam . \ �'. ''.i` r 11 �,. \ sz , _- �. _ \y a] C 10 0 ��\ INFILTRATION SYSTEM A \ - .—_ -- ---- -- t a ,, . ,:... , I �. ... ` / /. / I I F ' I Y ` ti-ram .:.:-:', . ,- , - } ` 1 a ' 4 ` ,,� , + _� `- ' li 1 I t _ ftft�11. l 11 ` ff% g l:: . y 1� r. \ V . ftft ..., A I �r ' ,_ . , ` _, I . . ` t,,. , "_. 3 ",: 6 ,i - _ _": � 1. . . �„ /• NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 1 001 5 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 i n, www.clarkirrigationdes g com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Ralei gh, h. NC27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Engineering Electricalg g = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE • • yr 'r+ 1 fi : 4' 9 - a SEAL �� V "s q 1 036231 W ',t,f �rrf111111%, "'� IISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4119/2019 IKEY MAP N �:) Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' SHEET TITLE CIVIL SUBDRAINAGE PLAN 0 15 30 60 NORTH SCALE: ill=30' 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 I 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 ISHEET NO. M M PROJECT INFORMATION N M L :� J 11 G F E A C U PIPE TABLE START STRUCTURE END STRUCTURE START INVERT END INVERT SIZE LENGTH SLOPE MATERIAL 54-JB 5.50 5.50 18" 6.62' 0.00% DIVERSION STRUCTURE C 5.75 5.75 12" 29.20' 0.00% 601,JB 2.62 2.32 15" 13.57' 2.20% RCP 00-CO-D 7.50 7.25 8" 34.48' 0.72% PVC 104-CO-A 8.55 8.45 12" 8,02' 1.19% PVC 6.13 5.56 12" 81.50, 0.71 % RCP 00-CO-A 00-CB-EX 7.50 7.25 8- 21.13' 1,18% PVC 01-CB 00-CB-EX 6.15 5.88 18" 54.79' 0.50% RCP 02-CB 01-CB 7.16 6.35 18" 161.83' 0.50% RCP 03-CB 02-CB 7.59 7.36 15" 23.49' 1.00% RCP 04-CB 02-CB 11.80 7.50 15" 195.25' 2.20% RCP 05-CB 04-CB 12.50 12.00 15" 20.26' 2.47% RCP 31-CB 30-JB-EX 11.50 7.00 18" 52.02' 8.65% RCP 51-AD 50-AD-EX 3.20 2.20 36" 250.85' 0.40% RCP 52-JB 51-AD 3.61 3.20 30" 101,27' 0,40% RCP 57-JB 52-JB 6.31 4.66 18" 48.19' 3.42% RCP 53-JB 52-JB 4.13 4.00 24" 27,59' 0.46% RCP 54-JB 53-JB 5.54 4.13 24" 130.74' 1.08% RCP 81-AD 54-JB 7.00 5.50 18" 171.88' 0.87% RCP DIVERSION STRUCTURE A 54-JB 5.86 5.64 24" 65.89, 0.49% RCP 58-AD 57-JB 10.00 9.50 8" 13.99' 3.58% PVC 59-AD 57-JB 9.29 9.01 8" 28.75' 0.96% PVC 60-AD 57-JB 6.65 6.31 18" 72.07' 0.48% RCP 60-CO-A 60-AD 10.00 9.50 8" 8.18, 6.11% PVC 61-AD 60-AD 6.89 6.65 18" 48.02' 0.49% RCP 60-CO-B 60-CO-A 10.25 8.50 8" 76.37' 2.29% PVC 62-JB 61-AD 7.14 6.89 18" 49.92' 0.51% RCP 62-CO-A 62-JB 8.95 8.50 8" 41.90, 1.07% PVC 63-AD 62-JB 7,53 7.34 15" 36.89' 0.51 % RCP 64-AD 63-AD 7.89 7.63 15" 62.37' 0.42% RCP 64-CO-A 64-AD 8.50 8.00 8" 12.06' 4.15% PVC 102-AD 101-JB 7.29 7.00 18" 69.45' 0.42% RCP 104-AD 101-JB 6.67 6.00 24" 164.83' 0.40% RCP 103-AD 102-AD 7.95 7.71 18" 61.40' 0.39% RCP 11 0-TRENCH-STAGE 104 AD 8.75 8.33 12" 23.93' 1.76% RCP 104-CO-C 104-CO-A 8.69 8.55 8" 38.64' 0.36% PVC 104-CO-B 104-CO-A 10.00 8.55 12" 116.80' 1,24% PVC 151-AD 150-AD 10.22 10.00 18" 34.08' 0.65% RCP 151-COA 151-AD 11.51 10.22 12" 60.15' 2.15% PVC 151-CO-C 151-CO-A 15.00 11.51 12" 124.01' 2.81 % PVC DIVERSION STRUCTURE C 601-JB 5.75 3.86 12" 30.72' 6.16% 101-JB DIVERSION STRUCTURE A 6.00 5.86 24" 35.63' 0.40% RCP 150-AD DIVERSION STRUCTURE A 10.00 7.75 18" 27,63' 8.14% RCP 52-JB EROSION CONTROL HW 5.44 5.00 24" 46.32' 0.95% RCP NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NO 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NO 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NO 28405 www.cheathampa.com NO License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE s � SEAL 1M y i 036231 ,,• W I ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 KEY MAP - - N SHEET INFORMATION Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' ISHEET TITLE CIVIL STORM PIPE TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 7 E: WC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ISHEET NO. CM1 32=P1 I PROJECT INFORMATION T L 2 J 2 F E C A STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE NAME: DETAILS: PIPES IN: PIPES OUT RIM = 9.46 00-A, 8" PVC INV IN =7.25 00-CB-EX INV IN = 7.25 01, 18" RCP INV IN =5.88 INV IN=5.88 00-CO-A RIM = 8.25 00-A, 8" PVC INV OUT =7.50 INV OUT = 7,50 00-CO-D RIM = 8.25 00-D, 8" PVC INV OUT =7.50 INV OUT = 7.50 RIM = 9.65 01-CB INV IN = 6.35 02, 18" RCP INV IN =6.35 01, 18" RCP INV OUT =6.15 INV OUT = 6.15 RIM = 11.77 02-CB INV IN = 7.50 04, 15" RCP INV IN =7.50 02, 18" RCP INV OUT =7.16 INV IN = 7.36 03, 15" RCP INV IN =7.36 INV OUT = 7.16 03-CB RIM = 12.24 03, 15" RCP INV OUT =7.59 INV OUT = 7.59 RIM = 15.11 04-CB INV IN =12.00 05, 15" RCP INV IN =12.00 04, 15" RCP INV OUT =11.80 INV OUT = 11.80 05-CB RIM = 15.52 05, 15" RCP INV OUT =12.50 INV OUT = 12.50 30-JB-EX RIM = 14.96 31, 18" RCP INV IN =7.00 INV IN = 7.00 31-CB RIM = 16.18 31, 18" RCP INV OUT =11.50 INV OUT = 11.50 50-AD-EX RIM = 7.03 51, 36" RCP INV IN =2.20 INV IN=2.20 RIM = 12.52 51-AD INV IN = 3.20 52, 30" RCP INV IN =3.20 51, 36" RCP INV OUT=3.20 INV OUT = 3.20 RIM = 12.74 INV IN = 4.00 53, 24" RCP INV 1N =4.00 52, 30" RCP INV OUT =3.61 52-JB INV IN = 4'66 57 (2), 18" RCP INV IN =4.66 EROSION CONTROL, 24" RCP INV OUT =5.44 INV OUT = 3.61 INV OUT = 5.44 RIM = 12.75 53-JB INV IN = 4.13 54, 24" RCP INV IN =4.13 53, 24" RCP INV OUT =4.13 INV OUT = 4.13 RIM = 12.43 INV IN = 5.54 55, 24" RCP INV IN =5.54 54, 24" RCP INV OUT =5.54 54-JB INV IN = 5.50 81 18" RCP INV IN =5.50 Pipe - (24), 18" INV OUT =5.50 INV OUT = 5.54 INV OUT = 5.50 RIM = 13.00 INV IN = 6.31 60, 18" RCP INV IN =6.31 57-JB INV IN = 9.01 59, 8" PVC INV IN =9.01 57 (2), 18" RCP INV OUT =6.31 INV IN = 9.50 58, 8" PVC INV IN =9.50 INV OUT = 6.31 58-AD RIM = 13.00 58, 8" PVC INV OUT =10.00 INV OUT = 10.00 59-AD RIM = 13.00 59, 8" PVC INV OUT =9.29 INV OUT = 9.29 RIM =13.00 60_AD INV IN = 9.50 60-A, 8" PVC INV IN =9.50 60, 18" RCP INV OUT =6.65 INV IN = 6.65 61, 18" RCP INV IN =6.65 INV OUT = 6.65 RIM = 10.82 60-CO-A INV IN = 8.50 60-C, 8" PVC INV IN =8.50 60-A, 8" PVC INV OUT =10.00 INV OUT =10.00 60-CO-B RIM = 11.00 60-C, 8" PVC INV OUT =10.25 INV OUT = 10.25 RIM = 12.97 61-AD INV IN = 6.89 63, 18" RCP INV IN =6.89 61, 18" RCP INV OUT =6.89 INV OUT = 6.89 62-CO-A RIM = 10.75 62-A, 8" PVC INV OUT =8.95 INV OUT = 8.95 RIM = 12.86 62-JB INV IN = 7.34 64, 15" RCP INV IN =7.34 63, 18" RCP INV OUT =7.14 INV IN = 8.50 62-A, 8" PVC INV IN =8.50 INV OUT = 7.14 RIM = 12.00 63-AD INV IN = 7.63 65, 15" RCP INV IN =7.63 64, 15" RCP INV OUT =7.53 INV OUT = 7.53 RIM = 11.98 64-AD INV IN = 8.00 64-A, 8" PVC INV IN =8.00 65, 15" RCP INV OUT =7.89 INV OUT = 7.89 64-CO-A RIM = 10.75 64-A, 8" PVC INV OUT =8.50 INV OUT = 8.50 81-AD RIM = 10.21 81, 18" RCP INV OUT =7.00 INV OUT = 7.00 RIM = 11.61 101-JB INV IN = 6.00 104, 24" RCP INV IN =6.00 100, 24" RCP INV OUT =6.00 INV IN = 7.00 102, 18" RCP INV IN =7.00 INV OUT = 6.00 RIM = 11.89 102-AD INV IN = 7.71 103, 18" RCP INV IN =7.71 102, 18" RCP INV OUT =7.29 INV OUT = 7.29 103-AD RIM = 12.48 103, 18" RCP INV OUT =7.95 INV OUT = 7.95 RIM = 9.68 104-AD INV IN = 8.33 110, 12" RCP INV IN =8.33 104, 24" RCP INV OUT =6.67 INV OUT = 6.67 RIM = 9.30 104-CO-A INV IN = 8.55 105-13, 12" PVC INV IN =8.55 105-A, 12" PVC INV OUT =8.55 INV IN = 8.55 105-C, 8" PVC INV IN =8.55 INV OUT = 8.55 104-CO-B RIM = 10.75 105-3, 12" PVC INV OUT =10.00 INV OUT =10.00 104-CO-C RIM = 9.44 105-C, 8" PVC INV OUT =8.69 INV OUT = 8.69 110-TRENCH-STAGE RIM =10.05 110. 12" RCP INV OUT =8.75 INV OUT = 8.75 RIM = 13.21 150-AD INV IN = 10,00 151, 18" RCP INV IN =10.00 150, 18" RCP INV OUT =10.00 INV OUT = 10.00 RIM =12.77 151-AD INV IN = 10.22 151-A, 12" PVC INV IN =10.22 151, 18" RCP INV OUT=10.22 INV OUT = 10.22 RIM =12.68 151-CO-A INV IN = 11.51 151-C, 12" PVC INV IN =11.51 151-A, 12" PVC INV OUT =11.51 INV OUT =11.51 151-CO-C RIM =12.62 151-C, 12" PVC INV OUT =15.00 INV OUT = 15.00 RIM = 8.13 601-JB INV IN = 3.86 600, 12" INV IN =3.86 601, 15" RCP INV OUT =2.62 INV OUT = 2.62 "EROSION CONTROL PIPE IS TEMPORARY, SEE C-113 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE NAME: DETAILS: PIPES IN: PIPES OUT RIM = 11.82 DIVERSION STRUCTURE A INV IN = 5.86 100, 24" RCP INV IN =5.86 55, 24" RCP INV OUT =5.86 INV IN = 7.75 150, 18" RCP INV IN =7.75 INV OUT = 5.86 RIM = 8.30 600, 12" INV OUT =5.75 DIVERSION STRUCTURE C INV OUT = 5.75 Pipe - (22), 12" INV OUT =5.75 INV OUT = 5.75 EROSION CONTROL HW RIM = 7.75 EROSION CONTROL, 24" RCP INV IN =5.00 INV IN = 5.00 NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, INC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, INC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEAUSIGNATURE D z Q SEAL[�%� _q 036231 •W f7/ C 1 11if11,U,',, I ISSUFJREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08101/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/19/2019 IKEY MAP N I SHEET INFORMATION Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' ISHEET TITLE CIVIL STORM STRUCTURE TABLE I SHEET NO. 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 CM1 33=P1 PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH M N M L K J H C I 70 A Ul SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR TURN REINFORCEMENT GEOTEXTILE DETAIL PLANTING SOIL, SEE SOIL DETAILS, SHEET LS-003-PO GEOTEXTILE FREED,'ABIRG ANGULArKTASAED STONE 2"DIAMETER INSTALLED AT MINIMUM COMPACTIONOF IN !+l+►ll+�i�ll►!i!+!+►l+l+lr►!!ll+iwlwlWIr`l'1'�►1�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l� }`� �■. '`w ; �� ;�. ;� # i. �N ;# } ;� RM}ice �w ,.: ;«1: « �� � # ^# # �# NM'PrO iiiiiiii:�ii`a�i�i�iRi�r�iPM�APiw i�i�i�:�iW � �i�i�� 70+lwi�l+!!!w!!+ll+lwlwl+lw�Ya�l��ri�f�71E'f�ras��7rwl��lwlwl�l�ll�l�M i�lwlwl� rt- -I�II�1�I.,��I�i►�1.,1�1�,I�I�i�i;,1�1�1�1�1�1�1; n �?7Ta*''►"'�+lwll,i�lr►lr►lwl�lwl�wl�/ �1��!Ms_lwl+lsip.l!"1�1w�iA`+♦�7?'►T%R.�ti+T�� ��� .�',.� �i' !1 Z i E E i' u ��„'�'EI�I:.ir�.::5E1L!�j►� T AQVANED0`E� PRODUCT �I� , �r . .r rig EE�� �T Q'.�.+.5�:.::th�J.►�11_�1- Z. • ■ ■ • •RA. s ■• • ■■' • • ' IN -SITU CONTAMINATED SOIL. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO MIXING WITH CLEAN MATERIALS INFILTRATION GALLERY MEDIA DETAIL SECTION A -A NTS WATER TIGHT CLEAN OUT WITH FINISHED GRADE BRASS CAP FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE r 4" PVC 12" PERFORATED HDPE UNDERDRAIN @0.50% SLOPE WITH 3" HOLES 6" ON CENTER EVERY 90 DEGREES. 1.0' EXTENSION WITH PERMANENT PLUG CAP BARREL OF PIPE TO REST COMBINATION LONG TURN ON WASHED #57 STONE PATTERN Y AND s" BEND TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT SECTION NTS 200 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR 200 EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR Q PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED JUNCTION BOX ® PROPOSED AREA DRAIN {GRATE .......DETAIL SHEET C-530-P1} 44.50 PROPOSED ELEVATION TC 44.50 SC 44.00 TOP/BOTTOM OF CURB TW 46.00 BW 44.00 TOP/BOTTOM OF WALL RIPRAP DISSIPATOR FLOW DIRECTION ■■■ I� �■■rI LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 70�� n 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1 "=20' WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com AcousticlTheater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandee.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #0-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com ISEAUSIGNATURE I ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08101/2018 4 96% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 1 KEY MAP N yritt I INt-UKMA I IUN Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 20' I SHEET TITLE - CIVIL INFILTRATION GALLERY DETAILS ISHEET NO. 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 10 1 11 1 12 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 17 C-134-P1 I PROJECT INFORMATION N M L K r 8- - MH-01 F E C SUBBASE TO BE LESS THAN 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION 8" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN, SEE SHEET C-131-P1 FOR LOCATIONS NOTE: STEWART IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GRADING INSIDE THE RIGHT OF WAY ALONG OLD FRONT STREET ROAD. ALL LOCATIONS IDENTIFIED TO HAVE PERMEABLE PAVERS SHALL IN -SITU CONTAMINATED SOIL. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO MIXING WITH CLEAN MATERIALS PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST - EAST NTs SECTION SEE SHEET L-121-P1 AND L-122-P1 FOR EXTENTS OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK OLD FRC)NT STREET 4� (66' CLOSED R/W� �16,17' '.'BS W CONCRETE SIDEWALK 13.79' 6SW 1 Llll VIV\1 LV VI�RJ41\vl\rtll �, V�� SHEET C-131-P1 FOR INVERTS AND LOCATIONS 200 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR 200 EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE FRI PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED JUNCTION BOX ® PROPOSED AREA DRAIN (GRATE ------- DETAIL SHEET C-530-P1) .� PROPOSED ELEVATION T 44.5 TOP/BOTTOM OF CURB BC 44.00 TW 46.0 TOP/BOTTOM OF WALL BW 44.00 RIPRAP DISSIPATOR FLOW DIRECTION III LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 0 15 30 60 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=30' CLEAN OUT SECTION kNOUT WITH CAP 'AVERS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 3EDDING COURSE NTS NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NO License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustiorrheater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NO 27603 www.stewartinc.com NO License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NO 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NO 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NO 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NO 28405 www.cheathampa.com NO License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NO 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALJSIGNATURE ?Q SEAL(%j 7r 036231 = w Iloilo,', LISSUFJREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/1912019 lKEY MAP__- N ti7i1��1■1►1��1�1i'�r�111�Ji Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' SHEET TITLE CIVIL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT DETAILS 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 13 1 9 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 SHEET NO. Cml 35mPl PROJECT INFORMATION N L i MCI-01 J l:J F E C A SUBBASE TO BE LESS THAN 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION �. VI v.�✓ uE✓r_�✓�llll �, ur_� SHEET C-131-P1 FOR LOCATIONS PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST - WEST NTS SECTION NOTE: STEWART IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GRADING INSIDE THE RIGHT OF WAY ALONG OLD FRONT STREET ROAD. TREE GRATE AND PLANTING SOIL. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS ROOT BARRIER (TYP) IN -SITU CONTAMINATED SOIL. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO MIXING WITH CLEAN MATERIALS 200 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR 200 EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED JUNCTION BOX ® PROPOSED AREA DRAIN (GRATE DETAIL SHEET C-530-P1) 44.60 PROPOSED ELEVATION TC 44.50 BC 44.00 TOP/BOTTOM OF CURB TV 46.00 BW 44.00 TOP/BOTTOM OF WALL RIPRAP DISSIPATOR �— FLOW DIRECTION ■■� LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 0 15 30 60 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=30' CLEAN OUT SECTION kNOUT WITH CAP 7AVERS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 3EDDING COURSE NTS NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP. P. C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stowartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEAL/SIGNATURE :, ''s. lit, ' ti Q SEAL ~_ y 1 036231 W ;� �HGINfG Q- f ','$t$tlflllil- IWO ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 KEY MAP N ,litt 1 IN1'UKMA 1 IUN Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' SHEET TITLE CIVIL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT DETAILS 1 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SHEET NO. CM1 36mPl PROJECT INFORMATION L K H G F E D C A SEE 10 r Y V L 11 4 r)o INFILTRATION SYSTEM A PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1 "=20' 98 -_ 0 1111111 0 10 20 40 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=20' STRUCTURAL BACKFILL - SEE R-TANK LD SECTION DETAIL SYSTEM INFLOW \ \ (MULTI PLE) MU \ / / TOP OF R \ \ / / / , TRASHH GUARD PLUS PROTECTION r, i / 7, 7 / .✓' n h r, + ,, 9 ;1 .{ R ` � )l ., i, �, �'.,. %` ,. � f� „ �t.:. J' +:., A_r ,_ : „ g 0 a ILLa CLEAN FILL WITH MINIMUM Oil INFILTRATION RATE OF 10"/ HOUR, ►= EXISTING CONTAMINATED SOIL _ STARTING AT ELEVATION 4.00° TO BE a INFILTRATION SYSTEM A SECTION VIEW REMOVED AND REPLACED w sn BOTTOM OF R-TANK = 5.00 SEASONAL HIGH WOATER TABLE ELEVATION = 4.00 u.t s g CONTINUE CLEAN FILL WITH MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE OF 10"/ HOUR TO EDGE OF RIVER NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION SEE MARINE ENGINEER DRAWINGS FOR ANY SHORELINE EROSION CONTROL PROTECTION. CLEAN FILL TO BE USED UNDER ALL PROPOSED MATERIALS TO MAXIMUM ELEVATION OF 4.5' ABOVE SEA LEVEL, NAV 88. INFILTRATION SOIL CHANNEL DETAIL R-TANK (UD) SINGLE UNITS 9 UNITS WIDE BY 30 UNITS LONG SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC INLET PIPE FROM DIVERSION STRUCTURE INV EL = 5.50 TOTAL COVER: 12"(STONEY14"(SANDISOIL) MINIMUM AND 60" NOTES: MAXIMUM. FIRST 12" (OR FROM TOP OF MODULE TO BOTTOM OF 1. FOR COMPLETE MODULE DATA, SEE APPROPRIATE R-TANK°p MODULE SHEET. PAVEMENT SECTION WHEN MINIMUM COVER CONDITIONS APPLY) 2• INSTALLATIONS PER THIS DETAIL MEET GUIDELINES OF HL-93 LOADING PER THE AASHTO LRFD MUST BE FREE DRAINING BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.0382): STONE BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, CUSTOMARY U.S. UNITS, 7TH EDITION, 2014 WITH 2O15 AND 2016 <1.5" OR SOIL (USCS CLASS GW, GP, SW OR SP). ADDITIONAL FILL MAY INTERIM REVISIONS. BE STRUCTURAL FILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03C): STONE OR SOIL (USCS 3. PRE-TREATMENT STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN. CLASS SM, SP, SW, GM, GP OR GW) WITH MAX CLAY CONTENT<10%, 4. FOR INFILTRATION APPLICATIONS, GEOTEXTILE ENVELOPING R-TANK SHALL BE ACF M200 (PER MAX 25% PASSING NO.200 SIEVE, AND MAX PLASTICITY INDEX OF 4. SPEC SECTION 2.02A) AND BASE SHALL BE 4" MIN, UNCOMPACTED FREE DRAINING BACKFILL A MIN. 12' COVER MUST BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03A) TO PROVIDE A LEVEL BASE. SURFACE MUST BE SMOOTH, FREE OF LUMPS EQUIPMENT AND THE TOP OF THE R-TANK"'" SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES. OR DEBRIS, AND EXTEND 2' BEYOND R-TANK1JQ FOOTPRINT, TOTAL HEIGHT OF TOP BACKFILL SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5'. CONTACT ACF ENVIRONMENTAL IF MORE THAN 5' OR LESS THAN 12" OF TOP BACKFILL IS REQUIRED (FROM TOP OF TANK TO TOP OF PAVEMENT). UTILITY MARKERS AT i PAVEDCOVER SURFACE CORNERS (TYP.) GRADE TOOTOP O TANK: STONE SIDE BACKFILL 12" (0.30 m) MIN. • I: SANDISOIL SIDE BACKFILL - 14- (0.36 m) MIN. 60" (1.52 m) MAX. __ _.... .... .. . I OPTIONAL ' OVERFLOW PIPE INLET PIPE 'i. 1 OPTIONAL OUTLET I _ PIPE 3" (0.08 m) MIN. -- 24" 0.fi 1m R-TANKUD UNITS BASE: 3" MIN. BEDDING MATERIAL (SPEC SECTION SIDE BACKFILL: 24"MIN. OF FREE DRAINING LOAD RATING: 134.2 PSI (MODULE ONLY) 2.03A) MAY BE STONE (<1.5') OR SOIL (USCS CLASS GW, BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.0382): STONE <1.5" GP, SW OR SP). MUST BE FREE OF LUMPS AND DEBRIS, OR SOIL (USCS CLASS GW, GP, SW OR SP). MUST AND EXTEND 2' BEYOND R-TANKU°. COMPACT PER BE STONE (NOT SOIL) WHEN TOTAL COVER SUBGRADE !EXCAVATION LINE: COMPACT PER VA SPEC SECTION 3.03 A. NATIVE SOILS MAY BE USED IF DEPTHS ARE LESS THAN 14". MUST BE FREE SPEC SECTION D. A BEARING CAPACITY THEY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SPEC SECTION FROM LUMPS, DEBRIS AND OTHER SHARP OF 2,000 PSF MUST BE ACHIEVED PRIOR TO 2,03A AND ARE ACCEPTED BY OWNER'S ENGINEER. OBJECTS. SPREAD EVENLY TO PREVENT INSTALLING R-TANI(''D R-TANKU° MOVEMENT. COMPACT SIDE BACKFILL WITH POWERED MECHANICAL COMPACTOR IN 12" LIFTS (PER SPEC SECTION 3.05 A2). 04I23/2018 q O Y AP R-TANK`D & HS-20 LOADS - SECTION VIEW - LET'S GET IT DONE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT:ACF ENVIRONMENTAL, 1-800-448-3636, www.acfenvironmental.com DIVERSION STRUCTURE B DIVERSION WEIR EL 6.18 OUTLET PIPE INV EL = 5.54 TRASH GUARD PLUS DETAIL 23.62' - 23.62" -_ I �t j, 4 i i r I , it k ? ] I SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW 3.62" �} I a I is I: I I 2 I , I 1 I I 'I G I II f i I i I i ISOMETRIC VIEW N M _ N it f I llII , MODULE DATA PLAN VIEW GEOMETRY: LENGTH = 23.62 IN. (600 MM) LOAD RATING: 134.20 PSI, (MODULE ONLY) WIDTH = 23-62 IN. (600 MM) HS25, (WITH ACF COVER SYSTEM) HEIGHT = 14,17 IN. (360 MM) TANK VOLUME = 4.57 CF MATERIAL: 100% RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE I STORAGE VOLUME = 4.35 CF VOID INTERNAL VOLUME: 95% VOID SURFACE AREA: 95% �I 03122J18 ill R-TANKUD -SINGLE MODULE • FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: ACF ENVIRONMENTAL, 1-800-448-3636, www.acfenvironmental.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP. P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com W i = WF ater Fountain Des9 n DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W. Suite 4 Jacksonville, FL 2258 www.deltafountains.com LDesign i htin = EL Lighting TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com S EALISIG NATU RE 0 i s a SEAL(/ 036231 , GIN ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/19/2019 I KEY MAP ti'1.�Iaa■I:IZ•J:lur_71L•Ji Project No.: C 17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 1" = 20' (Scale: f SHEET TITLE CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM A DETAILS SHEET NO. 7=P1 r::: M'. L K J H G F E too A INFILTRATION SYSTEM C - PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1 "=10' 0 ❑ �SCZ SS SSLi SS SS � SS ❑ iSS S5 ss SS SS -------------- SS SS SS I INFILTRATION SYSTEM C n � DIVERSION STRUCTURE C ACF R-TANK PRODUCT RIM ELEV = 8.30 -- ❑ SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET O.W. _ __ ❑ - ❑ ❑ ❑ INV OUT = 5.75 \f _ - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ INV OUT = 5.75 ❑_ ❑ WOMEN N M ow 41.34' 0 5 10 20 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=10' DIVERSION STRUCTURE C STRUCTURAL BACKFILL - SEE R-TANK LID SECTION DETAIL / / Y ,.\ \ .\ / ,� r YY r � - T Y � •, r f , / C / , \ l 1 , / I I / \ \ r J • r y ' -- r u z CLEAN FILL WITH MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE OF 10"1 HOUR. EXISTING CONTAMINATED SOIL STARTING AT ELEVATION 4,00' TO BE Z REMOVED AND REPLACED 0 u.I INFILTRATION SYSTEM C SECTION VIEW BOTTOM OF R-TANK = 5.00 SEASONAL HIGH WOATER TABLE ELEVATION = 4.00 NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC R-TANK (UD) DOUBLE UNITS 6 UNITS WIDE BY 21 UNITS LONG SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET DIVERSION WEIR EL 7.26 TRASHH GUARD PLUS PRE TREATMENT INLET PIPE FROM DIVERSION STRUCTURE INV EL =5.75 r: OBSERVATION PORT SS _ - SS - - a 2 0 U) z w H W 13' 1L OUTLET CONTROL PIPE INV EL = 5.75 SS SS --- STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TOTAL COVER: 12"(STONE)114"(SAND/SOIL) MINIMUM AND 60" NOTES: MAXIMUM. FIRST 12" (OR FROM TOP OF MODULE TO BOTTOM OF 1, FOR COMPLETE MODULE DATA, SEE APPROPRIATE R-TANKUD MODULE SHEET. PAVEMENT SECTION WHEN MINIMUM COVER CONDITIONS APPLY) 2, INSTALLATIONS PER THIS DETAIL MEET GUIDELINES OF HL-93 LOADING PER THE AASHTO LRFD MUST BE FREE DRAINING BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03B2): STONE BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, CUSTOMARY U.S. UNITS, 7TH EDITION, 2014 WITH 2O15 AND 2016 <1.5" OR SOIL (USCS CLASS GW, GP, SW OR SP). ADDITIONAL FILL MAY INTERIM REVISIONS. BE STRUCTURAL FILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03C): STONE OR SOIL (USCS 3. PRE-TREATMENT STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN. CLASS 5M, SP, SW, GM, GP OR GW) WITH MAX CLAY CONTENT<10%, 4, FOR INFILTRATION APPLICATIONS, GEOTEXTILE ENVELOPING R-TANK SHALL BE ACF M200 (PER MAX 25% PASSING NO.200 SIEVE, AND MAX PLASTICITY INDEX OF 4. SPEC SECTION 2.02A) AND BASE SHALL BE 4" MIN. UNCOMPACTED FREE DRAINING BACKFILL A MIN. 12" COVER MUST BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03A) TO PROVIDE: A LEVEL BASE. SURFACE MUST BE SMOOTH, FREE OF LUMPS EQUIPMENT AND THE TOP OF THE R-TANKT"' SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES. OR DEBRIS, AND EXTEND 2' BEYOND R-TANKU° FOOTPRINT. TOTAL HEIGHT OF TOP BACKFILL SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5'. CONTACT ACF ENVIRONMENTAL IF MORE THAN S OR LESS THAN 12" OF TOP BACKFILL IS REQUIRED (FROM TOP OF TANK TO TOP OF PAVEMENT). UTILITY MARKERS AT - PAVED COVER FROM CORNERS (TYP.) SURFACE GRADE TO OP FINISHOFTANK: r STONE SIDE ILL 12" (0.30 m) MIN I' SAND/SOIL SIDE BACKFILL 14" (0.36 m) MIN. 60" (1.52 m) MAX. OPTIONAL OVERFLOW PIPE INLET PIPE e TI 1. OP NAL O OUTLET i 1 PIPE r 't i 3 0.08 m MIN. I ,I. I I 1 I, 24" I 0.61 m J ( ) UD BASE: " MIN. BEDDING SIDE BACKFILL: 24" MIN. OF FREE DRAINING R-TANK U 3 ING MATERIAL SPEC SECTION UNITS ( LOAD RATING: 134.2 PSI MODULE ONLY) 2.03A MAY BE STONE (/<1.5") OR SOIL USCS CLASS G\N, BACKFILL (SPEC SECTION 2.03132): STONE <1.5" OR GW P SW OR SP .MUST 501E USCS CLASS G RIS ) GP SW OR SP . MU FREE OF LUMPS AND DEB ( ST BE , D 13E STONE NOT SOIL WWEN TOTAL C OVER AND EXTEND 2' BEYOND R-TANKS' .COMPACT PER ( ) SUBGRADE / EXCAVATION LINE: COMPACT PER SPEC SECTION 3.03 A, NATIVE SOILS MAY BE USED IF DEPTHS ARE LESS THAN 14". MUST BE FREE SPEC SECTION 3.02 D. A BEARING CAPACITY FROM LUMPS DEBRIS AND OTHER SHARP OF 2,000 PSF MUST BE ACHIEVED PRIOR TO THEY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SPEC SECTION INSTALLING R-TANKED 2.03A AND ARE ACCEPTED 8Y OWNER'S ENGINEER. OBJECTS. SPREAD EVENLY TO PREVENT R-TANWD MOVEMENT. COMPACT SIDE BACKFILL j WITH POWERED MECHANICAL COMPACTOR IN 12" LIFTS (PER SPEC SECTION 3.05 A2). 04/23/2018 i R-TANK"D & HS-20 LOADS - SECTION VIEW LET'S GET IT DONE INF RMATION PLEASE TACT: ACF ENVIRONMENTAL 1 800-44 - 63 WwW.acfenvironmental.com FOR AD©ITIONAL O CON C $ 3 IJ I rn , 23,62" SIDE VIEW T - 23.62" - -I FRONT VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW N i � I � I N MODULE DATA , I GEOMETRY: LENGTH = 23.62 IN. (600 MM) LOAD RATING: 134.20 PSI, (MODULE ONLY) T WIDTH = 23.62 IN. (600 MM) HS25, (WITH ACF COVER SYSTEM) HEIGHT = 27.17 IN. (690 MM) TANK VOLUME = 8.77 CF MATERIAL: 100% RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE ?: STORAGE VOLUME = 8.33 CIF VOID INTERNAL VOLUME: 95% " VOID SURFACE AREA: 95% ........... -- - 03/22/18 I R-TANKUD - DOUBLE MODULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: ACF ENVIRONMENTAL, 1-800-448-3636, www.acfenvironmental.com CONTINUE CLEAN FILL WITH MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE OF 10"1 HOUR TO EDGE OF RIVER SIZE A B NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION - W 23" x 24" 23" 26.51" 28" x 30" 28" 33.15" 6.49 REF. - 34" x 36" 34" 38.69" SEE MARINE ENGINEER DRAWINGS FOR ANY i l t0.25'roiERaNceaN01NrENsroNs SHORELINE EROSION CONTROL PROTECTION. CLEAN FILL TO BE USED UNDER ALL PROPOSED MATERIALS TO MAXIMUM ELEVATION OF 4,5' ABOVE SEA LEVEL, NAV 88. TRASH GUARD PLUS DETAIL 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 �PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com I Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELT A FOUNTAINS twill FL 2258 I m i Park Dr. W. Suite 4 .lackso e 3 11494 Co u b a , www.deltafountains-com Lighting Design = Et_ TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 13 10 NY York 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New Y o 0 www.fillotsondesign.com SEAL/SIGNATURE , t ! 2 rQ S�t'+. i ALf~ - s � - q 036231 s iu 'ICI Nf�k'4`�' I ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4119/2019 KEY MAP N Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: ,JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 20' SHEET TITLE CIVIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM C DETAILS SHEET NO. Cmi 38=Pl 17 If 15 n 1 ' f k w_ ---�-- EGRADING- --as- Q. V ` I I ' SCURED - RESOLVE i , ! �'', - ....-- SURVEY ®B r �7fihiG NTo E 4NG G +I �'!' yl i R� . t �I: F i 1 MW Iva --Jot - >I t ! ; , rl t f /' !11 - _. a k I M F _ Cn iNA HHH 1 ) i_,'''�)'rt �'`l r J,.3 €" , 4 ._ -- 11 h t � .�' a-� y Ems_ :� _ � � � A, �� ✓� -`� .� _ _ �! E4 ii - L -' 1 ; - � t 1, � I YYY _ , Yt �; k 0 10 20 40 NORTH - o"tr X OBSERVATION PORT SC LE: K r j'1-y1 .I 3i t S'i 1 8" PERFORATED HDPE y \ I-F PERMEABLE PAVEMENT B \low , �1 t_ wns ISM mom �.. �.r� - -� [ - ! 4 t t PERMEABLE PAVER FILLED WITH — F r' r:: _ <>, _ r . '� t *~�_�= C c. F- #8 WASHED STONE, FILLED - T- k ! . x� �- s _ 4: d,.rua. p<_ . �_ Prw*" l �.!�'!'-; i-i_ ` .i'- FROM TOP W F E A )ES SHALL 28' ?WAL E BELOW PERMEABLE PAVEMENT - PLAN VIEW \j'- ;,i F)M� PF IC i 8" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN, SEE SHEET CA31-PI FOR INVERTS AND LOCATIONS SUBBASE TO BE LESS THAN 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION AN I ! IYl'.ATIIYAI[+ IACAITI CICA TA UA\/C n=M&A=AM1 r P Atlrf][. [ UAI 1 IVV I I J I r_rCVIVICIV/ALJC oClr 1 IVIN SECTION FT�- a -r -- . --- PERMEABLE PAVEMENT SECTION STEEL PIN LOCATED ABOVE CLEAN OUT FOR MARKING LOCATION BELOW PAVERS. #78 WASHED STONE. #57 WASHED STONE. #2 WASHED STONE, 1� 4" CLEAN OUT PIPE WITH BRASS CAP. 4' PERFORATED DRAINAGE PIPE. SEE C5.00 FOR LOCATION AND TIE IN. NON -WOVEN GEOFABRIC" COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES: 1. PERMEABLE PAVERS ARE 4" x 8' ADA COMPLIANT. COLOR AND FINISH TO MATCH BRICK BANDING. 2. SEE L-131-P11 MATERIALS AND FURNISHINGS PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3. SECTION CONFORMS TO NCDENR BMP MANUAL 4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE INFILTRATION TESTING ON SOIL TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PAVER SYSTEM. NTS ALL LOCATIONS IDENTIFIED TO HAVE PERMEABLE PAVERS SHALL INCLUDE THIS PAVEMENT PROFILE, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS No 8 STONE AS 2" BEDDING COURSE. SAME STONE TO BE USED BETWEEN PAVERS FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE " - 2" DIAMETER INSTALLED AT MINIMUM COMPACTION OF 95% SHEET C-131-P1 FOR INVERTS AND LOCATIONS PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 1180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 WWW.Clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE = Q SEAL q z 036231 j ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/1912019 KEY MAP N �7i1��■IiIZ•J�IiilL\�L•JCI Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: LAP Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 20' SHEET TITLE CIVIL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT DETAILS 1 SCALE: 1 "=20` 2 3 4 Ef 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SHEET NO. 13 � � II IPROJECT INFORMATION T L 2 iJ on G F C C ns OLD FRONT ST - PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1 "=40' 0 20 40 80 NORTH SCALE: 111=40' 35 oo+7r' 1 nn+nn inn+Qn 11)1+nn 1n1+An 1n7+nn 1n7+rn 1nq+nn 1nq+gin Ind+nn Ind+Sn 1nr,+nn 1nr,+fin Ina+nn Ina+rn 1n7+nn 1n7+75 35 E 3 , 1 T. i E { E E , a � E 30 � I � i � � � 30 E ' HIGH POINT STA = TA 1— 00+95.19 25 V l ELEV = 1179 25 3 K=41.18 I i E E .__—__._.___ , + E � � O — Lu �— 20 m E I E Z i 20 i Q r I t+° ZQD I ) ; 1 if 15 15 I 15' I RCP --- ------ - - - ES 1TINGG 5C.__ DE — it f 10 ! i 15" RCP - A-r- — ROPOSEP GRADE i E 18" RCP DIPFJ TERL 5 _ _._ _� - 5 ! i Z 3 i i i f 0 OD 0 _ i E 100 LF 24 DIP @ 0.32% _ _ -- -5 • 3 • ' i c i i � � � ! 0 I E ' I� E _ �_r------ - ---- -10 i -10 T o i v, r ram- 01 7r rQi v ;`? W ce o I°' ry o M 4 CD CO �` 11 (P 1p t!7 N @'7 N N e••� r O �j 61 99+75 100+00 100+50 101+00 101+50 102+00 102+50 103+00 103+50 104+00 104+50 105+00 105+50 106+00 106+50 107+00 107+25 OLD FRONT ST - PROFILE VIEW SCALE: H V=40' V 1"=10' SEE BID PACKAGE P-2 FOR RELOCATION OF SANITARY SEWER NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www. eag leresou rces . com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispile.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALIS IGNATURE A O 9 SEAL(�l�x� M y i 036231 W w I ISSUEIREVISIONS - NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/1912019 KEY MA N W11=1 INF-VKMAIIVN Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: LAP Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' SHEET TITLE CIVIL NUTT STREET PLAN AND PROFILE 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 SHEET NO. N M L K J G F E C A X.,gle, 1 r z ,* / G " Sl*?z 41� PAVEMENT AND MARKING NOTES: Ij 1. REFER TO L-131-P1 FOR MATERIALS PLAN Z. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PUBLIC RIGHTSHOF-WAY AND ARE TO BE THERMOPLASTIC AND MEET CITY AND/OR NCDOT STANDARDS. R (DETAIL SDS 1 03 AND SD ® a 15-13 COFW TECH STDSI 3. ALL SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN AREAS OPEN TO PUBLIC TRAFFIC ARE TO MEET MH / MUTCD (MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES) STANDARDS. [DETAIL SD 15-13 COFW TECH STDSI E \\/ 4. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND MARKINGS OFF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH MUTCD STANDARDS. NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT; >� 5. ALL PARKING STALL MARKINGS AND LANE ARROWS WITHIN THE PARKING AREAS SHALL BE SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET O o / WHITE. " o / 6. A UTILITY CUT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EACH OPEN CUT OF A CITY STREET. CONTACT STANDARD CURB AND EXISTING CURB 341-5888 FOR MORE DETAILS. 66 ?05LlcF014 GUTTER; SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET o �� �- N 7. ANY BROKEN OR MISSING CURBING WILL BE REPLACED, REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION 8' x 23' ` / 8. CONTACT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AT 341-7888 FORTY-EIGHT HOURS PRIOR TO ANY HC RAMP (SEE DETAIL 3) , , , PARKING (TYP.) ^Hw AND REPLACE WITH GRASS PAVE2 SYSTEM; SEE DETAIL THIS EXCAVATION IN THE RIGHT OF WAY. HC RAMP SHEET TIE INTO EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER STOP SIGNXX EXISTING BRICK WALK CROSSWALK SEE DETAIL 9 �o MUTCD "DO NOT ENTER" R20' / SIGN�.: - R20' T v. ,ate r _r- ' or" CROSSWALK •� _ d J { SEE DETAIL 9 1 qT Ro ~ "DO h: -� qT CD r J CROSSWALK MUTCD NOT ENTER" o HC PARKING - VAN SEE DETAIL 9 SIGN 0 HC PARKING SIGN 1 HC RAMP PERMEABLE PAVEMENT, SEE �" O �H) STREETSIGN TIE INTO EXISTING SHEET C-136-P1 FOR DETAILS �Z CURB AND GUTTER -A. � Z } ALL PROPOSED SPACES ON z _e�� - HC RAMP (SEE DETAIL 3) STREET SIGN WHEELCHAIR RAMPS WHEELCHAIR RAMPS WITH FLARE ADJACENT Tp PLAZA ADJACENT TO SIDEWALK • 4' MIN uNdNd }6„ 6'MIN LAN a • • - SPECIAL EMPHASIS CROSSWALK LAN WIDTH IDTH I 2' 5' 1' 6' MIN DIAGONAL WHEELCHAIR RAMP DIAGONAL WHEELCHAIR RAMP WITH FLARE ADJACENT TO PLAZA ADJACENT TO SIDEWALK I _ 2 4 6" 2 MIN S'MIN NOTES: 1. RAMPS AT MARKED CROSSINGS MUST BE WHOLLY CONTAINED WITHIN THE MARKINGS. 2. RAMPS AND LANDINGS MUST MEET CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS, STANDARD DETAIL GTON DATE: AUGUST.2011 - NURiFi CAROLINA DRAWN: PBlJBR INTERSECTION LAYOUT CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING CHECKED: DEC PO BOX 1810 WILMINGTON N.C. 284,02 (910) 341-7507 SCALE NOT TO SCALE 3 INTERSECTION LAYOUT NTS FILL FILLED EXPANSION JOINT CONTROL JOINT JOINT 5 4' 1 / 4 112„ SECTION A -A SECTION B-B NOTE 1. JOINT MATERIAL TO COMPLY WITH CURRENTNCDOT STANDARDS. 2. SANITARY SEWER CLEAN -OUTS, WATER METERS. MANHOLES, AND VALVE LIDS TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE SIDEWALK WHERE FEASIBLE. 3. MINIMUM SIDEWALK WIDTH TO BE 6 MINIMUM IF PLACED AT BACK OF CURB. 4. CONCRETE FOR ALL. SIDEWALKS (EXCEPT ANY PORTION CONTAIN WITHIN A DRIVEWAY APRONHA ) SHALL BE Cl-ASS "A" - 3,000 PSI. 5. MINIMUM REPLACEMENT FOR REPAIRS IS A 5' X 5' PANEL 6, 4" STONE BASE MAY BE REQUIRED FOR POOR SOIL CONDITIONS 7. MINIMUM DEPTH FOR TUNNELING BELOW SIDEWALK IS 12" 8. MAX ADJACENT GROUND SLOPE WITHOUT RAILING IS 2:1 9. MIN GRADE FOR PROPER DRAINAGE IS 19; IN AT LEAST 1 DIRECTION. MAX CROSS SLOPE IS 2%. MAX LONGITUDINAL SLOPE IS 8.3%, 1U% If LIMITED BY EXISTING CONDITIONS, OR NO GREATER THAN THE SLOPE OF THE EXISTING ADJACENT ROAD. STANDARD DETAIL a; DATE: OC'1'OBGR, 20L0 WffkNGTON :- NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN: PBIJSR SIDEWALK CPO BOX 18LMONGTON ENGINEERING CHECKED: DEC WILMINGTON N.C. 26402 (91(I) 341-7907 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 3-10 E)S, SDEWALK DETAIL 50 CM (19.7") SPECIFICATIONS I 16.7 CM (6.6") 25 CM (9.6") UNIT SIZE - 54 CM X 50 CM X 2.5 CM (20" X ZO" X I "J AVAILABLE IN 9 STANDARD ROLL SIZES UNIT WEIGHT - 510 GRAMS (18 OZ.) OR 2.0 KG (4.5 POUNDS) STRENGTH - 402 KG/CM {5720 PSI) COLOR - BLACK(STANDARD) RESIN - HDPE (WITH SOME POST -CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT) PLAN GRASSPAVEZ SQUARES i ADJACENT GRASSPAVE2 SQUARES 3 I I SEE ENLARGEMENT BELOW i 8.3 CM (3.311) HYDROGROW MIX BELOW RRVG 2.3 CM (0.91 LT SUPPLIED FREE BY MANUFACTURER 6 CM (2.4") f 'r" RINGS FILLED WrrH CONCRETE SAND (CLEAN, SHARP SAND) COMPACTED SANDY GRAVEL ROAD BASE O a� r 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY $_8,_ ``��OOdd - 6 INCHES TO 12 INCHES 1L U•J (DEPTH OF BASE COURSE TO BE DETERMINED ° BY ON -SITE ENGINEER) 3 /III- I /III II jI_ COMPACTED SUBGRADF, -- SON TOP OF GRASS ROOT MASS 6 MM (1 /4") ABOVE TOP OF RING GRASSPAVE2 ATTACH WITH L ------- SNAP -FIT FASTENERS -- - - ROOT MASS TO FILL © GRASSPAVE2 COMPACTED SANDY GRAVEL BASE COURSE ENLARGEMENT NOTE: GI T"ES SHALL BE SPECIHEB BY A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR I DESIGNER. TYPICAL GRASSPAVE2 DETAIL CHOOSE THIS PRODUCT FOR REINFORONG GRASS WEARING SURFACES 1 OF 1 Wr TO SCALE 1600 Jscksm St.. Ste. 310 Invisible GOLDEN, COLORAOO 80401 800-233.1510 OR 303-233-8383 Structures, Inc. FAX: 800-233-1522 OR 303-233-8282 www.tmisibkatrucIl res.tOm GPDE7.DWG rev. 10705 2 GRASS PAVERS DETAILS NTS NUTT STREET EXT. TO BE METERED PARKING METER (TYP.) OHUOUE VIEW 1/2" FILLED EXPANSION JOINT VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER / CONTRACTION JOINT (1/4" X 1" DEEP SCORE) • R=}' \I-------------- f R=1�" 12• T 'T 1- AGGRrGATE BASE COURSE - RE�A i+ ----+1I fi��]zAGG7E BhSE CO24"� 24= VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER SLOPE CURB �I a7}' I F R-1• 12- I 7777, e AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" ` s" 8' ..4" I- �'AGGREGA7E IIr 2 12'� i- BASE COURSE MEDIAN VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER VERTICAL CURB GRANITE CURB 12"12� AGGREGATE BPSE ceuRSE �ij]}I 1 I-•-12' AGGREGATE SE CWRSE a 1 ZI .::., BA VALLEY CURB HEADFR CURB N4.IEH: 1. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT NCI STANDARDS 2, 50' MAx LxPANSION JOINT SPACING. 10' MAX COMRACTION JOINT SPACING 3. MINIMUM INSTALLATION LENGTH IS 5 FT. 4. CONCRETE TO BE 3000 PSI MIN 5. VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER BASE CAN BE SLOPED 3/4" OR USE A FLAT BASE STANDARD DETAIL or"""" " DATE: AUGUST.2011 GTON' SVORTHCIROLMA - BRAWN: PB/JSR CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING CURBING PO BOX 1810 CHECKED; DEC WILMINGTON N.C. 28402 (910) 341-7807 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 3-11 STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER NTS �° 0 20 40 80 NORTH SCALE: 111=40' NUTT ST - PLAN VIEW This Detail is for Reference Only. See Notes. STREET NAME TRAFFIC CONTROL (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) 1 GI SCALE: V=40' BRACKET SLEEVE 12" CONCRETE OPTION I)All signs and materials shall meet the requirements of MUTCD and City Traffic Engineerinq in 'm f n h I ill the lot t edition of " effect at the time o construction. Designer and Contractor s al utilize es S�Ltu of Wilmington Specifications for Instollation of Street Name Signs. Traffic Control Signs._and Sians n iV rfr nt Crass city Hardware" uideline. S eciol Designation signs (downtown, historic arks r e o g P g g ( P Y trail etc. shall adhere to COW Si na a Plan and all associated P Oicles. 9 9 2)Sign callouts, locations and dimensions are responsibility of the designer and shall be clearly indicated on a plen sheet. A Signs and Pavement Marking design sheet is necessary for larger projects, preferred to include a table with #units, MUTCD#, name, size, lettering, posts, material, color, intensity, etc. 3)in advance of fabrication, Contractor may provide a sign order/or proof sheet from the supplier to City Traffic Engineering for compliance review of material specifications only. 4)All non --standard (decorative) sign posts and hardware installations require a NON-STANDARD TRAFFIC SIGN HARDWARE & MATERIALS AGREEMENT to be executed prior to acceptance. Contact City Traffic Engineering. 5)Controctor shall contact City Inspector prior to sign Installation and final acceptance. Modifications may be required for compliance. All signs that are removed and not reinstalled shall be salvaged and delivered to the City. 6)Street name and traffic control signs shall be installed when streets are opened to the public. 7)Developer/HOA is responsible for proper maintenance of all signs until accepted by the City. STANDARD DETAEL cnvor DATE: FEBRUARY,2019 ILM.INGTON STREET & TRAFFIC SIGNS NORTH GAROLIF A DRAWN BY JSR CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING REFERENCE DETAIL PO BOX laic CHECKED BY BDR, P.E. WILMINGTON. INC 28402 (910) 341-7807 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 15-03 s SIGN DETAIL NTS 8" WHITE CLAY PAVERS ON SAND SETTING BED. THERMOPLASTIC MARKINGS BRUSH POLYMERIC SAND INTO JNTS. (4" OUTSIDE OF EDGES) JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/8" N2"R 1,r TO 1-1 /2" CONCRETE SAND PAVEMENT 18. TYP. CROSSWALK 12"x18" CONCRETE HEADER SUBGRADE COMPACTE 6" ABC STONE (95% MODIFIED PROCTOR) (987. MODIFIED PROCTOR) 4" THICK 3000 PSI CONCRETE BASE WITH WIRE REINFORCEMEN7 1. BRICK TYPE, SIZE AND PATTERN SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CITY OF WILMINGTON. TYPICAL BRICK PAVER 4"x8"x2-3/4" HERRINGBONE PATTERN. RUMBLED COURTYARD, FULL RANGE COLOR, BRICK BY PINE HALL. 2. PAVERS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ASTM C1272 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEAVY VEHICULAR PAVING BRICK, TYPE "F". 3. CONCRETE HEADER TO BE 3000 PSI, BROOM FINISH, 1/2" RADIUS ON EDGES AND FLUSH WITH ASPHALT AND PAVERS. CONTROL JOINTS AT ±5' O.C. (EQUAL SPACING). CONCRETE TO BE POURED AFTER COMPACTION OF STONE SUB -BASE. 4. WELDED WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE 6x6 WITH 4.0/4.0 AND FREE OF OIL, DIRT AND DEFECTS AND SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE. WIRE SPLICES SHALL OVERLAP 12 INCHES AND BE TIED TOGETHER AND SUPPORTED IN PLACE, STANDARD DETAIL arlYap ' DATE; NOVEMBER, 2011 GTON ' - NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY JSR BRICK CROSSWALK CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING CHECKEDBY B.D.R_P.E. PO BOX 1810 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 � (910) 341-7807 SCAB; NOT TO SCALE SD 3-142 9 CROSSWALK DETAIL NTS 13 a n �U ; m i� z 0 U q 1. g 6� Y rv6 U �LLJ S� 2_ b E $ U l 'S wg o a N U O $ o w � H o � cr ibU H V) $ n o ~Q Q $ Q $ J b� 5 r 6� 3_ 3 I. 0 5 I. b STANDARD DETAIL r. GTON NORTH CAROLINA DATE: MAY,2015 LOCAL STREET WITH DRAWN BY JSR SLOPE CURB CITY OF WILMINGTON PC BOX i ENGINEERING CHECKED BY D,E,C., P,E. (SECTION AND CROWN) WILMINGTON N,C- (910) 341-7807 28402 SCALE NOT TO SCALE 5D 3-01.4 STREET DETAIL 7 NTS SURFACE COURSE INTERMEDIATE COURSE COMPACTED ABC PREPARED SUBGRADE 5URFACOINTERMDEIATE STONE PAVEMENT TYPE' S9.5B I I19.00 ABC --- - ---------- - ..... _ jSTND. DUTY E 1.5" . --- E ' I , , PHALT PAVING ON AGGREGATE BASE �ry � is 0 Oo H F- U Z xi U 9 w4 Of w p \K C1 a U ig U 77) Li u� V) `? H m - 7R � m LJ V Cn � - 1- L1 0. xwi (n y 0 F•^ _J i _ 1 � b u� c b b� ww �U e N- 5� m b STANDARD DETAIL �.. DATE: MAY,20I5 W000 m LOCAL STREET WITH DRAWNBY JSR SLOPE CURB CITY WILMINGTON ENGINEERING CHECKED BY D.F.C., P,E. (SECTION AND CROWN) PO 80X 1810 WILMINGTON N.C. 28402 (910) 341-7a07 SCALE NOTTO SCALE SD 3-01.4 $ STREET DETAIL NTS I PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering= C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign. co m SEAL/SIGNATURE 04 t Q SEAL q 036231 JJ 11i t/ ISSUEMEVISIONS ---' NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 6 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 04/19/2019 I KEY MAP bil 1 INFUKMA 1 IUN Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: LAP Checked By: ACP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 11T= 30' I SHEET TITLE CIVIL NUTT STREET LAYOUT PLAN SHEET NO. 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 17 PROJECT INFORMATION _ M L K J 111 G F E Q C A 6" CIP CONCRETE SLAB (650 PSI - FLEXURAL STRENGTH) #4 REBAR, BOTH WAYS AT 12" O.C. TO BE SUPPORTED WITH PLASTIC CHAIRS. 8" ABC, BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE LOADING DOCK - PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1"=10' LOADING DOCK CONCRETE PAVING - SECTION A SCALE: NTS 0 5 10 20 NORTH SCALE: 1 "'=10' 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 8 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 13 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesionesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresourc.es.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathempa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewenginears.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEAUSIGNATURE ro Q SEALL0 y : 036231 Lu I ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/19/2019 KEY MAP N b11CC 1 1NtVKMA 1luN Project No.. C 17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 Scale: 1" = 30' SHEET TITLE SHEET NO. LOADING DOCK GRADING PLAN AND DETAILS PROJECT INFORMATION N L K J H G F E OEM C A 1'-6" 0.625" CURB GRAD _ PVMT. 00r .. - ♦ t 4 N 8" BRICK WALLS L' 3/4" CEMENT PLASTER w w > �< >> w SECTION "A ---A" r, „ SECTION B-B 5'-10"MIN. 5'-4" 4'-0" PVMT. f-BCURB & GUTTER 00 A CASTING I A I �B NOTE: PAN 1. 4" DEEP X 8" WIDE CONCRETE COPING ALL AROUND BASIN CASTING. 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE CLASS "A" 3. FOR CASTING DETAIL SEE SD 2--16 STANDARD DETAIL L GT�N DATE: 2006 �^+T� AT CATCH BASIN NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY JSWCMR CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING PO BOX 1810 CHECKED BY B.P., P.E. WILMINGTON, NC 28402 (910) 341-7807 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 2-01 z E: o� cn v LEI DATE: 2001 DRAWN BY JSR CHECKED BY B.P., F.E. SCALE NOT TO SCALE 4't DROP LEG GREASE IN' STATIC LICIT ¢_J STANDARD DETAIL GRILL BASIN STANDARD DBTAIG . CITY OF MLMINGTON TL STANDARD DETAIL CRY OF WILMNGTON IL MTB: Aw 1B, mm ENGINEERIING OFFICE DAIS: RM 19. 2M DONEIIG OFFICE DRAaVNBY ,s0. 4 INCH INLET 305 CHESTNUT STREET n Da�►wxer ,� 6x6X4 OUTLET 305-CksrnaJr STRM SANITARY TEE Po. Box i810 SANITARY TEE 1$10 BY B.PENNY VALMINGTON N.C. 25402 CFfBCi BY H.iffid+iY WiLY1NGT0N N.C. 28402 (916} 341—f807 SD 3=13 SCALE NpTrOBCAiB BCAIB NOTTO$GAIS 4--40 z O c� Q Q ti D a _ a Q 1� 1 z za o U w 1n tj Q 119 t: U 0 z oQ Qw o� zQ � I wz �U O� U wza 00 o Z I I gl 00� ado J cn :E 3 LL Q cr o L_on- L GTON � NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING PO BOX 1810 WILMINGTON, NC 23402 (910) 341-7807 SD 2-02 4-41. SPECIFICATION CLAUSE E °O1 E K100 KLASSIKDRAIN • LOAD CLASS A -LL� EXPANSION JOINT TO PAVEMENT PER t SEE NOTE 4 ENGINEER'S DETAILS DESIGN n SEE NOTE 3 DOCUMENTS GENERAL THHEE SURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE POLYMER CONCRETE K100 CHANNEL SYSTEM WITH GALVANIZED STEEL EDGE RAILS AS MANUFACTURED BY ACO, INC. 4 4 Q MATERIALS Q q CHANNELS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED FROM POLYESTER RESIN POLYMER CONCRETE WITH AN Q INTEGRALLY CAST -IN GALVANIZED STEEL EDGE RAIL. MINIMUM PROPERTIES OF POLYMER CONCRETE WILL 4 . BE AS FOLLOWS: d Q COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 14,000 PSI FLEXURAL STRENGTH: 4.000 PSI TENSILE STRENGTH: 1,500 PSI Q. Q Q 4"[100mm] WATER ABSORPTION: 0.07% / / FROST PROOF YES Q / / DILUTE ACID AND ALKALI RESISTANT YES � Q 8117 SALT SPRAY TEST COMPLIANT YES / THE SYSTEM SHALL BE 4" (100mm) NOMINAL INTERNAL WIDTH WITH A 5.1" (130mm) OVERALL / WIDTH AND A BUILT-IN SLOPE OF 0.5%. CHANNEL INVERT SHALL HAVE DEVELOPED"' SHAPE. ALL �--� CHANNELS SHALL BE INTERLOCKING WITH A MALEIF€MALE JOINT. 4` [100mm] ---� 4" [100mm] THE COMPLETE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE BY ACO, INC. ANY DEVIATION OR PARTIAL SYSTEM DESIGN AND/OR IMPROPER INSTALLATION WILL VOID ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES PROVIDED BY ACO, INC. NOTES: 1. IT IS NECESSARY TO ENSURE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE SUITABLE FOR EXISTING GROUND CONDITIONS. CHANNEL SHALL WITHSTAND LOADING TO PROPER ENGINEERING ADVICE MAY BE REQUIRED LOAD CLASS AS OUTLINED 8Y EN 1433. GRATE TYPE 2. MINIMUM CONCRETE STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI IS RECOMMENDED. CONCRETE SHOULD BE VIBRATED TO ELIMINATE SHALL BE APPROPRIATE TO MEET THE SYSTEM LOAD CLASS SPECIFIED AND INTENDED APPLICATION. AIR POCKETS. GRATES SHALL BE SECURED USING'QUICKLOK' 3. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION CONTROL JOINTS AND REINFORCEMENT ARE RECOMMENDED TO PROTECT CHANNEL BOLTLESS LOCKING SYSTEM. CHANNEL AND GRATE AND CONCRETE SURROUND. ENGINEERING ADVICE MAY aE REQUIRED. SHALL BE CERTIFIED TO MEET THE SPECIFIED EN 4. THE FINISHED LEVEL OF THE CONCRETE SURROUND MUST BE APPROX. 11W [3mm] ABOVE THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL EDGE. 1433 LOAD CLASS. THE SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED 5. CONCRETE BASE THICKNESS SHOULD MATCH SLAB THICKNESS. ENGINEERING ADVICE MAY BE REQUIRED TO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S DETERMINE PROPER LOAD CLASS. INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. B. REFER TO ACO'S LATEST INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURTHER DETAILS, K1-a-ECP K100 - KLASSIKDRAIN - LOAD CLASS: A ACO, Inc. 825 W. BeechemIt St P.O. Box 245 4211 Pleasant Rd. Exposed Concrete Pavement ® Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Chardon, OH 44024 Fort Mill, SC 29708 INSTALLATION DRAWING - ACO DRAIN TeII:520-421-9988 Fax:520421-9899 Tec440-285-7000 Fax; 440-285-WI7 Tel:800.543.4764 Fax:803-802-1083 DATE:03121113 Arizona Tel: BBB-4SU-U55Z a-mali: safescumcOusa.COm Ohio Tel: 800-543-47134 www.acousa.com South carollna 1 el: Su0-fi22-2377 TRENCH DRAIN AT STAGE I I o� Z c�I 0 zoj' — Lei C 'J 1--- w rJ IL n- LIJ two J cn I IL_ �t z LiJ m Ow I w O0 �->o U U '0� xo © T w r�1 z oa :5 I;. c� l: Q a < Q 0 o 0 z cf) Q N I �L 1• o 1 1= LL _I LO I � B_JCOJd Nb­Id 33S - S31HVA STANDARD DETAIL DATE: 2001 GTON GUIDELINES FOR N°RTH CAAciL1NA DRAWN BY JSRICMR CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PO BOX 1810 CHECKED BY B.P., P.E. WILMINGTON, NC 28402 (910) 341-7807 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 2-03 MARKED: SANITARY SEWER OR STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED TOP OF COVER I A A 5/8" PLAN 7/8„ BOTTOM OF COVER NOTE: RING & COVER CONTACT SURFACES SHALL BE MACHINED TO INSURE EVEN BEARING MINIMUM WEIGHTS: OF COVER AND RING 2 -1„ RING 261 _BS. COVER 120 LBS. 1 '-11 3/4" 1'-11 1 /2" 711 2.125" 7.5" 3.125" 1,Z 4.125' 1'-8 3/8" J 4.125' 0, 5" 1'9 5 8" 5.5" 1'-10 1 4" 5.5" 2'-9 1 4" SECTION "A -A" STANDARD DETAIL. rtTY Or DATE: 2001 L� GTON STANDARD MAN -HOLE NORTH CAAOIaNA DRAWN BY JSRICMR RING AND COVER CITY OF WILMINGTON ENGINEERING PO BOX 1810 CHECKED BY B.F., P.E. WILMINGTON, NC 28402 (910) 341-7807 SCALE NOT TO SCALE SD 14-02 It DO NOT SCALE DRAWING iRONSMiTH 41-701 Corporate Way #3 Palm Desert, CA 92260 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL C800) 338-4766 This drawing embodies a confidential design of IRONSWIH, INC. Palen Desert, CA AT design, monufac}unng, reproduction, rse, aye. and other rights regarding She same are e�ressy reserved. This drawing is submitted under conf rrtlaI relationsh"Q for 11 a specific purpose and Nre recipient agrees M accepting the drawing not to suppy of tlisclose any information regarding it to airy uiwuthalzed person or to incorporate anyspecial feature pacufior to this design in other projects. The infortnafwn in this 7 76-50$0 Fax drawing maybe covered cornpletey or In pars by paten pending. AREA DRAIN GRATE DETAIL PLAN EXCAVATED AREA (AS SPECIFED ON PLAN SHEET) 1rLLr r tVLL r Vl\ DEWATERING TYPICAL NOTES 1. HARDWARE CLOTH OR COMPARABLE WIRE MESH WITH 1/2" OPENINGS SHALL BE LAID OVER THE DROP INLET SO THAT THE WIRE EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 8" BELOW EACH SIDE OF THE WEEP HOLES OF INLET STRUCTURE. MESH TO BE KEYED IN. IF MORE THAN ONE STRIP OF MESH IS NECESSARY, OVERLAP STRIPS 1 FOOT (MIN). 2. NCDOT #5 WASHED STONE SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE MESH TO A MINIMUM 1 FOOT DEPTH AND EXTENDING BEYOND THE INLET OPENING BY 18" (MIN). 3. CHECK DEVICE AFTER EACH RAIN. REPLACE WASHED STONE IF IT CLOGS WITH SEDIMENT. 4- TO PROVIDE SATISFACTORY BASIN EFFCIENECY, REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN THE VOLUME OF THE BASIN OF THE BASIN HAS BEEN REDUCED BY ONE-HALF- SPREAD ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL EVENLY OVER THE SURROUNDING LAND AREA OR STOCKPILE AND STABILIZE IT APPROPRIATELY. NTS TRENCH DRAIN AT FOUNTAIN PLAN NTS NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 18D Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www. sageandcoombe. co m Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www. arup. co m Civil Engineering = C. Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandee.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= 1 CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispile.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE ♦� 0 s Q SEAL�,�%� r- y 036231 to h «� q��C1N� Q I ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03108I2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/19/2019 KEY MAP - N .?Pitt I IN1-UKMA I IVN Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 04.19.2019 4Scale: N.T.S. I SHEET TITLE CIVIL STORM DETAILS SHEET NO. -- �./ PLAN 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 C-530-P1 I PROJECT INFORMATION M L K J on G F C L7 R A NORTH WATERFRONT PARK WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www,arup.com Civil Engineering = C. Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplle.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafou ntai ns.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com I SEAL/SIGNATURE R REVIEW ON NOT FOR RUCTION ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 COORDINATION SET 01/31/2019 4 PERMIT SET 02/15/2019 KEY MAP N I SHEET INFORMATION Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: - Checked By: - Date: 03.05.2019 Scale: 1 "=40' SHEET TITLE I SHEET No. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAS 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 s Ma NN . iatir m .�►"\'O�lil:YxiEa:.'► \ \R',S:C{Bl:NI'1►�:\ \1f rc+.4;sre.�;�a�a Ci.i+aE���aw5�,ia:re: Ak SNA Nan xis`. ��� ♦ i► ,� \ice \, " �\ +@i ,_r� t- 4_" £r � ��,�* tir,�e t�h► a�i'� �i �� ��� _� \ \ \\\ , i 10, 0111 . � �A � ,' \ \ ♦� Q :`1 \ ` \�`\ fir' ��`�� `\- \�`�`\\\\- \`�" �a�tr?�\1`l ♦C�Aa\a;.\, `\\ \- i I NORTH WATERFRC DADll PRUPUSEU VIPERVIOU; ADCAQ i °� 11, 0 t N-- ROUNDABOUT O 44 SIGN LT81L �� J ��cR 4 4 11� \ •''. O / �p z SSMH'K SDMH'A' 1 o SSMHV c� \ r / t / :�� ;♦ Q l 4 0 V. I CI'F' _ DI' \ CURB INLET "B" 5.31' 15 R SDMH'B' �_ - a - TW=29.38' �� �cn _ 2a--C �_,. �- CONCRETE STORMWATER I FH \ TOP=9.04'-0- -� 20 BW=26.88 --- � L c�� INV IN (S) 5.44' 4" RCP / % ;_) " / �� cam a7A1NWG' AtL.uws BOX W/ NO GRATE r TW=29.06' r �- U �i� cn _ STRUCTURAL DWOS �— BW=27.81' TW=29.15' �11 12" RCP +x ` INV OUT (NE) ♦ K — �_ -~ 25 CONCRETEBW=26.00' J I / f �WALL TW=28.93 I U25 �! 0~ �r Ir' ern- \ /" %✓r~�� �'- _- B W= 24.43' _. 4 1/ f �\ -_ - 1 y -- � _- - - _ _t 4�71 1 - \\\�. f --��� 25 -�— = ' / +r� now H' ♦ �, LT83 4Q tL _ "'�—�._ _ - `` a® �` ` \\ \ �� ♦ r I - ♦ - 5_ r qr—\\` / ;10 SSMH'I r - — ORONT LD F 4 16.17' SMH'A' i _- \ 1-�'\"---_-�_ \ -.. i= _-- ilk s s O I BSW SSMH i t �i .� SSMH' SSMH.D, l = {J �- rim - _ J + fVr U) MH-01 » I f� �- ! ,I - - ��. _ - - -`-�' ' E GR DUNG �o vQ / Q AAA /' - A -� �'' i i RESOLV p` ! v/ / \ > / \,ti �� _ oescutRED- CONTOURS CONCRETE SURVEY �OEXhSTING SIDEWALK \\�� �� 500 YEAR 1 I \ GRAVITY / + a\ �\\ �\ �� � � �,. � a • �� � FEMA SPECIAL � — - ti � 13.79' / / SF.WL.h O \\\ �-.�, r, .. 1 BSW / T92L r -`� \ \\62 .JF3 c� � .---~ _ \ FLOOD c� _ so- ��~' `l� ! wf/ _ HAZARD AREA _ GIB BSW AAE` U��NOWN l 1 j f' R� �/ 1 lip 5F7E �ATERIAI 1 k r�0 99C20 DI' / _ l cif \ - , I5.. 1 0 YEAR q \ cn 66' PU314C ROW �, �- \ FCC] NO �4R NTi ; , A PECI L I G\`S oSQMH'G' i� r ;1' \ �. FLCYOD // \ \ c1 A+�-� �\ *0•. 'i E - `! A AR A EA / 12.66' Q \ ti✓/ i— " ELEC, ■ 1 PANE! \ SSMH'K' 1 JB. ;✓ \� `-MH-11D' . ,,� �, � � :;� - � � -SURFACE S ' ELEC. DMH' S rL� C \ \ ;s` I' l 4" PVC + / �' �' \ PVC •.O��DUTI�IT}-. �`• - ... �' � C1 /'` ` \y41 _ ^'fJ- ! \ \ rj� • \ \ ;4 - l \ �,,�'; \ MgAt4poy R.Icy �J. STOP I 1 P 1 �1d�7-J RETAINING wu4 see �. ` /' � � " � / � - 11.15' / C) KA,� P1N168,RUCTUPWDVVQG ^ / \ „ \ \ Q �J \ ` �. /�/ p00 �2s / IGN \G ��/ ` \ . k l2 I�qc Jy Y ` BSW -- - . �a1•-co-C 16" DI 7 LEND JB9IsW- - - GIS1N- a9 RICK .� 1 \ J . '�i - - Now sonw CROSS WALK h ` low 4 s� l - wr-5~��I i • SSMH'G' iI DM M' SDM�LK -- -- \o� \ \ s 1 1, tl - i _ RCP -I ' y I ,� ` �, � � . 1 � ' I �J 1, � I � � S D �-� BACK Or //// ` \\ ! 15 , � / is. ♦ \ �w i - t 1 � } '�"3- r _ rr„ ram' � � II PARK SUPPORT -3 SIG \ 1 � \ � � � -� ; II r_ �1-- =' -��- � �, "`��" ROUND 14 52-JB _- _ _- - - - -•'1' ,� -'- � � � � 1 \ ` =w \� . 11 t+tltl!� r = �►\� \\� 1� 8" PV 151-CO -A I i - t _,�h��-- f ~ / 4`! \ , �` 7'� y \ \ \ \ a ` \ e I %! � GRAY Y SEWER ELECT. f �•� � In 11 / 1 •ba° w*'s� ! �") -f \ - 1i- 15 -AD r IN CW2 \ �d C7 �` l��, + �\` ✓'�- 1 T y r AD A "/ � _ E /q\\ \ ��! 104 ,�t �� ''° .F,at € TRUC .f %X1 12-- -- -- --- -- - -- CW3 �\ \ a ap 1 may\ 1 `J ✓ -�� `� - (J �' } \ \ ` �—�_ _ i :"r /\7 // LEGEND \\ \\ ZERO RUN RE A - SOU \ A8 DRAINAGE TO INFILTRATION SYSTEM A NHWL4 \ C� �\ \ �,.. • ��.. --��`\ `\\ W4 ��. �- ,t� \\\\� \ � DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT A DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT B NSW = = _\ � � �. _ -- _ $ \� / --- - �' \ �1��] L DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST WEST - N H WL5 DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT ST EAST A NHWL6 'NH�y� NHWL ZERO RUNOFF AREA C NH Mow ftft11 �- `� � `� I ���\�`.'•; DRAINAGE TO INFILTRATION SYSTEM C •, � � RIP RAP AWL BYPASS DRAINAGE h OR TI-1 E' DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVEMENT OLD FRONT � S I n W NFL - o ST EAST B 0 15 30 60 NORTH 9'RR '` �RMqL SCALE: 1 "=30' �� �► ` H Wq TAR l R LI B aL/t ► , W I. -PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 City of Wilmington Project Code 3CPRK1860 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www-hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com INC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www-landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com I SEAUSIGNATURE - SEAL[�jl q : 036231 : W Q- t •1 j�11111111��, ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 TRC SITE PLAN APPLICATION 08/01/2018 4 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 03/08/2019 5 TRC SITE PLAN RE -APPLICATION 03/22/2019 6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS O4/19/2019 ■L`/�:�rTiltlrr S7➢133Anffaf111�rTG\lL91 Project No.: C17135 Drawn By: NBC Checked By: JWP Date: 03.05.2019 Scale: ill = 301 SHEET TITLE PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREAS 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 SHEET NO. I -,, . M %� � ��� ` v� -v -,,' '� . ' , � � `�� 11 \ L 10 J H G F E A 77 f / / ,- / / ,_ N . - I ) I // /' , � / �� " , "I / J-- / � I/ � ) /% / / .% ,I ,` M 5 SHEET NOTES �I / �� / 1. SEE SHEET L-001 FOR GENERAL �% ,� 1 i r.. FUTURE �� ! ! �' , /o I )DF��/Approved onstruction an � �' SYM APSE NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS , VELOPME T _ _ ` /' % / �� arc cxrr� non 8.3(20 1) / i / 0.- SITE �' �/ / ��� � /'� ow Name Date _ < /I-.� � //� l � � /` / \ / / a / / 1 / X/ `0. �r �' Plannin ;I v �/ /C , A W S \7 J / / / \C.-- / I I 4 / �" ' Traffic �� ./ �✓ '/ �- / -1_ / �'' ;_ �uQJ , �. ,C \_ �< ' ` i j I / ,• - // ✓' / r f�" ` F ire '�i y� _ �X, / _) -4 „ .j , FUTURE �' -,�%� / \`), �.t DEVELOPMENT �,• 1, �\ , / f v'Z-_- - ' i '� % il ! ,� - -.' -,-I-------.- SITE ' �;� y / 11IIIII,. 'i�6�� % z / {--- - t ,l 41 / �- �ti ( - - �� - - r - all / �/ -il -� j / ,>_ ---- - - - RETAINING WALL -- - ;� \ \ ,\ / / r - - - - _ - -- - -. __ - - - -- - -' `,A 1 --�-.- - - - - `. -__ G r - 1fi.U0) .. SEE MATERIALS PLAN & .- _ ` ` ;'I ;5 } 1 _ -- - \ , , , , r , -. --__,__.-. - W �1 - _.._._ _. _... _. - ---- - - - / - - - - - - '-. i` t ' , ''i- 4 w. _- _:. STRUCT RAL DWGS - /._ - rtr, 'r r ,.. - --_- . ,.-x -� ir� _ - " - _. 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"` ! -'_- _ _ 'III y - - . --_.,- .-. - --, - . +V r I T \- 30 BUILDING SETBACK ', `' J'" - -- _ - _ _ - , 'I 4 E _ _ - -- __ ,- __ 1 E � - - . rt t-r __ _M1 A S �:__ _ - - - - � 1 _ - , _._-_ T - - a _ -_ Ir , L1� ___ r r - -- - _ C - - - -_ ._.----, P STORM - _ - -(.E) ___--- 1�~-_ �_ _ 1 � 9 0-0 _ _- E HIGH 5.4 _ _ ' -- - �- _ - ` y -.�- _ ---- F E a HIGH TIDE --- --- _ --- _ - ' �- ) _ _ 8.69 r .i 1.83 �� R --� i� s - V - _ -I. _ _ I > ; `-----___ - '-` E 8.9 `-\ --` - E 8.9 i - - - - - - _ -�------- ----- - - , -- - I _ ..---- ----. - - t- 1 _ -- -_ i A --- -, - - - _ - ---- _ - --�- _ -.- -- 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 I 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 16 1 17 I PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www. sageandcoo mbe.com AcousticlTheater/AV = AT OA P.P.C, 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, INC 27603 www.stewartine.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagieresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispllc.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tiliotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE J` FJ [-'' 11 �"" `7" .',IL- '% i C FDETIAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 1 BID SET 1 02/07/2019 I KEY MAP N (D Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: MP, SW Checked By: ML, MM Date: 07/13/2018 Scale: 1 "=30'-0 0 5 10 15 30 ISHEET TITLE I SHEET NO. LANDSCAPE GRADING PLAN L M111 I PROJECT INFORMATION Z M L K J H G F 111101"'111I -... I r Approved Construction Plan / Name Date Planning Traffic i Fire i� P. ----= -- - ��41 a -- 4010 TYP --/ . f / My . ==oe \x. ! p /• J 42, �o� �•��i� �r .1 c ��ihft f,Lf l R113 l 1 q 48° I .�- rr 284 r+ V 4 0 0 0 0 ° i SHEET NOTES t 25' TYP. ° —15 I j r< 25 TYP. ° o 25— N - J �� 644.5- ° R20' NU ' N ID 1 _ - h E RS' HBO, 'O? Ja -- 1 r � / ° l / 1 P,5b ` / I / 0- � �o ``, j 1 1 s .• pis rr, � ; 1. SEE SHEET L-001 FOR GENERAL LANDSCA NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS. 2. SEE SHEET L-122 FOR LAYOUT POINT DAT, CURVE LAYOUT DATA, AND ELLIPSE LAYOI DATA. LEGEND ■ � LIMIT OF WORK (2- OFFSET) NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesla.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C, 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www.eagleresources.com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landispile.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.androwengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com I SEAUSIGNATURE CHECK SE I CONFIDENTIAL. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE/REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 BID SET 02/07/2019 I KEY MAP N an&c1 INrVKINA!IVN Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: MP, SW Checked By: ML, MM Date: 07/13/2018 Scale: 1 "=30'-0 0 5 10 15 30 SHEET TITLE .. SHEET NO. LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 N L J 501 FUTURE EVELOPMENT SITE, 0 Approved Construction Plan Name Date r • r Traffic Fire NMI � Jim XMIIII, Q • • - WIN IlIft r 0 lai §11 %17 PJ23 \ ® ° �� e�NOW' w��:aderv. ®� ®-®mow.; �' . . N10%'N" I ONN -gift �� .�[low 'I V 6 ° v�' Ip v� SYN-1 �v�N�vE.�vI I vI vI.�vl ° x FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SYN-1 y1_ SITE 4f Q8 2B 0 ° ° ° ° a 0001 0 1� M mom NMIi}' "�""r•}" �Cu`v j�"�70.� �;��� ° CRB ° 0 SHEET NOTES -- 1. SEE SHEET L-001 FOR GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS. 2. SEE SHEET L-030 & L-031 FOR MATERIALS SCHEDULE. I 3. SEE L-411 TO L-414 FOR MATERIALS n ENLARGEMENTS. ) 1 PAVING - TYPE 1 PAVING -TYPE 2A 2B PAVING -TYPE 2B 3A PAVING -TYPE 3A l� 0 Al �. ..� Ail §0 . goal mama -00 � � � t; �w ► ggOqqq. � m►���������iy� , .,N \ t �, ���i4i ��►9�� �Igl�llli�n �� \ ♦ j �� Is q. STAGE LOS u �Ri�'��lli it - 1i um I ad FUTURE `°��°� ° DEVELOPMENT ! �U DCK-1 SITE coop Tr ? C1 .oa0 a°COO°°oCCQ OC,ab °'6C`c°O�COQ°o°a pp b°°�oJP O- �• o ° '.�wu-C�. oF�`ra °o'�°a�Jo?'o°hoc°°a`c�c°ooc°i'�o�°oc°°Door oa000a°P�c°o°coon°abn° i0°-'O) �°o °oO°UOU O`7 � o OC` o°°C `.]ccD t✓ °/`G C C°Gil ° O°°°U6.zC O°C° ° r) C>° O CJ (. ,Oli -' �-� _�C ,':� i.r . O o A O C7 C _ O �' J c] Q ° "1 . n C. O r/ ° ,. 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TYPE 2 PROJECT INFORMATION NORTH WATERFRONT PARK 10 COWAN STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF WILMINGTON Community Services Department PO Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Landscape Architecture = L HARGREAVESJONES 180 Varick Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10014 www.hargreavesjonesia.com NC License #C-513 Architecture = A SAGE & COOMBE ARCHITECTS 12-16 Vestry Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013 www.sageandcoombe.com Acoustic/Theater/AV = AT OAP.P.C. 77 Water Street, New York NY 10015 www.arup.com Civil Engineering = C Structural Engineering= S Geotechnical Engineering = G STEWART 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com NC License #C-1051 Environmental Engineering = EE SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 www.sandec.com EAGLE RESOURCES 215 West Moore Street, Southport, NC 28461 www. eag leresou rces. com Irrigation= I CLARK IRRIGATION DESIGN & CONSULTING, INC P.O. Box 693, Lavonia, GA 30553 www.clarkirrigationdesign.com Landscape Soil = LS LANDIS, PLLC 3908 Bentley Brook Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.landisplic.com Mechanical Engineering = M Electrical Engineering = E Plumbing Engineering = P Fire Protection = FP CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES, PA 3412 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 www.cheathampa.com NC License #C-1073 Marine Structural Engineering = SM ANDREW CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3811 Peachtree Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28403 www.andrewengineers.com Water Fountain Design = WF DELTA FOUNTAINS 11494 Columbia Park Dr. W., Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL32258 www.deltafountains.com Wayfinding = XS TWO TWELVE 236 W 27th Street, Suite 802, New York NY 10001 www.twotwelve.com Lighting Design = EL TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street, Room 703, New York NY 10013 www.tillotsondesign.com SEALISIGNATURE I= I F € CONFIDENTIAL NOT FOR CONS TR C TION ISSUEIREVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 03/09/2018 2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 07/13/2018 3 BID SET 02/07/2019 I KEY MAP N �) L�:iaa■iI:ia-via ,r�liNli: Project No.: NWP 1701 Drawn By: MP, SW Checked By: ML, MM Date: 07/13/2018 Scale: 1 "=30'-0 0 5 1015 30 SHEET TITLE LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PLAN n 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 ISHEET NO. _