HomeMy WebLinkAboutWq0019755_NOD-2020-LV-0192_20201027ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Philip M Cooke, Officer JPC Utilities LLC c/o JP Monroe LLC 1690 NC 68 North Oak Ridge, NC 27310 NORTH CAROLINA Envitonmentdf Qlldiity October 27, 2020 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Tracking Number: NOD-2020-LV-0192 Permit No. WQ0019755 Oak Ridge Commons WWTP Guilford County Dear Permittee: A review of the July 2020 Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) for the subject facility revealed the deficiency(s) indicated below: Limit Exceedance Deficiencv(s): Sample Limit Reported Location Parameter Date Value Value Type of Deficiency 001 Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC Broth, 7/15/2020 25 99 Daily Maximum Exceeded 44.5 C (31616) 001 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 7/31/2020 10 10.8 Monthly Average Exceeded (00310) 001 Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC Broth, 7/31/2020 14 99 Monthly Geometric Mean Exceeded 44.5 C (31616) North Carona Depa rtntient of Environmental Quality I Diuision of Water Resoufces Winston-Salem Re�aanaJOffice 1 450 West Hanes WTn %ad,Swte30D I WinsonSaJern. North CaTofrka 27105 w� 336-776-WOO Please be aware that non-compliance with your permit could result in enforcement action by the Division of Water Resources for these and any additional violations of State law. The Winston-Salem Regional Office encourages you to take all necessary actions to bring your facility into compliance. If you should need any assistance or would like to discuss this non-compliance situation, please contact Caitlin Caudle of the Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-776-9800. Sincerely, DocuSigned<by: 145B49E225C94EA... Lon T. Snider, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: WQS Winston-Salem Regional Office - Enforcement File NON -DISCHARGE Compliance/Enforcement Unit - Enforcement File North Carona Depa rtntient of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resoufces Winston-Salem ReflnrkaJOffice 1 450 West Hanes MA Road, Swte30D I Wins6onSaJern. North CaTofirka 27105 w� 336-776-WOO