HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100078_GEO THERMAL_20091210Permit Number WI0100078 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Name Kent J. Plemmons SFR Location Address 225 Triple Creek Dr Clyde NC 28721 Owner Central Flies: APS SwP 12/10109 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type Active New Project Version Permit Classification 1.00 Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Eileen L. Plemmons Co-owner 60 Monte Vista Dr Waynesville NC 28786 Major/Minor Region Minor Asheville County Haywood Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type Individual Kent J Plemmons Owner Affiliation Kent J. Plemmons Owner 60 Monte Vista Dr Waynesville NC 28786 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 12/10/09 12/07/09 eQuiated Activities Heat Pump Injection Private residence, single family Public Notice Issue Effective 12/10/09 12/10/09 Expiration Outfail Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coieen H. Sullins Governor director 12/10/2009 Kent J. Plemmons Eileen L. Plemmons 60 Monte Vista Dr. Waynesville, NC 28786 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. W10100078 225 Triple Creek Dr. Clyde, NC 28721 Dear Mr. & Mrs. PIemmons: (lee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on 12/07/2009, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed -loop geothermal water-ordy injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at 225 Triple Creek Dr., Clyde, Haywood County, NC 28721. This system is deemed permitted by rule [North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0211(u)(2)). However, it is recommended that you contact the Haywood County Health Department. as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. Si -.erely, for Mic Rogers Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section cc: Asheville Regional Office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No. WI0100079 Haywood Cotmty Health taept. Randall Cutter (Innovative Environmental Drilling, 6105 Rest Home Rd., Claremont, NC 28610) Guy Cox (GLC Services, Inc., 2225 Bald Creek Rd., Clyde, NC 28721) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 M0 Service Center. Ralagh, North Carolina 2 769 9-1636 Location. 2728 Capital Bouksvard, Ratsigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone' 919-733-3221 I FAH 1: 919.715-0588: FAX 2: 919'15-6048 k Cusmmer Service: 1-877.623-674F Intemet: WWW.ntwateroualay.orq �oAb Carolina N^ Equal Op portun" Ath rml Jive ACIivn ErripbyPr 7-OB-199S 12, AWM FROM 82Bar%2d200 P. 2 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RMOURCES £NCDENR) NOfTDfICATION OF;lt['IM15 T TO C1 NSMUC!' A CLOSED —LOOP GEUTMRMAL WATERA)MUINdECMN WEEL SYSTEIM Wa- In Ao=&ff ce with the prwvbkm ofNCAC Wo ISA: 02C.0200. please oampleta ibis naMcadan and mad[ to addrm an the back page (per E= m M= h&wmabm). WeH type Coq*m diwc Days the p grind system ZWYA pce pom5k MW onivoW (no additi► a) m. eoatimwm pip mS that completely iaoW= the fluid fima the wvkon eat (i.e. clnaed-taot?>fl Yer Gowum Qamplatiq6 this form. No Do Not oomnplft this form. CmWkIa other UIC applieMoe forma for i mshtiling either a 5A7 well (gM-loop wail sum potable water into the aguf w) or & 5QM well (ckwc& loop won conafaw" tweh m R: 22, ethanol, or other aniif wm or cmosiaa luldbikn). A. PROPERTY OWAiLr1 MAPPLICANT(S) Lin Mb Property Owner Ssted cm property dead (if awned by a bw!rAm or goveramant agmey, ataee name of eolty wW m reprsae dmflve wJaudwrity far ApNdiae): 1i,4- �m 4- kilmem L 9gI i►s w!-> (li 3V 9Hug Address: Q � chr. VAV h U! et Stew ZP Codde: Z —Goemty 4. wopw HomeADffioe Tele No.: (K�� ':�;U,:; �Adtf :k f Lrt wets;... �r�ic ��YS 600e2 CCWW (2) Phyaicd Address of Well Site Of Mffurt ttt thaaabm): 5 e-r i` city;, CLij—e Stame:W.—zip Coft: z--%7 Z - -County: Homa0ffice Tole No.: k.�) 'ST6 " �" 17 ! Cell My IL AU THORIT. W AGtW OF OWNM IF ANY (if the PwRit Applicat d2own tie anWM attach a )NOW ftm the psnpetty awtter aadbariaing Agent to install and operetta UIC well) C4nqwqr Namc: Carina, Ptaaon• EMAIL Address: Address: City Sta1a zip Cody: Cowley: boa Tale No.: Cell No • W obft Addrom of Compm y, if wd: [aR.MM SQW Nettaartboe of boat F=W M&VW V2W) RECEIVED 1 DENR 1 DWO AQU IFFR'pR()iF%T ON SECTION DEC 0 7 2009 Pap 7--W-1999 12:"M FROM 82Sd524200 P.3 G WELL DRILLER INFORMATION e Carupre7i�(snte� �•��r ' 11P _ �'�yf �i�,��u� p Well Driller Co9tra0Ws Nam: aa, NA NC Ca n&&Mt Ceabftiration No.: cI ❑ 1 '? Contact Person,' . _! � 1�r-� �+ei- - .SAIL_ Address: PartL a }eb fha CD T Address: i - — city: Zip Code: ,Z-_- County' Oa,-J f ORgce Tele No.: qS Call No.: a HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR WFORMATION (lf dlfi~ time drilkr) Contact Parson: C04 E I Address: AaaZ galf—I L .City: Zip Code: A7 _ c,=*' Off= TeleNo.( — Call No.: �i4n e -r - T_ STATUS OF APPLICANT Frl►�ame: Federal: Comnicreial: stems: Mwticpal: Nalive American .iauds: F. INJZC'TION PROCEDURE (brle$y describe how the ir}mlon well(a) will be used) G. VVXTIL CONSTSUCTION DATA (3) Proposed date to be eansmxmd: Number of borings - le Apptmximatcdepth ofe h boring -(feet): (2) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, ewc _ L T L ,• � (3) Well easing. Is the well(s) cmd7 (check ehhea (a,) Yes 2r (b,) No below) (a) Yes if M than provide casing h6wmation below Type: ____gaNwiized steel black steel`plestic other (specify) ring depth Fratn to feet (mhrmce oo land aWEMCC) Casing extends to abovq ground iWIM (b) No }� &M n CON4 (4) Gra1}t Info (mairrifli suairvuatdrng we33 crosrng andkx prprng}: , (a)'- Grout type: Ne& Ceneent �_ Seattortibe . Other (s*ify) (b) Grout p}acatnent: Pmnpin R'easuro� Dtha ' (s) Grout drrpth of tubing (reference w Yand surface): firom If wetl has casing, indicate grout depth: from to (set) OPUA TlC 5Qw Nwittarrkm of hwmsene t V2lll18)Per 2. 7-08— T 999 k 2 : ai PM PROM 8284524200 P. 4 S. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a (Sagram showing the engitneeriag layout or proposed modificativu of the injection tquipmem ? *p: exterior plpiVinbing assacistcd with the injection operatlon. -The rnanu&cttaer's brochure may provide su�'cmer�r� information. t L LOCATION OF VVTL4S) Attach two copies of maps showing the fallowing intbrm tion: (1) include a Site Map lean be drawn) showing: -buildings, property tiara, surface water bodies• potmtial saunas of garmdwutff contamination and the orientation -of and distances between the proposed wel)(s) hrtd any exW ng well(s) or waste dispeGal facilities such as septic tanks or drain Gelds iocatrd within ve fstt of ft geothermal heat pump well system. Label all fesnmes clearly and;dude a z rya. (2) T-11e, Site Map mrsst Shaw t>;e SubjeO prWeM is relmdon m the SMT*u ft area by um ng �t Mast two toted reference pottn. such as roedr, streams, andlar h4bway iiduseatow J. CI1:fts MCATION Now Thk ftrmk Appfeatlaa nnaat be slped by SUI person appeatring on the re owded hWd prrpeytp deed. "I hmtby certify, under pen&Ity of law, that I have personally examined and aim familiar with the., infamiaaion submitted in this document and all attachments tltcreto and Chet, based on my inquiry . of those ' individuals immediately responsible for obtalnirtg said information, I believe that the information is true, accufste arutcomplete. I am aware that there are significmut penalties, including the possibility of faws and imprisonment for submitting false Wormatim f agree to com tvct; operane, snairttsirt, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all relavd appurtenances in accordance wilt the P' FOT specifications and conditions of the Perak"., Signature of Property Owner/Appliceni Print or Type Full Name and tittle SiigtnMtofftpertyOwar IApplicant L_ = I&Ainkn an P e4-- ' Print or Type Full Nam and We { S4=7-0f,rashaa ized Agan, if any ,Prim at Type Fall Name and title -Pbax return two copies of the empleted Appriirat ion •parkagc to: • North Caroiiaa.DENR DWG e A4vilifer Ptrcfmflou Section-US{C'Prr grtxta • - . ±' ' 1636 Mail Service Centex RsnIeigh, NC Z7699 I636 _ s telephone (9I9) 7IS-5935 ' (IFLIO IC 9Ow Nad5mmi m of he= Form (Rar➢s 4 VION) P90 3 . glop pRt1TFf'wl SFf:]i N. DEC 0 7 ZD09 7.9�q ACMES .REEK MEADOyyS� 7 f7. ,`` � N F 3.36'35" E k�' ��• j } C, 41 93) Slide r 13.74' � 3171 w ti. }� ti- a 01d L,ne 'F 33f2 F we I } � �5 3.4 20 ACRES } I `5 (PQMC'iy Lafs $7 3dj /• I 4 f a � � N �7• `l � f _S to (A5• R/w) . RIPLE -- CREEK ❑RiV1E" } 404.36' a�. 2 r 2.94' T 39J x (►, ` ti —# 5 4355_02'E 617.30 T^T_ _ — -— P N a N o r T 1.75 137 Me , _1-80 i Map gmmtk-d by (he Maywood CouM Map Server. Feet I inch equals 140-836493 feet 12n)2O09 1:35:18 PM 0 50 100 200 300 400 Aogers, Michael From: randy@iedrilling.com Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:54 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Notice of Intent to Drill Application Attachments: Plemmons 5OW Geothermal Permit.pdf Michael, Attached is the 5-QW form "Notice of Intent to Drill" for the following customer: Kent J. & Eileen L. Plemmons Waynesville, NC I want to thank you for your help and hope you get over the cold. Thanks, Randall E. Cutter CWD/PI IGSHPA Accredited Installer Geothermal GSHP Loops Innovative Environmental Drilling 6105 Rest Nome Rd. Claremont, NC 28510 828-228-1595 Fax: 828-322-3745. randv@iedrillin�.com www.iedriilinp,.com