HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0030139_wasteload allocation_19930804NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0030139 PERMITTEE NAME: MGR, Inco orated FACILITY NAME: Rutherford County Convalescent Center Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor J Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.015 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100* % Industrial (% of Flow): 0 % Comments: * Convalescent home - possible MBAS? RECEIVING STREAM: an unnamed tributary to Catheys Creek Class: WS-V Sub -Basin: 03-08-02 Reference USGS Quad: Fl 1NW (please attach) County: Rutherford Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 11/30/93 Treatment Plant Class: Classification changes within three miles: No Chan e in class. Treatment plant will beat a minimum class II Requested by: Sean Goris Die; 5/5/93 Prepared byDate: Reviewed y• Dater EME;odelearl)ate Rec. ##s - 3 5 ii Drainage Area (mil) /o Avg. Streamflow (cfs): a, @ 7Q10 (cfs) 0-5 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q 2 ( cfs —� ) Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Location Downstream Location Lomments: ��� 6' //), 1 _ " `' °] 8. i ��� �/ ` •/ \ nod `� < o f ��,,.—"j/ y I ' —30 ' ter. // �v ul . DISCHARGE POINT 001 a` PERMTT NO."G AD 30 l-2,_ _ f� LAT. M ebron h ✓ t + • _ �. LONG. , j—. �t� rf - l r `� •I % .--,�,,- '`_ �.) -,` (l;',:- qi ^' 105 �4 L ,j, di g..$M = Q:?.>> ,N; j ro' , a . ._` �i1'/��•11' �$ 96 o r 1 .` J\ `�. \00' _,� `� �--� (7 1� / b • - •.� ' /`il-\vim_. Sl , .1 /054 �`Fl.'g-.. •.�•, t � . ;c . � `\1 / f) ,,� \ `�. D r �: � •����� .cK4 ,•.s:, % i`. //���� . � �(,'� � � � � ' L. � �' fit.. tea — - -1 CI. 30 MI, 414 (RUTHERFORDTOI SOUTH) 416 4654 IV SW 55' 1417 1 SCALE '1:24000 -- /� ' y 0 2 i MILE 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 .5 o Heap 1 KILOMETER M ed CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 7451 Facility Name: Rutherford Co. Convalescent Center NPDES No.: NC0030169 Type of Waste: 100% Domestic Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: UT Cathey's Creek Stream Classification: WS-IV Subbasin: 030802 County: Rutherford Stream Characteristic: Regional Office: ARO USGS # Requestor: Goris Date: Date of Request: 5/5/93 Drainage Area (mi2): 1.4 Topo Quad: F11NW Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 0.5 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 2.0 30Q2 (cfs): IWC M: 4.4 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Facility requesting renewal of NPDES permit. Tech Support recommends renewal of existing limits w/ additional monitoring for MBAS. "Special Note: Administrative Letter for Acute toxicity monitoring (monthly) will be rescinded by AQ TOX,per Matt Matthews. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Date: Reviewed by 6/28/93 i Instream Assessme Dater f'1 Regio u ervisor: � � Date:)/ �- Permits & Engineering: Date: J RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: tt 9� 6 �!� 71� -� i CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 0.015 BODS (mg/1): 30 NH3N (mg/1): 17 DO (mg/1): nr TSS (mg/1): 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 pH (SU): 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor Temperature (°C): monitor Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 0.015 BODS (mg/1): 30 NH3N (mg/1): 17 WQ DO (mg/1): nr - TSS (mg/1): 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 pH (SU): 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor Temperature (°C): monitor MBAS (µg/1) monitor Lin-fit5 Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information Parameter(s) Affected X_ Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. L No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: Downstream Location: Parameters: Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Ad4uacyof Existing Treatment Has the facility onstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Spscial Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. WIIULCGI;1•LULN'1"1'OXICI'1'Y'1'[i"'INLi OISMI-'-MUNI'I'(HLIN(;SUMMAItYI Weil. kill 16.1993 IIIR iR1FN . oRD co, CUNVALESY.7:N7' Cl'N 5H Un' AC TAR-siGN°)N A Rt13 so "• -' - _ - - „. _. - -- - - 139 Degin:03/26l92 Frequency: M Nonconip: 91 - - RUTDERFORD Region:ARO Subbasin:CfD02 77Q10; 92 - - >90' 33.7' >BD' >90' >BO' 52.1' >80.0' >80,0' 60.7' 5 Speclel Oder. 93 >90.0' >90' >90.0' >90.0' >110A, 50 IWC(%):4.4 lic". 1R 69.1' NONE' P45' 29.8',F - PASS PASS - RUTI IERFORD FURNITURE CO. LET CI[R TAR:41% B9 I,p Flow PASS -- -• PASS - - PASS - - PASS - NCOD05461 Dcgin:OSMI/89 FmWcncy: Q P/F A FED MAY AUG NOV NonComp: 90 •-• PASS --- -• PASS - - PASS - - FAIL PASS County: RU'1711?RFORD Region: ARO Subbasin: ClD02 91 - 92 - PASS •-• - PASS •- - FAIL FAIL NR FAIL NR IT:0.045 Special _ Oder: g3 PASS NR -- - 7QIO:0.10 IWC(%):41.09 PASS - -- PASS - - PASS - - RUriIERFOR yroi,; WWTP PERM CUR LIM:48% e9 PASS A - _ - - FAIL - PASS PASS PASS - PASS - - NC0025'J09 Degin:10/01/90 Frequency: Q Pm A JIII, OCf JAN APR NonCamp: 91 PASS - __ PASS •.. - PASS •-- -• PASS - - Counly:Rl1THERhORD Region: Alto Subbasin:('1'002 92 PASS -- ... PASS -• - PASS - PASS - -- PF:1.0 Special Order: B3 PASS •_ .- PASS 7QIO:1.70 IWC(%):48 SACKNER PRODUCTS PER AC MONIT: 241IR LC50 ImID EPIS (GRAD) 89 I NCO081779 Degin:02/01/93 Frequency: 5 OWD/A NonComp: 90 County:IREU111. Region: MRO Subbasin: YAD06 91 92 Special Oder. 93 7QIO:0 . SAI•lil.l'17i GLASS CORP. 14,RM CIIR I.IM:90% B9 -- -. .� - (.� .-. ••• ... ... -- N('W8(Y29J Deµin:(Y2/07/92 Fnvpa•ney: V 111; A Ilill MAY AIIG N(1V Notr('ony+:Sinµle -- ... --- .- - --- --. __, .,. ... ._ -•• County:l lALIFAX Region: RRO Subt sin: TAR04 III ..' 92 - ... _. •_ ... PASS -- -• NR •^ -- FAIL Ni Special Order:- PF100: 93 Ni FAIL FAIL FAIL,68.30' 0.0 IWC(%):1009 7QI(J PASS --- ... PASS - PASS SALISDIIRY-CRAWS CRI34K WWTP TERM CIIR LIM:67% Y 89 ... ... PASS PASS - ... __ FAIL PASS PASS PASS NCO023894 Degin:04/01/91 Frequency: Q PlIt A MAR JUN SUP DEC NouCmnp: PASS -•• ••• PASS -- -- FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL Counly:ROWAN Region: MRO Subbasin: YAIXri Y D2 FAIL - PASS PASS(s) --• --- PASS(s) --- ••- PASS(s) ( ) -• FAIL(s) PF: 7.5 Special Oder: 93 PASS _ PASS 7QI0:5.8 IW('('16)'67'F, PASS -- -- PASS ••• •- PASS _• ._ PASS SAUSDURY-TOWN CREEK WWTP PERM CUR LIM:85% Y 89 PASS -- PASS -• ... PASS -• PASS - - FAIL NCO023992 Degin:02/01188 [••regtrency: Q P1F MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: 90 - _- FAIL PASS PASS PASS PASS -- PASS - - PASS Counly:ROWAN Region: MRO Subbasin: YAD04 91 ^ 92 PASS F --- ___ PASS _ FAIL(s) PASS(s) •-- PASS(s) PIP: s.00 Special Ord":93 ._ _. Pass(s) •- 7Q10:1.40 IWC(%):84.7 89 NONE 2.24 NONE NONE NONE 70.7 5.44 3.07,E PASS - PASS - SALUDA WW7'P LET CUR 1'AR:55% 91 ... PASS _ _ NR FAIL NR PASS - - PASS - . NC002R975 Degin:OR/01/89 hntpa:ncy: Q I'At A IIID MAY AUG NOV NonComp: NR -. . • NR __ PASS 1•A FAIL -- PASS ••- County: POLK Region: ARO Subbasin: Cl'D06 91 -- 92 --. FAIL PASS -» 81 - - PASS - - PASS -' PF:0.07 Special Oder: 93 - PASS - _- 7Q10:0.09 IWC(%):54.66 - NR (FAIL) -• - (FAIL) - - (FAIL) - A8% SANIx)Z(SODYECU) PERM Ci1R L1M. Y 89 - 9p -. (FAIL) -- - PASS - -• PASS - - NR PASS NC0004375 Begin:09l01/91 Frequency: Q PIP A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: NR PASS _ - PASS - NR PASS County:MECKI.FNDURG Region: MRO Subbasin: CfB34 91 - 92 - FAIL FAIL PASS FAIL PASS --- PASS - at PF:3.90 Special Oder: B3 PASS - FAIL PASS 7QIO:95.0 IWC(%):5.99 PASS •-- ^- PASS - - P,P SANhORD, DIG Dlll•7tAL0 wwri, PFRM ('I IR 1_IM:3R%(NIP)31'I.3tM C11R LIM 39% SING11? 89 FAIL ( 1 ► •^ PASS PASS --- -- --••• PASS -- -- PASS - -- PASS N00024147 Begin:03/20/89 FA•rpacucy: Q P/F A MAR HIN SIT DIiC NonComp: » -•• PASS --- •- PASS •-- -- PASS •-- --• PASS b Subhasin:01111 Q,muy:1NJ( Re •iun: RKO Ot ••- _-- ... PASS FAIL PASS -•- PASS --• •-• PASS 1'It:6.R Special e Order. 93 ... ... PASS -- 7QI0:16.75 IWC(%):39 0 2 consecutive failures = significant noncompliance Y Pre 1989 Data Available 11?GItND: fnvryeney: Q• Qu:uterly: M-Monthly; SA- y: Only I;kauugNnn'Conrp ou.niioIS- Conducting indcla:ndanl study gle ailurem M PLRM =Permit Rcquircnxnt Llil' =Administrative Iw.•Oer •'1':vget Fregtxrtcy = Monitoring 7QIO =Receiving steam low Row criterion (cfs) A = monitoring increases to mouldy upon single failure Months si occur -ex. tlrnt testing mu. o liad testing JAN,AP,JUI-,O( Cumot t Compliance Requirement 1' Dcgin = First month reouind Pass rail PF= Permitted Row (MGD) IWC%= lnstream waste concentration PA' = I ass/Irail chronic test ChV Chronic value: P - Mortality of AC =Acute stated Percentage at CIIR =Chronic highest concentration: al •Performed by DEM An Tog Group; ht - Dad test in SIG = ORC signature needed Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow; • - Ceriodavhnia so.; my - Mvsid s).rimP: - NR . Not reported; ( ) - Deg,nning of Quarter [facility Activity Status: I - Inactive. N - Newly Issued(A5 construct); I I -Active but not discharging: ?-Marc data available for month question Reporting Notation: --• = Data not required: 03o/o J � 4/1 (tt tA�� ........... . . . .......... t or 0.23 sw_ J _ (4, Sol)S/K ,26 a -Ar elf 5"eo UA Date May 3, 1993 STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIMS NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL County —Rutherford Permit No. NCO030139 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Rutherford County Convalescent Center Route 2, Box 39-A Rutherfordton, N. C. 28139 2. Date of Investigation: October 20, 1992 3. Report Prepared By: James R. Reid 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Steven Nanney 704-286-9001 5. Directions to Site: Facility is located approximately 0.1 mi. West of the intersection of US 64 and SR 1523 in Rutherford County. 6. Discharge Point - Latitude: 350 24' 43" Longitude: 820 55' 37" Attached a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No. or USGS Quad Name__Rutherfordton North_ 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): 1 acre 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): 5-10% Slope above flood plain . 9. Location of nearest dwelling: 300-400 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: UT Cathey's Creek. a. Classifications: WS-V b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: BRD 030802 C. Describe receiving stream .features and pertinent downstream uses: Wildlife Support, agriculture, recreation PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: 100% Domestic % Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: 0.015 MGD b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: C. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only) in development approved _ should be required not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds a. highest month in the last 12 months b. highest year in last 5 years 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart: 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing): Existing, extended aeration with surge tank, and aerated sludge digester. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: Sludge is removed by Ray Tessner Septic Tank Service and discharged to the Town of Spindale's WWTP which has an approved, DEM-permitted land application of sludge system. 6. Treatment plant classification: II 7. SIC Code(s) 8051 _ Wastewater Code(s) 11 MTU Code: 05007 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? 2. Special monitoring requests: 3. Additional effluent limits requests: 4. Other: PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Renewal of the permit is recommended. 5:Sligrnatu�rte of Report Pr4parer Water Quality Regional Supervis LIST OF 100% DOMESTIC FACILITIES WHICH ARE RENEWING WITHOUT MODIFICATION RECEIVED 383 Permit # Facility Stream Sub -basin County Region MOD Comments 25763 KURE BEACH W WTP, TOWN OF CAPE FEAR RIVER 030617 NEW HANOVER WiRO JCD Tidal- see comments from region attached 30139 RUTHERFORD CO CONVALESCENT CTR UT CATHEYS CREEK 030802 RUTHERFORD ARO JMN WLA needed - toa letter sent 35777 CARVER MIDDLE SCHOOL UT BEAVERDAM CREEK 030755 SCOTLAND FRO FK Oa & 4 36471 EUGENE HOWERDD DEVELOPMENT LOGAN CREEK 031302 JACKSON ARO MMW Not built (alt. anal. needed) 36471 HELENA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL #002 UT NORTH FLAT RIVER 030401 PERSON RRO FK Oa & 4 - alternatives being negotiated 36544 BETHEL HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BAMBOO BRANCH 030205 PERSON RRO FK Oa 40631 NEIGHBORS DRIVE-IN TUCKASEGEE RIVER 040402 SWAIN ARO FK Jackson Utility Co has sere line in area 40908 TABERNACLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UT UWHARRIE RIVER 030709 RANDOLPH WSRO MMW Ob (8/30/96) 41599 CENTRAL JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCH UT ABBOTTS CREEK 030704 DAVIDSON WSRO MMW WLA needed, TN,TP monit 41602 SILVER VALLEY ELEM SCHOOL UT FLAT SWAMP CREEK 030704 DAVIDSON WSRO MMW Oa 55255 CROWN MHP UT HICKORY CREEK 030608 GUILFORD WSRO JCD Oa 56545 SHIPYARD PROPERTY TRENT RIVER 030410 CRAVEN WaRO FK 4 56618 CAROLINA PINES ESTATES NEUSE RIVER 030410 CRAVEN WaRO FK Tidal & 4 56774 PARKS FARM SUBDIVISION FLAT BRANCH 030838 MECKLENBURG MRO JMN 57223 BAILEYS MHP UT LITTLE CREEK 030704 FORSYTH WSRO MMW Oa 57681 HALLMAN APARTMENTS TIMS CREEK 030835 BURKE ARO JMN 4 59889 GOLDEN AGE, INC. UT NORTH POTTS CREEK 030704 DAVIDSON WSRO MMW Ob (7/31/94 - SOC) 65706 CROSBYUTIL/COTTONWOOD SUBD POPLAR CREEK 030402 WAKE RRO FK 4 71706 HINSON ARMS APARTMENTS UT NEW RIVER 030502 ONSLOW WiRO MMW Oa - NSW class WLA needed 74128 LEWIS FORK BAPTIST MISSION LITTLE CREEK 030701 WILKES WSRO MMW 74373 VASS WWTP, TOWN OF LITTLE RIVER 030614 MOORE FRO JCD 79448 FAIRHAVEN HOME WEBBS CREEK 030802 RUTHERFORD ARO JMN KEYS TO COMMENTS: Oa. No policy given. Alternatives analysis should be required. Ob. Facility must tneet 5 & I (by date given in parenthesis). Oc. Alternatives analysis requested. Od. Alternatives analysis submitted. Oe. Facility will connect to POTW. 1. Phased permit. 2. Documented instream water quality problems. 3. Facility is requesting modification. 4. WLA should be done per basinwide permitting schedule.