HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100147 Ver 1_More Info Received_20100416to- aiLf7 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Letter of Transmittal To: Ian McMillan North Carolina DENR Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 a LqL? PIR, No: 20100149-0002 APR 1,G 2Ci0 From: Stacy L. Schimr &NR'WA;ERQUAUTY AND ST ORMWATER ORANCH Date: 4/15/2010 Job no.: 20100149 Subject: East Carolina Student Housing We are sending you herewith via: The following items: ? Courier ? U.S. Mail ?X Fed. Ex. ? UPS ?X copies ? originals ? [other] Copies Date Number of sheets Description 5 4/14/2010 2 Revised Exhibit 6 & 7 5 4/14/2010 - 401 Certification Storm Water Management Plan These are transmitted as checked below: ? for approval ? for your file ? for execution / signatures Remarks: Copies To: Emily Jernigan (USACE) Dave Tyndall (Edwards Communities) ? as requested ? for review & comment ? [other] ],A- ForEMH&T,Inc.: XtCA4. ?OJAAA4 Sta L. Schimmoeller If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, CH 43054 - Phone 614.775.4500 • Fax 614.775.4800 Columbus - Aflanto - Charlotte - Cincinnati - Indianapolis emht.com rr r i •y_u . ? A .? t ? ? 4w .a e A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. I ?I 5500 New Albany Road New Albany, Ohio 43054 Phone: 614-775-4213 Fax: 614-775-4802 Toll Free: 1-888-775-EMHT emht.com 2009-1330 It 401 Certification Stormwater Management Plan for Province at Greenville Off Campus Student Housing Project Edwards Communities City.of Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina April 14, 2010 Stormwater Management Plan Province at Greenville Off Campus Student Housing Project City of Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina Prepared By: Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. 5500 New Albany Road Columbus, Ohio 43054 I hereby certify that the calculations contained herein are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,,??llir?r:,?r,• R© r-rr '?\ ••••r?•••r• l rr ? SEAL Tr. 032959 O` +???11fiSll, d By: Qougl s C. Tumey, P /t. Date A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS ..........................................................................................1 2.0 POST-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS .......................................................................................1 3.0 NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS ...............................................................................................3 4.0 DIFFUSE FLOW REQUIREMENT ..........................................................................................3 5.0 BMP DESIGN .....................................................................................................................4 6.0 SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN .................................................................................................8 7.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE .............................................................................................9 TABLES TABLE 1: Stormwater Wetland Plant List ..........................................................................7 TABLE 2: Sediment Basin Volume Calculation .................................................................8 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: PondPack Output APPENDIX B: Tar-Pamlico Coastal Plain Nutrient Calculation Worksheet, Wetland Supplement, Required Items Checklist, Operation and Maintenance Agreement, & Mellow March Farm Availability and Price List APPENDIX C: Geotechnical Report and Soils Map APPENDIX D: Exhibits FIGURES FIGURE 1: Water Quality Drawdown Graph FIGURE 2: Sediment Basin Drawdown Graph EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Predeveloped Watershed Workmap Exhibit 2: Post-Developed Watershed Workmap Exhibit 3: Wetland Planting Plan Exhibit 4: Sediment and Erosion Control Plan Exhibit 5: Sediment and Erosion Control Details Exhibit 6: Existing Boundary Exhibit A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. 1.0 PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS The project is located in the Green Mill Run watershed, which is tributary to the Tar River, see existing site boundary exhibit in Appendix D. The project is a redevelopment project that involves the demolition of two existing apartment complexes and several single-family homes. The site is generally bounded by Green Mill Run to the east, 14th Street to the south, Charles Blvd. to the west and 1 1 th Street to the north, see Exhibit 1. The area of disturbance is approximately 11.80 acres and includes the site development and water quality BMP. The area does not include much of the Green Mill Run buffer, portions of the existing wetlands, and other areas within the floodway of Green Mill Run. The City of Greenville and the State of North Carolina within the Tar-Pamlico watershed require that the 1-year post-developed peak flow rate be detained to the 1-year predeveloped rate. The analysis uses the NRCS Type II rainfall distribution and a 1-year rainfall depth of 3.10". To determine the existing peak flow rate, a NRCS runoff curve number and time of concentration are required. The existing composite runoff curve number (RCN) is approximately 78, see PondPack output in Appendix A. The time of concentration is relatively short, assuming 10 minutes to the first inlet and a travel time of 2 minutes for a total time of 0.20 hours, the resulting peak flow rate is 18.05 cfs. The offsite areas can be passed through at their predeveloped rates. Subarea 003 shown on Exhibits 1 and 2 consists of 2.67 acres of existing offsite development and Subarea 004, 1.09 acres of existing offsite development. Neither of the two areas appears to have any existing runoff controls. The two subareas both have a time of concentration of approximately 10 minutes; therefore they were combined into one hydrograph with a composite RCN of 77. The resulting 1- year peak flow rate is 5.80 cfs. A 30" storm sewer is tributary to the site and conveys runoff from Charles Blvd. The 30" storm sewer is being passed through the site and directly to Green Mill, therefore it is not being included in the allowable release rate, water quality, and nutrient calculations. The resulting allowable release rate is (18.05+5.08) 23.13 cfs. 2.0 POST-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS BMP Selection The potential options included a stormwater wetland, subsurface infiltration basin, or subsurface sand filter. The subsurface sand filter was eliminated due to its inability to provide significant peak flow rate controls for the 1-year storm without the addition of subsurface storage. A subsurface infiltration basin is a viable alternative given the existing soil conditions and the ability to install the system in the parking areas. The bottom of the infiltration system would be at an elevation of 25.0 and the top at approximately 31.0, with the finish grade of the parking lot at an elevation of 33 to 34. At an elevation of 25, the system could be installed sufficiently above the seasonal high water table elevation of 23 and in a non-fill situation. A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. The stormwater wetland could be installed in the floodplain of Green Mill Run in areas outside of the preserved wetland and buffer zones and within the floodway. The wetland permanent pool elevation (PPE) could also be set at an elevation of 22.5, at or just below the groundwater table, providing a constant source of water to keep the wetland healthy. The existing ground is at approximately 23.0 to 24.0, approximately the same elevation as the top of bank of the proposed wetland, so the wetland BMP would be entirely in cut. The Conditional Letter of Map Revision to FEMA shows a constant elevation of 24.0 in the left overbank of Green Mill Run, therefore, not counting the excavated wetland as part of the flow conveyance area. The top of bank of Green Mill Run is approximately 24.0 in the vicinity of the stormwater wetland and the stream invert is approximately 19.0. It is assumed that the bank full event with a recurrence interval of 1-2 years is contained with the channel of Green Mill Run; however, overbank flooding may occur. The stormwater wetland is only designed to handle the 1-year storm; less frequent events will flood the stormwater wetland. The Green Mill Run floodplain is very wide in this area with a stream velocity during a 10-year event of 2.5 to 3.5 ft/s, which is relatively low. The 10-year floodplain elevation is approximately 29.5 to 30.0 in the area of the wetland. While flooding of the wetland may occur from Green Mill Run, the preserved wetland and existing vegetation between the Green Mill Run channel and the proposed wetland will keep larger debris from flowing into the wetland. Maintenance of the wetland will be required following flood events to insure that the wetland is functioning properly. The advantage of the stormwater wetland is the ability to see any damage or accumulation of debris from larger flooding events. The subsurface infiltration basin would also be flooded during a 10-year event and is more difficult to maintain and inspect after a flood. The stormwater wetland BMP was selected for a number of reasons: 1. Meets the Tar-Pamlico requirements for nutrient reduction and 1-year peak flow rate controls and has a higher nutrient reduction potential than a subsurface infiltration basin. 2. Uses land that is impacted by the excavation of material for floodplain permitting purposes and also as an area that may be impacted during construction staging activities. In the post-developed condition, the land was not being utilized for any specific purpose prior to determination that a BMP was required for the development. 3. More beneficial environmentally to install a wetland BMP adjacent to an existing wetland in lieu of a subsurface infiltration basin. 4. The wetland basin can be used as a sediment basin during construction so that the sediment basin does not have to be located within the site, delaying the completion of significant sections of the parking lot. 5. All of the potential BMP's would be impacted by flood waters from Green Mill Run during 10-year or greater events. The stormwater wetland would be the most visible BMP, therefore, easier to maintain and inspect. 6. The floodplain velocities of Green Mill Run during higher events are relatively low. 7. Provides treatment of additional offsite area, i.e. the carwash, than the infiltration basin design. 2 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. Stormwater Wetland Design With development, a stormwater wetland BMP is proposed to treat and detain runoff from onsite and offsite areas, labeled Subarea 001, 002, 003, and 004 on Exhibit 2. Subarea 002 actually flows off of the site undetained and includes only pervious areas that are unable to be captured and routed to the stormwater wetland BMP. The peak flow rate calculations take into account Subarea 002 not flowing into the wetland as discussed later in this report. The remainder of the site is preserved wetlands, buffer areas, and floodway that are not to be developed and directly tributary to Green Mill Run. The outlet design for the stormwater wetland consists of (3) 2" orifices at the normal pool elevation of 22.50 and a 29" weir at an elevation of 23.50. The weir is actually the width of a flashboard within an Agri-drain inline water level control device used to control the outflow rate and elevation of the wetland. The Agri-drain model selected is a 5' tall unit with 24" storm sewer inlets and outlets. The tailwater control for both the 2" orifices and the 29" weir is a 24" storm sewer that conveys runoff to Green Mill Run. The resulting 1-year peak flow rate from the wetland is 2.82 cfs with a maximum pool elevation of 23.96 and a maximum storage volume of 1.351 ac-ft. The 1-year release rate is well below the allowable release rate of 23.13 cfs, and therefore meets the City of Greenville and State of North Carolina peak flow rate control criteria. The corresponding output from the PondPack model is included in Appendix A. 3.0 NUTRIENT CALCULATIONS The development consists of two onsite areas and two offsite areas. The onsite areas are labeled Subarea 001 and 002 on Exhibit 2. Subarea 001 is the main onsite developed area that is tributary to the wetland basin. Subarea 002 is a small managed pervious area around the eastern and northern perimeter of the site that flow directly to Green Mill Run. Subarea 003 and 004 are offsite areas tributary to the onsite storm sewer system and stormwater wetland. The nutrient requirements for the site are to reduce the post-developed annual nitrogen load by 30% and have no increase in phosphorus load for the area being developed. Offsite areas that pass through the site are not required to have a nutrient load reduction. The proposed BMP for the site to reduce the post-developed nitrogen load by 30% and have no increase in phosphorus load is a stormwater wetland BMP designed to the specifications of Chapter 9 of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality BMP manual. The BMP has an 85% TSS removal rate, 40% nitrogen reduction, and 40% phosphorus reduction capability. The resulting nutrient loadings are shown on the nutrient calculations worksheets in Appendix B. 4.0 DIFFUSE FLOW REQUIREMENTS Per Table 8-1, of the North Carolina BMP Manual, Filter Strips, Important Note 1, "A BMP that removes 30% TN and 30% TP may discharge through the buffer with a buffer authorization from the DWQ 401 program." The statement allows the outflow from the stormwater wetland BMP to discharge directly to Green Mill Run without a level spreader or other diffuse flow BMP. 3 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. 5.0 BMP DESIGN The stormwater BMP used for this project to meet 85% TSS removal as well as nitrogen and phosphorus requirements is a stormwater wetland per Chapter 9 of the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual. The following design procedures were followed to design the wetland. The wetland also provides detention for the 1-year storm, detaining the 1-year post-developed storm to the 1-year predeveloped rate. Step 1: STORMWATER WETLAND LAYOUT The stormwater wetland has a wet forebay and two micropools/deep pools. Inside the wetland footprint, shallow land and shallow water areas are shown on Exhibit 3 meeting the minimum surface area requirements of the manual. The layout of the shallow water and shallow land areas were meant to increase the flow length of runoff through the basin. The shape of the basin is very conducive to creating a very long flow path for smaller rainfall events. All of the site runoff and a portion of the offsite runoff will pass through the main forebay. A micropool also exists at the outlet of the wetland and at the location of an offsite area inflow at the southern end of the basin to dissipate velocity from the existing car wash and an East Carolina Operation building south of the site. Step 2: WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS The total tributary area to the stormwater wetland BMP is 15.13 acres, of which 9.32 acres is impervious. The resulting water quality volume for a 1 " rainfall event is as follows: Rv = 0.009(i)+0.05 Rv = (0.009)[(9.32/15.13)* 100]+0.05 Rv = 0.60 WQv = Rv(1")(A)/12 WQv = (0.60)(1)(15.13)/12 WQv = 0.757 ac-ft Step 3: STORMWATER WETLAND SURFACE AREA REQUIREMENTS The surface area requirement for the stormwater wetland BMP is (WQv / D plants). The proposed depth for plants is 12", therefore the required surface area is 32,974 square feet (SF). The proposed wetland permanent pool elevation is 22.50' with a surface area of 39,436 SF. The required shallow water surface area requirement is 30-40% of the wetland surface. The area provided as shown on Exhibit 2 is 14,719 square feet or 37%. The deep pool/micropool areas consist of two separate micropools totaling 4,213 square feet or approximately 11 % of the surface area. The forebay area is 4,095 SF, or approximately 10% of the surface area. The 4 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. remaining 16,409 square feet is shallow water areas, equating to approximately 42% of the wetland surface. FOREBAY CALCULATIONS The forebay will be a wet forebay with a gravel berm controlling the flow of water to the stormwater wetland. The bottom of the forebay is at an elevation of 20.0, the top of the gravel berm is 23.50, the same elevation as the 2nd stage outlet, and the permanent pool elevation is 22.50. The resulting surface area of the forebay is 4,095 square feet or 10% of the wetland surface area, therefore meeting the requirements. Step 4: SOIL MEDIA TYPE The wetland is located in Bibb Soil, a very deep, poorly drained, moderately permeable soil formed in sandy alluvium on flood plains of the Coastal Plain. The soil is considered a Type D soil in an undrained condition as found at the location of the stormwater wetland BMP. The existence of adjacent wetlands indicates its ability to sustain wetland vegetation, therefore, additional topsoil will not be imported into the wetland, the native soils will be used. The seasonal high groundwater elevation at this location is high, therefore a clay or synthetic liner is not being proposed. The existing wetlands generally exist between an elevation of 22 and 23. The proposed stormwater wetland will have a permanent pool elevation of 22.50. No boring logs are available for the area of the wetland BMP, however, several borings onsite were performed onsite, see Appendix C. The closest locations were B-4 and B-7, which showed a water table elevation of 24.0 and 22.0 respectively. Step 5: OUTLET STRUCTURE DESIGN The first stage outlet for the wetland is (3) 2" orifices set at the permanent pool elevation of 22.50. The orifices were designed to drawdown the water quality event in 2-5 days. The water quality volume is 0.757 ac-ft, corresponding to a water quality elevation of 23.35. The resulting water quality drawdown graph is shown on Figure 1. The orifices will be drilled into a 5" or 7" tall stop log associated with an Agri-Drain inline water level control structure to protect the orifices from getting clogged with vegetation and floatable debris, see detail on Exhibit 2. The water level control structure was also selected due to its ability to adjust the permanent pool elevation to aid in the development of the wetland plant material. The 2nd stage outlet is the overflow weir within the Agri-Drain Structure, a 29" wide weir set at an elevation of 23.50, with a minimum elevation of 23.35. The flow through the (3) 2" orifices and the 29" weir will be controlled by a 24" storm sewer pipe from the Agri-Drain structure to the downstream manhole. The resulting 1-year peak flow rate from the basin is 2.82 cfs with a peak water surface elevation of 23.96. 5 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. Figure 1 Water Quality Drawdown Graph - Stormwater Wetland E a 10 70 40 Ep 60 Y0 90 90 100 140 1x0 Time (h-) Step 6: SELECT PLANTS Please refer to the attached planting plan, see Exhibit 3, for plant species and numbers as well as Table 1. The stormwater wetland will be planted with herbaceous plants, trees, and deep pool plants per the following table. The shallow water required number of herbaceous plants is 4,150. The shallow land number of herbaceous plants is 2,960 plus 74 trees in at least a 3-gallon container. All herbaceous plants shall be in at least A cubic-inch containers. Much of the area of the proposed wetland is in an area that is currently a classified wetland, therefore the existing topsoil will be stockpiled and re-used to create the growing medium for the proposed wetland plantings. It is not anticipated that any fertilizer will be required following initial planting. In addition, with the wetlands proximity to the ground water table, watering of the installed plants is unlikely, however, the plants will be closely monitored after initial planting and watered as needed. Verification of price and availability from Mellow March Farms is included in Appendix B. The sequence and timing for preparation of the wetland bed is as follows: 1. Topsoil in the existing area of the stormwater wetland will be removed and stockpiled offsite during construction. 2. The wetland area will be over-excavated and used as a sediment basin during construction. 3. Following final site stabilization accumulated sediment to be removed from basin and disposed offsite. 6 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. 4. Basin to be filled to within 4" of final grade with silty sand, lightly compacted. 5. Final 4" of basin to be filled with previously stockpiled topsoil taken from the area of the proposed stormwater wetland and adjacent areas. b. Plant wetland with appropriate herbaceous plants, trees, and deep pool lily's. 7. Adjust outlet device, moving (3) 2" orifices to an elevation of 22.50, adjust as needed to maintain proper permanent pool elevation. 8. Top of flash board elevation to be at 23.50 for larger rainfall events or a minimum of 12" higher than permanent pool elevation. 9. Remove orange barrier fence around perimeter of wetlands to be preserved. 10. Inspect and maintain basin per Operation and Maintenance Agreement. Table 1 Stormwater Wetland Plant List Zone Species Source Floating Aquatic Plants Deep Pool Yellow Pond-lily Mellow Marsh Farm Dee Pool Canadien Waterweed Mellow Marsh Farm Herbaceous Plants Shallow Water Lizard's Tail Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Soft rush Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Arrow arum Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Pickerelweed Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Duck Potato Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Soft stem bulrush Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Water Three-square bulrush Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Swamp milkweed Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Scarlet rose mallow Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Longleaf lobelia Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Joe P ye weed Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Cardinal flower Mellow Marsh Farm Trees Shallow Land Bald Cypress Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Swamp Chestnut Oak Mellow Marsh Farm Shallow Land Willow Oak Mellow Marsh Farm 7 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. 6.0 SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN Sediment basins shall be designed according to the Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, published in June of 2006. The sediment basin will be the same footprint as the constructed stormwater wetland, although excavated to a lower elevation. The bottom of the basin will be at an elevation of 20.0, while the finish elevation of the wetland basin will be 22.0 to 22.5 for the shallow water and shallow land areas. The drawdown graph is provided on Figure 2. A summary of the design is as follows: Bottom of Basin: 20.0 ft Top of Bank: 24.0 ft Tributary Area: 15.22 acres Disturbed Area: 11.46 acres Drawdown Volume: 11.46 acres x 1800 CF/acre = 20,628 CF = 0.47 ac-ft Drawdown device: (3) 2" orifices @ 20.0 Drawdown Elevation: 20.75 ft 2-yr Rainfall Depth: 3.76" 2-yr Peak Inflow: 42.80 cfs 2nd Stage outlet: 29" wide flashboard @ 20.79 (agri-drain structure 5'x24" PVC, INLINE05X24P) 2-yr Peak Elevation: 21.86 ft 2-yr Peak Outflow: 8.48 cfs 10-yr Rainfall Depth: 5.81 " 10-yr Peak Inflow 78.41 cfs Minimum Surface Area: 435 sq.ft./cfs x 78.41 cfs = 34,108 sq.ft. @ 2-yr storm elevation Provided Surface Area: 34,842 sq.ft. @ 21.86 ft (see Table 5) Spillway: None provided, use 2nd stage 29" wide flash board 10-yr Peak Elevation: 23.00 Freeboard Required: 12" Freeboard Provided: 12" 10-yr Peak Outflow: 24.44 cfs Table 2 Sediment Basin Volume Calculation Elevation (ft) Area (s .ft.) Volume ac-ft) 20.0 26,845 0.000 21.0 30,741 0.656 22.0 35,509 1.416 22.5 37,240 1.834 23.0 39,436 2.274 23.5 41,645 2.739 24.0 43,869 3.230 8 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. Figure 2 Sediment Basin Drawdown Graph 0.5 0.4- 0.3- (v E 0.2" 0,1 0.0 • - 0 10 20 7.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 30 40 Time (hrs) 50 60 70 80 The following construction sequence is proposed for the site development 1. All erosion control measures shall be constructed in accordance with the N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Land Quality Section of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, NCDOT Roadside Environmental Unit, and the City of Greenville Standards. 2. Install construction entrance(s). 3. Orange barrier fencing will be placed around perimeter of the wetland areas to be preserved and along the 50' buffer north of the preserved wetlands. 4. Place silt fence along the eastern perimeter of the area of disturbance in areas not directly tributary to the sediment basin. The alignment of the silt fence will closely follow the existing floodway line. 5. Re-locate existing 24" storm sewer carrying only offsite flow so that it by-passes sediment basin. 6. Remove existing pavement within 30' and 50' stream buffer and re-establish vegetation. 9 A legacy of experience A reputation for excellence 7. Remove vegetation/trees in the area to be disturbed for construction of sediment basin and stormwater wetland. 8. Minimum of 6" of topsoil in wetland impact areas to be removed and stockpiled offsite. Stockpiles not permitted within the floodway of Green Mill Run onsite or in any other floodplain or floodway offsite. Minimum of 750 cubic yards of topsoil to be stockpiled for use in the constructed stormwater wetland following construction. Contractor to notify City of Greenville location of offsite stockpile and borrow areas and provide the appropriate erosion control for those areas. 9. Sediment basin excavated to plan elevation of 20.0 and stabilized per seeding schedule, rock berms installed, and outlet device installed. Outlet device to have (3) 2" orifices installed at an elevation of 20.0 to provide dewatering time. Orifices to be installed in center of 7" flash board within outlet device. One 5" flash board to be installed above 7" flashboard with orifices to achieve an elevation of 20.79. Storm sewer pipe from and to outlet device to have trench dam installed to minimize piping of water from sediment basin wetland. 10. Diversion channels created onsite to divert onsite runoff to northern end of sediment basin. 11. Maintain basin during construction and inspect within 24 hours after every rainfall of 1 " or greater. 12. Construct project to full build-out, install inlet protection on proposed storm sewer grates within project limits. 13. Following final site stabilization accumulated sediment to be removed from basin and disposed offsite. 14. Basin to be filled to within 4" of final grade with silty sand, lightly compacted. 15. Final 4" of basin to be filled with previously stockpiled topsoil taken from the area of the proposed stormwater wetland and adjacent areas. 16. Plant wetland with appropriate herbaceous plants, trees, and deep pool lily's. 17. Adjust outlet device, moving (3) 2" orifices to an elevation of 22.50, adjust as needed to maintain proper permanent pool elevation. 18. Top of flash board elevation to be at 23.50 for larger rainfall events or a minimum of 12" higher than permanent pool elevation. 19. Remove orange barrier fence around perimeter of wetlands to be preserved, remove sediment fence in all other areas of the site, and remove storm sewer inlet protection. 20. Inspect and maintain basin per Operation and Maintenance Agreement. 10 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. APPENDIX A: PondPack Output I, 4.p Addlink 10 001 and 002 Pre Pre stm w etland ' Addlink 20 w Subarea 001 P Sub 003 004 Route 50 Addlink 50 r?'F Post Subarea 00: :::0I7'.': Addlink 40 Route 20 A to Sed Basin sed basin Out 10 Table of Contents Table of Contents ***x**kx******* MASTER SUMMARY *xrk***xkxkxxx*xxxxt+* Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 k*&****#****rx** DESIGN STORMS SUP9MARY ****kk>**r+.x*+*kk Greenville...... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 exx*****x?x*xxaxaxw* TC CALCULATIONS *******x*k*xxx+xx* 001 AND 002 PRE TC Calcs ........................... 3.01 SUB ?03 & 004... TC Calcs ........................... 3.03 SUBAREA 001..... Tc Ca1cs ........................... 3.05 SUBAREA 002..... TC Calcs ........................... 3.07 TO SED BASIN.... TC Cales ........................... 3.09 xx*+*x*tx*xxxx*kxk+xk CN CALCULATIONS ****?eikik**"****kiJ 001 AND 002 PRE Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 SUB 403 & 004... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.02 SUBAREA 001..... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.03 SUBAREA 002..... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.04 TO SED BASIN.... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.05 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Table of Contents Table of Contents (Continued) +*++*r**+Ww*++*+++++r+ POND VOLUMES *++++***+*+*+**?++++ SED BASIN....... Vol: Elev-Area 5.01 STM WETLAND..... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.02 ++**++*+**+++*+ OUTLET STRUCTURES k*?**++**+++++*i sed outlet...... Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.03 wetland out..... Outlet Input Data 6.09 Composite Rating Curve 6.07 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:9.2 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Greenville Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ 1-year ------ 3.1000 ---------------- Synthetic Curve ---------------- TypeII 24hr 2-year 3.7600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10-yr 5.8100 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun ------------ 001 AND 002 ----- PRE ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- 1.181 001 AND 002 PRE AREA 2 1.670 001 AND 002 PRE AREA 10 3.356 *OUT 10 JCT 1 2.025 *OUT 10 JCT 2 2.739 *OUT 10 JCT 10 5.096 *POST JCT 1 2.308 R *POST JCT 2 2.221 R *POST JCT 10 3.488 R *PRE JCT 1 1.181 *PRE JCT 2 1.670 *PRE JCT 10 3.356 SED BASIN IN POND 1 2.029 SED BASIN IN POND 2 2.742 SED BASIN IN POND 10 5.100 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs cfs ft ac-ft --------- 12.0000 -------- -------- ------------ 18.05 12.0000 25.92 12.0000 52.36 12.5000 4.44 12.3500 8.48 12.2500 24.44 12.8500 2.84 12.1000 3.46 12.0000 4.04 12.0000 18.05 12.0000 25.92 12.0000 52.36 12.0000 31.68 12.0000 42.80 12.0000 78.41 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( Bentley Systems, Inc. 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Master Network Summ ary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------------- --- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft ---------- Trun -- hrs --------- cfs -------- ft -------- ac-ft ------------ SED BASIN OUT POND 1 2.025 12.5000 4.44 21.47 .997 SED BASIN OUT POND 2 2.739 12.3500 8.48 21.86 1.302 SED BASIN OUT POND 10 5.096 12.2500 24.44 23.00 2.276 STM WETLAND IN POND 1 2.341 12.0000 36.43 STM WETLAND IN POND 2 3.082 12.0000 47.68 STM WETLAND IN POND 10 5.491 12.0000 83.21 STM WETLAND OUT POND 1 2.294 R 12.9000 2.82 23.96 1.351 STM WETLAND OUT POND 2 2.199 R 12.1000 3.20 24.00 1.396 STM WETLAND OUT POND 10 3.437 R 11.9000 3.20 24.00 1.396 SUB 003 & 004 AREA 1 .357 12.0000 5.80 SUB 003 & 004 AREA 2 .510 12.0000 8.36 SUB 003 & 004 AREA 10 1.038 12.0000 16.98 SUBAREA 001 AREA 1 1.984 12.0000 30.63 SUBAREA 001 AREA 2 2.572 12.0000 39.33 SUBAREA 001 AREA 10 4.453 12.0000 66.23 SUBAREA 002 AREA 1 .014 12.0000 .22 SUBAREA 002 AREA 2 .022 12.0000 .35 SUBAREA 002 AREA 10 .051 12.0000 .84 TO SED BASIN AREA 1 2.029 12.0000 31.68 TO SED BASIN AREA 2 2.742 12.0000 42.80 TO SED BASIN AREA 10 5.100 12.0000 78.41 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 4/13/2010 Type.... ;cssign Storms Name.... Greenville Page 2.01 File.... 3:1200913301CalculationslStormwater Manage*nentN20091330.ppw Title... Project Date: 3/9/2010 Project Engineer: DTurney Project Title: Watershed Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,1D = Greenville Storm Tag Name = 1-year Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm Typell 24hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1400 hrs End= 24.4000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 2-year Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.7600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End- 24.00D0 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-yr Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.8100 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... '1'c Calcs Nay-.-- .... . I AND 002 PRE L'age i. UJ File.... J:1200913301ca1culations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw TIME OF' CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .2000 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .2000 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs game.... 001 AND 002 PRE Page 3.02 File.... ,T:l20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management120091330.ppw ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- Tc Equations used- ----------------------------------- User Defined =----v ----_----- ----------______-__ Tc = Value entered by us-tz Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 4/13/2010 Type.... Tc Ca1cs Name.... SUB 003 & 004 Page 3.03 File..., :r:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management020091330.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total. TC: .1670 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB 003 & 004 Page 3.04 File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==_= User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... _ Calcs Name .... .?'1BAREA 001 Page 3.05 File.... J:1200913301Calculations\Stormwater Management120091330.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .2000 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------_--_----- ------------------------- Total Tc: .2000 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 9/1312010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUBAREA 001 Page 3.06 File.... J:1200913301CalculationslStormwater Managementl20091330.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - User Defined =_ = Tc = Value entered by user where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, Tne- 4/13/201-111 Type.... Tc Calcs Nam(,.... SFJ13AREA 002 File.... J:1200913301CalculationslStormwater Management120091330.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULikTOR.' Segment ;;1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs -°---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Total Tc: .1670 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems. Inc. Bentley PortdPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUBAREA 002 Page 3.OU File.... J:120D91330\Calculations\Stormwater Management120091330.ppw -------------------- Tc Equations used... -------------------- User Defined ===-------- ------=------------------------ Tc = Value entered by user. Where_ Tc = Time of concentration 51N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pcnd.Pack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... TC Calcs Name.... TO SED Brt,' I:d Page 3.09 Ei1e.... ::12009133ONCalculations4Stormwater Management120091330.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment 41: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .2000 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total TC: .2000 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO SED BASIN Page 3.10 File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ___= User Defined _=_ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... 001 AND 002 PP.E File_... X7:120091330\Calctilations\Stormwater Management120091330.ppw RUNOFF' CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description ------- -- CN acres 5c %UC CN --- -------------------- Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Fai ---- 49 --------- 3.490 ----- ----- ------ 49.00 Woods - goad 77 2.870 77.00 impervious area 98 5.440 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---? 11.800 78.40 (78) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Runoff CN-Area NBrne.... SUB 003 & 004 Page 4.02 File.... J:1200913301CalculationslStormwater Management120091330.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ impervious area 98 2.180 98.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) Fai 49 1.580 49.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN 77.41 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc_ Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 Pik 4/13/2010 Type.... Runoff CN--Area ?dame.... SOBAREA 001 Page 4.03 File.... 2:120091330\CalculationslStormwater manag€ament120091330.ppw R' IN'OFF Nk)[IBER DA":,? Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description Chi acres we %UC CSI -------------------------------- impervious areas ---- 98 --------- 7.140 ----- ----- ------ 98.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Fai 69 3.110 69.00 wetland 98 .870 98.00 woods -- good .340 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA 6 WEIU]iTED Cie --- 3.1.460 89.51 (90) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley aridPack (10.0+7.026.00) 3.42' i',M 4/13/2010 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Nacre.... SUBAREA 002 Facie 4.04 File.... •7:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management120091330.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Fai 69 .240 69.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIC;HTED C: P•1 - -7 .240 69.00 SIN: Bentley FondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 4/13/2010 Typo.... Runoff CN-Area Name. . . . '?Y) SED BASIN Page 4.05 File.... J:\20691330\Caicuiations\Stormwater Nlanagementl20091330.npw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Newly graded area {pervious only - offsite areas Im'oe rvi ous Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN 86 11.460 66.00 77 3.760 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA 6 WET_ SF::'ELD CN ---? ?(, 83.'?8 i84J S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, 1s: 4/13/20ih Typ .... 'il: Elev-Area Nara: .... : .:C) BASIN Page 5.01 Fil-.... -I.120091330OCalculatioris\Stormwater Management120091330_ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sqr(Al*A2) Volume Volume sum (ft) ------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) --------------------- (sq.ft) -- - - (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.00 -- 26485 - - ---------- 0 ---------- .000 ------------- .000 21.00 ----- 34141 85760 .656 .656 22.00 ----- 35509 99289 .760 1.416 22.50 ----- 37240 109113 .417 1.834 23.00 ----- 39436 114998 .440 2.274 23.50 --- - 41645 121607 .465 2.739 24.00 ----- 43869 128257 .491 3.230 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.{Areal*Area2}) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment P.real,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... ':,i: E1ev-Area Naim??-.... S "I'M WETLAND Page 5.02 Pile.... J:\20091330\CalculationslStormwater Management120091330.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area AI+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac--ft) (ac--ft) ------------ 22.50 --------------------- ----- 37240 ----------------- 0 --------- .000 ------------- _000 23.00 ----- 39436 114998 .440 _440 23.50 ----- 41645 121607 .465 .905 24.00 ----- 43869 128257 .491 1.396 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELI) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)} where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Namt-.... sed outlet Page 5.01 Fi].e.... J:1200913301,Calculations\Stozmwater Management120091330.ppw REQUESTED POND LAS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 20.00 €t Increment = .25 ft Max. Elev.= 24.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) [--- Reverse Flow Only (Dn$tream to Upstream) *---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ---- ------------ ---- ------- --------- --------- Orifice-Circular 1 ---> TW 20.000 24.000 Weir-Rectangular 2 -----> TW 20.790 24.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 911302010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... sed outlet Page 6.02 File.,.. J:120091330\CalculationsiStormwater Management\20091330.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 1 Structure Type = orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings - 3 Invert Elev. = 20.00 ft Diameter = .1670 ft Orifice Coeff. = .600 Structure ID = 2 Structure Type ----------------- = Weir-Rectangular ------------------- # of Openings - l Crest Elev. = 20.79 ft Weir Length 2.42 ft Weir Coeff. - 3.000000 Weir TIN effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED 'ONVERGEHCT-, TOLLRANCES... <ximim IteratiPnS= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond:Pack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2610 TYpe.... Composite Prating Curve Namin.... secs cutlet Page 6.03 File.... J-\20091330NCalculationslStormwater Management120091330.ppw **•*'° COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- --------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfS ------- ft +/--ft -------- - Contributing Structures ----------------- -- 20.00 .00 Free Outfall N - ----- one contributing 20.25 .13 Free Outfall 1 20.50 .20 Free Outfall 1 20.75 .26 Free Outfall 1 20.79 .27 Free Outfall 1 +2 21.00 1.00 Free Outfall 1 +2 21.25 2.61 Free Outfall 1 +2 21.50 4.72 Free Outfall 1 +2 21.75 7.24 Free Outfall 1 +2 22.00 10.10 Free Outfall 1 +2 22.25 13.27 Free Outfall 1 +2 22.50 16.73 Free Outfall 1 +2 22.75 20.44 Free Outfall 1 +2 23.00 24.39 Free Outfall 1 +2 23.25 28.57 Free Outfall 1 +2 23.50 32.97 Free Outfall 1 +2 23.75 37.58 Free Outfall 1 +2 24.00 42.38 Free Outfall 1 +2 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, inc. 4/13/2010 Type.... Cutlet Input Data Name . . . . wetland out Page 6.04 File.... J:\20091330\Calcu.lations\Stormwa*_er ManagementN20091330.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min_ Elev.= 22.50 ft Increment = _05 ft Max. Elev.= 24.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---? Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) [ Reverse Flow Only (DriStream to UpStream) [---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Cutfall E1, ft E2, ft orifice-Circular 1 ---> 3 22.500 24.000 Weir-Rectangular 2 ---> 3 23.500 24.000 Culvert-Circular 3 ---] TW 20.000 24.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 4/13/2010 Type .... Outlet Input Data N''a!re.... wetland out Cade 6.05 File.... a:1200913301CalculationslStormwater Management12009133Q.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 1 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings - 3 Invert Elev. - 22.50 ft Diameter = .1670 ft Orifice Coeff. .600 Structure ID = 2 Structure Type ----------------- = Weir-Rectangular ------------------- # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 23.50 ft Weir Length = 2.42 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3;42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... wetland out Page 6.06 File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 3 Structure Type ------------------ = Culvert-Circular ------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 20.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 19.50 ft Horiz. Length = 37.00 ft Barrel Length = 37.00 ft Barrel Slope = .01351 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .018213 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) _ .000 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.300 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 20.00 ft ---> Flow = 7.58 cfs At T2 Elev = 21.95 ft ---> Flow = 8.66 cfs Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel --------------------L--------------- FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... wetland out Page 6.07 File.... J:\20091330\Calculations\Stormwater Management\20091330.ppw ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ----- --- --- -------------- Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft --- ---- Contribu ting Structures 22.50 .00 - Free Outfall ------ (no --- Q: ----------------- 1,2,3) 22.55 .01 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.60 .04 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.65 .07 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.70 .11 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.75 .13 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.80 .15 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.85 .16 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.90 .18 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 22.95 .19 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.00 .20 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.05 .22 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.10 .23 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.15 .24 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.20 .25 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.25 .26 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.30 .27 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.35 .28 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.40 .29 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.45 .30 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.50 .30 Free Outfall 1,3 (no Q: 2) 23.55 .40 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.60 .57 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.65 .79 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.70 1.05 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.75 1.34 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.80 1.66 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.85 2.01 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.90 2.38 Free Outfall 1,2,3 23.95 2.78 Free Outfall 1,2,3 24.00 3.20 Free Outfall 1,2,3 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 001 AND 002 PRE... 3.01, 4.01 Greenville... 2.01 ----- S ----- SED BASIN... 5.01 sed outlet... 6.01, 6.03 STM WETLAND... 5.02 SUB 003 S 004... 3.03, 4.02 SUBAREA 001... 3.05, 4.03 SUBAREA 002... 3.07, 4.04 T TO SED BASIN... 3.09, 4.05 ----- w ------ Watershed... 1.01 wetland out... 6.04, 6.07 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack { 3:42 PM 4/13/2010 A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. APPENDIX B: Tar-Pamlico Coastal Plain Nutrient Calculation Worksheet Wetland Supplement Required Items Checklist Operation and Maintenance Agreement Mellow March Farm Availability and Price List Tar-Pamlico Stormwater Rule 15A NCAC 2B. 0258 Coastal Plain of the Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Includes Greenville and Washington as well as Pitt and Beaufort Counties Last Modified 5/23/03 BMP Removal Calculation Worksheet (Automated) Project Name: Province at Greenville (onfite only) Date: 41312010 By: Doug Turney, PE, LEED AP Checked By: Directions: > It may be advantageous to split the development into separate catchments to be handled by separate BMPs. The tables below allow the development to be split into as many as three catchments, and can be copied for greater than three. NOTE: Unless runoff flowing onto the development from offsite is routed separately around or through the site, the offsite catchment area draining in must be included in the acreage values of the appropriate land use(s) and treated. > Above each table: Enter the catchment acreage in the top green blank. Based on a comparison of the post-development TN and TP export coefficients you calculated above to the rule requirements of 4.0 lb/ac/yr TN and 0.4 lb/ac/yr TP, select BMP(s) from the list fo treating the catchment runoff. Enter the chosen BMP(s) nutrient removal rates in the green blanks. If more than one BMP is to be used in series, the combined removal rates will be calculated automatically in the blue blanks. > Catchment Tables: Enter the acres of each type of land cover in the green boxes. The spreadsheet will calculate all of the light blu boxes. NOTE: Compare the Total Catchment Acreage for the Development (final table) to the value you established in the pre-BMP worksheet tables, and also to the site plans, for consislencv. All of these values need to be the same TN TP Design Standard BMP Wet Detention Pond 25 40 NC BMP Manual Nutrient Stormwater Wetland 40 35 NC BMP Manual Removal Sand Filter 35 45 NC BMP Manual Rates Bioretention 35 45 NC BMP Manual Grass Swales 20 20 NC BMP Manual Vegetated Filter Strip w/ 20 35 NC BMP Manual Level Spreader Dry Detention 10 10 NC BMP Manual Catchment l: Total acreage of catchment 1 = 11.46 ac First BMP's TN removal rate = 40 % First BMP's TP removal rate = 40 % Second BMP's TN removal rate = % Second BMP's TP removal rate = % Third BMP's TN removal rate = % Third BMP's TP removal rate = % TOTAL TN REMOVAL RATE = 40 % TOTAL TP REMOVAL RATE = 40 % (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Type of Land Cover Catchment S.M. Formula Average EMC Column Average EMC Column Acreage 0.51 + 9.11) of TN m 2* 3* 4 of TP m 2 3 6 Transportation impervious 15,05 6.18 2.60 81.14 0.19 5.93 Roof impervious 2.09 6.18 1.95 25.19 0.11 1.42 Managed pervious 3, I 1 6.18 1.42 27.29 0.28 5.38 Wooded pervious 0.45 6.18 0.94 2.61 0.14 0.39 Area taken up by BMP 0.76 6.18 1.95 9.16 0.11 0.52 Pre-BMP TN Pre-BMP TP Fraction Impervious (1) = 0.62 145.39 13.64 Load (lb/yr) = Load (lb/yr) _ Pre-BMP TN Pre-BMP TP Total Area of Development = 11.46 12.69 1.19 Export (lb/ac/yr) Export (lb/ac/yr) Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP 87'23 8'18 Load (]b/yr) = Load (lb/yr) = Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP Export (lb/ac/vr) 7'61 Export (Ib/ac/vO 0.71 Tar-Pamlico Storm water Rule 15A NCAC 28 .0258 Last Modified 5/23/03 Catchment 2: Total acreage of catchment 2 = 0-34 ac First BMP's TN removal rate = 0 % First BMP's TP removal rate 0 % Second BMP's TN removal rate = % Second BMP's TP removal rate % Third BMP's TN removal rate = % Thud BMP's TP removal rate % TOTAL TN REMOVAL RATE = 0 % TOTAL TP REMOVAL RATE 0 % (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Type of Land Cover Catchment S.M. Formula Average EMC Column Average EMC Column 4creaue (0.51 + 9.11) of TN m 2 3 * 4 of TP m 2 * 3 * b Transportation impervious 0.00 0.51 2.60 0.00 0.19 0.00 Roofimpervious 0AO 0.51 1.95 0.00 0.11 0.00 Managed pervious 0.34 0.51 1.42 0.25 0.28 0.05 Wooded pervious 0.110 0.51 0.94 0.00 0.14 0.00 Area taken up by BMP 0.00 0.51 1.95 0.00 0.11 0.00 Fraction Impervious (I) = 0.00 Pre-BMP TN 0.25 Pre-BMP TP 0.05 Load (lb/yr) = Load (lb/yr) = Total Area of Development= 0.34 Pre-BMP TN 0.72 Pre-BMP TP 0.14 Export (lb/ac/vr) Export (lb/ac/yr) Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP 0'25 0.05 Load (lb/yr) = Load (lb/yr) = Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP 0'72 0.14 Export (lb/ac/yr) Export (lb/ac/yr) Catchment 3: Total acreage of catchment 3 = ac' First BMP's TN removal rate = % First BMP's TP removal rate = % Second BMP's TN removal rate = % Second BMP's TP removal rate = % Third BMP's TN removal rate = % Third BMP's TP removal rate % TOTAL TN REMOVAL RATE = 0 % TOTAL TP REMOVAL RATE = 0 % (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Type of Land Cover Catchment S.M. Formula Average EMC Column Average EMC Column 4crearte 0.51 + 9.11) of TN m (2) (3) 4 of TP m L 2* 3 b Transportation impervious 2.60 0.19 Roof impervious 1.95 0.11 Managed pervious 1.42 0.28 Wooded pervious 0.94 0.14 Area taken up by BMP 1.95 0.11 Fraction Impervious (I) = Pre-BMP TN Pre-BMP TP Load (lb/yr) = Load (lb/yr) _ Total Area of Development = Pre-BMP TN Pre-BMP TP Export (lb/ac/yr) Export (lb/ac/yr) Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP Load (lb/yr) = Load (lb/yr) Post-BMP TN Post-BMP TP Export (lb/ac/yr) Export (lb/ac/yr) Tar-Pamlico Stormwater Rule 15A NCAC 28.0258 Last Modified 5/23/03 WekhtedAverage of Nutrient Loadines from the Catchments: Catchment Aercagc Post-Bmp I N I.oadirt„ (lb/nO r) Post-13111' I'P Loading lb/aOYrl Catcltntent 1 11.46 7.61 0.71 Catchment 2 0.34 0.72 0.14 Catchment 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 101AL. FOR DEVELOPMENT 11.80 7.41 0.70 Note: The nutrient loading goals are 4.0 lb/ac/yr for TN and 0.4 Ib/ac/yr for TP. If the post-development nutrient loading is below these levels, then the BMPs planned are adequate. Otherwise, additional BMPs and/or modifications in development plans are required. A 7 f Ff OS4 A' i ' A v? NCDEhIR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WETLAND SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part Ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all the required information. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION! Project name Province at Greenville Contact name Doug Turney, PE, LEED AP Phone number 614-7754213 Date April 12, 2010 Drainage area number Tar-Pamli 28-96 fl. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 514,008.00 ft Impervious area 311,018.00 ffz Percent impervious 60.5% % Design rainfall depth 3.10 inch Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum required volume Volume provided (temporary pool volume) Storage Volume: SA Waters Parameters 1.5" runoff volume Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Minimum volume required Volume provided Outlet Design Depth of temporary pool/ponding depth (DPian,s) Drawdown time Diameter of orifice Coefficient of discharge (Co) used in orifice diameter calculation Driving head (Ho) used in the orifice diameter calculation 3.10 in 4.00 in/hr 18.05 ft3/sec 2.85 ft3/sec -15.20 ft3/sec 32,975.00 ft3 Design volume may be insufficient. Provide calculations 37,240.00 ft3 showing that it is greater than or equal to the Simple Method volume. ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 12.00 in OK 4.00 days OK 2.00 in OK 0.60 (unitless) 1.00 ft OK Form SW401-Wetland-Rev.6-11/16/09 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 3 Surface Areas of Wetland Zones Surface Area of Entire Wetland Shallow Land The shallow land percentage is: Shallow Water The shallow water percentage is: Deep Pool Forebay portion of deep pool (pretreatment) The forebay surface area percentage is: Non-forebay portion of deep pool The non-forebay deep pool surface area percentage is: Total of wetland zone areas Add or subtract the following area from the zones Topographic Zone Elevations Temporary Pool Elevation (TPE) Shallow Land (top) Permanent Pool Elevation (PPE) Shallow Water/Deep Pool (top) Shallow Water bottom Most shallow point of deep pool's bottom Deepest point of deep pool's bottom Design must meet one of the following two options: This design meets Option #1, Top of PPE is within 6" of SHWT, If yes: SHWT (Seasonally High Water Table) This design meets Option #2, Wetland has liner with permeability < 0.01 in/hr, If yes: Depth of topsoil above impermeable liner Topographic Zone Depths Temporary Pool Shallow Land Permanent Pool Shallow Water Deep Pool (shallowest) Deep Pool (deepest) Planting Plan Are cattails included in the planting plan? Number of Plants recommended in Shallow Water Area: Herbaceous Wcubic-inch container) Number of Plants recommended in Shallow Land Area: Herbaceous Wcubic-inch container), OR Shrubs (1 gallon or larger), OR Trees (3 gallon or larger) and Herbaceous (4+ cubic-inch) Number of Plants provided in Shallow Water Area: Herbaceous (4'cubic-inch container) Number of Plants provided in Shallow Land Area: Herbaceous Wcubic-inch container) Shrubs (1 gallon or larger) Trees (3 gallon or larger) and Grass-like Herbaceous (4+ cubic-inch) 39,436.00 ft2 OK 14,719.00 ft2 OK 37% % 16,409.00 ft2 OK 42%% 4,095.00 ftz OK 10% % 4,213.00 ft2 OK 11% % 39,436.00 ftz OK 0.00 ft2 23.50 ft amsl 22.50 ft amsl 22.00 ft amsl 20.00 ft amsl 19.50 ft amsl y (Y or N) 23.00 ft amsl OK (Y or N) in 12.00 in OK 6.00 in OK 30.00 in OK 36.00 in OK n (Y or N) OK 4,150 3,700 592 74 and 2,960 4,150 OK 0 More required if not planting shrubs or trees. 0 More required if not planting herb. and/or trees. 74 OK 2,960 OK Form SW401-Wetland-Rev.6-11/16/09 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 2 of 3 Additional Information Can the design volume be contained? y (Y or N) OK Does project drain to SA waters? If yes, n (Y or N) Excess volume must pass through filter. What is the length of the vegetated filter? ft Are calculations for supporting the design volume provided in the Y or N) y ( ) OK application? Is BMP sized to handle all runoff from ultimate build-out? y (Y or N) OK Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a y (Y or N) OK recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? The length to width ratio is: 10.00 :1 OK Approximate wetland length 600.00 It Approximate wetland width 60.00 ft Approximate surface area using length and width provided 36,000.00 ft' This approx. surface area is within this number of square feet of the entire wetland surface area reported above: Will the wetland be stabilized within 14 days of construction? y (Y or N) OK Form SW401-Wetland-Rev.6-11116/09 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 3 of 3 Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Initials Pagel Plan Sheet No. 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), - Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), - Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio), - Pretreatment system, - Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 2. Plan details (1" = 50' or larger) for the wetland showing: - Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio) - Pretreatment system, - Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 3. Section view of the wetland (1" = 20' or larger) showing: - Side slopes, 3:1 or lower - Wetland layers All wetlands: Shallow land depth, shallow water depth, deep pool depth Option 1, no clay liner: SLWT depth Option 2, clay liner: Depth of topsoil on top of liner, liner specifications 3 4. A detailed planting plan (1" = 20' or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing: - A variety of several suitable species (not including cattails), - Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings, - Total quantity of each type of plant specified, - A planting detail, - The source nursery for the plants, and - Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation. 5. A construction sequence that shows how the wetland will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. lr'E O t-T 6. The supporting calculations (including drawdown calculations). Apl??l1(B 7. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. 8. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). Ln X C - A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation and soil borings. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. SW401-Wetland-Rev.6-11/16/09 Part III, page 1 of 1 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Stormwater Wetland Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the stormwater wetland is established, the wetland plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - No portion of the stormwater wetland will be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the wetland plants. - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. After the wet detention pond is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash debris is resent. Remove the trash/ debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to wetland erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of long. a roximatel six inches. The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the swale applicable). sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if applicable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to swale (if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Form SW401-Wetland O&M-Rev.3 Page 1 of 4 BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The forebay Sediment has accumulated in Search for the source of the the forebay to a depth that sediment and remedy the problem if inhibits the forebay from possible. Remove the sediment and functioning well. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If a pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than s ra in . The deep pool, shallow Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove water and shallow land 50% of the deep pool and and control the algal growth. areas shallow water areas. Cattails, phragmites or other Remove the plants by wiping them invasive plants cover 50% of with pesticide (do not spray) - the deep pool and shallow consult a professional. water areas. Shallow land remains flooded Unclog the outlet device more than 5 days after a immediately. storm event. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Best professional practices Prune according to best professional show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Sediment has accumulated Search for the source of the and reduced the depth to 75% sediment and remedy the problem if of the original design depth possible. Remove the sediment and of the deep pools. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Form SW401-Wetland O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 4 BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The embankment A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment. remove the tree. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs repair. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. The micropool Sediment has accumulated Search for the source of the and reduced the depth to 75% sediment and remedy the problem if of the original design depth. possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Plants are growing in the Remove the plants, preferably by micropool. hand. If a pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- outlet. 733-1786. Form SW401-Wetland O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name:Province at Greenville BMP drainage area number: Print name: Title: Addre Phone: Signati Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ?ia,n 1A[ , Q U S , a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this i Jot day of Oto , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing stormwater wetland maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL SUSAN V.9LUUS My commission expires o -2,15 - OD/ c) Form SW401-Wetland O&M-Rev.3 Page 4 of 4 04114/2010 12:01 9197421280 919-742-1200 (ph); 919-742-1280 (fax) Nupharadvena Eleocharis obtuse Eleocharls obtusa MMF Mellow Marsh Farm MELLOW MARSH EARN/ ility $ Price: Doug Turney, EMHI&T iBlunt :Blunt Blunt cn? Common Name PAGE 01102 4/14/2010 qq_B Size Price br $5.50 br $O.l$ gal $4.00 qt = ?3.oa gal $4.00 !square-sTem spiKerusn' br 91.00 Water plantain - not available - sub' Saururus cernuus? Lizard's tail br 1ypp 5aururxrs cemuus :Lizard's tail gal $4.00_ Saururus cernuus _` - [wizard's tail ??plug $1.00 Saururus cernuus Lizards tail t $3.00 Juncus effusus-:Soft rush ^ - b r $1.00 _- Juncus effusus Soft rush gal Juncus effusus `Soft rush_ - - plug - $1.00 Juncus effusus Soft rush ..,..? Qt 53.00 Peltandra virginica Arrow arum 2 - ?,,... gal $5.50 Peltandra virginica 'Arrow anim qt $3.00 Peltandra virgsnica .y ..- :Arrow arum gal $4.00 Peltandra virginica Arrow arum _w.. plug _ $1.00 Peltandra Arginica -:Arrow arum _ qt $3.00 Pantederia ccardata Pickerel weed br ! $1.00 Pontederla cordate 'Pickerel weed gal_- $4.00 Pontederia csrdata Pickerel weed lug . $1.00 Ponbederia cardata 'Pickerel weed w.qt $3.00 _1, Sa ittaria lalifolia _ -ARawead/Duck otato br - ?......__...._._ $1.00 Sagittaria latifolia _,...` ,_.._Arrowhead/Duck potato gal -- - ..?,?. $4.00 i?ri latifolia -., :Arrowhead/Duck potato t .,,,...-......._...__._... $3.00 Sagittaria Eatifoli8 ^--- -r Arrowhead/Duck potato - for , - 31.00 - Schoenoplectus tabemaemontani ; 5oftstem bulrush br _$1.00 _ Schoena lectustabemaemontani - °Softstembulrush -- _ gal $4.00 Schoenoplectustabernaemontani -_Softstembulrush plug $q,p0 Schoenoplectu$ ungens Cornrfon_ three- uare br $1.00- - Prices Good For 90 Days. Plant material cannot be held for you until you have signed and returned an Order Conf/rrnatlon. Thanks. 0411412010 12:01 9197421280 999-742-1200 (ph); 999-742-1280 (fax) MMF Mellow Marsh Farm MELLOW MARSH FARM Availability & Price: Doug Turney, EMH&T PAGE 02102 4/14/2010 I Species Common Name sae Price 5choenop1ectus pungens _ Common three-square gal $4400 Schoenoplectec us pungens :Common three-square ..plug r $1,04. Asclepias incamata Swam milkweed gal $4,00 AsELe !as incarnata - 'Swamp milkweed Iu??,? 7$1.00 pia Ascles incarnate _ $Vamp milkweed qt $3,00 _ --- ... Hibiscus coc cineus -Fled hibiscus _ ....... _.........._? gal $4.00 _ Hibiscus coccineus - - u =Red hibiscus w_plug $1.00 HibI5CU5 C[]CCIrsaUS-? ?. _ Red hibiscus qt $3;00 Hibiscus moscheutos - Marsh hil}lscuslRcse mallow gal _ _ $4M Hibiscus rrltSSCheutos Marsh hibiscus/Rose mallow ,---lug - $1.00 Hibiscus rnosoheutos :Marsh hibiscus/Rose mallow qt { $3.00 Lobelia.siphilitica -T ? :Great blue lobelia T _ ___plug $1.00 Lobelia siphilitica-__- -- - Great blue lobelia _ Y? qt $3.00 Lobelia siphilitica ;Great.blue lobelia gal $4.00 Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus ._.- Joe pye .._•...._.__...--_ ..•..... weed ----?.. ? .. - $4.00 Eupatorladelphus fistulosus Joe-pye weed _plug ^$1.00-? Eupaf?riadelphus fistulosus Joe_pye weed qt $3_00 Lobelia cardinalis -? --?? ? Cardinal flower -_ - ? _ al- $4.00 Lobelia cardinalis _. , ,_?.._. ?.•_ ?_..-._.- - . !Cardinal flower ^ r _. - --- --? --?. plug .. $1.00... Lobelia cardinalis :Cardinal flower qt -_ $3.00 Taxodium distichum Bald cypress 15 gal $50.00 5 - -? Taxodium distichum Said cypress - 2 gal $6.50 Taxodium distichum _ _ _ ?. _._.?...._?.. Bald c ress ?. ._.. r . -_--_ _.gal_ $5.00 TaxAdiurn distichum Bald cypress br seedlin $0 80 Quercu5 michauxii - -_ Swamp chestnut oak --- ? lb gal . $50.00 Cuercus michauxii ;Swam chestnutoak 2 gal $6.50 Duercus michauxii ,vamp chestnut oak -_ -w _ ga! - _ $5.0{] C uercus michauxii - -Swamp chestnut oak -------- hr seedling $1.25 _, ...._ Quercus phellos Willow oak - - 15 gal - $50.DD C uercias pheilvs..... 'Willow oak 2 gal $8.50 Quercus Hellos _ _ P - _. Wi[!ow oak - - - _ gal $5.00 _ Quercus phellos 'Willow oak ?- br seedlina in sn Prices Good For 94 Days. Plant material cannot be held for you until you have signed and returned an Order Conflrmadon. Thanks. A legacy of experience. A reputation for excellence. APPENDIX C: Geotechnical Report Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Student Apartments Greenville, North Carolina February 10, 2010 Project No. 72105004 Prepared for: Edwards Communities Development Company Columbus, Ohio Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Greenville, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ..................................................................1 2.1 Project Description .............................................................................................1 2.2 Site Location and Description ............................................................................. 2 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .............................................................2 3.1 Typical Profile ..................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Groundwater ...................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Site Geology ....................................................................................................... 3 3.4 Seismic Considerations ......................................................................................4 4.0 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................4 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations ............................................................................. 4 4.2 Earthwork ......................................................................................................... ..5 4.2.1 Compaction Requirements ........................................................................... ..6 4.2.2 Grading and Drainage ................................................................................... ..6 4.2.3 Construction Considerations .......................................................................... .. 6 4.3 Foundation Recommendations ....................................................................... .. 7 4.3.1 Shallow Foundations ..................................................................................... .. 7 4.3.2 Construction Considerations ......................................................................... ..8 4.4 Floor Slabs ...................................................................................................... .. 8 4.4.1 Design Recommendations .............................................................................. .. 8 4.4.2 Construction Considerations .......................................................................... .. 9 4.5 Pavements ..................................................................................................... ..9 4.6 Additional Services Recommended ............................................................... 11 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS .................................................................... 11 APPENDIX A - FIELD EXPLORATION Figure A-1 Vicinity Map Figure A-2 Boring Location Plan Boring Logs APPENDIX B - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Field Exploration Description Laboratory Testing General Notes Unified Soil Classification Reliable a Responsive Convenient Innovative PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED STUDENT APARTMENTS GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Project No. 72105004 February 10, 2010 1.0 INTRODUCTION A preliminary geotechnical engineering report has been completed for the proposed new Student Apartments to be located on Charles Boulevard, Twelfth, Eleventh and Lawrence Streets in Greenville, North Carolina. This report is preliminary in nature since the borings performed for the project were limited to accessible areas around the existing buildings and unknown conditions exist beneath the footprints of the existing structures. In addition, the locations and elevations of the proposed buildings have not been determined. Nine borings were performed to depths of approximately 20 to 65 feet below the existing ground surface. Logs of the borings along with a site vicinity map and a boring location diagram are included in Appendix A of this report. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: subsurface soil conditions foundation design and construction groundwater conditions seismic considerations earthwork floor slab design and construction pavements 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Project Description ITEM DESCRIPTION Site Location See Appendix A, Figure A-1, Site Vicinity Diagram Site layout See Appendix A, Figure A-2, Boring Location Diagram Eight large 3-story apartment buildings with a club house, pool, and maintenance building. Structures Additional paved parking and driveways are included with the project. Wood framing, brick veneer walls, shallow foundations and Building Construction concrete slabs on grade Reliable a Responsive Convenient Innovative 1 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Student Apartments Greenville, North Carolina February 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. 72105004 1rerracon Description Approximate Depth to Material Encountered Consistency/Density Bottom of Stratum (feet) Surface 0.5 1 Grass and topsoil N/A Loose to very dense Silty sand (SM), clayey (sand) Stratum 1 65 sand (SC) and sandy clay (CL) Very Soft to Medium Stiff (clay) Conditions encountered at the boring locations are indicated on the boring logs. Stratification boundaries on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in-situ, the transition between materials may be gradual and indistinct. Further details of the borings can be found on the boring logs in Appendix A of this report. 3.2 Groundwater A mixture of water and "drilling mud" was used to advance the borings. The fluid used in this process can obscure the measurements of groundwater levels. The boreholes were observed while drilling and after completion for the presence and level of groundwater. Groundwater was observed at a depth of approximately 5 to 8 feet in the borings at the time of drilling. The moisture condition of the soil samples supported these groundwater levels. The borings were backfilled after drilling due to the high pedestrian traffic in this area and the weather at the time of drilling. Groundwater level fluctuations on the order of two to three feet occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. 3.3 Site Geology The subject site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The Coastal Plain soils consist mainly of marine sediments that were deposited during successive periods of fluctuating sea level and moving shoreline. The soils include sands, silts, and clays with irregular deposits of shells, which are typical of those lain down in a shallow sloping sea bottom. Recent alluvial sands, silts, and clays are typically present near rivers and creeks. According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is mapped within the Yorktown Formation. This Tertiary marine formation consists primarily of firm to stiff fossiliferous clay with varying amounts of dark gray fine-grained sand and firm to stiff bluish-gray clay with shell material commonly concentrated in lenses. Reliable Responsive Convenient Innovative 3 ?. Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Student Apartments Greenville, North Carolina February 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. 72105004 A more complete discussion of these points and additional information is included in the following sections. 4.2 Earthwork Site preparation should begin with the demolition of the existing buildings, pavements, pool and underground utilities where required. The stone base underlying the existing pavements can remain if located in areas to receive fill. Existing utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed and the excavations filled with compacted structural fill. Utilities that are to remain in service should be accurately located horizontally and vertically to minimize conflict with new foundation construction. The grass and topsoil should be stripped along with any other soft or otherwise unsuitable materials. Based upon our boring data, grass and topsoil stripping depths are anticipated to be on the order of 6 inches. Stripping depths between our borings could vary and actual stripping depths should be evaluated by a Terracon representative at the time of construction. After site demolition and stripping is completed, the exposed subgrade soils in areas to receive fill or at the subgrade elevation in cut areas should be proofrolled with a fully-loaded, tandem- axle dump truck or similar rubber-tired construction equipment. Proofrolling is recommended as a means of detecting areas of soft or unstable subgrade soils. The proofrolling should be performed during a period of dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise suitable subgrade. The proofrolling operations should be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Subgrade soils that exhibit excessive rutting or deflection during proofrolling should be overexcavated as directed by the representative and replaced with properly compacted fill. Engineered fill should meet the following material property requirements: Fill Type' LISCS Classification Acceptable Location for Placement SM or SC Imported Low Plasticity Soil with All locations and elevations (LL < 50 & PI < 30) The on-site soils generally appear suitable for use as On-site soils Varies fill. Moisture conditioning may be required prior to placement. 1. Controlled, compacted fill should consist of approved materials that are free of organic matter and debris. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the geotechnical engineer for evaluation. Reliable Responsive Convenient Innovative 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report I ?c Proposed Student Apartments Greenville, North Carolina February 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. 72105004 As a minimum, all temporary excavations should be sloped or braced as required by Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations to provide stability and safe working conditions. Temporary excavations will most likely be required during grading operations. The grading contractor, by his contract, is usually responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope or bench the sides of the excavations as required, to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should comply with applicable local, state and federal safety regulations, including the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. The geotechnical engineer should be retained during the construction phase of the project to observe earthwork and to perform necessary tests and observations during subgrade preparation; proof-rolling; placement and compaction of controlled compacted fills; and backfilling of excavations. 4.3 Foundation Recommendations 4.3.1 Shallow Foundations As a preliminary design, the proposed structures can be supported by a shallow, spread footing foundation system. Preliminary design recommendations for a shallow foundation system are presented in the following table and paragraphs. DESCRIPTION ? VALUE Net allowable bearing pressure' 2,000 psf Minimum embedment below lowest adjacent finished 12 inches grade for frost protection and protective embedment2 Minimum width for continuous wall footings 16 inches Minimum width for isolated column footings 24 inches Approximate total settlement 3 Up to 1 inch Estimated differential settlement 3 Up to 1/2 inch between adjacent columns 1. The recommended net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation. 2. For perimeter footings and footings beneath unheated areas. 3. For preliminary design purposes, the actual magnitude of settlement that will occur beneath the foundations would depend upon the variations within the subsurface soil profile, the structural loading conditions and the quality of the foundation excavation. The estimated total and differential settlements listed assume that the foundation related earthwork and the foundation design are completed in accordance with our recommendations. Reliable Responsive Convenient Innovative 7 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Student Apartments • Greenville, North Carolina Irerracon February 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. 72105004 4.4.2 Construction Considerations On most project sites, the site grading is generally accomplished early in the construction phase. However as construction proceeds, the subgrade may be disturbed due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, rainfall, etc. If such disturbance occurs, the floor slab subgrade may not be suitable for placement of the capillary break layer and concrete and corrective action will be required. We recommend the area underlying the structure footprint be rough graded and then thoroughly proofrolled with a loaded tandem axle dump truck prior to final grading and placement of the capillary break layer. Particular attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were rutted and disturbed by construction activities and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. Areas where unsuitable conditions are located should be repaired by removing and replacing the affected material with properly compacted fill. Floor slab subgrade areas should be moisture conditioned and properly compacted to the recommendations in this report immediately prior to placement of the aggregate base course and concrete. 4.5 Pavements The existing soils encountered in the borings are expected to be suitable for support of the planned pavement sections. Prior to parking lot construction, the pavement subgrade should be proofrolled as outlined in section 4.2 Earthwork of this report. Loose or excessively wet soils delineated by the proofrolling operations should be undercut and backfilled as directed by the geotechnical engineer. Upon completion of any necessary undercutting and fill placement, the subgrade should be adequate for support of the pavement sections recommended below. Pavement thickness design is dependent upon: • the anticipated traffic conditions during the life of the pavement; • subgrade and paving material characteristics; • climatic conditions of the region • A California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 6 was assumed for the onsite soils. We have assumed that the pavements on this project will receive mainly light passenger vehicles with the occasional delivery truck and trash truck. Repetitive heavy vehicle traffic is not anticipated. Climatic conditions are considered in the design subgrade support value listed above and in the paving material characteristics. Recommended paving material characteristics, taken from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, are included with each pavement design recommendation listed below in Table 1. Reliable a Responsive Convenient Innovative 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Student Apartments Greenville, North Carolina Irerracon February 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. 72105004 • place curb, gutter and/or sidewalk directly on subgrade soils without the use of base course materials. Prevention of infiltration of water into the subgrade is essential for the successful performance of any pavement. Both the subgrade and the pavement surface should be sloped to promote surface drainage away from the pavement structure. Preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for an on-going pavement management program in order to enhance future pavement performance. Preventive maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventive maintenance of asphalt pavement typically consists of filling cracks that develop and application of a seal coat as the surface oxidizes. Preventive maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. Prior to implementing any maintenance, additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of preventive maintenance most applicable to the proposed project. 4.6 Additional Services Recommended Additional geotechnical borings and/or test pits should be performed after the demolition of the existing structures and the design determination of proposed building locations and footing/finish floor elevations. This additional geotechnical exploration would be used to confirm our preliminary design recommendations and to better define areas that may require remedial work. 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide observation and testing services during grading, excavation, foundation construction and other earth-related construction phases of the project. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur across the site, or due to the modifying effects of weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, we should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided. Reliable Responsive Convenient Innovative 11 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION ELEVENTH STREET r -" r - + B-a 5 B- B- JAE TWELF71P ST_ J n r? ?8-S 1 x a Cl x r m N W 0 c m a v 1 LEGEND 0 1 1 i - i FOURTEENTH STREET ?r 0 200 - - - SUBJECT SITE APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION Approximate Scale i1tl5 Gi\GRiVd i5. CRGEtiER+.I LO°?111PV gPAY. 0.m lS rypl Ce:ewoEO restctws?svcraa`c FWiPCuf: (Feet) ROKIJAW, CB "°"'N° 72105004 BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM EXHIBIT Drawsy TLY s? AS SHOWN I rerracon GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT U--Deer. FiaNe ComultingEi gy--..d 5kntish PROPOSED EDWARDS COMMUNITIES STUDENT APARTMENTS CRAW c oritosAx m 7PARCELS ALONG CHARLES BQIJLEVARC- ELEVENTH STREET. ANDTNELFTH STREET r•.? ay GB FEBRUARY 2010 3:4 3rz znzo ve ?YinSViJc, HG .839 GREENVILLE• NC A-2 B-1 LOG OF BORING NO . Page 2 of 2 CLIENT Edwards Communities Development Company SITE Charles Blvd and Eleventh St PROJECT Greenville, North Carolina Proposed Student Apartments SA MPLE S TESTS DESCRIPTION O > $ o F a z = U_ 2 2 } U of W > ZtA Z W ~ ~ Z (D W Z) ro ? H I<- 0z D } O U (7 0 Z) Z of tom S U 0 a Z) (0 CLAYEY SAND, Dark Gray, Medium Dense, Wet 43 •7 SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SP 11 SS 56 SAND, Gray, Very Dense, Wet 45.0 SP 12 SS 50/1" 50.0 SP 13 SS 53/6" 55.0 SP 14 SS 50/1" 60.0 SP 15 SS 25/0" 65 -29 BORING TERMINATED The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1-21-10 WL 17 TOB = 1 i RIN 1-21-10 ED WL Y ? 1 rerracon RIG CME 45-08 FOREMAN GE WL APPROVED JOB # 72105004 LOG OF BORING NO B-3 . Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Edwards Communities Development Company SITE Charles Blvd and Eleventh St PROJECT Greenville, North Carolina Proposed Student Apartments SAMPLES TESTS C7 DESCRIPTION p o p a Z: U $ ? ? W W ] - Z Z W LL? Z Z CL 0 W (n 00 D LU a WZ 0 >- O W Surface Elev.: 39 ft o D Z d' . Um L) 3: 0 d ?? t GRASS/TOPSOIL (Approx. 6") SILTY SAND, SM 1 SS 33 Dark Gray, Light Tan and Dark Gray i di D t D M t B M um ense o ense, o s rown, e SM 2 SS 10 6 33 5.0- - SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM Q - SP 3 SS 16 SAND , Medium Dense Li ht Tan and Tan Brown , , g Moist to Wet SP 4 SS 10 ' 10.0 ? yI d3 26 % SANDY CLAY, CL 5 SS 2 ?rr Dark Gray, Very Soft, Wet f `?// WH 15 o CL 6 SS 2 19 20 BORING TERMINATED 20.0 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1-21-10 WL 7 TOB BORING 1-21 -10 E WL I rerracon RIG CME45-08 FFOREMAN GE WL APPROVED JOB # 72105004 LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Paae 1 of 1 CLIENT Edwards Communities Development C SITE Charles Blvd and Eleventh St Greenville, North Carolina (7 DESCRIPTION U_ 2 a Q o Surface Elev.: 35.5 ft ASPHALT (Approx. 2") 0.5 ST NE BASE A r x. 4" SILTY SAND, Light Gray Brown and Tan Brown, Medium Dense,Wet Light Gray, Orange and Dark Gray, Loost to Medium Dense, Moist to Wet J1. ] SILTY SAND, 20 Dark Gray, Very Dense, Wet 15.5 BORING TERMINATED PROJECT Proposed Student Apartments SA MPLES TESTS J C o Q } W Z ~ LL U) W m W p ?U) WH D 0Z Z QZ 0 }? U D M) Z a! min 0 X 0 n DU) 35-.a 35 SM 1 SS 20 SM 2 SS 23 29.5 5.0 SC 3 SS 6 SC 4 SS 6 10.0 15.0 -SCI 5 ISSI 1 19 1 1 1 1 -iSMI 6 ISSI 150/4" 1 1 1 1 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1-21-10 a WL 17 8 TOB I BOR COMPLETED -10 Irerracon RIG IN CME 45-081 FOREMAN 1-21 GE WL APPROVED JOB # 72105004 0 LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Edwards Communities Development Company SITE Charles Blvd and Eleventh St Greenville, North Carolina PROJECT Proposed Student Apartments SA MPLES TESTS _ q- DESCRIPTION urface Elev.: 27 ft $ = w o 00 to U) U) M w M Z) z >: Of > w R 42 zcn L (0 m F_: 0? w LUZ ?° z } U o a z = ? -Z 0z pw D GRASS/TOPSOIL (Approx. 6") CLAYEY SAND, SC 1 SS 24 Dark Gray, Very Loose to Medium Dense, Moist to Wet SC 2 SS 10 SC 3 SS 2 SC 4 SS 3 10.0 SC 5 SS 12 18 9 15.0 SILTY SAND 20 Dark Gray, Medium Dense, Wet SM 6 SS 18 BORING TERMINATED 20.0 L The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1-21-10 WL 5 TOB F-T BO COMP-10 RIN 1-21 L E I rerracon R G CME 45 08 FFOREMAN GE WL APPROVED JOB # 72105004 LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 Paae 1 of 1 CLIENT Edwards Communities Development C SITE Charles Blvd and Eleventh St Greenville, North Carolina DESCRIPTION U 2 a Surface Elev.: 37 ft { .-&. GRASS/TOPSOIL (Approx. 6-) CLAYEY SAND, Gray Brown and Dark Gray Brown, Loose to Medium Dense, Moist FINE FU MtUIUM 5ANU, g Tan Orange, Medium Dense, Moist to Wet SILTY SAND, Orange and Gray Brown, Medium Dense, Wet 13 VA CLAYEY SAND, Dark Gray, Loose, Wet SILTY SAND, 20 Dark Gray, Medium Dense, Wet 17 BORING TERMINATED PROJECT Proposed Student Apartments SA MPLES TESTS c n x ca >: Z _ D' m W zrn w ZH Z O LU C/) Z LU 11. HZ O } -6 W U z C Z W cnm QU a n Z) t SC 1 SS 8 SC 2 SS 12 _ 31 5.0 SP 3 SS 17 29 SM 4 SS 16 10,0 5.0 SCI 5 ISSI I 4 SM 6 SS 15 0 i The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1-21-10 W6 TOB IT BORING COMPLETED 1-21-10 1 r erracon RIG CME 45-08 FOREMAN GE APPR OVED JOB # 72105004 FW Field Exploration Description The boring locations were staked by representative of Terracon where accessible around the existing buildings. One boring per proposed building was performed in this preliminary exploration. Boring elevations were interpolated from a topo drawing supplied to us by Rivers and Associates. The locations and elevations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the means and methods used to define them. The soil test borings were performed by a trailer-mounted power drilling rig utilizing mud rotary drilling procedures to advance the boreholes. The drilling tools were removed from the borehole and representative soil samples were obtained at 2.5 to 5 foot intervals using split-barrel sampling procedures. In the split-barrel sampling procedure, a standard 2-inch outer diameter split-barrel sampling spoon is driven into the ground with a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. After seating the sampler 6 inches at the bottom of the borehole to penetrate any loose cuttings, the sampler is driven an additional 12 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampling spoon the last 12 inches is recorded as the standard penetration resistance value (N-value). These N-values are indicated on the boring logs at the depths of occurrence. A field log of each boring was prepared by the drill crew. These logs included visual classifications of the materials encountered during drilling as well as the driller's interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs included with this report represent the engineer's interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on laboratory observation and tests of the samples. Additional information provided on the boring logs attached to this report includes soil descriptions, consistency evaluations, boring depths, sampling intervals, and groundwater conditions Laboratory Testing Descriptive classifications of the soils indicated on the boring logs are in accordance with the enclosed General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System. Also shown are estimated Unified Soil Classification Symbols. A brief description of this classification system is attached to this report. All classification was by visual manual procedures. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbol s and Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Group B Symbol Group Name I Gravels: Clean Gravels: Cu ? 4 and 1 s Cc 5 3 E GW Well-graded gravel F More than 50% of Less than 5% fines ° Cu < 4 andlor 1 3 Co > 3E GP Poorly graded gravel coarse fraction retained on Gravels with Fines: ^ Fines classify as ML or MH GM i Silty gravel F B " Coarse Grained Sails: i ° C More than 12 /° fines Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravel o tv. 4 s ee_ More than 501° retained on No. 200 sieve • Sands: Clean Sands: - E-- Cu ? 6 and 1 <- Cc < 3 - J SW - Well-graded sand 50°Io or more of coarse Less than 5% fines ° Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc> 3 E SP Poorly gradesand fraction passes Sands with Fines: Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand"' No. 4 sieve More than 12% fines ° Fines Classify as CL or CH SC i Clayey sand c.HF PI >7 and plots on or above "A" line 4 CL Lean clay K-LIA Silts and Clays: Inorganic: - , PI <4 or plots below "A' line ML ?u Silt Liquid limit less than 50 Organic: Liquid limit - oven dried I 0.75 OIL Organic clayKL%kH "" Fine-Grained Soils: Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt 50% or more passes the PI plots on or above "A" line CH i Fat clay No. 200 sieve Silts and Clays: Inorganic: PI plots below "A" line f -- MH - K..", Elastic Silt Liquid limit 50 or more Organic: Liquid limit - oven dried c 0.75 OH Organic clay l"' - ??,? Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt Highly organic soPrimarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT i Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve B If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add 'With cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. ° Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. D Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay z E Cu = D60/D10 Cc = (D30) D10 x D60 F If soil contains >- 15% sand, add 'With sand" to group name. G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. 0._ X W D Z U i- m J 60 For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction 50 . of coarse-grained soils Equation of "A- - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5. 40 then PI=0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U" - line ' Vertical at LL=16 to PI =7. 30 then PI=0.9 (LL-8) 20 10 7 4 0 " If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. 1 If soil contains ? 15% gravel, add 'With gravel" to group name. j If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "With gravel," whichever is predominant. L If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. m If soil contains >- 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. " PI >- 4 and plots on or above "A" line. ° PI < 4 or plots below "A" line. P PI plots on or above "A" line. ° PI plots below "A" line. LIQUID LIMIT (LL) Figure B-2 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 .a r � ' ". s mow_ i - - _ - — ece P •' •w1 s lip 00, CL "—` I r z `•— —,T I In d it al woe I =wc _.CZ WTI;! t 04F 00 i;! '' • •" Rt 1 }lit . • '#�,•I I s � !L A I I ' r_ .�.• w. f y WWW , 6 6L LV116 Kj AS 04 .41 E 16 /J rT - i— r `rn - p I I rry'_ i t F� 14 ) ' A � r _Y �' �' �'; ✓ � ' ` ' I � � A !d't - - #:� it f ��. � I 1 rm jai - '" ! - - -'� bm �l Iol 40 4 "1Tl 4r [ tr In C' 1 �49 lb6i� r16' Pit' �' l' 6p • r t L y I r y ! r F ieY ,JI6 +• rn I n i r g •� c A Y f I A6 l f %' • N PIS rF I • "'\,. it �3k . -• ;mSze _- y 1 ]rf ci m §I e f.`:I I;:�•= lLt1 5 Fre � j I '':-1 4C' A Iegacy of experience. n reputution fnr excellence. APPENDIX D: Exhibits ~ -J / / / ~ II ~ I 11 - - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / GAM N/f X11 I - ~ ~ l I ~ 79'02` ! I 1 MAR j! ~ - ~ ~ ~ { t 44 / HON 0 fi ~ ` ~ 146, • ~ ~ t l ~ / / I ~ ~ ~ ~ o T iB.88' ~ ~ ~ Zqi`--- O D.g• OUSfN ~ 98 270 G CO ` r - ~ \ ~ ` ~ ~ (1bTq~, P.N O1~• 57R ~ / _ ~ ~ A, ~ ~1~os3'. ~ r 558 ALP N I - -34- - - ' S n x.63'" 1 20NING, 4 HA XI OE1T ~F ~l / / g ~ - _ , ~ D.9. C3A BUf~DING ~ / / -5704" £ 3 _ ~ ~ ~r ~W7'` ~ ///A ~ as.3s' Ill ( ~I I '1 ~ P•N. 5, PG, 701 CpRP• ~ !1 ~ . ~ ~ -51.47 ` / ~ "'"'r S-- ~~1 / I 00038 / / / - ~ d wR m _ ~ 1 ys' l l~l~ ~ 26 y'6s~ w 1 1 ~ ~ / `~~FTy J ~ ! zP.N. 003865 ~ i ~ / O ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ - / ~ C / OR ~ I ~ ~ / rN s ~ / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ 1 ~ ~rR~ET o 0 4- - ~ - J I ~ _4 si a rea r8 ~ - / ~ ~p ! i ~ ~ ~ VII , as'ar524 1 ~ ~ N r- I I 23.52' ~W ~ 1~ / ~ J it ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qr / / - R / ~ / L, / / ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~zz'~ e ~ ~1 l~(I ~ ~ OTI~ ST a a I ~ II ~ 1 , / II l / ~~il v z6.i ' ~ ~ c I /ii ` -1~ II u 1S ~ \ / / II ! ,a2 ~ a~,- J 78443. 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N / /i _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ i I I the developer, l~ ~ I I~ ~ I ~ I r,~y E Q o I e / ~V ~ ~ / i Site Boundar ,-22 ~ ~ 26 P~ 0 ~N,~ ~ "1 ! ~ , ~ Ga~ ~ i ~ ~ / / Y ~ N r ~ I I ~ ~ I I ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ Offsite areas not controlled by developer but drain into ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I proposed storm sewer system and BMP. 1 1v N' rn p p , ~ H % 1 ~ ~ i~ I ~1 ~ 7~ ~ • ~'o do / / r v?,~°6 / ~ s ~ I ~ / ~I I z ~ No n W ~ / ae ~ l / 40 ~ _ i / 1 .s~~ N / / / 5~ s or 1 ~ , o~e~ .a y ~ ~ • N~ ~ ~ ~ / / - / I/// o ~ I EX. Floodway / i I~ r i.l I t I l i l I 1 2941» / ~m ~ o tiz (bn ,~h~$~, • ~r / / ~ a I/ / .10 4 £ N ~8 / / 7 . ~ ~ / / / II r b ~ 4 .9o O J p 2 , tt,• 2 ~ / / 9 ? a ~a rn+ ? . ro ~/ll l ~ 1 / I I I t - e m 2 c~ h^~ a / ~ r / / s41. ~ \ ~ / 1 ~%%~~`'(11 ~ ~ I ~ ~ - ~7~59 S9» 1 ~ l/~, ~ / r X26 ~ A ° shy w~ i _ - / / ~ ~ °9'4703« / ~ / / / i/ ~ / ~'~~I l ~ ~ I ~ ~ / ~ / I ~ I ~ ~ ! 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Floodway LO I ~ ~ / 1 ~ I as , neus>FE , e ~N ~ , ~ Drama a Easement ~ ,0 ,~Ij/ / - i ~ , , / ~ j ~ ~ Rubber " ~ 359 P~ 0 ~ ~ Cl' o ~ N 27, g ~ ~ v~ ~ j ~ / / 166 ~2~ •n Q i INV2}, ~ ~ ~llli / 1 / V p N e 0 ~ ~ o ~ ~ INV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / , ~ ! ~ / / ~ ~ / i p Gasket 5 /2" Holes Typ. / / ~ / II ~ 1 oTSSOa ~ a ~ , ti ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ zzes o. ~ l ~ iit V ~ N ~ ~ / / ZONI ~ N 0 ~ ~ 4 0 ~ y TOp ~ i ~ ~ ~ OR 3 ~ 0 0 2 ~ ~ , ~ ~ , a ~ ~ _ 8 4,o INV P1, ~ ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA j / / / / / ~ / ~ ~ I ~ a ~oNOO e" Iwv?1 (/l~l I .600 i !I C~c~h2~ :n~~m ,~a~ ~h ~ / i,i i ~ D.B. 2215, PG x~ / / / l i / ~ / I 1 $~e~, ~ ( 1 d (I, ~ Sediment Fence ~ M.B. 66 P0. 149 ~II ' ~~.~mati o Nz~ ~Nm 2 ~ / i / ti I~ , / / ~ / a ti / ~ / q q ' P.N. 006554 / Yi i , ~ ~ ~ J 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 261 A ~ \V ~ ~ ~ NINC• OR / / ~ 4'ti o ~ _ A \ ZO / / ~ p p ~ C,o 1~ ~ i - - / j % ~ ro ~ ~ V ~ ' ~ / ti5 ~ / / / 9 _ ~ lll~~ ~ ~ - ! ~ ~ A A ~ / i I / / ~ / I V W ~ ~ Outlet V A ~ V I ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' DETAIL 'A'- WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL ~ / ~ Not to Scale i ~ r~ ~ 1 ~ - ~ A ~ A ~ , / I i / / i~ ~I , W I ~ I 1 % ~ ~ 29.83 ~1f'QP J ~ ~ ~ \ V i I j ! i ~I I V W 25.40) / ~ ~ ti \ ~ I I I ~ I I IN O v N 22.Jg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l A ~ ~ ~ ~ I / -30 ~ E 25.5 / A \ . 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A. ~ ~ l N N7 22,6 V~ I 1 l i I I wa l Ex. 100 r Flood lam Ex. Flood a ( x V A\\ OHQ: ' - • 10 0 p~ N x22,e GRAPHIC SCALE = o o " FARM ',WAR ',MUM 0 25 50 100 m 0 > 3NC 0 / ) ? ~~/lllJ u 14th 1 inch = 50 feet z -A, s W W N o d ~I ~ J ~ 1 ~ ~ D 1 ~ M \ , M ~ ~r 1 I B ' o M 0 ~ ~ Z N / \ \ ~ s I I ! _ ( I ~ N ~ I ~ I ~ ~ N V . \ r N ~ ~ ~ \'w Boundary ~ r C p 11 N ~l r ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ Shallow Water ~tYp) ~ tJ ~ i; - - - ~ ~ 0 ~ 1 `1 0 Q = ~ i~ I ~ ~ Drainagg -Basement , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ , O N ~ ~ - i / ~ 1 ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X ~ Forebay C~~ \ / / ~ ~ / ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ / 1 ~ \ / ~ ~ ~ \ N ' ~Cl? t3'i ~ I ~ / ~ / ',o I ~ I ~ ~ I 5 t ~ ~ / ~ / T i / / / J_- ~ i a / / / i / / / / / / X / / / / /i / / / / / / ~ / ~ / / / / / / ~ / / / ~ N ~ / / ~ / / / ~ I N ~ / / / ~ ~ c / / t/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ---f- ~C - / / / ca / / / ~ / / / i / / ~ N ~ / / / ~ ( i ~ / / / N / / / / 3 ~ / l/ / / / / / / i / / l z__ ~ ~ I r ~ ~ / / / - ~ o ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ / / / I / / / ~ ~ / - / i I ~ ~ s / / T ~ i ~ ~ f _ ~ rn / / / _ 1 ~ ~ / / _ _ I ~ / / ~ / / ~ / / / ~ / / / ~ ~ / / / ~ ~ / / / 1 ~ ~ / / / ~ - / / / ~ ~ ~ / / / / / 1 _ / / / 1 ~ ~ / 7 / / / / / / / / / / / / / y / / / / / , ~ / / / 1 ~ / / ~ ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ / / ~ /1 - ~1 / , N ~ ~ ~ 1 / / I i ~ / / / N / / / X X ~ / / / ~ i / / / I N N \ 1 / / to 2 / / / \ `J / / / , i / T / • 1 / / ~ ~ ~ Mlcropool / / / ~ / / / 1~ ~ 1 / / / / / / I / / / / / / / / / ~ / / / / i / / / / / / / / / ~ ~ i I - - / / / / ~ - i / T / N / / i / / N / / / I ~ / ~ ~ / V / ~ ~ / / / / , / / / / ~i/ / / / / / / / / J i ~ / / C / i / / / / / / / , / / ~ / / / / / / / Jj/ / / ~ / / / / /%_li%~ ~ / F a W F= X ~ / / i / / / N / / / i / / / N ~ / / i / ~ / / / ~ / / / ~ / / / / / / / i ~ ~ i z w ~ J i ~ - ~ / / / / / / / / i/ / / ~r / / / / / / / / ~ ,1~////l _ ~ a ~ / ~ ~ 1 ~ / / / ~ ~ / / / / / / / / ~ iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/%ii~~/ ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ / / / i ~ ~ / / / ~ / ~ i i / / / \ i ~ N Wad Level ~ / ~ ~ w / / / ~ Control / ~ ~ . ~ / / / - ~ i ~ . ~J ~ ~ Structure ~ 1 ~ ~ - - ~ / ~ / / ~ _ ~ ~ ~ Trench ~ - ~ / / / eC ~ \ / / ~ - U? I / / / / ~ g6m/A ti Seep _ _ h ~ ~ - / / / / / / . / / / Collar a / / / ~ ~ / ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / ~ iii O I- / ~ / / / I / / / / J / / ~ 1 / / I ~ ~ ~ ~ / / i __1-------- / / / i/ ~ ~ / i ~ / / / ~ ~ eC I 1 / / / i u / / ~ ~ ~ ~ / / / i / I ~ / / / a / / / ~ e Seth ent Fence ~ / / / i / / / ~ / / / i 3 1 r - / / / / ~ ~ ~ / / / ~ 7 / ~ ~ v / / / ~ i / / ~ , - / / / / / i ~ / / / i, ~ / ~j ~ j/ice / / / ~ _ ~ i / / i / / / / / / i i / / / i / / / / / ~ i / / / / / i ~ iii/~ / / / ~ \ / / / i . i / / / / / 1 ~ r- ~ ~f / / / Y / j ~ ~ - / / / ~ / / / 1 ~ Draina e Ea Boundary & ~~j ll~~~~ ~ i~ Drainage Easeme~j~ j j / ~ j ~ / ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ I / / / / / / r . / ~ / ~ ~ ~ - / / / / / / ~ \ ~ ~ l / / / ~ / I /~J - ii/i.~ i ~ - / I ~ iii / ~ ~ / / / ~ / it \ / ~ J _ ~ ~ l / / • i / ~ iii \ ~ ~ / \ ~ J ~ ~ 1 ~ i iii ~ i Wetland Planting Plan Wetland Planting Plan Notes Wetland planting plan to meet State requirements per section 9.. is per section 9.3.6 of the NCDENR 1. Wetland basin to be sediment basin during Stormwater BMP Manual. The requirements include a minimum ,lude a minimum of 10 different Shallow Land: 14,719 square feet construction and converted to wetland basin only species, of which, 5 are emergent and no more than 30% of a sii than 30% of a single species. The 1 tree and 40 grass-like herbaceous plants per 200 after final site stabilization, see detailed planting selections for the three zones are as follows for the 39,4 lows for the 39,436 square foot square feet. 4" container for herbaceous plants spaced construction sequence in stormwater management wetland. on 1.5' centers. Trees should be at least 3 gallon plan report. containers. Total of 2,960 herbaceous plants & 74 trees. Minimum of 5 of the following species, with no more than 2. Topsoil from area to be stockpiled offsite and Deep Pools: Minimum of 5 plants per deep pool, 8' on cen p pool, on center, 30% one species re-applied at a minimum depth of 4". 4,095 square feet, equals 64 plants minimurr ~ plants minimum Yellow Pand-lily Shallow Shallo Shall w Swamp Milkweed 3. No fertilizer or soil amendments are planned for Land Water Lan Canadien Waterweed Scarlet rose mallow the planting area. Micr pool Depth Depth Dep h icropool Longleaf Lobelia 3 0 ~ ~ Shallow Wa#er: 16,409 square feet 50 herbaceous plants, 4" container,1.5' on c Joe Pye Weed 4. Watering will be provided as necessary. stainer, 1.5' on center, per Cardinal Flower 200 square feet = 4,150 plants ?ts Minimum of 5 of the following species, with n ~ species, with no more than Trees: Bald Cypress 30% one species Water Oak - ci}moo _ _ Pr p. Grade i _ Willow Oak _ _ Lizard Tail Soft rush 25 _ _ ~ 25 x. roun >ft rush ~ _ ~ > - ~ Arrow arum Source Nursery: Mellow Marsh Farms ~ ~ ~ as~~X o ~ ~ x EX. Group _ _ _ _ Pickerelweed - - - Duck Potato c~ ~ a o Soft stem bulrush ~aU r0 . Grad Three-square bulrush a GRAPHIC SCALE ~ =oo 20 zo 0 10 20 40 a ~ ~ S g Source Nursery: Mellow Marsh Farms 3 ~ a~ L N ~ vi U • Q^ Cross Section A-A Cross Section B-B v N m ,o U 1 inch = 20 feet ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ I / / I q ~ v... / ~ I M f - ~ ~ r ~ v ~ ``V~ ~ ~ If ~ .rte ~ \ ~ / ~ ~ M J l/ry~ \ ~l~~l //~~j// I ~2k~ ~ ~ cam`"'' f ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ fl / - - _ _ - _ I _r ~ I I / / lIII / f ` ~ ~ f i! ) - • , _ / ~ 111 , i l I / ~ - ~ ~ 1 ~ _ N / y~ l l Il / %l iris ! / I ~ arry~,t 18. \ ~ / / r C,p ~A ~ ~ f I fl / / ~ v / ~ ~ f ~ ~ y 11 !l ~ 1 ~ I/ / / fl / ~ / I I ~ , ~ _ ! ~~I, t r 0 ~ l/ V . ~ V y 1 1 N ~ / I! / - / ~a _ ~ v ~ . Ex. Flo dwa ~v d wa ~~~`11 ` ~ ' t l , .l 'I' ~ I ~ II ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ a / 42 ~ i I I f ~ ~ J I ~ / / ~ ~ ~ / 1 I r ~ , A I I I ~ / ~ , / ~ ~ / ~ z 1 f / i i/ / / II , f ~ 1 / / I 1 f l W I / I ~ / ~ ~ ~1_f ~ I I l l ~ - l / / ~ ~ / / /ice ~ ~ , ~ k~ Z ~ ~ ~ r-' f f / J I iii / ~ / / / ~ / 1' I 1 000 l ~ I / l l ~ I CJ 4r N ~ ~ ~ / I ! I ~ ~ llfl ~ r , Oran e Barrier Fence ~ l \ ~ ~ = I f ~ Lil 9/ 69 ~ / / g ~ s r \ / ! i Q a f ~ ~ ll l / r ~ / / 111 / / / I i s I it _ , Tem ,Diversion Channel / / - ,>L ~ / ~ I k2 r ~ I i / i / I / / i/ I i I / ~ ) ~ / ~ I° ! ~ / f I I / / of ~/i / / ~ / l l I \ / / ~ I N + d ~ I ~ a ~t _~Q, l 1 f ~ III y I . , ~ d` ( ~/r / / ` i i , 1 ~m 1 !II / ~ x ,/r 11/ ~ ~ t ! ~ 1 - / / / / r II ~ cR ~ / II / y ~ ~ I I 1 1 M/(( \ ~ U ~ J 1 / i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 22`~~j/ice 1 1 ~ ~ ! ! / I l \ \ . o.e. R(JN \ , / III I ~ \ > / I _ ~ /j ~ g p , p / ~ l \ \ t t ~ ~ 1 l I ~ I .B. ~ 820 ~ / r~6 / / ' V II l / - ~ ~ ~ ~ I ill •6. ~B?4 y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / I 1 I I I 1650 P ~ ti/ / I Div I I / ~ / ~ / / ~ ~ \ ~ ~ 0 / / i I I / / 32>76 _ / ~ .Orange Barrier Fence / \ ~ I v ~r ZONIN . I l / / ~ / t I / C. c. / ~ - ~ /3g fir. / I i~a~~ ) / / / ~ l / f I I / / /I/' / p2//// ~J ~ / v v l l /i I 1 l l ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ / / /I / / _ ~ S / / / I / l / 38. ~ 1 / / / ~ / ~ l l/ i I 1 1 1 l I t 1 1 ~ / I ~ / ~ ~ lr ~ ! l / l P 6 ~ / ~ A ~ / ~4 ARRO ~ v M~ ~ ~ /I / ( / I Tl 1 ~ ~ / - / / / I ~ OOAfACD ROBERT ~i ~ ^i ° I ~ / I / / / / ~ ~ ~ ~ / / \ 1 oB rRUS ~~3M ~ I ~ M ~ lla /i ~ / ~ ~ / ~ I I / ~ ~ 1 I I I i . 1x59 p~F e o ~ I 118. N t l~, - / ~i Site - - / a ~ I zss ~ o~~ ~ ( ~c,o / ~I / I Boundary ,-2z- ti I I ~ ~ 1~ ` ~ I ~ I i ~ ~ , V ~I PN, p ~2se ~ \ ~ ~ ~ I J / , 1 ~ ~ / 1 ~ I 2 108 ~ e v~o~ e ro ~ - ~ / / ~ / / ~11 ~ / m I M OR o ry. i I ~ / / ~ ~ I I " ~ II ~ ~ ~ l 1 ~ ! ' , , I ~ I i I ~~hZ y h0 ~ ~ V23, ~ / / I \ I / I I~;,~~ } i I / / ~''omQ ~ ( ,~ym~ / / - / I/ l ~ ii / i I Ex. Floodway ~ I a ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~I ~Ij 1~ ~ 1/ l ~ I I e / h~~/ / ti~ ~ 2s / 4q 1N ~ '~1p %/l l/ l~ / / I ~ ~ / ?o '~/i i / ~ r- ~ / / / ~ \ / I / ~ / I ~ SDMH ~ - - - ~ ~ / ~2 Sediment F / / i! ~ / ~ / I I ~NV(W , = t /l / ~ ~ / A 1~ ence~ N 1 , / / / / i / ~ ~ ! ~ / / I ~ iNV ) .3 ~ - / / l / / ~ r - ~ ~ 111 ~ s /F ~ / / / _ - / ~ / 1 ~ I STATE Of NORTH CAROLIN ti / _ - C 1 v I A 111 ~ / / / ~ ~ 1 D.B. 2215, Pc. sao ~ / / ~~~1~ ~ / I ~ ~ \ / ~ ~ ~ ' _ ~ I \ / ~ 111 \ ~ I M.B. 66 PG 149 / / / M - ~ '!+r ~ ~ V ` V ( \ \ A 1 P.N. 006554 / / / I I / 1 ~ v \ ZONING: ~ / y / ,c 1 ~ / \ vv ~ / / / I ~ l ~ ~ Ir / ~ _ ~ ! / i ~ / III r I ~ roP s3 ~ ~ z ~ / ~ I / "Ca, i I /y-- i ~ ~.,..I, _ ~~y'~ ~ ~ \z4~~;~r. ~ I I \ v v v ~ I ~ ti / / ~ / I I ! 25.4 + ~ ~ \ \ J sroR,~! bfA HoLE~ ~ _ - 1 ~ (E) 25.x, V ~ l \ v v ~i ~ ~ , W SNOT Eco RED I \ i ~ ~ N N ~ / \ v v v ` v 1 / ~ / Iii ~ 1r- ~ _ y - 1 I \ ~ N >uvzxss v v v l I / ~ ~ 1 z J ~ ~ I ~rrrr,,,,,,,,,,,, I I I / I V A V A A V A \V~ A\ ~ 1 1 h / / I I \ vv vvv v~ \V 1A ti ~ / / I ~ P ~ / v\ ~ 1 I/ 1 1 1 Dr suP rrPE i 1 Pro 5edlme v v by A \ ~ ti II,, I ( ) 1 v ~ I I p nt Basin v v v v v v v ~1 1 r --o~ I it I I I I + vv vv vv N 1~ / II I f ~ I i 1FrROAT 34.e 1 - I I ~ ~ ~ v v v ` v v ~ v 1\~ I / / / / / l , ~~/l v a Z z I I ~ I iHV E 2x.54 l+ A V A \ m~ 1 I 1 1 i O I I 1 I I v v y v v 1 by / III , I , 1 I Onsite Tributa v ~ ` v v ` v 11' Z I I / / I I I ! r~--... ~ ry Boundary \ \ ~ \ ~ \ \ \ \ ~ III 1 1 / / / / / ~ ~ / / o Z o- (III ,I \ I / \ (1111 I ~ ~ / / ~ ? ~ ~ O I I I ~ i / I I / 1 111 t / / ~ W ~ h I ~ / I l / \ Buffer \ 11 1 I \ I III / 11 v_ 1 I l , v v v v~ v v~ I 1111 III I I 1 1 1 I ~ ~ a ~ 1 I \ \ ` \ \ ` \ ` 111 1 ~ I I . 1 / ~ Q ~ ~ I ~ h'I I II I 1 1 1 l / vvv vvv vv 1 \11 III , v v I 11 I I 1 h 1 1 11 1 i / ~ZO Q z ~ 1 I J II ~ 1 ~ 1 I / ~ 1111 I I I I I I I I 50 Buffer ~ I I ~ I I I I 1 1 1 1 r' ~ i A~ I / ti v~` v V C1 I 1 m ~ 1 l , ~ ~ v v v v 1 A\\ I I ~ r, II ~ I v v II 1 1 1 I ( C m vvv vvvv vv 111\ \\ZI I 11 ~ I ..,~1 CHEYENNE COURT 1NC. ~ 1v I I I II l ~A I vvv vv vvv` v I \\V1V~i~~ I ~I 11 11 I l ~ ~ ' ! D.B. 2 6 5 6 P G 113 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ Vz I 1 III ! t~ ~ I ~ _ vvv vvv vv I \V1~ ~~1 I II I I 1~ 1 W I / ~ 1 i t M.B. 31 PG. 90 90A v v v v v v v v ~ ~l i 1 ~ ~ Q z o Ilj / ! ( f , f !I I I P.N. 001661 ~ vvv vv vvvvvvvv \ \ I ~ I I \ I zoNrNC: uc m \ \ \ \ ` \ ~ I 1 I I 11 I ~ II ! l 1 I vv vvv 1 s~ 11 I I 1 II / I l ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ vvv vv vvv vvv I1 1 I ~ 1I 1/ / W LL ~ NO ~ ® Li III ! i I i I V A V ` V A 1 1 I ~ N I I 1 1 Ex. Q ~ l t I \ v v v I I 00 r l l i l I I I I 1 ~ ~ ~ l 2 88 ~ U V A V A\ V A A / 1 1 I 1 1 y -Ex. 100yr Floodplain ~ ~ ~ W Ili ! 15~~- 0 v vv vvv vvv 1 I II 1 1 ~ Z I, I I ~ -~-a-~ I 1 ~ / ~ v v v v v v wv / 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ I II I 1 ~ ~ / ~ V A \ V A ~ A I N 1 ~ I o `n D. III --n....~ i I \ / v ~vv`I v~ vv`v / ~ I I I I 1 ~ l l I I I / I ~ ~ / v vvv v v v v~v 111 1 I 1 1 I ! r-~--~- v v v v v v 1 ~ 1 ~I I ~ ~ ~ vv vv vv i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 li l / ~ / 1 l i I ~ 7 ~ \ vvIv vvv vvv Il I ~ I ~ 1 l 1 ,1 ~ r rl-~--~- ~ ~8/~ TOP a13 1 ~ v v v v v 11 I I 1 ! I~ ~ 1 ~ W \ 1 I !NY W 24.78 \ \ \ V 1 9/ 1 III ~ I ( i O ~ V A V A I /i ~ I 11 I I I I I ' ~ I! V (S) 2 93 \ V A V A V v V ( ~ I / ~ 1 ~ r e ~ I II { I I 1 ! I o f I l I I ro III I I , I ! V (E) 2 89 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I / / ~ 1 N `1 II ~ / ~ 11 I Illl l 1 ~ ~ I ~ ! I \v``v vvvv \ Ir Il,l ~ ~ ~I I ! , I A \V A A AV A AV A A\ . / / / 1 1 M v II i ~ I I I v v v Oran ~ 1/ l I I I,! l I ~ v v v v v ~ v i~ ge Barrier Fence 1 I ~ I v v v v v v i III I l i / ~ 1 I \ l / ` vI`v vvvvv`vv 1 Lr„ I~ / ~~rii ~ i~/~~ / I1 III / v vv vv v ~ ~ /I/ / / i ~ II II I I I I ( / v v I I v v v v v v v v v/ ~ 1~ I~ gyp/ I I 1 I ~ I A V A \ V A ~ I ~ I / ~ I I I v v v v ~ v / / - _ i JJ ~ e ~ L. ~ I V ~ 1 I Q' I ~ I v v v v v vv ' ilia I a / / / ~ , - - - ~ I I , ( ~ I I f ~ v ~ v ediment enc / / ~ - / ~ ~ III ~ I / e 6/a/ - / I ~ I I + D! SLAP TYPE ! l I \ I I I I \ ` \ ` \ ` l h ~ 1 ~ I ~ i TOP 34.5 II 1 ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ III( ~ I I ~ / f III I ! I 1 THROAT 33.8 + I I ` \ \ \ \ \ I I / / I . I / \ I 1111 11111 ~t I I '"""1 INV E 28.38 f / \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ , ~ III I ~~kccui O I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~ / III I r- i J / ~ \ \ \ ~ \ ~ ~ \ \ Onsite Tri utary Boundary I / I ! I ~ 1! i/ 1 / AV A A AVv v vv A A I ~~I~ r a,ua ~ ~ A l ~ I l / ~ I ~ ,'7`'-- ~ ~ ( \ \ \ \ \ \ (Water Con rol_ Structure I\ I I I ~ ~ i ~ r.~ II I _ i M \ n rr 1111 I I 1 1 I I l I ( ~ - ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ \ f See Deta A I N 1 I ~ ~ I t . 1 1 I M ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 + ~ 1 I1 I - r / I i,,,rr f q~ 111 III , I I f I k~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~\ 11111 ` \ `t \ 1 I ~ Temp, Diversion Channel, / - / i X26- - \ , ~ s~~ ~ 1111 \ ~ \ \ \ 1 1 ~ ~ / 1 \ ~ \ \ \ ~ ~ W2 O1 / V A \V~ v _ ,macO ) i N~ ~ vv ~ v v v \ \ - 25.76 / l ~ ~ ~ \I ~ 1 \ ~ \ \ , \ 1 ~ MW f8 / 1 \ ~ \ \ is \ ~ ~ / V \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ 1 \ \ 1 1 ~ ~ ~I .34- o _ 7 -~a?~.... Rock Berm \ \ ~ \ \ ~ \ \ ~ ~ \ 1 ~ , \ I I ~ 1 r ~ ~ N ~5/ I--...~ 1 v l G vvv vvv v / 111 1 o AROA / I I I~ I t v v` v v` 1111 ~ A\ I P, P~ 7 1N~ I I ~ \ ~ I r \ ` \ \ ` \ / (III 1 \ 1 NO17 PJ / l I \ 1 \ \ I ~ I I`\ \ ~ \ \ ~ I \ \ I h 20N1 .288 _ v v V ~ ~ ~ \ V v A V A A / I I 111 N V I M NG I v ~ z v V I . I I 1 ~ 1 I ~ I I I \ \ N I I I r~ t I I IN \ ~ ~ II I __sr N ~ 1 I N I v 1111! I ~ l Are o~ I I ~ , , ~ ` ` v ` v I I lu \ V I ~ ~ I ~ / D.e. NORTH c 1 _ E°~urv0 N/F \ 1 v v v v I ~ I II i ~ V l ~ I 981 ARO ! l 5ON ~ ~ ti I v J i ~ \ / p . p~ uNA ! oa ~ ALae ~ \ \ \ ~ ~ l ~ NI \ \ ~ ~ ~ 34 / RT ~ \ \ ~ \ v - .N, 0017 0 / 897, p fARC I \ ~i ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ I,., t ~ r" IDNING~ 66 ~ ~ P,N 0 G. 37g ! ~ ` i/ \ \ ` \ `3 ` \ \ ~ \ \ I I ~ ~ ' ~ I zo ~sBSS ~1 / v v v v vvv v l Orange Barrier Fence 11 ~ I ~ ~ ~'tiY ~ . / NINA I / I ~ v v v ` v ~ ~ A ~ \ I h CN I ~ ~ 1 v v v I I I ~ y I ~ ~ ~ I l l I I I vvv vv v h \ II I 1 ~ _ / ~ ~ Sedimen Fen l ~ ~ ~ ~ / l ~ vv vv I ce ~ f l 1 r ~ v v III f J v ~ I I / ~ II I I ~ II I I 1 ~ \ \ I 11 I I _ / ( v v v `v I 111 v 1 1 I I I \ ~ v 11 ~ ~ / ~ / ~ I1 I I- I I ~ vv 1 I 11~ " I1tl ICI i / i L A.. I f i ~ ~-FY h~llfl Pi VA1M 1/ I I A ~ ~ 1 1 A. A A, A I 1111 1d~~ 1~ i l l N ,I I r ~ I r~ ~ -34 vvurruy N Ex, 100 r FI 1 1 ` \ \ 1 I y oodplain ~ 1 0 ~ ~v c m J .tea oNol > I ~ I I I , ~ 1 \ 1 I f 10 W L X 0~~ x N 0 o I ~ ~ - 111 \ 1 \ll 1 I 1 1111 11j11( Eai U x + GRAPHIC SCALE 1 Ijl II v / 11 / 111 I111 1 _ - V ~a zoo ~ ~ ~ ~ 111 1 I I i ~1\ 0 25 50 100 a ~ 8 14th ~I / _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 l Ill \ 1 inch = 50 feet c ~ Z - - _ - - l I \ ~ C Lo r W W 10 a. 0 O \id o°m ~ N~ OEHEMI.IIOTE8: w~ Iw„} QONST~Cf THE COIR FI~I# BAFFLES y M N. Z d ~ ~ MMTN A MATERIAL THJ1T MEETS Tins ~ECIFICATIONS ~p F- ~wQ~ tIF THE COIR FIBER MAT SPECIAL PROVISION COIR FIBER BAFFLES wa ~ o roman ~ ,~~04~ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE EROSION CONTROL NOTES a ~ Aw ~ w¢ u ,r-~~q ~ ~ Jpw N~~=~ PROVIDED IN THE CONTRACT. ~ mZ OC~`~~ Gt -i w~""t W x~ m PROVIDE 5° STEEL OF THE SELP-P F °~°~'C 1. All "STD." drawings shall be per the z m "'c3 "'z 1. All erosion control measures shall be = m ~ W AN~.E STEEL TYPE. II~TALL S'TEH. PATS ~ e Y ~ Q~ © i ~IGG,~ ce 4 ~ w zw$°r~ MITN NO M~ Trwl s aF nR: P~BT STONE DRAIN ~v NCDOT Standard Drawings. o = ~ vW constructed in accordance with the N.C. ~ r~ i-~ gw ' v w APPEARING A80VE TIC POST ~ ~F-Wt]J CS ~ ' Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and 2. Any grading beyond the denuded limits • ~ ATTACH TIM: COIR FIRER MAT TD THE ew Design Manual, U.S. Department of Agriculture, shown on the plan is a violation of the ~ ~w ~ STEEL POSTS MIITN MARE OR OTIMRt ACCEPTABLE pw . z I~AIIB ANTI STAPLED INTO Tip BOTTOM AND SLOE Q~' U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Land Quality North Carolina Erosion and Sediment i ' ~ SLOPES OF 1M~ STILLING BASIN MATH 12" STAPLES. a Section of the De artment of Environment and Control Planning and Design Manual and o "M" 5't INSTALL TIE TDP (R: THE COIR FIBER BAFFLE A j~:4,~9 A ' ' P is subject to a fine. o m ~ Natural Resources, NCDOT Roadside cv c ~ MINM;MIM OF A" LOMI~I THAN THE TQP OF THE ~ STILLING BASIN BERMS. ~ Environmental Unit, and the City of Greenville 3. Grading more than one acre without an ~ ~ M w "L" "L1 r~r "L" z ~ U~ THE TYPICAL SECTION ! FOR THE N m STILLING BASIN A8 A GUIDE. THE BASIN MAY J Standards. approved erosion control plan is a Q a ~ violation of the North Carolina Erosion ry ,n COIN'ACTED 80IL NAVE ANY TtTE cIC~IAnON AB LONG AS ~ 2.Install construction entrance(s). ~ and Sediment Control Planning and Design y o , ~ ~ SUFFICIENT Y~.IlNE IS PROYID~ AID PI~VISIONS u ~ 2 MINIMINI L-- 4, ~ r ARE MADE FOR A PEIBEABLE STOiR: DRAIN. 3.Orange barrier fencing will be placed around Manua! (NCESCPDM) and is subject to a o u, o ~ ~ a ~ ~ z DO NDT EXGEED 6 FT. EH NEIfIFIT FCR TIC EJIRTN w ~ ~ perimeter of the wetland areas to be fine. h '0 FLOMI w ~ DIMES REOUIREO FOR STILLII~ BASIL. • e a M~ ~ CG ~ 1 f SS ~ ..I 1m10ITI4NAL DEPTHS MAY ~ ATTAINED BY ~ ~ preserved and along the 50' buffer north of ~ ,ti; R;;=.~;~:.;,~. MINIYI~ W EI~AVATING BELAI Tip NATURAL ~IN~ LEVEL. C v} ~ ~ 4. All slopes and other areas must be the preserved wetlands. seeded and mulched within 21 calendar Q N '1 V AND EARTH DIKE C ~ n 0 TIC STILLING BASIN SIZE I$ ARIABLE ~ ~ v QEPEt#lENT ON SPECIFIC SITE RECitIRE1~NTS PLAN a ~ p 4.Place silt fence along the eastern perimeter days following completion of any phase ~ of grading. Permanent ground cover for ° p ~ ,Q C AS 1NR.L As dtMISTi~RaN ~ M ~ oPERATIa~. a of the area of disturbance in areas not all disturbed areas shall be provided C 8 TYPICAL I- " " 111 ~ .0 w SUBMIT THE SIZE, LOCATION AND STONE 1i-Drt L 2"M'" MIN. }~1"-O"t ~ ~ directly tributary to the sediment basin. The within 15 working days or 90 calendar o ~ O GRAIN INTERIAL FCR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ alignment of the silt fence will closely follow days (whichever is shorter} following ~ p ~ CONS'TRI~TIONe , iyg ti-O" a t N ~ w fi t~ I' J pl the existing floodway line. completion of construction. Refer to _ 111 ~ PUMP THE EFFLUBIT INTO THE STILLING BASIN Til Z e ~ ~ 'N ~ A MA1tIMlw DEPTH ~ S FEET. u 5.Re-locate existing 24" storm sewer carrying NCESCPDM for additional requirements. N ~ W 71 - e GRASS SEGTIOINAL VIEW tNlaaBSIFII~ P.E ~ only offsite flow so that it by-passes 5. Additional measures to control erosion ~ • , EARTH MATERIAL ST~tE oRAtN ~ BII w ~ sediment basin.. and sediment may be required by a o = ~ COIR FIBER BAFFLE STEEL POSTS "l) . s Co VARIA~E h i i aF"or 6. Remove existing pavement within 30' and 50' representative of the City of Greenville. TYPIGAL SEGTIQN VIEW ~ t aF 1 stream buffer and re-establish vegetation. 6. Slopes shall be graded no steeper than e 1 1t OF 1 1r~ 1 2:1. 1B,$p„ 7.Remove vegetation/trees in the area to be Ipri{1ri~ disturbed for construction of sediment basin 7. Contractor is responsible to inspect the and stormwater wetland. site and clean all mud/dirt/debris from p0 f 8.Minimum of 6" of topsoil in wetland impact the roadway daily. ~ m O t11 I N~ v 1 e[e H ~ areas to be removed and stockpiled offsite. g. Topsoil stockpile areas shall be ~ Z ~h w' S' MAX. 1NITN MARE Stockpiles not permitted within the floodway of maintained in construction staging area, ° w~~ w ~NO ~ VAX. MIITHOUT HIRE ~ ~ LL..J~w ro~.~tN C } ~~~c~i Green Mill Run onsite or in any other in a location where the offsite areas are $ m~ ooi0'x~ mz x'+ u ~ w ~ ao w ~ c = n ~ W Icy ~p W oo~x~ floodplain or floodway offsite. Minimum of protected by sediment erosion control W Y NOTES: h C® Y 'n F 750 cubic yards of topsoil to be stockpiled measures. a ~ w ~s o~ t. PROMIIDE TURNING RADIUS SUFFICIENT TO ACCpIMIDDATE LARGE ~ ydlpb MIDDLE AIrM VERTICAL MIRES w ~ TRUCKS. ~O~W~~ *w~rfi SHALL BE i2 @J MIN. ~ s t7r~" ]f ~w w ?-z for use in the constructed stormwater wetland z J ~~QwW following construction. Contractor to notify 9. Inlet Protection is required for all inlets o ; ~ a 2. LOCATE EN'TRAMK~ s TO PIKIYIDE FOR uTILITJtTION as ~ ~ located in the working area. ~ - a BY ALL ON VEHI ° tX~Tig1CTI CLES. r~ y ~w , S. MIST BE MAINTAINED IN A CQINIITION MMHICH MALL PREV~IT o,n ~w City of Greenville location of offsite stockpile Q Q Z .O Z TRACKING OR DIRECT FLON OF MUD ONTO STREETS. ` ~ ~ TOP AND ~TTOM STRAND PERIODIC TOPDRESSING MIITN STONE HILL ~ NOCE~AR1(. MALI. IIE 10 OiAUMM: MIN. and borrow areas and provide the appropriate 10. When placing excavated soil on pavement, = a W N ° 4. ANY MATERIAL TRACKED ONTO THE ROADMIAY MUBT BE erosion control for those areas. first cover pavement with screenings. ~ ~ W ~ b ~ CLEAI~D UP IfMM:DIATELY. / 5 e LOCATE GRAVEL OD1181'~CTION ENTRAIKrE AT 9.Sediment basin excavated to plan elevation of z ~ ~ ~ 11. Additional erosion control measures may ~ / ALL POINTS dF INGRESS AND E UNTIL SITE I8 BTABILI~. ~ 20.0 and stabilized per seeding schedule, rock be required upon field investigation. ~ w ~ ~ ® PIgAVIDE FREQUENT CHECKS ~ T}iE DEVICE AND TII~LY W , , ~ , o / MAINTENANCE. ~ ; ~ , ; berms installed, and outlet device installed. Contractor to install all required erosion ~ ~ ~ / S~ 8. NUIBER AND LOCATION I?F OQIr~TIRICTION ENTRANCES TO ~ m ~ ~ Outlet device to have (3} 2" orifices installed control measures. v Z ~ ~ O ~ ~ / ~ OETEIiMINED HY THE ENGINEER. FILTER FABRIC C ~ / ~0 e ~ u, ~ 4 r r ~ 7. M1SE CLASS A STONE ~ OTMIdI t~IRSE At3~iEAATE APPROVED N r u°W at an elevation of 20.0 to provide dewatering ~ ~ ~ Q z BY T~ ENGIINrER. Z w C z z time. Orifices to be installed in center of 7" w w V ~ 0 ~ . w ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ flash board within outlet device. One 5" flash SEEDBED PREPARATION ~ Q Z p a ~ ~ e o N ~ NorES . g ~ n F rt USE IIiRE A NINIMMI DF 92 J board to be installed above 7" flashboard with ~ ~ U ~ orifices to achieve an elevation of 20.79. 1. Chisel compacted areas and spread topsoil W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T„T FILTER FABRIC a ~ ~ IN IMIDTH AND 1<TITH A YINIMUII ~ Storm sewer pipe from and to outlet device 3" deep cover adverse soil conditions, if ~ ~ Q v ~ ~ v OF 6 LINE wIRES MMTTH tE" STAY C M ~ M COMPACTED FIL! ~ ~ to have trench dam installed to minimize available. ~ ~ ~ O o ~ ~ r t7 SPACING. a o ~ ~ USE FILTFA FABRIC A MINIMUM ~ ~ ~ piping of water from sediment basin/wetland. 2. Rip the entire area to 6 deep. O a W ~ a a ~ Q ~ H ~ 36" IN INIDTN ANO FAST~1 _ - ~ CLASS A STS ~ q~ ~ MI TIC NIt~ AS ~ _ ~ 3. Remove all loose rock, roots, and other Q w a ADEQUATELY TQ ~ a S SIN. MIN. QEPTI! s ~ a DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. - ~ w d 10. Diversion channels created onsite to divert obstructions leaving surface reasonably v W i ~ ~ ~ ~-O" STEEL POST ~ T1~ Mla ~ C o ~ 111 p PROVIDE 5 I z _I ~ ~ ~ onsite runoff to northern end of sediment smooth and uniform. _ ~ ~ ~I.F-FASTENER ANf~.E STEEL TYPE. ~ ~ u I W F' basin. 4. Apply agricultural lime fertilizer and ~ superphosphate uniformly and mix with soil NOTE: PLACE FILTER FA~MIC BENEATH STONE AIlGf.E STEM1 TYPE, ~ STEEL POST - 2'-O" ~PTN a, ® 0" 11. Maintain basin during construction and (see below*} O i , e ~ ~ inspect within 24 hours after every rainfall of 5. Continue tillage until a well pulverized firm, O L. _.i 1" or greater. uniform seedbed is prepared 4"-6" deep. EJ(TENBIDN DF FABIfliC AND 12. Construct project to full build-out, install 6. Seed on a freshly seedbed and cover seed ~ a~ 1 r ~ aF i i ~ y BfIRE IIITO TRENCM ' aF i inlet rotection on ro osed storm sewer lightly with seeding equipment or cultivate 1607.01 16~?.01 it ~nall!lslld~ P P P after seeding. grates within project limits. 7. Mulch immediately after seeding and 0 F 7 1 13. Following final site stabilization accumulated anchor mulch. SEEDING SCHEDULE S41L DATA sediment to be removed from basin and 8• Inspect all seeding areas and make necessary repairs or reseedings within the disposed offsite. planting season, if possible, if stand should i Shoulders, Side Ditches, Slope (Max: 3:1) S mb y o Description 14. Basin to be filled to within 4" of final be over 60% damage, reestablish following DANDY BAG SEDIMENT FILTER DETAIL YLPE PLANTING RATE Bb = Bibb Complex, o to 2x slopes, grade with silty sand, lightly compacted. original lime, fertilizer and consult AUG 15-NOV 1 TALL FESCUE 300 LBS./ACRE oorl drained soi{s underlain b a o NOV 1 -MAR 1 TALL FESCUE AND 300 LBS./ACRE p y y conservation inspector on maintenance d ABRU2Z1 RYE 25 LBS. ACRE very friable fine sandy loam and 15. Final 4" of basin to be filled with previously treatment and fertilization after permanent I' - TA FESCII / sand cla loam t icall found in a Dandy Bag Grating MAR 1 -APR 15 LL E 300 LBS./ACRE Y Y YP Y stockpiled topsoil taken from the area of the cover is established. 0 0 APR 15 JUN 30 HULLED COMMON 25 LBS./ACRE floodplains. 0 0 JUL 1 AUG 15 BERMUDAGRASS 120 LBS. ACRE proposed stormwater wetland and adjacent 9• Apply: ° _ TALL FESCUE AND / A ***BROWNTOP MILLET OR 25 LBS./ACRE WaB = Wagram, 0 to 2 percent slopes, well areas. Agricultural limestone - 2 tons/acre (3 tons/acre in clay soils) m ' r~`~~~'~ ***SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 LBS./ACRE drained loam sand to a de th of 16. Plant wetland with appropriate herbaceous fertilizer - 1,000 lbs./acre - 20% o ,;,'a Y P a • • SECTION A ~ ° 25-28 inches then transitions to a plants, trees, and deep pool lily's. superphosphate - 500 lbs./acre - 20% ~ ~ sLaPES (3:1 To 2:1) sandy clay loam. Water table is mulch - 2 tons/acre -small grain straw Dom, PLANTING RATE typically >5' below the surface. ~ MAR 1 -APR-15 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARFIED) 50 LBS./ACRE 17. Adjust outlet device, moving (3} 2" orifices anchor -asphalt emulsion ~ 300 Handle AND TALL FESCUE 120 LBS./ACRE to an elevation of 22.50, adjust as needed to gals./acre W APR 15-JUN 30 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARFIED) 50 LBS./ACRE NARRATIVE h INSTALLATION: AND WEEPING LOVEGRASS 10 LBS. ACRE maintain proper permanent pool elevation. JUN 1 -SEPT 1 / .o TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS./ACRE The purpose of this project is to redevelop two 18. Top of flash board elevation to be at 23.50 W Stand grate on end. Place Dandy Bag over grate. Roll grate BROWNTOP MILLET 35 LBS./ACRE existing apartment com lexes and severol for larger rainfall events or a minimum of over so that o en end Is u Pull u slack. Tuck fla In. Be SEPT 1 'MAR 1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA p E p p p p UNHULLED UNSCARFlED AND 70 LBS./ACRE single-family homes into a single off-campus 12" higher than permanent pool elevation. ~ sure end of grate is completely covered by flap or Dandy Bag ( ) student housm o, TALL FESCUE 0 .ACRE g development. ~ will not fi# properly. Holding handles, carefully place Dandy Bag (NOV t -MAR 1) ADD ABRUZZI RYE 12 LBS/ with grate inserted into catch basin frame so that red dot on 25 LBS./ACRE 19. Remove orange barrier fence around ~ the top of the Dandy Bag is visible. perimeter of wetlands to be preserved, remove 3 Consult Conservation Engineer or soil conservation service for additional information concerning other alternatives for vegetation of MAINTENANCE PLAN sediment fence in all other areas of the site, I y MAINTENANCE: denuded areas. the above vegetation rates are those which do well and remove storm sewer inlet protection. under local conditions; other seeding rate combinations are possible. o All erosion and sediment control measures will 20.Inspect and maintain basin per Operation and With a stiff bristle broom or square point shovel remove silt & ***tem ra -reseed accordin to o timum season for desired be checked for stabili and o eration followin o Po ry 9 P tY P 9 Maintenance Agreement. ~ ~ ~ o - c;=o~ _ other debris off surface after each event. permanent vegetation. do not allow temporary cover to grow over eve rainoff roducin rainfall but in no case c ai~n ~ 1"' f re mowin o ry p g 2 m height be o g, therwise fescue wdl be shaded out. less than once a week. Any repairs needed O'U=^• > :~,o~ 3 will be made immediately to maintain all ` ~ JC particles. ~o~~LL x C ~ ~ ~ O w NOTE: SITE DRAINS DIRECTLY TO GREEN MILL RUN ~~U ~ ~ x o A TRIBUTARY OF THE TAR RIVER. N ~ ~ ~ = Q o Q v a~ i3 ~ ~ °o ~ P a ~h~~ U . Q~ 0 N v ~`m~,p ~ e 0 m ~ hoc v w-w ~ o~. ~ j 1 ~ 1 ~ , ! f t `1 ~ o ~ L R9£S AND CEO 1 ! AN T ~ , N ~ 17 yell DERS,Q1r Sl/BD1yS1 t t r . t. ,f ~xj ~ f ~ ~ M P ON `V r . STS, ~ j .g, :27 pC ROPFRTY} LJ ! I FT ~ ~ l? ?4 '1 f ~ ~ , ' ! iV ~ '~I ~ : ~ ~t' 1 TP o TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ~ PROPERTY LINE 1~ ~ ~i ~ CR~01 ~ ~ L7GF1T POLE N. NORTH lo>H ST T~_:. (ro- ~ STS ~ i r ! - EE ~ ~ , u s - ~''~s•~r X32'$ r ( 14 I 711'$7 ~ s - dCG1t)"TC "-,~'_M1 \ v- ~ ~ C iq+ ~ ~t ? ' 7 T~ RQ ~N8' ED t1" ' ~ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE S SOUTH ~ ~ 7~ l.. 8 H46' p WAR09 S~Q~`b ~ _ + ~ ~ ~ ( ) _ ir, r.:~::~; ~~.iv: 4 ~`Ua ate- ~ ".a.: t 1W f eji7 t' a,Nq' ~i ~7 ~~,~e'f`~e~{ y®s w,up. WATER METER F.P. FLAG POLE ~ i , sr ,~a°atr acsf~. r 1, ~ti,~ ~ Ott r~ a ( ~ i! f rw~~~~~~ 4~{ _ ~ I'~ ~~y~~, / ~ wvva WATER VALVE ELP. EXISTING IRON PIPE ~ `+-..1 N ! ~r~~ ~ y,~v~ WATER METER VAULT I.P.S. 1RON P7AE SET w ! ! '1p njF, f _ _ r4Tjt t ~ r 1'' ~ i:~ CV4CYELJ? ~ .FP "`°"r~ ` w f q ~ i ~~x, i''~ . S ~ ~ ® CATCH 8ASlN N~F NOW OR FORMERLY ~r-~ g 1 ~n MlA4 ~ RB ND Gl ' K f ~ , q ~ -"`uor-~ ' vn, w-`~ \ ,r ~ 720 jam" E 1¢98' ® ® STORM DRAINAGE MANHOLE P•N. PARCEL NUMBER g 27p SlN~ C ~A/fA C8£RT ~ !1 r ` - ~ ~ S p . f'C ~ ANDF SU I ; + f . ~ ~ '.~,_7B5)' Elf? r ~ , .N o7ss s~8 Mg RSON pR &71NSjON 1 ' t ' r t ~ E r ~ , ! wv ass ss 78 ~ r ~ £l~r~ l , ~ SIGN M.B. MAP 800K ;wv zze; ~ ! 2&35• °-y •9 S p2~ ys. oSD SATELLITE DISH PG PAGE a g ~//y~ ~ ~ 1 ~J S ) I •2~ f0' ~ BMW MONITORING 1Mctt D.B. DEED BOOK 7 ,r ?N or ~ 27~p q°ERTy ! ~ mrz~ p,~~"--~ ~ ~,,_3St.4~' 11 - '/ri_ - " R.W.M. ~:,,9_ I 7 ~B4 ~ 124 . ~ 1 I73/4~~AS , 4 r ~ 4 t fS9 ~ W ° S ~ t , v L L ~ 7 IIC kk 8 ' ~ h 1'~ " ~ " s {D15t) a37 » i. t 7 ~ , t Ralr $o "1 . , ~ k 3 )B,Jg~"a.. 80,47' S5 E 21 i; 6satX 0 \I W , :f. 44.s' ~ 1 g ~7 „ , r31? (nE' e (ne ~ l., A'pNA Nix' ; ~i h . ~ ~ , n r ~ ~ , ~ 2~ : _ SCALE t = 2000' a~ y r ~w 1., YJ ~p xr a 1 ~ s~ a o !~C '~l7RA BTA ~ ~ p8 ~pE~C n~ { Oz•47,~" ~ `~a UTJUTY AOLE C.L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE , 1 ~ ~ `l ETA ~ 1 ~ - r ~aa a f K ,-r. ~ ~ 7'; ~.f ~ _ (,•8 TpP 43.93 fX ~ 3 De , ~ ~ R . r r f cis ~'~NC e a , r ~ ~ ~ a 2. BQr17Ip1 40,3Y ~ IOL, - x fNG~r P,N. Q PG 78T ~'p j-.-.. I~ 2u •4 y 1 µ.~y.~, J.. ^ ~ 3 ; .r ~B '.r y ~®JOr ~ ~s2' ~ LIGHT POLE / UTILITY POLE EX EA1S7]NG V t; IV )g , 1 ~ "1 p X38,5 u r $~2 . ' :'s; (t +0 1 ! ) ,r ~/,p ~ ~3L1` L H CUO,} ll~ r 2~ -t-~ ! e ~ r.~ s,l I ' f ~ d ~ S'~~957" f (g} EXI571NG,LOT NUMBER E. AXfE EXISTING AXLE ~i}t1 T$~~. ~ ~ B6 h410, ~W~ ~ I1 I 'h h5 ! ~ ,,,,1' ~ r a - ;l, p TENCe f d s: ~ ru #5 - ~ ~ s Y ~ ; C A II1 2~~ M ~ <t! r} ~ ~ ~D 0 - a1 ? fr ~ 1 ~ 1ss 1 , r ( z ! j ~ s I , ~ / ~ ~ S z~0 f2" E k 1~ EXISTING BLOCK NUMBER R/W RIGHT OF WAY q l ~3 pG' ~ ~1 ~ii' f 51 ~ ~ - $ 78.x, + ?t ~ y ~ b ~ ' ; e . ~:~t e ~ ~ , E! 1.~ ,o' ~ ~61w Fly" / ` 2STl' OI7£ OVERHEAD ELECTRIC Bf8 BRCK 7O BAGC ~ ~pi.Eb ~+~26yk ` Np of enNw~~/ N 24~'9Z ' _ _ _ _ _ - STORM DRAINAGE LINES AKA ALSO KNOWN A5 Ft~02 , ~1 f : ~ ELP, 7- ~ f. f :;1 a J~~ 1;~. ~ SAN ~ r I A ~ m - f- ~ ~ ~ PN ~ ,r l,l r 1<! ~Zf~,x ~3r ''~.L Ci , ~ N `y'1i \ pdpY~'74pJ UI tl ~ ~ ~ E 1 ~ ~/q~+ //7 f 1 7~t'#S t:~~.;! 2 ~ ~ ( 4 p46a ,F~, \ fl~~, ~G~' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~T 5j S SANITARY SE41ER MAIN COO CLEAN OUT ~ ~~O 1~~ IYIMJONtt~ ~fJ4~ r 41„1 .P,+ U~.~ e :.'.~~-1j~~ 3~ 4'!E i i JQ• ~ , 6 ~ TRUSTEES OF +1 „r ~ 1~ 7"~i- ~ . 4r 1 `f .1.. ~ ~ / Eft / ~f `f. f.. ~Z~30'7.~ orrt OVERHEAD TELEPHONE CONC. CONC. ~ ! M~ 1~pONIN POINT LODGE ,0708 A.F. & 1 ~ 1~ ~ _ ; L m~ (t, / x ~ ~ ice` 1(. I~ 1.~1 A' k I ~y +i _ ` 1 Cat 1, I,+ II ~ ` / ~ / i' S 1VLF. WROUGHT IRON FENCE ~ f,,. la A,M., ri1LL1AM P1TT LODGE x'734 A.F. , ! I ~ - 1 1 'T ~ 1 ~ o tl' -.,p - . / - :1~. ~ f z~A 1 a ~ & A.M., ~A~NRD~ GREENVICLE LODGE - t ~ ~r >r 1,.V 1 ' i y l; v~g'~~2 / a , r\ \ i„ ~ t} ~ ~ ~ ~ rT`vT A.F. BC' A.M. ^ f 7 ~ ~ li ~ . ~ , "f 0 { y:, ' . l~~ + o/ ~ ~ • ~ ~ fly3' fy ASPHALT y ?327' T TRANSFORMER • ~ ~ ~ / ' ' ~ V ~~8" W dY.P. WOOD FENCE N ~ ~,!r ty D.B. V 32 PG, 518 ~ ~ r ~ ~rl ~ ~y~ :j y~4 l ~ ' + D.B. 815 PG 254 ! . @' r ~ r~ _ ` ' / ~ ~y~,. ' 7r ce ror 42 i y ~ 1 0 ~ ' f' V r ~ cayc ~ 4 ~ / / / 7-~ ~;;i`::;; CONCRETE ro r „ r * D.B. D 33 PG. 882 h r, a ~ -..A ~ , / 5 , 1FiV (N) 39.34 ~ 1' I"fX p lr. I' 1 ] a(~, OAp7 t429' .i!"'~,1 '---~;~V (T 4 °j >a ~ ! o D.B. Y 33 PG. 258 r.~ ~l,: ~ o ) , m . , , I' w / ~ fNV(Y/J39.02 ~ f 4J ~ :;ROPE y 3s D" ~:L , 5/ ~ . / S 847g'f8< lY O.P. DUMPSTER PAD, 2 ~ V , m- • 7 D.B. Y 33 PG, 245 ~ ~t N1; 1 YgRj~ApA 1 r ~ z tl ~ _ _ _ _ a y M.B. 10 FG. J30 ' ~ 7 m >~vr~^ w ~ ~ _ ~ . - / / ~ S 597502. ~ GRAVEt I w L»._~f ~ d~sr 7 s r5 ca.. I 1 to + 81 P.N. 29048 . , r.. ~4uv ! ~ r •~ez b ~ / - / i r ~ ' ° = 'r 7 ~ ~ ail .,'L r~ , zls J / a `a, 7 ~ ¢ ~ gr 1.57 AC iL'1i 1:;' ~ c r,h , ~yJr, 742x' l ~Fe I ! l . r 2 \ , ~ 7 „ t S7 f N r ~ ~ ~ 7 t ``-,w„ , Lti ~ ! , ' ~ ~ ; I 1 f q ~ A y; , . ~ r:~t $ I f1 EX. I j' ,~`~.-•~t ~ ~4 y..,,. . ~Vu ~ II ~ 1 ~ ~ .p '2$3 r ; r or ,A 'rNi ~ w- ~ C0 4 ~ t 2 4 ~u r ~ ~ / S 4 X47 ~ rr ~ ~ f ~i t TftOr 1 j 1~ if ! {:4 - ,1y~ , h ~ 1 fi 2t`W u5r" ~ S 497027. 4j4r P.N. 024471 P.N. 19730 v ~ ~ C i, I ~ , r ~ ~ z a~airc ~ 1 } 2 .a ~ v /i ~ J14T~ - ~ a~ I I . ,tip ~°•S w~~rsAr ~t ~ 1 em . iN r cas ~ ~ 4< a 5 ~ ry ( S i' ~ Jf 41 • W .~cn~Y ~ DB 598 PG 203 DB 2128 PG 863 P.N. 01428 ~ ~ DB 2592 PG 883 1, \~~`II I ~1 ~ / H¢1 p~ PACrn avsr~ ~ ror " ~ } ~ ~ ~ W ~ >1 9 \ ??9 ' M@ FC A P 3Qg 4 i! F"~.. gn ~ 1 t ~ r,. (G4S , 8 ` j~g~. 2~g~W.. ~J~q 4.ar EI.Px(osr S ~fl2'48" E 6218' xL~Q)M--' °~S 79'1150" E 61.26' I.P.4 S wA \ a> ~HZRrt'.nr Ares `r ~vrOP 1 r3' i o moo, ^S ~ 1 rc ss ~tr^rE' . ` : ~ N~` (S)ts N 1 ~ ~Fe. ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ S 0&~g. ~ . '~L r~' S 79303J" E 6L55' x aF~1 ~58',;g. e M 78"59'39° W 107.80' x LP.S S 79159" E 77.20 ~ : I ~ ~ -ai _ _ cor.c S 79t3j' nvv (sJ'~ li 59• ~ ! i i~ a, 3 sTtaty 'ss fF ~s, , ~ ~ { ' f -r f 3i E:LP.(o.rs' s.ss' a28 s ~ ~ x r x waD. ot~• R 7 r . Ex~snsc Emsrnrc n ~ ti-_ ti wa/K 1,1" E 797 lNEJ 32s8 r, a ~ ~ ~ j l App zssS / ~ 8 ,x? ~ 0 t V' ~ : 1 P4* _ . , ,,I ~ 7~ ~ ~ coNC. a ` ,l ` / ) S 02 ~ ~ ~ , \ ~ ` T;- ~ aO.tr. ~Q ~v. ! ~ m nm.J' ~ 4, fi Ct?EEIII MILL h'UN, LLG ~ / 2~ese• E~stnvc waon swcx wnu - 5P 4~~7s ~ Lp ~Mr~' ! J12>• a a O.B. J850, PG. 820 i'i' n~ t ~ o. ;p.--r- ohs `ti (&YR ~~'~^`~~1 •S f ro ~1'I-..~ ' sss 1 P. 8 4 `0 32 CHEYENNE COURF, 1NC. cAP AREA = ros7 sf u p;r `t lrs~r, 5.^~~ ~:?9~9~ "-5-,~_- _ 11 i ~3r ` ;-~~-.-ta DB. S50 G 2 ~5"g IY ~ ~ 1u ~ (Ti~r7N[Y _,;~fiTl?3>~ ) sn +i*a? 2 -J~ ^r~,:. 0.8. 1850 PG. 828 . 1~9r 'r35'g•~ D.B. 2656, PG. 113 •9~ A9l3. 37 PG. 90-90A I} 3z ~^w P.N~032776 ' ~ rnv za _ ~ f _ - / ~ or armu _ 1 ' ~ # ru!o c ~ , 4.7D AG INCLUDES s ~vcc auN No>£ s ~ / / P.N. 001661 ~ ~ , . PARROi{F cu'r~ rcc~ 3,'~• ,~llj , ' a ~ '-f - a % : ~ ' OVERLAPS - DOE5 y 01 W . DETAIL A: i"= 2A` / it . , . 1} ~ ~ t oNAEp °~Rr , ~ als , ~n yr _ s ~ ' _ ~ + a a.s xRUS 1 ~ 1 -z NOT INCLUDE GAPS / pia, ~i 7359 p ~f' ""1 ~t 4' i ~ P ~ I, ~ ,p,Ar G, ~ ~ N - CQ'r'C a : 1 0 5 fl ~ { 01S6p8 ~CK taAgH 1 ~ ~ ti ,I s t ~ +n A~ ~ ~ ,r .I I -1: ~ ~ P.M 024471 4' •ab ~ oe Ta ~ ~ unr £[ary . t 1 ~ ' ~ - ~ 1 FX !F. rUkN ~A9NE NDRA SrR£ ' . / l , ~ ~ ii { ! r ~ r • 1: ~ 7grlg. ~ DB 596 PG 203 P.N. 1973D q F~: .~~y sroaer . +W F2pM £r , / 7 ffp. . I- ~ i ~ 1 I. :1t~. E1 ~ V (90 koWJ - / ~r ~B. 76$j DEDICAT ~ l f ~ .P, Z16' ~ ~ 2ze) ~ _ ~ _ _ f,, t " P~ 3a1 7pN ~ ~ ~ 10' ' u 2pg ¢1„ 10 0.11 A~' D8 2128-PG_ 863 ~ , ~ ° ~ d 41.90' f 0.11 AG. P.N. 01428 _ ~ 'i /S ?Q ~ ~ t, ~ f _ F~ N as 2ssz PG ss3 ~ / ~ . t , { ' A : r w ~'8 I it ~1~ 1 ~ ~ - ~ AU AC• p - 1 sr e~ m 'i ~ I N,P.S. - ~ 107, tip, c~ ,0 z ~ ~ h n ~yqF~ ro GREEN MILL RUN, LLC. rLr?s q F a~~,, e~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D.B. 1650, FG. 820 r , ~ N•P.s. ro) ELP. 24.5 .p s 'c @~~ i - AID q„ - s $~yr 3aso~ mQ ~~mQ 2~ ! ~ w ~ n.a. is5o Pis. sza t9y78' ~•P'S A ~ to5•~ ~ ~ 3s.39 ~~s r'o I ~ : } ~ ~ r~ , . x~ ~ ~ ~ 79~j~ ~ ~ ~ 17,L7 . ~ 4 ~ o.e. lssq a~ 6zo ~ ~ 4' ~ I r : Fx 7eAr1 ~ ; Y , ~ ~ £ 131• 2 177.78' ~ ~qq•~ ~ ; ~ N ~ P.N. D32776 OVERLAP AREA = 87.2 SF. B7"~~~ ~ 97.93' ~ ~ _`1, 5T g7a3'1T~E y t somas r i ~ 1 ~n 26 / N ZD y / I o S 79'St'S9' E 131.57' {N.P.S t0 ELP. 5) N tP lO N.P.S. GAP AREA = 4~.3 SF. - i I p N 7 ~ _ EI.P. ---.N S S 89041 E 224.49 S z ~ _ ~ I ~ ~ 1'~ - t _ -,008 a'85g PG 113 $ PE77 rXS 2656 FG 113 ~ 39."jj, ~ 87.12 02' ~ 224.49 7 t j f l t (f I ~ 7 ~ e I ! ~ ~ A NEANOexs or' t~Ea+ wtt l I 2 776' 146.6}' ,Q041 t N.P.S ;4' ~ ~ ~ ~ CHEYENNE CUURT, INC. ~ r$) ~ t1.i9' LP.,A, i2.~81' E:LF: '8' 23.03 19..35, D.B. 2656, PG 113 ~ I I I 3. Y t3'-.. _ I ' 1 RUN (SEE NOJE 5) - I, i~ ~ 7 - a x'191 J 1 ! ll id 1 ~ ' I , , _ ~ _ ~ ' SEE DETAIL B . { (I_. r - qz0. 3srcw M ' i '~'^-r \ ~ 32 0 I / OVERLAP AREA =226.8 SF. \ 7.76' ~ d!B• 31 PG. 90-9OA _ ; Sae ~ I, r, m f ~ ,5' $8 P.N. 001681 / ; S 8177'53" f 173.72' (E;i.P. ll' TO:N.P.S its ~ > r ' _.~r i i 141 •~g -__a 7 ~ SS 1 I ~ ~ u , w ~ ~ o's I ~ ` S ^ t DETAIL N rs ~ II 'a; I ( il,. /~_r~! ~ 0. '+~:,..,,,,,,c:. n?.:,";~::~„, ~4"" a <'J ~ 14' I• , . l ~ ~ p#j ~ ~f ~ ~ 8 143 10,0'J4 B, v ~ s ! r ~ ' : i b . ~ i~ gym' ~ n ~ 3a6• ;'i / , i / ~'~y, i ! . jC. ,.t h I A ir% ~i0 ~ ~ ~y 6B ~ ._,~6 ~y ~ ~ig• " ` m _ y ~ , • >w,f _~r . _.y; ® CHEYENNE CAURT INC. ` ~ ~t. /R~~/ ! r f 5 . ,p t1EG r ~ a w. } ~ 0:8. 2858, PG. 113 ~ s S 26 ° _ .S dr7 ! ~ ~ ~ n I i w 7RARS ~ t~ ~ C y Tv ~ Z m , T - T R . , , ! M. G. 0-90A ~ ~ Z , E ~'~Er p . ~ ~ 1 ~ 3! P 9 ~g ~ ~ + J , " z , I > in i ~ w ~ ~ r. ,r - r ® P.N. OD1681 "~a- S 1 S, it EA~I~NT t.EC~VD N4TE~ F [ a ~ ~ 1 ~ la ~•O a 7P pq`" ^w*~~'~~ v~ Q ~ /7 ~ ~~Y r ~~p ` s a il.. , ; f • ~ , ~ ; ~ 9,31 AC. lNLCUDES ,,ro ~ ~ 1. ALt DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND MEASUREMENTS, IN fEEI: ~ 1 71 k~" rna E ~ F-- ~ QVERLAPS - DQES °b~ ~ S 1527• S~¢27, ~ SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER M.B. 3f PG. 90 2. AREA DETERMINED 8Y COORDINATES, - ' x. ~ „TRANS. ~Wy ~ I ~ s <,~;~t- ~ NOT INCLUDE GAPS w~G \ 2.37g .,r , y i ' 3. PROPERTY SUB~CT TO ANY EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OR RIGHTS OF y WAY WHICH MAY BE OF RECORD. TH15 SURI~Y,WAS PREPARED pW1HWT THE 1 ~ LC, FL CIIC !z 4 ti ~ ~~°..,1 j.'~, ZF~ i BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT REPORT DR RESEARCH. . _ 1~'J q i ' r , 5= f t STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER M.B. 31 PG. 90 4. PORAONS OF THIS PROPERTY ARE LOCATED 1,V A ZONE AE" (AREA DETERMINED I , I r , ~ ' : ~ r.~ i r I ~ i ~ - + ~ ~ TO Bf 7N57DE THE iX ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD (100-YEAR FLOOD), ZONE X" ~ SHADED {AREA OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE Ft000; AREA OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE t~j ?r ~ F ~ 1 I~~` I 4.3'IOO~Ia.s• C',. ~ eT ` \;f ~ I 06~p33" I . r ~'r F - ~ ' m 1 W ~ ~ 386 a r~j v ~ X94' ~~3J' ~ FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 F00T), ZONE X (AREAS 294' ` DETERMINED TD BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD) AS SHOWN ON / ~ ~ ~ 2 ELEC. f - f : ~ r j . ; ~ I . , v ~ -.-..a 7RAN5 w •'`y, '^+tCu::~:..... - A r~ _L-~ ~ ,y} ~ ~ URUTY EASEMENT PER M.B. 31 PG. 90 THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE' MAP NUMBER 3720468700a PANEL 4687 J, EFFECTI UE JANUARY 2, 2004. FLOOD CROSS BECKON ELEVATIONS ARE NAVD $8. / " a 'j:~~ b f ~a~l'6• , 5. THE LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY LINES ALONG CENTERLINES OF CREEKS OR ~a~t I ~ ~ir, 7; ~ ~ ~ 141.1s - ,'ir~o~°-==~~'1~~ ~ ~15 i > ~ r ~ Y 44' 13~ ~ STREAMS ARf SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO NATURAL RIPARIAN CAUSES ; ~ 7 l ~ ! ~ 0''20' 3 sro8 ~ t ~ : z m o . ~ n~ ~ . _,~ABA ~A~ / ~ 1a7d0T" t (p~ i n': ! AP,gRY BRA ^ ~b00 ~?~7 \ a'`AT1q,~r ~ yp 2~. II. t ~ (SURVEY LINES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.) NO POINTS SE7IN 1HE CEN7ERlINF r! ELECTRICAL EASEMENT FER M.B. 31 PG. 90 OF GREEN MILL RUN. ~.2 ! 1 't ~ >~vr ~.-goy r.~ \ 1 TMW m' I t I 1. »moDPtAnkrt ° v~ ( ItiLa _ sa.A t1 I` ~ ~ , ~ , 1 ~ ` + 1 - r 'lo sr~et z -•,a k " / / 6. THE SURVFY~i MAKES NO GURRANIEE THAT THE UTILITIES SHOk'N AR£ .I, s j ~£fZ£f!'AY ~ 7 U ~ as `,4,',\ C ~1 4` ~ r, .COMPRISED OF AtL SUCH UTILlTTES IN 1HE AREA OF SURVEY EITHER IN SERVICE / OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEY FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT ]HAT THE I I~ ~ r x c a 15' " > UNDERGROUND UTk1T1ES SHOWN ARE IN THE-.EXACT LOCATION fND1CA7ED. THE SURVEYOR DOES HEREBY CfRTJFY THAT AIL. UTILITIES ARf LOCATED AS v tI i > { i.. J "7 C~ `YI'N `,J/ `ti' r / mF2q~~~^, ^~x"`~ is 1 ~ . 1~ ~ . "a--._ 4 I ; ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM lNFCRMA7fON AVAILABLE. THE 5URVEY~ HAS NOT PHYSICALLY UNCOVERED AND LOCATED ANY UNDERGROUND UTft1TlES). , : i I V ~ ~ . ~ } ~ s - ccN~r;lr ' ~ 1~.1 ~ < 1 ~.~e 'P a°~ i .P• ~ T74 : ~4~"E ~ 7. PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO A 5D FOOT RIPARIAN BUFFER ALONG GREEN MILL RUN 1 i t ~f.. _ - - 2t cURB` 1 FT.EDa~amlrntJ ~r\ ~ ~..a°~~,~ ~gIXfTTO ~ 4~~ ~ ~ MEASURED FROM THE TiJP OF BANK. ~ ~ ~ 1 : f N 81 ~ _ 6 rc war scAeEO rRar FENA ~ \ ~ ~ . OOU ` 4154"W 1 r a X23. ~ ~ ~,~I _ ~ _ / ~ FrR,u 572D4sero4l PMEI. 4667 1 \ - ' - b.: - ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ - ~ F~cs~ .lANtrARY a 2x64 r S ~ , ~ - l fk ' ~ dP rAr~ ' N1NCH 'N ~ p t~ 1 ~ V ~ '~2 f2' s;~ ~ yD. ®WNER CRY 32f1' 1 c HOLE ~5' W / 1Sg72' x Fx 7 ~~k. 1 `b ~ ~ - ~-1~ ~'l ~ SUP~tY fX CpyC q. i~LP e1"ti-• G'AS' ~ N 79y0. ~ \ ~a- f S 2l3~, . ~ GWEYEh+NE Go1IRT INC ii ?~sr MA~rsat~ srxEEr 1 ~~Zf' f 1 OAK PAR16 ~ 603D2 t , p2202, p~~y? INC, £X 6'cLF r CLF ` A ~ ~ ` ~~ZT6 - OR~`~t1 R,f~19P1{(t7ME7YTS - 606~,9,ST ELElEA171i STREET N 027p~ 3 p r v ° ~ I~ S1.p k ~ ~ `a?~-. ~ , GREEN MRL RUN, LLC S ~ ff~9B" ~ 1 P.O. BOX 9886 GREEIJ590R{~ NC 27429 I R ' B Ct.f, ~ t `~y`a~ 1 / . 1 ~0 '.r ( ~ 1 / ~ NeArrDErts ~ ~ ~ ND 007428 - t0 E:aST TNE7_F7r•1 STREET NORTH CAROLINA COUN)Y OF PITT tom' t~ I, PATRICK HARTMAN, P.L.S, CERTIFY 1HAT THIS PLAT WA5 DRAWN UNDER MY o~ f 1 ~ ~ ~ S • r R 1 • 9) E7YC MAERT7 01RECTTON FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY IXREC7ION, BY CN/~W 1 ~ . 510 EAST TNELFiN STREET FROM 12/23/2009 LO 1/1P/ZOJO,.OF TNf PROPERTIES SH049V. BDUNDAfitES Y^~iuv > 1 t m ~ 1 ~ ~ 27834 NOT SURVEYED ARE 5H01941 AS BROKEN LINES FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN THE ~ re _ a . Ao ~ , L~"'^,,i oaO°n 100 } 519'' ti ~iq~j: ~ ~ ~Q I ar.~~ L~1 a~~7 `~R ~ B.~E S T9' ~ PARCEL Nd 19730 -508 EAST TWFtfTH_STREET REFERENCED BOOK(S) AND PAGE(S). THAT THE RARO OF PRECISION AS B~dT'{c ~ CALCULATED 15 1:10,000+;AND THAT Tf85 MAP MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ~ ,li()RRIS MOPE; d4 ANO it?FE STAp MOVE THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEl7NG 1N NORTH CAROLINA (21 P.Q. BOX 170,1 NCAC 56.1600). lMTNE55 MY ORIGINAL. SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER AND NoR , 0 1~.,~ ~1 ~ ~r 1 t ~ P 83r, ~ ~AR(X/NA i ~ N r i1 ~ ~~f "1 ,I 1~7.(~ ~ SEAL THIS 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2010. LIE, NC 27834 N, U0176 ~ ~ t `~f! ~ s DETATL. ~ -10 r ~ s, t t ~ ] PARCEL N0. 24471 -504 EAST TNELF?H S>AEET ~ ~ I Eb N ! 1 . d 1 1706ERT TNCkNAS MONTAOiBLA AND LOGY G. MONTAQIIILA W ~ ~ ~ ~ P.Q BOX 1574 S ~ ~S8°£ ) ~ C~FJV~ NC 27834 PROFS tlNAL LANDS ~ REGISTRATION NO. L-4262 4.8 89? AL®Fh'Z EA f SF pN P~, RL ! nrOr~ NA'Vr2Kf D A3 Rf yA'bS f a. ei, r' APpRp~R£D 1 °o^noN ~ ®0 PARCEL Na 2~}8 - 1104 CHARtES STREET lrQ(f ' ~ ".t /.P.Se (NA063/ZU07) P`^~... ~p pRFR ~ LLss RrFpt1 / ,4 Ir Gl?tD rkb?7,567.987 US Ft: ~'~1VrU ~ ~ i ~ ~ MASONIC LODGE ~~~~~~:N~t7 /~",~I - . hxe RED E~1,464.746149 US F7., , f'..""~•.... ~g ~ArNAC,`EAmm'~„.ftr.' i "'47JG' lQ/~/r (N 8-..y 171j p~z ~(i, y8,g ~ NT pE,q . S t~~ . ~ H04 CHARlE5 STREET D.e. 2s5s Pc. 113 ' _ _ v 4,5~ C SR 1 ~ 1 - v: s ~ oe D:B. 1711 PG. 485 J / _ ~ . S 7g ~ - (>REEN191.I.E NC 27834 1 ~ D,B. 1650 PG 820 ` ' , . ~ - `"9t•~y ~5?° E""" ° -""1° + ~ _ •131, / ~ ~ `',11U11PoFIdt/~jPP ~ S PI81N~1S D.B. 1650 PG 824 ' ~ w t _ 80 ~ ~ , D.B. 1850 PG. 828 t r ..,,~,POPgI~ s,,,,,'~, S4Jyg9 s 4Tr9 ' I r` 4. License rin: F D.B. H48 PG 397 ~,...,r"~'~"' - ~ a 2'ss ~ LP ~ ~~41 D.& 2592 PG. 883 - ~ ~ : \ ~ _ _ ,$:.1 ~ $ 9 _ '7'S^ ~y441. 1 ~ 2~:~1~R BAssddates,~r~. 7'8, v.;~,~ ~ SEAS. C ~ s~oststa D.B. 2182 Pc. as3 c~APHiG scAr.E =>a.a rr ~7•~~u`.~" ~ ~ , ;o•~ ' ~ .;,~4 D.B. 598 PG. 203 2 ~'ioF ~ -,..._~vnBoq,~y iv / ~ . ^If : : Z 3 107 East Second Strew} 8931 Fad dNeuse Rid, Su3a 30D N 2ga9 / ; y ' Cy~~ 1-4~2 ~ : t,s, NC 27858 {252) 752 413Ci Redejgh, t~ 27809 {913)84&3347 M.B. 31 PG. 90 0 100 ~ c•t, 2j'.~'~ ~ : ~ - so 1.~~ ~s~'a~ , h ~b9's 4 50 0 25 5 i .a~•~ : Nr r 2" y, t~ M.B. 27 PG 12 A h rzs rs fnE oA~ ~ ~ -M+r ~ .,IIJ '.g~'i BCHINDARY SURVEY (1F• D.B. V 32 PG 516 ~ ~ `r ns~pTT}F _S,-.~~ rfst:, _ ;::w D.B, 815 PG 254 ` ~ ~'t = NCGS HALL {HAD 83/2007) D.B. D 33 PG. 882 r ' a r~R ~ fh7SDNG D.B. Y 33 PG. 258 (IN FEET) ~~~y99e9 b~~ \ . ` 6RlpGE 7DG~. _ _ GROUND) N.• 67/,330.8124 US FEET ~ °=~,~M~~ ~REENMILL RtIN APARTMENTS. t dt7,04' OPdL p-99989~•T) E: 2,486,287.0875 US FEET ~ WHEW vraicc av1~4; Ba~vrM~nlTc U.0r J.7 MI. Z-" r incn = ov rr. d4.8. 10 PG 130 y 41 z N N N~ ' 47EV ~ p PNg(ISNCi! y Y w A j Pit vs f 1N1/* V? ntl!'H? nr nr% a r rA.r r a .i fo CALM STATE HIGHWAY BOOK i PAGE 17 617.• STATE' HIGHWAY BOOK 2 PAGE 22-B I s1z9y (GR E e18.sa ! ' DATE i1t2 f0. CITY OF GREENWLLE, GWENWLLE TWSHR, P17T CO., N. C. RIVERS & ASSOCIATES DRAWING W-950-A NC6S SWIM (NAD 8J/2007) N. 676,909.178) US FEET E.- 2,485,840.5073 US FEET #2-4-07-10 : RE49 'p PER A}A5GWlC LOW RAE PACKAf£ SURVEY CH DRAPE' ASIPH SCALE DRArNG NO.' PROJECT NO. SHEET ELEV. =54.36 (NAIL 86) . RE~r~oNS sr-r-sa-~o : AWED MASMIC LODGE AREA to 4&WY DESIGN CHECK PWI 1 jr = 50' E -287-8 2009174 1 i OF