HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 09-2020_20201029Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0019755 Name of Facility:* JPC Utilities, LLC Month:* September Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2020 Upload Document* Scan0005.pdf 994.86KB FDF Cnly Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-t, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Williams, Kendall 10/29/2020 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct? * WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report r Yes r No accepted?* Regional Office * Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 10/29/2020 JPCUfiIIfIes,, LL F1 0. aU Ms MUM: i aa9627.2A O■k JM98. NC zFeliq �x' f e44-7yGB E�rut o�O�FBS�l: P�'tpe+nentg�m October 27, 2020 I nforrnatiQn Proc4ssing Urrit Non-D,srharge Compliance Group 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NG 2769�1617 RE- Oak Ri fte Gornrnvns SPOY IrrigatOn Wastoweter System Oak Ridge, NC Guiffor-d CoL. i7 ty PeMi#: WQ0019756 Dear Sw pr Adadam Attached are the SPrOly rmgaklQrr Non-Di6r�harge Reporting Forms for l3ept&MI' er, 2C�20 Please call with any gU,&Stivns or comments. 113eSI regards, ( 6M/,(3 ��Pl6z Dougls9 :SmOh ,CPC Utilitm, L LG (338)215.0 9 -dauUMPc-Man$gerr nt com FORM- NDAR-1 o& tb NONOISOH,4RGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAF�.1 ) Pw --L of 6 Did the a ppiication rates exc"d the d i mit s ii n A"a chment 9 of your perm it'd E; mmaeft 11 nw-oxyokw We FG adeq untie measures to ken to p revent efFl u e nt ponding in Or runoff from th c sites? 0 C111V drc LD Non-Crr ~ W2 s ;A S uita b I e v egetativ-a core r mainta irled on all sites as spec if ed in you r p$rrn it? a canpWi L; r4w c awrc We re all satbac ks listed in you r perm it rmai ntai reed for every a ppiicati on to ea ch permitter site? p Cwpibm ❑ Wn-Woo&K Were aii free boards rna inta ined i n acco rda nee With the specified froeboa rd h e i ® fits in your perm it? p Omwknt D N&T-5 rwlaw, If the fUjii4+ ii, rw -tpMp�arM, :pIease &Wain In the spate Wk w the rNsan(s) the faGilify wsa AOL in compi�rrCs. Pfovidb in your exaldrixibn the dRlels; 9 the ripm-wmpkerice and deauibe the careaye maim([) taken. AJ22ch ad&b nal sheds df rwwimr�. QR&FSUW In R"PonsibibmuNe{CkC) OhrSRoati4r, Pbnriitfr6e C�rtiplc$Uon ORC: RracfIeyr Flynt Perm ittee- JPC Utilrpeg, LLC Cerfifira"n Ito.: 2717 1 IV!anffig OrFolal= Doug ,Sm•#h ur&de: iV Phone Number, (3,�B)430-1�3 Ni 2 Signl4?g 0r(kiBrs Titlp; Bak t.ip ORC Grade 110081311 Hag the ORC rnariged since dw previrw NDAA-17 ] yes -7�-j NO Phone Number: i336)218-09 49 Perfflit Fsp.= 11 0+2Q a r 8i�iatur� pfis Si�netur� Wt4la eg Ihs roj 1 acrair FRM exa rW.Aa is Mxuffvir am q'nrr io Ure basr al elY NVN&4P!-. oert*r. under WARY it 1pw. ow U& ft: ' I Aw 414UWAwnc"r. wwA P'*a+red+.rriar mr aramc., ar cLaa+islx. N armraarKa aMh awMxinoesryned1091U"MAAgUW*daar�. � P9'i�rYGem "4"wWMeKn7wIM�- +H d.4lawon R3' fgLt}Y ai 11a PAIILL Hi w wama whi n ar" I = O}71trc, or draw pirum & ow" rUrpmLkk fi■ poemn itre hrmmidn the nkii anal i sLbmikd 16, Ia *a 60I zf rry %wwhh *a aM LAW. hum. aocrraw, rrrd spy W. I am warn U0, WKVe ae palRrcank PMW"l & rtr Nkfn ffM Poem h%rFflAb - OKAWg Iho G 4r re ryrMI. erd rrVCMAh*Fmh"NXNtr9 yMr6im. M;A iI CrlginaP and Tom r,opies ta! Division -Df Wv$#er ReSGUrCe3 Information Pro-ror:sing unit 1617 m2d Senricae Center Rerelgh, North Caroline 27699-1617 FORM N1AH-1 CS•16 NON-01,5CHAf E APPUCATiON REPORT tNCM.1pahc rDid Facll Ry dame- 00K.R1 CornmGn3 WWrP urrf5; 4iEfofd i{8nth= ePlember l+aer: U20 1. PreId N&11*: 1 FwM Name_ fiord d�np; 3 F+�d Name Irdiption occur t this fa c iflty? '� *FOB): 1.94 J4�ea laarae): 2.oi area (acreaJ: 2.2 _ A+�a qSMMjL 2.32 Cyr Crepe C.Dver Crop: Over Crop; dower Cropc `L5 _ ; r Hourly Nafha iin)0.7 NoUOY Rafe (Ina= a 7 HOudy IRwW qlnp: 0.7 HwA ly RMI& (In); 0.7 annuli fate (5nj 22.21 dial Rats iinj; 72.?, Ah Ual Rafe (IO)c 2�21 AFkfk al KAGr 4inp; 2221 Wcattw FFeebosed Feld Ikriiplee7 I, Wfs MO Bald Irrigated # C�J rm• :.. nG Fluid irrF eEe�d7 ] res ❑ M3 Fieltf Jrriga�tvd$ L! res [ 'ru ye 3 Y d 7 E ME L p CL *F in i[ it gal min �n ink1D13 min In ir5 9a1 min er5 In rrlfrr ;n In y CL [W- 91 - 3 $9 0. 4. i B _ f2, p0 98 0.20 # 701 D.P6 O,i 1 D.M 53 D.17 0,1$ 6 PC BD 86 0.21 1-0 11.2'50 &i D.1s 0-12 6 f'C B¢ F PC B2 023 0.1.6 4AOOD 00 0. M G.16 CL n 12.5D0 75 Ol2s 0.18 12.510 15 D.2¢ 0-19 82 0A 0.23 ().13 9,OU] $a 0. t5 0 1 i-D PC 85 Q.14 3.5 1 f Pr, B7 3,5 12 CL 77 j).tb 8,254 86 OLf$ 0.15 dS4 66 D.19 0.13 13 CL 82 14 CL 8D 3.5 t1,50Q 8+1 022 ID. TO F-1-1100 50 0.14 01a 1 S Pert 91 3. 17.750 127 D.n 0.15 77,760 127 0.2$ j).1� 18 PC 78 3.6 19.5w 13B 4.37 0.1 D21 0.1,3 1f #t 67 111 3.8 18 CIL B7 0.9 3.6 19 06 20 -C 67 21 O 30 3.9 08,60D 1 1 D U5 D 13 10,000 �7 Q.18 .93 C 76 3.6 17.M 127 �.33 Q15 17,760 127 M 0.13 73 CL 75 3-9 2D,DDa 136 0.98 0.17 13,D00 99 0.22 0.13 24 R 62 0..1 4 18,00Q 127 0-M 0.1 G 18,00U 177 029 CL 13 �5 R 62 7.7 4 - 26 CL 73 27 CL 76 28 PC 78 0.1§ aA 1 Do $4 0.25 0,18 10.D9D SD &17 0.17 29 PC SB � 32 4 i6,750 1 i8 0 3� D.'.' 1$,7�0 11 B O,3Q 30 C 74 O.1 G a 31 Monthly LaMelg:j 119,50D 2,27 '•16,�50 2.7 52,500 i.3$ 11l5,75D 12 Yo1 Tbul fill 0.01 18 1.Bb7.9d r• ORM' NUAR-1 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT {NDAR�7 p Rap C Fermlr No_: WQ001!9755 Facility Marna: [],ik Ridge CCMMOM VVWVTP Caiirr� G,uiIFOrd Wnth- ap MbLff YIN"! 2020 Did irrigation occur Fie{d NEImv: 5A FWW Name_ 5b Field frame- EA FI*Id Name: 0e at this facility? AFoa iacmap: 1.06 Area iaeiesp: 1.[� ,ire& (arres); 1 11 Aare Laereqj= 1.11 r_ 1L. iowrtroW COfte rFCP; Caro C►o0; COi'BF lOp` •xsI n�, urlp date tar.a= 0.7 I Fourty Rain (In); a 7 Hfwdy Rare Ilflj_ 0.7 hlourrx Rate Ink 0.7 Annual Rate iFnl: 1 22.21 Anrkmil IR;FW Nn�: 36.84 AnaLto Date (in 22-2t Amur FbMv (I pi) 3�x64 f rentaard PIeld Irrigarpd? L7 MS i] h* Fw1d Irrlgwwd? L�l YES D M S419 IrrlgaQ? j YES ❑ NO Field InjgwWdr7 ,J Ye5 o ko 2 eo o 13. 'r fn f+ R gal Irt In In gal Min In in el min rn I 94I min +n 33In i 2 - - 6.250 6 a2t 1). to UFO 89 0.2 r 0.1.4 13. aS 0.23 0.16 .500 86 023 0.16 d 54750 0.15 $.250 75 0.21 0.17 6.250 PS 021 0.17 9 _ _ B,oPO 105 0.2t 4.12 6,OOb 705 i}.21 012 - - 14 1t 12 1� r 1;5G.14 d4126 ',16 a14 0-4 14 F54 1 00.14 5.790 94 0.20 0.14 757.5 i27a.W Q14 0.079 IF 0.29 0.1 1d �,FSO 136 0.34 Q.15 4,750 1,5w C' 340.1y i7 - - 18 19 21 9,2w 1 to G.32 0.10 $.250 19 Q 32 Q 10 22 875 1z7 0.29 D.1 0 87 127 a.29 0.14 23 1 b,DUD 13B IScS 0.15 1O,Opp 12@ 0.r 0.1 S 2+l 25 9,004 T27 D.M 0<t4 G. o 127 O-W 0ti,l 2� 27 22 E via $4 023 D s& 6.5M 0.23 0.15 2 _ 30 7,3r5 1 i� U 1 0.12 7.376 118 �124 O<t2 i ManMo Loading; 169750 6"i i 07 12 *4rftll FiOatirl� T� d Y 1#7 d 30 8t3 FOMC NDAR-1 0516 NONNSCHARGE APPUCATION REPORT (NDAR-1 Page Lo of _5 _ PMMI Isar W0007 975f5 F-2-IQY Name: Oak Ridge C mmms WWVTP Counry- GuAfDrd momm: oeptem" Yemr: 2020 Old imigation occur FI*W Hans. 7A FI■wd Name-- 713 Field #Fame_ BA Fluid Hama: 40 I #iI 11 � iit ( I! 1.06 Ame - 1.05 Area [soraet): 1.0�4 Arva faerm)- 1.04 t'rovar Cropc Cover �� oaMer CrnP: Caller Croy: r rao Flwft lades (an)- &7 1 Fkwr1V FUba �In): 0 , Hourly Rabe fir}: 0.7 00urfy Date I:.f: 0.7 Annual Re* gn1; 22-7-I AIMMial Rai* (I Ft): 36.84 Annual Rafe (IFla. 2221 Anvi. al Ftafp �Jnj- 36 u YlrralFrcr Frambo� d Field Itr4ptpd7 [] )'s [ NO Field Inigprhe� �I +! _; NO Fled Irrigibed - :Yes [' mo Field l+T1ga19O2 J Ye5 [I Mp _ a49 x ' FT `! Irift 4d 1 Ft min F1 Jn g*! min in al fairy in In gar Wei irl in 1 ' .6,250 88 0.22 �$ B,25 8s 922 0.15 k6"wo 85 .1323 0.16 SAM 85 0-Z3 0.15 5 6,70 eE4 0.20 0.14 b.780 B6 0.20 0.14 F _ 5,4:7C +1 0.21 0.16 6AGD 84 0.21 41.6 9 6 F9 0•22 0.18 0.250 �S 0.22 0.1 a 6.odo � 1 0,1 e,aoa 1 D S 1 21 0.1 14 11 12 13 - 4.12 5 56 0.15 D.15 4.125 56 075 0. i3 1 �v,75D a4 0.20 0,1 5,7riU 84 i 0.14 1 6,875 127 D.$1 0.15 8,87R5 127 0.$1 0.15 16 8,750 136 0.94 0.15 9,760 1 9 0.34 Q. t5 17 18 1g 9.250 110 0.32 a f 6 9, 6p $10 032 016 &Am 127 0.31 0-15 B,QF� 1� 0.91 015 H 10 s35 0!36 0,15 o,0w 138 D-m 0.15 9,000 1.Z7 032 0.1 Es 9.WU 27 032 0.15 26 _. 27 _ 9,5094 am 0.16 6.00 84 --[TM 01' 7 375 1 18 026 7,$?S 118 0.26 0.13 30 71 Monthly L4ading: 59,754 2 -D8 "W.750 2.G9 2.40 56,5w 2.00 12 �lonlh Fle in9 f4kal {I:II: 9.98 9.08 6.63 6�63 : NDAF-1 o5-is NOWDI HARG-E APPLICATON R EPORT I NDAR•1 f Pao 5 of FOM NIDMR 05-1 a NGN •C1IS1>1ARGJ= MCNIT01MG RCFICRT f MDMIR I Page _ f .r 3 Sampling Per%nn{!�; CartJfldd I.4113ionitDrlba Nerrta radle'j' FIoC Mrna- SkaResvillo +4nQIytIC81 Nenlr- Doug Smrtl, N�4; Does WI Fnanitoring data and sarnpl flf9 fre q ul; nc i 0S meet the req U rrements In Attachment A of your permit? J cu-np ,t Cl "-Car 4nnt Jf 4hae ffmotx iF non-wrnpliant. Rlwsa *)plain in rhip spave be'_w Ihlr r4msonCe] the +acilly w is poi. YI r bnipi;Lnoo. Prowide in ypur e"Mtlon Me da4e[3] Of" n0n-cpmpkinca Rnd dei,;rbs thig oyredjus BLiior�s; I.akrr Aitaa Edd4iPnEll aheeta it mdrms%ary. 0FNh A1pr In Aeap<R*9i ble Charge [ORC� Cer[ifirabon Pia miMm CerUfteUba ❑RC= 8rIgdley Flynt Rermi&"; ,11PC L11ikies, LLC Cartffleffuan INML= 27171 15Igrl:hg 0MUM: DOW SMRh a IV P lhmne Num bee! (33,3)1,30-62 Signlrw4 official's True_ Back UP ORC Grade I 1 OC 8611 Hft tr1* CM charlg`ed since the prerlop!g li4DRIT? [I Yes FJ No Phone Nurmbcr: (M21 U!449 Parmil Expirsllon; 11 0�2020 — 4LN.:/.P.N2iL r f -.7.* zv — F�rYatlrfh ❑ IS 5lgnahiro Date f,tNJ Wij' Iha -Wroa and oxn Ofrra m im low a1 T-Y kla%"g 1 1`3�1-11IX• UrAe• Wf 2ky 011bnv Ir9111M d0[Unarc rryl :0 411k3[hnX4Tk off PrApi" VKbr rryr A•eapl�►q;r 7 jpgrp '' K "' --."..".,^ wdli a mkm da&{ w w wime Mel aFq, krwh3 pm Fah' Agw%'l;d aM 04eF,eNd tea irrWri .360A YW m"M aCSG7 IX1 fi rp F%1 �' 0 the PWFrM CrWmg1 WfV rpl anMe CW :hr"T. M UN)'M Pried drVaF rm MwSbt W Vib f Im li1QnaM4"t 1'a9eiW WkxlalbMlHN k.mftD&C idmXW-Uft lnmidb"W."n.axa l".amaar' jg : Hill H—He fte. Dior[• ara 9 i.liart pi�r� W ilblIId" raid kNcrdaylon• i'�a'�.J R4pmabKr d f W ffd 1'Mrcmnrtm W Ymill �. Nail! OrIglrlal and Two Cop4e s to; CIPVJSWFk of Water IR-e#pue-ces drMIwimation Pr1Keg#inj Unit 1617 Mall Ser ito Conter Raleigh, Nordin Carolina 2760-1917 FORM: MDW p�- 1.6 ALON -01$[ FHARG E MONITORING REPORT JNDW} Page Z of 3 FORM: N°MR 05-16 NOHDI SC1 ARGE MCNITCA NG RE PORT {NDM R)