HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001432 Ver 8_Approval Letter_20100401 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Eeverly Eaves Perdue, Govemer Dee Freeman, Secretary Dr. Greg Thorpe, PhD., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1548 April 1, 2010 Subject: Seventh Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for the US 421/NC 87 (Sanford Bypass) from East of NC 42 to NC 87 near SR 1138 in Lee County, Federal Aid Project No. STPNHF-421(2), State Project No. 83540402, TIP R-2417AA, DWQ Project No. 00-1432 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Attached hereto is a modification of Certification No Transportation (NCDOT) and dated April 1.0,'2002: project number from R-2417C to R-2471AA. No certification. 3378 issued to The North Carolina Department of made All authorized activities and conditions of the original Water Quality Certification modification (dated September 15, 2009), and all other previous and subsequent modifications still apply except where superceded by this certification. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Polly Lespinasse at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, for Coleen H. Sullins Director Attachments cc: Kimberly Garvey; US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office David Wainvvright, NCDWQ Transportation Permitting Unit Greg Price, NCDOT PDEA Sonia Gregory, NCDWQ Transportation Permitting Unit File Copy 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, fvlooresville, Ncrth Carolina 28115 'Phone: 704-663-16991 FAX: 704-663-6040\ Internet: hno #portal ncdenrorgtwebhva An Equai Cpperunity f Ahirmathre A Lion Emelcyer - 50 '!4 Ree",cled'k. 10 % Post Consumer Paper n to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217-of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500. This certification authorizes the NCDOT-to additionally impact 3,248.1inear feet of jurisdictional streams, 1.59 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, and 0.66 acres of surface waters in Lee County as listed below. The project shall be constructed pursuant to the modification received August 7, 2009. The authorized impacts are as described below: Stream Impacts in the Cape Fear River Basin Y` Permtt Site No ' ?? Permanent. 1 Tempo pr ;Permanent ' Temporary - 3 Total r rStream ntl Station No ° _ ? •?" FIII m ;??? k ? FIII-in ? ?Pdl m ?. FIII Iriy? Stream ? ? •Impacts ? ` a /Stream Name `? ? Intermittent , Intermittent flPerenmal z ^`1Perenmal4 Impact+ ? Regw ? Stream Stream Stream "Stream : ?" (Imeai Peet) It .. Mltlgatlon o `ft ea `4(Ilnearft) ?Il earft) c .,.2(lin ) ...,. Site n No l rson Creek 23+32(RT)/Pat e 10 20 30 0 Site #2a, Station No. 33+00/33+65(LT)/UT to 816 14 830. 0 Patterson Creek Site #21b, Station No. 33+00/33+65(RT)/UT to 274 15 289 274 Patterson Creek Site #4, Station No. 52+08(LT/RT) and 44 57 101 0 63+00(R T )/Big Buffalo Creek Site #5, Station No. 87+90 - LT/RT)/UT to Big Buffalo Creek 295 47 942 295 Site #6; Station No.' - - ' :. 120+20(LT)/6T to -Buffalo Creek 140 55 195- 0,. Site #6, Station No. 120+57(LT/ - - -- _ RT /UT to Buffalo Creek 320 83 403 320.. Site #7, Station No. 142+67(LT/ RT /UT to Big Buffalo Creek 351 66 -417 0 Site #9, Station No. 177+29(LT/RT)/UT to Big 425 60 485 425 Buffalo Creek Site #9,Station No. 178+82(LT)/UT to Big Buffalo 80 30 110 0 Creek Site #10, Station No. 195+65(RT)/UT to Big Buffalo 16 30 46 0 Creek UT = Unnamed Tributary Total Stream Impacts for Project: 3,248 linear feet Total Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation: 1,314 linear feet Riverine and Non-Riverine Wetland Impacts in the Cape Fear River Basin Y w ? k'2 ? M fi F [ .kR U? i . " F" % h ' t Y}' t q} x?' } 1E' "C '1' t It Slte TP i it P Wetland Type Y y! Ftr'tt 3 kPerma ent { . e Excavatlon Mechanaed s Hand, :Total3 , p erm No NolSfatlo (Rrvenne or Non n FIII ,° f , J w (acres) ' + ) g 9 Acres n acres z { (acres )} Site #1, Station No, 22+30/26+80 LT Riverine 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.05 Site #2, Station No. 33+00/33+65(LT Riverine 0.16 0.21 0.05 0.42 Site #3, Station No. 01 12 0 35+20/36+30 RT Riverine 0.11 0. . Site #8, Station No. O 153+50/160+00 R T) Riverine 0.73 0.01 0.08 0.82 Site #9, Station No. 177+29(LT/RT Riverine 0.12 0.03 0.03 0.18 Total Riverine Wetland Impacts for Project: 1.59 acres Total Riverine Wetland Impacts Requiring Mitigation: 1.59 acres Open Water (Ponds) Impacts in the Cape Fear River Basin s ` ? ? 4. ?S ^i1 4 : u' j"f4 : 3 3 y M: t YX 4 J:. k S1 $ "'E`" r .a t p f6n '+ N d: w; r *j'S . 4 F F en Waters ll m O t F P m ` L?+ Temporary Fill m Openr . a, Total FII m Open,Water , hPermit Sde Nol = p anen t er a "I rs ac Wat , ( )e ' a ti Station No ., . ? ; ,( ) q_ e , .? . .c Site #10, station 194+60/196+10 LT/RT 0.66 066 Total Open Water Impacts for Project: 0.66 acres !The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the Cape Fear River Basin in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your modification application dated received August 7, 2009. Should your project change, you are required to notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If any additional wetland or stream impacts, for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or 150 linear feet, respectively, additional compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H 050&(h) (6) and (7). -For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the: conditions',listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state orlocal?permits before proceeding with your,'prcject including (but not-limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal _Storm!Water;_Non-dischar9eand Water6upply watershed. regulations. This Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. Conditions of Certification: 1. At Permit Site #1, a 24" culvert discharges to Patterson Creek at an approximate 90 degree angle. NCDOT is advised that if stream bank destabilization occurs as a result of this alignment, corrective actions to stabilize the stream will be required. 2. At Permit Site #2b, a ditch ties into Patterson Creek such that storm flows will be directed upstream once they exit the ditchline. NCDOT is advised that if the stream destabilizes in this area due to backwater or other conditions caused by the ditchline alignment, corrective actions to stabilize the stream will be required. 3. At Permit Sites #4 and #7, ditches tie into the streams at an approximate 90 degree angle. NCDOT is advised that if stream bank destabilization occurs as a result of this alignment, corrective actions to stabilize the stream will be required. 4 dompensa'torymitigatign forimpacts to 1.59 ;acres of'rivenne wetlands and 1,314 linear feet of stream are required. We understand that you have chosen to perform compensatoy mitigation' for impacts to.we'tlands and-streams through the North_Carolina'Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). EEP has agreed to implement the mitigation for 1.58 acres of riverlne wetlands and 1,130 linear feet of stream as per a letter, dated May 4, 2009. DWI is'requiring mitigation. - for all riverine wetland impacts and all perennial.stream impacts (exceeding 150 linear feet of' impact per stream, including riprap bank stabilization). Therefore, prior to wetland and stream impacts, NCDOT must provide documentation demonstrating EEP's ability to provide the remaining mitigation which is required for this project (0.01 acres of wetland impact and 184 linear feet of stream impact). i t4, I 5. All portions of the proposed project draining to 303(d) listed watersheds that are impaired due to biological criteria exceedances, specifically Big Buffalo Creek, shall not discharge stormwater directly to surface waters. Stormwater shall be treated using appropriate best management practices (e.g., vegetated conveyances, constructed wetlands, detention ponds, etc.) prior to discharging to surface waters. 6. Bridge deck drains should not discharge.directly. into the stream. ,Stormwater shall be directed across the.bridge and pre-treated through site-@ppropriate'means.(grassed swales; pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of Stormwater Best Management Practices. 7. All bridge construction shall be performed from the existing bridge, temporary work bridges, temporary causeways, or floating or sunken barges. If work conditions require barges, they shall be floated into position and then sunk. The barges shall not be sunk and then dragged into position. Under no circumstances should barges be dragged along the bottom of the surface water. 8. The post-construction removal of any temporary bridge structures must return the project site to its preconstruction contours and elevations. The impacted areas shall be revegetated with appropriate native species. 9. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 10. At locations where ponds will be drained, proper measures will be taken to drain the pond with limited impact to upstream and downstream channel stability as well as to native aquatic species. Proper measures will betaken to avoid.sediment release and/or sediment accumulation downstream as a.' result of pond draining. If typical pond draining techniques will create significant disturbance to native aquatic species, additional measures such as collection and relocation may be necessary to prevent a significant fish kill. NCDOT shall consult with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission Staff to determine if there are any sensitive species, and the most appropriate measures to limit impacts to these species. 11. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized and installed. In addition, riprap shall be of sufficient size such that it is not carried downstream by normal stream flow. 12. Placement of culverts and other structures in waters, streams and wetlands shall be below the elevation of the streambed by one (1) foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter of less than 48 inches, to allow for low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures, including temporary erosion control measures, shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in disequilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide'evidence that the equilibrium-is being maintained if requested in writing by DWQ:, If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock.or other limiting 'features encountered during construction, please contact the NCDWQ for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a modification to this certification will'be required. 13. The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the construction corridor approved by this authorization shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this Certification. V 14. During construction of the project, no staging of equipment, of any kind, is permitted in waters of the . U.S. or protected riparian buffers. 15. The Permittee shall ensure that the final.design drawings adhere to the certification and to the drawings submitted for approval. 15. If concrete is used during construction,.a dry work area shall be maintained:to,prevent direct,contact between curing concrete and surface waters. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. 17. The dimension, pattern and profile of the stream above and below the crossing shall not be modified. Disturbed floodplains and streams should be restored to natural geomorphic conditions. I 18. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of the NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities Manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. 19. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the introduction of other pollutants into the stream. 20. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 21. No rock, sand or other.materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this Certification-. . , 22. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders,and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. 23. Native riparian vegetation must be re-established within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. 24. There shall be no excavation from, or waste disposal into, •jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated this permit without appropriate modification. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or streams, compensatory mitigation will be required since that is a direct impact from road construction activities. 25. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface water standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina -Sediment.and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b:- The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion, control: measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North'Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects; including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 26. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherwise approved by this Certification. 27. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances that may be imposed by other governmental agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to, applicable buffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements, etc. 28. The Permittee shall report any violations of this certification to the Division of Water Quality within 24 hours of discovery. 29. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be posted on the construction site at all times. In addition, the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent modifications, if any, shall be maintained with the Division Engineer and the on-site project manager. 30. Upon completion of the project, the NCDOT Division Engineer shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify DWQ when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. 31. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State Water Quality Standards [including any requirements resulting from compliance with 303(d) of the Clean Water Act] and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. If DWQ determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use), that State or Federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, DWQ may re-evaluate and modify this certification. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon the expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 1" day of April 2010 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1??h Coleen H., Sullins Director WQC No. 3378 NorthCarolina Naturallil