HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041138 Ver 1_More Info Received_20040809?7%te- ?„nd cr Uwt?. ?e L eo,? i ! ? oL1- t13S August 4, 2004 To Whom It May Concern: WETLANDS/ 401 GROUP AUG 0 9.2004 WATER QUALITY SEGTIOP, We are writing to you regarding the Public Notice we received from you (Action ID No. 200200607). In your Public Notice you said that you had identified 16 potential archaeological sites within the proposed project area. This concerns us very much. This is our home and we would not like to see our natural habitat disrupted. If we don't speak up for these concerns here at our home, WHO will? We are very down to earth people and we try to preserve our land as best we can. We hope that one day our grandchildren will be able to enjoy this earth the way we have. This really concerns us. If this is passed, Uwharrie Environmental will be able to cross the creek in 4 different places. We're afraid that if that happens, there is no telling how our land and environment will be affected. We have a lot of nature around us and we like to go out for walks and enjoy God's creation. Please consider our conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Please take into consideration how this will affect us, our wildlife, and the people of Montgomery County. Sincerely, Darrell Hurley Pam Hurley 305 Nance Farm Road Troy, NC=27371 John and Sue Lewellen 1 459 Nance Farm Rd. 10, Troy NC, 27371 WET NDS' i epx 11 c l ' It`. August 4, 2004 AUG 0 6 2004 Department of the Army (Attn: Mr. John Domey) North Carolina Division of Water Quality WATER UAL1 C Y SECT10it 1650 Mail Service Rd. Raliegh NC, 27699-1650 Re: Application for Permit Action ID Number 200200607 Dear Mr. Domey: In receipt of recent information, I have carefully reviewed the contents. I was dismayed, upset, and worried. 1 own 54 acres of land, which I share with my son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandchildren. We share our well water with them and our well is 60 feet deep. We have always enjoyed plenty of fresh tasting, clean water. We even share our water with 2 of our friends. They are on county water which we don't have and don't want. I fill jugs of our well water about every three weeks for them to enjoy. When your report spoke of wetlands I was very alarmed. You see, we have livestock and a pond which we use to water them with. The pond is spring fed and stocked with bass, catfish and bream. My grandchildren fish the pond when the noise and air quality allows. My eldest grandchild is twelve years old and has a heart condition. One morning he was waiting for the school bus and the smell was so bad it made him vomit. This incident upset me very much. We have put up with dust, odor, and noise from the landfill and its trucks continuously. We live closer to the landfill than anyone else. My greatest concern right now is the desire of the landfill to cross Rocky Creek. If they are allowed to cross they will pull dirt from our property line and my home and well is approximately 500 feet from there. My son's back door is maybe fifty feet from the line. Our continued way of life is a tremendous concern to me and my family with these new developments and propositions. I feel that the impact upon our family and our way of life would be irreversible. I hope that you will take into consideration our well water and pond quality. Crossing Rocky Creek, to me, would be out of the question. The reason for this is simple, Republic Services promised from the first day that they would never cross Rocky Creek and would always be good and considerate neighbors. Receipt of your notice is the first I have heard of this proposition. I have recently spoken to several of the county commissioners who are quite displeased that have not even been given proper notice of this proposition. Republic Services' intentions are of no surprise to us as they have already purchased all of the property surrounding our road. If it were not for Nance Farm Rd. we would be totally surrounded by Republic Services. I also find it upsetting to think about the destruction of the wetlands, streams and history in the area. Indians traveled Rocky Creek and there are artifacts to be found everywhere you look. I am Indian on my mother's side and it hurts me personally to think of all the beauty and history that will be irrevocably lost We also have so much wildlife that has already been severely impacted by your landfill. We never had any trouble with wildlife in this area before. Now we have hundreds of seagulls and buzzards looking for places to roost They feed at the landfill all day and several of my neighbors have them on their roofs. This creates a real mess. Because so many trees have been cut down, they don't have adequate roosting in this area. Republic Services has always promised that they would expand toward 24/27 highway. They said they would trade the forest service for their land, but now they have decided to come in our direction. Our air quality has become a joke with the landfill so near. I can see the trucks from my back porch in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. They are that close. In the summer we don't have to see them until they are on the vertical mountain. I know that vertical landfills may be the new thing, but the only benefit I can see is the use of less land. The higher they go, the louder the noise factor, the greater the volume of dust, and the stronger the smell. I don't know what else to tell you in order to get my point across. I moved here and bought my home expecting to live here and be happy. • Page 2 August 4, 2004 Now I have to sit and watch my children and grandchildren worry along with me. We know that if things get any worse we will not be able to stay here and if you permit this to happen they will definitely get worse. I look to you for the answer. Please remember in your consideration that we were here first and we had peace, quiet, purity, and lots of wildlife and nothing to disturb anything or anyone. While looking at your maps and speaking with my neighbors, I noticed that you left off Todd Lemonds. Republic Services have purchased property right up to his property line. Republic Services plans to pull dirt from right in front of his 350,000 dollar home. He never even received any information. Just thought 1 would let you know, I gave him a copy of this proposition. He was the only person that did not receive any notification. He is one of my neighbors too. 1 believe in the work of the Corps of Engineers and 1 trust your decision on this matter. Please do not allow anything to further affect our way of life and quality of health conditions. My grandchildren's health is my top priority. There is so much more I could say but I won't, it is just too upsetting to me. Thank you very much for the information and consideration of this matter. Your help will be forever appreciated. Sincere, John Lewellen Sue Lewellen