HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052167 Ver 2_More Info Received_20060424r " Skelly and Loy, LLP 6404 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 103 Raleigh, NC 27615 E-mail: wlyke@skellyloy.com Internet: www.skellyloy.com SKELLYaNa L®Y ENGINEERING -ENVIRONMENTAL ~CpNSULTANTS 1 Phone: 919-878-3535 ~ Fax: 919-878-3550 April 21, 2006 Cyndi Karoly NC Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands WQ Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 FILL ~Gf'Y Re: Winston Ridge Subdivision DWQ Project # 05-2167 Franklin County Franklin County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Karoly: ~ ~~~t~ ~~,~- w~~ APk ~ =~ :~O~i ratyP~lh; - 4YF`~f ~.t;. ~;~;.i~~;.; l Y +raFr~~na~rt:~ n,PdL; .~iTCt~tv4y~+A"s rc ?R4td:;N We are submitting the additional information requested from written correspondence on April 3, 2006. We are requesting for NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) written approval under Section 401, Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344. This will assist in compliance with Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3402 and its accompanying Nationwide Permit (NWP) 39. We have addressed your included written comments in the following paragraphs. 1. Please place building envelopes on Lots 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 46, 48, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, and 73 to demonstrate that they can be built upon. Additionally, deed notifications will need to be placed on these lots. Please refer to Drawing No. C2 (Phase I Site Plan) for the placement of the requested building envelopes. We have also included Lot 47 since its property is within the Neuse River Buffer Zones. Also attached is the deed notification for compliance with wetland and buffer regulations dated 4/14/06 (Attachment I). 2. Please submit plans with a legible and useable scale. Please refer to the attached Drawings C2 & C3. 3. Please submit the impacts for Phase 2. The northern portion of the property is proposed to be developed at a future time. Further analysis is being currently conducted to maximize impact avoidance and proper land management. If impacts to streams, wetlands, ponds, or buffers are proposed for the northern phase, we will submit the appropriate applications and plans at that time. ~$f;re L~oa4i®ns: Harrisburg, PA Pittsburgh, PA Morgantown, wV State College, PA Hagersto~v~n, t~1C Affiliatl?d C®rr~pany; AMS of Skelly and Loy, Harrisburg, PA DWQ 401 Certification & Neuse R. Buffer Rules Re-Submittal Winston Ridge Subdivision April 21, 2006 Page 2 of 3 4. Please show all stream impacts, including all fill slopes, dissipaters and bank stabilization on the site plan. Please refer to sheet C3 (Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Plan) for the fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilizations. 5. Please show all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. Please refer to sheet C3 (Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Plan) for the fill slopes. 6. Please locate all isolated or non-isolated wetlands, streams and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. Please refer to Drawing No. C2 (Phase I Site Plan) for the location of wetlands, streams and other waters of the State. 7. Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. Please refer to Attachment 2 (Pipe Cross Section of Bert Winston Road). As noted: Pipes to be installed 1 foot below existing stream bed. 8. Please indicate the diffuse flow provision measures on the site plan, and provide the level spreader worksheets which correspond with the diffuse flow provision measures on the site plan. Additionally, please provide a signed and notarized Operations and Maintenance agreement for the level spreaders. Please refer to the attached the level spreader worksheets and O & M Agreement for the on-site stormwater structures. DWQ 401 Certification & Neuse R. Buffer Rules Re-Submittal Winston Ridge Subdivision April 21, 2006 Page 3 of 3 The requested information on the previous pages and attached documentation listed below should provide the necessary information required to secure written concurrence for impacts to Neuse River Buffers, streams, and wetlands; and meet requirements for GC's 3402 under DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification for the aforementioned impacts and on the previously submitted PCN Application. If you should have questions or require additional clarification during the review please feel free to contact me immediately at (919)878-3535 or email: jkeller@skellyloy.com. Sincerely, Skelly and Loy ~< -'~" U~"~ Jay Keller Wetland Ecologist Cc: Jeff Crisp, PE Matthew Winslow Attachments: C2 Phase I Site Plan C3 Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Attachment I Deed notification for compliance with wetland and buffer regulations dated 4/14/06 Attachment 2 Pipe Cross Section of Bert Winston Road Attachment 3 Level Spreader Worksheets (8) Attachment 4 Level spreader O & M Agreement _ _ __ 02/20/°006 09:45 9195628872 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES PAGE 02 y.2bt_~ ~~srta~~r `a`+ ~ ._~ OWQ Project No, ~..~~ ~~ '° "~ ~ ~> DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): t~rol~cf (lame : ~ ., 5-~an R: d~~~v~'la~ e,n ~eantact Person: ~~.h ('ru w-/Jlc,r Phone Number (9lg l) ,Sc. ~ - ~ ~i(o fl ~eve~r Spreader td: _ Level Spreader Length ~~~~ f fl. Drainnage Area ac. Imfpervious Area •31 ac. Maxi~imum Filter StriplBuffer Slope _ ~ °/, grass Max.. Discharge from a 10 Year Storm ZtO• ~ cfs Ma3x, plscharge to Level Spreader Z+a v cfs Filter( StriplBuffer Vegetation `f6aY ,n l ~~,~ jperpendicular to Clow) (on-site and oK•site drainage to the level. sQreaderl (on-site and off•site drainage to the level spreader) (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8°~ For thick ground covor~' (thick ground cover or grass,. canopied forest with leaf litter groundcover) Pre-(treatment or Bypass Method 11. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial) in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and Supporting documentation is attached. If a regrrilrement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a wcrrksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all l3MPs and outlet structure details, a detailed br~rinage plan and a }upy executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package wilt result in a request for aat>tit~~anat information and wiry subsfanfiatfy delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials _-iY3 ~ Lever spreader is at feast 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or tOD fl_per .cfs un Carw¢ied, forest ar~lh lP„at litter. M//~ ,Pre-Form Scour Holes are on flat slopes only No structures are located in protected buffers' If b/pass method specified in the Oraft Lever Spreader Design Option Document: Bypass method is specified (if applicable) and plan details and calculations are provided Discharge to level spreader and subsequent titter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No Structures are located in protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement Includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. TAe operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Level spreaders in series can be used on slopes of up to 15% in forested areas with leaf littler cover or on slopes of up 1D 25°ic In areas with tthick ground cover or grass If designed according to the Draft Level Spreader Design Option Document. This potentially requires a mentor variance In protected buffer areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protected buffer area. __ 02/20/c'006 09:45 919562BBr2 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES t10[tti6o~, Sat` WASLIF flhiA'-.i'i"q • i,Et1Et SPRF~-DER WDRK6Nf'ET PRRIEG~ ~S1RiJt!-3idl~ PmJect Hams: ~,,~ Contea Persons ~~ Level6preaderlD;, 'none Number. PAGE 03 Level bbrtader Lergth .. 9 ~ fP~'to lfow~ OrainageArse ~ ~~~~~~~ fmpeni-ousArea o, 4t, ac, jon-eileauadLdf,~raetotl~etevaisp~eader) +Naxhsttnn,~~i~tbr~bfprBuApr3tope _~e,~ ~~~~~"ap~adarJ ~g (896 far tor~pstsd.leaf ~lerc~, a°1.~6a SAklc gto~and TuvcYf` Mar. Discharge from a 10 Year Storm ~~, ~ ~ Max. Discharge to Level Spreader ~3. Z crs Filter Strlpi8utrer Vegetation ~ Pre•Ireabnent or Bypesa Method __~ 11. REQUIRED 17EMg CHECKLIST (thick ground comer or grass, gnopied fOreat wkh Leal liner groundCOver) Initial in the space provided to indk~te the tollowing design requirev~,~ ~ ~ ~ s~atl'mg doarmenlaGon is seethed. M e letttdtemerrt has not been met, attach an explanation of rrlry. At a minimum, a complete alormvrater n~apement plan submittal indud~ e worksheet ~ each BMR, design cekarlatlons, plans and speclficatlona showing all eMPs end outlet ehacture deta~, a detafisd drain~e plan And A fully exeraAed optxatbn and maintenance agreement. An incomplete sutxnlltal package witl result b a request for Additional informa0on And wifi su6stsntiaNy delay final n!vleuu and trpprovat of the projeq. ntS Initi lave! apreadar is at least t3 ft. per cfs for thick ground Dover or grass or 1001! par cfs in canopied forest wtfh teat litter. fir! Pre-Fom- 3eour Ndea era on f1~ elopes only No sbutb,rve are rotated in DrotecDed buffers' tl bypASa method specfied in the Drag Level Spreader Dealgn Option Document' EyP~ method is specified (if appricablej and plan detafia and calculgtiCrrs aregc+au~, ~adrarge to'ievel spreader and subsequent fitter sMp Is hydraufkagy end spa6AUy ~ the' bgp~vaa - N~a ~+aahues srro''m prdrerae6 buliers. Ran detaUs fivtfi~b,9~assd~ rx~s art The operatlon and mail~nas~.Q ~ ~.rrJnvsem ~.~ ~~ anA vegetation repair. „~ThA ope-8tlon end maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsibb parry is provided the fdbwing infannation): w_ 'Level spreaders fn series can be used oc- stiles of up to 75%.~ 1n-est~ &R>-;ta rrR4r leaf ~ or on scopes of up tv 2596 In areas ~~ rnfcfc ground cover or grass if designed aeoording to fhe DraA Leval Spread~ar. 4t~raF- ~~ ~ •rninarvemanoe 1n protected buNer areas. l~ ~,y event ~ second level spreader cannot be bated in Zone 1 of a proted~ad bufrter ~ e 02!20/2`006 09:45 9195628872 CRObJLEY & ASSOCIATES qtr l . ~ ~'Z- ~.3 -. ~ F. b-VI910N OF WATER p.UALItY • ~Et.,fiPttFlu[tt:'R1Fl!SRiC£lVifE~ Pro)eC! Nome Confect Person- level Spreader il): PROJECT INFORMATIasf ~ PAGE 04 1.~a Spreader length .~~ fl. (perpendicular ro flow) ~''~ ac, (on~ite andoft-sfte drainag®ta the level spieaderl ~'~' f~a --~~ 4' ac• (onsite and cif-si6e drainage to the Ieve1 spreoder) Maximum Fllter SbipJBufter Slope R % (896 for foresUed, leaf Htger cover, 8% for thPek ground cover)' grass Max. blsduarge from a f 0 Year Storm _ ~, ~ . ~ Max. Dlecharge to Level Spreader a. 49 clk Filltr h--pl8uffer Vegetation "f L.~ C .,r..~t ~~ (prick ground cavar or g~ase, canopied forest rvNh leaf Tiger "'~"' groundcover) Pre-treatrnunt or Bypass MaMx>tf --~-~ It. REQUtREO tTEEl6 CHECKL19T Inltfal M the apace provided to Indicate the foflowing design requirements have bean met and supporting documentation la s1>ached. ltd raqulremenf has r-a~f beery met; an e~r~anation of wAy, At a minimum, a complete stomnxalar management plan aubmlltal indudes a Norkslrod for each BMP, design ralcutaffons, plena and spedflcattone shovang afl Bibs end outset ahucture deta0s, a duped drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maMteeance agreement. An incomplete suhrtlp~ oackege w1N rssuft in a request for addifionel Intormalion and wip eubslantiafly delay float review and approval of the project. ~f i{~lyds Infllafa .Ti3L Lave) spreader is at least 13 tL per ofs for thtCk around Dover or grass or iD0 R per c1s in canopied forest with leaf Ilther. /l/1~ Pre•Fonn Sooty bolos ere on flat slopes only ~~No afnrohues are located to protected bu1-era' tf bypass method aPectifed in the Drag Level Spreader Dealgn Option Oorvmenh ass method is specified (if apptieabte} and plan detglls and r:alculatlOna ere provided flBZ~argeln level aprsader and suDeequent filter ship is hydreuliratly and spatially sepa-~e lhfm Iha bypass dredlerge. No shuchu~ss are located in protected buffers. Plan detalta for the bypass aotl,s a~ ~r~tttk,? The e(reretion and mairrterranoe ago, l>4n~N~sab ess~s4ci' sett wegutallron ~pa~r Tha operation and maintenance agreement slgnad and notsrized tsy the responslbb party is provided. ' t.evel spreaders In stlrtree can be used on slopes of up to 15% in forested areas ~ih~kdlfa~svue~ArortsJlgtnasatr~sar~%nt areas wuAn d1iCk ground cover or gtas9 N dealgnod acoordtng (0 rho Oraft level Spreader Design Ogflon QawApgnL Ttalt p~abs~at4f -~lmar variance in protedad baiter areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protected buffer area. 62/26/L666 69:45 9195628872 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES ~f~tit'~ SJp~~a~~r` DWQ Protect No. ~.~7 ... ~ ~ ~,~ DIVi91Ofii OF WATER QUALtTX . l~,.fv. ~irtiEAt'~R~ YfL3Ritt~g'T t. PROJECT iNFORIIlAT1,-q pN (~leass Protect Neme ; ~~~~^ (~srrfaot Isereon: ,~;~~ '~ve4 Spreader lD: , PMnP Nru*rbar. PAGE 65 t~el, Spreader Leng1<rr ~` R. e~ (perloendlcularfa ib>d) Imgecvipus Mee ~ ~-~--- ac. (ak~slte and off-wife drakkage to @ua feast ~gceerltis) Maximum Fllbar Sirip/Bufrer S-ope n . ~' ~ ac. (on-afbe and off-slEa drainapa to the levol spnsadar) ~~ --~-- ~ (ti76 forloreated. leaf littler cover, 8!6 forthick ground cover). Max. Dlecharge tram a 10 Year 91onn 5. ~ ~ Max. Disoftarge b level Spreader ~' c{a Fpbar fihip/8uder VegetaUOn wsr Fie-treatmer-tasypesa Method ____ u. REQWRED REMS CNECKLI6T (thick ground Dover or grass, Cwkopied forest w+2h leaf lifter groundcover) Initial in tl1e space provided to Indicate the following design r@~iremanfs Kaye been met and aupportlng doaarnentation Is aUached. /f a ne0rd~amenf Tres not beau, met, attach an expi~enabion of why. At a minahum, a corttplefs slormweEer menagetnent ply g~;q~ indudee a vrorkshaet far each BMP, Design k~lartetians, plena and spealbcaflana ahowarg all t3MPs and outlet sbueture detar~, a detafled drainage plan end a fully exewtad opervtion and malntenenca agreement. An Mcompteta sutxnlttal package wiN result In a request Tor addltlona! information end wip aubatantlely delay floe) review and appppvM of the project. B9G~k~Y1- b h1 ~c level spreader is at least 13 R per cfs for thick ground cover Or green a 100 R par Gfe in canopied latest with leaf lifter. ire-Form Scour Holes ere on flat Obpes only No tiruk~ures are located In proferled butlbra• ti bypass method specified in Mte Draft t.evel Spreader Design ppyo,k Doament Bypass method is apedfled (if applicable) and plan details end ~laodoaA are ps~u4d,24 ~cS)~arpe to lava] spreader and subsequent filter ship is hydraulically and spatleNy separate from the bypass No shucbu+as are located in protected butfera. Plan detains by f~ bytes errE' art:pxwa~pd The ope-a6on and maintar+zaoe ag~eekaefiS 4 airrtNah eradran and vegetation repair, The operation and meirr[enanoe agreement signed and notarized by the reaponslbfe peRy is proy~~, Level sprsaderSln caries can be used on a(opes of uo 1>o a5°b.~ ~s~a+rl ~} iiaef ~v+~ ~ ~ aropey pup to 25X in yeas wrath dock ground cover or greaa if designed akxordfng fo the Drag level. ~adatir r,3~,tygp, (~pY,cT, fit. Nis potenlyaapy roquires a `rda+at valiance In proter~ed buffer areea. In any event the second level spreader cannel be koceted in Zone 1 of a Orotected buffer erne. ' ~'?~ +~oprt>aroanr 02/20!2'006 09:45 9195628872 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES OM91tJN OF WATER QUALRY . Li1RL BPREAOER WQW(-5!(~E[ I. PRWECT INFORilATIOI~t Qona:ct~rson: ,; j~ 4aroa'a iffier titY- _ 4 ~d~ '~tinglh Drairo~eAn:+B Impervious Area Maximum Fllter StriplBuffer Slope grass Max. lHscharge trprrr a 10 Year Storm Mex. pischsrg®fo Level Spreader Fiber SMplEtutter Vegetation Proareatrnenl a Bypass Method g. ReRU1RED ITEMS CHECKLIST en mpiete the following ini~tatatlatt>,: ac. ~. 96 .1~E. cdis ~-~-~~re~,.GeJeI Phone Number. PAGE 06 (perpendi+xrlar to flow} (on-e1e and ott~slte dreinape to the level spreader j lion-site sold ofl-site drainage to the levci spreader) (6% for forested, lest liltlrar Dover, 8X for thick around eoverj' (thick ground cove{ or grass, canopied forest with leaf litter ®roundcoveh Initial in tfie apace provided to Irtd'~ate the following design requlremenls have been rust end supporting doeumentation Is atbrched, !f a regtwerr-errr has not beery met, ottaeh av- expfanaNon of why. At a minimum, a complofe 8tormvrrter management plan sutxnittal Indudes a worksheet -a eadr l3MP, desi~ cakarlatbna, plans and specifications showing eI- BMPs and outl~ structure detape, a detailed drainage piss and a fully e>gaarted operatlon artd maintenance agreoment. An h+oomplete submittal packgpe witl result in ®request for addltlond information end wai substarltiaUy delay tins! rEVisw and approval of the project. '~ is initi 1a Level spreader is at least 13 R per cis for m~ ground coyer ar grass ar 100 R per ds In canopied forest with Ieaf litter. N~ _ Pre•Form Scour kdes aro on flat stapes only Tpt No aetletures are located in proteGed butlers' tt bypass rrretlrod specified in the Drag Level Spreader Design Option DowmenE Bypass mettted is spedFed (rf applkable}and plan details and cakulatlons are provided Bt:10 i$vei spreaber arui suboequent filter ship la hydraulically and epanally separate from the bypass 1iar~e: _ Na stnu~bates eta ~noalad +~ poataeDa~ bnr9fers. Plan detaNs for the bypass and nutlelp ~~ The operatlon and maintenance apjeement In~qudtis ao,~ ; ~,n . The operation and maintenance agraernent signed and notadmd by the reapansfble parry is provided. ' t.evel spreaders in aeries can be used ors sbpes of up to 1596 in fores7ed na!ls~s xetlb lead Jltlder~+wrorrr+'r s~~a afrrp ~ ~~ ~ ansas wwltt tlttck ground coyer or grass K designed accoMtng to the Drag t.evel Spreader Design Option Qoosoaar~, ~ ~ ~ a ~tina- vaf~anoe in proteded butler areas. In any event the second level spreader cannot be located in Zone t of a protected buffer area. 02/20/2'006 09:45 9195628872 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES ~. DM81tN~ OF)ti(4TFR taLL4tla'>• - dA'~ ~ ~,~~ A PRt~IECr hNFr3~Abt~f (ease complete the followingyiMormetion}: Contact Penorr: pthor+e Level S~roeaer ID. . PAGE 07 Level9proeder lengtlr ----~~R, ilarty impeMou Met ~ • 1 ,,,,-, ~. jcra~ilaawed~sRe apreadeQ (on-sfte and 4ft-~e ~ ~ dYe +l~at ac. d~~t4tbtie'arr~sP-~-? 'fMaimum rlhAer ~+plBufler ~1ope ..~~` ~, (896 for foresCed, ieai i~r~ar a94 lEtvlh,~t ~" grass Max. Dbdferge from a 10 Year Storm 4.; ~ Mex. D~cherge to tevet Spreader _ 4,.3 ~ Filter StrlplBUfFer VegeEeMon / (~~ 9~d cover or greys, cerropied forest wllh leaf lifter 9~dcorre~ Pre•tn~ent or Bypass tr-eeGrod It, REQUIRED Rt7Y18 CHECKiJST InItlN in the space provkted to h1d-CBte the foAowtMg design ragrarements have bean met and ouppnrNng doasn~~on fs ~. Jl e raQurier-rerd hey not been met, stt1~ en explerretlon of why. At a minimum. a oomptele 960m-water rnanagemeM Plan srd> indudas a srarezt for each BMP, deai~r calcufatfona, pions end epepticatlons showing aN Btu and outlet ebuqure detaTs, a 4edakad add~or-et iMormtbon end wik subabnflal!~ end makrtenmra2 agt+eement. An inoompkte cubmiltal package wpl resell in a request for Y delay duel nwiriw aid appovN of the project. 1t ~ ~e~ tsvei epreadet la ~ least f3 ft. per de for lhldc ground Dover or green or 100 R per de in canopied forest whh -eaf titter. ~~+tr &,t~r t~rohrs are on dot afopes onCy ~~ tQa sNnttlhues ame',oC9Fad w- p~ehetlree t~lfee~` If bypass metl-od specEfied in 16e Drag Level Spreader +. poqurugpk - ,~Sypaes me0-od b ~eciged Rf ppfice6le) and p~r- detaHs end ~t4rr[,stlorrs are -__~~n~ge to level spreader ~d subsequent IHfer strip IB hydraulicaAy end spay sePsrdte 6AOa du by~g dNSdtBrg~ - t~ st~tdcs~ wre'eyCaAed 9n pry Txr9lers. Plan detain >iarJbe b~oupu ~d ~Ee are prtrvrlaled The operation and meintenaooe eetSttvui~s~- OiP+rra~Ji efoaton ~y ,~ rerrth. Tire operation and meMtenanoe a8rea~nt signed and notarlaed by the reeponeible party is provided, ' I-avei spreedera in seriPS can be used on scopes of 4R to 1ti9~ In ttux~ed a~ rrt~r ~! 'oo'fr~or ~ sea of up &s 2596 in areas m'm~~vaaf ~caver ar greys ff designed awadkrp ro 8+e Draft level Spreadac t?~n qp~ go~sne~rA. ~-is ~,e~iy requires a P~~ bu0er areas. In any event the seoard -evel app Cannot be located in Zone 1 of a protracted butler area, 02!20/2'006 09:45 9195628872 CROWLEY & ASSOCIATES - e v- SvVp Project No. t~ ~ ~ "" c ~ (~ ,f DfVlstoN OF WATER 9tJAL[TY - t.t=uEt SRtKg~~. f. PROJECT INFORMATION (please ovmpteta ttue.4dJxxi~g ~,~nr Pro]aet ~ieme : ~?~ i~SCi f~i80Pi: Pttoc+~ N-Mgtpgq; 4~aadertb~ PAGE 0B r ~~' t`~'~ - R. {PerpendicularlnDnw) ImpeMous Area ac. (on-site and vft~site dramagA to tbus lest ~, Maximum Fiflsr SlrpalBuffv ~ Q. ~ ~. f ai-site endoff-silo drainage to the teu~ ~ grass ~-~--- ~ ~~ ~ ierested, leaf Adler Dover, 896 far thidt mound cavec~• M~• v^I.s~#arge fiam s 70 Year Slvint~~ 3 cis Mex. Olscher~ to level Spreader ~, ~ FMer ~tripleufter Vepeta9cn {thk:k Around cover or grass, canopied fvtesi with teat iotaer groundcover~ Pre-treatn+ent or Bypass f~NOd -~~ ti. REOUfftED ITEMS CHECKLIST InMat in the aped provided b indicate the fo0owring design requbemer~ have been met and supporting documenta4on is attached. -f e ngWiemenf has not been met, alfactr an expfonefton of why, At a minimum, a Complete stormweter management plat- suDmidal indudee a worksheet fvr eacA 8~+, design caleutaGona, pfarrs end spep'Acations showing st- BMPs and outlet struc7ure drainage Plan and a fogy execult:d gDarAtivn and maintenance . a detailed ed~tional intortnatbn end wI11 sabstantieuy delay Gnat review andment. An incomplete sutxtiittat package w,'N result In a n_queat for ttpprwai of the p-vjed. i nitlals ' sproatier la et feast 13 ft, per de for thick ground Dover or press or 10D R per cis in canopied forest wfth teal Jni~t:;s SGr~ P:o~ are on flat sbpes only 4ta e6~t~s tam tioc~S im protected Duffers` if pypass method spedi'ied in the t7raft Level Sgteeder De,Qlge ~rvat ~,xnttM - iiypass method fs specitred {it appi~Mej and 4-an detaae atvd ~a ~ ~t~gd tyisc>rarge to tevef spreader and subsequent 81tar sMp >s f ~~;~yy ~ , ~ +hmt ~ bypass ~• ~ ~ ate ~tateb in protectee but (eta. Ran debts 1w tbPt~ass arm' drrdt~ are provttfetf. The operation antl mzaoabsns~nce ~~~ : ansnuaf erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed end notattted aytha respansibie psis pnsvided. ' Level sprsaders M aeries ran be used on sopes of uo tD !5~ ~ ; ~t ~~ ~ ~ slopes of up to 2596 in areas vr~ liftoff ~rQUnd cover or grass a designed aocording to the t?t~t L~eel S -rc'mvr vaiiarrce in pv6~d buffer areas. in any event the second le+rel ' - ~cument. Tina potentJeDy retW~t a spreader cannot be located in Zons 1 of a protected buffer area. b'11'1b11'bbb b`J:45 yly5b11iti/1 C:NUWLtY & l~SSUCIUIES l F~ff.~ S~QKCa~ ~~ _ DmsfoH su ~far~~ - a~ ~t~rrttr~ ! pRO aEtrr~~ ~,~ ~ ~to~na~n~: Nanw ; .~, level Spreader ID: _ _ PF~GE by Level Spreader ler~tis 3~ I _ _ ft. t4e~+~diw~-,aR ~s ~S israrrraga Area i.,~ta -' ac, jon-alts and olFaita shairaa~m ~~~~ ~~sR~~a _ blex!t4a~ ~r S~iplBttlitr &~ ac. (onVsfte and off site drainage to fbte laver ~aadsc~ ~ '~ (ti95 for forested, leaf Ilttiat Dover, t19G for thick grflund raeer)• Max, Discharge !torn a t0 Year Storm ~ti. g .` ~ Max. Dk+charge (v level Speeder _ Z (. ~9 cts Flter 5tripr~ut7er Vage Citation -~y~~~,~,~~ -'-'~''"flor'r/ J>hlrlcS~uoDAOaeaav~-aat, f+Jrestrri(1'rfaed6tfer groundcovert P~ ~x t~s ~~ttt~wr ~~ II, REQUIRED ITF.l~1S CHECKLIST Initial to Cie pro~dcd b indlt~te the following design requkemonfa have been met and euppoRtng documsntatiar- is attached. If a +e9rr/rame~ ~ not been mef, attach an rsq~e-reMon orwfry. At a minimum. a compkk sbm+wafer management plan subrgittal dudes • wotkshed far each t3tr~, detdgn ealrotaNorrs, plane and sp~ecNications showing aq BAr~s and outlet structure details, a dstarled drainage plan and a tally otearded operation and nlabrbnance agreement An incomplete aublrlMtal package wiA re9uk in s request for additional Information and w!Y subataritiaity delay final revkw and approval of the protect. Il nitiala Leval spreader is at least 13 it. per cis far tltiok ground Dover or grass or 100 ft per cis In ranopled forest wAh leaf li!ltsr, Pra.FOtra Scour Hdas are on Aat slopes only _No ebucfurea are located in protected bailers' H blrPasa me~od spedAad in the bralt level Spreader Design 41~n Document t3ypasa method is specified (i1 tipptk,abte) and plan details and aalp~labnws ass ¢tovi4ad tiischerpe to level spreader end subsequent fittarsfrfp la hydraulkauy artd spatially separate 6om she bypass dtseberpe. No structures are IoCatad in pmkcted buAbrs. PJsu.- t1~ ~ dFur saes d~11 Or+lO~ ere pmvided_ The operation and ms,au~e 'ndnd~ arartrat ereaion and vepetadon repak. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the teappreible party k provided 'Level spreaders In idaries can be used on sopes o! uD l0 ]S°b.~ trvas~ta~s ~ ~~,yd~-~r~ on afopas ofup to 259! In areas v~r~- ti5tefr ground cover or grass it designed aCCOrdkrg fv Iha Drag Lever Sgrriadac t)estgra, t3yloe, Uowtmtri! St~is pnt~elnr regd~ a ` variance ~- Pre~~ buster anoas, in any event the t~eoond level spreader cannot be located in Zone 1 of a pn~tErled butter area. From: ;DEN-MARK CONSTRUCTION 919+556+7855 04/2l/'2006 07:25 #A79 P.002 FROM (TNl11RPR 20 2006 17:53/ST~17;52/No.632002~274 P 3 LEYEL SPREADEdt OPERATI®N AN0 PrIAINTENANCE AGit~EMIi:NT The leverl spreader Is defined as en elongsted, level thn=shvld, deslQned to diffuse stormwater ruttaff, 'n>tamte~nsenc® actlvflles shall be performed as follows: 1. t After construdlon end until vegsteiion hea been established, level spreader(s) shall be Inspected after ervery rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be Inspected at least every month and more f'?requently during the fall season and after heavy rainfall events: ®, Accumulated sediment, leaves, and trash shall be removod, and repatre made N required. b. In~pact level sproader(s) for evidence of scour, undercutting, settlement of the atrudure, and cvncentratsd (tows downhill from the level spreader(s). c. A level ®levation shall bQ malntalned acrnas the entire flow-spreading structure et all times. Repair or replace the level spreader Ii h la damagatl. d. Mow vegetative Dover to a height of six (6) inches and prune plants ff they cover over hail of tho level spreader surface, e. Repair eroded areas end replace/replant dead or damaged wgotation. Z. 'The contrector should avoid the placement of any material on end provent construction traffic across tihs atn,ctura.. If the measure is demri9rid by construction traffic, it shall bs repaired Immediately. 3. 1 Inspect and repalrtha ovllection system (e,Q„ catch basins, pipes, swelea, riprep) four (4) times a year tco m®intain proper functioning. I acknov wledge end agree by my signature below that I am nesponalble for the performance of tho maintenance procadurres listed above. I agree to notify Dwp of any problems with the system or prior to any changr}s to the syst+ ism or respvnslble party. /~Qe~..,f ~1r~ Phona;_ .~ S~natun: e; ^~-_ i 6 Not®; 1'The legally responsibly party ®hould not be a homeowners aasoclatlon unless more than 60°~ of the Icat3-have been sold and a resident of the subdlvlslvn has Deen named the president. //~~ / 'r, ~Fa~~K IL ~~4e~t"S , a Notary Pu'bl/i~c for the Stets of ~(jV~ V] ~~i1UlI , County r of~'1r~ -~ K ~ r f~ , tlo hereby certify that "'- "~-C~~L iN.S~o/,tl ,parsQr~llly appeared before me this J~ day of ~ , ~, and acknowledge the due executio~tl of the forgoing wet iwetlsnd) detention pasln maintenance requirements. WNness my hand and nffirJal. s seal, r `.. =r G~ ,,... ®F . II f,.' ,~®TA~~ ,9~~ s II ~ ~~~` c.,~~~c, ~ ~ ~•• fief{u ~CL~~ 1~.. -.. SEAL My commission expNes~,~-, ~~ ~1~~ Page i of 1 ~ FRAM From: 'DEN-MARK CONSTRUCTION 919+556+7855 04/2l/2006 07:6 #479 P.003 (THU}qpR 20 2006 1Z:53/9T.17:521No.6S2~023274 P 2 STgZE OF,NDrIh Crarolina 1`Y01JU(,p,_ COUNTY t, ~ ~ ~S . 4 Notary Pubfc of the Stale of North Caroline, County, harsh rtay that owner Dersonally appeared before me thts day and executed by above oertification. Witness my hand end notorlal seal.-this 5"~ day of ' • ~ t2_ ~PGK~E` ~, q --~ ' ~O T,q9 ~Q~~ Note ublio ` f '~ ~' ! r *f • ~~-0 a My eommfasion axpfr®s: C~ -- ~ ~ - j} $ ~~fl~, CHUG ~G. ~.. 0~~+, FhU~+'I (THL!i H~~i '~'1 ~OCo 1 r . J?i v . 1 ! , ~?; i'~o, ~~~O~i~3%7d P ~ v ~~~: ~~ ~ ~~P6~l~ti~l~~ w~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ In ardrn~o w T~lr: ~ ~ ~C9ht: ~H .05t7G. t~ followlttg ~€El? Fs'CTIFtC~ T t®Pl shag b® reoorde0 In the ; ~ County Registry prior to the co veya Co of lots. Said ®eed Nvtifcativn obeli tpply tm nar»® of u4,~lvlslon 184 nurnber9 In ~ County, Plorth roil a as shaven v Alerts tt4lsd 1 (Ins®rt subdivision Warns} prop®red by (insert name of de®lgn dated dam: "~ pertlofl t~Ptills lot hoe taaon dbtetrYriflofi is rtt®®t the nzqulrements ibr deslgnattan as a wetland, atraart, or prcrt®otad s4rsam but6or. Wily ltubeoquont fill or alt®ratlon of this ®rea'halB conform to th® requirements of t4ra state rotes adopt®d by the Stst® of North Carolina In teree ®t tho 4irY1e of the proposed alteration. The intenfl of this provision i® to pnv®rit additional wetland, otrv.m or burr filling or draining. so the properir owner should not assurn® that a fiatura appliratinn for tilling or draining would be approved. The property owner shall report th® nam® aP the subdivision in any applle.,atten psritining to Bald rules. This covenant is intended to ®nsure continued mrnplienQa writh e!I rulsa ^dopt:d by the State of North Carolina and therefore the State of North Carolina may enforce Dene6te. This ~vsnant is to run with tfi® I®nd ®nd shell be binding on oil PartEes and all penaarta claimin® under th®rs-'. ~ign~t~tr8; ®wrtar's nam®: ~ 0 r J ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~adreaa: .~ s .~~ ~f~_ m Chy. ~tetg. dip C®de: t ~~ ~ ~ C ~' ~~~° ~ l~hca~® ~uer'i4'ser? 9~~ ~ CL POST PER BOUNTY IONS 446.0 INV OUT=445. SHED GRADE IDEWALK BERT NSTON ROAD CONCRETE END WALL SEE NCDOT DETAIL 48' DIA. _.. _ _ _ I NOTE: PIPES TO BE INSTALLED 1 FOOT BELOW EXISTING STREAM BED. PIPE CROSS SECTION 1 "-10' NV IN=448.0 2 1 3 OB FC PUBLIC UTILITIES JAC 1 1 306 NCDENR-EROSION JAC N0. DALE RENSION DESCRIPTION BY