HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0015515_Monitoring - 08-2020_20200914.�.,...� �,...�..� a.....w... FORM: HDAR-i 0�-16 WON -DISCHARGE XII'DPUCAn0.m nEPOP'T pmrm) Page Of - OPankw In RespansffAa charge (ORq cerw5caturn ORC: - Scott Vasgaard Pemifte: Heavenly MnL Residential Assoc. cartilkefion No.: 18595 SiPft Official: S(X* Vasgaard Grade: SI Phone Nun*w. 828-2976234 signing officlars fie: ORC Has Ilm ORC changW since am previous MD.I? oy- Oft Phone Number 828-2976234 Perm* Exp.: 1 Ira= Date 40curfIft MW 00"Vide to the bW of my krowbdga. Date 1 ow", -J" WORY Of domawt aid 81 a*dnwft WN Pm*wed w4w nw dkoobon or amemwm in soowdmtw Vft a symbm d"W*d 10 &Mft thd 84 W~ F A In nVI P"Whf GaMwal wid avokided the k0ommgon & SWA V IrqUky Of the wow or pomm %ft ftwage ft "amm or #oft pwaaft ftedly Amftd. a on k*armfion WwMad K to ft bW Of MY IWV*bd@e WW b@W lampot oft for oa"*v ft wdmnwjw, " -0-468- MW conwiew. I wn w— Ow dom am signmm* PNVM- for wA-VkQ W10 MwMWSWI� kOkWft the P**""*'* of *m Wd kqxftmvnwt for W"ft VwWom Mell Original and Two Copies to: Division of watar Resources Infannation Procassing unit 1617 Mail 8wvIcs Center FORM: NDMR 05-1!5 NOWDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Permit No.: W0001 5515 l Facfity Name: Bear Pen Village WVVTP ---- I -- I County: Watauga Month: Year: PPI: 00, Flow Measuring Point: Parameter Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Point: Parameter Code Soo 50 31(7 50060 31816 —0-�70625 0610 00620 �26 00600 00600 00400 4M 00665 00f,30 76 Z t: E 0 =T.,f 24-hr—l—irs C (5 0 0 ir ePD n 0 0 in mg/L COE 12r, C mg/L E 0 LL 0 #/100 mL 0 E a) 0) 2 0 mg/L mg/L Z 0 mg/L F G su 2 0 0 CL 0 V mg/L mp/L 2 3 4 pf1j: -2G ol - 2 6 7 8 0 i "60 �6 0 IS 7 So 6710 L316 -- 10 11 12 13 S 20 6. T4 --1206 15 16 / 22o _L7 Z4Tljb 18 200 2-1 22 23 UP30!�!- 20 -�q.S 3— 41 24 25 26 2 T76nr f 51 2-o - :28 5_ /0 0 29 30/1 Average: /0. I/s, - --7 6yf(.Z 2.- '77 2-77 Daily Maximum: Daily Minimum Q7o ;71 <2-5 Sampling Type: Monthly Limit. Rewrder 10,000 -�X Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab, S Daily Limit: a mple Frequency: j.,,tinuxis Year x ��ea�r4 X Year Q4Xy 4 X Year Weekly 4 X Year FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of C Sampling Person($) Certified Laboratories Name: Name: Name: �J Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? ��iarvt ❑ Non-compkant It the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) takran Attach =Miti... I cfinnfe is Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification C f - ORC: Certification No.: Grade: 1Y Phone Number: Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ yes ❑ No — Signature I ` Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee:7/45?4we"I Signing Official: 5-GO�- Signing Official's Title: 04� Phone Number: �Z� 247 % O 2 'j Permit Expiration: 'F/.,/Zm Signature - Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this documert and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that al qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted_ Based on my i+quky of tha person or persons who menage the system, or those persons directly responsble for gartering pea irformetion, the information submitted is, to Mre best of mr knovwkudge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are skinwant penalties for subm!" false kromration, lrjc g the possil ty of fires and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27M-1617