HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8121101_HISTORICAL FILE_20121130STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW�%/ /D DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE ,�/; � %lZ YYYYMMDD C,asmer, Jo From: Casmer, Jo Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 2:44 PM To: 'pespllc@embargmaii.com' Subject: Family Dollar -Richlands Attachments: 2012 11 permit 121101.pdf Marie: Normally I fax a copy of the signed permit to the consultant when it is Express. I've attempted to do so twice today but it will not go through. I'm attaching a pdf version from our database (unsigned). The signed_ hard copies are in today's mail to the owner and you. Just wanted to notify you that it has been issued. Have a good weekend. Ja caskuer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Protection Section .127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please note email address has drard Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the Noah Carolina Public Records la w and may be disclosed to third Parties, _ _ . 'Le _�. � ... - .t � � = i 4 � � � is l �. �� �T�� a 1 r � � i MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT lw FILE NO. 822 DATE 11.30 14:26 TO R 912529747618 DOCUMENT PAGES 10 START TIME 11.30 14:26 END TIME 11,30 14:29 PAGES SENT 0 STATUS 0050 TX FAILURE NOTICE TIME FAX NO.1 NAME State of MT "ft Caro�loa r—part—i of >&nriroamaat wnd Naltural Rcenu reds Welmlast— wea61-1 Oftia-a Beverly Sarav P rdre. Goreroor FAK COVER STET :11-30-'12 14:29 :910-350-2004 :DENR Wilmington Des Fraemarr. S!'cre,tary Date- �y No. Pages (axol. Covcr): G - ' L!�� J Phones: f914�_794_7.3�G - Yax: 127 Cardinal Drive Extcnslon. Wil—j-jran, Nc 29405 [910) 7916_7275 rl aunt Opportunfry a ftltm tt— A. ti— l: ployar MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT FILE NO. 821 DATE 11.30 12:32 TO 8912529747618 DOCUMENT PAGES 10 START TIME 11.30 12:32 END TIME 11.30 12:33 PAGES SENT 0 STATUS 0050 TX FAILURE NOTICE TIME FAX NO.1 NAME St.*. OC r�r_"16 C'wr�ollaq Dwpq rrm�wt pf gnv{rpameat wad Nwturtl R4�0,l Y'CEf W/lm in�top R�Qloawl O[rlce Awvsr/y S'o �Ms ParJ.rs, Governor FAX CUVII�R SHEET :11-30-'12 12:33 :910-350-2004 :DENR Wilmington Oev FYaar�wan� Bctirarory DsYne � No_ Ptiges �exa1. eovar): � From: Jo Caaraor Ph. no: �`310179d-733d _ _ 1k.= ��i,r �ic-hGAn o s 127 V'i- Exte xi—. WiIrninjvo . t.lC 28405 • (910) 796-7215 - n 13qu 1 Opportunity A_ffi m Uv ]a —ploy.. a r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor FAX COVER SHEET Dee Freeman, Secretary Date: Fax: 2 z �7�� No. Pages (excl. cover): From: Jo Casmer ... __. } Phone: (910) 796-7336__.. Fax: (91.0) 350-2004 �6 0 -5 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 9 (910) 796-7215 9 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action l:Enployer Nelson, Christine From: Marie Peedin [pespllc@embargmail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:40 AM To: Nelson, Christine; mpeedin@pamlicoengineeringservices.com Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: request for additional info for the Family Dollar - Richlands I'm making the changes now and will email you all you need ASAP Thanks Piinlimj E,,ki,ipr4illg o files Marie Peedin, PE Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 252-945-2983 From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 12:08 PM To: Marie Peedin ; mpeedinC@pamlicoengineeringservices.com Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: request for additional info for the Family Dollar - Richlands Marie, As I was looking through the information submitted on Monday, I noticed there are a few numbers that are still slightly off that need to be corrected. The volume of the sand filter is 2250 cf according to the calculations but the supplement lists the provided volume as 2276 cf. The last 2 pages of the calculations (Channel Report and Culvert Report) haven't been updated with the latest elevations. The top of the sand filter / grate elevation is listed as 59.5 ft on the supplement and sand filter detail on plan sheet C- 002 but the overflow RIM is shown as 60 on the grading plan (C-002). If you can e-mail me the corrected the supplement & calc pages and give me permission to make the change on the plans, this should be good to go. Thanks, Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Marie Peedin (mailto:pespllcC'Oembaromail.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 7:51 PM To: Nelson, Christine; mpeedin@pamlicoengineeringservices.com Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: request for additional info for the Family Dollar - Richlands Nelson, Christine From: work [pespllc@embargmail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 3:20 PM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: RE: RICHLANDS EXPRESS Yes Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android -powered device -----Original message ----- From: "Nelson, Christine" <christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov> To: Marie Peedin < es Ilc embar mail.com> Cc: "Russell, Janet" <ianet.russell(@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 20:11:53 GMT+00:00 Subject: RE: RICHLANDS EXPRESS Marie, I did not get a revised drawing, but your note below is good enough for me to correct and approve the plans. I assume you want me to correct the RIM elevation from 60 to 59.5? Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records tow and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Marie Peedin mailto: es Ilc embar mail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:20 AM To: Nelson, Christine Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RICHLANDS EXPRESS Importance: High CHRISTINE PLEASE FIND ATTACHED A PDF PACKAGE WITH BOTH THE REVISED DRAWING AND THE STORMWATER INFORMATION. IF YOU CAN NOT OPEN THIS FILE PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND I CAN SEND SEPARATE FILES. ALSO WITH THIS EMAIL AND CHANGES SHOWN ON THE DRAWING FILE SHEET C002 I GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR THE ELEVATION CHANGE TO BE MADE ON THE OVERFLOW STRUCTURE SO THE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED. THANKS FOR YOUR ASSTANCE AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY OTHER INFORMATION. poolk.0 -ter Marie Peedin, PE Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 252-945-2983 Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 128 Abbey lane WASHINGTON, NC 27989 PHONE (252)945-2983 Pamlico Engineering elvices To: Date: 11/19/12 Job No. 12024 NCDENR - DWQ Attention: Christine Nelson Express Richlands Family Dollar W Ne 5W p 12.11a WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE No DESCRIPTION 2 11/19/12 Revised Plans 2 11/19/12 Revised Calculations 2 11/19/12 Revised supplement 2 Change to application sheet 3 of 6 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Per your letter dated 11/14/12 I have made the corrections shown and per item no. 3 increased the size of the sand filter basin for accommodating the entire DWQa volume. The side slopes are not 2:1 so the note on the plans has been changed and the dumpster pad rear corner grade has been changed to ensure this area drains into the bmp. Please let me know if you need any other information. Marie U. Peedin, PE. INECEWE NOV 262012 BY: �.i.:S u ,rer �•� _►r/ 7d ^,I `'�r..P"L a a 1 {i. r.. is .wf . � ",,rll•'1 .: . ..I•'+ ,`,�i 'Fr 1".�'. J kl, 'I +:•1. t tl} .r � 1r r , ki" frl , 24 Y I r -- II1 `t-� . 1. r• r r 'C rl �, J 'ir .! ' .. ! (� i .,- r . , .. i f. ' Y 3i: r,- . 11 .!i11 .,r i ' . , 1 , fr• r 1 NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Governor Director November 14, 2012 Mr. Barnes Boykin, Vice President Eastern Pride, Inc. 2405-F Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 121101 Family Dollar - Richland Onslow County Dear Mr. Boykin: Dee Freeman Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received an Express Stormwater Management Permit Application for Family Dollar - Richland on November 9, 2012. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please correct Section IV.3 of the application. The New River is part of the White Oak river basin, not the Cape Fear River Basin. 2. Please correct the supplements and calculations to reflect the latest proposed conditions of the site. The latest set of plans show the elevations of the sand filter have been lowered by approximately 2 ft; however these other documents have not been updated'to reflect that change. Please clarify how the adjusted water quality volume will be stored in the sand filter. The second page of the BMP manual errata sheet notes two corrections to pages 11-9 and 11-10 of the sand filter chapter in the BMP manual. These corrections clarify that the adjusted water quality volume should be the volume that is contained between the sediment chamber (above any permanent pool) and the sand chamber (above the sand). From the sand filter detail, it looks like the permanent pool of the sediment chamber will be at an elevation of 59 ft not 57.5 ft, which will reduce the available volume provided in the sand filter. 4. Please describe how the 2:1 side slopes of the sand filter will be stabilized. If vegetation is to be used, please note that the rules require vegetated slopes to have minimum side slopes of 3:1. 5. Please verify that the RIM elevations presented on plan sheet C-002 are consistent with the design. 6. Please ensure that the runoff from the dumpster area is directed to the stormwater collection system. 7. Due to the potentially minor nature of these comment, the express additional information fee has been waived. 8. Please keep in mind that changing one number may change other numbers and require the calculations, supplements, and other supporting documentation to be updated. Verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 1�TOne 1 Phone: 910-7%-72151 FAX: 910.350.20041 DENR Assistance: 1-877-6i23-6748 l YorthCarolina Internet: www.ncwaterquaMyorg '�'�l]ahma ly An Fmml nnMr#iinln, 1 Aff—C— AM;— Cm 1—, K " Barnes Boykin r November 14, 2012 Stormwater Application No. SW8 121101 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to November 26, 2012, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. Please note that a second significant request for additional information may result in the return of the project. If the project is returned, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express coordinator for the next available review date, and resubmit all of the required items, including the application fee. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a.violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the project name and State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7323 or email me at christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer GDSlcan: S:1WQS1StormWater\Permits & Projects120121121101 HD12012 11 add info 121101 cc: Marie Peedin, Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC Wilmington Regional Office Page 2 of 2 Ei Nelson, Christine From: Nelson, Christine Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:21 PM To: 'mpeedin@pamlicoengineeringservices.com' Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: request for additional info for the Family Dollar - Richlands Attachments: 081015 calcs.pdf Marie, I have attached the request for additional information for the Family Dollar — Richlands (SW8 121101). Copies of this letter will also be sent out in the mail. If you have any questions about these items, please e-mail me. I will be in Raleigh the next 2 days for training and will likely be out of the office next week. I will be trying to check my e-mail when I can. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Christine Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer State Stormwater Program NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-796-7323 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 128 Abbey Lane WASHINGTON, NC 27889 PHONE (252)945-2983 PmEico ktyrering vleos To: 'Date 11/7/12 Job No. 12424 NCDENR - DW Attention : Family Dollar RICHLANDS WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached d Under separate cover vial the following items: t ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications El Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE No DESCRIPTION 2 Plans and narratives I FLOTATION CALCULATION I i 1X17 DRAIANGE AREA MAP T14ESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ .For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return cofteted prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20- ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Please call if you have any questions. Marie U. Peedin, PE. nEwCEIl1E� �! 111112111 t : 5 ,: + 1'• ,,�, t - .f , -j - p r�^• r• w-••. fir',, _. t:��."�w+.� 'ii�h;:Yi�4: ..'�.',", lam. '"�'.�, ;'s-+ •�''#� ,D Belson, Christine From: Nelson, Christine Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 4:58 PM To: _ 'Marie Peedin' Subject: RE: Richlands Marie, I did get a package from you. 1 will get it logged it and hopefully get started on it either tomorrow or Tuesday. (Monday is a holiday for us.) Thanks! Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Marie Peedin [mailtQ,oe5pllc@embaramail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 3:30 PM To: Nelson, Christine Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: Richlands Christine, I hope by now you have received the package and the plans. The only change to the entire project is the finish floor grade which was lowered 2'. This elevation was determined based on the average SHWT for the site. Since the cost of the sand filter concrete structure is about a wash with the fill material we feel the site will look better with the lower grade so I lowered the entire site by 2 feet and made the tie ins to the drive. The documentation and plans shows the revised grading and the revised elevations for the sand filter. I have also included the drainage area map and -a calculation for flotation of the structure. I will also include a color map for the USGS as was requested at our initial meeting. I have also made the corrections we discussed noting the wetland note and the lot size. Thanks PIfT1�31A4 Marie Peedin, PE Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 252-945-2983 From: Nelson, Christine f maiito:christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 10:14 AM To: Marie Peedin Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: Richlands Marie, Can you please advise us what you would like to do for this project? Thanks! y Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Nelson, Christine Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 3:06 PM To: 'Marie Peedin' Cc: Russell, Janet Subject: RE: Richlands Marie, This is an unusual request. After discussing your proposal with Janet and my boss, Georgette, we have agreed that if you wish to take a few days to tweak the project, the acceptance date would also be tweaked to Thursday / Friday when the updated hardcopies of the documents are resubmitted. The 10 days I have to review the project would start on this new date. Also, a side note: If you are considering lowering the sand filter so that it is w/in the SHWT, There should be some kind of barrier that prevents the groundwater from entering the system and taking up the storage volume. Please let us know what you would like to do. If you have questions, please give me a call. Christine Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer State Stormwater Program NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-796-7323 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Marie Peedin [mailto:pespllc@embargmail.comj Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 10:39 AM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: Richlands Christine The builder and I have looked over this site again and feel like we can make the site look better if we drop the finish floor by 2 '. I can make changes to the drawing and also include the details for the issue with seasonal high water table. What does this type of change do to our fast track process? I can have revised drawings to you before Thursday but want to be certain this will not set us back. I will only be changing grades to lower the site and all other data will be the same. Please let me know ASAP so we can make the final decision on which way to go . Thanks, L ' I-l'; Marie Peedin, PE (Page 1 of 31 It t � w 8?1w124 STATs of 6TATe Or THIS PRESSUMO hropTH cARA NORM CAROFA TO r„ OF atAt4erArt •ig<Ars DA _3_ ZS ! .,idea T A a .1119 TAX I $20.00 ,1 cif "1 CHAV4PORD COLLJHS „ r• $20.00 25 P" s STATF r7r STATC Or NORTH CARD a E NOr.TH Gr ROt.S, i, . �+y n�A 61 _-ATr JOB , TA1 . ,.: TAX t \ .� -J f 3.00 - ne., tee. 7.a 3 Retarding Time, Book eyes PAP Tat Iot Ns ..._.._ _.. _._... Parcel tdentilier No. .............. ........ ............_..... .w.._..._.� _ Vvleed County on the — ---- so% of ....................... ............ ........ by...._..„_ ..............._ ......... _....... _.._........... ..................... .._................................... ......... _ ...„.,....m...........------ man sitter recording to Frederic Vann V tc,tel and wife, Cyntl a Crews M tic -is 1, P. 0. 3Ox 81 RichlandsN.C. 2857+i....................._ ............ ..... .............. .. ,.,....... ......... ...... ... ........... ...._.._ �._.... . This instrument was prepared by ..Ellis.. HPPPec.... RorlkA. Weterg_.€ hW.r ian..,_.. — _ ___.....»..._....... � •-- — Brief description for the index —'tree tracts R ch ands —w:I. NORTCAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DUD mad• this der of ................February ..........,,...,,...... I$_ Ae _ by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Hugh A. Ragsdale, Jr.. Divorced, Frederic Vann Mitchell and wife, of TutLcafoose County, Alabama O�is�n. --army MNon�il terolina gels to apprapriala tlesi for each pergt mom, aderem an4 a opproprlals, charecler of tothy. aa, ewowallw or partachidd& The dale n ition Grantor and Grantee as sold herein shall lacluds maid partlee, their heirs, successore, end online, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminlas or neuter as required by context. WITNFr596'tH, that the Granter, for • valuable rmnaidaratl•a paid h0' the aplep jWt�g,1ge�_ 3 0w which is Mrthy acknowledged, has and by these presents dam grant6 bargain. mail and convey/ n i �j{ li{F4h jlt o, all tbat• attain lot or parcel of land situated In the CRT of......•.................................,,,,..,,,........,,, ........Richlands,................ Towneblp, Onsbw- ........... ........ County. North Carolina and more particularly dascrlbed as tollowa t See Exhibit "An attached . • SEP 2 5 20rz mace eMe Aso. parr Its.1 p Ule, so"" ran. 1v...1*AaPPwa,.ra, PC. r A..4 t, BY. Book: 871 Page: 124 Seq: 1 f � .7 "4n.� • r' - 1` +'f• { a t-1 J i A re 2 of 3) J FIRST T 1ACT EXHIBIT "A° i- r. Being al of Lot 8 as shown on a Map of West Richlands recorded In Map Book 3, 'age 27 Onslow County Registry. SECOND TRACT Commencing at the Intersection of the right of way (eastern right of way) of US 2581NC 24 with the northern right of way of Church Street and following the eastern right of way of US 2$81NC 24 North 33 degrees 12 minutes West 453.50 feet to a PK Nall; T kence leaving said right of way and crossing US 250INC 24 South 49 deg •eas 50 minutes 20 seconds West 99.80 feet to an existing Iron pipe on the western right of way of US 2581NC 24 at a point where the southern right of way of Koonce Street Intersects US 258/NC 24, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence from said beginning and along the western rlgh: of way of US 2581NC 24 South 33 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds East 200.00 feet to an existing Iron pipe; Thence South 56 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds West 200.00 feet to an existing Iron pope; Then0e North 33 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West 200.00 feet to an Iron pipe on the southern right of way of Koonce Street; Thence with said 'right of way North 56 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds East 200.00 feet to the beginning. Containing 40,000 square felt more or less and being all of Tract 5 as shown on a deed recorded In Dead Book 509, Page 611. THIRD TRACT Beginning at -a PK Nall at the Intersection of the eastern right of way US 25814C24000' R/W) with the northern right of way of Koonce Street (as shown on a map of West Richlands recorded In Map Book 3, Page 27); Said PK Nall being located North 33 degrees 12 minutes West 479.55 feet } from the northern right of way of Church Street as measured along the eastern right of way of US 2581NC 24; Thence from said beginning one along the northern right of way of Koonce Street North 56 degrees 48 minutes east 209,96 fact to a PK Nall on the western right of way of Frank Street (NCSR 1300,501 R1W)i Thence with said western right of way North 50 degrees c1 minutes West 100.00 feet to an Iron pipe; Thence North fit degrees 27 m mutes 30 seconds West 70.72 feet to an Iron pipe, tle southeast corner of the North property (Deed Book 297, page 112). 'thence with an old Ina fence as attested to by adjoiners South 55 cegrees 53 minutes 0 seconds West 132.06 feet to a PK Nall on the western right of way of US 2581NC 24; Thence with sold right of way South 33 degrees 12 minutes East 150.00 feet to the beginning. Containing 26,151.8 square feet more or less and being the same tract as that shown as Tract 4 on a deed recorded In Deed Book 509, Page 611. W rt Hook: 871 Page: 124 9eq: 2 '004 41 E �:, .`, :, it :C. r 1 I 14 7i I ILI. tc- m I .-v A- i r i `a E e Y 1 3 � 1 r 1 1 � �1 S i A g ao 1 7 ' tr� .. -'i� � '! .. "� _ d•;r' C .. - .. a C, ♦r .. .. , ` r s1 .dr •� I'a ,_ i•� ,w. 1 i • y•I,a � •. s I r . ♦ �. _ 1 [In• .,_, � �r .,yr': 1 •t, .y . � .11 r. a:r ri.,♦„ a •r ' •r^.1 `' 1. r .1.. IRS. 7 1 1 • a. Y ._ _ ..1• • +.r. I r+ t ... s . -.:ati Cr .:, ,+ era • r , It I-P PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein as of the 5th day of .Tune, 2012 ("Effective Date") by and between. Frederick V. Mitchell and Cynthia Mitchell ("Seller") .and. Eastern Pride Inc., or assigns (the "Purchaser"). It is hereby mutually agreed: 1. Sale. Seller shall sell and Purchaser shall purchase, in fee simple, subject to and upon the following terms and conditions, that certain prnpeity located in Richlands, North Carolina, County of Onslow, NC. The property being; approximately 0.92,, acres +,/- situated on Highway 258124 and identified on Exhibit `1' which is attached and incorporated into this Purchase . Agreement ,That parcel being identified in Book 871 Page 12.4 ojrd4ge Qnslow County Register ofDeedr. The PiN # being 443218318979, with the conveyed property being identified in Exhibit 11'and that all the foregoing is collectively referred to as the "P.roperty" in this agreement. 2. Purchase Price. The purchase price ("Purchase Price") for the Property shall be Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($450,000) and which shall be paid in lawful money of the United States as fellows: (a) Two Thousand Dollars ($4,000) shall be paid by P ircbaser to Seller's Agent (the "Escrow Agent") as earnest money ("Earnest Money") upon execution of this Agreement by Seller. Purchaser shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price due hereunder at closing. 3. Survey. During the Inspection Period, Purchasez may order a Survey of the Property from a licensed surveyor, and, if ordered, such survey, upon receipt, must be sufficient hi form and content so that the Purchaser's Title Company (the "Title Company") will waive all platters of survey not expressly approved by Purchaser. l a today's market Purchaser reasonably expects a survey and any required approval thereof to take approximately 90 days. if the survey (a) is not acceptable either to the Title Company or to Purchasers Lender or (b) shows easements, encroachments or other adverse conditions which are not approved by Purchaser, Purchaser shall have the right, on or before the later of the end of the Inspection Period or ten or (10) days following its receipt of the survey, (i) to b-.rrninate this Agreement and recover the Earnest Money and any interest thereon or (ii) to waive the exceptions and to close this purchase and sale without reduction in the Purchase Price. 4_ Title Insurance. Purchaser shall obtain, at its expease, an owner's title insurance commitment to issue a title insurance policy (Form 1970 ALTA-B, or equivalent) insuring Purchaser's fee simple and easement interest (if any) v-i the Property in the amount: of the Purchase Price. The title insurance commitment will be issued by Title Company and will f Ozir- 5el{er Purchaser BY. EcEav 252012 l contain exceptions only •for.rea; estate lakes and assessments for the curMnt calendar year which are not yet due and payable an6. any outer exceptions Purchaser may approve in w6ti ng. If the conuxutnnent contains other exceptions not acceptable to Purchaser, then Purchaser shall notify Seller of such exceptions and. Seller shall have the right; but not the obligation, to resolve such exceptions to the satisfaction ofthe, Purchaser. NotwN srandiag anything herein to the wntrary, title exceptions w ch can be cared by payment of a stated sum of money (such as mortgages, past due ad valorem takes and assessments constituting a lien against the Property, mechanic's and materiahnen's dens and judgments which have attached to and become liens against the Property), shall be paid at closing trod deducted from Seller's proceeds. If objections to the title exceptions are not resolved by the Seller within the time specified, Pu obaser shall. have the .right to tean.inate or close as set forth in Paragraph 3 herein. 5. Additional Dociunants to be Provided by Seller. Seller shall, withinten (10) business days of the date of th5s Agreement, provide copies of the following document to Purchaser for its review. (a) The most recent ` eavizaamenta3 audit ff any) or any other documents Seller. knows or should :snow to he inexistence, notwithstanding whose possession those documents are in, relating to any environmental conditions existing or having been mitigated on the Property or any propeity adjacent to the Property the Seller owns. (b) A copy of any sun�ey of the Property in Seller's possession.. (c) Copies of any servic* contracts affecting the Property to be assumed by Purchaser (if any); In the event Purchaser terminates this Agreement pursuant to the terms hereo£ such docunnents shall be promptty re2imned to Seller. G. Expenses and kroration5. The expenses of this transaction and Closing prozations shall be paid as follows: (a) Purchaser will pay far the sizvey referred to in Paragraph 3; (b)1"imhasex will pay for the title insurance exmmination fee and far the title insurance pr=dum if tUs ti a.nsactioa closes; (c) Seller Hall pay ,for the. pi aparation of a general warranty deed conveying the real estate comprising the Property and other conveyance documents described in Paragraph 1.0(b) herein; (d) Purchaser will pay fo:: and Seller tivill cooperate with and participate with Purchaser to be able; to deliver the Property to Purchaser in fee simple with the proper zoning requirements for Pmabaser's intended usage and containing the dimensions which Seller has agreed to Sell and Pun:.hase has agreed to purchase under this agreement. (e) Any applicable deed maps, deed taxes, transfer.fees, and deed recordin fees shall be paid as is evautomary hi.North Carolina.. Seller Purchaser r 4 .� � _ � � i i � � i. � .. � � � .. - � � .- � t 1 �I. � ' si - ' � - t i_ .. � ... i � .. � � � � � � � �- � �� I l { _._ S w. � .- t _ �._ ....w . - - . 1. .fit y � . _ - .. _ � _ - ♦ ... � . 4 '. . Y � _ (f) purchaser shall pay for any additional enviroranental audit if it so chooses to have an enviroamcat audit performed; (g) Each party shall be responsible for their own legal fees associated with this purchase agreement. 7. Brokers "d Commission. Buyer to pay Broker Separately $_ Tospection period_ (a) Purchaser shall have a period (the "Inspection Period") one hundred twenty days (120) days Lrom the Effective Date to examine the Property and all matters relating thereto. This time period being reasonable for Purchaser to satisfy any and all requirements its lenders or intended tenants may request and require of Purchaser. Purchaser shall promptly notify Scher following the erpirstion of the Inspection Period -whether it will proceed to close this Transaction or will terminate this Agreement_ Failure to give written notice Nvithin three (3) days after the expiration o£the Inspection Period shall constitute approval on the part of Purchaser. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this subparagraph, Purchaser shall recover the Earnest Money. (b) The Earnest Money steal I be nonrefundabie if this Agreement is not timely terminated by Purchaser unless (i) Seller defaults in, or is otherwise unable to perfonn, its obligations hereunder, (ii) there is an adverse change in title, survey, environmental or other matters with respect to the Property not reflected on the documents delivered to Purchaser, (i.ii) (iv) Purcbwer terminates this Agreement pursuant to any provision permitting termination or (v) the contingencies set forth hi Paragraph 24 are not satisfied. 9_ Inspection Rights_ (a) .Purchaser, its agents, engineers, surveyors and any other representatives shall have the right, during the term of this inspection perod, to enter upon the Property to inspect, exarnine, survey and/or conduct an em ironraeutal assessment of the Property and otherwise do that which, in the opinion of Purchaser, is necessary to detemline the suitability of the Property for the uses intended by Purchaser and to make tests to determine the physical condition of the Property: Such tests and inspections shall not unreasonably interfere with Seller's operatiozs. or the operations of any tenant on the Property. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against auy damages arising directly from Purchaser`s inspection and testing of the Property, which indemnity shall survive the closing or the termination of this Agreement If Purchaser notifies Seller of Purchaser's intention to terming, this contract for any reason, prior to the e,%piration of the inspection period, or any extensions thereof granted or herein contained, then Purchaser will be immediately released from all contractual duties and obligations under this purchase Agreement which shall be deemed terminated and the earnest mo y shall immediately be returned to Purchaser. The inspection period shall beginthe date Sell Purchaser 0 both parties have signed, and dated the Purchase Agmement and e y addendas, exhibits or modifficadons to the purchase Agreement, which are attached imd incorporated into this Purchase Agreement, (b) Seller agrees to notify of and provide to Pure haler any documentation it has in its possession (if any), or reasonably should know to be in existence, concerning eavironmental conditions and/or hazards on said property, if any eai,� or are )mown to have existed, including but not limited to the, existence or prior existence of underground storage tanks for storing fuels, home heating oil, or other fuel or chemical storage tanks above or below ground and any xemediation actions performed on such hazards is accordance v-rM.the laws of the State ofNo.-th Carolina or any other govevohi agencies' rules and regulation. bolding authority over such hazards. Any papenvwlc or infot mation shall be turned over to .Purchaser within 14 days from the day Seller executes this contract. Unless -notification to the contzazy is given to the Purchaser, Seller acknowledges that to the best of its knowledge this property has not been used as a gasoline station, oil change facility, dry-cleaner or used in any other mariner that stored, kept: or used any sort of chemicals, fuels or other environmentally hazardous sWistances. By signing this Agreement Seller understands that Seiler is not warranting or gi=tnteeing to Purchaser the environmenW condition of this Property. (c) Seller agrees that it will assist Purchaser by providing to Purchaser upon requests any relevant information that Purchaser may ,need in its pw�uit to determine a if the requisite municipal, county, stale or other regulating agency pemmtt> will be obtainable by Purchaser for its intended use This includes reasonable assistance, at zao cost to the Seller., to sub- &vide and re-mm the property Cif necessary) so that its zoning shall pexnnit general retail or general cormmer6al triage on the proper[}'. Seller tmderstands that UPurchaser is waiting on a decision by any governmental or regulating agency to sub -divide, z+)ne or issue the required building or construction permits for Purchaser's intended project; and that waiting tithe exceeds the Rupection Period, then the luspection.Period referenced above shall automatically extend for 30 (thirty) days beyond the Wirntion of the Inspection Period with all tetras and conditions in full force and effect: Should the necessary building permits not t a issued after the automatic 30 day extension of the Inspection Period, then Purchaser shall have: th,, period extended 30 more days if the Purchaser has timely applied for and is waiting on any necessary govemmen a] or regulating auathox ty to issue said permits. Purnbaser agrees and consents to put forth a good faith effort in its attempt to obtain the requisite building and consfi=lLou permits, including but not limited to driveway, storm water or any other related permits necessary to improve the property, in accordance with Purchaser's intended use. 10. Closing. (a) In the event this Agreement is not terminated as provided herein, the closing of the purchase and sale contemplated herein shall take place in, escrow by mail throllgh the parties' attorneys and frnaacang institution on or befom i3vrty (30) days after the Se!! Purchaser •� ,., _ .. � s r - ;`, _ - _ � ;w - ,� •- _ .. �� '' { - .. y � i .. i l _ � C �' -• K - � - � 1 r 1 �t. � � � � �. ` k _ 1 � _ 1 - _ .. � �� � _ e < 41 i - � � . 'L _ -� - - -r � � - _ r .f s � � _ ;, � '. '; .: � ., - -. s .r �r e' expiration of the Inspection Period and satisfaction of all contingencies set forth herei.n_ (b) At the closing, Seller shall execute or provide the follov�ing documents which shall be reasonably acceptable to both parties: (i1) A general w reant)' deed, which shall be fully executed, in recordable form and reasonably acceptable to the Title Company; (ii) An affidavit and indemnity agreementt: to the Title Company enabling it to issue its fmal title insurance policy without exception for mechanic's or materialmcn!s liens, parties .i in possession or other off -record shatters; (iii) Any reasonable instruments or documentation satisfactory to Purchaser and Title Company reflecting the proper authority of Seller to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (c) The Property will be conveyed subject to: (i) and on the condition that Seller grant to Purchaser and easement on their property located across highway 253/24 forthe purpose of Purchaser to hookup and link the subject property to have access to Sewer. This easement shall run with the property and be for the benefit of and runifith the property as well as for the Purchaser, its heirs and assigns. Ci) Bothparties agree that theywM cause to be drafted, execute and record the necessary easement agreement to effectuate the above Sewer easement. 11_ Warranties. Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser that: (a) Seller has M power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to assume and perform all of its obligations hereunder. The execution and delivery of this Agre=ent and the consummation of the. transactions contemplated hereunder on the part of Seller does not and will not violate any pro%rision of lave .and does not and will not conflict urith or result in the breach of any condition or provision of, or constitute a default under, any contract, mortgage, Iien, lease, agreement or other instrument to which Seller is a party or which purports to affect any of the propmxty or assets of Seller. Seller is the owner of all assets comprising the Property subject to no liens or encumbrances except for taxes for the year of closing and (insofar as the real estate comprising the Property is concerned) easements, covenants, encumbrances and restrictions of record. (b) There are no existing leases with any party entitling thew to any rights or usage of the Property. The Seller shall provide proof satisfkatory to purchaser, in Purchaser's sole judgment, that any existing lease for all or any portion or part of the Property has been terminated as of the date of closing. Should any party come forward subsequcmt to Purchaser purchasing the Property from Seller and claim any leasehold rights in the Property throp,hal7 e r other agreement it had with the Seller or other rightful party or seek monetary. Seller Purchaser damages or specific ptIfbrmanee From, such claimed leasehold xights, then Seller agrees to defend such claim and shall wholly and fully uxdeur *, includin„ reasonable legal fees, the Purchaser for any damages caused to Purchaser by such claim or tights- . (c) Seller agrees to hold in confidence any purpDrtc:d use of this land by the Purchaser, unless Purchaser gives Seller express writtenpem:dniun to disclose during the inspection period and any 4c -tensions thereof Seller understands and acknowledges that lure to adhere to this condition could subject Purchaser to monetary fines. 12. Obligations of Seller-. From and after the date hereof Seller shall not enter into any leases or contracts for the provision of any goodn or services regarding the Property or consent to any additional titre exception or encumbrance which small extend beyond the Inspection Period without the prior written consent of Putrcluascr, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 13. Eavirownental Audit. (a) Purchaser, at its sole Cost and expense, shall have the right to require a reputable emizonmental Sam, to perform an mvironnumtal inspection and audit of the Property ("Envizoumental Audit") during the .Inspection Period. Purchaser shall advise Seiler in Keating in the event the Environmental Audit reveals any items which require are rnedW cleanup response Pursuant to applicable federal, state or local statute, lalr�,, xegutation or ordinance ("Applicable Laws") and shall simultaneously deliver a copy of the Environrneutal Audit to Seller. (b) If the Property is in violation of any Applicable LwmT or is othemise unacceptable to Purchaser as a result of the avirormenb)l.Audit; then Seller shall be obligated to either (i) incur at its expense any cost necessary to Yemsdy such violations or problems reflected by the Environmental Audit or to otherwise care the Property to be in compliance Witte all Applicable Laws prior to the later of the e2q)iradon of the Inspection Period or tweoty (20) days following receipt of the environmeatal audit or CH) terminate this Agreement by written notice to Purchaser within fxftcea (15) days zollovibag receipt of theEnvironmentnl Audit; in which event the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Nvehaser. xd. Default. (a) In ewent that Purchaser defaults is the terms ofthis Agreemtent, and Seller has not defaulted, Seller shall be entitled to declare this A4pree-mmt terminated and may recover its damages inourred and may seek specific performance of'tbis Agremnent The Earnest Mono- f shall be credited against any such damages inouasd. (b) In the event Seller defaults in its obligations hormmder and Purchaser has not defaulted, PmTh ser shall be entitled to declare: this Agreemmtterminated and may recover its damages incurred and may seek specific per&xmance of this Agreement. Upon any such declaration, Purchaser shall be entitled to receive the Bemest Money. slier purci aser J � f i .. �r�. .. i �u i -+� � - • t �. ' -_ �' � i � v -, i ' .i - � - � � � 1 i _ I • ,_ _ .. s -.. .. r =.'r� � � Fc� - � .. .. �.«� .ter. .- _ _... .. . (c) In the event that legal proceedings are commenced to construe or enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party may recover from the other party its associated costs and expenses including reasonable attorney'$ fees. 15. Risk of Loss. Seller shall maintain in full force and effect all insurance policies currently covering the Property until the Closing Date. The risk of loss or damage to the Property from fire, flood, wi.ndstoran or other casualty until delivery and acceptance of the deed to Purchaser shall belong to Seller. Risk of loss or damage to the Property after delivery and acceptance of such deed is assumed by the Purchaser. If, before delivery and acceptance of such deed any condemnation proceeding is or has been commenced or threatened Nvith respect to the Property or any casualty results in damage to the Property or improvements thereon, Purchaser shall have the option ofeitner terminating this Agreement as to such portion of the Property or of completing the purchase contemplated herein. In the event the Purchaser shall elect to terminate this Agreement, Purchaser shall be entitled to the return of all Earnest .Moacy and ail parties shall be relieved and discharged of any further liability hereunder. If. however, Purchaser shall elect to complete this transaction, there shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price and Purchaser shall be entitled, in the case of fire or other casualty, to receive from the insurance carrier all insurance proceeds or, in the case of condemnation, to receive the entire ativard for the Property or the portion thereof so taken. Seder shall execute and deliver to Purchaser on the Closing Date all proper instruments for the assignment and collection of such proceeds and awards_ x6. Bien ding Effect This Agreement shall be binding upon a1 of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 1.7. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and its exhibits constitute the entire agreement of the parties, and no other statement or representation shall be considered a part of this Agreement, or be binding capon, the parties, unless the same shall be contained herein- IS- Notices. Any notice, zequest; demand, instruction or other communication hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or sent by first class, registered or certified mail (return receipt requested), postage fully prepaid or by Federal Express or other overnight courier or by facsimile (which tern shall be deemed to include telex or telecopy), addressed as follows: To Purchaser: Eastern Pride lac. Attention: Charles Thomas 2405 F Nash Street NW Wilson, North Carolina 27896 Email: cthomas7228O@jahoo.co Pbouez (252) 399-1964 Fax: (252) 237--0766 To Seller: `� Seller Purchaser i 0 ... --• .. � _::r__ _ - .. _.. - .. -. � _ - - .��. ems_ ,. _. � Fredeaick V. and Cynthia Ktahell Email: !��•fr.� C3 aY�G� Phone: VO Je'T- oa !% Fax: F/d-,�i�•2��s' Ihm addresses for the pose of this paragraph may be changed by giving notice as provided herein. Notice shall also be deemed to have been given upon recei pt of actual knowledge by any rnesms of the information contained in said notice. 19. Counterparts_ This Agreement shah be executrd i s any number of counterparts or duplicate originals, any one or all ofwbioh shall clots itute the agreement of the parties. 20- Captions. Tho captions contained herein are forpmposes of identification and convenience only and shall not be considered in cons-t lag this Agreement. 21. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be gomned by and coru'i ed in accordance with the Iaws of the State of North Carolina. Should legal action be -necessary to be taken by either party to enforce and uphold the terms and conditions of this agreemaot, including but not limited to specific performance, then both parties agree that the prevailing party shall bane them legal expenses and other related -expenses and/or losses Iraid in full by the other party. 22. Assignment by Purchaser. This Agreementmay bf: assigned by Purchaser to an entity of whicb Purcbeser is a. member, partner, officer or director without first obtaining written consent of Seller_ Should Purchaser desire to athexwise assign this Agreement, then Purchaser shall first obtain the written consent of Seiler, consent shell not be unreasonably withheld. In the event of any assignment, Purchas+n' effacers shall r= in personally liable under this Agreement. 23. Tax Deferred Exchange. Should Seller choose to perform a 1031 tax deferred exchange with the proceeds of this sale, the purchaser agrees it 110 effectuate any required documentation, at no bzther expense to the Seller, to assist the Purchaser in tis ohoice to perform a 1031 ta, deferred exchange. 23. Escrow Agent. The Earnest Money shall be held by the Escrow Agent until the Closing Date or sooner termination of this Agteenxent and Escrow Agent shall pay over the interest or income esmed thereon, if any, to the party entitled to the Earnest Money. In the event the olosing shall occur in accordance with the provisions of -this A.greemcnt, then, Seller and 1, umhascr shalt deliver to. Escrow Agent written instructions dinxting Escrow Agent to deliver the Earnest Money to Seller. Tf for any reason the Closing does not occur pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and either party makes a written demand upon Escrow Agent; by registered or certi_ t"zect mail (return receipt optional), or Federal Rtprem for the payment of the Seller purchaser PURCHASER- TERN PRIDE INIC. Charles A. Thomas, Rresident SELLERS) Frederic V- htchell s Selfer •P�rcha�er' is Y•��� �Fj.���� _ J � y r � • 1 . �, � � .i � i 1 l PURMASER: RN PRIDE INC. Charles A. Thomas, P=mdeat i Frederic tchell R�rc�aser ' -- - - � ..tom.•, y •..- .. _ r: - ,: A_;..� - ,r- � F'�'� ECEIVED ocr o s 2012 BY: ANNUAL AUNUTES STATEMENT DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS (Business Corporations) jj1Y1P0RTANT!. READ INSTRUCTIQNS_BED'ORES.COWLETINO:TRJEFORM,. -PLEASE PRINT'LEGTBL Date: May 25 , 2011 Corporation Number: 647965 Incorporation Date:10/03/2002 853i **AUTO**SCH 3-DIGIT EASTERN PRIDE INC. 2405 NASH ST NW STE F WILSON NC 27896-1634 I I P I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i III If 311 Please Reply by June 22, 2011 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES CHAPTER 55-7-01(a): "A corporation shall hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a tithe stated in or fixed -in.accordance .with the bylaws"- -NOR-TH-CAROUNA GENERAL-S'l'A'iU7ES CHAPTER SS-16-0I (a)r,"-A-corporation shall keep as-pt rmanent- — records minutes of all meetings of its incorporators, shareholders and board of directors, a record of all actions taken by the shareholders or board or directors without a meeting...". You can engage an attorney to prepare them, prepare them yourself, use some other service company or use our services. THIS IS AN OFFER OF COMMERCIAL SERVICES, r IS NOT APPROVED OR ENDORSED BY ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Please complete this Annual Minutes Statement and mail the completed form together with the fee of $125.00 payable to CONIPLIAINICE SERVICES in the enclosed envelope. This is a solicitation for the order of servieeS, and not a bill, invoice or statement due. You arc under no obligation to make any payments, unless you accept this offer. All information will be treated as private and confidential and will not be available to others. E-rnail us at 1. Contact Person:(' h jj (-IPS 9. iArunac E Ivlail Address: C+ho mas 7,D 0 dQ 1a11 kAA. e,%m CORPORATE OFFICERS (Attach additional:pages if needed) ; 2. Title (Required): "k Name (Required): jp 4. 7A i 3. Title: 11,'" iesrGe,& (" Name; �.vI 4. Title: Name: ,-.,e- tt �lh i 15. Title: Name: I CORPORATE DIRECTORS Attach-.addidonal e$ if:neecled). 6. Name (Required)- a rE e -�-•Name:-----�--�-- 8. Name: 9. Name: SHAPMHOL• DER INFORMATION (Attach.additionai pages if need ed).You must accouni'Far iW%of, the Sfiares. 10. Shareholder Name (Required): Uacta 11 No. of Shares (Required); 11. Shareholder Name: No. of Shares: Qa 12. Shareholder Name: No. of Shares: 13- Shareholder Name: No. of Shares: Maintaining records is important to the existence of all corporations; in particular the recording of shareholder and director meetings. 02011 COMPLIANCESERVICE.S-A DIVISION OF CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. CS FORNI MIN-KCI I t!" , E-Filed Annual Report 1-0-5568214 BUSINESS CORPORATION For year 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Do data enter manually _.�- . NAME OF BUSINESS CORPORATION: Eastern Pride Inc. FISCAL YEAR ENDING: 2012 STATE OF INCORPORATION: NC SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATE IDNUMBER: 0647965 NATURE OF BUSINESS: Real Estate developmenilkasirg REGISTERED AGENT: Thomas, Charles A. REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Wilson County PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: (252) 399-1964 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2405-FNash Street W. Weis on, NC 27896 PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 2405 FWest Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: Name: Charles A Thomas Name: Barnes Boykin Title: President Title. Secretary Address: Address: 2405- F West Nash Street 2405- F West Nash Street -Wilson, NC 27896 Wilson NC 27896 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Charles A Thames 03/20/2011 FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DATE Charles A Thomas President TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT T rLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE: $18 MAIL TO: Secrdu y of State • Cmpoaaliow Division - Posl Ogee Box 29525 • Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 SEP 2 BY:_ Corporate Bylaws These are the bylaws of Eastern Pride Inc., a North Carolina corporation. Article L Meetings of Shareholders 1. The annual meeting of shareholders will be held the last week in February, time and place to be determined annually. The annual meeting of shareholders will begin at a time to be determined and will take place at the principal office of the corporation unless otherwise determined. 2. At the annual meeting, the shareholders will elect aboard of 2 directors and may take any others shareholder action permitted by state law. 3. A special -meeting of the shareholders may be called at any time by: EFC EFI V [ x ] the president SEP 2 5 2012 [ ] or more shareholders BY. [) or more directors. 4. At least 15 days before an annual or special meeting, the secretary will send a notice of the meeting to each shareholder. The notice must be sent by first-class mail and must state the time and place of the meeting. For a special meeting, the notice must also include the purposes of the meeting; no action can be taken at a special meeting except'as stated in the notice, unless all shareholders consent. 5. Shareholders may attend a meeting either in person or by proxy. A quorum of shareholders at any shareholders' meeting will consist of the owners of a majority of the shares outstanding. if a quorum is present, the shareholders may adjourn from day to day as they see fit, and no notice of such adjournment need be given. If a quorum is not present, the shareholders present in person or by proxy may adjourn to such future time as they agree upon; notice of such adjournment must be,mailed to each shareholder at least IS days before such adjourned meeting. d. Each shareholder, whether represented in person or by proxy, is entitled to one vote Corporate Bylaws Page i I for each share of stock standing in his or her name on the books of the company. 7. Proxies must be in writing. 8. All shareholders' actions require the assent of majority of the corporate shares that have been issued, but if state law requires a greater number of,yotes, that law will prevail. 9. Shareholders may, by written consent, take any action required or permitted to be taken at an annual or special meeting of shareholders. Such action may be taken without prior notice to shareholders. The written consent must: • state the action taken, and a be signed and dated by the owners of shares having at least the number of votes that would be needed to take such action at a meeting. If the written consent is not signed by all shareholders, the secretary will within three days send a copy of the written consent to the shareholders who did not sign it. Article II: Stock 1. Stock certificates must be signed by the president and secretary of the corporation. 2. The name of the person owning shares represented by a stock certificate, the number of shares owned, and the date of issue will be entered in the corporation's books_ 3 _ All stock certificates transferred by endorsement must be surrendered for cancellation. New certificates will be issued to the purchaser or assignee. 4. Shares of stock can be transferred only on the books of the corporation and only by the secretary. .Article III: Board of Directors 1. The board of directors will manage the business of the corporation and will exercise all the powers that may be exercised by the corporation under the statutes of the State of North Carolina, the articles of incorporation, or the corporate bylaws. 2. A vacancy on the board of directors by reason of death, resignation, or other causes may be filled by the remaining directors, or the board may leave the position unfilled, in which case it will be filled by a vote of the shareholders at a special meeting or at the Corporate Bylaws Page 2 1 } next annual meeting. During periods when there is an unfilled vacancy on the board of directors, actions taken by the remaining; directors Nvill constitute actions of the board. 3. The board of directors will meet annually, immediately following the annual meeting of shareholders. The board of directors may also hold other regular meetings, at times and places to be fixed by unanimous agreement of the board. At annual or regular meetings, the board .may take any actions allowed by law or these bylaws. Special meetings may be called by: ( x] the president ( ] any director [ ] or more directors by giving 10 days' written notice to all directors. A notice of a special meeting must be sent by first-class mail, and must state the time, place, and purposes of the meting; no action can be taken at a special meeting of directors except as stated in the notice, unless all directors consent. 4. A quorum for a meeting will consist of 2 directors or three quarters if there are more than 4 directors. 5. Directors will act only by: ( x] unanimous assent of the directors ( ] the assent of a majority of those directors present [ ] the assent of at least directors. 6. The directors will not be compensated for serving as such. A director may, however, serve in other capacities with the corporation and receive compensation for such service. 7. Directors may, by written consent, take any action required or permitted to be taken at a directors' meeting. Such action may be taken 'without prior notice to the directors. The written consent must: • state the action taken, and be signed and dated by at least the number of directors whose votes would be corporate Bylaws Page 3 needed to take such action at a meeting. If the written consent is not signed by all directors, the secretary will within three days send a copy of the written consent to the directors who did not sign it. 8. Directors may meet or participate in meetings by telephone or other electronic means as long as all directors are continuously able to communicate with one another. Article IV: Officers 1. The officers of the corporation will consist of a: ( x] president ( x] vice-president ( x] secretary -treasurer and such other officers as the board of directors may appoint. 2_ The president will preside at all meetings of the directors and shareholders, and will have general charge of the business of the corporation, subject to approval of the board of directors. The Vice -President has the same power and authority to bind the corporation and the same ability to conduct general business in the name of the corporation. 3. In case of the death, disability, or absence of the president, the [secretary] will perform and be vested with all the duties and powers of the president. 4. The secretary will keep the corporate records, including minutes of shareholders' and directors' meetings and consent resolutions. The secretary will give notice, as required in these bylaws, of shareholders' and directors' meetings. 5. The secretary treasurer will keep accounts of all moneys of the corporation received or disbursed, and will deposit all moneys and valuables in the name of the corporation in the banks and depositories that the directors designate. Checks against company accounts will be signed as directed by the board of directors. 6. The salaries of all officers will be fixed by the board of directors and may be changed from time to time by the board of directors. Article V: Fiscal Corporate 8y4aws Page 4 i I . The books of the corporation will be closed at a date to be selected by the directors prior to the filing of the first income tax return due from the corporation. The books will be kept on a: [ x ] cash basis 2. Within 75 days after the corporation's fiscal, year ends, the treasurer will provide each shareholder with a financial statement for the corporation. Article VI: Amendments Any of these bylaws may be amended or repealed by a vote of the Owners of a majority of the shares outanding at any annual meeting or at any special meeting raUed for that purpose. Adopted on - By: a y Printed Name:i�GflPs _ Printed Name: Corporate Naws Page 5 Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 128 Abbey Lane WASHINGTON, NC 27889 PHONE (252)945-2983 � rtrt�I� � 11' yfi'$+iIFll.uy� �� To: Date 9/11/12 Job No. 12024 NCDENR Attention 127 Cardinal Dr Wilmington, N C28405 Re: Richlands Family Dollar WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE No DESCRIPTION 2 Site Plans for Review 2 Narratives & calculations I Check for permit fee f f � w SJF, rS% m 4urc- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ® For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Please call if you have any questions. Marie U. Peedin, PE. 1ECrlvE SEP 2 5 2012 BY: