HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8120607_HISTORICAL FILE_20120720STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW 1�0& DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE !2E?/lLd Jai, U YYYYMMDD Pusey, Steven From Betty Bullock [BettyBullock@jlpnc com] Sent Friday, July 20, 2012 3 55 PM To- Pusey, Steven Subject, RE Friendly Mart Hwy 258 - Additional Info will do From: Pusey, Steven [madto,steven pusey@ncdenr govl Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3 54 PM To: Betty Bullock Subject., RE. Friendly Mart Hwy 258 - Additional info. Betty, Once closed, can you send me a copy of the deed for the property showing Friendly Mart as the owner? Then, I can just write the permit in their name Thanks, Steve From: Betty Bullock m i I k l n m Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 2-29 PM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: RE Friendly Mart Hwy 258 - Additional Info. Steve, they are the buyers, which it closed today on the property At the time of the submittal, Highway 258 still owed it but it was under contract to close today, Friendly Mart Inc require the submittal as a stimulation of the sale Do I still need to do anything? Betty From: Pusey, Steven [mailto steven puse&ncdenr govl Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 2.23 PM To: Betty Bullock Subject: Friendly Mart Hwy 258 - Additional Info Importance: High Betty, Since this permit application has a property owner, Highway 258 Investors, and a potential lessee, Friendly Mart, the permit should probably be written to both the property owner and lessee Please verify that Friendly Mart will be the lessee Assuming that Friendly Mart is the lessee, Mr Dewey Edwards, Jr of Highway 258 Investors, needs to put his name on the Deed Restriction & Protective Covenants document, and have it signed and notarized (unless that authority has been given to the lessee, Friendly Mart) As stated in the application, if Friendly Mart is going to be the lessee, please provide a copy of the lease agreement for our files We request that this information be returned by July 30, 2012 If you need additional time, please advise Regards, r ar _X,�"' +t a,y...S,� ��i.:k: %,"r" a r ,LriY'M41.Xr t r, � t 'tr .lf+'.t{.p M i r 1 .�ir'1, .YY rprr i-wJ tiC'+'i.'1fY31:."R(IJh:A' �w mil �cs�lw • Yr� i_� t '" S'iY_+.0 f G .:— R� 3.^^� L-h �^rycTs S „ JJ1. It' vn rOT r !i ,A A t iSI3A-lipt tJ 4r ri 'L 4 ! r} 1, , r: +J :a;-Lfiij cf, 1 II �� F �yl �l +,t' yJ f � I � ^I! i E'j .. it �A� tr'..1 ��{ t f �~ , i� i Ike i �' i tJJ y �' a',k r `9 i!♦rt !i l'LT `i �ifJl l "rli 'may tl.� .+...'[. ), .�{I y41 ,I .r -• sr " `�! 4�� V , I�r�� irr t .. �� _ i ,fti �t�rrNf�+r,l• ' tk f. . ,il I , , i Jy I r� 1�c, +f Yj t, J ` �`�►';r�� Z'1, .. ,; " , ,,; T �r , ,! - ; ,i- t Y,1 r1t1` 3, np'�:-lfrg,., . „ rlr +r F tx,in �r{,�k �, _ 'I E!�' _ I� yr e �E' It),'•Hf 1' ,r ! r , l�r 1�^ I I 'i3 , 'yl } , :L'I , oJ�rrtt Puse , Steven From. Pusey, Steven Sent Friday, July 20, 2012 2 23 PM To- 'Betty Bullock' Subject. Friendly Mart Hwy 258 - Additional Info Importance- High Betty, Since this permit application has a property owner, Highway 258 Investors, and a potential lessee, Friendly Mart, the permit should probably be written to both the property owner and lessee Please verify that Friendly Mart will be the lessee Assuming that Friendly Mart is the lessee, Mr Dewey Edwards, Jr of Highway 258 Investors, needs to put his name on the Deed Restriction & Protective Covenants document, and have it signed and notarized (unless that authority has been given to the lessee, Friendly Mart) As stated in the application, if Friendly Mart is going to be the lessee, please provide a copy of the lease agreement for our files We request that this information be returned by July 30, 2012 If you need additional time, please advise Regards, cPfcvILK G- P.sa-y. Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Div of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 AMN Before pnnt►ng this email, please consider your budget and the environment E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties a � x t�t—Sr st rT _ �'ac 3 r v'J�-. T �Y. -,J- kl� -YY' ti3 `S� }.l�+L►. «�' 'sG� t=z'al' ..+ `^'^ .a ✓4-."ate 1J `+Y r+-S= � - .~ S ""R.IK ri. � ]L. ti �4J� ll' " ri+ , t#" r +fl i ,f' ¢ }' �' i i I ,,, s'• ( C 1', • r I r,ti ,n I r;r a { 6' jrl Ilol' 11 r 1 U�' tT ifi l rf`_,'T!. C ` .,Viif l { '+L ti 1 Sfz It lL i sf "� 5r r�' j i"�rl i){ t 1 r(1,., i `, s -•_•I i jt i'fJ , i TI- loft11] ^r 1 c I'I Jy l'l mil= 1l Lj ti w r ' �t r l I .r1 �1T.i(t' l: (1_!s{ fl+ �° t ry ,! +'+I I I r ! I , _ J t1 .� ., l t Ih � 1 ' f "'�!.^�t} r, � ,I� 11ii ►f; � C+"+ 1� �.` 1`t' {'I�.`t '+fit 'f ,7 r {� fl,l3',r' ,r fCl ,,da � (< �+t f �t )�;� 191M111N IMINIM111 ooe IOs oott10002 Types CpP Rraardrd 0 /2o 2012 at l2 t==49 PM Fee AJst ie a 0 Papa 1 a 2 RaYaaus Taxi 460 0o orator County tVC Rabeooa L Cardr m38ispo340-343 �� .� " m.�= hrtielthmiinwladtim ihhbMPACMIRWA Wd=A This deed presented to ■i hbitud The*W39m) Oater n, <,Ihgl,m R one Ddlinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the w County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds The hereinafter described property_ does xx does not include the primary residence of Grantor NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED _Exmp—Tax S550.00 Recording Time. Bgok and Page set forth above This Instrument prepared by Gaylor Edwards & Vatcher P-k Licensed North Carolina Attorneys TAX PARCEL M 156041 - Property address 4981 Richlands Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Brief description for index Lot 2, 2 41 acres, Northridge Commercial, Map Bk 64, I g 94 4V THIS DEED made this 0 day of July, 2012 by and between GRANTOR. HIGHWAY 258 INVESTORS, INC, a North Carolina corporation Matftng address P O Box 1685 Jacksonville, NC 29541 • GRANTEE * FRIENDLY MART, INC, a * North Carolina corporation * Mailing address * PO Box1019 * Mount Olive, NC 2W65 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall include stngular, plural, mascuitne, ferrunme or neuter as required by context. WITNFSSI TH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant bargain, sell, and convey unto the Grantee, in fee simple, all that/those certain tract(s), lot(s) or parcel(s) of land, situaled in Jacksonville Township, Onslaw County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows• BEING all of Lot 2, contaitung 2.41 acres, as shown and described on a plat entitled, "Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Northridge Commercial Subdivision," dated April 20, 2012, prepared by John L. Pierce & Associates, P.A and recorded in Map Books 64, Page 94, Cabinet N, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina. Together with and subject to building setback lines, easements and other matters as shown on the plat recorded in Map Book 64, Page 94, Onslow County Registry J %WM=%UW0HM%01XWJHW Isr IHY6TOe5AMbLY M WT *pd Book 3816 Page 340 Page oft Book 3816 Pago 340 Vail 2 Iraya c ' ui c/ The property herein above described is a portion of the property acquired, by Grantor by instrument recorded In Book 2813, Page 105, Onslow County Registry TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract(s), lots) or parcels) of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple THE GRANTOR COVENANTS WITH THE GRANTEE, that Grantor is seized of the premises In fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and dear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property herein above described is subject to the following exceptions Property taxes for the current year, if any, and thereafter, easements of record, and matters shown on the recorded plat. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereto set his/her hand and seal, or If corporate or other entity, has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized partner(s), manager(s) or officer(s), the day and year first above written HIGHWAY 258 INVESTORS, INC, a North Carolina corporation ByrtAJ Nam J Dewey Edw rds, Jr Title esfdent STATE OF NORTH CAROLI lA COUNTY OF ONSLOW 1 certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacfty(ies) indicated J Dewey Edwards, Jr, as President Date. July i, 2012 Jennifer M. Shugart Nofpry Public Onslow County, N,C (O rr l s tare o ) My Commission Exphos' I Ani.b—. 7a am a (Notory't prrnlad or typed name) a (Offrrra! Srmnpur Surll My commission expires _ J JWMX C5%CV4CRm1UM%RW1 ZIA INvOTUS FlYFNOLY MART*pd Hook. 3816 Page 340 Page 2 of 2 Book 383.6 page 340 eeq 2 ompleteness Review Checklist Sow Protect Name. — -Ti, L%* Received Date Protect Location AO Accepted Date Rule(s) D008 Coastal El1995 Coastal MPhase II (WiRO) Universal �1988 Coastal Type of Permit. Ne or Mod or PR Existing Permit # (Mod or PR) �PE Cert on File? Density HD or LD Type Co inert l or Residential �NCG % (off (% OK?) Stream Class rCSt�J �SA Map �Offsite to SW8 Subdivided?- Subdivision or Sin le Lot ORW Map Exempt Paperwork _ Emailed Engineer on. 5136(tom 'n(015 -7(fW Supplements) (1 original per BMP) BMP Types) q yr, r 1 &M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales) Duplication with correct/original signatures &-6"P�or LLC qg Aut er SoS or letter Note to Reviewer: / 05 (within 6mo) — �S m- � � ✓�� �du[b�.V �o�,p 1 �,,� I d i?�s+ Soils Report with SHWT �'rar C°itil�lanQ l�p�crt-�? �Tcuiations (signed/sealed) 7 D� tSJ %— obvious errors sity includes common areas, etc eed Restrictions, if subdivided ��y, �bm�p�7 ,L Signed & Notarized U � MCorrect Temnlate (Comm/Res & HD/LD] or De — f�Q urnor-C 16 �Q�Sto�Q Plans aZ-! ets Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Grading Wetlands Delineated or No Wetlands OVicmity Map Layout (proposed BUA dimensions) Legend ElDA Maps Protect Boundaries Infiltration Wet Pond Offsite Soils Report Soils Report(SF MPE Cert for Master Lot # SHWT SHWT �'�,s Deed Rest for Master Lot # Matches Master Bottom PP BUA Permitted (Master) sf Visited BUA Proposed (Offsite) sf Additional Information- Permitted Proposed Proposed Proposed BUA (sf) DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) North Carolina Secretary of State Page I of 2 North Carolina Elaine F Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh NC 27626-0622 t9191807-20DO Date 5/25/2012 Click here to View Document Filings I File an Annual Report J JPrint a pre -populated Annual Report Form E Amended A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names /Name Name Type NC FRIENDLY M LEGAL INC Business Corporation Information SOSI D 0056395 Status Current -Active Effective Date 4/27/1978 Annual Report Due Date Citizenship DOMESTIC State of Inc NC Duration PERPETUAL Annual Report Status CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name MCKEE JR, GUY V Office Address 141 MCKEE OIL COMPANY ROAD MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Mailing Address 141 MCKEE OIL COMPANY ROAD MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Principal Office Office Address 141 MCKEE OIL COMPANY ROAD MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Mailing Address 141 MCKEE OIL COMPANY ROAD MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Officers Title PRESIDENT Name MICHAEL PRICE Business Address P O BOX 1019 MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Title SECRETARY Name GUY V MCKEE JR Business Address P O BOX 1019 MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 Title VICE PRESIDENT���� Name W NEIL PRICE Business Address P O BOX 1019 MOUNT OLIVE NC 28365 11 1� Stock i3Y http //www secretary state ne us/corporations/Corp aspx9Pitem1d=4970658 5/25/2012 SOSID 0056395 Date Filed 9/23/2011 3 05 00 PM Elaine F Marshall CD•479 (42) Business Corporation North Carolina A North Carolina Secretary of State 11-22-10 This report may be filed online at the Secretary of State website jM CA201126600131 NameofBus Corporation FRIENDLY MART, INC. Fiscal Year Ending 04 30 11 State of incorporation NC Month ! Day ! Year Secretary of State ID Number 0056395 1 hereby certify that an annual report complew In Its entirety has been submitted and the information requested below (required by NCGS 55-16 22) has not changed and Is therefore complete Nature of Business Registered Agent. Registered Office Mailing Address County City State Zip Code Registered Office Street Address County City State Zip Code Signature of New Reglstered Agent (Signature constitutes consent to the appolniment) Principal Office Telephone Number Principal Office Mailing Address City State Zip Code Principal Office Street Address City State Tip Code Name, Title, and Business Address of Principal Officers Name Title Address City State Zip Name Title Address City State Zip Name Title Address City State rffl n of Waal r port (M plated by all Business Corporations) 3, Ipnet P Farm m slgn-d byan officer of corporation)a� InyL�a.tl�cl_L-1Q Typo or Print Name ZIP Date Title c SOSID 0056395 Date Filed 11/29/2001 148 PM Effective 11/30/2001 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT Elaine F Marshall OF North Carolina Secretary of State 3 3 3S� FRIENDLY MART, INC Pursuant to §55-10-06 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned corporation hereby submits the following Articles of Amendment for the purpose of amending its Articles of Incorporation (1) The name of the corporation is Friendly Mart, Inc (2) The text of each amendment adopted is as follows Delete Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation in its entirety and insert the following in lieu thereof -ARTICLE IV The corporation shall have authority to issue eleven thousand (11,000) shares of stock, consisting of ten thousand (10,000) Class A Shares of common stock, having no par value, and one thousand (1,000) Class B Shares of cornmon stock, having no par value Except as otherwise provided by the laws of the State of North Carolina, Class B Shares of common stock shall not have the right to vote for the election of directors of the corporation, and shall not have the right to vote on any matter presented to the shareholders for their vote or approval With the exception of voting rights, each class of shares shall have identical rights in all respects " (3) The amendment provides for an exchange and cancellation of issued shares, provisions for implementing the amendment are as follows Effective upon the filing of these Articles of Amendment, the Board of Directors of the Company will make the following offer for each share of capital stock now issued and outstanding One (1) share of newly authorized Class A Shares of ,, common stock will be exchanged for every twenty-five (25) sh e= E I of common stock now issued and outstanding MAY t2012 -2- Surrendered shares will be cancelled (4) The date of adoption of the amendments was November 28, 2001 (5) The foregoing amendment was unanimously approved by the shareholders, as follows (a) The designation, number of outstanding shares, number of votes entitled to be cast by each voting group entitled to vote separately on the amendment, and number of votes of each voting group indisputably represented at the meeting were as follows Designation of Class # of Outstanding # of Votes # of Votes or Series Shares Entitled to he Cast Represented Common 240 240 240 (b) Total number of votes cast for and against the amendment by each voting group entitled to vote on the amendment was as follows # of Votes Cast Designation of Class or Series FOR AGAINST Common 240 0 (6) These articles will be effective November 30, 2001, at 11 58 o'clock p in This the 2811 day of November, 2001 FRIENDLY MART. INC F(Document"licelWPDOCSICorporatelFriendly Mart, InclFrlendly Mart - ARTICLES OFAMENDMENT wpd North Carolina Secretary of State Page] of 2 North Carolina Elaine F- Marshall D EPARTM ENT OF THE Secretary S EC R ETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 2762"622 (919)807-2000 Date 5/25/2012 Click here to View Document Filings I File an Annual Report °A Print a pre -populated Annual Report Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names Name Type (ame NC HIGHWAY 258 LEGAL INVESTORS, INC Business rmatton SOSID 0895432 Status Current -Active Effective Date 1/30/2007 Annual Report Due Date Citizenship DOMESTIC State of Inc NC Duration PERPETUAL Annual Report Status CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name BULLOCK BETTY Office Address 405 JOHNSON BLVD JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Mailing Address PO BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Principal Office Office Address 405 JOHNSON BLVD JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Mailing Address PO BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Officers PRESIDENT Came J DEWEY EDWARDS JR usiness Address PO BOX 1057 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540. Title VICE PRESIDENT Name BETTY BULLOCK Business Address PO BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Title VICE PRESIDENT Name JOHN PIERCE Business Address 118 FAWN TRAIL JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Stock EG E E 'sip` tom. 11 MAY 3 0 2012 http I/www secretary state nc us/corporations/Corp aspx9Pitemld=8139498 5/25/2012 ONAMOF BUSINESS CORPORATION 0 ANNUAL REPORT BUSINESS CORPORATION Highway 258Investors, Inc FISCAL YEAR ENDING SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATE ID NUMBER 0895432 NATURE OF BUSINESS Real &tale investment REGISTERED AGENT Bullock, Betty REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 1685 Jacksoinalte, NC 28540 Date Filed 5/13/2011 3 18 00 PM Elaine F Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State STATE OF INCORPORATION NC REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 40SJohnson Blvd Jacksonville, NC 28S40 Onslow County SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER (910) 346-9800 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICERS Name J Dewey Edwards Jr Trtk President Address PO Box 1057 Jacksonville, NC 28540 405-labusapt &4 P4 /3o-k /togs Jacksonville, NC 28540 APT Johnson 131Vd. Jccck5o,,1vtlrt.1N(- 1285") Name Betty Bullock Titk Vice President Address PO Boat 1685 Jacksonville, NC 28540 Name John Pierce Ttik Nce President Address 118 Fawn Trail Jacksonville, NC 28540 CERTIFICATION O AL REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL BUSINESS CORPORATIONS FORM M6rOSIOVED BY AN OFFICER OF T RE CORPORATION DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE $25 MAIL T& Seorctary of State • Colp mom Dkvmon • Post O&'im Box 29575 • Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 C200702900146 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR HIGHWAY 258 INVESTORS, INC. SOSID: 895432 Date Filed 1/30/1007 9.10 00 AM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C 200702900146 Pursuant to General Statute Section 55-2-02 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Incorporation for the purpose of forming a business corporation 1 The name of the corporation is HIGHWAY 258 INVESTORS, INC 2. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is One Hundred Thousand (100,000), all of one class, designated as common stock 3 The street address and county of the initial registered office of the corporation Is 409 Johnson Boulevard,, Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina 28540 4 The mailing address of the initial registered office is Post Office Box 1685, Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540. S The name of the initial registered agent is Betty Bullock 6. The name and address of the incorporator is J Dewey Edwards, Jr , 219 New Bridge Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540 7 These articles will be effective upon filing This the 25"' day of January, 2007 J. EY EDWA DS, JR 1he6rporator It STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ONSLOW I, Jennifer M Shugart, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that J Dewey Edwards, Jr personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Instrument Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this 2S`h day of January, 2007 My commission expires Notary Public INEGEIVF MAY 302012 kS Y �_ (Page 1 of 6) l 1 W 10011111111111115 Doe I0 002245870000 Type CRP Recorded 02/01/2001 at 03 46 13 PM Fee Amt $778 00 P&OR i of e Excise Tax $750.00 Onslo++ Caunty' Mildred M Ttiomaa Replster of Deeds SK2813 i,405-110 Delinquent taxes, if any, will be paid out of the closing This deed presented to proceeds to the Onslow County Tax Collector by the closing I fit nto 2-a C l 'fitu QIBce attorney. gate ,�;L.Q�. Clerk NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax $7 00 Parcel Identifier No _ 320-3 Verified by County on the day of 20 13y Mall/Box to _ Gavl or _ Edwards & Vat&er,,, Attnrrte�s This i istrttment was prepared by TISDALE, McCONNELL & BARDILL, LLP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Brief descnptron for the Index 42 9_acres, Lot 2, Survey_ for Lillian Wells Estate THIS DEED made this 1 th day of December, 209&, by and between DONNA CREECH POWELL, WIDOW„ VIICHAELJAMES CREECH, SINGLE, NORMA POWELL WALTERS AND HUSBAND, MICHAEL H WALTERS, VIRGINIA POWELL MIDDLETON, WIDOW, JANET POWELL NAINCE AND HUSBAND, DALE NANCE, JOHN SHEPPARD POWELL AND WIFE, DORETHA POWELL, N BOYD TISDALE AND JEFFREY S MILLER, CO - ADMINISTRATORS OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN A POWELL GRANTEE HIGHWAY 258 INVESTORS, INC., A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION Enter in appropriate block for each party name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e g corporation or partnership The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heus successoia, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Jacksonville Township, Onslow County, North Carolina and more pantcularly described as follows SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AS IF FULLY HEREIN SET OUT The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 934, page L66 A map showing the above described property is recorded in Map Book _, Pane TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and ail privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple EGEOVE NC Bar Association Form No 3 © t976, Revised © 1977, 2002 Fruited by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 - Chicago Title Insurance Company MAY 3 0 2012 BY Book 2813 Facie 3.05 Sea (Page 2 o! 6) And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the lame in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions By _ Tide By .___ Title By _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the forego as of the day and year first above written EAL) (Entity Name) NNA CREECH POWELL MIC AEL JAMAEL JAM ' ECH /r't�ill li�'rar/�L (SEAL) NORMA P /WELL WALTERS y (SEAL) 'MIC HAE 17 HIPWAWT ERS U EAL) VIR NIA OWELL IDDLETON tZ POW N LL 6,Y17 hkv��� (SEAL) DALE NAirNCE SEAL) VoW � (SEAL) DORETHA POWELL ,vim 4 EAL) N BOYD T SDALE, CO -ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF NO&MA.N A POWELL (SEAL) JEFFRE - MILLER, CO- MINISTRATOR OF THE BSTATE OF NORMAN A POWELL NC Bar Assowation Form No 3 .9� 1976 Revised © 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association — 1981 - Chicago Title Insurance Company Bon$ 2B13 Page 105 sea (Page 3 of 6) EXHIBIT "A" Lying and being in Jacksonville Township, Onslow County, State of North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a stake in the western right-of-way line of N C Highway 24 and U S Highway 258, said stake lying in the northernmost comer on said highway of Lot No 1 as shown on the map hereinafter referred to, running thence with the western right-of-way line of N C Highway 24 and U S Highway 258 North 31 degrees 15 minutes West 669 feet to the southern comer on said highway of a tract presently owned by Evelyn Richardson as shown by deed dated August 1, 1960, recorded in Book 294, Page 285, Onslow County Registry, and running thence with the Richardson line South 58 degrees 20 minutes West 448 feet to an iron stake in the edge of a farm road, thence with said farm road South 70 degrees 20 minutes West 107 feet to an iron stake, thence North 11 degrees 40 minutes West 293 feet to an iron stake in the end of a ditch, thence with the vanous courses of said ditch a general course of North 6 degrees 0 minutes West 245 feet to a stake, thence North 86 degrees 20 minutes West 500 feet to a point in the south prong of Gravly Run as shown as "E" on a map hereinafter referred to, thence a traverse line (the south prong of Gravly Run being the line however) the following courses and distances North 86 degrees 20 minutes West 149 5 feet, South 43 degrees 0 minutes West 216 feet, South 33 degrees 10 minutes West 485 4 feet, South 60 degrees 0 minutes West 173 feet, South 08 degrees 20 minutes West 206 0 feet, South 53 degrees 40 minutes West 200 feet to a stake marked "F" in the south prong of Gravly Run, thence leaving the run of the south prong of Gravly Run South 83 degrees 15 minutes West 692 feet, thence South 17 degrees 25 minutes East 430 feet to an old Bay Stump, a comer of Lot No l on map hereinafter referred to, thence with the northern line of Lot I North 77 degrees 0 minutes East 749 4 feet, North 79 degrees 50 minutes East 599 2 feet, North 78 degrees 35 minutes East 1,630 feet to the point of beginning in the western right-of-way line of N C Highway 24 and U S Highway 258, containing 42 9 acres, more or less, all as shown as Lot 2 on a map entitled "Map of Survey for Lillian Wells Estate, Jacksonville Township, Onslow County, North Carolina," said map dated October, 1962, made by G B Williams, Registered Land Surveyor, Burgaw, North Carolina SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following two tracts of real property described as follows TRACT ONE Commencing at the centerline intersection of US 258/NC 24 and NC 111 and following the centerline of US 258/NC 24 in a general southerly direction 0 4 miles to a PK nail over a culvert, Thence with the centerline of the turn lane of US 258/NC 24 North 31 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds West 1082 72 feet to a PK Nail, Thence North 31 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East 235 33 feet to a PK Nail labeled point "A", Thence leaving said centerline and with the centerline of a 30-foot access easement South 53 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West 287 84 feet to an iron pipe, Thence North 78 degrees 43 minutes 24 seconds East 50 50 feet to an iron pipe, Thence North 83 degrees 11 minutes 12 seconds West 127 72 feet to an iron pipe labeled "B", the terminus of said easement, Thence North 15 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds West 48 46 feet to an iron pipe, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING Thence from said beginning South 78 degrees 35 minutes West 208 93 feet to an iron stake, Thence South 15 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds East 209 00 feet to a point in a ditch (passing an online iron pipe on the bank at 205 19 feet), Thence with the centerline of said ditch North 78 degrees 35 minutes East 208 93 feet to an iron pipe, Thence leaving said ditch North 15 degrees 25 minutes 44 Book 2813 Pave 105 Sea (Page 4 of 6) seconds West 209 00 feet to the beginning Containing 100 acre by D M D There is also conveyed herewith a permanent 14 foot utility easement located along the grantors southern property line described as follows and shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B" Commencing at the centerline intersection of NC l l l and US 2581NC 24 and following the centerline of US 2581NC 24 in a general southerly direction 0 4 miles to a PK Nail over a culvert, Thence with said centerline North 31 degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds West 1066 72 feet to a point labeled "E", THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING Thence from said beginning and along the centerline of said 14 foot easement South 78 degrees 35 minutes West 507 72 feet to a point labeled "D", the terminus of said easement Said point "D" being located North 15 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds West 7 02 feet from the southeast corner of the above referenced l 00 acre tract There is also conveyed herewith a temporary access easement from A to B leading from N C 25 8 - Hwy 24 to the 1 00 acre tract described above and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto It is understood and agreed that the grantor may discontinue or move the location of the temporary access easement so long as grantor provides the City roadway access from N C Hwy 258 to the 100 acre tract described above And being that same property described in a Warranty Deed from Canady Road investment Company, a North Carolina corporation, to The City of Jacksonville, a municipal corporation, dated August 10, 1992, and recorded September 9, 1992 in Book 1069, page 361, Onslow County Registry TRACT TWO Beginning at the northeastern property corner of the Grantors, said corner being the southeastern property corner of Evelyn W Richardson, now or formerly, said comer also being located on the existing southwestern right of way boundary of US 258/NC 24 and said corner being located 50 feet southwest of and normal to Survey Line L, thence running along the southwestern existing right of way boundary of US 258/NC 24, said boundary being located 50 feet southwest of and parallel with Survey Line L in a southeastern direction to the southeastern property corner of the Grantors, said corner being the northeastern property corner of Cecil G Wells, now or fonnerly, thence running along the southern property line of the Grantors in a southwestern direction to the point of intersection with the southwestem right of way boundary of the project, said point being located 60 feet southwest of and normal to Survey Line L, thence running along the southwestern right of way boundary of the project, said right of way boundary being located 60 feet southwest of and parallel with Survey Line L, in a northwestern direction to the point of intersection with the northern property line of the Grantors, thence running along the northern property line of the Grantors in a northeastern direction to the point of the beginning And being that same property described in a Deed from Martin J Slominski and Maggie G Slominski to Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, dated December 21, 1984, and recorded January 30, 1985 in Book 721, page 859, Onslow County Registry Boole 2613 Page 105 sea (Page 5 of 6) SEAL- Fjt N p T A R Y -i to PBLIC' U Iku % fill State of North Carolina - County of C_Kr Lw I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid certify that DONNA CREECH POWELL WID(}W personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing r ment for the purposes therein expressed Witness my hand and Notanal stamp or seal this day of c���i� ,20[31 My�m%tssion Expires ANo lie SEAL -STAMP State of North Carolina - County of I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that MICHAEL JAME5 C EC IGLE, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing ent for the purposes thoretn expressed Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal thus _�ttiay of ,,,in , 20� ftMirar IIVb) My Com � isston Expires Notary Public State of North Carolina - County of _Frbe5ar, il !? ' i, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, c that ORMA POW WALTERS rid SEND HUSBAND, MICHA1sL H WALTERS, personally ap ore me this day and a awledged the - c� • die execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes vein pre Wi d and Notarial A (J �? L r., C, stamp or seal this I � day of , 20 r , My Commission Expires '..��'` QQ-' - t A otary bli State of North Carolina -County ofr t the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State afor id certify that VIRGINIA WELL ?41DDLETON, WIDOW personally appeared before me this d and ckna dged the due exec tr n of the fo egomg instrument for the purposes therein expressed ess y h an Not a s o seal this day of�2ct�k*.r , 20Q t1G� ,,ram - A Commission Expires CA ,•r '`� Lary Pu is Sl»A-STAftQ, State of North Carolina - County of . j5J02ZCQ 0 ,'',, I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and Stare aforesai , cert that IANET POWELL NANCE AND HUSBAND, DALE NANCE, personally appeared be me is day and acknowl ged the due &ecution of the foregom instrument for the purposes there expre ed. Wt ss my d an otanal ~tamp c� • or seal this 19r—"- day ofj�Y— , 20 My Commission Expires r otary blic SEAL -STAMP State of North Carolina - County of 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesat a that JOHN SHEPPARD ELL ' AND WIFE DORETHA POWELL personally appeared be re a this d acknowledged a due xecuuon of the foregorn strument for the purposes there a eased Wi ess m han No I %tamp • r~ f 9r seal this jqt4— day of 20 hIy Commission Expires otary Pub NC Bar Association Form No 3 © 1976, Revised © 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 - Chicago Title Insurance Company Hook 2813 Paae 105 Bea (Page 6` oY 6) SEA., -STAMP State of North Carolina - County of Onslow ' 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that N BOYD TISDALE, AS CO - a 4 ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN A POWELL, personally pp y appeared before me this da L and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing insWent for the purposes therein expressed Witness -my hand and Notarial stamp or seal Iliis� day of , 20AE >r t" t� M Con mission Expues ��. all lNetblit SEAL -STAMP State of North Carolina - County of Onslow NOUM114% I, the undersigned Notary Public of the Cotuity and State aforesaid, comfy that JEFFREY S MILLER, AS CO- • A TqC ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN A POWELL, personally appeared before me this day 'f� d acknowledged the due execution of foregoing in ent for the purposes therein expressed Witness p Y A R Y hand and Notanal stamp or seal thisQ�, day of 44V , 20 (�7 �W PUBLIC C ssion £xpirea t �V r 1 *Not bhc NC Bar Association Form No 3 © 1976, Rev iced O 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association — 1981 - Chicago Title Insurance Company Book 2613 Pace 105 Sea 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro NC 28584 910-325-0006 Business Liconse C-2553 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design Calculations Stormwater Treatment Facilities for Friendly Mart - Highway 258 (Northridge Subdivision) located In Onslow County The Project consists of proposed pond to serve a convenience store 2 COMPUTE POND AREA REQUIRED a Compute Percent Impervious Impervious Areas On -Site Buildings On -Site Streets On -Site Panting On-Srte Sidewalks Other on -site Off -site Sub -Total FUTURE FUTURE(reserved) Total Total Area Drainage to Pond Percent Impervious = PropQsed Future 0 0 4441.57 : 0 665 0 fk 56,772 0 0 0 63,972 0 0 899 or 89 9 % i2 Total 11,360 SF 0 SF 44,757 SF 655 SF 0 0 56,772 SF 7,200 SF 0 63,972 SF 785 SF r E7lrc%rg b Compute Pond Surface Area F, MAY 3 0 2012 Using Surface Area to Drains a Area Ratio Chart for 90% TSS Removal (copy attached) and BY assuming 3.bg foot pond depth SAIDA = 10 38 % (interpolated - Select from Highlighted Cell in SAIDA) Therefore Surface Area = SA/DA x Drainage Area 7,387 SF y ,_Z,'5F must be n 7,387 SF c Compute Minimum Pond Dimensions Assume rectangular shape with 3 1 Length (L) to Width (W) Ratio Min Length = 148 87 feet Min Width = 49 62 feet Site conditions, however, dictate irregular shaped pond Hyd r Length = 1 11 D feet so, Hydr Width (a% 44 3 feet (avg) Actual LIW = 3 9 (irregular shape) 3 DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Design Rainfall Depth =[ 1 inches Using Schuler "Simple Method" Rv = 0 05 + 0 009(I) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0 859 in/in Control Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area Control Volume = 7,642 CIF 4 DETERMINE REQUIRED STORAGE DEPTH Assume 3 1 side slopes solving for depth (d) by trial & error d= 094 5 DETERMINE ORIFICE SIZE Control Volume must be drawn down over a 2 day - 5 day penod Using onfice equation, solve for Diameter (D) that results in 3-112 day period D=(Q10026(h)s)s Where Q = (Control Volume 1 3 5 days x 86,400 seclday) = 0 025 cfs h=D13 = 031 Solving for D Must be > 7,642 SF D = 132 Use 1 50 " pipe Actual Drawdown with actual drawdown pipe diameter (using onfice equation) Q= 0 033 cfs Draw Down Period =!�'•VA' "� days OK , < 5 0 6 SELECT OUTLET STRUCTURE SIZE Size outlet structure such that depth of Q10 flow < or + to 1 5 Feet Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where Cimper _ Q.t� Cpery - D 2 Ccu m = 082 110 = T,SIrY in/hr A = 1 63 ac Q10 = 10 10 cfs Using Francis Formula (Q=3 0LH' 5) to solve for L such that H = Min L = 1 832 Linear Feet Use Linear Foot Weir Use 5 Square Precast Structure 7. DETERMINE Q10 STAGE Q10 = 10 10 cfs From Routing Analysis, H10 = o, 8 DETERMINE 0100 STAGE (ELEV OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY) Using Rational Formula (Q=CIA) where Cimper = 09 Cpery = 02 Ccum = 082 1100 = 19,at3 inlhr A = 163 ac Q100 = 12 79 cfs From Routing Analysis, H100 = 1,03 15 Feet 9 DETERMINE Q100 STAGE OVER EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (TOP BERM ELEV ) Assume primary spillway blocked (i e , emergency spillway to accommodate Q100) Emergency spillway shall be a broad crested earthem weir designed to pass 100 year storm Using broad crested weir equation H = (Q/(Cw x L))2/3 where Q = Q100 12 79 cfs Cw=30 Length = 30 feet H = 0 27 feet 10 FOREBAY SIZING Compute Actual Pond Volumes (using average end method) Avg Main Bay Volume, Elevation Area-(SF.� Pond Bottom 3g 00 230 Bottom Veg Shelf v 40,00 4,240 2,260 Normal Pond 40q ojgl 5,227 Main Bay Volume = 18,430 CF Forebay yQlume .. Elevation Area (SF Area (SF} Pond Bottom 40,01022 Normal Pond 46 50 1,4bt 765 Forebay Volume = 4,973 CF Total Pond Volume = 23,403 CF Incr Incr Cum Qeplh-LEZ) Vol (CF YQLCQF 700 15,817 15,817 050 2,614 18,430 650 4,973 4,073 Total Pond Area = 7,573 SF y eq``'`, °� of Total Volume Foreba Volume equates to Must be > 18% and < 22% Average Pond Depth = 3 09 feet Compare to assumed Depth feet Temp Storage Volume. Elevation Area (SF} Area (5F} Depth (FT) Vol (CE Vol (CF) Normal Pond 4650 7,573 Temp Pond Level ---0.401. 8,531 090 7,677 7,677 Temporary Level should be 4740 or greater Temp Pool Volume = 7,677 CF 11 SUMMARY 100-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm 1-inch Storage Permanent Pool Pond Bottom 12 WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Site Characteristics Drainage Area 71,185 sf Impervious Area 63,972 sf % Impervious 89 9 % Design Rainfall Depth 1 5 in Storage Volume Min Volume Required 7,642 cf Volume Provided 7,677 cf Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24 hour rainfall depth 3 inRational C, predevelopment ... 8.15 Rational C, post development 082 Rainfall Intensity 1 yr 24 hr 0 15 in/hr Pre Dev Q1(24 hour) 0 04 cfs Post Dev Q1 (24 hour) 0 20 cfs Pre/Post Flow Control 0 17 cfs Basin Elevations 1033 48 43 (emerg weir elev) H l00 = 193 934 4744 H10= 094 840 47 40 (primary weir elev) storage depth = 0 90 750 46 50 (invert out elev) pond depth = T 50 0 3900 Basin Bottom Elevation 38 00 feet (Elev) Sediment Cleanout Elevation 39 00 feet (Elev) Permanent Pool Elevation 46 50 feet (Elev) Temporary Pool Elevation 47 40 feet (Elev) Volume and Surface Area Calculations SA/DA ratio 1038 Surface Area Required 7,387 sf Surface Area Provided 7,573 sf Permanent Pool Volume 23,403 cf Average Depth 309 feet Forebay Volume 4,973 cf Forebay % of Total Volume 21 2 % Temporary pool Area 9,488 sf Drawdown Calculations Drawdown Time 2 70 days Discharge Rate 0 033 cfs Pre Dev Q1(24 hour) 0 04 cfs Post Dev 01 (24 hour) 0 03 cfs Additional Information Diameter of onfice 1 50 in Design TSS Removal 90 % Basin Side Slopes 3 1 Vegetated Shelf Slope 10 1 Vegetated Shelf Width 10 ft Length to Width Ratio 4 1 Trash Rack? Yes Freeboard Provided? Yes Vegetated Filter Provided? No Recorded Easement? Yes Captures all Runoff? Yes Drain Mechanism Pump 26 00 132 7937 7506 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 27 00 1 16 6939 7572 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 28 00 101 6067 7629 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 29 00 088 5304 7678 091 4741 006 002 000 008 5 30 00 077 4637 7720 092 4742 006 003 000 009 5 31 00 068 4054 7756 092 4742 006 004 000 009 6 32 00 059 3545 7785 092 4742 006 005 000 010 6 33 00 052 3099 7810 093 4743 006 005 000 011 7 34 00 045 2709 7831 093 4743 006 006 000 012 7 35 00 039 2369 7847 093 4743 006 007 000 012 7 36 00 035 2071 7861 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 37 00 030 1811 7871 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 38 00 026 1683 7879 093 4743 006 008 000 013 8 39 00 023 1384 7885 093 4743 006 008 000 014 8 40 00 020 1210 7889 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 41 00 018 1058 7891 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 42 00 015 925 7892 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 43 00 013 809 7892 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 44 00 012 707 7891 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 45 00 010 618 7889 094 4744 006 008 000 014 8 46 00 009 540 7886 093 4743 006 008 000 014 8 47 00 008 472 7883 093 4743 006 008 000 013 8 48 00 007 413 7879 093 4743 006 008 000 013 8 49 00 006 361 7875 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 50 00 005 316 7870 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 51 00 005 276 7865 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 52 00 004 241 7859 093 4743 006 007 000 013 8 53 00 004 211 7854 093 4743 006 007 000 012 7 54 00 003 184 7848 093 4743 006 007 000 012 7 55 00 003 161 7843 093 4743 006 006 000 012 7 56 00 002 141 7837 093 4743 006 006 000 012 7 57 00 002 123 7831 093 4743 006 006 000 012 7 58 00 002 108 7825 093 4743 006 006 000 012 7 59 00 002 094 7819 093 4743 006 006 000 Oil 7 60 00 001 082 7813 093 4743 006 005 000 Oil 7 61 00 001 072 7807 093 4743 006 005 000 Oil 7 62 00 001 063 7801 093 4743 006 005 000 Oil 6 63 00 001 055 7795 093 4743 006 005 000 Oil 6 64 00 001 048 7789 093 4743 006 005 000 010 6 65 00 001 042 7783 092 4742 006 005 000 010 6 66 00 001 037 7778 092 4742 006 004 000 010 6 67 00 001 032 7772 092 4742 006 004 000 010 6 68 00 000 028 7766 092 4742 006 004 000 010 6 69 00 000 025 7761 092 4742 006 004 000 010 6 70 00 000 021 7755 092 4742 006 004 000 009 6 71 00 000 019 7749 092 4742 006 004 000 009 6 72 01 000 016 7744 092 4742 006 004 000 009 6 73 01 000 014 7739 092 4742 006 003 000 009 5 74 01 000 013 7733 092 4742 006 003 000 009 5 75 01 000 Oil 7728 092 4742 006 003 000 009 5 76 01 000 010 7723 092 4742 006 003 000 009 5 77 01 000 008 7718 092 4742 006 003 000 008 5 78 01 000 007 7713 092 4742 006 003 000 008 5 79 01 000 006 7708 092 4742 006 003 000 008 5 80 01 000 006 7703 092 4742 006 002 000 008 5 81 01 000 005 7698 092 4742 006 002 000 008 5 82 01 000 004 7693 092 4742 006 002 000 008 5 83 01 000 004 7689 091 4741 006 002 000 008 5 84 01 000 003 7684 091 4741 006 002 000 008 5 85 01 000 003 7680 091 4741 006 002 000 008 5 86 01 000 003 7675 091 4741 006 002 000 007 4 87 01 000 002 7671 091 4741 006 002 000 007 4 88 01 000 002 7666 091 4741 006 002 000 007 4 89 01 000 002 7662 091 4741 006 002 000 007 4 90 01 000 001 7657 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 91 01 000 001 7653 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 92 01 000 001 7649 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 93 01 000 001 7645 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 94 01 000 001 7641 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 95 01 000 001 7637 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 96 01 000 001 7633 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 97 01 000 001 7629 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 Simplified Routing Procedure Protect Fnendly Mart = Hi wa258,N_o hndge Subdivisio Date4I2172012 Increment 17z - minutes (Must be < 10 minutes) Time Time Inflow(cfs) Inflow Stored Volume Stage Water Surface U11W (dates) iQW (4 (-QO l Elevation 0 00 000 000 0 000 4650 1 00 026 1570 16 000 4650 2 00 102 61 16 77 002 46,52 3 00 219 131 63 208 004 4654 4 00 366 21976 427 008 4658 5 00 527 31634 742 012 4662 6 00 685 41129 1152 018 4668 7 00 825 49470 1645 024 4674 8 00 930 55786 2202 031 4681 9 00 990 59417 2794 038 4688 10 00 1000 59985 3391 045 4695 11 00 957 57430 3963 052 4702 12 00 867 52018 4481 057 4707 13 00 759 45518 4933 062 4712 14 00 663 39796 5329 067 4717 15 00 580 34793 5674 070 4720 cr 16 00 507 30419 5975 074 4724 M 17 00 443 26594 6238 076 4726 < 18 00 388 23251 6467 079 4729 w 19 00 339 20328 6667 081 4731 a 20 00 296 17772 6842 083 4733 o 21 00 259 15538 6994 084 4734 s 22 00 226 13585 7127 086 4736 p� p� l i r 23 00 198 11877 7242 087 4737 24 00 1 73 10384 7343 088 4738 25 00 1 51 9078 7430 089 4739 l ais r t lJ Ye " r Orrtice� eir Outflow Outflow tcw 000 000 000 000 001 000 001 000 002 000 002 000 002 000 003 000 003 000 004 000 004 000 004 000 004 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 006 000 006 000 006 000 Crystal Coast Engineering. R 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, NC 28584 910-325.0006 Business License C-2553 Pump Total Total Outflow Outflow Outflow �Qw (Co 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 001 000 002 000 002 000 002 000 003 000 003 000 004 000 004 000 004 000 004 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 005 000 006 000 006 000 006 0 0 0 1 7 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 98 01 000 000 7625 091 4741 006 001 000 007 4 99 01 000 000 7621 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 100 01 000 000 7617 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 101 01 000 000 7613 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 102 01 000 000 7609 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 103 01 000 000 7606 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 104 01 000 000 7602 091 4741 006 001 000 006 4 105 01 000 000 7598 091 4741 006 000 000 006 4 106 01 000 000 7594 091 4741 006 000 000 006 4 107 01 000 000 7591 090 4740 006 000 000 006 4 108 01 000 000 7587 090 4740 006 000 000 006 4 109 01 000 000 7584 090 4740 006 000 000 006 4 110 01 000 000 7580 090 4740 006 000 000 006 4 111 01 000 000 7577 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 112 01 000 000 7573 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 113 01 000 000 7570 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 114 01 000 000 7566 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 115 01 000 000 7563 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 116 01 000 000 7559 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 117 01 000 000 7556 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 118 01 000 000 7553 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 119 01 000 000 7549 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 120 01 000 000 7546 090 4740 006 000 000 006 3 Inflow Hydrograph C= MEW0'821 (Using Malcolm Step Function) I = 75 in/hr A= WRAP6,31 a Qpeak 10 0 cfs tp = 10 minutes Time Flow (Q) (min) (cfs) 0 000 1 026 2 1 02 3 219 4 366 5 527 6 685 7 825 8 930 9 990 10 1000 11 957 12 867 13 759 14 663 15 580 16 507 17 443 18 388 19 339 20 296 21 259 22 226 23 198 24 1 73 25 151 26 132 27 1 16 28 101 29 088 30 077 31 068 32 059 33 052 34 045 35 039 36 035 37 030 38 026 39 023 Length W'shed= Height W'shed= tc= 10 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 020 018 015 013 012 010 009 008 007 006 005 005 004 004 003 003 002 002 002 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 90 000 91 000 92 000 93 000 94 000 95 000 96 000 97 000 98 000 99 000 100 000 101 000 102 000 103 000 104 000 105 000 106 000 107 000 108 000 109 000 110 000 111 000 112 000 113 000 114 000 115 000 116 000 117 000 118 000 119 000 120 000 Accum Z ]LolUms Stage 0 85895 18798 30240 429725 57052 72535 In-S lt1Z 0 1 905 296 0 2 , 9118% 1506 , 0 1'4 zx�kr 3 M 1692 1 098612 4 10 66832 1 386294 5 1095172 1 609438 6 11 19182 1791759 b = 1 158574 Ks = 852499 Zat CoMMent Contour at Normal Pond (wet pond) or Basin Bottc 1 006528 1 978856 2982806 4039673 5159177 6 347239 Contour at Berm Top Regression Analysis Y Data Range Regression Analysis X Data Range SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0999868 R Square 0999737 Adjusted R 0999605 Standard E 0013848 Observatio 4 ANOVA df SS MS F ignificance F Regressior 1 1 455324 1 455324231 7588 758 0 000132 Residual 2 0 000384 0 000191774 Total 3 1 455708 Coefclents+andard Ern t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 9 050757 0 012633 716 4242039 1 95E-06 8 996401 9 105114 X Variable 1 158574 00133 87 1134756 0000132 1 10135 1 215797 MIECEIVE MAY 302012 13Y Outlet Device 1 (Orifice) Diameter of Orifice = f 14,' 1n Cd = KMIM0,61 Cross Sectional Area = 0 012266 sf g = 32 2 ft/sec2 Stage Head Q UP&O lCW 000 000 000 001 000 000 002 000 000 003 000 000 004 000 000 005 000 000 006 000 000 007 001 001 008 002 001 009 003 001 010 004 001 011 005 001 012 006 001 013 007 002 014 008 002 015 009 002 016 010 002 017 Oil 002 018 012 002 019 013 002 020 014 002 021 015 002 022 016 002 023 017 002 024 018 002 025 019 003 026 020 003 Outlet Device 2 (Weir) Weir Length = 4 feet Cw= 3 Weir Elevations feet Stage Head Q kQkl 000 -0 90 000 001 -089 000 002 -0 88 000 003 -087 000 004 -0 86 000 005 -0 85 000 006 -084 000 007 -0 83 000 008 -0 82 000 009 -081 000 010 -0 80 000 Oil -0 79 000 012 -0 78 000 013 -0 77 000 014 -076 000 015 -075 000 016 -0 74 000 017 -0 73 000 018 -0 72 000 019 -071 000 020 -0 70 000 021 -069 000 022 -0 68 000 023 -0 67 000 024 -0 66 000 025 -0 65 000 026 -0 64 000 027 -0 63 000 028 -0 62 000 029 -0 61 000 030 -0 60 000 031 -0 59 000 Use 3 33 for Sharp, 3,00 for Broad or Free 032 -058 000 033 -0 57 000 034 -0 56 000 035 -0 55 000 036 -0 54 000 037 -0 53 000 038 -0 52 000 039 -0 51 000 040 -0 50 000 041 -049 000 Simplified Routing Procedure Project Friendly IVlart NH 2581(N'Or#hndge Subdlvisi ` ars Date=4f21'f20�1'2�" 40.*,w Nam'' Increment �10 minutes (Must be < 10 minutes) �yT Onfic Time Time Inflow(cfs) Inflow Stored Volume Stage Water Surface Outflow (MIM (_dates} (CM to 44 ffu Elevation icw 0 00 000 000 0 000 4650 000 10 00 033 19886 199 004 4654 001 20 00 1 29 77467 967 015 4665 002 30 00 278 166732 2620 036 4686 004 40 00 464 278361 5382 067 4717 005 50 00 668 400698 9360 108 4758 006 60 00 868 520972 13965 153 4803 007 70 00 1044 626625 16577 1 78 4828 008 80 01 11 78 706625 17699 1 88 4838 008 90 01 1254 752621 18207 193 4843 008 100 01 1266 759810 18284 1 93 4843 008 110 01 1212 727442 17960 1 90 4840 008 120 01 1098 6588 96 17273 184 4834 008 130 01 961 576560 16434 176 4826 008 140 01 840 504077 15664 169 4819 008 150 01 735 440706 14963 163 4813 008 160 01 642 385302 14325 1 57 4807 007 170 01 561 336863 13744 1 51 4801 007 180 01 491 294514 13214 146 4796 007 190 01 429 257489 12730 1 41 4791 007 200 01 375 2251 18 12290 137 4787 007 210 01 328 196817 11887 133 4783 007 220 02 287 172074 11520 1 30 4780 007 230 02 251 150441 11185 1 26 4776 007 240 02 219 131528 10878 1 23 4773 007 250 02 1 92 114993 10598 121 4771 006 r Outflow (Cf-9) 000 000 000 000 000 095 602 983 1162 1245 1258 1204 1093 961 844 741 651 572 503 442 388 341 300 264 232 204 Crystal CQas ngineerina. P, 205-3 Ward Road Swainsboro, NC 28584 910-325-0006 Business License C-2553 Pump Total Total Outflow Outflow Outflow 000 000 0 000 001 7 000 002 14 000 004 21 000 005 29 000 101 605 000 609 3654 000 991 5944 000 1170 7019 000 1253 7521 000 1266 7598 000 1213 7276 000 1101 6605 000 968 5810 000 851 5108 000 749 4491 000 658 3950 000 579 3475 000 510 3058 000 449 2692 000 395 2370 000 348 2088 000 307 1840 000 270 1622 000 238 1430 000 210 1262 260 02 168 100536 10342 1 18 4768 006 179 000 186 1114 270 02 146 87897 10107 1 16 4766 006 158 000 164 983 280 02 128 76847 9892 1 14 4764 006 138 000 145 869 290 02 1 12 67186 9696 1 12 4762 006 122 000 128 768 300 02 098 58740 9515 1 10 4760 006 107 000 1 13 679 310 02 086 51355 9350 108 4758 006 094 000 100 601 320 02 075 44899 9199 107 4757 006 083 000 089 532 330 02 065 39254 9059 105 4755 006 072 000 079 471 340 02 057 34320 8932 104 4754 006 064 000 070 418 350 02 050 30005 8814 1 03 4753 006 056 000 062 370 360 03 044 26233 8706 102 4752 006 049 000 055 329 370 03 038 22935 8607 101 4751 006 043 000 049 292 380 03 033 20052 8515 100 4750 006 037 000 043 260 390 03 029 17531 8431 099 4749 006 033 000 039 231 400 03 026 16327 8353 098 4748 006 028 000 034 206 410 03 022 13400 8281 098 4748 006 025 000 031 184 420 03 020 11715 8215 097 4747 006 022 000 027 164 430 03 017 10243 8153 096 4746 006 019 000 024 147 440 03 015 8955 8096 096 4746 006 016 000 022 131 450 03 013 7829 8043 095 4745 006 014 000 020 118 460 03 Oil 6845 7994 095 4745 006 012 000 018 106 470 03 010 5984 7948 094 4744 006 010 000 016 95 480 03 009 5232 7906 094 4744 006 009 000 014 86 490 03 008 4574 7866 093 4743 006 007 000 013 77 500 03 007 3999 7829 093 4743 006 006 000 012 70 510 04 006 3496 7794 093 4743 006 006 000 011 63 520 04 005 3057 7761 092 4742 006 004 000 010 58 530 04 004 2673 7730 092 4742 006 003 000 009 53 540 04 004 2337 7701 092 4742 006 002 0 00 008 48 550 04 003 2043 7673 091 4741 006 002 000 007 45 560 04 003 1786 7646 091 4741 006 001 000 007 41 570 04 003 1561 7620 091 4741 006 001 000 006 39 580 04 002 1365 7595 091 4741 006 000 000 006 36 590 04 002 1194 7571 090 4740 006 000 000 006 35 600 04 002 1044 7546 090 4740 006 000 000 006 34 610 04 002 912 7522 090 4740 006 000 000 006 34 620 04 001 798 7496 089 4739 006 000 000 006 34 630 04 001 697 7470 089 4739 006 000 000 006 33 640 04 001 610 7442 089 4739 006 000 000 006 33 650 05 001 533 7414 089 4739 006 000 000 006 33 660 05 001 466 7386 088 4738 006 000 000 006 33 670 05 001 407 7356 088 4738 006 000 000 006 33 680 05 001 356 7327 088 4738 006 000 000 006 33 690 05 001 311 7297 087 4737 006 000 000 006 33 700 05 000 272 7266 087 4737 006 000 000 006 33 710 05 000 238 7236 087 4737 006 000 000 006 33 720 05 000 208 7205 086 4736 005 000 000 005 33 730 05 000 182 7173 086 4736 005 000 000 005 33 740 05 000 159 7142 086 4736 005 000 000 005 33 750 05 000 139 7111 086 4736 005 000 000 005 33 760 05 000 1 22 7079 085 4735 005 000 000 006 33 770 05 000 106 7048 085 4735 005 000 000 005 33 780 05 000 093 7016 085 4735 005 000 000 005 33 790 05 000 081 6984 084 4734 005 000 000 005 33 800 06 000 071 6952 084 4734 005 000 000 005 32 810 06 000 062 6920 084 4734 005 000 000 005 32 820 06 000 054 6889 083 4733 005 000 000 005 32 830 06 000 047 6857 083 4733 005 000 000 005 32 840 06 000 042 6825 083 4733 005 000 000 005 32 850 06 000 036 6793 082 4732 005 000 000 005 32 860 06 000 032 6761 082 4732 005 000 000 005 32 870 06 000 028 6729 082 4732 005 000 000 005 32 880 06 000 024 6698 081 4731 005 000 000 005 32 890 06 000 021 6666 081 4731 005 000 000 005 32 900 06 000 019 6634 081 4731 005 000 000 005 32 910 06 000 016 6603 080 4730 005 000 000 005 32 920 06 000 014 6571 080 4730 005 000 000 005 32 930 06 000 012 6540 080 4730 005 000 000 005 32 940 07 000 Oil 6508 079 4729 005 000 000 005 32 950 07 000 009 6477 079 4729 005 000 000 005 31 960 07 000 008 6445 079 4729 005 000 000 005 31 970 07 000 007 6414 078 4728 005 000 000 005 31 980 07 000 006 6383 078 4728 005 000 000 005 31 990 07 000 006 6351 078 4728 005 000 000 006 31 1000 07 000 005 6320 077 4727 005 000 000 005 31 1010 07 000 004 6289 077 4727 005 000 000 005 31 1020 07 000 004 6258 077 4727 005 000 000 005 31 1030 07 000 003 6227 076 4726 005 000 000 005 31 1040 07 000 003 6196 076 4726 005 000 000 005 31 1050 07 000 002 6165 076 4726 005 000 000 005 31 1060 07 000 002 6135 075 4725 005 000 000 005 31 1070 07 000 002 6104 075 4725 005 000 000 005 31 1080 08 000 002 6073 076 4725 006 000 000 005 31 1090 08 000 001 6043 074 4724 005 000 000 005 31 1100 08 000 001 6012 074 4724 005 000 000 005 30 1110 08 000 001 5982 074 4724 005 000 000 005 30 1120 08 000 001 5961 073 4723 005 000 000 005 30 1130 08 000 001 5921 073 4723 005 000 000 005 30 1140 08 000 001 5891 073 4723 005 000 000 005 30 1150 08 000 001 5860 072 4722 005 000 000 005 30 1160 08 000 001 5830 072 4722 005 000 000 005 30 1170 08 000 000 5800 072 4722 005 000 000 005 30 1180 08 000 000 5770 071 4721 005 000 000 005 30 1190 08 000 000 5740 071 4721 005 000 000 005 30 1200 08 000 000 5710 071 4721 005 000 000 005 30 Inflow Hydrograph C= F 082 Length Ws 600 (Using Malcolm Step Function) I = 95 mlhr Height W'shed= IfftWW21 A= 19MR0 ac Qpeak tp = Time Flow (Q) (min) (cfs) 0 000 1 033 2 1 29 3 278 4 464 5 668 6 868 7 1044 8 11 78 9 1254 10 1266 11 1212 12 1098 13 961 14 840 15 735 16 642 17 561 18 491 19 429 20 375 21 328 22 287 23 251 24 219 25 192 26 168 27 146 28 128 29 1 12 30 098 31 086 32 075 33 065 34 057 35 050 36 044 37 038 38 033 39 029 12 7 cfs 10 minutes tc= 10 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 026 022 020 017 015 013 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 004 003 003 003 002 002 002 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 90 000 91 000 92 000 93 000 94 000 95 000 96 000 97 000 98 000 99 000 100 000 101 000 102 000 103 000 104 000 105 000 106 000 107 000 108 000 109 000 110 000 111 000 112 000 113 000 114 000 115 000 116 000 117 000 118 000 119 000 120 000 Accum Z Volume Stage !n3 ln_Z Zit Comment 0 0 Contour at Normal Pond (wet pond) or Basin Bottc 85895 1 9 058296 0 1 006528 18798 2 9s841'506 0 B 314 1 978856 30240 3 1 31692 1` 098 2 2982805 429725 4 0 66832 1 386294 4039673 57052 5 1095172 1 609438 5159177 72535 6 11 19182 1 791759 6 347239 Contour at Berm Top b = 1 158574 KS = 852499 Regression Analysis Y Data Range Regression Analysis X Data Range SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0999868 R Square 0999737 Adjusted R 0999605 Standard E 0013848 Observatio 4 ANOVA df SS MS F ignfficance F Regressior 1 1455324 1 455324231 7588 758 0 000132 Residual 2 0000384 0000191774 Total 3 1455708 Coeffrcientsfandard Errs t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95% Intercept 9 050757 0 012633 716 4242039 1 95E-06 8 996401 9 105114 X Variable 1 158574 00133 87 1134756 0000132 1 10135 1 215797 Outlet Device 1 (Orifice) Diameter of Orifice RON WlF5 in Cd = MAMKOT61 Cross Sectional Area 0 012266 sf g = 32 2 ft/sec2 Stage Head Q (fit] lQl 000 000 000 001 000 000 002 000 000 003 000 000 004 000 000 005 000 000 006 000 000 007 001 001 008 002 001 009 003 001 010 004 001 011 006 001 012 006 001 013 007 002 014 008 002 015 009 002 016 010 002 017 011 002 018 012 002 019 013 002 020 014 002 021 015 002 022 016 002 023 017 002 024 018 002 025 019 003 026 020 003 Outlet Device 2 (Weir) Weir Length = KUdOW41feet Cw= 3 Weir Elevations MM4,71�41 feet Stage Head Q lcf;3,1 000 -0 90 000 001 -0 89 000 002 -088 000 003 -0 87 000 004 -0 86 000 005 -085 000 006 -084 000 007 -0 83 000 008 -0 82 000 009 -081 000 010 -080 000 0 11 -0 79 000 012 -0 78 000 013 -0 77 000 014 -076 000 015 -0 75 000 016 -0 74 000 017 -0 73 000 018 -0 72 000 019 -0 71 000 020 -0 70 000 021 -069 000 022 -068 000 023 -067 000 024 -0 66 000 025 -0 65 000 026 -064 000 027 -063 000 028 -0 62 000 029 -0 61 000 030 -0 60 000 031 -059 000 Use 3 33 for Sharp, 3,00 for Broad or Free 032 -0 58 000 033 -057 000 034 -056 000 035 -055 000 036 -054 000 037 -053 000 038 -052 000 039 -0 51 000 040 -050 000 041 -049 000 - �. �.n. __ �-_ � - z` ";' 33 ;S_. - - F Stormwater Treatment Narrative Friendly Mart — Highway 258 at Northridge Subdivision Highway 258 investors, Inc owns a 4190 acres tract located on Highway 258 (Richlands Highway), 1800 feet South of NC 1 I 1 (Catherine Lake Road) in Jacksonville Townslup, NC The owner will subdivide the tract into several parcels dedicated for residential and commercial developments A final plat (See attached) showing Lot 2 with 2 41 acres will be the location of the proposed project The developer, Friendly mart, Inc, wishes to construct, within Lot 2, a convenience store/gas station (with associated sidewalks and parking) and Stormwater Treatment Facilities (Wet Detention Basin) The Treatment Facilities will be sized to handle the proposed constructions The project site is located in the White Oak River basin The tract is currently undeveloped with most runoff naturally draining to the north towards an UT of New River (C,NS W—19-(1)) and roadside DOT swale The site is gently sloped (0 6%-1 5% slopes) The proposed development activities are high density (percent impervious > 24%), therefore, stormwater treatment facilities are required The attached Stormwater Plan includes a wet detention basin to be located at the Northern section of the site This pond has been designed to meet the NPDES Phase II Rules, and according to current BMP Manual Specifications The stormwater pond has been designed with a connected forebay and main pond Runoff generated from new impervious surfaces on site will be diverted to the forebay via inlets and underground storm drain pipes Treated Stormwater will exit the main pond via the outlet structure/18" outlet pipe into a nearby proposed swale 077' 3100 00" W 077' 30' 00 00" W 077' 29' 00 00" W % 5 t13t LANDNOluol sir r' o f -! - -~ ce 4 ! 1 jI At % Fne idly Mart at 1 ` r 1 V R - fIM ' i tr 1 ' _ •--- � • I 'y I • � S 5 N zo IT � ' �- k 'r Pxl1h c s- • f - r 1�ntawQ87krr ✓; �, • } t;, a ,�� �„y_ I f II`2ar' .I � 1 � i ota�l8,,,_�• � � ��--_ ! r r � • T• St Afar. '• /; 1 C,E n) 4 a `'✓ G , 1t � L,01 ►Q �� 58 1ZFill —.l.• r -c' Trailer Clrailtr Pdrk r } . - - f r� _ ao 0 it , ,'� cr) o !j ' 71t1 a - _ Cem 1 , y0 yr if- IL 'f, r re r — ?5- 11H Co 00 00" W 077' 31' 00 00 W 077' 30 00 00" W 077' 29' JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — MAPPING P O BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 OFFICE (910) 346-9800 FAX (910) 346-1210 E-MAIL bettybu,lbnccom Or hnani-002nc corn TO Mr Steve Pusey N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Department of Stormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Letter of Transmittal nATF July 6 2012 ATTENTION Steve POst Re Fri ndly Mart — I of 2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 Sets of revised plans REMARKS SIGNED — �6-/, AW Pusey, Steven From Pusey, Steven Sent Friday, July 06, 2012 147 PM To 'David Newsom' Cc 'Betty Bullock' Subject Friendly Mart, Lot 2, Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, I talked with John Pierce today regarding the revised plans showing the two (2) borings and the estimate of SHWT at 36" below existing grade of 50' This makes for a SHWT elevation of 47', which is also shown on the Supplement You also stated that this was the SHWT elevation in your email to Kelly Johnson of June 8 However, when I reviewed your drawing sealed July 1, 2012, 1 noticed that the SHWT elevation is labeled as 47 5' Please revise accordingly and resubmit two (2) copies ASAP Also, I will continue the review and let you know what other changes may be required by early next week Regards, Steve stm,,_.M 0. PMA,.v Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Div of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — MAPPING P O BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 OFFICE (910) 346-9800 FAX (910) 346-1210 E-MAIL belt h rr) l nc. u)m Or briani(y�11Pnc com TO Steven Pusey NC Dept of Environmental & Natural Resources Dept of Stormwater T 127 Cardinal Drive Ext WilmiWton,NC 28405 Letter of Transmittal DA rF July 2 2012 ATTENTION Steven Pusc Re Friendly Mart — Lol 2 Norlhnd a Commercial Subd COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 Copies of revised pages (Sheets 3 and 4 of 5 EcEi IVE 9 REMARKS SIGNED-(O 14 •J Johnson, Kelly From David Newsom [crystalcoasteng@bizec rr com] Sent Friday, June 08, 2012 8 26 AM To Johnson, Kelly Subject RE Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision Attachments NR 001 pdf, Supplement WetPond-2012 0418 As, Northridge Pond Detail pdf Sorry Kelly, I have been out of the office Attached is the Sods Report Two borings were taken Mr Pittman says the second boring (depth to SHWT = 36") is more representative (the other boring (12") was a relic soil coloration and not a true indicator of present water table Ground Elevation at bore is 50 0 minus 36" = 47 0 (as shown on the attached Corrected Pond Detail Sheet) The Supplement has also been corrected to reflect SHWT @ Elev 47 0 If this response is satisfactory, I will mail hard copies of both the Revised Pond Detail Sheet and the Revised Supplement to you From: Johnson, Kelly [mailto kelly p Johnson@ncdenr gov] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 3 50 PM To: David Newsom Subject: FW Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, I still have not received the soils report? Please email it to me by noon tomorrow (Fri) along with a synopsis of why the PP is 46 5 and the SHWT is 47 5 or I will have to return the package tomorrow afternoon Thanks, KJ From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2 19 PM To: 'David Newsom' Subject: RE Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision Are you mailing or emailing the soils report? From: David Newsom [mail o crystalcoasteng@bizec rr com] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1157 AM To: Johnson, Kelly Subject: RE Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision See below comments in RED From: Johnson, Kelly [mailto kelly p Johnson@ncdenr gav] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8 00 AM To: David Newsom Subject: FW Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, L3Y UN r Any news on this? I need to accept it or return it pretty soon because of the issue with keeping uncashed checks for too long Please submit whatever is necessary by COB tomorrow (Wednesday) or I will have to return it Thanks, KJ From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2 46 PM To: 'David Newsom' Subject: Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, 1 ) This isn't an offsite permit, but is it somehow related to SW8 120313 (which Steve has in review right now)? SW8 120313 is a low density subdivision permit He is out today, and I don't know how current his draft permit is but the draft shows that each of the SW8 120313 lots will get 7,682sf This project has 63,972sf, and there is a deed restriction submitted for this single -lot development Is this project on several lots of SW8 120313 such that SW8 120313 is its master permit? If so, which lots? Or, is this something completely different This is completely different will be different owners the other project is a residential LOW DENSITY project This project is HIGH DENSITY None of the Low Density project area drains into this pond Furthermore, none of this project area is used in the Density calculation for the other Low Density project They are independent, unrelated, and to be owned maintained separately 2) SHWT The SHWT is 1ft above the PP? I don't see a soils report, but the SHWT and PP are supposed to be within 6" of one another I see that the supplement has one SHWT value crossed out and another written in Maybe there is a typo? Also, can you send the soils report? Sorry, I should have included that report with our submittal Let me dig it up out of the file I will forward ASAP Thanks, KJ *** My email has changed to kelly.p iohnson0ricdennizov 1e_&UJ0kK,S0K, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office, 910 796.7331 Fax 910.350 20044 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 2 r r— 1073-1 Gregoi j, Fork Road Prchlands, IBC 28574 Phone (9111)324-2892 Fax (910) 324-616 2 pzllrrtanstid(c)yahoo com April 30, 2012 lohn L, 11terce &, Associates 409 Johnson Boulevard Jacksonville, NC 28540 Ref Northridge Cointt v(,jal Storer Water Pond Dear Mr PierLL, On Apt tl 30, 2012 a SHWT determination was conducted at the above referenced tiaLl located on US Hwy 258/24 approximately 1 nnles South of the lrlteisectlon of I [wy I 1 I Hand auger hot wigs in the proposed storm water pond showtd a SHW r of <12 and 36' liom the natural soil surface rliis was determined by tlzc, prr -,trice of chi oiria of 2 or less from the Munsell Soil Color Chart A map of the anget boi ing lucattons Kati been attached A sketch snowing the anger borings and tht,rL 1OLattom has been attached I he findings are based on the 4ondittonti of the site at the time of evalUatlon, and anv alterations may adversely impar-1 the results If you have any questions pl, asc, foci fret to contact me at 910-330-2784 1 hank You 5uleerel , Ly R I laywood Pittinan 11 NC L1"Tistd Soil Suientist JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — MAPPING P O BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 OFFICE (910) 346-9800 FAX (910) 346-1210 E-MAIL bettybnjlpnc, com Or brtanL,ilpnc com TO Steven Puse NC Dept of Environmental & Natural Resources Dept of Stormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Letter of Transmittal DATE June27 2012 ATTENTION Steven Puse Re Friendly Mart— Lot 2 Northridge Commercial Subd I COPIES I DATE I NUMBER I DESCRIPTION I 12 1 1 1 Conies of Stormwater Pond Details (Sheet 3 of 5) as per vour request I ,SUN 2 8 2012 UGNED (km'uxWas)dy) .r C�OF WAT�9 O� 5 t Date Pro,lect Name `/iE ��/ L �/ ��•� ft w� �- - - Project No.-�'�� County ,;17S�d� The Wilmington Regional Off lee of the Division of Water ua ' j e your Stormwater permit Application & $505 fee on Your project will be reviewed within 75 days of receipt A you will be notified if additional information is needed Please be advised that the construction of built -upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Stormwater review staff in the Wilmington Reglonal Office at (910) 796-7215 Jo Casmer Administrative Assistant { r FRIENDLY MART, INC, P 0 BOX 1019 MOUNT OLIVE NORTH CAROLINA 28365 (919) 658 2851 A" SouffiwlkBank Mount Olive 66 258 531 5/24/12 DATE **Five Hundred Five And 00/100 Dollars********************** PAY TO THE ORDER OF NCDENR qVMhWP0"ftW R� tr 00" 43282 43282 I **505 00 a AMOUNT 2 I ) IJ bit-7 'Z� RALEIGH, NC s �_ �/� / AUTHORIZED SiGNA RE 1100004 3 213 2P v, 1073-1 Gregory Fork Road Richlands, NC 28574 Phone (910)324-2892 Fax (910) 324-6162 piltmansorl@yahoo com April 30, 2012 John L, Pierce 8t Associates 409 Johnson Boulevard Jacksonville, NC 28540 Ref Northndge Commercial Storm Water Pond Dear Mr Pierce, On April 30, 2012 a SHWT determination was conducted at the above referenced tract located on US Hwy 258/24 approximately I miles south of the intersection of Hwy I I I Hand auger borings in the proposed storm water pond showed a SHWT of <12" and 36"from the natural soil surface This was determined by the presence of chroma of 2 or less from the Munsell Soil Color Chart A map of the auger boring locations has been attached A sketch showing the auger borings and there locations has been attached The findings are based on the conditions of the site at the time of evaluation, and any alterations may adversely impact the results If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-330-2784 Thank You Sincerel , 7 R Haywood Pittman IT NC Licensed Soil Scientist �CEIVED JUN 88 2012 BY.. FRIENDLY MART, INC 432E2 43282 a DATE AMOUNT 5/24/12 **505 00 FOR STORMWATER FMT #24 Johnson, Kell From Johnson, Kelly Sent Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8 00 AM To 'David Newsom' Subject FW Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, Any news on this? I need to accept it or return it pretty soon because of the issue with keeping uncashed checks for too long Please submit whatever is necessary by COB tomorrow (Wednesday) or I will have to return it Thanks, KJ From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2 46 PM To: 'David Newsom' Subject: Friendly Mart, Lot #2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision David, 1) This isn't an offsite permit, but is it somehow related to SW8 120313 (which Steve has in review right now)? SW8 120313 is a low density subdivision permit He is out today, and I don't know how current his draft permit is but the draft shows that each of the SW8 120313 lots will get 7,682sf This project has 63,972sf, and there is a deed restriction submitted for this single -lot development Is this project on several lots of SW8 120313 such that SW8 120313 is its master permit? If so, which lots? Or, is this something completely different 2) SHWT The SHWT is 1ft above the PP? I don't see a soils report, but the SHWT and PP are supposed to be within 6" of one another I see that the supplement has one SHWT value crossed out and another written in Maybe there is a typo? Also, can you send the soils report? Thanks, KJ *** My email has changed to kell r.g.iohnson@ncdenr eov KtLLW0kIASOVt. Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office, 910.796.7331 Fax- 910.350 2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — MAPPING P 0 BOX 1685 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 OFFICE (910) 346-9800 FAX (910) 346-1210 E-MAIL bettyb g,jlpnc corn Or brianrrlpnc com TO Ms Kelly Johnson N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Department of Stormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Letter of Transmittal DATE May 29, 2012 ATTENTION Kelly Johnson Re Friendl Mart -Lot 2 Northridge Commercial Subdivision COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 Sets of plans 2 Stormwater a lications with calculations I Check in the amount of $505 00 2 Narrative 1 Copy of Deed of Record 1 Copy of Articles of Incorporation of Owner 1 Copy of Annual Report of Owner 1 Copy of Articles of Incorporation of Developer) 1 Copy of Annual Report of Develo er BY SIGNED