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SW8040703_APPROVED PLANS_20040812
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT ❑ MONITORING REPORTS ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD -- - - - __ _ r ( �t.,:..Y:l.' .. ...',_,...__.---.-...�I�.. .._�.i:i'-. � ._ �:� ,•�i-�.'.1'LI`. .-_.._..`it`_1(L.i+:�..:�'..%1��1F�Lli�:� PLANS and PROFILES of GENERAL NOTES: 1, This mop is not for conveyance, recordation, or soles. 2. Portions of this property ore located within a special flood hazard area according to Flood insurance Rate Mop Community Panel #370295-0130C, effective date May 15, 1986. 3. Site area: 26.46 acres. 4. Building layout and dimensions by others. 5. This property is zoned Town of Leland MF. 6. Handicap Romps provided at all intersections and one per bldg. 7, Suitable trees are to be preserved or planted in accordance with Town of Leland standards. 8. Parking areas and streets to be lighted in accordance with Town of Leland standards. 9. Refuse collection by dumpster and Town hauler. 10. 637 total parking spaces provided. 11. Sewer service to be public, Woter service to be public. 12. Boundary not field surveyed at this time. Topographic survey data by Hanover Design Services & Arnold W.Corson, PLS, PC. 13. 1.5+ acres active recreation area provided. 14. Each perimeter parking space shall have a wheel stop or guard to prevent extension of a vehicle beyond the parking space and over the sidewalk. 15. 576 parking spaces required; 637 spaces proposed. 16. Parking area landscaping to be to Town of Leland standards. All permeable surfaces shall be landscaped. 17. Alt parking facilities shall be separated from buildings by a buffer strip of at least 8' in width, of which 40% shaft be landscaped and planted. 18. All local residential and collector roads are to be built to NCDOT standards. 19. Building heights not to exceed 35'. MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH THE STATE AND THE TOWN. 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WA TER MAINS. b, WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCT)LE IRON PIPE FOR A MiNIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE iS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. 7. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT A MINIMUM OF 0.40X GRADE IS CONSTRUCTED ON ALL 8"DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER MAINS. 8. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. LEGEND / N HANDICAP RAMP ST WH-14 14 PROP. STORM MANHOLE ffC ( HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® DROP INLET SSMH-1 0 PROP. SANI TARY MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY - SEWER & MANHOLE 11 IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MON. EXISTING SANITARY E.I.P. EXIST, IRON PiPE SEWER & MANHOLE WATER METER WL PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION & HYDRANT ASSMBLY E.C.M. EXIST, CONCRETE MON. -- - - - EXISTING WATERLINE N GATE VALVE PROPOSED STORM REDUCER SEWER & CA TCH BASIN r!Sy� DRAINAGE FLOW E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION E.I.R. = EXISTING IRON REBAR E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT F/H =FIRE HYDRANT 1. S. _IRON SET W/V = WATER VALVE P = POWER POLE W/M = WATER METER C.P. =COMPUTED C. POINT L OCA TED IN THE TOWN of LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROL INA • DA TEs JUNE 2444 SCALE: 244' .-'- °0 ' / V I A ��P ���`�\G�`'( -' SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OWNER 1 DEVELOPER: ��G -'' Qo�- - `� PIPE and MANHOLE SUMMARY! Hunter Ridge Apartments, LLC 1510-A South Third Street PO Box 1229 ' Wilmington, NC 28402�• 919-251-5030 ��� 0 a G / � f ! 200 100 0 200 400 W w I SCALE !N FEET: 1"= 200' t w .V M ` �• Z `V v Jr r +�• \ \ r � L y y 4V w �� W �\ �♦ , y W W y w \V ILI v y w + li, \L 4 + \k W J, IL J L 4, + .v J, y W \V L 41 TO yr ' r 1 1 \11 ILI .v y v e� OJ/ \ \\ .V IV + W w 14, ♦ �� STORM SEWER SYSTEM "HUNTERSTONE APARTMENTS" � � ,y PIPE and INLET SUMMARY! � �V V L 4 I NL. T. C. INV. L D S I NL, T, C, INV, y No. ELEV. ELEV. f t. in. % No. ELEV, ELEV. y W l TO ❑UTFALL No.1: 1 POND 10.8 57 48 0. 35% 2 17.0 1 1, 0 2 17. 0 11, 0 144 48 0. 14% 3 17, 5 11, 2 3 17. 5 11. 2 181 48 0. 11% 4 17. 0 11, 4 4 17.0 1 1. 4 176 48 0. 1 1% 5 18,0 1 1. 6 5 18.0 13. 0 114 30 0. 18% 6 19. 0 13,2 6 19.0 13.8 73 24 0.27% 7 19.0 14.0 7 19.0 14.0 205 24 0. 20% 8 2R 0 14.4 8 20.0 14.9 145 18 0, 14% 14 20.5 15,1 8 20,0 14.4 107 24 0. 19% 9 21.0 14.6 9 21.0 14.6 36 24 0. 56% 10 21.0 14.8 10 21.0 14. 8 148 24 0, 14% 11 20.6 15.0 11 20.6 15.0 172 24 0. 12% 12 20.0 15,2 12 20.0 15.2 36 24 0. 83% 13 20.0 15.5 5 18.0 12.3 226 36 0. 09% 15 17.5 12.5 15 17.5 12.5 219 36 0. 14% 16 17.2 12,8 16 17.2 12.8 290 36 0. 11 % 17 17,5 13,1 17 17.5 13.1 87 36 0, 23% 18 17.3 13.3 18 17,3 13.3 77 36 0. 26% 19 17.5 115 19 17.5 14.5 208 18 0. 39% 20 19.0 15.3 20 19. 0 15, 5 36 18 0,567 21 19. 0 15, 5 18 17. 3 14. 0 221 18 0. 09% 23 18.0 14.2 19 17.5 13,5 112 24 0. 18% 22 17.5 13.7 CULVERT 'A't STR STA TOP INV L DIA S STR TOP INV ENT 26+80 20. 5 14,0 68 48 0. 74% OUT 20.5 13. 5 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 0 3 MH TOP INVERT LENGTH DIA SLOPE MH TOP INVERT EX3 20. 2 8, 0 175 8 0. 46% 3A 20. 2 8. 8 3A 20,2 & 9 318 8 O. 41% 3B 19,2 10,2 3B 19. 2 10, 3 68 8 0. 44% 3C 19. 2 10. 6 3C 19.2 10, 7 122 8 0. 41% 3D 1& 2 11.2 3D 18. 2 It. 3 182 8 0. 49% 3E 17. 2 12. 2 3E 17.2 12.3 156 8 0.41;/ 3F- 17.8 13.0 3A 20. 2 10. 8 153 8 1. 44:� 3G 20, 7 13. 0 EX4 22, 9 11, 4 181 8 2, 54X 4A 23. 8 16. 0 EX5 21.5 10, 7 148 8 0. 41" 5A 17, 6 11. 3 5A 17.6 11.4 212 8 0.427 5B 18. 2 12. 3 5B 18.2 12.4 93 8 0,437 5C 18.4 12.8 5A 17. 6 11, 4 69 8 0. 43X 5D 17. S 11. 7 5D 17, 8 11, 8 292 8 0. 41% 5£ 17. 4 13,0 WATER SYSTEM 8" WATER MAIN 3075 LF F S I TE 8' WATER MAIN 1680 LF- IN WESTGATE DRIVE L 0 �o 0 Stone Ridge at Westgate SITE DATA: ZONING -- Town of Leland MF TRACT SIZE = 26.46 acres PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS = 288 PROJECT DENSITY = 10,9 UNITS / ACRE. ACTIVE RECREATION AREA = 1.5+ ACRES. MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 576 spaces TOTAL PARKING PR❑VIDED - 637 spaces HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 28 spaces REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright Q, Honorer Design Service; P.A., AO rights reserwd Reproduction or use of the acme is of thlb document or additions of tWotions to this document, fn whole or port. without WHfIen corwent of the Lord sur"yer of Enghoer, Is prohbited Only copies f m the arlginW of this dmC meant. mar*ed with the orig*,d sowtum and oriplad seW of the sbr erw or Engineer, shaft be oonsidered to be rWM and true copies. STANDARD NOTES. 1. Information concerning underground utilities wos obtained from available records. It sholl be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of all existing utilities of al/ crossings prior to commencing trench excavation. If actual clearances ore less than indicated on Plan, the Controctor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these plans shall be brought to the ottention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL "NC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, J. All trees which are not required to be cleared for constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless otherwise directed. 4. Contractor shall adjust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the final grade upon completion of ail construction. Any boxes damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 5. The Controctor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Parking areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No worranty is made for suitability of subgrode, and undercut and any required replacement with suitoble material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 7. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. 8. Contractor to ensure thot pavement is placed so as to drain positively to the parking lot inlets and cotch basins. All roof drain downspouts to be directed to the storm sewer system. 9. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. 10. This plan is for site grading, utilities, siting, and drainage only. See building plans for detoils on utilities hookups to buildings. 11. Controctor and Builder ore responsible for coordinating Finished Floor Elevation of all buildings with the Owner and the Architect. 12. Affected Non -Municipal Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent information, when feasible, to coordinate appropriate scheduling and placement. At the minimum this should include BellSouth and CP&L. INDEX TO DRA WINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 1 OF 10 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 6309-10-1 2 OF 10 SITE GRADING PLAN 6309-10-1 A 3 OF 10 SiTE PLANS & PROFILES 6309-10--2 4 OF 10 SITE PLANS & PROFILES 6309-10-3 5 OF 10 STORM SEWER PROFILES 6309-10--1B 6 OF 10 WESTGATE DRIVE PLANS & PROFILES 6309-10-4 7 OF 10 EROSION CONTROL and WATER QUALITY PLAN 6309-10-5 8 OF 10 EROSION CONTROL and WATER QUALITY PLAN 6309-10-6 9 OF 10 DETAILS 6309--10- 7 10 OF 10 DETAILS 6309--•10-8 BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVA TIONS LOCA TiON: ELEVATION 1 NCDO T RW MON. SOUTH INTERSECTION OF PLOOF ROAD & HIGHWAY 17 27.86 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES H u ntorStome Apartments LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP BRUNSWiCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA CAROB j `'•, SEAL ' ' 20007 N of N� G r -:5C 'CD4 dhollis ® hdsilm.com OWNER: Hunter Ridge Apartments, LLC 1510-A South Third Street, PO Box 1229 Wilmington, NC 28402 919-251-5030 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURiiEYW5; ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET wrLMINCTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Dale: 6-28-04 Scale: I"-- 200' Drown: DSH Checked: GA W Project No: 6309-10-1 Sheet No: 1 ar. 10 : 13:21:43 07/01/2004 I }•y � �: ';-T- � }i tI I; , r ff r If � ,, t,• , � S f 'I �t �'(' l � �'4 '�1ttt �f� 1 �. I, r I.nX T t 1i ■ t- 1 n a r� A w f � � in up 1 • r•R� 1IIII� lam_ I 1121 EWA • 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET: 1 "= 50' w h gyp,` �6 19 ,o A� L71 _0 0 L '4>* 7 �r Op.YR FLC0D '� \ Conservation-Eas meet (nominal width 50') at Final Plat — r ZTLANDS — — SITE GRADING PLAN H u nterStone Apartments Date 6-28-04 Scale: 1 "= 50, Drawn. DSH CARol7",,,� OWNER: Hunter Ridge Apartments, LLC Checked: ....... Q'' y9 " 1510—A South Third Street, PO Box 1229 GA IN �►�� �q S Wilmington, NC 28402 Project Na: SE AL 919-251-5030 6309--10—YA �. `ZQaQ7 .. •'.; �•� +r Sheet No: HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES P.A. LAND SURVEYORS; MWAZ£RS & LAND PLANNERS 2 / WIL WALNUT STREET O p04 PHONE:T(9 C-10) 343 EI002 dhollis 0 hdsilm_com ot: r8e ti. ' SAC I 3� NQ EAR v ci S'Cp 2¢ /g, 3 � Miry 2 i8' Of dO TYPICAL MINIMUM DIMENSIONS NOT TO SCALE 4.5' 30' 30' 0.5 # 4' 18' 4 "CONC. PARKING REVERSETYP CROW WN rYPlCAL SIDEWALK SPACE GL Srp£wAtK (TYPICAL) 1-112 ASPNAL T CURB & GUTTER 64ABC BASE COURSE NOTE: Both sides are typically symmetrical. TYPICAL MIN. PARKING BAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE. : 12:56:11 07/01/2004 -_ ,.•-T+ ^ * .. ��'�:r _. ' f • ..� .. `, .! ',15..' it/ '. r .r .�± r .'. t `� 44r t. �. ' � I �,r,:•�!� r r;Yp r1,! t �! � fir' y=.?r 7 � ,,}i! r' •�'ti e'j7 ,� h� �t�"! ♦i ,%-It f � ij�F��r�'! T� ;,��'}i f1 i., mi w 0 lark- > o v V M1 Z cz,: 76 r3 �� �E�• 22 21 18 ��� G) mo o - ; o C z o onyx �1 0 �QO 502 71 / Cb 0 Q xCD {n rnCD ` 00 I o n n � CD W I � 11 o � s .' th i 4w It' 4kv a� ho :da91, F,y I 46 0 MEW: .o ;v r .v F11 F3] a a a [77 0 .75 0 m El ,ll�1r'e•1 ! umm i Rmsub==mill — 17 18 19 20 21 0 a W`� It 77A •Y OWA F, 13:00:05 07/01/2004 ff•�r H T1 �1 '.i?rf?�:�;� -jj •f .5}" --.--r:-��- -r T;�. :�- r,�'.5: '{� ♦,1 �i, �' �;f�'� -:.'r ", 7"-. � � 1 F- '. • 1 �� ' , 1� f L , 5. 1' Y f i f � 1 � Y F f Cv �Y L=22}.aa' R-250.00' v 1 D-45'13'25" CLEN=215.31' 5 5 4" E SF 000 O l7 ❑ I f 26.97' 1 t --- 6 11.82 r3 w 23 )2 ��! 11.e2 .DB 23.9e 721 of 24 NITS 4.99 `"11 " 4.l19' BL G A 01312 1313 ❑❑ Ip❑�R1t.e2' m u23 2' ¢ °i 11.62'123J C7 4.99•z.e2'f1 " 12. J--❑Q -4.99• 211.97 Building Dimensions NTS Building Ams = 1 D8,390 sf Roadway Area = 67,600 sf Parking Areas = 223,345 of Sidewalk Areas = 40,265 sf Other Areas = 17,780 sf TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS = 457,WO sf = 10.5 acres ST 10. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS Practice 6.60 Sediment traps ore to be Installed as shown on the Plan to reeieve runoff from disturbed areas. Tp 11. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH / BERM: Practice 6.20 Diversion channels are to be Installed as shown on the Plan to recieve runoff from disturbed areas and divert It to the two Sediment Basins and the Pond as shown. SWU MTATtOM 0011480ERAI" - tilER1M1iNT TRAP IBZ,NIPI Surface Area (SA) for Traps - vol / 0.4 d NUMBER A VOLUME WEIR L DEPTH MIN,TOP(SA) acres Cf ft Ft DIMENSIONS ST- I 3.8 6840 10, 5' 3420 sf 60X60 ST-2 2.9 5220 10' 5' 2610 sf 51X51 6 �, 1 � I ■ � ,111 1 NZN it s �� LEGEND EXIST. STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 2 TD Qv pp DROP INLET u--�♦ +u EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ` I ' 73 �e� 4 EXIST. WATERLINE & F/H ASSEMBLY e sr EXIST. DRAINAGE PIPE SF Q RL v\ s-c-s EXIST. GAS LINE ! / 0 y 4 50p 000 �S DRAINAGE FLOW +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION /O 9 1 TD W L LIM SS On 213 all x �_ -�Z20o SF W A I 1 o TO "i 1 REVISED AS PER DENR / DLQ COMMENTS 7-12-04 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE C:P)d0t 0. Htsrowr D oglis SerWon� F.A. M rights Merv" Romdudim .< use of the oonf.nte or Mir dow■n.nt. a t*e or d•l•t to MAe \ I / os \V SEE i N S ET docwrwnt, b who* or Part. ■tlhovt •rftten consi of the Law sxrrrerer ar Embeer. Is prohblt i awy wren hom the criptrwr o/ tn; daclrnartt, V� "raked with the orighol x9milllrs and wow sew Al the swwyw or Er*-, slats fM -Sdi to tM wood and true capA- THIS SHEET � s 15:31:15 0T/12/2004 - -�r�-� Z OWNER / DEVELOPER: . 11.1 - 9.45*156,30 �6.W i o cr14''p - HUNTER RIDGE APARTMENTS, LL•C 1 CLUBHOUSE "CIL 1s1o�► SOUTH THIRD STREET PO BOX 1229 �9 JJJ FF 78 &SALES 14�s WILMINGTON, NC 211 < 4_1 0�n 15,70' 5Q75 sf 17,80' 910-251-5030 S�" \ \ aF TOTTURBANGE X 1.3 a o 0 -- m pIS X 34.70' ` o � I 1 X PSCIP ,--X N I - SF LID 93 tit ► v � '0 0 0 I o O o X 13 X SF L-277',71• l ! r Y R-28e.02• 113-55'14'44" N-267.0e' -N 72'50'15" E t] 00 CE � > /6 'L 19 of �3' I P o X �9 7> Dig *.' o �. ��y SF v, G �os�� SF �' \ ap Gp' R:43M Cl) _ = X D18'32 TOT `O"[ Z�N PCRES 45a\ _ lipA V „�A++ri 1AG m 1� A ,3 1 i SF IPA/'J1 e NXI 17. J 4 a TO Runoff Flow Direction O pi TEMPORARY DIVERSION PLAN SYMBOL 1.6' 2' 12.5' z 3 OA= S ogres mi I 16" r FLOW FROM SITE � 1' rD J n- 0.D45 ax. 3 Y00)- 0.6' O(10)= 6.6 off Vii 1.5 fps NON -EROSIVE v Vegetote Mnmedlately 5' O DETAILTEMPORARY DIVERSION Pr 4 � l OP I La=20FLARED END l / { SECTION TYPICAL SF a0a0a0 o 48"RCP d50=3" 12000000 Apron=l' MiN. o00000 V(10)=8fps cv HG1l0)=13.2 [ MINIMUM OUTLET AT OUTLET 1❑ DIMENSIONS 7.5 cy± EACH \� OUTLET PROTECTION p 4 NOT TO SCALE jRack to top of pipe Q both sides W SLOPE a OP Wr,l EMBANKMENT OUTLET PIPE Sae Narrative for I additionaldetails 2'min. NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE OUTLET PROTECTION. USE NICOLON M1RAiT SOOX POLYPROPYLENE, OR EQUIVALENT DUnET PROTECTION - SIDE VIEW N TS oP La-20' NCDOT 838.11 I BRICK ENDWALL d5= 0000000 �r0o00aiApro= on0tsIN MINIMUM DIMENSIONS 000 OUTLET AT _48"RCP V(25)=10fps00 iv HGL(25)=17.8 CULVERT "A" 7.5 cy* EACH 1pTE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL" OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - SEE PLAN, THIS SHEET 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Flog work limits and stake --out parking lot, primary measures, and Silt Fencing and Sediment Basin for preliminary grading. 3. Install Gravel Construction Entrances. 4. Install Silt Fencing as shown on Plan prior to clearing and grubbing site. Sediment Basin to be constructed prior to building. Sediment Traps and Diversion Ditches to be contracted and stabilized prior to commencing any major grading operations. Storm sewer construction and direction of oil runoff to the Sedini Basin is to be completed as quickly as possible. 5. Construct ditches and any other sediment control Practices shown, prior to rough grading poking lot and site, stockpiling material and topsoil as necessary. Culvert permanent stream crossing to be Installed and stabilized, 6, Install utilities in parking lot, establish final grades and stabilize parking areas with stone base course, 7. Final grode building site, install non --municipal utilities as needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction is not imminent. S. All erosion and sediment control Practices are to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. 9. Upon completion of building construction, the roadway and parking areas are to be paved and all areas permanently vegetatively stabilized. After site stabilization, temporary measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to Its origlnol design contours, if necessary, and riser structure ortfoce opened, so as to function a$ stormwater management / water quality retention ponds, MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be Inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made immediately. 2. Sediment Basins to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 5.3' below water surface. Riser structures to be cleaned If excess water above design surface no longer droins properly. 3. Sediment to be removed from forebays when they are approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.5' of top. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the an(r Silt Fence and inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5 deep. Fencing and inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a barrier, 5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re --seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Monual", Section 6,11, latest version. See next Sheet. IUD Alf I As +t Uoll r . +r We '� :•:�:�:+:�:�:�:•:• ,i.;041t, , 201 F SEDIMENT FENCE ( SILT FENCE, .wa.•rEE M It 4 SITE LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE IVED JUL 2 2 2004 DWQ PRO�3 # S� LYU 4-0 7U 3 DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF LELAND. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL TOWN AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Practice 6.06 Shall be Installed at the entrances of the proposed project in and from Westgate Drive as shown. Drainage Is away from the road and sedimentation will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown an the Plans. Cut and Till slopes sholl be 3:1 or flatter except where Specifically indicated. Care shall be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that ore not required to be removed. SF 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 Sediment fencing should be installed as shown on the Pion, first, to delineate and protect low areas, and around any temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded interior areas from eroding onto adjacent lands or roadway, or into inlets. IP 4, INLET PROTECTION Practice 6.52 Storm sewer inlet barriers of block and gravel inlet protection are to be constructed to help prevent sediment from entering the storm sewer system. After permanent stabilization of the entire contributing watershed area, the storm sewer system is to be flushed to remove accumulated sediment and ensure daslgn flows. OP 5• OUTLET STABILIZATION Practice 6.41 Rlprap aprons will be located at the downstream and of all discharge pipes to prevent scour. B. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Practice 5.80 Upon reaching final grade and after utilities hove been Installed. roadways and parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub -base course of approved 8- ABC stone, as shown in the typical cross-section detail on the Pion, to reduce erosion and dust during the remainder of building construction. S8 7. SEDIMENT BASIN Practice 6.61 The Sediment Basin is to be constructed (see Construction Schedule) and is the primary Practice to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway configurations are specified in the details as shown on this Plan and the Narrative. The 2"PVC ortfoce is to be blocked during sedimentation function (or not installed) until entire watershed is permanently stabilized and pond is converted to permanent stormwater management detention / retention function. 9. PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING \�✓/ Practice 6.71 A large culvert is to be constructed in Westgate Drive and sized as shown on the Plan, to convey stormwater from NOTE WELL, and undisturbed areas in the existing well - ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A defined wet weather channel to existing outfolls. 13 DAY PERIOD SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. Care should be taken to construct the culvert as quickly as ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 15 DAYS. possible, during dry weather, and stabilize vegetatively and with rip -rap and base course as rapidly as is feasible. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL and WATER QUALITY PLAN Date; H u n to rSto n e Apartments 6-28-04 Scale: LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP i #I= 60' BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drown: DSH - C.AR0Ia� = SEAL - 20007 1 Checked: GA W Project No: 6309-10--! t w, ,w� Sheet No: ••••40 \11 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Rye ` T 1 LAND SVRVF)'Ol ENCJNEERS & LAND PLANNERS '''J 310 WALNUT STREET [ 2011- PHONE: {910) 34$-8002 dhollis ® hdsilm.Com of: 1 (i Jr+ ' + 1 } rr Ij Y 5 ,i.I• Ise. I �Y i a .r;. i iii ••1.1 :+., �f ��. ; ;•-; �-.I.y y �"14 '�ir �I' yI' r. �. tt /! SS111rr ,'lt� Ili :•i Y..• s}1 �' LAI .. ) __-. , .!: _�-- `--.}-'• 'f' :i � .:t'.--- �,' - .h l_ t'-II.II.-- "j;`.i1ti11..:I;f1.tI.;,.. HUNTERSTONE APARTMENTS: PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - ALL SLOPES 6'min, 12'min. SEE PLAN ,JT79 n O(10) pre -developed = 23 cis -, 3:1 MAXIMUM 110- Forebay volume L 00 FES 11,7+ Q(50) pre -developed = 37 cfs post -developed = 23 cfs O WSEL = 15.9 WSEL 20% of required typical o OUTLET 0 r o� PIPE Q�5100� post -developed = 52 cfs O WSEL = 16.4 storage, r =11.010O)poat-developed 1t - 68 cfs O WSEL = 16.5 1 0' Forebay STATE WATER 01JAUTY POND CONSIDERATIONS - j ,°' Bottom OUTLET Surface Area required = 17,215 of ,00�`' 4'min Elev,= 3.5 PROTECTION .I Surface Area provided = 18.000 sf AS ON PLANS Storage Volume required - 38,100 cf Storage Volume provided = 42,565 cf 9 /.>O!�nu Storage Volume Drowdown Time = 5 days um V Stone SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL Storage required = 21 X 1800 = 37,800 cf I Storage provided = 119,700 cf NOT TO SCALE 7 FOREBAY CALCULATION; cl� Approximate Forebay Volume - 15,150 cf +1g' 115 B �(l , 2OX Volume of Storage = 77.170 X ,2 = 15,430 cf 1V ' +118.5 0 1T Pi 6), 16 W, i w Q "Oil t0 1 0` g w \ el ./ v" 6 c o en J,1 e \ Sae si , . \ rx Ie MAW Ai OLM 3 CREST OF OYOWU w 1S MAMM M N DGHT (Jar, l loom MOMMAW 1 (p SEE uASRA111C FOR lr tPACeta MORE OETAL AM .� + Y ALTERM TE METOWL � ii70 F AT COMERS a 7 Ir � A + ,�S-1 `� F,v.--.� i �AarIN z j "rl , INTO 11110,1011 > e"CRUS ED STONE as ink k j IrCOWA4TE0 sOL /. Z i.T 9 i OD b -' 01 FFEERYOUSTER F SHUT OF MxOM. POLVEsim, OR DROP INLET ( Lhn1.GE YAW "TRA MAIN GRATE 1TREMGM ( co Pe MIN.) 01H ULIRAMOLET RAY 11 / sexellM AND STAeIUVERR ISOMETRIC, VIEW / FABRIC DROP INLET PROTECTION 15 Nre PRACTICE"i IP 170 ,. a �C l Em genc Spil way 0 evatt = 1 .3 ppro . 50C 16 1 Z 15 �7I 14 - -- A \ -_-:__ SO y��._= __ _ - _ - . 0 -_- 0. o re or -_ 01 rn r. -, .-. to 7 4s; ` ~.�_) _ r. -� __. _- t7 t7 a - -------�-- ___ --- - is j `- - - ---_ _J '+ - - _ '-, g - -_: _. - ----~. __ -- .... ♦K 00 ,III/1r,J. V� _ \ �i --- - _..- l ,' �� ! Hl1NTERSTONE -Wet detention /retention pond \ Rerservolr No.1 - Additional Caiculotlon Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - \ Impervious area calculations; See Project Data Sheet TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 10.5 acres TOTAL E TA AREA DRAINING TO POND 20.8 acres 20.8 acres total 10.5 acres impervious m 10.3 acre green area 20.8 0.58, 6OX \ SA REQUIRED: 10.5 X 0.95 + 10.3 x 0.20 / - or At 7.5' depth, 9OX TSS removal - SA/DA factor fir 1.9 20.8 x 0.01 x 1.9 - 17.215 sf SA REQUIRED At Elev. a 11.0 - 18,00D sf SA PROVIDED VOLUME REQUIRED: R=[(P)(PD(Rv)/12XA) SEE PAGES A.1 and A.2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPe (P)= i" (P j)= D.9 (Rv)= 0.05 + 0.9(10.5/20.8) - 0.504 (A)= 20.8 R= [(1)(0.504)/12X20.8) - 0.874 acre-feet - 38.100 cf REQUIRED STORAGE A Elev. 13.0 42 565 cf PROVIDED STORAGE At e el DRAWDOWN: ., _z -a-- 7.V Average head from storage elevation to orifice - 3 13.0 - 11.0 / 2 = 1.0' row -down r wired storage. .02" PVC drain to d eq g Orifice equation: Q = CA(29h)" 1/2 0 - 0.6(.022)(64.4 X 1.0)-1/2 0.105 cfs NOTE: COLLAR TO BE POURED AFTER I 1.W T - 401,5DO sec. - 4.6 da PIPE O IN PLACE. MIN ys REINFORCING AS NEEDED FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - ANTI -SEEP COLLAR Required capacity = 77,170 cf X 2D% = 15.430 cf Provided capacity - 15.160 cf NOT TO SCALE NOTES IIETLAAOS MEGETAIM NOTE., L PORTABLE PLWP TO BE USED TO DUN 11E FOLLOWW Spr"S OF IIERAN7S VEGETATION ARE SUITABLE POW M CASE OF EMERGENCY. KW TO BE FOR PLANTING Atow HE STATE tic 1 t£(,TTATED SHELF: PLACEV ON TOP OF BERM 11i7H SCREEN ATTA01111 TO HOSE KET AND COWU NfOf - SAGITTARIA LARWA (COMM ARROWEAD) STONE NOSE OUTLET TO GRAN ACROSS STABLE - SAGITTARIA WlliAL1A (DUar POTATO) ttaLAiltO AREA SliiffL NT TO RE51lfyCT ERfISA7ff - gHIRURUS LERMAIS (UTAROTAI,) 1. ALL BMW ROOF MANS MUST BE VWCTEO - PEITANORA MLRG'NN!(rA (ARROW ARM) INTO TIE STORM DRAYAGE COLLECTION SYSMW OR INTO 1NE STREETIPAROW LOT. IF OMNE OR MORE OF hE Sl1CGESlo SPECIES IS LWAVAILAABLE, APPROPRIATE NEMANDS WMIA€1OfN t10ilfMON TO THE COASTAL NORTH CAROCNNA REGION MAY BE SlM71711TED, EMERGENCY EMBANKMENT TOP= 17.8 100-YEAR WSEL= 16.5 SPILLWAY= 16.3 TOP BOX = 15.9 STATE STORAGE VOLUME ANTI-SEEPAPINK 10-YEAR WSEL= 15,9 POND -- 42,565 cf Ii COLLAR WEIR CUT EL= 13.0 O EL= 13.0 0 NORMAL WSEL= 11.0 _ to o `ry PROP.36eRCP (2 W 4 O OUTLET PIPE 100LF 00.5% g S B SEE NE%T SHEET - i ::.......: .... FOR ADDITIONAL W% OUTLET STRUCTURE\\ \/\ .. ... AND EROSION CONTROL 1O'VEGETATED \ DETAILS. STATE SHELF11 EMBANKMENT EL ` ! \POND BOTTOM EL= 3.5 �•,c/"►TI/1A1 EA4uotk TYegetotlan Za11e \ \ BEOVBOTTOM MAY NOT TO SCALE / ��\�\i\\'�\ \\�I/1\ EXCAVATED FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE --------- ___ 12 / \ / }-�_ / - --- - I� _. - ------ -f _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �~� !� ST Temporary Sediment_Trop - continued ter' \ Protection from piping - Plan filter cloth an the Poundotbn below the rbrop to prevent pip", An alternative would be to excavate a keyway trench across -_I._. the riprcp foundation and up the sides to the height of the don. I..----- - _- INSET SCALE: 1 "= 30' -- OUTLET STRUCTURE 2" PVC ORIFACE NTS 1.4'IIFIR CUT TRASH RACK 1.4'WEIR CUT HOLE AT ELEVATION- 13.0 4 TRASH RACK BOLTED 4" SECURELY IN PLACE CONSTRUCT NEW WELDED BAR GRATE, GALVANIZED, OR EQUIVALENT SECURELY BOLTED OU7LET IN PLACE 18"RCP CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL PLAN VIEW ORIFACE AND LEAVE OPEN 0IMtN10 CONSTRUCTWN IF TW OPIENNG 15 SCREENED CONSTRUCT AND COVERED BY p7 STONE, GRATE TOP f 3 MAX. EL=15.9 90:ELBOW DOMN TRASH 8 BELOW WSEL MAINTAIN COVER RACK ON OUTLET PIPE 4, EL= 13.0 EL= 13.0 Mile. L" f1.0 1. 4'WDE OUnFr IVE1R cur 36 RCP iNV 11.0 SB IN Van RCONC. 2" PERFORATED 11.0 OR .0 PVC W/ GRAVEL - , AND FABRIC FiLTER ; X lNV=9.Ot .' 0¢. FOND BOTTOM ELEV= J.5 4X4 Precast Conc,Box POND BOTTOM MAY BE OVER- NCProducts 4849 or Equivalent EXCAVATED FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE SECTION MEW _- weir length and depth - Keep the, spillway wok at most 4 It long and sized to __\\ �". � pass the peak discharge of the i0-yr storm. A maximum flow depth of 1 ft, a 7�miMmum fresboord of 0.5 ft. and maxknam side siopes of 2:1 an reoommendod. _.__ ` weir length may be sell led from Table 6.60a shown for most site locations in North Carolina. Table 6.600 Design of Spillways Drainage ( AmWeirLen (th(l) t 4,0 2 F.0 3 to 4 10, 0 5 120 (1) Dimensions shown are minimum Construction Specifications 1. Clear. grub. and .trip the area under the embankment of all "fallen and root mot. Remove oil surface sol containing high ormunls of organic molter and stockpile or dispose of It propoly. Haul all objsctionable material to the designated disposal area, 2, Ensure that fill materld for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic matter, and other ob*tlanabie material. Place the fll in lifts not to exceed 9 Inches and machine comport it. Over M the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. 3. Construct the outlet section In the embankment. Protect the connection between the riprap and the soil from piping by tetng filter fabric or a keyway cutoff trench between the riprap structure and the soli, (Place the filter fabric between the Nprop and soil. Extend the fabric acmes the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the dam; or (Excavate o keyway trench along the oentallne of the spillway toundollon extending up the sides to the height at the dam. The trench should be at least 2 ft deep and 2 ft wide with VI side slopes. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the cruet of the spillway to facilitate eedknent olemout S. As out and Ill slopes should be 2:1 or Rolte. S. Ensure that the stone (droinage) section of the embonkment has a minimum bottom width of 3 ft and maximum aids slopew of 1:I that extend to the bottom of the gilfieray section. 7. Construct the minknum finished stone spllwoy bottom width, as shown an the plane, with 2: ) side slopes extending to the top or the over fWed embankment Keep the thickness of the skles of the spillway outlet structure of o minirnum of 21 Inches. The weir must be level and construototl to grade to assure design capacity, e. Material used in the stone section should bs a well -graded mixture of stone with a d50 size of 9 inches (class a erosion control stone Is reotimmended) and o in IM Imum stone rite of 14 inches. The *tors may be machine placed and the smaller stones worked into the voids of line forger atone& The stone should be hard. angular, and highly weathe-resblonl, 9. Ensure that the stone sptfwoy outlet section extends downstream past the too of the embankment until stable conditions are reached and outlet Velocity Is acceptable for the receiving Woom, Keep the edove of the stone outlet section Ruth with the surrounding ground and shops the center to confks the outflow stream (References: Outlet Protection), 10. Direct wrwgomy bypass to natural, stable was. Locate bypess outlets so that sow will not damage the embankment. It. Stabilize the embankment and as disturbed areas above the sediment Pool and downstream from the trap Immediately after construction (References: Surface 5tabilizatian), 12. Show the distance from the lop of the of y to the redWhent dedtoul level (ane-half the design depth) an the plans and mark It In the e111K Maknte nonce, Inspect temporary sediment traps after each period of significant raknidi. Remove ion restore the trap 1 Its al dimensions when the eon sad eat and o P arldn sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment that Is removed In the designated d*wd area and replace the contaminated pat of the g owl facing. Chedr the structure for damage from, erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a minimhrn of 1.5 ft below the low point of the embankment. Immediotely fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above dasilln grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway must be replaced Immediately. After all sediment-produakp areas have been permanently slobsizad, remnve the j structure and all unstable sediment. Smooth the area to biend with the ad oining J areas and stabilize properly (Referenow: Surface Stabilization). Construction Road 5tabilizatia0 Specification # 6,80 - Construction Specifications 1, Clear roadbed and parking areas of oil vegetation, roots and other objectionable material, 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if It is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas if they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3X 4, Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fills at 2:1 or Hatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-Inch course of "ABC" crushed stone evenly over the full width of the rood and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or geolexlile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 8. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as grading Is complete (References: Surface Stabilization). 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Maintenance Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress w€tin new gravel as needed, Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rolne. Maintain oil vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated Immediately. TemporarXGravel Construction Entrance/Exit C E Specification 11 6.06 - Construction Specifications 1, Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material and properly grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the7_____..p smooth it. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotexthe fabrics because they Improve stability of the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pod in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving site. This mayrequire periodic t ciressin with 2-inch stone. the constructiong e q P oP 9 After each rainfall, Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove ail objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. Temporary Specification III 6.10 - Specifications Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and install all necessary erosion control practices, such as dikes, waterways and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation difficult and increase the erosion hazard. If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 Inches using a ripper, harrow, or chisel plow. Seedbed Preparation Good seedbed preparation is essential to successful plant establishment. A good seedbed Is well -pulverized, loose and uniform, Where hydroseedinq methods are used, the surface may be left with a more Irregular surface of large clods and stones. Llming - Apply lime according to soil test recommendations. If the pH (acidity) of the sog is not known, an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/ocre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tons/acres on fine -textured soils is usually sufficient. Apply limestone uniformly and incorporate into the lop 4-6 inches of soil. Soils with a pH of 6 or higher need not be timed. Fertilizer- Base application rates on soil tests. When these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-I,DDO Ib./ocre. Both fertilizer and lime should be incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil, If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before application. Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted In a loose surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large clods. If rainfall causes the surface to become sealed or crusted, loosen it just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods, Groove or furrow slopes steeper that 3:1 on the contour before seeding (Practice 6:03, Surface Roughen"). Plant Selection Select an appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6.10a, for seeding In late winter and early spring, Table 6.10b for summer, and Table 6,10c for fall, Seeding Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast), drill, cultipacker seeder, or hydroseeder. Use seeding rates given in Table 6.1Do-6.10c, Broadcast seeding and hyroseeding ore appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcasting Is not recommended because of the difficulty in achieving a uniform distribution. Smelt grains should be planted no more than 1 Inch deep, and grosses and legumes no more than 1/2 inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dragging, and then lightly firmed with a roltar or cultipacker. Hydrosseded mixtures should include a wood filter (cellulose) mulch. Mulching The use of appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under normal conditions and is essential to seeding success under harsh site condition (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions include: -seeding in fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches ore not considered adequate for this use), -slopes steeper than 3:1, -excessively hot or dry weather, -adverse solls(shaltow, rocky, or high In cloy or sand), and -areas receiving concentrated flow. If the area to be mulched is subject to concentrated waterflow, as in channels, anchor mulch with netting (Practice 6.14, Mulching), Table 6.10a - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Late Winter and Early Spring Seeding mixture Species- Rye(grain), Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain Rate (tb/ocre)- 120 Omit annual lespedezo when duration of temporary cover Is not to extend beyond June Seeding dates-Coastol Picini - Dec. 1 - Apr. 15. Soil amendments- Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib/ocre i - - round agricultural I mestone and 750 lb/acre acre t0 10 10 fertilizer. 9/ Mulch -Apply 4,DOOlb/ocre straw. Anchor straw by locking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool, Maintenance - Refertilize if growth Is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10b - Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Seeding mixture Species -German millet Rate(lb/acre)- 40 Seeding dotes -Coastal Plain- Apr, 15-Aug. 15 Sag omendments-Fellow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 !b/ocre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw, Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool, Maintenance-Refertilize If growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10c - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Fall Seeding mixture Species-Rye(grain) Role(lb/acre) - 120 Seeding dotes - Coastal Plain and Piedmont -Aug 15 - Dec. 30 Soil amendments - Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib./ocre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 tb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch- Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool, Maintenance- Repair and refertilize damaged areas immediately. Topdress with 50 Ib/ocre of nitrogen in March, if 1{ is necessary to extend temporary cower beyond June 15, overseed with 50 ib/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) Permanent Seeding Specifications / 6.11 - Specifications 7 Seedbed Requirements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable due to inappropriate soil texture (Table 6,110), poor drainage, concentrated overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures have been taken 10 correct these problems. To maintain a good stand of vegetation, the soil must meet certain minimum soil I h these criteria: requirements as o growth medium. The existing so should eve t e e c t - Enough fine-grained (silt and clay) material to maintain adequate moisture and nutrient supply (available water capacity of at least .05 Inches water to I Inch of eo€I). - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration. - Sufficient depth of soil to provide on adequate root zone, The depth to rock or impermeable layers such as hardpong should be 12 Inches or more, except on slopes sleeper than 2.1 where the addition of soil is not feasible. - A favorable pH range for plant growth, usually 6.0-6.5. - Freedom from large foots, branches, stones, large clods of earth, or trash of any kind. Clods and stones may be left on slopes steeper than 3:1 If they are to be hydroaeedad. If any of the above criteria are not met-i.e., if the existing soil is too coarse, dense, shallow or acidic to foster vegeto I Ion -special amendments are required. The soil conditioners described below may be beneficial or, preferably, topsoil may be applied In accordance with Practice 6.04, Topsolling. Soil Conditioners In order to improve the structure or drainage characteristics of o sog, the following material may be added. These amendments should only be necessary where soils have limitations that make them poor for plant growth or for fine turf establishment (see Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations). Peal -Appropriate types are sphognum moss peal, hypnum moss peat, reedsedge peat, or peat humus, all from fresh -water sources. Pool should be shredded and conditioned in storage plies for of least 6 months after excavation. Sand -clean and free of toxic materials Vermiculits-horticultural grade and free of toxic substances. Rotted manure -stable or cattle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or other bedding materials. Thoroughly rotted sawdust- free of stones and debris. Add 6 lb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yord. Sludge -Treated sewage and industrial sludges are available In various forms: these should be used only in accordance with local. State and Federal regulations. Species Selection Permanent in ur ble 6.11 Use the key to Seeding Mixtures eaT (a b) to select the most r riot seeding mixture based on the general site and maintenance factors. Opp op e g t A listing of species, including scientific names and characteristics, is given In Appendix 8.02. Seedbed Preparation Install necessary mechanical erosion and sedimentation control practices before seeding, and complete grading according to the approved plan. Lime and fertilizer needs should be determined by soil tests. Soil testing is performed free of charge by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture soil testing laboratory. Directions, sample cartons, and information sheets are available through county agricultural extension offices or from NCDA. Because the NCDA soil testing tab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn -around, sampling must be planned well In advance of final grading. Testing is also done by commercial laboratories. When soli test ore not available, follow rates suggested on the individual specification sheet for the seeding mix chosen (Tables 6.11c through 6.11v). Applications rates usually foil into the following ranges: - Ground agricultural limestone Light -textured, sandy soils; 1-1 1/2 tons/acre Heavy textured, clayey soils 2-3 tons/acre - Fertilizer: Grosses 800-1200 lb/acre of 10-10-10 (or the equivalent) Gross -legume mixtures: 800-1200 lb/acre of 5-10-10 (or the equivalent) Apply lime and fertilizer evenly and incorporate into the top 4-6 inches of sag by disking or other suitable means. Operate machinery on the contour. When using a hydroseeder, apply lime and fertilizer to a rough, loose surface. Roughen surfaces according to Practice 6.03, Surface Roughening. Complete seedbed preparation by breaking up large clods and raking into a smooth, uniform surface (slope less than 3:1) Fell in or level depressions than con collect water. Broadcast seed into a freshly loosened seedbed that hog not been sealed by roinfoll. Note Well; See landscaping Pian for additional specifications. Table 6.11s - Seeding No. 4CP for: Weil -Drained Sandy looms to Dry Sands, Coastal Plain; Low to Medium -Care Lawns Seeding mixture Species - Centlpedeg►oss - Rote - 10-20 ib/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. - ,tune, (Sprigging can be done through July where water is available for Irrigation.) Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil test, or apply 300 Ib/ocre 10-10-10. Sprigging - Plant sprigs in furrows with a troctor-drown transplanter, or broadcast by hand. Furrows should be 4-6 inches deep and 2ft apart. Place sprigs about 2 ft. apart In the row with one end at or above ground level (Figure 6.11d). Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs into the top 1 1/2 inches of soil with a disk set straight so that sprigs ore not brought back toward the surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen in spring with no phosphorus, Centipedegross cannot tolerate high pH or excess fertilizer. Table 5.11t - Seeding No. 5CP for: Welt -Drained Sandy Looms to Dry Sands; Low Maintenance Seeding mixture Species Rate (lb/acre) Pensacola Bahlagross 50 Sericeo lespedezo 30 Common Bermudogrose 10 German millet 10 Seeding notes 1. Where o neat appearance is desired, omit sericso 2. Use common Bermudograss only on isolated sites where it cannot become a pest. Bermudogross may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedgrass. Seeding dates - Apr. 1 - July 15 Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 Ib/ocre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,D00 lb/acre groin straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with o mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight con be used as a mulch anchoring toot. Maintenance - Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be moved only once a year. More a neat appearance is desired, omit serlceo and now as often as needed. Table 6.11v - Seeding No. 7CP for: Grass -lined Channels; Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bermudogross - Rote - 40-80 (1/2 Ib/I,ODO ft ) Seeding dales - Coastal Plain; Apr - July Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3.000 Ib/ocre ground agricultural limestone and 5DO lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and ditches. The lining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and in drainages not requiring temporary linings, apply 4.000 lb/acre groin straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the top. Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed to wash dawn slopes where they con clog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum of 3 weeks is required for establishment. Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. 1 REVISED AS PER DENR /DLO COMMENTS 7-12-04 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copr*t O, Manor 00211s" Services, P.A., At rots rescued. Repreeueticn or use or the conlents of this dooLowil, at oddliims or dersli,rw to this ,racansnt, h whole or part, siMout written consent of the Land &wwyor or FnQhew, Is pra hblted 014y oopib Arom Ow orlghof of this document, marked with Me ariyknd signohwe and orl" beef of are Surveyor or ErIbeer. egos be caftsidered to be solid and trw copies. Outlet Stabilization Structure Specification i 6.41 - Construction Specifications 1. Ensure that the subgrode for the filter and riprap folio" the required lines and grades shown in the plan, Compact any fig required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and grovel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation, Repair any damage by i i filter co h over the removing the rl ro and placing another ere a of emu g P P P g P damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap a minimum of I It. H the damage is extensive, replace the entire fester cloth, 4. Rtprop may be placed by equipment, but take core to ovoid damaging the fitter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Rtprop may be field stone or rough quarry atone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather -resistant and well graded. 6. Construct the opron on zero grade with no overfalt of the end. Make the top of the rlprop at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. B. Ensure that the opron Is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it In the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabiize all disturbed areas with vegetation (Practice 6,10, Temporary Seeding, and 6.11, Permanent Seeding). Maintenance Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy ruins to see If any erosion around or below the Oprop has taken place or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. Fabric Drop Inlet Protection (Temporary) Specification # 6.51 - Construction Specifications 1. As synthetic fabric, use a pervious sheet of nylon, polyester, or ethylene yorn-exlro strength (50 lb/1 Inch minimum) -that contains ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers. Fabric should be sufficiently porous to provide adequate drainage of the temporary sediment pod. Burlap may be used for short-term applications, It must be replaced every 60 day& t fabric from a continuous roll to eliminate joints. 2 Cu 3. For stakes, use 2 x 4 inch wood (preferred) or equivalent metal with a minimum length of 3 ft, 4. Space stakes evenly around the perimeter of the inlet a maximum of 3f1. apart, and securely drive them into the ground, approximately 18 inches deep. 5. To provide needed stability to the Installation, frome with 2 x 4-inch wood strips around the crest of the overflow area at a maximum of 1.5 ft above the drop Inlet crest. 6. Place the bottom 12 Inches of the fabric in a trench and backfill the trench with at least 4 inches of crushed stone or 12 inches of compacted soil. 7. Fasten fabric securely to the stakes and frame. Joints must be overtopped to the next stake. 8. The top of the frame and fabric must be well below the ground elevation down slope from the drop Inlet to keep runoff from bypassing the Inlet. It may be necessary to build a temporary dike on the down slope aide of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Material from within the sediment pod may be used for diking, Maintenance Inspect the fabric barrier after each rain and make repairs at needed. Remove sediment from the pod area as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain, Take care not to damage or undercut the fabric during sediment removal. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of them properly. Bring the disturbed area to the grade of the drop inlet and smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize oil bore areas around the inlet. Sediment Basin Specifications % 6.61 - Construction Specifications 1.Site preparations -Clear, grub and strip topsoil from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, ►oats and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pod area until the dam is complete and then remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to faciitale sediment deonout. Stockpile all topsoil or sag containing organic matter for use on the outer sheli of the embankment to facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment control measures below the basin as needed. 2,Cut-off trench -Excavate o cut-off trench along the centerline of the earth tilt embankment. Cut the trench to stable soil material, but in no case make it less than 2 ft. deep. The cut-off trench must extend into both abutments to at least the elevation of the riser crest. Make the minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but In no case less than 2 ft. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper than 1:1. Compaction requirements are the some as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry during bockfiging and compaction operations. 3.Embonkment-Take fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans. IL should be clean mineral Solt, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and other objectionable material. Scarify areas on which fill Is be placed before placing fill, The fill material must contain sufficient moisture so it can be formed by hand into a bull without crumbling. if water can be squeezed out of the boll, it is too wet for proper compaction. Place rill material in 6 to 8-Inch continuous layers over the entire length of the fill area and then compact It. Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction howling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer is traversed by at least one wheel or tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 10% higher than the design height to allow for settling, 4.Conduit spilwoys-Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. Secure all connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth foundation of impervious tall. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone as backfill around the pipe or anti -seep collors. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway In 4-inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least the some density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft. of hond-compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before crossing I a e c ass g t with t construction equipment. Anchor the riser in place by concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment is complete. 5.Emergancy spillway -Install the emergency spillway in undisturbed soil. The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operoltan of emergency spillway. 6.Inlet3-Dischorge water Into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper and of the pool area to Improve basin trap efficiency (References: Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7.Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized. Divert surface water away from bore areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway Immediately after construction (References: Surface Stabilization). 8.Sc fet y- Sediment basins may attract children and can be dangerous. Avoid steep side slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning signs if trespassing is likely. follow all state and local requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin to Its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one- half the design depth. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. Remove all trash and other debris from the rhm and pool area. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL and WATER QUALITY PLAN H u nterStone Apartments LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP BRUNSMCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLiNA of ,�rel' -a CAR f�00 Llr•' ,iFQ�ESS1py 9 1•.1 « SEAL i 20007 i . NCI Nctems � r' It dhollis ® hdsilm.com OWNER: Hunter Ridge Apartments, LLC 1510-A South Third Street, PO Box 1229 Wilmington, NC 28402 91951-5030 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. 2t1401 PHONE. (910) 343-8002 s-2s-o4 Scale: 1"- 30r brawn: DSH rChecked: GA W Project No: 6309-10-6 Sheet No: 8 r Of: : 1b:54:03 07/12/2004 ._. - -- - s .T rr yr . 1 -L. t i Ii ;., .r Ali i,' t 1 `7 .•. ,.;r.�11 -e F' i I 1I1'1 I.: , ' T 1 h 1 'e .i '',k it ' 1 4' r'1.' n1� i`il 'hi I r , ;'h �''1'1�1r;} 4 1.r ! l r f �+ 1 i I f f ���tik i I I I , I 'i f4 i I,' r ,'t ( ' i 1• . . . . r,r .. ilk),.# I L,.'n, _ � _�AI t'¢ �0- �f , : , '�"," '� ,'I•: eh!Lkl r� tar: i._lnL, AI1�sllili't: NOTES FOR WATER SUPPLYAND INSTALLATION 1. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE SDR21 PVC PIPE WITH PUSH ON JOINTS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED. 2, 3' MINIMUM COVER ON ALL WATER MAINS. 3. LOCATE ALL METER SETTINGS 5' FROM LOT LINE UNLESS OTERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE LINES TO TO BE 2" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 6. BLOW OFF ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 7. ALL BENDS AND TEES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BLOCKED (SEE DETAIL). 8. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER LINE AND BORES TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. 9. ALL MAINS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FLUSHED, PRESSURE TESTED, AND DISINFECTED IN ACCORDACE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 10. ALL WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT PERSONNEL AND THE N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED. CONTACT. NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT. 11. ALL WATER SYSTEM WORK SHALL BE DONE TO NORTH BRUNSWICK SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. SEE THRUST BLOCK CRUSHED 6" GATE VALVE DETAIL FOR RODDING ROCK AND BOX DRAIN _ ._ _ _ ., 1 I (V I f a TEE OR CROSS THRUST P LA N BLOCK R. N.T.S. PAY LIMIT FOR HYDRANT INSTALLATION VARIES HYDRANT AS 1,0' SPECIFIED (TYPICAL) MUELLER OR APPROVED EQUAL ® 0 0It HYDRANTTA BARREL �.. .' VALVE CRUSHED BOX ROCK '��'�� '�•. PIPE BENDING DRAIN _ q AS SPECIFIED .:�.:�.• '., GATE Vit ALVE UNDISTURBED TEE OR CROSS EARTH (TYP,) . WITH BLOCKING SEE THRUST BLOCK DETAIL FOR RODDING CONCRETE THRUSL/ L CONCRETE BASE BLOCK 18"x18"x6" MIN. 20"x20"x4" MIN. VALVE BLOCKING ELEVATION N.T.S. HYDRANT INSTALLAr►ON CASTING 1-1/2" 1-2 121' 11 12" I TYPICAL DETAIL MONUMENT CASTING and BASE I' INSULATED+ APPROVED REDUCED I I FIBERGLASS PRESSURE ZONE RPZ) I I COVER BACKFLOW PREVENTER j 12 1.41 ASSEMBLY I I f8"FLANGED , I COUPLING DRESSER I I do ADAPTER -0 -0 COUPLING 1 I ,, II FINISHED GRADE I ' -.*-SLOPE TO SUMP I I ��.,.: ,.:. ONC. PAD' yFINISHED GRADE; ...., `,1...„ �..r...: // SUMP, No.57 CONC.BLOCK WASHED STONE SUPPORT FILL w/ GROUT \\ 3' REQUIREACXFLOW PREVENTERS D FOR ALL DIP DIP " SERVICES OVER 1 DIAMETER. NOTE: BACFLOW PREVENTERS REQUIRED ON ANY SERVICE DETAIL - BACKFLOW PREVENTER LINES OVER USE F BMODELIMETER (2"), Ar.A OR USC APPROVED EQUIVALENT. FINAL COURSE OF ASPHAL T PAVING TD BE PLACED ONLY AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE, 4, 5' 30' 30' 0, 5' 4, 0' 18' 4'CNC, REVERSE CROWN SIDEWALK PARKING (TYPICAL) 4 "CC]NC. SPACE GL SIDEWALK I_7� I(TYPICAL) 1-1 /c"ASPHAL T CURB 9 GUTTER 6'ABC BASE CURSE NOTE: Both sides are typically syrmme trica 1. TYPICAL MIN. PARKING BAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE FULL 18' JOINT 6" PIPE SEE THRUST BLOCK HYDRANT DETAIL FOR RODDING a a o 0 0 o) o o qaa TO MAIN a a TEE BOLTS HYDRANT LUGS RETAINER CLAMP JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO 1ST FULL JOINT OF PIPE SEE THRUST BLOCK HYDRANT DETAIL FOR RODDING w o a o a 0 0 0 Z oa0aa Q a TIE BOLTS JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO MAIN TEE GUIDELINES FOR HYDRANT JOINT RESTRAINT N'1'd C �.u� � � L�LI•-= - 9 G C(SQ) I MIN. 16" > MIN. .. .. r TTT TIT C D(SQ) A A PLAN BENDS PLAN AND ELEVATION S.S.ANCHOR PLAN PLUGS STRAPS TEES 45' L/7 ,,, i MIN. M a - SECTION C-C D(SQ) BENDS AND TEES wa,e: ALL T s, .No SOM SMA eE a 4MM ACMW RIM tMM NDS '"°" CLAN c �"M 45' VERTICAL B� PIPE DIA• BENDS BENDS 2/ • BENDS TEES PLUGS 45-VERT. A B A 13 A B A 8 C D D 3 8" 10" 5" 10" 3" 8" 5" 12" 6" 14 21 0.2 4" 8 1O 5" 10" 3" 8" 5 12 8 14 21 0.2 6" 12" 8 9" 8" 6' 8 12 ' 8" 1 O" 20 27" 0.4 8 14 12 12 10" 8 12" 14 12 12 26 33 0.8 STANDARD TNRUST BLOCKING A6 KA 3000 PSI CONCRETE THREADED GALVANIZED STEEL (8)#4 REBAR THRUST COLLAR SEE "TIE ROD SCHEDULE" FOR 4 EACH WAY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF TIE ROD. M.J.CAP OR OTHER - - - - - M.J.FITTING �•14 � l D DIP � * e l\ I fJ o • r D 2"DIA.THREADED TAP AND BRASS NIPPLE THRUST RING FOR 21INE EXTENSION THRUST COLLAR SHALL BE FORMED USING 1/2"EXTERIOR PLYWOOD AS PER COLLAR DIMENSIONS SHOWN. TIE ROD SCHEDULE COLLAR DIMENSIONS TIE ROD PIPE DIAM, QUAN, SIZE SIZE LINE MIN.W MIND _PLATE DIAM. 4' 2 5/8' 4' 6' L+B' L+2' 6' 2 3/4' 6' 9' L+9' L+3' B. 2 3/4' 8' 12' L+9' L+3' 12` 4 3/4' 12' 18' L+9' L+3' 16' 4 7/8' 16' 18' L+9' L+3' 20' 4 1' 20, 20' L+9' L+3' 24' 4 1-1/4' 24' 24' L+10' L+4' 30' 4 1-1/2' 30' 24' L+11' L+5' • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DISTANCE WITH COLLAR SUPPLIERS. THRUST COLLAR NM 10. VARIABLE R/W AT ENTRANCE 60' R/W 2' J6' 2' 10' 1 4"PER FOOT 1/4"PER FOOT 1 "PER FOOT S'ABC & 1-1/2'SF9.5 MODIFIED VALLEY CURB 4"THICK VWIDE CONC.SIDEWALK TO BE PROVIDED TYPICAL STREET DETAIL SOUTH SIDE NOT TO SCALE (APPLIES TO COLLECTOR ROADS) WEST GATE DRIVE FINISH GRADE THRUST COLLAR MIN. COVER 3.5' DIP DIP SEE THRUST 3/4" THREADED STEEL COLLAR DETAIL BELOW RODS (TYP.) 3" 3" SEE THRUST 3" 3" COLLAR DETAIL BELOW AND FOR RODDING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) ROD REQUIREMENTS GENERAL NOTES: AS PER TOWN OF SHALLOTTE 1. ONCE INSTALLED AND TIGHT, THE STEEL RODS AND BOLTS SHALL BE COATED WITH TWO COATS OF BITUMINOUS BASE PAINT. 2. CONCRETE SHALL NOT CONTACT BOLTS OR ENDS OF MECHANICAL JOINT BENDS. 3. TYPICAL MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND END OF BOLT MUST BE 30 . 4. APPROVED OFFSETS CAN BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION. STANDARD VERTICAL BEND N" l'MINIMUM ALL AROUND (TYP.) 6"MINIMUM"`' 1 � 2"MINIMUM 4"MAXIMUM MAIN LINE SIZE GATE VALVE 2"BRASS CAP CI VALVE BOXES 2'BRASS NIPPLE 5'MINIMUM s • 2"SCHD.40 APT X 10'MAXIMUM I TAPPED MECH.PLUG SLIP PVC ADAPTER 2"SCHD.40 PVC DIP Nk ` 2"PVC 90' BEND DIP OR\cu-51cD N� o a a THRUST BLOCKING PVC MAIN� 12 W as z a 2"SCHD.40 PVC MIN.LENGTH 18" En C3 CM m m w W PROFILE U4 CX¢ UO (N CA o� �m DETAIL 2" BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY (TEMPORARY) ALr.A "cQc 1 0 0) BOO 180, �O =O� TYPICAL MINIMUM DIMENSIONS NOT TO SCALE NOTE: DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY TOWN OF SHALLOTTE. T�iIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL STATE AND COUNTY CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. 0'-1" 2'-0' 0'-l" 0'-1" 1'-4.5" 0'-4.5" WHERE REVERSE CROWN 1" R IS REQUIRED GUTTER SHALL SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN 1 1/4" R • MOST APPLICATIONS IN PARKING LOT a 00 N °' CURB _& GUTTER SECTION • N.T.L 75" 1( } 1 \ BRICK MORTAR EXTENSION OR STACK FINISHED GRADE CASTING PLAN VIEW FLANGE N.T.S. CASTING 111 L 4 e t. s CONCRETE COLLAR MORTAR OVER FLANGE STANDARD BRICK MORTAR � 1" z" NOTE: :..:..:........... .:..... THIS NSTALL.ATION REWIRED WHEN BOXES AND CLEANOU1S ARE LOCATED IN PRESENT OR FUTURE TER YALVE BOX EXTENSION WATER � CENTERED OVER PAVED AREAS. PRIOR TO SETTING CASTINGS, NEW INSTALLATIONS WILL VALVE NUT. SEWER CLEANOUT CASTING REOVIRE 95X COMPACTION OF CENTERED OVER STACK. BACKFILL IN 6" LIFTS, cLEANour oR VALVE IN PAVED AREA A6 r.•. RPZ BACKFLOW PREVENTERS REQUIRED FOR ALL SERVICES OVER 1 " DIAMETER. 2.5" ABB COMPOUND METER PIT PADS FINISHED GRADE CAP FIBE METL.. own 36"X 48"X 24"DEEP POLYETHYLENE I I PIPE, CTS SDR-9 I 200 PSI 11 WATERLINE AS SHOWN ON PLANS DETAIL - DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE N" 2" ASPHALT TYPE "1" EXISTING PAVEMENT N.C.D.O.T. SPEC. \ EXISTING PAVEMENT 6" COMPACTED MARL BASE (D.O.T. REQUIRES 8") 1'-0" 1'-0., DITCH LINE PIPE DITCH LINE NOTES: * BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED IN 6" LIFTS MAXIMUM AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 5% AS D TERMINED BY THE MODIFIED A.A.S.H.T.O. STANDARD METHOD T-99 • CUT - BACK TO BE PREPARED AFTER TRENCH BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION STANDARD SHOWING METHOD MAKING PAVEMENT REPAIRS WHERE PIPE INSTALLED AM REV. NO. REVISIONS DAT Copt o, Hwoww teeth Serrk+s4, P.A, AN ephts rwarsd Rdprodwtlan or use of the contents of thk document, w o*Wtkns or 60ockne to OW doawtan4 1A srede oe part. without Britten consent of tho twod sewwyor or Enpiow, is prohibited Ary eapke emn Of oripAtat of this don+me+4 mound eft Ow of4hd vOwkwe and wk*d seat of the Swwyor or EnNawr, MW be oo u*bred to be voNd and b w cophim 6. CLASS "A" CONCRETE 'R 3/4-CHAMFEik PAVING IPAVING • • • • • 6. 6" ABC STONE 6"ABC STONE 7"12" ALTERNATE SECTIONS $" 12' POSSIBLE IN PARKING VERTICAL CURB SECTION AREAS IF DESIRED BY TURNDOWN SIDEWALK DETAIL O. e,rs WNERlass CARRIER PIPE INFLUENT EFFLUENT LINE 1,a.EAR UPC 6" SHAPED INVERT NER PIPE THRU M.H. E CENTERED, D.I, PIPE SECTION INTERFERENCE STRUCTURE wre -� EXISTING TREE DRIPLINE -f I I 3' MIN. STAKE PROTECTIVE BARRIER �-HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE p /l��1 l l . ��r -.. ..'1 w i ✓1 !`ti , �ti^ \L lr 1 li TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND A PROTECTIVE BARRIER IS TO BE INSTALLED AT THE DRIPLINE. DRIP LINE - THE AREA OF SOIL DIRECTLY BENEATH THE TREE EXTENDING OUT TO THE TIPS OF THE OUTERMOST BRANCHES. METHOD OF TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION qYi 0' -8 1 /4" 0'-0 11 /16" p'-0 l i /16" 1 -2 1/4 r 0'-- 7 1 /4" 0 0'-11 7/8" I ❑00 b 0'-6 11 16" WATER ' 1/2" N 0-0 ❑oo 0'-0 1/8" I 0'--0 1 /8" PLAN o 0'-0 3/4" 0'-6 11/16"DIA, 0'-O 1/1,t" D,- " f 0'-0 1/2 0'-7" 0'-0 1/2" c� 0'-0 5/16" O'-1 1/2"' 0 0'-4 3/4 C11 0'-0 1/2" 0'-0 1/2" SECTION "A -A" d-10" " 0'-6 1/2" DIA. GREY WVC 6HD CAST IRON OR EQUAL 1, -6 1/4 SECTION "A -A" 0 0-8 1/4 MINIMUM WEIGHTS HEAVY DUTY TOP 10 LBS. 0:-3/8" EXTENSION 40 LBS. EXTENSION ° -" 7/8 7 VALVE BOX LID WATER VALVE CASTING N7'S r DETAILS HunterStone Apartments LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP BRUNSIMCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA e ot > CAROL''•.,* &5SIpN SE AL � 20007 IN Is 4•, Ov� dhollis 0 hdsilm.com OWNER: Hunter Ridge Apartments, LLC 1510--A South Third Street, PO Box 1229 Wilmington, NC 28402 919-251-5030 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SUR"NS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET WIL WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Dote: 6 -28-0� Scale: 1'= 40' Drown: DSH Checked: GA W Project No: 6309-10- Sheet No: 9 10 13.03e2607/01/2D04 • ► , I .,�.1'-�,, t I ! „1. '. . t. r 1. i '! ( ! I I j.{,,t .�r 1 r�,•rr ,', r- I� .L r1 I tre' ' i t� }� � :+.•i .• 1 I,� `� , .• S'r 0 Y 4 t " , 5J ' t tin�,t r" f � .+ GENERAL NOTES I. LOCATION OF rtEELCHAR RAMPS: 1, IN ACCORDANCE MTN THE RATTED HOUSE BILL 1296, ALL STREET CURBS IN NORTH CAROLINA BEING MM97RMIM OR RECONSIUCTED FOR MAINTENANCE PRDCEDURES, TRAFM OPERATIONS, REPAIRS, CORRECTION OF U11UTIES OR ALTERED FOR ANY REASON AFTER SEPTEMDER WHE 1973 SHALL F'ROWDE ELCIR RAIDS FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS WHERE BOTH CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALKS ARE PROVIDED AND AT OTHER MAJOR POINTS OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW 2, WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SHOULD BE LOCATED AS INDICATED IN DETAIL DRAWINGS, HOWEVER EXISTING LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, DROP IllEM ETC. MAY AFFECT PLACEMENT. IL ODNSTRUCTNGN NOTES° 1. NO SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 1'"1' (1Z" 1) ON THE RAMP OR SIDEWALK. 2. IN NO CASE SHALL THE NDTH OF WHEELCHAIR RAMPS BE LESS THAN 40" (5-4-), VAD714S MAY EXCEED 40" IF NECESSARY. 3, USE CLASS 'A' CONCRETE WITH THE SURFACE HAVING A 1110". NON-SKID TYPE nNISH. 4. 1/2' EXPANSION JOINT WALL BE REQIRED WHERE THE CONCRETE WCUCHAR RAMP JOINS ANY MW PAVEIENT OR STRUCTURE. 4 CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL COWGIRM NTH nIaSE OF THE GOVERNING BODY WHICH HAS JURISDICTION OF THE PARDCULAL STREET. ■. ADDITIONAL HOLES: 1. THE INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK LINES SHALL BE ESTABUSKO BY BISECTING THE INTERSECTION RAN WHERE MARKED (SEE NOTE e). 2. THE WHEELCHAIR RAW SHALL BE U=TED SO THAT THE BEGINNING OF THE WHEEL CHAIR RAMP WILL BE TWO FEET FROM THE INSIDE PEOCISMAN CROSSWALK LIE. 3. THE WIDTH OF THE PEDESTRIAN CROSWALK SHALL DE 10 FEET UNLESS A GREATER WIDTH 15 REQUIRED M ACCOMMODATE THE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. 4, STOP BARS SHALL BE USED WERE IT IR IMPORTANT TO INDICATE THE POINT BEHIND WHICH VEHICLES ARE REQUIRED TO STOP IN COMPLIANCE WITH A TRAFFIC SIGNAL. STOP SICK, OR OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. a PARKINO SHALL BE MOMATED A MINIMUM Or 20 FEET BACK OF PEDESTRIAN C ROSSYMLX. e. ALL PAVEMENT MARKNOS MALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WAIN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES RXBLI54ED BY THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION. TNIS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERNIENDENT OF DO U ENT% U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASIIINOTON. D.C. 20402. GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS ARKED: SANITARY SEWER OR STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED TOP OF COVER WWW r�r W A A RING AND COVER CONTACT jhF 7/8" OTTOM OF COVER E VENABEARING OF 5/8" COVER AND RING. 2'-1" MINIMUM WEIGHTS V-11 3/4" PLAN RING 261 LBS. 1 1/2" COVER 120 LBS. 0'-'-2 1/8" 0'-3 1 /Sue 0'-7 1/2" V-8 3/8" 0'-0 1/2' V-9 5/8" 0'-5 1/2" 0'-5 1/2" V--10 1 /4" SECTION "A -A" 2'-9 1/4" STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER NITS IRKED: SANITARY SEWER AIN ASORM REQU RED TOP OF COVER A A OTTOM OF COVER 1/2' 1 /2" NOTE: PLAN RING & COVER CONTACT SURFACES SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO V-11 3/4" INSURE EVEN BEARING 0'-1" 2'-1 1 4" 1'-11 1/2" OF COVER ON RING 0'-2 3/4" 0,0131 1/2" MINIMUM WEIGHTS: 0' N 2 1/$"" RING 190 LBS. 0-4 3/4" 0'-7 1/2 COVER 120 LBS. 1'-10 1 /4" 0'-0 1%2" 2'-0 1/2" 2'-9 1/4" 5ECTION "A -A" - - ALTERNATE STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER NTS PRE -CAST MANHOLE - SECTIONS ' INFLUENT PIPE TO BE AWWA C-901). OR DROP CONNECTION CLASS 51 D.I.P. (SAME DIA. AND TYPE AS INFLUENT PIPE) 60" DUIMETER MIN. SAW CUT TEE •: GROUT TEE AROUND PIPE STAINLESS STEEL DROP PIPE SUPPORTS z r 0 V-6"MAX. 14 SEE BELOW , N 1/4 (99) BEND -01 2,500 psi WEDGE CEMENT CONCRETE ANCHORS 1/4"SS PLATES PARTS TO BE 1/2'SS RODDING STAINLES STEEL STAINLESS STEEL NUTS DROP PIPE TYPICAL 6V DIAMETER DROP MANHOLE N»TAL l�f list Irl ;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUMMIA 60" DIAMETER DROP MANHOLE OLT.& SEE OBSTRUCTION DETAI SIDEWALK VAR VAR J'RAD(VAR) SEE NOTE(TYP 10' MIN PED-X-ING SEE NOTE 2(TYP) 2, 0" TYPICAL LOCATION OF WHEEi. HAIL PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS & STOP BARS GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(A) NTS r-6" STANDARDqPIPE STOP STQP SIGN 6' TO 12' STANDARD WITHOUT CURB 0'- 6" 12 MN. OR GUTTER MIN PARKING 0 8 AM - 6 PM STREET NAME EASON 4-0 ^ $5.00 FINE 0'-6 3/4" "PIPE (SEE NOTE) MIN, `D 1 WITH SLOPE -FACE 00 CURB WITH CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER STANDARD SIGN INSTALLATION LOCATION NTS $0154" 0'-s" 0'-6.. 1�r MORTAR COLLAR O,-8w rye 0'-6" 0 --6 A A B I %K iN 0'-8" 0'-6" 2' - 7 1/2" 0. 6'-4" 1'-6" AN STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE NTS - 7 1 /2" 2'-7 1/2" COVER PLAN VIEW RINQ- PLAN VIEW (BOTTOM) 0'-0 1 /2" 1'-4 1 /4" DIA. 0'-0 1 /2" 0`-1" 0'-0 7/8" V-3 1 /4" DIA. 0'-7 1 /2" 0'-0 7/8" 0'-6 5/8" I 0 —0 3/8II 4+s 00 1/4" DIA. 4 —1 .. 1'-3 0'-4,I SECTIQN 'A —A' MONUMENT NTS J m Ir 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT B STRIPCURB F CURB PED-X-ING PLAN VIEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) NTS BACK SIDEWALK 4'�-0" 3'-4" 4'-0" SCORE VAR 2;1 MAX VAR VAR TING GROUND IMPACTED BACKFILL TO I i% MODIFIED PROCTOR ! UNDER PAVEMENT IMPACTED BACKFILL TO MODIFIED PROCTOR WALLS TO ANGLE OF )SE OF SOIL OR AS )VED BY THE ENGINEER ACTED PIPE EMBEDMENT 19; MODIFIED PROCTOR TED GRANULAR MATERIAL EQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER PIPE WIDTH +24" TRENCH BOTTOM STANDARD PIPE TRENCH DETAIL NITS PRECAST CONCRETE GRADE RINGS VARIES 12" MAX, ECCENTRIC __14 PRECAST CONE STANDARD MANHOLE COVER GROUT MANHOLE STEPS AS SPECIFIED PRECAST MANHOLE SPECIFIED A SPECIFIED PRECAST MANHOLE RING EXTENSION NTS A A L J COVER PLAN VIEW TOP SECTION 'B—B' 16 1 /16" DIA. AT TOP 10 1/2" DIA. 0'-0 00'-00 1 /8' 6" DIA. -� 1/2" 0'-1 7/8" 0'-0 7/8" _ 00'-2 0' —0 0 - 1 /8" /21I 3/8" 15 7/8" DIA, O`--O 1 /2" AT BOTTOM 0'-0 5/8" P_AR_T OF SECTION 0'-0 3/8" ENLARGED G.R. ENNIS & SON NO. MBX—GRE-16 MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT RING 120 LBS. COVER 40 LBS. MONUMENT NTS NOTE: 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT BACK .11 STRIPCURB F CURB PED-X-ING PLAN VIEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) SIDEWALK O SEE 4'-0" 3'-4" 4'-0" OF CURB VAR OR VAR VAR GRASS 1 MAX �OPE -. • , OEPR SSED . NOTE 2 VERTICAL BREAK. IN CURB 2--0- 10'-0" MIN FACE SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 12:1 0'-4" 0'-4" ,-6" NN VIEW A NOTES: 1-DO NOT TAP MANHOLE AT JOINT, 2-BREAK OUT MINIMUM AMOUNT OF MANHOLE WALL TO ALLOW NEW PIPE TO ENTER. 3—CONCRETE TO BE BROKEN FROM INSIDE OF MANHOLE, IF POSSIBLE. 4-PLACE COLLAR AROUND NEW PIPE. COLLAR TO BE BUILT RESTING ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. 5-REPAIR CONCRETE WITH NON -SHRINK CEMENT. 6-SEE SD 14---11 FOR PRE -CAST MANHOLE DETAIL. STANDARD TAPPING DETAIL PRE -CAST MANHOLE NTi r RAM-NEK JOINT MAT'L OR APPROVED EQUAL STD. MANHOLE COVER, (TYPICAL) J 2'-0" MANHOLE STEPS MIN. AS SPECIFIED Q- PRECAST MANHOLE SECTION, DK A, S. T. M, C 478 a D- 5" MIN. A IFIE Ld O'-6 MIN. 0'-6" M!N MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE. 3000 PSI CONCRETE 6" MIN. 6" MIN. CRUSHED STONE11101 PRECAST MANHOLE NTS rAWARD-tZAr 45 IAGYPrAR ,GlN15(1rP) ? 1/4 X J/4' X 8' � p1J 69'HYai EDY>i44C �A A LA LJL A• & i JL L'k A- lA L } A i1 L PLAZA & i A A. AACA NXNZ N \ / I I J' /FiYdif N:Lvit 1/2' NQ4TAR LfbfLAYC 8M N7 -2' 5-4' GUIDELINES FOR BRICK SIDEWALK NTS i!._8"" CONTINUOUS CONCRETE COPING 3/4" FRAME do GRATE r� 7" FRAME AND GRATE r I I,a r-I IK r-� IA* 4" DEWEY BROS. No.CH- BN -3A SECIJAW B B' OR EQUAL DENEr BROS NQ CY-SIN-14 GYP 600YALENT PRECAST CONCRETE r+' a CATCH BASIN 0. o aaN a -INK r_s aA' ; N � � 0 SFCTICW 'A -A' r 1 .: i. :i. i' 4" I'-11/Z' D'-s14' n 4'-0. 0'r 3 3/4'B b' REINFORCING � SECTION VIEW 14 BARS O 12"OC EYV pjj�[ VIEW n b PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY 0'-3 3/4' uu u uuu u UUU EEII Illl fill _ ", TO ACCOMMODATE LARGER PIPES, J 7 '� OR MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF - BLOCK OR BRICK. r] CATCH BASIN DETAIL BJ 1; N.T.S. G-e t 4" 1'-4 1/S' 0-8 Ip 'o b NYAN KEW STANDARD WATER VALVE BOX & COVER MARKED C.O. CONCRETE SIDEWALK R AE7K SEAL CLEAN -OUT STACK W/DUCT TAPESEE NOTE 2)" BEND PLUG W/6" SINGLE TEST / SEWER MAIN PLUG W/WING NUT EXTRA HEAVY 6" (SEE NOTE 2) SOIL PIPE NOTES: 6" TAPPING SADDLE TEES OR WYES ARE TEE OR WYE. INSTALLED IN NEW MAINS LAID BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2-THESE ITEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN NO HOUSE CONNECTION IS MADE AT C.O. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD CLEAN -OUT SANITARY SEWER SERVICE NTS ti 0'-1 1/2" 0'-6" 1 1/2 0' - e ON JL_U 0. i MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT 10 LBS. NOTE: CAST IRON EQUIVALENT TO DEWEY BROS. MH-ST-8 MANHOLE STEP NTS EXPANSION JOINT AT 30' INTERVALS(TYP) A. A1r P A # i V • A. Q Qv AA s 1" SCORE(TYP) i1 1 ki 4"THICK 4' OR 5'WIDE SIDEWALK DETAIL NTS DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY TOWN OF LELAND. REV. NO. REVISIONS DATP THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL 00pkht „WWW Dom" SO -Weft P.A M rVht■ rnurrrd Reproducfkm or use of the contents of this document, w edditNone or eWelfo"e ro pit COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. abow"ent, r .Hato or pvt without wltta" Consent of the Lard Surveyor dr Engk w, is pohbrted. Only cgefoa hom the orlukmf of this dwu,r L moritad wfth the orfytw aN¢+otwe and aroW Boor of the Srwyw or EnOw. shelf he coesA*vW to be »Gild and true depAm INSTALLATION AS PER I ® NC BUILDING CODE HI° 1'-6"X 1'-O"X .080 STANDARD ALUMINUM HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TO READ: MAXIMUM PENALTY SIGN "RESERVED PARKING" 2'X 2'X .188 STEEL TUBE WITH IDENTIFICATION No SYMBOL, BOLT TO STEEL EXTENDED INTO CONCRETE- I TUBE MATH 3/8" CADMIUM FILLED PIPE 24". PROVIDE 'r PLATED NUTS, BOLTS, WELDED WATERTIGHT CAP, AND WASHERS PAINT WITH P&L/6118 if "BLACK COFFEE" PAINT PIPE BASE NOTE; SIGNS MAY BE YELLOW OBTAINED FROM: 8"DIA.STEEL PIPE CAD SAFETY 240 FILLED NTH CONCRETE 4TH AVENUE N. NASHVILL, ITV N PAVEMENT 615-255-2717 V-6'DIA.CON BASE 26 #6 BARS X 14" "T LONG EACH WAY THROUGH PIPE �//%/%/� 2" HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN DETAIL NTS NOTE: THIS DETAIL IS FOR SIGNS INSTALLED N TRAFFIC AREAS ONLY. SIGNS TO ADA STANDARDS MAY BE MOUNTED ON 4X4 WOODEN TREATED POSTS IF EXTERIOR TO TRAFFIC AREAS (TYPICAL). FINISHED GRADE MINIMUM OF 8' BETWM CAP rfX COVER NOTE: 0 1. BOX EQUIVALENT TO ENNIS ENTERPRISES NO. EEW-001 2. STD. WEIGHT 30 Las. a'-45' BEND 18' NIPPLE At I i GLUED CAP STANDARD CLEANOUT N.T.S. LANDSCAPE j TIMBER TOSCJIPE 2 C.I. BOX ek COVER IMBER Z C.I. BOX & COVER 00 N SANITARY SEWER01 N.T.S. _2 45-ELBOw Z 0. MAXIMUM 4W LONG LATERAL SWEEP AS REQUIRED TO REACH OPTIMUM DEPTH cLuen CAP VARIABLE SLOPE ANGLE 45'ELBOW 1,5Xi MINIMUM 18"FIPPLE Et — 45' READ. LATERAL GLUED CAP MAXIMUM 45' LONG BEDDING AS SWEEP BENDS A5 SPECIFIED REQUIRED NOTE. USE WYE FITTINGS AT SERVICE FAR SIDE LATERAL SEWER NEAR SIDE LATERAL EXISTING GRADE 1 PE TUBING, SDR 9 ASTM D2737 Z (SIZE AS SPECIFIED) CORPORATION STOP co McDONALD MODEL Nr� 4701-22 OR EQUAL WATER ' MAIN -\ WATER SERVICE H.T.S. SERVICE SADDLES SHALL BE DOUBLE STRAP, IRON BODY; ROCKWELL MODEL 313 OR EQUAL 2.5' SERVICE TYPICAL . 1 NOTE: 3" SIN© BED NO JOINT SHALL BE ALL AROUND LINE INSTALLED BETWEEN 3D THE MAIN SERVICE BEDDING TAP AND THE METER AS SPECIFIED STOP. STANDARD SERVICE CONNECTIONS N,T,S. r DETAILS H u nterStone Apa�rtmants LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF L£LAND TOWN CREEK TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA �H CAR© °.e. .0. X kssro y SE AL 9k, s 20007 .■.C- rC4 dhollis ® hdsilm.com OWNER; Hunter Ridge Aportments, LLC 1510—A South Third Street, PO Box 1229 Wilmington, NC 28402 919— 251— 5030 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. �o SVRWMWS EA01VE£R5 & � PLANAVRS WIL WALNUT STREET N7LMINCTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Data: 6-28-04 Scala: 1 "= 40' Drawn: DSH Checked: GA W Project No: 6309--10-8 Sheet No: 10 �1: W o : 13:03.51 D7/01/2004 - 's .7►7 1 1 } f' i � � � I I 't �• I ,(, �,Sr F �' rr � 1 I�i i � r t I'it r ; .•I ` t,.: WI I� i `) �.� 'I t1. ' j.y f 1' It I ♦�%i l' ,11. +I jr - - - , .,. x - ' .. I .' _'�••}.' ,. i .1' � �: � �r.; i. I}, .. '.r -Nl• . ""'" -'1�! i . s5+� I kr S� 11'Y"