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SW7960912_APPROVED PLANS_19961223
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW-7Wf1�1,� DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE HOC DATE /�.(o!'�is3 YYYYMMDD - � J�r _ � •�Q z G Q U LLJ G r E � I G i A f ry t 2 O Or � O 3 Q fy v •se d X a Ik d 3 a �a fl Ej Z M 41 u Lj c r w1 W7 W I Li r ¢ E2 a W a s = I w L r IL Z I� }}f f as z �0 �1:= Q z W LL z SKEET LN k-I&T ) 1 inch = 30 ft. - 1 The Drawehga and Speciffloatioris an these two ahasts depict and fully dwearto► the work to be, permit placement and rrnoval of formwork, Installation of services and Inspection of constructiom performed In con}pietiaw with this project. The Work for this project corhsiais of parking b►. water and sower nhpravamtnts and drainage fmprovensnts. i'anstraotlan gemerdiy cM*hits ,* Vbeeever unsfttaDie or unstable *a corhdRiona which eemnot be corrected by dewatering are ancowton4 trenches shag be excavated below grdda and the trends bottan shah be br000t to grade I. Construction of 40,573 of of parking area. PorkN iot shall be aomstructsii with suitable stobiifizatbn matrio. of 6' compacted depth ABC stone and 2' WnC, Typo 1--2 awphdt >utrfaoe and ion ff V sidewalk with turri down curb and 7C Ft of cob and gutter. Trench #Structure Backft! BOekfid compacted to 95 percent wig be required far the fail depth of the trench above the pips. 2. Installation of drainage. ptpe and masonry dreihage itra4ftwoe as ahoro.. The rn*thod of compaction any the equipment used shell be appropriate for the material to be 3 Installation of 35D.0 of 10' sawer• 5OB LP of d sewer and 3 aanitary mamhotes as shown. compacted and shill wet transmit damaging shocks to the pips. Badktit matrial ahal be compacted to the spedied percent of moxinnnn di msity at aptiriurn moisture content as determined by ASTM D69$. 4; I0stOW1011 of 552 LF of li waterrnaklr 257 Lr of 4' woterrnah and 158 LF 2" watermain. The top portion of backfli beneath established taxes areas shot be finished with not leas than 4 ihcthas of top*W carremordin4 tar. or bettor than, that underi)ing adjoiewsg lawn croon. 5. - Construction of 3 detention ponds with necessary structures as drown an thess plans and in the detad4a Disposal of Excess Excavated Materiale: wept as otherwise permitted, of sxcea* excavated materials shalt be disposed of away iron the As # Removal and reDlacornent of undercut sxoawtion of m necessary to achieve final grade 09 of the work. Broken eonorete, and other debris resuitnq from pavement or sidewalk removal and other well ce any additional IN material need*. *Afar waste materials shall be disposed of away from the sit* of the worth, unsuitable and surpWs 7. Finish grodinl of disturbed wow and awing and muic" per specifications oacavated materid not incorporated is the Improvement anal be disposed at by the Contractor at his awn wgwsa E - Camp ands with %derd. state mid lend ordinances concerning pollution, utliitisa, STORY 0RAWAQE PF4NQ srahon control and traffic cootrd. Materials and Installation: The Contractor shill furnish all laborequipment and materials necessary to completely eonatrtet and Al pipe materials shall conform to th* latest edition of the NC D. a T. 'Standard Spacifications for put into aeuptabN ervice the now parking lot, utility and dralnage faalities. Roads and Structures Sectknia 320 and 1032. SITE CtEARla6 PIP* Installation shill *ontarm to the Knew and grades as shown an Via Orawings and in accordance with the latest edition of the NC D. 0. T. "Standard Specilcations for Aoads and Structures` Section This Contractor deal tartan ail labor wwtarids, toots eq rhnent and axis rod red for and FA Perform do dew" and rubbing of Ova surface of Me ground df the designated arena Protectrona STORM DRAINAGE S7RUCTURESk The Contractor provide ternporary fences, barricades, covring; or artier protections to preserve spstisg Rene wdreafad to roman, apply prof —Adonis is adjacent properties as r-mrsd. Contractor sbdl constrict all indicated drainage structha*s in accordance wfHn the Drawings. Detoils, rthe and K D. ©. T. 'Standard SpeciAkbtioms far Roods. and Structures' Section ErlO. Restore damaged work to crnditim axi jnig pro r to the start of worlr uMm otherwise dracted. Protect ansting tress any vegetation which are to rrrwin norm physical domags. Ali Storm *01PIC ! swats shot have 11 mhninum side shop[r. Execution od Mork ABC STONE BASE AND 07tilMOUS CONCRETE PAVING In areas designated to be kteared and grubbed, al stumps. roots, buried logs, brush, grass and other unsatisfactory Motsiata shall be removed. The roots and other projectiona within *bather Llmltatfon*- excavation areas over ant and one—half (1-1/2) inches I" diameter shill use grubbed out to a depth of Appiy prine and tack costs only when armbtent tempraturo is above 50F., and when temperature has at least eighteen (M) iktlsea below the finished subgrods stsvotiom or .slope grans- Stumps, roots not been below 357 for 12 hours Immediately prior to apptioation. Do no apply whin base it vat or and other projections within embarkment areas dhdl be txxmpletsty grubbed oat to a depth of not less contains an exkxssa of nwiehra. Construct bitunninous mrxaets surface course only when atmospheric Isiah eight (a) riches below the existing ground level. AN debris and other items to be removed from tomperetur* it above 40T. and when Doss Is dry. Bose course may be placed when air temperature is the attar shall be done so at the eantr+actorr * expense. Masde theme and wnater[aFs *hall be legally above 301E and rbft n% dnspo*ad of dt directed by the Owwsr. Mooru6ls TREiiCtgNG; 9ACKFILUNG AND COMPAC71" FOR PPELIN[ INSTALLATM ' Base Courwa. DesalpGaa of Itiarir Contractor shah pions 6' compacted depth of base course to achieve required Amish geode. Base All pips Ines shah be laid to such fire and grade so do net to conflict whit water, sewer. gnu, *term course "toe constructed of graded crushed stone rmatorial, North Carolina Department of sewer or other axis" unity lines or oarvicd* All pipe lines steal gaiwaby be Laid to Eire and grode Transportation Division of Fighwoys standard stone type ABC. The base material and method of shown on the Contract Drowrge, - - . - - &anatrnnetion dial most the standard requirements of the N.C.D.0.7. Division of ifighways• Stereos Cdursa Existirig utftitiew Surface course shall be 2' at BCSC Type 1-2 plant mix concrota. Materials used and method of mixing, The existence and loeatkrw of underground utilities indicated on the Contract Drawings are not placing• compacting• etc., ends moot the standard requirements of the NC D. O. T. 'Standard - 9uaranteed and soli be investigated *rW verified in this field by the Contractor before starting work_ Spackficatiahs for Roads and Structures" Sections 010 # 94fi, Exearotions in the visiuty of existing slecctwas and utilities shalt be done carefugy by hind_ PAVEMENT MARKOK& ._ NO classification of eccova#ed materfds wit be made Excavation and trenohH►g work shall include the - - - removal and AAL%swont hormWmg of at materiels areavatad ar otherwise removed in performance of Contractor snag stripe parking lot in accordance with the Drawings. The Contractor shall sweep and the cvntraal work. regwdess of trio type, character. earnposition, or condeam ther*ef. dean the now pavement surface to okintnats loose material and dust. Protecttarhe .. Stripss� Excavated moterk" ahail ba, deposited in areas designated by we Owner. The Controctar Viol avoid depositing oxcavotsd materials os pavements, sideedks or grass plots, except on atthaizetrom of the 1, Liao a cMarhabed—rubber boss traffic lent —marking pokk factor) —mixed, quick— 7 0~ and %an only siho alloquats temporary have bow Made for omo end protection pnge ar� and — g of court be prro%*&;*ns pedeablaris and vehicles, Adequate bridgingand planked croedi 'waled an 2. YAxite: Provide materiel complying with 1S T7—P-11;1, wintotted asses 01 -type a apes bww*sw far p..,doostrions and vdholos- Ill. 3_ Apply Paint with rrrerhi nled equipment to prod"il umtf°rm straight *dgee• Apply in The Contractor 4holl chars hup or otherwise protect all fences, buildings, walls, sdiL curbs or other 2 cats at manufacturer's recommended rates. property adjacent to any txcawilan which might be disturbed during this program of the work- The Sly AND Mt1LCi4WG Protect otructw4m uillfiee, aMewak% pevarryents and other tacllties A areas of work. Barricade open txcovabons and provide warning [tghts from dusk to dawn each day, Permanent deeding is rowirw bar ag areas disturbed by canstructIM except far areas covered by structure& povwrnente. otc. - Provide brmw% orW dh" as required In A=avaUms, to maintain sides and to protect odjocont structures from sett}ermant, complying with load codes and regufotkaha Maintain untc7 excavations we Temporary Veodrhg of disturbed area* shall be performed whenever pork is suspended or Oskrpd an DackAtad any portions of the project for 30 days and the potential for oraelan esrttts. Dweatoring and 6roaWivoter Central In gaueral, filar procedures and guides published by this Sol Conservatsan service, United States Dewaterirg equipment shalt be provided to renew and dispose of aft unfoce and grand water Department of Agrw"tur& _ r>terng excsvationt trenclsss, or other parts of the work- Each excavation shag be kept dry during uibgrode preparatkxa and Con fwa ly lihoreafter until the structtes to be butt, or the pipe to t» MJch far araoion control anal oanaist of gran straw or other aoceptabls materid. notaMed thw4 m, is cornpleted to the "twat thct no damage from hydrostatic presexae, flotation, or .. other cause will rewft. Maintain the gross as ttneror a period of 30 days after the grass growth appears Reseed bare areas and raper ail eroded arum during that period. kmsp*et all seedod orow and mace necessary Al ekce•Atims for concrete structures or trenches which ortrwd down to or below ground hater anal repairs. or reseednge within the planting *mom It p*vmbw A stand should be over WX damaged. ro— be dewotered by iawering and trooping the grand water level beneath such excavallehs 12 inches or establish following original limestone. fertliror and eeadlsg recanumandatnhhe. AR kraaw which do mat more bdkm the bottom *4 the airoavaHon, exhibit satisfactory ground cow within 45 days of seed applicator ehdk be replanted - Subgradoe for structures and trancfi botterns anal be Arm and Vioroughy cornprx4ed: dial be Ira: from Opt and muck; and " be sufficiently stops* to remain firm and intact under the feet of the - workmen. Subgrades ibr Concrete structures or trench bottom* which are otherwime sold. but which - - - - become rrwcky an tap dose to Ca istruttim operation*, shill be reir4arced with crushed rack or grovel. The stablizihQ moterid shall be sprood and compacted to a depth of not more then 4 inches- Not mare Than 7/2 inch dept% of nwd or rnw4* shag be allowed to rernon an sioDitixod trench bottoms Wien the pipe bedding material it placed thereon. The f nisn id stratum of stabalamg. sibgfades shy mot be obaw sutig'ade elevation* ndhcated are this Drowinga, - - - - Excawtion For 9buctwer Contractor shag excavate sutAciant area to Me elevations and d ni mmoris *wman within a tderohce of plw w rninue QJW. Excavations what ertand a wf/5aent ficbmwe from kotirw sod fauoonians is -.00/ 6" TOP OF DITCH SANK o° a c 0 0 0 0 c o o c a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o D c c o o 0_0 a o 0 - c o°0�oo0soo °ooaaa _°coo c o o v o 0 0 0 CLASS B STONE SECION LAYER OF #5 WASHED STONE TOP OF DITCH 4" THICK BANK BOTTOM a o OF D1PCN oo°°o°a°o°o°o " a o 0 0 0 0 o o c l O 0 O a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° 0 0 0° 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 --/ °O�° 4°4°aa0,�aa0001000a000a D e c 0 0 0 V. 0 0 0 0 a o e O .1�0°OCo°o°O 0000000000a• 0000°OG CLASS B STONE PFiOF1LE REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN IT ACCUMULATES TO 1/2 THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM FILTER DAM IS TO BE IN PLACE UNTIL GRASS IS ESTABLISHED IN BOTTOM OF DITCH SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT EROSION CHECK DAN DE7AI L NTS ER05CIN CONTROL MEASURES SECDiNG SCIJE�f THE CONTRACTOR SIJAL1 CCUPLY 1MTH ALL APPLICABLE REOUtRMENTS OF 1)4-E EROSION SEED L41XT1URE RATE OP?11u1UM PLANUNG HATES AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DEPARTFw NT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVEiCIPUE fT. S404L ERCSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTRA MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED CN ALL AREAS OF THE SITE MII••fICH ARE DiSTLL,RBED OR GRADED- - CONTRACTOR SMALL PROWX GROUND COVERS (SEE SCHEDULE BELOW) WITHIN 30 1. - KEN TUCKY 31 FESCUE 5 #/1000 SF i4IAR. 15 — MAY 1 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER COVh PLFTION ,OI` CONISTRUCPON WITHIN THE SPECIFIC AREAS. THE AUG- 15 — OCT. 15 CONTROL MEASURES SHALL 'BEGIN PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTI'ATY INCLUDING CLEARING; S14ALL CONTINAJE DURING THE C01ISTRUCTION AND SHALL CONTINUE IIr1TH THE - 2. COMMON BERMLIDAGRASS . 2 #/1000 SF MAY 1 - JUNE 30 NECE55ARY MAINTENKNICE UNTO.. THE. DISTURBED LAND IS STASiLIZED.- COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL (t4Li1Lo) AND/OR STATE SOIL EROSION AND SEDIVENTATION CON-MOL LAWS SHALL BE THE ENTIRE RESP014SIBUITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.: THIS PARAGRAPH IS INTENDED' TO SERVE ONLY AS A - G'illJ£ TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR COMPLIANCE WI'fif SUCH LAWS_ ORDERS, RULES AND 3. PEARL MILLET 21/1000 SF MAY 1 7 OCT. #. REGtLATTCIIrIS CONCERNIN•O EROSk—A4 AND SEDI6"TATICM CONTROL PROTECTIONS OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ARID FACILITIES FROM SED4MENTATIONf SHALL BE THE RESPONS*B'LITY OF THE - CONTRACTOR. - I'EMS TO EE PROTEC FED SHALL tNCLUDF_ IrUT APE NOT LAMTED TO CATCH BASINS 4. FESCUE 5 #/1000 SF OCT, '15 — MAR. 15 NIATURxfSl. *A-TRWAYS, DRA#AraE DITCHES. WALKS, DRIVES, ROADS !:AWNS, AND STREA-VS. 3/4' STEEL BARS (TYP_) CLAP RiSM �o n A Ira TYP 9 . SPACING BETWEN B ire BARS NEl•D TO PLATES 3/4' STEEL BARS (riP-) WELD IrG RISER CUP RISER TRASH 4 MTS 7. ' �r"yew - .- r , � - .. •y.,. - .,- r. .... .,.... -. - ..-�.n h. �e .3 s•» .-� x r ��,. •�r � yr,th� %i,r. :.-s .l-...h, �k. -�� • —i % id._ i.�.. - -j 'y r `- �. `• L err__ t•; _ i .�z :�_ _�•S w: