HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025445_WASTELOAD ALLOCATION_19861027NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NCO025445 Randleman WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Report Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: October 27, 1986 This document is printed oa reuse paper - ignore any coazteat on the reverse side H U3 V) / f1 N(P�DES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION n Facility Name: Existing ® �pC i 1,41 Proposed ®exp&^$,_ kPermit No.: IVC-00 ;k5 yy5 Pipe No.: ool a0 ff"M0W! i V� MA Date County: Rande%pA i Design capacity (MGD): 1. a 5 Industrial (% of Flow) : (D 0 Eomestic (% of Flow) : '(O /� Receiving Stream: ' ) g\ w � i �!1-f Class: C. Sub -Basin : // D 3 - 0 6 - 48 Reference USGS Quad: U ` li S E (Please attach) Requestor: Lisa CI-4MC^ Regional Office (✓nS%n-Sa�Qwl o rry 10-ma. n - (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: 5 Drainage Area (mi2): I ]J � Avg. Streamf low (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) I ('D t oZ 30Q2 (cfs) 07 ??� J Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): Slope (fpm) Velocity (fps): K1 (base N, per day): KZ (base e. oer day): -8Y Sv.nn� LU 4"1!a Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments RDD,5 C l A3 9 I? 5 C 30 /o o O 1 l00o (a - q 4 6 - on C Aj/t � - Effluent i :"onthly Characteristics Lverage Comments Comments: -4 /Y10sh l -10e „x�. Ion O By: Reviewed By: ;ort 64 avn0 zZn Date [ oZ- d (O For Appropriate Dischargers, List Complete Guideline Limitations Now Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Maximum Daily Average Qbmments S S Type of Product Produced I Lbs/Day Produced I Effluent Cuideline Reference I Request No. :2769 --- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM --------------------- Facility Name Type of Waste Status Receiving Stream Stream Class Subbasin County Regional Office Requestor Date of Request Quad RECEIVED N.C. Qep4. 'I,RCD : CITY OF RANDLEMAN : DOM/IND �;' : EX/EXPAND f : DEEP RIVER Environ.a-il, ; h,.;:;; -on-,ent . C WinstonSalnm,.Office : 030608 : RANDOLPH Drainage Area (sq mi) : 177 : WSRO Summer 7Q10 (cfs) : 9.84 : LISA CREECH Winter 7Q10 (cfs) : 16.2 : 12/4/85 Average Flow (cfs) : 176 : D19SE 30Q2 (cfs) : 24.3 I------------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS ------------------------- SUMMER WINTER Wasteflow (mgd): 1.25 1.25 5-Day HOD (mg/1): 13 A b Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/1): R (9 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1): 5 N 0. TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Coliform (#/100ml): 1000 1000 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 TOXICITY ** ** ------------------------------ COMMENTS ---------------------------------- TOXICITY LIMITS ATTACHED. THESE LIMITS ARE MUCH MORE RESTRICTIVE THAT LIMITS CURRENTLY IN PERMIT. HOWEVER, THEY ARE CONSISTENT WITH WLA'S GENERATED FOR RANDLEMAN FOR MANY YEARS. (SEE MEMO TO GEORGE EVERETT FROM MEG KERR 6/2/86) ReCorArKend Moni+oetr, %r (.A ovr..9 fir+. AniC Recommended by �—��---- Date Reviewed by: Tech. Support Supervisor Date Regional Supervisor Date O --20= 6 Permits & Engineering _ —_ L _ Date _l6__ Water Quality Section Chief Date • Facility: , 5 r l'� (� �a.�gl�vnan ltuC= 1(0 NPDES Permit is NC o o a 5 q 5/ S 1.) The permittee shall conduct chronic toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/014 entitled "Short -Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms". The testing shall be performed as a Ceriodaphnia Survival and Repro- duction Test. Effluent collection will be performed twice during each test as 24 hour composite samples. Toxicity test exposure using the first composite sample will include the first three full days of testing. Exposure to the second composite sample will in- clude the last four full days of testing. Effluent samples will be taken immediately prior to disinfection, but after all other treatment processes. The Chronic Value (ChV) must be greater than 1665 %. There will be minimally five effluent concentrations and a control exposure treatment. One effluent concentration shall equal !1p.5 X, which represents the instream waste concentration (I.W.C.) during 7Q10 low flow conditions and daily permitted disc at e�volume. The remaining concentrations shall be N, $ „l 33j S7 R33 There may not be more than�iBX mortality in Ceffluent after 48 hours of exposure.io, Note: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in+'.the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid teat and will re- quire immediate retesting. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a permit violation. /;7A lc izd (crn an Qvi = /. CZ W, L) 4W f� Intx Arm lrr�ot %rn 16 Aa,'T� /a a¢in 14G74b _ /5 //d /S D VC = ss ih ado - � �� �6 �i,. y � w,•��j ��c. . j-c,4vv- Z 02 X SurrL, . `-/ 17 o DO o)c cD prrwa4-k� wLy1, �1 e fiLw f" ,c.o 7-LQ tO KonjGrnan Cuss a"f �� ,e-v�(,,,Ywn) 57 i60n -#-- a?/fl'C /o c%o - lz = -2y�3 �-/got G7, f ti cv.4.4! /h j a14coo 72-r Sumry.a� � a l� i e 4& n cY 6 rna r1 6U C 1 i- an15 zaa-, . l®l y/gro ,god 1 r»,^ /-5 I I 0 — on • l -6 `l -.vnir..-- �- y�arolCaman cvc�} �ta--Qys�"s ,��� Qom= � to wao PAD�„tf „uaoti' 9J0l y(re�r— rni� DO 45 i� T— —Uo -- -55-- -5 - - —o -- ---1,-�3 �< q,- _y,5 �- -- -- i 1 A00- - -- -- - G%�!l � ✓ � � /vent- l�n-r <� S�� - -- Sy_Lo �7� %YlQ!1�1-1 8S 30� -- /_S_so -- lsg-o TOXICITY TESTING On August 22, 1985 Ceriodaohnia dubia reproduction bioassays were initialed on samples of the effluents of High Point East WWTP (NPDES aNC0024210) and Randleman WWTP (NPDES aNC0025445) In order to determine what impacts these discharges may have on receiving stream biota and to compare these results against those of similar tests conducted in August of 1963 in a joint DEM/EPA toxicity study. The Ceriodaohnia reproduction bioassay conducted by DEM is performed u-nder the guidelines described by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in its document entitled "Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms" (EPA-600/4-85-014). This test is conducted in order to estimate the effluent or toxicant concentration at which no suppression of reproduction of the test organism will occur. The Cladoceran Ceriodaohnia dubia (previously referred to Ceriodaohnia reticulate) is utilized as the test organism by this method in a seven-day, static -replacement test. Effluent concentrations of 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, 10.0%, 25.0%, 50.0%, 75.0% and 100% were tested in this most recent series with the previous tests run at concen- trations of 10.0%, 25.0%, 50.0% and 100%. These analyses represent samples of effluent collected prior to chlorination. The 1983 test was conducted with samples collected on a daily basis with the test concentrations being replaced daily using the sample collected the previous day. The 1985 series of tests were conducted on a single effluent sample collected the day prior to test initiation and used to replace the test solution on alternate days following the beginning of the test. The 1986 tests were conducted with dilution water obtained from Lake Johnson, located in Raleigh, N.C. which had been filtered through polyethylene screening and diatomaceous earth. The 1983 series utilized water collected from Little Polecat Creek at Randolph County SR-2113 as the test control and dilution water. a The Ceriodeohnit reproduction bioassay is initiated by isolation of adult Ceriodaehnia which bear near -term embryos in the brood sac. These adults are checked at one hour intervals and young born during the previous hour removed and grouped by hourly age. The test is initiated when a sufficient number of young, or neonates have been produced within a four hour span to place one neonate in each of ten individual one ounce polystyrene test chambers per test concen- tration. Each test chamber is then fed approximately 0.05 ml of fermented trout chow food as specified in the EPA Methods document and again each successive day of the test. The lest concentrations are replaced on a daily or alternating day basis after initiation of the test. The adult or primary test organism alone is transferred from the old to new solution by means of an eye dropper pipette. At this time the adult mortality and the number of young produced are counted and noted for each test organism, as well as measurements of test concentration dissolved oxygen and pH for both the old and new solutions. Test solution temperature is maintained at 256C through incubation and photoperiod at 14L/10D by means of a timed light source for the duration of the test. Test endpoints are determined as percent mortality of the adult or primary Ceriodaehnia and as the mean number of young produced in each test concentration. SUMMARY Comparison of mortality data observed in the 1983 and 1985 effluent tests of the High Point East WWTP shows a marked decrease of toxicity as mortality illustrated in Table 1. Also noteworthy is the increase in reproduction with the 1983 test having mean reproduction per adult in the 25% concentration of 0.0 young and the 1985 test having mean reproduction in 25% effluent of 25.4 young, a figure equal to most good control tests. For the Randleman WWTP tests, comparison of mortality results for 1983 and 1965, as seen in Table 2, shows very similar trends with even greater reduction of acute toxicity at 50% effluent concentrations. Reproduction by concentration reached its peak at a mean of 39.1 young per adult in the 1985 25% effluent concentration of Randleman as compared to a mean reproduction of 0.0 in the 1983 10% concentration. Taking into account testing variations occurring between the two years that these analyses took place, substantial reductions in effluent toxicity levels are implied by the data recorded. Table 1. Ceriodaohnia Mortality by Concentration and Year High Point East WWTP 1983 Concentration Mortality Concentration 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 75% 25% 100% 50% 10% 10% in 72 hra. 25% (analysis terminated) 10% 1% 1% .01% Table 2. Ceriodaohnia Mortality by Concentration and Year Randleman WWTP 1985 Mortality 100% 100% 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Concentration Mortality Concentration Mortality 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 75% 100% 25% 100% 50% 0% 10% 100% 25% 0 70 10% 0% 1% 0% .1% 0 / .01% 0% BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING DEEP RIVER August 5-6, 1985 Introduction Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected from 8 sites on the Deep River and 1 site on Richland Creek during August 1985. All sites were roughly comparable to sites previously surveyed in August 1982. The purpose of the 1985 survey is to assess any changes in water quality over this two year period. Methods A semi -quantitative sampling methodology was employed at all sites (Division of Environmental Management 1983). The same methodology has been used for prior Deep River surveys (including BWMP sampling), allowing an assessment of temporal changes in water quality. An attempt was made to sample all microhabitats, using a variety of collection methods. The typical sampling routine takes 4-6 man-hours of field time. All samples (10/sitel were field picked, and preserved in 95% EtOH. Organisms were identified in the lab and classified as Rare 1-2 specimens), Common (3-9 specimens) or Abundant (10 specimens). The primary output from this type of sampling is a complete species (or taxa) list, with an indication of relative abundance. This data can be interpreted in two ways. First, one may examine spatial and temporal trends in taxa richness. Stress conditions eliminate the more sensitive taxa, leading to an overall reduction in tax& richness. Similar trends are expected in the number of unique taxa found at each site. "Unique" taxa are defined as those taxa found at only one station within a particular data set (Winner et al. 1980). A second method of analysis is the use of indicator communities. For example, the taxa associated with high organic loading/low dissolved oxygen are well known. Likewise, some tax& are often associated with toxic conditions. Site Locations (Figure 11 Minor changes were made at two sites. Station 8 (Coleridge) was moved upstream to SR-2628. This change was made to avoid the effects of the hydro dam now operating in the Town of Coleridge. Also the Richland Creek site was moved downstream, to as to be below the new discharge from the High Point East Side WWTP. Station • Location Dischargers 2 SR-1114, Guilford Co. High Point East Side R (Richland Cr.) SR-1147, Guilford Co. 3 SR-1921, Randolph Co. 4 NC-220 Bus., Randleman, Randolph Co. Randleman WWTP 5 Worthville, Randolph Co. 6 Cedar Falls, Randolph Co. 7 SR-2615, Ramseur, Randolph Co. Asheboro Area 8 SR-2628, Randolph Co. 9 SR-1461, Moore Co. Both the 1983 and 1985 collections were preceded by a period of very low flow. Average monthly flows and a daily minimum (cfs) at Randleman are given below: 1983 1985 March 371 (85) 88 (34) April 361 (88) 27 (18) May 130 (44) 62 (13) June 106 (31) 51 (12) July 40 (7) 66 (11) August 17 (7) - Results and Discussion Detailed benthos data, including relative abundance of species present at each station during the 1985 survey, are listed in Table 1. These results are summarized in Figure I and Tables 2-4. Tables 2A and 2B present taxa richness by group for the 1983 and 1985 surveys respectively, with the absolute change between years listed in Table 2C. These results are also graphically illustrated in Figure 1. Two sites indicated significant changes in water quality conditions. A decline was observed at the Richland Creek site (R) where the amount of treated waste had increased between 1983 and 1985. The greatest improvement was seen at Station 2. This stream segment was affected by effluent from the Jamestown effluent in 1983, which comprised up to 80% of the stream flow during low flow conditions. The Jamestown waste is now routed to the High Point East Side WWTP. Small positive changes were recorded at Stations 3 and 5, particulary for the Ephemeroptera. Larger positive changes were recorded at sites 6, 7, and 8, especially sites 6 and B. Similarity, coefficients (Table 3) indicated significant changes (similarity (60%) at Stations 2, 5, and 8. More detailed analysis of the organisms responsible for these changes (see below) indicate the shifts observed at Station 5 do not show significant improvement in water quality. Table 4 examines the distribution of the dominant (most abundant) tax& in greater detail. Five tolerance groups have been established, using criteria established in prior report (DEM 1985). These groups were defined through the use of the 1983 distribution data, combined with the known pollution tolerance of these species: Group I - Septic zone fauna. Characteristic of prolonged anoxia. Group It - Primary recovery zone. Contains species very tolerant of low dissolved oxygen and/or toxic chemicals. Group III - Secondary recovery zone. Group IV - Tertiary recovery zone. Group V - Clean water species. Within each group, a "score" has been computed for each Deep River site. One point is assigned for a common )axon and two points for an abundant species. The score for each site is computed by adding up these "points". If between year changes in the scores are small (usually (5), it is assumed there has been no change in water quality_ Septic zone species (Table 3A), dominant at Station 2 in 1983, have been eliminated at all Deep River sites. This change reflects the removal of the Jamestown effluent from the upper Deep River. Distribution of recover zone groups (Table 38-3D) is largely unchanged at sites 3-6. There was a tendency for some Group II species to be replaced by more intolerant Group III species at Stations 4 and 5. However, this change does not indicate a significant improvement in water quality. All three recovery zone groups increased at Station 2. These increases reflect a significant improvement in water quality at this site. Large changes were also seen at sites 7 and 8, where Group I (primary recovery species declined). At Station 8, this decline was matched by an increase in tertiary recovery zone and clean water species. This change suggests some improvement in the river below the Randleman effluent. However, part of the change at Station 8 may be due to a change in the collection site or due to changes in Asheboro dischargers. Overall, changes were slight or insignificant, except at Station 2 and 8. A large increase in taxe richness was observed at Station 2, although fairly tolerant species were dominant at this site. The appearance of a few very intolerant species (Petroohile, Acroneuris, Pseohenus) indicates that further recofery is expected at this site. Table 1. Taxa List and Relative Abundance, Deep River Sites, July 1985. (R = Rare, C = Common, A = Abundant) (Underlining Indicates 1983 data; solid line = abundant, dotted line = common) Stet ion t p 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 EPHEMEROPTERA Stenacron Interpunctatum A A A A A A A A S. paIIIdum A - Stenonema modestum A C C - - A A A S. femoratum C - - - R S. exiguum - R S. terminatum - C S. n. sp. near integrum C A Heptagenia aphrodite R - - - R A A H. marginalis C A Baetis intercalaris A R A - A A A A B. flavistriga A C - - C C - B. propinquous - R - C C B. Pluto R - - C - Cloeon spp. - C - R R - - R Centroptilum sp. - C - Heterocloeon sp. - - R A A Pseudocloeon spp. - R Isonychia spp. - - R A A Seratella deficiens A A Caenis sp. R C R R - R C C Tricorythodes sp. - - R - - A A A Hexagenia sp. R Potamanthua sp. C C Station • 2 3 4 b 6 7 9 9 PLECOPTERA Acroneurla abnormis A - - C C Neoperla clymene R R Allocapnia op. R - TRICHOPTERA Cheumatopsyche spp. A A A R A A A A Diplectrona modestum - R Macronema carolina A R Hydropsyche betteni A C A - C A A H. venularis A A H. rossi - C A H. i ncommoda R C C H. demora c H. sparna C Chimarra sp. Oecetis sp. 1 R C C 0. sp. 2 R Nectopsyche exquisite - C A N. pavida - R C Trisenodes tarda R R Hydroptila op. A R R R - A R C Orthotrichia sp. Protoptila sp. - A A Cereclea maculate R Polycentropus op. R C Neureclipsis sp. R - Nyctiophylax celta R Station • 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 COLEOPTERA Ancyronyx variegate R R R R A C Macronychus glabratus - R R A A Stenelmis app. R C R R R R C A Dubiraphia vittata R - R - C C Optioservus sp. - C R Psephenys herricki C - R - C R Ectopris nervosa - R Helichus sp. R R - R Hydroporus A A - - R Deronectes griseostriatus R - Laccophilus sp. Copelatus sp. Berosus sp. R A A A C A C R Tropisternus sp. R R - R - Dineutes/Oyrinus spp. R C - - C Peltodytes sp. R - - R ODONATA Corduleguster sp. R - R - Oomphus spp. C R - - R R C C Dromogomphus spinosus - A A Lanthua albistylua - C Hagenius brevistylus C Progomphus obscurus R R - Macromia sp. R C A A Somatochlora sp. - R R - Neurocordulia obsolete - R R Station t 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 9 ODONATA (Cont.) Tetregoneuria cynosure R R R Pachydiplax lonipennis R - - R R - Erythrodiplax connate R - R - Plethemis Iydia - C Boyeria vinosa - R - R C C R Basiaeschna junta R R R R R C C Nasiaeschna pentacantha - R Hetaerina sp. A R C Enallagma spp. C - R R C A A Argla spp. C R C R C A A A MEGALOPTERA Sialis sp. C R R - R - R R Corydalus cornutus C R C - C C A A Nigronia serricornis A A - R R - R DIPTERA: MISC. Antocha sp. - R Tipula spp. C A R R C R C R Hexatoma ap. R Polymede/Ormosie sp. R - Palpomyia (complex) C C - R R Chaoborus punctipennis C R R - Anopheles sp. R - Simulium vittatum A R - C C C S. tuberosum A S. (Phosterodoros) gr. R A Tabsnus sp. R - Station s 2 3 4 5 li 7 8 9 DIPTERA: MISC. (Cont.) Empididae R R R R R DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE Chironomus sp. R R A A Cryptochironomus fulvus R R R R C. blarina R R Dicrotendipes nervosus C C 0. neomodestus R R C A C A C Dlyptotendipes ap. - C Microtendipes sp. - R Parachironomus monochromes - R P. pectinellae - R - - - - - - Phaenopsectra sp. 2 R - - R - P. sp. 3 - R Polypedilum halterale - R C - C C P. scalaenum R C R C C R P. convictum - A - C A C A P. illinoense R A A A A - C P. fallax R P. onterio R - Saetheria tylus R Stenochironomus sp. C C R Tribelos sp. - R C Xenochironomus xenochironomus R - C C - Cladotanytarsua sp. 2 C Rheotanytarsus app. A R - A C - -R Tanytarsus spp. C R R C - R - Station • y 3 / 5 6 T 8 9 DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE (Cont.) Ablabesmyia mallochi/ornate c - C A - C C R A. parajanta C - - c R - C clinotanypus pinguis R - R R C Conchapelopia gr. A A C C A C R R Larsia sp. R - Labrundinie beckae R - Natarsia ap. R R - - R Nilotanypus - - - - - - c R Procladius sp. R c A C A - C C Cardiocladius sp. A Eukiefferiella discoloripes gr. - C R Cricotopus/Orthocladius C/O sp. I C A A - A C - C C/O sp. 5 - R A - C/O sp. 6 R A - - R C/O sp. 9 C - C/O sp. 5/ R - Nanocladius sp. R A R - C R - N. doWneei R R R Paraphaenocladius sp. I R R Thienemaniella spp. R R - - R A Rheocricotopus robacki C c - C C C Synorthocladius sp. C R Psectrocledius ap. R Station 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 OLIOOCHAERTA Limnocrllus hollmeiateri C A A A A C A C Ilydrilus templetoni - A R - R Branchiura sowerbyi C - A R - C C C Aulodrilus Ilmnobiusggqqqq-qR Nais spp. R C R Dero spp. - R C - Stylaria lacustris R - Ophldonais serpentine - R Lumbriculidae A C R C A A C A Opisthopora C A R R Cambarinicola R R CRUSTACEA Cambarus spp. C R C - R C C R Palaemonetes palud03u3 R A A R C Hyallela azteca A A A A A A C R Crangonyx sp. R - AWNS sp. A A R - A - R MOLLUSCA Elimia sp. C Ferriasia rivularis A - C - A A A C Heliosoma anceps - C - C A C R Menetus dilatus - R R C Physella sp. R A A C A R - R Stagnicole sp. - C Amnicola sp. A VA VA Elliptio complanata - R Station • MOLLUSCA (Cont.) Sphaerium spp. Pisidlum sp. Corbicula manilensls OTHER Prostoma greecens Dugeaia tigrina Helobdelle triserialis H. elongata Placobdella papillifera Mooreobdella tetragon Sigara (?) sp. Ranatra sp. Belastoma sp. Petrophila sp. Hydracarina A A A - A C R R R - C A A A A A C - - A A C R C R C A A R - - - - C CR - - - - - - C A - A A R C R - A C - - - - - R - - R- - - - - - - A - R A C - C C C jq5 Table 2. Taxa Richness by roup, Deep River Sites, August 1983 vs. August 1985 l A. August 1983 V n� "aN c �o Group Sites: R 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •Ephemeroptera 6 - 5 6 1 2 7 12 17 aPlecoptera - - - - - - 1 - 2 aTrichoptera 2 - 4 3 2 2 7 7 15 Coleoptera 2 4 5 5 7 4 3 7 9 Odonate 3 - 8 6 5 6 7 3 8 Megaloptere 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 Diptera: Misc. 4 2 7 2 4 2 2 4 3 Dipters: Chiron. 20 1 13 18 14 19 16 27 23 Oligochaeta 2 1 2 5 3 3 3 2 4 Crustacea 1 - 3 4 3 3 4 2 - Mollusc& 3 2 4 5 4 5 5 5 7 Other 2 - 3 3 1 2 5 2 5 }1 b1 U4 {1 41 b5 19. 101` too Total 47 11 56 59 46 48 62 73 92 'Subtotal (EPT) 8 0 9 8 3 4 15 19 32 •"Unique" Species - 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 10 Rating* P VP P P VP VP F G-F EX tr F P 1 Limited to 1 out of the 8 Deep River sites. 2 VP = Very Poor, P = Poor, F = Fair, G-F = Good -Fair, G = Good, EX = Excellent. 0. August 1985 Group 'Ephemeroptera *'Poecoptera =Trichoptera Coleoptera Odonata Megaloptera Diptera: Misc. Diptera: Chiron Oligochaeta Crustacea MoIIusca Other Sites: R 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 8 7 6 3 7 7 17 17 - 1 - - - - - 3 2 2 5 4 3 2 2 6 15 14 4 8 8 4 5 4 5 10 8 2 4 8 4 4 9 11 11 11 - 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 4 4 3 3 5 4 4 6 4 10 19 16 16 16 19 18 19 20 5 4 4 7 4 3 6 5 6 1 2 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 - 4 2 5 2 7 6 6 7 - 5 6 3 2 4 5 6 5 Total 31 67 64 57 47 65 74 104 100 =Subtotal (EPT) 5 14 11 9 5 9 13 34 33 W'Unique" Species - 3 1 0 4 6 7 12 13 Rating VP F? P P VP P F EX EX C. August 1985 - August 1983 Group •Ephemeroptera •Plecoptera aTrichoptera Coleoptera Megaloptera Diptera: Misc. Diptera: Chiron Oligochaeta Crustacea Mollusca Other Sites: R 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -3 +8 +2 0 +2 +5 0 +5 0 0 ♦1 0 0 0 0 -1 +3 0 0 +5 0 0 0 0 -1 +8 -1 +2 +4 +3 -1 -2 0 +2 +3 -1 -1 +2 +1 0 -1 +2 -1 +1 +1 0 +2 -4 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 -10 +18 +3 -2 +2 0 +2 -8 -3 +3 +3 +2 +2 +1 0 +3 +3 +2 0 ♦2 0 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +4 -3 +2 -2 0 -2 +2 +1 +1 0 -2 +5 +3 0 +1 -2 0 +4 0 Total -16 +56 +8 -2 +1 +17 +12 +31 +8 a Subtotal (EPT) -3 +14 +2 +1 +2 +5 -2 +15 -1 •°Unique" Species - +2 -2 -1 +3 +5 +6 +7 +3 Table 3. Percent Similarity Coefficient (PSC) Values, Deep River Sites, 1983 vs. 1985. Station PSC 2 10.9 3 57.5 4 57.0 5 34.2 6 61.4 7 62.4 8 34.2 9 53.8 Table 4. Distribution of Abundant Texal, Deep River Sites, August 1983 vs. August 1985• Site: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. Group I - Septic Zone Taxon Culex sp II Crysogaster sp. II 1983 Score 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1985 Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Change + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Group II - Primary Recovery Taxon Chironomus sp. I I • • �I Polypedilum illinoense • = s • II Ablabesmyia spp. + + + Conchapelopia gr. = s + + Cricotopus bicinctus _ - s II • _ II _ C. infuscatus gr. _ C varipes gr. _ Nanocladius sp. Argia sp. _ II • _ s Limnodrilus hoffineisteri + + s s + + s _ Physelle sp. I • + s 11 11 1983 Score 2 10 13 18 15 12 11 3 1985 Score 6 13 11 14 15 6 6 5 Change + 0 0 -? 0 - - 0 Site: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C. Group III - Secondary Recovery Taxon Cheumatopayche spp. _ • • I • • • • Simulium vittatum • Rheotanytarsus sp. • I 4 # (I II Dicrotendipes nervosus = • Polypedilum scalaenum Procladius sp. # + I _ Natarsia sp. II II Hydoporus spp. • I BerOSaa ep. • # _ + • _ Nigronia serricornis _ + Corydalus cornutus _ ' + _ • • Sigara (?) sp. Gomphus spp. Ferrissia rivularis = + I • _ • + Sphaerium spp. • • • + Hyallela aztece = • ♦ _ • • _ Asellus sp. • # II # Helobdella triserialis _ • _ Mooreobdella tetragon + = I + + _ 1983 Score 1 25 12 5 22 15 12 7 1985 Score 10 20 17 10 22 17 13 8 Change + 0 +? +? 0 0 0 0 Sites: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D. Group IV - Tertiary Recovery Zone Taxon Stenecron interpunctatum = + s + • • • Stenonema modestum = _ • I • • • Baetis intercalaris c • c • • • Beetle flavistriga Caenis sp. + _ Hydropsyche betteni _ _ s s • Macronema caroling • Hydroptila sp. II + I Dicrotendipes neomodestus I # s + II Polypedilum convictum s + _ _ Enallagma spp. + I I I _ • Hetaerine sp. • + Dromogomphus spinosus II = + Boyeria vinosa I _ Ilyodrilus templetoni • I I Branchiura sowerby _ # + + + Dugesia tigrina = _ • + + Heliosoma anceps _ I + • _ Amnicola sp. _ • Corbicula manilensis • • s 1983 Score 0 5 21 5 10 30 16 20 1985 Score 15 9 17 4 9 28 25 21 Change + 0 0 0 0 0 +? 0 Sites: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E. Group V - Clean Water Species Taxon Stenonema n. sp. _ t Stenecron pallidum Heptugenia marginalis _ H. aphrodite # Heterocloeon sp. i s lsonychia sp. = a Serratella deficiens = • Potamanthus distinctus _ Acroneuria abnormis = _ Hydropsyche venularis # ; H. r0ssi I 0 Protoptila sp. _ Ancyronyx variegate ' e _ Macronychus glabratus = e Stenelmis spp. Simulium (Phosterodoros) sp. Cardiocladius sp. II ti Cricotopus/Orthocladius sp. 46 II I Petrophila sp. Elimia sp. Menetus dilatus sp. 1983 Score 0 0 2 0 0 2 15 31 1985 Score 4 1 0 0 1 0 23 32 Change + 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 I Single line = Common, Double line = Abundant 2 Vertical lines - 1983 data, horizontal lines = 1985 data Table Permitted Point Source Dischargers to the Deep River Design Flow No. Discharger Permit # Receiving Stream (mgd) 1. NC Dept. of Corrections (4435) NCO027758 UT to West Fork Deep River .011 2. Florence Elem. School NCO038199 UT to East Fork Deep River 0.004 3. Hickory Run MHP NCO041505 Bull Run Creek 0.035 5. AMF Hatteras Yachts NCO046922 UT to Richland Creek 0.005 6. High Point Eastside NCO024210 Richland Creek 10.000 7. Sedgefield Subdivision NCO028371 Registers Creek 0.100 8. Sumner Elem. School NCO037117 UT to Hickory Creek 0.009 9. Plaza MHP NCO041483 UT to Hickory Creek 0.004 10. Southern Guilford Sr. H.S. NCO038229 UT to Hickory Creek 0.015 11. Southern Elementary School NCO038091 UT to Hickory Creek 0.009 15. Triad Terminal NCO042501 UT to East Prong Deep River 16. Vicks Mfg. NCO027928 Long Branch 0.010 17. Martin Marietta - Pomona NC0000922 Long Branch 18. E.E. Freeman Residence NCO051845 UT to Deep River 0.006 19. Union Oil Co. NCO026247 UT to East Fork Deep River 22. Colonial Pipeline NCO031046 UT to East Fork Deep River 24. Exxon Co. NC0000795 UT to East Fork Deep River 25. LCP Plastics of N.C. NCO036366 UT to West Fork Deep River 0.050 26. Martin Marietta - Jamestown NC0000914 UT to Deep River 27. Ashland Oil NCO028991 UT to East Fork Deep River 28. Phillips Pipeline NCO032883 UT to East Fork Deep River 29. Randleman WWTP NCO025445 Deep River 0.500 34. R. Sutis Residence NCO046191 UT West Fork Deep River 0.001 35. G.M. Slate Residence NCO043281 UT West Fork Deep River 0.001 36. Texaco Inc. NCO022209 UT Long Branch 37. Guilford Co. Animal Shelter NCO050229 Bull Run 0.005 38. Rena Bullock Elementary NCO0382021 UT to Polecat Creek 0.007 39. Woodlake MHP NCO023299 UT to Polecat Creek 0.070 40. Thomasville Furniture NC0001171 UT to Polecat Creek 0.021 41. J.C. Dovel Residence NCO048526 UT to West Fork Deep River 0.001 42. Plantation Pipeline NCO051661 UT to East Fork Deep River 43. Community Chapel Baptist Church NCO058114 UT to West Fork Deep River 0.001 44. Wiley Park Subdivision NCO061603 Reddicks Creek 0.045 Table Facilities No Longer Discharging to the Deep River Design Flow No. Discharger Permit # Receiving Stream (mgd) 4. Jamestown WWTP NCO023183 Deep River 1.000 (Goes to E. Side High Point WWTP) 12. Archdale Elem. School NCO041017 UT to Muddy Creek 0.004 13. Trindale Elementary NCO040894 Muddy Creek 0.015 14. Wagner Woodcraft NCO039489 UT to Muddy Creek 0.001 20. Earl Kearns WTP NC0003093 UT to Richland Creek 0.275 21. Oakdale Cotton Mill NC0002348 Deep River 23. Water Service Co. NCO050792 Muddy Creek 0.080 30. J.P. Stevens NC0001007 Deep River 1.028 31. Trinity Middle School NCO029637 Muddy Creek 0.020 32. Tex Elastic Corporation NCO035840 UT to Muddy Creek 0.004 33. V.W. Penland Residence NCO040380 West Fork Deep River