HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100142 Ver 2_More Info Received_20100308FW: Brunswick Forest 401 WQC Application DWQ #2010 0142 Page 1 of 1 FW: Brunswick Forest 401 WQC Application DWQ #2010 0142 Steenhuis, Joanne Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:49 PM To: Strickland, Bev; Dennison, Laurie Attachments: Brunswick_Forest_401WQC.pdf (5 MB) Here is the revised version From: Greg Finch [mailto:gfinch@lmgroup.net] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:23 PM To: Steenhuis, Joanne Subject: Brunswick Forest 401 WQC Application Joanne, Attached is a PDF file of the complete application package as submitted. Let me know if you need anything in addition. Thanks! Greg Finch Environmental Scientist Land Management Group, Inc. (p) 910-452-0001 (f) 910-452-0060 https://mail. nc. gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAAOgPoLNIPQZ06vHV RO... 3/8/2010 10 1 ? >_ ,!'; 1?; i4 , fly, ,", -. - .`? ?. ''E If.Ct? •. i.) t ? ? - lc? ?. '17 af € _. ?,.f l .f - t' W l:'_ s L U mArnwhip „ ti.. X11 .i.Am fli hum. .: WOM 1 _ ., _w s'.am an! Et°i mc, ii't1iLSE`,lCli I'+_1i'C?.l ISO<<t {?Lllllli l.cMd, llyunwiv Wk C'i;rtlmy. Noi_th. (_'arolQ I Uilstoll 1-Ind and I n?iLcl, l 1 C. l hi:. j;rojec( 1pvoh1't es the co115tCL4tS"i of l>uc ` cd pi(_r and anociat d How hip Awl and tLc fvd1L 1'l'If.1'plllcni .11 the CXi Ajn, l.'1OM Cd 600L ["dmp. I he : od; k InoplBcd in file iwen i Ll(Cr o[, T ,bI. Cri:CI, ,Tl i .clmlil. R .uI1, 4, iC t. ounk N'oiibl CL1'oina, Fe", Wok !w C sQued as i1dal1CI 17b -111,2 O1\'isii?II A Mill-i-tie Fi-:her(es ?nl'.I h'Ll?tli:'I 8, 30 l'uhilc. I rim! Show1hic ALC '1 4 t.at'cr qualht c(It :s, Ration by €1"vi (leek is (; 544 ,laid ih cre i', Mot J 111,11-?CC\, E?_if.'Ll?PNAL The p?i}?(owd ww 111Ci1dC, the Clmstl-uchcu) a,l ='{)` S` pier. 20, x 15' tloutir`, ,locl: witii t?in?7E rare t le _!p slips LIM] ?he cCl?°t' ,li)hTllCllt i'•I tI12 ??1 .IT[lr? iii-)a: T?1.I1?11 v`.t tl_ L1I1 . 3 1.` C0_K1c-1c I''iny IL_e anh:liS r?'EI1 scl-:c the I'tSiil2lllti A file I i?'IS?,'Jl•;1 Fo e t Subdivision [lt" prcrvidlint_, vvati:_r acccss to Slll.all Crao, All o tilt, pi-ropom-'(11, `.'v ork l? i ,.C,,_Ited ill Ph,`lse a _ J hel'.,? -lo othCl' (ll'i,pos :d ',.~,ork m 1 lwi c S ai Ellis Knin tKw X is <lllp( ximaitcI 421 acrl,-? th,; ,; i6. a }?pP?_?ali)1atC1? 6W) lilwol 1i',2i ,11 511??1'",2_111;_' dpi>1"i,? 1 t1eC?l {'''ec'I? Il?c v??1(crl uili site is E'i"Tenti u;ldCnC'lopcd. iherc i? ri:l ?ititul2 -oil acre: r:_7ti l IL 1 I ii, tc> [II` :;Qc and Cxi.,i ng ililp;_nd ["Irking, x.-eis Iloil,z file x(61 1:)ad. I llcrc ha\ hCCIl no I:ruv iowS T)ei'Il6ti,, !ur the kiV'cr { hLih >i? . Thcl ctirr%riJ-, no 1-1111-'ad7.i? 1ci? iC?I?illC'JlZ prupoted of this ?itt. Ihei flC' 0°1 the veryv ,rtirnw,v rin,,c o V401 ;,vc•.isud hoid;,:r`• the creek .11 t111.` l.1catiOil. 1h?ti -110-1 i i I:IC ha_.' been re-Maked Iwo The IMA a _ni_?uil-t of wed-and _tllp=1 Qw., f)lc` pr(1pos d >>i?_'•i- ,tllitll is 41 Scl-u.1ty ?Cect. XISLill ' VC?',_'ttll;i?il on tl.c ?iit' Loll 1Ct of Y1_.ill-ve grasses, uves and sll,ubs. So oit the propcm ar illapped i",\ tl3C NAtffl_A RCs'OL1i-Ct Y i?il,' el iOil ,°tieT'dic I ??\t_ .' 1 J,. Noifofl< !i?11111V .il-)l? -:;1.11,21 an11 Drtovan inuck. 1-,,1 _IUU15= t_P.t acre oI y,"V tcrs o the 1'.?). `V',.:5 i IIlTlCI.''?1 usjI1: u -?'??-lh?IiIJeTttoII It', ofl"vdC Am & A t_hcsc inip acts were n_'i:'_Ict_ to !!1> &I MY Magid CrOSS U- in rq,,S4 i ( . jh,e i!-ivA> ii}l9rl;ltTit-. Tice apphcanl -§hell obfLtlned a 'Nahollbcid P rillTt A and a- Ad WaTer -I Qu liv AN lic lnon '()f' il`1i sos Il?Ca'L d in i'iia culd 5 of t,il!n,,'\ !ck 1'( vet ;? in .OOQ l3C ilf'o[)l scd .mjlact,,w nic hided `l.~; rua l ? ? Sltif l th,-4 di"wrb,"J, ii 2 " lcr: of € 4 tia.cTuids anx! 262 th wfar I..:;i .}. Sl.re lii. h_} foi' ril )c L_,uill ul.z'_ll\ v x,5 rcquiccc] k" huI di N (,HT) !Or l}ie (if 19 acre o rip I1i'lan v'tit IAn;N. 0.14 'tc',e t)1 11oIi-Iij)al-i1II antt S_ nIId ?? iiiicai Icci o s!r um, IO c ume the U P MI t.dilws pu1'tilanc in AS wre incwm ;ii;;;, BiL11rSw1 ck Fl7res' ,-mrch,'Is..J :c' ti.°ti3`t` 1l i:'i"cditS tier (.__ iell lil rip lr';Erl 0.1`> acrc of 3 }' ot =Ir'?'iiiii. In uiilt_Iiuon_ I ar`m`s td Mt nds and 777 X31 ay loci O SLYea7i MM, 13 1:,ed on -this in[`o'rl Ait :311. Brill sivick Puree hw NO ILCrt: (11 rip il'ian V`eCOMId retiPwnlii)li lfc(fk th"ii l.a.i_l L)c used 2 J _...._..... ....... '.i 3 ........ ll.. _.. l J _: ?,•. ? V _'???il ?.?. ??iE t. ?(?? ? s i? l.i ?i ? t. ? ? ?.: _:i ?.?. ) ). ... t••".?(-iY 1 _f wows been vatic b We •?? ...E rill _?_ ? f? 1. i_ ? ?.il:'.j ?T 3??. ., J,l? •, (??-. t?. ,l ._ JC".. t`t ;r? M:_ ... E . - 8 ?'( .< < Vii; \;c'.,!'t' 1 -. Deco '',j 10, 2E?.U ... 4. A-,pp?ScanL E ? i5 Sp71r?5 fir' lldr'ls-rsnal fS ulnl Cb".''Sner"- `a AliplicaW is. ?I r1gcmt 0-.hcr, spcch'y _cssee of i<-)rcp rty 4c. Business name - {If applicable): 4d Slfeei ad(Ifes5 4e. `:I(y, StUta, zip: E 4f. Teles-,,hone no.. ?t0 ?. ?-a,: no.. 4h- E2nlaii a It ie ,? 1lnf°<'r)'?m'u',:?r- 1113 a d•' p.18:..< bCY', 5a. Mime: Kiin Williams -? 5b. Business nar7 e 0 f app cable's Land P,?lan?cemien; Group, In-- 5C. `street address 3805WngNsv,l e Aveni.re, 5u to 15 5d City state, zip: hlilminator, f lt= 234013 5e Teleplhcn(- no. 1E 10) 452-0001 - 5f. Fax no.. f 910) 452-0060 5u ElI address ksvdlia:r stc?),Intgrcur net -- Page20fi and Pwkj ' ??3Sa?€°F' p_?f1=•n?'.a?s 'Ia. Proper- identloca'ion no rta;, PIN; or parcel Il)): lb. Site coordinates (in decirnFil degrees) c. Pm)p city srr_e 05?000Or L..a ir.:cEe ' ongit.ude -?8 0?,82. VV CC.DDE,Dr_ D (-;?n F,1, ,C2GDj ctal `r?z:ci: = 90 ac; Phase 8. 421 acres 2. GuO"Dze txa ane:rs 2a- Name of nearest i.?ody o" b,v ater (,stream: river, e(G., to proposed project 2 2c >-o,n!n Creek 'Alater ()uallty (_Aassification of neatest recewi ig vvaie-. 3a. Descnhe the exiStiwy condii.ions orl the ;its a-,<, the jene1?,l I,3rd c;sE Irl ihe vicinty o?-h.; pfo!ect al [I -e time of 1nis pp!iC:at1031' Sornc phases of ihe large, tract have already Leen p itI]lly develooed and c'on'alr CeSVGer1llal hones. Other phases contain old dal lor.:oing roads Out !ire oi.her&r se ,.incievFl•)ped Adjacent Ian,-] use is resider ia! rornmemi=.i, or `sor .sfed. The i.)oat ramp s!te itself :S Crirreritly undeveloped. The?-w IS a' ;:r, stlnq so; acc d leadlnq to .he site and OXIS MC, unpaved parking areas along :he soil road. e .ISrlslg 'Netland5 on he prep rt+ - 3b. List the total estimated ; creage Cf all Total tract: 200 acres 3c List the total estimated llineas feet or all existing strew'-.s (,In:erm!(4ent cn l )perennia:) on the p`opurly Phase o: 669 LF 3d Eyplain the purlpose of the proposed prole t: he nurpoSe of this protect is to provid;? .esl(:jer.!:5 of the R.mr..s ,,j-k t-C)r85; Sijh,; vl5loii'dJ?it 'f ?icces5 ?(,.r Snlrill Galt Vie. Describe the ovei-aH project in derail, Including 'he ±vpe of equipment to he used: The proposed work includes the construction: of 20 x 8 fitved pier, 2')' x 15' float.n dor_k'Pwith 2 temror'_?rv tie ug_, slips ahd trie Fecievel()piT eat of the existing boai fai-np vvith an 65 x 15 cork ete rcn1J. The ar,,enitv will se'Ve the residents of the Brunswick Forest S-ubdmsion bJ providing ,sf :fen access fors°-.a I craft. 4a. Have jimsdiction<al v edLind or stream detern,m:36nns by lf?@ Corps of State been requested or )Mamed for this property f ?I Yes ?l0 ? jnknn,r n project (includil;cj all prior phases) In the past? Comr;ents- b It the Corps mach the Jurisdictional determination. M)at type ? Pielimmi -ry [71 Fins i of deielmma[iori ,,das made? 4r_. If ves, 'mho deiineated the juris ictionei areas? P.la?.iu (if knovm) Mr. Corey Novak. Agency Corsuhant (>mpany: Laid Mnnag:?msnt Group, linc. IthE,r td. if ves, list the dates of the Cows iurisdictlormi determinations or State ;Frcrrl ila`i0r.s ano a`;ach documen?aiion. Ronnie Smith of the USACE issued ajurisdic:ticnaI cfef.er' at: on on 2-22j1C (Acton 1D# 5;+`u'u-20'iO-0023_). 5a. Have periiiits or cencifications been requested Cr ottaine j for i ? -] U Yes c 1€4Ki0Yti this r.rn,2Ct (In , cI(.iding all prior ph isc ,. s) :n ihe past t It yes, explain in de?ail according i0 °i'irlp file' ihst uct ons. In 2005, n 1 acre of _Naters o" the U S-'."Jas Irrioacted using a No-nGiitica_ion. Nationvide P'ermi;!t T:lese impacts vvere neccled to install two road crossings in Phase 1 of the developmem. The aoplican° then obtained a Nationvode Permit 29 and a 401 'Alater Qualil f Certification for impac,s !ocaied :n Phases 3 and 5 of t7r,.rns`"JiC;< Forest iii 2.)09. The prc7pos d irnpacts Incluied six road crossings that disturbed' 0.235 acre of 404 vve.lands and 262 linear feet of stream.. Page 3of'1 PCN Fora - Versior: !.3 Deceimb°r 10, 2008 Version. S. e'ut2,36"e CojCCx Ptra firs 6a Is this P, phased proter;;? - -? Yes ?' No s 1 e s, u r We boat ra nip projeU YMH not be phased. belt there am other phases of Bmmswick crest that nave not yei desiancd ?ay 4 o 1 la- Alhich sections ti<<cre completed below for Your Pf:-)jeci. I;chtfck all ih?3t apply) (-1 'Netlands ? Streams - tributaries ? 3uf ers 1 Open waters ). ] Pond ConStrLIdIOn 4 ? ?Y EH? F? F g u; ci fi h f?"? pa dnF. If ther•?-L arc wotland irnpacrs proposed on [lie site, then :;cn;p I4 fe this c1:ie ;ti:?n foi e=ic h wetland area impacted. ??_..... I pi:7. ? Vic. _d. 2=•. 2¢- 4Afetland impact Type of jurisdicVon number - Type of impact Type of wef.land Forested I Corps - 40z?. '!(D area of impact Peilnanent (P) Or f kno'•,dn) DVVIQ - non-IN ct'ler) (acre£-) TewpDrarv JT { ill for boa[ ramp. Ccncre;F anlK , to RiP "es ? Cc?rp>s O "DOW \f11 1 (Y1 P G 1. <rlr? be cashed Into 17,1 1\.10 (41 Si) E ® place vv :L ? ? T VV3 ?P?T ?; ,; ', ?.., ? P LV T VV5 ?P?T v' c' ?J71 t -.) ves l ) 12crps ? I?Ja ? I??.n?'C7 F] El Corp? I I-1 No ? LD%;Ark ? Yes ? C C.i-ps El mo El Elv"'D F-I Y2S ? Corps ?Y•es orps ? C El No , D'. V}N ) ?g. Total 'iveiiland car ° ,pct 0.00094 TY- - - --- h (Cornrnen;s As stated above, Previous phases o develop men, have ?I e.dy jistLI1Ded C 1 Core Of'A/Dters of the U S., u 235 acre of 4CM wetlands, and 2652 linear feet of sluea. -. Stream €mpoYf'. a °111 if there r)re perenn:al or wtesrnlttem, stream impacts iirduding temporary impacts) proposed on tie site. then Complete this question for all strum sites iinpaoicd. -- 3b- 0' 3.1 3e. Strearn ffni)3ct Type of Ilnpl cr Sh'e-anl 'larne I e. e..nnic7,'. ? 1 vPe of jLll" sdic'L cn Average IInQaCt nu^lb-r DrERl oi' CIPs 44. 10 s'reafT) length Pem--anenr !"P1 oi' rte mii'ent J',('/ nU11-C?L1 vodth di ea'! T ernporar,/ i T) (INT)? _....._... I oEnerj 1 ;faet} feet) ?.-? PER ? Gorps P?T ? ir.T ? DVvc - S2 ? P ? T ? ?F,,?z ? Corps I NT ? c',jVC? F-I ?EP El co•-s S3 ?P? T I "T S'4 71 P F SJ ?P?T ?PC-: ?l peps sc 71 P ? ' F1 PE:; ? corps ®y ? IINT ? cVVQ 3I. Commerl%s: P ye of 11 PC-N Fo -i - /ersion 1 3 D ec,er-lber 10. 2008 Veision 4 ? O•pe.9 W a a? h'Epa'rf? S. ii there are propo&,ed imip-acts to fakes, ponds, e ziiar;es, tributaries, scur:ds, the Atlantic Ocean. or any oi`er omen ?-vater of the U. S. €hen ndivid'ually list all open water impacts below. 4a gib. 4c 4d. 4e Open water iva-oe of waterbodv mpact number Of apphcabic; Type of mpact ':'Ia;:e-'oc:dy type Area of ur,pact (acresi P&m?]nent (P) of Temporary (T) Oi C:l a f ! i Town Creek ? Ccl7cre:te Bo?,t E-,ainp ? .:rver 0.01 1 acres 14?4 :;.f I - . 02 ? L, T , 03 ?P?T ,__. T 04 ? P F-1 ! T. :d ape F, er ?n-j:?ac's 0 011 acres (484 s.f. ) 1 4a Cornmq e'its e=Po acl or Lake b-+cllr S-iru ?nl in, M"A?lA I; 0011d Or lake COnsrrU: t 0f) ')l opused iherl compieie the C'lalt oelov), 5a ?h. (5c '???etl".nd Impacts ?a^r.?j Pond 1[) Prn''-osedl use or purpose number of ()ond 5d 5 e Siream'mpacts (ie6;) Upland ;acres) Filled Excavated ? Flocded ` I e:_9 E,,cavated ' Flooded Flooded ?! I P. r P2 i r f, Tr 5g Comlr?ents: 5h. fs a dari-i high hazard permit required E-? 'res. ? No t,?ermit 1C' nQ; 5i Expected pond surface area (acres): - 5f. Size of pond watefshe (z?c!e,j. 5k. Method of construction: 6; Bufve; iuajac& P (for DV"VQ)- lNi i It project vrill impact a protected riparian buffer. then conipletc the char below. If yes. then :r1 tividually ii-iiall bi ffer impacts ue!ctnf. If any Irnpacls legc.);!e rr;iPl'jaiinn then Voij IiifiU3;d t t.ll out -',3ection C Of ibis for-r. r. ? Neu-se ?J Tar Famli'co ? Cthcr Project is In WhICl1'jJrC[OCted 17cS1r1! ? l a 9c`"!b? J Pandlei'an 6b. Sc- 5d 6e 6t 5c. Buffer impc.C°, number- Reaso;! BLIffer Zone impact one 2 impact Permc.nent ;P) or for i Stleam name mitiga lo!' lSunfe fe :I sql!ae fe=ti -1ennipor1ry(?)_ r1E1ac1 j requirea? E1 ?P?T I ulYeS ? R: o _ -- 32 L7 P (1 i Yes No B3 ? P ? T ? Yes 6h. 7-o',`-;M b uNe- H BB'C'. auJs 6i Ginn er1t:5 --- P,ice 6 of 11 D, 1RY.I :a?A JL__..aL -'n. "11 I.VHt i la Specifically describc mcasures tak n to avoid or minimize the prep, mid :repass in desiW&I .)r;)j t The applicant attemp kd to minimize weAnd K,pacts as much as possible in the desiar W the boat ramp. It is beiny placed 41 an alea alreaLy disluited by an existing soil access mao. an very narmw at [ills Iocabon. No cora metal v-,etlanCis are t?r'es•nt Here. 1'J- Specdcay d::scrIe measures taker to avoid or minimi7 e the. i)roposed impacis throug'i ccnst-uc`ion techniques. Erosion con of measures'.'nll be taken to mij,.i rilze iinpacis. S!I_ iencin-i vial! ?)rE'venf erosion KM wetland areas. All sediment removed fom ovefla nds will be hauled to uNand :treas. 2. Aa ? 3 t i l + tk/fb " hoe for W"l pads to WaWrs o he U.S. or INateis tai e Stale 0 `de's ? IS The apolicant ., ss rca?,. d io buy into the 1,•1C E---:P fo; the reAcration of O. i <) a^re of ripar an v.-e;!ands for the previous 2a. Does the project require Cor::pensaw y Phtigabon for I`ilih 29. >3?cause the EEP unit' allcwvs paduse In 015- li N the,, U c)r V1-!aters o]` the awe Ircrements. BrunslPvick Fores[ purcl"'1is d credits for C25 acre o Wari :;n Aellanris. T nerefore BFunsv"Ick I orest has O 06 acre of nparian votlanu! restoration credit that can be :sea -ov ards this project. 2b. It yet rYll4!gGon i red" uifed by (check, all tha- aoplyf'. D VV0 ?. •Ccrps ,_j IV?!!aGtlGn bvllk 2r... If yas, ilich rtutiaation option will be used foP'his Payment to In-lieu Ne pi opmr r)rai?ct'% J Per!llit[ee sko lsib e 'Vliti-jaLori I cornQte H NIA€?'q l' ?E ?xa3N? ? ail: NVA 3a. Name of i,Iitiy?iticln Bank' 3b Cmdos Purchased (a.tach receipt and letter) 3c. Comments Compote 7[r i4f o.k B &u a Payment ';C: l,rg-Vzu.! Fee :"7Ogra" rn- 4a. Approval letter horn Adieu fee progmm is attached. 4b. Strear;; rnitlyaiiul; requesiert. Yes Q. If using stream midgabon strear,l temperakire: 4d. BUffer mitigation requested (DVVC' o;lly} - - 4e. Riparian welland rnitlgaaon requested. `FI. Non"Wadmi wetland nl1pation requested: +g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested [7 ?,Narr- ? coot ?cold W, square ON H.pplicani has O.C, acre of riparian JvetHO credit wa&b'e tPrugh EEP- jaiA acmes W acres A h. Comments: <oE"s6F q; H d?l''?? 9 a e' i'1" 3dG t£ 6 i5.ei9 i 1`> Flra''i i'f1?3`?e CvwD Yq?.cY W 5a. A using a peri-nittee responsible mitigation plam provNe a cesci-ipt:on of the :iroposed !"Itip2tion plan. Type Quaw'ity Page l of " 1 PCIN Fore - Version .? Deconmr 1 a 2008 !lemon Will tine projeCt resrl9t in an impact vviihin a protected riparian buffer that requires i C1 `des ?i No ,puffer mitigation? I 6b, if yes, they identify the square feet of inipad to each zone of he riparian bu Tee than requires mi,iyadcn. Calculate the amoLIW.. of mitigation required. MiA ?c d Reas fi,)r irn??act cta' IIYit>ac, ivita tipl er Required mitigation . orlF (sgUare I r?Ct) ti,sgv:arc ¢e t; lone t ) ; (2 iol Cai3v, _ i 'one I 7 3 6f ok a6 Io it IOLIlY01" mltlgal'017 IS req-u red_ discuss whott`ype ?DI rni igation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mr,;7?ciio i bark, nenmt ce it.cj OnSls l flp2rlan buffer r stGiaClCn, pct?r!71P,n. IrtC an al)pr >1'?;J Ir iir_'.U C'° il.lr`d). `! A ?,.????.• ??? +'k?i C "7!-?sE?blr, t . ?riu Mal P`?a I. fDi"i=uu Fe F[on %-H oin T - la. Does the proiect inchide or is it adjacent tc. protected' nParlan buffers Identified \j within one. pi i:he NC- Riparian Buffer Protection Pure_? ? ? is ? ? o ib. If yes, then is a diffuse flovro plan included? if nc, explain avhy. ? Yes ? ?ja Comi-ne'nts- 2. 5 t 2-Trn vats[ ":12.`: ;:,' I, -: 4n'i Pd,an 2a `ldhat is the ovorall percent imp=erv ousness of this project N,) nevv impervio..s 2b. Does this p: o ec i iequiie ri Si'mrmN :ter Mianagement Plan'-,' i Yes ? N0 lc. if this proiert iDOFS NO-1 require a Siorirlvvater I+,'ianagernenf Plan, explain why: No new impervimjs cover is associated 'vvitli th,s pro;e^.f kedevelop -ne!'t of existm,, soli I oal ramp. 26 If this project DI' )ES requite a Stornlwater vla7l?gCr112t1t Plan, then P" 'Jule a brief, narrUtl`?' d S rlpt!Cn of the plain' 2r,=. 'A ho will be, resnon ibie for he review of the Storm fvater IV'anagernenf elan ' ? yen Local i32 . In vAw-'t i local government's jurisdiction is this project"; ib. Which of th? toflcwir,'g locally-implemen?ec stc•rm<<:- -r 'anur,emeni prcg=ams apply (check all that apply). 3c. Has the, pprcv, cd Storslwvatcr LIanacoinent Plan with proof of acpro'.,al been attach?c`' 4a VV1 Ss-lich of Vie iolio'vvin(g s:aie-impleimented slzorrilw: 3'e: rnir n:iuE'menj pri;t)r?nl c.?Jfijy (Check 4 that apply). 4b, Has. the approved S tornwv tef Management Plan vil'l proot of app rovai been allG cnel,l? 52. Does the Stc:frmvater Management Plan meet the aPproPr.ate recjuirement?, 5b Have all of the 401 Unit su btnit#aI requiremen? s been met? ? Certifiec: Local Governmem D,NQ Stormwater Program I' DA Q 401 Unii L Phase it I^ NSU+.' ?I USMa ? vvP.tEr 3i..lppIv tErF.h; ,i ? vthor? ? es LJ N,u ?_ GoGst?l ccur;ties ? 0PVv ? Session ! avv 2006-246 001er. [] Yes' ? r'i.n ? Yes ? I'jo ? Yes Q No Page 9 of 11 PC v roan - Versi'on "i. Dece.rrlher 10. 2008 Version r. Emkou7memmi Doc a nnentials'an ?,Uhy' 1 a. Does the project involve are expendihure c;f pkjblic; (fe.dera /state/focal) unds or t^e ' es No use of public (fcdera.l'state) land s Ile If you answered "yes' to We above. ches the project IeClUire ;?rFf;::r;.iie n of -Ir enkonmental document pursuant to the requirements of the WSW cg SW 0 Yes El No i?Northi Car.Aina; Environmental Policy Act (WIPA! s'r-10A)? 1w f you answemd 'yes" to the -above, h s the docu:,-ent revie%,v been finalized by the Stwe C!eari y Woe? (If sc f sh a cony of the i'',d=f-'A or SEh'A °!nal approval ;eRer.) Li Yes !`'J... -Cmm2r!t?: . 3f GaN4Y Yc lffWQ Ps^,.quhr6rm`'`' ) 2a. Is the site in Wlatl0ri of DVVQ'heilanil Ru Ns 05A NCAC 2H i:5OM Ise aced Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H . 13000), D'vVQ Surface "A/Dte° or Wch & . _ ndards ? Yes Ej No or Ri=r;riarn zu fee Rules 05A NCAC 2B 020Q'% 2U. Is ibis an after-the-fact permit application? ?'-'es No 2c. V you ^, ned "yes" to one or both of the abowe questi ns. provide an exp anation (3f the v o?a5 cns;. Raq 3a. 'ta"Vill flits projrF(;[ (brised orl pl isi !ind reasonably antP_;if ated TkAure impacts rey-n ill addibon :i devkopment, which could impaU nca-by coo,---roam `iJatcl cl,:ailty? 34 if you ansmemd `eyes' to the above, subruit a qualasiv e or quanik live curiiATive ml:wl anals s iv c9f.:C(Jrdance val the most recent DTIC policy. If you answered oY provide a short na-ra`ive desci:ip on. The <:3pp1[C 2 may have f!Jture vieflanc i milacts in later phases of residential development. but And planning for Wese phases has nct yet boon cDPNc&d. An'r future we:fard or steam inpacts YOH be corsiderer_f I be curna tide and will be apphnd for Arough the Corps and D'VVQ accordingly. :c.?Ae 0fspc3aa.l 'DVJQ R:rquS remerA) 4a . Cloady detaH to uhtimak hvaureM methods ar d dispo Lion (1C Wsch wye o: •dischaq of +,°da stE'waki- generated from Me pi-oposed project, or available capacity of .he sut,ject facil ty; Vto ovastewater will be nenerate-Ci from this oroieci Pag 10 of 11 PCN Form r Version 1.0 DecernbSr 10 2000 Version >a Will this project occur in or ncar an area with WWI pmMcmd _?Vcs or ? Yes Ej No ilabltM • 5n. Have yo u cheNed with the USFVVS Col cerbrig EndanvGlc^d eICS AM < :?17 I YES D No L_ Raieig' c. If des, indicate the USF`. S Field OMc.e you have contacted. ?-1 Asheville 5d- What data soul-ccS GIG you use to d'otcrmine whethti r your si`lC would lnlp8ct Endurgered Species or Designated Critical I labitat? The NC I?laaii.irai He(itage Flio.;rarn (;IS layer was uses: to rietermh the presence of iedna Hy lisAd species. Town Creek is part of a Significant Natural HeriMgs waa named he To'wr. Cock Aquatic Habitat. A' rnerican :alligators we kru-)Vvn to occur vathin 1 oven Cheek, however the proposed protect is not likely to a`iversdy i-pact this Spedes. ?. Esser`4NM f° sh }14nlca '`IC2.TMs Req191YiameA) 6a V'Vill this project occur in cr near an area d signated cs essent ai fish WSW ? YOs --' No what. sources dlid you use to deankne MeMw yory site ,° ouki impact i`Ssent al Fish labia? The N AA Fisher;es Essential Fish Habitat ` iiaopei UIS pmgwrn was used :a doemone the presence of Esse Vial Fish HOW According to this d,'labase. red, drain-, s kno,, n to •ocu r in this part of Town WE No Fla bW hPas of Farticul, Concern were idenbPed. FtisWheor Preh!^toidc iihi.7 i (Corps equ"5'ed'J"'Jen" ) 4 What data sources cIA ya use to d4emone -whethin you site would m Ja ct hownc or arcriecloglcai resourceO The NWInA Wist for VIA= Presnvahan webslte napping reso..rce was used 4) cue?errnirie tale presence of cultural resor rtes No cultural resources ware found Ca. 'd"vrll this prc;ect occur in a LISA-clesignatec i 0C year floodf: f::m'? C?_1 Yes I_J No Sb. IT yes, explain how pi-Dject nleet5 FEMIA requ cements: 8c. What Source(s) 6d you use to make the flcodplalin da_enninaiion7 The NC Roodplain Mapping Infomiahon System wabsite was used to deten;ifne the boundaries c` i"ie i (D-0-year rloodplain. Greg Finch 013/05,120'10 Applican'L,'Agent's Printed kiame Apoic ntAgw is Signature L)We. iFQW4 a gnatwe a valid only i- a-i suet ori? zt:or: rater =rbr'-i ire ap:;,ICGrt ;s provided.) Page 11 of 11 7a. 1AIill this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal govelnrntints have desgnated as hw mg hiskhe or' cult n, p 4servAcn 1 r r. Yes ? No status (e.g. National Historic Trust desyn?-ti m Or' properties signInane m North Carolina histor V and archaeology) 'ac?vhr J,,? csY l . - - M,? C airtCrint" 17 ,- r 3 y y ._? '• ?? ° ??' "_,' ?y ' ? `~?e "? _? SITE !. 7-3 ftiii''f Sits{:t + 11 J ., \' f f !- { Fe , *Boundaries are approximate and are SITE not meant to be absolute. Map Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 83, 84, & 87.2003 Brunswick Forest Tract Brunswick County, NC 03-05-440W SCALE 1" = 1 Mile Sheet 1 of 4 Vicinity Map \vr 718 652 869 810 RODRICKHILL 559 229 865 641 P.B. 81 PG. 337 EDWARD BURTON 699 ESTATE 923 P.B. Q PG. 110 635 Macrae, Hugh 11 & I II & Nelson 1750 DB 1002 Page 0921 (Adjacent Riparian Owner) 704 093 BRUNSWICK FO ST PHASE 8 TOWNCREEKHEIGHTS (VARIOUS OWNERS) 0 Boat Ramp Site See Sheet 3 of 4 Existing Soil Road Fox, James C Jr & Etals DB 2077 Page 0562 (Adjacent Riparian Owner Approx. 6,5001.f. to SE) Legend Phase 8 Boundary (Approx. 18,349,026 s.f.) NOTE: Phase Boundaries Subject to Change. ORIGINAL DRAWING(S) AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY: HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY 0 250 500 1000 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 D PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION i Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 PRELIMINARY: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. 11. 1 ' Macrae, Hugh II & III & Nelson SITE DB 1002 Page 0921 LOW WATER 1 A (Adjacent Riparian Owner ` % ? LINE 111 ?`• Approx. 2,500 If to NW) i ; „'•t. ? 1 1 / 1 ? HIGH WATER 1 1 ? t 1 1 / 4 ? / / ,y i Y' ` • LINE 404 WETLAND 1 1 LINE • ? 44 Ca 1 ? 5 T ' `? ea `zK e FIXED r \ T o F x ? ??? V 1.1 PIER y. 1 % .? ? % c ? r• ?• w , - PROPOSED 1 1 11 LOADING 1 &• 1 1 i 1 *% @ N, , N ?? ? / TREELINE d Site Location M Site Location M NTS a ap DOCK \ ?, ? f 4 - 9'X36' SOIL 0 + PARKING SPACES" 4 " -3. + Q 1 ?G TRE ELINE A / r / O I? % x v FLOATING P I I x N P N ?? a A??T ; DOCK '11 ? x *m ? I ? + I -10.7 7 i s. I EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH + PROPOSED CONCRETE ; t' INSET 3.7 I OVERLAY SCALE V= 20' 2.6 -7.5 } t ?• I ` N ° LOW WATER ; ?' - - • / 4 - 5 ° LINE I rya } • ' MHHW 4.64 PROPOSED •11 ,rr; Q ':` - : MHw 4 29 LOADING . DOCK 20 c H,wAT H IL I 2 9'X18' SOIL I fy E R SEE INSET *.s? +° v C * As 1 •?.' PARKING SPACES J J i?P 6.5 xll P '? N NNI?, /.?. ti 1l, Q. / •; 3 NAVD'88 = 2.96 0 95 za z 1 " SF9.589 x 1 v 11 A q I L S F N . HIGH WATER 1!6"7va 11 ?l T 0 V i % MTL = 2.26 NE * a LowwATER "ABC h N 5 ;_ l ; Fox, James C Jr & Eta s 2 NGVD'29 = 2.01 0.00 Q 2fi '' IC W ? N P I 2 11 _1g6' s 1 > 11 / / ., Via., DB 2077 Page 0562 ? a 3 P ?'?(Adjacent Riparian Owner - N ,z SLAB o , ? 1.6 + 11 Approx. 6,500 11 to SE) >> x g v -0.4 1 g0? % - 1 a i0 co Z * f a TREELINE RAMP DETAIL a o J NOT TO SCALE 55 EXISTING SOIL BOAT LAUNCH MLW = 0.1s -1.86' Channel ?• i TO BE IMPROVED (SEE DETAIL) D MLLW = 0.00 13.8 e + it -10.8 -46 I I x x s c efland Impgpt 1 (41 S.f.) - ? t 11 x * m 's s Legend 1. SHORELINE LENGTH OF ENTIRE TRACT =13,300 L.F. (Approx. 669 L.F. in Phase 8) 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL Contour Line -- &ALLSOUNDINGSARERELATIVETOMEAN LOWWATER PREL IMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IS NOT A SURVEY . FOR ENVIRON:MENTTTNIA LL PERMITTING O OPERMI NLY.ORENGINEEREDDRAWING FOR ENVIRON 404 Wetland - - - - - - - 4. ALL OTHER ELEVATIONS ARE NGVD 29 5. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION Project Date: Revision Date: MHW Line --•----•--•- ORIGINAL DRAWING(S) AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY: Bmnswidc Forest River Club 20110 NA 30' Public Trust AEC - - - - - - HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS Applicant: Funston Land and Timber Scale: 1'=50' Job Number 03-05-440C D 25 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY 50 1110 WILMINGTON, Post Office Box 2522 Title: River Club Dram By: Sheet Number E:: (910) (91D) 343-8002 PHONE Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Existing and Conditions GSF 3of4 Telephone: 910-452-0001 L:11LwHMn1Z000 GANIA rILC51UC-U0-44UL.--- IsrunswlCR roresr manning uiDsomtaver uwD Majontsrur l r-OreS1.OWg Cross Section A 404 Wetland Line- Fixed Pier Pmmn Existing Grad Pilings Per Contractor or Engineer Typical Cross Secton Not For Construction ALL SOUNDINGS ARE RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER ALL OTHER ELEVATIONS ARE NGVD 29 0 5 10 20 0 5 4 3 Q 0 3 J 2 0 1 MHHW = 4.64 MHW = 4.29 a 0 J J NAVD'88 = 2.96 0.95 m MTL = 2.26 C NGVD'29 = 2.01 0.00' 0 N > Q o Z Z J J ? MLW = 0.15 -1.86' MLLW = 0.00 PRELIMINARY: THIS IS NOTA SURVEY OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. Project Date: Revision Date: Brunswick Forest River Club 112110 NA Applicant: Scale: Job Number Funston Land and Timber 1'=10' 03-05-440C Post Office Box 2522 Title: Dram By: Sheet Number Wilmington, Nodh Carolina 28402 River Club Boat Ramp Cross Section A GSF 4 of 4 Tele hone: 910-452-0001