HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100071 Ver 1_More Info Received_20100303r- , ?' S r I'. 1 5 _ P -..74 - _01F , Ms. Sue Homewood NCDENR-DWQ 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 February 24, 2010 Subject: Address of February 15, 2010 DWQ E-mail Request for Additional Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification Approximate 11.17 Acre Tract - Burnt Poplar Road Greensboro, Gulford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09.18125 Dear Ms. Homewood: As you will recall, you sent Michael Brame with ECS the following request via e-mail on February 15, 2010. From: Homewood, Sue [mailto:sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 01:55 pm To: MBrame Subject: RE: schumacher homes This is what I need. If you can get it in by the 26th, I won't need to write a formal letter. -A detailed plan to scale, no greater than 1"=50' that shows the final graded topography of the future built upon areas and shows stormwater drainage zones/flow patterns. Note that this is in Randleman Buffer so diffuse flow must exist prior to stormwater reaching any buffers. -Documentation from the City of Gsboro stormwater office that they have evaluated this project and determined it to be a low density project. We have included as an attachment, two copies of an updated Site Plan for the above- referenced site. The plan has been submitted to Ms. Virginia Spillman with the City of Greensboro and is currently under reviewed. Based on verbal conversations between Mr. Robert Russell with Associated Surveying & Engineering, P.C. (designers of the proposed development), the plan has been verbally approved. Upon receipt of written approval, we will forward a copy of the approval letter from the City of Greensboro. k-:J MAR 3 ZU oil WFTIfi.w.r, AND ji6tWAYM VW.X ECS , LLP "Setting the Standard for Service„ Geotechnical - Construction Materials ` Environmental • Facilities NIC Repis9r.red Fnrinceriny Firm F-1078 4811 Koger Houlevard - Greensboro, NC 27407 T: 336-656-7150 , F: 336-856-7160 , www.ecslimited.com ECS Carolinas, LLP , ECS Florida, LLC ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC ECS Southeast, LLC ECS Texas, LLP Section 401 Water Qualitv Certification Burnt Poplar Road ECS Project 09-18125 Februan, 24. 2010 Please feel free to contact me at (336) 856-7150 if you have any questions or if additional information is required. Thank you in advance for your timely consideration of this matter. Sincerely, ECS Carolinas, LLP //1 L IiL"4 Michael T. Brame Senior Environmental Scientist Attachments: Site Plans 2 Plant Slze; The alas of the required plant species Is dependant on v ss la dependant on whether It la drought tolerant or not drought tolerant, Specific plant alzes are Ilsled below; led below; 872.10' 1) Canopy Tree Size; Water wise canopy trees, using required plan minlmum o} two (2j Inches in cellper, measured six (8) Inches above using required planting techniques must be a 888,80'__ i six (8) Inches above grade, when planted (See 8f tn~ 8~ Section When mature, a canopy tree should be forty i ~Cpa 0 minimum craven width of thirty (30) feet. Other canopy trees must b free should be forty (40) feet high end have a 873,00' ~0/p ~ :anopy trees must be a minimum of three (3) Inch i planted. caliper, measured six (6) Inches of grade, when planted. 2) Underetory Tres Size: Water wise understory trees must be a mi y trees must be a minimum of one (1 } inch in caliper, S / ~ ~ , ~ f _ ~ ~ - measured six (8} Inches above grade, when planted. (See Section 1te ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ / understory tree should be twenty-five (25) to forty (40) feet high. 01 anted. (See Section, When mature, an ~rry (40) feet high. Other understory trees must be a ~ a ~ ~ / ~ \ _ _ ~ minimum of two (2) Inches in caliper measured six (6} inches abovE . _ r ~ ~ _ six (6}inches above grade at the time of Installation. / 872.00 900' ro 869.80' ~n81s / i / a , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ _ ` - - 3j Shrub Size and Type: Ali approved water wise shrubs, using req se shrubs, using required planting techniques planted 873 0' ~o \ Ox3ps~ ~ / / / I \ \ parallel to the edge of parking lots, aaess drives, loading and unto es, loading and unloading areas and outside storage & 869.42' fe / ~ \ shall be aver reen and installed at a minimum size of el hteen 18' ~ ~ \ ` se / ~ / ~ ~ i \ reach a minimum hel ht of thirty-six (36) Inches and a minimum spi size of eighteen {18) inches, spread a' heght, and 869 0' s and a minimum spread of thirty (30) inches. (See ~ * ~ ~ \ \ ~ 0 0 eng~ ~ / ~ \ ~ ~ ` ® Section 30-5.4.9(N)j. Required water wise shrubs In other location, abs In other locations, outside of the area listed above 874 0' ry~• 874.40' ~ ~ 869,47 ~ \ ~ ( ~ ~ / i _ _ \ \ ~ ® maybe be evergreen or deciduous, shall be three (3) gallon in size 'ee (3) gallon in size as per ANSI standards at the $ 9~00~ h~, 869 \ ~ ~ ~ / i / ' ~ \ time of Installation. \ \ Out / / ~ / \ \ \ \ i \ ~ ~ 314" Water \ / / ~ ~ \ \ ~ , _ . _ _ , ~ 877 889.80' ~ ~ p \ ~ , \ \ ~ VD y hall ~ l ~ ! ~ \ \ - - ~ ~ e..,. ~ $ \ \ \ H.C. Signs 900. ~ ~ ~ ~AV~ ~ .00' 870.00' \ V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( \ V A~ EN C UCTED _ S~2UCTED _ \ \ ~ \ ow ' ~ ~ / I \ \ \ ~ TO COG STD~416:A - l 31 in 975 ~ ,r / I ~ ~ _ A ~ A \ RJy v ~ ~ 877, 0~ ' 1 i A - orequal. / / i \ , ~ p~ 1 ~ , A ~ p w 90 _ e \ ~ 1 ~ Mln 60' ~ F ~ . 1 / ~ \ ° R x, 0 r n eN VCpa Note: All spaces, handicapped or otherwise 8 ~ / / ~ / / \ _ \ ~ ~ Opp r nd0/A ~ are 9.0'x19.0'. H,C, Signs Typ. \ ' i ~ \ ~ I 0 ~ ~ / - LOS'S ~ 1 ~ / t~ / ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a A ~ , A ~eMe Sits Fese ~ ! ~ Prp~Qm~ / ~ / b of lr ' ~ ~ ~ GENERAL INFORMATION 1 / ry / / ~ W =,r, 5' S y ~ ~ / r~ / / y _ ~ . 5\ ~e\~a~ ~ \ _ \ ~ ~ OWNERlDEVELOPER \ ~ °~/00.94.7029.0~0980-00.027 ~ / ~ W INE EASEMENT ~ _ _ - - / , ~ 1 \ ~ THIRD GENERATION L ~ ~ ' PLANTATION PIPEL - ~ ~ ~ , 1 / D8 8828 PG 1895j ~ \ y v I ~ \ ~i~-~ y~~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ \ Schumacher Homes of Winston-Salem, Inc. 2021 Griffith Road, Suite 600!700 Cle~n gut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ SOS, ~ ~ ~ \ ~ Winston~Salem, NO 27103 ~'4' ,star Meter Site ~ ~ _ _ I _ _ , 336.760.9201 ~ i ' - ~ , WA 13-56 ~ ~ ' ~ i/ ~ : ~ / ~ ~w. y \ 1 \ l_nt ~ ~e~ ~ \ Total Acres a -11,17 ac 486745.47 sf) i " y y - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ Total Area Ded. to Open Space • 0 sf / i ;i i ~ / ~ ~ ,y ~ , ~ '%i ~ i / ~y ~ W W m W w ~ ~ \ ~ a Total Number of Lots • 1 / ~ ~ m m m m w y y ~`A ~ `L ~ 1 1 \y..., Fx~t!„ t2 ~ ~ ~ ~ Deed Reference- DB4834 PG 1272 ~ ~ yv~ ' ~ o}'°lNat ~ V ~ ~ _ Watershed - Upper Randleman Dam \ ~ _ ~ i .A~' V I > 1 / w ~ ~~A 'j, ~'s~~,~7 e~~e ~ ~ ~ ~ _ (WS-IV Critical Water SupPiY) , y ~4 u. J' J' y w W W ~ \ i ~:a r y w ~ W w v v ~ y ~ ~ A ' i,' 1 1 ^ ,fir '?.~qR~p ZONING =HI ~ ~ / ~ .y v 'L W W V- W y ~Y v I 1 7 / ~ ~ 0 i ' ,1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y~`y Tax Reference - 00.947031-0.0969.00.025 \ ~ _ w W y W W ~ W . ~ ~ / / / ~ y y w / t ~ WA ~7 7~. \ ~ ~ ~ " NOTE: ~ ~ ~ Aw..,~ / v m ~ W W v v w m ~ V\ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Solid wasie and recycling wBl be handled by roil-0ut carts. FRONT 50' / ~J ~ ~ a.. ~ A\~ , ~ Wrrl v m y y -r y \ 1V\'~~~ / ~ //ii \ / m ~ m m W W W m V I ~ i A V' I 1. /i 7 ~ o ` ` ~ ~ NOTE: REAR-5' ~ , . ~ ~ , , • , • _ No gates will be installed for the drive. ~ \ , ~ i, I ~ ~ ~ - . e r _ ~ ~ j, ~A~ w.. I F C ' • ~ ~ ENGINEER'S CERTIFICAT ON 0 STORMWATER QUANTITY ONTROL' I ` ~ • y ~ • W'~: ~ ~ -The 10°h point Is located upstream of the ate outlet; therefore no additional ' ~ %i~ I ~ ' << ~ , • \ q ni ntrol is quired, 'C ~ ~ i W w W W W ~ ~ ~ y ~ y ~ - - - - ~ > ,AA ' V , y~j,'r~ V`'~ ' , ' % ~ ~ y ~ . o ~ ~ ~ v o m m m w W u _ ~ i: a~ \A VA\ ~ W v W W - ~ 'l. ~ w 4 This is a Conceptual Landscape Plan The applicant must sulxnit a ~ m ~ W y ~ ~ m W - - - r. ~ V~ bC r ~ ' .x y y ~ ~ ~ U u' ~ ~ detailed landscape plan (which depicts the plant types and M ^ ~rf;' ~ : •'y °,6 ~QPtS~t2VATIQi~ AR6A ~ ~ locations) within 90 days from the Issuance of the building parntit for _ W \ ~ ' , ' ~ \ ~ review by the Planning Department. The landscape plan must be / - \ /~V i " ' . ~ ` ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ approved by the Planning Department prior to recelvlrrg an ~ ~ ' y ~ inspection for the Certifyate of Occupancy, a v w m W v ~ N• /Y ~ VA ..A'V~ it'd. '~j ~'r V 1 ~ ~ w w v W W W y 4 ~~A~ y~. ~~~/p, /V ~A .t ~ '~'~/~y %i ~1 ,~~,A ~p PLANTING YARD RATES: ~ V ~ ~ ` \ \ ~ ~'y~~\ ~ .W ~ " W -All wnatructlon to be to COGINCDENR ataruierds. ~ ~ ~ w. ~ w ~ -All private onsite water and sewer to be maintained by , ~A i / 8 Street Yard:1900 Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ \ , ~ ~ iy1~' ~ w , ' w~ ~ » owner. A' ~V . ~ _ Can Trees 2l 00 opY _ _ - ~ . ~ ~ ~ / ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~:v A// ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1t i9001f~38-Can Trees \ I opy ~ / v ~ ~ ~ , /i ~ ACRES V \,y, y~/ ~ ,.,w, , Shrubs 17/100 It ~ 1900 If 323 Shrubs ~ _ ; ~ ~ 7 , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,i ~ ~ /l" ~ \ fit. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a r ~ The a Iicant will contact the landsca a Planner at 373-2918 after t ~ f9 4 .k ~ u- ~ ~ A ~ pp P i " ¦ ~ 5 D Yard: 943 v ~ ~ y~ ~ . ~ A , ~ ~ ~ the coin lotion of the site radio to arren a for an on•she ~v~~,v ~v ~ ~ ~i' w ~ ~ ~ meetingAnspection to determinegthe creditgorthe existing n Trees 2f100 If 943 If -19 Understory Trees ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - U derstory ~ / ~ ~ V ~ 'c'C ~A j ' ~ w ~ ,.A\'~V ~ A ~A ~ ~ . ~ \ ~ ~ - ~V\\, \ \ \ i 'w\~ y i~' ~ ' V ~ ~ vegetation towards the number of plants required In the perimeter Shrubs 181100 If ~ 943 If 170 Shrubs , ~ _ ~ ~ \ vvvW'v * 4~`~ ~ `r i buffer y91ds. _ _ . - _ \ ~ . ~ '1~ V ~ ~1-12 ~ 'W y8 PARKING CALCULATION: _ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V \ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ FEMA Flood Map Information: . ~ ~ f 18 \ =A ~ _ 1 _ _ ~ Map Number 3710782400) , Pane17824J 1 ti.i ~y ~ ~V ~ ~~~~V r' i~ ~ ~ , Community; City of Greensboro CID: 376351 2850 ft' aiflce space -1/300 ft = 9.5 spaces required ~ ~ , _ ~ ~ i , v- ~ . V.. A ~ ~ i Oft'=3.82s acesre ulred ? ~ ~ ~ \ ~ - ~ \ \ x, , ~ i ~ , Effective Date: June 16, 2007 / 7240 ft showroom apace -1!200 p q ~ . , ~ ~ ~ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Spaces Required -13 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ , 'ij A'~: ~ _ \ ~ i Total Spaces Provided • 19 standard + 4 handicap 23 total ` \ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ' ~ , ~ 00.94 7031 0 0959 QO-026 I ~ ~ ~ ~ / y ~ e, ~ FRANCES OSMINT 'w` ~ ~ " DB 2303 PG 551 ~~.e~ ~ ~ ~ i / A f , ~ " ~/f A,~~~~~`~.~` ~~V.;~~~~\~^~~ Accessibility Notes: y ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ / ~ % ~ , ~ , ~ BOO El. a~td Pr ~ , , ' 1 . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ j, / / ~ ~ - r:.~ . ~ ~ food - -886 - TCA REQUIREMENTS: _ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~i ~ ~ '\~V ' ` ~ ,r:;~" ~ 1-Landings outside ail doors shall be sized par NCBC end NC Vd,1•C, TOTALAREA -11.17 AC x 15°h =1.68 AC. MAX REQ. ~ ~ ~ e ~ ; , ~ ~ , / ; " ~ . ; " , - ?s, ; \ ~Ga 1 i s ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ be at the same elevation as the FFE, and shall have a max. 2 ~ elope ~ /i / ~ ; ~\V`~ ~A~ `V` In any direction Including the diagonal TOTAL TCA PROVIDED -1.70 ACRES ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ® ' ' ~ 7 ` ' ° ° Ch ~ . ~ ~ / ~ 11 ~ 1 i / s N ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ V~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p g spacelaccesa aisle area shall not N ~ - AV ~v ~ , ~ , 2-The slopes In the H.C. arkln ~ A` ~ ~ ~ / / l % ~ / 'B , ~ - - ~ eve Tr, TREE CONSERVATION AREA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ - _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ / ~ ~ ---670- - _ _ _ ~ _ ee ti ~ . ~ ~ ~ y~\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i exceed 29'° In any directan Including in the diagonal; ~ ; . ~i ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ` ~ 3-There shall ba level turning areas (max 2°h slope In any directldn Q ~ ~ i~~ ~ ` ~ `A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ includln In the die nai on ail sidewalks where an intersectin \ / , l Waterline wale \ , r i ~ ; , , i ~ v ~ 9 90 ) 9 ~''r~ " ~ ~ , ' ~ " ; ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sidewalk connects with ft \ ~ ; ~ ~ Prot _ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ , , ~ i ~ L~,t. - 873 - _ .SCf ~ ~ ~ \ < ~ , 4-There shall be no designated pedestrian routealsidewalka wllhinthe _ _ ~SCH. 80 ~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ , ~ , site, except where labeled as a ramp with rails, which exceed a 5% Water wise Plant Tedrni use: The following ad(preparetlon iechniquea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ shall be used for all required landscape areas. ' _ ~ Sewedlne (Private) ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ - i ~ ~ % i ~ ~ ~ ' ~ , ~ ~ . slope in the direction of travel and a 2% crosslope. N ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ % ~ /!''i ~ ~ ~ 5Sldewaiks to bulidi s are flush with the rou~a across drivelsntrance 1) Soil preparatlon for the entire landscape yard includes the , ~ ~ ~ ?0,~8^ \ _ _ . _ edditlon of organic amendments tllled to a depth of \ ~ Gy ~qoa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ landings at bui~ing, ~ -c=~ - ~ ~ , ~ y ` ~ 6-NI walks are 4' concrete walks unless othenvlse rated. ~ 9 eight (a) ro twelve (t2) Inches, ~eA A it Paridn f N$ ~ / ~ i I lantln a in the landeca da shell be mulched, - - - N6ga \ ~ O' ~ ~ ~ ~ kx;luding Interior parking lot Islands lees then flue hundred 3,p d th o} three 3 to four 4 Inches, ~ ~ (500) square teat to a ep (1 ~ S> a pQ m x ~D ~eroY ~ \ /~C Tire mulch shall be free of trash and maintained weed ~ ~6' \ ^co 5 p0 i free Brareafter. i \ W 5 S~ ~ SaeD~~lleSlle~tY ~ ~/iy/T + S i~ StoryPopo ~ ~ 3) Earthen baelne are conelructed around the inelaNed plarne, S a \ i " 8 Sp\ gyp. p ~ \ Z6 A66ep~M"eae~e ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 4) Plarda, as permitted by thb ONinencs, are grouped together % F RFFp\ ~ where poadWe TOTAL AREA :11.17 AC. PROPOSED SIGN 275 FTC • 50 FT TALL NCfi X98' ~0\ I 5 For eatablfshment and survival, plants shall be watered In the C~NF \ ) ~S p \ rot n0 . Aret yea pia ng a ROp \ ~ A D6STURBED AREA ;1,38 AC. FR 61 In rise rid mlatere rl' 1 atlon which clu , I bn: it le su sated that drip Mg P ~ ~ ~1 ~ ' PERCENTAGE :12% ~ a• ~ AA F/R~ \ be used for required landscaping planting beds during the required N ~/~tiF°~w esOq , ~ ~ ~ I 9MPERVI0US SURFACE: eatablishmont period. After eatabliahment, suppiamental watering can OhF NsS 0 n an as needed baala. Tredflbnal s re ~ ~ OF be reduced and used o P Y ~ W Oq2 i IttigatlOn la prohibited except for Wrf areas. Y Y ~ ~Y~ qyj a~ w ~ , I ~ , m ~ ~ '4s~a~r ~ . ~ 23,631,76 SF IN1P" TREE PRESERVATION NOTES: ~ 0 0 ' 50 STREAM 50 STREAM ' ~ \ ~ 4.8% OF TOTAL AREA 1 on fend shall be Inalailed prior a T'A`I "9 OFFER BUFFER RS to land dlaWrbanr~. A civil penaky of $500 ~ Tq per day may apply. , bq T~ ~ ~ ti ~ `;o ~ ~ , WETLAND AREA IMPACTED 20' 30 30 20 REFS 40 2. Contact the Urban Forester to set up a pre• construction meeting )olntly with the Erosion ti ~ ~ BY GRAD9NG ~s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ Control Dlvislon of the Engineering and Inapactbns Department prior fp land ~ \ "w,~ ~ ` ~ ~ 3,203.43 SF - .07 ACRES disWrbance tar Inapectlon of trey protecdon ~ ALL OF THE NECESSARY APPROVALS HAVE BEENIWILL SE OBTAINED FROM fencing, THE STATE AND CORPS FOR ANY A V I ~ \ ~~d~ e>~!~~"OJ.~~~e 3. No ridng, storage, dirt atackplling, concrete STREAM CROSSINGS t WETLAND DISTURBANCE. pa w~hout or any other activltles Is permitted in the tree conservation areas. ZONE 1- 30' UNDISTURBED &NON-ENCROACHMENT AREA R ~ V ~ ~ 4 SEAS. v j ZONE 2 - NO MORE THAN 50°k BUA 4. Removal ordamage totrees In the Tree NO OCCUPIED STRUCTURES Note: d ~ °s 1 ~3~r7 n will be sub cttothe Cross Sections determined from Table 14-Limited Detailed Flood Hazard conservauo area la VEGETATED ZONE nalUes established in 30~r4,8 of the Data of the Flood Insurance Study Report Guilford County, North Carolina ~ ~p''.F/ -'~.Q`.'' ~J b L~andeceping and Tree Preservatlon Ordinance. and Incorporated Areas. Effective Date: June 18, 2007. TYPICAL STREAM BUFFER 25 0 60 100 ~ '.~~~~'•.''`Cvih!'4 ..~4re~ 5. Contact the Urban Forester for credks towards Cross Section Stream Statbn Flood Discharge 1 °!o Annual Flood Elev. Non•EncroachmentWldth ~ landscape requirements, 114 11,363 786 866.2 191 Scale 1"=60' ~ ao~,e~' ,l`'e ~n ~ ~ nee 7AR 866.2 24!23 ` \ o..ds~ 17 i(1 ~ NOTE: SILT FENCE TO BE USED FOR I \ TREE PROTECTION FENCING. LEGEND: N ® COMPUTED POINT REVISIONS TYPE CONTRACT CONTRACTOR AS-BUILT AUTH. DATE BEP H. DATE BENCH MARKS JOB NO. 09094 p- CITY OF GREENSBORO 2009.1824 Associated t r ve in O NEW IRON PIPE DESIGNED BY RKR - 7° Q 7~ 7° 7~ @ EXISTING IRON PIPE ROADWAY p - + - + SIL CE - - 11 1~2c1 1 11d - TFEN DETAILED BY VVTR Site Plan SHEET NO. C-1430 b FIRE HYDRANT SEWER Schumacher Homes 0 UTILITY POLE 10$ State Street WATER G1ILCKEU by RKR Greensboro N.C. 27408 Scale 1 "=50' 6346 Burnt RoNnI@r Ro@d' Cr@@n§boro, NC OF 3 57410722 674---0723 Fax