HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 SW Cleaning GuidelinesPrivate Stormwater Cleaning Guidelines Any release that enters waterways or the town owned stormwater conveyance sys- tem is a violation of Town Code Section 5- 32 and is subject to enforcement and fines. Before cleaning any stormwater infra- structure an inspection should be per- formed to check for existing damage or areas of concern that could be worsened by cleaning activities. Perform any cor- rective measures as needed. Locate reaches of storm drain with de- posit problems and develop a mainte- nance schedule that keeps the pipes and inlets clear of excessive buildup. • Whenever possible, performed cleaning activities from "top to bottom" (start up- stream and finish downstream). • Dry methods should be implemented first, such as vacuuming and picking -up trash using shovels or by hand. Confined entry training may be required. 9- A, Wet cleaning methods, including jetting and flushing, should follow. Vacuum any wastewater generated from cleaning/jetting activities. Flushed effluent shall be collected and disposed of properly. Pumped to a sedi- ment trap, or basin, or a detention pond on site or removed from site and dis- posed of at the appropriate facility. Effluent shall not be permitted to enter town owned conveyances, adjacent pri- vate conveyances, or waterways. Use of temporary plugs are recommended to prevent effluent from leaving your sys- tem. Do not use any cleaning chemicals or flocculants during cleaning activities. Contact the Town of Carrboro Storm - water Division to inform them of your flushing activity 24 hours in advance.,