HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 Directional-Boring-SW-Flyer8/10/2020 Directional -Boring -SW -Flyer (1020X1320) 011M !11"11• :1191!]1ORSAMP FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ORDINANCES REQUIRE PROTECTIVE MEASURES Carboro's storm drainage system is designed to collect stormwater from rain events and ultimately convey this runoff into the streams, creeks and rivers surrounding the Town. If not treated properly, runoff can carry slurry from directional borings into storm drains and then directly into the receiving water bodies. Directional boring fluids can contain potential contaminants such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, as well as solids. Care must be taken to ensure that stormwater run off does not harm the quality of our surrounding waters. A list of potential Best Management Practices (BMPs) applicable to your business is provided. Implementing these BMPs and practicing good housekeeping will help guarantee a safe working environment and clean water. Carrboro's Town Code prohibits the discharge of non-stormwater, chemicals, and materials into the storm drainage system BEST MANAGEMENT 1. LOCATE INLET POINTS: Locate all nearby storm drain inlets, catch basins, culverts or swales through which boring mud may enter a waterway. If feasible, pump water through a grassy swale prior to discharge. Block the path to the nearest drain and either divert mud flows or block inlets to pool water away from drains. If another utility is compromised, immediately reinforce protection and contact local authorities. 2. MINIMIZE SLURRY FLOWS: Slurry and sediment from boring operations or saw cutting must be confined to the immediate work area by using temporary berms, sand bags or diversion structures. Prevent cars and pedestrians from tracking of slurry off -site. 3. REMOVE SLURRY: Remove ALL slurry and runoff from the boring operation as soon as possible. Remove any slurry collected near storm drain inlets by pumping it into a collection vessel or using a wet/dry vacuum. Slurry entering the drainage system MUST be removed immediately. 4. TRAIN EMPLOYEES: Train your employees to use proper BMPs https://townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/7141 /Directional -Boring -SW -Flyer 1 /1