HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089699_Renewal_20170426 NacA3109 MAW ®Environmental Consulting & Technology of North Carolina, PLLC RECEIVEDINCDEQ/DW1 APR 2 7 2017 VVEath ..Fud11[y Permitting Section To: Sergei Chernikov, Teresa Rodriguez — North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) From: Christopher Wu—ECT CC: Lance Metzler, Ronald Tate — Rockingham County; Garrett Weeks, Ted Sullivan—NTE Carolinas II, LLC Date: April 26, 2017 Re: North Carolina National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Supporting Narrative Rockingham County(Applicant)is proposing to provide water and wastewater services for the proposed Reidsville Energy Center (REC), a natural gas-fired combined cycle electric generating facility to be located in Rockingham County,North Carolina, herein referred to as the "Project". The proposed Project will be constructed approximately 9 miles west of Reidsville, North Carolina, along Highway 65 (Figure 1). The REC will consist of one combustion turbine with supplementary duct firing. The exhaust heat from the combustion turbine and the supplemental duct firing will be captured and converted to steam in a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) before passing through a steam turbine to generate additional power.' This memorandum summarizes the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application, including Forms 1 and 2D; 40 CFR 122.21(r) supporting information reports consistent with Clean Water Act Section 316(b) Phase I rule for new facilities; and an Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA). Rockingham County proposes to design, permit, construct, own, and operate an intake structure, pump station and 6.8-mile pipeline that will withdraw up to 4.2 million gallons per day(MGD) of surface water from the Dan.River in the vicinity of Madison,NC(Figure 2) and provide the Project with adequate quantities of process cooling water. In addition to surface water, the REC will also receive up to 0.06 MGD of potable water from the City N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\MEMO\NTE NPDES NARRATIVE FINAL.DOCY t � b of Reidsville. The combined source waters will be used for process water needs, the majority of which will be used for cooling tower makeup water. Along with recycled water from the reverse osmosis system and the HRSG blowdown, makeup water will be cycled through the cooling towers up to t times. The cooling tower blowdown will be mixed with low volume waste streams, including oil-water separator discharges, within a wastewater collection sump. This combined effluent will be discharged through an approximately 5.9- mile pipeline to the Dan River where it will discharge through Outfall 001 located along the southern bank of the Dan River near Settle Bridge Road (Figures 3 and 4). Sanitary waste will be disposed of through an onsite septic drain field system, and metal cleaning waste will be trucked offsite for disposal. There are three proposed outfalls for this Project: • Outfall 001 — the final outfall that discharges directly to the Dan River at Settle Bridge Road. • Outfall 101 —an internal outfall that is comprised of cooling tower blowdown. • Outfall 102—an internal outfall that is comprised of low volume wastes. The proposed Project is classified under the SIC code system as a major group of 49, electric, gas,and sanitary services, and then electric services of 11,or SIC 4911. The North American Industry Classification System code is 221112, Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation. Treatment Dan River Supply Water Treatment Dan River water will flow through passive intake screens and be pumped from the Dan River Intake Pump Station to the REC through a raw water pipeline. Provisions will be made to feed sodium hypochlorite to the river water at the Intake Pump Station to help control microbiological growth in the water supply pipeline. INIII ®Envinsultironng&mental Co Technology, Inc. i i i At the REC site, the river water will be treated first by clarification to remove natural suspended solids in the water and a portion of the dissolved solids that is amenable to removal by coagulation and flocculation using aluminum or iron-based coagulants. A polymer will also be used to enhance flocculation. Clarified river water will then be treated by media filtration as a polishing step to further reduce any carryover of suspended solids and floc material. Filtered water will be pumped to the cooling tower basin and service water and fire water storage tank. Periodically, the settled solids (sludge) removed by the clarifier will be removed and sent to a thickener to be partially dewatered. A polymer will be fed to the sludge to enhance thickening. Thickened sludge will be further dewatered to a solids cake using additional . polymer and a filter press. The solids cake will be sent to an off-site disposal site. Thickener overflow and pressate streams will be recovered and pumped to the inlet of the clarification process. Periodically each media filter will be backwashed with filtered water to remove accumulated solids within the filter media bed. The filter backwash waste stream will also be recovered and pumped to the inlet of the clarification process. Service Water and Fire Water Filtered water is used to satisfy fire water and service water demands. At the REC, service water is used as makeup water to the main cooling towers and evaporative coolers, plant washdown water, and HRSG blowdown quench water. Makeup water to the main cooling towers replaces water lost from the recirculating water system as a result of cooling tower evaporation, drift, and blowdown(controlled release of recirculating water). The dissolved solids concentration of the makeup water cycles up in the recirculating water system by a factor approximately equal to the ratio of the makeup waterflow rate to the cooling tower blowdown flow rate. This is called the cycles of concentration (COC) of the cooling tower. At the REC, the COC will be limited to approximately seven (7) under normal operation to control potential scaling and corrosion miff -ConsultiEnvironmen ng&tal ® Technology, Inc. of recirculating water wetted components using chemical scale and corrosion inhibitors. Sodium hypochlorite will also be continuously added to the recirculating water to control biofouling. The blowdown stream will be dechlorinated with sodium bisulfite prior to being collected in the plant's wastewater collection sump. The dissolved solids concentration in the makeup water to the evaporative coolers will also cycle up due to evaporation. However, it will only be operated at approximately two (2) COC. No inhibitors or biocide are added to the evaporative cooler recirculating water.The evaporative cooler blowdown stream is recovered as makeup to the main recirculating water system. Washdown water streams from various areas of the plant will be directed to an oil/water separator for treatment prior to being collected in the wastewater collection sump. Oily waste from the oil-water separator will be disposed off-site. A portion of the service water that is used to cool (quench) HRSG blowdown will be recovered as makeup to the main recirculating water system. Municipal Water Treatment The Reidsville municipal water system will provide water to the REC site for potable and sanitary needs. Municipal water will also be used as feedwater to the plant's treatment system that produces high purity demineralized water. This treatment system will include reverse osmosis (RO) that produces a concentrated waste stream (concentrate) that has a dissolved solids concentration that is approximately four(4)times that of the potable water based on 80-percent water recovery. This stream will be recovered as makeup to the main recirculating water system. Mixed bed ion exchange vessels will polish the product water from the RO system. The ion exchange resin in these vessels will be regenerated off-site and thus there will be no on-site waste stream from this treatment process. ® ConsultinEnvironmg&ental ® Technology,Inc. Demineralized water will primarily be used as makeup to the steam/water power cycle to replace water lost as HRSG blowdown, water and steam sampling, HRSG quench water, and miscellaneous non-recoverable losses. HRSG blowdown will be recovered as makeup to the main recirculating water system. Water and steam sampling drains will be directed to the wastewater collection sump. Plant Wastewater Discharges and Chemical Characteristics Various plant waste streams that will be collected in the plant wastewater collection sump include: • Dechlorinated main cooling tower blowdown. • Service water washdown, including non-chemical cleaning waste, that has been processed through the plant oil/water separator. Chemical cleaning wastes will be trucked offsite. • Water and steam sampling drains. The contents of the wastewater collection sump will be monitored prior to being pumped through a discharge line back to the Dan River. Discharge Rates The proposed effluent discharge rates are based on water balances that project flows based on plant operations. Daily maximum and daily average water balances are included in Figure 5. The design discharge of the proposed Project will be 1.057 MGD with an average discharge rate of approximately 0.411 MGD. Effluent Characterization The effluent characterization included in Form 2D (Appendix A) was developed using ambient water quality data from the Dan River and potable water from the City of Reidsville. For those constituents with non-detect values,the detection limits were used to —ConsuEnvironitiment ng&al ITechnology,lnc. conservatively project the maximum constituent concentrations. Half of the detection limit was used to project average constituent concentrations. The chemical characteristics of the wastewater within the wastewater collection sump have been estimated based on a mass balance calculation that considers the following: • Dan River raw water quality from eight (8) sampling events conducted between September 2016 and February 2017. • Estimated reduction in various Dan River raw water quality parameters by the clarification and filtration treatment processes. • Estimated concentration factors applied to Dan River water quality parameters following clarification and filtration due to the COCs associated with the main cooling tower and the evaporative coolers. • Flow rates of various major plant streams obtained from the REC water balance. • Estimated increases in the concentration of various water quality parameters due to chemical addition associated with the treatment processes and the chemical treatment regimes. • Reidsville municipal water quality from eight (8) sampling events conducted between September 2016 and February 2017. • Estimated concentration factor applied to the Reidsville municipal water quality parameters to arrive at their concentrations in the RO concentrate. Please note that a stormwater characterization has not been provided as the proposed REC is a single-fuel, natural-gas fired plant,classified as SIC 4911. Therefore, the facility is not subject to stormwater permitting. While the concentration of many of the effluent constituents is determined by the nature of the source water, the facility operations will affect the loading of other constituents. The Project's engineer has estimated the concentration of these materials based on the nature of the Project and has included a typical list of candidate chemicals often used in similar ® Ar ConsEnviulting&ronmental Technology,Inc. projects (Appendix B). The concentrations from the ambient and potable water from Reidsville were proportionally combined and then multiplied by a factor of seven to estimate each constituent's maximum concentration in the cooling tower blowdown resulting from evaporation. The concentrations of constituents present in operational chemicals used at the plant (Appendix B) were increased based on the projected chemical usage rates. The complete effluent characterization is provided in Form 2D (Appendix A). Based on conversations with DEQ staff,determination of whether projected effluent would be compliant with water quality standards and criteria would require that dilution be calculated.DEQ stated that complete and instantaneous mixing is assumed for the proposed effluent as calculated by the following equation: D = (Qw + Qu)/Qw Where: D = dilution Qw is the maximum permitted wasteflow Qu is the critical upstream streamflow (or 7Qio flow). The 7Qio flow provided by DEQ and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is 162 cfs which corresponds to the 1.5 percentile flow observed in the Dan River at Wentworth. While some constituents exceeded water quality criteria at the end of the pipe, none exceeded criteria when dilution was considered with the exception of temperature rise. Effluent temperature is an important aspect of the effluent quality characterization for two reasons: 1) the thermal loading should be considered relative to the relevant water quality criteria for temperature; and 2) the change in effluent temperature relative to the receiving iff —ConsultiEnvironng&mental G , Technology,Inc. water may affect the mixing of the twos. Because the Project will use evaporative cooling towers, the effluent temperature cannot be estimated as a function of the source water temperature. Instead, the cooling tower blowdown, which will dominate the effluent flow and largely determine its temperature,is better estimated as a function of ambient wet bulb temperature. Ambient wet bulb temperature data were obtained as daily average values from the National Weather Service observation station at Danville, VA for the period of January 1, 2007 to February 11, 2009. The Project engineer provided a graphical relationship between ambient wet bulb temperature and cooling tower blowdown that could be used to interpolate blowdown temperatures for the same period of record. Using this methodology, Rockingham County was able to create a synthetic record of predicted blowdown temperatures and determined that the maximum daily blowdown temperature will be 85.2°F. Please note that use of blowdown temperature is extremely conservative as it does not account for heat dissipation while traveling through the discharge pipeline. Based on an average soil temperature of 72°F, the blowdown temperature of 85.2°F will be approximately 76.1°F at the point of discharge. Even if observed blowdown temperatures exceeded the ambient water quality criterion of 89.6°F (32° C), discharge temperature would still not exceed 80°F due to the anticipated heat exchange of the effluent in the discharge pipeline. North Carolina has another water quality criterion regulating temperature rise that should not result in a change in receiving water temperature of greater than 2.8°C beyond an approved mixing zone. The receiving water temperature (TRW) for the same period was obtained from the USGS gage on the Dan River near Danville, VA, the only station with recently recorded continuous temperature data. The difference in the estimated effluent temperature (or TD) and the receiving water temperature (or OT) was calculated as TD — 1 Note that while the effect of effluent AT on nearfield mixing was examined and was found to be negligible,at the request of DEQ, the assessment of effluent mixing was completed assuming that the effluent AT from ambient would be zero and the plume would be neutrally buoyant.The modeling of effluent mixing is discussed further below and in Appendix C. Mit ®ConsuEnvironitimen ng 8tal ® Technology,Inc. TRW. Statistics on the estimated effluent temperature and AT are presented in Table 2. Note that the reported effluent temperatures and AT for a given statistic will not necessarily occur on the same day in the record. Table 2: Statistics on Estimated Difference Between Effluent and Receiving Water Temperatures Statistic Effluent Temperature-°C AT-°C Maximum 29.56 17.02 Minimum 15.56 -6.74 Average 20.94 4.58 Median 22.5 4.15 Note that it is relatively common that the receiving water temperature is higher than the effluent temperature. This is predicted to occur when the air temperature is low relative to the river water temperature. To achieve this stipulated limit on change in temperature under worst case conditions (i.e., maximum difference in temperature between the effluent and receiving water), the effluent must be diluted by approximately a factor of six (i.e., 17.02°C/2.8°C = 6.1). Based on conversations with DEQ staff, even though maximum projected effluent temperature is not expected to exceed the water quality standard of 32°C, DEQ requested that a CORMIX mixing zone model be used to determine the spatial extent at which the AT fully mixed with the Dan River. As such, CORMIX was used to model the dilution factor of 6.1. Mixing Zone Study DEQ may allow a mixing zone which is defined as a "an area downstream of a discharge point where the effluent is diluted by the receiving water and within which certain water quality standards that would otherwise be applicable may be exceeded." The mixing zone ® -Environmental ifConsulting& Technology, Inc. _ e regulations at 15A NCAC 2B.0204 require that regulatory mixing zones discharges in freshwater shall not: 1) result in acute toxicity to aquatic life or prevent free passage of aquatic organisms; 2) result in offensive conditions; 3) produce undesirable aquatic life or result in a dominance of nuisance species; 4) endanger the public health or welfare. To demonstrate compliance with North Carolina's mixing zone regulations, in-water bathymetry data were collected in February 2017 in the Dan River at the proposed point of discharge.The preliminary discharge location indicated in Figures 2 through 4 was selected based on river depth and width in order to maximize the dilution potential. The modeling approach and results are provided in Appendix C. These results were used to assess compliance with water quality standards and criteria and to satisfy the antidegradation demonstration requirements for Water Supply (WS-IV) waters. The CORMIX modeling results indicate that the dilution factor of 6.1 will be achieved within 15.2 feet of the discharge and will fully mix with ambient conditions within 5.8 seconds. This mixing zone represents only 2.5% of the cross-sectional area of the Dan River at the point of discharge under 7Qio flow conditions. Given the small size of the mixing zone and the rapid mixing of effluent, the AT is not expected to result in adverse impacts to the criteria listed in 15A NCAC 2B.0204. Antidegradation Statement North Carolina's water quality standards include an antidegradation policy (15A NCAC 02B .0202). At minimum, the existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing uses shall be maintained and protected. This minimum standard is applicable to the segment of the Dan River(WS-IV)that includes the proposed discharge location. —Consulting& Environmental L , Technology,Inc. IL 4 45 lr ' The vast majority of constituents in the proposed discharge originate from the Dan River source water.The evaporative concentration of these constituents in the cooling tower does not add additional load to the river. The effluent mixes with ambient water within a very short distance from the discharge and within a brief time period, ensuring maintenance of designated uses of the receiving waters. 316(b) Compliance The Project is a new generation facility that will withdraw surface water for cooling tower makeup. As such it is subject to compliance with the Clean Water Act Section 316(b) Phase I rule for new facilities (40 CFR 125 Subpart I). Information required under the Phase I rule must be submitted with the NPDES permit application. This information is included with this application package which demonstrates compliance with the requirements of the rule (Appendix D). Engineering Alternatives Analysis During the planning and siting process of the Project, an EAA was developed to determine the necessity of the proposed point source discharge. Other wastewater disposal methods were considered, including reuse, land application, use of existing Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), and subsurface discharge. This EAA is included in Appendix E of this application package. —Environmental Consulting& j/ Technology,Inc. J.' ";�'u�i Ja. rst ...r_..X 2 1 . .. Figures and Appendices This application submittal package includes the following figures and appendices: Figures • Figure 1. Facility Layout • Figure 2. Site Map • Figure 3. Proposed Outfall Configuration • Figure 4. Discharge Plan and Profile • Figure 5. Water Balance Appendices • Appendix A: EPA Forms 1 and 2D • Appendix B: Chemical Usage • Appendix C: CORMIX Modeling Results • • Appendix D: 316(b) §122.21(r) Reports • Appendix E: Engineering Alternatives Analysis —ConsultinEnvimvnmg&ental G , Technology,Inc. i I • • . 1-1 on • f . • . . - . 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G mac, s w 0$<, ,'-.4.-',,, ft. ... ?Uul FIGURE 2. -Environmental Consulting SITE LOCATION, INTAKE,AND DISCHARGE OVERVIEW , &Technology of North Carolina,PLLC Sources:LIDAR Contours,2007;ESRI World Imagery,NAIP,2014;ECT,2016. 73 0 o c • n O N to 4+ i� ,j, N 47 S7 I r;n 'f `„r-�- -..�__'� . o 10 I LI.\:\,,_ ' el 1,,,. ep i 1 71 _I . i . _ o., 1 I / .e( r- 8 ! 1 ) , r r p O " tC;‘. 1 I I n V r • 1.02 1 .--) 1 i . ..- 1 - � + m jr; i ; ik I z I / p L 1 In .... i r c7 z I a Fes. 2 �n ❑ rn n P il'�{ x f � - llyy I J F _ t a.,-z, ,, ,,,..A 8 411 4, rt, ....., 1 F 11: x' m 4 --�.�....f-- 4 �I�s I� I ". ' :F `e .gym gs I Vis. .....--61z0 I 0 1,49 • I •I III . ........................... '"C o j crtI + 0 CM FL FR 0 0. 1 I I (3, III IAU, vi Ui in Ln CPU, to (V W W W •- •I' in co I 01 t.+ ala 4- COh] ch 0 •4 m ............................................................................................................................. . I 130'R,r%• r 1 1 2- 3-0' 111 rn4 r �I }K f 4 C S �' 0. 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DISCHARGE PLAN AND PROFILEmig —Environmental Consulting &Technology of PRELIMINARY 7 North Carolina,PLLC Source: LKC,2017. i �� N:1PR.ANTE Energy\LKC NPDES\R reportsWigures\Figure 6-033117.xlsx12-3/31/2017 rw. 1. COOLING TOWER CYCLES OF Oh \ CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 7 SOLIDS J\/ FOR AVERAGE ANNUAL,WINTER FIRED AND SUMMER FIRED CASES. 2, INSTANTANEOUS PEAK CASE FLOWS ASSUME 4 CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION TO ACCOUNT FOR A CHEMISTRY UPSET, FILTER PRESS WHICH SHOULD LAST NO LONGER THAN 8 HOURS, 3. OT0 INLET EVAPORATIVE COOLER CYCLES >---- EVAPORATION ��//�� OF CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 2 FOR ALL CASES, _.1 r______—.--] p 4. COOLING TOWER DRIFT IS CALCULATED AT 0,0005%OF THE CIRCULATING WATERIf7 FLO'r�l RATE, RAW WATER) C;) �! �/ jjj 5, LOCATION FOR INTERNAL OUTFALL 58) (MONITORING POINT) CLARIFIER ►4. COOLING TOWER I . I 0 T NOTE NOTES 3B TC16). L EVAPORATION 0 r OIL TRUCKED OFF g k.- SITE �. ° /// RA'eYSYAT�R • EVAPORATIVE I • . f 12 ► SERVICE WATER 13 . OIL WATER zSEPARATOR S FIRE PROTECTION a v U P ©EAiIy�FAL ZEDS s� 4•RO MIXED BED @POTABLE . . .- 4 f 2d 1 r SAMPLING NOTE 5 NOTE 6 C) CO 1 23 WASTE WATER $ R1ISC �r COLLECTION SUP. DEMIN WATER --r TANK r CYCLE aDISCHARGE TO a- -m OFF SITE UFT STATION r a - SLOWDOWN 0 SANITARY DISCHARGE TO ON SITE LEACH FIELD FIGURE 4. IMF ®Environmental Consulting PRELIMINARY WATER BALANCE DIAGRAM AM. &Technology of North Carolina,PLLC Source: Mott MacDonald,2017. �� i i i i N:\PRJN E Energy'L.KC NPDES\R reports\Figures\Figure 7a.xlsx\2-3/31/2017 I Stream Winter Fired Averge Annual Surnm:r Aired Instantaneous peak Description No l Notes Ambient Condition D6/WB 25/23 59 / 53 92 76 103/33.5 Dict Burner/Evap cooler on on off on on on on _; =. •; . •; gpm mgd gpm mgd Water at Battery Limit to Clarifier + 2,003.4 3.451 2,912.4 4.194 Clarifier-Solids disposal retained water 2 1.4 0-002 t+ 2.4 0.003 2.9 0.004 Water to Raw Water/Fi:rewaterTank 3 21,8 0.031 0,076 84.1 : 0.121 995,5 0.13.7 Fare Water S ern - - - - Service Water System 5 21.8 0.031 52.6 0.076 84.1 0.121 95,5 0.137 1,409.1 ; 2,029 1,866.0 2.687 2,317.0 3.336 4814.0 4.052 Ci Drift loss 7 0.6 0.001 0.6I 0,001 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 CT Eva poration loss 8 1,245.0 1393 1,650.0 I 2.3761 2,050.0 1952 2,170.0 3.125 CT Blowdown 9 206.9 0.298 274.4 I0.395 341.0 0.491 722.7 1.041 Not used 10 I. • Quench water to HMG Blowdown16.8 0.024 16.9 ' 0.024 16.9 0.024 16.3 0.023 Plant Wash Down 12 5.0 0.007 5.0 , 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 Contaminated Drains to OWS 13 S.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 3.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 Make-up tic CTG Ever Cooler 14 - - 10.7 I 0.044 62.2 0.090 741 0.107 CTS,inlet evaporative cooler evaporation 15 - I - 15.4 I 0,022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.0.53 CT6 inlet evaporatvie cooler blow down 16 - { - 15-4 I 0.022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.053 Potable water at Batte L.imit/back-flow ; -venter 17 45.3 i 0.065 45.5 0.065 45.5 0.065 44.4 0.06 Potable water/Sanitary 18 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2,0 0.003 Water to PO/Mixed Bed units 19 433 i 0.052 43.5 0.063 433 0.063, 42.4 0,061 Recovered water from R0/Mixed Bred unit 20 8.7 0.012 8.7 I 0.013 8.7 0.013 8.5 0.012 DM Water to Storage tank 21 34.E 0.050 34.8 I 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.0 0.049 Make-up to Steam cycle 22 34.E 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.0 0.049 Misc losses 23 5.0 0.007 5,0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5,0 0.007 Steam sampling losses 24 6.0 , 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 Stearn cycle Slowdown 25 23.6 i 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.0 0.033 Steam vent losses 26 5.7 0.003 5.7 I 0.00€8 5.7 0.008 .5.5 0.008 Water from flash tank 27 34.7 0.050 34.9 I 0.050 34.9 0.050 33.7 0.049 Sanitary waste to on site leach field 28 2.0 ( 0.003 2.0 I 0,0103 2.0 0-003 2,0 0.003 Waste Water to off site lift station _ 29 217.9 _0.314 295. 0.411 352.0 0.507 733.7 1.057 FIGURE 4. -Environmental Consulting PRELIMINARY WATER BALANCE - WATER USE SCENARIOS EC, ITechnology`FNrth Carolina,PLL[ Source: Mott MacDonald,2017. i i I V Appendix A • • c �so 5�r • • • • V • , �V 1o'a meg 4,!...7-7-.. ,, ir'- �.Appendx,A • = . ,.� „ J • • . . � • • -Environmental Consulting Ar & Technology of North Carolina, PLLC APPENDIX A FORMS 1 AND 2D N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\MEMO\NTE NPDES NARRATIVE FINAL.DOCX i i I 1 i I i I I i Please print or type in the unshaded areas only (fill-in areas are spaced for elite type,i.e., 12 characters/inch). For Approved. OMB No.2040-0086. Approval expires 5-31-92 FORM U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I.EPA I.D. NUMBER .1 GENERAL INFORMATION s T/A �� Consolidated Permits Program F D "aENERAL (Read the "General Instructions"before starting,) 1 2 13 14 15 LABEL ITEMS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted label has been provided, I. EPA I.D. NUMBER affix it in the designated space.Review the information carefully; ifp any of it is incorrect cross through it and enter the III.FACILITY NAME correct data in the appropriate fill-in area below.Also,if any of the preprinted data is absent (the area to the left of the label V. FACILITY PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE space lists the information that should appear),please provide it in the proper fill- in area(s) below. If the label is complete MAILING LIST and correct you need not complete Items I, III,V.and VI(except VI-B which must be completed regardless). Complete all items VI. FACILITY if no label has been proved. Refer to the instructions for detailed item descriptions LOCATION and for the legal authorization under which this data is collected. II. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA. If you answer"yes"to any questions,you must submit this form and the supplemental from listed in the parenthesis following the question.Mark"X''in the box in the third column if the supplemental form is attached. If you answer"no"to each question,you need not submit any of these forms. You may answer"no"if your activity is excluded from permit requirements;see Section C of the instructions.See also,Section D of the instructions for definitions of bold-faced terms. MARK"X" SPECIFIC QUESTIONS MARK"X SPECIFIC QUESTIONS FORM SPECIFIC YES NO ATTACHED YES NO ATTACHED A. Is this facility a publicly owned treatment works B. Does or will this facility (either existing or which results in a discharge to waters of the ❑ EA ❑ proposed) include a concentrated animal ❑ ® ❑ U.S.?(FORM 2A) feeding operation or aquatic animal production facility which results in a discharge 16 " 17 18 to waters of the U.S.?(FORM 2B) 19 20 21 C. Is this facility which currently results in. ❑ ® ❑ D. Is this proposal facility(other than those described ® ❑ discharges to waters of the U.S. other than in A or B above)which will result in a discharge those described in A or B above?(FORM 2C) 22 23 24 to waters of the U.S.?(FORM 2D) 25 26 27 E. Does or will this facility treat,store,or dispose of F. Do you or will you inject at this facility industrial or hazardous wastes?(FORM 3) ❑ ® ❑ municipal effluent below the lowermost stratum ❑ ® ❑ containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, underground sources of drinking water? 28 29 30 (FORM 4) 31 32 33 . Do you or will you inject at this facility any H. Do you or will you inject at this facility fluids for I produced water other fluids which are brought to special processes such as mining of sulfer by the the surface in connection with conventional oil or ❑ ® ❑ Frasch process,solution mining of minerals,in ❑ ® ❑ natural gas production, inject fluids used for situ combustion of fossil fuel,or recovery of enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas,or inject geothermal energy?(FORM 4) fluids for storage of liquid hydrocarbons? (FORM 4) 34 35 36 37 38 39 I. Is this facility a proposed stationary source J. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is one of the 28 industrial categories listedwhich is NOT one of the 28 industrial categories in the instructions and which will potentially emit IN ❑ ❑ listed'in the instructions and which will potentially ❑ ® ❑ 100 tons per year of any air pollutant regulated emit 250 tons per year of any air pollutant under the Clean Air Act and may affect or be regulated under the Clean Air Act and may affect located in an attainment area? FORM 5 40 41 42 or be located in an attainment are? FORM 5 43 44 45 III. NAME OF FACILITY c SKIP Reidsville Energy Center 1 15 16-29 30 69 IV. FACILITY CONTACT A.NAME&TITLE (last,first,&title) B.PHONE(area code&no) C Metzler,Lance,County Manager 336 342 8371 2 Tate,Ronnie,Director—Dept.Of Engineering&Public Utilities 15 16 45 46 48 49 51 52 55 V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS A.STREET OR P.O.BOX c 371 NC Highway 65 3 15 16 45 B.CITY OR TOWN C.STATE D.ZIP CODE a Reidsville NC 27320 15 16 40 41 42 47 b1 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A.STREET, ROUTE NO.OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER c 371 NC Highway 65, Reidsville, NC 27320 5 15 16 45 B.COUNTY NAME ockingham 46 70 C.CITY OR TOWN D.STATE E.ZIP CODE F.COUNTY CODE D Reidsville NC 27320 :7157 6 15 16 40 41 42 47 51 54 I EPA FORM 3510-1(8-90) CONTINUED ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT , :V1I.SIG :O 'Eat 4=deiert in order of?ri6ri 3.. '. - - - . - . ' ''MEW';';': :f m A; ,IRST4vailz,f1 ±,,,' ',n ` , '`"° - =7: '" a ? �Ee.�1? Q` :: , '., ,..:.'' ''-77,-41 NM 4911 (specify) (specify) OM Electric Services i i:.A ' „>, +.��,�o ' Y 0 1R[ aare.'.F.,a**,�? �w���d •-•- :,-. '�.oF,.nS.x5.,1. P0?xOORTF;^Cr;.�w , -. r ;4'-a (specify) (specify) .+at5,,,fq,16 ck"Y' t7,, '-6-, a. :,•`-;; VIIIOPERATORaINFORMATION a. ..aM 1 ...-w, •.rt '' w rr x. ''A` NAME."''.' 7e rr?m,15. ' r.R ;1:7';;;-:;=',.. ..;;;',7-:::Aiggib)At 1(61 5telirKW' C Rockingham Countytr, �V!1e� tzge�N 8x } • � tW. � � 18 }:19 ';,',•. 4 t:4a , ,e4-,,,,t,,,, *."ry ;, ." ' . . .4.., , ° .55 1C''ST 7US OF'OPERATOR Eriterthe'a°% n'riate letter into the'00.5w'erboA•.;if.70th6r". cx. D.PHON M atea:coife°&rno ,_ F=FEDERAL 4 M=PUBLIC(other than federal or state) Al (specify) i •'' S STATE e 0=OTHER(specify) ,.. .„ P I RIVA'IE ,.,,'' 1P--_";:„.!3,,',.--' '.1s' A21, ``Uniiiir , ' ..md.'+ :,,E:STREET'ORrP0OX"4 BOX x :,aux, „ ..;:-a ; „s ,� t.: ; O $ `f 371 NC Hi.hwa 65 ; a, frr , x7 4 4; a.. , 'F CITY OR TOWN _ f G.STATE H.ZIP CODE IX.-INDIAN VAN s - c 1st tads ` e'd'on' .. Reidsville ;, NC 27320 X13 %" -, p ae 0 O 15.'-,'.16 '' 40',e ��:I+ ,,,• �„ ,z Z ,Y, ° A: m, ",, X.EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL;PERMITS x wNPDES.,(Discharges'toiStuface.Witter),a.:,,,:,,,,, „:,..7,k 4740i r-u #"�", �- '';"" .j0pcised'S " s) .i m ,. r h , =, ry w� I. b9 Pmr4�� Q a ria <'E9' `A 9�, N a ;. . 9.". gip, k ,- n.t;: 15 A'46'", ,17,.4x18 .1 ,. ,-:r 30. r15 10 17 1$ .,.: ' 00i x ,.;, .. ., ,, ,' . ; .ri,9.U C.(Underground iolectiofi of Fluids,.. . iVI 4 E.OTHER(specify).. e '" . '"°, '. (Specify) .,,9.. 1U . ..,„:& „C.ACR,A(Hazairlaus Wastes) .r, "r- t . ,,5 RE.O"[E ER'(sp ify) > - _ (Specify) e. .. , u. ....-4-- ,:k30- 'a`18 ,.. .,_:+�:..�zs ..fix'',,k,-.4-11,, r.--30- 6 XI.'._'_ P7 A ac'-td"ih'a appicat'ooni a topagc is mapdof f are 'Ary9 ` ''.'. , 1i7.5111i;i=+e on ' eiy bon o es F,temnep Must- show tho the'of`tefacytheyoiaiofea of sa„ i ' •. n,• rpBd segre ucru se ofts haz &uswaste:teatment, oago ,060osS? fhie ,iad 4tn)esfluidsund `.oIcude spigs, � rivesarrtt.;Iiteratirfae.waterbodisintemer .:rcxiaSee�644... . a. ..t';',00....:44.:„.4 aiteaa .p +t ” ;., 11, ,. :S ^ i .'` XiI NATURE OF BUSINESS erovide;a:briefdescrte.tiorl's' The Reidsville Energy Center will be a natural gas-fired combined cycle electric generating facility in Rockingham County, NC.Located approximately 9 miles west of Reidsville,along Highway 65, the facility will consist of one combustion turbine with supplementary duct firing. Exhaust heat from the combustion turbine and supplemental duct firing will be captured and converted to steam in a heat recovery steam generator before passing through a steam turbine to generate additional power. Up to 4.2 million gallons per day(MGD)of surface water will be withdrawn from the Dan River, in the vicinity of Madison,and 0.06 MGD of Potable water from the City of Reidsville will be used for process water needs. Effluent will be discharged into the Dan River, near Settle Bridge Road, at an average rate of 0.411 MGD and a design maximum of 1.057 MGD. XIII iCERTIFICATIONA :e rnstrut:itonS)'`` I cerbly ul derpenafty oflaw that I Neve pe sonatl1y;ex4 tie!and a mit a u tff ittirmto j tioit'ili ifilt!'ed s pp iiatior and ill attachments-arid that, based�°oil:my rnquity of those persons arta nedda etyt►espdrisrble(or obtainitjp tlia Info`i ation coata(ned Ina ;_ ttif ap`bratlon,I belydve`thatxthe information is fi lel faceuratekand_con)ple# i an aware that,tore tare sign rant penalltes for,, .,,submi ng false.rpfo Irianort,including.the,poesibiir .of�fihe and impnsonirtent !..:.,. y,. ,, „ ,t,.., 3Y. .;;,~. �,n,-�: :,,I, A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.SIG ATURE C.DATE SIGNED Lance Metzler County Manager 62YY/ 04/21/2017 COMMENTS-:F'ORAOF ICIAL''.USE'ONL1( ,--70',, ,17,',7'5.0.: t-s . . r 4 ; i :';',..,,,:--,,;,-N. .- +i' -- 7,', 4. s `E .4 A ra i i. a, - .� r I ,:-;"415 '' 16 '.:Ie m Waa� fs'�n2y �b' -`. �s9714,ss1 ;w,�aa4 . -D- ., .. ,. -. � , , ,�•.,,'''',4a _. yr 55.1_� .� .._ _, „ ,..,' EPA FORM 3510-1(8-90) \ Form Approved.OMB No.2040-0086.Approval expires 8-31-98. EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Please print or type in the unshaded areas only Form 2D vEPANew Sources and New Dischargers NPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Process Wastewater I.Outfall Location For each outfall,list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water. Outfall Number Latitude Longitude 'Receiving Water(name) (list) Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. 001 Dan River 36 24 37 79. 49 36 II.Discharge Date(When do you expect to begin discharging?) Ill.Flows,Sources of Pollution,and Treatment Technologies A. For each outfall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2)The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3)The treatment received by the wastewater.Continue on additional sheets if necessary. Outfall 1.Operations Contributing Flow 2.Average Flow 3.Treatment Number (List) (Include Units) (Description or List codes from Table 2D-1) See narrative 001 Final Outfall 0.411 MGD 101 Cooling Tower Blowdown 0.395 MGD See narrative See narrative 102 Low Volume Waste 0.006 MGD EPA Form 3510-20(Rev.8-90) PAGE 1 of 5 i �I B. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item III-A.Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations,treatment units,and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined(e.g.,for certain mining activities),provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. C. Except for storm runoff,leaks,or spills,will any of the discharges described in Items III-A be intermittent or seasonal? ❑YES(complete the following table) NO(go to Section IV) 1.Frequency 2.Flow Outfall a.Days b.Months a.Maximum Daily b.Maximum Number Per Week Per Year Flow Rate Total Volume c.Duration (specify average) (specify average) (in mgd) (specify with units) (in days) Outfall 001 7 12 1.057 MGD 1.057 MG 365 Outfall 101 7 12 1.041 MGD 1.041 MG 365 Outfall 102 7 12 0.016 MGD 0.016 MG 365 IV.Production If there is an applicable production-based effluent guideline or NSPS, for each outfall list the estimated level of production (projection of actual production level, not design), expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline or NSPS,for each of the first 3 years of operation.If production is likely to vary,you may also submit alternative estimates(attach a separate sheet). Year A.Quantity Per Day B.Units Of Measure c.Operation,Product,Material,etc.(specify) Steam Electric Power Generation 1 488 MW (net) EPA Form 3510-2D(Rev.8-90) Page 2 of 5 CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE i i • I i i I SII I i I I ii CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT _ EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Outfall Number Outfall 001 V.Effluent Characteristics A and B:These items require you to report estimated amounts(both concentration and mass)of the pollutants to be discharged from each of your outfalls.Each part of this item addresses a different set of pollutants and should be completed in accordance with the specific instructions for that part.Data for each outfall should be on a separate page.Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary. General Instructions(See table 2D-2 for Pollutants) Each part of this item requests you to provide an estimated daily maximum and average for certain pollutants and the source of information.Data for all pollutants in Group A, for all outfalls,must be submitted unless waived by the permitting authority.For all outfalls,data for pollutants in Group B should be reported only for pollutants which you believe will be present or are limited directly by an effluent limitations guideline or NSPS or indirectly through limitations on an indicator pollutant. 2.Maximum Daily Value(include units) 3.Average Daily Value(include units) 1.Pollutant 4.Source(see instructions) Concentration Units Mass Units Concentration Units Mass Units Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) 11.7 mg/L 103.1 lbs/day 11.7 mg/L 40.1 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) 214.4 mg/L 1890.0 lbs/day 87.3 mg/L 299.2 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Total Organic Carbon(TOC) 50.1 mg/L 441.7 lbs/day 15.6 mg/L 53.5 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Total Suspended Solids(TSS) 15 mg/L 132.2 lbs/day 13.9 mg/L 47.6 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Flow 1.057 MGD 0.411 MGD 4-best professional estimates Ammonia(as N) 0.32 mg/L 2.8 lbs/day 0.1 mg/L 0.3 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Temperature(winter) 60°F 4-best professional estimates Temperature(summer) 85.2°F 4-best professional estimates pH 6.5-8.5 S.U. 6.5-8.5 S.U. 4-best professional estimates Bromide 2.253 mg/I 19.9 lbs/day _ 0.912 mg/L 3.1 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Chloride 192.4 mg/I 1696.1 lbs/day 166.7 mg/L 571.4 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Total Residual Chlorine believed absent 4-best professional estimates Color believed absent 4-best professional estimates Fecal Coliform believed absent4-best professional estimates Fluoride 1.63_mg/L 14.4 lbs/day 0.51 mg/L 1.7 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Nitrate-Nitrite(as N) 3.15 mg/L 27.8 lbs/day 1.15 mg/L 3.9 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Oil and Grease believed absent 4-best professional estimates Phosphorus(as P)Total 3.09Img/L I 27.2IIbs/day I 0.79Img/L I 2.7IIbs/day 4-best professional estimates Radioactivity believed absent 4-best professional estimates (1)Alpha,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates (2)Beta,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates (3)Radium,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates (4)Radium 226,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Sulfate(as SO4) 108.3Img/L I 954.7IIbs/day I 66.4Img/L I 227.6IIbs/day 4-best professional estimates Sulfide(as S) believed absent 4-best professional estimates Sulfite(as S03) believed absent 4-best professional estimates Surfactants believed absent 4-best professional estimates Aluminum,Total 0.181 mg/L 1.6 lbs/day _ 0.076 mg/L 0.3_Ibs/day 4-best professional estimates Barium,Total 1.507 mg/L 13.3 lbs/day 0.326 mg/L 1.1 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Boron,Total 3.162 mg/L , 27.9 lbs/day 1.196 mg/L 4.1 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Cobalt,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Iron,Total 0.395 mg/L 3.5 lbs/day 0.179 mg/L 0.6 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Magnesium,Total 30.6 mg/L 269.8 lbs/day 22.3 mg/L 76.4 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Molybdenum,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Manganese,Total 0.022Img/L I 0.2IIbs/day I 0.013Img/L I 0.011bs/day 4-best professional estimates Tin,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Titanium,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Antimony,Total 0.00591 mg/L 0.1 lbs/day 0.00279 mg/L 0.0,lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Beryllium,Total 0.00351 mg/L 0.0 lbs/day 0.00175 mg/L 0.0_Ibs/day 4-best professional estimates Chromium,Total 0.0278 mg/L 0.245 lbs/day 0.018 mg/L 0.062 Ibs/day 4-best professional estimates Lead,Total 0.0057 mg/L 0.050 lbs/day 0.0021 mg/L 0.007 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Nickel,Total 0.0702 mg/L 0.619 lbs/day 0.0351 mg/L 0.120 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Silver,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Zinc,Total 0.137Img/L I 1.2IIbs/day I 0.049Img/L I 0.2llbs/day 4-best professional estimates Phenols,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Arsenic,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Cadmium,Total 0.00105 mg/L 0.009 lbs/day 0.00053 mg/L 0.002_lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Copper,Total 0.056 mg/L 0.494 lbs/day 0.013 mg/L 0.045 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Mercury,Total 0.0000291 mg/L 0.00026 lbs/day 0.00001688 mg/L 0.00006 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Selenium,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Thallium,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates Cyanide,Total believed absent 4-best professional estimates EPA Form 3510-20(Rev.8-90) Page 3 of 5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Outfall Number Outfall 001 V.Effluent Characteristics A and B:These items require you to report estimated amounts(both concentration and mass)of the pollutants to be discharged from each of your outfalls.Each part of this item addresses a different set of pollutants and should be completed in accordance with the specific instructions for that part.Data for each outfall should be on a separate page.Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary. General Instructions(See table 2D-2 for Pollutants) Each part of this item requests you to provide an estimated daily maximum and average for certain pollutants and the source of information.Data for all pollutants in Group A, for all outfalls,must be submitted unless waived by the permitting authority.For all outfalls,data for pollutants in Group B should be reported only for pollutants which you believe will be present or are limited directly by an effluent limitations guideline or NSPS or indirectly through limitations on an indicator pollutant. 2.Maximum Daily Value(include units) 3.Average Daily Value(include units) 1.Pollutant 4.Source(see instructions) Concentration Units Mass Units Concentration Units Mass Units Flow 1.057 MGD 0.411 MGD 4-best professional estimates Sodium 35.1 mg/L 309.4 lbs/day 29.7 mg/L 101.8 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Potassium 35 mg/L 308.5 lbs/day 15.6 mg/L 53.5 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Calcium 88.2 mg/L 777.5 lbs/day 55.8 mg/L 191.3 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Strontium,Total 0.529 mg/L 4.7 lbs/day 0.342 mg/L 1.2 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Total Alkalinity(as CaCO3) 124.8 mg/L 1100.2 lbs/day 105.6 mg/L 362.0 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Bicarbonate(as HCO3) 152.1 mg/L 1340.8 lbs/day 128.8 mg/L 441.5 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Ortho-Phosphate(as P) 0.52 mg/L 4.6 lbs/day 0.42 mg/L 1.439651 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Specific Conductance 1207 pS/cm 857 iS/cm 2937.573 4-best professional estimates Total Dissolved Solids 1948 mg/L 17172.4 lbs/day 1154 mg/L 3955.612 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Turbidity 20 NTU 1.5 NTU 4-best professional estimates Total Silica(as SiO2) 154.8 mg/L 1364.6 lbs/day 71.9 mg/L 246.4545 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Reactive Silica(as SiO2) 92.8 mg/L 818.1 lbs/day 63 mg/L 215.9476 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC) 40.3 mg/L 355.3 lbs/day 14.1 mg/L 48.33113 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Surfactants 0.7 mg/L 6.2 lbs/day 0.2 mg/L 0.685548 lbs/day 4-best professional estimates Heterotrophic Colonies 200 MPN/100 mL 200 MPN/100 mL 4-best professional estimates Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) believed absent 4-best professional estimates EPA Form 3510-2D(Rev.8-90) Page 3 of 5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item 1 of Form 1) C. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2D-3 of the instructions which you know or have reason to believe will be discharged from any outfall.For every pollutant you list,briefly describe the reasons you believe it will be present. 1.Pollutant 2.Reason for Discharge Biochemical Oxygen Demand Materials derived from source water. Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon Water treatement chemicals, including oxidizing biocide, will be Total Suspended Solids selected to avoid priority pollutants including major ions. Ammonia Temperature, pH See narrative for additional details. Bromide Chloride, Fluoride Nitrate-Nitrite Phosphorus (as P) , Total Sulfate (as SO4) Aluminum, Total Barium, Total Boron, Total Iron, Total Magnesium, Total Manganese, Total Antimony, Total Beryllium, Total Chromium, Total Lead, Total Nickel, Total • Zinc, Total Cadmium, Total Copper, Total Mercury, Total Sodium, Potassium Calcium Strontium, Total Alkalinity, Total Bicarbonate Ortho-phosphate Specific Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids Turbidity Total Silica Reactive Silica Dissolved Organic Carbon Surfactants Heterotrophic Colonies Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons VI.Engineering Reporton Wastewater Treatment A. If there is any technical evaluation concerning your wastewater treatment, including engineering reports or pilot plant studies, check the appropriate box below. ❑Report Available ❑✓ No Report B. Provide the name and location of any existing plant(s)which,to the best of your knowledge resembles this production facility with respect to production processes,wastewater constituents,or wastewater treatments. Name Location Other similar combined cycle Throughout North Carolina plants EPA Form 3510-2D(Rev.8-90) Page 4 of 5 CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE i i i i i i EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item 1 of Form 1) , VII.Other Information(Optional) Use the space below to expand upon any of the above questions or to bring to the attention of the'reviewer any other information you feel should be • considered in establishing permit limitations for the proposed facility.Attach additional sheets if necessary. See narrative. VIII.CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A.Name and Official Title(type or print) B.Phone No. Lance Metzler County Manager (336) 392-8103 C.Sig ture D.Date Signed -��^ Q 04/21/2017 (INV [ 1 EPA Form 3510-20(Rev.8-90) PAGE 5 of 5 i -a• ppend x B • • • 2. • • . , e 4 Appekid ►x • • • = • i -Environmental Consulting Ar & Technology of North Carolina, PLLC APPENDIX B CHEMICAL USAGE N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\MEMO\NTE NPDES NARRATIVE FINAL.DOCX II I I I I I I WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL USAGE REIDSVILLE ENERGY CENTER NTE ENERGY Prepared by AquageNss;March2,2017 Rev.No.0 Feed Purpose/ Dosage Chemise! Endproduct Location Chemical Description (mg/L) Reaction Fate Raw Water Clarifier Sodium Hypochlorite Oxidant and Biocide 2 Chloride ion endproduct after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Raw Water Clarifier Ferric Chloride Coagulation 15 Forms ferric hydroxide floc and chloride ion endproduct Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Raw Water Clarifier Acrylamide Co-Polymer Floc bridging agent 1 Remains with the settled floc sludge in clarifier Off-site solids disposal Thickener Acrylamide Co-Polymer Solids dewatering 10 Remains with the thickened clarifier floc sludge Off-site solids disposal Filter Press Acrylamide Co-Polymer Solids Dewatering 25 Remains with the dewatered sludge cake Off-site solids disposal Cooling Tower Circulating Water Sodium Hypochlorite Blonde 1 Chloride ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Cooling Tower Makeup(if needed) Sulfuric Acid pH Adjustment 5 Sulfate ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Cooling Tower Circulating Water Orthophosphate and Phosphonate Corrosion/Scale Control 0.5 Phosphate Ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Cooling Tower Slowdown Sodium Bisulfite Dechlorination 3 Sodium and sulfate Ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Reverse Osmosis Feedwater Organo-Phosphorous Campond Anti-scalant 2 Phosphate Ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge Reverse Osmosis Feedwater Sodium Bisulfite Dechlorination 3 Sodium and sulfate ionendpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge HRSG Feedwater Aqua-Ammonia Feedwater pH Control 1 Ammonium ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge HRSG Drum Sodium Phosphate HRSG Drum pH and Scale Control 3 Sodium and phosphate Ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge HRSG Drum(if needed) Sodium Hydroxide HRSG Drum pH Control 1 Sodium Ion endpoint after reaction Cooling tower blowdown to Waste Collection Sump for discharge - Che a Estimate 4/13/2017 i Appendix C eyo • r ti 1 t 1 XIi�pua k J ,t AIM Environmental Consulting I' & Technology of North Carolina, PLLC • APPENDIX C CORMIX MODELING MEMORANDUM N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\MEMO\NTE NPDES NARRATIVE FINAL.DOCX i HodgeeWaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM To: Chris Wu, ECT Pages: 10 CC: Subject: Effluent Discharge Modeling: Dan River From: Matt Hodge, Hodge.WaterResources, LLC; Kelly Smith, Hodge.WaterResources, LLC 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this technical memorandum is to describe the modeling completed by Hodge.WaterResources, LLC (HWR) in support of the permitting of a surface water discharge to the Dan River near Settle Bridge Road in Rockingham County, North Carolina. The proposed discharge will be part of the Reidsville Energy Center (REC) but is being permitted by Rockingham County. The proposed discharge structure will be a side-bank channel with a triangular geometry and a top channel width of 6 feet (ft). The design discharge flow from the REC will be approximately 1.057 million gallons per day (MGD). The discharged effluent water temperature will be a maximum of 30.64 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (17.02 degrees Celsius [°C]) above ambient water temperatures. Figure 1, provided on the following page, shows the proposed discharge location. HWR completed the modeling using the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) supported CORMIX Mixing Zone Model version 10.0 GT. The modeling objectives were to (1) determine the distance at which a 6.1-fold thermal dilution is achieved (required to meet North Carolina's Water Quality Standards[NC WQS]for temperature rise resulting from a thermal discharge); and (2) determine compliance with spatial limitations for a regulatory mixing zone. The primary findings of the CORMIX modeling effort are as follows: • The length of the regulatory mixing zone will be 15.0 ft. • The regulatory mixing zone will make up approximately 2.5%of the river cross-section under 7Q10 flow conditions. The remainder of this memorandum provides an overview of the ambient hydraulic conditions in the Dan River near the proposed discharge location, a detailed description of the discharge structure and effluent flow, the modeling approach, and the model results. 2.0 AMBIENT CONDITIONS The Dan River in Rockingham County, North Carolina is a meandering freshwater river. River flow and water depths vary depending on regional hydrology. The Dan River in Rockingham County flows northeast across the state border into Virginia. In Virginia, the Dan River joins the Roanoke River, and the Roanoke River crosses back into North Carolina on its way to Albermarle Sound. The proposed ouffall location is approximately 40 ft northeast of the Settle Bridge Road bridge on State Route 2145 and approximately 22.5 miles(mi) upstream of the Virginia state border. 1 11 O Virginia yZ OKE R/ ER — I ..!,..4.::_,_ , „, ,•_ " � i III I1 ` - A: i t Ott +s ,a,. rk / I ''''..7I-1%- I- / r--- f , / 1 ' z :fir ,` F _ ..si £� Rockingham County / �'1 ° r_� North Carolina Rive . r Gsc�, Joao ,===, a i ,A�. 4 `.-�' i PeF�` �` ' t} �' 'F, K"'- - :pis n '. S ,}q. a. wig ¢ 4r:,iliitive .1'4 * I..-*IsIt f•i,*ITI,Isw �j yq�', E, - .j �e: - -::5.4 k-b �f l A VA.',, €� At,.�,T s g 4 1144 ..-14 {.,,II.:, ' - I* ).LIL'el); ',I 1 ,4'I '.I.: -,,,,H3*- 74 W4 #144„ '�' ;'' .-lO=' , i�`''�' _ ,* `,', r,"-kr mss, g li w t' ' t y '-� :, a apse � ' 1, :fid t.. 'f/74111,;r.434't_,t II t,, ',.. IA "4 :IIV 4. k,„ '44I,K 4,,' '.'• V,' .j..- 10. # '-4 tt, 't ' � .*.k - �' .O� Wil ` *4';i;„;,. :? :4"„4. a rpt %.,_;..v t a + # °fry 4114'4?� ; 'VI": . P m:�+„— x >X _ 3- ,-1-.. g _ _ g,r� ' « .' d' `: ,g' -'�":mak Figure 1: Proposed Outfall Location 44 Hodge WaterResources Dan River, North Carolina 0 250 500 750 1,000 NA * Proposed Outfall Service Layer Credits:Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, cubed,GeoEye April 19,2017 Feet 0 USGS Stream Gage I HodgeWaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 The United States Geological Survey (USGS) maintains a stream flow gage approximately 800 ft downstream of Settle Bridge Road. The stream flow gage (ID: 02071000) is shown on Figure 1. The watershed to that gage covers approximately 1,053 square miles (m12). The USGS provides daily average flow for the gage from December 1, 1939 through the present day. The USGS also provides water surface elevation and daily average flow from October 1, 1998 to the present day. Figure 2 shows the annual low flow(lowest observed daily average flow for a given year)for the entire period of record. 1,000 - 900 - w U 800 - (6 Lt 700 - • 600 500 ®® fee ® • ® •• • E • c 400 - • • • • • d• • . ® ® • • ••• • ru 300 • - • • • ® • ® • ® • • • • • • • • • ® ® • a Q 200 • • •® ® • ® • s•• • •- 100 - 7Q10: 162 cfs • • • ® • • • 0 1937 1957 1977 1997 2017 Figure 2: USGS Gage 02071000 Annual Low Flow, 1939-2016 Annual low flow ranges between 63 and 698 cubic feet per second (cfs). According to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) and the USGS, the lowest 7-day average flow with a return period of 10 years (7Q10) is 162 cfs. The 7Q10 flow is the flow that is used in determining compliance with ambient water quality criteria and the limits of a mixing zone. In order to conduct the mixing zone analysis, it is necessary to know the water surface elevation associated with the 7Q10 flow. Figure 3 plots daily average flow versus water surface elevation. HWR used this information to develop a rating curve (also shown in Figure 3) for the location. HWR determined the water surface elevation at the USGS gage that would occur with the 7Q10 flow to be 513.0 ft relative to North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). 3.0 DISCHARGE CONFIGURATION AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERIZATION The outfall is proposed to be located at a point approximately 40 ft downstream of Settle Bridge Road on the eastern bank of the Dan River. HWR used the 7Q10 water surface elevation and the site-specific bathymetric survey of the Dan River at the point of the proposed outfall to develop the river cross-section shown in Figure 4. Under 7Q10 flow conditions, the average water depth is 2.3 ft and the maximum water depth is 3.0 ft. 3 i I HodgeteaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 2 - •USGS Data 1.8 - •Rating Curve • •• 1.6 - • 1.4 - f + X--- rn • co 0.8 - •' 0.6 - 7Q10 Flow: 162 cfs 0.4 40, Gage Height:0.75 ft • Gage Datum:512.26 ft NAVD88 0.2 - 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 River Flow(cfs) Figure 3: USGS Gage 02071000 Rating Curve (0-500 cfs) 545 540 west east 535 co co 530 z 525 0 0 > 520 0 515 Survey: 514.1 Survey Flow:585 cfs 7Q10:513.0 7Q10 Flow: 162 cfs 510 Bottom:510.0 505 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Stationing along Cross Section at Settle Bridge Centerline(ft), Left Bank is 0 Facing Upstream Figure 4: Dan River Cross-Section at Proposed Outfall 4 I 1 I Hodge WaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 Environmental Consulting and Technology of North Carolina, PLLC (ECT) provided HWR with a description of the conceptual discharge structure and the effluent characterization. The discharge structure is proposed to be a side-bank discharge through an open channel. The channel preliminary design is included with this technical memorandum as Attachment 1. The channel will be a triangular channel with a maximum top width of 6 ft and a maximum channel depth of 1 ft. The longitudinal slope of the channel is 0.406 ft/ft. The elevation at the toe of the channel is 514.1 ft NAVD88. The design flow for the REC is 1.057 MGD, which will be released to the proposed discharge structure through a 12-inch force main. In order to model the side-bank discharge, it is necessary to determine the channel flow depth at the point where the channel meets the Dan River. HWR determined the flow depth in the discharge channel assuming open-channel flow conditions in the 50-ft channel using Manning's Equation. The calculated flow depth is 0.278 ft (from the Manning's Equation, assuming a discharge flow of 1.057 MGD, a triangular channel geometry with 3:1 [h:v] side slopes, a channel slope of 0.406 ft/ft, and a Manning's coefficient of 0.035). The proposed channel will have a design flow depth of approximately 0.3 ft and a design discharge velocity of 7.0 feet per second (fps) at the proposed design flow. The predicted effluent temperature above river ambient temperature (AT) is 30.64 °F (17.02 °C). 4.0 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS The NC WQS limit effluent temperatures to 2.8 °C (5.04 °F) above ambient water temperature, and in no case to exceed 32 °C (89.6 °F) (15A NCAC 026.0211 (18)). The AT for the proposed discharge will require a 6.1-fold dilution in order to meet the NC WQS. The distance from the point of discharge to where the NCWQS are met is called the regulatory mixing zone, and HWR determined the required size of the regulatory mixing zone based on the following CORMIX modeling. 5.0 MODELING APPROACH In order to understand the size of the allowable regulatory mixing zone for the effluent to mix with the Dan River and demonstrate effluent concentrations below the relevant NCWQS, HWR conducted mixing zone modeling with the CORMIX model. CORMIX is a mathematical modeling tool developed for the analysis, prediction, and design of aqueous systems discharging conventional pollutants into water bodies. CORMIX version 10.0 GT Module 3 is an appropriate tool for evaluating a side-bank discharge to a river. The CORMIX model requires the user to specify a number of boundary conditions and model parameters in order to generate model predictions of mixing behavior. These boundary conditions and model parameters can be grouped into three general categories. 1. Effluent 2. Ambient 3. Discharge Table 1 provides a listing of the boundary conditions and model parameters within each category, the selected values, and a brief explanation of the rationale for each selected value. HWR ran the CORMIX model with the configurations described in Table 1 for the proposed discharge. 5 Hodge WaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 Table 1: CORMIX Model Inputs Parameter Selected Value Rationale English Metric* EFFLUENT: Effluent Flow Rate 1.057 MGD 0.0463 m3/s Design flow value provided by ECT Effluent Temperature** 92.08°F 33.38°C Average ambient+AT value from ECT AMBIENT: Manning's n 0.025 = For a clean, straight channel Ambient Temperature 61.44T 16.36°C Determined by ECT DISCHARGE: Channel Side Right = Preliminary design Discharge Configuration Flush = Preliminary design Horiz.Angle of Discharge(a) 90 = Channel perpendicular to river bank Channel Bottom Slope(deg) 22.11 = Preliminary design • Local Depth at Discharge Outlet 0.28 ft 0.09 m Assumed to meet CORMIX requirement • Channel Top Width 1.80 ft 0.55 m Calculated per design flow&Manning's Equation Equivalent Rectangular Width 0.84 ft 0.26 m Calculated from actual channel area Channel Depth 0.28 ft 0.09 m Calculated per design flow&Manning's Equation * CORMIX output files report results in Metric, so HWR elected to convert all English input values to the Metric system to facilitate comparison of inputs and outputs. ** ECT has noted that these values are used to represent change in temperature from ambient to understand the range of buoyancy-driven mixing and compare the spatial extent of the thermal plume. These values do not necessarily represent estimates of actual temperature of the discharged effluent. 6.0 MODEL RESULTS CORMIX provides predicted concentrations and dilution factors along the centerline of the discharge plume. Table 2 presents the centerline distance traveled downriver from the outfall (denoted as X), the centerline distance traveled laterally across the river (denoted as Y), the cumulative travel distance, and the dilution factor achieved. The regulatory mixing zone is established based on the cumulative travel distance. Table 2: Chronic Mixing Zone Dimensions Distance Travel Time Dilution X(ft)* Y(ft)** (ft)*** (sec) Factor 4.8 14.3 15.0 5.7 6.1 * X=distance from discharge along ambient current direction. ** Y=distance from discharge across the river. *** Total distance from discharge using X and Y components. Figure 5 plots the regulatory mixing zone relative to the proposed discharge point. The model files that Table 2 and Figure 5 are based on are included with this memorandum as Attachment 2. The proposed regulatory mixing zone is 15.0 ft, and over this distance CORMIX predicts that the plume will include the entire water column. This represents 2.4% of the river cross-section under 7Q10 flow conditions. 6 I 1 , , ! 1 , 1 I Hodge WaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 7.0 REFERENCES MixZon, 2014. CORMIX User Manual: A Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Model and Decision Support System for Pollutant Discharges into Surface Waters. 7 ! 1 i r , • ' -4;,,, ..,1,-,.'4:1-4, - trt.-„, , -..., ' Regulatory Mixing Zone m Length: 15.0 ft r ti Dilution: 6.1-Factor e t ,. A .... --7,-',4.4'..-•dam tet" , 'aad Proposed Regulatory + Mixing Zone ; 1 .max : ,-,\* _.. :h '� ^moi y � ".� off . ,„ f °t p/ { '`g. ,� �, 1 �`s4, �u Proposed Discharge a %.; .. • . " '''''' ---K,,,(P-' - 'r'tii'-.4'i4;7-- iir' ,t.-..,-a.:, 4 • may. } "; - '' . '7IP `'' ..."f 7'- ',Z.., 4 i"740...41# 7., , -4 ,,-, , ' /- j, - t -,...4. s s ?Vis. �- x _` .. .. ' a" tom. Figure 5: Proposed Mixing Zone Hodge WaterResources Dan River, North Carolina Asit,,,,, 0 250 500 750 1,000 N * Proposed Outfall Service Layer Credits:Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, i cubed,GeoEye April 19,2017 Feet I Proposed Regulatory Mixing Zone i i i I Hodge VVaterResourcesINF 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25, 2017 Attachment 1: Preliminary Discharge Design 9 • _ REVISIONS �— SYM. DESCRIPTION DATE BY —R/W- - - - - - - - - - - - - -R/W- - - - - - - -- - - - — — — —R/W— —A • EDGE OF WOODS • Z O H \� CONCRETE BRIDGE C f GUARDRAIL II ABUTMENT CC 1- --.•,....„7" • • - PP� ^\ N V . -M°1 0Ln °l Z �-°m V'O OV O OUao.-O �'- SETTLE BRIDGE RD (SR 2145) B" • cu t Z v 0 wol ` ° awin pp aiZ . NAIL c b c c v 3 0 'T C ,01 0 m \\\ ct u_ w vt I.. w m a. GUARDRAIL EDGE OF WOODS I „�� V) Y,,-Q U Y J J _ RIPRAP BRIDGE I i Q Nu o eiC- VO \' O IF D•/aO Q _ CONCRETE SWALE AND HEADWALL I J C _ _ • w 10" 6" 12" D.I.P. Q u a 0 'OO O • 0 _ > �' 90' BEND Z +T .�-. _ )�< )A A ��� �� !� - .� -- 15" CMP • z On o _ A rL1l� �.�.er__,Arit �0�1 �! �. ' -- - • OQ ^ �----°T 1)�� Q i u C O / ` �/ G CU L •.- 4o NAIL EDGE OF WOODS NAIL --------- 1O ' ` r.-� + e Q '` v 12' 50' /J 90I T—.00'o a `O o `12" D.I.P. r w MJ "CI 10 Y l' �' T ` Y ' 303+00 303+50 304+00 1 304+50 . . .00 oo> 2oo�, 6• 12" D.I.P.DP14 M d MAINFORWALLFLG XPIP E )Or< CC a A 111 - - - -R/W- - - - - - - - - - - - -R/W - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'R/W— - �- 1 1 aDrrJ Z J y ,.. R/W MON I 12" D.I.P. FORCE MAIN FM DISCHARGE HEADWALL 24" THICK CLASS 2 RIPRAP wa' V-CHANNEL WITH 3:1 SIDE SLOPES 24" THICK CLASS 2 RIPRAP Q' o a- sx " 1 g tr :f'n a W Ng 10 0 20 SCALE® 1 DISCHARGE HEADWALL PLAN D-4 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" LINE FM rc LI;y° U/ co 8 566 566 8" a) %m f �u. CD — 558 558 U 9 N/ CU 12" D.I. P. FLG - 0 •42, FOR. D.LP. X MJ WALL PIPE ❑ "a FORCE MAIN 12" D.I.P. o E 550 550 90 BEND at . . ._ ".--- T .e,-,3 542 - - •..._ 3' MIN. : EXISTING GRADE _ o Ii r _ 542 I --I „�2 6 -1 o _ N 10"►-6 M! o I sr%,,s 534 534 i • s" �O Q o E • m Y 12" D.I.P. FORCE MAIN RW DISCHARGE HEADWALL : I v Q o°O �.1_ ) ! V1 .o of S- `N 526 ,. 526 �� vrd u IO I, \ - z 518 s- o oz000°°\ SURVEYED LEVEL 514.13' DAN DAN RIVER 1-ord 1 518 24" THICK CLASS 2 RIPRAP 1,!, sr.,...-,..' 2/20/2017 • : �O i >- q U RDs 510 2 DISCHARGE HEADWALL SECTION 3a 510 _ r — o � o D-4 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ce LtJ .. .50 Z co m 502 502 DATE: February,2017 ze DESIGNED: HCF of b U DRAWN: HCF CHECKED: BGL 8� " NO. ix 494 494 303+00 303+50 304+00 304+50 305+00 305+50 306+00 -q Wastewater Discharge Headwall.dwg HodgeeWaterResources 95 Arlington St. Brighton, MA 02135 803-606-8343 April 25,2017 Attachment 2: CORMIX Model Files (Digital Attachment) 10 p ) ' l=Apendix 1, V E or 'MEM.' Ap�penrd4ix 0 • • • • ••- • • • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .l. ,. r MOW ®Environmental Consulting AMY & Technology of ® North Carolina, PLLC APPENDIX D 316(b) (r) REPORTS N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\MEMO\NTE NPDES NARRATIVE FINAL.DOCX • Rockingham County Dan River . Intake Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance per 40 CFR 122. 21 (r) and 125 . 86(b) • Rockingham County, NC April 2017 ECT No.170030 ANVINtaiszpviswgrti Ear � t .� r rrrr �r � ✓� "� 4 r Hrir{��dq r`. �i e rrr.,,Aigo rr yo x mrr �� ,rs rr rs%r. ..r��,'.,uo„r."'����fi��.�.A.a,a�,��y�.uv Complex Challenges . . . PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Introduction 1-1 1.1 Project Background 1-1 1.2 Regulatory Background 1-3 2.0 Source Water Physical Data [40 CFR 122.21(r)(2)] 2-1 2.1 Description of Source Water Body [40 CFR 122.21(r)(2)(i)] 2-1 2.2 Characterization of Source Water Body [40 CFR 122.21(r)(2)(ii)] 2-5 2.2.1 Hydrology 2-5 2.2.2 Geomorphology 2-5 2.2.3 Determination of Area of Influence 2-6 2.3 Locational Maps [40 CFR 122.21(r)(iii)] 2-8 3.0 Cooling Water Intake Structure Data [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)] 3-1 3.1 Narrative Description of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)(i)] 3-1 3.2 Latitude and Longitude of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)(ii)] 3-8 3.3 Description of CWIS Operation [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)(iii)] 3-8 3.4 Intake Flow [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)(iv)] 3-8 3.5 Engineering Drawings of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21(r)(3)(v)] 3-10 4.0 Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)] 4-1 4.1 List of Unavailable Biological Data [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(i)] 4-1 4.2 List of Species and Relative Abundance in the Vicinity of CWIS L CFR 122.21(r141] 4-1 4.2.1 Rhode et al. Studies 4-2 4.2.2 NC Wildlife Resources Commission 4-2 4.2.3 Duke Energy 4-2 4.3 Identification of Species and Life Stages Susceptible to I and E L CFR 122.21(r)(4)(iii)1 4-5 IIINIA01111 N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX L � , Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 4.4 Identification and Evaluation of Primary Growth Period [40 CFR 122.21(0(4)(iv)l 4-12 4.4.1 Reproduction 4-12 4.4.2 Larval Recruitment and Period of Peak Abundance 4-12 4.5 Data Representative of Seasonal and Daily Activities of Organisms in the Vicinity of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(v)] 4-13 4.6 Identification of Threatened,Endangered, and Other Protected Species Susceptible to I and E at CWIS [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(iv)1 4-13 4.7 Documentation of Consultation with Services [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(vii)] 4-18 4.8 Methods and Quality Assurance Procedures for Field Efforts j40 CFR 122.21(r)(41(viii)j 4-18 4.9 Definition of Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(ix)] 4-18 4.10 Identification of Protective Measures and Stabilization Activities j40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(x11 4-19 4.11 List of Fragile Species [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(xi)] 4-19 4.12 Information Submitted to Obtain Incidental Take Exemption or Authorization from Services [40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(xii)] 4-20 MIN N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 11 Ggii 7 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance List of Tables Table Page 1 Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.84(a)(1) 1-4 2 Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.86(b) 1-7 3 Impairments and Appropriate Uses of Waters of Dan River within Vicinity of CWIS 2-5 '4 Summary of Dan River Fish Survey Results With Relative Abundance 4-3 5 Potential for Impingement and Entrainment of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS 4-6 6 Seasonal and Daily Activities of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS 4-8 7 List of State and Federally Protected Species Potentially Occurring in the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS 4-16 8 Protected Aquatic Species Range and Reproductive Habits 4-17 IMI N:\PR>\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\RREPORTS\RREPORTS 042017.DOCX III GCS Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance List of Figures Figure Page 1 Site Location, Intake, and Discharge Overview 1-2 2 Raw Water Intake and Pump Station Site Plan 2-2 3 Discharge Location 2-3 4 Proposed Cooling Water Intake Screen Design 3-3 5 Preliminary Water Balance Diagram 3-5 6 Preliminary Water Balance—Water Use Scenarios 3-6 N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1V ��, Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance 1 .0 Introduction 1 . 1 Project Background This report has been prepared to address relevant sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Parts 122.21(r) and 125.85(b), of the Clean Water Act Section 316(b)rule for new facilities (Phase I of the rule; Federal Register [FR] Volume 66,pp. 65337-65345, as amended). Section 316(b)requires the location, design, construction, and capacity of cooling water intake structures (CWISs)reflect the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact. Phase I of the rule applies to new facilities required to have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit that have a CWIS with a design capacity greater than or equal to 2 million gallons per day(MGD), and use at least 25 percent of the water withdrawn for cooling purposes. The Rockingham County Department of Engineering&Public Utilities (Rockingham County) is proposing to provide water and wastewater services to the proposed Reidsville Energy Center, a natural gas-fired combined cycle electric generating facility in Rockingham County,North Carolina, herein referred to as the "Project". The proposed Project will be constructed approximately 9 miles west of Reidsville,North Carolina, along Highway 65 (Figure 1) and will consist of one combustion turbine with supplementary duct firing. The exhaust heat from the combustion turbine and the supplemental duct firing will be captured and converted to steam in a heat recovery steam generator(HRSG)before passing through a steam turbine to generate additional power. The Project will provide the benefit of local power generation from a reliable, environmentally responsible fuel source. Combined-cycle plants have the ability to start up quickly and vary generation to match load conditions, making this type of plant a good complement to renewable generation such as solar or wind. Rockingham County intends to withdraw up to 4.194 MGD from an intake and pump station located on the Dan River for cooling and process water(Figure 1). N:\PRTNTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-1 G N9PP i N t -Pnernv\C;IS+ftAXD\NTI 1A/a Terline R mxd irassaria 4/17/2017 2'41'n1 PM • 0 2,000 4,0000 r �'� i j ,,c ' , t m +t A of 1,+x w°" Feet yr e=- �,' .. � :,- y a' .—.y, ' Tom` t. ` <::, t 1,` Proposed i e -w , v 3 x r Discharge Location 'f ): ., Q.e` 'r p �,'', x:,i ..v. r,/'^ � �k Fy'.4 � / ^w.C'� s c '. Pfr 'n # "Y I:? ° ''..-r`o- 1:',.:- ' 7 x3� "'L.ztik �"4 5v i 1 t f'` .' ,��, - ,fytd('s. r. sytl `$ + Q D River " t a 1. } r'''',. ,,-.:;4;.''','::;::,"$,.;:: .. "S'e y`r ", 7? `y d '-'-':-'),,V ,+� �s ww 1a°� -:".•:',77:';'7!-' �*°r f"` YK i 'V''\-::•''''',', �i�f 1 -S r� ?si , , (�� s,• ". M`. ✓-" , e'er t , `�1,",.'` `. -t` ''''':•;,,',', r .0, � � '" *w a t.; • k ,....r, w !} yP t � _ x �" �µ." ; ^•y z,+: Joh � r ..,k..,-,_ '� z Z. T -.w+y r ice„ * '. s"'.5 '°t s .(,...--;f:41,..,,,,-, it7 i a XY" + i '4:.1.1'..:' Abr" jX"i wt +c Ex+. im� -v..,' ,: X�.,i-4,"'" ,'!'-'-,,,A', "* .^r ',,;fit' - 7:7„ *,Ya h t � }t� `: ,sw t�. �"�l >y wi t�` .1,7,-.,' w'r� w r +�' X a ryry �,.7.. ��f C 4 � tp"'r� ri �, �{1a.r �+'v� "``-�' � �" t " r F^ w `e i y3 x r r. �'" ,,�.�"�' '�ni`%1 a .'t '}�,r 5y t ^.,- --"":rte •'4�,, .� x t d �', .{ # ' � J4�,+ „,,,:k, {�, �, (w a'"�''pti, '�l/,+ '*r” .,, ,4�` e r,, ,4 ..w--,,,,,,,,,,.„,,,,-;,\‘1,, 'g= ''`^'" '�'1\ .,.�„� .;�t �'' a: �*ti/ r ,',c.-4";;,...‘','-. d .. '" ,.. ? ^ate _ q �,1 r xr c C r '^ s , `mss �, r d' „' t �, L ,, �'� S t7.;;:-.'r''::''. ..,, �'" *f dk " . * �(w.C��,, °fi 1+`I' max''' , �''', -: + ' �'' ( ,°t . :� ���'r..'°� '�'`�Tki� ! w.: 1. � ;"9 «t-s ,+ �,.m°�,�}{. z�°t.y�, ,,.•:"4",,''' ''';':!-.1'4 ,^u.ti .,S.�r;Y-:,.1 �.Y s a Pro osed t' c,7^' § . c^ JJ t .ty ,u1 P '5.'?", a ' "rk"S ' 's *� 'g '`"1 ' 'a.rn "� ,,, Intake Location .v , e ,• � _ '�1. :b r,;,',17:1,", "'w t t4 ' „ '7 it $R 'd a5 °m �, � :s T`xx�"«V"+: !° -1:.5"-:,:f.''‘,.,,:-;:',r4",-",L-7 ..t: : —`,::--:',;'%".."-:,-..);*' :2. � "5 V',.t1r"'l" '.-:,,,',.,#-',: ,+'J v Y. '"�. c .f.'",:71,,,),0"` k`xri f k t ..,, 1 k`.` `^r i'7,,, r 4 :e ,. + a t •�/�' i ce * e. �r"fi � -r--"�" S' r 1' r„ , , s�+. t� -'"' 1(:.df t-_ ,,-" \ A;'.- -.S {�,�K '' +{ , , ^ 1 I +'� '''',1":' o 1 , '1 "+ 4 'w. Y t "*, +� .t ��� '.,,,c,,,,-.3-:.!:.:+1„.--4,!,,,,,;-'' .a,�.: ,gid F+ +� 'i i+' , .�� L.a+y?f1#� 6 mac , �`"',- '$" +,1 s, '.. 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CmorEnvironmental Consulting SITE LOCATION, INTAKE,AND DISCHARGE OVERVIEW &Technology of North Carolina,PLLC Sources:LIDAR Contours,2007;ESRI World Imagery,NAIP,2014;ECT,2016. Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 1 .2 Regulatory Background The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)promulgated the Phase I rule for regulation of new facilities under Section 316(b) on December 18, 2001, and these rules became effective on January 17, 2002,with minor amendments made to the rule in July 2003. The Phase II rule (for existing facilities)was published on July 9, 2004 (69 FR 41576) but withdrawn in 2007; the reissued final 316(b)rule for existing facilities (79 FR 48300)became effective on October 14, 2014. The final rule supersedes the Phase II rule,the remanded existing facility portion of the previously promulgated Phase III rule, and includes minor amendments to the Phase I rule. The 316(b) Phase I rule requires each affected facility's application for an NPDES discharge permit include specific submittals and supporting information to demonstrate compliance with the rule's performance standards. Facilities such as the proposed Project are required to submit a set of documents with their NPDES application to establish compliance with 40 CFR 122.21(r)(2)through (4): (2) Source Water Physical Data (3) Cooling Water Intake Structure Data (4) Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization This document addresses the requirements for these three reports in the following three sections. Rockingham County anticipates peak withdrawals of 4.194 MGD and is therefore seeking to comply under the rule's "Track I" as defined at 40 CFR 125.84(c). Section 3.1 summarizes the proposed intake's compliance with the criteria defined at this section of the rule (see 40 CFR 125.86(b) for Track I application requirements). Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of how the proposed project addresses the requirements of 40 CFR 125.84(a)(1) and 125.86(b), respectively, including cross-references to the relevant sections of the following report. The Phase I rule also requires the applicant to summarize how the proposed cooling system and intake will comply with the requirements of the rule. The information required is contained in Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this report per the specifications of 40 CFR 122.21(r). 1111111 AMY N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\12 REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-3 =Car If Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 1. Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.84(a)(1) §125.84 As an owner or operator of a new facility,what must I do to comply with this subpart? (a)(1)The owner or operator of a new facility must comply with either: (i)Track I in paragraph(b)or(c)of this section;or (ii)Track II in paragraph(d)of this section. (2)In addition to meeting the requirements in paragraph(b),(c),or(d)of this section,the owner or operator of a new facility may be required to comply with paragraph(e)of this section. (c)Track I requirements for new facilities that withdraw greater than 2 MGD and less than 10 MGD and that choose not to comply with paragraph(b)of this section. You must comply with all of the following requirements: Subsection Notes on Rockingham County's Approach (1)You must design and construct each cooling water The facility's cooling water intake will be designed to achieve intake structure at your facility to a maximum through- through-screen velocities of less than 0.5 fps. screen design intake velocity of 0.5 fps; (2)You must design and construct your cooling water intake structure such that the total design intake flow from all cooling water intake structures at your facility meets the following requirements: • (i)For cooling water intake structures located in a freshwater The proposed intake is located in a freshwater river. The river or stream,the total design intake flow must be no proposed total design intake flow is 0.63 percent of the greater than five(5)percent of the source water annual mean average mean flow as estimated from 17 years of annual flow flow; record for the Dan River near Wentworth,North Carolina, located just downstream of the intake. (ii)For cooling water intake structures located in a lake or Not applicable reservoir,the total design intake flow must not disrupt the natural thermal stratification or turnover pattern(where present)of the source water except in cases where the disruption is determined to be beneficial to the management of fisheries for fish and shellfish by any fishery management agency(ies); (iii)For cooling water intake structures located in an estuary Not Applicable or tidal river,the total design intake flow over one tidal cycle of ebb and flow must be no greater than one(1) percent of the volume of the water column within the area centered about the opening of the intake with a diameter defined by the distance of one tidal excursion at the mean low water level; (3)You must select and implement design and construction The proposed intake location potentially meets at least one of technologies or operational measures for minimizing the criteria defined below[i.e.,(4)(i)].Flow reduction from impingement mortality of fish and shellfish if: the use of closed-cycle cooling,along with wedgewire screens with a through-screen velocity less than 0.5 fps,will minimize impingement mortality of fish and shellfish. IIIIMIC IN/ N:\PR.ANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-4 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 1. Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.84(a)(1) (i)There are threatened or endangered or otherwise protected The intake is located in an area that may support listed federal,state,or tribal species,or critical habitat for these species,including the Roanoke logperch and James species,within the hydraulic zone of influence of the cooling spinymussel.However,as discussed in Section 4.6,species- water intake structure;or specific habitat preferences may reduce the potential for interaction with the intake.Given the Project's use of closed-cycle recirculating cooling system and the protective design of the intake,it is believed unlikely that any listed species would be subject to substantive effects from impingement. (ii)There are migratory and/or sport or commercial species Migratory,sport,and/or commercial species may be present of impingement concern to the Director or any fishery near the intake;however,the size of the hydraulic zone of management agency(ies),which pass through the hydraulic influence is very small and its location along the bank and zone of influence of the cooling water intake structure;or low through-screen velocity strongly suggests that fish would be able to avoid impingement. (iii)It is determined by the Director or any fishery The use of closed-cycle cooling and side bank wedgewire management agency(ies)that the proposed facility,after screen intake design should be protective of any species of meeting the technology-based performance requirements in concern or critical habitat.Rockingham County will paragraphs(c)(1)and(c)(2)of this section,would still coordinate with NC Wildlife Resources Commission(WRC) contribute unacceptable stress to the protected species, and U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS)to ensure that critical habitat of those species,or species of concern; the intake will not contribute unacceptable stress to protected species,species of concern,or critical habitat. (4)You must select and implement design and construction Flow reduction from the use of closed-cycle cooling,along technologies or operational measures for minimizing with wedgewire screens with a through-screen velocity no entrainment of entrainable life stages of fish and shellfish. greater than 0.5 fps,will minimize entrainment of fish and shellfish including protected species (5)You must submit the application information required in The relevant information required at 40 CFR 122.21(r)and 40 CFR 122.21(r)and§ 125.86(b)(2),(3),and(4); 125.86(b)(2),(3),and(4)is provided in this document. (6)You must implement the monitoring requirements The Project exceeds the Phase I rule requirements for specified in§ 125.87; facilities withdrawing between 2 and 10 MGD of cooling water by incorporating closed-cycle cooling and by employing wedgewire screens that essentially eliminate impingement but are not amenable to quantitative impingement sampling(as is typically performed on intakes with traveling screens).Rockingham County believes that its use of these technologies(considered best technology available(BTA)for both impingement mortality and entrainment mortality under other aspects of the 316(b)rule) eliminates the need for biological monitoring that would be required under§ 125.87(a).Rockingham County believes that flow monitoring and periodic inspection of the screen surfaces would is sufficient to comply with the velocity monitoring requirements in§ 125.87(b)and(c). (7)You must implement the recordkeeping requirements Rockingham County will comply with the rule's recordkeeping specified in§ 125.88. and reporting requirements as stipulated in the Project's NPDES permit. IIINV N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC.NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-5 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 1. Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.84(a)(1) §125.84(e)You must comply with any more stringent §I25.84(a)(2)states that"a new facility may be required to requirements relating to the location,design,construction,and comply with paragraph(e)of this section"[emphasis added]. capacity of a cooling water intake structure or monitoring The riverbank location has been selected to avoid known requirements at a new facility that the Director deems are critical or unique aquatic or shoreline habitats.The Project reasonably necessary to comply with any provision of state design exceeds the Phase I rule requirements for facilities law,including compliance with applicable state water quality withdrawing between 2 and 10 MGD of cooling water by standards(including designated uses,criteria,and incorporating closed-cycle cooling and incorporating antidegradation requirements). wedgewire screens.Construction impacts will have a minimal footprint and will not impact water quality or designated uses. • Additional requirements are therefore not anticipated. Should • additional requirements be deemed necessary,Rockingham County will review them and reserves the right to suggest alternative approaches to addressing any potential concerns by the Director. Source:Rockingham County,2017. • s � N:IPRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-6 G Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 2. Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.86(b) §125.86 As an owner or operator of a new facility,what must I collect and submit when I apply for my new or reissued NPDES permit? (a)(1)As an owner or operator of a new facility,you must submit to the Director a statement that you intend to comply with either: (i)The Track I requirements for new facilities that withdraw equal to or greater than 10 MGD in§125.84(b); (ii)The Track I requirements for new facilities that withdraw greater than 2 MGD and less than 10 MGD in §125.84(c); (iii) The requirements for Track II in§125.84(d). (2)You must also submit the application information required by 40 CFR I22.21(r)and the information required in either paragraph(b)of this section for Track I or paragraph(c)of this section for Track II when you apply for a new or reissued NPDES permit in accordance with 40 CFR 122.21. (b)Track I application requirements.To demonstrate compliance with Track I requirements in§125.84(b)or(c),you must collect and submit to the Director the information in paragraphs(b)(1)through(4)of this section. Subsection Notes and References to Later Report Sections (1)Flow reduction information.If you must comply with the flow Not applicable.However,the facility will employ closed- reduction requirements in§125.84(b)(1),you must submit the cycle recirculating cooling using mechanical evaporative following information to the Director to demonstrate that you have cooling towers.Make-up flows have been minimized subject reduced your flow to a level commensurate with that which can be to the cooling and process water needs of the plant. attained by a closed-cycle recirculating cooling water system: Blowdown flows have been minimized subject to water quality constraints of the facility and wastewater discharge. See Section 3.4. (i)A narrative description of your system that has been designed to Not applicable. reduce your intake flow to a level commensurate with that which can be attained by a closed-cycle recirculating cooling water system and any engineering calculations,including documentation demonstrating that your make-up and blowdown flows have been minimized;and (ii)If the flow reduction requirement is met entirely,or in part,by Not applicable. reusing or recycling water withdrawn for cooling purposes in subsequent industrial processes,you must provide documentation that the amount of cooling water that is not reused or recycled has been minimized. (2) Velocity information.You must submit the following information The Project is subject to§125.84(c)(1) to the Director to demonstrate that you are complying with the requirement to meet a maximum through-screen design intake velocity of no more than 0.5 fps at each cooling water intake structure as required in§125.84(b)(2)and(c)(1): (i)A narrative description of the design,structure,equipment,and The facility will achieve a design through-slot velocity operation used to meet the velocity requirement;and of less than 0.5 fps using appropriately-sized wedgewire screens.See Section 3.1. (ii)Design calculations showing that the velocity requirement will be The screens are designed to be submerged at extreme low met at minimum ambient source water surface elevations(based on water and they have been designed with sufficient area to best professional judgement using available hydrological data)and maintain the target velocity of less than 0.5 fps,even maximum head loss across the screens or other device. when 15 percent of the slot area is obscured by debris. See Section 3.1. (3)Source waterbody flow information.You must submit to the The proposed intake would be located in a freshwater Director the following information to demonstrate that your cooling river,making subsection(3)(i)applicable. water intake structure meets the flow requirements in §125.84(b)(3)or(c)(2): (i)If your cooling water intake structure is located in a freshwater This section of the rule would limit the withdrawal to no river or stream,you must provide the annual mean flow and any more than 5 percent of the annual mean flow of the source supporting documentation and engineering calculations to show that waterbody.The proposed maximum withdrawal is 4.194 your cooling water intake structure meets the flow requirements; MGD,or 6.49 cubic feet per second(cfs),which is 0.63 percent of the mean annual flow(1029.3 cfs)as estimated from 17 years of flow data at Wentworth,North Carolina. See Section 3.1. 111111, 1 N:\PR.I\NTE ENERGYU.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1- 7 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 2. Review of Proposed Intake Relative to the Requirements of 40 CFR 125.86(b) (ii)If your cooling water intake structure is located in an estuary or Not applicable. tidal river,you must provide the mean low water tidal excursion distance and any supporting documentation and engineering calculations to show that your cooling water intake structure facility meets the flow requirements;and (iii)If your cooling water intake structure is located in a lake or Not applicable. reservoir,you must provide a narrative description of the water body thermal stratification,and any supporting documentation and engineering calculations to show that the natural thermal stratification and turnover pattern will not be disrupted by the total (4)Design and Construction Technology Plan.To comply with§ Project will follow compliance under Track I-§125.84(c) 125.84(b)(4)and(5),or(c)(3)and(c)(4),you must submit to the Director the following information in a Design and Construction Technology Plan: (i)Information to demonstrate whether or not you meet the criteria in As presented in Section 1.1,Rockingham County's § 125.84(b)(4)and(b)(5),or(c)(3)and(c)(4); proposed intake meets the criteria articulated at§ 125.84(c)(3)and(c)(4).It believes that it has addressed the goals of the rule by utilizing closed-cycle cooling, wedgewire screens,and the 0.5 fps through-screen (ii)Delineation of the hydraulic zone of influence for your cooling The hydraulic zone of influence is negligible for the water intake structure; intake structure given that the target through-slot velocity is less than 0.5 fps.See Section 2.2.3. (iii)The owner or operator of a new facility required to install design Rockingham County has designed the intake to minimize and construction technologies and/or operational measures must impingement and entrainment through the design and develop a plan which explains the technologies and measures operational measures of the facility including:intake selected;this plan shall be based on information collected for the location,use of closed-cycle cooling,wedgewire screens, Source Water Biological Baseline Characterization required by 40 and less than 0.5 fps through-screen velocity. (A)A narrative description of the design and operation of the design A narrative description of the design and operation of the and construction technologies,including fish-handling and return facility and how it will minimize impingement is included systems,that you will use to maximize the survival of those species in Section 3. expected to be most susceptible to impingement.Provide species- specific information that demonstrates the efficacy of the (B)A narrative description of the design and operation of the design A narrative description of the design and operation of the and construction technologies that you will use to minimize facility and how it will minimize entrainment is also entrainment of those species expected to be the most susceptible to included in Section 3. entrainment.Provide species-specific information that demonstrates the efficacy of the technology;and (C)Design calculations,drawings,and estimates to support the Drawings and calculations that illustrate these design descriptions provided in paragraphs(b)(4)(iii)(A)and(B)of this features are included in Sections 3.4 and 3.5. section. Source:Rockingham County,2017. p � s N:\PRANTE ENERGYV.KC NPDES\R REPORTSIR REPORTS 042017.DOCX 1-8 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 2.0 Source Water Physical Data [40 CFR 122. 21 (r)(2)] This section provides information on the physical characteristics of the source water body. The following text from the preamble of the final existing facilities rule provides context for this information requirement(preamble at 79 FR 48363). "This requirement is unchanged from the Phase I rule and the 2004 Phase II rule. The facility is required to submit data to characterize the facility and evaluate the type of waterbody potentially affected by the cooling water intake structure. The applicant is required to submit a narrative description and scaled • drawings showing the physical configuration of all source waterbodies used by the facility, including areal dimensions, depths, salinity and temperature regimes, and other documentation that supports the determination of the waterbody type where each cooling water intake structure is located; identification and characterization of the source waterbody's hydrological and geomorphological features, and the methods used to conduct any physical studies to determine the intake's area of influence in the waterbody and the results of such studies; and locational maps. The Director uses this information to evaluate the appropriateness of any design or technologies proposed by the applicant." 2. 1 Description of Source Water Body [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(2)(i)1 The proposed Project will be located in Rockingham County, at approximately N 36.334168, W 79.831705 (Figure 1),with intake and discharge structures located on the Dan River. The intake structure will be located at the river bank at approximately N 36.39019722,W 79.88805556,with a pump station located at the edge of the 100-year floodplain(Figure 2). The discharge point will be located at approximately N 36.410485, W 79.826908 (Figure 3). The Dan River flows within portions of both North Carolina and Virginia.The headwaters of the Dan River are located in Patrick County, VA, and flow into Stokes County,NC before meandering north through Rockingham County into portions of Southern Virginia, back into North Carolina in Caswell County, and eventually connects'with the Roanoke River and Kerr Reservoir in southern Virginia. It is approximately 214 miles long, has a watershed of 3,300 �r s N:\PRnNTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 2-1 _._ N:\PRJ\NTE Energy\LKC NPDES\R reports\Figures\Figure 2-033117.xisx\2-3/31/2017 ....�...._- -...,.__-__..,._....__......-._ -. a'4x :M'✓�+r'p% y£zi6,riF�r', ,Xrz`7br^ �rik, f'„rr✓'x k��,: H .,...:,�,..-:,.,:.✓'.,r,zr.ro...,,....r�aa,.."m<... .r ap6�"f. 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I.-. / FIGURE 2. • RAW WATER INTAKE AND PUMP STATION SITE PLAN — onntsltig Technology of PRELIMINARY ■► No&Envirrth caro►meIna,PLLalConG un Source: LKC,2017. C') 10 -71 o E/5 0 St.c) 0 C , • . ' : : •0•• ; .,- P\ > m ,..., h.) • 6.1 4, t',. G) Or, N) ' 0 . c:.\.:,,, 1 "4.Ali 1 1 -0 1 . > Z CA \ • d 1-,Lp / e( + 1 •o '0 .! 7` Z ........................................................ ..i.......................... I 1 •:,•:.,1-- 1 .1I I. •,ii,,,.-0. • k -J-4- ..., I' ..,, 4{•:,--, -. I r o . . tel I I I . rS.- -i:N. it:1 - (A I- a 1 ,t,, g f—'1 .1 NI m 64 + '3 -'. ) 't,, i'-)1 ) ,r, 1 f L 5ii I (ft ;7-..j.•-• v ',I "..I --,..c.:. r', i k' f.,.. ' - - ••• 1 I--„ J• . „I".• 0 ''3• '''''''`, -1 ('" $ ,I'. •,,- 1 P., • 1 -ru pi I + 1 0 : E 1 rt . 0 c i F1 :1 .. 1 1 2 f. 1 - i- \I . 7. 1...,_ , 1 [ 1 A•ig .v :-...,„ k • •‘. ,,,,..",e.... ; V i II, IA 14, / 1 0 CZ _ , 1 1 IP III + -.% + :/ 0 '.4 - 1 0 .., 0 ,. I •0 :IA , 1 1t z D M ri i i .Fa 7 irt ..k IE • 71 T. 3 it iii I A. 4/ t I I i ;.yr• •,,,„,. CI F - 1 ...---" It•• I 4ilk' f I .• F cJi_ SR tu + f •= I q ,• 8 1 I a ill x V IL 1 ..t.. 1 j • .--.., I .1_ R , ,.;., I ,rr, 4 Xl I . t i'-.-RI 0 A,7s I p3 a 11 , 1 : 11 R i r v ••. ,,,,,,• , Tc4 fti M17 A I ro I I I 0 1 at • -I- Os Ewa? I 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1.1 Cl, CA CM 0 ut ut ut tit to to G1 LAI C.4 4. g01 01 I ,0 0)CO o 4., CO h.) 0 4. i $ I 1 2•-0- Y-01. k .....'" 1 I Ws; r-.. mi sr' •' .,i5Z1;:1 I - _ _L• •' fjp- 4(i), 40 ,_,,,, _ __, ,. '. limmMii,, .. 111111, i --. 4 _ ,....) ..,.... -...-iri.• I • i 0 _ M IJ ITI I--1 I 5' > 7121 iliP gi x ‘11) g ._ e) - p rii g. ,..,...... . "' ri 1 0 > n il C o7I• r) 4 u tr1 tn ry !,4 -.Jo, "a -,--..fle-,::-/.„ e -.11---1,-‘1__11 I_:.•':1_1,f,(__ ,I-I 0 z _ ..,..___.__ Z I .7-1 77 Z g2 Z .- g)g.a' • g $ ..„.....: i 0 w n ::::-6-Q ,1 Z tz m PRELIMINARY — DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION E r- a z. 0 u C ''. a. s. 4 MI t••• • m- 1 v Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance square miles, and comprises approximately one third of the Roanoke River Basin. Land use within the Dan River watershed in Rockingham County is predominately categorized for agricultural purposes, which includes open land areas that are currently unfarmed. Industrial and commercial uses combined account for less than one percent of the total county area(Rockingham County,2010). The waters in the vicinity of the proposed CWIS and outfall are classified in North Carolina Water Quality Standards as Water Supply-IV (WS-IV).According to North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ), WS-IV waters are"used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes." WS-IV waters are also protected for Class C uses, which include protection for secondary recreation, fish consumption, and wildlife (15A NCAC 2B .0216). Surface waters in the vicinity of the CWIS are impaired for turbidity, in addition to a fish and shellfish consumption advisory for both mercury and coal ash in segments of the Dan River in Rockingham County(Table 3). A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity is in place for Dan River segment 22-(31.5),which limits permitted discharge to not exceed the state turbidity standard of 50 NTU. However, discharge from the proposed project will only have a projected maximum turbidity of 20 NTU. Mean annual flow in the Dan River near Wentworth(U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] gage 02071000), averaged 1029.30 cubic feet per second(cfs) for the last 17 years (2000 through January 2017). Water temperatures in the Dan River near Danville, Virginia (USGS gage 02075045), approximately 25 miles downstream of the proposed discharge,have an annual average(2007 Ito 2009) of 16.36 degrees Celsius (°C), with a low in January of 4.8 °C and a high in June of 27.6 °C. Water quality in the Dan River is monitored approximately 20 miles downstream of the proposed discharge, North East of Eden, North Carolina at USGS gage 02074218. The annual average pH is approximately 7.23. Dissolved oxygen is generally high, at an annual average of 9.88 milligrams per liter. N:\PR.TNTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 2-4 ��7 I ISI I �I �I i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 3. Impairments and Appropriate Uses of Waters of Dan River within Vicinity of CWIS Water Body Dan River Stream Index 22-(31.5) Description From a point 0.7 mile upstream of Jacobs Creek to a point 0.8 mile downstream of Matrimony Creek Classification WS-IV and Class C standards (included in WS-IV classification) Impairments Fish consumption due to mercury and coal ash in fish tissue; Turbidity Source: NCDEQ,2017. 2.2 Characterization of Source Water Body [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(2)(ii)1 2.2.1 Hydrology River flow data were obtained from the online hydrologic database NHDPIus and USGS gages at several stations along the Dan River: 02069000 at Pine Hall,NC, approximately 14 miles upstream of the proposed intake, 02071000 near Wentworth,NC, approximately 4 miles downstream of the proposed intake, and 02075045 near Danville, VA. The historical low flow of a river is defined as the lowest 7-day average flow that occurs in 10 years (7Qio), which for the Dan River is 162 cubic feet per second (cfs), or 105 MGD (as provided by DEQ). 2.2.2 Geomorphology The proposed intake is located within the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina. This area typically consists of a 30-70 foot thick layer of clay overlying bedrock. The Triassic basin, a deep rift filled with sediment, stretches into portions of both Rockingham and Stokes counties. This basin is composed of fine textured and sparsely fractured sedimentary rocks, sandstone, mudstone, and sparse thin coal beds (Reid et al., 2011; Reid and Milici, 2008).Floodplains along the Dan River in Rockingham County contain highly porous deposits of unconsolidated sediments, like sand or gravel beds (Huffman, 1998). In the vicinity of the proposed intake and outfall,the Dan River exhibits this typical riverine morphology. r s A N:\PRNTEENERGYILKCNPDES\RREPORTS\RREPORTS042017.DOCX 2-5 GS I II I it I I i I I I I I I I II I I I I �I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance The Dan River is approximately 165 feet wide at the location of the proposed intake. Bathymetry surveys conducted in February 2017 at the proposed intake location indicated that the water depth was on average 7 feet(Figure 2). The proposed outfall is located 0.1 mile downstream of the confluence of Massy Creek and the Dan River and 3.2 miles upstream of confluence of Rock House Creek and the Dan River. The proposed outfall is approximately 40 ft northeast of the Settle Bridge Road bridge on State Route 2145 and approximately 22.5 miles upstream of the Virginia state border. Bathymetry surveys conducted at the location of the proposed outfall in February 2017 indicated that at the time of survey, the water depth was on average 4 feet (Figure 3). Under 7Q10 flow conditions,the average water depth is 2.3 ft and the maximum water depth is 3.0 ft. The river is approximately 130 feet wide at the proposed outfall location. • The Dan River segment in Rockingham County,NC is not actively dredged to maintain depth. The proposed construction of both the intake and outfall structures will not require dredging. 2.2.3 Determination of Area of Influence The area of influence (AOI) of a CWIS appears in three of the 40 CFR 122.21(r) sections of the Section 316(b) final rules for existing facilities: • 40 CFR 122.21(r)(2), Source Water Physical Data, "(ii). Identification and characterization of the source waterbody's hydrological and geomorphological features, as well as the methods you used to conduct any physical studies to determine your intake's area of influence within the waterbody and the results of such studies;" • 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4), Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data, states, "If you supplement...this section with data collected using field studies...The study area should include, at a minimum,the area of influence of the cooling water intake structure." • 40 CFR 122.21(r)(11),Benefits Valuation Study(in the final existing facilities rule), states, "The study would also include discussion of recent mitigation efforts already completed and how these have affected fish abundance and r � N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 2-6 AlCiv Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance ecosystem viability in the intake structure's area of influence." The Section 316(b)Phase I rule for new facilities states: "The area of influence is the portion of water subject to the forces of the intake structure such that a particle within the area is likely to be pulled into the intake structure." While this definition does not provide a clear means of estimating the AOI (e.g.,threshold velocity), it is common understanding that the AOI is that area of the source water body directly affected by the CWIS. Relative to impingeable organisms, generally juvenile and adult fish and shellfish, the concept is somewhat more concrete. It could be assumed that it is the point at which the organism is no longer capable of overcoming the forces of water withdrawal and impinges upon an intake screen(Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2007). This would be highly dependent on the swimming capabilities of the species and its life stage, size, and general health conditions, a point noted by EPRI in previous research on the relationship between intake approach velocity and the occurrence of impingement(EPRI, 2000). EPA considers a 0.5-foot-per-second (fps)through-screen velocity to be a de minimis value for the probability of impingement, which means a fish can swim freely in a flow at this velocity and avoid impingement(in fact, the studies showed a 1.0-fps threshold was protective, but it was halved as a safety factor). This is the basis for the 0.5 fps design criteria in the Phase I rule, and is a compliance option for impingement mortality BTA in the 316(b) final rule for existing facilities. For the latter, EPA indicates there is no need for any type of impingement protection, including impingement mortality studies, if the maximum design or actual maximum through-screen velocity of the CWIS is 0.5 fps or less (40 CFR 125.94[c][2] and [3]). Under these conditions, it is considered the facility has met the performance standards for impingement mortality. Therefore, the 0.5-fps contour for velocities induced by the CWIS delineates the CWIS's AOI for impingement. Two 30" diameter screens,with a blank flange for a third screen, in the proposed design of the intake structure will have a maximum design through-screen velocity of less than 0.5 fps; thus, the AOI for impingement at the intake, as defined by a threshold-induced velocity of 0.5 fps, is not exceeded in the waterbody. Assir N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 2-7 i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance A quantitative estimate of the area in which a"particle is likely to be drawn into the intake" is more difficult. Given the intake capacity is a.small fraction of the mean annual discharge of the Dan River(i.e. 0.63%), most of the river's flow in the mainstem can be reasonably assumed to be"unlikely"to be drawn into the intake. 2.3 Locational Maps f40 CFR 122.21 (r)(iii)1 Figures 1, 2, and 3 present overall site plans identifying proposed CWIS and outfall locations and configurations. p N:\PR1\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 2-8 L i I ,I �I �I �I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance 3.0 Cooling Water Intake Structure Data [40 CFR 122. 21 (r)(3)] This section includes information on the CWIS that is used to determine the potential for impingement and entrainment at the facility, including a description of the structures and their location in the water body, as well as daily and seasonal operations and intake flows. The following text from the preamble of the final existing facilities rule (79 FR 48363) provides context for this information requirement. "This requirement is unchanged from the Phase I rule and the 2004 Phase II • rule. This data is used to characterize the cooling water intake structure and evaluate the potential for impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms. Information on the design of the intake structure and its location in the water column allows evaluation of which species and life stages might be subject to impingement and entrainment. A diagram of the facility's water balance is used to identify the proportion of intake water used for cooling, make-up, and process water, as well as any cooling water supplied by alternate sources, such as reuse of another facility's effluent. The water balance diagram also provides a picture of the total flow in and out of the facility, and is used to evaluate gray water,wastewater, and other reuses in the facility. The applicant is required to submit a narrative description of the configuration of each of cooling water intake structure and where it is in the waterbody and in the water column; latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for each cooling water intake structure; a narrative description of the operation of each of cooling water intake structure, including design intake flows, daily hours of operation, number of days of the year in operation and seasonal changes, if applicable; a flow distribution and water balance diagram that includes all sources of water to the facility, recirculating flows, and discharges; and engineering drawings of the cooling water intake structure." 3. 1 Narrative Description of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(3)(i)l The Rockingham County Project's proposed cooling system is designed as a closed-cycle recirculating cooling system,where the cooling water is recycled and reused in the steam turbine condensers. The Project will employ one combustion turbine with supplementary mta N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGYAL.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-1 GEF Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance duct firing. The exhaust heat from the combustion turbine and the supplemental duct firing will be captured and converted to steam in a HRSG before passing through a steam turbine to generate additional power. The majority of the design intake water will be used for cooling. The operation of the Project will require an average daily withdrawal of approximately 2.766 MGD of water with a maximum daily withdrawal of approximately 4.194 MGD. The Project will have a single river CWIS to serve the generating units, located on the Dan River near Planters Road east of Madison,North Carolina(Figure 1). The Project intake will be located at approximately,N 36.390197, W -79.888086. The proposed intake is located on a 3.45-acre tract currently owned by Rockingham County, located along Planters Road, north of NC Highway 704 (Figure 2). Rockingham County is proposing to construct the intake structure on the bank of the Dan River. The Dan River in the area of•the intake is a large, slow-flowing river, approximately • 165 feet wide with an average depth of approximately 7 feet. The substrate is variable consisting of mainly of sand and gravel with cobble, boulder, bedrock, silt and clay. The concrete structure will be rectangular in plan view with the long dimension parallel to the flow direction. Plan view dimensions of the structure will be approximately 40 feet long by 15 feet wide. The structure will straddle the normal water elevation, with a portion of the structure protruding into the stream flow. On the river side of the structure will be concrete deflector walls, angled approximately 45 degrees in the downstream direction to prevent accumulation of large debris. The elevation of the structure is designed to allow the desired flow to enter the structure at the lowest expected water elevation, and the depth of the structure is determined by the required submergence over the intake screens. When water passes through the screens it will enter a pipe that goes through the wall,joins together in a manifold, and leads to the pump station structure (Figure 3). The CWIS will have two wedgewire intake screens,with a blank flange for a third screen. The screens will be stainless steel with a metallic coating system to prevent vegetative growth on the screens. The screens are designed for a maximum through-screen velocity of 0.5 fps at Awsork,maw N:\PRTNTE ENERGY\L.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-2 LiarI N:\PRJ\NTE Energy\LKC NPDES\R reports\Figures\Figure 5.xlsx\2-3/31/2017 Dimensions Depth 30 in Length 44 in 22 la l 1 n4 1i Flow Demand 4.5 MGD (6.97 fps) Max Design 2.76 MGD (4.28 fps) Avg Daily _- .__ - - Screen Surface Area - , 4146.90 in2 28.80 ft2 ± CO Screen Open Area . 16.74 ft2 ,i, Average Slot Velocity 0.42 fps Max Design Flow 0.26 fps Avg Daily Flow Maximum Slot Velocity(15%blockage) 0.48 fps Max Design Flow 0.30 fps Avg Daily Flow 11111111111 M lit ° 1 1 FIGURE 4. PROPOSED COOLING WATER INTAKE SCREEN DESIGN Amer —&TeEnvchnoloironmentalgyof Consulting (" AM 7 North Carolina,PLLC Source: LKC,2017. i i i i �I I i I �i i '� I'� i i i i I�� I �I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance the peak flow rate with 15%allowance for blockage. This maximum velocity will be accomplished through the screen design using the specifications illustrated in Figure 5. The screens will be 30 inches in diameter and will employ a 0.125-inch slot size. Using 0.09-inch wire, each screen will have an open area of 58.14%or 16.74 ft2. For design calculations, a maximum withdrawal rate of 4.5 MGD was used. As designed,the maximum through-screen velocity will be 0.42 fps. The maximum through-screen velocity accounting for 15% blockage due to potential biofouling and/or debris will be 0.48 fps as evidenced in the calculations presented below.As designed,the average daily through-screen velocity will be 0.26 fps. The through-screen velocity at average flows accounting for 15%blockage will be 0.30 fps and is evidenced by the calculations below. An air burst system will be used to ensure that the screen open area can be maintained below 15%blockage by periodically dislodging accumulated silt and debris. Calculation of Through-Screen Velocity Screen Dimensions Diameter=30 inches Length=44 inches Wire Size= 0.09 inches Slot Size=0.125 inches % Open Area=58.14% Flow Demand Maximum Flow Design Demand=4.5 MGD 4.5 MGD to ft3/s= 6.97 ft3/s Daily Average Flow Demand=2.76 MGD 2.76 MGD to ft3/s=4.28 ft3/s Screen Surface Area 7t x D x Screen Length=it x (30")x(44")=4146.90 in2 in2 to ft2=28.80 ft2 Screen Open Area Screen surface area x% open area= (28.80 ft2)x(58.14%)=16.74 ft2 asimik mow N\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-4 C N:\PRANTE Energy\LKC NPDES\R reports'Figures\Figure 6-0331 I7.xlsx\2-3/31/2017 w.. 1. COOLING TOWER CYCLES OF 2 CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 7 SOLIDS > FOR AVERAGE ANNUAL WINTER FIRED > AND SUMMER FIRED CASES, 2. INSTANTANEOUS PEAK CASE FLOWS ASSUME 4 CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION FILTER PRESS TO ACCOUNT FOR A CHEMISTRY UPSET, WHICH SHOULD LAST NO LONGER THAN 8 k�:APQ ATIC HOURS, 8, CTG INLET EVAPORATIVE COOLER CYCLES ff OF CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 2 FOR ALL CASES, 7 > 4. COOLING TOWER DRIFT IS CALCULATED AT 0.0005%OF THE CIRCULATING WATER a DRIFT > FLOW RATE RAW WATER _� 5, LOCATION FOR INTERNAL OUTFALL ���``` (MONITORING POINT) 6 CLARIFIER ►- COOLING TOWER `�� NOTE5 8 TYsR 16 EVAPORATION 27 OIL TRUCKED O=F SITE RAW WATER fir' CIO 14,_. _ EY/ DRATI TANK COOLER cl I 12 a 13 SERVICE WATER OIL WATER. SEPARATOR FIRE PROTECTION tg 0 2n v 443 ti Z F DYABLE 17 to R{�NBED a B i" DEMINERAERALIZERS Of SAMPLING NOTE5 NOTE5 . 21 ................a2 ._..._.,1... WAST€WATER MISC -" COLLECTION SUR.. OEMIN WATER (i1:2! X TANK `r CYCLE 8DISCHARGE TO OFF SITE UFT 0 VENT CI / STATION 11 11BL°MOWN • 0 8 DISCHARGE TO ON *- SAN ITARY SITE LEACH FIELD • FIGURE 5. • PRELIMINARY WATER BALANCE DIAGRAM -Environmental Consulting , &Technology of North Carolina,PLLC Source: Mott MacDonald,2017. i I I I I I I I i I I i ii I I I I 1 I N:'PRJWTE Energy\LKC NPDES\R reports\Figures\Figure 7a.xlsx\2-3/31/2017 I l i Stream Winter Fired Averge Annual Summer tired Instantaneous peak Description No Notes Ambient Condition DB/W#3 25 / 23 59 1 53 92 /76 103/83.5 Duct Burner/Eva pcooler on/ off on/ off onion on / on gpm 1 mgd gpm mgd gpm mgd gpm mgd R.aw Water at Battery Limit to Clarifier 1 1,432.3 2.063 1,920.5 2.766 2,403.4 3.461 2,512.4 4.194 Clarifier-Solids disposal retained water 2 1,4 0.002 1.9 0.003 2.4 0.003 2.9 0.004 Water to Raw Water/FrrewaterTal1k 3 21.8 1 0.031 52,6 1 0.076 84.1 0,121 95,5 0,137 Fire Water 5 em 4 - - - - - - - Service Water System 5 21.8 0.031 52.6 0.076 84.1 0.121 95.5 0.137 CT make-up 6 1,409,.1 l 2.079 1,866.0 2.687 2,317.0 3.336 2,814.0 4.052 Cr Drift loss 7 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 CT Evaporation loss 8 1r245.0 1.793 1,650.0 2.376 2,050.0 2.952 2,170.0 3.125 CT Slowdown 9 206.9 11 0,298 274.4 j 0.395 341.0 0.491 722.7 1.041 Not used 10 1 1 Quench water to FIRSG Blowdown 11. 16,8 0.024 16.9 i 0.024 16.9 0.024 16,3 0.023 Plant Wash Down12 5.0 _ 0.007 5.0 I 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 Contaminated Drains to OWS 13 5.0 0.0075.11 ; 0.007 5.0 0.007 5,0 0.007 t Make-up to CIG .v.ap Cooler g4 - I - 30.7 0.044 62.2 0.090 74.2 0.107 CTG inlet evaporative cooler evaporation 15 - - 15.4 0.022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.053 CTG inlet eve poratvie cooler blow down 16 - - 15,4 0.022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.053 Potable water at Battetylimit/back-flow everter 17 45.3 ! 0.065 45.5 0.055 45.5 0.065 44.4 0.064 Potable ureter/Sanitary 18 • 2.0 1 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0• 0.003 2.0 0.003 • Water to RU/Mixed Bed units 19 43.3 0.062 433 0.053 43.5 0.063 42.4 0.061 Recovered water from 310/Mixed Red unit 20 8.7 0.012 8.7 I 0.013 8.7 0.013 8.5 0.012 DMI Water to Storage tank 21. 34.6 0.050 34.8 I 0.050 34.$ 0.050 34.0 0.049 Make-up to Steam cycle 22 34.6 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.8 0.050 34,0 0.049 Min losses 23 5,0 i 0.007 5,0 0.007 5.0 0,007 5.0 0.007 Steam sampling losses 24 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 Steam cycle Blowdown 25 23.6 I 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.0 0.033 Steam vent lasses. 26 5.7 0.008 5.7 0.008 5.7 0.008 5.5 0.008 Water from flash tank 27 34.7 j 0.050 34.9 0.050 34.9 0.050 33.7 0.049 Sanitary waste to an site leach field 28 2.0 i 0.003 2.0 0.043 10 0.003 2,0 0.003 Waste Water to off site lift station 29 217.9 ! 0.314 285.4 0,411 352.0 0.507 733.7 1.057 FIGURE 6. PRELIMINARY WATER BALANCE - WATER USE SCENARIOS ANNIEnvironmentalConsulting &Technology of G , North Carolina,PLLC Source: Mott MacDonald,2017. Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Average Slot Velocity Max Flow Design Demand/screen open area= (6.97 ft3/s)/(16.74 ft2)=0.42 fps Avg Daily Demand/screen open area= (4.28 ft3/s)/(16.74 ft2)=0.26 fps Maximum Slot Velocity (Assume 15% blockage) Average Max Design Slot Velocity x 15%= 0.42 fps x (1.15) =0.48 fps Daily Average Slot Velocity x 15%= 0.26 fps x (1.15) =0.30 fps The two screens described above will include sufficient total open area to pass the 4.5 MGD flowrate with a through-screen velocity below the 316(b) Phase I rule's 0.5 fps velocity limit while allowing for 15%blockage. Rockingham County will implement multiple safeguards to minimize the likelihood of impingement and entrainment due to its CWIS. The measures are consistent with the intake guidance developed by the EPA's Phase I rule requirements (see Table 1). The following is a summary of the measures adopted in the design and placement of the cooling water intake structure to minimize potential effects of impingement and entrainment: • The proposed facility will use closed-cycle recirculating cooling consistent with Track I of the 316(b) rule. Such a system reduces intake flow by more than 95 percent relative to a similar once-through-cooled facility. Given that rates of both impingement and entrainment are generally assumed to be proportional to the rate of water use,both will be reduced by a commensurate amount. • The system will use submerged wedgewire screens to passively exclude debris and aquatic organisms. Such systems have been demonstrated to minimize impingement and entrainment without excessive handling that may occur with more traditional traveling water screens. The intake will employ wedgewire screens that have been shown to reduce impingement and entrainment even in organisms smaller than the slot size by inducing an avoidance response in the organism (Coutant, 2015; Zeitoun et al., 1981). • The system will be designed to have a maximum through-slot velocity of 0.48 fps even when partially clogged by debris (allowance for 15%blockage). This is N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-7 LCIF, Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance well below the commonly assumed escape speed that allows fish to avoid impingement and should essentially eliminate impingement of juvenile and adult fish. • The slot size will be 0.125 inches (3.175 mm). The intake has been located on the bank of the river to minimize impacts to the bed of the river and associated habitats, migratory species and those that use the main stem of the river, and recreational activities in the river. 3.2 Latitude and Longitude of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(3)(ii)1 The coordinates for the intake are: • Latitude: 36.390197 • Longitude: -79.888086 3.3 Description of CWIS Operation [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(3)(iii)1 The Project and its cooling water system are intended for a year-round,24-hours-per-day operation,with the exception of down time due to outages. When the facility is producing electricity,the intake structure will generally be fully operational. The cooling water demand will change based on level of generation and weather conditions. Some amount of cooling water storage is present in the cooling tower basins (e.g., sufficient for a small number of hours of operation), and pumps will be dispatched based on the need to replenish cooling tower water levels. The Project's nominal output is 488 megawatts. 3.4 Intake Flow [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(3)(iv)1 Figures 6 and 7 present water balance diagrams for the proposed operation assuming seven cycles of concentration. Figure 6 presents the water balance diagram,while Figure 7 presents balance flows through the system for four conditions. The instantaneous peak can be considered the maximum demand condition. The Project's proposed maximum withdrawal is AIM p N:�PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDESR REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-8 C F i I I I i I I I I I I i 1 I i I I . I I I 1 I i j i I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 4.194 MGD (6.49 cfs). Both HRSG blowdown and reject from the first pass of the reverse osmosis system will be recycled as additional cooling tower makeup. The proposed maximum consumptive use is approximately 3.134 MGD and will result in a return of 1.06 MGD. Cooling tower makeup water will be the dominant water use at the facility, averaging 2.687 MGD, while maximum cooling tower makeup water rates will be 4.052 MGD. Smaller streams include RO/demineralization (0.061 MGD to 0.063 MGD) and plant service water needs (0.076 MGD average; 0.137 MGD max). Also included in the water balance diagrams is the proposed usage of potable water from Rockingham County(averaging 0.065 MGD). N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 3-9 i i 1 i i I i i i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 3.5 Engineering Drawings of CWIS [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(3)(v)] Figures 2 and 4 present the engineering drawings of the CWIS. • IIIIIIY41111 INV" N:\PRANTEENERGY\LKCNPDES\RREPORTS\RREPORTSO42017.DOCX 3-10 i i i i i i i i i i i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 4.0 Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)] This section addresses each of the elements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4). The following subsections are numbered and titled consistent with the sections of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4). Please note that the discussion of threatened and endangered (T&E) species as required by 40 CFR 122.21(r)(6)has been included and modified to also address the requirements to list both state and federally listed species and designated critical habitat per 40 CFR 125.95(f). 4. 1 List of Unavailable Biological Data 140 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(i)l The Dan River in the vicinity of the proposed intake is well studied and therefore data needed to prepare the elements of the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4) were available in the literature. 4.2 List of Species and Relative Abundance in the Vicinity of CWIS 140 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)1 A number of studies were reviewed when compiling the list of species and relative abundance in the vicinity of the CWIS: • Rhode et al. studies—Longitudinal Study and Annotated List of Fishes from the Dan River • North Carolina Water Resources Commission(NCWRC) data • Duke Energy data Based on these studies, 75 species in 10 families are known to occur in the Dan River near the armumaors N:\PR.I\NTE ENERGYU.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-1 i i i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance intake.Data from the Rhode studies and Duke Energy were used to estimate the relative abundance of the species (Table 4). The most commonly collected species were redbreast sunfish, golden redhorse, white shiner, and satinfin shiner. 4.2.1 Rhode et al. Studies Rhode et al.published a paper on the Longitudinal Succession of Fishes in the Dan River in 2001 and an updated Annotated List of the Fishes Known from the Dan River in 2003. These papers use available fish collection data from the Dan River segmented by physiographic province to list species and relative abundance in each area. The CWIS is located in the Fault Basin and Table 4 lists species and relative abundance for this area. Included in this list are 58 species from 138 sampling events. Sampling events consisted of collections made with seines, backpack electroshockers, and/or boat electroshockers. 4.2.2 NC Wildlife Resources Commission NCWRC provided data collected in the Dan River in Rockingham County from November 1984 to June 2016. Surveys were conducted for a variety of reasons and consisted of electrofishing with backpack or boat and/or seine samples. These studies were typically used to determine presence/absence for species and are not standardized for collection efforts. Table 4 includes the species collected in the Dan River in Rockingham County by NCWRC. 4.2.3 Duke Energy Recent data from a study conducted by Duke Energy were also provided by NCWRC. These data were collected from three sampling locations in the Dan River near Eden,NC (approximately 14 to 20 miles downstream from the CWIS). Four sampling events were conducted during 2016. The majority of the sampling was conducted by boat electrofishing with some net sampling also. Table 4 also includes results from these sampling efforts. These comparisons indicate that the earlier studies remain representative of current conditions in the river, noting that a few dominants move slightly in overall ranking. The presence of several additional sub-dominants in the 2016 Duke Energy data may be attributable to the addition of sampling using nets,while the inclusion of rarer species in the Rhode et al. studies may be attributable to the larger sampling effort. 111114111111 N:\PRT\i TE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-2 i I I I i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 4. Summary of Dan River Fish Survey Results with Relative Abundance Duke Rhode et al. Wildlife Scientific Name Common Name Resources Energy Studies Commission Lepomis auritus - Redbreast sunfish 19.45 23.57 X Moxostoma erythrurum Golden redhorse 18.45 10.51 X Luxilus albeolus White shiner 17.75 6.93 X Cyprinella analostana Satinfin shiner 3.12 17.16 X Nocomis raneyi Bull chub 3.40 5.82 X Notropis amoenus Comely shiner 7.59 1.34 X Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill 2.52 6.4 X Lythrurus ardens Blueside shiner 3.12 4.57 X Moxostoma pappillosum Slender redhorse 5.60 1.79 X Notropis hudsonius Spottail shiner 2.58 2.76 X Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass 2.64 2.56 X Ameiurus brunneus Snail bullhead 0.50 4.55 X Notropis chiliticus Redlip shiner 2.21 X Nocomis leptocephalus Bluehead chub 1.42 2.17 X Lepomis microlophus Redear sunfish 1.32 0.97 X lctalurus punctatus Channel catfish 1.13 1 Moxostoma collapsum Notchlip redhorse 0.82 0.85 Pomoxis nigromaculatus Black crappie 0.94 0.62 X Catostomus commersonii White sucker 1.13 0.38 X Ameiurus platycephalus Flat bullhead 0.60 0.87 X Hypentelium nigricans Northern hog sucker 0.72 0.68 X Luxilus cerasinus Crescent shiner 0.67 X Moxostoma cervinum Blacktip jumprock 0.66 Lepomis cyanellus Green sunfish 0.09 1.14 X Cyprinus carpio Common carp 0.41 0.68 X Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth bass 0.82 0.12 X Dorosoma cepedianum Gizzard shad 0.35 0.55 X Etheostoma podostemone Riverweed darter 0.44 X Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback 0.57 0.22 X Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden shiner 0.19 0.55 X Noturus insignis Margined madtom 0.44 0.26 X Percina roanoka Roanoke darter 0.03 0.56 X Notropis Procne Swallowtail shiner 0.22 0.36 X Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed 0.22 0.27 X Ambloplites cavifrons Roanoke bass 0.38 0.04 X Cyprinella lutrensis Red shiner 0.19 0.09 X Ameiurus nebulosus Brown bullhead 0.09 0.16 X Etheostoma flabellare Fantail darter 0.12 X Scartomyzon cervinus Black jumprock 0.12 X N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-3 AUL/I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 4. Summary of Dan River Fish Survey Results with Relative Abundance Duke Rhode et al. Wildlife Scientific Name Common Name Resources Energy Studies Commission Etheostoma olmstedi Tessellated darter 0.09 Percina nevisense Chainback darter 0.09 X Pomoxis annularis White crappie 0.03 0.14 X Hypentelium roanokense Roanoke hog sucker 0.13 0.04 X Ameiurus catus White catfish 0.03 0.13 X Nocomis micropogon River chub 0.06 X Lepomis gulosus Warmouth 0.06 0.06 Ambloplites rupestris Rock bass 0.05 X Scartomyzon ariommus Bigeye jumprock 0.03 0.06 Moxostoma macrolepidotum Shorthead redhorse 0.03 0.04 X Perca flavescens Yellow perch 0.03 Percina crassa Piedmont darter 0.03 Carassius auratus Goldfish 0.03 Ameiurus melas Black bullhead 0.02 X Ameiurus natalis Yellow bullhead 0.02 X Campostoma anomalum Central stoneroller 0.02 X Esox americanus Redfin pickerel 0.02 X Etheostoma nigrum Johnny darter 0.02 Gambusia holbrooki Eastern mosquitofish 0.02 X Phoxinus areas Eurasian minnow 0.02 Salmo trutta Brown trout 0.02 Etheostoma vitreum Glassy darter 0.01 Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar 0.01 Semotilus atromaculatus Creek chub 0.01 X Ameiurus sp. Catfishes X Etheostoma sp. Darters X Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish X Ictalurus sp. Catfish X Lepomis sp. Sunfish X Micropterus sp. Sunfishes X Moxostoma anisurum Silver redhorse X Moxostoma ariommum Bigeye jumprock X Moxostoma sp. Suckers X Nocomis sp. Chubs X Percina peltata Shield darter X Percina rex Roanoke logperch X Sources:Duke Energy 2016. NCWRC,2016. Rhode et al,2003. 1INIIIIIII N:\PR.ANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-4 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance 4.3 Identification of Species and Life Stages Susceptible to I and E 140 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(iii)1 Table 5 outlines the potential for each of the twenty most common fish species found in the Dan River to be present around the intake as well as the potential for impingement or entrainment for each species. Table 6 includes habitat preferences and spawning information and was used to compare habitat preferences for the common species in the Dan River with the habitat near the intake. The Dan River in the area of the intake is a large, slow-flowing river, approximately 165 feet wide with an average depth of 7 feet. The substrate is variable consisting of mainly of sand and gravel with cobble, boulder, bedrock, silt and clay. Impingement and entrainment at the facility will be greatly reduced by the design factors of the facility and the CWIS itself. The facility will operate as a closed-cycle system using cooling towers to reduce the water supply needs of the facility. Such a system reduces intake flow by more than 95 percent relative to a similar once-through-cooled facility. Given that rates of both impingement and entrainment are generally assumed to be proportional to the rate of water use, both will be reduced by a commensurate amount. In addition,the intake flows are a very small proportion of the river's discharge. The low proportion of intake flow relative to the river discharge also indicates that any entrainment losses from the system will be extremely small relative to the extant population. The intake will employ wedgewire screens that have been shown to reduce impingement and entrainment even in organisms smaller than the slot size by inducing an avoidance response in the organism (Coutant, 2015;Zeitoun et al., 1981). The potential for impingement of any of the species is greatly limited by the design through-screen velocity of the plant being less than 0.5 fps which is the basis for the velocity threshold in the Phase I rule. In its final rule- making for existing facilities,EPA adopted this intake velocity threshold as a pre-approved technology per 40 CFR 125.94(c) (2) and(3).As noted previously,the use of wedgewire screens in combination with the low intake velocity would also be expected to reduce the rates of entrainment substantially. IIIII41191 NNW N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-5 GIs/Ar Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 5. Potential for Impingement and Entrainment of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Potential for Potential for Common Name Scientific Name Potential to Occur Near the Intake Entrainment of Early Impingement Early Life Stages Juveniles/Adults Life Stages of Adults and Juveniles i SUCKERS CATOSTOMIDAE, __.--- � _�__ White sucker Catostomus Unlikely, spawns in swift water Likely Unlikely, eggs are Unlikely commersonii adhesive, spawns in swift water Notchlip Moxostoma Slight potential, spawns in runs Likely Slight potential Unlikely redhorse collapsum and riffles Golden redhorse Moxostoma Slight potential,spawns in runs Likely Slight potential Unlikely erythrurum and riffles Slender redhorse Moxostoma Unlikely,migrates upstream to Likely Unlikely Unlikely a illosum spawn �? pp . _ _m CEN�RARCHIDAE _... , " _._._ Redbreast Lepomis auritus Some potential Likely Slight potential Unlikely sunfish Bluegill Lepomis Some potential Likely Slight potential Unlikely macrochirus Redear sunfish Lepomis Some potential Likely Unlikely, male guards Unlikely microlophus nest and hatchlings Largemouth bass Micropterus Some potential Likely Unlikely,male guards Unlikely salmoides nest and hatchlings Black crappie Pomoxis Likely Likely Unlikely,male guards Unlikely nigromaculatus - nest and hatchlings __ __w �'PRINIDAE C_ __.__ .� _� ,_ __ _._ . .w__:-__ _ _ ! Satinfin shiner Cyprinella Some potential Some potential Unlikely, eggs are Unlikely analostana adhesive White shiner Luxilus albeolus Some potential, little is known Likely Slight potential Unlikely about spawning habits Blueside shiner Lythrurus ardens Unlikely, spawns in faster Likely Unlikely Unlikely currents q N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-6 C Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 5. Potential for Impingement and Entrainment of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Potential for Potential for Common Name Scientific Name Potential to Occur Near the Intake Entrainment of Earl Impingement Early Life Stages Juveniles/Adults Life Stages y of Adults and Juveniles Bluehead chub Nocomis Some potential Some potential Slight potential Unlikely leptocephalus Bull chub Nocomis raneyi Some potential Some potential Slight potential Unlikely Comely shiner Notropis amoenus Some potential Likely Slight potential Unlikely Redlip shiner Notropis chiliticus Some potential Likely Slight potential Unlikely Spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius Unlikely, migrates upstream to Likely Unlikely Unlikely _ _ spawn near mouths of creeks r._ ___ �. ICTALURIDAE _. __�_ __�__w_ t . �. Snail bullhead Ameiurus brunneus Some potential, little is known Likely Slight potential Unlikely about spawning habits Flat bullhead Ameiurus Some potential, likely similar to Likely Unlikely Unlikely platycephalus other bullheads, one or both parents guard the nest and hatchlings Channel catfish lctalurus punctatus Some potential Likely Unlikely,male guards Unlikely nest and hatchlings Sources:NatureServe 2017. ECT 2017. N:\PRANPE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\RREPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4- Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 6. Seasonal and Daily Activities of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Common Name Scientific Name Seasonal Activities/Spawning/Migration Daily Activities/Migration/Habitat SUCKERS CATOSTOMIDAE . White sucker Catostomus Spawn in spring in swift water or rapids,often in Occur in a wide variety of lake and stream habitats. commersonii small,clear, cool creeks and small to medium rivers.Sometimes spawn on lake shoals, beaches or river mouths with wave action. Eggs sink and usually stick to and become lodged in gravel.Can migrate dozens of kilometers between non- spawning and spawning habitat. Notchlip Moxostoma Spawns in groups in spring in runs and riffles with .Formerly included with M. anisurum. Typically redhorse collapsum gravel and small cobble substrates. found in rivers and larger streams,but also in medium sized streams and impoundments,usually over silt, sand, gravel,or rock substrates. Golden redhorse Moxostoma Spawns in the spring in runs and riffles of small to Found in creeks and small to large rivers with erythrurum large rivers but may also travel to small tributaries. various substrates,usually in pools often with sand Males congregate and defend territories before and and silt. during spawning. Slender redhorse Moxostoma Probably spawns late spring and early summer. Found in rocky runs and silty to firm-bottomed pools pappillosum Migrates upstream to spawn of small rivers, occasionally in impoundments. � SUNFISHES �_ CENTRARCHIDAE Redbreast Lepomis auritus Spawns throughout warmer months in nest made Occur in deeper waters of warm quiet ponds, lakes, sunfish by male in shallow water on bottom. Often nests in backwaters of small to medium rivers,reservoirs, and colonies.Male guard eggs and hatchlings. swamps. Usually in clear water with abundant vegetation,stumps, logs, or other cover,with mud or sand substrate. Occasionally in brackish water. IMI N;\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES�R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-8 L'g, i �, i I, i I I I i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 6. Seasonal and Daily Activities of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Common Name Scientific Name Seasonal Activities/Spawning/Migration Daily Activities/Migration/Habitat Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus Spawning occurs over an extended period in spring Occur in warm shallow lakes,reservoirs,ponds, and and summer. Often spawn in colonies that may slow-flowing rivers and streams. Often associated include dozens of crowded craterlike nests that are with rooted aquatic plants and silt, sand or gravel guarded by males.Nest built in shallow water on substrate.Rarely go deeper than 16 feet.Large adults gravel,sand or mud substrate. seek more open water than smaller and feed through water column. Redear sunfish Lepomis microlophus Spawning generally occurs from late spring to Found in a variety of habitats in ponds, lakes, early summer. Shallow nests usually located in reservoirs, swamps, streams, and small rivers, often water less than 2 meters deep often occur in dense in or near vegetation and over a mud or sand bottom. groups.Males guard the eggs and hatchlings. Largemouth bass Micropterus Spawn in shallow cleared depressions(nests)made Inhabit warm, quiet waters with low turbidity, soft salmoides by males in sand,gravel, or debris-littered bottoms, bottoms, and beds of aquatic plants.Typical habitats often at depths of 1 to 2 meters but up to 7 meters. include farm ponds, swamps, lakes,reservoirs, Spawn mainly in spring or early summer after sloughs,creek pools, and river coves and backwaters. water temperatures have become warm enough. Active throughout most of daylight hours and usually Males guard eggs and hatchlings until young relatively inactive at night and in winter,feeding disperse after a month.Have small summer range most intense near dawn and dusk in warmer months. or may wander wildly. Young have strong schooling tendency. Generally, in deeper water in winter than in summer. Black crappie Pomoxis Spawning occurs in spring and summer.Nests Usually found in vegetated areas of backwaters in nigromaculatus constructed in shallow water usually less than 1 m streams and rivers,ponds, and reservoirs.Usually deep,sometimes in proximity to each other.Males associated with large beds of aquatic plants and guard eggs and hatchlings. sandy to mucky bottoms. Travels in schools. CARPS AND CYPRINIDAE MINNIOWS Satinfin shiner Cyprinella Spawn in late spring and summer.Males guard nest Habitat includes rocky and sandy runs of creeks and analostana territory. Eggs attached to branches,stumps,logs, small to medium rivers,usually near riffles. cracks in rocks; in crevices under loose submerged Occasionally found in headwater and tidal portions bark,between exposed tree roots, or under flat of some large rivers. rocks. s N:\PR]\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-9 = i I i i I i I I I I i I i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 6. Seasonal and Daily Activities of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Common Name Scientific Name Seasonal Activities/Spawning/Migration Daily Activities/Migration/Habitat White shiner Luxilus albeolus Little is known about reproduction of this species it Found in clear to moderately turbid creeks to is probably similar to L. cornutus,which spawns medium rivers with riffles and flowing pools and over gravel beds. 'rubble or rubble and gravel substrates. Blueside shiner Lythrurus ardens Spawning occurs from late April to mid or late Found in pools, backwaters and runs of warm water June in faster currents of riffles or pools.Uses large creeks and rivers. Generally found in mid to nests of chubs or fallfish.Found in deeper pools in higher depths over soft and hard bottoms. winter. Bluehead chub Nocomis Spawn on gravel mound nests made by males from Inhabit swift current and pools with highly varied leptocephalus April to early July. substrate. Bull chub Nocomis raneyi Male constructs mound nests with gravel and stone Found in swift water and pools of small to medium in May to June. rivers and creeks with gravelly to rocky sections. Streams where this species is found are typically moderate gradient, warm water, and clear. Comely shiner Notropis amoenus Spawns throughout summer, especially in June. Schooling midwater fish found in various habitats, usually in runs and flowing pools of creeks and medium to large rivers. Redlip shiner Notropis chiliticus Spawning has been observed in late May at water Found in flowing pools of clear headwater creeks, temperatures of 11-17 °C. Spawns on nests of and small rivers in the Piedmont and mountains. bluehead chub(large gravel mound with one or Prefers areas with sand and gravel to rubble. more pits). Spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius Spawns in spring or early summer.May migrate up Occurs in large sluggish coastal rivers and brackish tributary streams to spawn. Spawns in aggregations water to small clear rapidly flowing montane over areas of gravelly riffles near mouths of brooks streams. or along sandy shoals of lakeshores. BULLHEAD ICTALURIDAE CATFISHES . Snail bullhead Ameiurus brunneus Little is known about reproduction of this species Found in rocky riffles, shoals,runs,and pools in data suggest that spawning occurs in late winter streams and rivers. through summer. N:\PRI\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017,DOCX 4-10 C it I I i i I I I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance • Table 6. Seasonal and Daily Activities of Fish Species Located within the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS Common Name Scientific Name Seasonal Activities/Spawning/Migration Daily Activities/Migration/Habitat Flat bullhead Ameiurus Spawns in June to July. Likely similar to other Adults found in slow moving waters of small to large platycephalus bullheads the one or both parents guard the nest rivers with muddy bottoms and detritus.Younger and hatchlings. individuals tend to be found in smaller and clearer streams.Also occurs in lakes,ponds, and impoundments. Channel catfish lctalurus punctatus Spawns in later spring and summer in cavelike Occur in main channels of small to large rivers, from sites.Young-of-year live full time in riffles.Males clear,rapidly flowing firm-bottoms streams to turbid, guard and fan water over nest during incubation mud-bottomed streams.Avoids upland stream. and stay with young after hatching. Adults found in pools or under log jams during day and move to riffles at night.Nocturnal. Most active at night when water levels are rising. Sources:NatureServe 2017. MEI N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC.NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-11 III I1 III it l II I I Ali .1 II Y Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance While the data from ambient sampling represent a reasonable survey of types of fish that would be potentially subject to impingement and entrainment at the CWIS, it is expected that actual impingement and entrainment rates at the facility will be very low due to the design of the intake. 4.4 Identification and Evaluation of Primary Growth Period j40 CFR 122.21 (r)(41(iv)1 The primary growth period for most species follows spawning and subsequent hatching. Shortly after hatching, larvae are at their greatest abundance and have rapid growth rates. The majority of the species found in the Dan River spawn in the spring and summer and therefore have their primary growth period in the summer and early fall when the water is relatively warm and food is abundant. Table 6 summarizes the seasonal activities and spawning periods for each species of common fish found in the Dan River expected to be within the vicinity of. the CWIS. 4.4.1 Reproduction The majority of species found in the Dan River spawn in the spring and summer months, with a few species beginning spawning in late winter and one species beginning spawning in the fall. Table 6 includes spawning habits for the fish species identified as common in the Dan River. 4.4.2 Larval Recruitment and Period of Peak Abundance The larval recruitment period follows spawning by a few days to a week or more, depending on incubation times for each species and ambient water temperature. The period of peak abundance generally occurs around the time of hatching as the new larval recruits greatly add to the abundance of each species. The spawning period for most species common in this area is in the spring and summer months, leading to peak abundance in eggs around this time and larvae shortly after. The exception to this is redfin pickerel, snail bullhead and yellow perch, which may also spawn in late winter; and brown trout which spawns in fall or early winter. Peak abundance of juvenile fish will lag the spawn by a few months. Multiple-spawning fish � r N:\PR]1NTE ENERGYILKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 442 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance show additional peaks through the summer and fall in relation to their multiple spawning times. 4.5 Data Representative of Seasonal and Daily Activities of Organisms in the Vicinity of CWIS f40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(v)1 Table 6 summarizes the data representative of seasonal and daily activities for the dominant species observed in the Dan River. Seasonal activities consist of many species migrating upstream to tributaries in the spring and summer for spawning. Daily activities include movements for feeding and protection. Many species either move up and down in the water column or into deeper or shallower waters in response to light, food availability, or temperature. 4.6 Identification of Threatened, Endangered, and Other Protected Species Susceptible to I and E at CWIS 140 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(ivl] The 316(b)rule modified the existing requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(vi)by replacing the former requirement to list state-and federally listed protected species with those listed by the federal government(40 CFR 125.95[f]). Given the likely interest in state-listed species,this section will address both state- and federally listed species. Federally listed T&E species and critical habitat are protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) and subsequent amendments. The ESA is administered by two federal agencies,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NOAA Fisheries.NOAA Fisheries oversees marine species, and USFWS has responsibility over freshwater fish and all other terrestrial and aquatic species. Federally listed threatened and endangered species are protected by the ESA; special concern species indicate a species that is in danger of becoming threatened but is not officially protected by the ESA. USFWS recommends use of their Information Planning and Conservation(IPaC)tool for determining which species may be affected by a project. N:\PRTNTE ENERGYILKC NPDESIR REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-13 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance State listed wildlife species are protected by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC)and North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP),under the State Endangered Species Act (Chapter 113 331 through 337, Article 25,North Carolina General Statutes [G.S.]). State listed plant species are protected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture Plant Conservation Program and NCNHP under the Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979 (G.S. 19B 106 202). State-listed endangered,threatened, and special concern species are protected by state law; significantly rare designations indicate a species that is rare and in need of monitoring. NCNHP database provides lists of rare plant and animal species by USGS quadrangle. Information regarding the potential presence of federally listed species or critical habitat was obtained from online databases including USFWS's IPaC website,NOAA Fisheries • website, and NCNHP. Table 7 includes state and federally listed species with the potential to be found in the vicinity of the proposed CWIS, as well as habitat preferences for each listed species. There is no designated critical habitat near the Project intake. Table 8 includes range and reproductive habits for listed aquatic species.Note that while the table includes special concern and rare species, only federally listed threatened or endangered species are protected by the ESA and only state listed threatened, endangered, or special concern species are protected by the state law. Cutlip minnow and James spineymussel were not collected in the Dan River in any of the available studies. Roanoke bass, quillback, riverweed darter, bigeye jumprock, and Roanoke logperch are known to occur in the Dan River. The 0.5 fps intake velocity makes it unlikely that any species would be impacted by impingement. Roanoke bass, riverweed darter, and Roanoke logperch have adhesive eggs and cutlip minnow eggs are buried in nest mounds. Quillback migrate upstream to spawn. Therefore, it is unlikely that eggs of these species would be entrained. Little is known about the spawning habits of bigeye jumprock. Habitat preferences and spawning habits combined with the design of the intake make it unlikely that impacts to any listed species would occur as a result of the intake. s ®111/ N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-14 = I, Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b)Compliance It is highly unlikely that adult mussels would be impinged because they are typically only found buried in the substrate. It is also unlikely that glochidia (mussel larvae)would be impinged or entrained since they have a very short plankton phase typically attach to host within a few days, and many are released in conglutinates (aggregates of glochidia). It is unlikely that host fish with glochidia would be impinged because the plant was designed to reduce impingement by employing a less than 0.5 fps approach velocity. AEI N:\PRANTE ENERGYV.KC NPDESIR REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-15 AGGir Ar i ail II� I i �, i i i I �II i Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Table 7. List of State and Federally Protected Species Potentially Occurring in the Vicinity of the Proposed CWIS State Federal Habitat Description Scientific Common Status Status Ambloplites cavifronsRoanoke Bass SR FSC Occupies Valley and Ridge,Piedmont,and upper Coastal Plain provinces.Stocked in upper and lower James and middle New drainages in Virginia and North Carolina impoundments and streams,but stocking did not establish extant populations. Typically occurs in rocky and sandy pools of creeks and small to medium rivers. Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback SR Occurs in pools,backwaters,and main channels of clear to turbid waters of creeks,small to large rivers, and lakes. Etheostoma Riverweed Darter SC Found in rocky riffles of clear creeks and small rivers. podostemone Frequently associated with riverweed(Podestemon) Exoglossum Cutlip Minnow SC Clear creeks,streams,and small to medium rivers with maxillingua gravel,rubble,and boulder substrates. Moxostoma Bigeye Jumprock T Found in warm,clear to moderately turbid,moderate ariommum gradient,small to medium rivers.Adults and larger juveniles congregate in deep runs and heads of pools. Percina rex Roanoke Logperch E E Typically found in gravel and boulder runs of small to medium rivers.Usually in warm,clear,moderate or low gradient streams.Intolerant of silted substrates. FRESHWATER MUSSELS Lasmigona Green floater T FSC Quiet waters.Prefers small creeks and large rivers and subviridis sometimes canals.Intolerant of strong currents and occurs in pools and other calm water areas.Prefer gravel and sand substrate in water 1 to 4 ft deep. Pleurobema collina James E E Slow to moderate current waters with relatively hard spineymussel water on sand and mixed sand and gravel substrates. INSECTS Somatochlora Coppery SR A dragonfly found near creeks and other slow-moving georgiana Emerald acidic streams,in forested areas. p PLANTS Echinacea laevigata Smooth coneflower E Glades,woodlands,and open areas over mafic rocks. Hydrastis Goldenseal SR-0 Cove forests and other rich deciduous forests. canadensis Polemonium reptans Jacob's Ladder T Moist,nutrient-rich forests such as bottomlands and var. reptans rich slopes. Tradescantia Virginia Spiderwort T Rich woods on circumneutral soils. virginiana Notes:E=endangered.T=threatened.FSC=federal species of concern. SC= special concern. SR=significantly rare SR-0=significantly rare other Asimogi N:\PR]\NfE ENERGY\L.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-16 i I I I i I I I i i I I I I i •I I I I Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Sources:NCNHP,2017.USFWS 1PaC,2017.NatureServe,2017. Table 8. Protected Aquatic Species Range and Reproductive Habits Scientific Common Range Reproduction Ambloplites Roanoke Bass Chowan,Roanoke,Tar,Neuse, Likely spawns from mid-April to early May. cavjons and Cape Fear river drainages, Spawning has been observed at 12-14 C.No Virginia and North Carolina parental care.Males mature in two years.Lives about 5-6 years.Eggs are adhesive and demersal. Spawning occurs in deep runs over gravel and small cobble. Carpiodes Quillback Wide range throughout the eastern Spawns in spring and summer.May migrate up cyprinus US and Canada. small creeks to spawning areas over sand and mud bottoms in quiet waters of streams or overflow areas in bends of rivers or bays of lakes. Etheostoma Riverweed Darter Range includes the upper Roanoke Spawning period probably April-May,also podostemone River drainage, including Roanoke reported as late May to early June.Eggs are system proper and Dan River • adhesive and laid in clusters under rocks. system,Virginia and North Carolina. Exoglossum Cutlip Minnow Range throughout northeaster US Spawns in spring and summer.Males construct maxillingua and Canada,except most of New nests consisting of pebble mounds near cover England. in areas with current. Spawning occurs over upstream slopes and eggs become buried in nest mound.Young emerge from the nest about a week after hatching. Moxostoma Bigeye Jumprock Upper Roanoke River drainage, Spawns in March. ariommum Virginia and North Carolina. Known in Roanoke proper and Dan systems. Percina rex Roanoke Logperch Range includes the upper Roanoke, Spawns mid-April to May.No parental care. upper Dan,and upper Chowan river Eggs are adhesive and demersal.Spawning systems.Recently found in North occurs over gravel and small cobble. Carolina within a few miles of the Virginia state line Lasmigona Green floater Atlantic drainages from the Cape Long term brooder(from August to June). subviridis Fear River of North Carolina north There is recent evidence that juveniles of this to the Hudson River system and species can metamorphose without a host westward to the St.Lawrence within the marsupia of the adult female.Fish River system in New York hosts not known. Pleurobema James Currently known from small Short term brooder that releases glochidia in collina spineymussel headwater tributaries of Dan and the summer.Known fish hosts for this species James Rivers in North Carolina, include the rosyside dace,bluehead,mountain Virginia,and West Virginia.Also redbelly dace,blacknose dace,central known from the Dan River in stoneroller,rosefin shiner,satinfin shiner,and Stokes County. possibly the swallowtail shiner. Sources:NatureServe 2017.John Alderman 2017. The Virtual Aquarium,2017. N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017 DOCX 4-17 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 4.7 Documentation of Consultation with Services [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(vii)1 Rockingham County conducted a pre-application meeting with the USACE,NCDWQ, NCWRC, and USFWS as a part of the CWA §404/401 permitting process. USFWS and NCWRC expressed concerns about Roanoke logperch and James spineymussel. USFWS has requested freshwater mussel surveys prior to construction to determine if any of the listed species are located near the intake or discharge. If mussel species are found in the footprint of construction for the intake or discharge,they will be relocated prior to construction. Rockingham County will coordinate with USFWC and NCWRC to minimize impacts to listed species. 4.8 Methods and Quality Assurance Procedures for • Field Efforts [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4 viiil1 No new data were collected to support the biological baseline characterization; therefore, there is no need to document methods and quality assurance procedures in this subsection. 4.9 Definition of Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(ix)1 This report acknowledges the final 316(b)rule for existing facilities, and adds three additional subsections to the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4). While this report has provided data to address 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(i)through (viii) and(x)through(xii),there is no required submittal under this subsection 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4)(ix). N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-18 G Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 4. 10 Identification of Protective Measures and d Stabilization Activities J40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(x)1 The cooling water intake system was designed to reduce rates of impingent and entrainment at the facility. The use of closed-cycle cooling reduces impingement and entrainment through a substantial reduction (on the order of 95 percent) in cooling water needs (Table 1). In addition,the intake has been designed to meet the guidelines established by the EPA in the 316(b) rule. The through-screen velocity of less than 0.5 fps is designed to allow mobile organisms to avoid the intakes consistent with the 316(b)rule's allowed approaches to impingement best technology available. Wedgewire screens have been shown to have very little to no impingement at intake velocities of 0.5 fps due to the swimming ability of fish to detect and swim away from these velocities (Coutant, 2015; EPRI 2000). • No other stabilization measures (e.g., stocking to mitigate impingement and entrainment)have been implemented. Any such measures are unnecessary given the low level of effect the intake is likely to have on the baseline biology of the Dan River. 4. 11 List of Fragile Species [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(xi)] In the final 316(b) rule, EPA identifies 14 species as fragile or having post-impingement survival rates of less than 30 percent: • Alewife • Gizzard shad • American shad • Grey snapper • Atlantic herring • Hickory shad • Bay anchovy • Menhaden • Blueback herring • Rainbow smelt • Bluefish • Round herring • Butterfish • Silver anchovy sawilimrw N:\PRJ\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-19 C Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance Of these species only gizzard shad inhabit the Dan River and may be present near the intake. 4. 12 Information Submitted to Obtain Incidental Take Exemption or Authorization from Services [40 CFR 122.21 (r)(4)(xii)] The project has not sought or obtained an incidental take exemption or authorization for its cooling water intake structure from USFWS or NOAA Fisheries. N:\PRANTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 4-20 i �I� �� �, j 1 �I �� �, ,, I ,� '�, i ,, '�� �, i �, �, Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance 5.0 References Alderman, John. 2017. Alderman Environmental Services, Inc. Personal communications with Chris Wu. March 8, 2017. Coutant, C. 2015.Hydraulic Patterns and Fish Responses Make In-River, Cylindrical Intake Screens Fish Friendly or Why Few Fish???Prepared for Northwest Energy by Charles Coutant for presentation at EPRI conference: Clean Water Act 316(b): Conference on Engineering,Engineering, Biological and Economic Challenges of the New Existing Facility Rule.November 10-11, 2015. Duke, 2017. Dan River Fish Data, January 2016 to October 2016. Data provided by William T. Russ,Foothills Coordinator,Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Program,Division of Inland Fisheries,NC Wildlife Resources Commission. January 20, 2017. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). 2000. Technical Evaluation of the Utility of Intake Approach Velocity as an Indicator of Potential Adverse Environmental Impact under Clean Water Act, Section 316(b). December 18, 2000. . 2007. Cooling Water Intake Structure Area-of-Influence Evaluations for Ohio River Ecological Research Program Facilities. August 14, 2007. Huffman,R.L. 1996. Ground Water in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces of North Carolina. Published by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. March 1996. National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus), 2017.NHDPlus. Accessed through Google Earth.April 2017. https://www.epa.gov/waterdata/nhdplus-national-hydrography- dataset-plus. NatureServe, Inc.. 2017.NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1.NatureServe,Arlington, Virginia. http://explorer.natureserve.org. Accessed January 2017. North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ)Division of Water Resources (DWR). 2017. Surface Water Classifications Map. Accessed online: April 2017. https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification- standards/classifications. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2017. http://www.ncnhp.org/. Accessed: January 24, 2017. aira N:\PRANTE ENERGY LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 5-21 CCI Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission(NCWRC), 2017. Fish and Shellfish Collections made in the Dan River November 1984 to June 2016. Data provided by William T. Russ,Foothills Coordinator,Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Program, Division of Inland Fisheries,NC Wildlife Resources Commission. January 20, 2017. Reid, J.C., R.C. Milici. 2008. Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in the Deep River and Dan River Triassic Basins,North Carolina. 2008. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008- 1108, 28p. Reid, J.C., K. B. Taylor, J. D. Simons. 2011.North Carolina Shale Gas: Dan River Basin, Stokes and Rockingham Counties.North Carolina Geological Survey, Raleigh. November, 2011. Rockingham County. 2010. A Land Use Plan for Managing Growth: Rockingham County, North Carolina. Rockingham County Department of Planning. Accessed online: April 2017. http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us/. Rohde et al, 2003. An Annotated List of the Fishes Known from the Dan River in Virginia and North Carolina(Blue Ridge/Piedmont Provinces). Fred Rohde, Rudolf Arndt,David Coughlan, Scott Smith. Southeastern Fisheries Council Proceedings.Number 45. April 2003. Rohde et al, 2001. Longitudinal Succession of Fishes in the Dan River in Virginia and North Carolina(Blue Ridge/Piedmont Provinces). Fred Rohde, Rudolf Arndt, Scott Smith. Southeastern Fisheries Council Proceedings.Number 42. July 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2001.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System: Regulations Addressing Cooling Water Intake Structures for New Facilities; Final Rule. Federal Register. Volume 66,pp. 65256-65345. December 18, 2001. . 2014a.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permits for Noncontact Cooling Water Discharges. MAG250000 AND NHG250000 https://www3.epa.gov/region 1/npdes/nccwgp/2014NCC W GeneralPermit.pdf. Accessed September 9, 2016. . 2014b.Response to Comments on Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Noncontact Cooling Water(NCCW)Discharges. MAG250000 and NHG250000 https://www3.epa.gov/region1/npdes/nccwgp/2014NCCWGPRTC.pdf. Accessed September 9, 2016. . 2016. Information for Planning and Conservation(IPaC). Fish and Wildlife Service https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/. Accessed January 2016. antupolissm N:\PR]\NTE ENERGY\LKC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 5-22 Rockingham County Dan River Intake Rockingham County Submittals Related to Section 316(b) Compliance . 2016. Information for Planning and Conservation (IPaC). Fish and Wildlife Service https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/. Accessed August 29, 2016. U.S. Geological Survey(USGS), 2017. USGS Water Data for the Nation. Accessed online: April 2017. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/qw. The Virtual Aquarium. 2017. http://www.web1.cnre.vt.edu/efish/families/riverweed.html accessed March 13, 2017. Zeitoun, I.H., J.A. Gulvas, and D.B. Roarabaugh. 1981. Effectiveness of Fine Mesh Cylindrical Wedge-Wire Screens in Reducing Entrainment of Lake Michigan Ichthyoplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1981, 38(1): 120-125. N:\PRANTE ENERGW.KC NPDES\R REPORTS\R REPORTS 042017.DOCX 5-23 i I �I II 1 II • ' Appen�dkix E . : :_ ,. ,..'.,',.',.,. . ,..i .1.u' 1. Appendyix • P. • . r . . . • . • • • • • • • ;• r. 1 ' " - .' - 11 • 1 • • 1 r , _ - - _ APPENDIX E ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Consulting 44.rAr Technsglan Inc. i ,I �I i 1 0C,Tel-Altkv...„-- „„).; \ - "•q14, SI ';r1 `r , A- ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS PREPARED BY: �%%IUIp,,,,,,,,, APPLICANT: a,. ,��� SS ozi. a •Q�oF� i• ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NC - 3g OM K 0 14/QS taerq- Adam P. Kiker,P.E. FACILITY NAME: LKC REIDSVILLE ENERGY CENTER LKC ENGINEERING,PLLC 140 Aqua Shed Court NTE CAROLINAS II, LLC Aberdeen,NC 28315 (910)420-1437 License#P-1095 In conjunction with: SK Environmental,PLLC 303 Olde Point Loop Hampstead,NC 28443 Engineering Alternatives Analysis In support of NPDES application to discharge cooling water into the Dan River from the Reidsville Energy Center, NTE Carolinas II, LLC Applicant: Rockingham County Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth 371 NC Hwy 65 Reidsville NC 27320 Facility Name: Reidsville Energy Center, NTE Carolinas II, LLC Address • Rockingham County, phone number, contact person EAA Preparer: LKC Engineering, PLLC 140 Aqua Shed Court Aberdeen, NC 28315 910-420-1437 In conjunction with: SK Environment& Engineering PLLC 303 Olde Point Loop Hampstead, NC 28443 910-685-3528 1 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS :L1KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC 'i 1 I i Contents Engineering Alternatives Analysis 1 Project Description 4 1) Background 4 2) NPDES Permit Request 4 3) Need for Cooling Water 5 4) Site location 6 Step 1: Allowable Discharge Criteria 8 1) Zero Flow Stream Restrictions 8 2) Receiving Stream Classification 10 3) Basinwide Water Quality Plan 10 4) Impaired Water and TMDL 11 5) Presence of Endangered Species and Species of Concern 11 Step 1 Conclusions 12 Step 2: Flow Projections 13 1) Non-Municipal Flow Projections 13 a) Flow 13 b) Water Balance 13 b) Wastewater Constituents 13 Step 3 15 1) Evaluate technologically feasible alternatives 15 a) Wastewater characterization 15 2) Alternatives Considered 15 a) Connecting to an existing wastewater treatment plant- Mayodan 15 b) Land Application 15 c) Wastewater Reuse 16 d) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters 16 Step 4 17 Conclusion 17 2 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC ,—1 I I!li �I III �IJ I FIGURE 1 NTE SEWER PROJECT MAP 18 FIGURE 2 NTE REIDSVILLE LOCAL TOPO MAP 19 FIGURE 3 RESPONSE FROM USGS CONCERNING 7Q10 FLOW AT SETTLE BRIDGE SITE 20 FIGURE 4 7Q10 AND 30Q2 FLOWS TABLE AT 02701000 21 FIGURE 5 MINIMUM FLOW AT 02701000 22 FIGURE 6 STREAM CLASSIFICATION-DAN RIVER AT SETTLE BRIDGE 23 FIGURE 7 WATER SUPPLY PROTECTED AREA MAP FOR EDEN FULL SIZE 24 FIGURE 8 UPPER DAN WATER QUALITY REPORT 25 FIGURE 9 AMBIENT MONITORING SYSTEM STATION SUMMARY FOR DAN RIVER SEGMENT 22(31.5) 26 FIGURE 10 TURBIDITY AND FECAL TM DL SUMMARY 27 FIGURE 11 WATER BALANCE DIAGRAM 28 FIGURE 12 TOWN OF MAYODAN DECLINING WASTEWATER ACCEPTANCE 29 FIGURE 13 REGIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAP-LAND APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS 30 FIGURE 14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW FORM 31 FIGURE 15 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS 32 TABLE 1 DESIGN FLOWS FOR COOLING WATER USAGE AND DISCHARGE 5 TABLE 2 SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION/PRIMARY CLASSIFICATIONS 10 This Engineering Evaluation of Alternatives follows the step-wise organization presented in the EAA Guidance found at https://deq.nc.gov/document/eaa-guidance-20140501-dwr-swp-npdes. Exhibits in support of statements or calculations are included in the Figures and Tables section. 3 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC I, �I I it Project Description 1) Background NTE Carolinas II, LLC("NTE") plans to construct, own, and operate the Reidsville Energy Center(REC), a greenfield, natural gas-fired one-on-one combined cycle gas electrical generation facility,with a nominal output of 488 MW.The proposed site is located near Reidsville, in Rockingham County, North Carolina. The power plant will employ one combustion turbine, either a Mitsubishi G-class or a Siemens H-class advanced combustion turbine, with supplementary duct firing.The exhaust heat from the combustion turbine and the supplemental duct firing will be captured and converted to steam in a Heat Recovery Steam Generator("HRSG").The generated steam will pass through a steam turbine to extract additional electrical power. Of the 488 MW output, as much as 275 MW will be generated from the combustion turbine and up to 213 MW from to the steam turbine.The power plant has requested water and wastewater service be provided by Rockingham County,thus this request for this NPDES discharge (the project). Rockingham County has proposed to design, permit,construct, own and operate an intake structure, pump station and pipeline that will draw water from the Dan River and provide the power plant with adequate quantities of process cooling water.Subsequently,the plant evaporative cooling blowdown will be discharged to Rockingham County. 2) NPDES Permit Request The County seeks a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit to release effluent, comprised of the cooling water blowdown and some low volume waste, back into the Dan River via a County-owned lift station and 40,000-foot-long (7.6 miles), 12-inch diameter forcemain. The county owned pump station will be situated on the REC property and used exclusively for the return of cooling water blowdown. The forcemain route to the discharge site follows ROW of public roads situated along ridge lines with no crossing of streams or wetlands (Refer to and 4 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC �' 11 '� ,i 1 Figure 2 for project maps). The convenient downslope topography helps in keeping project prices manageable with respect to discharge pump sizing and energy consumption. Once constructed,the pump station and forcemain will last for 20 years with appropriate maintenance. 3) Need for Cooling Water The combined cycle power generation plant is a two-step process for converting the potential energy in the natural gas fuel to electrical power.The first step in the energy extraction is combusting natural gas fuel within a gas turbine. The expanding gases drive the turbine which then drives a generator through rotating power take-offs. The second step involves the exhaust gas from the combustion turbine flowing through a boiler tower to extract the waste heat and generate steam. The steam is introduced to a second turbine which drives a heat recovery steam generator(HRSG). When steam exits the second turbine it must be condensed immediately, consistently, and reliably. Condensing the steam is very important to maintain a constant pressure profile across the steam turbine and to avoid water condensing within the rotating steam turbine. The cooling sink for the steam condenser heat exchangers will be evaporative coolers. The cooling water will recirculate from forced draft evaporative coolers to the steam condensers and.back. Since these coolers evaporate water to the atmosphere the cooling cycle water will need replenishing. The replenishing water will originate from an intake and pump station on the Dan River. The river water will pass through a clarifier to remove settleable solids before being introduced to the cooling units. The concentrated solids from the clarifier will further be dewatered in a filter press and disposed of in a landfill. With water being lost to evaporation,the dissolved solids in the water would remain entrained in the cooling tower and become concentrated to the point of precipitation if not removed. To prevent that from occurring within the evaporation equipment, approximately 1/7th of the feed river water volume will be returned to the river from the cooling water loop. Design calculation results for the make-up cooling water usage and evaporator blow down discharge were supplied by NTE and shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 Design Flows for Cooling Water Usage and Discharge Operating Condition Expected Water Usage Expected Discharge (mgd) (mgd) Winter 2.1 0.31 Annual Average 2.8 0.41 Summer Max 3.5 0.51 Instantaneous Max 4.2 1.06 Since 6/7ths(86%) of the fed water will be evaporated the dissolved solids which originated in the withdrawn river water will all be returned to the river in the 1/7th blowdown discharge flow. 5 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC L� 4) Site location The location of the project is shown on the site maps • Figure 1 and Figure 2).The REC plant line-of-sight distance is 8.8 miles from Reidsville, 11 miles from Eden, and 8.5 miles from Madison. This plant site is uniquely situated at the junction of the existing Transco natural gas pipeline and regional high-voltage electrical distribution lines. Duke Energy currently operates a peaking power generation plant just south of the REC site, but they do not require cooling other than the release of exhaust gases to the atmosphere and radiators. 6 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS INCA Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC i ��I a I • 7 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC I I �I I I I �I �I !I II it I1� X11 II it I` Step 1: Allowable Discharge Criteria 1) Zero Flow Stream Restrictions a) Oxygen Consumption: Zero flow stream restrictions apply to oxygen-consuming waste discharged to surface waters. The REC cooling water blowdown flow from the evaporative coolers will contain a net reduction in oxygen-consuming compounds due to constituents removed in the raw water clarifier. Therefore,the proposed discharge is not expected to cause oxygen deprivation downstream of the release site. b) Streamflow:The United States Geologic Survey(USGS,John C Weaver)was contacted to request the low-flow statistics for the proposed discharge located at Settles Bridge on Settle Bridge Road. USGS provided the "Low-Flow Characteristics and Flow-Duration Statistics for Selected USGS Continuous- Record Stream Gaging Stations in North Carolina Through 2012", https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2015/5001/, pointing out the results for stream gage USGS Sta. 02071000 Dan River near Wentworth which is located approximately 600 feet downstream from the proposed discharge site. Referencing page 20 index 17 of that report shows the summer 7Q10 flow at 162 CFS and the summer 30Q2 flow at 403 CFS. The minimum, mean, maximum and flow duration Table 5 on page 71 shows the lowest recorded flow at the gaging station as 63 CFS. Correspondence with USGS,the 7Q10 and 30Q2 flows table, and flow records tables are shown in Figure 3, 8 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS : KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC `i I 1�'�� 1 �,`� �� �� �� �I Figure 4, and Figure 5. The report confirms that the Dan River at the proposed discharge site is not a zero-flow stream. 9 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC -'i 2) Receiving Stream Classification The NC Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) classifications online interactive map in Figure 7 shows the discharge site in the Dan River as stream segment 22 (31.5) WS-IV'.The Dan River is also protected for Class C uses. Table 2 lists the activities and restrictions on the water source relative to the WS-IV classification. Under these classifications industrial wastewater discharges are allowed. Table 2 Surface Water Classification/Primary Classifications DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES • Surface AGRICULTURE FOREST TRANSPORTATION DAMS! Freshwater AREA WASTEA'ATER EROSION AND BEST PRACTICES BEST DISCHARGES ALLOWABLE DENSITY SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT GUIDEDNES MANAGEMENT LANDFILLS WATER • S�; '=` AFFECTED Ix ALLOWED RESOURCE Classifications ALLOWED CONTROLS PRACTECESx RULE PRACTICES PROJECTS MANDATED STANDARDS MANDATED LOW DENSITY MANDATED" OPTION HIGH DENSITY STREAM (DU=DWELLING OPTIONS BUFFERS UNIT) (AC=ACRE) • 1 du112ac or 24-55% 12 we dome=and tar density iflC 's -ST u no new no spec 24%butt upon twill upon standard rules yes yea yes WATER SUPPLY-IV rntival areax indusmaarea' areal high densly-10°' LvndtJts restrictions {WS-IV)I to Idu112Deor 24-75% - - praect� danrsticantl 24%bolt Won bnNto Iowdensdy-30' standard rues yes yes year reogesifrc no eafic area ircfasWat` area'.s area t, 1 den;:ty-100' residtliorra resldctions Visiting the DEQ Water Supply Watersheds tool, Figure 8 shows the that the discharge location is within the protected area for Eden, NC water supply intake,thus the WS-IV designation. URLs from which the Classification information was derived are listed below. https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6e125ad7628f494694e259c80dd6 4265 Location Map showing Dan River Classification https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=80b5a3634eda417880aa6d2abddf b6f2 Water Supply Protected Area Map for Eden https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/document- library/NC Guide SurfaceWater AUGUST1%202011 FINAL.pdf Primary Classification Chart https://deq.nc.gov/document/nc-stdstable-11082016 Water Standards Table 3) Basinwide Water Quality Plan Referencing http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/basin-planning/water- resource-plans/roanoke-2012 Chapter 1, Upper Dan River Subbasin HUC 03010103, of the 2012 Roanoke River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, page 1.14,shows that the segment of the river at the proposed discharge location is impaired for turbidity and that a total maximum daily load (TMDL)for Turbidity has been developed for the segment 22-(31.5). Figure 9 shows the pages from the Upper Dan Water Quality Report pointing out that 15%of the water quality samples had exceeded the state 1 Water Supply IV(WS-IV)waters are used as sources of water supply for drinking,culinary,or food processing purposes where a WS-I,WS-II or WS-III classification is not feasible.WS-IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds. 10 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —I standard for turbidity. Figure 10 is a table of ambient monitoring data that was taken between the first of 2005 through the end of 2009 showing the distribution of water quality samples including turbidity. The effluent characterization provided in the NPDES application projects a maximum turbidity of 20 NTU which is below the water quality criterion of 50 NTU. In addition,the entire Dan River basin in Rockingham County is under a fish and shellfish consumption advisory due to mercury in fish tissue.The origins of the mercury are likely attributed to atmospheric deposition, and the REC will not use or add mercury to their process. 4) Impaired Water and TMDL Figure 11 shows the TMDL summary pages for the Dan River 22(31.5) as 303(d) listed for turbidity. Any discharge permitted in this segment would need to accommodate the TMDL limitations. 5) Presence of Endangered Species and Species of Concern The US Fish and Wildlife Service listed two endangered species and one federal specie of concern which may be present in the Dan River. • 1) Roanoke Logperch °. • The Roanoke logperch is a type of darter and listed as endangered. ,, r: '- , ... ,,.., Distribution:This species is known from portions of the Chowan and Y , ; , •'7, Roanoke River basins within the ridge and valley, piedmont, and - . ‘- 4 upper coastal plain physiographic regions, including recent . "` `I , collections in North Carolina in the Dan River, Mayo River, and Smith River watersheds. It appears that massive habitat loss associated with the impoundments of the Roanoke River basin in the 1950s and 1960s (Roanoke Rapids, Gaston, Kerr, Leesville, Smith Mountain, and Philpott Reservoirs)was the original cause of significant population declines of this species. In North Carolina, upstream range in the Dan and Mayo Rivers is presumably impeded by dams. Threats: Current threats are large dams and reservoirs, small dams/barriers,watershed urbanization, agricultural and silvicultural activities contributing non-point source pollution, channelization, roads, toxic spills/accidents, riparian/woody debris loss, and water withdrawals. 2) James (=Virginia)spineymussel r.,,. The second endangered species is the James (=Virginia) spineymussel. , , Yw Distribution:This freshwater mussel is found in the upper James and ° Dan River basins.The species has declined rapidly during the past two ,:° decades and now exists only in small, headwater tributaries of the upper James River basin in Virginia and West Virginia. In 2000, it was discovered in the Dan River basin in North Carolina and Virginia. 11 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS f( KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC I� Threats:The primary reason for its decline is habitat loss and modification.Threats to this species include siltation, invasion of the non-native Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea), impoundment of waterways, water pollution, stream channelization,sewage discharge, agricultural runoff including pesticides and fertilizers, poor logging and road/bridge construction practices, and discharge of chlorine. 3) Green Floater The third is a federal species of concern the Green Floater # rt 3cm Distribution:The green floater is more wide spread, ranging from parts of the Cape Fear basin north to New York state including the „.7 USW 251570 Dan River. Step 1 Conclusions 1) Zero Flow Stream Restrictions:The calculated instantaneous maximum discharge of 1.057 MGD (1.64 CFS)of cooling water blow down,that will have a net reduction in oxygen-consuming pollutants, is likely not to cause a concern to the health of the Dan river. At the Settles Bridge site the 7Q10 flow is measured as 162 CFS. The maximum discharge flow of 1.64 CFS would contribute 1%of the river's flow at the discharge point at the summer 7Q10 flow. 2) Receiving Stream Classification: The WS-IV classification of the stream segment 22(31.5) does not prohibit NPDES discharges to the river. 3) Basinwide Water Quality Plan:The Dan River at the proposed discharge site is under a TMDL limitation for turbidity. The high suspended solids load in the river was originally noted as sourced from in-stream mining operations which have since ceased and water turbidity counts are improving.The TMDL implementation plan seeks to reduce TSS from both point and non-point sources.The proposed cooling water that is discharged will be cleared of suspended solids by the plant clarifier and not contribute to the impairment.The fish and shellfish consumption advisory for mercury in fish tissue is attributed to atmospheric deposition, and the REC will not use or add any mercury to its process. 4) Impaired Waters: The river segment at the proposed discharge site is 303(d) listed for Turbidity above the state standard not to exceed 50 NTU. The projected cooling water discharge maximum of 20 NTU will not contribute to NTU exceedances. 5) Presence of Endangered Species: There possibly exist 2 endangered species and one species of concern in the river segment at the proposed discharge site. The proposed discharge would not impact the river environment since its water will contain a net reduction in oxygen-consuming pollutants or other toxins. 12 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —1 I II t • ( Step 2; Flow Projections 1) Non-Municipal Flow Projections a) Flow The flow to be discharged from the NTE Reidsville Energy Center to the Dan river via this proposed NPDES permit is shown in Table 1. Energy demand peaks during the extreme seasons of summer and winter,with lower demand during the in between seasons. The cooling water consumption of the REC is generally proportional to the amount of energy generated at the facility but ambient temperature and humidity influence cooling requirements also. As a result,when electrical power demand is up cooling requirements are up as well. Table 1 shows the cooling flow to be withdrawn from, and returned to the Dan river as calculated by NTE. The highest discharge flow should occur during the summer months at a peak discharge of 1.057 MGD. The annual average discharge is expected to be 0.41 MGD. b) Water Balance Figure 12, pages 1 and 2, illustrate the flows of water introduced to, and discharged from,the NTE Reidsville Energy Center. Water is supplied to the plant from a raw water intake in the Dan River and from potable water supplied by Rockingham County/Reidsville. Of the average flow of 63,000 GPD of potable water, 60,000 GPD will be further demineralized and introduced as the working fluid in the boilers and steam turbine. A flow of 3,000 GPD of potable water will be used for domestic purposes by plant operators,the subsequent sanitary sewer effluent will be disposed of in an on-site leach field. Oil from the oil separator and the solids collected from the clarifier will be trucked off site for disposal by a qualified handler. The raw river water inlet flow will annually average 2.8 MGD and range up to a peak of 4.2 MGD. An estimated 85%of the raw river water flow will exit the plant through evaporation.This implies that during peak 4.2 MGD flow, 3.1 MGD will be lost to the atmosphere. The balance of the water streams flowing out of the plant will be conducted to the wastewater collection sump for discharge to the Dan River via this NPDES permit. b) Wastewater Constituents Aquagenics Inc. of Woburn, Massachusetts (http://www.aquagenicsinc.com/) obtained water samples of the Dan River and the Rockingham County water supply during 8 sampling events from September 2016 through February 2017. From those sampling events the waters were analyzed for concentrations of various constituents. Aquagenics further calculated the anticipated water constituent concentrations also shown in that table under various scenarios. When 85%of the raw river water is evaporated,the remaining water contains all of the original nonvolatile materials but is now concentrated in the remaining volume. Since 6/7ths of the feed water is evaporated,the dissolved components are concentrated into the remaining 1/7th of the original volume. The dissolved solids will be discharged back to the river but their concentration is now 7 times as great as when it was withdrawn. The settleable solids or total suspended solids(TSS) along with most components contributing to NTU in the raw feed water will be largely removed in the plant clarifier, therefore TSS, and other constituents likely to precipitate, do not become as concentrated by the loss of 13 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS — KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —'i water. Also, contributing to the dissolved solids concentration is the reject flow from demineralization of potable water from the reverse osmosis (R0)/Mixed bed units. As a result,some dissolved solids concentrations in the discharge stream are higher than the 7X concentration of the influent river water. The temperature of the plant discharged cooling water will be the same as that seen in the basins of the evaporative coolers. The temperature of the evaporator cooled water is largely governed by the difference in wet bulb temperature (dew point) and dry bulb (measurable temperature) of the atmosphere. Therefore, during a high humidity day(maximum observed dew point of 74° F from 2007 to 2009) and outside measured temperature of 103 F the evaporative cooling water is calculated to be approximately 85.2 degrees Fahrenheit. The discharged blow down cooling water will flow to an onsite pump station that will then pump the discharge water through a 12 inch PVC forcemain for 40,000 feet to the discharge point at an average flow of 416 GPM (600,000 gal/day/1,440) during the highest blowdown flow periods of summer. With the 85.2 degree water, an energy balance was conducted assuming that the surface soil temperature during summer averaged 80 degrees F in clay soils with the forcemain buried 1 meter deep. The result of the simulation showed that the water temperature exiting the 6-mile-long discharge pipe under these worse case conditions would be about 81.6 degrees. This worst-case scenario would be anomalous since over the previous 5 years the dew-point at Reidsville in August has averaged 68 degrees F which would produce cooling water discharge at the outfall at an estimated 82 degrees F. 14 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —1 Step 3 1) Evaluate technologically feasible alternatives a) Wastewater characterization The nature of the "wastewater"generated by the REC will not contain pollutants from domestic or industrial activities and is not toxic. Components in the wastewater stream only originated in the river intake or the Rockingham County potable water system. The wastewater does not contact human or animal waste or foodstuffs or used in any type of chemical process. Rather the water has been cleared of settleable solids in a clarifier and circulated around a cooling loop of large heat exchangers made of steel, stainless steel,galvanized steel, and thermally stable polymers. The discharge water will have a net reduction in oxygen-consuming pollutants due to constituents removed in the raw water clarifier, and it will not contain any component concentrations that would be toxic to individuals or organisms in the natural environment. 2) Alternatives Considered a) Connecting to an existing wastewater treatment plant- Mayodan Connections to existing public or privately owned treatment works were explored as a cooling water disposal option in this alternatives process. The closest connection point to an existing facility by installing a forcemain of 10.02 miles, is the Mayodan WWTP which discharges into the Mayo River via NPDES NC0021873 and permitted at 2.5 MGD. Mayodan was approached to consider the possibility of discharging to their WWTP. The town declined accepting the cooling water flow, citing the fact that the flow had no food value or COD content and would dilute their already low BOD influent values. They pointed out that the proposed zero BOD water would make their current average 92 ppm influent BOD to be diluted to an average 57 ppm BOD and would be problematic for reliable plant operations.The Mayodan plant was designed for treating domestic strength wastewater, closer to BOD concentrations of 210 ppm. As a result of their decline, connection to an existing WWTP is not feasible. See Figure 13 for the letter declining the attachment request. b) Land Application Land application of the cooling water was considered in the alternatives analysis. The USGS web soil survey tool is a practical tool to search for land application sites. In that tool,the area of interest can be defined from fractions to many thousands of acres. The area of interest defined was specified as bounded by the Dan River to the North, the crest of the Dan River basin to the south and an estimated five miles East and West of the REC plant cooling water pump station site and comprised 33,500 acres. Appendix 1 contains the Soils report produced from the https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx USDA site. In that report on pages 9 through 63,the soil classes and their characteristics are listed. From this list, it can be seen that the bulk of the soils contain clay and all exist on sloped ground. 15 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC On page 66 of the report is the map of soils scored for acceptability for land application of wastewater. The map largely shows a region unsuited to land application.The red areas of the map are rated unsuitable for land application while the yellow areas show land somewhat limited. The yellow areas are largely situated at the crest or tops of hills and form a network of ridgelines. Spray fields would have to be placed along these narrow fingers of land and scattered from one hill crest to the next,assuming they were available for sale. There are some farm sites adjacent to the Dan River, northeast of the proposed discharge site that could possibly support spray fields, but none of those farms is for sale and are farther from the plant site than the river discharge site. The summation of the scores on page 80 of the report shows 65.5%of the 33,500 acres evaluated as very limited with 33.7%of the area rated as somewhat limited. While the area indicated by 33.7%is an appreciable land area, it is scattered in fractured fingers or soils. The few areas that are large enough to be used for wastewater disposal and do not possess limiting slope are used as working farms, either row crops or livestock, and are not listed as for sale. Figure 14 is a topographic map of the region local to the REC,that illustrates the sloped nature of these foothill regions, a characteristic that contributes to the soil's poor land application ratings. As a result of the nature of the high clay content soils and the persistent limiting slopes in the region, land application is not considered a feasible cooling water disposal option. c) Wastewater Reuse Because of the cooling water's quality, reuse from the REC would be highly applicable if a consumer of reuse quality water existed. The remoteness of the REC from population centers or from industrial users makes the possibility of reuse also remote. During summer months,the spent cooling water could be useful for the few farms in the area with row crops or hay, but a year-round solution for the cooling water disposal is still needed and would require a permanent disposal source. Furthermore, a conjunctive configuration using dual disposal sinks would increase the infrastructure costs as opposed to a single disposal because of multiple pumping systems for appropriate pressures and flows to accommodate both types of disposal. d) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters The preferred cooling water disposal option is the direct discharge to the Dan River at Settles Bridge on Settles Bridge Road (NC 65) in Rockingham County. The direct discharge offers the most practical and most reliable solution for the disposal of the cooling water stream. Figures 1 and 2 show the proposed route of the discharge forcemain on both road and topo map perspective. The topo map shows the forcemain following a ridgeline to the North in the highway 65 ROW then continuing down slope to the bridge site. The length of the forcemain along this route is estimated at 40,000 feet or 7.6 miles. The cooling water discharge is calculated to average 0.41 mgd with a peak flow of 1.057 mgd, (Table 1) and would be released from an open pipe into the Dan River where it would mix with the ambient river flow. As a worse case condition, if the peak summer cooling flow of 1.057 mgd (1.64 CFS),were 16 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Kc Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —I released to the Dan River flowing at the 7Q10 low flow of 162 CFS,the instream dilution will be 100:1 once mixed. Looking at the ambient river concentrations of constituents in the far left column, in blue, "Dan River Average Concentration", and comparing those values with the concentrations in the far right column, in green, "River Concentration After Return 7Q10", a slight(4%-7%)increase in the concentrations of dissolved constituents can be seen. This makes sense because the river water previously withdrawn has largely evaporated, leaving behind the dissolved constituents which are returned to the river from which they came making it a little more concentrated. Also adding to the dissolved solids in the plant discharge is the RO demineralization reject flow of potable water that is used in the steam turbine loop. Constituents that increased only slightly, (<0.5%),were TSS and Turbidity. These components are solids and not dissolved, and as a result their concentration is reduced by the clarifier in the cooling water pretreatment. The direct discharge of the REC cooling water to the river via a NPDES permit is the only plausible and practicable discharge option to provide a year-round, reliable disposal sink for the cooling water. The • cost of building and operating the pump station,forcemain, and discharge are shown in Step 4 below. • Step 4 For the Present Value Analysis, a spreadsheet was used as obtained from the NCDEQ Division of Water Infrastructure. This spreadsheet application is well linked and simple to use.Since only one disposal option was found to be plausible,that option is the only one included in the PVA. See Figure 16 for the PVA. Conclusion The only reliable cooling water discharge practicable for the REC is the NPDES direct discharge to the Dan River. The discharge carries no added pollutants and is therefore no load on the Dan River. The WS-IV waters of the Dan River do not restrict new NPDES discharge. If the town of Mayodan had been open to receiving the cooling water,the extra cost of 3 additional miles of forcemain plus additional road crossings with bore and jack would have increased the project cost by about$950,000. The foothills piedmont region of the state does not lend itself to simple land application sites as those found in the coastal plain. The eroding hills are rarely without slope and often comprised of soils with lower Ksat values. As a result, spray fields are not a plausible disposal option in this region. The few places in the region that are flat enough for spray fields that would not promote runoff are coveted for agricultural fields and home sites. 17 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC -� Figure 1 NTE Sewer Project Map 18 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC --'i N. ' NTE EnergySewer �� ProjectMap W:FrioE a,����° Rockingham County, NC \., Si ) K 7 7 o c� / o\ --: Dan River / / I . , FOCH FARM RD j''` �/r i / Approximate Location of ;/ I Discharge Point DAPER DR Lat. 36°24'36.77"Nqv % Long: 79°49'36:15"W s c'/ pINOH DR 0q I o GOLD �_ 1 o PO J 9/ s / HENRY RD �1 $1 P �1/ yQl O \ lI 1l / i OW , V O / , 1 y ♦ i MASSEY CREEK RD ♦ % I • I , / ♦ Sf\C1,___, f /NG\ (/ ! / I , O e // ♦ i _� i `�_i / �' CoA/ ''G/ / I ice% ; / , '\ • �/ OPo ' Q!i / i/ \ / BRA _j , I SIMS RD 0 o m 1 m 3 s/� RAMP% c. L / 90 r� di Proposed 12" Forcemain(32,000if) r i N'---\,:,.\ / J If ..,, /" 1 -,, .:‘ I I . I m %,:z- 9 0,,, �F� I us �� d �yoss_ Rockingham County ,` q,0Ro Landfill Site URCH RD / NEW LEBANON CH ill if r '-- (:)cc / 0 ti SND N /' /7 / r i / Q , -- % j' •c_____-------- PURCfCC RD %r 0 / J/ bi/ / LEMONSFARM TRI- O i--\J 4' S��M/CC D /1 I �. NTE Energy ii/ Project Site t �k �l i ! • HUFF/N �f Legend CRD ' / . ' 2RNFSTDR; / PS] Proposed Pump Station / I ,•`,/ 12" Forcemain / Proposed Pump Station / Landfill Property I �'/ - =4 NTE Energy Site JLIKC --;f:',:',7,::-.,:.,o Feet J DNwORKSRD \ o/ 0 0 00 3,000 i i I I I i I I I Figure 2 NTE Reidsville Local Topo Map 19 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC i �I i ��.t)i....-3";1-4-7-.1.{., ,-,yt�j.L----„) ,moi �fv �;r !ii•� ` "j /��`",(r < .N��of 1t �? 1 °R�:d � A!� � � ,�� 4 ,�, t 'f �4 ,.,' �" �,l � ,' -.*a Wit# , w(-- � ��"t�� � �t�� f a ``��� NTE Reidsville Local Topo Map ,t.. \z•`?..": 1, h",°� ;,/ r' -,a' f.`i} /:\.--1‘-', t ..;. � � o �\/. t ��� y , m1 /� t IT.'.1�, v%rte- n; i.... jf/ 't�- V'''V .: ,_,,,,..r> )1"--) ri✓ -' k - ,r f t _, ,. �t�.' 1, t:_. 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A-,1 .. ltr >..T,. )-glf ,_r' "`•�=' ��� > v' �(• � .., /;C-.tr c ••�-~a t, -_ r.-., , k ...Yt, { Gl ...,� .A ....,, .".';': . 1 . .:Z ,. ,---,'> rr e v :^-....� S, `'', =gni'+ '4_ fi t• ,n r.rj' ` .-.:: _; -. _.,r s � .�' �.r „ �.:f t' `i"zr�; is p ' Z -rw r -.5 �r �.Y:. if=� _`�.•._ € �.,' �,. t � � �� u,.�.�.1�1 � . ! � t+-t 1..•e 'c 4.'1M.� r-r:✓” / ?�,..�u ''''-414c.; .5 j.���� c�, ' L7� u '� „4,0'4'54 \i'-'1‘,:-. ----- ,A1,.. l;'n <= t, ro' . .-:-. -••;.-i. ++ 'c'�; i • • Figure 3 Response from USGS concerning 7Q10 flow at Settle Bridge Site 20 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC - 1 i 'i i� i i i i� i i 4 _," G Barry King <johnbarryking@skenveng.com> ty,C;0081e Response from USGS concerning...Re: Dan River near Wentworth USGS station 02071000 Weaver, John <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 3:42 PM To: Barry King <johnbarryking@skenveng.com> Cc: John C Weaver<jcweaver@usgs.gov> Mr. King, A very quick response and note to say the I received both your voice mail and email inquiring about the low-flow characteristics for Dan River just upstream from the streamgage near Wentworth in Rockingham County. The most recently published low-flow characteristics for USGS Sta. 02071000 Dan River near Wentworth are provided in USGS SIR 2015-5001, initially released in March 2015. The low-flow statistics for this streamgage, based on period of record ending March 31, 2012, are provided in Table 3 on page 20 of the report document (site index number 17). Flow-duration statistics for the analysis period of record along with maximum, minimum, and mean daily discharge are provided for this site in Table 5 on page 71 of the document. Visual inspection of a topographic map suggest no appreciable difference in drainage area for the Dan River between Settle Bridge Road and the downstream streamgage. Thus, use of the recently published low-flow characteristics and flow-duration statistics should be applicable to the upstream point of interest. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver 3.Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist,PE Email:jcweaver@usgs.gov USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center Online:hftp://nc.water.usgs.gov/ North Carolina-South Carolina-Georgia 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh,NC 27607 Phone:(919)571-4043 // Fax:(919)571-4041 On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 1:36 PM, Barry King <johnbarryking@skenveng.com> wrote: Hello Curtis, I am Barry King. I am preparing an Engineering Alternatives Analysis for a cooling water NPDES discharge into the Dan river located 600 feet up stream from the apparently active river gauge 02071000 Dan River near Wentworth. The proposed discharge would be located at the Settle Bridge ROW adjacent to the bridge and would like be precisely the same flow at that location as that at the river gauge. (see attached map) I am required to request from your division the low flow statistics required for the NP DES permit application. Please tell me what I need to do to order this information. I certainly appreciate your assistance, Barry King i I i I' i i i o- f �' �I I I I i i ,I I'� 'i. i I i d P ��. I I' I I Barry King PE SK Environment&Engineering PLLC 910.685.3528 i. �I i I' i I 6 �� �I i �I i �, �� 0 I i i. i r C i ,'( f �i i T • Figure 4 70,10 and 300,2 Flows Table at 02701000 21 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —1 i i 1 l 20 Low-Flow Characteristics and Flow-Duration Statistics for Selected USGS Continuous-Record Streamgaging Stations Table 3. Magnitude and frequency of low-flow characteristics at U.S.Geological Survey continuous-record streamgaging stations in North Carolina. [USGS,U.S.Geological Survey;ft3/s,cubic foot per second;7Q10,7-day,10-year low flow;30Q2,30-day,2-year low flow;Winter 7Q10,winter 7-day, 10-year low flow;7Q2,7-day,2-year low flow.Climatic year is the annual period from April 1 through March 31 that is used by the USGS for low-flow analyses at USGS continuous-record streamgages,designated by the year in which the period begins.Source refers to the previous basinwide low-flow report in which low-flow characteristics were republished in the current report.A previous report is cited only if no new data have been collected at the streamgage since the report was published] Site USGS Period of Low-flow characteristic, index analysis in fP/s station, Source number number (climatic Winter (figs.4,5) years) 7010 3002 70,10 702 8 02053200 1958-2011 0.46 4.9 4.8 3.4 11 02053500 1965-2011 1.4 4.3 3.0 2.9 14 02068500 1950-83; 43.0 82.0 64.0 69.0 1985-86; 1992-2011 16 02070500 1930-70; 58.0 126.0 113.0 108.0 1994-2011 _ _ 17 02071000 1950-2011 162.0 403.0 343.0 332.0 19 02074000 1951-2011 162.0 292.0 211.0 245.0 22 02075160 1962-73 0.4 3.0 3.0 1.5 Roanoke(Weaver, 1996) 23 02077200 1965-2011 0 0.41 0.72 0.01 25 02077240 1965-74; 0 0.6 0.6 0.5 Roanoke(Weaver, 1977-81 1996) ' 26 02077250 1967-77 0 2.5 1.5 1.0 Roanoke(Weaver, 1996) 28 02077303 1974-2011 1.4 8.9 3.5 7.3 _ . 30 02077670 1984-2011 1.3 2.4 1.8 2.1 31 02080500 1964-92;1994; 1,290.0 2,480.0 1,320.0 1,850.0 1996-2011 35 0208111310 1988-2011 0 0.11 0.01 0 38 02081500 1940-2011 0.16 3.4 1.2 1.5 _ 39 02081747 1974-2011 6.7 35.0 30.0 23.0 40 02081800 1957-74 3.4 14.0 19.0 11.0 Statewide(Giese and Mason, 1993) ' 43 02082500 1950-69 0.07 1.4 0.55 0.39 45 02082506 1973-2010 38.0 106.0 44.0 90.0 46 02082585 1977-92; 29.0 112.0 39.0 84.0 • 1995-2011 50 02082770 1964-92; 3.6 23.0 22.0 14.0 1996-2011 51 02082950 1960-2011 1.4 14.0 9.1 8.6 , 52 02083000 1927-92;1994; 12.0 74.0 48.0 55.0 1996-2011 ' 53 02083500 1972-92; 83.0 262.0 149.0 201.0 1996-2011 55 02083800 1957-92;1994; 1.9 6.3 2.7 4.4 1996-2001 ' 59 02084160 1976-86;1994; 0 0.24 0.45 0 1996-2011 I _ i II �I I i i Figure 5 Minimum Flow at 02701000 22 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC IN' li �,II �p Table 5. Minimum,mean,maximum,and flow-duration statistics of daily mean discharges for indicated periods of record at selected U.S.Geological Survey continuous-record streamgaging stations in North Carolina: [USGS,U.S.Geological Survey;ft'/s,cubic foot per second.Water year is the annual period used in flow-duration analyses in this report and lasts from October 1 through September 30,designated by the year in which the period ends.Flows are listed for selected non-exceedance percentiles indicating percentage of time flow was equal to or less than indicated discharge] Site Minimum Mean daily Maximum Duration of daily mean flow,presented as XXth percentiles,percentage of discharges index USGS Period of daily discharge, daily equal or less than indicated value for XX percent of time,in ft3/s analysis number station discharge, in it3/s discharge (full water 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th (figs, number in ft3/s (Unit flow, inft3/s percentile 4,5) years only) • (date) in[(W/s)/min]) (date) percentile percentile percentile P(median) percentile percentile percentile 8 02053200 1959-2012 0 222 15,200 2.9 4.9 15.0 73.0 252.0 612.0 937.0 (7/28/2011) (.99) (9/17/1999) 11 02053500 1965-2012 0.59 60.1 7,710 3.0 4.0 7.2 17.0 48.0 126.0 248.0 (8/29/2010) (.95) (9/17/1999) 14 02068500 1950-84; 21 190 6,830 65.0 76.0 104.0 150.0 219.0 318.0 420.0 1986-87; (9/4/1999) (1.47) (9/22/1979) 1993-2012 16 02070500 1930-71; 33 310 11,400 101.0 122.0 164.0 231.0 336.0 492.0 687.0 1994-2012 (8/11/2002) (1.28) (9/18/1945) 17 02071000 1950-2012 63 1170 47,800 301.0 378.0 541.0 802.0 1,230.0 1,970.0 2,950.0 (8/12/2002) (1.11) (6/22/1972) 19 02074000 1951-2012 46 639 16,700 176.0 222.0 319.0 457.0 753.0 1,170.0 1,540.0 (8/14/1967) (1.19) (6/21/1972) 22 02075160 1962-74; 0.21 26.9 1,950 1.6 3.0 7.2 14.0 26.0 49.0 87.0 1989 (10/3/1968) (.82) (6/21/1972) 23 02077200 1965-2012 0 44.7 7,400 0 0.68 4.0 15.0 37.0 84:0 160.0 (7/9/1966) (.97) (8/28/1995) 25 02077240 1965-75; 0 7.51 994 0.46 0.77 1.4 3.0 6.2 12.0 23.0 1978-82 (3/22/1977) (1.01) (7/13/1975) 26 02077250 1967-78 0 55.5 3,660 0.91 2.4 6.4 19.0 45.0 100.0 199.0 (8/24/1968) (.98) (7/14/1975) 28 02077303 1974-2012 0.27 154 9,280 4.1 8.2 14.0 24.0 103.0 343.0 696.0 (11/2/1997) (.76) (7/14/1975) 30 02077670 1984-2012 0.27 35.8 2,260 2.1 2.6. 3.1 5.6 40.0 97.0 147.0 (8/21/1999) (.67) (9/7/1996) 31 02080500 1964-93; 818 7,680 36,000 1,750.0 2,040.0 2,550.0 5,710.0 10,200.0 18,700.0 20,100.0 1995; (11/15/1970) (.92) (9/11/1996) co - 1997-2012 er _ iii 35 0208111310 1988-2012 0 110 14,500 0 0.02 2.2 30.0 109.0 257.0 445.0 v' (7/30/1987) (1.02) (9/17/1999) Figure 6 Stream Classification - Dan River at Settle Bridge 23 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC . li� 9 d �/"Fi1:NC DEO:Clzssif afions X J/tgl NC Surface Water Classc X'` \ —t=®-- ~ _ ___ — 19 X F 3 (w'" Q (G Secure I https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewerf nde,chtml?id=6e125ad7628f494694e259c80dd64265 * a M Apps ®Buy PVC Duct Pipe WI ®WindyN/Windyty,w, m Leslie Behrends(Link 0 BANKING KC NC DEO:Metals Cali V RMP'Comp 1 Risk Ma D Dehek Time&Expert_ in earth c a global map- [EHS:OSWP Large ane. .Modeling Products I E D Septic Solutions-Ins' an 1 [3 Otherbookmarks gi"NC Surface•Water Classifications akk...reatp'forarwresanfomnnnon .. Ng.Classifaattanawebsite r ' \5,` Search Stream Name or Lt Q n..:: _ ¢ - __ r • li I f { c'o f�.. ga'\, �� off 7 ,4,-,c''.; . . i S Yt Sreo9,e /! \\\ X. -1 i __ I� / -ty,.t-Roti-- Surface Water Classifications:� i.7� i 11 � 1 '"^- ';\ Stream Index 22{3151 t/ , ' -,�b Stream DAN RIVER .»; ,t ,p- Name: U li - R C 1. /`� - °z Description: From apoim 0.7 mile •" ;/ - - i.=`.. \t upstream of Jacobs Creek toe - !/ �t . - //' 6\ -F pont 0.8 mile downstream of (\ Matnmony Creek �� 11- / .., ', _,_ \ Classifications V15-N ;,, _ 1( %' �, Date of August2,1992 ` i-,,_,,,,..,-----,;''' � Class.: `, C� River Basin. Roanoke c c4 .. .v0'77 _.. __ -- —_ Whet does More info -� this Claes. '1 l 9 -.,,,,,,,...,--------= \\ mean? Iw � 7 -. i 9j_ / 7 LYri °oI / - he / - j • H � l, O R" 2mi i,J' - t t /� c ' 7 • t,, . State of North Carolina DOT,Esri,HERE,Garmin,INCREMENT P,Imermap,USGS,MEn/N0.50.,EPA,USDA SurfaceWater Classifications k.Rwer:Besina DWR_WQ Cla fcanonsURL Basins I in Options,1 Filter by Map Extent l Q Zoom to CO Clear Selection 0 Refresh .._W__.._...._ ._,.__._.......____..._..__, Sveam index Stream Name: lDescription: Classification: iDme of Class.: (River Basin. What does this Class.mean? jO 22{31.5) DAN RIVER I From a point 0.7 mile upstream of Jacobs WE-IV 'August2,1992 Roanoke lhnpJ/deq.nc.gov/ebout/divisions/water. L" Creek to a point 0.8 mile downstream of I I resources/planning/classincation- Matrimony Creek standards/classifcotionsSDWRPrimaryCCtossifice•1 I I '22-33 Massy Creek From source to Dan River WS-R/ August2,1992 'Roanoke Ihno:J/deq.ec.gov/about/div oionsyc;ater- i 1 tesourceslplanning/doss:kation- I standards/class catiomfDWRPrimeryClassiricat' 22-34-(2y Rock House Creek From Rockingham Countiy SR 2381 to Dan WS-IV ,August2,1992 Roanoke 1 httpa/deq nosey/about/divisions/water- f I Aver ii resourcesfplenning/classi?:cation- I standards/clm assifications:DWRPnaryClassificau features 0 selected I �i I ,I1 Yi I a� Figure 7 Water Supply Protected Area Map for Eden Full Size 24 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC NC Water Supply Watersheds ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , „ ,,„,-- - - ' — • ,^1P,.)F41,4, --- _ -, - - - - - - - - , , — - - - •-- - - N..RI Fit Llt IA -FttAktiew `,„,,,,, ) AT 2r.c fa Id slitA , .J Arno:tom/a ( 11, matrimony \ -N, \ \ , ' .. ' . . .wray Draper 1 :. ,_.••' ---------__ I .. Meeorcup•su Mrat rAtlyritIld --, \ , , P 1,41 lafTS I.' \ ."'N, - Won . Smdf ) 1 titokw;11t, ,. — Ridge 5 fl ' .• i I rppy ..,-/ t=iilf, ' Home e \ - , Swann A3161,,v.,115:. \ t . - . .' cruSte5pmitill i ,' Dri^112) ' 1 '• ,' '-^-.. . , I 1 l:^-ton Mill' ---,t , i t Pre:tor-write . 1 . , (\. 1 I Poureilr, __ Oilier Store - Pulli n i .•- sr-Ilion ,^ . 1 \ Blectm^ , Dom-jot:own ) / \ ( \ '' ” t - . j. . . • • t,, ' Har ri^&^on r-------\ 5rozds \ Proposed Discharge Site at , m ,xLiii ,,, .. .„ ---- , Settles Bridge \ Don \ . ‘,.., valrey ,-----„ ,;,, 5odIcr - } 0.1 id:. Dillis 11 "Th, t .. 'NI univr.mity i Th. 1,,, Wcntworth, - ...,_,...-, ESUL'irt,s t,--- , I aseNrmvil le -' ( ----... '''''t Atladt.,ott , ,.. - k, f Ca Siiii e i \ . . J ,... 7.,-,,,,, t m cl li at:rice s.,..,. I N _,./.\----",,,ulea,-a.nro-ille r 5 tiltdy ,.. ---.,.. 13,1 rt.t N 4 Or-E-t r`i^f If .'4 0Cb / , ir, v. syi II r: ' 7:- '^^-•., / ,^ Ild ) , __ 1,)- rd od ) ------___ : ? ------____ \ L••••, ^k ik N, ^ l' • M S Ell ithCrG , \ \ 1 I AshISnoi la Pine, -- ,----- s• / I I ell, !"-------1, \ it ,.. Gr, -a....,, ------- Opty( H A „---, -ef Hill Be iry (r / ntly ._,..._-.. March 3, 2017 1:180,560 dwq_wsws_201411 26 n WS-III NSWP [ ] ws-tvc 0 1.75 3.5 7 mi II . , . • I E.4 ws-ic -,,,, ws-Iiic i WS-IVP 0 1.75 3.5 7 km Apt,t. a WS-II NSWC F. WS-IIIP 1-1 ws Ric _ Esri,HERE,DeLorme,Mapmylndia,©OpenStreetiVlap contributors, L ws-ii NSWP [ 1 WS-HP n WS_IVP and the GIS user community a WS-IIC E_ ''. WS-IV NSWC M WS-III NSWC ri WS-IV NSWP NC DEN R Div.Water Resources State of North Carolina DOT,Esri,HERE,Garmin, NGA, USGS, NPS I Esri, HERE ii I i it �I i i i 1 • Figure 8 Upper Dan Water Quality Report 25 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC u 6 N ,p i 0 I' P 'lo u I� SII' f, �I Recommendations Examine the possibility of additional monitoring stations, stream walking or other investigation to try to identify causes and sources of turbidity problems in Dan River. The upper part of this segment is located in Elk Creek subwatershed which is one of the subwatersheds targeted for greater focus and resources by WRIT;therefore, additional resources may be available for investigation. DWQ should coordinate with VA when working on this river segment. Dan River EAU#: 22-(8)] This segment of the Dan River is approximately 26 miles from Big Creek[AU#: USE SUPPORT: SUPPORTING (25.9 Mi) 22-9]to Town Fork Creek[AU#:22-25b]. However, only about 11.6 miles of the 2008 IR Cat. 2 segment are within this watershed. The land cover for majority of the drainage area is forest and agriculture. There are two mining operations towards the 2010 IR Cat. 2 downstream portion of the segment. Benthos X (NB9) Good (2009) 'z Water Quality Status 0 The benthic station is just downstream from the Little Dan River watershed (0301010301) boundary and gives m a representation of the water quality in that watershed. The land running parallel to the river in this upstream x area is mostly forested. Samples have been taken at this benthic site since 1994 when it received a Good- Fair rating. That rating increased to a Good in 1999 and has remained at that rating ever since with a slightly 7 increasing overall score. A few rare species (Trycorythodes robacki and Ceraclea mentiea )were collected in co the 2009 sample. E • z Recommendations ,cA This segment and the rare species found within it would benefit from additional protections on a state and local -13 level. m Dan River [AU#: 22-(31.5)a & (31.5)b] z These two of the Dan River are approximately 14 miles combined USE SUPPORT: IMPAIRED segments JJ (14.2 Mi) from just over half a mile downstream of Jacobs Creek [AU#: 22-32-(3)] to Mill 2008 IR Cat. 5 Branch [AU#: 22-39.5]. Land cover along these segments is mostly agriculture 2010 IR Cat. 4 and residential with urban area around the Town of Eden. This segment has cAMS co been on the Impaired Waters List since 2002 for turbidity standard violations. co (N2(N2300000) Turbidity(14.8%) Water Quality Status There is one monitoring(AMS)station between these two segments. Almost 15%of turbidity samples exceeded C the state standard at this station. Instream mining operations have been noted as a source in past plans. n DWQ developed a TMDL for turbidity for this section of the Dan River in 2005. The TMDL recommended a 0 59% reduction in total suspended solids between both point and nonpoint sources. As seen in Figure 1-20, o majority of sampling results have been reduced to below 35 NTUs since the TMDL was released in 2005 o indicating progress. w 1.14 ._...'i i 4. i�, p �I 'i. j� ,� h i�� ,' i' i, i FIGURE 1-20: LONG TERM TURBIDITY SAMPLING AT N2300000 (1997-2009) 600 • 500 400 ` z ♦ Z' 30055 a F • 200 ♦ # ,O ♦ ♦ • • o 100 ♦ ♦ ♦ • • o 1 +4.4 . ® I♦ �.,. � . 1996 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 z * Red line indicates 50 NTU, the state standard a m m Dan River [AU#: 22-(39)a & b] Lii rco These two segments of the Dan River run from Mill Branch [AU#:22-39.5]about USE SUPPORT: IMPAIRED fi 12 miles northeast to the state line. The river flows through Virginia for roughly (23.4 NII) 2008 IR Cat. 5 I z six miles, crosses back into NC for a mile and a half before it returns to Virginia. j a After crossing state line again into NC, it flows for about 10 miles before its 2010 IR Cat. 5 0 final exit just before reaching the Town of Milton. These segments are lined AMS ° `CL W with agriculture and some forested areas, with tributaries draining additional (N3500000) Turbidi19ty X23%) a D farmland and residential areas. There are also two major dischargers within y two and a half miles from the Smith River confluence (City of Eden WWTP and Duke Energy Dan River Steam (7 Station). These segments have been on the Impaired Waters List for FCB and Turbidity since 2008. m Water Quality Status W There are two AMS monitoring stations along these two segments. Both station's samples exceeded the turbidity state standard. The average turbidity levels for both stations have decreased; however, the amount w of samples exceeding the standard have increased at both stations. Both segments are on the Impaired Waters List for FCB standard violations as well. A TMDL for FCB for the Smith and Dan Rivers was developed z. in 2009 to address that impairment. • Q te. BMP Implementation NC Division of Soil & Water Conservation was awarded an NC Section 319 NPS Program grant in 2008 to implement BMPs throughout the Dan River Watershed. BMPs that will be installed during the course of this i . project include: conservation cover, conservation crop rotation, cover crop, critical area planting, diversions, livestock exclusion fencing,field borders, grassed waterways, heavy use area protection, troughs, water wells,' and watering facilities. This grant will conclude in March 2012. The DSWC received an additional 319 grant in 2011 to continue implementing these BMPs throughout the watershed. Quarterly reports providing updated 1 on these projects are on the NPS 319 Program webpage. 1.15 N r. I Ali V i! li j i! I Figure 9 Ambient Monitoring System Station Summary for Dan River segment 22(31.5) 26 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS L�`� KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC illl j II it 11 it III IV 1I! Ili li h II Ij �li [___ Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries NCDENR,Division of Water Quality Basinwide Assessment Report Location: DAN RIV AT SR 2150 NR WENTWORTH Station#: N2300000 Hydrologic Unit Code: 03010103 Latitude: 36.41055 Longitude: -79.82693 Stream class: WS-1V Agency: NCAMBNT NC stream index: 22-(31.5) Time period: 01/10/2005 to 12/03/2009 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles results ND EL # % %Conf Min 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th Max X o D z O • D.O.(mg/L) 60 0 <4 0 0 6.3 7.2 7.8 9.6 11.4 13.3 14.7 m 60 0 <5 0 0 6.3 7.2 7.8 9.6 11.4 13.3 14.7 Z7 pH(SU) 60 0 <6 0 0 6.6 7 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.7 8.2 X 60 0 >9 0 0 6.6 7 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.7 8.2 CO Spec.conductance 58 0 N/A 37 58 64 71 84 140 158 cn (umhos/cm at 25°C) z Water Temperature(°C) 60 0 >32 0 0 1.4 5.4 8.8 17 23.8 25.8 28.8 -oOther„ . ,,.� m TSS(mg/L) 19 _ 6 N/A 2.5 3 6.2 10 23 150 201 A 0 Turbidity(NTU) 61 0 >50 9 14.8 92 1.6 3.3 4 7.1 15.5 118 550 z Elf rientsm /L < NH3 as N 61 47 N/A 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 T NO2+NO3 as N 61 0 >10 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.3 0.34 TKN as N 61 26 N/A 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.23 0.31 0.89 2.2 co Total Phosphorus 61 1 N/A 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.22 0.83 ketals(ug/L) , ' Aluminum,total(Al) 9 0 N/A ��_. 110 110 175 320 700 6600 6600 C Arsenic,total(As) 9 9 >10 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 n Cadmium,total(Cd) 9 9 >2 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 W Chromium,total(Cr) 9 9 >50 0 0 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 i O i ._,.. Copper,total(Cu) 9 8 >7 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 I C) ! O Iron,total(Fe) 9 0 >1000 2 22.2 390 390 535 700 1125 5000 5000 W co Lead,total(Pb) 9 9 >25 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Manganese,total(Mn) 9 0 >200 0 0 21 21 27 32 54 90 90 Mercury,total(Hg) 8 8 >0.012 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nickel,total(Ni) 9 9 >25 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 -o Zinc,total(Zn) 9 7 >50 0 0 10 10 10 10 12 25 25 m z o ecal Coliform Screening(#/100mL) m. #results: Gement: #>400: %>400:%Conf: co 61 101.6 10 16.4 1 i Key: #result:number of observations #ND:number of observations reported to be below detection level(non-detect) EL:Evaluation Level;applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard or action level Results not meeting EL:number and percentages of observations not meeting evaluation level %Conf:States the percent statistical confidence that the actual percentage of exceedances is at least 10%(20%for Fecal Coliform) 1-C.4 Stations with less than 10 results for a given parameter were not evaluated for statistical confidence y i� II �� i i �� �� �,I ��� �I, u �I i i'. ��� I i i h �� 'i I' �u • • Figure 10 Turbidity and Fecal TMDL Summary 27 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS 11N,C Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC G� Total Maximum Daily Load for Turbidity and Fecal Coliform for Haw River, Deep River, Third Fork Creek, and Dan River in North Carolina Final Report EPA Approved Date: Jan 11, 2005 Cape Fear River Basin and Roanoke River Basin Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section — Planning Branch o4.4A E 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ' (919) 733-5083 0 4 �4 �I� I', I 1 I I', I� Turbidity and Fecal Coliform TMDL:Haw River,Deep River,Third Fork Creek,and Dan River SUMMARY SHEET Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 1. 303(d) Listed Water Body Information State: North Carolina Counties: Alamance, Caswell, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, and Surry Major River Basins: Cape Fear River Basin (03030002 & 03030003) and Roanoke River Basin (03010103) Watersheds: Haw River, Deep River, Third Fork Creek, and Dan River Impaired Water Body (2002 303(d) List): Water Body Name- Water Quality Subbasin . Length h (AU) Classification 6-digit Code Impairment (mi) Haw River- 16-(1)d C -Aquatic life and 03-06-02 Turbidity 13 secondary contact recreation Haw River- 16-(1)d C -Aquatic life and 03-06-02 Fecal Coliform 13 secondary contact recreation Deep River- 17-(4)b WS-IV-Potable water 03-06-08 Fecal Coliform 6.8 supply Third Fork Creek WS IV Potable water 03-06-05 Turbidity 3.6 16-41-1-12-(2) supply Dan River- 22-(3L5)WS-IV-Potable water 03-02-03 Turbidity 14.2 supply Constituent(s) of Concern: Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Turbidity Designated Uses: Biological integrity,water supply, propagation of aquatic life, and recreation. Applicable Water Quality Standards for Class C and Class WS IV Waters: • Turbidity: not to exceed 50 NTU • Fecal coliform shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100 mL (membrane filter count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 mL in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. i Figure 11 Water Balance Diagram 28 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS f( KC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC L� Notes 1. COOLING TOWER CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 7 O2 FOR AVERAGE ANNUAL,WINTER FIRED SOLIDS AND SUMMER FIRED CASES. 2. INSTANTANEOUS PEAK CASE FLOWS ASSUME 4 CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION TO ACCOUNT FOR A CHEMISTRY UPSET, ► FILTER PRESS WHICH SHOULD LAST NO LONGER THAN 8 O HOURS. \ EVAPORATION > 3. CTG INLET EVAPORATIVE COOLER CYCLES / OF CONCENTRATION ARE MAINTAINED AT 2 FOR ALL CASES. 4. COOLING TOWER DRIFT IS CALCULATED AT - DRIFT 0.0005%OF THE CIRCULATING WATER RAW WATER> i FLOW RATE. > 6 CLARIFIER ►- COOLING TOWER O 16 15 C;) > EVAPORATION > / Legend OIL TRUCKED OFF RAW WATER O 14 CTG SITE ►- EVAPORATIVE TANK COOLER O 12 13 ac r SERVICE WATER OIL WATER z SEPARATOR O o FIRE PROTECTION at z CI Reference Drawings O Q Om 20 U 2 U POTABLE 17 19 RO MIXED BED O P. DEMINERALIZERS v 24 ► SAMPLING 21 y A 01/27/17 AF FOR CLIENT REVIEW JW JW 23 WASTE WATER Rev Date Drawn Descripgon Ch'k'd App'd MISC —► COLLECTION • SUMP 101 Station Drive smm 130 Westwood,MA 02090 DEMIN WATER 22 United States 7+117911915-0015 ► TANK 1.- CYCLE Mott MacDonald r+1If (791)9 154101 29 > DISCHARGE TO OFF SITE LIFT client 25 26 STATION VENT 11 REIDSVILLE ENERGY CENTER ► BLOWDOWN NORTH CAROLINA Title WATER BALANCE DIAGRAM 18 28 SANITARY DISCHARGE TO ON SITE LEACH FIELD Designed JW Eng check - PRELIMINARY Drawn AF Approved - NOT FOR Dreg check - Mngr- CONSTRUCTION REPLACE WITH Scale at ANSI D Date I Rev ENGINEERS STAMP sumbe Project 17 A O Mod MacDonald AT CONSTRUCTION /-1 LE Thio doounenl is Issued for the party which commissioned h end for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only.It should not be reliedupon by any otterpmly orueedsforenyother prewar . AND/OR We accept no responatility for the consequences of this document being rated upon by any other party,or being used for any other purpose,ormntening any error or ombsanwludc a due loan rum or rtussionmdata supplied to us by Phar pertias FABRICATION Drawing Number 334954NR-WBD-101 01 P:1134954 NTE Devebpment334954NC2 ReWSNIe1DrdWingsWechanlm2934954NC2-W9°-101.dxg Jan 27,2017-11.37AM FE077079 i R i� SII I� P i� i� N i i� r Notes Stream Winter Fired Averge Annual Summer Fired Instantaneous peak Description No Notes Ambient Condition(DB/WB) 25 / 23 59 /53 92 l'76 103 / 83.5 Duct Burner/Evap cooler on/ off on/off on / on on/ on gpm mgd gpm mgd gpm mgd gpm mgd Raw Water at Battery Limit to Clarifier 1 1,432.3 2.063 1,920.5 2.766 2,403.4 3.461 2,912.4 4.194 _ Clarifier-Solids disposal retained water 2 1.4 0.002 1.9 0.003 2.4 0.003 2.9 0.004 Water to Raw Water/Firewater Tank 3 21.8 0.031 52.6 0.076 84.1 0.121 95.5 0.137 Fire Water System 4 - - - - - _ _ - Service Water System 5 21.8 0.031 52.6 0.076 84.1 0.121 95.5 0.137 Legend CT make-up 6 1,409.1 2.029 1,866.0 2.687 2,317.0 3.336 2,814.0 4.052 CT Drift loss 7 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 0.6 0.001 CT Evaporation loss 8 1,245.0 1.793 1,650.0 2.376 2,050.0 2.952 2,170.0 3.125 CT Blowdown 9 206.9 0.298 274.4 0.395 341.0 0.491 722.7_ 1.041 • Not used 1 10 Quench water to HRSG Blowdown 11 16.8 0.024 16.9 0.024 16.9 0.024 16.3 0.023 Plant Wash Down 12 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 t 0.007 Reference Drawings Contaminated Drains to OWS 13 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 Make-up to CTG Evap Cooler 14 - 30.7 0.044 62.2 0.090 74.2 0.107 CTG inlet evaporative cooler evaporation 15 - - 15.4 0.022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.053 CTG inlet evaporatvie cooler blow down 1 16 - - 15.4 0.022 31.1 0.045 37.1 0.053 Potable water at Battery Limit/back-flow preventer 17 45.3 0.065 45.5 0.065 45.5 0.065 44.4 0.064 Potable water/Sanitary 18 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 A 01/27/17 AF FOR CLIENT REVIEW JW JW Water to RO/Mixed Bed units 19 43.3 0.062 43.5 0.063 43.5 0.063 42.4 0.061 Rev Date Drawn Description Ch'k'd App'd Recovered water from RO/Mixed Bed unit 20 8.7 0.012 8.7 0.013 8.7 0.013 8.5 0.012 101 Station Once DM Water to Storage tank 21 34.6 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.0 0.049 Surto 130 Westwood.MA 02080 United States Make-up to Steam cycle 22 34.6 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.8 0.050 34.0 0.049 7 i1(781)915-0015 Mott MacDonald p"Qe" 7 90°01 F www.motMacmn Misc losses 23 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 5.0 0.007 Steam sampling losses 24 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 6.0 0.009 client ; t1C r �. n Steam cycle Blowdown 25 23.6 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.8 0.034 23.0 0.033 1 '4,,. - Steam vent losses 5.7 0.008 5.7 0.008 5.7 0.008 5.5 0.008 REIDSVILLE ENERGY CENTER Water from flash tank 27 34.7 0.050 34.9 0.050 34.9 0.050 33.7 0.049 NORTH CAROLINA Sanitary waste to on site leach field 28 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 2.0 0.003 Title WATER BALANCE DIAGRAM Waste Water to off site lift station 29 217.9 0.314 285.4 0.411 352.0 0.507 733.7 1.057 Designed JW Eng check - PRELIMINARY Drawn AF Approved - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION D g check - Project Mngr - REPLACE WITH Scale at ANSI 0 Date Rev o Man Maa0aneld ENGINEERS STAMP SCALE 0123/17 A AT CONSTRUCTION This doaanenl Is issued for Na perry which commissionedd it end far aped'v:puma..sonneOed with the mm ptled project only it should not be retied upon by any ether pallw se y used for other purpo . We ac ept no responamNis vly for the consequences of document hem,cmission lad upon by env other party.or being used for any other purpose,or containing any error or which a due to en error mammon in data suppled to us byotherparties. Drawing Number FABRICATION 334954NR-WBD-101 02 P:1334854 NTE Oevelopmenr334954NC2 ReldrNllelorawingstfetanIcaR934859NC2-We0.101.drg Jan 27.2017-11`20AM FE077070 P f 1 i� 1 C • Figure 12 Town of Mayodan Declining Wastewater Acceptance 29 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC p' i i I, i i p ��II�I1. 11 k� 11 f 11 11 ;FEB - 6 ,2Q17 11 i 11 }` Al pDAN 11 11 'If IL1111O11C11:U71IC11 1 Town of Mayodan. 210 W.Main Street.Mayodan.NC.27027. (336)427.0241. www.townofinavodan.com James A. Collins Municipal Building February 2,2017 Mr.Ronnie Tate,Director Department of Engineering and Public Utilities Rockingham County 371 NC Hwy 65 Wentworth,North Carolina 27375 Re: Request for Wastewater Discharge NTE Energy Project • • Rockingham County,North Carolina Dear Mr. Tate: The Town of Mayodan understands your request for our consideration and input regarding the potential to accept the wastewater discharge for the proposed NTE Energy project. Our review for this consideration is based on the acceptance, treatment and discharge of the wastewater, and does not address the need for improvements that may be required to transport the wastewater to our system. Based on our average daily flow of approximately 1.0 MGD, with a peak flow during 2016 of 4.26 MGD,the Town of Mayodan does not feel that it is in our best interest to accept the flow from this project. Our treatment facility is designed to treat domestic wastewater with an anticipated BOD of 200 mg/1. However, we currently receive low BOD in the influent, averaging 92 mg/1 under normal flow conditions. If we were to introduce an additional 600,000 GPD of BOD-free cooling water during summer peak flows, our influent BOD would likely fall to around 57 mg/l. This low food value for our biological treatment plant would be more than challenging and are uncertain if we could successfully operate the process. Therefore, we hope that you understand that this type of demand would create a difficult operating situation for our staff and equipment,and as a result,we must respectfully decline your request. If you should have any questions or comments, or if our staff can be of further assistance,please do not hesitate in contacting this office. Sincerely, Z Michael M. Brandt Town Manager Figure 13 Regional Topographic Map - Land Application Considerations 30 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LKC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC Regional Topographic Map �N Land Application Consideration X Reidsville Energy Center Rockingham County, NC j !L�� Z' �4v Legend 31, B Al Proposed Pump Statbn LL� I IL River Basin Boundary NTESite zeO 7_7 7IN 54, P 1h 4z :77 J TQ!x,. 7f, -A$ AVK Iti J, VIV a WJK • 41 V Reidsville Energy CE anter Vk) r It y O ,., �ryhr,�{ r -, .. ,",r b., t. .<. ,,, / - ��!" s. .r ., {4' h `.� t �,c:,, '�.. �� !"kn , tv 71" 41�45 V1• 4i-4 -its N IAN N", 21- t t A ,, �� 'r' .i I I I i. I i ,�� N • • Figure 14 Local Government Review Form 31 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —� P 1 d I U '!� a I P, Attachment A. Local Government Review Form General Statute Overview: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(6)allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non-municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically, the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) may not act on an application for a new non-municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect and(if such an ordinance is in effect)whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best interest of the State. Instructions to the Applicant: Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility, the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete this form. The applicant must: • Submit a copy of the permit application(with a written request for this form to be completed)to the clerk of the city and the county by certified mail,return receipt requested. • If either (or both) local government(s) fail(s) to mail the completed form,as evidenced by the postmark on the certified mail card(s),within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail, the applicant may submit the application to the NPDES Unit. • As evidence to the Commission that the local government(s) failed to respond within 15 days,the applicant shall submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s)failed to respond within the 15-day period. Instructions to the Local Government; The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized. Name of local government Z-VL tLV f A M CD U Ll T L( (City/County) Does the city/countyrhave jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located? Yes[VrNo [ ] If no,please sign this form,have it notarized,and return it to the applicant. Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes[\4/No[ ] If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect,is the plan for the proposed facili consistent with the ordinance? Yes[V}/ No [ ] Date 01107/a917 Signature %41 v • / (City Manager/County i 4ana•9) \ (1_0, State of " a'k ,10\ C1 ,County of C c. c',\,-,a On this r day of J trk`a�t , bl'I,personally appeared before me,the said name C-C I\t t. (-' \1 Ace to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document and he(or she)acknowledged that he(or she)executed the same and being duly sworn by me,made oath that the statements in the foregoing document are true. My Commission expires .(Signature of Notary Public) .A--) MA Notary Putth 3 i 3t Jl S�'•., •• tis 1- ® r. r1TA PI t•• • 0 : �eLIG •. '9AM GO °,, EAA Guidance Document Revision:April2014 ",n,,,,na��" Page 1 of 8 Figure 15 Present Value Analysis 32 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS INC Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC i k I d Y 'ISI 1 Table 5.2.1. Capital Costs Reidsville Energy Center-Cooling Water Blowdown Disposal 0 Complete the areas shown in gray below. Where shown, use pulldown menu to select options. The spreadsheet will calculate the capital costs. NPDES Direct Discharge to Dan River Project Administration(8): $548,000 Component Unit Costa Unit Quantity Total Cost Pump Station $ 435,000.00 EA 1; $435,000 12"Force Main PVC C900 $ 52.00 LF 40,000 $2,080,000 Emergency Generator $ 75,000.00 EA 1 $75,000 16" Steel Casing(B&J) $ 550.00. LF 500 $275,000 Ductile Iron Fittings $ 45,800.00 LS 1 $45,800 Asphalt Open Cut and Patch $ 50.00 SY ` u 200 $10,000 Select Material $ 25.00 CY 3,000 $75,000 Outfall Structure at the River $ 75,000.00 LS 1 $75,000 Seeding/Mulching/Erosion Control $ 50,000.00,. LS 1 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 .° y. $0 ; . $0 $0 �__ $0 $0 $0 n _ $0 $0 $0 , ; . $0 $0 $0 aUnit costs are in today's dollars,not future dollars. Total Construction Cost: $3,120,800 Construction Contingency Cost: $312,080 Project Administration Cost: $548,000 Total Capital Cost: $3,980,880 Table 5.2.2. Project Cost Life Cycle Assumptions Reidsville Energy Center-Cooling Water Blowdown Disposal 0 NPDES Direct Discharge to Dan River(Preferred) Complete the areas shown in gray. Expected Life Replacement Component Cycle Expected?t Rationale for Expected Life Cycle Pump Station 20MISONnaii. , Na Replacement Anticipated 12"Force Main PVC C900 rtu„ 20 `gN .gat; ` ,No`Replacement,Anticipated4 7,,,r F; Emergency Generator ' 20 N "r, ez No Replacement Anticipated, h,,,Y h 16" Steel Casing(B&J) 20 o N a t a , '4.'N"o,•gW4cement Antics atedw i Ductile Iron Fittings N ' i Sf REANo Replacement Anticipatedin`e Asphalt Open Cut and Patch 20} Y }N n ; .' ,No Replacemenf A ticipatedr„ Select Material , i$M'* a, ,20 T t • Outfall Structure at the River „f,', 4 20_' "N , F R-' ToAplacem.ent,Anticipated, ,". Seeding/Mulching/Erosion Control .. .,+w , 20' N°$h No ReplacementAnt0 icipa k `�" r a s ,� G tw ' �' 'ori i+'i' r . t Ma ,P, A M ..ti ,r. w -'hc ,;`�.r`f, v >b ax.".E gy. 0i nm § 9 , dp agi r a n' g ' 0 w.W +v &lmg,,5., s gumc9.,`gn n �w�� ,. oai e,. ggRmP '`fi��nvowg 0 o v 0 ;, a e. " s . o ts f vN.. ' bk h. . 0 wr i a s it zG z ?," � �� ;fir n,z�m 6. ',i3„a� fi a��,•'6 'x �i.. '',4 S-; ..n... ,r�,'z.a..�,� a .. 4< .� � .,..,i�'��.ia ....�.�'� t4 ���", r � 0 'AOMINgigiUgQ*VAAtKatiO4-41.A001.644WVAVA041412012VOIWIP 0 Ws.w r4 a P °? ...,+, s, Iw '""F yc, R lti 7 .c. l: 0;' r .W 08 '"w n„k�:.u�i GA � N ���;,�"�,.Ne ¢4s A44 .Mg{ta°ep ua ,"w;,WWIWN 0 Px s rr,,a `ir e§ 40 t 3 ,",`SPO fs OW z s ee s r 4. b x P E M. 0 �.zw oa r N q et,. o,# wry# ` ✓ a,:.s b : ? i'�iiw cwt, t; �N pd.. `�,z ' -� .�. s'�aK;�w�. NR w»,.. � ,�' �' ���u w `<�a � `�.5?`r�f��_t,�M< wV A"w': § t�d."f 4 �" s' h Lk4w '"`a t T F wf' ` ` o �� t .fir s� .. »�,,.d*,a.„"d$: tPeriod for replacement would be Years 1 through 20 only. Table 5.2.7.Present Value of Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 1-10) Reidsville Energy Center-Cooling Water Blowdown Disposal 0 NPDES Direct Discharge to Dan River Complete the cells shown in gray below. Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index: 0.09%_ EPA Discount Rate: 4.875% Present Value of O&M Costs for Year: Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 10 Employee"(portiontof;on e4Offitytechnician) t ,fug„x,$40;000 ,., Yr s, itekTlin4 $38,174 $36,431 $34,767 $33,180 $31,665 $30,219 $28,839 $27,523 $26,266 $25,067 ElectricatTci*er' a Wq„ .',g ..d '.a,,,, p ,_$36;300, � r .,ligOtta $34,643 $33,061 $31,551 $30,111 $28,736 $27,424 $26,172 $24,977 $23,836 $22,748 Mac; ineRepairt y ka ,gut,iO. iso; „„„,aAl1 m „$5,000,� . r ,� n--.a,a I`6* $4,772 $4,554 $4,346 $4,147 $3,958 $3,777 $3,605 $3,440 $3,283 $3,133 $rrml,Equip nent:Replacement & tsxtg., , yap ,. ` , ,$2;500 Yr;k , .:M ,.1 g4'i $2,386 $2,277 $2,173 $2,074 $1,979 $1,889 $1,802 $1,720 $1,642 $1,567 Contract$ervices7and sanipling/Airalysis,e, ,,, a,N; ; $10,00000 ti , Yr m „la $9,543 $9,108 $8,692 $8,295 $7,916 $7,555 $7,210 $6,881 $6,566 $6,267 Pe'rmrttiggl5,,,RegulutoryCasts, , ,ek.fi,., ,:O} ,i?i% .t i: `:455,00000 '7,4t:10-,:;V: $4,772 $4,554 $4,346 $4,147 $3,958 $3,777 $3,605 $3,440 $3,283 $3,133 $28,630 $27,323 $26,075 $24,885 $23,749 $22,664 $21,629 $20,642 $19,699 $18,800 :.w r r I fir, ° „r 'S.m4acit 4?n..'.' a,n. .Ca n*-Atoi 1.t m *aA fir,' .* a s i f;! a P �$°�`ae�,es.. �n �i ,�9, ,.}vd:. t 4,,,.,.... �t Cil Teriki,„ 'n, ;t* 3.r::-: mak.,, s1 = ,raa .:."„.,m's vb :^: .o. rp,. rd 'z<v,«^.k`g .t !.s ? .u"r!v O3N,"aT,-,.; „. `-,. VR# v ;; ,c 01wII �'a�.'u,x �s s.; IfAVATTA ark°aint-W Total Present Value of Yearly O&M Expenses(Years 1-10): 5122,919 $117,307 $111,951 $106,839 $101,961 $97,305 $92,863 $88,623 $84,576 $80,714 Table 5.2.8.Present Value of Operations and Maintenance Costs(Years 11-20) Reidsville Energy Center-Cooling Water Blowdown Disposal 0 NPDES Direct Discharge to Dan River Current Inflation Rate Based on Municipal Cost Index: 0.09% EPA Discount Rate: 4.875% Present Value of O&M Costs for Year: Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Employee(portion of one county technician) $40,000 Yr 1 $23,922 $22,830 $21,787 $20,793 $19,843 $18,937 $18,073 $17,247 $16,460 $15,708 Electrical Power $36,300 Yr 1 $21,709 $20,718 $19,772 $18,869 $18,008 $17,186 $16,401 $15,652 $14,937 $14,255 Misc.Line Repairs $5,000 Yr 1 $2,990 $2,854 $2,723 $2,599 $2,480 $2,367 $2,259 $2,156 $2,057 $1,964 Small Equipment Replacement $2,500 Yr 1 $1,495 $1,427 $1,362 $1,300 $1,240 $1,184 $1,130 $1,078 $1,029 $982 Contract Services and Sampling/Analysis $10,000 Yr 1 $5,981 $5,707 $5,447 $5,198 $4,961 $4,734 $4,518 $4,312 $4,115 $3,927 Permitting/Regulatory Costs $5,000 Yr 1 $2,990 $2,854 $2,723 $2,599 $2,480 $2,367 $2,259 $2,156 $2,057 $1,964 Capital Outlay $30,000 Yr 1 $17,942 $17,122 $16,341 $15,594 $14,882 $14,203 $13,554 $12,936 $12,345 $11,781 Total Present Value of Yearly O&M Expenses(Years 11-20): $77,029 $73,512 $70,156 $66,952 $63,895 $60,978 $58,194 $55,537 $53,001 $50,581 Total Present Value of Annual O&M Costs(Life of Project): $1,634,892 3/31/2017 Reidsville_Energy_Discharge_Present_Worth_Analysis.xlsx Table 5.2.62. Total Present Worth for Feasible Alternatives Reidsville Energy Center-Cooling Water Blowdown Disposal 0 Replacement Costs Present Total Present Capital Costs Worth O&M Costs Present Worth Worth Annual Intermittent Total NPDES Direct Discharge to Dan River(Preferred) $3,980,880 $0 $1,634,892 $0 $1,634,892 $5,615,772 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 R le_Energy_Discharge_Present_Worth_Analysis.xlsx "--e 1 of 1 q it 'i ti d • Appendix 1 REC Soils Report 33 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Rockingham County,NC—Reidsville Energy Center,NTE Carolinas,LLC —1 i I !I II �I II II USDA United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource 111111111 Department of Cooperative Soil Survey, Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for RCS States Department of Agriculture and other Roc k i n g h a m Federal agencies, State Natural agencies including the o U n�y, o h Resources Agricultural Experiment Conservation Stations, and local Service participants Caro Ii n a ..n e"_ 't` . .3i '.+" (# a'N' .-.7.--,_-1-;‘,. (r i i 7 ,:��^ •':'t r •�" "� A ,(! ±i f-' 'S yam+ b .•k « i=. y+� w, g C f'-,:i I+ 4 Y`" iJ f F. �`Tl RYi i4: .3' A� �5 'i ..fYt. ! - �' , 4t .l' f a' .n.. ! « ,� rht."A. aT7` ` J+t., ' V.'i its`. `l 'f '%a 'IN k S'of � i ��__}'"� , a , „,4 ' '� . � . t o k, 4. s•.. " i. '+1. '.} ..,. v s # T. fib ?t7 �c * ' 4 g�n p " F,! °i R,{1'`• , . .,,',i, '','' tit...,; , v 4k`+ ,art ,. r«' e« �' -;. fi SY i f t t,".' ft « „ „*R k ^4G ti y 'fit „ ,.,a "� a R4 • r. r :r« =f'- s f„ �r . r "at 'i. + M '�Rr''"`` a• rr ey r *11'":41.1'S �-.._.,1-?,,,- t ',k;,r,.'.'« heli r ,' i t414 a .i�+. hp ,� �p .'.g� lt�t*� tl �� '� '‘...7,1„..- Yen. _: ��,� t 7, `'per' _ ,„,..7„,i 5 .+ ''t...7, '.a ,.'-tr t. - •r ` i• ' r• qJn , r '1'r,�C *s.'K' Nd :$1:1: ., �` ' :f ,....* r'�-".6.1t A..' ,. , ��i �' 4. r ++i ": « ' i,-.4.- r �:, Ir Lite. #71'...c.;;;;-746, 70i• ;-7 tF }�` .e _i,?#� 1- -^7`i 1, L ' , .# a * _•11-,,,,, try 1 ..- `¢ A1. :,:. .-' + 21.‘,...,.. ell REC) S,1 ' .. 4 ,w.47 ,.. .�. 1 .vb +�t ,,f„ t, , k T ,.fi5''341 l �4 P4 +W. ` • �' .- FAV T Reidsville EnergyCenter REC kr (ti +y v, tx Y his t w,�t ' . \\., ;t ' S ?4 a«,'ol, �•' j K. Y 9r.s t `+' 'n'i, ! "'; .' '•, ' ,s A -+ y fw"t'1G d� .< > ° 7' ; '414';',."-"' ., r '" ,, "�a�' 4...f.:,01-, �', . ';�'� 4,-,',r(.0,7� � `�.�,:4.,« s. ,S, , �, � '��y t` ,o«t` ,,{ i,� "" t 7 •Y .p. R v,+� -., lY., '., 4e: .�1,1;1- «i`°/-40t.:144' ► 1 °€'J1.�'" +t rA y. -'4 mom, d" 7 }yC{� I dA1 t. ,a• 'Y i�`}° a 5i'- ..? .1�„«._....2}�f i L;' .a -, '' 4 ,., ret q,3 A C *t ♦ a_r `n+ 4.:..17.- F 'sr x ''',3.1;.% $$•• 4F'' pan, ',, tt 1,41„,, y • .-1,;,—r..........a rit, :.,s.... -^�.r¢xe ' .,.'s�:<+s«cc .-�_ saw__ ^ i.s. �. ' "°` #$�.:. `. ' t _ _i "'' March 27, 2017 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose • special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. T he landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can!ibe used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nrcs/main/soils/health/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nres) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist(http://www.nres.usda.govlips/portal/nres/detail/soils/contactus/? cid=nres142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding! Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields.A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and otherlFederal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey,lthe site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital s atus, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require 2 alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at(202) 720-2600(voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or(202)720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface i 2 How Soil Surveys Are Made 6 Soil Map 9 Soil Map (REC Soils Map) 10 Legend b 11 Map Unit Legend (REC Soils Map) 12 Map Unit Descriptions (REC Soils Map) 14 Rockingham County, North Carolina 16 AyF—Ayersville gravelly loam 15 to 45 percent slopes 16 BaB—Banister loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes, rarely flooded 17 CaB—Casville sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 18 • CaD—Casville sandy loam, 811to 15 percent slopes 19 CfB—Clifford sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 20 CgB2—Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded q 21 ChC—Clifford-Urban land complex, 2 to 10 percent slopes 23 CmB—Clover sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 24 CmD—Clover sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 25 CmE—Clover sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 26 CnB2—Clover sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 27 CnD2—Clover sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 28 CsA—Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 29 DaA—Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes,frequently flooded 31 DcB—Davie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 32 DeD—Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes 33 DeF—Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes 34 FpD—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes 35 FpE—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes 37 FpF—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 25 to 45 percent slopes 38 FrD2—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 40 FrE2—Fairview-Poplar Fores complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately eroded 42 JkB—Jackland fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 44 JkD—Jackland fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 45 NaB—Nathalie sandy loam, ?to 8 percent slopes 46 NaD—Nathalie sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 47 OkB2—Oak Level sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 48 PnC—Pinkston fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes 49 PnF—Pinkston fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes 50 4 Custom Soil Resource Report PrC2—Poplar Forest-Udorthents complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes, gullied 51 Pt—Pits, clay 52 RnB—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 53 RnD—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 54 RnE—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 55 SmC—Siloam sandy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopes 57 SmF—Siloam sandy loam, 10 to 45 percent slopes 58 SpB—Spray loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes 59 Ud—Udorthents, loamy 60 Ur—Urban land 61 W—Water 61 WhB—Wickham sandy loam, mesic, 1 to 4 percent slopes, rarely flooded 62 YaB—Yadkin loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 63 Soil Information for All Uses 64 Suitabilities and Limitations for Use 64 Waste Management 64 Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation (REC Soils Irrigation Map) 64 References 82 5 1 • How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the generaldpattern of drainage;the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles.A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface downito bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. .I Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geograpthically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate,water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses(USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of thelandform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed.Thus, during mapping l this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Ne�ertheless,these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil 1in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color,texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots', reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils.After describing thelsoils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile.After the soil ' 6 Custom Soil Resource Report scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil-landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component.Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and 7 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map.Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 9 Custom Soil Resource Report 3 Soil Map (REC Soils Map) to, a rts ss333o s95o33 597000 599000 601003 6mo03 605000 607000 609330 61,000 613000 61 000 617000 36°26'32°N c a, 4 7 ,,q,� r, 4 36°26'32"N « J �'',' „� ° ""ate « � « s 4 r z ' 4� ` '4* - - • , , Li 0.07# '`` „iii;',--: Iti„, ..)-0--..tzizas. „,,, ...• 1,...t. • ,,,,,54, .- - . ,,,,,,E. ; -it' § . •- 37,04-4, 14., -...„„'4, '. '. '-' I ix . '„ Ai ��. ;, 9: i..` 04',411.14_,,_ .. 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' '' d ..x rt �: _ v 36°1748"N il 593000 595000 597000 559000 601000 606000 605000 607000 609030 611000 613000 615000 617000 3 Map Scale:1:114,000 if printed on A landscape(11"x6008.5;)sheet il Meters N 0 1500 3000 9000 \ Feet 0 5000 10000 20000 30000 Map projection:Web Mercator Comer coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 10 Custom Soil Resource Report MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(Aol) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) Stony Spot 1:24,000. Soilsirt Very Stony Spot Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map l Soil Map Unit Polygons measurements. Wet Spot Soil Map Unit Lines A Other Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Map Unit Points Web Soil Survey URL: Special Line Features Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) Special Point Features 042) Blowout Water Features • Streams and Canals Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Borrow Pit projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts Transportation distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the Clay Spot Rails Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more ,y Closed Depression accurate calculations of distance or area are required. • Interstate Highways • Gravel Pit US Routes This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as Gravelly Spot Major Roads of the version date(s)listed below. 41 Landfill Local Roads Soil Survey Area: Rockingham County,North Carolina A. Lava Flow Background Survey Area Data: Version 17,Sep 20,2016 Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales • Mine or Quarry 1:50,000 or larger. Miscellaneous Water Date(s)aerial images were photographed: May 10,2010—Apr Perennial Water 30,2011 Rock Outcrop The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were • Saline Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background Sandy Spot imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor : shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Severely Eroded Spot O Sinkhole Slide or Slip oa Sodic Spot 11 Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend (IEC Soils Map) 1 Rockingham County„North Carolina(NC157)" =` MSy ap UnitSymbol ,° �� Map Unit*Name i .;_. Acres in AOI , ' : . -Percent of AO1 ` AyF Ayersville gravelly loam,15 to 44.6 0.1% 45 percent slopes 1 BaB Banister loam,0 to 4 percent 36.4 0.1% slopes,rarely flooded 1 CaB Casville sandy loam,2 to 8 154.0 0.5% percent slopes i CaD Casville sandy loam,8 to 15 57.3 0.2% percent slopes CfB Clifford sandy loam,2 to 8! 247.9 0.7% percent slopes CgB2 Clifford sandy clay loam,2 to 8 9,691.5 28.9% percent slopes,moderately eroded • ChC Clifford-Urban land comp' x,2 62.9 0.2% to 10 percent slopes CmB Clover sandy loam,2 to 81 597.0 1.8% percent slopes I CmD Clover sandy loam,8 to 15 328.4 1.0% percent slopes CmE Clover sandy loam,15 to 25 32.2 0.1% percent slopes CnB2 Clover sandy clay loam,21to 8 127.5 0.4% percent slopes,moderately eroded CnD2 Clover sandy clay loam,81 to 15 125.9 0.4% percent slopes,moderately eroded CsA Codorus loam,0 to 2 percent 1,268.2 3.8% slopes,frequently flooded DaA Dan River loam,0 to 2 percent 574.4 1.7% slopes,frequently flooded DcB Davie sandy loam,2 to 8 II 10.5 0.0% percent slopes .. DeD Devotion fine sandy loam,'6 to 55.5 0.2% 15 percent slopes DeF Devotion fine sandy loam,'15 to 106.4 0.3% 45 percent slopes I FpD Fairview-Poplar Forest I 1,433.5 4.3% complex,8 to 15 percent slopes FpE Fairview-Poplar Forest I 2,554.8 7.6% complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesI 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit'Name Acres in AO1 Percent of AO1 FpF Fairview-Poplar Forest 1,018.8 3.0% complex,25 to 45 percent slopes FrD2 Fairview-Poplar Forest 5,606.4 16.7% complex,8 to 15 percent slopes,moderately eroded FrE2 Fairview-Poplar Forest 2,997.9 8.9% complex,15 to 25 percent slopes,moderately eroded •• JkB Jackland fine sandy loam,2 to 19.3 0.1% 8 percent slopes JkD Jackland fine sandy loam,8 to 13.5 0.0% 15 percent slopes NaB Nathalie sandy loam,2 to 8 500.8 1.5% percent slopes NaD Nathalie sandy loam,8 to 15 133.9 0.4% percent slopes OkB2 Oak Level sandy clay loam,2 to . 17.0 0.1% 8 percent slopes,moderately eroded PnC Pinkston fine sandy loam,6 to 5.7 0.0% 15 percent slopes PnF Pinkston fine sandy loam,15 to 34.6 0.1% 45 percent slopes PrC2 Poplar Forest-Udorthents 34.9 0.1% complex,2 to 15 percent slopes,gullied Pt Pits,clay 2.2 0.0% RnB Rhodhiss sandy loam,2 to 8 377.8 1.1% percent slopes RnD Rhodhiss sandy loam,8 to 15 818.0 2.4% percent slopes RnE Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 2,363.0 7.0% percent slopes SmC Siloam sandy loam,4 to 10 599.9 1.8% percent slopes SmF Siloam sandy loam,10 to 45 956.7 2.9% percent slopes SpB Spray loam,0 to 5 percent 7.5 0.0% slopes Ud Udorthents,loamy 85.8 0.3% Ur Urban land 11.6 0.0% W Water 247.1 0.7% WhB Wickham sandy loam,mesic,1 152.9 0.5% to 4 percent slopes,rarely flooded YaB Yadkin loam,2 to 8 percent 5.5 0.0% slopes Totals for Area of Interest 33,519.8 100.0% 13 Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Descriptions (REC Soils Map) The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous eireas.A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however,the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus,the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous area for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomicclasses other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol onthe maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each.A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landsca j e . The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. he objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the`Tap unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition,thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in textulre of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and othe characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas 14 Custom Soil Resource Report shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example,Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas.Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately.The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar.Alpha-Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the.soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform,An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them.Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 15 Custom Soil Resource Report Rockingham County, North Carolina AyF—Ayersville gravelly loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol:i�1 hfym Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation:! 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition 7 Ayersville and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Ayersville 1 Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (twodimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or mudstone and/or sandstone 1 Typical profile Ap-0 to 8 inches: gravelly loam Bw-8 to 22 inches: gravelly loam C-22 to 26 inches: very gravelly silt loam Cr-26 to 30 inches: weathered bedrock R-30 to 80 inches: unweathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 45 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock; 20 to 40 inches to lithic bedrock Natural drainage class. Well drained Runoff class: Very hig Capacity of the most li►iiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately low(0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storag in profile: Low(about 3.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classifiation (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group. C Hydric soil rating: No 16 Custom Soil Resource Report BaB—Banister loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes, rarelyflooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I79m Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Banister and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Banister Setting • Landform: Flats on stream terraces Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Old clayey alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: loam E-6 to 10 inches: loam BE- 10 to 18 inches: clay loam Bt- 18 to 50 inches: clay C-50 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 4 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Moderately well drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 18 to 36 inches Frequency of flooding: Rare Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2w Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No 17 Custom Soil Resource Report CaB—Casville sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I78w Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation:1 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Casville and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Casville Setting • Landform: Interfluves II Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saproqlite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy loam E-6 to 10 inches: sandy loam Bt- 10 to 38 inches: clay Cl -38 to 50 inches: sandy clay loam C2-50 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class; Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (406 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 7.7 inches) Interpretive groups I Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No 18 Custom Soil Resource Report CaD—Casville sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2178y Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Casville and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Casville • Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 8 inches: sandy loam E-8 to 10 inches: sandy loam Bt- 10 to 38 inches: clay Cl -38 to 50 inches: sandy clay loam C2-50 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No 19 1 Custom Soil Resource Report CfB—Clifford sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2tqd2 Elevation: 330 to 980 feeti Mean annual precipitation:y 43 to 47 inches Mean annual air temperature: 55 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 200 to 230 days Farmland classification: Al areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Clifford and similar soils: 93 percent Minor components: 7 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. . Description of Clifford . Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (twoJdimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite residuum weathered from granite and gneiss and/or saprolite residuum;weathered from schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy loam Bt1 - 6 to 35 inches: clay Bt2-35 to 55 inches: clay loam C-55 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class; Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 to/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available waterstoragl in profile: Moderate(about 7.7 inches) • Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group B Hydric soil rating: No 20 Custom Soil Resource Report Minor Components Westfield Percent of map unit: 2 percent Landform: Interfluves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Halifax Percent of map unit: 2 percent Landform: I nterfl uves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit Landform position(three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Concave Hydric soil rating: No Bentley • Percent of map unit: 2 percent • Landform: I nterfl uves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Jackland Percent of map unit: 1 percent Landform: I nterf I uves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No CgB2—Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2sjdl Elevation: 330 to 980 feet Mean annual precipitation: 39 to 51 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 190 to 230 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland 21 Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Composition Clifford, moderately eroded and similar soils: 90 percent Minor components: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clifford,Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite residuum weathered from schist and/or saprolite residuum weathered from gneiss Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt1-6 to 22 inches: clay Bt2-22 to 37 inches: clay Bt3-37 to 52.inches: clay loam • C-52 to 80 inches: clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive fea ure: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class_' Well drained Runoff class: Medium i Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding:i None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Woolwine, moderately eroded Percent of map unit: 6 percent Landform: Interfluves Landform position(tw(3-dimensional): Summit Landform position(three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Westfield, moderately eroded Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: I nterfluves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit • 22 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform position (three-dimensional): I nterfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No ChC—Clifford-Urban land complex, 2 to 10 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I5yd Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 240 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Clifford and similar soils: 55 percent Urban land: 30 percent Minor components: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clifford Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-6 to 52 inches: clay BC-52 to 80 inches: clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 10 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e 23 Custom Soil Resource Report Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Description of Urban Land Setting Parent material: Impervious layers over human transported material Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Udorthents, loamy Percent of map unit: 10 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex • Hydric soil rating: No CmB—Clover sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol; 216xv Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to X200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Clover and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clover Setting Landform: I nterf I uves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position(three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or residuum weathered from shale and sil'stone and/or residuum weathered from sandstone 24 Custom Soil Resource Report Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: sandy loam Bt- 7 to 50 inches: clay C-50 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 7.0 Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No CmD—Clover sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 216)x Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Clover and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clover Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or residuum weathered from sandstone Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: sandy loam Bt- 7 to 50 inches: clay 25 Custom Soil Resource Report C-50 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in'/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 7.0 Available waterstorage�in profile: High (about 9.1 inches) Interpretive groups { Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classificiation (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: SIB Hydric soil rating: No • CmE—Clover sandy loam„15 to 25 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2l6xz Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitations 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Clover and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on d servations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clover Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or shale and siltstone and/or sandstone Typical profile A-Oto 9 inches: sandy loam Bt-9 to 38 inches: clay C-38 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent 26 Custom Soil Resource Report Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 7.0 Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No CnB2—Clover sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I6y1 ( ^tel Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Clover, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clover, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Interfluves • Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or shale and siltstone and/or sandstone Typical profile A-0 to 5 inches: sandy clay loam BE-5 to 8 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-8 to 43 inches: clay C-43 to 80 inches: silty clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches 27 Custom Soil Resource Report Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in%hr) Depth to water table: M%ore than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: ,None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio maximum in profile: 7.0 Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No CnD2—Clover sandy clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol:, 2I6y2 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Clover, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Clover, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (twos dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or shale and siltstone and/or sandstone Typical profile A-0 to 5 inches: sandy clay loam BE-5 to 8 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-8 to 43 inches: clay C-43 to 80 inches: silty clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained 28 Custom Soil Resource Report Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 7.0 Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No CsA—Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 2I5zx Elevation: 200 to 1,560 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Map Unit Composition Codorus and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 15 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Codorus Setting Landform: Flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Typical profile A -Oto 8 inches: loam Bw1 -8 to 18 inches: silty clay loam Bw2- 18 to 30 inches: loam Bw3-30 to 38 inches: silt loam BCg-38 to 50 inches: silt loam Cg-50 to 80 inches: silt loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained 29 it I I S i Custom Sdil Resource Report Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in%hr) Depth to water table: About 6 to 24 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: None Available water storagein profile: High (about 10.7 inches) Interpretive groups i Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4w Hydrologic Soil Group: B/D Hydric Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Hatboro, undrained Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: Depressions on flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Copcave Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: Yes Dan river 11 Percent of map unit: 2 ipercent Landform: Flood plains Landform position (thre'e-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No 1 , Comus Percent of map unit: 2percent Landform: Flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No Pfafftown Percent of map unit: 2 percent Landform: Stream terraces Landform position (thre-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: linear Hydric soil rating: No Ronda Percent of map unit: 2 percent Landform: Natural levees on flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex. Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Banister Percent of map unit: 2 percent 30 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform: Flats on stream terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No DaA—Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 215zy Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 190 days Farmland classification: Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season . Map Unit Composition Dan river and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Dan River Setting Landform: Flood plains Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 18 inches: loam Bw- 18 to 46 inches: loam Cl-46 to 55 inches: sandy loam C2-55 to 72 inches: clay loam C3- 72 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 30 to 60 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: High (about 10.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified 31 Custom Soil Resource Report Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3w Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Hatboro, undrained Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: Depressions on flood plains Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: Yes DcB—Davie sandy loam, 2'to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting ni s • National map u t mbol: y 1 2mlhn Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitationt: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to?00 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Davie and similar soils: 8i5 percent Minor components: 3 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Davie Setting Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit,footslope Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Concave Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile Ap-0 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 40 inches: clay C-40 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Moderately well drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to watertable: About 12 to 18 inches 32 Custom Soil Resource Report Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: C/D Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Elbert, undrained Percent of map unit: 3 percent Landform: Drainageways on interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: Yes • DeD—Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I78j Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Devotion and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Devotion Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and/or saprolite derived from gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 10 inches: fine sandy loam Bw- 10 to 22 inches: sandy loam C-22 to 25 inches: sandy loam Cr-25 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock 33 Custom Soil Resource Report Properties and qualities Slope: 6 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to high (0.00 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: 1B Hydric soil rating: No DeF—Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2178r Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Devotion and similar soils: 90 percent Minor components: 1 per-pent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Devotion Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (twc-dimensional): Backslope Landform position(three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Lihear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from gneiss and/or saprolite derived from granite Typical profile A-0 to 10 inches: fine sandy loam Bw- 10 to 22 inches: sandy loam C-22 to 25 inches: sandy loam Cr-25 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 45 percent 34 Custom Soil Resource Report Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to high (0.00 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Rock outcrop Percent of map unit: 1 percent Hydric soil rating: No FpD—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 216y6 Elevation: 200 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Fairview and similar soils: 45 percent Poplar forest and similar soils: 40 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Fairview Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 5 inches: sandy loam E-5 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 29 inches: clay 35 Custom Soil Resource Report BC-29 to 38 inches: sandy clay loam C-38 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storager in profile: Moderate (about 7.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: jB Hydric soil rating: No . Description of Poplar Forest Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two1dimensional): Backslope Landform position (thre,e-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 5 inches: sandy loam Bt-5 to 29 inches: clay BC-29 to 34 inches: clay loam C-34 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage classy Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 to/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil GroupI B Hydric soil rating: No 36 Custom Soil Resource Report FpE—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I6y7 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Fairview and similar soils: 45 percent Poplar forest and similar soils: 40 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Fairview Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile A-0 to 3 inches: sandy loam Bt-3 to 29 inches: clay BC-29 to 37 inches: sandy clay loam C-37 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 37 Custom Soil Resource Report Description of Poplar Forest Setting Landform: Hil!slopes on ridges Landform position(two-6imensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linnear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-Oto 3 inches: sandy loam E-3 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt1 -8 to 25 inches: clay Bt2-25 to 31 inches: clay loam C-31 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class:: Well drained Runoff class: High , Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding:p None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group4 B Hydric soil rating: No FpF—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 25 to 45 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I6y8 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitatio : 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: \lot prime farmland Map Unit Composition Fairview and similar soils: 45 percent Poplar forest and similarlsoils: 40 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. 38 Custom Soil Resource Report Description of Fairview Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 5 inches: sandy loam E-5 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt1 -8 to 29 inches: clay Bt2-29 to 38 inches: sandy clay loam C-38 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 25 to 45 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Description of Poplar Forest Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope' Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 3 inches: sandy loam E-3 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt1 - 8 to 25 inches: clay Bt2-25 to 31 inches: clay loam C-31 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 25 to 45 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained 39 Custom Soil Resource Report Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No FrD2—Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2vy6k Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 43 to 51 inches Mean annual air temperature: 55 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 190 to 230 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Fairview, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 50 percent Poplar forest, moderately1eroded, and similar soils: 40 percent Minor components: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Fairview, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position(three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite residuum weathered from granite and gneiss and/or saprolite residuum weathered from schist Typical profile Apt -0 to 4 inches: sandy clay loam Ap2-4 to 9 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-9 to 24 inches: clay BC-24 to 29 inches: clay loam C-29 to 79 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent 40 Custom Soil Resource Report Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 7.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No Description of Poplar Forest, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous residuum weathered from metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt- 6 to 26 inches: clay BC-26 to 37 inches: clay loam C-37 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.60 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Westfield, moderately eroded Percent of map unit: 7 percent Landform: Ridges, interfluves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder 41 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Woolwine, moderately eroded Percent of map unit: 3 percent Landform: Ridges, inteifluves Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder Landform position(three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No FrE2-Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symboli 216yb Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Fairview, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 50 percent Poplar forest, moderatel+roded, and similar soils: 40 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Fairview, Moderately Eroded Setting • Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from schist and/or gneiss Typical profile Ap-0 to 9 inches: sa i dy clay loam Bt-9 to 24 inches: clay BCt-24 to 29 inches:I sandy clay loam C-29 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches 42 Custom Soil Resource Report Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Description of Poplar Forest, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-6 to 26 inches: clay BC-26 to 37 inches: clay loam C-37 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 43 Custom Soil Resource Report JkB—Jackland fine sandy!Ioam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symboli 21603 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Jackland and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Jackland Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (thre-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: linear Parent material: Residuum weathered from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 6 inches: fine sandy loam Bt-6 to 24 inches: clay BC-24 to 28 inches: clay loam C-28 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage clas4 Somewhat poorly drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 12 to 24 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: High (about 10.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group( C/D Hydric soil rating: No 44 Custom Soil Resource Report JkD—Jackland fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 21604 Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland, Map Unit Composition Jackland and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Jackland Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from diorite and/or residuum weathered from gabbro and/or residuum weathered from diabase and/or residuum weathered from gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 6 inches: fine sandy loam Bt- 6 to 24 inches: clay BCt-24 to 28 inches: clay loam C-28 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 12 to 24 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: High (about 10.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: C/D Hydric soil rating: No 45 Custom Soil Resource Report 1 NaB—Nathalie sandy loamy, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I5y8 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature : 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Nathalie and similar soils:i 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Nathalie Setting Landform: Interfluves �I Landform position (twoq dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy loam E- 6 to 9 inches: sandy loam BE-9 to 12 inches: sandy clay loam Bt- 12 to 48 inches: clay BC-48 to 53 inches: 'sandy clay loam C-53 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class; Well drained Runoff class: Medium' Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 inn/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storag in profile: Moderate (about 8.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group. B Hydric soil rating: No 46 Custom Soil Resource Report NaD—Nathalie sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2I5y9 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Nathalie and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Nathalie Setting • Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy loam E- 6 to 9 inches: sandy loam BE-9 to 12 inches: sandy clay loam Bt- 12 to 48 inches: clay BC-48 to 53 inches: sandy clay loam C-53 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 47 Custom Soil Resource Report OkB2—Oak Level sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol.i 216y1 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: POI areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Oak level, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Oak Level, Moderately Eroded Setting Landform: Interfluves I Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: clay loam Bt- 7 to 30 inches: clay BC-30 to 38 inches: clay loam C-38 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class] Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (006 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 8.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Hydric soil rating: No 48 Custom Soil Resource Report PnC—Pinkston fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1 hfzt Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Pinkston and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Pinkston Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or shale and siltstone and/or sandstone Typical profile A-0 to 5 inches: fine sandy loam Bw-5 to 16 inches: loam C- 16 to 23 inches: loam R-23 to 80 inches: unweathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 6 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to lithic bedrock Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately low(0.00 to 0.06 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 49 Custom Soil Resource Report ii PnF—Pinkston fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1 hfzs Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation.; 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Pinkston and similar soilsi 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Pinkston • Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (twoldimensional): Backsiope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope , Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mudstone and/or shale and siltstone and/or sandstone Typical profile A-0 to 5 inches: fine sandy loam Bw-5 to 16 inches: loam C- 16 to 23 inches: loam R-23 to 80 inches: unweathered bedrock Properties and qualities I Slope: 15 to 45 perce It Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to lithic bedrock Natural drainage class.l Well drained Runoff class: Very higi Capacity of the most li,piting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately low(0.00 to 0.06 i9/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classifi1 ation (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 50 Custom Soil Resource Report PrC2—Poplar Forest-Udorthents complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes, gullied Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2179h Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Poplar forest, gullied, and similar soils: 50 percent Udorthents, gullied, and similar soils: 40 percent Minor components: 6 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Poplar Forest, Gullied Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: sandy clay loam Bt-6 to 26 inches: clay BC-26 to 37 inches: clay loam C-37 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 51 Custom Soil Resource Report Description of Udorthents, Gullied Setting Landform: Hil!slopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three- dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from mica schist and/or other micaceous metamorphic rock Typical profile C-0 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class.] Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding:, None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 7.2 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group:, A Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Gullied land Percent of map unit: 6 percent Pt—Pits, clay Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1 hfzv Mean annual precipitatio : 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 toI200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Pits, clay: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. 52 Custom Soil Resource Report RnB—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 216yc Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Rhodhiss and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Rhodhiss Setting • Landform: I nterf uves • Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit Landform position(three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape:. Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 3 inches: sandy loam E-3 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 25 inches: sandy clay loam BC-25 to 30 inches: sandy clay loam C-30 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate(about 6.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 53 1 Custom Soil Resource Report i RnD—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symboti 2I6yd Elevation: 200 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation';" 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Rhodhiss and similar soils: 90 percent Minor components: 8 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Rhodhiss .' , Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 3 inches: sandy loam E-3 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 25 inches: sandy clay loam BC-25 to 30 inches: sandy clay loam C-30 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: ore than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding:l None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 6.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group; B , Hydric soil rating: No 54 Custom Soil Resource Report Minor Components Devotion Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Stott knob Percent of map unit: 3 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Bannertown Percent of map unit: 1 percent • Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No RnE—Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2l6yf Elevation: 200 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Rhodhiss and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 15 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Rhodhiss Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope 55 Custom Soil Resource Report Down-slopeshape: Li Near u Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile A-0 to 3 inches: sandy loam E-3 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt- 8 to 25 inches: sandy clay loam BC-25 to 30 inches: sandy clay loam C-30 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities I Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage classl Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: Vlore than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile.: Moderate (about 6.1 inches) Interpretive groups %I Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group:' B Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Devotion Percent of map unit: 6 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position(three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Stott knob Percent of map unit: percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Bannertown Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No 56 Custom Soil Resource Report SmC—Siloam sandy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 216z7 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Siloam and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Siloam • • Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position(two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 7 inches: sandy loam Bt- 7 to 15 inches: sandy clay loam Cr- 15 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock. Properties and qualities Slope: 4 to 10 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 10 to 20 inches to paralithic bedrock Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately high (0.00 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: D Hydric soil rating: No 57 Custom Soil Resource Report SmF—Siloam sandy loam,;,10 to 45 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol:' 2I77g Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Siloam and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Siloam ' Setting Landform: Hillslopes oln ridges Landform position (two(dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile A-0 to 7 inches: sandy loam Bt- 7 to 15 inches: sandy clay loam Cr- 15 to 80 inches: weathered bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 10 to 45 perce I t Depth to restrictive feature: 10 to 20 inches to paralithic bedrock Natural drainage class Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately high (0.00 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:I None Frequency of ponding. None Available water storage in profile: Very low(about 2.3 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classifcation (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group D Hydric soil rating: No 58 Custom Soil Resource Report SpB—Spray loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1 hg02 Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Spray and similar soils: 95 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Spray Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or mudstone and/or sandstone Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: loam Bt- 6 to 17 inches: clay C- 17 to 80 inches: very channery silt loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 5 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 2.0 Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 59 ,I Custom Soil Resource Report i Ud—Udorthents, loamy Map Unit Setting ! National map unit symbol:; 1 hgO8 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feiet Mean annual precipitation. 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 145 to 240 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Udorthents, loamy, and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 8 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Udorthents, Loamy Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (twohdimensional): Shoulder, summit, backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Loam'and clayey human transported material derived from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock Typical profile C-0 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class} Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to high (0.00 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: ore than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storag in profile: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group C Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Urban land Percent of map unit: 8 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges 60 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform position(two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder, backslope Landform position(three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Ur—Urban land Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol:* 1 hgO9 Elevation: 200 to 3,670 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period: 145 to 240 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland • Map Unit Composition Urban land: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Urban Land Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope, summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve, side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Impervious layers over human transported material Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric soil rating: No W—Water Map Unit Composition Water. 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Water Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 8w 61 Custom Soil Resource Report Hydric soil rating: No WhB—Wickham sandy loam, mesic, 1 to 4 percent slopes, rarely flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol) 2I79n Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 200 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Wickham and similar soils 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Wickham Setting Landform: Stream terraces Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Old loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Typical profile Ap-0 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 42 inches: sandy clay loam BC-42 to 50 inches: sandy clay loam C-50 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 1 to 4 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage classy Well drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most 11'171ting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: Rare Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classid ation (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 62 Custom Soil Resource Report YaB—Yadkin loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 215yf Elevation: 700 to 2,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 59 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 190 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Yadkin and similar soils: 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Yadkin • Setting Landform: Hillslopes on stream terraces Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Old alluvium derived from granite and gneiss Typical profile Ap-0 to 6 inches: loam Bt-6 to 74 inches: clay BC- 74 to 81 inches: sandy clay Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No 63 i i„ Soil Information for All Uses 1 Suitabilities and Limitations for Use The Suitabilities and Limitations for Use section includes various soil interpretations displayed as thematic maps with a summary table for the soil map units in the selected area of interest.A single value or rating for each map unit is generated by ' aggregating the interpretive ratings of individual map unit components. This aggregation process is defined for each interpretation. I Waste Management Waste Management interpretations are tools designed to guide the user in evaluating soils for use of organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Example interpretations include land application of manure,food processing waste, and municipal sewage sludge, and disposal of wastewater by irrigation or overland flow process. Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation (REC Soils Irrigation Map) Wastewater includes municipal and food-processing wastewater and effluent from lagoons or storage ponds. Municipal+wastewater is the waste stream from a municipality. It contains domestic w ste and may contain industrial waste. It may have received primary or secondaryytreatment. It is rarely untreated sewage. Food- processing wastewater results from the preparation of fruits,vegetables, milk, cheese, and meats for public consu r ption. In places it is high in content of sodium and chloride. The effluent in lagoons and storage ponds is from facilities used to treat or store food-processing wastAnrater or domestic or animal waste. Domestic and food-processing wastewater is very dilute, and the effluent from the facilities that treat or store it commonly is very low in content of carbonaceous and nitrogenous material;the content of(nitrogen commonly ranges from 10 to 30 milligrams per liter. The wastewater rrom animal waste treatment lagoons or storage ponds, however, has much higher cncentrations of these materials, mainly because the manure has not been luted as much as the domestic waste. The content of nitrogen in this wastewater generally ranges from 50 to 2,000 milligrams per liter. When wastewater is applied, checks should be made to ensure that nitrogen, heavy metals, and salts are not added in excessive amounts. 64 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of wastewater by irrigation not only disposes of municipal wastewater and wastewater from food-processing plants, lagoons, and storage ponds but also can improve crop production by increasing the amount of water available to crops. The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect the design, construction, management, and performance of the irrigation system. The properties that affect design and management include the sodium adsorption ratio, depth to a water table, ponding, available water capacity, saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat), slope, and flooding. The properties that affect construction include stones,cobbles, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, depth to a water table, and ponding. The properties that affect performance include depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, bulk density, thesodium adsorption ratio, salinity, reaction, and the cation-exchange capacity,which is used to estimate the capacity of a soil to adsorb heavy metals. Permanently frozen soils are not suitable for disposal of wastewater by irrigation. The ratings are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features that affect agricultural waste management. "Not limited" indicates that the soil has features that are very favorable for the specified use. Good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. "Somewhat limited"indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use.The limitations can be overcome or • minimized by special planning, design, or installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected. "Very limited" indicates that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use. The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclamation, special design, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Numerical ratings indicate the severity of individual limitations. The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00. They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the use(1.00)and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). The map unit components listed for each map unit in the accompanying Summary by Map Unit table in Web Soil Survey or the Aggregation Report in Soil Data Viewer are determined by the aggregation method chosen.An aggregated rating class is shown for each map unit. The components listed for each map unit are only those that have the same rating class as listed for the map unit. The percent composition of each component in a particular map unit is presented to help the user better understand the percentage of each map unit that has the rating presented. Other components with different ratings may be present in each map unit. The ratings for all components, regardless of the map unit aggregated rating, can be viewed by generating the equivalent report from the Soil Reports tab in Web Soil Survey or from the Soil Data Mart site. Onsite investigation May be needed to validate these interpretations and to confirm the identity of the soil on a given site. 65 Custom Soil Resource Report 1.1 Map—Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation (REC Soils Irrigation Map) 2.-Q N 593X0 5eso0o 597aoo 59som 601000 00o 605000 so7aoo wean 611000 613000 61 000 617000 36°26'32"N f:k..-•� .. �' .. .sad ,, ! ' _' {f" rfi �,a " 5;" 36 26'32"N w 4w+ 1, s, vel j •,:. �•r •r P*9 1:3J • , .r. �,, Rr �, Tliko r, w lir �" �a..4f C, It* i° _ t ,.,f `a+ _ tar'' '.� q.Y # h v ,, , 1 ..,44 ft:: ,iorri,:‘4,.'''''..4-*.,,,71_,,,- 0,41%:1*:-; e , I-2'.;1:27,, .,..`: 4.:1,„...',,,: ;,11-/ *":".. , '''..( . _....,,,...,..,./74,,:4,..,4,n,41;1.,' ,,,4.:,,',,:,. : 0.:::,..,,,, , 1 . �- C55ppt rah; it.(. ./ i.s. ,� .']'i .-w.,..� 'y M1—" .- �0 ( ~- °rR .a- 2'°,, j l °'{�. 1qy Tl '4, ,',-....;#.0., "„-, -. , ,,, '`I' - ,<�, .7 <^ t ;t 1. ' ' REC Site ,° n. f+. tyt ,' J 1 , c 4. g j+.`..' .. J� �Qa ti �-{� �^ . .."7- -1' ��3 + - y. `f� '......4-' ,f •�{+'e0 of t,q 1 .. its- F , y 1f , t5 .~ g.a* `'� y. ,,, r,i( , /i (• J ,F 1. • t r° ,r' `•.+ •. a 0.4 «.+ 1 ,°�,/ ,1 1 * 1., a r ,y ,, '�." • '} a; :4 ?'n, + fit.+ £Y # "n''.? j •,,„ rt y, x;�, ' -.....1--r... .. c "r... �k . `•nn ,i, P k r „:t"," -,v,„:.(,,` y . 4. {. .s 1i a ,i46 "1 ' . ., ..aax. r. a e su. � i ',r q.f^ ,y ,+�. i w j;� P '�.-. 36°1748"N 36°1748"N 5g3ppp 595333 50700D 599000 631000 603000 6'X000 607000 609000 611000 613000 615000 617000 3 3 ry N Map Scale:1:114,000 if printed on A landscape(11"x 8.5")sheet v NMeters 0 1500 3000 6000 9000 AFeet 0 5000 10000 20000 30000 Map projection:Web Mercator Corner coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 66 Custom Soil Resource Report MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(Aol) Background The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at I I Area of Interest(AOI) la Aerial Photography 1:24,000. Soils Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map Soil Rating Polygons measurements. Very limited Somewhat limited Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: n Not limited Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) 0 Not rated or not available Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Soil Rating Lines projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts ,.tee Very limited distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more • Somewhat limited accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Not limited • This product is generated from the USDA-N RCS certified data as ,,.rtr Not rated or not available of the version date(s)listed below. Soil Rating Points • Very limited Soil Survey Area: Rockingham County,North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 17,Sep 20,2016 © Somewhat limited O Not limited Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales Not rated or not available 1:50,000 or larger. Water Features Date(s)aerial images were photographed: May 10,2010—Apr �. Streams and Canals 30,2011 Transportation The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were -H Rails compiled and digitized probably differs from the background oftoi Interstate Highways imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. - US Routes - Major Roads r.- Local Roads • 67 Custom Soil Resource Report Tables—Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation (REC Soils Irrigation Map) Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit'-"Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating f Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AO1 symbol name(percent)- (numeric "" values), AyF Ayersville Very limited Ayersville(100%) Slow water 44.6 0.1% gravelly loam, movement 15 to 45 (1.00) percent slopes Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) Droughty(0.89) BaB Banister loam,0 Somewhat IBanister(90%) Depth to 36.4 0.1% to 4 percent limited saturated zone slopes,rarely (1.00) flooded 9q Too acid(0.77) Slow water movement (0.37) CaB Casville sandy Very limited " Casville(85%) Slow water 154.0 0.5% loam,2 to 8 1 movement percent slopes (1.00) h4 n Too acid(0.92) Too steep for surface application • (0.32) CaD Casville sandy Very limited Casville(85%) Too steep for 57.3 0.2% loam,8 to 15 surface percent slopes application (1.00) Slow water movement (1.00) Too acid(0.92) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) CfB Clifford sandy Somewhat Clifford(93%) Too acid(0.67) 247.9 0.7% loam,2 to 8 limited percent slopes Too steep for surface application (0.32) 68 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit=Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOl symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Westfield(2%) Too steep for surface application (0.32) Too acid(0.21) Bentley(2%) Depth to • saturated zone (0.46) Too steep for surface application (0.32) Slow water movement (0.22) Too acid(0.14) CgB2 Clifford sandy Somewhat Clifford, • Too steep for 9,691.5 28.9% clay loam,2 to limited moderately surface 8 percent eroded(90%) application slopes, (0.32) moderately eroded Too acid(0.03) Low adsorption (0.02) Woolwine, Droughty(0.93) moderately eroded(5%) Depth to bedrock (0.46) Too steep for surface application (0.32) Too acid(0.21) Westfield, Too steep for moderately surface eroded(5%) application (0.32) Too acid(0.21) ChC Clifford-Urban Somewhat Clifford(55%) Too acid(0.77) 62.9 0.2% land complex, limited 2 to 10 percent Low adsorption slopes (0.69) Too steep for surface application (0.08) Udorthents, Too steep for loamy(10%) surface application (0.68) 69 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157). Map unit Map unit name Rating Component` Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AO1 symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Slow water movement (0.22) Too acid(0.08) CmB Clover sandy Somewhat Clover(100%) Too acid(0.92) 597.0 1.8% loam,2 to 8 limited percent slopes Too steep for surface application (0.32) Sodium content (0.02) CmD Clover sandy Very limited Clover(90%) Too steep for 328.4 1.0% loam,8 to 15 surface percent slopes application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) • Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Sodium content (0.02) CmE Clover sandy Very limited Clover(85%) Too steep for 32.2 0.1% loam,15 to 25 surface percent slopes application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) Sodium content (0.02) CnB2 Clover sandy Somewhat Clover, Too acid(0.92) 127.5 0.4% clay loam,2 to limited moderately. 8 percent eroded(90%) Too steep for slopes, surface moderately application eroded (0.32) Sodium content (0.02) CnD2 Clover sandy Very limi ed Clover, Too steep for 125.9 0.4% clay loam,8 to moderately surface 15 percent eroded(85%) application slopes, (1.00) moderately eroded Too acid(0.92) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) 70 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit—.Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Sodium content (0.02) CsA Codorus loam,0 Very limited Codorus(85%) Depth to 1,268.2 3.8% to 2 percent saturated zone slopes, (1.00) frequently flooded Flooding(1.00) Too acid(0.01) Hatboro, Depth to undrained(5%) saturated zone (1.00) Flooding(1.00) Too acid(0.77) Dan River(2%) Flooding(1.00) Too acid(0.85) • Depth to • • saturated zone (0.24) Pfafftown(2%) Too acid(1.00) Too steep for surface application (0.08) Ronda(2%) Filtering capacity (1.00) Droughty(0.63) Flooding(0.60) Too acid(0.08) DaA Dan River loam, Very limited Dan River(85%) Flooding(1.00) 574.4 1.7% 0 to 2 percent slopes, Too acid(0.77) frequently Depth to flooded saturated zone (0.24) Hatboro, Depth to undrained(5%) saturated zone (1.00) Flooding(1.00) Too acid(0.77) DcB Davie sandy Very limited Davie(85%) Depth to 10.5 0.0% loam,2 to 8 saturated zone percent slopes (1.00) Slow water movement (1.00) Too acid(0.77) 71 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary,by Map Unit Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name .. Rating `Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI., Percent of AO1 symbol name(percent) (numeric .values) Too steep for surface application (0.32) Elbert,undrained Depth to (3%) saturated zone ti (1.00) I Flooding(1.00) l Slow water movement (1.00) DeD Devotion fine Very limited Devotion(100%) Droughty(1.00) 55.5 0.2% sandy loam,6 to 15 percent Too steep for slopes surface application (1.00) • { Too acid(0.92) • Depth to bedrock (0.84) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.61) DeF Devotion fine Very limited Devotion(90%) Too steep for 106.4 0.3% sandy loam,15 surface to 45 percent application slopes (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Droughty(1.00) Too acid(0.92) Depth to bedrock (0.84) FpD Fairview-Poplar Very limited Fairview(45%) Too steep for 1,433.5 4.3% Forest surface complex,8 to application 15 percent (1.00) slopes Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Too acid(0.77) Low adsorption (0.31) Poplar Forest Too steep for (40%) surface application (1.00) 72 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit-`Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating - Component Rating reasons Acres in AO1 Percent of AOI symbol name(percent) (numeric - values) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Too acid(077) Low adsorption (0.31) FpE Fairview-Poplar Very limited Fairview(45%) Too steep for 2,554.8 7.6% Forest surface complex,15 to application 25 percent (1.00) slopes Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) Low adsorption (0.54) Poplar Forest Too steep for (40%) surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) Low adsorption (0.12) FpF Fairview-Poplar Very limited Fairview(45%) Too steep for 1,018.8 3.0% Forest surface complex,25 to application 45 percent (1.00) slopes Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) Low adsorption (0.31) Poplar Forest Too steep for (40%) surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) 73 Custom Soil Resource Report 1 Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation-Summary by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) ' "' Map Map unit name .LL Rating Component Rating reasons ' Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol , ° " name,(percent) ,(numeric ,.° ,t values) , i , Low adsorption (0.12) FrD2 Fairview-Poplar Very limited Fairview, Too steep for 5,606.4 16.7% Forest I moderately surface complex,8 to I eroded(50%) application 15 percent (1.00) slopes, moderately Too steep for eroded sprinkler 1 application (0.78) Too acid(0.55) 1 Poplar Forest, Too steep for moderately surface eroded(40%) application 1 (1.00) Slow water movement 1 (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) 1 Too acid(0.77) Westfield, Too steep for I I moderately surface eroded(7%) application (1.00) Too steep for 1 sprinkler application 1 (0.78) Too acid(0.21) Woolwine, Too steep for moderately surface eroded(3%) application (1.00) Droughty(0.93) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Depth to bedrock (0.46) Too acid(0.21) FrE2 Fairview-Poplar Very limited Fairview, Too steep for 2,997.9 8.9% Forest moderately surface complex,15 to eroded(50%) application 25 percent (1.00) slopes, moderately eroded 74 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation-Summary by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Low adsorption (0.45) Too acid(0.21) Poplar Forest, Too steep for moderately surface eroded(40%) application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) Low adsorption (0.42) JkB Jackland fine Very limited Jackland(85%) Depth to 19.3 0.1% sandy loam,2 saturated zone to 8 percent (1.00) slopes Slow water movement (1.00) Too steep for surface application (0.32) Too acid(0.08) JkD Jackland fine Very limited Jackland(100%) Depth to 13.5 0.0% sandy loam,8 saturated zone to 15 percent (1.00) slopes Too steep for surface application (1.00) Slow water movement (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Too acid(0.08) NaB Nathalie sandy Very limited Nathalie(85%) Too acid(1.00) 500.8 1.5% loam,2 to 8 percent slopes Low adsorption (0.48) 75 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation-Summary'by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of'AOI symbol name(percent) (numeric o .._ values) • Too steep for surface application j (0.32) NaD Nathalie sandy Very limited Nathalie(85%) Too steep for 133.9 0.4% loam,8 to 15 I surface percent slopes application (1.00) Too acid(1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Low adsorption (0.48) OkB2 Oak Level sandy Very limited i Oak Level, Slow water 17.0 0.1% clay loam,2 to d moderately movement • 8 percent eroded(85%) (1.00) slopes, moderately Too steep for eroded surface application (0.32) PnC Pinkston fine Very limited � Pinkston(100%) Slow water 5.7 0.0% sandy loam,6 I movement to 15 percent (1.00) slopes Droughty(1.00) 1 Too acid(1.00) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Depth to bedrock (0.95) PnF Pinkston fine Very limited Pinkston(100%) Slow water 34.6 0.1% sandy loam,15 movement to 45 percent (1.00) slopes Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Droughty(1.00) Too acid(1.00) PrC2 Poplar Forest- Very limited Poplar Forest, Too steep for 34.9 0.1% Udorthents gullied(50%) surface complex,2 to application 15 percent (1.00) slopes,gullied 76 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by irrigation—Summary by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol ,name(percent) (numeric values) Too acid(0.77) Low adsorption (0.42) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.40) Udorthents, Too steep for gullied(40%) surface application (1.00) Too acid(0.92) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.40) • Low adsorption (0.29) Pt Pits,clay Not rated Pits,clay(100%) 2.2 0.0% RnB Rhodhiss sandy Somewhat Rhodhiss(90%) Too acid(0.77) 377.8 1.1% loam,2 to 8 limited percent slopes Too steep for surface application (0.32) RnD Rhodhiss sandy Very limited Rhodhiss(90%) Too steep for 818.0 2.4% loam,8 to 15 surface percent slopes application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Too acid(0.77) Devotion(4%) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Droughty(1.00) Too acid(0.92) Depth to bedrock (0.84) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Stott Knob(3%) Slow water movement (1.00) 77 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map'Unit'—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating ; Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI' Percent of A01 symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too acid(1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (0.78) Droughty(0.25) Bannertown(1%) Slow water movement (1.00) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too acid(1.00) Droughty(0.84) Too steep for • 'sprinkler application (0.78) RnE Rhodhiss sandy Very limited Rhodhiss(85%) Too steep for 2,363.0 7.0% loam,15 to 30 surface percent slopes application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) Devotion(6%) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Droughty(1.00) Too acid(0.92) Depth to bedrock (0.84) Stott Knob(5%) Slow water movement (1.00) 78 Custom Soil Resource Report Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit=Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol name(percent) (numeric values) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(1.00) Droughty(0.25) Bannertown(4%) Slow water movement (1.00) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(1.00) Droughty(0.84) SmC Siloam sandy Very limited Siloam(85%) Droughty(1.00) 599.9 1.8% loam,4 to 10 percent slopes Depth to bedrock (1.00) Too steep for surface application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) Slow water movement (0.22) SmF Siloam sandy Very limited Siloam(90%) Droughty(1.00) 956.7 2.9% loam,10 to 45 percent slopes Too steep for surface application (1.00) Depth to bedrock (1.00) Too steep for sprinkler application (1.00) Too acid(0.77) SpB Spray loam,0 to Very limited Spray(95%) Too acid(1.00) 7.5 0.0% 5 percent slopes 79 Custom Soil Resource Report I Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Map Unit—Rockingham County,North Carolina(NC157) Map unit'° Map unit name , Rating • itr Component .Rating reasons Acres in AOI Percent of AOI symbol .name(percent) (numeric .. �; values) - Ud Udorthents, Very limited Udorthents, Too steep for 85.8 0.3% loamy j loamy(85%) surface 1 application (1.00) 1 Slow water movement (0.22) Too steep for sprinkler i application d (0.10) j Too acid(0.08) Ur Urban land Not rated ' Urban land 11.6 0.0% ,I (100%) W Water Not rated I Water(100%) 247.1 0.7% WhB Wickham sandy Somewhat Wickham(85%) Too acid(0.42) 152.9 0.5% • loam,mesic, 1 limited to 4 percent slopes,rarely flooded a YaB Yadkin loam,2 to Somewhat „' Yadkin(100%) Low adsorption 5.5 0.0% 8 percent limited I (0.82) slopes Too steep for i surface i application 1 (0.32) Too acid(0.14) Totals for Area of Interest 9 33,519.8 100.0% Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation—Summary by Rating Value Rating j Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Very limited 1 21,959.5 65.5% Somewhat limited 1 11,299.4 33.7% Null or Not Rated 1 260.9 0.8% Totals for Area of Interest I 33,519.8 100.0% Rating Options—Disposal of Wastewater by Irrigation (REC Soils Irrigation Map) Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Aggregation is the process by which a set of component attribute values is reduced to a single value that represents the map unit as a whole. A mapunit is typically Com osed of one or more"components".A component is Yp Y, p p either some type of soil or some nonsoil entity, e.g., rock outcrop. For the attribute being aggregated, the first step of the aggregation process is to derive one attribute 80 Custom Soil Resource Report value for each of a map unit's components. From this set of component attributes, the next step of the aggregation process derives a single value that represents the map unit as a whole. Once a single value for each map unit is derived, a thematic map for soil map units can be rendered.Aggregation must be done because, on any soil map, map units are delineated but components are not. For each of a map unit's components, a corresponding percent composition is recorded.A percent composition of 60 indicates that the corresponding component typically makes up approximately 60% of the map unit. Percent composition is a critical factor in some, but not all, aggregation methods. The aggregation method"Dominant Condition"first groups like attribute values for the components in a map unit. For each group, percent composition is set to the sum of the percent composition of all components participating in that group. These groups now represent"conditions" rather than components. The attribute value associated with the group with thehighest cumulative percent composition is returned. If more than one group shares the highest cumulative percent composition,the corresponding"tie-break" rule determines which value should be returned. The"tie-break" rule indicates whether the lower or higher group value should be returned in the case of a percent composition tie.The result returned by this aggregation method represents the dominant condition throughout the map unit only when no tie has occurred. Component Percent Cutoff.None Specified Components whose percent composition is below the cutoff value will not be considered. If no cutoff value is specified, all components in the database will be considered. The data for some contrasting soils of minor extent may not be in the database, and therefore are not considered. Tie-break Rule: Higher The tie-break rule indicates which value should be selected from a set of multiple candidate values, or which value should be selected in the event of a percent composition tie. 81 9 V References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for/transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes.ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. • Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. • Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M.Vasilas, editors.Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. I National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nres142p2_054262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soilltaxonomy:A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soili surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// www.n res.usda.gov/wps/portal/n res/deta i l/national/soils/?cid=nres 142p2_053577 Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nres142p2_053580 Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/soils/ home/?cid=nres142p2:053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/ detail/national/landuse%rangepasture/?cid=stelprdb1043084 82 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook,title 430-VI. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nres/detail/soils/scientists/?cid=nres142p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/? cid=nres142p2_053624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_052290.pdf 83 I� 1 i 1 i I