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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0035089_Complete File - Historical_20190225/I WQ 00 3<0 801 CSx How tomorrow moves •• 90, Mr. Matthew L. Adkins Sr. Manager Environmental Remediation February 25, 2019 Mr. Michael Rogers UIC Program Manager Underground Injection Control Program NCDEQ 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Subiect : New Office Address Dear Mr. Rogers: 351 Thornton Road, Suite 125 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Phone: (770) 819-2849 Matt File: Rosindale Derailment Site CSXT Project No. 9415467 Please be advised, as of March 1, 2019, my new office address and contact information will be: Mr. Matt Adkins Sr. Manager Environmental Remediation 1590 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30318 Office: (404) 350-5135 matt All future correspondence related to any project that I am the CSXT point of contact should be to my attention at the new address listed above. If you should have any questions or concerns, you may continue to contact me at (770) 819-2849 until the end of the month. Sincerely, x 4 t-JaL"L Matthew L. Adkins Sr. Manager Environmental Remediation Cc: Mr. Jim Barber, NCDEQ DWR WQRO Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 4:22 PM To: Rogers, Michael; Barber, Jim Cc: 'MMatt Adkins' Subject: [External] CSXT Change of Address - CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) Attachments: CSXT Change of Address Letter_2019.pdf External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mr. Rogers, Attached is the change of address letter for Mr. Matt Adkins at CSX Transportation, Inc. Future correspondence related to the CSXT Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) should be sent to the new address listed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, PE, RSM Associate Project Manager ( Remediation Engineer Direct: 919.765.9977 Mobile: 919.564.9999 wood This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. As a recipient of an email from a John Wood Group Plc company, your contact information will be on our systems and we may hold other personal data about you such as identification information, CVs, financial information and information contained in correspondence. For more information on our privacy practices and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL.5. REGAIN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director Matt Adkins, Manager Environmental Remediation CSX Transportation 1590 Marietta Blvd. NW Atlanta, GA 30318 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 31, 2019 Subject: Permit Rescission Request Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit No. WQ0035089 CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Rosindale, Bladen County, NC Dear Mr. Adkins: Reference is made to your request for rescission of the non -discharge groundwater remediation permit referenced above. Staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office has agreed that a permit is no longer required. Therefore, in accordance with your request, Permit WQ0035089 is rescinded, effective immediately. If in the future, you wish to operate a Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation system, you must first apply for and receive a new permit. Operating an injection system without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms available to the state. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call Michael Rogers at (919) 707-3668. Sincerely, `l Linda Culpepper, Director 1. Division of Water Resources cc: Fayetteville Regional Office - WQROS Central Files - Permit No. WQ0035089 Bladen County Environmental Health Dept. Or - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources N'pK% 512 North Salisbury Street 11636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 919.707.9000 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES AFOGPB May 31, 2019 PERMIT RESCISSION MEMO TO: Debra Watts FROM: Michael Rogers & RE: Permit Rescission Request for Permit WQ0035089 CSX Transportation COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS: • I recommend that the above permit be rescinded. This is non -discharge system where GW was removed, treated, and then re -injected via injection wells. The permit was originally issued in 2011 and expired in 2016. Another permit associated with this permit (WI0600060) was made inactive in 2011. However, the injection wells were still active in BIMS. I made these wells abandoned per the abandonment activities CSX/Wood Environmental did for WQ0035089. • Injection wells have been abandoned and annual fees are paid to date (below). REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS: Jim Barber with Fayetteville approves the permit being rescinded. Refer to attachments. Related Permits Wells Sites Comments History Insper�ons lnpdents Enforcements r Violations Details 1 Details 2 Billing Class.lDesig. Events Reg. Activities Afiliations Reviewers Permit i]0035089 Version: 1.0 Status: red ;gave Facility ormerCSXT-RosindaleDerailment Site Billing Contact sxTrans poriationInc l Find Per... FindOrg... ttasnt... County laden Address 1: sx Transportation lnc Tide: Fee Category. Nondischarge major permit Address 2: 51 Thornton Rd Ste 125 Phone: O) 819-2849 Ext Bill Month: '3 -March Orig Billed: 312812011 City: ithia Springs State: �A ZIP: 0122- Normal Fast Track { 7 Express Review Invoice Type Period Year Period Begin Period End Billing Month Due Date Invoice # Amount Paid Balance Status 'ermit Annual Fee 2019 03/0112019 0212M020 March 03109=19 2019PR001588 $1310 001 S1310.001 S0.00 I Paid 'ermit Annual Fee 2018 03101/2018 02128I2019 March 03110/2018 2018PR001599 S1310.001$1310001$0of) I Paid 'ermitAnnual Fee 2017 03/01/2017 02128/2018 March 03109P2017 2017PR001340 $1310001 S1310.001$4.00 (Paid 3ermitAnnual Fee 2016 03101/2016 02J2812017 March 03106/2016 2016PR001540 $1310.001 $1310.001 $0.00 (Paid = 3ermitAnnual Fee 2015 0310112015 0212812016 March 0310moI5 2015PR001556 $1310.001$1310.001$0.06 (Paid 'ermitAnnual Fee 2014 0310112014 1OZ2812015 March 0312012014 2"14PR001432 $1310.001 $1310.001$Q-00 Paid 'ermitAnnual Fee 2013 0310112013 02/28/2014 March 0310712013 2013PR001412 IS0.0a (Paid 'ermitAnnual Fee 12012 103f01J2012 02/2812013 IMarch 103108r2012 12012PROO1596 IlPaid 11 . Rogers, Michael From: Barber, Jim Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 11:12 AM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: White, Kenneth B; Allen, Trent Subject: FW: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary Attachments: CSX Rosindale Injection Well Abandonment Letter Report _051719.pdf, RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request; P3280007.JPG; P3280008.JPG; P3280009.JPG; P3280010.JPG Michael; The information provided by Bonani Langan in her letter dated 30 April 2019 is consistent with what Kent White and I observed when we visited the CSX-Rosindale site on the afternoon of 28 March 2019. The site going forward appears to be transitioning from row crop production to planted pines. The farmer/landowner has planted longleaf pine trees at the site in lieu of returning the land to corn/wheat/soybean production that it is was in when the train derailment occurred decades ago. All injection wells have been abandoned and the monitoring well system is still in place to monitor groundwater going forward under agreements that Wood/CSX have with the Division of Waste Management/Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch/REC program. I've attached a couple of photos taken during my site visit and they are consistent with the ones provided in the letter dated 30 April 2019 from Bonani Langan. I've also attached the email sent to you last year (9 April 2018) with the permit rescission request form for the site. If you have any questions or need any information, please email me or give me a call. Thanks Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 3:37 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Thomas, Dianne <> Cc: 'MMatt Adkins' <>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mike, Attached is the Injection Well Abandonment Summary Report for the Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let me know if you need any additional information for rescission of the non -discharge groundwater remediation permit, WQ0035089. Thank you, Bonani Bonani Langan, PE, RSM Associate Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: 919.765.9977 Mobile: 919.564.9999 wood This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. As a recipient of an email from a John Wood Group Plc company, your contact information will be on our systems and we may hold other personal data about you such as identification information, CVs, financial information and information contained in correspondence. For more information on our privacy practices and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at w ., � , +e. �.�� v � = s f '. ��jja - ` ,'iM. ,T .. \. � .� Y-r "i A R VW V ji, Ig lr \ sf 510. 1 7 -04 . oi�- , . VI_ IN* Sh i�<4f low Ow- ............ "I'Vi .0 f:k hl' Ptw Permit Rescission Request Form Information to be filled out by Central Office (CO): Permit Number: WQ0035089 Permittee/Facility Name: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site CO Staff Member: Michael Rogers Date Rescission Requested: 3/8/18 Regional Office: FRO County: Bladen AEC WED/NCDEQ/DWR APR 10 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Received Original Request: FX1Central Office ERegional Office Form of Received Request: F-1 Letter a Signed Annual Fee Invoice ]Other I X Email Comments/Notes: The above has requested the permit be rescinded. I am OK with this. The only remaining requirement is for the injection wells be plugged and abandoned &A). Do you want to observe the wells being abandoned? If so, contact them and go on -site to observe. If not reply with your OK to rescind if this meets your approval and we will tell them to proceed. Thanks. Information to be filled out by Reisional Office (RO): Please Check Appropriately: 1-1 Site Visit Performed (Y or N). If any concerns indicate below. FIRescind Permit Immediately (Y or N) Reason for Approval: Require Renewal with Suspended Actions Recommended Actions to be Taken: Do Not Rescind/Recommend Renewal Reason for Denial: Permit Rescission Request Form (3/21/18) Page 1 Permit Rescission Form Information to be filled out by Central Office: Permit Number: WQ0035089 Perm ittee/Facility Name: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Regional Office: FRO County: Bladen Date Rescission Requested: 8 March 2018 Letter with report from AMEC Foster Wheeler Received Original Request: 1XI Central Office FIRegional Office Form of Received Request: Fx I Letter F1 Signed Annual Fee Invoice I X ]Other Email Information to be filled out by Regional Office (RO): Please Check Appropriately: 1—YSite Visit Performed (Y or N). If any concerns indicate below. F—Y ]Rescind Permit Immediately (Y or N) Reason for Approval: A site visit was made to the CSX-Rosindale site on 3 April 2018. No changes to the site since my last visit in June 2017 for permit renewal. In speaking with Bonani Langan prior to my April site visit she indicated that water used for injection was being brought to the site to mix with injectants (emulsified vegetable oil) and not groundwater. AMEC Foster Wheeler is waiting on final decision(s) from the REC pro am (DWM-Su on the need for further idection/treatment in the near future if a No Further Action (NFA) letter is not issued based on past injection activities. All wells monitoring and injection appear to be fine with no visible damage. The site is currently fallow, with no crops being grown. The site vegetation is volunteer grasses and small loblolly pines. If future injection events are required AMEC will execute a injection well Notice of Intent (NOI) and submit to the Division of approval. Attached with this permit rescission request are maps of the site and general area. As noted in the permit renewal application of 2017 there are two irrigation wells located to the west of the CSX site. The wells are part of the Byrdfield Farms facility and the farm to the west of the CSX site is in a corn, soybean, wheat rotation Corn is the only high -volume water user of the crops grown and typically the month of June is the high -volume month for pumping The Fayetteville Regional Office has not received any complaints from the farmer owners attributable to the CSX remediation activities over the years. This is most likely due to the depth of the well screens (most likely in the Black Creek aquifer — see attached cross-section) and the presence of several confining layers between the area of remediation. FRO intends to sample the irrigation wells this summer when the irrigation season begins for typical parameters (nutrients — nitrates/nitrites/TKN and metals) If anything unusual is detected; copies of the results will be forwarded to central office and to DWM — REC. ❑ Require Renewal with Suspended Actions Recommended Actions to be Taken: ❑ Do Not Rescind/Recommend Print and Sign name of RO Inspector: —JlivlL Date Certified: y (o h a Return Completed and Signed Form to the WQROS UIC Section Central Office — THANKS! ;onnectGIS �CONNECTOSTING Uk J r4"jV �`�✓ Overview Map Quick Search Advanced Search Search Builder Coordinate Search Google Maps or Bing Maps Clear Lat/Lon Lat 34.435014 Lon-78.504666 Local Coordinates X 2,149,361.742 Y 249,683.089 US National Grid 17S QU 29284 13216 4 Comparable Search Excel 2000/2003 1: 503 Feet (02009-2018 Dude Solutions. All Rights Reserved. I Software Notices Page 1 of l Welcome Guest Users Online: 1347 Help Mobile View SRT: 0.215 sec V Layers Information Parcels � a xy ^ USTax Data PIN: 124500913291 Owner Name: LEWIS JAMES E JR ETUX Owner Name 2: Owner Address: 765 RICHARD SWITCH RD DeedBook: 402 DeedPage: 001 Owner City: CURRIE Owner State: NC DeedYear: 1998 DeeclAcres: 106.84 Owner Zip: 28435 PlatBook: PlatPage: SalesAmount: 0 Map Acres: 106.84 Parcelld: 21498 OwnerAd: 765 RICHARD SWITCH RD OwnerCity: CURRIE OwnerState: NC OwnerZip: 28435 PID: 21498 TaxDistric: CARVERS CREEK FD NeighbCode: 0 LandASVCur: 25190 ImproveASV: 0 La nd RateTy: AC LandRateCo: OPL SalesIns 1: Saleslnstr: TaxableVal: 25190 TotalTaxOw: 0 PhysStreet: OFF NC 211 HWY E XXTIAC: 0 LegalDescr. 124500913291 V LegalDes_1: Legend play 50 I Results ittps:// 4/5/201 f ACME Mapper 2.1 - 12.9 km N of Lake Waccamaw NC +5 -5 I / r a I' Go le 9 � ttp:// 4/5/2018 e� x f James Lewis property PIN # 124500913291 t I ri afio ell 1 B a i l arrm irrigation well # 3,r dfield Farms- 1550' r e,- /--iremediation area with monitoring wells, injection wells 1 '-csx oogle Earth N 1 i)i i_1 tt I 4 kSING,DEPT- 7W, I I �GRAVEL INTEPVAL'W_u. 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W I I I � I i -600 Feaf iaa i +84 ,325 Cape I �o ks +11 LlWL+ '''s `. ip5 I LEJ l E Creek S[REE. / 77 pro ZZS , Fear 56 5 \ Dower O lz I U1 I Elizabethtown 15 White Lake � 11 Cape Fear River I , W L +62 CL 6 Contact uncertain aquifer aquifer CaPe 34 _ Rogers, Michael From: Barber, Jim Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 1:09 PM To: Bennett, Jay; Rogers, Michael; Langan, Bonani; Stephens, Drew Cc: Adkins, Matt; Watts, Debra; Shrestha, Shristi R Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike; I was in Clarkton on Tuesday and stopped by the CSX site. All wells, monitoring and injection, are still in place. I assume that a final decision from DWM-IHSB or REC has not been rendered at this time. Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax iim.barber(a� E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. `A Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible. ******************* From: Bennett, Jay [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:11 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hi Michael- Banani is out on vacation and back Monday. III follow up with her Monday on this item. Thanks again - Jay Please note Amec Foster Wheelers new company brand is Wood. We are operating as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Associate Hydrogeologist Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC, 27703,USA T 919.381.9345 M 919.819.2750 iay. bennettCc�woodPIc. com wood. From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 10:21 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request I am updating my rescission tracking spreadsheet and just wanted to know where you were on this project. Have the wells been P&A and GW-30s sent? If so, I didn't get them. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 10:12 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request I— - - IRR External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to L= ; Michael, Thank you for your response. We are currently reviewing eligibility for site closure through risk based remediation and obtaining the property owner's permission. Once we get property owner's consent and approval to proceed with the process, we will move forward with abandoning the wells. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:05 AM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, lay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hello - The Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices have approved the closure plan for this site. Please move forward with abandoning the injection wells and any other associated underground pipes, etc. After abandonment, please provide GW-30s and any other documentation and photos. After receipt and review, we will then rescind this permit and send letter. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew <drew.stephens@ncdenr.eov>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.eov>; Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.eov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani[] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.roeers@ncdenr.eov>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request �® External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael[] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <iay.ben> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? • 1 talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [ Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to LRe -- Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. All engineering and land surveying services. in North Carolina are offered/performed by Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group, plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Permit Rescission Request Form Information to be filled out by Central Office (CO): Permit Number: WQ0035089 Permittee/Facility Name: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site CO Staff Member: Michael Rogers Date Rescission Requested: 3/8/18 Regional Office: FRO County: Bladen Received Original Request: FxCentral Office ❑Regional Office Form of Received Request: F-1 Letter 1-1 Signed Annual Fee Invoice Fx ]Other Email Comments/Notes: The above has requested the permit be rescinded. I am OK with this. The only remaining requirement is for the injection wells be plugged and abandoned (P&A). Do you want to observe the wells being abandoned? If so, contact them and go on -site to observe. If not, reply with your OK to rescind if this meets your approval and we will tell them to proceed. Thanks. Information to be filled out by Regional Office (RO): Please Check Appropriately: ❑ Site Visit Performed (Y or N). If any concerns indicate below. F-1 Rescind Permit Immediately (Y or N) Reason for Approval: ❑ Require Renewal with Suspended Actions Recommended Actions to be Taken: ❑ Do Not Rescind/Recommend Renewal Reason for Denial: Permit Rescission Request Form (3/21/18) Page I Print and Sign name of RO Inspector: Date Certified: Return Completed and Signed Form to the WQROS UIC Section Central Office — THANKS! Permit Rescission Request Form (3/21/18) Page 2 wood. April 30, 2019 Mr. Michael Rogers UIC Program Manager Underground Injection Control Program Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 RE: Injection Well Abandonment Summary for Permit Rescission Request CSXT Rosindale Derailment Site Rosindale, Bladen County, North Carolina Site ID No. NONCD 0002776 Groundwater Remediation Permit: WQ0035089 Dear Mr. Rogers: On behalf of CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (Wood) has prepared this letter to document the well abandonment activities performed at the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (Site) in order to rescind the Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit (WQ0035089). The well abandonment activities were conducted per the closure requirements specified in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administration Code (NCAC), subchapter 02T, Section 1608 (15A NCAC 02T .1608). As part of the Risk -Based Remediation site closure approach for the Site, the injection wells associated with the full-scale groundwater remediation injection system were abandoned at the Site. Groundwater remediation was performed at the Site in multiple phases, most recently in March 2014 and August 2016, by injecting emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) at a 2% EVO-water solution into the subsurface via the injection well network. Groundwater performance monitoring results indicated that the remedial efforts had reduced total chromium (Cr) concentrations in the release area to concentrations within an order of magnitude of the NC 2L Groundwater Standard of 10 micrograms per liter (pg/L). A Site closure plan pursuing the Risk -Based Remediation approach as a path to No Further Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel: (919) 381-9900 / Fax: (919) 381-9901 r • Licensure: NC Engineering F-1253 / NC Geology C-247 wood. Injection Well Abandonment Summary Rosindale Derailment Site CSX Transportation, Inc. April 2019 Action (NFA) was agreed upon after evaluation by Wood, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and the land owner. Wood submitted a request to rescind the Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit (WQ0035089) on March 8, 2018 (Attachment A). The request included the Construction Completion Report (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2018) which documented the remediation activities and closure strategy for the Site. The NCDEQ's Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices approved the Site closure plan and permit rescission request on April 12, 2018 in an electronic -mail transmittal and indicated that the injection wells could be abandoned. A total of 87 injection wells with total depths ranging from approximately 15 to 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) were successfully abandoned on March 27th and 28th 2019 in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0240 Abandonment and Change -of -Status of Wells. The wells were abandoned by Regional Probing Services, a North Carolina licensed well driller. All groundwater monitoring wells were left in place until final approval of Risk -Based Remediation as a Site closure strategy is obtained from the NCDEQ; the monitoring wells will be abandoned at a future date. Injection wells were tremie-filled from the bottom up using a pre -mixed mixture of neat cement (Portland cement) and grouting bentonite and raised slowly until all stagnant water was displaced and the grout mixture filled the entire vertical length of the casing to the surface. Upon completion of grouting, the grout mixture was allowed to cure. The well materials including casing and screen were removed with the use of an excavator or using hand tools. In most instances, all the well materials were removed from the ground, unless broken during extraction. At the remaining wells, the ground around the well was excavated to expose the casing, and the casing was cut with a hand saw to approximately 2 feet bgs. After the wells were abandoned, the excavation areas were regraded to match the adjacent surface. The well materials extracted were removed from the site and disposed of as non -hazardous waste. The approximate locations of the injection wells abandoned and the locations of the existing monitoring well network are shown on the site plan and well location map included in Attachment B. Well abandonment records have been submitted to the NCDEQ by the licensed drilling contractor and are included in Attachment C. A photo log that documents and describes on -site well abandonment activities is included in Attachment D. The required Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Certification Forms are included in Attachment E. 2 Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 3:37 PM To: Rogers, Michael; Barber, Jim; Thomas, Dianne Cc: 'MMatt Adkins'; Bennett, Jay Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary Attachments: CSX Rosindale Injection Well Abandonment Letter Report_051719.pdf -- - External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mike, Attached is the Injection Well Abandonment Summary Report for the Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let me know if you need any additional information for rescission of the non -discharge groundwater remediation permit, WQ0035089. Thank you, Bonani Bonani Langan, PE, RSM Associate Project Manager Direct: 919.765.9977 Mobile: 919.564.9999 wood Remediation Engineer This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. As a recipient of an email from a John Wood Group Plc company, your contact information will be on our systems and we may hold other personal data about you such as identification information, CVs, financial information and information contained in correspondence. For more information on our privacy practices and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at Attachment A UIC Permit Rescission Request and NCDEQ Approval wood. 11 wood. Injection Well Abandonment Summary Rosindole Derailment Site CSX Transportation, Inc. April 2019 Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bonani Langan at 919-765-9977. Respectfully, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Associate Project Manager Cc: Mr. Matt Adkins - CSX Transportation, Inc. Attachments Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Associate Hydrogeologist 1. amec foster wheeler March 8, 2018 Underground Injection Control Program Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Subject: NON -DISCHARGE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION PERMIT RESCISSION REQUEST CSXT - ROSINDALE DERAILMENT ROSINDALE, BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT NUMBER: WQ0035089 INCIDENT NUMBER: NONCD 0002776 Dear Mr. Rogers: This letter has been prepared in response to the Notice of Expiration (NOE) letter dated January 16, 2018. On behalf of CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) is requesting rescission of the Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit (WO0035089). Attached is the Construction Completion Report Addendum and Site Closure Plan (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2018) prepared under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Recognized Environmental Consultant (REC) Program to document completion of remediation activities at the Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Based on the reduction in groundwater concentrations in response to multiple injections of emulsified vegetable oil (EVO), Amec Foster Wheeler has recommended that the groundwater remediation system consisting of injection wells be closed and site closure be pursued through Risk -Based Remediation. During the evaluation of this site closure process, we will review reinstating the expired permit W10600060, if needed, for in -situ remediation activities in the event that the system needs to be reinstated. Following eligibility determination and concurrence from the REC Program to pursue risk -based closure, the injection wells will be abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0240 and 2T .1608 Requirements for Closure. Please review the attached report and closure plan. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 765-9977. Respectfully Submitted, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. S51 Bonani Langan, PE, RSM J y Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager Associate Hydrogeologist Cc: Mr. Matt Adkins - CSX Transportation, Inc. Attachments Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Tel — (919) 381-9900 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Fax—(919) 381-9901 Durham, NC 27703 Licensure: NC Engineering F-1253, NC Geology C-247 wood. Attachment B Site Plan and Well Location Map • , Legend New Injacdon MR Neat �. E.,01 np.wnMl- N Extraction Wel ,. :.. •. Injection Wei Nest • mdal SuAquifer Well - - Deep Sumcial Aquifer Well - - � OFormer Ezcavetlon Area pp —,o, nounda L ;ADFro. n ie Traal MA— } aE I TITLE: CLIENT: r ^�v IL Attachment Ames Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. .,' SITE PLAN AND WELL LOCATION MAP Wsa SITE: 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 amec DATE: 1=7=17 SCALE: 17•80' Mtlxl.: suaoeosz DR: S. Lavtre CHK: S. L-pn Durham, NC 27703 foster CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE LOCATION:"`,'^'" (919)381_99W h ROSINDALE,NORTH CAROLINA wood. Attachment C Well Abandonment Records WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Lawrence D. Opper Well Contractor Name (or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) NC 3322-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Regional Probing Services Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: WQ0035089 List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) ifknown 3. Well use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Coohng Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑ Irrieation Non -Water Supply Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling 0 *Groundwater Remediation ❑ Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 7g) 4. Date well(s) abandoned: 3/27/2019-3/28/2019 5a. Well location: CSX Transportation, Inc. Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (ifapplicable) Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC 284 Physical Address, City, and Zip Bladen County Parcel Identification No. (PiN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one Ial long is sufficient) 34.434780 N 78.504932 W CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S) BEING ABANDONED Attach well construction record(s) if available. For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction/abandonment, you can submit one form. 6a. Well ID#: shallow Injection Wells 6b. Total well depth: 15 (ft.) 6c. Borehole diameter: well dia: 2 _(ill.) 6d. Water level below ground surface: approx 2 (fk) 6e. Outer casing length (if known): (ft.) 6f. inner casing/tubing length (if knoNcn): 10 (ft.) 6g. Screen length (if known): 5 (ft.) For interval Use ONLY: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS 7a. Number of wells being abandoned: 44 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction/abandonment, you can submit one form. 7b. Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): 0 (gal.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant used: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: 7e. Sealing materials used (check all that apply): * Neat Cement Grout ❑ Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Dry Clay ❑ Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Cuttings ❑ Specialty Grout ❑ Gravel ❑ Bentonite Slurry ❑ Other (explain under 7g) 7f. For each material selected above, provide amount of materials used: Grout: 2.6 gallons/ well 7g. Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: Tremie filled from bottom -up. Excavated and removed at least 2 ft of well casing below land surface at each well. 8. Certification: Lawrence Oppera� 3/29/2019 Signature of Certified Well Contractor or Well Owner Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 2C . 0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 9. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 10b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 10c. For Water Sum* At Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where abandoned. Form G W-30 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised March 2013 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Lawrence D. Opper Well Contractor Name (or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) NC 3322-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Regional Probing Services Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: WQ0035089 List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) ifknown 3. Well use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: OMonitorine ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test El Experimental Technology ❑Geothemtal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling El Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 7g) 4. Date well(s) abandoned: 3/27/2019-3/28/2019 5a. Well location: CSX Transportation, Inc. Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC 284 Physical Address, City, and Zip Bladen County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.434780 N 78.504932 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELLIS) BEING ABANDONED For Internal Use ONLY: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS 7a. Number of wells being abandoned: 43 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction/abandonment, you can submit one form. 7b. Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): 0 (gal.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant used: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: 7e. Sealing materials used (check all that apply): [71 Neat Cement Grout ❑ Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Dry Clay ❑ Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Cuttings ❑ Specialty Grout ❑ Gravel ❑ Bentonite Slurry ❑ Other (explain under 7g) 7f. For each material selected above, provide amount of materials used: Grout: 4.5 gallons/ well 7g. Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: Tremie filled from bottom -up. Excavated and removed at least 2 ft of well casing below land surface at each well. 8. Certification: Lawrence Opper 3/29/2019 Signature of Certified Well Contractor or Well Owner Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 2C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 9. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well W abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Attach well construction record(s) if available. For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same constructionlabandonment, you can submit one form. 6a. Well ID#: Deep Injection Wells 6b. Total well depth: 25 (ft.) 6c. Borehole diameter: well d-ia: 2 (ill.) 6d. Water level below ground surface: approx 2 6e. Outer casing length (if known): 6f. Inner casing/tubing length (if known): 15 (ft.) 6g. Screen length (if known): 10 (ft.) SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 10b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 10c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where abandoned. Form GW-30 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised March 2013 wood. Attachment D Photo Log CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 wood. PHOTO 1: Typical injection well tremie-filled with a Portland cement / bentonite slurry from the bottom up. PHOTO 2: Typical evidence of completion of grouting at injection well locations. CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 wood. PHOTO 3: Overall view facing west after the majority of injection wells were grouted. PHOTO 4: Partial view facing north, during cross- check of grouted wells. (.... 40 wood. CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 PHOTO 5: Hand digging greater than 2' bgs - injection well pairs to south of railroad tracks after hand grouting using a tremie-pipe. PHOTO 6: Hand digging greater than 2' bgs - injection well pairs to south of railroad tracks after hand grouting using a tremie-pipe. I CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 wood. PHOTO 7: Extraction of injection well piping greater than 2' bgs using mini - excavator. PHOTO 8: Extraction of injection well piping greater than 2' bgs using mini - excavator. CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 wood. PHOTO 9: Photo evidence of typical excavation greater than 2' bgs if grout -filled pipe was not fully extracted. PHOTO 10: Partial view facing north to north east of the Site after completion of injection well abandonment activities. CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Injection Well Abandonment Photographs Taken March 27-28, 2019 wood. PHOTO 11: Partial view facing west to northeast after completion of injection well abandonment activities. PHOTO 12: Partial view facing west parallel to railroad tracks after completion of injection well abandonment activities. c", wood. Attachment E REC Certification Forms REC PROGRAM DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION FORM - PAGE I OF 2 IHSB SITE NAME CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD ( DATE & NAME OF DOCUMENT April2019 Iniection Well Ab, TYPE OF SUBMITTAL (circle all that apply ):Work plan, Work Phz REMEDIATING PARTY DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (.0306(B)(2)) tge "I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnation contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." Matthew L. Adkin; Name o ARemeating Pam'Signaturiating Pa Irate NOTARIZATION G-116 (tinter State) Cobb COUNTY 1, Qt L1(�:jU JW(5- , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify that �M pj j k�jtju MKi A)S did personally appear and sign before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of lV:odY 4.lCc NS` , was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certification is true and accurate, and he or she then signed this Certification in my presence. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 1�_ day of _ _____• (OFFICIAL SEAL) Notary Public (signature) My commission expires: U -U:.^ 2-2--- Uoc•trntem C'erlifrcalion 1•1orin No. IX' - I (Revised 8 11) r�v�. .01a •9 •��S P i#10 i AUB��G,.00 I�O�•••�O ul y •COV(A— REC PROGRAM DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 IHSB SITE NAME CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 00027760) DATE & NAME OF DOCUMENT April 2019 Iniection Well Abandonment Summary TYPE OF SUBMITTAL (circle all that apply). a rt, Work plan, Work Phase Comp. Statement, Schedule Change REGISTERED SITE MANAGER CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURES As the Registered Environmental Consultant for the Site for which this filing is made, I certify that the signatures included herewith are genuine and authentic original handwritten signatures and/or true, accurate, and complete copies of the genuine and authentic original handwritten signatures of the persons who purport to sign for this filing. I further certify that I have collected through reliable means the originals and/or copies of said signatures from the persons authorized to sign for this filing who, in fact, signed the originals thereof. Those persons and I understand and agree that any copies of signatures have tite same legally binding effect as original handwritten signatures, and 1 certify that any person for whom I am submitting a copy of their signature has provided me with their express consent to submit said copy. Additionally, I certify that I am authorized to attest to the genuineness and authenticity of the signatures, both originals and any copies, being submitted herewith and that by signing below, I do in fact attest to the genuineness and authenticity of all the signatures, both originals and copies, being submitted for this filing. James A. Bennett Name of Registered Site Manager IV j--17 -1`r SignatureARgistered Site Manager Date REGISTERED SITE MANAGER DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (.0306(b)(1)) "I certify under penalty of law that I am personally familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all supporting documents accompanying this certification, and that the material and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, trite, accurate and complete and complies with the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act N.C.G.S. 130A-310, et seq, and the remedial action program Rules 15A NCAC 13C .0300. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." James A. Bennett Name of Registered Site Manager 61 S-r 7-� ignature o egistered Site Manager Date NOTARIZATION ('ior't- Cp.i.t;^A (Enter State) D'Or1.wa.. COUNTY 1, J,,.,'.+,- F . C.11'.As , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify that 5.. "es A • 13 a^^ vit did personally appear and sigh before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of we Di,vt. , was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, he or she is the duly authorized environmental consultant of the remediating party of the property referenced above and that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certifications is true and accurate, and he or she then signed these Certifications in my presence. WITNESS my hand and official seal this VA day of M*j Ae19 C.»J� (OFFICIAL SEAL) Public (signature) My commission expires: et az Z,o1Q Juanita F. Collins Notary Public Document Certification Farm No. DC - H County of Durham, NO (Revised 8111) Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 12:35 PM To: Rogers, Michael; Barber, Jim; Thomas, Dianne Cc: 'MMatt Adkins'; Bennett, Jay Subject: RE: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary • Mike, The letter can be sent to Matt Adkins at the following address: MMatt Adkins CSX Transportation Inc Manager. Enteironmwal Remediat,on 1404) 350.5135 Work.. ^.att Adlans*CSKeom CSX Transportation 1590 Manena 81A NW Atlanta G4 30318 Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 12:31 PM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Thomas, Dianne <> Cc: 'MMatt Adkins' <>; Bennett, lay <> Subject: RE: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary Can you give the name and address to send the rescission approval letter with CSX. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani[] Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 3:37 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Thomas, Dianne <> Cc: 'MMatt Adkins' <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request - Injection Well Abandonment Summary I— - External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mike, Attached is the Injection Well Abandonment Summary Report for the Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let me know if you need any additional information for rescission of the non -discharge groundwater remediation permit, WQ0035089. Thank you, Bonani Bonani Langan, PE, RSM Associate Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: 919.765.9977 Mobile: 919.564.9999 wood. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for' notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. As a recipient of an email from a John Wood Group Plc company, your contact information will be on our systems and we may hold other personal data about you such as identification information, CVs, financial information and information contained in correspondence. For more information on our privacy practices and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 1:21 PM To: 'Langan, Bonani'; Adkins, Matt; Barber, Jim Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request 10-4. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 1:18 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Adkins, Matt <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mike, Thank you for the information. I will contact Mr. Pope to get a copy of last year's invoice. Jim Barber and I spoke briefly this morning, and I let him know that we are waiting on confirmation of schedule from our driller for abandonment of the injection wells over the last week of March (March 27 — 29). Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 12:43 PM To: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Also, there are overdue annual fees for this permit ($1310) and another annual fee of $1320 will be due by March 9. These will be need to be paid before we can close out this permit. For info on these dues contact: Antoine Pope Accounting Cleit IR'aterResources North Carolina Department of En-siraunent Quality 919.707.3698 (Office) Antoate .PopeC ncdenr.go,%• Related Pemdtls Webs Sites r Comments rFMstwy r Inspections r incidents r EMorcemerNs V101alions Detais 1 r Details 2 BNNn9 Class)Desiq r Ererb I Reg. AdWas r Amisions r Reviewers Permit 35089 Version: O Status: F&dW. orrrwCSXT-RosindaleDeraimentSite Offin9Contact Trarmsportalionlnc EindPer Find¢tg, iaairit J Cou*. aden Address 1: Transpomiatlon Inc Title: Fee Cate907 ieMi r9e ma�jorparrrip __J -J Address 2 i51 ThomW Rd Ste 1� Phone: 0) 819-2849 EA Oil Month: -Mardm __.. __. 1 Ori9 Billed: 32t12011 City a Springs —� State: �A ] ZIP: 0122— *' Normal :_i Fast Track C. Express Rwtew e Type Period Ye Period Be Pena! End 9 Marmih Due Date kmvoice tR Amount Paid Balance Status uaiFee 19 03/012019 02l28/2020 March 031092019 019PR041588 en ualFee 018 03/012018 02282019 March 031102018 2018PROD1599 __, S131 overdue ual Fee 2017 03N112017 02282018 March 03MM17 2017PROD1340 1. 310.OQ: S99 Pald ual Fee Kerm"AnnualFee 16 031012D16 02QW017 arch 031062016 2016PROD1540 ZU10-00. 51ZD0 Paid al Fee 015 03/0112015 02282016 arch 03l082015 2015PRO01556 1310-00 SO90 __ NPaldual Fee 14 0310112014 02282015 arch 03/202014 2014PROD1432 ia� .00 �p; S0.D0 ';Paid SQ p9___ Paid ual Fee 20i3 03/012D13 02282014 Mardm 031072013 013PROD1412 I F 0 1 12 0 1 R P j From: Adkins, Matt [mailto:Matt] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 2:41 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Ok... thanks. We will get it scheduled. From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 2:02 PM To: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Yes, the wells abandoned and any other associated appurtenances to the remediation system removed such there is no possibility of surface water being introduced to the subsurface. From: Adkins, Matt [mailto:Matt] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 1:57 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request • " External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ci Mr. Rogers, Excuse me for not knowing this, but is the issue here simply getting the wells abandoned? If so, we'll make it happen. Thanks. Matthew L Adkins, CHMM I Sr. Mgr. Environmental Remediation 1 351 Thornton Rd Suite 125 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 1 (770) 819-2849 (office) 1 (904) 245-2273 (fax) From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 1:38 PM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Please expedite as I am trying to resolve without going through a formal Notice of Violation. It's been almost a year since we started this permit rescission and closure process. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 11:35 AM To: Barber, Jim <>; Rogers, Michael <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hi Jim & Michael, We have submitting our eligibility documents to CSX for review and will send to NCDEQ as soon as we get client approval. I will send more updates as we receive them. Bonani From: Barber, Jim <> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 10:29 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Langan, Bonani <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike; Haven't heard anything in several months. My guess is that they are still working/waiting on IHSB for final approval to abandon most or all of the injection wells and monitoring wells. Based on the number of wells to abandon, there will need to be coordination with a certified driller to have all of the material needed (water, bentonite, etc.) to abandon or DWM-IHSB may require reaming the holes and filling completely which will require mobilization of a drill rig. Attached is the last email I have in the CSX folder addressing this issue. Bonani; How goes it? Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 9:29 AM To: Barber, Jim <> Subject: FW: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Did they ever follow up with you on closing these wells? From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 9:26 AM To: 'Langan, Bonani' <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <iay.ben>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 8:57 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <iay.ben>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike, We received the signed consent from the property owner and are now ready to proceed with the risk based process. We are currently preparing the eligibility documents to submit to NCDEQ. I did reach out to Jim Barber to discuss the most efficient way to abandon the wells and we worked through that process. Following concurrence from NCDEQ, we will schedule the injection well abandonment and coordinate with Jim. I'll continue to provide updates as we move through the process. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:10 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani- I have not heard anything since June on the status. From: Langan, Bonani [mailto: bona] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:09 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Thanks, Mike. We will keep you updated on the status of the site. Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 3:35 PM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Waiting on final decision from DWM before closing wells is OK. Also, for your info, if the DWM wanted some monitoring wells to remain for monitoring, that would be OK. We would need to be advised of this. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:21 PM To: Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike, Before we proceeded with well abandonment, we wanted to confirm that the property owner would sign the Property Owner Consent form to allow us to proceed with Risk Based Remediation as a Site closure strategy. The property owner has signed the consent form and is in the process of returning that to us so we will be pursuing this closure strategy. We would like to leave the wells in place until we get concurrence from NCDEQ to proceed with this option. At that time, we will move forward with well abandonment and submission on the required documentation. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Thanks, Bonani From: Barber, Jim [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 1:09 PM To: Bennett, Jay <>; Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike; I was in Clarkton on Tuesday and stopped by the CSX site. All wells, monitoring and injection, are still in place. I assume that a final decision from DWM-IHSB or REC has not been rendered at this time. Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax iim.barber(5_) E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. `,j Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible. ******************* From: Bennett, Jay[] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:11 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hi Michael- Banani is out on vacation and back Monday. III follow up with her Monday on this item. Thanks again - Jay Please note Amec Foster Wheelers new company brand is Wood. We are operating as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Associate Hydrogeologist Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC, 27703,USA T 919.381.9345 M 919.819.2750 a ay.bennett( wood From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 10:21 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request I am updating my rescission tracking spreadsheet and just wanted to know where you were on this project. Have the wells been P&A and GW-30s sent? If so, I didn't get them. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 10:12 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Thank you for your response. We are currently reviewing eligibility for site closure through risk based remediation and obtaining the property owner's permission. Once we get property owner's consent and approval to proceed with the process, we will move forward with abandoning the wells. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:05 AM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hello - The Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices have approved the closure plan for this site. Please move forward with abandoning the injection wells and any other associated underground pipes, etc. After abandonment, please provide GW-30s and any other documentation and photos. After receipt and review, we will then rescind this permit and send letter. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, lay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request • ernal eri' D. Do notTiick links or open attachmTnts uniessTerifiAW.d all suspicious emai�s an attachment to am Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <may.ben nett> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? • 1 talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. , Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. All engineering and land surveying services, in North Carolina, are offered/performed by Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group, plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. This email transmission and any accompanying attachments may contain CSX privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the intended addressee. Any dissemination, distribution, copying or action taken in reliance on the contents of this email by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please immediately delete it and notify sender at the above CSX email address. Sender and CSX accept no liability for any damage caused directly or indirectly by receipt of this email. 10 Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 9:26 AM To: 'Langan, Bonani'; Barber, Jim; Bennett, Jay; Stephens, Drew Cc: Adkins, Matt; Watts, Debra; Shrestha, Shristi R Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [mailto:bona] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 8:57 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <jay.ben nett>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike, We received the signed consent from the property owner and are now ready to proceed with the risk based process. We are currently preparing the eligibility documents to submit to NCDEQ. I did reach out to Jim Barber to discuss the most efficient way to abandon the wells and we worked through that process. Following concurrence from NCDEQ, we will schedule the injection well abandonment and coordinate with Jim. I'll continue to provide updates as we move through the process. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael <> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:10 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Stephens, Drew <drew.stephens@ncdenr.Bov> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani- I have not heard anything since June on the status. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:09 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <]>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Thanks, Mike. We will keep you updated on the status of the site. Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 3:35 PM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, lay <iay.ben nett>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Waiting on final decision from DWM before closing wells is OK. Also, for your info, if the DWM wanted some monitoring wells to remain for monitoring, that would be OK. We would need to be advised of this. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:21 PM To: Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike, Before we proceeded with well abandonment, we wanted to confirm that the property owner would sign the Property Owner Consent form to allow us to proceed with Risk Based Remediation as a Site closure strategy. The property owner has signed the consent form and is in the process of returning that to us so we will be pursuing this closure strategy. We would like to leave the wells in place until we get concurrence from NCDEQ to proceed with this option. At that time, we will move forward with well abandonment and submission on the required documentation. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Thanks, Bonani From: Barber, Jim [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 1:09 PM To: Bennett, lay <]ay.ben nett@wood>; Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha CED> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike; I was in Clarkton on Tuesday and stopped by the CSX site. All wells, monitoring and injection, are still in place. I assume that a final decision from DWM-IHSB or REC has not been rendered at this time. Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax jim.barber(a) E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. `Aj Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible. ******************* From: Bennett, Jay [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:11 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hi Michael- Banani is out on vacation and back Monday. III follow up with her Monday on this item. Thanks again - Jay Please note Amec Foster Wheelers new company brand is Wood. We are operating as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Associate Hydrogeologist Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC, 27703,USA T 919.381.9345 M 919.819.2750 jay.bennett(a) wood. From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 10:21 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <jay.ben nett>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request I am updating my rescission tracking spreadsheet and just wanted to know where you were on this project. Have the wells been P&A and GW-30s sent? If so, I didn't get them. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 10:12 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to a Michael, Thank you for your response. We are currently reviewing eligibility for site closure through risk based remediation and obtaining the property owner's permission. Once we get property owner's consent and approval to proceed with the process, we will move forward with abandoning the wells. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:05 AM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <[>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hello - The Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices have approved the closure plan for this site. Please move forward with abandoning the injection wells and any other associated underground pipes, etc. After abandonment, please provide GW-30s and any other documentation and photos. After receipt and review, we will then rescind this permit and send letter. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael[] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? • 1 talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks From: Langan, Bonani[] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <jay.ben nett> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. All engineering and land surveying services, ;.a t ur i:i Carolina, are offered/performeu o f,-; lec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group, plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:09 PM To: Rogers, Michael; Barber, Jim; Bennett, Jay; Stephens, Drew Cc: Adkins, Matt; Watts, Debra; Shrestha, Shristi R Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Thanks, Mike. We will keep you updated on the status of the site. Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 3:35 PM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Waiting on final decision from DWM before c►osing wells is OK. Also, for your info, if the DWM wanted some monitoring wells to remain for monitoring, that would be OK. We would need to be advised of this. From: Langan, Bonani[mailto:bona] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:21 PM To: Barber, Jim <>; Bennett, Jay <iay.ben>; Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike, Before we proceeded with well abandonment, we wanted to confirm that the property owner would sign the Property Owner Consent form to allow us to proceed with Risk Based Remediation as a Site closure strategy. The property owner has signed the consent form and is in the process of returning that to us so we will be pursuing this closure strategy. We would like to leave the wells in place until we get concurrence from NCDEQ to proceed with this option. At that time, we will move forward with well abandonment and submission on the required documentation. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Thanks, Bonani From: Barber, Jim [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 1:09 PM To: Bennett, Jay <>; Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.eov>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike; I was in Clarkton on Tuesday and stopped by the CSX site. All wells, monitoring and injection, are still in place. I assume that a final decision from DWM-IHSB or REC has not been rendered at this time. Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax jim.barber(a� E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. `A Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible. ******************* From: Bennett, Jay [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:11 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hi Michael- Banani is out on vacation and back Monday. III follow up with her Monday on this item. Thanks again - Jay Please note Amec Foster Wheelers new company brand is Wood. We are operating as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Associate Hydrogeologist Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC, 27703,USA T 919.381.9345 M 919.819.2750 ►ay. wood. From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 10:21 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request I am updating my rescission tracking spreadsheet and just wanted to know where you were on this project. Have the wells been P&A and GW-30s sent? If so, I didn't get them. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 10:12 PM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.l;ov>; Barber, Jim <jim.barber@ncdenr.pov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request LA _ External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to 9eport Smi� Michael, Thank you for your response. We are currently reviewing eligibility for site closure through risk based remediation and obtaining the property owner's permission. Once we get property owner's consent and approval to proceed with the process, we will move forward with abandoning the wells. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.ropers@ncdenr.eov] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:05 AM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.l?ov>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request =rem The Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices have approved the closure plan for this site. Please move forward with abandoning the injection wells and any other associated underground pipes, etc. After abandonment, please provide GW-30s and any other documentation and photos. After receipt and review, we will then rescind this permit and send letter. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew <drew.stephens@ncdenr.eov>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.eov>; Shrestha, Shristi R <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <drew.stephens@ncdenr.eov> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, lay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Leo Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.ropers@ncdenr.eov] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, lay <> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? • 1 talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, lay <iay.ben> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to 6ort Span Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 10:12 PM To: Rogers, Michael; Stephens, Drew Cc: Adkins, Matt; Bennett, Jay; Watts, Debra; Shrestha, Shristi R; Barber, Jim Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Thank you for your response. We are currently reviewing eligibility for site closure through risk based remediation and obtaining the property owner's permission. Once we get property owner's consent and approval to proceed with the process, we will move forward with abandoning the wells. Kind regards, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:05 AM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <>; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Hello - The Central and Fayetteville Regional Offices have approved the closure plan for this site. Please move forward with abandoning the injection wells and any other associated underground pipes, etc. After abandonment, please provide GW-30s and any other documentation and photos. After receipt and review, we will then rescind this permit and send letter. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew <>; Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <>; Watts, Debra <>; Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shresthaC&> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request 1 External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to a r: Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? I talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani[] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt Adkins>; Bennett, Jay <iay.bennett(> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request A External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Mw `11) Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:01 PM To: Stephens, Drew; Langan, Bonani Cc: Adkins, Matt; Bennett, Jay; Watts, Debra; Shrestha, Shristi R Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request OK, thank you. I will use this email response for all future REC sites involving a permit rescission. From: Stephens, Drew Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: Langan, Bonani <>; Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Bonani has informed me about the decision to rescind the UIC permit for this Site. Under REC rules, the Registered Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all permits are obtained (or rescinded) as needed without the need for review or approval from the REC Program. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Drew Stephens 919 707-8338 office REC Program Website From: Langan, Bonani[] Sent: Monday, March 12, 201810:55 AM To: Rogers, Michael <>; Stephens, Drew <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to L"—RULL'� uwu. Michael, Drew Stephens from the IHSB REC Program is our incident manager for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site. Drew is aware of the permit rescission request and our revised site closure approach (i.e., to pursue risk -based remediation). I have asked Drew to contact you to let you know that he is aware of the revised approach. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [maiIto:] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? • I talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to �ort Sp"m. Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. All engineering and land surveying services.. in North Carolina, are offered/performed by Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group.. plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe( and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael From: Langan, Bonani <> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:56 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Adkins, Matt; Bennett, Jay Subject: [External] RE: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Michael, Please see responses to your comments below. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 5:05 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt_Adkins@CSX. corn>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Bonani/Matt- I have the following questions/comments: • The IHSB is probably aware of the permit rescission request. But just for the file, please have someone with the group email me. Yes, I will contact Drew Stephens from the REC Program and have him contact you. • Other than the injection wells are there any remaining components of the remediation system still present? There are injection wells and monitoring wells still remaining on the property. No other remediation system components are present. • I talked to my supervisor about the annual fees. They are not required for the upcoming reporting period since you are requesting rescission. • Due to the size of the attached, would you please mail 2 hard color copies. Yes, I will print and send two copies in the mail to your attention. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [mailto:bonani.langanCa)] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt>; Bennett, Jay <> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request xternal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood All engineering and land surveying services; in North Carolina, are offered/performed by Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group; plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael From: Watts, Debra Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 11:10 AM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Mike Fees are collected for the next year (coverage starts March 2018). I'm ok not requiring next year fees before rescinding. Debra From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 9:48 AM To: Watts, Debra <> Subject: FW: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request Debra - I received a permit rescission request this morning. They are asking about the fees. We received the permit request today and the annual fees are due March 10 for operating period 3/1/18 to 2/28/2019. Do we still need these fees before rescission? rid Plenlid Related PemlNs r Welts Shea comments r mstory r Inspedions InddeMs f EMorcemenb r Violations Details t I Det3lis 2 Billing ClassJDestg. Events Reg, Activities Ar3iNatlons j RevtaM POM* 00035089 version: o Status: red Fadllr Former CSXT - Rosindale Derailment Site Boiling Contact Tiransportaron Inc find I'er #"md SK4 r County Paden � Address 1, C Transportabon Inc Tipe: Fee Category_ Nondischa(ge major pemul g Address 2. 351 Thornton Rd Ste 125� Phone: 0) 819-2845 Ext Bill Month 3 •March ~ Orig BUled Ot 1 City Lithia Springs State: DP. 30122- • Normal _ invoice Type 'ermit Annual Fee 'errnrt Annual Fee lermrlAnnual Fee ,erm$ annual Fpe 'ermit Annual Fee i mit Annual Fee iimid Mnual Fee Period 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 'ermit Appticabon Fee .2010 _ Fast TracK Express Review Period Begin Period Endl Billing Month D310112018 0242812019 F6112017 02,2812018:March D310102016 02r28&20t7 D3101�O2/28r2016 March ttarch �. March March — March - 031OU2014 02f2M15 10131OU2013 02128M14 03101t2012 02rAM13 March Beprint Invoic, Due Date lmo!ce Amount PaiddA Balance 3ta t8 2 3110/2o�_ 018PRu01599_ 1310A0 SOt 00 S1310.00`OW 3149/2017 2017PROO1340�1=7 51310.00: SO.00_._ "t i0 31061201612016PR0015401310.00. 51310.00. SU13 - !Paid D300OP2015 2015PR001556 11310,40, S1310.001SO.00 P3110 D312012014 2014PROO1432 S1310.00 S1310.00 SO.00 Pald D311)712013 2013PR401412 51310.Q4. 51310.00 SO.00 Paid D_3108r2012 2012PROO1596 1110.K &1310.00. .00._ Paid 11104*010 2010PRO10404 5131.0.00 S13.10.00" SO.00..._ _, P3id_ �_. rt ai�taN tnvoltt < l2atic rfl,! fan+s!1 r'109e l Invoices found Ready SID PMBI From: Langan, Bonani[maiIto:] Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:52 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: Adkins, Matt <Matt Adkins(>; Bennett, Jay <iay.bennett(> Subject: [External] CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776) - WQ0035089 Permit Rescission Request ternal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, Attached is the request to rescind the Groundwater Remediation Permit, WQ0035089, for the CSX Rosindale Derailment Site (NONCD 0002776). Please review the attached information and let us know if you have any question or need additional information. I have also attached the permit fee renewal invoice for reference, please let me know if we need to follow up with the invoice since we will not be renewing the permit. Kind regards, Bonani 4 Bonani Langan, P.E., RSM Senior Project Manager I Remediation Engineer Direct: (919) 765-9977 Mobile: (919) 564-9999 wood. All engineering and land surveying services, in North Carolina. are offered/performed by Amec Foster Wheeler' Environment & Infrastructure. Inc. (License #F-1253), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Wood Group, plc. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe(& and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 4:04 PM To: 'Langan, Bonani' Cc: ''; Barber, Jim Subject: RE: [External] RE: WQ0035089 - WI0600060 Attachments: Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit APPLICATION Rev. 3-1-2016.docx; 2T .1608 Closure Requirements.pdf, WQ0035089 signed NOE.pdf Mr. Adkins - Please find attached a Notice of Expiration (NOE) for permit WQ0035089. Please respond per the options indicated in the letter by February 16, 2018. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards, Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC and FL) Hydrogeologist UIC Program Manager Division of Water Resources, Water Quality Regional Operations Section From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 3:04 PM To:'Langan, Bonani' <> Cc: matt; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: [External] RE: WQ0035089 - W10600060 If you plan on doing any groundwater remediation via injections, you will need to submit a renewal for 0600060. Also, please have the Permittee request a permit rescission and submit a closure plan. Thanks. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 3:00 PM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: matt; Barber, Jim <> Subject: [External] RE: WQ0035089 - W10600060 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Michael, We will not be renewing the non -discharge permit for the site. Instead, we will be pursuing site closure through risk based remediation. Do we still need to keep a permit open? If so, we will renew W10600060. Thank you, Bonani From: Rogers, Michael [ Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 11:44 AM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: matt; Barber, Jim <> Subject: RE: WQ0035089 - W10600060 Hello - See email chain below. I never heard back how you want to proceed. As I mentioned, if you are not withdrawing and reinjecting treated groundwater, the permit renewal application you sent for WQ0035089 is not applicable. I still have the application and need to know what you want me to do with it (return it, drop in recycle bin, etc.). Also, as mentioned below, the permit will eventually need to be rescinded and the non -discharge system closed. Thanks From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 2:12 PM To: Langan, Bonani <Bonani.Langan> Cc: matt Subject: RE: WQ0035089 - W10600060 Thanks for the condolences. If you are not going to extract and re -inject treated gw, you don't need to renew this permit. This permit is for a non -discharge system issued under 15A NCAC 2T .1600. Not keeping this permit will save ya'II the annual fee of $1310/year for 5 years plus all the other requirements of the current permit. An alternative is renew W10600060, which was previously issued for this site but has expired. This permit is for the in -situ injection remediation and has no fees. If you want to go this route, you would need to request permit WQ0035089 be rescinded and provide a closure plan (requirements attached), and submit a renewal application for W10600060. This can be a dual track process. Let me know how you want to proceed. From: Langan, Bonani [] Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 8:48 AM To: Rogers, Michael <> Cc: matt Subject: RE: WQ0035089 Michael, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. We did use the extraction well for the pilot test but determined the yield to be insufficient for the full scale injection; and therefore, we did not use the extraction well to obtain make up/dilution water for the full-scale injection. Please let me know if you would like to discuss when you return. Thanks, Bonani Bonani Langan, PE Senior Project Manager/Remediation Engineer, Environment & Infrastructure, Amec Foster Wheeler 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC 27703, USA D +1 919-765-9977 M +1 919-564-9999 bonani.langan From: Rogers, Michael[maiIto:] Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 5:33 PM To: Langan, Bonani <> Cc: matt Subject: WQ0035089 I am reviewing the renewal application for the above permit. The permit and attachments show an extraction well, but no info/analytical data on extraction and re -injection. Are you still using this type of method for remediation in addition to in -situ? FYI, I will be out until Wed of next week on funeral leave. Thanks. Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Manager - Hydrogeologist NCDEQ- DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6412 protection/ground-water-applications NOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, all e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. Rogers, Michael Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 1:47 PM To: Wang, Shuying Cc: Knight, Sherri Subject: Expired permits Shuying- Below are 3 expired non -discharge permits. Various previous attempts have been made in the past for the permittees to renew or rescind their permits, plus in some cases pay overdue annual fees. To date they have been non -responsive. If I issued some NOVs, Would it be possible for you to inspect these sites and see what kind of condition they are in. There have been no inspections completed in the last 2-3 years. The first two sites have requested their permits be rescinded in the past, but there was no follow up. If during your site inspection the infiltration galleries have been closed enough to substantially meet the requirements of 2T, perhaps we can close out the permits in BIMS based upon your recommendation. For the third site (WQ0000965), during your site inspection please give them a renewal application (attached). They submitted a change of ownership last year but never submitted a renewal application. At your convenience, if you can do the above, let me know. I would be very grateful. Thanks Permit Owner Facility Owner Permit Effective Expired Primary Facility Fat Number Name Name Type Status Date Date Reviewer County Re, W00001988 Huffman Huffman Oil Non- EXPIRED 3/8/05 3/31/14 michael.ranck Guilford Wii (requested Oil Co Co, Government Sal permit Shoffner rescission Store 10/30/09 Facility and 4/25/14 WQ0005679 Kinder Kinder Non- EXPIRED 5/31/06 5/31/15 michael.ranck Guilford Wii (requested Morgan Morgan Government Sal permit Southeast Southeast rescission Terminals Terminals 8/28/07 and LLC LLC, 11/10/10) Greensboro #2 WQ0000965 Phoenix Phoenix Non- EXPIRED 6/1/15 10/31/16 Forsyth Wii Aluminum Aluminum Government Sal LLC Facility Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Manager- Hydrogeologist NCDEQ- DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6412 http://deg nc Gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/ground-water- protection/ground-water-applications NOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, all e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Water Resources Environmental Quality January 16, 2018 Sent Via Entail Mr. Matt Adkins, Environmental Remediation Manager CSX Transportation 351 Thornton Road, Suite 123 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Subject: Notice of Expiration (NOE) Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit Permit No. WQ0035089 CSX Rosindale Derailment Site Bladen County Dear Mr. Adkins: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LR41DA CULPEPPER Interim Director Our records indicate that the above -referenced permit, which was issued on March 8, 2005, expired on February 28, 2016. It is both a condition of your permit and required by 15A NCAC 2T .0109 to request a renewal of your permit at least 180 calendar days prior to its expiration date. Failure to apply for permit renewal and continued operation of your facility without an active permit may result in an enforcement action by the Division of Water Resources (DWR), in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. To comply with the permit requirements set forth in your permit and 2T .0109, the Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) is making the following options available to you: 1. Permit Renewal (application attached). When you apply for and receive a renewal, operation of the groundwater remediation system will be permitted to continue. As such, annual fees, all requirements for sampling and annual reports, and any operation and maintenance specified in your previous permit will be required. 2. Apply for Permit Renewal with Suspended Actions. Under this option, you must still apply for a permit renewal. However, you may indicate that operation of the remediation system has been suspended, but that you desire to maintain the permit should the need arise to restart the system. As such, operation of the remediation system will be prohibited until such time that a permit modification is obtained from the Division of Water Resources allowing operation of the system. Under the "Permit Renewal with Suspended Actions" option, all monitoring and annual reports will be suspended until otherwise notified. Infiltration galleries will be directed to be winterized as a permit condition, as well as temporary abandonment of any monitoring wells in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0113(a). Annual fees will still be required, but may be reimbursed under the NC State Trust Fund as a directed cost. This option allows you to keep your system inactive until the UST Section once again directs remediation. At that point, you will need to request a modification to your permit to activate your system. "Nothing Compares:.. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 919-707-9129 3. Permit Rescission. To apply for a rescission, you must request that your permit be rescinded in writing and attach a proposed remediation system closure plan. After receipt of the rescission request/plan, it will be reviewed by staff. If no further information is required, you will be directed to close your infiltration gallery/injection wells in accordance with 2T .1608 (a PDF of this rule is attached). Abandonment of any monitoring wells must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0113, and any injection wells will need to be abandoned in accordance to 2C .0240. If you choose to have your permit rescinded, any reactivation of the subject remediation system in the future will require a new permit. Please respond to any of the three (3) options listed above within 30 calendar days of receipt. If you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC and FL) Hydrogeologist UIC Program Manager Division of Water Resources, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Attachment(s) to Email cc: Jim Barber - Winston-Salem Regional Office Central Files - Permit No. WQ0035089 w/o attachments WDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director Dee Freeman Secretary RECEIVED Mr. Matt Adkins APR 0 4 2012 December 9, 2011 Bladen County CSX Transportation CENTRAL FILES Raleigh, NC 27604 DWQi System: Groundwater Remediation Facility (Bladen County) Classification: Grade 1 Physical Chemical System Subject: Designation of ORC and Backup ORC for Physical / Chemical Permit: WQ0035089 Dear Mr. Adkins: The Water Pollution Control System Certification Commission has classified the subject facility as a Grade 1 Physical Chemical Pollution Control Treatment System based upon your permit, the Water Pollution Control System Certification Commission Rules 15A NCAC 8G .0306 (a). In accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0202 and your permit, you must designate an Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and Back -Up Operator who has a current physical chemical certification of the appropriate level. Your facility requires a Grade 1 or higher Physical Chemical Treatment Plant Operator in Responsible Charge and Grade 1 or higher Back -Up Operator. Failure to designate a properly certified operator and back-up operator constitutes a violation of the permit issued for this facility. Our records indicate that this facility does not have a certified Physical Chemical Grade 1 operator as ORC and Backup designated at this time. An ORC and a Backup ORC with the required certification must be designated within 60 calendar days prior to this system becoming operational. Enclosed is a new designation form. Please complete this designation form and submit it to the Technical Assistance and Certification Unit. If individuals managing this system do not have a Physical Chemical Grade 1 certification then they must complete a Commission approved school and take the state's certification examination. Contact NCAWWA/WEA (919) 784-9030 or Laws and Company (888) 793-6266 or your local Community 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer None thCaralin, Natural& r College. If you have any questions concerning this facility classification and ORC requirement, please reference to our website (http://portal.ncdenr.or web/wq/admin/tacu) and search under "Wastewater Rules." Sincerely, U and d�esPugh,ducati Training Specialist Technical Assistance and Certification Unit cc: Central Files TAC Files Fayetteville Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 \ FAX: 919-807-6492 \ Customer Service: 1-877.623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolin, Naturalli Central Files: APS SWP 03/30/ 11 Permit Number WQ0035089 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge Active New Project Permit Type Version Permit Classification Groundwater Remediation, Non -discharge 1.00 Individual Primary Reviewer david.goodrich -Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Name Former CSXT - Rosindale Derailment Site Location Address NC Hwy 211 Clarkton NC 28433 Permit Contact Affiliation Kathleen Roush 22M.Gateway Ctr Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Major/Minor Region Minor Fayetteville County Bladen Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type Csx Transportation Inc Unknown Owner Affiliation Matt Adkins 351 Thornton Rd Lithia Springs GA 30122 Dates/Events Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 03/28/11 11 /02/10 03/28/11 03/28/11 02/28/16 egulated Activities Requested/Received Events Groundwater remediation Additional information received RO staff report requested 11 /05/10 Additional information requested 11/16/10 RO staff report received 11/17/10 Additional information requested 12/06/10 Additional information received 01/04/11 Additional information received 01/27/11 Additional information received 02/01/11 Additional information received 02/14/11 Additional information requested 02/15/11 Additional information received 02/28/11 40 Central Files: APS SWP 03/30/11 Outfall NU-1. Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Permit Number WQ0035089 Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Groundwater Remediation, Non -discharge Primary Reviewer david.goodrich Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit•< Central Files: APS SWP 02/09/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type In review New Project Version Permit Classification A Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Kathleen Roush 2200 Gateway Ctr Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Facility Name Major/Minor Region Former CSXT - Rosindale Derailment Site Minor Fayetteville Location Address County NC Hwy 211 Bladen Clarkton NC 28433 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type Csx Transportation Inc Unknown Owner Affiliation Matt Adkins 351 Thornton Rd Lithia Springs GA 30122 Dates�EventF Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 11 /02/10 Regulated Activities Reauested/Received Events Groundwater remediation RO staff report requested 11 /05/10 Additional information requested 11/16/10 RO staff report received 11/17/10 Additional information requested 12/06/10 Additional information received 01/04/11 Additional information received 01/27/11 Additional information received 01 /27/11 Outfail Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin HCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director March 28, 2011 Matt Adkins, Manager of Environmental Remediation CSX Transportation _ 351 Thornton Road, Suite 125 Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122 Subject: Groundwater Remediation Permit Number WQ0035089 CSX Transportation Bladen County Dear Mr. Adkins: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance the application received on November 2, 2010, along with additional information received on January 27, 2011, February 1, 2011, February 14, 2011, and February 28, 2011, we are forwarding Permit No. WQ0035089, dated March 28, 2011 for the construction and operation of 90 injection wells for the purpose of injecting an emulsified edible oil substrate (EDS) with sodium lactate iniectant solution. In addition, effective March 28, 2011, Permit WI0600060 is hereby rescinded, and replaced by Permit WQ0035089. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2016, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 715-6162. Sincerely, Coleen H. Sullins cc: Bladen County Health Department Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Jay Bennett, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc., 2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 205, Morrisville, NC 27560 Technical Assistance and Certification Unit WQ0035089 Permit File WQ0035089 Notebook File 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-161 i Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807 -6300 11 rAK 919-807-6492 Customer Service 1-877-623-674F. intemet: Raua Lfifirmauvr, Lmo cvt.- f �v n ar o la w NORTH-CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules; and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CSX Transportation, Inc. Bladen County FOR THE construction and operation of a 31,200 GPD groundwater remediation facility consisting of ninety (90) permanent injection wells. Ground water from within the contaminated area will be extracted by way of six extraction wells, mixed with emulsified edible oil substrate (EDS) with sodium lactate injectant solution, and injected back into the aquifer through ninety permanent injection wells. The basic components of the system are a mobile venturi chemical injection system mounted on a trailer and consisting of a chemical feed tank with the emulsified edible oil substrate (EOS) and sodium lactate injectate,- and a venture pipe manifold system that includes a gate valve with a flow and pressure gauge to remediate hexavalent chromium and antimony groundwater contamination, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received November 2, 2010 and subsequent additional information received by the Division of Water Quality (Division), and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Division and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2016 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 433-3300, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the initiation of injection operations, so that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 2. The treated groundwater discharged into the injection wells must not cause a violation of Class GA Standards for any constituent beyond the Compliance Boundary, as applicable, nor cause the migration of the contamination into unaffected areas. If the treatment system fails to consistently achieve this standard, changes in design that could include additional treatment units, or changes in operational needs, may be required. WQ0035089dp110328.docx Page 1 of 7 3. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the injectant fluid, and may be rescinded unless the facilities/wells are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface and groundwaters. In the event that the facility or the injection wells fail to perform satisfactorily, or the injection zone fails to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including the repair, modification, or abandonment of the facility/wells, as required by the Division of Water Quality. The Permittee may be required to reduce or eliminate the permitted activity to protect the assigned water quality standards of surface and groundwaters. 4. The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwater which will render it unsatisfactory for normal use at location(s) beyond the Compliance Boundary. 5. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to- surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 6. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. II. FACILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The Permittee shall maintain an injection activity log that includes which wells are injected, when they are injected, how much injectate is injected, and any other pertinent injection activity information. The Permittee shall also concurrently maintain an extraction activity log of which extraction wells are pumped, when each extraction well is pumped, the total volume of water removed from each extraction well during each pumping session, and any other pertinent extraction activity information. These logs of injection activity and extraction activity shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the activities and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may,. upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit (including inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-90), may inspect or copy any records or annual facility report that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, injection fluids, or leachate. III. WELL CONSTRUCTION/ABANDONMENT CRITERIA AND CHANGE OF INJECTION WELL STATUS Prior to beginning injection remediation activities, ninety (90) injection wells, six (6) extraction wells (EW-01, EW-02, EW-03, EW-04, EW-05, and EW-06), and four new monitor well(s), identified as CSX- 31, CSX-32, CSX-33, and CSX-34, shall be installed at the site. The four monitor well(s) shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never below the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. The screened (open) portion of the monitor well(s) shall be located at a depth appropriate to detect the treated waste or plume migration. The general location and name for each extraction well and monitor well is marked on Figure 2. Each monitor well shall be constructed in accordance with this permit and as approved by the Fayetteville Regional Office. 2. Flow measurement devices shall be utilized to monitor the volumes injected at each injection well. Also each injection wellhead or injection apparatus shall be equipped to measure the injection pressure at the W00035089dp110328.docx Page 2 of 7 screened interval. If the injection pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure, the mechanical integrity of the injection well(s) shall be demonstrated accordug to 15A NCAC 2C .0207. 3. The Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 433-3300, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well or injection well so that an inspection can be made of the well location. Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Pursuant to rule 15A NCAC 2C .0211(h), injection may not commence until the Permittee has submitted notice of completion of construction to the Fayetteville Regional Office, and the regional office staff has inspected or otherwise reviewed the injection well and finds it in compliance with the permit. If the Permittee has not received notice from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after the regional office has received the notice, the Permittee may commence operation of the injection wells. 4. All wells must be constructed by either a North Carolina Certified Well Contractor, the property owner, or the property lessee according to General Statutes 87-98.4(b)(2). If the construction is not performed by a certified well contractor, the property owner or lessee, provided they are a natural person, must physically perform the actual well construction activities. All well(s) must be constructed according to the North Carolina Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 2C .0108) and any local county rules. Within sixty (60) days of completion of all well installations, the Permittee shall submit two (2) original copies of a scaled site map (scale no greater than 1 "=100'). The map(s) must include the following information: a. The location and identity of each well (recovery, monitoring, injection, water supply, etc.). b. The location Qf property boundaries within 500 feet of the disposal area(s). c. The latitude and longitude of the established horizontal control monument. d. The elevation of the top of the well casing (which shall be known as the "measuring point") relative to a common datum. e. The depth of water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point is established. f. The location of Review and Compliance boundaries. g. The date the map is prepared and/or revised. Control monuments shall be installed in such a manner and made of such materials that the monument will not be destroyed due to activities that may take place on the property. Maps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to: Aquifer Protection Section Groundwater Protection Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 A copy shall also be sent to: Aquifer Protection Section 225 Green Street, Suite 714 / Systel Building Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 The Permittee is responsible for the geographic accuracy of any map submitted, however produced 7. For injection wells, when operations have ceased at the facility/well and an injection well will no longer be used for any purpose, the Permittee shall abandon that injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0214. WQ0035089dpl 10328.docx. Page 3 of 7 The Permittee shall submit a Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(1) for any abandoned injection Well within 30 days of completion of abandonment to the following address: Aquifer Protection Section DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 8. Within fifteen days of any change of status of an injection well, the Permittee shall provide written notification to the Division. Such a change would include the discontinued use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Permittee must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose, that well must be permanently abandoned according to15A NCAC 2C .0214. The written notification shall be submitted to the following address: Aquifer Protection Section DENR — Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 IV. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1. The influent to the treatment system (as extracted from the six recovery wells) shall be sampled every injection event for the parameters specified below: RCRA Metals plus Antimony (Laboratory) 2. Existing monitor wells CSX-4, CSX-16, CSX-21, CSX-22, and'CSX-25, along with proposed (new) monitor wells CSX-30, CSX-31, CSX-32, and CSX-34 §hall -be sampled initially after construction (new monitor wells) and prior to injection/recovery operations, 45 days following the completion of the injection event, and thereafter every March, June, September, and December for the parameters lisied below: Water Level (Field) pH (Field) Oxidation -Reduction Potential (ORP) (Field) Dissolved Oxygen (Field) Temperature (Field) Conductivity (Field) Chromium (Laboratory) Antimony (Laboratory) 3. Prior to sampling the parameters, the measurement of water levels must be taken. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed relative to a common datum. 4. Any laboratory selected to analyze parameters must be Division of Water Quality certified for those parameters required. 5. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. WQ0035089dpl 10328.docx Page 4 of 7 V. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. The following forms are to be used to report well construction, well abandonment, groundwater quality monitoring, and groundwater compliance: a. GW-1 Well Construction Record b. GW-30 Well Abandonment Record (as appropriate) c. GW-59 Groundwater Quality Monitoring : Compliance Report Form d. GW-59A Compliance Report Form Three copies of the GW-1 and GW-30 forms are to be mailed to the address below immediately after a subject well is constructed or abandoned. The GW-59 and GW-59A forms are to be included in the annual report (see Condition V.3. below). Mail the GW-1 and GW-30 forms to the following address: Division of Water Quality Groundwater Protection Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Updated blank forms (GW-1, GW-30, GW-59, GW-59A) may be downloaded from the Division of Water Quality website at ht_pt :// or requested from the address mentioned above. 2. The Permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including calibration and maintenance. records, continuous monitoring data and reports required by this permit, for at least 3 years from the date of the sample measurement, report or application. Records of this monitoring information shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. the date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements, b. the individual who performed the sampling or measurements, c. the date the analyses were performed, d. the analytical techniques or methods used, and e. the results of such sampling, measurements, and analyses. The Permittee shall submit an annual report summarizing the volume and injection pressures of effluent discharged into the injection wells and the summary results of related groundwater, influent, and effluent monitoring. Isoconcentrations (horizontal and vertical direction) and water level contour/potentiometric surface maps shall be prepared on an annual basis and submitted with this report. If an annual report containing this information (e.g. corrective action plan) is required by a regulatory agency, the Permittee, may submit two (2) copies of that report in lieu of the preceding information within thirty days of its publication. The Permittee shall submit this report to the following address: Aquifer Protection Section, Groundwater Protection Unit,1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 4. The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 433- 3300, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or the next working day following the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any spill of the injectant substance, including a failure of the injection system to properly contain or convey the injectant substance. b. Any noncompliance with a permit condition due to a malfunction of the injection system. c. Any cause of injectant fluid migration outside the injection zone or area. WQ0035089dp110328.doex Page 5 of 7 VI. APPLICABLE BOUNDARIES The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the waste disposal area is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for the disposal system individually permitted after December 30, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Class GA Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(d)(2). 2. The REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the waste disposal area midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of Class GA Standards at the Review Boundary may require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106(d)(1)_ VH. GENERAL CONDITIONS Issuance of this permit does not constitute approval for reimbursement from the Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (15A NCAC 2P) or any other fund. Additionally, the issuance of this permit does not remove the Permittee's responsibility to comply with the corrective action requirements of the Division of Waste Management. Furthermore, the Permittee should notify and report all changes concerning the remedial system to the Division of Waste Management. It is the Permittee's responsibility to comply with the requirements of all involved agencies. 2. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved -plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 3. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and vofume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 4.. The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit and with the standards and criteria specified in Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells (15A NCAC 2C .0200). Any noncompliance with conditions of this permit constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and is grounds for enforcement action as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-94. 5. This permit is valid only for construction of the number of monitor wells described in the application and other supporting data. Written permission from the property owner must be obtained for the construction of any monitor well on property that is not owned by the Permittee. Construction of additional monitor wells must be approved in advance by the Aquifer Protection Section. 6. This permit is not transferable. In the event the facilities change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal name change request must be submitted to the Division accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 7. A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Permittee for the life of this project. The Permittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any. planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized by the permit. A permit modification is usually required before these changes can take place. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted on said application or in any report to the Division, the relevant and correct facts shall be promptly submitted to the Division by the Permittee. WQ0035089dpl 10328.docx Page 6 of 7 9. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 10. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T .0105 (e)(3). 11. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal), which have jurisdiction, or as imposed by any existing permit issued by such agencies. 12. Sixty (60) days prior to closure of the injection wells, the Permittee must request a rescission of the _ permit from the Division of Water Quality. Guidelines for the closure of the injection wells may be obtained from or requested from the Division of Water Quality. 13. If the Permittee wants to continue operation of this system, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 28 h day of March, 2011 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Qb" ). U�i - 4 Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality gy Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0035089 WQ0035089dpl 10328.docx Page 7 of 7 i s , _ } ^- I N Ix as:icy�cun.00 /ice; 78 1 � ( / ' — _� _ —tea {`•` i C ) ��``"' S`COUlhcil BM 2 earn 21 too E rof - J I �J�'_Ji II f `• ��/�f I \\:� `E-- n t�� ' 1 • i I ( N ti -- - WEIM AMEC Earth & Environmental FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2200 Geffiwey Centre Blvd., suite 2W CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. FORMER DERAILMENT SITE Morrisville, Nora, Carolina 27F80 ort JW GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM ROSINDALE, NC amedy I crac HM; BLADEN COUNTY Pry. rat• WQ0035089 SITE LOCATION MAP -- -- TITLE: PROPOSED INJECTION `"`'"': L '�' AMEC Earth Lip Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 W. MONITORING WELL NETWORK — �� �� 1"=?QU' PROJ.: Cd3L'08035 (� 1 SITE: DATE: SCALE: n Morrisville, 14C 2756q _. CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE WBlay0+o DR: Yd. Blaylock CHK: J.Bv,ne(t 919 447-2750amet; 1 ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA LOSP•�ICFb P i.+ems.. ea,nam.aome:as esrso:,en, :.... .,oan:,, o,„7�Mi,,.o FIGURE 2 CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY WQ0035089 WELL LOCATION MAP Permit dumber WQ0035089 Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Groundwater Remediation, Non -discharge Primary Reviewer david.goodrich Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Central Files: APS SWP 02/09/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type In review New Project Version Permit Classification A Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Kathleen Roush 2200 Gateway Ctr Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Facility Name Major/Minor Region Former CSXT - Rosindale Derailment Site Minor Fayetteville Location Address County NC Hwy 211 Bladen Clarkton NC 28433 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type Csx Transportation Inc Unknown Owner Affiliation Matt Adkins 351 Thornton Rd Lithia Springs GA 30122 Dates!Events Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 11 /02/10 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Groundwater remediation RO staff report requested 11 /05/10 Additional information requested 11/16/10 RO staff report received 11 /17/10 Additional information requested 12/06/10 Additional information received 01/04/11 Additional information received 01 /27/11 Additional information received 01 /27/11 Outfall Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin SUMMARY SHEET FOR CSX TRANSPORTATION GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM WQ0035089 0 There was a train derailment incident at this location in 1986 with a resulting spill of chemicals. The focus of this remediation effort is on the conversion of hexavalent chromium to a less toxic form. � ��-� 'rV 0 The 90 permanent injection wells and 6 extraction wells hav already been permitted by the APS UIC Group and the Fayetteville Regional Office. The treatment will consist of injecting a mixture of 99% water and 1% "EOS 450" emulsified oil into the shallow aquifer. The mixture will enhance natural bioremediation, and will help to convert the chromium to a less toxic trivalent form. Ground water will be extracted, treated with the additive, and re -injected into the aquifer. 0 An injection test was previously performed on the shallow aquifer to evaluate its ability to accept injected liquid under gravity -fed conditions. The aquifer was found to accept 5 gallons per minute at a gravity -fed pressure of less than 1 pound per square inch. 0 As many as three injection events, each lasting two to three weeks, will take place over a period of approximately three years with twelve to eighteen months between consecutive events. 0 The initial injection and extraction rates will both be 7,200 gallons per day. This rate may be increased to as much as 31,200 gallons per day, depending on the results of the early operation. The injection will be performed on two wells at a time with six extraction wells operating. O For the purposes of this permit, groundwater monitoring will be performed at Monitoring Wells CSX-04, CSX-16, CSX-21, CSX-22, CSX-25, CSX-30, CSX-31, CSX-32, and CSX-34 initially, then 45 days after the initial injection, and every March, July, and November thereafter for Water Levels, pH, Oxidation -Reduction Potential, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Conductivity, Chromium and Antimony. . AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION RECEIVED APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM NOV 0 g 2010 Date: November 5, 2010 DENR-FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL Of To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS X Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6162 Fax: (919) 715-6048 E-Mail: david.goodrich ancdenr.g_ov A. Permit Number: W00035089 B. Owner: CSX Transportation, Inc.. f C. Facility/Operation: Former CSXT — Rosindale Derailment Site Groundwater Remediation S.y sy tem = - X Proposed ❑ Existing ❑ Facility X Operation D. Application: I. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon X GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: X New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: 01/31/2011 Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: X Return a Completed APSARR Form. - Please comment ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: Date: //I,S Ob FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 A;QUIIFFR PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: 08/06/10 County: Bladen To: Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Permittee: CSX Transportation Central Office Reviewer:rs Project Name: CSX Derailment Remedation Project Regional Login No: ?? Application No.: W10�6A986 L GENERAL INFORMATION GJ 6Z UD 3 5089 n 1. This application is (check all that apply): ® New ❑ Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ® Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ® Yes or ❑ No. PJ a. Date of site visit: 07/12/10 - b. Person contacted and contact information: Dave Brown Proiect Manaizer IHSB-DWM Superfund c. Site visit conducted by: Jim Barber, Dave Brown and Sean Boyles _J ; d. Inspection Report Attached: ® Yes or ❑ No. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? c ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): Groundwater remediation system consisting of injection wells for the remediation of Chromium VI (due to train car derailment in Bladen County) to Chromium III to Chromium Oxide. For Disposal and Iniection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to copy and paste a new section into the document for each site, or attach additional pages for each site) a. Location(s): Eight miles east of Clarkton (in the Rosindale Community) off of Hwy 211 (north side b. Driving Directions: From the Fayetteville Regional Office travel to the Town of Clarkton on Hwv 211. Take Hwy 211 east from Clarkton to the Rosindale Community. From the intersection of Hwv 211 and Rosindale Road, go 1.40 miles. Turn left onto a farm path and proceed to the CSX right of way (see attached map). The site is currently used for row crop farming,. The area of injection has been roped off. The farm field outside of the roped area is planted in field corn. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: EMERSON, NC (J-24-NE,j d. Latitude: 34.434861485 N Longitude:-78.504529728 W (center of roped off area) FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT II. NEWAND MAJOR MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (this section not needed for renewals or minor modircations, skin to next section) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities L Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part IV: 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) III. RENEWAL AND MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (use Previous section for new or major modification systems) Description Of Waste(S)..And Facilities 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. Operator in Charge: Certificate #:. Backup- Operator in Charge: Certificate #: FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc 2 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 9. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 10. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 11. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? ® Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 13. Check all that apply: ❑ No compliance issues; ❑ Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under SOC; ❑ Currently under JOC; ❑ Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV, NOD etc): 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Determined ❑ N/A:. If no, please explain: 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please explain. - FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc 3 A.QUIIFER PROTECTION SECTION RrEGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S) And Facilities — New, Renewal, And Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (W) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ® In situ remediation (5I) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L/"Non-Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ®No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ® No What is/are the pollution source(s)? Remediation site is currently fallow. Others areas of the field that the remediation site is a part of are currently in field corn production (used most commonly for animal feed i.e. poulty, swine, deer, etc). What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? Injection site is on poperty owned by the late James Lewis, adjacent to the CSX railroad right-of-way. The necessary landowner certification is provided in the application in Attachment I signed by James Lewis Jr.. ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: ® Good ❑ Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: N Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ® Yes ® No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: The existing groundwater monitoring system is highlighted in Appendix H of the application. It appears that wells CSX-16,17 23 and 22 are located down -gradient of CSX-15 (high chromium source area and location of two proposed injection wells as depicted on cross-section A -A')_ Well CSX-16 is approx. 190' down -gradient of CSX-15 and well CSX-23 is approx. 345' down -gradient of CSX-15 It would appear that a monitoring well may need to be at a radius of 250' from CSX-15 to form a complaince boundary relative to the injection area to quantify any adverse impacts to shallow groundwater relative to the injection activity at the site or use well CSX-16 as a alternate compliance boundary since the concentration of chromium is below the 2L standard of 50 ppb. 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Infection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only: FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If Yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of anytype) will continued/additional/modified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: Address: Certification number: 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc 5 A.QUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT V. EVALUATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: . 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason A as -built survery of the injection well locations The as -built survey is adequate to address the shall be submitted, within 60 days, after acutal location of each injection location, within installation and introduction of the oxidizing the defined area (shaded) on the submitted site materials. plan. Field conditions, i.e trees/utlities/formation consistency/equipment access will dictate acutal locations within the area of interest. 7. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s): FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc 6 AQUIFXR PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Signature of APS regional supervisor: Date: 8 / ® Dd c) ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS 1Z/jRb T Enclosed with this staff report is a copy of the 100 year floodplain map and topographic map for the area depicting the area in and around the injection site, CSX-15. The proposed area of remediation by injection well technology does not appear to be in a 100 year floodplain of Boggy Creek. Ground surface elevation at the vicinity of CSX-15 and the injection area is approximately 100' +/- msl and the 100 year floodplain elevation althought not mapped for the area, would be approximately 85' to 90' +/- msl based on the information in the floodplain mapping website that illustrates mapped floodplain areas to the south and east of the CSX site. Those areas mapped east of the site in Bladen County and those mapped south (up to the Columbus/Bladen County line) indicate fairly narrow width floodplain cross -sections. Based on the topographic elevation in the mapped areas the floodplain cross-section elevation relative to the surrounding ground surface elevation is around 3' to 5' below corresponding ground surface elevations. This indicates that in the mapped areas the 100 year floodplain is typically within the banks of surface featurea or just above and outside the banks; not wide broad floodplains similar to low lying coastal areas. There are groundwater users in the area of the remediation site (as identified by AMEC in Attachment G of the application), but none immediately down gradient of injection site. The six nearest private groundwater supply wells near the injection site would be upgradient and the nearest well appears to greater than 1000' away (Mary Brown Council well at 9486 HWY 211 E based on Bladen County GIS mapping). No major or identified industrial/commercial sources of pollution at or near the CSX site (within 2000' of the property boundary). Possible minor source of ground water impacts in the immediate area of the CSX site include agricultral activities (row crop production). A copy of the final UIC permit should be provided to the Solid Waste Section Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch in the Division of Waste Management. The contact person for this site is Mr. Dave Brown (910) 433-3354. The mailing address is as follows: Division of Waste Mana ement Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Attn: Mr. Dave Brown FORM: APSARRCSXsiteBladenWI0600060July2010.doc Parcels Bladen Tax Cdi d PID: 3291 PIN: 124500913291 Name1: LEWIS JAMES E JR ET JX PATRICI Name2: A OwnerAddre: 765 RICHARD ,WITCH RD OwnerState: NC OwnerZip: 28435 Date Sold: 0 Deed Page: 001 DeedBook: 402 DeedYear: 1998 _ DeedAcres: 106.84 PlatPage: PlatBook: TaxDistric: CARVERS CREEK FD Tota IASVCu: 33540 NeighbCode: 1245 LandASVCur: 33540 ImproveASV: 0 LandRateTy: AC LandRateCo: OP GPS Field Sheet Project/ Location sx - Ro-S .0 CC- � 7-6- Date �t� Time 4 GPS File No. : C) ?f�% Field Latitude Field Longitude Corrected Latitude 3,1y3`fff; Corrected Longitude Comments CSjC s�7'/ 21�s-,�Di�T"ic/J _ isS 07 2, S > 3y,Vg36. — 3,1;2136 tek-PY Zfr �s7- OF I V + i ff r g • •� '� , � � !Y jT All f 313 C �NT6 T�DN WO W I 06 �r-4. i •} jr �� j tom. t. ,,.,, f j4 __.___.. _. _. j_/.'J/�� —-'{----"i-- ■Y-Jr--_—__..__ _J/_ 31n—.-.a--.-__...__._ T-4*-',.fi- �._t'.. �. �-_.�� ... IAA --- F , .A v i i 1W i 0 0.75 Mi 4 0 4000 FtMap provided by u� STAfE K 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Thomas Bill Well Contractor (Individual) Name Bill s Well Drilling Co.. Inc. Well Contractor Company Name 800 McArthur Rd Street Address Favetteville NC 28311 City or Town State Zip Code 9(-10 ) 488-3740 Area code Phone number NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depat trnent of Emironment ar.d Natural Rescurces- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2111 d. TOP OF CASING IS +3 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011 B. e. YIELD (gpm): 320 METHOD OF TEST DUMQ* la f. DISINFECTION: Type HTH Amount 10 Ibs g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top 205 Bottom 215 Top Bottom Top 230 Bottom 270 Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 2. WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WS06-01094 : Top +1 Bottom 100 FL 18" .375 Steel OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top +3 Bottom 205 Ft. 8" 322 Steel SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable) Top 215 Bottom 230 Ft. 8" .322 Steel 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ Municipal/Public [� Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 12/1 8/2009 4. WELL LOCATION: Hwv 211 Council Site (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Clarkton COUNTYBIaden TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley ZRat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 a]* "DMS OR DD LONGITUDE75 Il" " DMS OR DO Lafltude/longitude source: EIGPS []Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this torn If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Bladen County Water Distric- Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) Hwy 211 Council Site Street Address Elizabethtown NC 28337 City or Town State Zip Code Randy Gardner Contact Name PO Box 2350 Mailing Address Elizabethtown NC 28337 City or Town State Zip Code (910, 862-6996 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 283 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO l?' c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 45 FT. (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) rn to: Division of Wa' 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0 Bottom 100 FL Cement Pumped Top Bottom FL Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 205 Bottom 215 Ft. 8 in. 40 In. S_ S. Top 230 Bottom 270 FL 8 in. 40 in. S.S. Top Bottom FL In. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 0 Bottom 280 FL #4 gravel Top Bottom FL Top Bottom FL 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description See Attached 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECO=BEEN E TO THE WELL OWNER. d 12/18/09 S NAT E OF CERTIF1E9WF7LL CONTRACTOR DATE Thomas Bill PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Quail tnfonTiation rocessn Form GW-ib tY _ ,. Pi9, Rev. 2/09 l07=63t)0 Bladen County Test Well Drilling Log Lithology Well Site Council From To Formation Description 0 10 Black Sandy Clay 10 36 Tan Sand w/shells 36 64 Light Gray Clay 69 81 Light Brown Sand (fine) 81 95 Brown Sand w/shells 95 98 Gray Sandy Clay 98 107 Gray Sand 107 117 Gray Sandy Clay 117 121 Gray Clay 121 128 Gray Sand 128 156 Gray Sand w/clay streaks 156 169 Gray Sandy Clay 169 198 ''' Gray Clay 198 201 Gray Sandy Clay 201 218 Gray Sand (fine) 218 219 Rock Layer 219 235 Gray Sand 235 253 Gray Sand w/rock layers 253 274 Gray Sand w/clay streaks ,374 300 Gray Sandy Clay `*I-e ` t r fse�eav Nwgeaa 12241244 1264 c. s , v ■ 1 1224 9 1244 1264 �..................,,.. �a".., ...� . ....... ._..._.._._ _..,...._._,.:._._._._._._._._._._a _.:f.,r........ •_............................. , Major Chlos Roads 100yr Flooding • F?oodway (AE) 0 1 Mile t Bencrsnwks - NC Highway - 100yr Flooding - Has BFE's (AE) .,:a DFIRM Grid -US Highway 100yr Flooding - No BFE's (A) - Ravers and Streanw r_ Interstate Highway 100yr Flooding - Velocity Zane ..---- Tramecis (Coawa!) Political Areas - SMyr FloxOng (Shaded X) Canty SM)danes ® Eztratemior,ai ,auns6ctions Base Flootl Elevation (Synbu) North Carolina ® Coastal sarrier Resource Systems = Coastal Sounas _ Cmas Sectaona Floodplain Mapping Program TO 7-7 -7- u --r / 1 � ......-.� i� `.` �... 4.{` � •✓`tom;Rosin YA t�I • • /90 {{ ^may\ _,� .,,_ _ •: � it r�-` ., � (/ i •, �... � � .. _ N 0 10.5 Mi 0 2000 FL Map provided by Permit: W10600060 Owner - Facility: Csx Transportation Inc Inspection Date: 0711212010 Inspection Type: Reconnaissance Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The CSX-Rosindale site is currently a small farm field planted in feed corn. During the site visit on 12 July it was noted that the area of concern (location of proposed injection sites) was roped off with monitoring wells CSX-26, CSX-15, CSX-09 and CSX-04 delineating the proposed injection site. No corn was planted within the roped off area. The roped off area is easily accessible by a dirt road parrallel to the CSX railroad and the southern border of the Lewis property. The information provided by AMEC concerning the surrounding area is accurate and complete. No new activities where noted during the site visit within the 1 mile buffer map provided by AMEC as it relates to new homes or private water supply wells. It should be noted that Bladen County has constructed a new water suppply well and elevated tank approx. 1.60 miles west of the CSX site adjacent to Hwy 211. This well is 283' deep with screen depths from 205' to 215' and 230' to 270' below land surface. It woudl appear that this water supply well is adequately protected by distance from the proposed injection site and is screened below a confining unit relative to the shallow groundwater that is being treated at the CSX remediation site. Dave Brown and Sean Boyles of the Inactive Hazardouse Sites Branch/Superfund Section/Division of Waste Management also visited the site with me on this date. Dave Brown is the project hydrogeologist for the IHSB overseeing this project. Other Comment: Yes No NA NE Page: 2 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: July 2, 2010 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David Ma ® Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Sjg ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS C; From: Michael Rogers Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6166 Fax: 919 71 E Mail. Michael.Rogers( rai ill -SRO-ADC A. Permit Number: WI 0600060 B. Owner: CSX Derailment C. Facility/Operation: ❑ Proposed ® Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ SFR-Surface Irrigation❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ FE Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC — 5I Groundwater Remediation Well For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ® New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. NOTE: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed APSARR Form and attach laboratory analytical results, if applicable. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: 61, Date: 8iola FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor A774"AA NCQENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Director . Zoe a June 22, 2010 Matt Adkins - Environmental Remediation Manager CSX Transportation 351 Thornton Road Suite 123 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WI0600060 Microwave Tower Rd Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well Bladen Dear Mr. Adkins: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on June 17, 2010. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Michael Rogers. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rogers at 919-715-6166, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, for Debra J. Watts Supervisor cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Kathleen Roush, LG., RSM (AMEC - 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205, Morrisville, NC 27560) Permit Application File WI0600060 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 T1 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 dne �J o�r�thCar©llnr% Internet: An Equal Opportunity t Affirmative .Action Employer , A F f a1& c June 16, 2010 Ms. Debra Watts UIC Program — Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR - DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Subject: Underground Injection Control Permit Application Former CSXT-Rosindale Derailment Site Rosindale, Bladen County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Watts: On behalf of CSX Transportation, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) is pleased to provide the following permit application to treat hexavalent chromium in groundwater at the railroad derailment site located in Rosindale, North Carolina. If you have any questions regarding the proposed activities, please contact me at (919) 447-2750. Respectfully Submitted, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. f Kathleen A. Roush, L.G. Senior Project Manager Attachments CC: Matt Adkins — CSX Transportation RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ Aquifer Protection Section ,SUN 17 2010 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Permit: W10600060 SOC: County: Bladen Region: Fayetteville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: Expiration: Owner: Csx Transportation Inc Effective: Expiration: Facility: Microwave Tower Rd Pin1245000913291 Contact Person: Kathleen Roush Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 07/12/2010 Primary Inspector: Jim Barber Secondary Inspector(s): Title: Certification: Clarkton NC 28433 Phone: 919-447-2750 Ext.138 Entry Time: 09:15 AM Exit Time: 10:15 AM Phone: Phone: 910-433-3300 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Reconnaissance Permit Inspection Type: Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 Other (See attachment summary) Page:1 / 6 k* E Section C-C'shown in plate 4 X . _ � _/ ^�Nv ...tea ° � � k� � ��- ► Section D-D'shown in plate 5 , Ser.tton i;--E'shown in plate 6 41 "�\ �\ a'r"':I° F $-: p 2�i�i SectionF-F shown in plate 7FWm, r Section G-G shown in plate $ Section H-H sh -� ,.:..., own m plate 9 ! _h -_ \ Yx . o _ E R'�" T � t � R L E Section J-J shown in plate 10 ;^ r-� 63 �;., �24 — Section J' J shown in plate 1 1 �• r � i ¢„�,n-=, - :.,; � �,,,m„ - - , :. �¢.�r F- v sectionM'141 K-K shown in plate 12 y,. �. Fn °,.� , m �; M ro, - - i. .., i Section L-r l 1 �„ :. _= - = �»a'xd. m� L shown'Ifl plate 13 x �. _ - - t 4$ :. t G,, t �Mt 3t,� - _ - - =142 _ _ , 47 Section W Aar - L L shown In plate 14 Section M-M sh own In plate 15 �, = i► . �rrtiz;.,�; l Section N-N N-N - • 1 C= f P P ... �.an R R in Robeson Bladen % 4 /� \ 9. `8wb t .andColumbus counties f ,� _ ��.,t,. N=•w: ;�- P �.�,..a �- -- - -�:z= ------�--=,_--_ • Ia Mm tam. a ` dam 2 � b•2za -7 � i , s - } j 2 -a. 2 B•- - E. > s� x _ + ' ° .,' _ _ i.:' .�n..-. - . -:,-1: -„- •' _ , . �� r_: . � ` .a,� o.0 . xCy� P cp.. 75- ,�.w S , M 9 w_ _ e [tit G O:. _ E Y_, �I . T „ '`_ r— - d .,:> / .4 ,.-- ., ,. ,,,,.,,•.-" �, � � . - �� +Mtn;.. - - �. M o x. r 73 °,a,.E — i I r! wae..6y c,.n rte.T) ei i .. ic.da su f w"'°^'"(- �:: . `2 .- NWwaarr ``"'• .onV wi> . ,,.-m.,, r ., _ o - .- %Ru ,, )a)xavMile� -'a , � - ..�. ". ,• .J Z� .term , ^�-a.,l+' - -. ¢ e- .wm. 53 37 _. 33 ,. 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Wwd o��:ladarJ aaZa. eL• 3]' aM <y ; i `ad .0 . u B V L u l u A L 6a ®-i_9 3i 100 SEA LEb13 — 100 — 200 !<L•M 400 eoo 700 I C Clarendon Y 27 Chadbourn 1 30 YSURFICIAL WL+103, CL9 - d' i -r,- 9��J s j 7 WL+57 s L J��f EK CL 88 - vP WL+47 CL 1,240 CL 1,360 -7 T'I LOWER WL+45_CAPE FEAR CL 1,540 CONFINING UNIT TOWN AQUIFER AND - - - 4-FINING UNIT A PPROK , 40CAV'D o of 8CAAF-4) CVN cw o gi /Y wr ol. 0I z U � w z cn lizabethtowr 15 Fear River Whit AQUIFER WL13CL 8 _ T� T777 JA ��1�4�+�111 T/7j- j /7/ I / ! , r 7� 1 i 7 7/ % 7/ / % 111 UJ11 j / / /_iJ AQl11FER ! +112 - j T.� ` �'I'��7-1 �J1 / 17 AQVlFEa z I O e <n D ladenboro V 1 1 0 WL+111 CL 8 ]-5;�— WL+109 _ CL 14 7. 77 %J1/L�'1/11/1L/Jl i /_11 L J1 LL �• 1 L 1 • AQUIFER CORRELATION UNCERTAIN CL 3P•OV,�� 325 FEAA P1 `OVEp W L+ 86 CL 3,360 / a y • • • • t=:M- WL+66 • CL360 • —_ r.• _ -- — - CL 466 ' ;j1/-1 1 �r�;�;� Zi11/ L L `/�-�1 L 1 • • z A ps B-B A A n• Proposed Injectio`: Land Surface West Railroad Line Well Schematic Water Table East __,._;P r. CSX-02 CSX-26 (May 19, 2009) C :'SX-04 (Projected) (Projected) CSX-15 (Projected) 100 — _--:--�T. — —_ CSX 23 100 60. BACKFILL Surficial Soils 90 .1 ! .. . • 90 227 260 (6/96) °� 9.3 6/08 <5 6/08 80- _,`'� 923 80 CD co 70 70 Pee DeeCD 4 . Confining Unit— ? _ _ 4 —?— — — —?— — ? — — ° 60 ° ° d ° a d 4 4 ° ° ° ° d 4 d a 60 ° d ° ° d 8 a d <5 Pee Dee .Aquifer ° a d 50 ° 4 d. 4 ° ° 50 SCALE 10 ft. !rtical Exaggeration 5X 0 50 ft. LEGEND AMEC Earth & Environmental CLIENT: 2200 G t C ntre Blvd Suite 205 CSX-04 923 BQL 50 Well Name Total Chromium in Ng/L - May 2009 Results Unless Marked Otherwise Below Laboratory Quantitation Limit Isoconcentration Line (Ng/L) Well Screen Interval a Abandoned Well Water Level _ ® � Surficial Soils - Tan Silty Medium to Fine Sand Pee Dee Confining Unit - Clay Pee Dee Aquifer - Grey Sand with Shell Fragments a e—.y a ., Morrisville, NC 27560dMeC (919) 447-2750 CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. TITLE LITHOLOGIC CROSS SECTION A -A' CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA DR JwB REV HT PROD. NO. 643008035 CHK: HT DATE: November4, 2009 DWG NO. NA SCALE: 1°=50� FIGURE NO.. 3 Beverly avea Perdue Governor Z_ MCDENR Nord Cardina Jeparirilvil Ot tCl�`Iror►CT en and ��arUrai i _-SJ 1rclaS Division of kNater Quaiit�t Coieen H_ Sulifns JireCior September 30, 2010 Matt Adkins, Environmental Remediation Manager CSX Transportation, Inc. 351 Thornton Road, Suite 123 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Ref: Issuance of Injection Permit WI0600060 CSX Transportation, Inc. Dear Mr. Adkins: Dee ~reefilan S L• .'eev Lail REG"EIVED DENR-FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE In accordance with the application received on June 17, 2010, we are forwarding permit number WI0600060. This permit is to inject emulsified edible oil substrate (EOS) and sodium lactate at the CSX Transportation, Inc. derailment spill site located approximately 830 feet northwest of the intersection of North Carolina Hwy. 211 and Microwave Tower Rd., Council, Bladen County, NC 28434. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until August 31, 2013, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a final project evaluation as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. Please pay special attention to the following Parts in the Permit: Part VH.1- Within 60 days of completion of the injection event, an `as -built' survey of the location of injection wells shall be submitted to the Aquifer Protection Section -Underground Injection Control (UIC) Central Office and the Fayetteville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section. 29 Part VH.2- The proposed monitoring plan included in the application shall be followed; except that monitoring shall occur for at least two quarters after laboratory analytical results indicate the contaminants of concern (COCs) are below 15A NCAC 2L .0200. This is in order to confirm that the remediation is permanent as the effectiveness of this form of proposed treatment for elevated metals is related to natural pH and redox conditions. You will need to notify this office and the Fayetteville Regional Office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. Please contact me at 919-715-6166 or Michael.Rogers(,) if you have any questions about your permit. AQUIFER RRv i ='v i ION SECTION I' N 1636 N"ail Service Center, Raleigh. Not . ;aro'sina 7e9'-163c Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. Norih .arolina 27602t P 7 ,-3 2` FAX 9-715-0588 FA " 919-710-60481 Customer Smice: 1-877-0 3-6748 Phone: g1a_ 3; 2 r ,a: is 91 Iniernet www, An Ecua'. UDoom-Mr, Af6r-aiive c = 0011er Best Regards, /lam' � .� _. Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC FL) Environmental Specialist Underground Injection Control Program cc: Art Barnhardt - Fayetteville Regional Office Kathleen Roush — AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. WI0600060 Permit File Keith Rodgers - Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CSX 'Transportation, Inc. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND/OR OPERATION OF 90 TYPE 5I INJECTION WELLS, defined in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0209(e)(3)(C), to inject emulsified edible oil substrate (EOS) and sodium lactate to remediate groundwater contaminated by metals chromium and antinomy. These injection wells/points will be located at the site of a train derailment located approximately 830 feet northwest of the intersection of North Carolina Hwy. 211 and Microwave Tower Rd., Council, Bladen County, NC 28434, and will be operated in accordance with the application received on June 17, 2010, and in conformity with the specifications and supporting data all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this permit. This permit is for Construction and Operation only, and does not waive any provisions of the Water Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules, or Regulations. Operation and use of an injection well shall be in compliance with Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0100 and .0200, and any other Laws, Rules, and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until August 31, 2013, and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I through X hereof. Permit issued this the 30t ` day of September 2010. A �Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 1 OF 7 ver. Jan2010 AP/UIC-6 PART I - WELL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit and with the standards and criteria specified in Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells (15A NCAC 2C .0200). Any noncompliance with conditions of this permit constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and is grounds for enforcement action as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-94. 2. This permit shall become voidable unless the facility is constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. This permit is valid only for construction of the number of injection wells described in the application and other supporting data. Construction of additional injection wells must be approved in advance by the Aquifer Protection Section. 4. Each injection well shall not hydraulically connect separate aquifers. 5. Each injection well shall be constructed in such a manner that water from land surface cannot migrate into the gravel pack or well screen. 6. Each injection well shall be secured to reasonably insure against unauthorized access and use. Each well shall be permanently labeled with a warning that it is for injection purposes and the entrance to each well must be secured with a locking cap. 7. Each injection well shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use. 8. Each injection well shall have permanently affixed an identification plate. 9. Within 30 days of completion of well construction, a completed Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) must be submitted for each injection well to: Aquifer Protection Section-UIC Staff DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 PART II - WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to constructing each injection well, the Permittee shall notify the Aquifer Protection Section -Underground Injection Control (UIC) Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166 and the Fayetteville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section Staff, telephone number (910) 433-3300. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 2 OF 7 ver. Jan.2010 AP/UIC-6 PART IJI - OPERATION AND USE GENERAL CONDITIONS r r 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature, volume of materials, rate of injection, and number of injection wells as described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality (Director). In the event there is a desire for the facility to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit amendment request must be submitted to the Director, including any supporting materials as maybe appropriate, at least 30 days prior to the date of the change. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility of complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other local, state, and federal agencies which have jurisdiction. Furthermore, the issuance of this permit does not imply that all regulatory requirements have been met. PART IV - PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwater which will render it unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facility fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the injection zone to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality such as the repair, modification, or abandonment of the injection facility. 2. The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwater resulting from the operation of this facility. PART V - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 The injection facility shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Permittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized by the permit. At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the initiation of the operation of the facility for injection, the Permittee must notify by telephone the Aquifer Protection Section-UIC, Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166. Notification is required so that Division staff can inspect or otherwise review the injection facility and determine if it is in compliance with permit conditions. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 3 OF 7 ver. Jan.2010 AP/UIC-6 PART VI - INSPECTIONS l . Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Water Quality may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the injection facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and _ conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or injection fluids. 2. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87- 90. 3. Provisions shall be made for collecting any necessary and appropriate samples associated with the injection facility activities. PART VII - MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Within 60 days of completion of the injection event, an `as -built' survey of the location of injection wells shall be submitted. to the Aquifer Protection Section -Underground Injection Control (UIC) Central Office and the Fayetteville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section at the addresses referenced below. 2. The proposed monitoring plan included in the application shall be followed; except that monitoring shall occur for at least two quarters after laboratory analytical results indicate the contaminants of concern (COCs) are below 15A NCAC 2L .0200. All sample results shall be submitted to the Aquifer Protection Section's Fayetteville Regional Office and the Raleigh Central Office. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, or soil sampling) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure surface and ground water protection, will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 3. The Permittee shall submit an Injection Event Record within 30 days of completing each inj ection. 4. The Permittee shall produce a final project evaluation within 9 months after completing all injection -related activity associated with this permit or produce a project interim evaluation before submitting a renewal application for this permit. This document shall assess the injection projects findings in a written summary. The final project evaluation shall also contain monitoring well sampling data, contaminant plume maps and potentiometric surface maps. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 4 OF 7 ver. Jan.2010 AP/UIC-6 5. The monitoring results and the final project eZaluatian shall be submitted to: Aquifer Protection Section-U1C Staff DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 and to: Aquifer Protection Section DENR-DWQ Fayetteville Regional Office Systel Building 225 Green St., Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 6. The Permittee shall report by telephone, within 48 hours of the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence, to the Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 433-3300, any of the following: (A)Any occurrence at the injection facility which results in any unusual operating circumstances; (B) Any failure due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of proper injection operations, such as mechanical or electrical failures. 7. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted to the Director by the Permittee. 8. In the event that the permitted facility fails to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART VIII - PERMIT RENEWAL In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, the Permittee must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. PART IX - CHANGE OF WELL STATUS 1. The Permittee shall provide written notification within 15 days of any change of status of an injection well. Such a change would include the discontinued use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Permittee must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose that well must be permanently abandoned according to 15A NCAC 2C .0113, Well Construction Standards. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 5 OF 7 ver. Jan.2010 AP/UIC-6 2. When operations have ceased at the facility and a well will no longer be used for any purpose, the Permittee shall abandon that injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0113(b), including but not limited to the following: (A) All casing and screen materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if such removal will not cause or contribute to contamination of the. - groundwaters. (B) The entire depth of each well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. (C) The well shall be thoroughly disinfected, prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (D) Drilled wells shall be completely filled with cement grout, or bentonite grout which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe which extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled. (E) In the case of gravel -packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, neat -cement, or bentonite grout shall be injected into the well completely filling it from the bottom of the casing to the top. (F) In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, each well shall be abandoned in such a manner that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources.of drinking water and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. (G) The Permittee shall submit a Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(1) within 30 days of completion of abandonment. 3. The written documentation required in Part IX (1) and (2) (G) shall be submitted to: Aquifer Protection Section-UIC Staff DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 PART X — WORKER PRECAUTIONS DURING APPLICATION 1. Some effects reported to be associated with the product proposed to be used are as follows: eye, skin, nose, throat, and lung irritation. If the product is released into the environment in a way that could result in a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles (e.g., grinding, blending, vigorous shaking or mixing), then proper personal protective equipment should be used. The application process should be reviewed by an industrial hygienist to ensure that the most appropriate personal protective equipment is used. Permit No. WI0600060 PAGE 6 OF 7 ver. Jan.2010 AP/UIC-6 2., Tersotn' working with these products should wear goggles or a face shield, gloves, and protective clothing. Face and body protection should be used for anticipated splashes or sprays. 3. Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, and applying cosmetics should not be permitted in the application area during or immediately following application. 4. Safety controls should be in place to ensure that the check valve and the pressure delivery systems are working properly. 5. The Material Safety Data Sheets should be followed to prevent incompatible or adverse reactions and injuries. Permit No. WI0600'0'60'r PAGE 7 OF 7 ver. Jan2010 AP/UIC-6 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SEp 0 7 2010 pENR sFAYEfTENLLE REGIONAL OFFICE TO: NCDENR—DWQ-APS DATE: 9-2-2010 225 Green Street, Suite 714 PROJECT NO.: 643008037 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 PROJECT NAME: CSX Rosindale Site SUBMITTED BY: Jay Bennett, PG, RSM ATTENTION: Mr. Art Barnhardt THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND/OR DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED: ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ AS REQUESTED ® FOR YOUR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR SIGNATURE ❑ FOR YOUR USE NUMBER OF COPIES: DESCRIPTION: 1 CSX —Rosindale Site- REC Site #NONCD 0002776 REMARKS: Art — This application and permit will accompany the forthcoming non -discharge permit application for this site. I will also need to increase the number of monitoring wells for this site which will be sent to you soon. I&A Thanks for your help — Jay AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard. Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENV]RONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY — GROUNDWATER �j APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A RECOV f V' M (Please Type or Print Clearly) SEP 0 7 20iD Date. August 31, 2010 County (�ENBlladen In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of Idoifli Caro na and regulations pursuant thereto, application is made for a permit to construct recovery wells. 1. Name of Applicant: CSX Transportation Inc (C/o Mr. Matt Adkins) (Telephone: (770) 819-2849 ) Applicant's Mailing Address: 351 Thornton Road Suite 125 Lithia Springs Georgia 30122 2. Name of Property Owner (if different from Well Owner): James E., Jr. and Patricia Lewis Owner's Mailing Address: 765 Richard Switch Road Currie North Carolina 28435 3. Contact Person: Jay Bennett. PG RSM — Project Manager (Telephone: (919) 447-2750 } 4. Location of Property: NC Highway 211 Rosindale North Carolina (Parcel No 124500913291) 5. Reason for Recovery Well(s): Remediation Activities (ex: groundwater contamination, remediation, etc.) 6. Type of facility or site for which the recovery well(s) is needed: Former Waste Disposal Spill Site (ex: existing nondischarge facility, waste disposal site, landfill, underground storage tank, etc.) 7. Type of contamination being recovered (if applicable): Heavy Metals 8. Are any existing monitor wells associated with the proposed recovery well(s)? Yes If yes, how many? 18 Monitoring Well Construction Permit No. Unknown 9. Distance to a known waste or pollution source: 100 to 300 feet 10. Are any water supply wells located less than 500 feet from the proposed recovery wells? No 11. Well Contractor: Parratt-Wolff, Inc. If yes, give distance: feet 12. Well Contractor Certification #: 2489 13. Well Contractor's Address: 501 Millstone Drive, Hillsborough North Carolina 27278 RECOVERY WELL INFORMATION 1. Total Number of Wells to be constructed: 6 (EW-1 — EW-6) Number completed in bedrock? 0 Number completed in unconsolidated sediments? 6 Completed in unconsolidated material? 0 2. Estimated depth of well(s): 25 feet 2A. Estimated screen interval (feet below land surface) 6 to 25 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _PERMITTED ACTIVITY U.S.T. LEAK DETECTION _GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS SUSPECTED UNPERMITTED ACTIVITIES _NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE AT UNPERMITTED FACILITIES PERMIT NO. ISSUED 1g INCIDENT # 3. Will gravel or sand pack be used? Yes If yes, for what interval: 3 feet to 25 feet GW-22R (3/2000) (Continued on reverse) 4. Type of casing used: SCH 40 PVC (See Figure G4) ��F (ex: PVC, stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.) 7 2010 5. Diameter of casing: 4 inches DENR-FAYETTULLE REGIONAL OFFICE 6. Thickness of casing 0.237 inches 7. How will the well(s) be secured? Lockable bolt down covers 8. Estimated pumping rate: 3 to 6 (GPM) 9. Estimated beginning construction date: October 2010 10. Estimated completion date: November 2010 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [REQUIRED INFORMATION] (APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION) 1. ATTACH A SITE MAP SHOWING THE LOCATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 — PROPOSED RECOVERY WELL(S) See Figure Attachment G1 2 — ALL EXISTING MONITORING AND RECOVERY WELLS OR TEST BORINGS WITH THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY See Figure Attachment G1 3 — ALL WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE WASTE SOURCES See Figure Attachment 11 — No wells within the 500 foot radius. Four wells noted on map within Y.-mile radius. 4 — AT LEAST TWO REFERENCE POINTS (NUMBERED ROADS, INTERSECTIONS, STREAMS, ETC.) Site is 0.375 miles NW of intersection of INC Hwy 211 and Microwave Tower Road (See Figure 1) 2 PROVIDE A WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM OF EACH WELL SHOWING DIAMETER, ESTIMATED DEPTH, SCREEN INTERVALS, SAND/GRAVEL PACKS, TYPE OF CASING MATERIAL, CASING WALL THICKNESS, WELL HEAD COMPLETION DETAILS, ETC.) See Figure Attachment G4 The Applicant hereby agrees the proposed well(s) will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of the Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C) and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules. (See Applicant Consent Form — Attached) Signature of Applicant or Agent 1-7 applicable) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct recovery wells as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that these recovery wells conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C). (See Property Owner Consent Form — Attached) Signature of Property Owner (if different from applicant) CUENTt SITE LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAP AMEC Earth & Environmental �*- FORMER DERAILMENT SITE 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd,, Suite 205 401F LE APPROX. ROSI:NDALEj NC Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 K 1,200' Dk JWB I.REY. NOTE: Reference 7.,5 USGS Quadrangle for Council & amec CHK: HMT I DATE: 08-18-2010 Emerson, NC GURE 1 PROj, NO.: 643008035 >X-21 CSX-22A ,BQL) I�k CSX-22 (84L) 10 O ` ` EVE/-04 `� CSX-20 ~• EW-02 N-05• Q �� CSX-09 � G) b —CSX-15 X-0.4 O CSX-14� CS (7�a)\'\ ® \ CSX-10 r' 'AC SX-02 EW-03`CSX-03.4 � EW-06�...a Q CSX-26(rsr2) ,) EW-01 L CSX-16 \I � % CSX-11 CSX-1A C CSX-23 CSX-17 CSX-12 CSX-24 /(10L) • Approximate Well Locations Spill Location 0.25 Mile Buffer 1 Mile Buffer Private Well Absent. Present Possible, Unconfirmed PROJECT NAME: Former Derailment Site LOCATION: Rosindale, NO CLIENT: CSX Transportation SUBCONTRACTOR: Parratt-Wolff DRILLER: Butch Stevens ELECTRICAL LEAD CONNECTION CONCRETE PAID (SLOPED TO DRAIN) —1 GROUND SURFACE a, WELL SEAL CEMENT/BENTONITE GROUT —_—` 2% BENTONITEBY WEIGHT 4"SCHEDULE 40;FLUSH THREADED P.V.C. WELL CASING 3/8" DIA. BENTONITE PELLETS #3 SILICA SAND ---� 4" SCHEDULE 40, PVC SLOTTED WELL SCREEN W1.010 SIZE OPENINGS FLUSH THREADED PLUG WELL NUM. INSTALLAT FIELD RQP? PROJECTP FLUSH -MOUNTED PROTECTIVE COVER (12" DIA. BOLT -DOWN) 0 QUICK CONNECT FITTING 0 TO WATER SUPPLY LINE TOP OF ANNULAR SEALANT — TOP OF SAND PACT( 5.0' 25.0' 25.0' PREPARED BY.: Attachment 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd. EXTRACTION WELL Suite 205 aa*e *"Morrisville, NC 27560 G4 CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC (919) 447-2750 2+yi l y YN CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorizegVe'41:1) NCAC 15A 2C .0211(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows 1. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer ,��t���'� 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner oto?ai 'oprietor, respectively a 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others: by the well owner. If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. Printed Name and,T Signature: 1 14 N 0 ,, L al)rkos d, 40 A Date: S-Z $-/b CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the applicant) ("Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights In the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership In the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200). Printed Name and Title: LKa.. 0 19 aw„s„fL Signature:�� ��_�_ �� _ Date: / !� '�-Oh d ecl__-"'�' UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PERMIT APPLICATION FORMER CSXT-ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Site ID No.: NONCD 0002776 Latitude and Longitude: 34.43503°, 78.504337' Registered Environmental Consultant: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 June 16, 2010 J 7 ! Harold Thurston, PG Kathleen A. Roush, L.G., RSM Senior Project Manager Senior Project Manager., RECEIVED ! DENIR 10.11E-? Aquifer Protection Sec%00 i U N AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: NCDENR-DWQ-APS Groundwater Protection Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 ATTENTION: Thomas Slusser-UIC ameO DATE: 10-29-2010 PROJECT NO.: 643008037 Former CSX Rosindale PROJECT NAME: Derailment Site-Bladen Co REC Site # NONCD 0002776 SUBMITTED BY: Jay Bennett, PG, RSM THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND/OR DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED: FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ AS REQUESTED FOR YOUR REVIEW AND COMMENT FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR SIGNATURE K FOR YOUR USE NUMBER OF COPIES: DESCRIPTION: 1 Original Non -Discharge Remediation Permit Application - Rosindale Site 2 Copies of Non -Discharge Remediation Permit Application - Rosindale Site 1 Application Fee c� N o m N � REMARKS: Thomas- Please call if questions- Thanks Jay AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 10NOV "2 PIM 2. 23 NON DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION FORMER CSXT-ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SITE ID NO. NONCD 0002776 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Submitted to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section, Permits Group Prepared for: CSX Transportation, Inc. Jacksonville, Florida Submitted by: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 October 29, 2010 AMEC Project No. 643008037 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 ameO NON DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION FORMER CSXT-ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Site ID No.: NONCD 0002776 Latitude and Longitude: 34.435030, 78.5043370 Registered Environmental Consultant: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 October 29, 2010 - / ox�'� Kathleen A. Roush, L.G., RSM Department Manager n f Susan nson, PE Principle Engineer AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 State of North Carolina ' Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Division of Water Quality C ICi C. Non -Discharge Permit Applicatioit.fbfm (THIS FORMMAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USEASA�p N ORIGRUL) GROUNDWATER REMEDIATI ' V49 T. 23 This permit application form is for systems which use either infiltration galleries or injection wells to discharge treated groundwater into the subsurface. Each section of this application must be completed unless otherwise noted. Contact the Aquifer Protection Section at (919) 733-3221 to obtain Groundwater Remediation Permit Application Guidelines. I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): CSX Transportation 2. Print Owner's or Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Matt Adkins Title: Manager Environmental Remediation 3. Mailing address: CSX Transportation, 351 Thornton Road, Suite 125 4. City Lithia Springs State: Georgia Zip: 30122 Telephone Number: ((770) 819-2849 Fax: (904) 245-2273) Project Name (please specify the name of the facility or establishment - should be consistent on all documents included in this application package: Former CSXT- Rosindale Derailment Site 6. Location of Remediation Activities (Street Address): _106-acre parcel situated off NC Highway 211 approximately eight miles southeast of Clarkton identified with PIN 1245000913291 The site is present to the north of the railroad tracks running parallel to NC Highway 211 The nearest intersection is Microwave Tower Road and NC Highway 211, approximately 830 feet south of the site Access to the site is gained from an unpaved access road that connects to NC Highway 211. City: Rosindale State: North Carolina Zip:28433 7. County of Remediation Activities: Bladen 8. Latitude: 34.43503 ; Longitude 78.504337 of Remediation Activities. 9. Contact person who can answer questions about application: Name: KathleenRoush, LG, RSM Telephone Number: _( 919 ) 447-2750 Email: Kathy roush(2amec com Application Date: 10. Fee Submitted: $1,310 (Refer to fee schedule at hA :// aps/gpu/NDgLRemedy htm) II. PERMIT INFORMATION: Application No. (will be completed by DWQ): 1. Specify whether project is: Yes new; renewal"; modification * For renewals, complete only sections I, II, and applicant signature (on page 8). Submit only pages 1, 2, and 8 (original and three copies of each). Engineer's signature not required for renewal without other modifications. 2. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number: NA and its issue date: NA FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 1 of 10 III. INFORMATION ON CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER: , 1. List the principal products or services provided by facility: None — Agricultural Field 2. Remediation Site Owner: _ Federal; _ State; 2L Private; _Public; _ Native American Lands; _ Other (specify) 3. Groundwater Incident Number (if known): NONCD 0002776 (note: this is a DENR IHSB REC Site) 4. Is this application for facilities subject to UST Trust Fund reimbursement? Yes; X No. Has a comprehensive site assessment and corrective action plan been submitted and approved for this project? X Yes; No. Please provide two copies of each and two copies of the approval letter (if applicable). (see Appendix A and B. respectively) 6. Provide a brief description of the events or cause of the groundwater contamination: On November 8. 1986, a CSXT train derailment resulted in the release of approximately 90,000 gallons of methanol 13,500 gallons of sodium dichromate_, 19,000 gallons of ethylene glycol and 8,200 pounds of chromic acid Most of the methanol and ethylene glycol was consumed by an ensuing fire The materials released were contained by dams erected in the drainage ditches, but not before the liquid had traveled laterally for several hundred feet Extensive assessment and remedial activities (see Appendices A and B) have been conducted over the last two decades and currently, the constituents of concern remaining include hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) and antimony (see Appendix Q. 7. List contaminants detected: Hexavalent Chromium and Antimonv 8. Volume of groundwater to be remediated per day: up to 31,200 gallons (per day) 9. Explanation of how volume was determined: A pre-iniection test was completed using municipal water to determine the rate at which water could be infected The formation took 5 gom with no increase in pressure above < 1 psi (gravity feed). During full scale iniection the iniection system will be equipped with the necessary gauges to monitor iniection pressures and iniection volumes at each iniection point However, based on the site hvdrogeologic conditions and iniection test, it is likely that the proposed volumes can be iniected using gravity feed without pressurizing the wells. Information related to the site hydrogeologic conditions to support the volume determination is included in Appendix D. Infection fluid composition and design rational is included in Appendices E and F respectively. IV. GENERAL DESIGN INFORMATION: 1. Specify the type of system that is being installed: infiltration gallery; X injection well other (specify): 2. Provide a brief description of all components of the treatment and disposal system (i.e., treatment units, pumps, tanks, chemical feed system, injection and/or recovery wells, etc.): The iniection well and treatment system will consist of 40 to 45 Permanent iniection well point pairs Ge. 80 to 90 wells) a mobile venturi chemical iniection system and groundwater extraction wells. Each inflection well point pair will consist of a shallow and deep zone well screen installed in the aquifer to facilitate delivery of the groundwater treatment solution to the aquifer. The venturi chemical iniection system will be brought to the site for each meection event and will consist of a chemical feed tank with the iniectate and venturi pipe manifold system (ie includes gate valve, flow and pressure gauge) to be connected to each well to deliver the iniection fluid. Supply water for the ground water treatment solution will originate' from six groundwater extraction wells equipped with a temporary eet pump that will deliver water as needed to each iniection well pair. A detailed complete explanation of the iniection procedures and equipment is included in Appendix G. 3. 15A NCAC 2C .0213 (Well Construction Standards, Applicable to Injection Wells) requires that contaminant levels in the fluid injected into any well be monitored; therefore, a sampling port must be provided on the effluent lines (treated water prior to being injected into the wells or infiltration gallery). The permit will specify the requirements for monitoring this effluent. Identify the location in the plans/specifications where the sampling port design is detailed: Each iniection well will have a temporary connection Sttfngs to the iniection line and oil solution feed system A sampling Dort for the iniectate solution is shown on the Figures shown in Appendix G. Each extraction well can be sampled via the access port located in -line prior to entering the iniection well (see Figure G2) FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 2 of 10 V. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INFILTRATION GALLERIES: . Information in this section does not apply and had therefore is left' blank 1. Specify the dimensions of each infiltration gallery: (a) L= ft. W= ft. D= ft. (b) L= ft. W= ft. D= ft. (c) L= ft. W= ft. D= ft. 2. The static groundwater level at the gallery location isfeet. The vertical separation between the gallery trench bottom and the mean seasonal high water table is feet. 3. A North Carolina licensed soil scientist must provide an evaluation of the soils where the infiltration gallery will be located and must specify an acceptable loading rate (amount of water gallery can accept). This evaluation should determine whether the loading rate shall be based upon only the surface area of the infiltration gallery or whether it is appropriate to include some of the side wall depth. a. What is the area used to determine the loading rate? square feet. This area should include only the surface area. No side wall depth should be included in this calculation. b. C. The recommended loading rate is Indicate the theory behind the loading rate determination: (Attach all calculations). 4. Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from infiltration (Attach calculations and/or diagrams): VI. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INJECTION WELLS: 1. Identify the principal aquifer to which the injection wells will be discharging: Shallow Unconfined Surficial Aquifer. See Appendix D for a description of the site geology and hydroaeolozy. 2. Is the aquifer identified above the same aquifer from which the contaminated groundwater was extracted? _ Yes X No. If No, describe how the aquifers are hydraulically related: 3. Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from the injection (please attach calculations and/or diagrams): Groundwater mounding at the site was determined by a field injection feasibility pilot study (see Appendix F) The field results were confirmed by simulated groundwater extraction and mounding calculations that indicated 0.7 ft of mounding would occur using the current design Calculations to support this design is provided in Appendix G. FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 3 of 10 4. Characteristics of injection well(s) [attach additional sheets if necessary]: Location and construction schematic of the shallow and deep screened well pairs are as follows (see Appendix G). Injection Well Characteristics Well A Shallow Screen Wells Well B Deep Screen Wells Well C Depth (feet) 15 25 Diameter (inches) 2 2 Injection rate (GPM) 3 to 5 5 to 8 Injection volume (GPD) 3,125 3,125 Injection pressure (PSI) 1 to 5 1 to 5 Injection temp. (°C) Ambient Ambient Casing material PVC PVC Depth of casing (feet) 10 20 Casing diameter (inches) 2 2 Casing schedule number Sch 40 Sch 40 Cement grout/bentonite seal (primary or inner casing) from _0_ ft. to _8_ ft. from _0_ ft. to _18_ ft. from ft. to ft. Cement grout (outer casing, if applicable) from ft. to ft. from ft. to ft. from ft. to ft. Screened or uncased interval (if applicable) from _10_ ft. to _15_ ft. from _20_ ft. to 25 ft. from ft. to ft. Type of screen manufactured or hand slotted (if applicable) Manufactured/Sch. 40/PVC/w.010"slot Manufactured/Sch. 40/PVC/w.0101'slot Screens inner diameter (inches -if applicable) 1.8 1.8 Gravel pack (if applicable) from _8_ ft. to _15_ ft. from _18_ ft. to 25_ ft. from ft. to ft. Well contractor Parrott Wolfe Drilling Parrott Wolfe Drilling Contractor Registration No. 3367 3367 FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 4 of 10 VH. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Classification of the closest down slope surface waters: C: SW of Boggy Branch (as established by the Environmental Management Commission and specified on page 7 of this application). 2. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .02 19 0) (3), describe which measure is being utilized to prevent overflows into down slope surface waters or adjacent aquifers in the event of a power failure or equipment malfunction. The injection system will be operated manually by a remediation operator and the injection process will be performed each day during the 2 to 3 week period of operation Therefore any equipment failures will be noted by the operator and the equipment shut down to perform corrective action 3. The applicable buffers should be met in accordance with 1 5A NCAC 2H .0200 and 1 5A NCAC 2H .0400. Some of those buffers are described below: a. 100 feet between injection wells or infiltration galleries and any private or public water supply source; b. 50 feet between injection wells and waters classified as WS, B, or other streams, canals, marshes, lakes, impoundments, or coastal waters; C. 100 feet between infiltration galleries and waters classified as WS, B, or other streams, canals, marshes, lakes, impoundments, or other coastal waters; d. 100 feet between injection wells or infiltration galleries and the mean high water of waters classified as SA or SB; e. 100 feet from injection well and infiltration gallery treatment and disposal systems and the normal high water of Class I and Class II impounded reservoirs which are used as a source of drinking water; f. 50 feet from injection well and infiltration gallery treatment and disposal systems and property lines. If any of the applicable buffers cannot be met, please explain how the proposed buffers will provide equal or better protection of the surface or groundwater with no increased potential for nuisance conditions: Condition "V cannot be met. Compliance can be achieved by adherence to the monitoring plan and establishing a compliance boundary (see Appendix H, Figure Hl). Compliance wells will be monitored per the plan on a quarterly basis 4. Substances may be added to enhance in situ treatment. If microbial additives or cultures are added in the effluent, the approval must be provided by the North Carolina Division of Epidemiology certifying its use for remediation purposes. In lieu of the Division of Epidemiology approval, risk assessment data, toxicological exposure data, or approval from another State may be provided certifying an exposure risks. Will any substances be added to the effluent to enhance in situ treatment? X Yes; No. If Yes, provide a detailed description of these substances, including amounts to be added. In addition, please attach any studies which describes the instances in which these substances have been used: The injectant will consist of emulsified Oil with 4% sodium lactate The concentration of the mixture at the point of iniection will be 1% Emulsified Oil solution with 99% water. The proposed iniection will occur over a period of 2 to 3 years and the maximum number of events will be 3 The expected duration of each iniection event will be 2 to 3 weeks with 12 to 18 months between events Refer to Appendix E for injection fluid composition and Appendix F for the iniection rational used to develop remedial approach for the site Each infection event will consist of 250,000 gallons of injectate solution or 3,125 gallons per well FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 5 of 10 THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL a. One original and two copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form. 2 copies and 1 Original included. b. The appropriate permit processing fee in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). Attached c. Submit three copies of the Corrective Action Plan and comprehensive site assessment. A copy of each report is included with each application package (see Appendices A and B). d. Three copies of the existing permit if a renewal or modification. Not applicable e. Three sets of detailed plans and specifications signed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The plans must include a general location map; a topographic map which extends one mile beyond property boundaries and depicts the facility and each of its intake and discharge structures (with the quadrangle name); a scaled site -specific map which indicates where borings or hand auger samples were taken; and a map showing the groundwater treatment/disposal facilities, buffers, structures and property lines. A map must also identify any hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities; each well where fluids from the facility are injected underground; and those wells, springs and other surface water bodies and drinking water wells listed in public records or otherwise known to the applicant within a quarter mile of the facility property boundary. Each sheet of the plans, including any plan pages that are incorporated into a bound document, and the first page of the specifications, must be signed/sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The following is list of Appendices that apply to this section of the package; Appendix C: Site History Appendix D: Hvdrmeologic Description Appendix E: Iniection Fluid Composition Appendix F: Iniection Rationale Appendix G: Iniection Procedure and Equipment f. Three copies of a tabulation of data on all wells which are within the area of review and which penetrate the proposed injection zone. Such data shall include an identification number (same number referenced on map required in "e" above) for each well, a description of each well type, date installed, depth of well, and record of completion or abandonment (if available). See Appendix I. g. A soil scientist report which includes texture, color, and structure of the soils down to a depth of seven feet; depth, thickness and type of any restrictive horizons, hydraulic conductivity in the most restrictive horizon, Cation Exchange Capacity, depth of the mean seasonal high water table, soil pH, soil maps (if available, even if unpublished), and recommended loading rates (when using an infiltration gallery). This report must be signed by the soil scientist. Not Applicable h. A hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that includes the known or projected depth of contamination. The number of borings shall be sufficient to determine significant changes in lithology, the vertical permeability of the unsaturated zone, the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone, the depth to the mean seasonal high water table, and a determination of transmissivity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer (show calculations used for transmissivity and specific yield). Report should also indicate whether the aquifer is attributable to fracture porosity storage or stratigraphically controlled (bedding planes). Include a general map and cross section illustrating the regional geologic setting. See Appendix D. Specific site maps included in Appendix. L Describe the proposed injection procedure and describe expected changes in pressure and direction of movement of injected fluid (provide data from fracture studies where applicable). Applicant must demonstrate complete hydraulic control over contaminant plume and injectate if injectate does not meet 2L standards. Refer to Appendix G: Iniection procedures and attachments for Capture Zone and Groundwater Mounding Simulations The goal of the iniection process is to treat groundwater within plume, while confirming that the iniection is not spreading contaminants beyond existing foot print. Groundwater will be extracted from within the groundwater plume and reiniected back within the plume Hence. no 2L violations will occur (see Appendix F) The necessary emulsified oils will be added to the extracted groundwater prior to re-iniection. Although the reaction and treatment is not immediate, the hexavalent chromium within the aquifer will be converted to the less toxic trivalent form. The treatment unit will be the aquifer environment itself. The oils will decrease dissolved oxygen concentrations, resulting in groundwater treatment to 2L Standards. j. Proposal for groundwater monitoring (e.g., schedule, analytical methods, etc.). See Appendix H. FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 6 of 10 k. Describe the method for determining mechanical integrity of injection well over a five year period. See Appendix G. 1. A complete analysis of the contaminated groundwater to include, but not limited to BTEX, volatile and semi -volatile compounds, pH, nitrates, and phosphates or any additional information the Director deems necessary to evaluate the proposed treatment and disposal system. See Appendix H. m. Describe contaminant concentrations in the effluent given the proposed treatment. Include expected treatment efficiency. Provide calculations or documentation to show how proposed degree of treatment was derived. See Appendix G. n. Diagram of the contaminant plume both horizontally and vertically, including vadose zone contamination (isoconcentration maps and plume cross sections). Include direction of groundwater flow for both surface aquifer and deep aquifers. See various site maps in Appendix J. o. Three copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc., must be submitted as a part of the supporting documents which are signed and sealed by the North Carolina Professional Engineer. Although certain portions of this required submittal must be developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under the signature and seal of a NC PE signifies that he or she has reviewed this material and has judged it to be consistent with his or her proposed design. The North Carolina Professional Engineers Certification Statement page is on page 9 of the application The property owners certification statement is included in Appendix K p. A properly executed page 7, which has been completed by the appropriate Regional Aquifer Protection personnel, and reincorporated into the application form prior to submittal of the application package. (see executed Page 7) FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 7 of 10 This form must be completed by the appropriate DWQ regional offlee and included as a part of the project submittal Information. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which the subject facility will be located, you are required to submit this form, with items 1 through 7 completed, to the appropriate Division of Water Quality Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor (see attached listing) prior to submittal of the application for permitting. At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by 11" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest down slope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not be submitted for final permitting until this form is completed by the appropriate regional office and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, or other): CSX Transportation, c/o Matt Adkins 2. Address of Applicant: 351 Thornton Road, Suite 123 City: Lithia Springs State: GA Zip: 30122 Telephone Number: (770 ) 819 2849 Fax Number: ( 904) 245-2273 3. County(ies) where the facility is located: Bladen 4. Project Name: Former CSXT- Rosindale Derailment Site 5. Name of closest surface waters: Boggy Branch Creek. 6. Map name and date: Site Location and Topographic Map(8-18-10)(see 7. Applicant Signature TO: REGIONAL A R PROTECTION SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed and appropriate river basin where these activities will occur, as identified on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: 3044 t4 J3zW " Classification (as established by the EMC): C ; �w Proposed Classification, if applicable: River Basin the Facility is Located:_ Signature ofregional office personnel: FORM: GNM 02106 Page 7 of 9 ts- 2 -( -3 - Date: 'd - I el — Zq 1Zj Name and Complete Address of Engineering Finn: AMEC North Carolina, Inc., 2200 Gatewgy Centre Blvd, Suite 205 City: Morrisville State: NC Zip: 27560 Telephone Number: ( 919 ) 447-2750 Fax Number: (919) 447-2751 ' Professional Engineer's Certification: I. Susan E. Johnson. P.E. , attest that this application for a Groundwater Remediation System located near Rosindale. North Carolina has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, Signat" i�diell ``�¢��E SRO`////�� �i1 �,�(,*� S�: _ Signature EAL = Er JONa�oa�� October 29, 2010 Applicant's Certification (signing authority must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0206(b)): I,_ Matt Adkins . attest that this application for a Groundwater Remediation System located near Rosindale North Carolina has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Signature � 1 October 14, 2010 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIAL* SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: v= r* M 7 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY- t AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION N :a M GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT rn c-) = 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 C-a r -TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-3221 FAX NUMBER: (919) 715-0588 FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 9 of 10 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Regional APS Supervisor Washington Regional APS Supervisor Raleigh Regional APS Supervisor 2090 U.S. Highway 70 943 Washington Square Mall 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Washington, NC 27889 Raleigh, NC 27609 (828)296-4500 (252)946-6481 (919)791-4200 Fax (828) 299-7043 Fax (252) 946-9215 Fax (919) 571-4718 Avery Macon Beaufort Jones Chatham Nash Buncombe Madison Bertie Lenoir Durham Northampton Buke McDowell Camden Martin Edgecombe Orange Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Franklin Person Cherokee Polk Craven Pasquotank Granville Vance Clay Rutherford Currituck Perquimans Halifax Wake Graham Swain Dare Pitt Johnston Warren Haywood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Iee Wilson Henderson Yancey Greene Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional APS Supervisor Systel Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910)486-1541 Fax (910) 486-0707 Anson Moore Bladen Robeson Cumberland Richmond Harnett Sampson Hoke Scotland Montgomery Winston-Salem Regional APS Supervisor 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (910)771-4600 Fax (910) 771-4630 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford Mooresville Regional APS Supervisor 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Alexander Lincoln Cabarrus Mecklenburg Catawba Rowan Cleveland Stanly Gaston Union Iredell Wilmington Regional APS Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (910)796-7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 Brunswick New Hanover Carteret Onslow Columbus Pender Duplin FORM: GWRS 02/06 Page 10 of 10 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT A ameO REC REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT B REC REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Any`�1 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT C SITE HISTORY AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 ameO Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Pen -nit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT C SITE HISTORY ameO The CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT) Rosindale Derailment Site (site) (Site ID No. NONCD 0002776, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) former Incident No. 3309) is located in southeastern North Carolina, approximately eight miles east of Clarkton, in the southern portion of Bladen County, near Rosindale, North Carolina (Attachment H, Figure 1). On November 8, 1986, a CSXT train derailment resulted in the release of approximately 90,000 gallons of methanol, 13,500 gallons of sodium dichromate, 19,000 gallons of ethylene glycol, and 8,200 pounds of chromic acid. Most of the methanol and ethylene glycol was consumed by an ensuing fire. The materials released were contained by dams erected in the drainage ditches, but not before the liquid had traveled laterally for several hundred feet. Approximately 1,600 tons of affected soil and track ballast was excavated south of the tracks and disposed of at GSX-Laidlaw's hazardous waste landfill in Pinewood, South Carolina. In addition, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 gallons of sodium dichromate and 600 gallons of ethylene glycol were pumped off the ground and disposed of off site. Frequent pumping of pooled surface water occurred from December 1986 through 1988 to remove residual chromium leaching from the soil. Over 350,000 gallons of surface water containing methanol, sodium dichromate, ethylene glycol and chromic acid were removed from the site. To remediate the shallow aquifer containing hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), methanol, and ethylene glycol, a groundwater recovery and treatment system was constructed and began operation in June 1990. The remediation system consisted of four recovery wells, and an on -site ion exchange treatment system. The system extracted approximately three to four gallons per minute which was then treated and allowed to infiltrate back into the aquifer upgradient of the spill location through a gravel -filled infiltration gallery. Groundwater recovery and treatment operations were discontinued in 1996. During the six and one-half years the remediation system operated, more than 6.5 million gallons of groundwater containing dissolved phase chromium groundwater were recovered and treated by the ion exchange system. In 1997, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section (Aquifer Protection Section), the agency overseeing the incident, approved a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) which proposed the use of a Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) alternative for the site. Annual groundwater monitoring has been performed from 1997 through 2008 which included the collection and analysis of groundwater samples from remaining groundwater monitoring wells at the site (Figure 2). In January 2009, an Administrative Agreement was executed entering CSXT into a Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Agreement with the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) to begin additional remedial activities at the site. In accordance with the Administrative Agreement, a Remedial Investigation Work Plan (RIWP) was submitted to the IHSB on May 5, 2009. In accordance with the RIWP, additional remediation investigation activities were conducted in 2009 and a Remedial Investigation (RI) AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 Report was submitted to IHSB on November 19, 2009. A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was prepared which included a review of the potential remedial options applicable to the site. Based on the site geology and constituents of concern (COCs) present, AMEC determined that addressing the Cr(VI) and antimony in the source area to promote the biological and/or chemical transformation of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and ultimately Cr(OH)3 was the best alternative. Site Setting The subject site is located in an area consisting of a mix of undeveloped, agricultural, and low density residential properties. The site is bounded on the north by undeveloped wooded property, to the east by a parcel that contains one residence and agricultural fields. The southern boundary of the site is occupied by the CSX railroad and residential properties. Finally, the western boundary of the site is occupied by agricultural fields. The topography of the site is relatively flat, with an overall gentle slope to the northeast. The elevation of the site is approximately 100 feet above mean sea level. Boggy Branch is the closest surface water body, located approximately 1,000 feet to the northeast of the spill area. The elevation of Boggy Branch is approximately 15 feet lower than the elevation at the site. Site surface water runoff flows towards Boggy Branch and occasionally towards an irrigation ditch to the west of the site. The site appears to be part of the Lumber River Basin with localized flow influenced by the presence of Lake Waccamaw and surrounding wetlands located approximately four miles to the southeast of the site. Distribution of Constituents of Concern Soil Immediately following the initial derailment as part of emergency response actions, approximately 1,600 tons of soil was excavated along the track line and areas adjacent to the release. During the RI activities, it was discovered that the water table adjacent to the railroad tracks and at the former excavation area was found to be less than one foot below the ground surface. The seasonal high water table can be immediately below the ground surface. Therefore, it is not be possible to distinguish if soil analytical results reflect the presence of residual source material or the natural rise and fall of the impacted groundwater. Without a confirmed vadose zone, additional soil characterization was not performed and remedial action to address soils is not included as part of this permit application. Groundwater RI activities were conducted to confirm the COCs present and that the COCs are limited to the surficial aquifer. The RI results indicated that while chromium is the primary COC detected at the site, antimony was also detected in two groundwater monitoring wells. Although a North Carolina 2L Groundwater Quality Standard (2L Standard) has not been established for antimony, the concentrations present exceeded the federal Maximum Contamination Level (MCL) of 6 micrograms per liter (Ng/1). These two wells also contained the highest total chromium concentrations. The antimony may have been a minor component of the chromic acid and/or sodium dichromate initially released. No other metal or organic COCs were identified. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ameO In the shallow aquifer, the chromium remains concentrated at the previous spill location. COCs are present at concentrations which exceed the 2L Standard in the area which includes CSX-3, CSX-4, and CSX-15, located hydraulically downgradient of the spill area. Historical analytical evidence indicates chromium contamination does not exist hydraulically upgradient of the spill area (Table 3). Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) was identified in wells CSX-4 and CSX-15. Cr(VI) is the more mobile and toxic chromium species. In addition to the identification of COCs, AMEC also collected groundwater geochemical data and field parameters to evaluate the various remedial alternatives based on site specific conditions. Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells across the site and analyzed for the presence of manganese, ferrous iron, ferric iron, and total iron. Groundwater samples collected from wells containing Cr (VI) did not exhibit detectable or significant concentrations of iron or manganese (Table 4). Manganese and iron concentrations increased substantially beyond the limits of wells CSX-3, CSX-4, and CSX-15. The presence of Cr (VI) is likely directly correlated to the lack of iron oxide and manganese oxide in this portion of the site. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT D HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 ameO Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT D HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION GEOLOGY ameO The site is located within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Professional Paper 1404-1 entitled "Hydrogeologic Framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain" (USGS Professional Paper), three major sedimentary units underlie the spill site. These include Pliocene to Holocene age surface sediments, the PeeDee confining unit, and the Cretaceous age PeeDee Formation. The formation is referred to as the PeeDee Formation and confining unit by the USGS. LITHOLOGY Shallow Aquifer System (Surficial Aquifer) The shallow aquifer system consists of the sediments from land surface to the upper contact of the PeeDee confining unit. The unit consists of interbedded sands. These sands consist of poorly to moderately sorted, low to moderately permeable, very fine to fine-grained sands that are silty in part; and moderately sorted, moderately permeable, fine -to medium grained sands. Thin beds of silty clay are occasionally present within this stratigraphic unit. Specific geologic site information provided from initial assessment activities identified four dominant lithologic units within the shallow aquifer system. In decreasing depth, these units are: 1) very fine to fine-grained silty sand; 2) very fine to fine-grained slightly silty sand; 3) fine to medium -grained, slightly silty sand; and 4) silty, clayey, very fine to fine-grained sand. PeeDee Confining Unit The upper confining unit (PeeDee confining unit) underlies the entire site and vicinity. The contact between the confining unit and the overlying sediments is a somewhat irregular surface. The upper portion of the confining unit consists of medium to dark grey silty, sandy, clay. The sand content decreases with depth, while the silt and clay content increases. This upper confining unit described in the USGS Professional Paper as the PeeDee confining unit contains clay, silty clay and sandy clay and overlies the PeeDee aquifer. The average thickness of the PeeDee confining unit is nearly 25 feet in the vicinity of the site. The clays of the PeeDee confining unit have very low permeability throughout most of its aerial extent. USGS Professional Paper includes lithologic data from a well located approximately six miles northwest of the site. A regional cross section including this well shows the PeeDee confining unit at a depth of approximately 50 feet below land surface (bls) and approximately 20 feet thick. However, the ground surface elevation in that area is approximately 20 feet higher than the site. Based on the data presented in this publication, AMEC would expect to encounter the PeeDee confining unit at the site approximately 30 feet bls. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ameO Soil samples collected during the installation of monitoring well CSX-26, revealed the presence of the PeeDee confining unit from approximately 29 feet to 36 feet bls. The sediments primarily encountered above the PeeDee confining unit included silty sands, while the material identified as the PeeDee confining unit included a silty clay. The sediments below the PeeDee confining unit were identified as silty sand containing shell fragments. PeeDee Aquifer Underlying the PeeDee confining unit is the PeeDee aquifer. The aquifer is part of the Coastal Plain Physiographic province of North Carolina. The late Cretaceous aquifer consists of fine to medium grained sands interbedded with gray to black marine clay and silts. Overall, the unit contains approximately 70% sands. The sands are commonly gray to greenish -gray in color and contain glauconite and shells are often encountered. The unit also contains thin beds of consolidated calcareous sandstone and limestone. HYDROGEOLOGY The water table is present in the surficial aquifer and moves towards the northeast in the direction of Boggy Branch. Historical groundwater elevation data indicated that the water table can range from depths ranging from two to eight feet bls. When water levels were measured on May 19, 2009, the water table was encountered at approximately one foot bis (Table 1). A groundwater potentiometric map for the site is included as Attachment J, Figure 6. The data indicates that the direction of groundwater flow in the surficial aquifer is toward the northeast at an average gradient of 0.01 ft/ft. Based on data collected during RI activities, the vertical gradient between the surficial and confined aquifer using data from wells CSX-3 and CSX- 26 was calculated to be -0.55 ft/ft (Table 2). The negative vertical gradient indicates downward groundwater movement from the surficial soils toward the PeeDee Formation. Constant head permeability tests performed on an undisturbed sample of the upper confining unit clay, collected from 23 to 25 feet bis at monitoring well CSX-5, revealed a vertical hydraulic conductivity (K) of 3 x 10-4 ft/day. Therefore, although there is a negative vertical gradient present between the aquifer units, the PeeDee confining unit has limited vertical hydraulic conductivity which will minimize the movement of COCs from the surficial aquifer to the underlying confined aquifer. As part of the assessment and characterization activities, rising and falling head tests were conducted in the surficial aquifer to determine the aquifer characteristics. The results are summarized below. K = 13 ft/day T (transmissivity) = 195 ft2/ day Oe (effective porosity) = 0.20 vs (seepage velocity) = 237 ft/year AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Table 1 Historical Water Level Data CSXT Former Derailment Site Rosindale, North Carolina June 2002-2009 Monitor June 2002 June 2003 June 2004 June 2005 June 2006 June 2007 June 2008 May 2009 Well ID DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE DTW GWE CSX-3 7.37 95.71 5.13 97.95 6.24 96.84 5.91 97.17 4.15 98.93 7.50 95.58 7.57 95.51 3.05 100.03 CSX-4 7.66 96.56 5.14 99.08 6.38 97.84 6.20 98.02 4.18 100.04 7.65 96.57 7.62 96.60 3.46 100.76 CSX-15 8.32 95.43 6.13 97.62 6.96 96.79 6.65 97.10 4.79 98.96 8.40 95.35 8.35 95.40 3.29 100.46 CSX-16 7.5 94.12 5.94 95.68 6.8 94.82 6.65 94.97 4.98 96.64 7.80 93.82 8.22 93.40 3.88 97.74 CSX-17 6.09 93.46 4.77 94.78 5.67 93.88 5.63 93.92 3.99 95.56 6.40 93.15 7.30 92.25 3.51 96.04 CSX-21 7.83 94.22 5.96 96.09 6.24 95.81 6.47 95.58 4.93 97.12 NM NM 7.98 94.07 3.85 98.20 CSX-22 9.68 92.27 8.12 93.83 8.63 93.32 8.73 93.22 7.30 94.65 NM NM 9.89 92.06 5.98 96.47 CSX-23 5.12 92.71 4.15 93.68 4.63 93.20 4.75 93.08 3.07 94.76 5.55 92.28 6.33 91.50 3.10 94.73 CSX-24 6.65 87.71 5.12 89.24 5.92 88.44 5.70 88.66 4.76 89.60 7.00 87.36 7.84 86.52 NM NM CSX-25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.88 99.54 CSX-26 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20.78 82.80 Notes: All measurements represent elevation in feet above Mean Sea Level DTW - Depth to Groundwater below Top of Casing GWE - Groundwater Elevation NM - Not Measured Table 2 Summary of Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Calculations CSXT Former Derailment Site Rosindale, North Carolina Well Pairs CSX-3 CSX-26 Top of Casing Elevation (ft.) 103.08 103.58 Mid -Screen Depth (ft.) 15 47.5 Mid -Screen Elevation (ft.) 88.08 56.08 SWLE (ft.) on 5/11 /2009 3.05 20.78 Change in SWLE (ft.) 17.73 Length of Hydraulic Interval (ft.) -32.00 Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) -0.55 Notes: SWLE - Static Water Level Elevation ft - feet ft/ft - feet per foot Elevations relative to site benchmark - indicates groundwater is moving vertically downward Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT E INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 MWI 717,011 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT E INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION ameO AMEC plans to utilize a solution of emulsified vegetable oil with 4% sodium lactate. A copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet is attached. The material will be diluted with potable water and injected as a solution consisting of 99% water and 1 % injectant. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 VP YOUR "AOLUTIONS Patented Methods for In Situ Bioremediation hk Product Information Sheet EOS` 450 EOS'�' 450 is an economical food -grade oil/water emulsion manufactured with a tightly controlled droplet size that is used for groundwater remediation of chlorinated solvents, perchlorate, energetics, acid rock Description drainage, oxidized metals and other recalcitrant chemicals that can be degraded under anaerobic & Use: conditions. EOS° 450 is formulated with both rapidly -biodegradable substrates to "jump start" bacterial growth and slow -release biodegradable substrates that promote growth of halorespiring and other Indigenous bacteria. EOS� 450 has been proven to be active in the subsurface for longer than three years and is non -toxic to the environment. Due to the small oil droplet size and negative surface charge, EOSG 450 can be distributed across a large aquifer volume. EOS° 450 is shipped as a concentrate that is easily diluted with water in the field. Because the droplet size is "built in" during the manufacturing process, it is not necessary to use a complicated field mixing process. Simple mixing with water is all that is required to prepare a high quality emulsion. EOS® 450 has a viscosity low enough that it can be mixed and pumped with most commonly available pumps or metered with diluter (DosatronT""). EOS 450 is most commonly injected after being diluted be- tween a range of 4:1 to 20:1 (water:EOS° 450). However, actual dilution rates may depend on site condi- tions. All injections should utilize a water flush cycle to push the remaining substrate out of the well into the formation. Chemical Physical Properties: Oil Emulsion Concentrate Typical Soybean Oil (refined and bleached) (% by wt) 49.9 Rapidly Biodegradable Soluble Substrate (% by wt) 4.0 Food Additives (% by wt) 10 Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) 0.98 pH (Standard units) 5.0 Median Oil Droplet Size (NM) 1.4 Organic Carbon (% by wt) 63 Viscosity (cP) 100-140 Electron Equivalents per Kg EOS° 450 240 Packaging: Shipped in 55-gallon drums (420 Ibs net contents), 275-gallon IBC totes (2,100 Ibs net contents) or bulk tankers (40,000 Ibs min.) Storage & Store indoors and protect from exposure to temperature extremes (<32°F or > 1200 F). EOS'� 450 should be diluted Handling: with water prior to use. Workers should use eye protection and prevent skin contact. Consult the MSDS for addi- tional information before using EOS� 450. Clean up spilled product promptly and dispose of in accordance with all regulations. For best performance, use within 30 days of delivery. NOTICE The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. Any recommendations or suggestions made are without warranty or guarantee of results since conditions of handling and of use are beyond our control. We, therefore. assume no liability for loss or damage incurred by following these suggestions. EOS Remediation warrants only that this product will meet the specifications set forth, any other representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is specifically disclaimed including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and of merchantability. EOS Remediation's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective before using. User shall deter- mine the suitability of the product for user's intended application and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. EOS Remediation shall not be liable in tort, contract or under any theory for any loss or damage, incidental or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product. E*S EOS Remediation, LLC • EOS Remediation, LLC • 1101 Nowell Road • Raleigh, NC 27607 ■ 888.873.2204 • • • MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EMULSIFIED EDIBLE OIL SUBSTRATE (EOS"- 450) D.O.T. HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: NONE MANUFACTURER'S NAME EOS Remediation, LLC 1101 Nowell Road Raleigh,NC 27607 DATE OF PREPARATION 01 /24/03, Rev. 5/4/2009 HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION TELEPHONE NO. 919-873-2204 SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME EOS° 450 PRODUCT CLASS VEGETABLE OIL BASED EMULSION CAS NUMBER MIXTURE SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS THIS PRODUCT IS A MIXTURE OF EDIBLE FOOD GRADE ADDITIVES AND CONTAINS NO HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS. COMPONENTS SOYBEAN OIL SODIUM LACTATE FOOD ADDITIVES / EMULSIFIERS / PRESERVATIVES (PROPRIETARY) WATER HMIS EXPOSURE LIMIT % BY CAS NO. OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV - WEIGHT TWA 45 — 50 8001-22-7 15 mg/m3 NA 4 867-56-1 6-10 BALANCE 1 0 0 B EMULSIFIED EDIBLE OIL SUBSTRATE (EOS® 450) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: SPECIFIC GRAVITY (1-120 = 1): VAPOR PRESSURE: PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%): VAPOR DENSITY: EVAPORATION RATE: SOLUBILITY IN WATER: APPEARANCE AND ODOR: 212°F 0.97 NOT ESTABLISHED 24 (AS WATER) HEAVIER THAN AIR NOT ESTABLISHED SOLUBLE OFF WHITE LIQUID WITH VEGETABLE OIL ODOR SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: >300°F FLAMMABLE LIMITS: NOT ESTABLISHED EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, FOAM, DRY CHEMICAL NOTE: WATER, FOG, AND FOAM MAY CAUSE FROTHING AND SPATTERING. UNUSUAL FIRE AND BURNING WILL CAUSE OXIDES OF CARBON. EXPLOSION HAZARDS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING WEAR SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS PROCEDURES: AND CHEMICAL RESISTANT CLOTHING. USE WATER SPRAY TO COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS. SECTION V - PHYSICAL HAZARDS STABILITY: STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE INCOMPATIBILITY: STRONG ACIDS AND OXIDIZERS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION THERMAL DECOMPOSITION MAY PRODUCT OXIDES PRODUCTS: OF CARBON. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARDS SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: 1. Acute Overexposure - NONE 2. Chronic Overexposure - NONE MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY NONE KNOWN AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: CHEMICAL LISTED AS CARCINOGEN OR POTENTIAL CARCINOGEN: N.T.P. - NO I.A.R.C. - NO OSHA - NO 2 EMULSIFIED EDIBLE OIL SUBSTRATE (EOS® 450) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: 1.) Inhalation- REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. 2.) Eyes- FLUSH WITH WATER FOR 15 MINUTES, IF IRRITATION PERSISTS SEE PHYSICIAN. 3.) Skin- WASH WITH MILD SOAP AND WATER. 4.) Ingestion- PRODUCT IS NON -TOXIC. IF NAUSEA OCCURS, INDUCE VOMITING AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. SECTION VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: VENTILATION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: EYE PROTECTION: OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT: NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED LOCALEXHAUST NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED NONE SECTION Vill - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DO NOT STORE NEAR EXCESSIVE HEAT OR IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: OXIDIZERS. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: NONE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE SOAK UP WITH DRY ABSORBENT AND FLUSH AREA MATERIAL IS SPILLED: WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS: DISPOSE OF ACCORDING TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. ------------------- -------------- ---- SECTION IX - ADDITIONAL REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA TITLE III UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 111, SECTION 311/312 OF THE SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATIONS ACT, THIS PRODUCT IS CLASSIFIED INTO THE FOLLOWING HAZARD CATEGORIES: NONE THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN SECTION 313 REPORTABLE INGREDIENTS. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BASED ON AVAILABLE DATA AND IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT. HOWEVER, EOS REMEDIATION, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THIS DATA OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED THEREOF. THIS INFORMATION AND PRODUCT ARE FURNISHED ON THE CONDITION THAT THE PERSON RECEIVING THEM SHALL MAKE HIS/HER OWN DETERMINATION AS TO THE SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR HIS/HER PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EMULSIFIED EDIBLE OIL SUBSTRATE (EOS® 450) T:\EOS-Remediation\Products\EOS\MSDS\MSDS EOS 450.doc Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 ATTACHMENT F INJECTION RATIONALE ameO Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT F INJECTION RATIONALE ameO ' The Reactive Zone technique is an active remedial method which utilizes sub -surface injections to mitigate contamination. Reactive Zones do not disrupt the flow of groundwater but rather employ the natural gradient to treat the contamination as it flows through the Reactive Zone. Unlike the fixation technique where the groundwater is pumped to a surface facility for treatment, with this method the treatment compounds are injected directly into the aquifer. As groundwater passes through the injection areas, the injectants react with the contaminants. Hexavalent chromium can be treated by biotic or chemical processes. Microbes are capable of transforming the Cr(VI) to Cr(III) under the correct conditions. Chromium -reducing bacteria are widespread and with the addition of carbohydrates such as lactate or vegetable oil, a reducing environment is created with sufficient electron donor material present for the biological processes to occur. Cr(VI) serves as the terminal electron acceptor for the metabolism of the carbohydrates. The oxidation reduction potential of the groundwater doesn't have to be reduced to levels required for reductive dechlorination, but to denitrifying or iron -reducing conditions (ORP values near zero). Once the Cr(III) is created, there is a nearly instantaneous reaction with water, creating Cr(OH)3. The Cr(OH)3 is insoluble and immobile at most natural pH conditions, and thus does not remain in solution. Once affixed to the soil matrix, the reaction is reversible only at very highly oxidative conditions. These oxidative conditions are generally not encountered in the natural environment (see Eh/pH diagrams included in this Attachment). To treat hexavalent chromium using a chemical process, chemical reductants such as ferrous sulfate, sodium metabisulfite, or calcium polysulfide can be added to the groundwater system. The reductants convert the Cr(VI) to Cr(III), which then precipitates out as Cr(OH)3. Of the three reductants listed above, calcium polysulfide is more stable and persistent in the environment. However, the addition of a ferrous sulfate solution is safe to use and has the added benefit of addressing other metals that may be present. However, the use of ferrous sulfate can create acidic conditions within the groundwater. Ferrous sulfate is generally used in combination with sodium dithionite to prevent well and aquifer plugging and increase the dispersion of the ferrous ion in the Reactive Zone. If needed, soda ash or caustic soda can be added beyond the treatment zone to bring pH values back to background conditions. The use of the injectants such as those listed above is considered the EPA presumptive remedy for the treatment of Cr(VI) groundwater impact. EPA's Office of Research and Development found that the use of ferrous iron in conjunction with the anti -oxidant sodium dithionite (aka sodium hydrosulfite) is an effective method to promote the chemical reaction to Cr(OH)3 without the drawbacks of utilizing iron alone. Injection of ferrous iron by itself with foul well screens and create aquifer clogging, lowering permeabilities. However, when used with the anti -oxidant, these drawbacks do not occur. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ameO The selected alternative for this site must be effective in the treatment of antimony as well. Antimony is transported as an oxy-anion like Cr(VI) (Cr042-). As shown on the Eh/pH diagram attached (Figure 5), similar to chromium, antimony is precipitated out as an insoluble compound known as stibnite. This occurs in a reducing environment as well. However, oxidation reduction potentials must be within a slightly lower range. ' The site will initially be treated with the use of the injection of vegetable oil with 4% sodium lactate to create an environment conducive for the biotic transformation of the Cr(VI) ultimately to Cr(OH)3. The lactate is used to provide a near immediate decrease in dissolved oxygen concentrations. The lactate lasts up to three months in the aquifer. The emulsified oil lasts up to 18 months but it takes longer to react. Therefore, AMEC will use a blend of emulsified oil and lactate. If the results indicate that insufficient anaerobes are present for the effective remediation of the site, a chemical reductant (ferrous sulfate, sodium metabisulfite, or calcium polysulfide) could be added to the groundwater system, or the system inoculated with suitable anaerobes after reducing conditions are established. An amendment to this permit would be submitted to the DWQ if this is required. The amendment would outline the injectant to be used, volumes to be injected, monitoring to be performed, and proposed schedule. Injection Feasibility Pilot Study Historically, the Rosindale Derailment Site has exhibited a high water table. A high water table can be a limiting factor when mitigating groundwater contamination using sub -surface injection remediation methodologies. With low hydraulic conductivities or insufficient vadose zone, injection rates can be extremely slow and require excessive injection points. Therefore, a pilot study was devised to evaluate the ability of the shallow aquifer at the site to take a volume of fluid at a specified flow rate under constant pressure. The first step in the pilot study was to assess the flow rate required to maintain a constant water level in a shallow well under gravity feed. Monitoring well CSX-3 was set up first with pressure gauges to evaluate its suitability as a possible injection site. Water was injected into the monitoring well for approximately 50 minutes. Subsequently, CSX-15 and CSX-4 were likewise evaluated for 45 and 30 minutes, respectively. Ultimately, CSX-15 was selected as the best pilot study site. A second evaluation was performed to determine the time CSX-15 could take a constant flow of water under constant pressure without the water "daylighting" at the surface or a buildup in the injection pressure. The water level remained fairly steady at a flow rate of five gallons per minute (gpm) and a constant pressure of one pound per square inch (psi). The monitoring well was able to take this constant influx of water for approximately two hours before the potable water supply was depleted. Additionally, three piezometers were installed around monitoring well CSX-15. Piezometer 1 (P- 1) was installed five feet from CSX-15. P-2 and P-3 were installed three feet and nine feet, respectively, from CSX-15. During the two-hour test, the water levels in the piezometers were AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ameO measured every five minutes for an hour and then every 10 minutes for the second hour. Although the water levels measured in the piezometers increased over the testing interval, the rise was gradual. Water level results are summarized on Table 6 of this Attachment. Over the course of two hours, CSX-15 was able to accept 668 gallons of water. A 0.7 foot rise in the water table was observed in P-3, located nine feet away from the monitoring well. Despite the volume of water injected, the rise in the water table around the well was gradual (as indicated by the piezometer readings). The pilot study demonstrated that injection at the site is feasible and compounds can be injected within a cost effective timeframe and over a suitable area. The radius of influence of injection points at the site can be assumed to be approximately 15 to 20 feet. Remedial Approach AMEC did a preliminary design utilizing this technology to determine a budgetary cost estimate to decrease chromium concentrations at the wells that exhibit the highest concentrations of chromium. The treatment zone would include the area around wells CSX-3, CSX-4, and CSX- 15 with chromium concentrations exceeding approximately 10 Ng/L. To treat this area, the carbon substrate injection will consist of up to 40 two-inch diameter PVC nested injection points placed in barriers approximately 150 feet apart and perpendicular to groundwater flow throughout the treatment area (see Figure G1 in Attachment G that shows the proposed injection well locations). At each injection location, points will be installed to depths 15 feet and 25 feet below land surface and completed with 5 feet of screen. Nested injection wells would be required to treat the entire shallow aquifer zone. The total depth of the screen will be installed immediately above the top of the PeeDee confining unit. The site will be initially be treated with emulsified vegetable oil with sodium lactate, a soluble electron donor consisting to create an environment conducive for the biotic transformation of the Cr(VI) ultimately to Cr(OH)3. The amendment can persist in the subsurface up to 18 months. If the results indicate that insufficient anaerobes are present for the effective remediation of the site, the system could be inoculated with suitable anaerobes after reducing conditions are established. If this is required, AMEC would submit the necessary paperwork to amend the permit as needed. The estimated volume of solution to be initially injected is based on the estimated effective porosity of the aquifer. AMEC will inject sufficient substrate to fill approximately 20% of the effective porosity (assumed at approximately 25%). The reactive zones will be established approximately 150 feet apart, or based on the estimated seepage velocity, approximately six months travel time apart. There is the potential that other metals, primarily arsenic can be mobilized when the reductive conditions are created in the aquifer. Groundwater monitoring will be conducted to evaluate if this is occurring. However, once water moves beyond the reactive zone where dissolved oxygen concentrations are at aerobic levels, any arsenic present will again be precipitated out. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 ANTIMONY solution SbM03 (aq) 3 + 18H2O = + 2SbO3- + 26e- + 36H+ VSb203 + 31-12O = 2SbO3- + 6H++ 4e- Stibiconite Sb("t)Sb(v)20s(OH) Valentinite t Sb2S3 + 3H2O + 602 = 3SO4-- + 2Sb20? + 6H+ Stibnite Sb(IIIj2S 1.2 1 0.8 o,s } 0.4 0.2 0 -02 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 CHROMIUM Hexavalent Chromium Q Trivalent Chromium Cr(OH) 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Source: Palmer andWittbrodL 1M pH AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 447-2750 CLIENT: •• •� ameO'i"""' EhIpI MANDDIAGRAN FOR CHROMIUM AND ANTIMONY JWB CHK: HMT SITE: CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA ATE: 04-30-2010 PROJ.: 643008035 SCALE: NO SCALE Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 requirements for injection well construction in accordance with Aquifer Protection Section rules stipulated in 15A NCAC 2C,0.200. Visual observations and a record of vertical movement of the injectate to the land surface (if any) will be recorded by the site manager before, during and after each injection event conducted during a five year period. If injectant fluids are present (i.e., fluid day -lighting) at the surface following an injection event, appropriate corrective action will be taken to mitigate release of the injectate to the surface and if necessary, replacing the injection well. Infection Schedule The injection points will be installed within approximately two weeks of receipt of the non - discharge permit. Well installation activities will take approximately two weeks to complete. Immediately prior to the injection, baseline groundwater sampling will be conducted in accordance with the permit requirements. The injection activities will take place within a few days of the emplacement of the wells and will take several weeks to complete. Approximately 45 days and 90 days following the injection event, groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with the monitoring plan to determine the effectiveness of the injection. Since the sodium lactate can be effective from three months and the emulsified oil for up to 18 months, monitoring will be conducted during and after this time period to determine if additional injection events will be required. AMEC anticipates at least one additional event approximately 12 to 18 months following the initial injection event. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 AMEC Earth &Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 TITLE: PROPOSED EXTRACTION AND INJECTION WELL LOCATION MAP CLIENT: [ = 1 • • • Figure G 1 SITE: Morrisville, NC 27560 DATE: 08-26-2010 SCALE: 1" = 100' PROD.: 643008035 (919) 447-2750 ameOROSINDALE, CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE DR: W. Blaylock CHK: K. Roush - NORTH CAROLINA LOCATION: P:\pmjectFiles\CSXRosindale\643008035—CSX-Rosindale Remedial lmesfigation\Drawings\figu e2 mxd FROM ELECTRON DONOR TANK OR DRUM GATE VALVE PRESSURE GAUGE TEMPORARY BLACK POLY PIPE VENTURI FEED PIPE GATE VALVE SAMPLE PORT (WATER WELL SUPPLY LINE) QUICK CONNECT FLOW GAUGE FITTING / OR TOTALIZER FLOW GAUGE JET OR TOTALIZER WATER GATE VALVE LEVEL PORT PUMP I PRESSURE GAUGE TEMPORARY RIGID STATIC IN -LINE PVC E.W. PIPE MIXING TUBE QUICK CONNECT FLOW GAUGE FITTING OR TOTALIZER FLOW GAUGE WELL VAULT OR TOTALIZER WELL SEAL W1 LID FITTING WELL SEAL WELL SEAL FITTING FITTING BLACK POLY PIPE WELL SLOT WELL SLOT I I I I SHALLOW I I I I I I I I I I TYPICAL 4" EXTRACTION WELL DEEP TYPICAL 2" INJECTION WELL NOTE: TEMPORARY CONNECTION OF WATER WELL SUPPLY LINE TO BE REMOVED FOLLOWING USE. WELL LID & CAP TO BE SECURED FOLLOWING WELL USE. AMEC Earth & Environmental Morrisville, NC 27560 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205csx,61 (919)447-2750 ameJB CLIENT: � � � TITLE: EXTRACTION WELL AND INJECTION EQUIPMENT SCHEMATIC DR: JWB REV: JB PROJ. NO.: 643008037 ATTACHMENT G 2 CHK: DATE: September 2, 2010 DWG NO. NA SCALE: NONE PROJECT NAME: Former Derailment Site LOCATION: Rosindale, NC CLIENT: CSX Transportation SUBCONTRACTOR: Parratt-Wolff DRILLER: Butch Stevens ELECTRICAL LEAD CONNECTION CONCRETE PAD (SLOPED TO DRAIN) —� GROUND SURFACE •. ', a, 1FT. WELL SEAL CEMENT/BENTONITE GROUT —i 2% BENTONITE BY WEIGHT 2" SCHEDULE 40, FLUSH THREADED P.V.C. WELL CASING WELL NUMBER: Well Nests (Wells 1 & 2) INSTALLATION DATE: FIELD REP: Kathleen Roush PROJECT NO.: 643008037 FLUSH -MOUNTED MONITORING PROTECTIVE COVER (12" DIA. BOLT -DOWN) WELL NESTS WELL #1 WELL #2 0 0 QUICK CONNECT FITTING 0 0 TO WATER SUPPLY LINE TOP OF ANNULAR SEALANT 7.0' 17.0' 3/8" DIA. BENTONITE PELLETS f— TOP OF SAND PACK 8.0' 18.0' #3 SILICA SAND TOP OF WELL SCREEN 10.0' 20.0' — 8" DIA. BOREHOLE 2" SCHEDULE 40, PVC — SLOTTED WELL — SCREEN W/ 0.020 SIZE OPENINGS — — f— BOTTOM OF WELL SCREEN 15.0' 25.0' BOTTOM OF WELL 15.0' 25.0' FLUSH -THREADED PLUG f BOTTOM OF BORING 15.0' 25.0' NOTE: Well #1 installed in shallow aquifer zone and #2 in deeper aquifer zone PREPARED BY: Attachment 2200 Gateway centre Blvd. TYPE II INJECTION WELL Suite 205 ameoMorrisville, NC 27560 G 3 CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC (919) 447-2750 PROJECT NAME: Former Derailment Site LOCATION: Rosindale, NC CLIENT: CSX Transportation SUBCONTRACTOR: Parratt-Wolff DRILLER: Butch Stevens GROUND SURFACE WELL NUMBER: Extraction Wells (Wells 1-6) INSTALLATION DATE: FIELD REP: Kathleen Roush PROJECT NO.: 643008037 ELECTRICAL LEAD CONNECTION CONCRETE PAD FLUSH -MOUNTED (SLOPED TO DRAIN) PROTECTIVE COVER (12" DIA. BOLT -DOWN) WELL CEMENT/BENTON 2% BENTONITE B` 4" SCHEDULE 40, FLI THREADED P.V.C. WELL CASING 3/8" DIA. BENTONII #3 SII 4" SCHEDULE 40, PVC SLOTTED WELL SCREEN W/.010 SIZE OF FLUSH-THREA QUIC TO 1 FT. SEAL TE GROUT 'WEIGHT ISH TOP OF ANNI E PELLETS �— TOP OF SANC ICA SAND TOP OF WELL — 12" DIA. BOREH ENINGS — f- )ED PLUG 0 K CONNECT FITTING 0 WATER SUPPLY LINE ILAR SEALANT 2.0' PACK 3.0' 'CREEN 5.0' )LE BOTTOM OF WELL SCREEN BOTTOM OF WELL BOTTOM OF BORING 25.0' 25.0' 25.0' PREPARED BY: Attachment 2200 Gateway centre Blvd. EXTRACTION WELL Suite 205 ame&Morrisville, NC 27560 Gq, CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC (919) 447-2750 CSX Rosindale, NC where input by user: for this site: Cap Zone=0.5 pi rstag CAPTURE -ZONE ANALYSIS Project: CSX Rosindale Location: Rosindale NC Project No: 643008035 Date: 8/26/2010 rstag = 0/(2pihKi) rstag = distance from pumping well to downgradient stagnation point Q = pumping rate (in ft3/day) h = saturated thickness available to pumping well (ft) K = hydraulic conductivity (ft/day) i = hydraulic gradient (dimensionless) Q = h = K = i = 192.5 20 13.000 0.010 ft3/day ft ft/day dimensionless rstag_ 12 feet assume pumping for 1/2 day (ie 12 hr) Cap Zone = The length of the capture zone directly crossgradient of the pumping well for this site: Cap Zone = 19 feet Cap Zone rstag -1 RW Cap Zone Reference Keeley, J.F., and Tsang, C.F., 1983, Velocity plots and capture zones of pumping centers for ground -water investigations, Ground Water, v. 21, no. 6 pp. 701-714. P:\ProjectFiles\CSX Rosindale\643008037 - CSX Rosindale RAP\Permits\No-Discharge Permit Mod\Extractiion Well_CAPZONE.xls CSX Rosindale, NC CAPTURE -ZONE ANALYSIS Thiem Equation Q = 2piKhs/[In(Ro/rw)] Rearranging for Ro yields Ro = rw exp[(2piKhs/0)] where Page 2of2 Project: CSX Rosindale Location: Rosindale NC Project No: 6430ON35 Date: 8/26/2010 Ro = radius of influence rw = radius of pumping well Q = pumping rate (in ft^3/day) h = saturated thickness available to pumping well (ft) s = drawdown in pumping well K = hydraulic conductivity (ft/day) input by user: Q = h = rw = K = s = 192.5 20 0.16 13.000 0.7 ft^3/day assume pumping for 1/2 day (ie 12 hr) ft ft ft/day It from Aquifer injection and withdrawal test for this site: Ro = 61 feet Reference Thiem, G., 1906, Hydrologische Methoden, Gephardt, Leipzig, 56 pp. P:\ProjectFiles\CSX Rosindale\643008037 - CSX Rosindale RAP\Permits\No-Discharge Permit Mod\Extractiion Well_CAPZONE.xls Input Values R Sy K x y t hi(0) 1.0000 0.200 13.00 10.000 10.000 0.500 20.000 h(max) Ah(max) Distance from Ground- center of water basin in x Moundin direction, g,in feet in feet 0 0.66 5 0.65 10 0.61 20 0.59 30 0.5 40 0.57 50 0.568 80 0.567 100 0.567 120 GROUNDWATER MOUNDING SIMULATION CSX ROSINDALE SITE BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA use consistent units (e.g. feet & days or inches & hours) Recharge (infiltration) rate (feet/day) Specific yield, Sy (dimensionless, between 0 and 1) Horizontal hydraulic conductivity, Kh (feet/day)* 1/2 length of basin (x direction, in feet) 1/2 width of basin (y direction, in feet) duration of infiltration period (days) initial thickness of saturated zone (feet) Conversion Table inch/hour feet/day 0.67 1.33 2.00 4.00 In the report accompanying this spreadsheet (USGS SIR 2010-5102), vertical soil permeability hours days (ft/d) is assumed to be one -tenth horizontal 36 1.50 hydraulic conductivity (ft/d). maximum thickness of saturated zone (beneath center of basin or well infiltration zone at end of infiltration period) maximum groundwater mounding (beneath center of basin or infiltration zone at end of infiltration period) Re -Calculate Notes: 1- Simulation derived from field infiltration test into site wells CSX-3 and CSX-4 2- Infiltration rate assumed based on average injection rate of 5 gallons per minute flow that was derived from field test on site. 3-Gravity feed injection methods were employed for the field infiltration test. 4- Basin width assumed to reflect 1/2 extraction well capture zone radius. Analysis: Simulation of maximum groundwater mounding was calculated to be .67 feet above the static ground water level. Maximum mounding during field injection test was 0.7 feet above static groundwater level. Therefore, simulated mounding agrees with actual field mounding test performed within 5 percent. Data Source Assumed based on site infiltration test Site Data Site Data Assumed based on inverse or extraction well model Assumed based on inverse or extraction well model Site Data Site Data P:\ProjectFiles\CSX Rosindale\643008037 - CSX Rosindale RAP\Permits\No-Discharge Permit Mod\File Job Name: r ' � 51 L- Job Number: G 4 3 m8 0 3 ate: 4 ame& Computed by: �4/� Checked by: Date: 8 -13 ->n / Sheet: Of: 8 -Z6 - io Job Name: C-- 5K kOS N D AdL - Job Number: (�O raO'D a 03 5- Title: P- Y•J:b lx 6r ec.—, I Computed by: 7A--5 Checked by: Dale: 8 ' ?-�, -- I'D Sheet Of: Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 ATTACHMENT H MONITORING PLAN Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT H MONITORING PLAN ameO The injection activities will be concentrated in the area in and around CSX-3, CSX-4, and CSX- 15. The groundwater monitoring well network currently in place around the injection zone will be expanded to monitor the injection activities around the perimeter and within the injection area (see monitoring well location map attached). Additionally, as required by 15A NCAC 2L requirements a "Compliance Boundary" will be established to compensate for injection activities that cross property boundaries. The following new shallow monitoring wells (CSX-31, CSX-32, CSX-33 and CSX-34) will be added to existing monitoring wells (CSX-3, CSX-4, CSX-15, CSX- 16, CSX-17, CSX-21, CSX-22, CSX-23, CSX-25) to define the monitoring network as part of the compliance boundary in this monitoring plan (see Attachment H1). These wells will be sampled in accordance with "low -flow" sampling techniques to minimize the turbidity of the samples. Samples from the wells will be analyzed for the presence of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus antimony. The RCRA metals analyte list includes analysis for the presence of total chromium. In addition, the samples collected from wells CSX-3, CSX-4, CSX-15, and CSX-16 will also be analyzed for the presence Cr(VI) and total organic carbon (TOC). Field measured parameters will be collected from each of the 13 monitoring wells included in the monitoring plan. These parameters will include pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, and turbidity. In addition, four monitoring well nests will be installed to monitor the success of the injection and the movement of the injectate. These four well nests will be located between the reactive zones and numbered CSX-27s and CSX-27d, CSX-28s and CSX-28d, CSX-29s and CSX-29d, and CSX-30s and CSX-30d. The shallow wells will be screened from approximately 10 to 15 feet bls. The deeper wells in each well nest will be screened from 20 to 25 feet bls. A proposed well schematic illustrating shallow and deep aquifer zone well construction is shown on Attachment H2. Samples collected from these wells will be analyzed for the presence of total chromium, antimony and TOC (as needed). Field measured parameters will also be collected from these wells to monitor the reductive environment present. Two of the four shallow Type II wells CSX-31, and CSX-32 will be installed upgradient of the release area and CSX-33 and CSX-34 will be installed cross -gradient of the spill area. CSX-31 and CSX-32 will be sampled to monitor the characteristics of groundwater entering the treatment zone while CSX-33 and CSX-34 will be sampled to monitor groundwater characteristics horizontally to the southeast and east of the injection area. Monitoring wells CSX-25, CSX-23, CSX-22, and CSX-21 will function in to monitor groundwater the side gradient or down gradient direction. In total, these wells will define the Compliance Boundary points at the site (see Attachment H1) A baseline groundwater monitoring event will be conducted prior to the injection event. A groundwater monitoring event will be conducted approximately 45-days following the completion of the injection event. The groundwater samples will be analyzed by a North Carolina certified AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ameO laboratory. If concentrations of metals have not decreased to either below their respective North Carolina 2L Groundwater Quality Standard or within 10 percent of background levels by the 45- day sampling event, the wells will be sampled on a _quarterly basis until concentrations of the specific metals reach either of these two endpoints. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 or - r i* i 1 j t in cam 0 Nt Jll AMEC Earth 8� Environmental CLIENT: r [1'\� 0 1,2W SITE LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FORMER DERAILMENT SITE 2200 Gamey Cw*9 Blvd„ Sufte 205 MorTbdis, North Caroline 275M • • • •'" SCALE APPROX. ROSINDALE, NC DR JVVB aEv: 1' = 1,2W CNa HMT oATE: 11408-2009 FIGURE 1 PROD. NO.: 843008035 PROJECT NAME: Former Derailment Site LOCATION: Rosindale, NC CLIENT: CSX Transportation SUBCONTRACTOR: Parratt-Wolff DRILLER: Butch Stevens WELL NUMBER: Well Nests (Wells 1 & 2) INSTALLATION DATE: FIELD REP: Kathleen Roush PROJECT NO.: 643008037 ELECTRICAL LEAD CONNECTION CONCRETE PAD (SLOPED TO DRAIN) FLUSH -MOUNTED PROTECTIVE COVER MONITORING (12" DIA. BOLT -DOWN) WELL NESTS WELL #1 WELL #2 GROUND 0 0 SURFACE QUICK CONNECT FITTING 0 0 TO WATER SUPPLY LINE 1 FT. WELL SEAL CEMENT/BENTONITE GROUT 2% BENTONITE BY WEIGHT 2" SCHEDULE 40, FLUSH THREADED P.V.C. WELL CASING TOP OF ANNULAR SEALANT 7.0' 17.0' 3/8" DIA. BENTONITE PELLETS TOP OF SAND PACK 8.0' 18.0' #3 SILICA SAND TOP OF WELL SCREEN 10.0' 20.0' 8" DIA. BOREHOLE 2" SCHEDULE 40, PVC SLOTTED WELL SCREEN W/.010 SIZE OPENINGS — — BOTTOM OF WELL SCREEN 15.0' 25.0' BOTTOM OF WELL 15.0' 25.0' FLUSH -THREADED PLUG f BOTTOM OF BORING 15.0' 25.0' NOTE: Well #1 installed in shallow aquifer zone and #2 in deeper aquifer zone and #2 in deeper aquifer zone PREPARED BY: Attachment 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd. TYPE II MONITORING WELL Suite 205 ameeMorrisville, INC 27560 H n CONSTRUCTION SCHEMATIC (919) 447-2750 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT I WELL DATA AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 ameO Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT I WELL DATA ameO Attached is completion and abandonment information for groundwater monitoring wells which are located at the site. AMEC has also included a Table 2 in this attachment that summarizes the information available regarding nearby water -supply wells. A map showing the location of the water -supply wells within a '/ mile radius of the site boundary is included in Attachment I. Additionally, the NCDENR issued recovery and monitoring well installation permits for the two properties affected (i.e., Lewis and Oliver) are included at the back of this attachment. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 0.25 0.5 1 Miles AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 447-2750 CLIENT: 1 1 I'M amec� TITLE: WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION MAP Attachment 11 DR: CPM CHK: HMT DATE: 8/26/10 PROJ. NO:643008031 Table 2 Identified Water -Supply Well Information Within One -Mile Radius CXST Former Derailment Site Rosindale, North Carolina PARCEUPIN WELL INFORMATION OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP DESCRIPTION OR INFO FROM LETTERS 125400087297 has well (drinking), depth unkown, filter on pump CHRISTOPHER L. UTLEY PO BOX 95 COUNCIL NC 284340000 125400181219 18' dee , 1960's, shallow jet JOHNNIE WALTER MCCREE PO BOX 32 CLARKTON NC 284330032 HOME PLACE 125400189022 suspected well, no info available SAM E ANDREWS (DEC) & CLARA BELL 10025 HWY 211 E COUNCIL NC 284349712 PAIT LAND 124500705043 25' deep, 1960's, shallow jet RACHEL MCCULLOCH 9071 NC HWY 211 E COUNCIL NC 284340000 60', 1950, drinking (maybe) 124400989863 20' deep, 1960's, shallow jet 20' deep, old, shallow jet/unused shallow, old, unused MRS JEFF MCKOY (DEC) 125 PRESIDENTIAL BLVD APT 15D PATERSON NJ 075220000 JOHN WALTER MCKOY LAND 125400271732 95' deep, 1968, submersible HERMAN L CARROLL 430 LAWRENCE ST BURLINGTON NJ 080161620 JAS TO BROWN 125400273607 100' deep, 1970's, submersible JAMES DOUGLAS GIBBS ETUX FLORENCE 565 SAINT MARK AVE BROOKLYN NY 112160000 JAMES T BROWN LAND 125400274779 100' deep, 1960's, submersible JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH PO BOX 212 COUNCIL NC 284340212 1254-00-27-4779 125400347495 120' deep, 1959, submersible 105' deep, 1971, submersible 120' dee , 1966, submersible MARLOWE FARM LLC PO BOX 36 CLARKTON NC 284330000 CANAL IND LAND 124400983342 (2258) 100' deep, 1986, submersible MARY COUNCIL BROWN 9486 NC HWY 211 E COUNCIL NC 284348918 TRACT A 124400989274 well depth approx. 60' CHRISTINE B MATHIS 131 WELLS BROTHERS RD ROSEHILL NC 284580000 TRACT C 124400969527 20' dee , 1966, shallow jet CYNTHIA LARKINS HAWKINS EXE 8648 CATFISH DR CHARLOTTE NC 282143401 1244-00-96-9527 124400966893 suspected well, no info available MARY COUNCIL BROWN 9486 NC HWY 211 E COUNCIL NC 284348918 ACIE JAMES LARKINS LAND 124400960339 suspected well, no info available DERWOOD CLARK 914 RICHARDSON ST ELIZABETHTOWN NC 283379733 1244-00-96-0339 124400869606 letter returned as not deliverable CARLEEN CLARK PO BOX 56 COUNCIL NC 284340056 1244-00-86-9606 124400867623 suspected well, no info available HENRY LEE BURNEY & JACQUELINE 484 MICROWAVE TOWER RD COUNCIL NC 284349711 CATHERINE CLARK,HRS LID 124400868255 suspected well, no info available CARLINE CLARK & CHRISTOPHER J CLARK 2914 SETTLE IN LANE RALEIGH NC 276140000 1244-00-86-8255 124400864481 suspected well, no info available CURTIS JOSHAY CLARK 1020 N GILMORE ST BALTIMORE MD 212170000 CATHERINE CLARK LAND 124400866127 suspected well, no info available ELIZABETH C GRAHAM & HUSBAND GLEN 581 MICROWAVE TWR RD COUNCIL NC 284349711 ROBERT & GENEVA UTLEY LAND 124400867022 has well (drinking), 75' deep, installed 1984 ELIZABETH GRAHAM 581 MICROWAVE TOWER RD COUNCIL NC 284349711 JOHN & MARY CLARK 124400851398 suspected well, no info available JOHNNIE PETERSON 128 SARAH PETERSON RD COUNCIL NC 284349801 FROM J R CAULK 124400758304 150' deep, 2000, drinking BOBBY O BROWN 779 MICROWAVE TOWER RD COUNCIL NC 284349711 779 MICROWAVE TOWER RD 124400841933 80' deep, 1969, drinking; livestock; pond ANNIE B. BROWN 857 MICROWAVE TOWER RD COUNCIL NC 284340000 LOT 9 A-167/1676 124400765346 110' deep, 1972, submersible MARLOW E FARM LLC PO BOX 36 CLARKTON NC 284330000 HOME 124400670886 100' deep, 1960's, submersible 20' deep, old, shallow jet MELVIN MCLEAN 311 HUMMING BIRD BLVD. COUNCIL NC 284340000 Dennis McLean (Owner) 9072 NC 211 Hwy East Council, NC 28434 (well used for drinking, irrigation, pool) 125400087545 20' deep, 1950's, shallow jet JAMES M. YOUNG PO BOX 4 COUNCIL NC 284340000 James M. Young 9741 NC 211 Hwy East Council, NC 28434 (240' installed 2007, drinking, irrigation, water livestock, and 125400185183 20' deep, 1964, shallow jet CURTIS JOSHAY CLARK 1020 N GILMORE ST BALTIMORE MD 212170000 Information from Eder Associates Corrective Action Termination Request, 1997, and information provided by property owner. Source: Bladen County GIS Website ( 09/b9/1997 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 15 North Caroling. Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmerltal Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29578 » l aleigh, N,C. 27626-0578 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location• on back of farm,) Nearest T'o%m: County (Read. Community, &ubdivision, Lot No.) 2. OWNER: f 3.ADDRESS:O.S��llC7'J�F= ` 4. TOPOCMAPHY : dd-awe�, Slope, hilltop. Vanty,, lAtp pr 5. USE OF WELL.- t' �'I ! D . DATE: �.11 7. CASING REMOVED: e- 8_ SEALING MATERLA.L; Feat cement bags of cement gals, of water !l� other TI Te material Ainount aftAd,ternent bags of cement . yds. of sand gals. of water 9. EN LATN MZI"ROD EMl7LAC MENT OF MATERIAL.', 7r—� F f F r'2-o u T- Quadrangle No. WELL MhUAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well sliowtng total depth. depth and dia- meter of acreens remal=g in the well, gravej interval, intervals of Casing perforations, and depths and types of fill materiels used. I do hereby certzfy that this well a.bandotunent record Is true and exact, Signature of Contractor or Agent rCZ Q (7C Datc �L_ WE'LL LOG-290P1: Draw a locatioti sketch on the rive: se of this sheet. showing the direc- tion and distance of the well to at least tiro (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections and streams. Identify roads with State High way road tdentiflcation numbers. Submit eriginai to the Div' -lion of Environmental Management, one COPY to the. Driller. and one copy to the owner. GW-30 Reviscd 3/96 09/09/1997 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE' 16 North. Carolina Department of Environment, Heglkh, & Natural Resources Division of Fnvirorunental management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 20578 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 NA)U/e6A)A76A)7fi' / REG. NO 1. NVELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form.) f Nearest Torn: County hc -,�. (Road. CQZnM1jrrity, Subdivision, Lot No.) 2. OWNER: ) // .4. TOPOGRAPW : 4raw*, hope, hilltop. vallty, flat o'. USE OF USLL DATE: -/ % (3,'TOT'AL DEPI�H %c2 DLk. r.E'rl;R — 7. CASING REMOVED, feet diarneter 8. SEALING MATERIAL: Nest. cement / Sand rcm.ent bags of !j bag3 of edment _- gisla, of water w yds. of sand gals. of water ' Other Type material Amount 9. E.VLAIN MEIMOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL. 77rRe M,21 r F �uadrar�gle No. WELL DIAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well showir g total depth. depth and dia- meter of screens remaining in the well, gravel interval, intervals of casing perforahors, grid depths and types of fill materials used. 1(IsX-ao 1 do hereby certify, that this welh abandcn=ent record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent . I ° 6 taz� ze Date to r} 9 17 WELL iAC4TZON: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direc- tion And distance of the writ to at least ttivo (2) ntarby reference points such as roads, iniasectiorta and streams. ldentdiy roads with 5tate High way road Identification numbers. Submit crigLual to the Division of Environmental Managt-nen.t. Otte copy to the. Driller. and one copy to the owner. GW-30 Revised 3/06 09/09/1997 15:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 17 North Carolina Department of Envirorunent, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section RO. Box 28578 - Meigh, N.C. 27628-0578 CONTRACTOR REG. ?%:Q 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the IoCatlon or. back of fann.J Nearest Town: County (Road, Community, SubMon, Lot No.) OWN' —ER: ADDRESS: iy C ' 4. TOPOGRAPHY : dr��jj vi. dope. htlItop, valley, flat p 5_ USE OF WE�d LL: �.6'—1 DATE; k/' fn 6. TOTAL DEPM:—/� DIAM TER- a„ 7. CASING REMOVED: f S. SEALING MATER U: Nea4 S . ^t / bags of cement gals, of water Other -lWe material Amount Sad =ma^-t bags of cement �. yds, of aand gals. of Rate; 9. EICIDLAIN Mr--N. OD EMpLACEM1;Nr or NiATERL4L. _ RPmm,F r, of Quadrangle No, WELL DLS,GRAM: )Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of aCreens rem ining in the well, gravel Interval, intervals of easing perforations, arA depths and types of U mate:-tals tised. 165 hereby ce:-ufy that this ueeU abandonment record Is true and exact. Signature of Contractor OrAgent 1 , I�k �� Date _ U/ ^ r� r/" 92 WELL LOCATIONI; Draw a location sketch on the reve. se of this sheet, showing the direc- tion and distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such a, roads, intirsections and streams, Identify roads with State Higl; way road identi9catiorn numbers. Submit original to the Division of Environmental Management. ont copy to the Driller. and one copy to the owner. GW-30 Reviszd 3/96 North Carolina Department of Envirorunent, Health, & NaturaI Resources bivision of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh. N.C. 27626-0578 COiYT-1kC,T0R i L R= G. NO. 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the iocatlori'ar. bars of fona,) t tearest Tan-z: County } (Road, o—m—mu.n!ty. Subdivision, Lot No.) 2. Oti=R: 3. ADDRESS: TO°OGR4Fr.'!, ; d.0.F . slope. hilltop, valley, flat RF.�c�'srW s•B- q 5. LSF.OFWELL: DATE: 1 6. i 4'?'ii, i) F, P i"t:: —25-L D IAIvi='^ 7. CAS[NG R MOVED: "ea_ ce-men: S ndCement bags of ce:r.e-nt bags of c--inent gals. C-. wz;ter / (J{ yds. of sand gals. of water Oche- ypt matey:"i Am0lint E.MPLATSENTOF NLALTERLAL. [ do $Ieby ce.-tify u t this weU abandonment rceor� Is true and exact, Quad: aZ+g1� Aio. WELL DUG.4A-M: Dray g dchai!ed sketch of the well ShOwtng total depth. depth and d!a- meter of szaz eens re-malrung in ttte atll, gravel trnt=val, intervals of caslrg perforations, and deptha and types of fill materials used. Signatu: e of Contractor or Agents ) l 'X mate (6 a2- 9 - L� •:LO:+: Draw a location sketch cn the rrve--ze of this sheet, shaDrtng the dL*ec tiorl and distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference poir to such as rrIAS. Infe sec- dons and ,st.-cis. TCentify roads with State High w-ay road identidieatiou numbers. Submit original to theDSvirz:(=o€� isikf�snaguuen� ane copy'to tseDrilb:r. '. and one copy to the owner. ' GW-30 Rcv:scd 3/96 NORTH CAROLNIA DEPARTW-W Of NATURAL FIE30URGES AAD CowAUF Ty DEVELOPMENT D1V k%" Of FMnROFd1. AL ► MLkG },Eid7 - GROUNDWATER SECTIOM P.O. BOX 27667 - M1JD0HXC. 17611, PHONE (o 19) 733-6M WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR S&ME, Inc, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Let. Long..__--____ PC Minor Baaln Bash Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N.C. 412 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 I. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community i/mi east County: Bladen (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER _ CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street' I Street or Route No. Jacksonville FL 32202 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 11/20-21/86 USE OF WELL _ Monitoring? 4. TOTAL DEPTH 2S ft. CUTTINGS COLLECTED ® Yes ❑ No S. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes Q No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: S. 97 FT. O above TOP OF CASNG. VI below TOP OF CASING IS 1 . 97 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7, YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth): _ Shallow water table aquifer. 9. CHLORINATION: Type Amount None 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 10 Ft. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. t 1. GROUT: Depth DRILLING LOG From 0 To 5 ft. Sand, Forma 'on Descrip 'on very ine to Fine, si: 5 18 ft. _Sand, tan to yellow, fine tomed 18 22 ft. Sand, grey, very fine. 22 25 ft. Clay, bhle-grey, sandy, silty. 11 additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) - Depth Material Method From 0 To— _Ft. Neat Cemen-t Trem From :i To Ft. Q. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 10 To 20 Ft. 2 kt 0.010 in. PyC From To Ft. in in. S From To FL in in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 8 To 22 Ft. FX-45 quartzose sand From To Ft.. 4.REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 6-8 ft. See attached site map. Well CSX-lA I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS Bgo PHQVIOED3Q Tk,E WELL OWNER- . J kit0wCarerr.15. : - �•� DATE MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC. ------� WELL No.c lA Dote Comp|e|ed_L1/21l86_' Project No. 44,96-091 Protective Casing Protective Casing Longth__5—��__ Protective Cooing Stickup 1.97 t Ground Surface E|wx 0 D OF CASING LENGTH OF SCREEN SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0.010 in Well Casing Stickup 1.80 ft O.0^ Grout Casing . , (Size aTypo) Depth to Top of Bentonile 6 Benlonite 8 ft _-Depth to Top o/ Gravel/Sand____ Grovel/Sand 10 �� -''Day�h/o Top o� Screen Screen 0.010 in (slot) � ^ ---Dopth,o8u//omof Screen —2U—Jt�__ ' 25 ft ----Toto| Depth All Depths RwYuronood From Ground Surface. NOOTH G A0L*-&. oEPAATMUO Of HATLPAL AMUFFCEe ANO COMMA"TY DEVUoP+64T o(Y18r'Orr OF VNFY �AL IAAltA4E1." - GA0,MWATER K-CDON P-00. DOX 27"T - 114DO"C. 27e11. PTIOrE (014) 733-6063 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR SFME, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Ouad No. serial No. LaL Long _ Pc Minor Basin Basin Cade Header Ent. aW-1 Ent - DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N.C. 412 PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community ^-- 1 mi. east County: Bladen (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX TTanSDortation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Street or Route No. Jacksonville FL 32202 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 11/24/86 USE OF WELL blonitoriniz 4. TOTAL DEPTH 23 ft. CUTTINGS COLLECTED ®Yes ❑ No S. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ®No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 6.88 FT. O above TOP OF CASING, © below TOP OF CASING IS 1 • 84 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm},_N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth} - Shallow water table aquifer. 9. CHLORINATION: Type Amount None 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 9 Ft. 2 in. Sch.40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. '11. GROUT: '- Depth Material From 0 To 5 Ft. Neat Cement From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Method Tremmie Depth Diameter Sbt SIZe Material From 9 To 19 Ft. 2 h 0.010 k1. PVC From To Ft. h kt From To FIL h h Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descripti Q 0 4 Sand , orange - bra-rn very�in e to f in —silty. 4 8 Sand. light-meditm zrw fine silt_ 8 21 Interbedded, grey fine -mediLm sand and Prey clan 21 23 Clay, medium grey, sandy, sil 11 additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Slze Material " From 7 To 23 Ft. FX-45 quartzose sand a= From To Ft.. A. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal 5-7 ft. r See attached site map. Well CSX-2 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORfl.K7 TO THE WELL �/.P�,f� ? 9'zA F SK3NATURE OF rX*TTTW(-.TrlA na Ardor n A M SOIL i MATERIAL ENGINEERS, INC. MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC. WELL No. CSR -2 Date Completed 11/24/86 Project No. 4486-091 Protective Casing Protective Casing Length ft Protective Casing Stickup 1.84 ft Ground Surface Elev. >• Ili Itl 0 D OF CASING 2 in LENGTH OF SCREEN 10 ft SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0.010 in Well Casing StFckup 1.70 ft 13 0 (� O Grout . P Neat ce•nent O O- ' (Type) e Casing 2 in PVC. Thrd °.:.. (Size r Type) Cp-'. oti 6 Depth to Top of Bentonite 5 ft Bentonite r 1./4 in peiiets 1-' (Type) �� :' -----Depth to Top of Gravel/Sand 7 ft Gravel/Sond -_---Depth to Top of Screen9 ft Screen - 0.010 in = �+ (Slot) - — �•' -_--Depth to Bottom of Screen tg fr Total Depth Note: All Depths Referenced From Ground Surface. • ►+OfiT11 CJ,� DEPAA?Maft Of NATURAL FE80-kga3 ANC) COAMdUMTY DEVELOPMENT Rr✓zS QN OF EWPONuENTAL VANA404ENT - GROUNDWATER K-CnON P.O. DOX 27e87-RA-DGKKC. 27e11, PrK* E (ote) ?"-6083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE LME ONLY Quad. NO. Serial No. Lat. Long Pc Manor Sa s1,1 Bash Code Header Ent. OW-1 Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR S&ME, Inc. N.C.412 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community -J1 Mi. east County: Bladen (Road, Community, of Subdivfsfon and Lot No.) 2, OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street treat or Roule No. Jacksonville FL 32202 i City or Town State Zip Code 9. DATE DMLED - 11/25/86 USE OF WELL Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH 24 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ® Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 6.37 FT. O above TOP OF CASING. O below TOP OF CASING IS 2. 29 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD Cgpenl N/A METHOD OF TEST r!. WATER ZONES (depihl Shallow water table aquifer IN 9. CHLORATION: Type Amount None 10. CASING - Wail Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Fl. Material From 0 To 10 F1 2 in. Sch 40 PVC From —To—Ft.— From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method From _ _0 To_6 Ft. Neat Cement _ Tremmig From 1 To Ft. 12. SCREE1t Depth Diameter Sint Size Material From 10 To 20 Ft. 2 h _ 0__010 h. PVC Fr,>m To Ft. Irh in. y From To FL h h 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation t�alDescript• n 0 3.5 Sand, orange-brm, very r°ine to f sit y 3.5 14 Sand, greyish brown very fine to mce L n I s i l ty•; 14 18 Interbedded grey sand and grel clay. 18 23 Sand, grey fine tomediun clayey 23 24 Clay, grey, sandy. If additional space Is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) See attached site map Well CSX-3 Depth Size Material - 1 From 8 To 24 Ft. FX-45 Quartzoo sand from To Ft., 14.REMARKS: Bentonite Seal 6-8 ft 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16 NCAC 20, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANOARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD S N PRO 0 THE WELL OW 11141,0 SIGNATURE OF CO�TOR OR AGENT DATE 7 . . S-011. & MATERIAL ENGINEERS, IN(—' ��[lN|T�l� VV�|| ��(�A�W|�T|�� �r MONITOR ' ^ ' ' ^^ ^ ' WELL ^- ^- ~- SCHEMATIC.. ' ' ^- '~ ' ` ^ ' ~" � . � WELL No. Date Completed __11/22/86 Project No. 4486-091 P,o,oc,)vo Casing Protective Cosing Length _5_ft--' Protective Casing S|ickup-{.20-ft Ground Surface E|ex 171 F F 7 OD OF CASING LENGTH OF SCREEN SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0-010 0.0 ' Grout (Type S Casing Depth to Top of Bantuni,o6 ft ___-_- Benlonite ''4 iii — pellets; —_-Dop,h to Top o/ Orovol/Sond8 ft (Type) 18 �^ Grovel/Sond_- 'Dopth/o Top of Screen ��-_-' Screen 0.010 in. 28 ft ---Dep/h^oBo|tomof Scman-_-_-___- ' ----Toto| Depth 24 ft Nolec 4\| Depths RnYoronoud From Ground Surface. WORrm CA-40�-wA 0eP,0,rrk4Er1 of KATU AL aEbOLARCES Iwo Coma "Tv DEvaoP+ET CCYt3" Of ENYW)Or+.erTAL MAR40EI.ENT - Or:OUNOWATBi WCTION P.O. eox 27e87 - PABO"C. MI PHONE (oto) 733-60" WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR S&lI`E, Inc. FOR OFF" 113E ONLY Ovid. No. No. LeL Long pc _ minor sea In 8 a & in Code Header Ent. OW-1 Ent._ DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N.C. 412 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 i. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community,-1 mi. east County: Bladen (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS 506 Water Street (Street or Route No. Jacksonville FL 32202 + City or Town Slate Zip Code 3. DATE OFULLED 11/25/86 USE OF WELL Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH 20 ft . CUTTINGS COLLECTED 9 Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes O No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 7.19 FT. Ll above TOP OF CASING, ® below TOP OF CASING IS 2.24 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gown): NIA METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth?: Shallow water table aquifer 9. CHLOFURATION: Type to. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Dlameler or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 8.5 Ft. 2 in. Sc_ h 40 PVC From To Ft. Fr— To Ft. 1 t. GRC(JT: Amount None Depth Material Method From 0 To 4.5 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie From To Ft. 12. SCREENt Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 8.5 To 18.5 Ft. 2 In. 0.010in. PVC Fr,)rn To Ft. in. In. 1 From To FL it to 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descnptinn 0 5 , Sand, orange -brown, very fihe to silty. 5 17 SaW. tan -buff, very fine to fij 17 20 Sand, grey, very fine toinedit,m, silty, slightly clayey 20 Clay, grey, sandy. If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. or other map reference points) See attached site map. Well CSX-4 Depth Sfze Material From 6.5 To 20 Ft. FX-45 quartzose sand From To Ft., 14. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 4.5-6.5 ft. i I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD nTf WELL OWNER. sJGNA11 OF CONTRACT OR AGENT DATE SOIL i MATERIAL ENGINEERS, IN(-' MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC. - WELL No. CSX-4 Dote Completed 11/25/86 Project No. 4486-091 Protective Casing Protective Casing Length 5 ft Protective Casing Stickup 2.24 ft Ground Surface Elev. % 11 111 Grout ?feat _ement (Type) Casing 2 in PVC, Thrd (Size Q Type) Be nton ite 1/4 in pellets (Type) Grovel / Sond Screen 0.010 in (Slot) 0 D OF CASING 2 iD LENGTH OF SCREEN 10 ft SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0.010 in Well Casing Stickup 2.00 ft W- 0.0 _Ni F, ODp � �o O,. o� go C • o.. a.o.. I Depth to Top of Bentonite 4-9 fr Depth to Top of Gravel/Sand 6.5 f __-__Depth to Top of Screen 8.5 ft 18.5 ft -Depth to Bottom of Screen ;.-.: .,-----Total 20 ft Depth Note: All Depths Referenced From Ground Surface, 1 1_ ►*OriTH CJ.AQ" DEPART►fNT Of 1tATURAL REBC XJ U$ ANO COCFA."TY DEVROPMDrt Cx'e* N OF ENVWON�qAL IA&K E),@(T - OROU 4DWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27e61 - f3A1.El KKC, 27e11, pr*W (gio) 733-80" WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OVed NO. Serial NO. Let. Long ____ pa _. Mbar Ba ain Basin Code Header Ent. OW-1 Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR _ SAME Inc. N . C . 412 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community,-1 mi. east County: Bladen (Road, Ccmmunity, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2, OWNER CSX Transportation ADORE SS SOO Water Street treat or Route No. Jacksonville FL 32202 City or Town Slate Zip Code 3. DATE DRaLLED 11/2S/86 USE OF WELL hIonitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH 2S CUTTINGS COLLECTED ® Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ®No 6 STATIC WATER LEVEL: 5.74 FT. O above TOP OF CASING, Q below �. TOP OF CASING IS 2. 1 5 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFAGE. 7. YIELD (gprny N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth} - Shallow water table aquifer 9. CHLOP2 ATION: Type Amount None 10. CASING Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 _ TotFt. 2 in . Sch . 40 PVC Frorn To Ft. From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 4 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie from To Ft. 12. SCREEIk Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 8 To 18 Ft. 2 kt 0.010 irti PVC From To Ft, ktlrl. 1 From To FL Ir1 Irt Depth DRILLING LOG From 0 To 3 Sand, Formatio Description orange-�rown, very fin to fine, silty. _ 3 15 Sand, tan to brown very fin 15 18 .to medium, Sand, Slightly. silty,_ grey, very fine to fin Silty. 18 25 Clay, grey, sandy. If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at bast two State Roads, or other map reference points) See attached site map. Well CSX-5 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material ' Frorn 6 To_ 25 Ft. FX-45 q,Tar os sand From To Ft.. pit. REMARKS Bentonite Seal 4-6 ft. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16 NOAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD BEE 0 WELL OWNER C ?W A TI IQC (1C !`f krM i /NT r4 o r%n t nc�rT n rr SOIL t MATERIAL ENGINEERS, INC. MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC. WELL No. CSX-5 Date Completed 11/25/86 Project No. 4486-091 Protective Casing Protective Casing Length 5 ft Protective Casing Stickup 2.15 ft Ground Surface Elev. Iwl Grout Neat ceme::t (Type) Casing 2-in PVC, Thrd (Size a Type) Bentonite :/h it pellets (Type) - Grovel/Sand Screen 0.0io in (Slot) 0 D OF CASING 2 in LENGTH OF SCREEN _10 ft SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0.010 ir. Well Cosing Stickup 2.04 ft 411, 0.0 ',. " 0QD � 0 � o ritsO is �o cp O:• �: o0 • Q• o� go p`o•. po. Depth to Top of Bentonite 6 fr r, 1-' Depth to Top of Gravel/Sond6 ft G• - I �• _7* -____Depth to Top of Screen 8 ft _ - Is ft �:c T ___-Depth to Bottom of Screen ___-Total Depth 25 ft Note: _All Depths Referenced From Ground Surface. kPORTH CAFk-v.xyA DCPANTW-W OF HATli3AL RE80lJRGEs ANO C04 M TY DEVELUVkXT D ecS)OH Of E7NVtR0r3.@RAL LWN40AENT - OROUNDWATEA SECDON P.O. BOX 27e67 - RX-E)ORKC, 27411. PHOME (g 19) 1"-60a3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Ouad No. Serial No. Let. Long. Pc— Mhor Begin Beam Code Header Ent. GW-i Errl DRILLING CONTRACTOR SBME. Inc. N.C.412 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: _ 08-0068-n-0032 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of tha location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community,-1 mi. east County: Bladen (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) Depth DRILLING LOG 2. OWNER CSX Transportation FromTq Formation Description 1 Fill dirt ADDRESS 500 Water Street 2 13 Sand, orange -brown, very fin treat or Fate No. Jacksonville FL 33202 to fine, silt Y• City or Town Slate zip Code 13 18 Sand, tan to brown, very fin 3. DATE ORR-LED 11/26/86 USE OF WELL Monitoring to fine, slightly silty. 4. TOTAL DEPTH 20 ft. CUTTINGS COLLECTED ®Yes ON. 18 20 Silt, grey, very clayey, san 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes 0 No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 6`22 FT. O above TOP OF CASING. Q below . TOP OF CASING IS 2. 25 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (Qtun): N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth}: Shallow water table aquifer 9. CHLOPJNATlON: Type Amount None to. CASINQ Wall Thickness If additional space is needed use back of form. Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 7 Ft. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. - From To Ft. or other map reference points) From To Ft. t 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method See attached site map. From 0 To 3.5 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie Well CSX-6 From To Ft. Q. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Siol Size Material From _7 To. 17 Ft.-_ 2 in. 0. 010 in. PVC F(.)m To Ft. _ h in. From To FL h In, 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material . From S To IS Ft. FX-4-S quartzose sand From To Ft., 14. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal 3. S-S ft. ■ 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TNtS RECORD HA BEEN VlDED WELL OWNER• i - WMnIAf7 rK r'.CnarraA1-T rw Arr:1,rr n.rr SELL i MATERIAL ENGINEERS, INC, MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC . WELL No. CSX--6 Dote Completed ' 1 /26/86 Project No.4486-091 Protective Casing Protective Casing Length 5 ft Protective Casing Stickup 2.25 ft Ground Surface Elev. Grout I e t cerner_� (Type) Casing 2 in PVC. Thid (Size Q Type) Be nton ite 1/4 4- . P.tS (Type) G rave I / Sond Screen 0-010 in (Slot) 0 D. OF CASING 2 in LENGTH OF SCREEN 10 ft SCREEN OPENING SIZE 0.010 is Well Casing Stickup 2.15 ft I , 0.0 C O Q ••p.. o 0 Depth to Top of Bentonite 3.5 ft Depth to Top of Gravel/Sand 5 ft ___-_Depth to Top of Screen ft 4. — wti :Z T•2�1:- I ----Depth __Depth to Bottom of Screen 17 ft -Total 20 ft Depth i Note: All Depths Referenced From Ground Surface. W-ATM CAr+,7 W GGPARTWW Of NATURAL FIESOLWCS ANO COMMI. ry OCV$OPME)'Cr CN—>N') r Of EllYYaON►F} AL h-MOOD EKT - 010U NDWATEP SECTION I.O. DOX 27ee7 - R�C. 27e11, P"OrE (919) 7SJ-6o," WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad No. Serial No. Lat. Lore Pc Minor Basin Basin Cod. Header Ertl. OW-1 Ent. DRILUNG CONTRACTOR _ S6ME, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRLKT, DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER - N.C. 412 PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0032 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the tocation below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community,— 1 mi. east County: (Road. C--.e reunify, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRE SS 500 Water gee SUoe1 or oute No. Jacksonville FL 32202 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE OPUILLED 11/26/86 USE OF WELL Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH 22 CUTTINGS COLLECTED © Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ®No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: S.33 FT. O above TOP OF CASING, 0 below TOP CIF CASING IS 2.08 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (4om} _N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth} _ Shallow water table aquifer 9. CHLORL"iATION: Type Amount None to. CASIt - Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 8.S Ft. 2 in. Sch 40 PVC From To F1. From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 4. S Ft, Neat Cement Trernmie From To Ft. 12. SCREEM Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From S . 5 To 18. S Ft. 2 in. 0.010 in. PVC Fr.Nn To FL FL IrL From To FL in In. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0 4 Sand, orange -brown very fi: 4 8 t-o fine, Sand, silty, tan -light brown, very fine to fine very silty. 8 12 Sand, as above, orange-brota- 12 18 Sand, tan to buff, medium clean. 1R 22 Sand, gTex vexx fine to fi7 very silty, slightly clayey. 22 Clay, grey, sandy. If additional space Is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) Depth Size Materiel From 6 To 22 Ft. FX-45 quartzose sand From To Ft.. 14.REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 4.5-6 ft. See attached site map. Well CSX-7 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16 NCAC 2C, WELL C XISTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD IMM�- Q WELL O NER. llflo SIGNATURE OF CONTRACT OR AGFNT nATF .. . ° .. . . K�[lN|T�l� VV�|| ���A�K��T/�� MONITOR . . . ^ .~ . . WELL ^- � ^ SCHEMATIC . . ^- .. ' . . . .. WELL No Dote Completed P/ojec, No. Protective Casing Protective Casing Length 5_1t---- Protective Casing Stickup 2.<08_tt Ground Surface E!ev, OD OF CASING 2 in LENGTH OFSCREEN SCREENOPENING SIZE <L.}10-ill __ 2.00 ft Well Casing Stickup | / Grout / (Type2 � Casing in PVC, Thr (Size 8 Type) � U �O.4�j---_ Depth to Top of Bentonito4.5_ft_� � Bentonite 1/4 in pellets - - Depth to Top o/ Grovo|/Sond-6��' ----Depth to Top o/ Screen 8.5-��_--_ � �t ---_Dep/h/nBottom of Screen 18.���-��_ -_--Toto| Depth 2" ft Note: All Depths Referenced From Ground Surface. .: d.,..,..'laif:.•.;a\:. �:ti1t<27:.i.n7v'ifC.:.f�fi:::.i:.+P.+1A:t7:�.7.7.f.2.f.7.7�2.::.`.: v'.. ..... n.:.:.:v.ti:...�J.:C•:..w\... ..V•.w... .......... . ....... ... ... NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMML"TY DEVELOpMEtrr D(Y1:1ON OF eAlMorr xTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER sscnoN P.O. BOX 27887- RAL.EK KN.C. 27e11. PHONE to10) 733-W83 WELL OONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. Quad. No. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _ Serial No. Long. pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER -696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-M-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale County. Bladen State Route 211 (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER MX Tranrtatl0n ADDRESS Street or Route No. Tacksornri i 1 P, Pi- ":II22n? City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED d,L�RR USE OF WELL _ninnitoring TOTAL DEPTH 26.0' CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes O No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ®Yes ❑ No i. STATIC WATER LEVEL: NA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 3.0' FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST �. WATER ZONES (depth): —NA CHLORINATION: Type NA Amount Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0'-0.5' Black fine sand 0.5'-9.0' Tan and white silty fine sa 9_0'-17 tl' _Tan c01- fins-marliiim cand with tan and brown clay 12.0'-19.0' _Brown and tan clayey sand 19.0'-26.0' Grey clayey very fine - fine sand. 10. CASING: Wall Thickness If additional space is needed use back of form. Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From _ 0. 0' To 10. 5 Ft. 21' Sch 40 PVC LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, From To Ft. or other map reference points) From To Ft. 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0' T05.O' Ft:cement/bentonite mix Pump From To Ft. 2. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 1 n_ S' To 75 52 Ft. 7" in _ni n" in. Pyr From To Ft. in in. From To Ft. in, irt, '3. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 8. 0' To 26, 00 , Ft. 20 tidtUrAl coarse sand From To Ft._ .d. REMARKS: —Ben ton i to 5 -a 1 5.01 0 8.01 See attached Site Maps for CSX 8A 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL C STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS41EEN PROVIDED Tq/.n15�[L ER. ............ - - 1 . .,. . , wf: •.!..:.:ti::wtii::....:I: w \: tiI1I: i..w \... :.1> i .\.... .. }!:]}:}\. .1}i}{N:ViI\.\.... I:iii}]�if:f:}:•.\..1.. , .. .\:1:f.:.}.}\. .\.. .\....... ...w :•\:.. .t .. .. ..: ti.. \. .. .♦ .. . ... . , ..... - MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-8A DATE DRILLED 11-16-87 PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING PVC CAP — WITH LOCKING CAP � v w ia d F- 100.tOw o o v DESCRIPTION 0.5 TOPSOIL - BLACK FINE SAND (SM) TAN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM GROUT SAND (SM) 94t 6.o 93A 6.5 91,6 A_S 5.o — TAN AND WHITE SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SM) BENTONITE SEAL 2"0 PVC RISER 12.0 8-7.•1 13.0 TAN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SM) WITH TAN AND BROWN CLAY (CL) i 14.5 t.t==4 TAN AND BROWN FINE TO COARSE 16 O SAND (SM) W/TRACE of CLAY BROWN CLAYEY SILTY SAND (St") SAND PACK 19.0 --•-•--....... - •._ ..... .._.-'.;, ,; REDDISH ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND (SC) 20.0 - 2"0 PVC SCREEN GREY MICACEOUS SILTY CLAYEY (.010 SLOTTED) VERY FINE TO FINE SAND (SC) 8"0 BORING 74.1 0 THREADED 26.0 128.0 PLUG GREY MICACEOUS SILTY CLAY (CL) 72.1 28.0 13GRUIG-rEPTNATED u o ► MMCT -_- ATEC As/oClaMs, MG CSX TRANSPORTATION ROSINDALE, NORTH CARCLINA HORZ: NOT TO SCALE CALL 1" = 4" ... ..` :•�::. y:<Y:: .v ..`. :<h:.:titi`1 . }it.tA`\Si.�`iti}tf iSJv v..44.Ti}4`:..v..v`.w.}.}`:•h; 4`h.wyw .`..h....... 4.. .v`, v"...w .. .`....hv ......... .M .•.......... .......� ..w . .... • .. NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COWA"TY DEVELOPMENT DIVI340N OF ENVIRONh1ENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27837 - RAlEIG-4AC. 27011. PHONE (919) 733-5083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. N. C. 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER. _ 08-0068-WM-0034 WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale Community, 1 mi E. County Bladen (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER CSX •Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Jacksonv i l l e,stette No. City or Town State Mon i t Z ng1`9 DATE GRILLED 11-17-87 USE OF WELL QcQvery TOTAL DEPTH 28. 0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED B Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No STATIC WATER LEVEL: 7. 66 FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, fM below TOP OF CASING IS 3.06 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (depth): Shal low water table oAuifer CHLIORINATION: Type CASING: Depth DRILLING LOG From To FTTly ti?o MSSW8n 0.0 1.0 Black sI1lL 1.0 5.0 Tan clayey silty fine to very fine sand. 5.0 9.0 Tan and grey silty fine to medium sand. 9.0 13.0 Greyish -white silty .fine to coarse sand. 13.0 15.0 Tan and grey clayey silty fine to coarse sand. 15.0 17.0 Greyish -white silty fine sarn with grey clay. 17.0 21.5 Grey clayey silty fine to NA very fine sand. Amount 21 5 25 0 Gre micace us the san c Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 10.0 Ft •4 in. Sch 40' PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 5.0 Ft. Type I Gravity From To Ft. Portland 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 10.0 To �5•0 Ft. 4 in. 0.010 in. PVC From To Ft. irL in. From To Ft. in. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 7.5 To 28.0 Ft. No. 20 Atlanta sand From To Ft.. REMARKS: Bentonito Seal, 5.0 - 7-T ft. y o y If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) See attached Site Map CSX-9. 1 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS COS RUCTED IN COR ANCE '. ITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR BEEN PRO I I HE YE? _ OWNER. . 3a 1!`.KIATI IOc (1c P`/1}.iTn.A T1 0 110 A/^' . Tr r o r z E- o w � F- w n. ll 00. 2 w o MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-9 DATE DRILLED 11-17-87 PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING WITH LOCKING CAP n- LA— o DESCRIPTION 1.0 TOPSOIL- BLACK SILTY FINE SAND (SM) TAN CLAYEY SILT FINE TO VERY GROUT FINE SAND (SM) 95.2 5.0 — -- 5.0 BENTONITE SEAL TAN AND GREY SILTY FINE TO 92-74 7.5 MEDIUM SAND (SM) - 4"0 PVC RISER 9.0 90.•2 10.0 REYISH'WHITE SILTY FINE TO COARSE SAND (SM) ' SAND PACK 13.0 " 4"0 PVC SCREEN AN AND GREY CLAYEY SILTY FINE 15.0 0 COARSE SAND (SM) (.010 SLOTTED) REYISH WHITE SILTY FINE SAND(SM) ITH GREY CLAY (CL) 17 0 12"0 BORING 3REY CLAY Y FINE TO VERY INE SAND (SC)SILTY 21.5 REY MICACEOUS FIND SANDY LAY (CL) 75.2 25.0 PVC CAP 25•0 GREY MICACEOUS CLAYEY SILTY INE SAND (SC) 27.0 GREY MICACEOUS SILTY CLAY (CL) 72.2 28.o. 28.0 Lmeaft IAOJCCT ATEC Amoda6ss, kw- CSX TRANSPORTATION ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA HORZ: NOT TO SCALE &CAL[ I"— 4f, . NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT of NATURAL RESOt1RCES AND CO1.1MLMmr DEVtZOPtAENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GRO(>40yrATEp SE-GnON P.O. BOX 27887 - RALEIGRWC. 27811. PHONE (810) 733-6083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. UL Long,_Pc _ Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. N. C. 696 STATE WELL CONST1tgAl-WM-0034 DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: u� tf 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Ros i nda l e Community, l m i E. County: B 1 aden (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Sire 33I fjoute No. Jacksonville, FL Lu0G2 City or Town State ZI Code 11-18-87 Monitolving/ 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL _Recovery 1. TOTAL DEPTH 28. 0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ®Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ®No 3. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 7. 10 FT, ❑ above TOP OF CASING, 29 below TOP OF CASING IS -_3.35 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA. METHOD OF TEST 3. WATER ZONES (depth): Sha 1 1 nw water tabl a i fer -). CHkORINATION: Type Amount NA 0. CASING: Walt Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 5•0 Ft 4 in. Sch 40 PVC From -To-Ft.- From -To-Ft.- 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft: Type I Gravity From To Ft. Port 1 and 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 5.0 To 25.0 Ft. 4 in. 0.010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 3.0 To 28.0 Ft. No. 20 Atlanta sand From To Ft.� 4. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 2.0 - 3.0 ft. Depth DRILLING LOG From 0.0 To 1.0 FQQrmati 0 Descripti n Black silty fine sand. 1.0 5.5 Tan clayey silty fine sand. 5.5 7.0 Tan and greyish white silty fine to medium sand. 7.0 9..0' Grey silty fine to medium s; 9.0 10,5 Orange tan silty fine to medium sand. 13.0 15.0 Light orange micaceous silt, fine to medium sand.with lir grey clayey layers. 15.0 18.0 Greyish white clayey silty 1 to very fine sand. 18.0 21.5 Grey clay fine to very fine sand. If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) .See attached Site Map CSX-10. 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CON iUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD v%AS/BEEN PROVIDE�TO T)jE-OWNER. I - - '30 ATI IL7G nf7 rMIT13 r'%❑ no .. _ . .......... ......... .. ...... .. .. . .. . .... ......... ... ......,.,....a ......:.:.:.. w�Y:tSiS�-.....:.hY.y,,•.1.:....•Yt.. ...Yw ..... . ... . • . . . • •. • ,. � . t. .n MONITORING r- z F- PVC CAP 99.1 w o WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-10 DATE DRILLED 11-18-87 PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING WITH LOCKING CAP x o v DESCRIPTION 1.0 TOPSOIL - BLACK SILTY FINE SAND (SM) GROUT 97.1 2.0 TAN CLAYEY SILTY FINE SAND (SM) 96 1 3 0 BENTONITE SEAL 4"0 PVC RISER 94.1 5.0 5.5 TAN AND GREYISH WHITE SILTY FINE . TO MEDIUM SAND (SM) 7.0 GREY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 9.0 4110 PVC SCREEN ORANGE TAN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM 10 5 SAND (SM) (.010 SLOTTED) ORANGE TAN AND TAN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SM) — 13'0 LIGHT ORANGE MICACEOUS ILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SM WITH LIGHT GREY .CLAYEY LAYERS (CL) 15.0 SAND PACK GREYISH WHITE CLAYEY SILTY FINE TO VERY FINE SAND (SM) 18.0 ,- GREY CLAY FINE TO VERY FINE SAND (SC) 12"13 BORING 21.5 GREY FINE SANDY CLAY (CL) 74.1 25.0 PVC CAP 27.5 71.1 28.0 GREY MICACEOUS SILTY CLAY (CL) Lm"wo PAoxCT ATEC A>Nockg s im CSX TRANSPORTATION HORZ: NOT TO SCALE R.OSINDALE, NORTH CARLIIJA 1" = 4" acne: NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ANO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RALF}GI•i4N.C. 27611. N40NE (81 B) 7a3-6083 Quad. No. Lat. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Minor Baste Basle Code Header Est. DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _. Serial No. Long. Pc _ GW-1 Ent DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N. C. 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: _ 08-0068-WM-00 4 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale.Community, 1 mi E. Bladen County: (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Jacksonville, Tril.p,[,( We No. City or Town r� 3LuSGtate Zip.Cod 3. DATE DRILLED 1 1-19-87 USE OF WELL • °mover 1 ng� . TOTAL DEPTH 28.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED 0 Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No STATIC WATER LEVEL: 6.66 FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING IS 3.26 0 below FT. A OVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST . WATER ZONES (depth): Shallow water table -aquifer ^ CHLORINATION: I. CASING: Type Amount NA Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Welght/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 8.5 Ft 4 in. Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. From -To-Ft.- GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 3.0 Ft. Type I Grav i ty From To Ft. Portland 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 8.5 To 23' S Ft. 4 in 0. 01 0 in. PVC Fr,om To Ft. in in. From To Ft. in. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 7.0 To 28.0 Ft. No. 20 Atlanta sand From To Ft, REMARKS: Bentonito Sea], 3.0 - 7.0 ft. Depth Fr 0T 0T7 0.5 6.o 6.o 8.0 8.o 10.0 lo.o 14.5 14.5 17.5 DRILLING LOG B l ack f ine me� I m�?ainO . Tan'ciayey silty fine to medium sand. Tan silty fine to medium sal Tan silty fine to coarse sat Greyish white silty fine to coarse sand. Light tan slightly clayey silty fine to coarse sand, 1 slightly micaceous slightly clayey fine to medium sand. 17.5 22.5- Grey micaceous clayey silty fine to very fine sand. 22.5 25.0 _Grey micaceous very fine sar If additional space is needed use back of form. _LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two Slate Roads. or other map reference points) .See attached Site Map CSX-11. I DO HERc3Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS UCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD EEN PROVID O T yV L OWNER. • la 3 tr SI .NATIIRF rlF !'/1n�TOn Tin no •�.-.,r . __ .. .,.........,..�:1::..:ti`:4..v:):j.:4ti:.4.....�4 ...``:.lti •: .\:.: ....... .. ...• `:!.!. .....•: ...... f ... .. .. .. ... ..n ,...... .. .... ... . ... ., . .,• .�., i . MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-11 DATE DRILLED 11-19-87 z f::� PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING v PVC CAP WITH LOCKING CAP x = w a. a F- 5 w uJ o w DESCRIPTION o� 0.5 TOPSOIL, -)BLACK FINE MEDIUM — GROUT AN(1 (SM TAN CLAYEY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM 95.5 3.0 SAND (SM) 1 75.0 -� 23.5 1 7 0.5 --1— 2 8.0 uoa+o H2S ODOR NOTED HORZ: NOT TO SCALE SCAu 1 " = 4' _BENTONITE SEA 6.o TAN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM 4110 PVC RISER SAND (SM) 8.0 TAN SILTY FINE TO COARSE SAND (SM) 10.0 GREYISH WHITE SILTY FINE TO 4110 PVC SCREEN COARSE SAND (SM) (.010 SLOTTED) 14.5 _ LIGHT TAN SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SILTY FINE TO COARSE SAND (SM) TAN SAND PACK SLIGHTLY MICACEOUS SLIGHTLY 17.5 CLAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SMJ 12'0 BORING GREY MICACEOUS CLAYEY SILTY FINE TO VERY FINE SAND (SM) 22.5 PVC CAP GREY MICACEOUS VERY FINE SANDY CLAY (CL) 25.0 GREY VERY MICACEOUS CLAY (CL) 28.0 ATEC AawdoMs, kw-- v BORING TERMINATED IROJCCT CSX TRANSPORTATION ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROU NDWATFR SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RAJMC!-LN.C. 27e11. PHONE (019) 733-5083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. PC _ Minor Basin Basin Code Header Errt. GW-1 Enf_ DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N. C. 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Ros i nda l e Community, l m i E. County: B l aden (Road, Community,Depth or Subdivision and Lot No.) DRILLING LOG ?. OWNER _ CSX Transportation From T 0.0 0. FormaG Descri ti n cq�9 p' Black silty tine $an$. ADDRESS 500 Water Street 0.5 6.0 Tan silty. fine sand. Jacksonville,. t�alot jc3�8�te No.)6.0 S 10.0 Tan silty fine to medium sat City or Town State Zip Code 10.0 13.5 Tan micaceous silty fine to 3. DATE DRILLED 11-20-87 USE OF WELL Monitoring/ coarse sand. •. TOTAL DEPTH 24 .0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED © Yes ❑ No 1 3. 5 17.0 Light tan clayey S i 1 ty fine 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ENO to medium sand: STATIC WATER LEVEL: 4.79 FT. O above TOP OF CASING. '1-7-0 23.0 Grey micaceous clayey silty below TOP OF CASING IS 2.84 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. fine to very fine sand. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST 23.0 24. 0 Grey very micaceous clay. WATER ZONES (depth): ShaI low Water table -a-quifer cl. CHLORINATION: Type Amount NA ). CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 8.5 Ft. 4 in. Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. I. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 5. 5 Ft, Type I Gray i ty From To Ft. Portland 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 8, 5 To 23.5 Ft. 4 in. 0.010 in PVC From To Ft. in, in. From To F1. in. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 7 • 5 To 24. 0 Fi. No. 20 Atlanta sand From To Ft._ REMARKS: Bentonito Seal, 5.5 - 7.5 ft. It additional space Is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) See attached Site Map CSX-12. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS 'NELL WAS CO TRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR S BEEN PRO E -TN WELL OWNER. CIr,MAT1IRF nG irMITDA/ Tnn n0 A-— i DIT .. .. ........................ �..}:I:}:!:t::.:.:.w1....`..w .w .......w., •.........�......w•, •. w...;.h!:\}.1.l.}.!ww}.}.. •.......:.>........!.. •..................... ...... MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-12 DATE" DPILLED 11-20-87 f-- v PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING o L� PVC CAP WITH LOCKING CAP � v LU F- f- r 96.2 w uj o "i v DESCRIPTION 0.5 TOPSOIL- Black fine SAND, some it M) GROUT Tan fine SAND, some silt (SM) 4"0 PVC RISER 91.2 5.0 --_ 90.7 5.5 - 6.0 BENTONITE.SEAL Tan fine to medium SAND, some 88.7 7.5 silt (SM) 87.7 10.0 Tan fine to medium SAND, some silt, trace mica (SM� 41,0 PVC SCREEN - 13.5 (.010 SLOTTED) Light tan fine to medium SAND, some clay, trace mica (SC) 17.0 - Gre fine to very fine SAND Y Y + t' SAND PACK ' some clay, trace mica (SC) 12" 6 BORING 23.0 Grey CLAY., little mica (CL) 72.7 23.5 PVC CAP 24 0 72.2 4.0 BORING TERMINATED L604wo PROJECT =-GROUND WATER AT TIME OF ATEC A"od � � CSX TRANSPORTATION BORING ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA HORZ: NOT -TO SCALE V SCAL.[ 1 " = 4" '...,... ...).r.:.��.v.�.r<ra...:•eix.r�aa..:.rv.::•t.:vw:.:.i:;•iv.•..i.r.:wv..:....:.r.:........:.r.:.....v.:...:•r.:.:..�•..::.e•:. .........r.....�.................. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTIVENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COWAM[ Y DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL M/WAGEMEM - GRo(M40WATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RALEIGKKC. 27611. PHONE (919) 733-5083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Ouad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER N.C. 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUuCTIOQW PERMIT NUMBER: 08-006-WM-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Ros i nda l e Community, l m i E. County: B l aden (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER __CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Street or R to o. N Jacksonville, FL 332� City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 11 -20-87 USE OF WELL Monitoring . TOTAL DEPTH 26 f t . CUTTINGS COLLECTED Cxi Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No STATIC WATER LEVEL: 7.89 FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, TOP OF CASING IS 3.57 ® belowFT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. J. YIELD (gpm). NA METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (depth): Shallow water table tzquifer CHLORINATION: Type Amount ). CASING: NA Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 8.5 Ft. 2 in. Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. I. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0. 0 To 5. 5 Ft, Type I Gray i ty From To Ft. Portland . 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 8.5 To 23.5 Ft. 2 in. 0.0101n, PVC Fram To Ft. in, in. From To Ft. in. in 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 7.5 To 26.0 Ft. No. 20 Atlanta Sand From To Ft._ REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 5.5 - 7.5 ft. Depth From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 8.5 8.5 11.0 DRILLING I c)r. tipi Descri�ti Black s117tyvery fine sand. i Tan silty fine sand. Orange tan and grey silty fine to me ium san . Grey micaceous silty fine t( medium sand. 11.0 15.0 Grey micaceous silty fine t( coarse sand with tan clayey layers. 15.0 17.5 Brown silty fine san . 17.5 18.5 Grey clayey silty fine sand. 18.5 23.5 Grey micaceous very clayey silty fine to very fine sane If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) See attached Site Map CSX-13. 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CO UCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD 8EEN - FROVID O W OWNER. >1 { 3 � CIr.T1AT110C: nr rn,,Tn.rTn no _•. ..... . .v •. �..::\�' ... v.v.a. a. a:1`iX:. :fi::..titi•J ti•2.U2N •. - .a ...v. a. v. v. 00 a. a. .a. a. a....... v. a.....4`v:. v.. v. v. vt v.v v. a...... a..... a. •.• v..a.....v.>vN.. ..v v .�.. a . MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL MW-13 DATE DRILLED 11-20-87 � E- w d 1100.7 w o 95.2 45.5 93.2 7.5 92.2 8.5 90.7 10.0 1 77.2 t23.5 1 74.7 —1— 26.0 PROTECTIVE STEEL CASING PVC CAP' WITH LOCKING CAP o DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL - BLACK SILTY FIN 1.0 TO VERY FINE SAND (SM) GROUT TAN SILTY FINE SAND (SM) HORZ: NOT TO SCALE SCAI[: III = L i i 2"0 PVC RISER 5.0 — ORANGE TAN AND GREY SILTY BENTONITE SEAL FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SM) 8.5 GREY MICACEOUS SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM - SAND (SM) . 11.0 _ 2"0 PVC SCREEN GREY MICACEOUS SILTY FINE TO (.010 SLOTTED) COARSE SAND (SM) WITH TAN CLAYEY .(CL) LAYERS _- 15.0 — _- BROWN SILTY FINE SAND (SM) SAND PACK 17.5 --- •. ---- -_ - :i8 5 GREY CLAYEY SILTY FINE SAND , (SC GREY MICACEOUS VERY CLAYEY 8"0 BORING SILTY FINE TO VERY FINE SAND (SC) THREADED 23.5 GREY MICACEOUS SILTY VERY FINE PLUG 25-0 SANDY CLAY (CL) GRU-MICACEOUS SILTY CLAY (CL) 26.0 BORING TERMINATED MIOJ[CT ATEC AMoGifte, kw— CSX TRANSPORTATION ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA v I ' . � . .. , .... r•,.....•.r . .•. re.....:.yl.Z.•,..:.. i•1.:.�iii: :Vry.l.:.h:•:.l.:..:.l.A:•: D•h:..:,.+:v.:...r.:(5.:.: V•�rr .w d4L..q 1:� ..a.r ..:Cr:....t•:........ .. ..... .. .. .... ... NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUFfCES AND CoMii k*Cy DEVELOPMENT DNtSJON OF ENVIRONMENTAL t IANAGEMENr - GROUNDWATER 81_CTION P.O. BOX 27"T - RALEIGK,N.C. 27011. PHONE (919) 733-60a3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long PC Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Errt DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc _ DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: n8-nn6rl-wM-nnA4 1. WELL LOCATION. (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale CtatP County: Bladen RontP 211 Depth DRILLING LOG (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX Transportation, Inc. Fr°m, To 0-1 Formation Description _Black silty fine sand ADDRESS 500 Water Street Street or Route No. Tan silty fine medium sand Jacksonville Fl 32202 --17'-lA' wallow tan f;nP **A�;tm1 wit City or Town State Zip Code grey clay 3. DATE DRILLED 4/10/88 USE OF WELL monitoring 1 A, -9A, al ; r�� 1. TOTAL DEPTH 5B.0CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑Yes ®No —C:rPy Qhf.�.y medium sand 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes U No 26' -37. 5' Grey micaceous clay i. STATIC WATER LEVEL: NA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, 37.5'-51.5' __Grey slightly clayey fine 0 belowTOP OF CASING IS 3' FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE, corgsme sand with shell 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST 51. 5-53.5' _ rey sigh �y c�ayeyrverryn ). WATER ZONES (depth): _ NA fine -fine sand 53.5'-58.0' Dark grey fine sandy clay I. CHLORINATION: Type NA Amount 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0' To 29.5'Ft. 8" PVC From 0,0- To 40.5'Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 341 To 0.0 ' Ft: Cement/Bentonite mix pump From To Ft. 12 SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 40.5 To 55.5' Ft. 2" h .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in in. From To Ft in in 13. GRAVEL PACK: with soft shell fragments It additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) Depth Size Material From 58.0 To 38.0 Ft. 20 Natural Coarse sand From To Ft.� I. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal 34.0' - 38.0' SEE ATTACHED STIE MAPS FOR CSX 14 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CON RUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD BEEN PROVID H WE OWNER. MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL CSX -14 DATE DRILLED 4/9/88 Protective Steel Casing with -Locking cap VC Cap w C14 w w�41 Concrete DESCRIPTION 99.7 Black fine SAND, some silt (SM) 98.7 1.0 Tan fine to medium SAND, some silt (SM) 96.2 t 3.5 l 87.7 81 7 12.0 18..0�:.:.:, 1 73.7 -1-26.0 I. 70.2 -t-29 5 rC Riser Yellow tan fine to medium 'C Outer SAND, with gray clay lenses, (SP) Gray fine to medium SAND, little clay (SC) Gray CLAY, trace mica (CL) L[OtMO P"OJECT Groundwater at time of CSX Transportation boring ATEC Ask'' Rosindale, North Carolina WATEC Project Number....._.. HORZ: NOT TO SCALE 32-75004 �CI►�[ VERT: 1" = 4' A- .1. DESCRIPTION iv 4 PVC Riser V it Gral CLAY, trace mica (Cl) :onite Seal 37.5 Gray fine to coarse SAND, some white shell fragments, trace clay and.rock_fraqments / pnc Screen 'o Slotted) 11�a-dk �paded Plug � 5a'o Gray very dense very fine SAND, little clay (SC) '-Dark gray CLAY and very fine to fine SAND with soft white shell fragments, very.thin lenses of mica and lignite BORING TERMINATED WATEC PROJECT NUMBER SCALIF- 1.. 4 V 32-75004 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES ANO COM A"TY DEVELOPMENT DMSION OF ENVWK MAENTAL MANAWMENT - GROLMWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RAL.EHGKKC. 27611. PHONE (91Q 733-6083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long Po Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent, GW-1 Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-WM-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rnsinria1e County: Bladen State Route 211 (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot Ho.) Depth DRILLING LOG 2. OWNER _ rat TranspQr_tation From To For atiorkDescrslgra 0'-1' Black si y ine ADDRESS_ 500 Water Street _1'-4' Orange -tan silty fine sand Street or Route No.)4'-15' .Tarksnnyi 11 P F1 32202 Tan fine sand City or Town State Zip Code 15'-25' Orange tan fine medium san 1. DATE DRILLED/7/gg USE OF WELL -Monitoring 25'-28.5' _Grey slightly clayey fine 4. TOTAL DEPTH 29.5 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes 0 No medium sand 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes Q No 28.5'-29.5' =Grey micaceous clay i. STATIC WATER LEVEL: NA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 3.0' FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. r. YIELD (gpm): _NA METHOD OF TEST 3. WATER ZONES (depth): NA I 1. CHLORINATION: Type NA Amount 10. CASING: Wall Thickness if additional space is needed use back of form. Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0. 0To 13. 0' Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, From To Ft. or other map reference points) From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method SEE ATTACHED SITE MAPS FOR CSX 15 From 0.0' To 7.0' Ft.cement/bentonite mix pump From To Ff. 2. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 13.0' To 28.WFt. 2" h .010" in. PVC Fram To Ft. in in. From To Ft. in in. 3. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 29- 5 To 10.OFt. 20 Natural coarse sand From To Ft. 14. REMARKS: Rpn tnn i tP Spa l 7. 0' - 10 0' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS RUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HA BEEN PROVIDo TO f WELL OWNER. %('/ r ....�.......,.....;:y _..................�: ot:.. n.vv.:.t.:.tti.:..a..v..,,t.t.:...:.i.t.......ti ...v . ...:..v... • .... r.. ... ...:... .....,,. ................... , .... ... . .... Protective Steel 0) Ey Qt 1 99.5 98.0 1.5 97.0 2.5 95.5 4.0 92.5 7.0 89.5 10.0 86.5 13.0 84.5 15.0 74.5 +25.0 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL CSX-15, DATE.DRILLED 4/7/88 t-j :rete a) DESCRIPTION 0 Brown fine SAND, some silt (SM) 1.5 Orange and tan fine SAND, some silt (SM) 4.0 )rehole Tan fine SAND, little silt (SP) /C Riser .te Seal- 15.0 /C Screen Slotted) Orange, tan , fine to medium SAND (SP)'. :k 25.0 Gray fine to coarse SAND', little clay, trace mica (SC) 71.5 28.0 28.5 71.0 28.5 - Threaded Plug 29 5tGrayLAY, little silt, trace 70. .5 (CL) BORING TERMINATED LEADOW PROJECT CSX TRANSPORTATION GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF ATEC AleOCMht, k r— BORING ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA WATEC PROJECT HORZ: NOT TO SCALE V NUMBER___ ... 32-75004 tCAt-L VERT : 1" = 4" NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COWA-U Y pEygppNINT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL f.1AMGEMUff - OROLWWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27667 - RAU7OH,N_C. 27611. PHONE (919) 733-6063 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad No. Serial No. _ Lat. Long. __ tc_ Minor Basin Baaln Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associates, Inc. 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-M4-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindal e State Route 211 (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS Street or Route No. Jacksonville, Fl. - 32202 City or Town State Zip Code 1. DATE DRILLED 4/8/68 USE OF WELL Monitoring 1. TOTAL DEPTH 25.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes ® No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No i. STATIC WATER LEVEL: ILIA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING. ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 ' FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST 1. WATER ZONES (depth): _ NA 1. CHLORINATION: Type NA Amount 0. CASING: Wail Thickness Depth Diameter or Welght/Ft. Material From ' 0 To 7' 0 Ft. 2 " Sch 40 PVC From -To-Ft.- From-To-Ft.- 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0' To 4.0' Ft: cement/bentonite mix pump From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: From _ 7.0 Frz)m _ From 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material -To 22.0' Ft. 2" ire• 010 i& PVC - To Ft. in. in. To Ft. in in County: Bladen Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0'-1' Black silty fine -sand 1'-7' Tan ci 14— Fins .r.r.—>:1L1G1 7'-21' Tan clighij y cil Pine medium sand 21'-23.0' Grey clayey tine sand 23.0'-25 0' Gay �iay If additional space Is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. or other map reference points) Depth Size Material From 6-0' To 25.0' FL 20 Natural coarse sand From To Ft. t.REMARKS: Benronite Seal 4 0' - 6 0' SEE ATTACHED SITE MAPS FOR CSX 16 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONST CTED IN ACC DANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD H ESN PROVIDED f O �� OWNER. .. q. .... ...... ...................4\. •. .w ..•: C�..44•i\h:4\h74•h.r •eV•7•.:•hNh.YNN7..Y:U.N7.:•N:\7vv.h:4v.n7v4•..\•vMU4...nlJVV4•v utN.n.\... ..nn.vv .4 :.4Ynt ..... ... . ... ... ... ... .....\ MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL CSX 16, DATE DRILLED 4/8/88 ••. Protect�..Ve Steel Casinc ? I E- w w a w 97.4 1.0 96.4 2.5 94.9 2.5 _ 93.4 4.0 king Cap PVC Ea CMcrete �1 DESCRIPTION rows Black fine SAND, some 1.0 silt, fSMI " Grout Tan fine SAND, some silt (SM) 2" p PVC Riser Bentonite 91.4 6.0 7.0 90.4 7.0 2" 0 PVC Screen (.010 Slotted) Sandpack 76.4 21.0 21.0 75.4 22.0 Threaded Plug23.0 74.4 23.0 25.0 72. 5.0 Tan to light tan fine SAND, little silt (SM) Gray fine SAND, some clay, with trace of mica Gray CLAY (CL) BORING TERMINATED L24AWC ►"OJCCT GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF A'rE(; AMOG CSX TRANSPORTATION ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA BORING WATEC PROJECT -NUMBER SCALIL HORZ: NOT TO SCALE 32-75004 VERT: 1" = 4' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT of NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUWrY DEVELOPMENT DrASION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27e87 - RALEKA-tN.C. 27611. PHONE (010) 733-5083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No- Lat. Long Pc Minor Basin Basin code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent DRILLING CONTRACTOR ATEC Associat S.Tnc STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 696 PERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068-W-0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale County Rl aAP S at - Ro i 211 (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER CSX Transportation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Street or Route No. Jacksonville. F1. 32202 City or Town State Zip Code t. DATE DRILLED 4/8/88 USE OF WELL monitoring TOTAL DEPTH 23.5 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes ® No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes Q No STATIC WATER LEVEL: NA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 ❑ below FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST . WATER ZONES (depth): NA -. CH40RINATION: Type NA Amount I. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 7.0 Ft. 2" Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. n Depth DRILLING LOG F7o Fo R. 'ma tion Description 0 2' Black -silty fine sand 2'-104 olack and black brown slightly silty fine -medium 10'-18, Light grey fine medium sand 18'-22' Light grey clayey very fine medium sand 22.0'-23.5' Grey micaceous clay If additional space is needed use back of form. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0' 0 To 3.0 Ft. cement/bentonite mix pump From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From _7.0 To_22.1Z Ft.2" ir. _ nl n in. PVC' From To Ft. in in. From To Ft. in. in 13. GRAVEL'PACK: LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) Depth Size Material From 5.0 To 23, S Ft. 20 Natural coarse sand From To Ft._ REMARKS: Bentonite Seal, 3,0' - 5.0' SEE ATTACHED SITE MAPS FOR CSX 17 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS CTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD BEEN PROVIDED�M TIU-E�WELL OWNER. l�� �� 6 CIGKIA Tt 10C nc rn"Tne rrnn nn A- .. T� � 1 i x _ > F a D4 w 95.3 93.3 2:0 92.3 3.0 90.3 5.0 88.3 .0 85.3 1.10.0 77.3 73.3 T'2 2.0 71.83.5 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL CSX 17, DATE DRILLED 4/8/88 Protective Steel Casing with Locking Cap x EA -- �te o w DESCRIPTION Black fine SAND, some silt (SM) 2.0 — Black and brown fine to medium SAND, little silt (SM) .e Seal Riser 10.0 Light gray fine to medium SAND,. Screen trace mica (SP) otted) • , . , k 18.0 Light gray veryfine to medium SAND, some clay, trace mica (SC) 22.0 1 Plug Gray CLAY trace mica (CL) 23.5 BORING TERMINATED LiO[!1O MOMCT CSX TRANSPORTATION GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF ATEC AmpcWbea, kw— ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA BORING WATEC PROJECT NUMBER 932-7500 SCALIL HOR2: NOT TO SCALE VERT: 1" = 4' ..,e.:WiP:::>:\>$i!i.i!i)t)t)Ui.dai...:)t1i)S: QS!:N•: n:7A:!:•SN:w•-.•...:. ).).•... ...:•h!...:.. •. vY.: \:...... ...�ti ..4� ....•: \i:C•h... };.:'v. . .. .. . /, ' / NORTH CLAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND Co1.M"uTY DEVELOPb@dT DrV"ON OF EMIRONMENTAL tUNAGEMENT - GRO(MWAi R SECTION P.O. BOX 2T887-RALEIGH.N.C. 2T6111. PHONE (918) 733-Soa3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Let Long. Pc _ Minor Basin Basin Code Header Flit. GW-1 Ent DRILLING CONTRACTOR _ ATEC Associates, Inc DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT NUMBER: 08-0068—R4--.0034 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Rosindale County BladPn Sf-ata Rniit-a 211 (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER csx 'i'ran jOrt_ation ADDRESS 500 Water Street Street or Route No. Jacksonville F1 32202 City or Town State Zip Code 1. DATE DRILLED 4 /9/RA USE OF WELL _man i tori mg I. TOTAL DEPTH 24.0' CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes >0 No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No 3. STATIC WATER LEVEL: NA FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 3.0FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. T. YIELD (gpm): Nn METHOD OF TEST 3. WATER ZONES (depth): NA ). CHLORINATION: Type Amount Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0'-2' Black silty fine sand 2'-7 S' 8rr�1m s€1S;T—€ir}e sand 7.5'-15.0' Brown .fine sand 15.0'-22.5' Grey fine -medium sand 5'-24.0' t;rPjj mirarpnuc nlay 10. CASING: Wall Thickness If additional space is needed use back of icnn. Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0. O To 7' 0 Ft. LOCATION SKETCH 2" Fr-h 40 PVC (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. From To Ft. or other map reference points) From —To—Ft.- 1. GROUT: SEE ATTACHED SITE MAPS FOR CSX 18 Depth Material Method From 0- 0' To 3. 0' FL cement /b -n onitP mix P=p From To Ft. ',2. SCREEN: From? - 0' From From 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material - To 22. O' Ft. 2" in_ . 010 in. PVC - To Ft. in in. _ To Ft. in in. Depth Size FromS-5 To24.0 Ft. 20 From To Ft.. 14.REMARKS: Bentonite Seal 3.0' - 5.5' Material Natural Coarse sand I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CON RUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORDBEEN BEEN PROVI TO THE ELL OWNER. _.....__......... - - x H W H N H a rS4 W w 94.6 91.6 3.0 90.6 4.0 89.1 5.5 87.6 7.0 87. 11 7.5 72.6 22.0. 72.1 22.5 70.6--24.0 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING AND SOIL BORING RECORD MONITORING WELL CSX-18, DATE DRILLED 4/9/88 -Protective Steel Casing with Locking Cap PVC Cap .Concrete DESCRIPTION Black and brown fine SAND, Grout some silt (SM) 2" 0 PVC Riser Bentonite Seal 7.5 Brown fine to medium SAND (SP) 2" PVC Screen _ (.010 Slotted) Sandpack 15.0 Gray fine to medium SAND, (SP) Threaded plug22.5 Gray CLAY, trace mica, (CL) 24.0 BORING TERMINATED L24wMO PF40ACT GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF CSX TRANSPORTATION BORING A�C' �f1G ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA WATEC PROJECT NUMBER HORZ: NOT TO SCALE 32-75004 SCALi: VERT: 1" = 4' 09/09/1997 16:10 6036421806 ALLIANCE PACE 19 north Carolina . Departmant of Eswironmoot, Health, and Natural Aesourcos Vvision of EnvlTonmentat Managt Menr • GrOUndwater Section P-0, aox 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27p26.063e Phone (919) 733-32ZI WELL CONSTAUCTION lRECOFit7 ORILLINS CONTRACTOR: 1'/� j?��/E� n141LLER etEViSTATE wvL l$TRATIOn NUMBER,, l�(n � � WWII 71MUL;IIlu [ PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show skatch of the location below) Nearest Town: Ccunty: -Q A.) (Road, Community, cr Subdivaion and Lot No,) �- OWNED10R1LLiNG DEPTH2, LOB ADDRES I=0"WOn De300tion (Street or Souto No) � N +` .. City or Town Sfz, L I p Cada 3. DATE IaRILI Ea USE OF WELL a. TOTAL DEPTH a. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES Q�n NOM S,s, 5. DOES WELL REPLACE^ EXISTING WELL? YES- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below -Top of Casing: FT, 6. TOP OF CASING I5 (Use •+' if Above Top of Cegirg'1 FT, -?--5— AbOVO Land Surface` "Caning Termineted atlor Lviow land curl" Ia 1114921 UH1949 a Variehce is inUed in ;9ccerdanra wtih 15A NCAC 2G .ol i8 9. YIELD (gpm)' tvtl_THOp OF T28 10. WATER ZONES (depth): ----- -,- - — ._ 11, CHLORINATION; Type _.,, Amaun: 1E. CASINO: t+ additional space is need6d uaa back of form Depth Wall Thckness p Diameter or WetgtrUR . tarsi From � TO � �>N� LQCATiON KE7CH (Show direction and distance frcm at feast two State Ft ._ From To Ft " _ Roads, or other map re'erence points} From To Ff. 13. GROUT; Depth Matvial Method From to — Ft..� From To _-_.._,.Ft. . ' 4. SCREEN; Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft r in_ . d/O ift. i/C FtOM Tp Ft, __. _ in. ir,. From ^� Td Ft, i'l. in. 15. SANDIGRAVEL PACTS: Depth �p Siz From _ To ..�,rFt. A2 Fro"n To Ft 3, REMARKS: Materia[ y{ 100 PEPTSY CERTIFY WHAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAG 2G, WELL CONSTRUCTICN STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS RECGR[) HAS BEEN PROVtDl:p Tp THE WELL OWNER, A?A— &� — 6-0 :BN•t REV. 9,si SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE SubMit or',ginat to Division of 6nvironmmnt.l vanagemant and Copy :o wRq owner. eder associates WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG MONITORING CSX-24 WELL NO. LOCATION CSX Transportation, Inc. Rosindale Derailment Site Rosindale, North Carolina WATER LEVEL MEASURED 6.85 Ft. (6/17/97) PROJECT NUMBER 560-52.4 GEOLOGIST G. Bonn SAMPLE INTERVAL 2 Ft. Continuous SAMPLE TYPE Split Spoon TOTAL DEPTH 24 Ft. DRILLER J. Hallman DRILLING CONTRACTOR Alliance DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger DATE WELL COMPLETED 6/17/97 WELL CONSTRUCTION LITHOLOGY 6" Protective Casing w/ Lock Land Surface 3'x3' Concrete Blow Count Pad USCS Portland Cement Grout 5 2 Ft. Thick Bentonite Pellet Seal 2' 0 Sch, 40 PVC Riser 10 20/30 Grade Sand Pack 15 2"0 0.01 " Slotted PVC Screen—,-".17.4-17.6' 20 6" PVC Sump 25 J560524A 062097 0Homogeneous, Sz (6.85) 7-14-10-8 4-3-2-2 1-3-2-3 3-2-1-3 1-0-0-0 1-1-1-1 1-1-3-4 _Symbol SC SC SC SP—SC SP—SC CL CL CL CL CL SP—SC CL 0-2' VF—F Sand With 25% Silty Clay. Black. Moist, Homogeneous, Soft. 2-4' VF—F Sand With 20% Silty Clay. Gray, Moist, Homogeneous, Soft, 4.8-6' VF—F Sand with 15% Silty Clay, Light Gray, Wet, Soft. VF—F Sand With 10% Silty Clay. Light Gray, Wet, Homogeneous, Soft. 9-10' VF—F Sand With 10% Silty Clay. Light Gray, Wet, Homogeneous, Soft, 10.6-12' Silty Clay with 40% VF—F Sand. Dark Gray, Wet, Clay Increasing With Depth, Soft, A Little Mica. 124-14' Silty Clay With 30% VF—M Sand. Dark Gray, Wet, Clay Increasing with Depth, Soft, A Little Mica. 1a-1s' Some As 12.4-14'. A Trace Of Coarse Sand At 15.8'. same As 14-16' C ay. e Gr nish Gray, Moist, Homogeneous, Semi —Dense. M—C Sand With 5% Silty Clay. Block, Wet, Homogenous, Soft. 17.6-18' Silty Clay With 20% F—C Sand And Abundant Shell Fragments. Gray, Wet, Homogeneous, Semi —Dense. 18-20' No Sample. 20-22' No Sample. 22-24' No Sample. 1 � • NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3544 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOSHUA ELLINGWORTH Well Contractor (Individual) Name PARRATT-WOLFF, INC. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 501 MILLSTONE DRIVE HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 City or Town State Zip Code 91( 9 )- 644-2814 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) CSX-25 STATE WELL PERMIT#(If applicable) DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring ® Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Other D (list use) DATE DRILLED 5/12/09 TIME COMPLETED AM ❑ PM O 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: COUNCIL COUNTY BLADEN STATE ROUTE 211 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 3 4 26.09V May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 7 8 30.17V in s decimal format Latitude/longitude source: ❑GPS ®Topographic map (location of wed must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form ffnot using GPS) 4. FACILITY -Is the name of the business where the well is located. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY CSX RAILROAD STREET ADDRESS STATE ROUTE 211 COUNCIL NC 28434 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS City or Town State Zip Code Area code - Phone number 5. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 19 e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 10.0 FT. (Use -+• H Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e, YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type WA Amount NIA 9. WATER ZONES (depth): From N/A To From To From To From To From To From Tc 6. CASING: Thickness/ From 0 Depth 5.0 Ft 241ameter V�tt�� Materal From Tc Ft. PVC From To Ft. 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To'6 Ft. PORTLAND TREMIE From •6 Tom —Ft. BENTONITE TREMIE From To Ft. 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 6.0 To 16.0 FL2 In. .010 in. PVC From To Fl. In. in. From To Ft. In. in. 9. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 3.0 To 1&0 Ft, 01 SAND From Tc Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description NO SAMPLES TAKEN 11. REMARKS: 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2 , WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR BEEN ED TO THE WELL OWNER. S ,PIATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE - a5 JA Ep., M Y t1 PRINTED NAME ERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center — Raleigh, INC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Rev. 7/05 I J-ST Ar;,•: NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD . North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality o WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3544 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOSHUA ELLINGWORTH Well Contractor (Individual) Name PARRATT-WOLFF, INC. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 501 MILLSTONE DRIVE HILLSBOROUGH, INC 27278 City or Town State Zip Code 91( 9 %r 644-2814 Area Code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) CSX-26 STATE WELL PERMIT;I applicable) DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring ® Municipal,Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED &11/09 TIME COMPLETED AM ❑ PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: COUNCIL COUNTYBLADEN STATE ROUTE 211 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, SubdivsIon, II Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 3 4 26.091' Maybe in degrees, minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 7 8 30.17V in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: ❑GPS ®Topographic map (location of we# must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form Ynot using GPS) 4. FACILITY- Is the name of the lewlnass where the well is located. FACILITY ID #(d applicable) NAME OF FACILITY CSX RAILROAD STREET ADDRESS STATE ROUTE 211 COUNCIL NC 28434 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS City or Town State Zip ( 1- Area code Phone number d, TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated atlor belay land surface may require a variance In accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST WA f. DISINFECTION: Type WA Amount WA g. WATER ZONES (depth): From N/A To From To From To From To From To From To 6, CASING: Thlckness/ eph From 0 DTot32 FL 6Qiameter S 40 Material From 0 To 45 Ft. 2' SCH 40 PPVVCC From Tc Ft. 7. GROUT; Depth Material Method From 0 To 41 Ft. PORTLAND TREMIE From 41 Tom —Ft. BENTONITE TREMIE From To Ft. 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 45 To 50 Ft.2 in. ,010 In, PVC From To Ft. In. In. From To Ft. in. In. 9, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth size Material From 43 To50 Ft. lit SAND From To Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0 5.0' 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 38.0 40.0 43.0 45.0 11. REMARKS: Ugbt brown/tan, moist, Me SAND; little silt Gray, wet, fine SAND & SILT Gray, moist CLAY; little sift Gray, moist CLAY; little sift, send 6 shells Gray, wet CLAY & SILT; some tan, fine sand; little white shells 5. WELL DETAILS'' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED INACCORDANCE W rM 15A NCAC 2 , W ELL C TRUCTiON STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 50.0' RECOR BEE TOTHEWELLOWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO El rrizS /09 NATURE OF CERTI ED WELL CONTRACTOR DA E c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20.0 Fr, (Use ^+• If Above Top of Casing) day+ a/I• ^cw fT b± PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days, Attn: Information Mgt, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 668. Rev. 7/05 eyley�lyyt 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 02 North Carolina Depastmcnt of )ErivirOnment, Health, & Natmal Resources Division of EnvironmenW Management Groundwater :sect74ri P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh. N.C. 27626-' 057g v r/ f RECy. N . 2. %rE�L t.00ATfON: (Show a sketch of the 10catto'7i or. back of forma Nearest Town; County (Road, Community, Subdivision, Lot Nc.) rN 1Itj i 3. ADDRESS: 4. TO?OORAPW t tlsaty. slopeslope. hWtop, valley, flata.11ey. flat 5. USE OF WELL, &IJ1466DATE: 6, TOTAL DEPTH• � (� f D DER. 7. CASINC REMOVED: Im -dia ete 6. SEAi,ING MATERIAL: Neat cern Sand�m bags of esmeat _ bags of cement gals. of water ��7 _ yds, of sand fiats, of %rater Type material Amount 9. EXPLAIN Mi✓TUOD tMPLAC MENT OF MATERIAL, u Qua, dragleN WELL DIAGRAM: Drags a detailed sketch the well showing total depth. depth and dia. meter of screens rema4nu�3g in the wellg nvel interYal, intervals of casing perforatlans, and depths and types of (ill materials used. C-LS —/Iq I do hereby certify that this well abandonment record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent Date u'C.LL LOQk ION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet. showing the dtrco- tian and olstarsce of the wcil to at Itast hV0 (2) nearby reference poir_tz such a!5 roads, iatenecUms and streams. Identify roads with State High way road identifleation numbers. Submit original to the Divlsian of rnvtorunentE&; . and one:Gopy to the owner, BnagexseZt. one copy to the Driller, OW-30 Revistd 3/98 961E PaRIAZ I O8-Mo xa; %Q am of Adoz)' azto pu-e 's�li}iCI a of Adoa 2uo '3uozra 6tl�y j uavuuosjnu�3a uA}s}n;{I or{Z o; ttt�ua }¢tgnS ssaqumlx aQA uapx ptoi At g2IH a»S tp1ft speo, �}ttap,j sumps pun suopoa"Irn 'sp'00x ev zprns s}rgod aou;Sat dq au (Z) oAu,3sEaI as oI gaen at}310 �atMroTp puM ual; -�aaTo aq; �III�.aL{s '}aaz{s s� 30 at�:a.� :� uo qa;a�js tmP�aoj a ��Q • :NQlib'�0'I '�'ISlY1 a}Qcj 7� 1114y Jo lojotnuo0 3o asngeuRlg 'I❑pxa pu'2 �ru� r� paC��:;ua,uuopu2q,o ram S a�'n3r}:a� hgaiatj op I e —� .pasn srapi;utu RU jo ga[Ml PLTv mpd;p P" 'sttopwo;�ad Sujsma 3o sts-'+%a M '[enzalul }aass� •jjara otn to gttjtzjumas suaQ40%}o 1a;2w "l?jP Pu"e Lpdap 'gldag Mol �ru-woqe ji>_ft QM 30 gola31% PQ7Ljap e mruQ :Ymgyl(a T?2M r� '7vrd3IVh' ,do .LNawl Dv IdIls QOHL3W NI a''Ic'7s'� '6 �uno�uy lle�;uuu adfL sazpo - .ia•}e,a 3o .sra? �u8iiq�,[0 S�2q j 1t:au:a� 3o sa�cl -"IF'Rf�I,ti''b�i OAIITE��g "8 �aa -Q�AQY�I� 3t�I)St''J 'L t, 2i�L�ifi�ItI-77---:HJdaQ 7E'LOL'9 Z3�'d.MO 'Z 'ohI aj$u ipeng CON:a'I 'uOtss.n}PgnS `4juntutu00 paa� :uw.L, Tsai-eaN ['auo3lo ua .uo soot a; jo r{ala-51s E mogt 3) :NOILV'J01I'il3lrl ' t 8L90-9Z9LZ 'O'N uop0aS z� apuno t� I"=2BL MW MUMMOMAU5110 UOIS�&t(j say mosa� m� , 'DNaI4 'Iua=O -iil►u2( 3A 4uaur�redaQ VUTIQ.I-eo mom E0 39Cd 3JNVITIV 909TZD9£09 0T:91 L66T/60/62 09/013/1997 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE e4 North CeroLira Department of environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management OroundWater Section --- P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 1, WELL WCATTON: (Shoo► a sketch of uM iacauOtl on back of form.) M. ••4. Nearest'ronm: County (Road, CouimU-WFY Subdivision, Lot No.) �y ^ 2, OWNER: / 4. iOpGRAPHY :draw. slope. hilltop, valley. flat 5. Usz OR WELL: 9Q&O DA B: :z s. zorA�, Dl✓F�"i%I: � � ' DIAI;,tI; r�l�: � " 7. CASTING REmovED: ce di2mP Pr S. SEALING MATEIRLI%L: Meat cement Sand cement bags of cement _ bags of cement gals, of water yds. of sand galS. of water Other "Iype material . Amount 9. E.XPL ArN Mr—THOD VvIpLAC MENT Ol± ]titATERTAL. I qua drangIe No. WELL DLAGPAM. Draw a detailed sketch, of the well showing tatal depth. depth and Oa - meter, of Screens remaitllng Lft t-2he well. gravel interval, intervals of casing perforations, and depths and types of. illl roaterials used. 55 I do hereby re.-*, that this wea abandoranent record Is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent Lr �fo t date _ .52:r_ +v-LL L0CATTO:v: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of th(s sheet, showing the direc- tion aj2d distance of the well to at least ttvo (2) ngazby reference points such as rda,ds. int�rsectlons and streams, iden* roads wit#i State High way road Id cation rxuMbers. Submit original to the Division of Envirorunental Management., One copy to the-Diiner. and orte,copsr to the owner. OW-30 Revised 3/96 69/09/1997 16:10 6036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 05 North Carolina DepartmCnt of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental .M"ement Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29578 -weigh, N.C. 27626-0578 CONTRACTOR , I . WELL LACA'IZON: (Show a sketch of the locate•n Nearest Town: •n lack of form.) .—County�� c (-K, community. Subdivision, Lot Np,) 2. OWNER: 3, ADDRESS: A . 4• TOPOGRAPFfy : dravi, a1ope, hilltop. valley, flat 6. USE OF W=- Q DAM /ow 7. C6,$ NG REMOVED, fct C dam= 8. SEP! ING 1,1A'IMRIAL: Meat cesnen� $mod feme�t bags of cement ___/___ bags of cement gads, of water yds. of sand gals, of Rater "type material Amount 9. EXPLAIN M�iHOD )EMPLAcFMMENT OF Mr'1TERLAL. of 1 Quad: angle No. WELL DTAG": Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of screens rcmwt -ung in the %veligraved taterM.1, intervals of casing Perforations, and depths and tYPes of U materiels used. 6 _ I do hereby ce.•-tify that this well abandorunent record is true and exact, Signature of Contractor or Agent 2&L ` --u- Da to 'WELL L0C42"I0I ! Draw a location sketch' on the reve_se of this sheet. showing the dLec- tion and distance of the welt to at Ieast two (2) nearby refe_ eryce points such as roads. inttracotions and streams, Identify roads wins Stare Higt: way road identification numbers. Submit original to tha IaMsidn of Envirorunentat )!wSasiagcment, one copy to the Drj11�, and ocse copy to the owner. QW-30.Revised 3/96 b9/b9/1997 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PACE 06 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Sect lon P.O. Sox 2,9578 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 l , wBLI, LOCATION: (Shcnv a sketch of the locataori on back of form.) Nearest Town: county r�Sf1k I (Road. Community, Subdivision, Ut NoJ Quadraa No. 2. OWNER: 3. ADDRESS: CJ.S i u [� l , � . • 4. TOPOGRAPHY! draw. Slope. hllltop, valley, flat S. USE OF NVELU J1 O DATE: 0.'TOTAL DEPT'TT:DIA_' F- ER:._ 7. CASiNG RE;YiO''TD, f"t diamcler g. SEA' INC M.ATrRL4L: Neat cemm f Segment bags of cement J bags of cement gals. of 'water yds. of s=d gals, of water Other Type material Arnaunt 9, EXPLAM Mr.THOD EMPLACEMENT OF WNTERLAL. WELL DIAGRAM., Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of aCreens rtn:u ut,g in the well. gravel itsterval, int*zvals of Casing perforations. =d doptha and types of fill materials used. rL I do hereby certify that this we?i abandonment record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent r t ,1 CR KP Date WELL LOCATION: Draw a. Iocaam sketch on the reNw3e of this sheet, Showing the direc- tion and distance of the well to at feast two (2) ntarby reference points such as roads. intersections and streams. Identify roads with State High way road identification numbers. Submit original to the Division of Znviror=entai llanag=eat, one copy to the Driller, one copy to the owner. OW-30 Revised W96 by/l3,j1j_ t 16:10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 07 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources DivisiOn of Environmental management Groundwater Section -R --- -P.G. Box 29578 - Meigh, N.C. 27626-0578 c:�nitcP.L1VA C I WELL LQCAI`WN: (Show a sketch of the location or. back of form) G NO. Nearest Town: County (Road, EOn ►unity, Subdivision, Lot NO.) 3. ADDRESS:.�LdLQ't9 (�I 4. TOPQQRApHy : draw. dope. hMtop, valley. flat 5. USE OF WELL: DATE: �- 9 6. TOTAL DEPTH: —,.515 i�iA>vtl�R 7. CASING REMOVED: lam r S. SEALING MATERLU: ea Lcern / Sand---d Pget bags of cement .. / bags of Ocment gals, of water rtJ yds. of S=d gals, of water 0 he 7�pe material .._ Amount M1r`gQD EMPLACEMENT Op MATERIAL. ..-_ �uad.can�e Na. WELL DIAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well sAawisig total depth, depth and dia- lneter Of screens remairjhg in Lhe well, gravel interval, latervals of casing perforations, and depths and types of fill materials used. �s �- ?1q I do hereby certify. that this wee atandonment record is trut and exact. Signature of Contractor or.A-gent - ?i . Date WELL, LOCA;' 04%j: Draw a location sketch on the rove: se of this sheet, showing [Yk �eC_ Von and distance of. the well to at least thva (2) nearby refk, the points Such as roads, iutersectivrts and streams. identify roads v*ith State High way road identiftcation numbers. Submit original to the Division of Environmcntal. Managcmeat. bne copy to the i u'�.,': ' and orte,copy to the ownear, GW-34 Revised 3/35 0:110iilibr 1b:lu 80J6421806 ALLIANCE PACE 08 North Carolina DtPartment of 8nvfronment, rlealth, & Natural Re-tources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.G. Box 29578 - M(Agh, N.C. 27626-0578 WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the loeatto6 on back of form.) Nearest Torn: County --L- (Road. C4mrntiMty. SuDdiAslon, Lot No.) 2, OWNER: )-s 3. ADUi�SS: ' 4. TOPOGRAPHY, draw, sto e, hliltop. valley, flat co v Y s, X' '9. USE OF VVTLL. DATE: -- -�1 6. TOTAL DEP- -i: DIA1V =117-- ^? 7. CASING REMOVED: ee S. SEALING MATERIAL: Neat cement bags of cement gals. of water —2,2— Other Type material A.rrourit %= m bags of Cement yds. of sand gals. of water 9_ E)�LAIN M1; .OD EMPLAC�hiEIti3I' OF iK,q*tE�L Mm . F�r,i� Quadrangle No, WEU DIAGi2A.M: Draw a detailed sketch of T Vie well showtng total depth, depth and dia- meter of screens rernaijUng in the well. gr- interval, intervals of easing perforations, a..,cl dtpths and types of fill materials used. i do hereby Ce.^tify that this well abandonment record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent E.�+� L " l( Bate —L2T � w; LL L4CATION; Draw a location sketchon the reve:,se of this s`ceet. showing the aitec- lion and distant of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections and streams. Identify roads with State Nigh way road identifleation numbers. Subrn!'t original to the Division of na Environmental Magement. one copy to the Driller:' and one: copy to the owner. CW-30 Revised 3/96 t77/YJ7/177f lb:ln 8036421606 ALLIANCE PAGE 09 NOrth Carolina Department of Envirorumont, Health, & Natural Resources Division of F-nvirarumental Management Groundvmte,r Section -- --- -P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh. N.C. 27626-0,78 CONTRACTOR �' C / / REG. NO. 1, WZLL LOG?,TIQN: (Shaw a sketch of the locatiani On back of form,) Nearest Town: �� 1 County—�;�.p�S (Road, Co1r-1n1L1rj1ty. Subdiv;sion, Lot lvo,) 2. OWNER: 3. ADDRESS: 4�� 4. TOPOORApHy ; draar, slo hllltop, valley. flat .P.E COVE 5. USE OF WELL; DATE, 7. CASTING REMOVED: feetdzam�} 5. SEALT ING MATERIAL: eat gem nt Sand cement bags of cement O( bags of cement gals. of Rater yds. of eastd gals, of water Qt-e-E Type material AmUunt 9. E.zQL4ih MI✓ i 4idD F-MpLACFy NT OF MATERIAL_ Quadrangle Na. WF_LL DUGRAM; Draw a detailed sketch of the wet silowtng total depth, depth and dia- meter of screens reinaugng in t1`te well grVel interval, intervals Of c$sing perforattons, &-rd depots and types of fill materials used, l do hereby certify that thls wet abartdorunent record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent 3L_f j Z.—Date ELT, LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direc- tim aztd distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points arch as rOAda. int�rsectioria and streams. Identify roads with Sta.e H, . way road tde nt49cation numbers. Submit original to the Division of Environmental. Managemitrat. one Copy to the Driller, and one eor-y to the owner. GW-30 Revised 3/96 UW UJI I�ye lb: l0 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 19 NUrth Carolina DeP.rtment of Environment, Health, & Natural. Resources DivisiOU of 8nvfronmental Manage'rnent Groundwater StCtion ROQ BOx 29578 - i2aMei6h. N.C. 27626-0578 COI`1Z`r"4AC'I'OR , . C , l . W6.LL LOGA?iQN_ [Show a sketch of the ]pCattorl oa / F2EG. NO. Nearest Town; back of farm.j County (Road. Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 2. OWNER: 3. AIIUURESS: ,y r>/� /�- C, . { 4. TOPOGRAFN_Y : d.- w- -Slope. hMtop. valley, flat 5. U5s OF WELT" d R DATE: 6.'TOTAz, DEM: DiA.�ER' 7. CAS[NG REMOVED: b. SEALING MATER4U: � bags of cemear — bags of cement gals. of water 0� yds. ofs3.-id gals. of water C7r1Z�r Type material Amount e. i✓:Pl{41N Mr✓rHOD 17MP AC r�Nr o I�r�. rtrAL. c FOct quadrangle No. WELL DIAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of M� the well allowing total depth. depth and die - meter of screens resnAlrIng in the sell. vet ir_teraid, inten•ais ns of Casing perforatio. and depWa and types of ti9l materials used. ('s k - /l I do hereby certify that this wetLl abandonment record is true and exact Signature of Contractor or Agent `Date to WELL LOCATION: Draw a location Sketch on the rev,*: se Of ties sheet. shawirng the direc- tion and diat=ce of the well to at Ieast two (2) nearby reference polnts such as rdada, inttrseeiions and stress, identifj, roads with State High way road Ident1f cation_numbers. Submit original to the Division of Envirar menw Mstnagezr rnt. h` Dtllier, and One -:COPY to the owner. one Dopy to f OW-50 Revised 3/gE5 OW OW 177t lb: 1 U 80;16421806 f ALLIANCE PAGE 11 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundvmter Section P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the locatlQd or back of form.) Nearest Towel: County�e {Road• Community, Subdivision, Lat Na,) 2. OWNER: 3.AD0RE$$: \Q5tAZ0'ALC._ . Nj L.. 4. TOPOGRAPHY : draw, slope. hilltop, valley, flat r1 5. USE OF WELL: 6. TO'TAL DEFi�H: 7. C-A$1IVG REMOVED: [e9A 4iamucz 6_ SEALING IVIATERL4L: Neat cement bags of cement gals, of water l Type material .Amount "And S'.= ► bags of cement yds, of Sand gals, of water 9. FXPI•AIN METHOD EMPLAC MNT OF MATERIAL. Quadrangle No. WALL DLAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of oc;tens remaining in the well, gravel interval, intezvals of casing perforations, send depths and types of f l material' usad. I do hereby certify that this evenLl ab2zdanir_ent record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent 6 10-- Z Date - WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketeh on the rVVe: s t of U-js sheet, showing the dirce- tton and diztance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, Inftmec#lons and streams. identify roads with state High way road identification Ptunbcrs. Submit original to the Division of Environmental Me.riagcmont, one copy to the Driller, and onecopy to the owner. OW-30 Revised 3/96 U'dIUJ/1'y'J/ 1b:1b 8e364218e6 ! ALLIANCE PAGE 12 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources DM*Aon of Envirozimental Management Grounds, -ter 5eetior, P.O. Ba:c 29578 - Raleigh, N.C. 2762E-0578 WELL LOCATION. (Show a sketch of the locatfori or back of form.) Nearest Tanrn: County (Road, Commurlity, SubdNision, Lat No.) 2. OWNER z S. ADDRE$$: F':... �. C 4. TOPOGRAPHY : drxar, slope. hilltop. valley, flat 5. USE OF WELL- &1J1Y_Qf, DATE, 6-19 % 6. TOTAL 17Er'ifi:DIAMETER 0 7_ CASING REMOVED: Le- �_! t a== S. SEALING NINI-ZRIAL: Neat cement bags of cement - bag* tf Cei:lent gals. of water yds. of sand gals, of -Water Other 'lope material Amount 9. I±fsC ATN METI-OD EMFLACryNIENT OF N(ATERIAL. I i 2drangle No. WELL DIAGRAM; Draw a detailed sketch of the will sliovring total depth. depth and dia- meter of screens remaiaing in the well gravel fr.terval, Intervals of casing perforatl", s, and depths and types of fill materials used. I do hereby cc.-*, that this welt abandonment record is tree and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent LOCAAT-JON: Draw a Iocatton sketch on the reverse of fl,,is sheet, showing the direc- tion and di3ta4ce of the well to at least hvo (2) nearby refcrerice pgintu 4,uch " roads, ipfersections and streams. Identify roads with $torte Hfgl: way road identification numbers. Submit or*Lnal to the Divislon.of Environmental Mxn29tMtnt. one copy to the Driller; and One.copy to the owner. OW-30 Revilged 3/96 E9/09/1997 16.10 8036421806 ALLIANCE PAGE 13 North Carolina . Department of Envlro=ent, Health, & Natural ]Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.C. Box 29578 - Raleigh, N.C. 2762614578 IA,TLL LOCATION; (Show a sketch of the location' or. Nearest Taarn:_ _ (Roar!, Community, Subdivision, Lot No,) 2, OWNER: 3. ADDRESS: _C7.5 ,�i rr91 tr 4. TOPOGRAPHY! dray, slope. hilitop, valley, flat 5. U51a OF WELL: J d DATE: -� 6. TOTAL DP,?M: 7. CASING REMOVE-D: kett !Slim . P S. SEALING 14A ERLAL. Nest cement Sand ..m .n1 togs of cement a bags of cement gads. of water-__1____ yds. of sand -- gals. of water Othe 'type material Amount 9. EXPLAIN Mrz*N JD EMPLACE:tgENT OF l t&TFRTAL. %�PPMmi err-L k of form,) county ire Sty i 1 Quadrangle No. WELL DIAGRAM. draw $ dctailed sketch aC the well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of screens rernai=g iai the "u, gravel Inte,'rVal, Intde%' of casing perforations, and depths and types of EI materials Used. i do hereby ccr fy that this well abandonment record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent �-I Q-LO — C�J�v pate W� LL LOOATIgY: Draw a location sketch pn the reve: se of this sheet, showt-ig the dL�ec- ticn and distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference pcir;ts such as roasts, intersections and stresms, ldetrt&y roads with State High way road Identifleation number's, Submit original to the Divisfon of Ernrironmcntab Masiegtznertt. one copy to the Dri>ltr. and one copy to tye owner. CW-3o devised 3/5S , I 09/09/1997 16:10 8036421806 ALLIAHCE PAGE 14 North Carolina T7epartment of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29578 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 1, WELL LOCAUQN: (Show a sketch of the location'on back of farm.) Nearest Toam: County 1 t (Road.. Community, Subdivision, Lot No) Quadrangle No. ; 2. OWIv-ER: WELL DtA�GRA.M: Draw —a detailed sketch of f / the well showfng total depth, depth and dia- 3, meter of screens rernai ing izi the well, gravel _ interval, Enten`als Of $.sing perforations. and 4. TOPOGRAPHY. draw, slope. bmtop. valley. flat depths and types of fill materials used. 6. USE OF V&LL; % . d DATE: 6. TOTAL DEPTH: r� f DTAIvIET; R C 7_ CASING REMOVED: f5st giamittz S. SEAMNO MATERIAL; I;eat cement + bags of cement /- gals, of water (0 Other Type material Amount Sand Cement bags of cement yds. of sand _ gals, of water 9. EXPLAIN Iv1ET. [OD E.MPLACpfENT OF MATERIAL. -I L CS `M I do hereby cer* that this well abanderunent record Is true and exact, Signature of Contractor cr Agent 3"_ `—`Y—"-1f Date L - C,? 7 9 2 VTc,LL LOCA7110N: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direc- tion arid distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference pair ts such as roads, iafersecdons and streams. Identify roads r4th state High way road Wenti.$cation number, Submit.0rigin21 t6 the Division of Environm_ entai. Mamgcrnent. one copy to the Drillrr, a -rid one copy to the owner. OW-30 Revised 3/96 09/14%2010 14:55 9104860707 NC DENR PAGE 02/05 ,J NCDEH`R Norkh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 7, 2010 CSX Transportation, anc. Attn: Mr. Matt Adkins 351 Thornton Rd., Ste. 1.25 T ithia Springs, GA 301.22 SUBJECT: Well Construction Permit No. WR0600058 Six (6) Recovery Wcll.q NC Hvvy 211, Parcel No. 1,24500913291 Rosindale, 13laden County Dear Mr, Adkins: In accordance with your application dated August 31, 701.0 and received in the .Yayetteville Regional Office September 7, 2010 we are forwarding herewith Well Construction Permit No. WR0600058 dated September 7. 2010 issued to CSX Transporation, hie, for the construction of six (6) recovery wells located at the aforementioned sites. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please note that according to North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section ,0105 (g), "it is the responsibility of the well owner or his agentto see that a permit is secured prior to the beginning of construction of any well for which a permit is required." Issuance of this permit does not constitute approval of the subject wells for reimbursement from 'l: mst Funds. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before, a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within 30 days following receipt of this Permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such demand is made, this Penuit'shall be final and binding. Si grel U Stephe i . Barnliardt, L.G. Aquife• rotection Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc, FRO Files Bladen County Health Dept., Parratt-Wolff, Inc., James and Patricia Lewis AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 22.5 Cronn St., Ste.. 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 2t1301 One Phnne: 910-433-33001 FAX - 81CAM07C71 Cusromsr SGrAce: 1.877.623.6746 NorthCaroliva Internet: wvnv.h20.enrstate, An Fgual Oppodunily 1 AffirmNa�1��lly olin Ad& Fmooyef 09/14I2010 14:55 9104860707 NC DENR PAGE 03/05 NORTH CAROLINA ENVTRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION RALLEIGH, NORTH C.A. ROLINA PE12MI'i' FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General. Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and :Regulati.oas. PERIL JSSTON IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CSX Transportation, I e, FOR. THE CONSTRUCTION Oi+ six (6) recovery wells, located, at NC Hwy 211, (Parcel No. 124500913291) in Bladen County, North Carolina in accordance wi:tli the application dated August 31, 2010 and in confo-,nn_ity with specifications and siipporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural. Resources and are considered a. part of this Permit, This Permit is for well. construction only and does not waive any 1irovisions or requi_remerats of: the Water Use Act of..1967 or a»y other applicable laws or rcgul.atio..ns. Construction of a well under this Permit shall be in compliance with the North. Caroli.1la Well Construction Regulations and Standards and any other laws and regul.atiom pertaining to well construction. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance through the duration of this Project. Permit issued this the 7th day of September 2010. FOR THE NORTT- .AROL A ' VIRONMLNTAT, MANAGEMENT COMMISSION _ _ SPTLVn3_t�l� Steph . A.. Bamllardt, L.G. Aquifer Protection. Regional Supervisor TDTVIS N OF WATER QUALITY By Authority of the Environmental Management CwTimisslon Permit No. WR0000058 �� A b al NCD— , North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director April 13, 2009 CSX Transportation, Inc. Attn: Harold Thurston 351 Thornton Rd., Ste. 125 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Natural Resources SUBJECT: Well Construction Permit No. WM0600770 One (1) monitoring well NC Hwy 211 Parcel No. 124400883692 Rosindale, Bladen County Dear Mr.Thurston: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with your application dated February 11, 2009 and received in the Fayetteville Regional Office April 7, 2009 we are forwarding herewith Well Construction Permit No. WM0600770 dated April 9, 2009 issued to CSX Transportation, Inc. for the construction of one (1) monitoring well located at the aforementioned site which is owned by Oliver R. Thomas, Jr. located at NC Hwy 211, Rosindale, NC. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please note that according to North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0105 (g), "it is the responsibility of the well owner or his agent to see that a permit is secured prior to the beginning of construction of any well for which a permit is required." Issuance of this permit does not constitute approval of the subject wells for reimbursement from Trust Funds. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within 30 days following receipt of this Permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such demand is made, this Permit shall be final and binding. Enclosure cc: FRO Files Bladen County Health Dept. Parratt-Wolff, Inc. Harold Thurston Sincerely, Stephen A. arnhardt, L.G. Aquifer Prot tion Regional Supervisor AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 225 Green St, Ste. 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Phone: 91OA33-33001 FAX : 910-486-07071 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer One NorthCarolina Naturally NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CSX Transportation, Inc. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF one (1) monitoring well on a piece ofproperty owned by Oliver R. Thomas, Jr. located at NC Hwy 211, Rosindale, NC, Bladen County in accordance with the application dated February 11, 2009 and in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act of 1967 or any other applicable laws or regulations. Construction of a well under this Permit shall be in compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards and any other laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance through the duration of this project. Permit issued this the 9th day of April 2009. FOR THEqYN�DR�j<)k O A VIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Stehar , L.G. quifer Protection Re 'onal SupervisoDIWATER QUALITY By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. WM0600770 ' I NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOt�RCR r 2 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY- GROUNDWATER SECTION s ` APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MONITORING WEI,:Y�$;TEI (Please Type or Print Clearly) 7pursuan Date: February 11 2009 County BI en In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North arolina and reguthereto, application is made for a permit to construct monitoring wells. -� j 1. Name of Applicant: CSX Transportation Inc (Telephone: Applicant's Mailing Address: 351 Thornton Road Suite 125 Lithia Springs GA 30122 2. Name of Property Owner (if different from Well Owner): Oliver R. Thomas Jr. Owner's Mailing Address: _ 699 Happy Valley Road Elizabethtown North Carolina 28337 3. Contact Person: Harold Thurston (Telephone: 919/447-2750 ) 4. Location of Property: NC Highway 211 Rosindale North Carolina (Parcel No 124400883692) 5. Reason for Monitoring Well(s): Environmental Assessment (ex: nondischarge permit requirements, suspected contamination, environmental assessment, etc.) 6. Type of facility or site for which the monitoring well(s) is needed: _ Waste Disposal Site (ex: nondischarge facility, waste disposal site, landfill, underground storage tank, etc.) 7. Type of contamination being monitored (if applicable): _ Heavy Metals (ex: nutrients, organics, heavy metals, etc.) B. Are any existing recovery wells associated with the monitoring well(s)? NO If yes, how many? Recovery Well Construction Permit No. 9. Distance to a known waste or pollution source: 0 - 100 feet 10. Are any water supply wells located less than 500 feet from the proposed monitoring wells? NO 11. Well Contractor: Parratt-Wolff, Inc. If yes, give distance: feet 12. Well Contractor Certification #: 2489 13. Well Contractor's Address: 501 Millstone Drive Hillsborough NC 27278 PROPOSED MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION 1. Total Number of Wells to be constructed: 1 ; (A) Number to be completed in bedrock? (B) Number to be completed in unconsolidated material? 2. Estimated depth of well(s): 15 feet 3, Gravel or sand pack interval (if appropriate) From 3 feet To 15 feet 4. Type of casing used: PVC (ex: PVC, stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.) 5. Diameter of casing: 2 inches FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _PERMITTED ACTIVITY U.S.T. LEAK DETECTION _GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS SUSPECTED UNPERMITTED ACTIVITIES NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE AT UNPERMITTED FACILITIES PERMIT NO. ISSUED 19 GW-22M (03/2000) (Continued on reverse) I INCIDENT # wflgooo 7?0 41 q1 a069 6. Thickness of casing: Schedule 40 inches 7. How will the well(s) be secured? Lockable cover 8. Estimated beginning construction date: 14Al e LD© Q 9. Estimated completion date: Al a-gi t 7i ZDag ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. ATTACH A SITE MAP SHOWING THE LOCATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 — PROPOSED MONITORING WELL(S) 2 — ALL EXISTING MONITORING AND RECOVERY WELLS OR TEST BORINGS WITH THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY 3 — ALL WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE WASTE SOURCES 4 — AT LEAST TWO REFERENCE POINTS (NUMBERED ROADS, INTERSECTIONS, STREAMS, ETC.) 2. PROVIDE A WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM OF EACH WELL SHOWING DIAMETER, ESTIMATED DEPTH, SCREEN INTERVALS, SAND/GRAVEL PACKS, TYPE OF CASING MATERIAL, CASING WALL THICKNESS, WELL HEAD COMPLETION DETAILS, ETC.) The Applicant hereby agrees the proposed well(s) will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of the Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C) and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules. of Applicant or Agent Title (if If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct monitoring wells as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that these monitoring wells conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C). Signature of Property Owner (if applicant) Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT J MAPS AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 AMEC Earth &Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 TITLE: PROPOSED INJECTION MONITORING WELL NETWORK CLIENT: • • • �� Attachment H1 SITE: Morrisville, NC 27560 DATE: 08-26-2010 SCALE: 1" = 100' PROJ.: 643008035 (919) 447-2750 ameOROSINDALE, CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE DR: W. Blaylock CHK: J. Bennett NORTH CAROLINA P:V,ro eCFiles\CSX Rosindale\643008035 CSX-Rosindale Remedial Invesfigation\Dravengs\figure3 inj.mxd LOCATION: i AMEC Earth &Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 CLIENT: r 7 L J PROJ.: sasooaoss Figure No. SITE MAP SCALE: Morrisville, NC 27560 �" 1" = 260' 2 (919) 447-2750 ameo SITE: CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE. 11-06-2009 DR: JWB"" HMT 10 R. �rOcal Exaggeration 5X 0 50 fL LEGEND CSX-04 Well Name � yyWl gam l ® Total n In JWL - My 2W9 Chron* Tan 8Nq► Medium m Fine Send RIMM Urrleee MarM OIMWWW Pee Dee Conflning Unit - CAay WX Below Laboratory Gu niftmU n LIn* 8 Abandoned Wet U!, U� (� � Water Level a Pee Dee Aquifer - Grey Sand with Shell Fragments AMEC Earth & Environmental CLEM: 2200 GaWway Cwft BW., Suke 2 am Moetvae, NC V= CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. (919) 44T 2T50 ITLE: OR pay PRO, NO.: LITHOLOGIC CROSS SECTION A X j" HT CHc: DATE Owc NM CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE HT r0,,wnbsr4, 2W9 RMINDAM NORTH CAMUNA acme FKKM No- 3 1�s�' A=X B North B' Railroad Line South Q d � — — •— — — _— ° — d — — ° v d a 60 v v d d ° ° Pee Dee Aquifer a v d v d ° v ° d v ° ° <5 ° d 4 50 1 d SCALE 10 ft. CSX-04 Well Name ® TOW CFromk n In NglL - My 2009 Resets Unless Mslloed Ot wwlse BOL Below Labocrt n QusntlWm Unt 50 Isoconcentration Line (I#L) irdcal Exaggeration 5X 50 ft. ° d ° n <7 d 1 50 LEGEND Well Screen IntervalE:1 Surfidal Soils - Tan Silty Medium tD Fine Sand 8 Abondoned Wd Pee Dee Confining Unit - Clay Pee Dee Aquifer - V Water Level D Grey Sand with Shell Fragments AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 (3sieway Centro BNd., SulEs 20b ame�ry MorftAls, NC 275W (919) 447 27b0 TLE: LITHOLOGIC CROSS SECTION B-B' CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROUNA CLIENT: CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. DR REV: PROD. NO.: Jwt3 HT 84 CW1 DATE: DWO NO. HT I November 8, Z= SCALE: FXUJM ND- 4 1r=60' 7T1 CSX-21 �% CSX-22 CSX-24 CSX-8A ® CSX-23�� P CSX-04 CSX-26 CSX-02 i C;;SX- 1.5---�' CSX-03 � CSX-16 ` C SX-17 /® CSX-25 N CSX-06 7 QCSX-07 V, Property Boundary ® Former Excavation Area Surface Water Railroad Cross Section Trace Surficial Aquifer Well Location ® Lower Aquifer Well Location ® Abandoned Well Location AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 447-2750 CLIENT: ] •• • ameO PROJ.: 643008036 Figure No. 5 CROSS SECTION INDEX SCALE: 1" = 250' SITE: CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE' 11-08-2009 DR: JWB °H1 HMT AMEC Earth & Environmental CLIENT: PROD.: 643008035 Figure No. GROUNDWATER 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP SCALE: Morrisville, NC 27560 • • 001 1" = 250' 6 (MAY 19, 2009) (919) 447-2750 ameey SITE: CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 11-06-2009 UK: JWB HMT Non -Discharge Permit Application Rosindale Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC October 2010 ATTACHMENT K ameO CERTIFICATIONS AND PROPERTY OWNER APPROVAL AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the applicant) ("Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200). Printed Name and Title: J C 6-5 C- b Date: Signature: _ _ � �� —s .c� % / CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) NCAC 15A 2C .0211(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows. 1. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency. by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others; by the well owner. If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. Printed Name and Title: R Lg J L 11 L)c kos t�r2 .n 4 %kr�� Signature: ` l/ �' W <_( Date: S 2 � _ / b Goodrich, David From: Goodrich, David Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:08 PM To: '' Subject: CSX Transportation Remediation System Ms. Roush: I am reviewing the recent permit application you submitted on behalf of CSX Transportation for the construction and operation of a groundwater remediation system at the former CSXT-Rosindale Derailment Site and need some clarification on the proposed remediation system. In examining the application, it is my understanding that the six extraction wells will be pumping approximately 1,440 GPD per well, representing a total withdrawal of 8,640 GPD. The maximum volume of ground water that will be remediated each day is listed as 31,200. Is this figure based in a much higher extraction (pumping) rate, or "in -situ" remediation performed by the injectant mixture as it combines with contaminated ground water in the aquifer? Each of the active injection wells is expected to receive a volume of approximately 3,125 gallons of water and 62 gallons of chemical additive each day. It is unclear how many of the injection wells will be active at any one time. Since injecting more than you withdraw would result in an "escape" of the injectant mixture into other areas beyond the extraction wells' zones of capture, the amount of mixture injected is usually about equal to the amount of contaminated ground water extracted during that event. As per 15A NCAC 2L .0107 and .0108, any groundwater remediation system that employs injection of a mixture (other than potable water that was not previously contaminated ground water) will have a compliance boundary and a review boundary established at appropriate distances from the injection wells, or on the edge of a polygon connecting multiple injection wells. These boundaries pertain to the injectant substances only, and do not apply to the "existing" groundwater contamination. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office f r NCDEN� North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director December 6, 2010 Mr. Matt Atkins, Manager of Environmental Remediation CSX Transportation, Inc. 351 Thornton Road, Suite 125 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Subj ect: Additional Information Request WQ0035089 Permit Application Former CSX — Rosindale Derailment Site Groundwater Remediation System Bladen County Dear Mr. Atkins: Dee Freeman Secretary The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit is reviewing the subject permit application package. Additional information is required before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than January 6, 2011: 1) The application indicates that each of the six extraction wells will be pumping approximately 1,440 gallons per day per well, representing a total withdrawal of 8,640 gallons per day. However, the maximum volume of ground water that is to be remediated each day is listed as 31,200 gallons. Is this figure based on a much higher extraction (pumping) rate from each well, or on the "in -situ" amount of contaminated ground water remediated by the injectant mixture as it combines with and de- contaminates the ground water within the aquifer? 2) The application indicates that each of the injection wells will receive a volume of approximately 3,125 gallons of water and 62 gallons of chemical additive each day. It is unclear how many of the injection wells will be active at any one time. If a greater volume of liquids is injected than is withdrawn from an aquifer, this practice could result in an "escape" of the injectant mixture into areas that are beyond the extraction wells' combined zone of capture. In order to prevent this from happening, the amount of liquid injected should be approximately equal to the amount of liquid extracted during a remediation event. Please inform us as to how many of the injection wells will be active at any one time, and what the ratio will be of the volume of water extracted from the aquifer during a remediation event to the volume of remediation mixture injected into the aquifer. 3) As per Rule 15A NCAC 2L .0107 and .0108 and current policy, any groundwater remediation system that employs injection of a mixture (other than potable water that was not previously contaminated ground water) will have a compliance boundary and a review boundary established at appropriate distances from the injection wells, or from the edge of a polygon connecting multiple injection wells. These boundaries apply to the injected substances only, and do not apply to the original "existing" groundwater contamination. Please provide a map of the site that includes the delineation of a review boundary and a compliance boundary. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715.60481 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: NOTthCai'OIIIId www.ncwate�uar .off ;Vatlfra'�l1� An Equal Opportunity', Affirmative Action Employer [�iL Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address at the bottom of the cover page of this letter. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If additional time is necessary, the application may be withdrawn to avoid being returned as incomplete. Either the applicant or the applicant's consultant may request withdrawal by email message or letter if this is desired. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 715-6162. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section cc: Susan E. Johnson, PE, Principle Engineer, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 205, Morrisville, NC 27560 Art Barnhardt, Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files Goodrich, David From: Bennett, Jay] Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 10:36 AM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Additional time to respond to the December 6th Additional Information Request Letter Hi David - We are still waiting on final review of the letter from our client and I have since found out that several folks in the review chain have been sick, so I would like another week to get this to you. Thanks for understanding - Jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailto:may. ben visit our website From: Goodrich, David[maiIto: david.goodrich(abncdenr. qovl Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 11:12 AM To: Bennett, Jay Subject: Additional time to respond to the December 6th Additional Information Request Letter Jay, Pursuant to our conversation this morning, we are granting you an additional two weeks to respond to my letter requesting additional information associated with the application for the former CSX Rosendale Derailment Site groundwater remediation permit (Permit Application Number WQ0035089). The due date for responding to the letter is hereby extended to January 20, 2011. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use. disclose. disseminate. copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. Goodrich, David From: Bennett, Jay Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:04 PM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathy A Subject: RE: Additional time to respond to the December 6th Additional Information Request Letter Attachments: Response_ 12610 letter. pdf Hi David - Please find attached our response to the questions outlined in your letter of 6 December 2010. Again we apologize for the delay and appreciate the extensions to prepare and review the responses internally. Please call me if you have questions etc. and we can go from there. Thanks again for your assistance - Jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailto:iay.ben nett(a) visit our website From: Goodrich, David [maiIto: david.goodrich @ncdenr.govl Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 11:12 AM To: Bennett, Jay Subject: Additional time to respond to the December 6th Additional Information Request Letter Jay, Pursuant to our conversation this morning, we are granting you an additional two weeks to respond to my letter requesting additional information associated with the application for the former CSX Rosendale Derailment Site groundwater remediation permit (Permit Application Number WQ0035089). The due date for responding to the letter is hereby extended to January 20, 2011. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose. disseminate. copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. ameo 27 January 2011 Mr. David Goodrich Environmental Permits -Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Subject: RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WQ0035089 PERMIT APPLICATION FORMER CSX - ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Dear Mr. Goodrich: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) is pleased to submit the following response to the letter sent to CSX Transportation, Inc. dated 6 December, 2010. Additionally, we appreciate the additional time to provide this response as outlined in your 4 January, 2011 electronic mail to Jay Bennett of AMEC. As discussed during our phone call on 3 December 2011, the objective of the groundwater remediation permit application is to utilize existing groundwater inside the contamination plume to facilitate mixing of the injection solution that will in -turn be reinjection inside the current mapped groundwater contamination plume boundary. Additionally, this permit application supplements the Underground Injection Control Permit (# W10600060) issued for the site. The responses below address the specific questions outlined in your letter dated 6 December 2010 and provide additional information to supplement the 29 October 2010 permit application. 1) The application indicates that each of the six extraction wells will be pumping approximately 1,400 gallons per day per well, representing a total withdrawal of 8,640 gallons per day. However, the maximum volume of ground water that is to be remediated each day is listed as 31,200 gallons. Is this figure based on a much higher extraction (pumping) rate from each well, or on the "in -situ" amount of contaminated ground water remediated by the injectant mixture as it combines with the decontaminates the ground water within the aquifer? Response During the infiltration testing pilot test (see Appendix F), AMEC calculated an average infiltration rate (i.e., injection rate (Qi)) into the aquifer of 5 gallons per minute (GPM) or 7,200 gallons per day (GPD). Assuming we have 12 hours per day (ie, '/2 day )to do the work, that value becomes 3,600 gallons per day (GPD) per well. AMECs intent is to initially inject fluids into two wells per day at 7,200 GPD. --- J � AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Tel — (919) 447-2750 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Fax — (919) 447-2751 Morrisville, NC 27560 Response to Request For Additional Information Former CSXT Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC 27 January 2011 Page 2 am ec� The same logic applies to the pumping wells as the injection wells. Since we did not have an aquifer test to evaluate actual pumping rates, our aquifer slug recovery test data was used to conservatively estimate the proposed pumping well rates (Qp). We estimated 2.0 GPM or 2,880 GPD. If we assume '/z day of pumping we arrive at 1,440 GPD per well or 7,200 GPD total flow 4 for,pi' wells. Conservatively, the application request indicates a treatment of up to 31,200 GPD not a treatment rate of 31,200 GPD. The intent is to evaluate water balance by field testing extraction and injection to determine the optimum Qi and Qp so that a water balance can be achieved without exceeding the design limits (see Appendix F-Injection Rational). Therefore, we are requesting that the permit allow treatment of up to 31,200 GPD, with the knowledge that we will initially treat 7,200 GPD until the optimum Qp and Qi rates are established. AMECs experience with injection rates in these aquifers types, under atmospheric pressure, suggest an injection to recovery ratio of 4 to 1. If additional extraction wells are required, we will modify the recovery well permit by installing more wells inside the injection well zone. 2) The application indicates that each of the injection wells will receive a volume of approximately 3,125 gallons of water and 62 gallons of chemical additive each day. It is unclear how many of the injection wells will be active and any one time. If a greater volume of liquid is injected that is withdrawn from the aquifer, this practice could results in an escape of the injectant mixture into area that are beyond the extraction wells combined zone of capture. In order to prevent this from happening, the amount of liquid injected should be approximately equal to the amount of liquid extracted during the remediation event. Please inform us as to how many of the injection wells will be active and any one time, and what the ratio will be of the volume of water extracted from the aquifer during the remediation event to the volume of remediation mixture injected into the aquifer Response Based on AMEC's response to question number one above, AMEC plans to inject into two wells at a time using six recovery wells pumping at maximum capacity until the optimum Qi and Qp are achieved. As stated in the permit application (see Appendix G Calculations), our injection_ duration and Qi will not exceed the extraction well.Qp, Hence the initial water balance ratio of Qi to Qp will not exceed 7,200 gallons per day unless field evaluation indicate that a higher water treatment flow volume can be achieved to treat up to the requested 31,200 GPD 3) As per Rule 15A NCAC 2L .0107 and .0108 and current policy, any groundwater remediation system employs injection of a mixture (other than potable water that was not previously contaminated ground water) will have a compliance boundary and a review boundary established at approximate distances from the injection wells, or from the edge of the polygon connecting multiple injection wells. These boundaries apply to the injected substances only, and do not apply to the original "existing" ground water contamination. Please provided a map of the site that includes the delineation of the review boundary and the compliance boundary. AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 r Response to Request For Additional Information Former CSXT Derailment Site, Rosindale, NC 27 January 2011 amee'5� Page 3 Response A revised map has been included (see Figure H1) to clarify the compliance and review boundary location at the site with respect to 2L Rule .0107 and .0108. To be clear, the original polygon boundary was not intended to be the injection well boundary but our proposed 2L Review Boundary that conservatively used existing wells in addition to new wells to evaluate site conditions.. Site restrictions and topographic features, wetlands etc, may prohibit establishing a review boundary that meets the intent of the Rule. However, AMEC will adjust and modify the boundary based on actual site conditions and final well placement. Exiting monitoring wells will be used as review /compliance points and new wells installed in the location shown on Figure H1 provided installation in these areas is feasible. Closing Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned at (919) 447-2750. Respectfully Submitted, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 1 Ja ' Bennett, PG, RSM Kathleen Roush, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager Environmental Unit Manager Cc: Matt Adkins— CSXT P:IProjectFilesICSX RosindaW643008037 - CSX Rosindale RAPICorrespondencelNCDENRIResponse_ 12610 letter. docx AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel — (919) 447-2750 Fax — (919) 447-2751 i phi NOTE: 2L Compliance Boundary to be /", / x field adjusted based on site conditions. X \ CSX-21 \ 2 � - \ 1 0 \ \k 1 I t O 1 CSX-23� <� CSX-32 �S0 0}� }� V •� tt \ 1 \ CSX-15 \ O t 1 CSX-30 t 1 \ � b cs� 7 0 }� `� CSX-1s t t � `l !\ t N \ CSX-28 ) 1 t CSX-03 CSX-29 t 1 \k Q CSX-26� CSX-17 100 0 Feet \� O�'�� ��— CSX-33 m , Suficial Aquifer Well Location (EXisting) kI Deep Aquifer Well Location (Existing) k\ m Proposed Surficial Aquifer Well 0 Proposed Injection Well Nest Location (2 Wells: Deep d Shallow) ® Proposed Mondodng Well Nest Location (Includes Shallow 6 Deep Screens) \ \. ��� 41� _ / Chromium Isoconcentration Line (pgfL) \ _ _ CSX-34I _ 10 V '—_ _ 100 — — Reactive Zone Barter — Injection Well Boundary \ '4 1 O ' {-- 2L Compliance Boundary (250'y Properly Owner Key — 2L Review Boundary � CSX Transportation Railroad 0 Former Excavation Area O James E. Lewis �'� +� ✓ - Property Boundary O3 Oliver Thomas Wall Part of Injection Monitoring Network Tillman & Patricia Mobley Trust AM Earth 8H Environmental TITLE: PROPOSED INJECTION CLIENT: Figure 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 MONITORING WELL NETWORK •• •�" H1 SITE: DATE: layloc SCALE: t =too' PROJ.: 64300e035 Morrisville, 27560 7- (919) 447-2750 amee-1V CSX ROSINDALE DERAILMENT SITE W. DR: W. Blaylock CHK: J. Bennett ROSINDALE, NORTH CAROLINA LOCATION: PWmpdFb cszRwMle\u]ooeos csXAuawdla Ren�Lllm.weNo on aya\fqu.]nr�d , Goodrich, David From: Bennett, Jay] Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:22 AM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathy A Subject: CSX Rosindale Re -injection Permit- Follow-up Note Attachments: Injection Perm it_W10600060.pdf Hi David - Thank you again for the opportunity to discuss the Remediation injection process for the Rosindale site with me yesterday. In brief, we discussed the following and AMEC offers the following explanations and clarifications to the permit application. 1- The 27 January, 2011 letter answered your questions and there is no further comments. 2- Appendix A and B were submitted and included on the CD attached to the permit application. This information was included as electronic documentation due to the size of each document. Therefore, no further comments/actions required 3- During our conversation, you referenced that the state likes to see treatment of the contaminants prior to reinjection to the aquifer. Based on this comment we offer the following explanation. a. As stated in the injection Rational section of the permit application (see Attachment F),refer to the 1st paragraph that states i. "Unlike the fixation technique where the groundwater is pumped to a surface facility for treatment, with this method the treatment compounds are injected directly into the aquifer. As groundwater passes through the injection areas, the injectants react with the contaminants. " ii. This paragraph should be amended to include the following sentence at the end of the paragraph. 1. Therefore, contaminated groundwater from the interior of the plume will be mixed with treatment compounds prior to reinjection. Treatment begins at the surface with the addition of the EOS to the extracted make up water, and continues in the aquifer. The injection of the make-up water / EOS solution creates an environment where the aquifer is the treatment vessel for treatment of the groundwater within the full scale plume area. AMEC anticipates a 95 % groundwater efficiency rate in the aquifer once the treatment solution comes in contact with the Hexavalent chromium in the groundwater and matrix material. A three month pilot study will be performed that included 6 injection wells, prior to full scale implementation to evaluate flow rates, treatment contact time and treatment effectiveness.. Injection for the pilot study will occur in compliance with W10600060 (see attached to this email). Please let me know if this wording will suffice to keep the permit application going progressing to issuance. As discussed, we will delay beginning of the full scale implementation until our pilot study results are received. Thanks again for your patience - Jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailto:iay.bennett( visit our website The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential andior privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate. copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. NCDEN North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coieen H. Sullins Governor Director November 4, 2010 Matt Adkins - Manager Environmental Remediation CSX Transportation 351 Thornton Road Suite 125 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0035089 Former CSXT - Rosindale Derailment Site Groundwater Remediation, Non -discharge Bladen Dear Mr. Adkins: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on November 2, 2010. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by David Goodrich. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at 919-715-6162, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, CUJA, for Jon Risgaard LAU Supervisor cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section AMEC (Kathleen Roushe, LG, RSM) 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd, Ste 205, Morrisville, NC 27560 Permit Application File WQ0035089 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1.877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterauality.ora An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NorP thCarolina Naturally North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 11/04/10 Cash Receipts Batch Details Divison of Water Quality Page #: 1 Date: 1 1/04110 Name: Olita Boone Batch Number: PR2010110401 BatchTotal: $1,310.00 Processed Date Name Payor Amount Check Number 11/04/10 WQ0035089 - Csx Transportation Inc - Former CSXT - Rosindale AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc $1,310.00 181612 Derailment Site Payment Method Batch Totals # Batch Items Check $1,310.00 1 Account # Company Center Account Description Account Total (for deposit) 435100095 1602 2341 Permit & SOC Application and Annual Fees $1,310.00 Grand Total (for deposit) $1,310.00 RECEIVED/DENUMN AQUIFER. PROTECT101 SEC. 10 FMV -2. P11 2: 20 PAY * * * $1,310 DOLLARS 00 CENTS TO NCDENR - DWQ THE 1601 Mail Service Center ORDER OF Raleigh, NC 27699 US 1"00 La L G L 2110 1:02L3093791:777L422900 $ 1,310.00 VOID AFTER 180 DAYS Goodrich, David From: Adkins, Matt [] Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 8:13 AM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathleen A Subject: CSXT Non -Discharge Permit for Rosindale, NC Mr. Goodrich, AMEC has indicated that you are ready to issue the Groundwater Remediation Permit (W000035089) for the Rosindale site. In order to do so, we understand that we will need to rescind the existing UIC permit. CSXT would like to move forward with the Groundwater Remediation Permit and respectfully requests that the UIC Permit (W10600060) be rescinded. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (770) 819-2849 or Kathy Roush of AM EC at (919) 447-2750 x138. Thank you. -Matt Matthew L. Adkins I CSX Transportation, Inc. I Manager Environmental Remediation 1 351 Thornton Road Suite 125 1 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 1 770.819.2849 1904.245.2273 - fax This email transmission and any accompanying attachments may contain CSX privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the intended addressee. Any dissemination, distribution, copying or action taken in reliance on the contents of this email by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly ,prohibited. If you have received this email in error please immediately delete it and notify sender at the above CSX email address. Sender and CSX accept no liability for any damage caused directly or indirectly by receipt of this email. Goodrich, David From: Bennett, Jay] Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:45 AM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathy A Subject: RE: Authorization to Rescind CSX's Existing UIC Injection Permit Hi David - Thanks for your note. I have been out sick for a few days, so things have been backing up. We are in contact with CSX about the permit. SO will be in touch early this week with a note from them. Thanks again - jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailto:iay.bennett visit our website From: Goodrich, David[mailto:david.goodrich @ncdenr.govl Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 1:39 PM To: Bennett, Jay Subject: Authorization to Rescind CSX's Existing UIC Injection Permit HiJay- I have discussed the rescission of the existing UIC Permit (W10600060) with the manager of our program, and we will need a letter or an email from the Permittee, whom I would imagine would be Mr. Matt Adkins of CSX, requesting the rescission by name. The rescission of the permit will be officially enacted (explicitly addressed) in the forthcoming Groundwater Remediation permit (WQ0035089) which I am now working on. Please let me know if you are planning to go through with appling for an injection permit to inject tracer substances in a pilot study, as I am rapidly closing on finishing the permit as it now stands. Thank you for your ongoing assistance, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential andior privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate. copy or print its contents. It you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. Goodrich, David From: Goodrich, David Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 9:00 AM To: 'Bennett, Jay' Subject: RE: CSX Transportation Groundwater Remediation Permit WQ0035089 Jay, Yet:. a formal application request would be needed to use a bromide tracer for injection at the site. This would involve completing a UIC-51/5T application form, known as "Application for Permit to Construct and/or use a Well(s) for Injection, Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation/ Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection". David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office From: Bennett, Jay Imailto:jay.bennett(-Oamec.coml Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 3:58 PM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathy A Subject: RE: CSX Transportation Groundwater Remediation Permit WQ0035089 Hi David - Thanks for the call today. As discussed and as you summarized below, we agreed to the following- I- Resend existing UIC permit and issue the new GW Rem permit that will supersede the UIC permit. Furthermore we will abandon idea of injection and recovery pilot test as discussed last week that included haling in clean water for the injection pilot test. 2- Use new GW remediation permit that will allow installation of up to 90 injection wells. Final number will depend on results of Pilot study. 3- Pilot study to fall under the new GW remediation permit where we will install up to 6 injection wells and one recovery well, for now, to simulate the closed loop process. Addition of EOS and lactate to occur under this permit using apparatus indicated in the GW Rem Permit application. 4- One thing we did not discuss, was using bromide tracer to follow and evaluate pore volume flushes in the aquifer. I don't know if we need a formal request for this since the regs allow (as I recall) for non- toxic tracers to be added for pilot studies etc. (let me know about this) Thanks - Jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailto:iay.ben nett( visit our website Goodrich, David From: Bennett, Jay] Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 3:58 PM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Roush, Kathy A Subject: RE: CSX Transportation Groundwater Remediation Permit WQ0035089 Hi David - Thanks for the call today. As discussed and as you summarized below, we agreed to the following- 1- Resend existing UIC permit and issue the new GW Rem permit that will supersede the UIC permit. Furthermore we will abandon idea of injection and recovery pilot test as discussed last week that included haling in clean water for the injection pilot test. 2- Use new GW remediation permit that will allow installation of up to 90 injection wells. Final number will depend on results of Pilot study. 3- Pilot study to fall under the new GW remediation permit where we will install up to 6 injection wells and one recovery well, for now, to simulate the closed loop process. Addition of EOS and lactate to occur under this permit using apparatus indicated in the GW Rem Permit application. 4- One thing we did not discuss, was using bromide tracer to follow and evaluate pore volume flushes in the aquifer. I don't know if we need a formal request for this since the regs allow (as I recall) for non- toxic tracers to be added for pilot studies etc. (let me know about this) Thanks - Jay Jay Bennett, PG, RSM Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist AMEC Earth & Environmental 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 205 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.447-2750 x102 Fax: 919.447.2751 Cell: 919.819.2750 mailtoJay.bennett( visit our website From: Goodrich, David jmaiIto: david.goodrich@ncdenr.Qovl Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 2:52 PM To: Bennett, Jay Subject: CSX Transportation Groundwater Remediation Permit WQ0035089 Jay, I am sending you this email to clarify my understanding of the present situation, and of what CSX intends to do at the subject site. It is my understanding from our telephone conversation this afternoon that neither the 90 injection wells permitted under Permit W10600060, nor the six extraction wells permitted under Permit WR0600058, have been installed yet at the site. I further understand that CSX would like to rescind existing Injection Permit W10600060, issued on September 30, 2010, as this permit only allows for the injection of EOS and Sodium Lactate using "clean" water brought in from off -site. This permit will be replaced with a permit to use only extracted, untreated ground water (taken from the contaminant plume by extraction wells) as the mixture water instead of "clean" water. The "pilot test" that was initially planned to be performed under the existing Injection Permit W10600060 using "clean" water will not be performed, and existing Injection Permit W10600060 will be rescinded. The new Groundwater Remediation Permit (which will include permission to use extracted, untreated groundwater for the injection of EOS and Sodium Lactate) will be issued shortly. In order to keep our records clear, I would like you to send me a brief email confirming this understanding, and any additional information you might include regarding the proposed remediation activities at the CSX site. Thank you for your assistance! David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Ifs contents {including any attachmentsi may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use. disclose. disseminate. copy or print its contents If you receive this e-mail in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. Application Reviewer: Pr -Re ew w Conducted? Yes ❑ No O.K. to Process? Yes ❑ No If No, What Action Is Needed? ❑ Pre -Review Return ❑ Hold, Pending Receipt of Addinfo.: Name/Affiliation of Person Contacted: Date(s) of Contact: ❑ By Phone ❑ By E-Mail ❑ By Letter Owner: FRI Existing ❑ Unknown Owner Type [M Non -Gov't (❑ Ind. or ® Org) ❑ Gov. -Municipal Facility/Operation: Regulated Activities: ❑ Gov. -County ❑ Gov. -State ❑ Gov. -Federal 'Proposed ❑ Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation Application/Permit: Fee Category: �ND Major (New $1090, Major Mod $325) ❑ ND Minor (New $675, Major Mod $205) ❑ Sewer Ext. ($400) ❑ SFR (New $50, Major Mod $15) ❑ Recycle ($300) ❑ Other Permit Type: ❑ Sewer Ext. ❑ Collection System (O&M) ❑ Pump & Haul ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Surface Irrigation — SFR ❑ Reuse /, ' .) 00 / d ❑ High -Rate Infil. ❑ Recycle ❑ Infil./Evap. Lagoon ® GW Remediation (ND) V fj r For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Animal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt Project Type: JP New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod.