HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060829 Ver 1_Staff Comments_20060607Z 'd SONti113M-DM0~3WdN ~689~~Z6~6~~31 ZS~bZ 03M q~~3-?-NIT .., ;'!~~ t~ICD~NR p.~ywrri r ~w.M ~~~ DIVISI0~1 OF W A~'ETit QXJALXTY WASIiINGTON REGrIQ1vAL, OFFICE ya'~,,SHIN'GTON, N.C. 27889 phone:252-946-648X FAX: 252-946-9215 FAX Nd. _ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~~~~ FROM: ~ ~ ~ ~' r DATE: ~ ~ ~ ~ d NQ. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): ~ , CQMMENTS: 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 rTone Garalina rxtur~ll~ ---.--.._ ..._ _ ..._._...----.-w.-----.---.._....._... ---.---... _ . __..._..__......._...._....._... _ _._ ~ 0' d bb ~ 9 Z 90 ~ Z unf S ~ Z6-9b6-ZSZ ~ x~e~ O~Ikf~11D(~1Q Z ' d S@Nki11~M-JM~ ~ 3Wk1N ~689~~Z6Z6 ~ X31 ZS ~ bZ OEM 9@@d-Z-Nflt' D~VISYON OF CUASTA,~ MANAG TMENT . FIELT3 INyESTIGATIdN ItEPOR Expzess Permit Review progxam. 1. t~PPY,xCANT' S NAME= Hridge Poixit8 DevelOpmemt, I,LC 2. LOC.A.TIQN 4P PROTECT SITE: On US 1 Ca olina s and Rowell Road, on tike Tre1[Lt 1~iveY wgrnin ~t-c City of New Bern in Craven County, forth $_1011,x2,13, C-11,12,13, D-12,13, E-13,14, 72~ Photo Index - 2000: 71-$30; A-10,1,1,12,13, . 841; W-7,8, X-6,'7,8,9 1995: 70-77'1; H-17;18, T-14,1.5,16,17,18, J-14,15.15,17, K-14,15,14,. L-1.5,16 . ~: . State Plane Coordinates - ~: 2,587,200 Y:- 49b,60R GPS Raver File ~ U0417 A New Bern Quad. (upper ri~g?ht. cornea) ~ , INVESTI~AT1oN TYPE. CAMS ~ Drl 4. INVF,STIGATTVE FRQCEDURE: Wa Applic t kPres n4J1N06 S. PROCESSING 1?ROCEDYJRE: Application Received, - 19 May 2006 Office - Washi~ngtont ~. SITE DESCRIPTION: (~,) I.acai T.and U'se Plan -Craven County Land Classification Frozen LUP -Developed (land), ConservatXOn (v~rater, wetlands) (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW,PTA,CS (C) Watex Dependent: YES (D) intended Use: Commercial - Consttucted to enhance the sale of the property (E) Wastewater Treatrnenr: Existir~;, -Municipal Sewage with the City of New Bern Planned -Same (F) Type of Structures: Existing ~ Hotel, pool, ,parking lots, bulkheadlretaining wall, and r7parina Planned - Condaniiniums, hotel, marina Office, bulkheadlretaining wall, . 2 pools, and parking lots (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: None ' (H) Source -Applicant 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] ~~~~i~ (A) Vegetated Wetlands 404 wetlands (B) Nan-'Vegetated W etlands River bottom (C) Other Highground f 96U ftz shaded ±516 ftz bulkhead t715,255.z ft2 (D) Total Area Disturbed: t 16,45 acne (E) Primary Nursery Area: NO (F) Water Classification: SB-Sw-NSW (17X6,731.2 sq. ft_) Open: NO $, PRQ~EC'Y' SUM1vfARX: The applicant proposes Co construct three residential condo~r-ium buildi~s, a betel, 2 pools, a marina office, replace bulkhead and retaining wall, construct waterfront sidewalks, and parking axeas. ZO 'd bb: 9Z 90, Z unl' STZ6-9b6-ZSZ: xe~ a~k1f~1/~mQ ~ ' d SQNd~13M-i~MO ~ 3Wk~N bridge Pointe Bridge Pointe Redevelopment, LLC (yr$v~n ~Quniy Express Permit Review Program Project setting X689€~~6Z6~~31 ZS~bZ 03M 9GJe8-z-Nnt Mike Rice with Robert Chiles Engineers $~ Consultants, on behalf of Bridge Pointe Redevelopment, LLC, has requested the attached application be processed under the Express Permit Review Program, for a condominium and hotel development under the name of Bridge Pointe. The project site is located in the Gity of New Bern, adjacent US 17 Business and Howell Road (SR 10x4) on the Trent River in Graven County, North Caralirta. Currently, the property is the site of the Bridge Pointe {nn and Marina and dutback Steakhouse. The Outback Steakhouse site is not owned by the applicant and is not a part of this permit application. The applicant's parcel of land comprises 116.42 acres with 11,830 ' of river front shoreline. The existing Bridge Pointe Hotel and Marina complex is a 4 story building with 116 rooms, a restaurant, pool and a full service 1126 slip marina. The remainder and majority of the site is undeveloped at this time and was an industrial area in past years. Most of the site (195%} is considered impervious due to the compacted gravel, asphalt and concrete paved areas that cover the rnajoriy of the property. Some upland grasses are present over the gravel as well as around the perimeter of the site and the hotel area has mowed fawn grass with shrubs and ornamental landscaping. The shoreline between the hots! and the river has a X556' retaining wall landward of an average 160' wide area of ,mowed Section 404 wetlands (as de{ineated by Scott Jones of the US Army Corps of Engineers). An intermittent fringe of Coastal Wetlands including Spartna cynosuroides and Juncus ro_emerianus is present along this section of shoreline. and at the downstream end of the property. The retaining wall intersects he Trent River at the upstream ;west) end of the existing marina office and becomes a bulkhead from that point on to the .upstream (west) property fine. The first 1258' of the bulkhead is a wooden structure and the remaining t1,05~' is a concrete sheet-pile bulkhead with a concrete cap. The portion of the property that is stabilized with the concrete sheet-pile bulkhead forms a peninsula projecting into the river, The property is bordered on the downstream {east) side by tine US 17 Business bridge over the Trent River and on the upstream side by the Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle over the Trent River. Qn the upstream side of the railroad trestle, a new multi-unit condominium project is under construction. The site is ~3` above the normal water level, The Neuse River in this area is classified as SB-Sw-NSW by the Environrnenta{Management Commission and is closed to shellfishing. ~a ~~ >~b: ~>< go~ z unr size-~~~-~s~: ~~~ o~~i~.~ma b ' d SONd~13M-~1M0 ~ ~Wt1N ~689SSL6Z6 ~ 1Sl ZS ~ bZ OSM 90~z-L-Nflt' Bridge Pointe C3rielsa Points 13ad~veicpmenE, LLC Craven County Express Permit Review Program Page Two Project description The, applicant proposes to redevelop the fi16.42 acre tract by removing the existing hate! complex and build three separate multi-story condominium buildings with a total of 1307 units. Building one will be constructed on the peninsula and building two will be constructed immediately south afthefirst building_ The third and final condominium will be constructed on the site of the current hotel and will have amulti-level parking garage in the center of the structure. Anew manna office is also .proposed as well as a new swimming pool located on the waterward side of the third building. Paved parking is proposed around ail three buildings. A new Note! and pool will be constructed at the southern most end of the site and wilt have associated paved parking lots. ~'he existing 1556' retaining wall will be replaced in the same alignment and the height will be raised in some areas. As proposed, the 1258' of wooden bulkhead will be replaced 2' waterwarc! of the existing bulkhead in the same alignment and will connect into the retaining wall, A ~' wide concrete sidewalk is proposed along the waterfront adjacent the landward side of the bulkhead andlor retaining wall. The proposed sidewalk at the waterward end of the peninsula will be 125' wide. Anew retaining wall is proposed at the landward side of the sidewalk an the peninsula at building number one as well as in front of building number three to retain the additional fill needed to raise the ground elevation of the building si#e to 10' above the NWL. A X110' section of the proposed sidewalk will be constructed over the 404 wetlands and the applicant proposes to install a slatted walk in this area and elevate it a minimum of 3' over the wetland substrate. Two of the three existing marina access wooden walkways will be replaced and repositioned slightly. The new access wooden walkways will be elevated a crmin.imum of 3' over the wetland substrate, As proposed, the new pool will be constructed immediately landward of the retaining wall at building number three. Around pool is proposed with a concrete apron. The apron around the pool will tie into the proposed sidewalk resulting in two cantilevered areas over the 404 wetlands. These concrete cantilevered areas are 1300 ftz of shaded impact and will be constructed ~3' above the wetland substrate. The fatal amount of impervious surface existing within the 75' Estuarine Shoreline has been Calculated at X102,937.5 ftz ar 171 %. The project as proposed will reduce the impervious impact in the 75' Estuarine Shoreline to 174,115 ftz or 54°!a. po ~~ str:9~ ~o~ z upr s~~~-~~6-~sz: ~~~ o~dm~ooQ S 'd SQNd~1dM-JMO~SWtiN ~689~~Z6Z6~~ldl ~S~bS OdM 9d~Z-L-N~It Bridge Pointe Bridge Pointe Redevelopment, LLC Craven County Express Permit Review Program Page Three Anticipated impacts The protect. as proposed will result in the reduction of impervious surface within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC from 71 % to 54%. The replacement of the existing bulkhead wit! result in the Piping of 1516 ftz of river bottom. The construction of the slatted sidewalk and cantilevered concrete pool apron will result in the shading of 1960 fta of 404 wetland. The project as proposed will result in the disturbance of X715,255.2 ft2 of uplands as a result of the dBVelOprnent activities. pavid W. Moye ~ 19 May 2006 SO 'd Sb~9T 90~ L upL' 5~~6-9b6-~SZ:xe~ O~d~l/~f~Q