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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181271 Ver 1_Meeting Request Review_20200925ID#* 20181271 Regional Office* Reviewer List* Version* 1 Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Erin Davis Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 9/25/2020 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Contact Name * Kristi Suggs Contact Email Address* Project Name* Honey Mill Mitigation Site Project Owner* NC DEQ - Division of Mitigation Services Project County* Surry Owner Address: Street Address 217 West Jones St., Suite 3000A Address Line 2 aty State / Province / Region Raleigh NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27603 USA Is this a transportation project?* r Yes r No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - F 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express r- Individual Permit r- Modification r- Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* r Yes r No Please list all existing project ID's associated with this projects.* SAW-2018-01789 Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Erin Davis Please give a brief project description below.* The project proposes to restore, enhance and preserve approximately 8,901 LF of stream channel involving 11 unnamed tributaries to the Ararat River. For project purposes, the streams have been named Venable Creek, UT1, UT2, UT2A, UT21B, UT3, UT4, UT5, UT5 Relic, UT6 and UT6 Relic. The project will generate cool stream mitigation units for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. 9/29/2020 10/5/2020 10/6/2020 Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. HoneyMill_MeetingRequestMaps.pdf 20.34MB pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature Submittal Date 9/25/2020 Reviewer Meeting Request Decision Has a meeting been scheduled?* r' Yes r No rvri rirr89 Y ,aulkne, - Project Location HambOg�\ Hydrologic Unit Code (14) 89 Ilk 030401011:10010' y, r 03040101100020 ` e C/e reek ek Turners G r i �- �: - •�. n Nki 030401 Q11000109h0 5, Y r74 $utkes m ! - - Lsz " a ! o` S `r�� r��` f°,�PY Greek ep Fa& a�1 R'd S� G�ddle Creed 03040101110020 / crEP �r� O\M a` Tu er Main 1592 ft it �rk-- 1 v C• yl L 03040101090030 `. G`eeK �ohs,'an�� / i for"y % y For,l h� 1 i e P Rd ♦, �a 1 0 eek � L o� 7 Ararat \ 03040101110030 v 03040101110040 N ChAO" Ra \ Z ♦mil ccn� �rYant,� � gpckHill C, Whirr �11Ra Creek \ %0 WILDLANDS 0 0.5 1 Miles ENGINEERING I I I Figure 1 Vicinity Map Honey Mill Mitigation Site Yadkin River Basin (03040101) Surry County, NC _ _ • i Assessment Area O Site Lat/Long Location 4j j r i•� . j t4i Aj44 SlIN V. ,11 Site Coordinates: (36.429939,-80.610504) - `�ff 4 �\ P COO Mount Airy South USGS 7.5 - minute topographic quadrangle W I L D L A N D S USGS Topographic Map ENGINEERING 0 500 1,000Feet Honey Mill Mitigation Site I i I Yadkin River Basin (03040101) Surry County, NC WILDLANDS kt� ENGINEERING Soils Map Honey Mill Mitigation Site 0 275 550 Feet Yadkin River Basin (03040101) 1 1 1 Surry County, NC Figure 1.0 PCN Impact Map (Overview) W I L D L A N D S Honey Mill Mitigation Site %Z I I ENGINEERING 0 300 600 Feet Yadkin River Basin (03040101) I Surry County, NC IV' Project Parcels i AssessmentArea Existing Wetlands Wetland Impact - Permanent Wetland Impact - Temporary Intermittent Project Streams Perennial Project Streams Stream Impact - Permanent Stream Impact - Temporary Non -Project Streams Overhead Power Line MU 1 Relic >1 I 03J Permanent 80 - 1 UT6 Relic Venable Creek 51: Temporary 1,388 LF 52: Permanent 1,739 LF Figure 1.1 PCN Impact Map W I L D L A N D S 0 100 200 Feet Honey Mill Mitigation Site E N G I N E E R I N G Yadkin River Basin (03040101) I Surry County, NC • ♦'s 5 . Temporary 1,388 LF 52: Permanent 1,739 LF UT5 Q11r 11 LF UT5 Relie 512; Temporary 85 LF 513: Permanent 20 LF Project Parcels i AssessmentArea j/ Internal Crossing Existing Wetlands Wetland Impact - Permanent Wetland Impact - Temporary Intermittent Project Streams Perennial Project Streams Stream Impact - Permanent •••••• StreamImpact- Temporary Non -Project Streams Figure 1.2 PCN Impact Map W I L D L A N D S 0 100 200 Feet Honey Mill Mitigation Site E N G I N E E R I N G I Yadkin River Basin (03040101) Surry County, NC p 1 58: Permanent 168 LF 59: Temporary 65 LF UT3 56: Permanent 509 LF 57: Temporary 386 LF Wetland K W6: Temporary 0.5I t . W7: Permanent 0.124 AC 1 i UT2B 55: Permanent 57 LF rn0. "� S o+,+ Project Parcels AssessmentArea Existing Wetlands Wetland Impact - Permanent Wetland Impact - Temporary Intermittent Project Streams Perennial Project Streams Buried Perennial Project Streams Stream Impact - Permanent Stream Impact - Temporary Non -Project Streams Figure 1.3 PCN Impact Map kv,WlLDLANDS Honey Mill Mitigation Site ENGINEERING 0 00 200 Feet Yadkin River Basin (03040101) I Surry County, NC Wetland V W15: Permanent 0.005 AC Wetland U Al : Temporary ... r WILDLANDS kti ENGINEERING 1 i g 41G LAP f 94M 60 . @93 OP 9& 909€30 aP UT3 56: Permanent 509 LF 57: Temporary 386 LF Wetland BB W18: Temporary 0.005 AC Wetland O W11: Temporary 0.014 AC Wetland T W13: Temporary 0.009 AC Wetland P W12: Temporary 0.007 AC U. Wetland N W10: Temporary <0.000 AC 0 100 200 Feet I I I UT2-B 55: Permanent 57 LF F•1 Wetland L W19: Temporary 0.003 AC a M moo c� � 4"- 9,P@@ no -- ' - Figure 1.4 PCN Impact Map Honey Mill Mitigation Site Yadkin River Basin (03040101) Surry County, NC Wetland M W8: Temporary 0.001 AC W9: Perm WN_ff 0.003 AC Wetland K -- —•' ' W6: Temporary 0.533 AC W7: Permanent 0.124 AC Venable Creek 51: Temporary 1,3,88 52: Permanent 1,739 LF I, i l Aerial Photography Venable Creek 51: Temporary 1,388 LF 52: Permanent 1,739 LF UT2�B Permanent 57 LF Wetland C W4: Permanent 60 AC W5: Temponar.y .168 AC UT2 S4: Permanent 427 LF NA-1 �Iwx Y i 1 Project Parcels i AssessmentArea jInternal Crossing Existing Wetlands Wetland Impact - Permanent Wetland Impact - Temporary Intermittent Project Streams Perennial Project Streams Buried Perennial Project Streams Stream Impact - Permanent Stream Impact - Temporary Non -Project Streams Figure 1.5 PCN Impact Map W I L D L A N D S Honey Mill Mitigation Site E N G I N E E R I N G 0 00 200 Feet Yadkin River Basin (03040101) I Surry County, NC Wetland N W10: Temporary <0.000 AC Wetland O I Temporary 0.014 AC Wetland P W12: Temporary 0.007 AC UT3 56: Permanent 509 LE 57: Temporary 3,86 LE mmm� oo " wfla .. Wetland M W8: Temporary 0.001 AC W9: Permenant 0.003 AC VV'P—t land I( W6: Temporary 0.533 AC III Permanent 0.124 AC Project Parcels i AssessmentArea MInternal Crossing ® Existing Wetlands •'t �U Wetland Impact - Permanent J - 1 Wetland Impact - Temporary , — — — Intermittent Project Streams / I Perennial Project Streams I / / Buried Perennial Project Streams Stream Impact - Permanent Stream Impact - Temporary Non -Project Streams Overhead Power Line WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 1 l r-I Wetland B W2: Permanent 0.029 AC W3: Temporary 0.019 AC Wetland I FARVAP Temporary 0.018 AC Venable Creek 51:Temporary 1,388 LF 52: Permanent 1,739 LF Figure 1.6 PCN Impact Map Honey Mill Mitigation Site 0 100 200 Feet Yadkin River Basin (03040101) 1 1 Surry County, NC