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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000453_INDIAN TRAIL MS4 AUDIT REPORT_20200915MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) PROGRAM AUDIT REPORT NPDES PERMIT NO. NCS000453 Indian Trail, NORTH CAROLINA 315 Matthews Indian Trail Rd. Indian Trail, North Carolina 28079 Audit Date: August 5, 2020 Report Date: September 9, 2020 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (This page intentionally left blank) NC5000453 Indian Trail M54 Audit 20200805 TABLE OF CONTENTS AuditDetails..................................................................................................................................................1 PermitteeInformation..................................................................................................................................2 Listof Supporting Documents.......................................................................................................................3 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment...........................................................................4 PublicEducation and Outreach.....................................................................................................................7 Public Involvement and Participation...........................................................................................................9 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination(IDDE)......................................................................................10 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations..................................................12 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 1.............................................................................................14 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 2.............................................................................................15 Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No. 1......................................................................................................16 Site Visit Evaluation: Post -Construction Stormwater Control Measure No. 1............................................17 AppendixA: Photos.................................................................................................................................................18 DISCLAIMER This audit consists of an evaluation of program compliance with the issued permit and implementation of the approved Stormwater Management Plan. This audit report does not include a review of all program components, and program deficiencies in addition to those noted may be present. The permittee is required to assess program progress and permit compliance, and to implement the approved Stormwater Management Plan in accordance with the issued permit. NCS000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit 20200805 ii This page intentionally left blank NC5000453 Indian Trail M54 Audit_20200805 iii Audit Details Audit ID Number: Audit Date(s): NC5000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 August 5, 2020 Minimum Control Measures Evaluated: ® Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment ® Public Education & Outreach ® Public Involvement & Participation ® Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination ❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls — No delegated Sediment and Erasion Control Program ❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls — Delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program ❑ Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls ® Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations ❑ Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Field Site Visits: ® Municipal Facilities. Number visited: 2 ® MS4 Outfalls. Number visited: 1 ❑ Construction Sites. Number visited: Choose an item. ® Post -Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls. Number visited: 1 ❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item. ❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item. Inspector(s) Conducting Audit Name. Title Oreanization Lily Kay NC DEQ Environmental Specialist Isaiah Reed NC DEQ Environmental Specialist Audit Report Author: Date: c Signature t� Y� Audit Report AuLtho Date Signature LI l f ; rA;;W_ g 1 F-0 Z E' NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 1 of 24 Permittee Information MS4 Permittee Name: Indian Trail Permit Effective Date: February 20, 2017 Permit Expiration Date: February 19, 2022 Mailing Address: 315 Matthews Indian Trail Rd. Indian Trail, NC 28079 Date of Last MS4 Inspection/Audit: - September 15, 2010 Co-permittee(s), if applicable: None Permit Owner of Record: Michael Alvarez, Mayor Primary MS4 Representatives Participating in Audit Name, Title Organization Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering Town of Indian Trail Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Town of Indian Trail Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Town of Indian Trail Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Town of Indian Trail Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Town of Indian Trail MS4 Receiving Waters Waterbodv Classification Impairments Crooked Creek C None listed Goose Creek C Fecal coliform North Fork Crooked Creek C None listed South Fork Crooked Creek C None listed Davis Mine Creek C None listed Price Mill Creek C None listed West Fork Twelve mile Creek C None listed NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 2 of 24 List of Supporting Documents Item Number Document Title When Provided (Prior to/During/After) 1 Indian Trail's Stormwater Utility Ordinance Prior to 2 Street sweeping invoice Prior to 3 September 2019 Quarterly Newsletter Prior to 4 February 2020 Quarterly Newsletter Prior to 5 Shilo School Photos Prior to 6 Sardis School Photos26-29 Prior to 7 Fun Day Stormwater Flier During/After 8 Website Photo Log Prior to 9 Moritz QSI Training Certificate Prior to 10 Peirce QSI Training Certificate Prior to 11 Moritz NC State Training Certificate Prior to 12 Peirce NC State Training Certificate Prior to 13 Picture Document During 14 Outfall and SCM Map After 15 IDDE Investigation Report After 16 Indian Trail 2019 Annual Report Prior to NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 3 of 24 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment Staff Interviewed: Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering (Name, Title, Role) Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Permit Citation Program Requirement Status supporting' Doc No. - II.A.1 The permittee maintained adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage 1 Staffing and the provisions of the Stormwater Plan and meet all requirements of the permit. Yes Funding The Stormwater Plan identifies a specific position(s) responsible for the overall coordination, implementation, and revision to the Plan. No Responsibilities for all components of the Stormwater Plan are documented and position(s) assignments provided. No The permittee is current on payment of invoiced administering and compliance monitoring fees (see stormwater e-payments on DEMLR MS4 web page). Yes The Permittee has not developed and submitted a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). II.A.2 Stormwater The permittee evaluated the performance and effectiveness of the program Plan components at least annually. No Implementation and Evaluation If yes, the permittee used the results of the evaluation to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. Na Did the permitted MS4 discharges cause or contribute to non -attainment of an Not applicable water quality standard? Reviewed If yes, did the permittee expand or better tailor its BMPs accordingly to address Not the non -attainment? Applicable The Permittee did an annual report for 2019 in house, but it did not meet all of the permit requirements. The Permittee conducted a Stormwater Inventory in 2015 and took samples, but the results were not available. The effects to water quality are unknown. II.A.3 Keeping the The permittee kept the Stormwater Plan up to date. No Stormwater Plan Up to Date The permittee notified DEMLR of any updates to the Stormwater Plan. No The Permittee has not developed and submitted a Stormwater Management Plan. II.A.4 Availability The permittee kept an up-to-date version of its Stormwater Plan available to the of the Stormwater Division and the public online. No Plan The online materials included ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, or a list identifying the ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, providing the legal Yes 8 authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit. NCS000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 4 of 24 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment The Permittee has not developed and submitted a Stormwater Management Plan and therefore, the SWMP is not on the Town's website. The Permittee does provide the ordinance on their website. II.A.3 & II.A.5 Stormwater Plan Did DEMLR require a modification to the Stormwater Plan? Not Modifications Applicable If yes, did the permittee complete the modifications in accordance with the Not established deadline? Applicable The Permittee has not developed and submitted a Stormwater Management Plan. II.A.6 Sharing Responsibility Are any control measures implemented by an entity other than the permittee? No If yes, is there a written agreement in place? Not Applicable The Permittee contracts out the stormwater system maintenance including street sweeping and cleaning catch basins and an agreement to implement this minimum control measure has not been developed. The Permittee implements ail of the control measures except construction stormwater which is implemented by NC DEQ. II.A.7 The permittee maintained written procedures for implementing the six minimum Written control measures. No Procedures Written procedures identified specific action steps, schedules, resources and Not responsibilities for implementing the six minimum measures. Applicable The Permittee has not developed and maintained written procedures for the control measures. Ill_A The permittee maintained documentation of all program components including, but Program not limited to, inspections, maintenance activities, educational programs, No Documentation implementation of BMPs, enforcement actions etc., on file for a period of five years. The Permittee has not recorded and maintained documentation for all of the Program Components. III.B The permittee submitted annual reports to the Department within twelve months Annual Report from the effective date of the permit (See Section III.B. for the annual reporting No Submittal period specific to this MS4). The permittee submitted subsequent annual reports every twelve months from the scheduled date of the first annual report submittal. No The Annual Reports included appropriate information to accurately describe the progress, status, and results of the permittee's Stormwater Plan, including, but not limited the following: 1. A detailed description of the status of implementation of the Stormwater Plan as a whole. This will include information on development and implementation Not of each major component of the Stormwater Plan for the past year and Reviewed 16 schedules and plans for the year following each report. 2. An adequate description and justification of any proposed changes to the Stormwater Plan. This will include descriptions and supporting information for Not the proposed changes and how these changes will impact the Stormwater Reviewed 16 Plan (results, effectiveness, implementation schedule, etc.). NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 5 of 24 Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment 3. Documentation of any necessary changes to programs or practices for assessment of management measures implemented through the Stormwater Not Reviewed 16 Plan. 4. A summary of data accumulated as part of the Stormwater Plan throughout the year along with an assessment of what the data indicates in light of the Not Reviewed 16 Stormwater Plan. 5. An assessment of compliance with the permit, information on the establishment of appropriate legal authorities, inspections, and enforcement Not Reviewed 16 actions. The Permittee has only submitted the 2019 Annual Report with some information, but it does not meet all of the permit requirements. IVS Annual Reporting The Annual Reports document the following: 1. A summary of past year activities, including where applicable, specific Not 16 quantities achieved and summaries of enforcement actions. Reviewed 2. A description of the effectiveness of each program component. Not Reviewed 16 3. Planned activities and changes for the next reporting period, for each Not program component or activity. Reviewed 16 4. Fiscal analysis. Not Reviewed 16 The Permittee has only submitted the 2019 Annual Report with some Information, but It does not meet all of the permit requirements. NC5000453_Indlan Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 6 of 24 Public Education and Outreach Staff Interviewed: Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering (Name, Title, Role) Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Permit Citation program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. Goals and The permittee defined goals and objectives of the Local Public Education and Objectives No Outreach Program based on community wide issues. The Permittee has not defined goals and objectives of the Public Education and Outreach Program, but has identified target audience of swimming pool owners and school children. 11.8.2.b The permittee maintained a description of the target pollutants and/or stressors and Target Pollutants likely sources. No The Permittee has mainly identified target pollutants based on complaints for illicit discharges. 11.82.c The permittee identified, assessed annually and updated the description of the target Target Audiences audiences likely to have significant storm water impacts and why they were selected. No The Permittee has not maintained a written description of target audiences. 11.8.2.d Residential The permittee described issues, such as pollutants, the likely sources of those and Industrial/ pollutants, potential impacts, and the physical attributes of stormwater runoff in Yes 3-8 Commercial issues their education/outreach program. The Permittee sends out newsletters quarterly with information about pollutants and has sent brochures for pesticides and litter to residential areas. II.B_2.e Informational The permittee promoted and maintained an Internet web site designed to convey the Web Site Program's message. Yes 8 The Permittee has maintained a website with information about water quality and the educational services provided by the Town including Adopt -A -Stream and Storm Drain stenciling, Enviroscape demonstrations, the Stormwater Educational Booth, and Stormwater Education literature. 11.8.2.E Public Education The permittee distributed stormwater educational material to appropriate target Materials groups. Yes 3-8 The Permittee has distributed quarterly newsletters with varying stormwater topics to the 13,000 households and sent fliers about litter and pesticides. The permittee promoted and maintained a stormwater hotline/helpline for the Hotline/Help line purpose of public education and outreach. Yes g The Permittee has maintained a Stormwater hotline advertised on the "Phase II stormwater Program" page of the website and give contacts for the different programs on the "Public Education and Outreach" page of the website. 11.8.2.h The permittee's outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement, included a combination of approaches designed to Yes 3.8 reach the target audiences. NC5000453_Indian Trail M54 Audit_20200805 Page 7 of 24 Public Education and Outreach Public Education and Outreach For each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or Program through a cooperative agreement the permittee estimated and recorded the extent No of exposure. The Permittee has included a combination of approaches to reach residents including mailing quarterly newsletters, mailing brochures, conducting on -site pool visits to educate about the proper disposal of pool water, conducting classroom visits with the Enviroscape, presenting information at home owners associations and Town events, streaming town meetings including business associated with stormwater issues, maintaining social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and holding Stormwater Advisory Committee meetings. Additional Comments: NCS000453 Indian Trail M54 Audit_20200805 Page 8 of 24 Public Involvement and Participation Staff Interviewed: Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering (Name, Title, Role) Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No II.C.2.a Volunteer Community The permittee included and promoted volunteer opportunities designed to promote Involvement yes 8 ongoing citizen participation. Program The Permittee has created a Stormwater Advisory committee composed of six residents including three engineers and encourages other residents to attend to learn more about the local issues. These meetings are held six times per year. II.C.2.b Mechanism for The permittee provided and promoted a mechanism for public involvement that Public provides for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. Yes 8 Involvement The Permittee holds Stormwater advisory committee meetings six times per year. II.C_2.c The permittee promoted and maintained a hotline/helpline for the purpose of public Hotline/Help Line involvement and participation. Yes 8 The Permittee has a stormwater hotline displayed on the "Phase II Stormwater Program" page of their website, the contact for volunteer opportunities with marking storm drains and the Adopt -A -Stream program are listed on the "Public Education and Outreach" page of the website, and residents can email or submit a service request. Additional Comments: NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 9 of 24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Staff Interviewed: Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering (Name, Title, Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Role) Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Permit Citation Program Requirement Status supporting' Pro g 9 Doc No. - II.D.2.a IDDE Program The permittee maintained a written IDDE Program. No If yes, the written program includes provisions for program assessment and Not evaluation and integrating program. Applicable The Permittee has not developed and maintained a written IDDE program. The permittee maintained an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism(s) that Yes 1 provides the legal authority to prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the MS4. II.D.2.b Legal Authorities If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee. 1 [Permit Part I.D] Yes The Permittee has an adopted and implemented a stormwater ordinance to prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the MS4. II.D2.c The permittee maintained a current map showing major outfalls* and receiving Partial 14 Storm Sewer streams. System Map The Permittee has input the 2015 Stormwater Inventory into their ArcGIS software and is updating the layer with newer information, but the system is not complete. 11.D.2.d 'Flow permittee maintained a program for conducting dry weather flow field Dry Weather observations in accordance with written procedures. No Program The Permittee has not developed and implemented a dry weather flow field observation program. II.D.2.e The permittee maintained written procedures for conducting investigations of Investigation dentified illicit discharges. "O Procedures The Permittee has not maintained written procedures for conducting investigations of identified illicit discharges. II.D.2.f For each case of an illicit discharge or potential illicit discharge, the permittee documented and tracked the Track and following: Document Investigations 1. The date(s) the illicit discharge was observed Yes is 2. The results of the investigation Yes 15 3. Any follow-up of the investigation Yes 15 4. The date the investigation was closed Yes 15 NCS000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 10 of 24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) The Permittee has documented IDDE investigations with the original discharge date, results of the investigation, and the follow up investigation dates. A closing date was not listed on the report. II.D.2.¢ Employee The permittee implemented and documented a training program for appropriate Training municipal staff who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection. Adrian Moritz and Dalton Pierce have been trained by the American Stormwater Institute and NC State University. II.D.2.h The permittee informed public employees of hazards associated with illegal Public Education discharges and improper disposal of waste. No The permittee informed businesses of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste. No The permittee Informed the general public of hazards associated with illegal Yes 3, 4, 7, 8 discharges and Improper disposal of waste. The Permittee has not developed a formal training program for employees, but does conduct Informal training. The Permittee Informs the public of through quarterly newsletters. A formal training and informational program with written procedures has not been developed. II.D.2.i The permittee promoted, publicized, and facilitated a reporting mechanism for the Public Reporting public to report illicit discharges. No Mechanism The permittee promoted, publicized, and facilitated a reporting mechanism for staff to report illicit discharges. No The permittee established and implemented response procedures for citizen requests/reports. No The Permittee has not developed written procedures for reporting illicit discharges. II.D.2.i The permittee implemented a mechanism to track the issuance of notices of violation Enforcement and enforcement actions administered by the permittee. No If yes, the mechanism includes the ability to identify chronic violators for Not initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance. Applicable The Permittee has not developed a tracking mechanism for IDDE NOVs. Additional Comments: NCS000453_Indian Trail M54 Audit 20200805 Page 11 of 24 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Staff Interviewed: Todd Huntsinger, Director of Engineering (Name, Title, Role) Dalton Pierce, Engineering Technician Adrian Moritz, Project Manager Brian Alderstein, Engineering Intern Maggie Ngan, Engineering Intern Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. II.G.2.a The permittee maintained a current inventory of facilities and operations owned Facility Inventory and operated by the permittee with the potential for generating polluted No 1..5 stormwater runoff. The Permittee does not have a written inventory of municipal facilities and the Public Works yard and the Parks and Recreation yard at the Crooked Creek Park were not identified as potential polluters before the audit. II.G.2.b The permittee maintained and implemented an 0&M program for municipally Operation and owned and operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted No Maintenance (O&M) stormwater runoff. for Facilities If yes, the 0&M program specifies the frequency of inspections. Not Applicable If yes, the O&M program specifies the frequency of routine maintenance Not requirements. Applicable If yes, the permittee evaluated the 0&M program annually and updated it as Not necessary. Applicable The Permittee has not developed and maintained a written Operations and Maintenance Plan for municipal facilities. If.G.2.c Spill Response The permittee had written spill response procedures for municipal operations. No Procedures The Permittee has not developed written spill response procedures for municipal facilities. II.G.2.d Streets, The permittee evaluated existing and new BMPs that reduce polluted stormwater Roads, and Public runoff from municipally -owned streets, roads, and public parking lots within its No Parking Lots corporate limits annually. Maintenance If yes, the permittee evaluated the effectiveness of existing and new BMPs Not based on cost and the estimated quantity of pollutants removed. Applicable The Permittee has not documented an annual evaluation of existing and new BMPs from municipal operations. II The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for the stormwater O&&MM for Catch sewer system including catch basins and conveyance systems that it owns and No Basins and Conveyance Systems maintains. The Permittee has not developed and maintained an O&M program for stormwater infrastructure. II.G.2.g The permittee maintained a current inventory of municipally -owned or operated Structural structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with the permittee's post- Yes 14 Stormwater Controls construction ordinance. The Permittee maintains a current inventory of municipal SCMs in their ArcGIS database. NC5000453_Indian Trail M54 Audit_20200805 Page 12 of 24 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations II.13.2.h The permittee maintained and implemented an 0&M program for municipally - O&M for Structural owned or maintained structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with No Stormwater Controls the permittee's post -construction ordinance. If yes, then: . The 0&M program specified the frequency of inspections and routine Not maintenance requirements. Applicable The permittee documented inspections of all municipally -owned or maintained Not structural stormwater controls. Applicable The permittee inspected all municipally -owned or maintained structural Not stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee. Applicable The permittee maintained all municipally -owned or maintained structural Not stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee. Applicable The permittee documented maintenance of all municipally -owned or Not maintained structural stormwater controls. Applicable The Permittee has not maintained and implemented an C&M program for municipal post construction stormwater controls. II.G.2.1 The permittee ensured municipal employees are properly trained in pesticide, Pesticide, Herbicide herbicide and fertilizer application management. Yes 9-12 and Fertilizer Application The permittee ensured contractors are properly trained in pesticide, herbicide and Not Management fertilizer application management. Applicable The permittee ensured all permits, certifications, and other measures for applicators are followed. Yes 13 The Public Works employees that apply pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer have a NC Pesticide and Herbicide and follow manufacturer's instructions. II.G.2.j The permittee implemented an employee trainin p Pg program for employees involved Staff Training in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. No The Permittee has not developed and implemented an employee training program for pollution prevention. II.G.2.k The permittee described and implemented measures that prevent or minimize Vehicle and contamination of stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment No Equipment Cleaning cleaning. The Permittee has not developed written plan for pollution prevention or reduction from vehicle and equipment cleaning areas. Additional Comments: NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 13 of 24 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 1 Facility Name: Public works yard Date and Time of Site Visit: August 5, 2020 Facility Address: 160 Navaho Trail Facility Type (Vehicle Maintenance, Landscaping, etc.): Public Works Name of MS4 inspector(s) evaluated: Adrian Moritz Most Recent MS4 Inspection (List date and name of inspector): None Name(s) and Title(s) of Facility Representative(s) Present During the Site Visit: Name Title Mike Wright Field Operations Manager Observations Facility Documentation/Training Does the facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or similar document? Is it facility -specific? No What type of stormwater training do facility employees receive? How often? None Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? The inspector is certified by the National Stormwater Institute. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about Permit requirements for pollution prevention and good housekeeping? No Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping? Yes Inspection Procedures Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing the facility's SWPPP (or similar document)? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire facility and inspecting all points of discharge? Yes Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious areas of concern? If so, explain: No Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the facility contact? Yes Inspection Results Did the facility inspection result in any corrective actions to be implemented? If so, for what issue(s)? Yes, minor housekeeping issues were observed and the findings were discussed with the Public Works personnel at the facility. If compliance corrective actions were identified, what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided? A timeline was not provided for corrective action was not discussed at the time of inspection. Notes/Comments/Recommendations NCS000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 14 of 24 Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 2 Facility Name: Crooked Creek Park Date and Time of Site Visit: August 5, 2020 Facility Address: 5900 Oakwood Lane Facility Type (Vehicle Maintenance, Landscaping, etc.): Parks and Recreation yard Name of M54 inspector(s) evaluated: Adrian Moritz Most Recent MS4 Inspection (Date and Entity): None Name(s) and Title(s) of Facility Representative(s) Present During the Site Visit: Name Title Observations Facility Documentation/Training Does the facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or similar document? Is it facility -specific? No What type of stormwater training do facility employees receive? How often? None Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? The inspector is certified by the National Stormwater Institute. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about Permit requirements for pollution prevention and good housekeeping? No Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping? Yes Inspection Procedures Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos? No Does the M54 inspector's process include reviewing the facility's SWPPP (or similar document)? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire facility and inspecting all points of discharge? Yes Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious areas of concern? If so, explain: No Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the facility contact? Yes Inspection Results Did the facility inspection result in any corrective actions to be implemented? If so, for what issue(s)? Yes, minor housekeeping issues were observed and discussed with personnel. If compliance corrective actions were identified, what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided? Not applicable Notes/Comments/Recommendations NCS000453 Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 15 of 24 Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No. 1 Outfall ID Number: Date and Time of Site Visit: August 5, 2020 Not Named Outfall Location: 'Outfall Description (Pipe Material/Diameter, Culvert, etc.): Post Office Drive 36" concrete pipe Receiving Water: Is Flow Present? If So, Describe (Color, Approximate Flow Rate, Sheen, Odor, Floatables/Debris, etc.): South Fork Crooked Creek None Most Recent Outfall Inspection/Screening (Date): None Days Since Last Rainfall: Inches: 1 day Not reviewed Name of MS4lnspector(s) evaluated: Adrian Moritz Observations Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? The inspector is certified by the National Stormwater Institute. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about illicit discharge indicators and investigations? Yes Inspection Procedures Does the inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? No Does the inspector's process Include taking photos? No Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious potential illicit discharge indicators or maintenance issues? If so, what were they? No Inspection Results Did the outfall inspection result in any work orders or maintenance requests? If so, for what issue(s)? No Will a follow-up outfall inspection be conducted? If so, for what reason? No Notes/Comments/Recom men dati ons NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 16 of 24 Site Visit Evaluation: Post -Construction Stormwater Control Measure No.1 Site Name: Town Hall Date and Time of Site Visit: August 5, 2020 Site Address: 315 Matthews Indian Trail Rd SCM Type: Sand Filter Most Recent MS4 Inspection (include Date and Entity): None Name of MS4 Inspector(s) evaluated: Adrian Moritz Most Recent MS4 Enforcement Activity (Include Date): I None Name(s) and Title(s) of Site Representative(s) Present During the Site Visit: Name Title Adrian Moritz Engineer Observations Site Documentation Does the site have an operation and maintenance plan? No Does the site have records of annual inspections? Are they performed by a qualified individual? No Inspector Training/Knowledge What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive? How often? The inspector is certified by the American Stormwater Institute. Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about MS4 requirements for post -construction site runoff controls? Yes Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about post -construction BMPs (general purpose/function, components, 0&M requirements, etc.)? Yes Inspection Procedures Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form? What format? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos? No Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing the site's operation and maintenance plan and records of annual inspections? Yes Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire site and inspecting all points of discharge? Yes Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious operation and maintenance deficiencies? If so, explain: No Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the site contact in writing? Yes Compliance/Enforcement What, if any, enforcement actions (verbal warnings, NOV, etc.) did the inspection result in? None If compliance issues were identified, what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided? e Fents/Recommenclations F NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 17 of 24 APPENDIX A: PHOTOS A view of the sand filter at Town Hall. NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 18 of 24 Another view of the sand filter at Town Hall. Another view of the sand filter at Town Hall.. NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 19 of 24 R- (F I - 81,,.. MA \ �4 lip r A view of buckets stored outside at the Public Works yard. Another view of buckets stored outside at the Public Works yard. NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_20200805 Page 21 of 24 * �1 �Ipq 'I . fs 4 ` A view of outside storage at the Crooked Creek Park yard. Another view of outside storage and spillage of oil at the Crooked Creek Park yard. NCS000453_Indian Trail M54 Audit_20200805 Page 23 of 24 A view of equipment washing at the Crooked Creek Park yard. NCDA & CS NORTH CAROLINA PESTICIDE BOARD PESTICIDE APPLICATOR IDENTIFICATION I j Public Operator ,,,, License No. COBB, RODNEY B. NOT FOR COMM E EXPIRATION DATE: L USE 032-8093 12/31 /2020 A view of a Public Works employee's NC Pesticide Applicators License. NCS000453_Indian Trail MS4 Audit_2020080S Page 24 of 24