HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180755 Ver 2_DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting Permit Review_20200911
From:Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil>
Sent:Friday, September 11, 2020 10:57 AM
To:Williams, Paul C; Daisey, Greg; Ward, Garcy
Subject:RE: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
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I’m good on information. I will proceed with issuing the reverification on this project with
special conditions added. Due to the coffer dam impeding this amount of the creek a condition
will be included that portions of the sheet pile will have to be removed in the event of a storm
event so that flow and circulation of the creek will not be impeded.
From: Williams, Paul C <pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 7:26 AM
To: Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil>; Daisey, Greg
<Greg.Daisey@ncdenr.gov>; Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: \[Non-DoD Source\] RE: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
Do you need any additional information for the cofferdam modification?
Paul C. Williams, Jr.
Division Environmental Officer
Division One
NC Department of Transportation
(252) 482-1861 office
(252) 333-9812 mobile
(252) 482-8722 fax
113 Airport Dr.
Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932
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Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Williams, Paul C
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 7:16 AM
To: Barnes, Kyle W SAW <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil>; Daisey, Greg <Greg.Daisey@ncdenr.gov>; Ward, Garcy
Subject: FW: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
Please see the email string below in regards to dewatering the site at the B-5606 Bridge #11 Project in Perquimans
Paul C. Williams, Jr.
Division Environmental Officer
Division One
NC Department of Transportation
(252) 482-1861 office
(252) 333-9812 mobile
(252) 482-8722 fax
113 Airport Dr.
Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932
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From: Fred Morin <Fred.Morin@stwcorp.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 11:36 PM
To: Williams, Paul C <pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>; Tatum, Brandon J <bjtatum@ncdot.gov>; Otts, David B
<dbotts@ncdot.gov>; Midgett, Randy <rmidgett@ncdot.gov>; Stallings, Robert T <rtstallings@ncdot.gov>; John Whitley
Jr. <John.WhitleyJr@stwcorp.com>
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A <caspear@ncdot.gov>; John Whitley Jr. <John.WhitleyJr@stwcorp.com>
Subject: RE: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
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We will attempt to extract the piles, per the permit, using a vibratory extractor. This is the only method to perform this
task. In order to do so we need to lower the water level to expose enough of the pile to fasten the extractor to the pile.
The equipment cannot be submerged and it would not be safe to perform this procedure without lowering the water
level. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Fred Morin
Project Manager
S. T. Wooten Corporation
P.O. Box 2408, Wilson, NC 27894
3801 Black Creek Road
Wilson, NC 27893
mobile 919.437.0225
office 252.291.5165
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recipient, please destroy this message, delete any copies on your systems and notify the sender immediately. You should
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From: Williams, Paul C \[mailto:pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov\]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2020 2:43 PM
To: Fred Morin; Tatum, Brandon J; Otts, David B; Midgett, Randy; Stallings, Robert T; John Whitley Jr.
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A; John Whitley Jr.
Subject: RE: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
Thanks for the response. Just want to remind you the CAMA permit has a Special Condition that “All pilings (including
relic pilings) shall be removed entirely” for the demolition of the existing bridge. If a pile breaks during the removal
process, we’ll have to notify DCM of the location of the pile for their records. Since the existing piles have to be
removed, will you still need to dewater the site for demolition?
Thanks, and give me a call if you would like to discuss.
Paul C. Williams, Jr.
Division Environmental Officer
Division One
NC Department of Transportation
(252) 482-1861 office
(252) 333-9812 mobile
(252) 482-8722 fax
113 Airport Dr.
Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932
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Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Fred Morin <Fred.Morin@stwcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 12:05 PM
To: Williams, Paul C <pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>; Tatum, Brandon J <bjtatum@ncdot.gov>; Otts, David B
<dbotts@ncdot.gov>; Midgett, Randy <rmidgett@ncdot.gov>; Stallings, Robert T <rtstallings@ncdot.gov>; John Whitley
Jr. <John.WhitleyJr@stwcorp.com>
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A <caspear@ncdot.gov>; John Whitley Jr. <John.WhitleyJr@stwcorp.com>
Subject: RE: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
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The substructure on this bridge is below the water level. In order to remove the caps from the piles the water will have
to be lowered so we can expose a portion of the pile to cut it and to rig it for removal. Right now we are unsure of what
kinds of piles were used since you can’t see them. Once we know we can determine the best method of removal. These
could be breaking at the mudline, extracting with a vibratory hammer or cutting at the mudline. All of these require at
least a portion of the pile to be exposed.
Fred Morin
Project Manager
S. T. Wooten Corporation
P.O. Box 2408, Wilson, NC 27894
3801 Black Creek Road
Wilson, NC 27893
mobile 919.437.0225
office 252.291.5165
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recipient, please destroy this message, delete any copies on your systems and notify the sender immediately. You should
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From: Williams, Paul C \[mailto:pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov\]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2020 7:42 AM
To: Fred Morin; Tatum, Brandon J; Otts, David B; Midgett, Randy; Stallings, Robert T
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A; John Whitley Jr.
Subject: Re: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
Still getting questions on the cofferdams. Can you provide more details on why demolition of the existing bents require
Paul C. Williams, Jr.
Division Environmental Officer
Division One
NC Department of Transportation
(252) 482-1861 office
(252) 333-9812 mobile
(252) 482-8722 fax
113 Airport Dr.
Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Fred Morin <Fred.Morin@stwcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 2:10:56 PM
To: Williams, Paul C <pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>; Tatum, Brandon J <bjtatum@ncdot.gov>; Otts, David B
<dbotts@ncdot.gov>; Midgett, Randy <rmidgett@ncdot.gov>; Stallings, Robert T <rtstallings@ncdot.gov>
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A <caspear@ncdot.gov>; John Whitley Jr. <John.WhitleyJr@stwcorp.com>
Subject: \[External\] RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
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It will need to be in place in order to remove the existing bridge then pour the Bent in the water. I would say 3-4 weeks
each side. Thanks
Fred Morin
Project Manager
S. T. Wooten Corporation
P.O. Box 2408, Wilson, NC 27894
3801 Black Creek Road
Wilson, NC 27893
mobile 919.437.0225
office 252.291.5165
The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please destroy this message, delete any copies on your systems and notify the sender immediately. You should
not retain, copy or use this email for any purpose, nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person.
From: Williams, Paul C \[mailto:pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov\]
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 7:10 AM
To: Tatum, Brandon J; Fred Morin; Otts, David B; Midgett, Randy; Stallings, Robert T
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A; John Whitley Jr.
Subject: RE: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
The agencies may ask about the timeframe for each phase of the cofferdams. Approximately how long do you anticipate
each will be in place?
Paul C. Williams, Jr.
Division Environmental Officer
Division One
NC Department of Transportation
(252) 482-1861 office
(252) 333-9812 mobile
(252) 482-8722 fax
113 Airport Dr.
Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932
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North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Tatum, Brandon J <bjtatum@ncdot.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:57 AM
To: Tatum, Brandon J; Fred Morin; Otts, David B; Midgett, Randy; Williams, Paul C; Blankenship, Andrew; Stallings,
Robert T; Shook, Ryan L
Cc: Spear, Caitlin A; Hoadley, James W; John Whitley Jr.; Davis, Justin K
Subject: DA00425 - Preconstruction Meeting/Permit Review
When: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 9:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Bridge #11 on SR 1338 (Wynne Fork Rd)
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Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.