HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0024756_Monitoring - 06-2020_20200731 (2)auowri I r VM Vt VIV Y CLLUVV NHYttk UNLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY' INFORMATION nn -- Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Naame: - Permit Name (if different): - G�, r+.. A,4.4,—,..-. '1 N Z N A I e�-tr- t. Contact Person:--7!Z>a,!!.- Well Location/ Site Name: County Qtlw.)< Wj Telephone #:L_: No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth:. Y;. Well Diameter: a-- _ in. Check One: ❑ iInfluent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: (rQ . J 1 It. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 1 ,'4� Date sample collected:(-a-L ._U3 Field analysis: pH ` 1P , Specific Conductance Temp. LLj_00, Odor Appearance _ uMhos DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & 14ATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Non-Discharge-w4,aT) ZL'447 * UIC_ NF'DES _ TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Rotary Distributor _L/ Other Remediation: Land Application cl Sludge NO'a. Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name: _Fy,Q; ,tzm Certification No. I PARAMETE_ RS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I /100ml Nitrite (NO2) as N _ Nitrate (NO3) as N in' mg/I mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal _ Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P . _O .0Hl mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 1 ci l mg/I Al - Aluminum _ mg/I PH (wher analyzed) units Ba - Barium_ mg/I TOC '., $"3. mg/I mg/I Ca - Calcium— s 9/1 Cd - Cadmium_ g/I Chloride _ Arsenic _ mg/I Chromium: Total mgA Grease and Oils mg/I — Cu - Copper_ _.. mg/I Phenol _ Sulfate mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I _ Specific Conductance mg/I uMhos Hg - Mercury _ _ K - Potassium_ _ mg/I mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I TKN as N mg/I — Mn - Manqanese ma/I YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - L.ea(1 mg/I Zn - Zinc mgA Ammonia NitrogenS)U mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) � 1 2020 ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes _(1) No L-�-(0) VOC : method # = : method # = : method # _ . -,k Fe- rn tt �e (or Authorized Agent) Name and Tide - Please print or type GW-59 Rev. 03/2000 Signature of Permittee (or Authorizec, Agent) (Date) .worvu I rUM Vt UN T t_LLUVV I`A! LN UNLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITIi'INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Ncame:_V�Me, ' - \ "ya , L_It , Permit Name (if different): vim] v '4j1L—: K `.r County ICkYi IBICi Rroi Contact Person: ��- ,�Y Telephone #: %X1_ Well Location/ Site Name- No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): �For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: - 1 Y;. Well Diameter: ;L_ in. Check One: ❑ :Influent (98) Screened Interval: fi:. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: S S LL f1. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pun ed/bailed before sampling: �'�_ Date sample collected{j l Field analysis: pH.�_ , Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 1�-L *,C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & 14ATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT p: EXPIRATION DATE: Non-Discharge_%LU)"x)W) �.y7S4 UIC_ Nf'DES _ TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED -- Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Rotary Distributor _ L/ Other. Remediation: Land Application oI Sludge NQf E: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name: - ' Certification No.. PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N f 1 �O LI mg/l Coliform: MF Total /1 ooml Phngnhnn rc- Tntni n,, D 0-, 1.1 ., . f] (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total pH (wher analyzed) TOC K_K join mg/1 units mg/1 Chloride _ y(c mg/1 Arsenic _ mg/l Grease and Oils mgA Phenol _ mg/l Sulfate _ mg/l Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/l TKN as N mg/l Orthophosphate mg/1 AI - Aluminum _ mg/l Ba - Barium _ mg/l Ca - Calcium_ mg/l Cd - Cadmium_ mg/1 Chromium: Total mg/l Cu - Copper_ — mg/l Fe - Iran _ mg/l Hg - Mercury _._ — mg/1 K - Potassium_ _ mg/l Mg - Magnesium — mg/i Mn - ManganesE? ma/I YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/l Pb - Leah mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/f Ammonia Nitrogen O L`l mg/l Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,FiPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes _(1) No 1— (0) VOC : method # = Pemn ttee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Tide -Please print or type GW-59 Rev. 03/2000 Signature - Perrnittee (or Authorizes AgenQ (Date) .worvu l rVM V1 VIV Tt_LLVVV YHYttC ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY' INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility NEIme:!�=rf\s'-_ _\�L•Q , LL.S'�, Permit Name (if different): --T Contact Person:--D;>4a— WeH Location/ Site Name: County Telephone #: 2., i IX - No. of Wells to be Sampled: „-` Well Identification Number (from Permit): For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: f:. Well Diameter: in. Check One: ❑ .Influent (98) Screened Interval: p. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: Io &' 1 f1, below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevaticn in ft.: Gallons of water pum eed/bailed before sampling: 0 E, Date sample collected: Field analysis: pH l 1 t , Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 1 (0 010, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH. NC 27699-1636 Phone- 191917-13-32: PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Nan-DischargeslJ)b�wL;l29-)S4 UIC_ NF'DES _ TV;PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Rotary Distributor Other. Remediation: Land Application cl Sludge NO'rE- Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Lawratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N to . i,4 mg/i Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phnsnhnnrc• Tntnl nc P mrill (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 3,34 mg/I pH (wher analyzed) — units TOC , G7G mg/I Chloride _ , �-- mg/l Arsenic _ mg/l Grease and Oils mg/l Phenol _ mg/l Sulfate _ mg/l Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/l TKN as N mg/I Orthophosphate mg/l AI - Aluminum _ mg/l Ba - Barium _ mg/l Ca - Calcium_ mg/l Cd - Cadmium_ mg/l Chromium: Total — mg/1 Cu - Copper_ ! mg/l Fe - Iron — mg/I Hg - Mercury _ — mg/I K - Potassium_ — mg/l Mg - Magnesiurrl — mg/l Mn - Manganese ma/I YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/l Pb - Lead mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/l Ammonia Nitrogen_ ICLDL4 mg/l Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report. Report Attached? Yes _(1) No (0) VOC method # method # = method # --- Permitt�e (or Authorized Agent) Narre and Title - Please print or type GW-59 Rev. 03/2000 Signalu re of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) (Date) ��doQo��c��� alp D��oQpoQa�c�d 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 THE GROVE WWTP (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 Drinking Water ID: 31515 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 563 DATE COLLECTED: 06/01/20 DATE REPORTED : 06/09/20 REVIEWED BY: MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 Analysis Method PARAMETERS Date Analyst Code PH (field measurement), Units 7.3 7.4 7.1 06/01/20 SEB 4500HB-11 Fecal Coliform (MF), /100 Mls < 1 < 1 20 06/01/20 GNB 922213-06 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/l 0.06 0.17 <0.04 06/03/20 TCW 350.1 112-93 Nitrate Nitrogen as N, mg/l 0.93 < 0.04 0.24 06/03/20 DTL 353.2 112-93 Total Phosphorus as P, mg/l <0.04 0.66 0.31 06/05/20 TLH 365.4-74 Total Organic Carbon, mg/l 2.82 4.32 5.66 06/08/20 SEJ 531OC-11 Chloride, mg/1 15 46 20 06/08/20 JMS 4500CLB-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/1 191 308 304 06/02/20 HJO 254OC-11 Static Water Level, feet 6.01 5.96 6.91 06/01/20 SEB Water Bailed, Gals. 1.5 1.0 0.5 06/01/20 SEB