HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllen_NCDEQ PT Monitoring Plan_08.14.2020 FnlDUKE ENERGY, August 14, 2020 Ms. Brandy Costner North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 201 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 526 South Church St Mail Code: EC12J Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Pilot Test Monitoring Plan — Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Allen Steam Station Gaston County, NC Dear Ms. Costner, On June 22, 2020, Duke Energy Carolinas LLC (Duke Energy) submitted a Pilot Test Work Plan (Work Plan) that was prepared as an initial step in implementing the groundwater Corrective Action Plan at the Allen Steam Station (or Site) Retired Ash Basin, Active Ash Basin, storage areas, structural fills, and the Retired Ash Basin Landfill. As described in the Work Plan, Duke Energy committed to providing a site -specific monitoring plan prior to pilot test implementation that describes details regarding sampling frequency, monitored parameters, and well locations that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the pilot test program. The attached Pilot Test Monitoring Plan presents a description of the data that will be collected and analyzed during pilot test implementation activities. Data collected during this pilot test will be used to evaluate the original design assumptions and effectiveness of the corrective action. Together, this information will be used to refine the number, configuration, and operational assumptions for the corrective action wells for the full-scale design. We look forward to working with the NCDEQ as we proactively implement the groundwater remediation strategy for this Site. Please contact me at 980.373.6563 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Scott E. Davies, P.G. Project Director BUILDING A SMARTER FNFRGV FUTURFs' Pilot Test Monitoring Plan — Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation Allen Steam Station August 14, 2020 cc: Andrew Pitner, NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, Mooresville Regional Office Steve Lanter, NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, Central Office Eric Smith, NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, Central Office Elizabeth Werner, NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Courtney Murphy, Duke Energy Andrew Davis, Arcadis Attachments Pilot Test Monitoring Plan — Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation BUILDING A SMARTER FNFRGV FUTURF" /aRCJaD I S llesign &Consultancy farnaturaland PbuiltasseB DUKE ENERGY PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation Allen Steam Station, North Carolina August 2020 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Andrew Davis Certified Project Manager Michael F eischne , PE Technical Expert _ - PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation Prepared for: Scott Davies Project Director Duke Energy 526 South Church Street Mail Code EC12J Charlotte, NC 28202 Prepared by: Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Wade 1 5420 Wade Park Boulevard Suite 350 Raleigh North Carolina 27607 Tel 919 854 1282 Fax 919 233 1125 Our Ref: 30051038.0003 Date: August 14, 2020 This document is intended only for the use of the individual or entity for which it was prepared and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. arcadis.com PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Monitoring Plan Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Scope of Work............................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 2 Well Installation and Hydraulic Testing Activities.................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Borehole Logging......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Specific Capacity Testing.......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Extraction Step Testing.............................................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.4 Clean Water Infiltration Step Testing................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.5 Long -Term Constant Rate Extraction Testing.................................................................................................. 2-4 3 Data Collection During Pilot Test Operation and Hydraulic Testing............................................................... 3-1 3.1 COI Monitoring............................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Major Ion and Stable Isotope Monitoring............................................................................................................ 3-1 3.3 Water Level Collection............................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.4 Water Quality Monitoring........................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.5 Infiltration Water Source Monitoring..................................................................................................................... 3-3 4 Data Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................................4-1 5 References.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 arcadis.com PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN TABLES 1 Monitoring Plan Summary 2 Proposed Pilot Well Construction Details 3 Detailed Monitoring Plan 4 COI Sampling 5 Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan FIGURES 1 Full -Scale Design Layout 2 Pilot Test Layout 3 Monitoring Locations APPENDICES A Arcadis Technical Guidance Instructions and Standard Operating Procedures - Soil Description - Bedrock Core Collection and Description - Water Level Monitoring using Data Logging Instruments - Step Extraction Testing - Constant Rate Extraction Tests in Porous Media - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling or Groundwater Sampling with HydraSleeveTM - Manual Water -Level Monitoring arcadis.com PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAP Corrective Action Plan COI constituent(s) of interest Duke Energy Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NTU nephelometric turbidity units ORP oxidation-reduction potential PCB polychlorinated biphenyl PFAS per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances Site Allen Steam Station SVOC semi -volatile organic compound SynTerra SynTerra Corporation TDS total dissolved solids TGI Technical Guidance Instructions VOC volatile organic compound arcadis.com PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION Arcadis, on behalf of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy), has prepared this Pilot Test Monitoring Plan (Monitoring Plan) to support the Pilot Test Work Plan (Arcadis 2020) that was prepared as the first step in implementing the groundwater Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Update for the Allen Steam Station (the Site) (SynTerra Corporation [SynTerra] 2019), located on the west bank of the Catawba River (Lake Wylie) in Gaston County, North Carolina. This Monitoring Plan is being prepared as an addendum to the Pilot Test Work Plan (Arcadis 2020) that was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on June 22, 2020. The Pilot Test Work Plan presented details of the planned groundwater pilot test (Figures 1 and 2) that will be completed as part of the full-scale corrective action implementation for the Site. The corrective action will be implemented to address concentrations of constituents of interest (COI) in groundwater greater than applicable standards at or beyond the Geographic Limitation for the ash basins. The pilot test includes groundwater extraction and clean water infiltration wells, located as follows: • Twenty-six groundwater extraction wells at 20 individual locations along the ash basin dam and to the north and northeast of the ash basins and coal piles; • Four groundwater extraction wells at three individual locations along the southeastern bank area for hydraulic testing during the pilot test and extraction during subsequent implementation phase; and • Twenty clean water infiltration wells at 15 individual locations to the north of the ash basins and coal piles. Groundwater will be extracted, treated, and conveyed to a permitted outfall. Infiltration water will be supplied from a fire water force main line, which pulls from the Catawba River. Infiltration water will be pumped into clean water infiltration wells in and around the COI -affected groundwater for groundwater restoration and enhanced cleanup via the principles of the selected corrective action. 1.1 Monitoring Plan Objectives This Monitoring Plan presents a description of the data that will be collected and analyzed during pilot test implementation activities. Data collected during this pilot test will be used to evaluate the original design assumptions and effectiveness of the corrective action. Together, this information will be used to refine the number, configuration, and operational assumptions for the corrective action wells for the full-scale design. The objectives for the Monitoring Plan include: • To provide a detailed description of the type, number, and frequency of data being collected during pilot test implementation activities; • To identify the necessary data to understand hydraulic influence and connectivity of extraction and clean water infiltration wells; • To identify the appropriate data to be collected to determine the effectiveness of pilot test activities in reducing COI concentrations in groundwater; and • To describe the reporting approach for presenting the data collected during the pilot test. arcadis.com 1-1 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 1.2 Scope of Work This Monitoring Plan is designed to provide a comprehensive data set to support an evaluation of the groundwater CAP pilot test system performance. These data collected will be evaluated using a lines -of - evidence approach for understanding sustainable well capacities, hydraulic influence and connectivity of extraction and clean water infiltration wells, and corrective action effectiveness at reducing COI concentrations. As detailed in Table 1, data collection during the pilot test system implementation will include the following: • Borehole lithology logging; • Specific capacity testing; • Step-drawdown extraction testing; • Clean water infiltration capacity step testing; • Long-term constant rate extraction testing; • COI concentration monitoring; • Major ion and stable isotope monitoring; • Water level measurements; • Water quality monitoring; and • Infiltration water source monitoring. The pilot test monitoring focus areas are as follows: • South of Switch Yard and North Along Plant Allen Road; • Western Extraction System (West of Main Coal Pile); • North of Main Coal Pile; • Eastern Extraction System (Area of Live Coal Pile on the West Bank of the Catawba River); and • Background. Data collection activities will be performed in multiple stages, beginning during extraction and clean water infiltration well installation and continuing throughout operation of the pilot test system. Data collection activities planned during well installation activities are described in Section 2. Data collected during pilot test system operation is described in Section 3. arcadis.com 1-2 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 2 WELL INSTALLATION AND HYDRAULIC TESTING ACTIVITIES Hydraulic testing activities conducted during pilot test system installation will build on previous data collected at the Site and provide significant additional hydraulic data to be used to refine further full -system design. These data will be collected within the pilot test monitoring focus areas and hydraulic testing areas (Figure 3). Data generated will be used to refine both the pilot test system design and layout as well as the full-scale system design and layout. Short-term hydraulic testing is also proposed in areas where the extraction and clean water infiltration systems will not be implemented as part of the pilot test. Short-term testing will be conducted to improve data resolution to further refine the design of the full-scale corrective action system. Borehole Logging Subsurface data collected as part of installation of the extraction and clean water infiltration wells will be compiled for verification of subsurface conditions (lithology depths and thicknesses). Boreholes will be drilled via rotary methods and logged during unconsolidated boring advancement within the saprolite and transition zones to the target depth, as specified in Table 1. Note that the target depths specified are estimates and may vary based on the lithologic characteristics for the target zone for the well installation. Rate of advancement, drill stem changes, equipment changes, and drilling water volume will be tracked during boring advancement. The unconsolidated cores will be classified and described in accordance with the Arcadis Technical Guidance Instructions (TGI) for Soil Description (Appendix A). The TGI includes an equipment list, a soil description field guide, and blank logs. Bedrock cores for deeper boreholes installed within the bedrock will be classified with the Arcadis TGI for Bedrock Core Collection and Description (Appendix A) that also includes a soil description guide. 2.2 Specific Capacity Testing Each well or open borehole will be developed no sooner than 48 hours after well completion. Development will be completed using surging, jetting, and/or pumping. Wells will first be surged and pumped for approximately 2 hours to remove sediment and other material from the well. After the initial period of pumping, field parameters including pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and turbidity will be monitored to establish natural conditions and to evaluate whether the well has been completely developed. The main criterion for completion of well development will be clear water and nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) of less than 10. If turbidity of 10 NTU is not achievable, well development will be complete when turbidity has stabilized. Additional well development may be completed if field data indicate inadequate performance of extraction wells. Specific capacity (flow rate divided by drawdown) data will be recorded and analyzed during well development activities. The specific capacity data will be used to select a representative group of extraction and clean water infiltration wells based on the range of specific capacities (low, moderate, and high well capacities) respective of groundwater zone and spatial locations for additional hydraulic testing activities. Extraction and clean water infiltration step testing will be performed at these selected group of arcadis.com 2-1 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN wells to collect baseline extraction and clean water infiltration well capacity data to compare to design flow rates from the CAP Update (SynTerra 2019). 2.3 Extraction Step Testing A series of short-term extraction step tests, each step typically 30 minutes in duration, will be performed on selected extraction wells to evaluate well capacity under variable flow rates to establish baseline performance criteria. Wells will be selected based on results of the specific capacity testing conducted during well development as well as based on varying levels of well capacities as well as varying locations across the pilot test area. The initial extraction flow rates will be set on the lower end of flow rates observed during specific capacity testing. Flow rates during subsequent steps will be increased to estimate the optimum flow rate for extraction at the well. Flow rates and durations of steps will be adaptive based on field observations. The step test flow rates will be recorded using a totalizer and instantaneous flowmeter. The response of groundwater levels to the step testing (drawdown) will be recorded with a pressure transducer installed within the test well and manual water levels collected from a localized monitoring well network in accordance with the Arcadis TGI for Water Level Monitoring using Data Logging Instruments (Appendix A). The step testing process will include three to four varying flow rates. Following the final step, flow will cease, and water level recovery will be monitored. Refer to Appendix A for the TGI for Step Extraction Testing. During the step testing, a select number of extraction wells will be sampled for groundwater quality parameters including but not limited to total suspended solids, total dissolved solids (TDS), total organic carbon, pH, alkalinity, calcium, and total hardness. These data will be used to characterize the scaling and fouling characteristics of the extracted groundwater for any refinements needed to the full-scale system design. A summary of the proposed extraction step testing is provided in Exhibit 1. arcadis.com 2-2 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Exhibit 1. Summary of Extraction Step Testing Test Well TBID Frequency Pre -Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, - Prior to start up (manual collection) Nearby wells Pressure Tranducer Test Well - Initial set up, 1 sec interval for 30 min prior to test (water level, temperature) In Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, - Measure every 1 min in test well for first 5 min, (manual collection) Nearby wells every 5 min after; - Nearby wells at beginning and end of each step Flow Rate Test Well - Measure every 5 min during test, can be reduced to 15 min frequency after rate stabilizes Pressure Tranducer Test Well - Pumping phase: 1 sec interval p g (water level, temperature) Post Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, -Following recovery period (manual collection) Nearby wells Pressure Tranducer Test Well -Pumping phase: 1 sec interval (water level, temperature) Four pilot test system area extraction wells will be selected based on location and specific capacity results from development Acronyms and Abbreviations: min = minute sec = second TBD = to be determined 2.4 Clean Water Infiltration Step Testing A series of short-term infiltration step tests, each step typically 30 minutes in duration, will be performed on select clean water infiltration wells to evaluate well capacity under variable flow rates to establish baseline performance criteria. To complete the test, an infiltration testing manifold will be constructed that includes valving, a flow meter and a pressure gauge/controls. In addition, a pump will be used to provide the clean water to the infiltration test well. For clean water infiltration tests, an initial flow rate will be used that is reflective of the lower end of flow rates observed during specific capacity testing. Flow rates during subsequent steps will be increased but will be adaptive based on field observations. The step test flow rates will be recorded using a totalizer and instantaneous flowmeter. The response of groundwater levels to the step testing (mounding) will be recorded with a pressure transducer and pressure gauge. The step testing process will include three to four varying flow rates. Following the final step, flow will cease, and recovery will be monitored. A summary of the proposed infiltration step testing is provided in Exhibit 2. arcadis.com 2-3 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Exhibit 2. Summary of Infiltration Step Testing Test Well :D od Frequency Pre -Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, ' Prior to start up (manual collection) Nearby wells Pressure Tranducer Test Well - Initial set up 1 hr prior to test, 5 min intervals (water level, temperature) In Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, - Measure every 1 min in test well for first 5 min, (manual collection) Nearby wells every 5 min after; - Nearby wells at beginning and end of each step Flow Rate / Total Flow Test Well - Measure every 5 min during test, can be reduced to 15 min frequency after rate stabilizes Well head pressure Test Well - Record measurement every 5 min Pressure Tranducer Test Well - Pumping phase: 1 sec interval p g (water level, temperature) Post Test Monitoring Water Level Test Well, -Following recovery period (manual collection) Nearby wells Pressure Tranducer Test Well - Pumping phase: 1 sec interval (water level, temperature) Two pilot test system area infiltration wells will be selected based on location and specific capacity results from development Acronyms and Abbreviations: hr = hour min = minute sec = second TBD = to be determined 2.5 Long -Term Constant Rate Extraction Testing Pilot test well locations (EX-36, EX-42, EX-55 and EX-67) along the southeast portion of the Site and along the bank of the Catawba River/Lake Wylie were selected for 24- to 48-hour constant -rate extraction tests (Figure 1). The 24- to 48-hour extraction tests will be performed under a constant flow rate determined from specific capacity data from multiple step extraction tests data collected during well development. The 24- to 48-hour constant -rate extraction test data will be used to evaluate the hydraulic influence and surface water influence and to refine hydraulic parameters (transmissivity and storativity). Set up for the Long -Term Constant Rate Extraction test will include the placement of monitoring devices (sondes/pressure transducers) to measure the groundwater quality parameters as well as water levels in the localized monitoring well network. Background measurements will be collected for a period of up to 3 days prior to initiating pumping in the selected well. The test well will be fitted with a submersible pump, as well as down well monitoring devices (sondes/pressure transducers) prior to start up. The submersible pump will be fitted with controls and a flow measurement device to provide adequate flow control, capable of maintaining a consistent flow arcadis.com 2-4 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN throughout the test. Extracted water will be containerized on site and discharged to the Coal Yard Sump (or other approved discharge location). In -test monitoring will be as noted in Exhibit 3 below. Each test will be completed separately following the Arcadis TGI for Constant Rate Extraction Tests in Porous Media (Appendix A) with monitoring well networks and instrument details indicated on Table 2. Data will be recorded either in the field, or by down well measurement devices and downloaded following completion of the test. A summary of the proposed long-term constant rate testing is provided in Exhibit 3. Exhibit 3. Summary of Long -Term Constant Rate Test Pst -W. I I (North Bank Area) (Mid -Point Bank (South Bank Area) requency Area) [2 tests] Pre -Test Monitoring Barometric Pressure Site Wide Site Wide Site Wide - Every 5 min Water Level GWA-4S, GWA-4D, CCR-14S, CCR-14D, CCR-16S, CCR-16D, (manual collection outside of testing group) GWA-4BR, CCR-14S, CCR-16S, CCR-16D, CCR-16BR, Initial water levels CCR-14D CCR-16BR CCR-18S, CCR-18D Water Level (manual collection) AB-22S, AB-22D, Initial water levels AB-26S, AB-26D, AB-22BRL, AB-22BR, Sonde GWA-3S, GWA-3D, AB-10S, AB-10D, Initialup days prior o es (pH, ORP, Specific Conductivity, DO) AB 9S, AB 9D GWA-3BRA, and AB-10BR, AB-10BRL, 5 min interval Pressure Tranducer GWA-3BRL CCR-17S, CCR-17D, initial up to 3 days prior to test, (water level, temperature) WL-3 5 min interval In Test Monitoring Water Level (manual collection) AB-22S, AB-22D, Periodic during testing AB-26S, AB-26D, AB-22BRL, AB-22BR, Sonde AB-9S, AB-9D GWA-3S, GWA-3D, AB-10S, AB-10D, 1 min interval (pH, ORP, Specific Conductivity, DO) GWA-3BRA, and AB-10BR, AB-10BRL, GWA-3BRL CCR-17S, CCR-17D, Pressure Tranducer WL-3 Pumping phase: 1 sec interval for first hr, (water level, temperature) 1 min interval following Post Test Monitoring Water Level GWA-4S, GWA-4D, CCR-14S, CCR-14D, CCR-16S, CCR-16D, (manual collection outside of testing group) GWA-4BR, CCR-14S, CCR-16S, CCR-16D, CCR-16BR, Following recovery period CCR-14D CCR-16BR CCR-18S, CCR-18D Water Level (manual collection) AB-22S, AB-22D, Following recovery period AB-26S, AB-26D, AB-22BRL, AB-22BR, Sonde AB-9S, AB-9D GWA-3S, GWA-3D, AB-10S, AB-10D, AB-10BR, AB-10BRL, 1 min interval (pH, ORP, Specific Conductivity, DO) GWA-3BRA, and GWA-3BRL CCR-17S, CCR-17D, Pressure Tranducer WL-3 Recovery phase: 1 sec interval for first hr, (water level, temperature) 1 min interval following Acronyms and Abbreviations: DO = dissolved oxygen hr = hour min = minute sec = second ORP = oxidation-reduction potential arcadis.com 2-5 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 3 DATA COLLECTION DURING PILOT TEST OPERATION AND HYDRAULIC TESTING The monitoring program associated with the pilot test system operation will include COI monitoring at designated wells, monitoring for major ions and stable isotopes at select wells, and the measurement of water levels and water quality parameters in the vicinity of pilot test activities. These data will be evaluated to identify changing conditions from pre -operational periods to support evaluation of hydraulic influence and connection. Water proposed for use as clean water infiltration water will also be monitored to ensure COI and unrelated constituents are not present above groundwater standards per 15A NCAC 02L.0202 standards prior to system use. 3.1 COI Monitoring Groundwater samples will be collected from select monitoring wells as designated on Table 3. The frequency of sampling for each well will vary over the implementation of the pilot test. Groundwater sampling for COI will include one baseline sample event prior to system operation and 2 sample events during operation at an approximate frequency of once every 65 days. Groundwater quality parameters will be measured during groundwater sampling. Groundwater samples collected will be analyzed for site related COI including boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, strontium, sulfate, and TDS (Table 4). Historical and current COI concentration data will be used as a baseline. Groundwater COI concentration data collected during the pilot test operation will be compared to baseline COI concentrations. The COI concentrations will be monitored as one of the lines of evidence for evaluating the effectiveness of pilot test operations and to support the full-scale system design. The COI concentration data will be collected from monitoring well locations in proximity to extraction and clean water infiltration locations where concentrations are anticipated to decline as operations facilitate pore volume exchange with clean water infiltration water (Table 4). These data will be used to evaluate the hydraulic connectivity between extraction and clean water infiltration wells and to evaluate the effectiveness of pore volume exchanges for reducing concentrations. Upgradient of pilot test areas, concentration data will be collected to track COI concentrations flowing into the area of operation of the infiltration and extraction system. The COI concentration data will also be collected at sidegradient and downgradient locations to verify that concentrations do not increase due to pilot test operations. 3.2 Major Ion and Stable Isotope Monitoring Major Ions and Alkalinity Concentrations of major ions including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity (carbonate/bicarbonate), sulfate, and chloride will be monitored to characterize the groundwater conditions prior to and during groundwater extraction and clean water infiltration operations. The major ions concentration data will support the understanding of hydraulic influence and connection between extraction wells and clean water infiltration wells, and potential influence from proximal surface water. arcadis.com 3-1 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN Stable Isotopes Groundwater recharged by local infiltration of precipitation has a distinct abundance ratio of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes relative to surface water, which receives water from a broader area and undergoes evaporative processes (lighter isotopes become less abundant with evaporation; especially deuterium). The deuterium (2H) and oxygen-18 ('$O) isotope abundance ratios of water will be used as a natural tracer. Water samples for stable isotope analysis will be collected from monitoring wells and surface water monitoring points (Catawba River/Lake Wylie) as part of baseline monitoring as well as during periods of pilot test operation. The stable isotope data will be used as an additional line of evidence for understanding hydraulic influence and connection between extraction wells and clean water infiltration wells, and potential influence from proximal surface water. The major ion and stable isotope data will be collected by grab groundwater sampling methods by either bailer -grab or HydraSleeveTM grab sample collection. Each grab groundwater sample collected will be completed following the Arcadis TGI for Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling or Groundwater Sampling with HydraSleeveTM (Appendix A). A summary of the major ion and stable isotope monitoring plan is detailed on Table 3. 3.3 Water Level Collection Water levels measurements are a part of the data collection design within the focus and hydraulic testing areas (Table 3) in accordance with Arcadis TGI Manual Water Level Monitoring (Appendix A). As part of the localized hydraulic testing, water levels will be continuously monitored using data -logging pressure transducers to provide high -resolution time -series data used to evaluate hydraulic influence and connectivity in relation to the extraction and clean water infiltration well operation and the extraction hydraulics. Continuous water level data from pressure transducers within the extraction and clean water infiltration wells will also be used in the evaluation. Surface water stilling wells along the Catawba River/Lake Wylie (WL-1, 2, and 3) will also have pressure transducers installed to monitor and evaluate effects from proximal extraction wells. Manual water level measurements will be collected periodically from the localized network of wells selected for monitoring and from additional wells locally surrounding the pilot test area to provide necessary groundwater and surface water level elevations to calibrate the pressure transducer data to an elevation and to evaluate groundwater flow (horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients) in relation to the extraction and/or clean water infiltration well operation. 3.4 Water Quality Monitoring Water quality measurements including temperature, pH, specific conductance, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), turbidity, and dissolved oxygen may be recorded continuously from select monitoring wells. These data may be collected from monitoring wells in areas of clean water infiltration, COI -affected groundwater areas, low pH area, and near the Catawba River/Lake Wylie and/or ash basins. These data will provide additional evidence of hydraulic influence and connection based on changing groundwater conditions compared to baseline conditions. These data may be collected by data -logging multi - parameter sondes that include a pressure transducer. Precipitation and atmospheric barometric pressure data will be recorded using locally available weather station data or tipping bucket with a data logger and barometric pressure logger. These data will be used during evaluation of the hydraulic and geochemical characterization data. arcadis.com 3-2 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 3.5 Infiltration Water Source Monitoring Water planned for use as clean water infiltration water will be collected from the fire water force main at the facility. Water in this force main originates in the Catawba River and is pulled into the facility via the existing water intake structure, which is located on the east side of the power block. Once in the facility, the water passes through strainers prior to being sent to the fire water system. A sample of this water was collected on May 7, 2020 and analyzed for the following: total alkalinity, nitrate, inorganic anions (chloride, fluoride, sulfate and sulfide), mercury (total and dissolved), dissolved metals, total metals, and geochemical parameters (TDS, total suspended solids, pH, ORP, total organic carbon, temperature, specific conductivity). Non -site related constituents, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi - volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and coliform were also collected. Results of this sample were included as Appendix A of the Pilot Test Work Plan (Arcadis 2020). No constituents were present at concentrations above their respective comparative criteria, which was identified as the greater of the 02L groundwater standard, the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration, or the shallow background threshold concentration. A sampling program will be conducted for the infiltration water during the course of system operation in order to verify the continued compliance of constituents with the applicable groundwater standards (Table 5). Samples will be collected from the clean water infiltration manifold, following filtration and ultraviolet light treatment but prior to distribution to clean water infiltration wells. An initial sample of all analytes listed above, including non -site related compounds (i.e., VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, pesticides, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [PFAS]), will be collected prior to the pilot system startup. A monthly sample of infiltration water will be collected and analyzed for a reduced list of base compounds, including total alkalinity, nitrate, inorganic ions, mercury (total and dissolved), dissolved metals, total metals, geochemical parameters, and coliform during pilot system operation. Additional analysis of non -site related compounds, including VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, pesticides, and PFAS, will be performed quarterly during pilot system operation. These unrelated site constituents, including PFAS, will be monitored at NCDEQ's request; however, these constituents are unrelated to Duke Energy and the operations and activities at the Allen Steam Station. If analytical results show consistent water quality below the applicable groundwater standards, a reduced sampling program may be implemented for future operations. arcadis.com 3-3 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 4 DATA REPORTING Data collected as part of the Monitoring Plan will be documented on field forms or via electronic data collection (i.e., Fulcrum applications) for each of the testing activities described above. These data will be evaluated and summarized in a Pilot Test Data Collection Evaluation report that will be included as an appendix to the full-scale system design work plan, which will be submitted to NCDEQ following completion of the pilot test, or will be submitted under separate cover to NCDEQ. arcadis.com 4-1 PILOT TEST MONITORING PLAN 5 REFERENCES Arcadis, U.S. Inc. (Arcadis). 2020. Pilot Test Work Plan — Groundwater Corrective Action Implementation for the Allen Steam Station, North Carolina. June 22. SynTerra. 2019. Correction Action Plan Update — Allen Steam Station. arcadis.com 5-1 TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Plan Summary Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina Testing Timeline D. Borehole/ We Instrumentation/ Test/ Method it .. End Period Frequency Observations Borehole Lithology logging - All extraction wells -All clean water infiltration wells (20) - Start of borehole installation - End of borehole installation Once at all well (50) During Drilling/ Well Installation Hydraulic Well Specific capacityZ -All extraction wells (30) - Start of well development - End of well development Once at all wells (50) - All clean water infiltration wells (20) Hydraulic Well Step-drawdown 3 - 4 extraction wells from the Main Coal Pile Area - Post -development -System Operation Once at selected wells (4) testing h (target g various y drostrati ra hic g p units) Hydraulic Well Infiltration capacity a - 1 vertical clean water infiltration well - Post -development -System Operation Once at select wells (3) step -test - 1 slanted pair clean water infiltration well Hydraulic Well Long-term constant 5 - 4 extraction wells - Post -development - Testing in Series Once at pre -determined wells (4) rate extraction testing (EX-36, EX-42, EX-55, and EX-67) s - Pilot Test system (up to 31 wells) , -Pilot Test system startup (10 days prior) -Pilot Test system (5 months) - Pilot Test system (5 minute) Hydraulic Well Pressure transducer - Hydraulic testing (up to 13 wells) - Hydraulic testing (3 days prior) - Hydraulic testing (1 day post) - Hydraulic testing (1 second for first hour, 1 minute for duration, Post -Installation - 3 surface water stilling locations 1 second for first hour recovery, 1 minute for remaining) - Pilot test system (up to 14 wells) Water Quality Well Sonde -Hydraulic testing (up to 11 wells) -Pilot Test system startup (10 days prior) -Pilot Test system (5 months) -Pilot Test system (5 minute) - Hydraulic testing (3 days prior) - Hydraulic testing (1 day post) - Hydraulic testing (5 minute) - 3 surface water stilling locations Constituent of Interest Well Groundwater sampling - Up to 25 wells Pre- Pilot Test System startup - Pilot Test system (5 months) - Once at pre -Pilot Test system startup (at locations where recent data Concentrations is limited); 2x during operation (every 65 days) Major Ions/ - Up to 29 wells - Pre- Pilot Test system startup - Pilot Test system (5 months) - Once at pre -Pilot Test system startup (at locations where recent data Stable Isotopes Well Groundwater sampling - Up to 3 surface water locations - Pre- Hydraulic testing start - Hydraulic testing (end of test) is limited); 3x during operation (every 65 days) - Once at pre -hydraulic testing; 2x during test (once per day over 4 days) Footnotes: Allen Pilot Test areas include: Northwest, West, and Northeast of Main Coal Pile Area; North and South of Live Coal Pile; and Background. Hydraulic testing areas include: North Bank Area, Mid -Point Bank Area, and South Bank Area. z Flow rate divided by drawdown. Short-term 20- to 30-minute tests conducted durinq well development. 3 A series of step-drawdown tests at 3 to 4 increasinq flow rates, typically 30 minutes in duration each, with the flow rates recorded usinq a totalizer and instantaneous flowmeter. The response of qroundwater levels to the step testing (drawdown or mounding) will be recorded with a pressure transducer. ° Not included as part of pilot test monitorinq proqram, field test verification. 5 Typically 48- to 72-hour in duration; monitor qroundwater response in adjacent monitorinq wells. s Pressure transducers are included with sonde instruments and overlap with well counts. Monitorinq equipment will be reused for each individual lonq-term constant rate extraction tests. Page 1 of 1 Table 2 Proposed Pilot Well Construction Details Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina �� 14u 4t r nd r. .. System Well Location Description raction Well EX-1 East of Live Coal Pile - West Bank of CR DepthTarget Total Well Hydrostratigraphic .. Unit (ft Surface Depth of Casing Screen Screen Bottom of -. Diameter .. (inches) (ft .. 6 6 10 119 STZ 118 EX-2 East of Live Coal Pile - West Bank of CR STZ 118 6 6 10 119 EX-3 East of Live Coal Pile - West Bank of CR STZ 118 6 6 10 119 EX-4 East of Live Coal Pile - West Bank of CR STZ 107 6 6 10 108 EX-5 East of Live Coal Pile - West Bank of CR STZ 77 6 6 10 78 EX-9 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 83 6 6 10 84 EX-10 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 83 6 6 10 84 EX-11 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 87 6 6 10 88 EX-12 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 88 6 6 10 89 EX-13 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 93 6 6 10 94 EX-14 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 100 6 6 10 101 EX-15 Northwest of Main Coal Pile STZ 125 6 6 10 126 EX-36* Northeast of Primary Pond 3 - West Bank of CR STZ 117 6 6 10 118 EX-42* East of Primary Pond 3 - West Bank of CR STZ 139 6 6 10 140 EX-55* Southeast Active Ash Basin - West Bank of CR STZ 104 6 6 10 105 EX-67* Southeast Active Ash Basin - West Bank of CR B 365 10 85 6 6 10 368 EX-70 Southwest of Switchyard STZ 115 -- -- 6 6 10 116 EX-75 North of Main Coal Pile STZ 97 6 6 10 98 EX-76 East of Coal Pile - West Bank of CR STZ 127 -- -- 6 6 10 128 EX-82 North of Main Coal Pile B 224 10 110 6 6 10 225 EX-83 North of Main Coal Pile B 115 10 105 6 6 10 116 EX-84 North of Main Coal Pile B 215 10 105 6 6 10 216 EX-85 North of Main Coal Pile B 208 10 100 6 6 10 209 EX-86 North of Main Coal Pile B 205 10 95 6 6 10 206 EX-87 North of Main Coal Pile B 202 10 90 6 6 10 203 SLEX-16 Northwest of Main Coal Pile STZ 168 -- -- 6 6 10 169 SLEX-18 West of Main Coal Pile STZ 147 6 6 10 148 SLEX-19 West of Main Coal Pile STZ 157 6 6 10 158 SLEX-20 West of Main Coal Pile STZ 163 6 6 10 164 SLEX-21 I West of Main Coal Pile STZ 173 6 6 10 174 Page 1 of 2 Table 2 Proposed Pilot Well Construction Details Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina rL �� l rw 4t r nd r. .. System Well ocation Description ID L Clean Water Infiltration Well IW-24 Southwest of Switchyard DepthTarget Total Well Hydrostratigraphic Unit (ft .. STZ 129 Surface Diameter Depth of Casing Screen 6 6 Screen Bottom of -. .. 25 130 IW-25 Southwest of Switchyard STZ 129 6 6 25 130 IW-36 Northwest of Main Coal Pile STZ 96 6 6 25 97 IW-42 Northeast of Coal Pile STZ 77 6 6 25 78 IW-43 Northeast of Coal Pile STZ 86 6 6 25 87 IW-45 Northeast of Coal Pile STZ 94 6 6 25 95 IW-47 Northeast of Coal Pile STZ 79 6 6 25 80 IW-73 Northeast of Coal Pile STZ 83 6 6 25 84 SIW-1 North of Main Coal Pile S 92 6 6 60 93 SIW-2 North of Main Coal Pile TZ 106 6 6 30 107 SIW-3 North of Main Coal Pile S 92 6 6 60 93 SIW-4 North of Main Coal Pile TZ 106 6 6 30 107 SIW-5 North of Main Coal Pile S 92 6 6 60 93 SIW-6 North of Main Coal Pile TZ 106 6 6 30 107 SIW-7 North of Main Coal Pile S 99 6 6 60 100 SIW-8 North of Main Coal Pile TZ 127 6 6 30 128 SIW-9 North of Main Coal Pile S 99 6 6 60 100 SIW-10 North of Main Coal Pile TZ 127 6 6 30 128 SIW-11 East of Main Coal Pile TZ 141 6 6 30 142 SIW-12 East of Main Coal Pile S 113 6 6 60 114 Notes: a. Well locations are based on preliminary site information. Locations are subject to change for constructability. b. Final well depths, screen lengths, and casing lengths will be based on the geology encountered and not the preliminary depth proposed. c. Wells installed within only the bedrock zone are intended to be installed as open borehole wells; from the base of the surface casing to the total well depth provided. Screened wells will be installed in bedrock with the construction details provided at locations where open borehole wells are not feasible due to bedrock instability. *- Well installed for pump test only, not connected to pilot test system. Acronyms and Abbreviations: -- = not applicable B = Bedrock bgs = below ground surface CR - Catawba River EX = Extraction Well ft = feet IW = Infiltration well S = Saprolite SIW = Slanted Injection Well SLEX = Slanted Extraction Well STZ = Saprolite and Transition Zone TZ = Transition Zone Page 2 of 2 Table 3 Detailed Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina Northwest of Main Coal Pile Area GWA-27S Saprolite GWA-27D Transition Zone GWA-6BRA Bedrock GWA-6S Saprolite GWA-6DA Transition Zone CP-1S Saprolite CP-1 D Transition Zone CCR-4SA Saprolite CCR-4DA Transition Zone GWA-7D Transition Zone GWA-7S Saprolite West of Main Coal Pile GWA-30D Transition Zone GWA-30S Saprolite CCR-5S Saprolite CCR-5D Transition Zone CCR-6S Saprolite CCR-6D Transition Zone AB-40SS Saprolite AB-40D Transition Zone Northeast of Main Coal Pile CP-2S Saprolite CP-2D Transition Zone GWA-28S Saprolite GWA-28D Transition Zone GWA-28BR Bedrock North of Live Coal Pile CP-3S Saprolite CP-3D Transition Zone/Bedrock WL-1 Catawba River GWA-29S Saprolite GWA-29D Transition Zone South of Live Coal Pile CP-5S Saprolite CP-5D Transition Zone WL-2 Catawba River/Lake Wylie North Bank Area - Hydraulic Testing EX-36 (test well) Saprolite/Transition Zone AB-9S Saprolite AB-9D Transition Zone AARCADIS bui; r tA tUrA&*4 529,133.98 1,398,998.22 sonde x x --- --- x 529,127.01 1,399,002.26 sonde x x --- --- x 529,045.24 1,399,106.63 PT x --- --- --- x 529,041.79 1,399,102.80 PT x --- --- --- x 529,014.07 1,399,138.73 PT x --- --- --- x 529,357.38 1,399,360.35 sonde x x x x x 529,352.03 1,399,354.91 sonde x x x x x 528,948.58 1,399,083.78 PT x --- --- --- x 528,930.92 1,399,099.98 PT x --- --- --- x 529,487.89 1,399,021.00 --- --- --- --- --- x 529,478.47 1,399,022.18 --- --- --- --- --- x 529,008.49 1,399,540.14 sonde x x x x x 529,001.69 1,399,546.63 sonde x x x x x 528,764.27 1,399,287.72 PT x --- --- --- x 528,764.27 1,399,287.72 PT x --- --- --- x 528,560.07 1,399,596.85 PT x --- --- --- x 528,559.92 1,399,604.35 PT x --- --- --- --- 528,560.07 1,399,263.65 PT x --- --- --- --- 528,557.88 1,399,268.70 PT x --- --- --- --- 529,496.13 1,400,023.71 sonde x x x x x 529,496.13 1,400,017.48 sonde x x x x x 529,710.07 1,399,867.33 PT x --- --- --- x 529,716.56 1,399,865.33 PT x --- --- --- x 529,724.14 1,399,863.12 PT x --- --- --- --- 529,842.69 1,400,433.63 sonde x x x x x 529,835.30 1,400,439.30 sonde x x x x x 529,881.48 1,400,476.98 sonde x x x x --- 530,052.25 1,400,259.12 --- --- --- --- --- x 530,052.25 1,400,259.12 --- 16 --- --- --- --- x 528,764.27 1,399,287.72 sonde x x x x -- 528,764.27 1,399,287.72 sonde x x x x x 529,123.39 1,400,808.57 sonde x x x x --- 527,193.47 1,400,630.54 sonde x x x x --- 527,138.00 1,400,631.00 sonde x x x x --- 527,134.60 1,400,632.00 sonde x x x x --- Page 1 of 2 Table 3 AARCADIS 11Wrmt rA&W tanc} Detailed Monitoring Plan b.A Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina Mid -Point Bank Area - Hydraulic Testing EX-42 (test well) Saprolite/Transition Zone 526,102.66 1,400,490.75 sonde x x x x --- GWA-3BRL Bedrock 526,141.20 1,400,497.52 sonde x x x x --- GWA-3S Saprolite 526,128.48 1,400,484.32 sonde x x x x --- GWA-3D Transition Zone 526,121.37 1,400,483.88 sonde x x x x --- AB-26S Saprolite 526,162.31 1,400,297.16 sonde x x x x --- AB-26D Transition Zone 526,169.32 1,400,299.86 sonde x x x x --- South Bank Area - Hydraulic Testing ■ EX-55 (test well) Saprolite/Transition Zone 524,947.00 1,400,548.80 sonde x x x x --- EX-67(test well) Bedrock 524,947.00 1,400,548.80 sonde x x x x --- AB-10BR Bedrock 524,955.97 1,400,594.08 sonde x x x x --- AB-10BRL Bedrock 524,949.82 1,400,593.16 sonde x x x x --- AB-10S Saprolite 524,935.40 1,400,636.00 sonde x x x x --- AB-10D Saprolite/Transition Zone 524,935.10 1,400,640.00 sonde x x x x --- AB-22BR Bedrock 524,944.95 1,400,274.11 sonde x x x x --- AB-22S Saprolite 524,921.09 1,400,273.79 sonde x x x x --- AB-22D Transition Zone 524,916.43 1,400,273.56 sonde x x x x --- AB-22BRL Bedrock 524,910.00 1,400,274.00 sonde x x x x --- CCR-17S Saprolite 525,210.20 1,400,443.25 PT x --- --- --- --- CCR-17D Bedrock 525,215.37 1,400,443.27 PT x --- --- --- --- WL-3 Catawba River/Lake Wylie 525,110.38 1,400,714.80 sonde x x x x --- Upgradient now AB-38S Shallow 528,659.26 1,397,557.91 PT x --- --- --- --- AB-38D Deep 528,656.29 1,397,550.45 PT x --- --- --- --- AB-38BR Bedrock 528,666.00 1,397,551.00 PT x --- --- --- --- General Notes: a. All elevations based upon NAVD 88. b. Pressure transducers are included in sondes. Footnotes: Includes calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, chloride, and alkalinity 2 Groundwater sampling for COI will include one baseline sample event prior to system operation and two sample events during operation at an approximate frequency of once every 65 days. See Table 4 for additional COI sampling details Acronyms and Abbreviations: --- = not applicable COI - constituent of interest ORP = oxidation-reduction potential amsl = above mean sea level DO = dissolved oxygen PT = pressure transducer bgs = below ground surface ft = feet SpC = specific conductivity Page 2 of 2 Table 4 COI Sampling Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina MMMOV Inorganic Ions (EPA 300.0) Sulfate Total and Dissolved Metals (ICP EPA 200.7) Boron Iron Manganese Strontium Total and Dissolved Metals (ICP MS EPA 200.8) Cobalt Geochemical and Water Quality Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Acronyms and Abbreviations: EPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency /aRCJaD I S f]eslgn &Consultancy for natural and quilt assets Page 1 of 1 Table 5 Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina A ARCADIS I Design&Consultancy for naturaland 6uiLt assets 2021 202 Constituent Pre -Startup (April - DecemSample ber) Quarterly Total Alkalinity (SM-232013-2011) Alkalinity, Bicarbonate x x Alkalinity, Carbonate x x Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 x x Other Constituents Nitrite + Nitrate (EPA 353.2) x x Phosphorus, total and dissolved (EPA 365.1) x x Mercury, total and dissolved (EPA 1631 E) x x Inorganic Ions (EPA 300.0) Chloride x x Fluoride x x Sulfate x x Sulfide x x Total and Dissolved Metals (ICP EPA 200.7) Aluminum x x Barium x x Boron x x Calcium x x Iron x x Lithium x x Magnesium x x Manganese x x Potassium x x Sodium x x Strontium x x Hardness, total only x x Zinc x x Total and Dissolved Metals (ICP MS EPA 200.8) Antimony x x Arsenic x x Beryllium x x Cadmium (Low Level) x x Chromium x x Cobalt x x Copper x x Lead (Low Level) x x Molybdenum x x Nickel x x Selenium x x Silver (Low Level) x x Thallium (Low Level) x x Vanadium (Low Level) x x Geochemical and Water Quality Parameters Total Dissolved Solids x x Total Organic Carbon x x Total Suspended Solids x x pH x x Dissolved Oxygen x x Dissolved Oxygen Saturation x x Oxidation Reduction Potential x x Temperature x x Specific Conductance x x Total Coliform x x Page 1 of 2 Table 5 Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station Gaston County, North Carolina A ARCADIS I Design&Consultancy for naturaland built assets Constituent A& Fecal/E. Coli 2021 Pre -Startup Sample x 202 ber) (April - Decemma� Quarterly I x Unrelated Site Constituentsb Total PCBs (EPA 8082) x x Pesticides (EPA 8081) x x VOCs (EPA 8260) x x SVOCs (EPA 8270) x x PFAS (EPA 537.1 aqueous) x x Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) x x Perfluoro-n-octanoic acid (PFOA) x x Perfluoro-1-butanesulfonic acid (PFBS) x x General Notes: a If analytical results show consistent water quality below the applicable groundwater standards, a reduced sampling program may be implemented for future operations. b Unrelated site constituents, including select PFAS compounds, will be monitored at NCDEQ's request. These constituents are unrelated to Duke Energy and the operations and activities at the Allen Steam Station. Acronyms and Abbreviations: EPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency NCDEQ = North Carolina Department of Environmental and Quality PFAS = per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl SVOC = semi -volatile organic compound VOC = volatile organic compound Page 2 of 2 FIGURES n.L�P.N„- v - -N Y' k SWITCH \ YARD r✓:-S. .PoV-4 W-6 1110' ' IA_ �. IW_ IVw--"*'qIW-12 3WA-29D _GWA-29S &'w-16 '*IN-32 \ 1 #-14 IwSi-2�,V,i-23 GwA-z88 wn-za IW-130 -®IW-19'V-* IW27• 1• ISTORICAL AND CURRENT IVw �I`rV-29 ,� -- • EX,6W3JOE'X-75, .IW-4I• NPDES OUTFAUL004 IW-17 Fb3 IW-42 QIWA3 E - EX.7,2 y� IW-45 GVVA-8DL: GWA-7D _UEY.Z1 V *W-� CP-2D �IW-47 LIVEW 40 SIW-1/ _ COAL �,CP-4D oI`;'d-z5 O-37 SIW-3/4 -9/87 PILE 3 IW-2 Iw-24 tia•lln SIW-�/s(�� -10/ 6 �w-sa 55 -86 - W O 2/84 RW3 IV*5 TV-7F, X-4 F - - 15 CP-.I, 0X- 4i82 #N-60 ON 64� _ GV. ..'SLEX-16 �' -48 -5� • 1 2 � IW-]s SIW75 EX-5 CCR-3S SIW-12 -� PLANT ALLLLEN D. 1 I CCIi-3DA� A-27D -57• IW-59 IW-61 IW-72 IW-!1 l;P-SU WL_2 r CCR-2S GWA A.� • -• ,• D -. • CR-1DA CCR�2D� GWA-6S J CiWH-tiU GWA-300 IW-681W-69 IW-] IW-71 IW-73 OEX-6 • +CR-4SA y GWA-18 ' I CCR-4DA HOLDINGMAIN SLEX-18161 COAL BASINASH BASIN F n ! PILE GEOGRAPHIC u ASH Ip AB-41S C(;K SLEX-19� LIMITATION C AB-4 D R-.D AB-38BR, AB-33S STORAGE - SLEX-20_� AB-38D 'AB-38SS AB-39S I�I - AB-39D AB-44S SLEX-21 EX-2bEX 2t E)C5 -26 g6 A i AB-44 AB-40 '� Ili EX-22g v _-27 CP-6S 1 - ' AB 44AP CCR-6D CCR-8D 0, V CCR-7D 'S STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL_ CCR-9D FILL FILL AB-33DA 'Bv Ik B-42AP AB-33SS AB-43S RETIRED ASH BASIN I AB-43 443A — — — — — — — — — - G - R AB-32Du I GWA-SBR Ex 30� . G A-5BR GWA-19D AB-34D ICP-' ,Ai i B-34a GWA-19S R-11 RETI RED DASH BASIN % R- DA ASH LANDFILL f • AB-378 AFf-37 AB-36 ASH — \ CELL1 CELL 2A AB-38D AB-355 AB-35BR CELL 2B AB 31D STORAGE W AB-35D � GWA-4S ETI AB-35PVVS ' N - 5 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY f 'F.— d I L - A8-14D AB-2D • AB - AB-295 AB-29S AB-29S- 4 AB-9D i AB-30S -�-,•� PDES OUTFACE 008 AB-27BR - -- i1 WA-14D - r+o-L9JL AB-258RU ' 6S O PRIMARY POND 2 AB-258R AB-248 _ - - EX-43 B-4BR EX-0� aI N, GWA-23S CCR-i6S y.` C Y GWA-23D ' CCR-i6D B- AB-238RU CCR-i6B X{11 �k eO _.... _. gGWA-24BR - ' GWA-24SA GWA-9Br AB-22S O - �_ • AB-22D _ AB-226RL - AB-21S -NPDES OUTFACE 104 AB-21D AB-21 BR AB-216 AB-21BRL AB-21SL SPILLWAY o 9 NPDES OUTFACE IOS ACTIVE ASH BASIN CCR 'i. NPDES OUTFALL 002 - CCR-21D CCR-21S P se-12D�gg 11' PHADJ BUD CCR-20D CCR-20 ) C 2 GWA-2 CCR-2R-22DA -- GWA-26S ,GWA-26D GWA-1B - 3 C _ 3 GWA-1 GWA-1S EG-'BR BG-1DA 1y0 " BG-1S AB-11 - NUTALL OAK LN. NOTE: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. 600r LEGEND ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - - - - ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL WASTE BOUNDARY 1'200r - - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL 0 0 0 Im' MONITOR WELL (SHALLOW ZONE) MONITOR WELL (DEEP ZONE) MONITOR WELL (BEDROCK ZONE) PROPOSED EXTRACTION WELL CLUSTER (S=SHALLOW, BR=BEDROCK) PROPOSED SLANTED EXTRACTION WELL DUKE ENERGY ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER STILLING WELL FULL-SCALE DESIGN LAYOUT GRAPHIC SCALE ASH STORAGE AREAS AND STRUCTURAL FILLS 0 PROPOSED INFILTRATION WELL HISTORICAL AND CURRENT COAL PILE MANAGEMENTAREA (1) PROPOSED SLANTED INFILTRATION WELL ---- DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE NPDES OUTFALL AREA PROPOSED FOR GROUNDWATER CORRECTIVE ACTION EX/SIW/SLEYJIW PILOT TEST LOCATION '.'DUKE EwSIW/SLEwIw FULL-SCALE LOCATION FIGURE � .-� /� RCJa D I S 1 I BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS Digital Ortho ra hic 9 Orthographic FLOW DIRECTION ENERGY huilt assets bL assets Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ), 2019. CAROLINAS C:\Users\MAdams\HRCADIS\Duke Energy Team Site - Drswings\Allen\DWG\Workpl SWITCH YARD an Figures\Allen PT System Layout.dwg LAYOUT: F4-1 PT LAYOUT SAVED: 6/19/2020 12:11 PM ACADVER: 22.OS (LMS TECH) PAGESETUP: --- PLOTSTYLETABLE: --- PLOTTED: 6/19/2020 12:12 PM BY: ADAMS, MITCH u1 n Iw- �1 W 88 , .. �iw-,s Wc -26BRR R-26D 14 1W 81 \ K O -80 1o11 OIW-12 IW-16 EQUILIZATION TANK AND NORTHERN EXTRACTION SYSTEM -28 IW-31 GWA-28BR IW-29! GWA-28�D � I HISTORICAL AND CURRENT COAL PILE ® IW-35 MANAGEMENT AREA .iY CP-4D mpg" EX -A UNDER RAIL DIRECT J TION SYSTEM Ek-c COAL YARD SUMP %-1 i- I'm APPROXIMATE DAM LIMITS AND 50 FT. BUFFER WESTERN \ \ SLEX-20 EXTRACTION SYSTEM \ AB-40D, — iSLEX-21 — — — TX_22 OEX-23 OEX-24 OE7C-25—OER-26 — — — — — — — C;cR-7F) CCR-8D — — — — — — — — — — G�! CCR-8S AB-33D \ RB_42SS AB-33S AB-42D AB-33SS - - � I RETIRED ASH BASIN I I I I _ I - I I- AB-32S AB-32D _ I I I I I I _ 1 I I I I \ \ RETIRED ASH BASIN \ \ ASH LANDFILL \ I I I I I I I I I CELL 1 CELL 2A CELL 2B I I NOTES: LEGEND ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY Q MONITOR WELL (SHALLOW ZONE) 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. 3. DASHEDSOLID TREATMEATMEENTSYSTEM MPIPIPINGNGIN ICICATESBURIEDOUN 4. SOLID TREATMENT SYSTEM PIPING INDICATES ABOVE GROUND PIPE. 5. EXTRACTION WELLS EX-36, EX-42, AND EX-55167 ARE ALSO PART - - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - - - - ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL WASTE BOUNDARY - - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL MONITOR WELL (DEEP ZONE) MONITOR WELL (BEDROCK ZONE) • PROPOSED EXTRACTION WELL CLUSTER (S=SHALLOW, BR=BEDROCK) �mr PROPOSED SLANTED EXTRACTION WELL DUKE ENERGY ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OF THE PILOT TEST SYSTEM. THESE LOCATIONS ARE LOCATED COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER STILLING WELL OUTSIDE OF THE AREA SHOWN ON THIS FIGURE. ASH STORAGE AREAS AND STRUCTURAL FILLS PROPOSED INFILTRATION WELL PILOT TEST LAYOUT HISTORICAL AND CURRENT COAL PILE PROPOSED SLANTED INFILTRATION WELL 0 200' 400' MANAGEMENTAREA ---- DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE NPDES OUTFALL Ex/SIW/SLEVIW PILOT TEST LOCATION 'DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE AREA PROPOSED FOR GROUNDWATER CORRECTIVE ACTION EwSIW/SEX/Iw FULL-SCALE LOCATION 4 ENERGY FIGURE ABOVE GRADE TREATMENT SYSTEM PIPING FLOW DIRECTION CAROLINAS /aRCJaD I S tornaturaland I n BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS Digital Orthographic built assets L Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ), 2019. - - - - SUBSURFACE TREATMENT SYSTEM PIPING 111111111111111111111111- SLANTED WELL LAYOUT SCREEN CASING (HORIZONTAL EQUIVALENT) CITY: BE, FL DIV/GROUP: EN DB: B.OLIVA LD: (Opt) PIC: (Opt) PM: (Regd) TM: T.HAYS LYR:(Opt)ON=";OFF="REF" I sv 3D�- OEX-91 WITCH VnPD IW_50 0 11`' QGWA-29D NORTH OF LIVE Q VYU O - GWA-29S COAL PILE IW-8 IW-i6 Iw--�� • �w-1s • ' �W-3z� x-n _ "1 IJV-14 IW�1 IYV-2:IW-23 GWA-288R :X-7 - • WA-28D �' /G IW-130 91W� IW27� IW-21 'IW-33 CP EX-1 HISTORICAL AND CURRENT ^ 0 W4!34 COAL PILE MANAGEMENT AREA IW-29 C) NORTHEAST OF �t�" t' 3 r 1,IW-35 MAIN COAL PILE V �EX-75 •IW'-4 I'�N-46 NPDES OUTFACE 004 IW-170 EX-73 WA2 �IW-43 GWA-7D EX-71 CP-2D �IW-07W 5 LIVE /\IW 3 IW-25 EX-70 Q IW-39 40 IW-1/ V_55 IW_ 6 COAL C - _J 0 1-37g7ga_ SIW-3/4 'U o S7 PILE EX-340' CP-45 �W.2 •IW-2a SIW SIW- / _11185101 6 �iw-s4 W_66• -67 �IW 1 IW-36kSIW-9/ X-12/84 1J63 IV�S + X-0 NORTH W EST OF X-13/83 W-76 MAIN COAL PILE EX- l;P-1D� W-60 —�� E+(- 4/82 �W-64� / SOUTH OF LIVE ImI SLEX-16• -48 �W-58• •1�2 SIWIIV-,11 �EX-5 / , COAL PILE PIW-]4SIW-12 CCR-DA` J �P-yU� SI GWA-6BRL -G WA-6BRA \0-0-0 •_ • d CCR-2D 'i IW 71 IW 73 ASH All -38BR STORAGE /A B-38D AB3833 UPGRADIENT J MONITORING C L' "G„ IGWA-24BR��.L� '1B -20S� ` GWA-9BBFF,J, VVVA-bl) GVVA-30D W-68IW-69 IW Ex CCR-4DA 4/ MAIN HOLDING SLEX-18 `D)I COAL BASIN ASH BASIN PILE x- GEOGRAPHIC 11 S5 - - CCR, SLEX-19,1 LIMITATION AB-VA=5D WEST OF MAIN _ SLEX-20 ` COAL PILE ..... 3 . P- AB-39D 0 *,3 SLEX-21 Ex-zg ExZa EYizs F�-z6QEX 27 CP-6D S �0 Ex-zz� 1.J V V CJ , CCR-6D'�, CCR 7S CCR-BD 1, STRUCTURAL STRUCTUR'CCR 7DCRSFILL FILLjkAB-33Dn I.t� RETIRED ASH BASIN (..PXI2g P GWA-5 AB-32Dv ,�i7,J� GWA- 'WA-5B CX-30® G AB-34D 0 rX 1 ( (d 'CR-11 CCR-11D RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL Qt=X 2 I ASH CELL1 CELL 2A AB-35BR CELL 26 AB-:i1Uv AAEX33 STORAGE GV, A -� -4A AB 35D GWA-4BR ,AB-35P W S OEX-M oEX 5 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY NORTH BANK SOUTH SPILLWAY I NUTALL OAK LN. 1&. '. .. .. ... ... .. , e NOTE: LEGEND 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY MONITOR WELL (SHALLOW ZONE) 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. - - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY MONITOR WELL (DEEP ZONE) - - - - ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION MONITOR WELL (BEDROCK ZONE) RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL WASTE ® PROPOSED EXTRACTION WELL CLUSTER BOUNDARY (S=SHALLOW,BR=BEDROCK) O F)OO 1,200' - - - RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL ml PROPOSED SLANTED EXTRACTION WELL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER STILLING WELL GRAPHIC SCALE ASH STORAGE AREAS AND STRUCTURAL PROPOSED INFILTRATION WELL FILLS HISTORICAL AND CURRENT COAL PILE PROPOSED SLANTED INFILTRATION WELL MANAGEMENTAREA • NPDES OUTFALL ---- DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE EX/SIW/SLEX/IW PILOT TEST LOCATION 'DUKE AREAS FOR DATA COLLECTION AND EX/SIW/SLEx/Iw FULL-SCALE LOCATION HYDRAULIC TESTING _ W EX-49161 EX-52/64 Q EX-5, X-55/670 NPDES OUTFALL 108 NPDES OUTFALL 104 BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS Digital Orthographic FLOW DIRECTION ENERGY Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ), 2019. CAROLINAS APPENDIX A PARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland builtassets TGI -SOIL DESCRIPTION Rev: #2 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 VERSION CONTROL Kevision No Kevlsion uate Page NO(S) uescrlption Kevlewea oy Joel Hunt 1 September 2016 15 Updated to TGI Nick Welty Patrick Curry 2 February 16, 2018 15 Updated descriptions, attachments Nick Welty and references in text Patrick Curry Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Technical Expert Reviewed by: Patrick Curry, PG %A.' R - H, V*� Nicklaus Welty, PG June 30, 2017 Date: June 30, 2017 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 I INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, regulation -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION This Arcadis Technical Guidance Instruction (TGI) describes proper soil description procedures. This TGI should be followed for unconsolidated material unless there is an established client -required specific procedure or regulatory -required specific procedure. In cases where there is a required specific procedure, it should be followed and should be referenced and/or provided as an appendix to reports that include soil classifications and/or boring logs. When following a required non-Arcadis procedure, additional information required by this TGI should be included in field notes with client approval. This TGI has been developed to emphasize field observation and documentation of details required to: • make hydrostratigraphic interpretations guided by depositional environment/geologic settings; • provide information needed to understand the distribution of constituents of concern; properly design wells, piezometers, and/or additional field investigations; and develop appropriate remedial strategies. This TGI incorporates elements from various standard systems such as ASTM D2488-06, Unified Soil Classification System, Burmister and Wentworth. However, none of these standard systems focus specifically on contaminant hydrogeology and remedial design. Therefore, although each of these Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 systems contain valuable guidance and information related to correct descriptions, strict application of these systems can omit information critical to our clients and the projects that we perform. This TGI does not address details of health and safety; drilling method selection; boring log preparation; sample collection; or laboratory analysis. Refer to other Arcadis procedure, guidance, and instructional documents, the project work plans including the quality assurance project plan, sampling plan, and health and safety plan (HASP), as appropriate. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Soil descriptions should only be performed by Arcadis personnel or authorized sub -contractors with a degree in geology or a geology -related discipline. Field personnel will complete training on the Arcadis soil description TGI in the office and/or in the field under the guidance of an experienced field geologist with at least 2 years of prior experience applying the Arcadis soil description method. 4 EQUIPMENT LIST The following equipment should be taken to the field to facilitate soil descriptions: • field book, field forms or PDA to record soil descriptions; • field book for supplemental notes; • this TGI for Soil Descriptions and any project -specific procedure, guidance, and/or instructional documents (if required); • field card showing Wentworth scale; • Munsell® soil color chart; • tape measure divided into tenths of a foot; • stainless steel knife or spatula; • hand lens; • water squirt bottle; • jar with lid; • personal protective equipment (PPE), as required by the HASP; and • digital camera a CAUTIONS Drilling and drilling -related hazards including subsurface utilities are discussed in other procedure documents and site -specific HASPs and are not discussed herein. Soil samples may contain hazardous substances that can result in exposure to persons describing soils. Routes for exposure may include dermal contact, inhalation and ingestion. Refer to the project specific HASP for guidance in these situations. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Field activities associated with soil sampling and description will be performed in accordance with a site - specific HASP, a copy of which will be present on site during such activities. Know what hazardous substances may be present in the soil and understand their hazards. Always avoid the temptation to touch soils with bare hands, detect odors by placing soils close to your nose, or tasting soils. 7 PROCEDURE Select the appropriate sampling method to obtain representative samples in accordance with the selected sub -surface exploration method, e.g. split -spoon or Shelby sample for hollow -stem drilling, acetate sleeves for direct push, bagged core for sonic drilling, etc. 2. Proceed with field activities in required sequence. Although completion of soil descriptions is often not the first activity after opening sampler, identification of stratigraphic changes is often necessary to select appropriate intervals for field screening and/or selection of laboratory samples. 3. Set up boring log field sheet. • Drillers in both the US and Canada generally work in feet due to equipment specifications. Use the Arcadis standard boring log form (Attachment A). The preferred boring log includes a graphic log of the principal soil component to support quick visual evaluation of grain size. The purpose of the graphic log is to quickly assess relative soil permeability. Note, for poorly sorted soils (e.g. glacial till), the principal component may not correlate to permeability of the sample. In this case, the geologist should use best judgement to graph overall soil type consistent with relative soil permeability. For example, for a dense sand/silt/clay till, the graphic log would reflect the silt/clay, rather than sand. • Record depths along the left-hand side at a standard scale to aid in the use of this tool. See an example completed boring log (Attachment B). 4. Examine each soil core (this is different than examining each sample selected for laboratory analysis), and record the following for each stratum: • depth interval; • principal component with descriptors, as appropriate; • amount and identification of minor component(s) with descriptors as appropriate; • moisture; • consistency/density; • color; and • additional description or comments (recorded as notes). 5. At the end of the boring, record the amount of drilling fluid used (if applicable) and the total depth logged. The above is described more fully below. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 DEPTH To measure and record the depth below ground surface (bgs) of top and bottom of each stratum, the following information should be recorded. 1. Measured depth to the top and bottom of sampled interval. Use starting depth of sample based upon measured tool length information and the length of sample interval. 2. Length of sample recovered, not including slough (material that has fallen into hole from previous interval), expressed as fraction with length of recovered sample as numerator over length of sampled interval as denominator (e.g. 14/24 for 14 inches recovered from 24-inch sampling interval that had 2 inches of slough discarded). 3. Thickness of each stratum measured sequentially from the top of recovery to the bottom of recovery. 4. Any observations of sample condition or drilling activity that would help identify whether there was loss from the top of the sampling interval, loss from the bottom of the sampling interval, or compression of the sampling interval. Examples: 14/24, gravel in nose of spoon; or 10/18 bottom 6 inches of spoon empty. DETERMINATION OF COMPONENTS Obtain a representative sample of soil from a single stratum. If multiple strata are present in a single sample interval, each stratum should be described separately. More specifically, if the sample is from a 2- foot long split -spoon where strata of coarse sand, fine sand and clay are present, then the resultant description should be of the three individual strata unless a combined description can clearly describe the interbedded nature of the three strata. Example: Fine Sand with interbedded lenses of Silt and Clay, ranging between 1 and 3 inches thick. Identify principal component and express volume estimates for minor components on logs using the following standard modifiers. Percent of Total Modifier Sample (by volume) and 36 - 50 some 21 - 35 little 10 - 20 trace <10 Determination of components is based on using the Udden-Wentworth particle size classification (see below) and measurement of the average grain size diameter. Each size grade or class differs from the next larger grade or class by a constant ratio of Due to visual limitations, the finer classifications of Wentworth's scale cannot be distinguished in the field and the subgroups are not included. Visual determinations in the field should be made carefully by comparing the sample to the Soil Description Field Guide (Attachment C) that shows Udden-Wentworth scale or by measuring with a ruler. Use of field sieves is encouraged to assist in estimating percentage of coarse grain sizes. Settling test or wash method (Appendix X4 of ASTM D2488) is encouraged for determining presence and estimating percentage of clay and silt. Note that "gravel" is not an Udden-Wentworth size class. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI - Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 Udden-Wenworth Scale Modified Arcadis, 2008 Size Class Millimeters Inches Standard Sieve # Boulder 256 - 4096 10.08+ Large cobble 128 - 256 5.04 -10.08 Small cobble 64 - 128 2.52 - 5.04 Very large pebble 32 - 64 0.16 - 2.52 Large pebble 16 - 32 0.63 - 1.26 Medium pebble 8 -16 0.31 - 0.63 Small pebble 4-8 0.16 - 0.31 No. 5 + Granule 2-4 0.08 - 0.16 No.5 - No.10 Very coarse sand 1 -2 0.04 - 0.08 No.10 - No.18 Coarse sand '/2 - 1 0.02 - 0.04 No.18 - No.35 Medium sand '/4 -'/2 0.01 - 0.02 No.35 - No.60 Fine sand 1/8-1/4 0.005 - 0.1 No.60 - No.120 Very fine sand 1/16 - 1/8 0.002 - 0.005 No. 120 - No. 230 Silt (subgroups not included) 1/256 - 1/16 0.0002 - 0.002 Not applicable (analyze by pipette or hydrometer) Clay (subgroups not included 1/2048 - 1/256 .00002 - 0.0002 Identify components as follows. Remove particles greater than very large pebbles (64-mm diameter) from the soil sample. Record the volume estimate of the greater than very large pebbles. Examine the sample fraction of very large pebbles and smaller particles and estimate the volume percentage of the pebbles, granules, sand, silt and clay. Use the jar method, visual method, and/or wash method (Appendix X4 of ASTM D2488) to estimate the volume percentages of each category. Determination of actual dry weight of each Udden-Wentworth fraction requires laboratory grain -size analysis using sieve sizes corresponding to Udden-Wentworth fractions and is highly recommended to determine grain -size distributions for each hydrostratigraphic unit. Lab or field sieve analysis is advisable to characterize the variability and facies trends within each hydrostratigraphic unit. Field sieve -analysis can be performed on selected samples to estimate dry weight fraction of each category using ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes as guidance, but replace required sieve sizes with the following Udden-Wentworth set: U.S. Standard sieve mesh sizes 6; 12; 20; 40; 70; 140; and 270 to retain pebbles; granules; very coarse sand; coarse sand; medium sand; fine sand; and very fine sand, respectively. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 PRINCIPAL COMPONENT The principal component is the size fraction or range of size fractions containing the majority of the volume. Examples: the principal component in a sample that contained 55% pebbles would be "Pebbles"; or the principal component in a sample that was 20% fine sand, 30% medium sand and 25% coarse sand would be "Sand, fine to coarse" or for a sample that was 40% silt and 45% clay the principal component would be "Clay and Silt". Shade the boxes on the graphic log (Attachment A) up to and including the box with the principal component. The purpose of the graphical log is to provide a relative estimate of permeability. As noted above, for poorly sorted soils such as glacial till, the principal component may not correlate to permeability of the sample. In this case, the geologist should use best judgement to graph overall soil type consistent with relative soil permeability. Include appropriate descriptors with the principal component. These descriptors vary for different particle sizes as follows. Angularity — Describe the angularity for very coarse sand and larger particles in accordance with the table below (ASTM D-2488-06). Figures showing examples of angularity are available in ASTM D-2488-06 and the Arcadis Soil Description Field Guide. Description Criteria Angular Particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished surfaces. Sub -angular Particles are similar to angular description but have rounded edges. Sub -rounded Particles have nearly plane sides but have well-rounded corners and edges. Rounded Particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges. Plasticity — Describe the plasticity for silt and clay based on observations made during the following test method (ASTM D-2488-06). • As in the dilatancy test below, select enough material to mold into a ball about'/z inch (12 mm) in diameter. Mold the material, adding water if necessary, until it has a soft, but not sticky, consistency. Shape the test specimen into an elongated pat and roll by hand on a smooth surface or between the palms into a thread about 1/8 inch (3 mm) in diameter. If the sample is too wet to roll easily, it should be spread into a thin layer and allowed to lose some water by evaporation. Fold the sample threads and reroll repeatedly until the thread crumbles at a diameter of about 1/8 inch. The thread will crumble when the soil is near the plastic limit. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 Description Criteria Non -plastic A 1/8-inch (3 mm) thread cannot be rolled at any water content. Low The thread can barely be rolled, and the lump cannot be formed when drier than the plastic limit. Medium The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be rerolled after reaching the plastic limit. The lump crumbles when drier than the plastic limit. High It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the plastic limit. The thread can be rolled several times after reaching the plastic limit. The lump can be formed without crumbling when drier than the plastic limit. Dilatancy — Describe the dilatancy for silt and silt -sand mixtures using the following field test method (ASTM D-2488-06). • From the specimen select enough material to mold into a ball about'/z inch (12 mm) in diameter. Mold the material adding water if necessary, until it has a soft, but not sticky, consistency. • Smooth the ball in the palm of one hand with a small spatula. • Shake horizontally, striking the side of the hand vigorously with the other hand several times. • Note the reaction of water appearing on the surface of the soil. • Squeeze the sample by closing the hand or pinching the soil between the fingers, and not the reaction as none, slow, or rapid in accordance with the table below. The reaction is the speed with which water appears while shaking and disappears while squeezing. Description Criteria None No visible change in the specimen. Slow Water appears slowly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and does not disappear or disappears slowly upon squeezing. Rapid Water appears quickly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and disappears quickly upon squeezing. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 Note that silt and silt -sand mixtures will be non -plastic and display dilatancy. Clay mixtures will have some degree of plasticity but do not typically react to dilatancy testing. Therefore, the tests outlined above can be used to differentiate between silt dominated and clay dominated soils. MINOR COMPONENT(S) The minor component(s) are the size fraction(s) containing less than 50% volume. Example: the identified components are estimated to be 60% medium sand to granules, 25% silt and clay; 15 % pebbles — there are two identified minor components: silt and clay; and pebbles. Include a standard modifier to indicate percentage of minor components (see Table on Page 6) and the same descriptors that would be used for a principal component. Plasticity should be provided as a descriptor for clay and clay mixtures. Dilatancy should be provided for silt and silt mixtures. Angularity should be provided as a descriptor for pebbles and coarse sand. For the example above, the minor constituents with modifiers could be: some silt and clay, low plasticity; little medium to large pebbles, sub - round. SORTING Sorting is the opposite of grading, which is a commonly used term in the USCS or ASTM methods to describe the uniformity of the particle size distribution in a sample. Well -sorted samples are poorly graded and poorly sorted samples are well graded. Arcadis prefers the use of sorting for particle size distributions and grading to describe particle size distribution trends in the vertical profile of a sample or hydrostratigraphic unit because of the relationship between sorting and the energy of the depositional process. For soils with sand -sized or larger particles, sorting should be determined as follows: Well sorted — the range of particle sizes is limited (e.g. the sample is comprised of predominantly one or two grain sizes). Poorly sorted — a wide range of particle sizes are present. You can also use sieve analysis to estimate sorting from a sedimentological perspective; sorting is the statistical equivalent of standard deviation. Smaller standard deviations correspond to higher degree of sorting (see Remediation Hydraulics, 2008). MOISTURE Moisture content should be described for every sample since increases or decreases in water content is critical information. Moisture should be described in accordance with the table below (percentages should not be used unless determined in the laboratory). Description Criteria Dry Absence of moisture, dry to touch, dusty. Moist Damp but no visible water. Wet Visible free water, soil is usually (Saturated) below the water table. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 CONSISTENCY or DENSITY This can be determined by standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts (ASTM D-1586) or field tests in accordance with the tables below. When drilling with hollow -stem augers and split -spoon sampling, the SPT blow counts and N-value is used to estimate density. The N-value is the blows per foot for the 6" to 18" interval. Example: for 24-inch spoon, recorded blows per 6-inch interval are: 4/6/9/22. Since the second interval is 6" to12", the third interval is 12" to 18", the N value is 6+9, or 15. Fifty blow counts for less than 6 inches is considered refusal. In recent years, more common drilling methods include rotary - sonic or direct push. When blow counts are not available, density is determined using a thumb test. Note however, the thumb test only applies to fine-grained soils. Fine-grained soil — Consistency Description Criteria Very soft N-value < 2 or easily penetrated several inches by thumb. Soft N-value 2-4 or easily penetrated one inch by thumb. Medium stiff N-value 9-15 or indented about'/4 inch by thumb with great effort. Very stiff N-value 16-30 or readily indented by thumb nail. N-value > than 30 or indented by Hard thumbnail with difficulty Coarse -grained soil — Density Description Criteria Very loose N-value 1- 4 Loose N-value 5-10 Medium dense N-value 11-30 Dense N-value 31- 50 Very dense N-value >50 COLOR Color should be described using simple basic terminology and modifiers based on the Munsell system. Munsell alpha -numeric codes are required for all samples. If the sample contains layers or patches of varying colors this should be noted and all representative colors should be described. The colors should be described for moist samples. If the sample is dry it should be wetted prior to comparing the sample to the Munsell chart. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (NOTES) Additional comments should be made where observed and should be presented as notes with reference to a specific depth interval(s) to which they apply. Some of the significant information that may be observed includes the following. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 11 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 • Odor - You should not make an effort to smell samples by placing near your nose since this can result in unnecessary exposure to hazardous materials. However, odors should be noted if they are detected during the normal sampling procedures. Odors should be based upon descriptors such as those used in NIOSH "Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards", e.g. "pungent" or "sweet" and should not indicate specific chemicals such as "phenol -like" odor or "BTEX" odor. • Structure • Bedding planes (laminated, banded, geologic contacts). • Presence of roots, root holes, organic material, man-made materials, minerals, etc. • Mineralogy • Cementation • NAPL presence/characteristics, including sheen (based on client -specific guidance). • Reaction with HCI - typically only used for special soil conditions, such as caliche environments. • Origin, if known (Lacustrine; Fill; etc.). EXAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS C P 51.4 to 54.0' CLAY, some silt, medium to high plasticity; trace small to large pebbles, sub -round to sub - angular up to 2" diameter; moist, stiff, dark grayish brown (10 YR 4/2) NOTE: Lacustrine; laminated 0.1 to 0.2" thick, laminations brownish yellow (10 YR 4/3). Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 12 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 32.5 to 38.0' SAND, medium to very coarse, sub -round to sub -angular; little granule and pebble, trace silt; poorly sorted, wet, grayish brown (10 YR 5/2). Unlike the first example where a density of cohesive soils could be estimated, this rotary -sonic sand and pebble sample was disturbed during drilling (due to vibrations in a loose sand and pebble matrix) so no density description could be provided. Neither sample had noticeable odor so odor comments were not included. The standard generic description order is presented below. • Depth • Principal Components o Angularity for very coarse sand and larger particles o Plasticity for silt and clay o Dilatancy for silt and silt -sand mixtures • Minor Components • Sorting • Moisture • Consistency or Density • Color • Additional Comments 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Project -specific requirements should be identified and followed. The following procedures, or similar waste management procedures are generally required. Water generated during cleaning procedures will be collected and contained onsite in appropriate containers for future analysis and appropriate disposal. PPE (such as gloves, disposable clothing, and other disposable equipment) resulting from personnel cleaning procedures and soil sampling/handling activities will be placed in plastic bags. These bags will be transferred into appropriately labeled 55-gallon drums or a covered roll -off box for appropriate disposal. Soil materials will be placed in sealed 55-gallon steel drums or covered roll -off boxes and stored in a secured area. Once full, the material will be analyzed to determine the appropriate disposal method. 9 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Upon collection of soil samples, the soil sample should be logged on a standard boring log and/or in the field log book depending on Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for the task/project. The preferred standard boring log is presented below and is included as Attachment A. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 13 TGI — Soil Description Rev #: 2 1 Rev Date: February 16, 2018 The general scheme for soil logging entries is presented above; however, depending on task/project DQOs, specific logging entries that are not applicable to task/project goals may be omitted at the project manager's discretion. In any case, use of a consistent logging procedure is required. Completed logs and/or logbook will be maintained in the task/project field records file. Digital photographs of typical soil types observed at the site and any unusual features should be obtained whenever possible. All photographs should include a ruler or common object for scale. Photo location, depth and orientation must be recorded in the daily log or log book and a label showing this information in the photo is useful. 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE Soil descriptions should be completed only by appropriately trained personnel. Descriptions should be reviewed by an experienced field geologist for content, format and consistency. Edited boring logs should be reviewed by the original author to assure that content has not changed. 11 REFERENCES Arcadis Soil Description Field Guide, 2008. Munsell® Color Chart — available from Forestry Suppliers, Inc.- Item 77341 "Munsell® Color Soil Color Charts. Field Gauge Card that Shows Udden-Wentworth scale — available from Forestry Suppliers, Inc. — Item 77332 "Sand Grain Sizing Folder." ASTM D-1586, Test Method for Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils. ASTM D-2488-00, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure) United States Bureau of Reclamation. Engineering Geology Field Manual. United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/geologv/fieldmap.htm. Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks, Robert L. Folk, 1980, p. 1-48. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. Remediation Hydraulics, Fred C. Payne, Joseph A. Quinnan, and Scott T. Potter, 2008, p 59-63. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 14 /�RCJaD I S Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets ATTAC H M E RAT Arcadis Standard Soil Boring Log Form 04ARCJaDIS a for nar,ralan�i �,����las.�,l� Boring/Well Project Site Location SOIL BORING LOG Total Depth Drilled Feet Hole Diameter Type of Sample or Length and Diameter Coring Device of Coring Device Drilling Method Drilling Fluid Used Drilling Contractor Prepared By inches Drilling Started Drilling Completed Driller Helper Page of Sampling Interval feet Core I PID I Sample Recovery i Reading Depth (feet) (ppm) (ft bgs) 1 1 MUD; i , _ I UN SAND I e o I> C U > ', GRAVEL j ; a 1 m �. U a '1 ;Udden-Wentworth Description: principal components, (angularity, plasticity, dilatency); minor :components, (angularity, plasticity, dilatency); sorting, moisture content, consistency/density, color, additional comments l --------- ----------_------- --- -- -- -- __ _- _�- _- _� �_ -� ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- •-------- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------ --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- --------- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --------- ---------•-------- --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------•-------- --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------_____________________________________------------------------------- ------------------------------_____________________________________------------------------------- --------- ---------•-------- --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --------- ------------------ -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------_________________________________------------------------------- 04ARCAD 15 bAtConsultancy for natural and built assets SOIL BORING LOG (CONT-D) Boring/Well Prepared By Page —of— Core ; PID ', Sample Recovery Reading Depth (feet) (ppm) (ft bgs) 1 1 : MUD: ; I- - SAND y 0 d I c E o a)I GRAVEL ; = a a : 0 3 a Z :Udden-Wentworth Description: principal components, (angularity, plasticity, dilatency); minor components, (angularity, plasticity, dilatency); sorting, moisture content, consistency/density, color, addtl. ; Comments t I "'-"'-' --"""""-"'-' ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ___-__--__-___-__--__-___-__--__"-"""""-"'-"""-"'-"'-"'-"""-"'-"""""'-"'-"" ______________________________"-"'-"""-"'-"'-"--"-"'-"'-"""-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'- ""'_-_- _---_-___-________ ------------- _-- -- _- __ __ /�RCJaD I S Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets ATTAC H M E RAT Example of Completed Arcadis Soil Boring Log O e Lf1 � N N c y a �o $ N N U 9 o a $ rn `o � LL = c J C 0 K `a 0 `^ 7 J � Ac `o 8 c 9 _ p W � _ p c o U U 0 F T $g a 1 b V } I I r I • !►�►5►_1►Z«ZVZ�i►Z►_►Z1► ►Z►Z�i►Zits■■H■■H■■q■■H■■■. IOAI�II • a1�11�-• A�II�IIN1111111 Illl�llgl � 11 � ,11�11®11111111111 ���1��11!��11!�!�111�11111111111 /�RCJaD I S Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets ATTAC H M E RAT Arcadis Soil Description Field Guide ON THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. USE TO VERIFY FIGURE REPRODUCTION SCALE SOIL DESCRIPTION FIELD GUIDE (JUNE 30, 2017; REV. 2.0) Page 1 of 2 FINE-GRAINED SOILS Description Criteria Descriptor - Plasticity Nonplastic A 1/8-inch (3mm) thread cannot be rolled at any moisture content. Low Thread can barely be rolled, and lump cannot be formed when drier than plastic limit. Medium Takes considerable time and rolling to reach plastic limit. Thread cannot be rolled after reaching plastic limit. Lump crumbles when drier than plastic limit. High Thread is easy to roll and quickly reaches plastic limit. Thread can be rerolled several times after reaching plastic limit. Lump can be formed without crumbling when drier than plastic limit. Descriptor - Dilatancy No Dilatancy No visible change when shaken or squeezed. Slow Water appears slowly on the surface of soil during shaking and does not disappear or disappears slowly when squeezed. Rapid Water appears quickly on surface of soil during shaking and disappears quickly when squeezed. Minor Components with Descriptors Moisture Dry Absence of moisture, dry to touch, dusty. Moist Damp but no visible water. Wet Visible free water; soil is usually below the water table. (Saturated) Consistency Very soft N-value < 2 or easily penetrated several inches by thumb. Soft N-value 2-4 or easily penetrated 1 inch by thumb. Medium stiff N-value 5-8 or indented about 1/2 inch by thumb with great effort. Stiff N-value 9-15 or indented about 1/4 inch by thumb with great effort. Very stiff N-value 16-30 or readily indented by thumb nail. Hard N-value > than 30 or indented by thumbnail with difficulty. Color using Munsell Geologic Origin (if known) Other NARCADISoffl!jAln, - '="' DESCRIPTION ORDER Depth Interval Principal Components with Descriptors Minor Components with Descriptors Sorting Field Moisture Condition Density/Consistency Color using Munsell Geologic Origin (if known) Other descriptions as NOTES: - Odor Stratigraphy Structure Sphericity Cementation - Reaction to acid MINOR COMPONENTS % MODIFIERS Percent of Total Modifier Sample (by volume) and 36 - 50 some 21-35 little 10 - 20 trace <10 UDDEN-WENTWORTH SCALE Fraction Sieve Size Grain Size Approximate Scale Boulder 256 - 4096 mm Larger than volleyball Large Cobble 128 - 256 mm Softball to volleyball Small Cobble 64 - 128 mm Pool ball to softball Very Large Pebble 32 - 64 mm Pinball to pool ball Large Pebble 16 - 32 mm Dime size to pinball Medium Pebble 8 - 16 mm Pencil eraser to dime size Small Pebble No. 5+ 4 - 8 mm Pea size to pencil eraser Granule No. 10 - 5 2 - 4 mm Rock salt to pea size Very Coarse Sand No. 18 - 10 1 - 2 mm See field gauge card Coarse Sand No. 35 -18 0.5 - 1 mm See field gauge card Medium Sand No. 60 - 35 0.25 - 0.5 mm See field gauge card Fine Sand No. 120 - 60 0.125 - 0.25 mm See field gauge card Very Fine an No. 230 - 120 0.0625 - 0.125 mm See field gauge card Silt and Clay. See SOP for description of fines Not Applicable <0.0625 mm Analyze by pipette or hydrometer PARTICLE PERCENT COMPOSITION ESTIMATION 1% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% • AD I GRAPH FOR DETERMINING SIZE OF PARTICLES I Silt Small Pebble 0 inch 1 inch 2 inches 0 centimeter 5 centimeters Sands Sand FOR COARSE -GRAINED SOILS Description Criteria Descriptor - Angularity Angular Particles have sharp edges and relatively planar sides withunpolished surfaces. Subangular Particles are similar to angular but have rounded edges. Subround Particles have nearly planar sides but have well-roundedcorners and edges. Round Particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges. Minor Components with Descriptors Sorting Cu= d60/d10 Well Sorted Near uniform grain -size distribution Cu= 1 to 3. Poorly Sorted Wide range of grain size Cu= 4 to 6. Moisture Dry Absence of moisture, dry to touch, dusty. Moist Damp but no visible water. Wet Visible free water; soil is usually below the water table. (Saturated) Density Very loose N-value 1 - 4 Loose N-value 5 - 10 Medium Dense Wvalue 11 - 30 Dense N-value 31 - 50 Very dense N-value >50 Color using Munsell Geologic Origin (if known) Other Cementation Weak Crumbles or breaks with handling or little Cementation finger pressure. Moderate Crumbles or breaks with considerable Cementation finger pressure. Strong Will not crumble with finger pressure. Cementation Reaction with Dilute HCI Solution (10 % ) No Reaction No visible reaction. Weak Some reaction, with bubbles forming Reaction slowly. Strong Violent reaction, with bubbles forming Reaction immediately. ON THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. USE TO VERIFY FIGURE REPRODUCTION SCALE I I 10 inches 9 inches 8 inches 7 inches 6 inches 5 inches 4 inches 3 inches 2 inches 1 inch SOIL DESCRIPTION FIELD GUIDE (JUNE 30, 2017; REV. 2.0) 00 ARCAD I S t=luptassm Wd VARIATIONS IN SOIL STRATIGRAPHY Term Thickness of Configuration Parting 0 - to 1/16-inch thickness. Seam 1/16-to1/2-inch thickness. Layer 1/2 -to 12-inch thickness. Stratum > 12-inch thickness. Pocket Small erratic deposit, usually less than 1 foot in size. Varved Clay Alternating seams or layers of sand, silt, and clay (laminated). Occasional < 1 foot thick. Frequent > 1 foot thick. SOIL STRUCTURE DESCRIPTIONS Term Description Homogeneous Same color and appearance throughout. Laminated Alternating layers < 1/4 inch thick. Stratified Alternating layers > 1/4 inch thick. Lensed Inclusions of small pockets of different materials, such as lenses of sand scattered through a mass of clay; note thickness. Blocky Cohesive soil can be broken down into small angular lumps, which resist further breakdown. Fissured Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance to fracturing. Slickensided Fracture planes appear to be polished or glossy, sometimes striated. PARTICLE PERCENT COMPOSITION ESTIMATION .t . r �. �� :�.r: � ' 5.�3� ice, •!1*:. I. 1% 3% 7% 15% 25% 40% OGG ;a SETTLING TABLE (SILT/CLAY) Diameter of Particle (mm) 10.625 <0.031 <0.016 <0.008 <0.004 <0.002 <0.0005 Depth of Withdrawal (cm) 10 10 10 10 5 5 3 Time of Withdrawal hr:min:sec hrmin:sec hr:min:sec hr:min:sec hrmin:sec hr:min:sec hrmin:sec Temperature (Celsius) 20 00:00:29 00:01:55 00:07:40 00:30:40 00:61:19 04:05:00 37:21:00 21 00:00:28 00:01:52 00:07:29 00:29:58 00:59:50 04:00:00 22 00:00:27 00:01:50 00:07:18 00:29:13 00:58:22 03:54:00 23 00:00:27 00:01:47 00:07:08 00:28:34 00:57:05 03:48:00 24 00:00:26 00:01:45 00:06:58 00:27:52 00:55:41 03:43:00 33:56:00 25 00:00:25 00:01:42 00:06:48 00:27:14 00:54:25 03:38:00 26 00:00:25 00:01:40 00:06:39 00:26:38 00:53:12 03:33:00 27 00:00:24 00:01:38 00:06:31 00:26:02 00:52:02 03:28:00 28 00:00:24 00:01:35 00:06:22 00:25:28 00:50:52 03:24:00 31:00:00 29 00:00:23 00:01:33 00:06:13 00:24:53 00:49:42 03:10:00 30 00:00:23 00!01:31 00!06:06 00:24:22 00:48:42 03:05:00 ANGULARITY CHART ' �a a yJ�° oq High Sphericity p Low y 0� I i ItI. I t.� } S hericit SORTING Udden-Wentworth Scale Boulders 10. 21 large CAb14; _ ,on small r� very oa a i / ,. 2p e medwm Grave` QA s fine very fine 2 verycolo� - 0.01 _ae r a.s med— 0.2 — Sand fine very firms o.os Uol coarse nn. 0 m - _ 0.0, fine Silt a o.000, ao5 very fine coarse g medwm a.00, — Clay Page 2 of 2 0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm 70 mm 80 mm 90 mm 100 mm 110 mm 120 mm 130 mm 140 mm 150 mm 160 mm 170 mm 180 mm 190 mm 200 mm 210 mm 220 mm 230 mm 240 mm 250 mm PARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland builtassets TGI -BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 VERSION CONTROL 0 October 15, 2018 All Updated and re -written as TGI Marc Killingstad Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Technical Expert Reviewed by: Michael Cobb Marc Killingstad (Technical Expert) 10/15/2018 Date: 10/15/2018 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to any and all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what are described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, state -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION This Technical Guidance Instruction (TGI) describes the procedures to be used to collect and describe bedrock core samples. The approach described here is applicable for subsurface investigations employing a standard wire -line or conventional diamond -bit coring approach, where the project objectives may include: • Describing bedrock lithology, degree of weathering, fracturing, and other field -observable rock characteristics • Evaluating relative groundwater yield of fractures or intervals to assist in well design decisions The methodology described here is in general accordance with ASTM Method D 2113-99, Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site Investigation. Additional terminology standards are based on the New York Department of Transportation's Rock Core Evaluation Manual (NYSDOT, 2015). This approach and level of detail is appropriate for most environmental -site subsurface investigations. Given the diverse nature of bedrock, and variety of potential project objectives, the project team will review site -specific data needs prior to starting work and, if needed, adapt the field procedures. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 The scope of this TGI is specific to core collection and description; it does not encompass the broader suite of tasks associated with bedrock drilling or well construction (see relevant SOP and TGIs, as needed). Note that coring work is often combined with related bedrock characterization techniques, including packer -testing, geophysical logging, FLUTeTM profiling and whole -core rock sampling. These tasks are outside of the scope of this TGI; however, if such additional work is part of the project scope, the planning and sequencing of coring will consider the requirements of those tasks. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Arcadis field personnel will have completed or are in the process of completing site -specific training as well as having current health and safety training as required by Arcadis, client, or regulations, such as 40- hour HAZWOPER training and/or OSHA HAZWOPER site supervisor training. Arcadis personnel will also have current training as specified in the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) which may include first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) as needed. In addition, Arcadis field personnel will be knowledgeable in the relevant processes, procedures, and TGIs and possess the demonstrated required skills and experience necessary to successfully complete the desired field work. The HASP and other documents will identify other training requirements or access control requirements. Bedrock core logging will only be performed by Arcadis personnel or authorized subcontractors with a bachelor's degree in geology or a geology -related discipline. Field personnel will complete training on this TGI in the office and/or in the field under the guidance of an experienced field geologist with at least 2 years of prior experience with bedrock core description. Note that this TGI is written specifically for site characterization and remediation projects. When bedrock core samples are to be used for engineering purposes (e.g., foundation design, rock mechanics, design of excavation support), field staff will work under the direction of a geotechnical engineer. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 4 EQUIPMENT LIST Typically Provided by Geologist Typically Provided by Driller • Approved site -specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) Core boxes • Approved site -specific FIP/work plan which will include 0 Wood blocks to separate core boring location map and drilling plan runs in core boxes • Required PPE (see site -specific HASP) 0 Rubber hammer (for tapping rock • Field logbook and/or rock coring logs core out of core barrel) • Permanent marking pen for labeling boxes and cores (indelible ink) • 6-foot wooden folding ruler (or similar) graduated in tenths -of -feet (not inches) • Distilled water and spray bottle for wetting and washing core • Camera and/or smart device (phone or tablet) • Pen knife (to test rock hardness) • Munsell rock color chart • Rock hammer • Plastic sheeting (e.g., Weatherall Visqueen) • Stopwatch • Carpenter's protractor • Photoionization detector (PID) or Flame ionization detector (FID) (as appropriate, depending on site - specific constituents of concern) • Air monitoring equipment (as required) • Hand lens (optional) • 10% Hydrochloric acid solution (appropriately labeled eye -dropper for carbonate identification [optional]) • Sturdy saw horses to support core box at working height (optional) 5 CAUTIONS • Review relevant guidance: Utility avoidance, drilling, decontamination, management of investigation derived waste and related tasks will be completed in accordance with a project - specific field implementation plan (FIP)/work plan and/or applicable SOPs or TGIs. • Use a trusted, experienced driller: The quality of bedrock core samples often depends on the skill of the driller (e.g., at selecting the correct tooling, down -pressure and spin -rate for the type of rock and depth). An inexperienced driller will often drill more slowly and cause unnecessary mechanical breaks in the core. It is also important to use a rig equipped with a high-speed coring head. Many rotary or auger rigs are not capable of the speeds required for coring, unless modified for coring. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 • Choose a clean water supply for drilling fluid: Water is the preferred drilling fluid when coring. The water used for drilling will be of sufficient quality to meet project objectives. Testing of water supply will be considered. Drilling muds are to be avoided, except in special cases where circulation cannot be maintained. • Understand your driller's plans for recirculation of drilling water: Recirculation is common practice in coring, to limit generation of large quantities of investigation -derived waste (IDW). Water is pumped down the inside of the core barrel to cool the bit and carry rock cuttings back to the surface through the annular space outside the barrel. The return water spills into a mud tub, often designed with several baffles to help cuttings fall out of suspension. This water is then pumped back down the core barrel, or recirculated, until the sediment load is too great, then water must be replaced. Recirculation can increase the risk of cross -contamination, so caution is needed. However, coring without recirculation can quickly generate very large quantities of IDW and is often not practicable. • Avoid cross -contamination: Core drilling often involves creating long open boreholes that may, at least temporarily, penetrate confining beds or create artificial connections between fracture zones at different depths. If cross -contamination is a concern at a site, work will be planned to limit the length of open sections (e.g., by telescoping casing), and limit the duration that a borehole stands open. Field crews will stop -work if dense -non -aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) is encountered (e.g., if sheens are observed on drilling return water). 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Conduct drilling and related tasks in in accordance with a site -specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). Review all site -specific and procedural hazards as they are provided in the HASP, and review Job Safety Analysis (JSA) documents in the field each day prior to beginning work. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times in line with the task and the site -specific HASP. Note that full core boxes can be heavy and awkward to lift, depending on core -diameter and box size. Be sure to use proper bending and lifting techniques to avoid muscle strain and other potential injuries. Use two people to lift heavy core boxes whenever feasible. Use appropriate hand protection when conducting carbonate -rock test (using dilute acid) and hardness tests (using a penknife). If site- or client -specific health and safety requirements prohibit use of fixed/folding-blade knives, an alternative steel object (e.g., nail) may be substituted. 7 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Bedrock coring is the primary method available for collecting representative, minimally disturbed field samples from bedrock boreholes. The most common approach involves a cylindrical diamond - impregnated core bit attached to an outer string of drill pipe. The entire pipe is spun at a high velocity, cutting a donut -shaped hole, leaving an intact core of rock that passes through the bit into the core barrel as drilling continues deeper. At the end of a core run (typically 5 or 10-feet long), the core is snapped off by backing the tools slightly. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 What coring method is appropriate for the job? There are two common bedrock coring methods that use different approaches to retrieve cores: Wireline Coring: Core samples are brought to the surface between runs using a retriever on a wire that connects to the top of the inner core -barrel and lifts it to the surface, leaving the outer barrel in place. This is the most common method and is preferred in most cases. Conventional Coring: Core is retrieved by removing the entire coring tool string from the borehole. This approach is less common, but it occasionally used for shallow boreholes where only one or two runs are required (e.g., to confirm rock at the base of overburden borehole). What core size is appropriate? Coring tools exist in several common sizes, generally referred to by a two -letter code. The most -common dual -tube wire -line core -sizes are listed in the table below. Common Wireline Core Bit Sizes (inches) NQ HQ PQ Core Diameter 1.88 2.50 3.34 Hole Diameter 2.98 3.78 4.83 Note: conventional core sizes are denoted NX, HX or similar, and have slightly different sizing. NQ cores are most often used in shallow geotechnical applications, while HQ core are the most common used for environmental well drilling. HQ's size is suitable for most geophysical logging techniques, and some small -diameter packer assemblies, but subsequent reaming is often (though not always) required to enlarge the borehole before a well can be set. PQ is used less frequently because the larger size adds considerable weight, but a PQ core hole can more often be used to build a monitoring well without additional reaming. What type of rock is expected? It is critical to have a good idea of what conditions will be encountered before starting. • Review previously completed logs. • Check available geologic maps or water -resources reports. • Consult other knowledgeable geologists who have experience in the area. • Learn what bedrock units might be present, how they are commonly described, and whether they have useful diagnostic characteristics. • Learn whether there are any key marker beds, or whether there any key confining beds that should not be penetrated. • If needed, the field geologist will review lithologic characterization techniques specific to the types of rock expected. What level of logging detail is required? Core description can be time-consuming; therefore, consider the project data needs and establish priorities for what aspects of the rock will be classified. For most environmental projects, highly detailed logging of lithology and petrology are unnecessary, while fractures Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 are of paramount concern. Sometimes identifying a particular contact is critical, but minor lithologic variability is not. Establishing priorities in advance will allow the field geologist to prepare and perform efficiently in the field. When planning, note that a single geologist often cannot keep up with the requirements of core -collection and description in real-time (e.g., as the hole is being drilled). Additional "catch-up" time is often necessary and will be considered in project planning. 8 PROCEDURE Core description is a multi -step process. The general sequence of work can be summarized as follows: Stage Activity Rig set-up Establish measuring points, measure tooling, establish roles and procedures with driller. Active coring Track drilling progress. Track water use. Watch return water for signs of impact. Conduct air monitoring. Setup and label core boxes. Core extraction Arrange core in box. Screen core for contaminant impacts. Mark and label core and fractures. Measure recovery. Calculate rock quality designation (RQD). Core logging Describe rock lithology, structure, weathering, fracturing, and other characteristics. End of hole Photograph core boxes. Store or dispose of core. 8.1 Before Coring Starts Prepare for accurately tracking depths Discuss with driller what reference point will be used for ground surface (e.g., the base of the mud tub) and mark it, if needed. All depths will be recorded relative to this datum. 2. Measure and mark (if needed), a fixed reference point above the ground surface that will serve as the starting/stopping point for core runs (e.g., the top of an outer casing or a vice) 3. Measure out core tooling lengths, including barrels, bits and subs, so that the depth of the barrel will be known to the nearest tenth of a foot. Prepare for tracking water usage 1. Confirm whether the driller will be recirculating drilling water or using a continuous clean source. [NOTE: Recirculation is a common practice in coring, however, it is not permissible for all projects and jurisdictions]. 2. Discuss with driller how water usage will be tracked. Water lost in each run will be estimated, either via a change in level of a mud tub and/or drop in level of a separate water tank. 3. Measure dimensions of mud tub and/or water tank to estimate volume. Mark graduations, if needed, so that volume changes can be estimated. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 8.2 Active Coring 1. Request that the driller tag borehole with a weighted line before start of coring and periodically between runs to confirm depth. 2. Use a stopwatch (or equivalent) to time the length of each run (e.g., 40 min for 10 feet) 3. Note starting and ending water volume in tanks and/or mud tub. 4. Note the starting and ending core -run depth by noting the position of joints in the drilling string relative to the fixed reference point. 5. To the extent feasible, the driller should maintain a consistent bit pressure, water pressure, and rotational rate throughout a run, and avoid stopping or backing the tools, until the run is complete. 6. Request that driller alert you to changes in drilling condition during a run, including: a. Significant change in drilling rate that may indicate a change in lithology or weathering. b. A change in water recirculation rate that may indicate a major fracture c. Bit drop, which may indicate a void or highly -weathered zone. d. Any odors or sheens that may occur from the return water. [NOTE: Under most drilling programs, the appearance of sheens or NAPL in the drilling water is cause to exercise stop -work authority. Drilling through a zone known to contain NAPL must be done only with CPM approval.] e. Change in sediment load in return water, which may indicate a highly -weathered zone. 7. If air monitoring is required at the borehole (based on HASP and nature of contaminants present), periodically screen the driller breathing zone and return water splash zone. 8.3 Core Extraction 8.3.1 Core Handling and Labelling In most instances, core samples will be placed directly into core -boxes by the driller. Core samples will be placed with increasing depths aligned left to right and top to bottom. If core is covered in sediment or mud, it is helpful to rinse the core with clean water before placing it in the box. The drillers will take care not to unnecessarily break the core as they are extracting from the barrel; however, they will have to break long sections of core that overlap the box -edges, typically using a hammer. Core and core boxes will be labeled using a heavy indelible marker (e.g., Sharpie) as follows: What to Label How to Label Label box edges or insert wooden blocks to separate runs. Label run Start and end of core runs number at top of run; e.g., "Run 2", at the start of Run 2. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 What to Label How to Label Draw short arrows on each major section of core pointing toward ground Vertical alignment of core surface. (An alternate method using two parallel colored stripes is common but is challenging on wet core.) Mechanical breaks (also Two parallel lines crossing the break at a right angle and labeled with the called driller breaks) letter "M" (see Section 8.3.2) Fractures (natural breaks) A single line crossing the fracture at a right angle Intervals with no core Insert a wooden spacer marked "No recovery" and with corresponding depth for any interval where no rock was recovered (e.g., a weathered recovery zone that washed out, or karst void) Sections of core removed Insert a wooden spacer marked "Removed" with corresponding depth. from box Site or project name, well or borehole ID, date drilled, box number (e.g., Core box lid (outside) 1 of 5") and start and end depth of core contained in the box. (Additional information such as site address and project number can be included, if needed.) Label the same as the box exterior. If core is expected to be archived, it Core box lid (inside) is common practice to also include the depths, recovery and rock quality designation (RQD) for each run contained in the box. Core box left end Site or project name, well or borehole ID, box number, and start and end depth of core contained in the box. 8.3.2 Assessing Natural or Mechanical Breaks When evaluating a core, it is necessary to determine whether the observed fractures are natural or mechanical. The primary indicators to look for include: • Weathering on face Signs of a Natural • Oxidation of minerals adjacent to face Fracture • Clay on face (if distinct from sediment in drilling fluid) • Linear striations on face Signs of Mechanical • Absence of weathering or oxidation Break • Crisp edges Other considerations when evaluating the nature of break include: • Weak, friable rock (such as shale), will often have numerous mechanical breaks that that are indistinguishable from real ones. Judgement is required, but for the sake of RQDs, such fractures are generally considered natural. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 • If the core spins on itself inside the barrel A rounded or "ground" fracture faces can sometimes occur. This can happen to either a natural or mechanical break, so other evidence is required. Assessing the nature of fractures can be challenging and subjective. In general, where the case is uncertain, assume the fracture is natural. 8.3.3 Core Run Description Several descriptors are made on the basis of the core -run, typically 5 or 10 feet in nominal length. Lengths and depths are best recorded to the nearest 0.1 foot. What to Record How to Determine Determine by tracking advancement of the core tooling, referenced to ground surface. Note that cores occasionally snap off above the drilled depth on retrieval, Start and end depth leaving a cored "stub" in the hole, which is typically retrieved in the next run. When this happens, the run depths and retrieved core depths will differ. Both values will be recorded. Periodic soundings are helpful to verify depth. Measure the total length of recovered core. Recovery length and percentage The recovery percentage is based on start and end depths of the retrieved core (i.e., do not count a stub of core left in the hole). Add up the length of unfractured core -pieces greater than 4-inches in length (where fractures are dipping, measure between the points where fractures intersect the center -line of the core). Rock Quality Divide by the total length of the core run (bottom minus top depth of core Designation (RQD) recovered) and record the result as a percentage. Note that most common practice is to exclude obvious mechanical breaks when assessing RQD sections. However, where it is unclear whether a break is natural or mechanic, assume it is natural for the RQD assessment. Determine based on changed level in mud tub, water tank, or other method Water Loss (determined in consultation with the driller before coring starts). If a sudden change in water loss is observed during the run, record the approximate depth where it occurred. Stopwatch recording of the total time to core a run. This can be useful in Run -Time (optional) showing transition between rock types, or that the core bit has dulled. In some cases, foot -by -foot times can be recorded by chalk -marking increments on the barrel. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 11 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 8.3.4 Contaminant Screening of Core Methods for screening for contamination while coring depend on the nature of impacts suspected. As noted above, air -monitoring at the ground surface of the borehole, and continuous visual observation of the return water while drilling generally provide the first indication of an impact. Specific procedures for screening cores will be identified in the project FIP/work plan. Common approaches include the following: • If NAPL may be present, fracture surfaces will be visually inspected for sheens or NAPL. • Though field staff will NOT intentionally sniff the core, obvious odors are sometimes useful indicators. Field descriptions of odors will be general, and not attempt to specify what contaminant it smells like. • If screening core for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a photo -ionization detector (PID), focus attention on fractures. With the core lying in the core -box, separate the fracture slightly, cover the opening with a gloved hand, and then insert the PID tip into the fracture aperture. • If NAPL is suspected (e.g., based on high PID hits, or sheens in the return water), but not visible on the core, one of several commercially available NAPL-detection kits (using hydrophobic dye) may be applied to the core as a supplemental test. As noted above, when NAPL is observed in a borehole, drilling will almost always stop to avoid dragging the impacts down —drilling deeper will occur ONLY when necessitated by the project objectives, and ONLY after consulting project leadership. 8.4 Procedures for Core Logging Logging core includes two parts: (1) describing the nature of the rock (e.g., lithology, structure, bedding) and (2) logging observed discontinues (e.g., fractures or weathered zones). 8.4.1 Logging Rock Characteristics The field geologist will log the following characteristics of the rock core: What to Record How to Describe Note top of an interval being described, relative to ground surface. Avoid Depth referencing depths relative to the position in the core run. Describe based on observation. Use terminology consistent with local Rock type mapping, if available. If the specific type cannot be determined in the field, use a more general descriptor (e.g., metamorphic). Grain size See chart in Attachment 1. For crystalline rocks, note applicable texture. Reference Munsell rock color chart. Describe matrix color and major clast color Color separately, if applicable. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 12 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 What to Record How to Describe Weathering state See terminology chart (Attachment 1). Hardness See terminology chart (Attachment 1). See terminology chart (Attachment 1). Also note general characteristics of Degree of Fracturing fractures (e.g., if oxidized, filled, rough or smooth, dominantly aligned with bedding/foliation, etc.). Call out depths of major fractures. (See also, Section 8.4.2) Other observations may also be made, if appropriate to the rock type. Common supplemental observations include: • Diagnostic minerals present • Presence and abundance of fossils • Particle angularity/shape, e.g., for conglomerates or breccias • Effervesce, e.g., if testing for limestone or dolomite using a hydrochloric acid solution • Presence of healed fractures. • Observations of porosity, pitting, vugs, or cavities (see terminology chart in Attachment 1) 8.4.2 Logging Discontinuities In addition to characterizing the rock mass (as described above), core descriptions will often identify the depth and characteristics of specific fractures and other discontinuities. In general, the following will be noted: • Fractures (excluding mechanical breaks), including descriptors for orientation, filling, oxidation or mineralization Zones of notable porosity (e.g., pitting, vugs) Zones of intense weathering (e.g., greater than surrounding rock mass) Discontinuities are logged either in list -form, or on a scaled -graphical log, using standard abbreviations to identify important characteristics (see Attachment 1). Note that in moderately or intensely fractured rock, logging every observed fracture may not be practical, or especially useful. Generalizations such as "intensely fractured zone" are often appropriate. 8.5 Procedures to Complete after Completion of Core Hole 8.5.1 Photographing Core All core boxes will be photographed in a systematic manner. Best practice includes the following steps: • Place the core box in a well -lit space Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 13 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 • Lay a tape measure or marking stick for scale along the length of the core box • Wet the core with a spray bottle • Take a high -resolution photograph showing the entire core box and labeled lid from directly above or at slight angle. • If close-ups of particular features are needed, include a visible scale and labeled notecard in the photo. • If a color is a key diagnostic aspect, a standard color reference chart may be included in the photos. It is generally easiest to obtain consistent, high quality photographs by taking the photos in batches (e.g., after a borehole is completed), rather than attempting to take photographs immediately after each core run. 8.5.2 Core Storage or Disposal If core will be stored for potential future use, boxes will be moved to a central location. In general: • Core boxes will be stored under cover, ideally indoors and somewhere where they will not need to be moved often • Boxes will be places on pallets (or similar) to keep off the ground • Boxes will be stacked so that the labeled ends are visible and facing the same direction • Boxes will be stacked no more than about 3 feet high (to avoid lifting above waist level) If core is to be discarded, do so only after reviewing notes and confirming that all important details have been recorded. Core will be disposed -of consistent with project IDW requirements. Core boxes will not be removed from a site without appropriate planning and approval. 9 WASTE MANAGEMENT Coring may generate several types of IDW in addition to the cores themselves: • Coring typically generates substantial quantities of drilling fluid. It is typically a mixture of water and suspended fine sediment. In most cases, this is drummed. For large jobs, roll -off or "sludge" boxes may be more economical. • Solid rock cuttings also accumulate in the mud tub. These are typically shoveled into drums. • Other waste streams include decontamination liquids, and disposable materials (well material packages, personal protective equipment [PPE], etc.). Waste will be managed in accordance with the TGI — Investigation -Derived Waste Handling and Storage, the procedures identified in the FIP or QAPP as well as state-, federal- or client -specific requirements. Be certain that all IDW will be placed in clearly labeled, appropriate containers and documented in the field log book. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 14 TGI: BEDROCK CORE COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 10/15/2018 10 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Records generated as a result of this TGI will be controlled and maintained in the project record files in accordance with project requirements as outlined in the FIP/work plan and/or QAPP. Core descriptions and related activities will be recorded in a field book and/or on appropriate field forms. In addition to the core description information detailed above, field notes will record personnel present on site, including driller names, drilling equipment used, significant weather conditions, and the timing of all activities. Field forms, logs/notes (including daily field and relevant calibration logs), and digital records will be maintained by the field team lead. Records will be transmitted to the Arcadis Project Manager and/or Task Manager, as appropriate, at the end of each day or as specified in the FIP/work plan. Electronic data files will be sent to the project team and uploaded to the electronic project folder daily or as specified in the FIP/work plan. Management of the original documents from the field will be completed in accordance with the site - specific QAPP. 11 REFERENCES ASTM, 1999. Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site Investigation, D 2113-99. New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), 2015. Geotechnical Engineering Manual, Rock Core Evaluation Manual, GEM-23, Rev. 2. 12 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1. Bedrock Core Description Terminology Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 15 Attachment 1 PARCADIS Oesian&Consultancy for Bedrock Core Description Terminology buiLta setsral d quilt assets Bedding Thickness* Weathering State Term Average Thickness Massive No visible bedding Very Thick -Bedded Greater than 4 ft. (> 1.2 m) Thick -Bedded 1 ft. to 4 ft. (0.3 m to 1.2 m) Medium -Bedded 4 in. to 12 in. (100 mm to 300 mm) Thin -Bedded 1.2 in. to 4 in. (30 mm to 100 mm) Very Thin -Bedded 0.5 in. to 1.2 in. (13 mm to 30 mm) Laminated < 0.1 in. *For igneous and metamorphic rocks, planar features such as foliation and banding are described using same thickness designations (e.g., thin -banded). Fracturing Term Length of Most Recovered Core Unfractured No observed fractures. Very slightly fractured > 3 ft. (1 m). Slightly fractured 1 to 3 ft. (0.3 to 1 m) Moderately fractured 0.33 to 1 ft. (0.1 to 0.3 m) Intensely fractured 0.1 to 0.33 ft. (0.03 to 0.1 m) Very intensely fractured Core mostly broken; few intact core segments Pores or Voids Term Pore Size Porous Smaller than pinhead. Presence indicated by degree of absorbency Pitted Pinhead to inch across. Vug '/4 inch across to diameter of core Cavity Larger than core diameter Common Abbreviations Term Characteristics Fresh No visible signs of decomposition or discoloration Slightly weathered Slight discoloration inward from open fractures; otherwise fresh Moderately weathered Discoloration throughout. Weaker minerals such as feldspar decomposed. Strength somewhat less than fresh rock, but cores cannot be broken by hand or scraped by knife. Texture preserved. Highly Weathered Most minerals somewhat decomposed. Specimens can be broken by hand with effort, or shave with knife. Texture become indistinct, but fabric preserved. Extremely weathered Minerals decomposed to soil, but fabric (saprolite) and structure preserved Decomposed (residual Rock fully decomposed to plastic soils. soil) Rock fabric and structure completely destroyed. Hardness Term Field Test Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. Medium Hard Easily scratched by penknife Hard Difficult to scratch by penknife. Very hard Cannot be scratched by penknife. Grain -Size Term Size Microcrystalline / Aphanitic* No visible grains Fine grained 0.06 - 0.25 mm Medium grained 0.25 - 0.5 mm Coarse grained 0.5 - 2.0 mm *Aphanitic applies to detrital rocks Abbr. Definition Abbr. Definition Abbr. Definition BkN broken JxF joint crosses foliation si silt CAL calcareous or calcite I laminae SZ sheer zone cl clay // parallel U unfoliated or unstratified F foliation m mud in opening v vuggy Fe iron staining MB mechanical break VJ vertical joint GOG gouge QTZ quartz w weathered HJ horizontal joint s solution enlargement WZ weathered zone J joint " I S stratification x crossing J//F joint is parallel to foliation I sa Isand I Z lZone * The term "joint" may indicates any natural fracture, including bedding plane fractures. Example Graphic Log Hi J3O°X F Fe ' BkNZ C1 GGG PARCADIS Design &Consultancy fornaturaland built assets 04ARCADIS t)esign & Consultancy fornatu_land built assets TGI -WATER-LEVEL MONITORING USING DATA LOGGING INSTRUMENTS Rev: 0 Rev Date: May 15, 2020 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 VERSION CONTROL 5/15/2020 All Original TGI Everett Fortner III arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_ Rev O.doc TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Technical Expert Reviewed by: Christian Seidel Colleen Barton Everett Fortner III, PG 05/15/2020 Date: 05/15/2020 Date: 05/15/2020 Date: arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to any and all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, state -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. Additional instrumentation that is not covered in this technical guidance include the use of vibrating -wire transducers. Information on these instruments and other technical aspects is covered within United States Geological Survey guidance documents (Freeman, et al., 2004 and Cunningham et al., 2011) 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION This TGI describes procedures to measure and record groundwater and surface -water levels with data logging instruments such as pressure transducers that are used for several different applications and durations. The high -resolution data acquisition applications include: • Hydraulic testing and aquifer characterization • Horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients • Groundwater/surface-water interaction • Surface -water, ocean tides, and earth tides arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • Remediation, mining, or water supply system performance/operations and maintenance. Thoughtful planning and proper design combine to form the backbone of high -resolution water -level monitoring via data logging instruments because it is important to ensure that data are acquired to meet the project and data quality objectives. A detailed field implementation plan is essential for execution of the work described in this TGI. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the project hydrogeologist develop a detailed field implementation plan that clearly outlines the objectives, design of the monitoring to be performed, specific steps/procedures to be followed, communication expectations and protocol, and health and safety requirements. This plan will be reviewed with field personnel prior to mobilization to the field. Design considerations include adequate spatial coverage both laterally (spacing and number of wells or surface points) and vertically (shallow to deep groundwater zones), presence and nature of surface -water and surface -water body sediment point, and collection of background data. The conceptual site model (CSM) drives the design decisions through consideration of key components such as surface topography, changes in geology (i.e., heterogeneity), aquifer characteristics (e.g., confined/unconfined, depth, extent, sources of recharge, discharge points, vertical leakage between hydrostratigraphic units, groundwater flow direction), groundwater to surface water interaction zones, and presence of pumping wells and/or injection wells. Manual water -level measurements, following the TGI — Manual Water -Level Monitoring, involves taking an instantaneous measurement of the water level in a well or surface -water body to a known survey point. Knowledge of the vertical datum of the survey is needed to ensure accuracy and consistency. Manual readings are used initially to understand the water column of the system; if historical measurements are available, the historical fluctuation of water levels will be used to determine pressure transducer installation depths. Or, if the monitoring is for a pumping or injection test, the estimated drawdown or mounding will also be considered. Manual water -level measurements are also used to adjust the pressure transducer measurements to an elevation datum either during post -processing or during programming of the pressure transducer with an offset using the instrument software. Additionally, manual water -levels are used to monitor accuracy and potential drift of the instrument readings. Understanding the instrument type is also critical when planning and designing a water -level monitoring program. Many brands of data logging instruments are available that have different accuracies, sizes, memory capacity, acquisition rates, depth restrictions, warranties, and life spans. All new instruments come with laboratory calibration certificates or are available upon request. If renting an instrument, the rental company must provide the calibration and age to confirm it is within calibration recommendations per the manufacturer. Standard pressure transducers can also record temperature and specific conductance/conductivity depending on the model. More advanced instruments, such as multiparameter probes (sondes), can be customized to provide multiple data types as well (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence) and requires multi -point calibration. Other important considerations when planning/designing for a project include • Depth required to account for fluctuations and accuracy; • Density variation; • Nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) monitoring; arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 5 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • Matching depth with instrument model; • Choosing absolute (sealed) or vented (gauge); • Direct read cable or cord requirements; • Wellhead or surface -water structure connection; • Acquisition rate needed; • Available/required memory (acquisition rate and duration); and • Communication equipment (e.g., direct read cable with laptop, wireless communication). In general with most instrument brands, the accuracy of a pressure transducer decreases with increasing head. Absolute pressure transducers (i.e., non -vented or sealed) do not require a vented tube within the cable or a cable and are cheaper to install; however, a sealed transducer must be coupled with barometric pressure measurements so that compensation of the atmospheric pressure can be subtracted and/or evaluated for characterization (correction, barometric efficiency, or barometric response function). Data - logging barometric pressure transducers are available from most manufacturers. Gauged pressure transducers (i.e., vented) must have a vented tube within the cable to vent the instrument to the atmosphere, are generally more expensive, and can have complications with the vent tube twisting/bending or collecting moisture. Although vented pressure transducers do not need barometric compensation, barometric pressure measurements are still needed, particularly if aquifer characterization is required for the evaluation (i.e., calculating barometric efficiency). Vented pressure transducers are more frequently used for field programs that require short-term, real-time measurements and evaluation (e.g., slug tests). Collection and evaluation of weather station data, including rainfall and barometric pressure, will be incorporated into the test design. Precipitation data is necessary to understand and account for recharge response for both surface water and groundwater applications. Site -specific weather station data is preferred; however, the data can also be obtained from local weather stations maintained by third parties (e.g., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or local airport). These third -party datasets, though, should be used with caution; always confirm availability of the data, data resolution, and that the distance from the site is adequate as the distribution of precipitation can be highly variable. Different brands of pressure transducers may offer different acquisition programming functions and interfaces (e.g., differential, linear, and logarithmic logging of data) and overwriting of memory or slate (i.e., once memory is full, pressure transducers typically stop recording). Additional programming beyond the pressure head of the overlying water column includes setting reference points to measure water level elevation or depth to water. Software is available from the manufacturer (typically free of charge) that provides an interface between a laptop/tablet/mobile device and the particular brand of transducer. Note that the interfacing software is compatible with most laptops and most manufacturers have recently adapted their programs for mobile applications with some brands for use on tablets or smart phones. There are also remote considerations for radio (WiFi or Bluetooth or cellular) telemetry to have direct data feeds to servers or databases. Communication equipment, specific to the brand, are available (e.g., direct connection via cable or by Bluetooth). arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 6 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 Over the last several years, data acquisition rates and memory have been significantly improved by manufacturers with acquisition rates as low as 10 measurements per second and may record in memory more than 350,000 total data points. The selection of a specific brand or model to meet data acquisition needs and data quality objectives (accuracy) is based on the overall project objectives. Compatibility with the geochemistry or contaminant chemistry is also a consideration when selecting an instrument. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Field personnel performing the extraction constant rate tests will have the following qualifications: • Familiarity and competency with o quantitative hydrogeology, o understanding of the Project Site, o this TGI, and o the scope of work and objectives (i.e. reviewed the field implementation plan with project hydrogeologist). • Sufficient "hands-on" experience necessary to successfully complete the field work. • Demonstrated familiarity with equipment required for this testing. Project personnel involved must understand the use, installation, and software required, which will be loaded on the communication device and tested before the event. • Completed current health and safety training in accordance with the project health and safety plan (HASP) (e.g., 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response [HAZWOPER] training and/or Occupational Safety and Health Administration HAZWOPER site supervisor training and/or site -specific training, as appropriate). 4 EQUIPMENT LIST The following items are required for water level measurements: • HASP • Personal protective equipment (PPE) as specified in the HASP • Decontamination equipment o Non -phosphate laboratory soap (Alconox or equivalent), brushes, clean five -gallon buckets or clean wash tubs. o Distilled or de -ionized (required for sites with metals) water for equipment decontamination o Solvent (methanol/acetone) rinse - optional o Optional plastic drop cloth (e.g. Weatherall Visqueen) to place beneath the buckets or tubs to reduce potential for contamination of the tape or probe arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • Photoionization detector (PID) and/or organic vapor analyzer (optional) • 150-foot measuring tape (or sufficient length for the maximum site depth requirement) • Tools and/or keys required for opening wells • Well construction summary table and/or well construction logs • Summary table of previous water -level measurements • Field notebook and appropriate field forms (Attachment 1); a pressure transducer field form is also available using FieldNow • Indelible ink pen • Digital camera or camera on smart device if photo documentation is necessary • Electronic water -level indicator, or oil -water level indicator, that is calibrated and graduated in 0.01- foot increments • Electrical tape • Pressure transducers, direct -read cables (if applicable), specialized well caps (if necessary), and wire/Kevlar cord to deploy/hang transducers (In -Situ or Solinst® brand equipment is preferred) • Pressure transducer communication equipment—laptop/tablet/mobile device (smart phone) with associated chargers and loaded with appropriate pressure transducer software • Barometric pressure transducer, rain logger, tipping bucket, or weather station (if applicable) • Flash USB memory stick Site -specific details regarding the equipment required and its use will be described in the field implementation plan and discussed during a kick-off meeting prior to the field work. Photographs of common examples of transducers, specialized well caps, and related equipment is included in Attachment 2. 5 CAUTIONS The notes listed below are intended to provide reminders and information for potential issues, particular application notes, or key points: • Test all equipment with the interface/communication device (laptop/tablet/mobile device) to be used in the field prior to mobilization to ensure functionality. • Decontaminate each piece of equipment that will be placed into the well, including the pressure transducer, cable/cord, and electronic water -level indicator. • Instrument equilibration takes time, especially when temperature changes are highly variable during deployment. Allow at least 5 to 10 minutes for equilibration and verify stability with real time data review. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • Direct -read cables may require time to stretch once transducers are deployed especially if they were shipped in tight coils. Allow 10 to 20 minutes following transducer deployment for the cables to equilibrate as well. • For manual water -level measurements, please refer to TGI — Manual Water -Level Monitoring. • When taking manual water -level measurements, at least three measurements of the depth to water will be performed to ensure accuracy of measurements and that the pressure transducer will be installed at an appropriate depth. • When taking total depth measurements, compare the measurements to the well construction log to verify total depth and determine the amount of material accumulation in the well (if any). Evaluate the available water column and depth at which the pressure transducer will be set. This deployment depth will be established in the field implementation plan to understand the fluctuations induced naturally or by hydraulic testing. The depth of deployment will ensure that the water level does not fall below the pressure transducer sensor (dry conditions) or does not rise to a level that exceeds the specified pressure tolerance of the transducer. • If the presence of a non -aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) is known or suspected at the site or within specific wells, do not use an electronic water -level indicator. Use an oil -water interface meter instead. • Special considerations are also required for installation of pressure transducers if NAPL or other density -driven situations exist (e.g. zones of increased groundwater density due to reagent injections) and if there are concerns regarding the presence of explosive conditions down -well. Density corrections can be made during post -processing or directly programmed into the pressure transducer. Pressure transducers may be installed below or within light NAPL (LNAPL) or dense NAPL (DNAPL) for specialized testing or monitoring. • The head space in the well requires venting to the atmosphere for (1) proper equilibration and (2) so that pressure does not build up in the head space that could affect the instrument readings. • When using specialized well caps, ensure a measuring point (survey) point offset is recorded by taking a manual depth to water measurement prior to installation and after installation to the known measurement point. The pressure transducer accuracy is reduced when correlating to a known survey point for the elevation calibration (at the accuracy of the manual water -level meter). However, the actual fluctuations evaluated are at the accuracy of the pressure transducer model. • Special applications may exist that require sealing of the wellhead space. If this is the case, proper planning and an additional pressure transducer may be needed for the sealed head space. • Understanding instrument drift (vertical movement of transducer due to a variety of reasons) is primarily required for long-term projects (monitoring over a period of months to years). Drift can be evaluated post -processing and by recording the differences between pressure transducer readings and manual measurements (offsets) through time. If drift is excessive (determined by senior technical staff/project hydrogeologist) by the accuracy or continual increasing/decreasing differences of the water -levels, then instrument recalibration by the manufacturer or replacement may be necessary. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 9 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • During installation, data download, or operation verification, a manual depth to water measurement is required (see the TGI — Manual Water -Level Monitoring). Manual water levels can be recorded on the form provided in Attachment 1 or by using FieldNow electronic data collection. • Limit handling of the pressure transducers to prevent the need for post -processing shift adjustments. • If freezing conditions may be encountered, refer to manufacturer guidelines that may include installation with a balloon filled with a nontoxic antifreeze solution. • If multiple water -level meters will be used, calibrate prior to performing field activities by taking a water -level measurement from one well using all water -level meters to be used on site. Record the well ID, water -level meter ID (e.g., A, B), depth to water, and time measured (see form provided in Attachment 1 or use FieldNow). Water level meters and transducers will be decontaminated as described in the TGl — Manual Water -Level Monitoring. • Ensure that pressure transducer wellhead connections are secured according to manufacturer guidelines and using proper equipment. If the pressure transducers need to be redeployed, do so in such a manner to discourage movement/slippage of the line/cable or pressure transducer. • Barometric pressure transducers require specific conditions for proper operation. Place the barometric pressure transducer in a cool/shaded location that is protected from precipitation and condensation. Desiccants can be used to help with condensation. Often, barometric pressure transducers are placed in a well casing stickup, between the inner and outer casings. • Pressure transducers (including barometric loggers) require clock synchronization by one device. Most pressure transducer software does not account for daylight savings time. • Pressure transducer details (serial number, model, programming, deployment, and retrieval information) must be recorded (see Attachment 1 or use FieldNow). Also record the date and time of all manual water -level measurements. • The barometric pressure transducer will always be the first to be deployed. The barometric pressure, rain, or weather station logger/equipment are always last to be downloaded (after all other transducers), following the same protocol as the pressure transducers. • All time will be recorded in 24-hour format with the time zone indicated. Programming will be required for future start at equal intervals on an even interval (e.g., 14:05:00 start) to facilitate post -processing. • All data (pressure transducer, barometric pressure, rain, and weather station logger/equipment) will be downloaded and saved as the software raw data file and exported as .csv (comma -separated values) or .xls (Excel spreadsheet) file upon download. Filenames will follow the form specified in the field implementation plan. For example, the format may be Well ID_YYYYMMDD (e.g., GW1_20190405) with an additional numeral if multiple daily downloads occur at one well. In addition, cloud services or other networking can be used to transmit data, and remote telemetry systems can be set up to record data in a specified database. • Communication protocols will be outlined in the field implementation plan. In general, field staff should communicate with the rest of the project team prior to and at the completion of each field visit/monitoring event (before demobilizing from the site). Communication with the project team is critical so informed decisions can be made to address any complications that arise. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 10 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Field work will be performed in accordance with the HASP, which includes related Job Safety Analyses (JSA) and safety data sheets (SDS) for site hazards and risks. Arcadis field personnel must review and understand the HASP and sign the appropriate acknowledgement page of the HASP prior to the start of work. Appropriate PPE, as specified in the HASP, will be worn during these activities. At a minimum, Level D PPE, including hard hat, safety glasses, steel -toe boots, and nitrile gloves, is generally required. Health and safety tailgate meetings will be conducted at least once daily (in the morning) and at the start of each task to discuss the scope of work, hazards associated with the work, and each person's responsibilities. Access to wells may expose field personnel to hazardous materials such as contaminated groundwater or oil. Other potential hazards include pressurized wells, stinging insects that may inhabit well heads, other biologic hazards (e.g. ticks in long grass/weeds around well head), and potentially the use of sharp cutting tools (scissors, knife). Open well caps slowly and keep face and body away to allow to vent any built-up pressure. Field personnel will thoroughly review client -specific health and safety requirements, which may preclude the use of fixed/folding-blade knives. 7 PROCEDURE The following procedure will be performed at each wellhead or surface -water point during deployment, download, reset, or retrieval of the pressure transducers: 7.1 Pressure Transducer Setup and Deployment Prior to mobilization, pressure transducers and related equipment will be checked and tested to verify working condition. Each pressure transducer will be accessed with the manufacturer software to ensure proper connection capabilities with laptop/tablet/smart or Bluetooth device. Pressure transducers will be submerged in a bucket of water at a known depth to verify accuracy and proper operation. 2. Don appropriate PPE (as required by the HASP). 3. Inspect wellhead for damage. Open the well/remove well cap and allow for atmospheric equilibration. If required in the HASP, measure headspace with PID. Measure the depth to water three times, and record final measurement, well ID, and date and time on the field form (Attachment 1) or using FieldNow. Measure total depth of well and confirm well construction against well construction log or summary table. Use appropriate length cable or cord to install the pressure transducer. If surface water monitoring is being completed, follow the same procedures for the stilling well or stream gauge. 4. Deploy pressure transducers: a. The barometric pressure transducer will be programmed and installed first. The barometric transducer will be installed in an open atmosphere setting protected from weather (sun or rain), arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 11 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 such as inside an outer well casing which does not pose a risk of flooding. Use desiccants if excessive condensation is expected. Prior to deployment, program the pressure transducer following the manufacturer's instructions and as outlined in the field implementation plan. Information programmed into the transducer will include well identification, parameter to be measured (select Level/Depth, Top -of -Casing, or Elevation, and use appropriate reference elevation, if applicable), recording interval, units, and recording type (e.g., linear, differential, event, logarithmic). Determine start time (following the recommendations stated below) and other options: All pressure transducers will be synchronized to start after instrumentation is completed at monitoring wells or surface water points. Note that each time a pressure transducer is accessed an option for synchronization to a device can be done. Ensure a consistent device is used or the previous pressure transducer time and new synchronized device differences are recorded. Pressure transducers will be programmed for a future start date that is consistent with the time interval selected (start time is at even increments using the future start option, with 00 seconds and recording interval, as applicable [e.g., 08:00:00]). c. Cables or cords will be pre -measured to match the deployment depth as specified in the field implementation plan Ensure connections are not cross -threaded and sealed. If using a cord, use of a small -diameter Kevlar cord with a bowline knot for connections is recommended. Vented pressure transducers have a top cable connection that will likely have a desiccant connection to inhibit moisture concerns in the vent tube. Slowly lower the pressure transducer to avoid any sudden disturbance of the water surface. Set to the appropriate depth for the project and data quality objectives as specified in the field plan. If setting the transducer at the base of a well or in a shallow stream, ensure there is at least 6 inches of vertical water column below the transducer to prevent the instrument from coming into contact with sediment. Attach the transducer cable or cord to the well cap and ensure that it is secured to prevent potential movement. e. Record all pressure transducer settings on the field form (Attachment 1) or using FieldNow. f. Check and record the manual depth to water measurement and initial transducer readings to confirm accuracy of test setup and if anomalies are observed (e.g., depth to water measurement does not match the initial reading and/or transducer readings don't match manual measurements), consult with Project Hydrogeologist and/or Project Technical Lead. g. If required, coil excess pressure transducer cable without damaging it and leave inside the protective well casing. h. Close wellhead and confirm it is vented (do not fully tighten j-plugs or caps) to the atmosphere and not sealed (use specific manufacturer well cap assembly, as necessary). Scan/photograph all paper notes and forms, back up to an external flash memory stick, and upload to project folder/Sharepoint as specified in the field implementation plan. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 12 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 7.2 Transducer Retrieval/Download/Reset of Pressure Transducer or Barometric Pressure Logger 1. Follow Steps 1 and 2 in Section 7.1. 2. Retrieve, if applicable, and/or connect to the pressure transducer using appropriate communication equipment and device. 3. Download data following the manufacturer's instructions. Perform an initial qualitative review of the data to identify anomalies and dataset completeness and record the date and time interval. 4. Save data (raw data file and exported .csv or .xls) on communication device (laptop/tablet/mobile device) or using the cloud. Duplicate data on an external flash memory stick. If copied to the cloud, have support staff check for data completeness. Preview saved information to ensure data were saved accurately. Check available memory of the pressure transducer and leave recording or follow the field plan for resetting. 5. Make relevant notes on field form (Attachment 1) or FieldNow. 6. Check and assess remaining memory relative to the recording frequency and recording frequency and clear/reset as necessary to avoid data loss. To reset the transducer, follow programming guidelines presented in Section 7.1. 7. Scan/photograph all paper notes and forms back up to an external flash memory stick, and upload to project folder/Sharepoint as specified in the field implementation plan. 8. If the retrieval of a transducer was necessary, reinstall following guidelines outlined in Section 7.1. Before leaving the site (if possible), confirm that the data are saved on the cloud or server, and communicate the location to the project team. Additional data download/management is necessary if other site instruments have been deployed (e.g., rain logger, weather station). Follow the same protocol as described above for retrieval/download/reset as needed. Following final downloading and transducer pull event, decontaminate all transducers and cables as described in the TGI — Manual Water -Level Monitoring. 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Decontamination fluids, PPE, and other disposable equipment will be properly stored on site in labeled containers and disposed of properly. Waste containers must be properly labeled and documented in the field log book. Review the TGI — Investigation -Derived Waste Handling and Storage for additional information and state- or client -specific requirements. DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT In general, data recording and management will follow the steps outlined above in Section 7.2. Specific data management protocols will be outlined in the field implementation plan. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 13 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 Data/information uploaded to the Arcadis server or the cloud after each field visit/monitoring event at a minimum will include: • Pressure transducer and other instrument data which should include: o WellIDs/locations o Measurement times o Depth to water/pressure head readings o Additional measurements, as necessary (e.g., temperature) o Total well depths • Field notes • Calibration information (water -level meters and pressure transducers) • Photographs of the activities performed (if necessary) • Any discrepancies or interesting findings/observations. Once all data/information are collected and recorded, all notes/forms/data will be uploaded to the appropriate project fold er/Sharepoint. Project field personnel will send an email to the project Task Manager, Technical Expert, and Data Manager for notification. The work completed that day, significant observations, and copies of the data listed above will be summarized in the email. The appropriate team members will review the data for accuracy and provide feedback. n QUALITY ASSURANCE The quality items listed below are intended to provide information to ensure that data are collected at highest quality possible based on the field conditions: • Calibrate the electronic water -level meter prior to use, instead of using an engineer's ruler, to ensure accurate length demarcations on the tape or cable. Record the results. • Measurements will be conducted three times and the final measurement will be recorded. • Review the field notes once the field data are delivered. • Ensure all rental instruments are within calibration warranty dates. • Do not install the transducer closer than 6 inches from the base of the well to eliminate the possibility of fouling the transducer with sediment accumulated at the bottom of the well or surface -water point. • To prevent pressure transducer malfunction or damage, do not submerge pressure transducers in excess of the operating range and do not insert objects in the sensor opening unless directed by the manufacturer. • Test functionality using a bucket or barrel filled with water. Submerge the pressure transducer, measure and estimate the water head above the pressure transducer, and compare the measurement to the reading (recall that absolute [sealed] pressure transducers will have compounded barometric pressure). arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 14 TGI — Water -Level Monitoring Using Data Logging Instruments Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: 05/15/2020 • Additional testing of the pressure transducers includes checking the pressure transducer response to changing heads by raising the pressure transducer a known distance, observing the change in head, and measuring the distance manually. • Check and assess memory prior to deployment and after each download to avoid data loss. Use time interval between download events, sampling frequency, and remaining memory capacity of the transducer to determine if sufficient memory is available or the transducer requires resetting. Alternatively, remaining memory and sampling frequency can be used to schedule future downloading events. 11 REFERENCES Cunningham, W.L., and Schalk, C.W., comps., 2011. Groundwater technical procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 1—A1, 151 p. Freeman, L.A., Carpenter, M.C., Rosenberry, D.O., Rousseau, J.P., Unger, R. and McLean, J.S., 2004. Use of submersible pressure transducers in water -resources investigations: US Geological Survey Techniques of Water -Resources Investigations, book 8, chap. A3. USEPA 2013. SESD Operating Procedure, Groundwater level and Well Depth Measurement. January 29. arcadis.com TGI - Water Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers_Rev O.doc 15 ARCADIS 'WE -"`" rcs� PRESSURE TRANSDUCER LOG Personnel: Event: Weather: Pressure Transducers Manual Depths Notes Well or Stilling Point ID Pressure Transducer Brand/Model Serial Number Program Start Date and Time Initial Recording Interval Approximate Deployment Depth (ft bTOC) Transducer Location (above or below pump) File Name Water - Level Meter (A,B,C) Date Time DTB (ft bTOC) DTW (ft bTOC) NOTES: ft bTOC - feet below top of casing. DTW and DTB - depth -to -water and depth -to -bottom ATTACHMENT 2 sue+ � vs� Solinst Levelogger connected to a PC using an optical reader 04 ARCAD IS Oesign &Consultancy fornaturaland built assets Solinst Levelogger and direct read cable connected to a PC using a PC interface cable u In -Situ LevelTrolls and BaroTroll In -Situ vented Well cap assemblies for cable and transducer deployment desiccant pack Deployed transducers to measure barometric pressure and water level Wireless communication equipment arcadis.com PARCADIS Design&consultancy for naturaand Built assetls TECHNICAL GUIDANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR STEP PUMPING (EXTRACTION) TEST IN POROUS MEDIA TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 VERSION CONTROL 8/24/2018 All Original document Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Technical Expert Reviewed by: Everett H. Fortner III, PG A�� Marc Killingstad, PE 08/24/2018 Date: 08/24/2018 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to any and all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, state -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION In an extraction step test, the test well is pumped at several successively higher flow rates (generally 3 to 4) and the drawdown for each flow rate, or step, is recorded in the test well and, if applicable, in nearby observation wells. This testing is used to evaluate the test well specific capacity, establish the test well baseline performance, estimate the test well maximum sustainable yield, and provide an understanding of long-term sustainable flow rate ranges. All steps are generally performed in uniform duration with recovery recorded after the final step. The initial step flow rate will be approximately half of the expected median flow rate. The understanding of expected flow rate ranges can be determined based on the conceptual site model, analytical calculations, groundwater zone grain size analysis or from the initial test well specific capacity during development. At the conclusion of the first test period (i.e., after approximately 1 hour of pumping with a stable drawdown), the pumping rate is increased based on field observations and estimated maximum or desired maximum yield. The process (steps) are repeated for 3 to 4 cycles, or until a desired maximum flow rate or unsustainable flow rate is established (i.e., the in -well water level rapidly falls, cascades, to the pump intake after the start of pumping). In the case of an unsustainable drawdown that is encountered for the Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 final step flow rate, it may be necessary to draw back the flow rate on the final step to determine the maximum sustained yield. Following the final step, pumping will cease and recovery will be monitored to within 95% of static water level conditions. The response of in -well water -levels (both test well and observation wells) to pumping will be recorded with pressure transducer/data loggers and also manually measured with an electronic water -level meter. Flow rates will be maintained steady and recorded in detail with total flow and instantaneous measurements. As with all hydraulic testing, proper test design is necessary to verify successful testing. Tests completed in fill, fractured aquifers, and karts systems have unique challenges that require additional specific design that may include increased monitoring or additional analyses and are not specifically addressed in this TGI. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Field personnel performing the step extraction tests will have the following qualifications: • Familiarity and competency with o quantitative hydrogeology, o understanding of the Project Site, o this TGI, and o the work scope (i.e. have reviewed the field implementation work plan with project hydrogeologist). • Sufficient "hands-on" experience necessary to successfully complete the field work. • Demonstrated familiarity with equipment required for this testing such as submersible pumps, flow meters, and electronic data logging equipment. • Completed current health and safety training in accordance with the project health and safety plan (HASP) (e.g., 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations training and site -specific training, as appropriate). 4 EQUIPMENT LIST • Test and observation well construction details • Well development and/or other testing information • Pumping test work plan (field implementation plan) • Electronic water -level meter(s) — calibrated individual and to each other if multiple used • Appropriate data -logging pressure transducers — suitable for expected water column range and data logging capabilities (e.g. Solinst AquaVent [vented] with direct read cable for the test well, Solinst Level Logger Edge [non -vented] for observation wells) • Barometric pressure logger (e.g. Solinst barologger), if using non -vented pressure transducers Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Pressure transducer communication equipment, manuals, and calibration certificates • Laptop computer or other interface (tablet) with appropriate software installed for communication with pressure transducers • Appropriate pump (e.g., variable speed submersible pump) capable of test design flow rates with flow controller • Appropriate valves for discharge/effluent piping run • Appropriate check -valve (i.e., back -flow preventer) for submersible pump • Buckets or drums • IDW containerization and/or modular water treatment system (if necessary) and proper labeling • Approved decon detergent • Potable water for decon • Appropriate field forms/logs • Waterproof marker • Measuring device (e.g., measuring tape, wheel) • Digital camera or smart phone • Appropriate PPE (per project HASP) • Tripod, winch, and suspension cable, if required for weight of pump and tubing • Source of electricity: appropriate extension cords or appropriate generator (and fuel) with hot fill capability if needed based on test duration • Appropriate in -line flow meter(s) — totalizing meter or combination totalizing and instantaneous flow meter, suitable for anticipated flow rates and discharge tubing/piping • Shelter, table, and chairs, if needed 5 CAUTIONS • Pressure Transducers/Data Loggers o Verify and document that all rental instruments and water -level meters are in good working order (and calibrated with relevant documentation) prior to mobilization to the field. o Small -diameter pressure transducers (typically 0.5 to 0.75 in) are available that can cover a range of pressures. o Deploy the pressure transducer in the test well at a reasonable distance above the pump intake to prevent noise (over 1 foot, if available water column allows). o To prevent pressure transducer malfunction or damage, do not submerge pressure transducers in excess of the operating range and do not insert objects in the sensor opening (refer to manufacturer manuals). Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 o For vented pressure transducers/data loggers, prior to field mobilization test functionality using a bucket or barrel filled with water. Submerge pressure transducer, accurately measure the water head above the pressure transducer, and compare the measurement to the reading. Document functionality testing results and resolve any non -conformances. o For non -vented transducers, which record a combined pressure of barometric and the water column above the pressure transducer, can be tested in the same fashion as the vented pressure transducer (outlined above). The water column above the pressure transducer can be checked by subtracting out current atmospheric pressure. o Ensure that all pressure transducers (including barometric transducer) are time -synched and set to start recording at the top of the minute and at 00 seconds. Barometric pressure loggers can be set at a larger interval than the pressure transducers (e.g., every 10 minutes). o Telemetry may be used to monitor all pressure transducers in real time but will require additional planning and understanding of manufacturer guidelines. o Field testing the pressure transducers can be performed by observing/recording the pressure transducer response to changing heads by raising the pressure transducer a certain distance, observing the change in head, and then measuring the distance manually. This will provide a general understanding of functionality as manual measurements will not be able to match the accuracy of the pressure transducer. Document such verification results and resolve any non - conformities. o All electronic water -level meters will be calibrated at one monitoring well to a selected primary water -level meter that has been checked with a measuring tape and offsets recorded for later processing. If an offset for a single meter exceeds 0.03 feet, alternate equipment will be used. Always use the same equipment for the entire testing period to ensure consistency in measurements. Document calibration results and resolve any non -conformities. o Pressure transducers will be set in the well at least 20 minutes prior to recording start to allow the instrument to thermally equilibrate with groundwater and allow for any cable stretching. This initial period applies for instrument equilibration only and does not include background monitoring (see below). o Sufficient background water levels will be collected from the test well and observation wells and include monitoring a background well(s) outside of testing influence. At a minimum, background monitoring is recommended be performed prior to testing for a period equal to the testing period (e.g., a 72-hour test requires have at least 72 hours of background monitoring). If multiple aquifer systems are being evaluated, additional background well monitoring may be required. o Only linear logging will be used to record data: do not use logarithmic or head -change logging settings to record data. These other measurement settings have caused issues in the past and, therefore, will not to be used since most current data loggers have sufficient data memory to handle linear. o When deployed, the pressure transducer cables will be secured at the wellhead to prevent movement that would affect measurements. Mark a reference point on the down -hole transducer cable or securing line and check regularly to detect slippage. Use manufacturer supplied well Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 head caps if available. For larger diameter wells, loop the cable and use tape to secure cable to well outer casing. • Data Recording and Management o All data management and recording devices (i.e. laptop computer(s), pressure transducers and other time -measurement devices) will be synchronized so that the time (using 24-hour military format) of each reading, electronic and manual, can be referenced to the exact minute and hour that pumping started. o Data management is crucial to prevent data loss. Use caution not to overwrite any previously recorded files and remember, electronic data backup is always necessary. A significant job loss occurs if data is accidently overwritten or lost. As soon as testing has been completed or at intervals as directed in the field implementation plan, immediately back up data on a laptop computer, a flash drive kept in a safe location (e.g., back pack), and uploaded nightly to the project data server (i.e. Sharepoint) to reduce the risk of data loss (e.g., computer failure) in the field. • Flow Rate o Flow meters likely come with a calibration certificate and is recommended to be confirmed in the field prior to test start up. In -line flow meters that have totalizer and instantaneous flow readings are preferred but orifice weir or manometers may be used. o If test flow rates allow, bucket tests are recommended to be used to verify flow (e.g., 5-gallon bucket). o The flow meter chosen for the test will have an adequate flow rate range capable of accurately measuring the expected flow rates and appropriately sized for the discharge piping. o It is strongly recommended that a backup meter be connected in a by-pass effluent line connection in case of primary flow meter failure. • Equipment Care o Keep sensitive electronic equipment away from heat and devices that generate significant magnetic fields. For example, do not place pressure transducers near electric power generators or electric pump motors or store in vehicles when high temperatures are anticipated. Likewise, radio signals may cause pressure transducers or computers to malfunction. • Decontamination o Make sure all equipment that enter the test and observation wells (e.g., pump, water -level meter, pressure transducer) is properly decontaminated before and after use. If testing multiple wells, start with the least contaminated and progress to the most contaminated. Please refer to the TGI — Groundwater and Soil Sampling Equipment Decontamination. • Weather o Verify that heavy rainfall (greater than a quarter of an inch) has not occurred within 48 hours and is not expected during testing. Recharge will influence groundwater levels that cannot be Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 corrected during post-test analysis providing unreliable results. If weather conditions are questionable, check with project hydrogeologist for direction. 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS The site -specific HASP will be used to verify that the step extraction tests are conducted in a safe manner and will include appropriate Job Safety Analyses (JSAs). The following specific health and safety issues will be considered when conducting pumping tests: • Appropriate PPE with minimum of Level D must be worn to avoid contact with site chemicals of concern during testing. • Electrical hazards evaluated (e.g. extension cords, power distribution centers and generators) • Well covers must be carefully removed to avoid potential contact with insects or animals. Well caps are recommended to be vented or tethered to avoid potential eye injury in case of gas buildup in the well if expected. Well covers are also a potential lifting hazard and pinch point hazard. • Pressurization or vacuum hazards associated with pipes and fittings will be considered during extraction step test planning and implementation. • Downhole equipment assemblages (pump and piping) may be too heavy for hand deployment and may require the use of a tripod, winch or crane truck. 7 PROCEDURE 1. Prior to mobilization: review field implementation plan with project hydrogeologist; review HASP, assemble appropriate forms and site data (e.g., well construction details); and order/test/ca I i b rate all equipment. 2. Use appropriate attached forms (Attachment A - Pressure Transducer Log, Attachment B - Manual Depth -to -Water Log, Attachment C - Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicable], and Attachment D - Extraction Test Log). All time measurement documentation will be in military time. 3. Measure water -levels and total well depth in all applicable observation wells and test well and establish an appropriate background monitoring phase. 4. Install pressure transducers for background monitoring phase in observation well network: Ensure adequate memory in all transducers prior to deployment (i.e. clear memory during testing conducted prior to mobilization) • Pressure transducers in observation wells will be attached using the appropriate direct read communication cable (preferred) or Kevlar cord. The background data acquisition will be set to linear logging under non -overwriting recording mode recording at a rate outlined in the field implementation plan (e.g., 30 seconds). A longer rate (e.g., 1 to 5 minutes) may be used for longer periods of background monitoring. Refer to field implementation plan or consult with project hydrogeologist if there are questions. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Pressure transducers in observation wells will be set at a distance below the anticipated water level accounting for expected drawdown or just above the bottom of the well (e.g., 6 inches) if limited water column is available. Using a direct read cable allows for real time monitoring with a laptop or similar interface. • The pressure transducer in the test well will be set approximately 1 foot above the pump housing and attached with a direct read cable for real time monitoring with a laptop or similar interface (preferred). Take a water -level measurement prior deployment of the pressure transducer and before the pump install. However, proper static levels will need to be established if the pumping equipment is installed later causing temporary well water -level rise. • Pressure transducer cable or Kevlar cord will be attached to solid surface mount with wire ties or something similar. • Fill out Pressure Transducer Log. 5. Set up pumping system at the test well in accordance with the field implementation plan and consultation with the project hydrogeologist. • Install extraction equipment (i.e. downhole test well equipment, piping, flow meters, modular treatment, and IDW containerization) and verify that a check valve or a ball valve at the top of the well head is installed to inhibit drainage of the effluent line after pump shutdown. If a ball valve is used, the valve will need to be shut precisely after pump shut off. • Ideally, the pump intake is be placed above the top of the well screen if the water column and expected drawdown permits. • Note that the flow meter and other sensitive equipment are recommended to be protected from the elements under a temporary shelter. The pump controller can be specifically sensitive to humidity and overheating with exposure to direct sunlight. • Verify that the controller is well ventilated, in the shade, and the protective lid not closed. • As with all pumping tests, it is critical that the flow rate be held steady. Set the desired flow rate as soon as possible after starting the pump or adjusting (stepping) the flow rate. 6. After background data collection, set the pressure transducers to linear logging under non -overwriting recording mode recording at the rate of 1 seconds. This is a general understanding for the interval of data acquisition; however, a smaller interval may be used for the test well and observation wells in close proximity to the test well (e.g. 0.5 seconds) and a larger interval may be used for background wells (outside of testing influence). Pressure transducer programming information will be recorded on the Pressure Transducer Log. 7. Start test, turn pump on, and complete step testing at 3 to 4 flow rates as outlined in field implementation plan. At least three steps are recommended be performed (typically 33%, 67%, and 100% of anticipated maximum flow rates). However, wells where high flow rates are expected, a lower maximum flow rate may be determined based on the design and temporary treatment or IDW containment limitations. Each flow rate will be maintained for approximately 1-hour or when stability is apparent before stepping to the next higher flow rate — refer to field implementation plan for the site -specific flow rates and anticipated durations. To the extent possible, each step flow rate are Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 recommended to be consistent in duration (e.g. 1 hour for each step). A sustained drawdown (i.e., stable, non -changing) is recommended to be observed prior to starting the next test step (i.e., adjusting the flow rate). Note: A stabilized water -level means little or no measurable change over time —use less than 0.03 ft of change over a 10-minute period as a general guide. This can be monitored in real-time using a laptop connected to the transducer in the extraction test well and by manual measurement. 8. When a step flow rate exceeds the maximum yield (i.e. water -level in the well drops to pump intake), the flow rate will be stepped back incrementally to establish a maximum sustainable flow rate. This may include reducing the flow rate to the previously sustained flow rate step. In either case, the final maximum flow rate needs to be maintained for approximately 1-hour or until sustained drawdown is observed before pump is shut off and recovery monitoring commences. 9. Record the manual depth -to -water measurements in the test well with the following sequence (record time along with depth -to -water measurement with the provided Manual Depth -To -Water Log): • every 15 seconds for the first minute, • every 30 seconds for the next three minutes, • every minute for the next 15 minutes, and • every 15 minutes for the remainder of the step (if practicable). • Repeat for each step and recovery. 10. As time allows, periodically record manual depth -to -water measurements from the observation well network (as practicable on the order of 15 to 30 minutes during each step with the provided Manual Depth -To -Water Log. 11. Flow meter readings (totalizing and instantaneous) are recommended to be recorded once every minute for the first 10 minutes as best as possible. Continued recording of the flow meter will be recorded on the field form every 5 to 10 minutes thereafter. 12. Data evaluation will be performed during actual testing, in real time. Pressure/head change plots created from the direct read transducer cable will be evaluated during the test to verify status/stabilization of the drawdown before increasing the flow rate. If stabilization is apparent before the end of the pre -determined (e.g. 1 hour) flow rate duration, consult with project hydrogeologist to determine whether to proceed to next step. 13. After the maximum sustained or end desired design flow rate is achieved and maintained, turn off pump and commence recovery monitoring. Recovery will be monitored to at least 95% or greater of the pre -test conditions. Manual depth -to -water measurement frequencies will be the same as described above (again, as time allows, record depth -to -water measurements in the observation wells during the recovery phase of the test). 14. Final depth to water measurements are required to be taken from the observation wells and test well before pulling any equipment (pumps and pressure transducers). Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 15. Once aquifer recovery has been verified (consult with project hydrogeologist), remove and download pressure transducers. Store/transfer/maintain the data on at least two separate devices (tablet, CPU and flash drive) and upload to project folder as soon as possible to prevent data loss. Following file naming convention outlined in the field implementation plan; if not specified, use the following convention: Well ID Date Time. 16. Water-IDW. Follow the work plan and TGI for water-IDW management, treatment, and discharge. General guidelines for waste management are provided below. 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Rinse water, PPE, and other waste materials generated during equipment decontamination will be placed in appropriate containers and labeled in accordance with the TGI on IDW and/or as outlined in the field implementation plan. Containerized waste will be disposed of, consistent with appropriate waste management procedures for investigation -derived waste. Containerize all purged water as specified in the field implementation/work plan. Do not discharge on the ground in the area of testing as this recharge may affect shallow aquifer responses. Discharge water must be disposed of according to all applicable laws, regulations, and project guidelines. Contact the governing agencies to determine which restrictions apply. Arcadis will not "take possession" of purged water. 9 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Field personnel will complete all applicable field forms for each test (see attached forms). Forms will include recommended data file naming protocol per the field implementation plan. It is recommended that all data (copies of field forms/logs and digital data from the pressure transducers) be copied to a flash drive and transmitted along with field notes to the project team/project folder as soon as possible to prevent data loss. Field equipment calibration, decontamination activities, and waste management activities will be recorded in the field notebook, appropriate field form, or daily log. 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE Data collected during field testing will be reviewed in real time to determine reasonableness/quality given documented site -specific conditions. This can be completed using the direct read pressure transducer cables connected to a laptop or other device in real-time viewing mode as the test progresses. If the data are questionable, the field equipment must be checked to confirm proper working order and the test may be repeated, if possible. Consult with the project hydrogeologist to work through issues encountered in the field and to help determine test validity. Frequent and open communication with the technical staff/project hydrogeologist is essential for successful performance of any field activity. Document findings and resolution of any non -conformances. Any issues that may affect the data must be recorded in the field notebook or daily log for consideration by the technical staff. Follow data file naming protocol as outlined in the field implementation plan and other information needed on applicable field forms. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 11 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 11 REFERENCES ASTM D4050-14, Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Withdrawal and Injection Well Testing for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifer Systems, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014, www.astm.org Driscoll, Fletcher G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, 1,089 p. Kruseman, G. P.and de Ridder, N. A., 1990. Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data, Second Edition. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 377 p. 12 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Pressure Transducer Log Attachment B — Manual Depth -to -Water Log Attachment C — Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicable] Attachment D - Extraction Test Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 12 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT A Pressure Transducer Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 13 P0 RCAD I S I OPSMy"& CMsulta-cr for natural and paik asses PRESSURE TRANSDUCER LOG Personnel: Test: Weather: Pressure Transducers Well ID Transducer Serial Number Program Start Date and Time Recording Interval Approximate Deployment Depth (ft bTOC) DEPLOYMENT RETRIEVAUDOW NLOAD Download File Name Date Time DTW ft bTOC Date Time DTW ft bTOC)(MW-16-01012017-00:00) NOTES: ft bTOC - feet below top of casing. TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT 6 Manual Depth -to -Water Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 14 MANUAL WATER LEVEL RECORD, FOR PUMPING TEST MEASUREMENTS IN OBSERVATION WELL #: Job Name: Well Diameter: Measure Point: Pumped Well: Distance from Pumped Well: Location: Step No. Start Date: Sheet: of 04ARCADIS Depths Below Measuring Point (feet) Average Flow: Static Water Static Level: Time: Static Level Well Bottom Screen Top Screen Base Transducer Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins) Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins' Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins) Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT C Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicablel Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 15 ■����I +❑rilatur272nd �� 11 11....II huiltassels OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE LOr' Field Personnel: Test: Weather: Date Time Injection Well Extraction Well Bag Filters Carbon Adsorbers Effluent Alarm Conditions/Maintenance Performed Operator Initials Flow m Pressure (psi)(psi)si Flow (gpm ) Pressure Pressure Pressure (psi)si !PressureMPressure Pressure (psi)(psi) Pressure Pressure (psi) TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT D Extraction Test Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 16 ardlC9nmd IIanCy' PUMPING/RECOVERY TEST LOG PROJECT WELL SITE LOCATION PERSONNEL Well construction measuring point description: sounded depth to bottom (ft bMP): screened interval (ft bgs): casing diameter (cm): Test Details Date: Time pumping started: target rate (gpm) Time pumping stopped: Total pumping duration (min): total volume removed (gal) calculated rate, from totalizer (gpm) Notes: PM/TM SWL and pump deployment static DTW (prior to pump insertion): static DTW (after pump insertion): approx. pump depth (intake, ft btoc) Pump type: Time pumping stopped total duration (min) Date TIME (24 hour) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) pre -test static: Page 1 of 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of _ 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of _ POARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets AARCADIS Design&consultancy for naturaand Built assetls TGI -BAILER-GRAB GROUNDWATER SAMPLING TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 VERSION CONTROL October 16, 2018 All Updated and re -written as TGI Marc Killingstad Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Chris Shepherd Technical Expert Reviewed by: ✓� Marc Killingstad 10/16/2018 Date: 10/16/2018 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to any and all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, state -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION The objective of this Technical Guidance Instruction (TGI) is to describe the procedures to collect groundwater samples using bailers with no purging of the monitoring well, piezometer, etc. This TGI describes the equipment, field procedures, materials, and documentation procedures necessary to collect groundwater samples by "bailer grab" sampling. This TGI may be varied or changed, as required, depending on site -specific work plan, site conditions, equipment limitations, or limitations imposed by the procedure. The ultimate procedure employed, and variances will be documented in the project work plans or reports. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Arcadis field sampling personnel will have completed or are in the process of completing site -specific training as well as having current health and safety training as required by Arcadis, client, and/or state/federal regulations, such as 40-hour HAZWOPER training and/or OSHA HAZWOPER site Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 supervisor training. Arcadis personnel will also have current training as specified in the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) which may include first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) as needed. In addition, Arcadis field sampling personnel will be knowledgeable in the relevant processes, procedures, and TGIs and possess the demonstrated required skills and experience necessary to successfully complete the desired field work. The HASP and other documents will identify other training requirements and access control requirements. The designated Field Manager is responsible for periodic observation of field activities and review of field generated documentation associated with this TGI. The Field Manager is also responsible for implementation of corrective action if problems occur (e.g., retraining personnel, additional review of work plans and TGIs, variances to QC sampling requirements, issuing non -conformances, etc.). Field personnel assigned to collect groundwater samples are responsible for completing their tasks in accordance with the specifications outlined in this TGI and other appropriate and relevant guidelines. Field staff will have prior experience in groundwater sampling. 4 EQUIPMENT LIST • Approved site -specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) • Approved site -specific field implementation plan (FIP) which will include: site map with sampling locations, well construction information/borehole information, and sampling plan • Personal protective equipment (PPE), as required by the Health and Safety Plan (HASP). • Field notebook and/or smart device (phone or tablet) • Sampling field forms (Attachment A) • Well keys and other tools to remove manhole covers (manual torque wrench with 9/16" socket and flat head screwdriver typical) • Photoionization detector (PID) or flame ionization detector (FID) (as appropriate, depending on site - specific constituents of concern) • Electronic water -level indicator or oil/water interface probe with 0.01-foot accuracy (oil/water as appropriate, note that bailer sampling will not be performed when sheen or light non -aqueous phase liquid [LNAPL] is present) • Down -hole multiparameter water quality sonde (e.g., YSI) • Plastic sheeting (e.g., Weatherall Visqueen) to protect all down -hole sampling equipment from contact with potential sources of contamination. • 150-foot measuring tape (or sufficient length for the maximum site depth requirement) • Decontamination equipment o Non -phosphate laboratory soap (Alconox or equivalent), brushes, clean buckets or clean wash tubs —new buckets or tubs will be purchased if it cannot be determined if the present items are clean Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 o Distilled or de -ionized water for equipment decontamination • Indelible ink pen • Appropriate type, size, and number of bailers • Polyethylene or nylon rope • Safety cutting supplies (e.g., self -retracting safety knife) • Sample labels, chain -of -custody, containers, and cooler with ice 5 CAUTIONS Two types of bailers are available for obtaining grab samples from wells (or open boreholes): a point - source bailer and an open bailer. A point source bailer is constructed of stainless steel and has dual ball valves at the top and bottom which prevent mixing of water with a sample collected at a discrete interval. Open bailers have a single ball valve on the bottom can be stainless steel, Teflon®, PVC, or polyethylene. Disposable open bailers are typically made of polyethylene. After the point -source or open bailer is lowered to the desired depth, the bailer is retrieved by pulling upward, which causes the valve(s) to shut and retain the sample of water in the bailer. Because the top of the open bailer is exposed to the water in the overlying water column, it is possible that the sample could mix with the water column above the bailer upon retrieval from the well. Thus, open bailers will not be used in situations where a substantial water column length exists above the sampling depth. In addition, bailer grab sampling is not recommended for collecting groundwater samples in monitoring wells (or piezometers) containing a floating layer of light, non -aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), also known as separate phase hydrocarbons. Care will be taken to minimize disturbance to the water column and to any particulates attached to the sides or at the bottom of the well during water level measurements and bailer sampling. Weighted bailers or stainless -steel bailers may be needed to sample wells with longer water columns. Upon retrieval of sample use straws or other appropriate clean materials to transfer groundwater samples into the sample bottles. Do not overtop the sample bottles as the preservative may be lost or cause injury to sampling personnel. Avoid introduction of surface soils or other materials by staging down -hole equipment on a clean and dry working surface (e.g., clean plastic sheeting). Secure items on field personnel to prevent materials from falling down the well. A Shipping Determination must be performed for all environmental samples that are to be shipped, as well as some types of environmental equipment/supplies that are to be shipped. 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS The HASP will be followed, as appropriate, to ensure the safety of field personnel. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times in line with the task and the site -specific HASP. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 Access to wells may expose field personnel to hazardous materials such as contaminated groundwater or NAPL (e.g., oil). Other potential hazards include pressurized wells (i.e., ejecting well caps), stinging insects that may inhabit well heads, other biologic hazards (e.g. ticks in long grass/weeds around well head), and potentially the use of sharp cutting tools (scissors, knife) —open well caps slowly using a secure grip and keep face and body away to allow to vent any built-up pressure; only use non -toxic peppermint oil spray for stinging insect nests; review client -specific health and safety requirements, which may preclude the use of fixed/folding-blade knives, and use appropriate hand protection. Upon opening monitoring wells, monitor well headspace and breathing zone using equipment (e.g., PID) if specified in the HASP. Deploying and retrieving bailers requires staff to lower and raise materials into and out of the monitoring well. Be sure to use proper bending and lifting techniques to avoid muscle strain and other potential injuries. Do not enter confined spaces unless following appropriate confined space entry procedures specified in HASP. 7 PROCEDURE 1. Preparation: o Verify the well location on the map or well marking versus the sampling plan o Don appropriate personal PPE o Delineate work area using cones or other appropriate materials as required in HASP o Layout plastic sheeting or other appropriate materials to reduce contaminant spread and/or keep sampling materials clean o Prepare sample bottles, labels, and paper work (i.e., chain -of -custody) 2. Open the well and obtain a depth to water measurement well (to 0.01 ft) using a properly decontaminated water level indicator or oil -water level indicator o If the well is pressurized, allow the well to equilibrate o Care will be taken to minimize disturbance to the water column and to any particulates attached to the sides or at the bottom of the well 3. Based on the depth to water and the total well depth (based on well log, accounting for the "stickup height above grade"), calculate the length of the water column and the depth to the midpoint of the saturated screened or open borehole interval from the top of casing (call this distance `Z') 4. Securely tie an appropriate length of new, disposable polyethylene or nylon rope to a new, disposable or properly cleaned reusable bailer and using a tape measure, measure from the midpoint of the bailer up the rope to the distance Z calculated above — mark the rope at this height with a knot or piece of masking tape o Avoid allowing the bailer or the rope to contact the ground surface by placing these on clean plastic sheeting next to the well, if necessary Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 5. Slowly lower the bailer into the well; the rate of lowering will be no more than 0.5-ft per second within the water column 6. When the mark on the rope is at the top of casing, indicating that the midpoint of the bailer is at the midpoint of the saturated screened or open interval, slowly raise and retrieve the bailer from the well 7. Fill sample vials/bottles either using the 'soda straw' method, from the pour stream of an up -turned bailer, or from the stream from a bottom -emptying device o Sample volatiles first o If field filtering of metals samples is required, decant the water from the bailer into a sterile container and use a clean peristaltic pump (or equivalent) to pump the water through an appropriate disposable filter, collecting the filtered water directly in the appropriate sample containers 8. Collect quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples at the appropriate frequency as required by the quality assurance project plan or field plan. To obtain a duplicate/blind duplicate sample, ideally collect a duplicate from the same bailer by sampling method as an original sample. 9. If additional sample volume is required at a well, repeat Step 4; however, avoid repeat deployment of the bailer if possible as it could result in increased sample turbidity and compromise sample quality 10. Collect water for field parameters, if needed, by measuring them in the sterile container using appropriate field probes or by deploying a downhole probe 11. Note field and groundwater observations (color; odor; presence of sheen, film, or particulate [if any]) on the sampling field form (Attachment A) and/or field logbook 12. Place collected samples immediately in a sample cooler that is already full of ice or ice packs such that the samples are immediately chilled (target 4° Celsius) 13. Cap/secure the well 14. Properly decontaminate all equipment (e.g., water -level meter or interface probe) and other equipment in accordance with TGI — Groundwater and Soil Sampling Equipment Decontamination and/or FIP 15. Properly store or dispose of waste materials as specified in the FIP 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Materials generated during groundwater sampling activities, including disposable equipment and excess water in the bailers, will be stored on site in appropriate labeled containers and disposed of properly. Waste will be managed in accordance with the TGI — Investigation -Derived Waste Handling and Storage, the procedures identified in the FIP or QAPP as well as state-, federal- or client -specific requirements. Be certain that waste containers are properly labeled and documented in the field log book. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 9 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Management of the original documents from the field will be completed in accordance with the site - specific QAPP. In general, field forms, logs/notes (including daily field and calibration logs), digital records, and chain -of - custody records will be maintained by the field team lead. Field logs and chain -of -custody records will be transmitted to the Arcadis Project Manager and/or Task Manager, as appropriate, at the end of each day unless otherwise directed. Electronic data files will be sent to the project team and uploaded to the electronic project folder daily. The groundwater sampling field lead retains copies of the sampling field forms and chain -of -custody records. Records generated as a result of this TGI will be controlled and maintained in the project record files in accordance with project requirements. Water -level measurements and depth calculations will be documented on the groundwater sampling log (Attachment A) and/or the field logbook, including the following information: • Well designation • Water -level measurement time • Total well depth • Depth to water • Depth to midpoint of saturated screened or open interval. In addition, the following information regarding the groundwater sample will be recorded: • Type, size, and construction materials of bailer (point source or open) • Type of rope • Time of sample collection • Type and volume of glassware filled, for which analytical methods • Field observations regarding groundwater sample (color; odor; presence of sheen, film, or particulate (if any) • Field parameter measurements (if required) 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE Depending on data quality objectives and data end use, aqueous QA/QC samples may be obtained and will be outlined in the FIP/work plan and/or the QAPP. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 11 REFERENCES Not applicable. 12 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A. Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI - Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Rev #: 01 Rev Date: October 16, 2018 ATTACHMENT A Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 PARCADIS Cesign&Consutrancy fornaturaland quilt assets BAILER -GRAB GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOG Date Project No Sample Personnel Site Name Sample ID Site Location Duplicate ID Site/Well No. Start bailing Weather Start sampling EVACUATION DATA Measuring Point (MP) Description Depth to Water (ft)/Time Evacuation Method Saturated Screen Center (ft) Bailer Type/Material Bailer Volume Bailer Water Quality Parameters (if required) Casing Diameter Total well depth (ft) Evacuation Vol Sample Depth (ft) Rope material Page of Stop bailing Stop sampling Time Volume (gal or L) pH (S.U.) Spec. Cond. (mS/cm or us/cm) Temp (°cm DO (mg/L) (%) Turbidity (NTU) ORP (mv) WL (ft) Appearance (Clarity, Color, Odor) CONTAINER DESCRIPTION Container: Lab ❑ or Arcadis ❑ Constituents Container (Type & Size) No. of bottles Preservative REMARKS Attachment A. Bailer -Grab Groundwater Sampling Log V1 POARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets PARCADIS Design&consultancy for naturaand Built assetls TECHNICAL GUIDANCE INSTRUCTIONS -CONSTANT RATE PUMPING (EXTRACTION) TEST IN POROUS MEDIA TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 VERSION CONTROL 8/24/2018 All Initial document Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Technical Expert Reviewed by: Everett H. Fortner III, PG A�� Marc Killingstad, PE 08/24/2018 Date: 08/24/2018 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to any and all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, state -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION A reliable and commonly used method of evaluating aquifer characteristics is by controlled aquifer constant -rate pumping (extraction) tests using a test well and observation wells. Constant -rate pumping tests provide results that are more representative of bulk average aquifer characteristics than those predicted by single -well aquifer tests (e.g., single -well pumping tests or slug tests). Important aquifer characteristics which may be estimated by performing extraction constant rate tests include hydraulic conductivity (K), transmissivity (T), specific yield (Sy) for unconfined aquifers, and storage coefficient (S) for confined aquifers. This method of aquifer testing can also help quantify/estimate leakance through fine-grained units that separate shallow zones from deeper zones as well as horizontal/vertical anisotropy within the formation being tested. This TGI primarily focuses on unconsolidated aquifers (i.e. porous media). Tests completed in fill, fractured aquifers, and karts systems have unique challenges that require additional specific design that may include increased monitoring or additional analyses and are not specifically addressed in this TGI. A reliable and commonly used method of evaluating aquifer characteristics is by controlled aquifer constant -rate pumping (extraction) tests using a test well and observation wells. Constant -rate pumping Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 tests provide results that are more representative of bulk average aquifer characteristics than those predicted by single -well aquifer tests (e.g., single -well pumping tests or slug tests). Important aquifer characteristics which may be estimated by performing extraction constant rate tests include hydraulic conductivity (K), transmissivity (T), specific yield (Sy) for unconfined aquifers, and storage coefficient (S) for confined aquifers. This method of aquifer testing can also help quantify/estimate leakance through fine-grained units that separate shallow zones from deeper zones as well as horizontal/vertical anisotropy within the formation being tested. This TGI primarily focuses on unconsolidated aquifers (i.e. porous media). Tests completed in fill, fractured aquifers, and karts systems have unique challenges that require additional specific design that may include increased monitoring or additional analyses and are not specifically addressed in this TGI. In general, a constant -rate pumping (extraction) test is a pumping test performed at a constant flow rate completed over longer periods of time (usually 2 to up to 4 days) with multiple observation wells. The proper design of a constant -rate pumping test requires a general understanding of the hydrogeologic system so that a suitable work plan can be made. The design incorporates known site information from the conceptual site model (CSM) and from any previous aquifer/hydraulic testing performed at the site. Factors such as aquifer thickness, degree of confinement, results from step testing (or other aquifer tests), and estimated permeability range will aid in design of the test —including number of observation wells, depth and spatial placement of observation wells; duration of background measurements, flow rate(s); frequency of water -level measurements; and duration of the test. Unconfined aquifers will typically have a longer duration test relative to tests performed in confined or semi -confined aquifer (i.e. usually 48 to over 72 hours) so that late time gravity drainage response (i.e. specific yield, Sy) can be observed and measured. To the extent possible, the hydraulic response to pumping, via observed changes in water levels in the test well and observation wells, will be recorded with pressure transducer/data loggers as well as manually measured with an electronic water -level meter. Flow rates will be maintained at a steady/consistent level throughout the duration of the test and checked/recorded frequently using total flow and instantaneous measurements (e.g., inline totalizing flow meter). After a sufficient duration (based on the test design and/or consultation with the project hydrogeologist), pumping will cease and aquifer recovery will be monitored via in -well water levels in the test and observation wells until observed water levels are within 95% of static (pre -test) conditions. As with all hydraulic testing, proper test design and planning is necessary to perform a successful constant -rate pumping test. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the project hydrogeologist develop a detailed field implementation plan that clearly outlines the test objectives, specific steps/procedures to be performed, communication expectations and protocol, and health and safety requirements and review with field personnel prior to mobilization to the field. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Field personnel performing the extraction constant rate tests will have the following qualifications: • Familiarity and competency with o quantitative hydrogeology, o understanding of the Project Site, Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 o this TGI, and o the work scope (i.e. have reviewed the field implementation work plan with project hydrogeologist). • Sufficient "hands-on" experience necessary to successfully complete the field work. • Demonstrated familiarity with equipment required for this testing such as submersible pumps, flow meters, and electronic data logging equipment. • Completed current health and safety training in accordance with the project health and safety plan (HASP) (e.g., 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations training and site -specific training, as appropriate). 4 EQUIPMENT LIST • Test and observation well construction details • Well development and/or other testing information • Pumping test work plan (field implementation plan) • Electronic water -level meter(s) — calibrated individual and to each other if multiple used • Appropriate data -logging pressure transducers — suitable for expected water column range and data logging capabilities (e.g. Solinst AquaVent [vented] with direct read cable for the test well, Solinst Level Logger Edge [non -vented] for observation wells) • Barometric pressure logger (e.g. Solinst barologger), if using non -vented pressure transducers • Pressure transducer communication equipment, manuals, and calibration certificates • Laptop computer or other interface (tablet) with appropriate software installed for communication with pressure transducers • Appropriate pump (e.g., variable speed submersible pump) capable of test design flow rates with flow controller • Appropriate valves for discharge/effluent piping run • Appropriate check -valve (i.e., back -flow preventer) for submersible pump • Buckets or drums • IDW containerization and/or modular water treatment system (if necessary) and proper labeling • Approved decon detergent • Potable water for decon • Appropriate field forms/logs • Waterproof marker • Measuring device (e.g., measuring tape, wheel) Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Digital camera or smart phone • Appropriate PPE (per project HASP) • Tripod, winch, and suspension cable, if required for weight of pump and tubing • Source of electricity: appropriate extension cords or appropriate generator (and fuel) with hot fill capability if needed based on test duration • Appropriate in -line flow meter(s) — totalizing meter or combination totalizing and instantaneous flow meter, suitable for anticipated flow rates and discharge tubing/piping • Shelter, table, and chairs, if needed 5 CAUTIONS • Pressure Transducers/Data Loggers o Verify and document that all rental instruments and water -level meters are in good working order (and calibrated with relevant documentation) prior to mobilization to the field. o Small -diameter pressure transducers (typically 0.5 to 0.75 in) are available that can cover a range of pressures. o Deploy the pressure transducer in the test well at a reasonable distance above the pump intake to prevent noise (over 1 foot, if available water column allows). o To prevent pressure transducer malfunction or damage, do not submerge pressure transducers in excess of the operating range and do not insert objects in the sensor opening (refer to manufacturer manuals). o For vented pressure transducers/data loggers, prior to field mobilization test functionality using a bucket or barrel filled with water. Submerge pressure transducer, accurately measure the water head above the pressure transducer, and compare the measurement to the reading. Document functionality testing results and resolve any non -conformances. o For non -vented transducers, which record a combined pressure of barometric and the water column above the pressure transducer, can be tested in the same fashion as the vented pressure transducer (outlined above). The water column above the pressure transducer can be checked by subtracting out current atmospheric pressure. o Ensure that all pressure transducers (including barometric transducer) are time -synched and set to start recording at the top of the minute and at 00 seconds. Barometric pressure loggers can be set at a larger interval than the pressure transducers (e.g., every 10 minutes). o Telemetry may be used to monitor all pressure transducers in real time but will require additional planning and understanding of manufacturer guidelines. o Field testing the pressure transducers can be performed by observing/recording the pressure transducer response to changing heads by raising the pressure transducer a certain distance, observing the change in head, and then measuring the distance manually. This will provide a general understanding of functionality as manual measurements will not be able to match the Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 accuracy of the pressure transducer. Document such verification results and resolve any non - conformities. o All electronic water -level meters will be calibrated at one monitoring well to a selected primary water -level meter that has been checked with a measuring tape and offsets recorded for later processing. If an offset for a single meter exceeds 0.03 feet, alternate equipment will be used. Always use the same equipment for the entire testing period to ensure consistency in measurements. Document calibration results and resolve any non -conformities. o Pressure transducers will be set in the well at least 20 minutes prior to recording start to allow the instrument to thermally equilibrate with groundwater and allow for any cable stretching. This initial period applies for instrument equilibration only and does not include background monitoring (see below). o Sufficient background water levels will be collected from the test well and observation wells and include monitoring a background well(s) outside of testing influence. At a minimum, background monitoring is recommended to be performed prior to testing for a period equal to the testing period (e.g., a 72-hour test requires at least 72 hours of background monitoring). If multiple aquifer systems are being evaluated, additional background well monitoring may be required. o Only linear logging will be used to record data: do not use logarithmic or head -change logging settings to record data. These other measurement settings have caused issues in the past and, therefore, will not to be used since most current data loggers have sufficient data memory to handle linear. o When deployed, the pressure transducer cables will be secured at the wellhead to prevent movement that would affect measurements. Mark a reference point on the down -hole transducer cable or securing line and check regularly to detect slippage. Use manufacturer supplied well head caps if available. For larger diameter wells, loop the cable and use tape to secure cable to well outer casing. • Data Recording and Management o All data management and recording devices (i.e. laptop computer(s), pressure transducers and other time -measurement devices) will be synchronized so that the time (using 24-hour military format) of each reading, electronic and manual, can be referenced to the exact minute and hour that pumping started. o Data management is crucial to prevent data loss. Use caution not to overwrite any previously recorded files and remember, electronic data backup is always necessary. A significant job loss occurs if data is accidently overwritten or lost. As soon as testing has been completed or at intervals as directed in the field implementation plan, immediately back up data on a laptop computer, a flash drive kept in a safe location (e.g., back pack), and uploaded nightly to the project data server (i.e. Sharepoint) to reduce the risk of data loss (e.g., computer failure) in the field. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Flow Rate o Flow meters likely come with a calibration certificate and can be confirmed in the field prior to test start up. In -line flow meters that have totalizer and instantaneous flow readings are preferred but orifice weir or manometers may be used. o If test flow rates allow, bucket tests are recommended also be used to verify flow (e.g., 5-gallon bucket). o The flow meter chosen for the test will have an adequate flow rate range capable of accurately measuring the expected flow rates and appropriately sized for the discharge piping. o It is strongly recommended that a backup meter be connected in a by-pass effluent line connection in case of primary flow meter failure. • Equipment Care o Keep sensitive electronic equipment away from heat and devices that generate significant magnetic fields. For example, do not place pressure transducers near electric power generators or electric pump motors or store in vehicles when high temperatures are anticipated. Likewise, radio signals may cause pressure transducers or computers to malfunction. • Decontamination o Make sure all equipment that enter the test and observation wells (e.g., pump, water -level meter, pressure transducer) is properly decontaminated before and after use. If testing multiple wells, start with the least contaminated and progress to the most contaminated. Please refer to the TGI — Groundwater and Soil Sampling Equipment Decontamination. • Weather o Verify that heavy rainfall (greater than a quarter of an inch) has not occurred within 48 hours and is not expected during testing. Recharge will influence groundwater levels that cannot be corrected during post-test analysis providing unreliable results. If weather conditions are questionable, check with project hydrogeologist for direction. 6 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS The site -specific HASP will be used to verify that the extraction constant rate tests are conducted in a safe manner and will include appropriate Job Safety Analyses (JSAs). The following specific health and safety issues will be considered when conducting pumping tests: Appropriate PPE with minimum of Level D must be worn to avoid contact with site chemicals of concern during extraction constant rate testing. Electrical hazards evaluated (e.g. extension cords, power distribution centers and generators) Well covers must be carefully removed to avoid potential contact with insects or animals. Well caps are recommended be vented or tethered to avoid potential eye injury in case of gas buildup in the well is expected. Well covers are also a potential lifting hazard and pinch point hazard. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 Pressurization or vacuum hazards associated with pipes and fittings will be considered during extraction constant rate test planning and implementation. Downhole equipment assemblages (pump and piping) may be too heavy for hand deployment and may require the use of a tripod, winch or crane truck. 7 PROCEDURE Prior to mobilization: review field implementation plan with project hydrogeologist; review HASP, assemble appropriate forms and site data (e.g., well construction details); and order/test/calibrate all equipment. 2. Use appropriate attached forms (Attachment A - Pressure Transducer Log, Attachment B - Manual Depth -to -Water Log, Attachment C - Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicable], and Attachment D - Extraction Test Log). All time measurement documentation will be in military time. 3. Measure water -levels and total well depth in all applicable observation wells and test well and establish an appropriate background monitoring phase. 4. Install pressure transducers for background monitoring phase in observation well network: • Ensure adequate memory in all transducers prior to deployment (i.e. clear memory during testing conducted prior to mobilization) • Pressure transducers in observation wells will be attached using the appropriate direct read communication cable (preferred) or Kevlar cord. • The background data acquisition will be set to linear logging under non -overwriting recording mode recording at a rate outlined in the field implementation plan (e.g., 30 seconds). A longer rate (e.g., 1 to 5 minutes) may be used for longer periods of background monitoring. Refer to field implementation plan or consult with project hydrogeologist if there are questions. • Pressure transducers in observation wells will be set at a distance below the anticipated water level accounting for expected drawdown or just above the bottom of the well (e.g., 6 inches) if limited water column is available. Using a direct read cable allows for real time monitoring with a laptop or similar interface. • The pressure transducer in the test well will be set approximately 1 foot above the pump housing and attached with a direct read cable for real time monitoring with a laptop or similar interface (preferred). Take a water -level measurement prior deployment of the pressure transducer and before the pump install. However, proper static levels will need to be established if the pumping equipment is installed later causing temporary well water -level rise. • Pressure transducer cable or Kevlar cord will be attached to solid surface mount with wire ties or something similar. • Fill out Pressure Transducer Log. 5. Set up pumping system at the test well in accordance with the field implementation plan and consultation with the project hydrogeologist. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Install extraction equipment (i.e. downhole test well equipment, piping, flow meters, modular treatment, and IDW containerization) and verify that a check valve or a ball valve at the top of the well head is installed to inhibit drainage of the effluent line after pump shutdown. If a ball valve is used, the valve will need to be shut precisely after pump shut off. • Ideally, the pump intake is placed above the top of the well screen if the water column and expected drawdown permits. • Note that the flow meter and other sensitive equipment are recommended to be protected from the elements under a temporary shelter. The pump controller can be specifically sensitive to humidity and overheating with exposure to direct sunlight. • Verify that the controller is well ventilated, in the shade, and the protective lid not closed. • As with all pumping tests, it is critical that the flow rate be held steady. Set the desired flow rate as soon as possible after starting the pump. The flow rate for a constant rate test is recommended to be determined by conducting an initial step-drawdown test (step extraction) test (TGI — Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media). 6. Within the later portion of the background monitoring phase and at least 24 hours before testing, prepare a shakedown of test equipment. A shakedown test is a trial test period to verify that all equipment is functional and is working within specifications for the main test. The shakedown is recommended to include the following: • Set up electrical source (e.g., generator [hot fill] with grounding rod and GFCI protection and have sufficient fuel containers for fill); • Verify down -hole test well equipment depth (pump, check and/or top ball valve, and pressure transducer); • Verify pressure transducer operation; • Test pump at various flow rates (i.e. step-drawdown test) and/or at the flow rate specified for the test; • Check piping effluent pressure and piping for leaks; • Check flow controls (valve operation - always operate pump with some back pressure); • Check flow meter function and manual volume estimate verification; and • Check operation of modular treatment system and/or discharge location. 7. After the shakedown and background monitoring phase is complete, manually measure water -levels from the specified observation well network (per the field implementation plan) and download/re- program the pressure transducers in all wells to start recording (linear - non -overwriting) a sufficient time (e.g., 2 hours) before the planned start with the below generally recommended schedule. This may be adjusted based on site -specific conditions as detailed in the field implementation. • First 2 hours and then first 30 minutes of testing set at 1 second interval • Next 2 hours set at 5 second interval Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 • Remainder of the test set at 30 second interval 8. Start test: turn on pump and set flow rate as quickly as possible to be approximate to the design flow rate. As with all pumping tests, it is critical that the flow rate be held steady. 9. Record the manual depth -to -water measurements in the test well following the sequence outlined in the field implementation plan. Record time along with depth -to -water measurement with the provided Manual Depth -To -Water Log. The schedule below provides a general recommendation. • every 15 seconds for the first minute, • every 30 seconds for the next three minutes, • every minute for the next 15 minutes, and • every 15 to 30 minutes for the remainder of the test (if practicable). • Repeat for recovery. 10. Per the schedule outlined in the field implementation plan, periodically (as practicable on the order of 30 minutes to 1 to 2 hours) record manual depth -to -water measurements from the observation well network with the provided Manual Depth -To -Water Log. 11. Flow meter readings (totalizing and instantaneous) are recommended to be recorded once every minute for the first 10 minutes as best as possible. Continued monitoring of the flow meter are required to be performed and recorded on the field form every 15 to 30 minutes thereafter, (if practicable). 12. If flow rate adjustments are necessary, record each change (including time and rate) on the field form. However, the flow rate is required to be maintained as close as possible to the start for the duration of the test. Consult with the project hydrogeologist if questions/issues arise relative to flow rate. 13. Data evaluation will be performed during actual testing, in real time. Pressure/head change plots created from the direct read transducer cable will be evaluated during the test to verify status/stabilization of the drawdown and late time aquifer response in the test well and observation wells (as appropriate). Note that unconfined aquifer systems typically require longer duration of pumping to observe and record the delayed gravity drainage response from the water table. Test duration will align with the schedule outlined in the field implementation plan and water -level stabilization is required to be apparent before shutting down the test; however, confirm with project hydrogeologist prior to proceeding with shut down after all water -level responses have been verified and test objectives have been achieved. 14. After the pumping test objectives have been achieved (i.e., aquifer response has been verified), shut down the pump and monitor recovery to at least 95% or greater of the pre -test conditions. Manual depth -to -water measurements during aquifer recovery will follow the same schedule as during the start of the test or as outlined in the field implementation plan. 15. Final depth -to -water measurements will be taken from the observation wells and test well prior to removing any equipment (e.g., pumps and transducers). 16. Once aquifer recovery has been verified (consult with project hydrogeologist), remove and download pressure transducers. Store/transfer/maintain the data on at least two separate devices (tablet, CPU Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 11 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 and flash drive) and upload to project folder as soon as possible to prevent data loss. Following file naming convention outlined in the field implementation plan; if not specified, use the following convention: Well ID Date Time. 17. Water-IDW. Follow the field implementation plan and TGI for water-IDW management, treatment, and discharge. General guidelines for waste management are provided below. 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Rinse water, PPE, and other waste materials generated during equipment decontamination will be placed in appropriate containers and labeled in accordance with the TGI on IDW and/or as outlined in the field implementation plan. Containerized waste will be disposed of, consistent with appropriate waste management procedures for investigation -derived waste. Containerize all purged water as specified in the field implementation/work plan. Do not discharge on the ground in the area of testing as this recharge may affect shallow aquifer responses. Discharge water must be disposed of according to all applicable laws, regulations, and project guidelines. Contact the governing agencies to determine which restrictions apply. Arcadis will not "take possession" of purged water. 9 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Field personnel will complete all applicable field forms for each test (see attached forms). Forms will include recommended data file naming protocol per the field implementation plan. It is recommended that all data (copies of field forms/logs and digital data from the pressure transducers) be copied to a flash drive and transmitted along with field notes to the project team/project folder as soon as possible to prevent data loss. Field equipment calibration, decontamination activities, and waste management activities will be recorded in the field notebook or daily log. 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE Data collected during field testing will be reviewed in real time to determine reasonableness/quality given documented site -specific conditions. This can be completed using the direct read pressure transducer cables connected to a laptop or other device in real-time viewing mode as the test progresses. If the data are questionable, the field equipment must be checked to confirm proper working order and the test may be repeated, if possible. Consult with the project hydrogeologist to work through issues encountered in the field and to help determine test validity. Frequent and open communication with the technical staff/project hydrogeologist is essential for successful performance of any field activity. Document findings and resolution of any non -conformances. Any issues that may affect the data must be recorded in the field notebook or daily log for consideration by the technical staff. Follow data file naming protocol as outlined in the field implementation plan and other information needed on applicable field forms. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 12 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 11 REFERENCES ASTM D4050-14, Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Withdrawal and Injection Well Testing for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifer Systems, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014, www.astm.org Driscoll, Fletcher G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, 1,089 p. Kruseman, G. P.and de Ridder, N. A., 1990. Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data, Second Edition. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 377 p. 12 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Pressure Transducer Log Attachment B — Manual Depth -to -Water Log Attachment C — Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicable] Attachment D - Extraction Test Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 13 TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT A Pressure Transducer Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 13 P0 RCAD I S I OPSMy"& CMsulta-cr for natural and paik asses PRESSURE TRANSDUCER LOG Personnel: Test: Weather: Pressure Transducers Well ID Transducer Serial Number Program Start Date and Time Recording Interval Approximate Deployment Depth (ft bTOC) DEPLOYMENT RETRIEVAUDOW NLOAD Download File Name Date Time DTW ft bTOC Date Time DTW ft bTOC)(MW-16-01012017-00:00) NOTES: ft bTOC - feet below top of casing. TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT 6 Manual Depth -to -Water Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 14 MANUAL WATER LEVEL RECORD, FOR PUMPING TEST MEASUREMENTS IN OBSERVATION WELL #: Job Name: Well Diameter: Measure Point: Pumped Well: Distance from Pumped Well: Location: Step No. Start Date: Sheet: of 04ARCADIS Depths Below Measuring Point (feet) Average Flow: Static Water Static Level: Time: Static Level Well Bottom Screen Top Screen Base Transducer Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins) Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins' Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) Date Time (24 hr Clock) Elapsed Time (mins) Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown (ft) TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT C Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicablel Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 15 ■����I +❑rilatur272nd �� 11 11....II huiltassels OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE LOr' Field Personnel: Test: Weather: Date Time Injection Well Extraction Well Bag Filters Carbon Adsorbers Effluent Alarm Conditions/Maintenance Performed Operator Initials Flow m Pressure (psi)(psi)si Flow (gpm ) Pressure Pressure Pressure (psi)si !PressureMPressure Pressure (psi)(psi) Pressure Pressure (psi) TGI — For Step Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT D Extraction Test Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 16 ardlC9nmd IIanCy' PUMPING/RECOVERY TEST LOG PROJECT WELL SITE LOCATION PERSONNEL Well construction measuring point description: sounded depth to bottom (ft bMP): screened interval (ft bgs): casing diameter (cm): Test Details Date: Time pumping started: target rate (gpm) Time pumping stopped: Total pumping duration (min): total volume removed (gal) calculated rate, from totalizer (gpm) Notes: PM/TM SWL and pump deployment static DTW (prior to pump insertion): static DTW (after pump insertion): approx. pump depth (intake, ft btoc) Pump type: Time pumping stopped total duration (min) Date TIME (24 hour) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) pre -test static: Page 1 of 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of _ 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of 04ARCDIS I ..i to ssels �i[lBnCY for natural and built assets Date TIME (actual) ELASPED TIME (calculate) (min) DEPTH TO WATER (ft btoc) Measured Totalizer reading (gal) Notes (begin pumping, rate change, stop pumping, etc.) flow rate (gpm) Page _ of _ POARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT 6 Manual Depth -to -Water Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 15 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT C Operation and Maintenance Log [if applicablel Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 16 TGI — Constant Rate Pumping (Extraction) Test in Porous Media Rev #: 0 1 Rev Date: August 24, 2018 ATTACHMENT D Extraction Test Log Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 17 POARCADIS Design&Consultancy fornaturaland built assets ARCJaD I S l3, gu Consultancy fonaturaland hu ilt assets TO - MANUAL WATER -LEVEL Rev: #1 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 VERSION CONTROL Revision . te Description Reviewed by 0 October 11, 2018 All Updated and re -written as TGI Marc Killingstad Everett H. Fortner III Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Prepared by: Everett H. Fortner III, PG Technical Expert Reviewed by: Marc Killingstad (Technical Expert) 05/08/2020 Date: 05/08/2020 Date: Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 2 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes general and/or specific procedures, methods, actions, steps, and considerations to be used and observed by Arcadis staff when performing work, tasks, or actions under the scope and relevancy of this document. This document may describe expectations, requirements, guidance, recommendations, and/or instructions pertinent to the service, work task, or activity it covers. It is the responsibility of the Arcadis Certified Project Manager (CPM) to provide this document to the persons conducting services that fall under the scope and purpose of this procedure, instruction, and/or guidance. The Arcadis CPM will also ensure that the persons conducting the work falling under this document are appropriately trained and familiar with its content. The persons conducting the work under this document are required to meet the minimum competency requirements outlined herein, and inquire to the CPM regarding any questions, misunderstanding, or discrepancy related to the work under this document. This document is not considered to be all inclusive nor does it apply to all projects. It is the CPM's responsibility to determine the proper scope and personnel required for each project. There may be project- and/or client- and/or state -specific requirements that may be more or less stringent than what is described herein. The CPM is responsible for informing Arcadis and/or Subcontractor personnel of omissions and/or deviations from this document that may be required for the project. In turn, project staff are required to inform the CPM if or when there is a deviation or omission from work performed as compared to what is described herein. In following this document to execute the scope of work for a project, it may be necessary for staff to make professional judgment decisions to meet the project's scope of work based upon site conditions, staffing expertise, regulation -specific requirements, health and safety concerns, etc. Staff are required to consult with the CPM when or if a deviation or omission from this document is required that has not already been previously approved by the CPM. Upon approval by the CPM, the staff can perform the deviation or omission as confirmed by the CPM. 2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION The objective of this Technical Guidance Instruction (TGI) is to describe procedures to measure and record water -levels (groundwater and surface -water) using manual water -level meters. Water levels may be measured using an electronic water -level probe or an oil -water level indicator from established reference points (e.g. top of casing). Reference points must be surveyed to evaluate fluid level elevations relative to a vertical datum (e.g. North America Vertical Datum of 1988 [NAVD88] relative to sea level). This TGI describes the equipment, field procedures, materials, and documentation procedures to measure and record water -levels using the aforementioned equipment. Surface water -levels can be measured from stilling wells or fixed points (bridges, walls, etc.) and measuring from an established point of reference using a water -level meter. In some cases, surface water water -levels may be determined from a graduated stream gauge, attached to a pole located in open water with known elevation, without the use of a water -level meter. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 3 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 The use of pressure transducers or other automated devices for the collection of groundwater elevation data will be subject of TGI — Water -Level Monitoring using Pressure Transducers and TGl — Water -Level Measurements using Sonic Meters. 3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Arcadis field sampling personnel will have completed or are in the process of completing site -specific training as well as having current health and safety training as required by Arcadis, client, or regulations, such as 40-hour HAZWOPER training and/or OSHA HAZWOPER site supervisor training. Arcadis personnel will also have current training as specified in the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) which may include first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) as needed. In addition, Arcadis field sampling personnel will be knowledgeable in the relevant processes, procedures, and TGIs and possess the demonstrated required skills and experience necessary to successfully complete the desired field work. The HASP and other documents will identify other training requirements or access control requirements. 4 EQUIPMENT LIST The following field equipment is suggested for water -level measurements: • Site -specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) • Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as specified in the HASP • Electronic water -level indicator graduated in 0.01 ft. increments • Electronic oil -water (interface) level indicator graduated in 0.01 ft. increments, if necessary • Non -phosphate laboratory soap (Alconox or equivalent), brushes, clean buckets or clean wash tubs. • Distilled or de -ionized (required for some sites) water for equipment decontamination • Photoionization detector (PID) and/or organic vapor analyzer (optional) • 150-foot measuring tape (or sufficient length for the maximum site depth requirement) — if required for total depth measurements of deeper wells • Solvent (methanol/acetone/isopropyl alcohol) rinse — optional • Spray bottle for solvent - optional • Plastic drop cloth (e.g. Weatherall Visqueen) to place beneath the buckets or tubs to reduce potential for contamination of the tape or probe • Tools and/or keys required for opening wells • Well construction summary table and/or well construction logs • Summary table of previous water -level measurements • Field notebook and/or smart device (phone or tablet) or appropriate field forms (see Attachment 1). Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 4 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 • Indelible ink pen 5 CAUTIONS Electronic water -level indicators and oil -water interface probes may sometimes produce false -positive readings. For example, if the inside casing surface of the well or stilling tube has condensation above the water level, then an electronic water -level probe may produce a signal by contacting the sidewall of the well, rather than the true water -level surface. For accuracy, the electronic water -level probe and/or interface probe should be raised and lowered several times at the approximate depth where the instrument produces a tone indicating a fluid interface to verify consistent, repeatable results (three or more times). Additionally, some wells may be constructed with a sump. If local/regional groundwater levels have declined such that the water -level is below the base of the well screen, a sump may still contain water and provide an erroneous measurement. Therefore, possessing and comparing measurements with a well construction summary table or well construction log is recommended for proper reporting. When measuring total well depths with an electronic water -level indicator, the measurement must have a correction factor applied for post processing or completed at the time of measurement that is equal to the length of the probe beneath the circuit closing electrodes (if applicable to the instrument). This is necessary because the tape distance markings are referenced to the electrode, rather than the end of the probe. Some newer instruments do not have an offset electrode and this correction factor is needed. In addition, total depth measurements are difficult with wells that have large water columns due to buoyancy issues. In addition, the total depth measurement will include notes that indicate a soft or hard bottom if recognized during the measurement. Ensure that the type of electronic water -level indicator is compatible with the depth and diameter of the wells to be measured. Some smaller piezometers or larger diameter well stilling tubes will accommodate only smaller diameter probes. HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS The HASP will be followed, as appropriate, to ensure the safety of field personnel. Access to wells may expose field personnel to hazardous materials such as contaminated groundwater or oil. Other potential hazards include pressurized wells, stinging insects that may inhabit well heads, other biologic hazards Lei Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 5 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 (e.g. ticks in long grass/weeds around well head), and potentially the use of sharp cutting tools (scissors, knife). Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn during these activities. Only use non -toxic peppermint oil spray for stinging insect nests. Open well caps slowly and keep face and body away to allow to vent any built-up pressure. Field personnel will thoroughly review client -specific health and safety requirements, which may preclude the use of fixed/folding-blade knives. Obtaining measurements from active pumping wells requires knowledge of the construction and design, as the indicator probe and tape can become intertwined within down -well equipment (such as pump impellers) causing a serious health and safety hazard and equipment damage. Ensure that stilling wells have a perforated end and capped bottom to inhibit tape from extending into the downhole pump depth. If a stilling tube is not present or the still tube construction is not known, determine a conservative "not to exceed" measurement depth based on the top of pump depth with an added safety factor. If all information is not known, a water -level will not be taken from the pumping well until clarification on depths are available. 7 PROCEDURE Calibration procedures and groundwater level measurement procedures for electronic water -level indicators and oil -water indicators are described in the sections below. Calibration documentation can be requested from the rental or manufacturer. Calibration Procedures If the indicator requires length and markings verification is required by project data quality plan or other reasons, then the following steps may be used: • Measure the lengths between each increment marker on the indicator with a measuring tape. The appropriate length of indicator measuring tape, suitable to cover the depth range for the wells of interest, will be checked for accuracy. • If the indicator measuring tape is inaccurate, the probe will require to be sent back to the manufacturer or rental company. If a replacement can't immediately be available, then an offset can be measured to correct the measurements. • If multiple water -level indicators and/or oil -water interface probes are being used for an event, calibration of the multiple devices will be required by measuring a water -level at a single well contemporaneously with all indicators to be used and calculated correction factors provided for data processing (typical corrections are small and range from 0.01 to 0.03 foot). • Equipment calibration will be recorded in the field logbook and/or smart device. Water -Level Measurement Procedures The general procedures to be followed for the collection of fluid level measurements and well depths from the monitoring wells are as follows: • Check that the water-level/oil-water level indicator battery is functional, before mobilization and prior to each work day (e.g. turn power on and check that meter sounds when probe is lowered into a bucket Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 6 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 of water — note that water -level meters will not work with low -electrical -conductivity liquids such as distilled water). • Record instrument make, model, serial number and (if present) Arcadis ID number in the field form or electronic field form. • Don disposable nitrile gloves. Decontaminate the water-level/oil-water indicator, any attached tape and the spool with laboratory -grade soap and distilled water (see Initial Decontamination Procedures below). The spool requires caution with cleaning as it is not water -proof and can be damaged during cleaning. • The top of the monitoring well will be cleaned with a clean rag to prevent loose particulate matter from falling into the well. • Perform a well inspection (note that a well inspection form may be required to be filled out along with a photo to document the conditions). • Place clean plastic sheeting on the ground next to the well. • Unlock and/or open the monitoring well cover while standing upwind from the well (note that some wells may be under pressure and precaution should be taken with opening well caps — see Section 6). • Measure the volatile organics present in the monitoring well head space with a PID and record the PID reading (if applicable and requirement for the site). • Allow the water -level in the well to equilibrate with atmospheric pressure for a few minutes (check previous field forms or field books for equilibration time, if noted). • Locate the measuring reference point that correlates to the survey point on the well casing. If one is not found, make a reference point by notching the highest and/or north point on the inner casing (or outer if an inner casing is not present) or mark with a permanent mark. All downhole measurements will be taken from the reference point. Document any changes or new reference point addition. • Measure to the nearest 0.01 foot and record the height of the inner well casing and outer protective casing to ground level (note that some well pads are raised and are not at true ground surface). • Lower the indicator probe into the center of the well until contact with the water surface is indicated by either an audible alarm or light. The sensitivity of the probe may need adjustment if the alarm or light is not strong signal. Use and install a tape guide (available from some manufacturers) to help with accuracy and provide protection with damaging the measurement tape. If a tape guide is not available, make sure that the tape does rub on the inner or outer casing which could fray and damage the tape. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 7 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 • Hold the tape at the measuring point and repeat the measurement two more times. • Read and record measurement to the nearest 0.01 foot. Check the measurement with previous measurements, if available, and note any anomalies/discrepancies; if significant, contact the project staff. • Record all measurements (with date and time collected to the nearest minute) and note any inconsistencies/anomalies and relevant observations in the field notebook and/or smart device or appropriate field forms. • Follow decontamination procedure outlined below before measuring subsequent wells (see Decontamination after Water Level and Total Depth Measurements below). • Replace cap and lock the well when all activities are completed. Total Depth Measurement Procedures • Weighted tape or electronic water -level indicator can be used to measure the total well depth. • Follow initial procedures noted above in Water -Level Measurements above. • Lower indicator probe (or tape) until weighted end is resting on the bottom of the well. Raise indicator slowly until there is no slack in the tape. Gently estimate the bottom of the well by slowly raising and lowering the indicator: great care should be taken to avoid damaging the sensor on the probe. The operator may find it easier to allow the weight to touch bottom and then detect the `tug' on the tape while lifting the weight off the well bottom. • Because of tape buoyancy and weight effects encountered in deep wells with long water columns, it may be difficult to determine when the probe is in contact the bottom of the well and sediment in the bottom of the well can also make it difficult to determine total depth. Care must be taken in these situations to ensure accurate measurements. • If total depth measurements are to be collected during low -flow sampling events, the measurement will be made only after low -flow sampling has been completed or at least 12 hours prior to initiating sample collection from the well, in order to minimize: 1) mixing of the stagnant water at the top of the well column with potential formation water underneath; and/or 2) agitation and subsequent entrainment of possible sediment collected at the well bottom). • Read and record measurement to the nearest 0.1 foot. Please refer to the note regarding total depth measurements described in Section 5 Cautions above. • Follow decontamination procedure outlined below before gauging the next well (see Decontamination after Water Level and Total Depth Measurements below). Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 8 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 Initial Decontamination • Note that there may be project specific decontamination procedure documents that will be followed in lieu of the below procedures. • Set up a decontamination station consisting of three clean buckets (e.g. 5-gallon buckets). The buckets should not be used to containerize purge water; they will be used for decontamination purposes only. • Fill the first bucket with one gallon of distilled water (use deionized water if metals are a contaminant at the site) and add non -phosphate laboratory -grade soap. Fill the second bucket with distilled water (use deionized water if metals are a contaminant at the site) and leave the third bucket empty. Place the drop cloth underneath. • Unwind the entire tape from the spool into a bucket with non -phosphate laboratory -grade soap and distilled water; Brush the tape carefully to remove dirt and possible contamination, using a brush dedicated to the wash bucket. • Carefully brush all dirt of the spool and wipe down with a soapy cloth or paper towel. • Transfer the tape into the second bucket containing rinse water. Carefully brush the tape using a second brush, dedicated to the rinse bucket. Lift the tape out of the bucket and allow rinse water to drip off the tape. • Transfer the tape to the third bucket. Wind the tape onto the spool while wiping excess water off the tape using a paper towel. Decontamination after Water Level, and Total Depth Measurements • Set up a decontamination station consisting of three clean buckets, fill according to the initial decon procedure. • Unwind the only the length of tape used for gauging from the spool into a bucket with laboratory - grade soap and distilled water. Brush the tape carefully to remove dirt and possible contamination, using a brush dedicated to the wash bucket. • Continue as described above. • Extra care should be taken to clean the probe after a total depth measurement. All sediment or dirt needs to be removed during decontamination. Alnfnc- • Collect equipment blanks if required by the work plan (minimum 1 per 20 samples or 1 per sampling event) Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 9 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 • Prepare new wash solution and rinse water when necessary (e.g., every 10 to 20 wells). The spent wash and rinse solution should be discharged according to site practices. • The decontamination station may be expanded by adding extra rinse and/or detergent stations (i.e. solvent wash station) to the set up. The addition of more stations depends on the requirements of the work plan or the site -specific Field Sampling and Quality Assurance Plan and outlined in the project field plan or kick-off meeting. • Small crates or washtubs are a possible substitute for the buckets. In any case, it is recommended to use containers with a lid. 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT Decontamination fluids, PPE, and other disposable equipment will be properly stored on site in labeled containers and disposed of properly. Be certain that waste containers are properly labeled and documented in the field log book. Review TGI — Investigation Derived Waste Handling and Storage, for additional information and state- or client -specific requirements. 9 DATA RECORDING AND MANAGEMENT Fluid level measurements as well as all relevant observations should be documented in the field logbook, field forms and/or PDA as appropriate. The following information must be documented: • Well or location identification; • Measurement time; • Total well depth or depth of the water body at the location; • Depth to water Once all the data has been collected and recorded, all notes/forms/data must be uploaded to the appropriate project directory on the Arcadis server, and an email should be sent to the Task Manager and/or Technical Lead for notification. A summary of the work completed that day and any relevant observations noted (such as well inspections) during the daily activities as well as copies of the data mentioned above should be included with the email. The appropriate team member will review the data for accuracy and provide feedback. 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE Suggested quality control measures are below; project teams may implement some or all of these at their discretion and based on project data quality needs. • As described in the detailed procedure, the electronic water -level meter and/or oil -water interface probe can be calibrated prior to use versus an engineer's rule to ensure accurate length demarcations on the tape or cable. The results will be recorded. • Measurements will be completed three times, with the final measurement recorded. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 10 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 • Fluid interface measurements will be verified by gently raising and lowering the instrument through each interface to confirm repeatable results. • Field notes will be reviewed by the project team once the field data has been delivered. 11 REFERENCES Cunningham, W.L., and Schalk, C.W., comps., 2011. Groundwater technical procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 1—A1, 151 pp. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013. SESD Operating Procedure, Groundwater level and Well Depth Measurement. January 29. Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 11 TGI — Manual Water -Level Rev #: 1 1 Rev Date: May 8, 2020 ATTACHMENT A Water -Level Measurement Form Downloaded and printed copies from the Approved Procedure Library are uncontrolled documents. arcadis.com 12 Page 1 of 2 ARCADIS Water -Level Measurement Form Project No.: Site Location: Instrument Model Field Personnel: Date: Instrument Serial No.: Well Number Time W.L. Measurements Comments TD (feet) DTW feet DTL feet Well Locked Lock Condition Other Comments W.L. Water Level TD Total Depth DTW Depth To Water TGI - Manual Water -Level Monitoring_ Revl.xls Document #ENFM007, Revision 02 Page 2 of 2 ARCADIS Water -Level Measurement Form Project No.: Site Location: Instrument Model Field Personnel: Date: Instrument Serial No.: Well Number Time W.L. Measurements Comments TD (feet) DTW (feet) DTL (feet) Well Locked Lock Condition Other Comments W.L. Water Level TDD Total Depth TWD Depth To Water TGI - Manual Water -Level Monitoring_ Form Rev1.xls Document #ENFM007, Revision 02 ARCADIS Design Consultancy fornaturaland hu ilt assets 04ARCADISDesignConsultancy for naturat and built asss ets Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Wade 1 5420 Wade Park Boulevard Suite 350 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Tel 919 854 1282 Fax 919 233 1125