HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1200601_2020-08-31 StormEZ Form_revised_20200831E'k­x' 'Y' F . ..... ... . . ........ ...M ..... . . filtration System � (7 12 Bioretention Cell 13 1 Wet Pond 0 14 jStqrrirwater Wetiand 0 15 �Pernrieable Pavement 16 [Sand Filter 0 J.. 7 ainwaler'Flarvesting (RVV[I) 18 Green Roof 11-eveI 0 19 Spreader -Filter Stdp 20 Dtscon,r),eqteOjTprviou s SUFfaCe (DIS) 0 21 Treatment Swale 22 Dry Pond 23 StorniFifter 21 Silva ' Cell ........ ...... 0 25 113ayfitter 26 [t9lte ra ............ ... . .... . ........................ . . . . . ... . ..... ......... . . . ....... . . .... I IT71,11 Ceirfificallon Stalernent: I certify, under penaRy of lau that this SLJpplernent-EZfcrn1 and MI supporting information were prepared rAnder rnydirection or supervislcn, that the Information provided in the forin Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurste, and connpteteand: that the engirreenng plans, specifications, operation and m0iteriance agreements and other supporfing Information are consistent with the Infonnallon provided here. CA 14 2-1 z SEAL S U-natUfe Of Design i 'T 042150 "VO NV.-- '0 M.1 ,OAI I I 6aall . 70M Date DRAINAGE 1 Is this a h4h density prajecl7 Yes 2 C If so, number of drainage areaslSCMs 1 3 1Is alllpart of this project subject to previous rule versions? No A rafr r,7 t r an i T L � iR If A k RwrE INF'CtRI e fIC N Entire Site I 4 .,,.... (Type of SCM N/A w_ �r BIORETENf ION 5 Total Bi in project (sq ftL 658 1 sf 64266 sf __....I New BUA on .subdivided lots (subject to 6 penn tting) _(sq ft) New BUA outside of s,. a,abdivided lots (subject to 7 permitting) (s4J 64166 sf 63433 sf 8 Offsite - total area (sq ft) 16931 sf 0 OffsTe BUA (sq ft) 1665 sf A3 i sf 10 Breakdown of new BUA outside subdividers lots: - Parking (sq ft) 38634 sf 38203 sf - Sidewalk (sq it) 3430'sf ... . 3177 sf Roof (sq ft) 1205:3 sf 12653 sf Roadway (sq ft) ...... Future (sq ft) 6100 sf fi f 0 sf Other, please specify in the comment boa, below (sq it) - New infiltrating permeable pavenert on 11 Subdivided lots (sct ft) Ne=w infiltrating permeable paver7enl outsideof 12 subdivided lots (sq ft) Exisitng BUA that will remain (not subject to 13 permitting) (sq ft) 14 FxisOng Bi that is already permitted (sq ft) 15 Existing Bi that will be removed (sq ft) 16 PerceBIdA nt . _ 25� 33°1� 17 esent gn storm (inohes) _._. 1 en 15 �besjqn volurlae of S C M (cu ft) 5622 of aloula6on method for design volume Slf 1Pl f f! tDD1 TONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 20 drainage area(s): The off -site drainage area ties been accounted for at its full build out potential. The Henderson-Beystone Healthcare Property is part of a separate enfity„ but is associated wilh Sanstone. The registered agent and manager for both LLC's is Christopher Sprenger. BIORETENTION CELL 1 Drainage area number 2 �Desicgrr volurrre of sCM (czr ft') ;;$ IS Irre lafVV "Zef] 1(1 ii'eat une 11V t1o171 all slYrfaCEs al rjreVl0-flute 4 Is the SCM ka sated away from contamknated soils? 5 What are the side slopes of the SCM JhV)? Does the SCM have retainirt walls .1 gallon walls or other engineered sl 6 slopes? ArePie inlets, outlets,receiving' streaIn protected and receiv i ct from erosion (1Q- 7 ...............year storm)? Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design [t volume? 9 What is the method for dewaaterintl tire kM for maintenance? 1i0If appicable will the SCNI be cleaned out after consbuction7— — 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC (8)? 12 Does the drainage easement comply wsitti General MDC (9)?.... if the SCM I is on a s ngie family lot, does Il �(wi ' u) the plat comply w^di�th 13 General' MDC (10)? 14 �ls there an O&M Agreement that 1 u complies Is there an G&M Plan t gat complllies with GentD General MDC il tl 2v 16 Does the SCM follow Eire device specific MDC? 17 Was the SCM designed Coy an h1C Incensed professional? 18 ISHWT elevation (tmsl) 19 Pottorn of the bioretention cell (frrrsl) 26 Ponding depth of the design storm (inches) 21 ,Surface area of the bioretenfoon cell (square feet) 22 Design volume of the bioretention cell (cubic feet) 23 is the bioretention cell used for peak attenuation? 25�JierVlt offp peak atternualt ornp rtllelt above the ace tin) 2 g p planting surface (in) 26Infiltration rate of the in situ soil (Inch/hour) 27 Diameter of the underdrain pipes (if applicable) 28 Does the design include Internai Water Storage (IWs? 29 if so, elevation of the top of the OWS (fmsl) m Elevation of the planting surface (fmsl) 3`1 What type of vegetation will be planted'? (grass trees/shrubs, other)? 32 Media depth (Inches) . . 33 Percentage of mediurn to coarse washed sand by volume 34 (Percentage of fines (silt and clay) by volume ............. 35 pOercentage of organic matter by volume 36 hype of organic rnaterilal 37 Phosphorus Index (P Index) of media (unitless) 3B WIII compaction he avolded during construction? 39 Will cell be maintained to a one irrchfhrnur startdard7 th of mulch if applicable (inches) 41 IType of mulch, if applicable 42 � How marry clean out pipes are being installed? 43 Type of pretreatment that w✓ill be used ATIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 44 bioretention cell(s):__ _ 26 - IWS provided assumed infiltrkrorr fate, less than 2 in /hr � 43 - Riprap apron utilized to to dissipate energy at inflow to btoretentlml and at copal spillway outlet. 1 5622 of Yes , 3.1 f�do Yes Yes (prefe Yes Yes _. Yes Yes Yes <'2'175,7; 2177,75 .. 1........ 2 ur7 5873 sf apa22 of 0 11 Yes > 179.5 2181 Grass B-10% 5-10% one 6lrrretention 3 1,0.16 AM 8/31/2020