HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaywood Co. Watershed Protection - Pigeon Rivera N Ar- WATERSHED PROTECTION IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA with Special Attention to the Pigeon River. Upstream of Canton by David H. Moreau Mary Jo Moubry Daniel L. Gallagher March 1988 _ WalerResources Rose -arch IRS111U18 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA r` r 77. e;, f: WATERSHED PROTECTION IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA with Special Attention to the Pigeon River Upstream of Canton by David Ho Moreau Mary Jo Moubry Daniel Le Gallagher Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina March 1988 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are deeply indebted to many people for their assistance in the publication of this document. Those who took leadership roles in initiating the study were Dr. Garret Smathers, a member of the Planning Board, Mr. C. W. Hardin, Mayor, and Mr. Bill Stamey', Town Manager, Town.of Canton, N.C. Their initiatives were well received by members of the''Nort.h Carolina General Assembly, and the authors express their appreciation to that body for the appropriation of funds necessary for the conduct of this study. Dr. Robert Holman, Coordinator, Water Supply Protection Program, NC Division of Environmental Management (DEM), provided conside-rable guidance and encouragement for the study.. Mary Jo Mobury, a graduate research assistant in the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina atlChapel Hill, spent t-he summer of 1987. as, a student intern in Dr .- Holman's office. Other's in the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development were al. so helpful and cooperative. Special thanks go to Mr. David Spain, Director of the Regional Office in Asheville and Mr. Bill Krutzberger, Water Quality Section, DEM, in Raleigh. At the local level we were given considerable assistance by the Haywood County Soil and Water Conservation District, (SWCD), the Haywood -County Planning Department, and the Town of Canton. Special appreciation is expressed for the valuable assistance given,by Mr. David Gerrard, formerly with the SWCD, who interpreted the orthophoto quads from which the land —use data base was constructed. Mary Heningbaum, Haywood County,Planner, deserves our acknowledgment for the constant supply of!' information, her perceptions of needs, and her critical review of the report. Finally, we owe generous thanks to the staff of the Water Resources Research Institute for their support and advice. Dr. James Stewart, associate director, with his prior experience as an agricultural extension agent in western North Carolina, Mrs. Linda Lambert, administrative officer, and Mrs. Eva Tew, secretary, were most helpful in carrying this study in addition to their other responsibilities. i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................... . ................ CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 BACKGROUND .................. .................................. 1 Quantities and Effects of Land Use ........................ 4 Public Health Implications .................... 6 OUTLINE OF REPORT. ............................................ 7 CHAPTER II: PROTECTION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA 9 THEREGION AND ITS GROWTH ..........................:... 10 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES ........................................ 10 Wastewater Discharges .................................... 13 AGRICULTURE .................................................. 16 WATERSHED PROTECTION ......................................... 18 Classification Status.......... ....................... 21 CONCLUSION ................................................... 24 CHAPTER III: PIGEON RIVER UPSTREAM OF CANTON .......................:..... 25 HAYWOOD COUNTY ............................................... 25 Growth.... .............................................. 25 Water Supplies......... .......................:..... 25 Spatial Patterns of Population ..................... .... 27 Wastewater Disposal ................................ 27 DESCRIPTION OF THE WATERSHED ................................. 30 Topography ............................ ................ 30 soils: ...................................... ............ 32 Land Use.............................................35 POLLUTION SURVEYS ........:.................................... 44 Point Sources.. .................................... 44 Pesticide Contamination.. .. .... ............... ..... 45 Site Selection and Sampling Procedure .................... 46 iv Experimental Methods.... ..........................:........ Results :..............................................'..... Discussion ...........................................,.... WATERSHED PROTECTION............ ................................ CHAPTER IV: WATERSHED PROTECTION: CURRENT PROGRAMS IN NORTH CAROLIN'A.... MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ........................................... Regulatory Programs............ ......................... Zoning Ordinances. Subdivision Regulations... ..... Sediment and Erosion (S & E) Control............'..... Pre —Development Review Ordinanace.................... Flood Control .� Municipal and County General Ordinance—MakingPower.. Extent of Use ........................................ Other Methods ............................................. NORTH CAROLINA'S- STREAM CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION GUIDELINES ................................ Guidelines ... .... .. .. .... . I. Existing and Proposed Programs........ ......''.... Alamance County ......................................;..... Chatham County ...................... ............. .... Durham County .............. ........................I... Franklin County......... ................................ Guilford County........ .............. .. .... .... Orange County...... ;........ ........................... Randolph County ............................. .;;..... Wake County..... .� ... .............. .............. Wilkes County and theTown of North Wilkesboro.......:;..... CHAPTER,V: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....... 4................:;..... CONCLUSIONS ................ ............. .......:..... RECOMMENDATIONS .............. .............. .. .... State Government .................... ..... .... Haywood County .................... .... APPENDIX A. Surface Water Supplies in Western North Carolina.............. APPENDIX B. Soils of the Pigeon River Watershed Upstream of Canton........ REFERENCES......................................................... .... v 49 50 52 52 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 59 61 62 63 64 64 66 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 75 77 77 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Pathways for Contaminants in Surface Water Supplies ...............................'.... .................... 3 2 Annual Growth Rates, 1970-80--Selected Counties in Western North Carolina ...... ..................................... 11 3 Generalized Geologic Map of Western North Carolina....... ..... o ..... 14 4 Water Supplies and Discharge Permits.... ... ................ 17 5 Percent of Counties in Cultivated Cropland....... 19 6 Percent of Counties in Pastureland........... 20 7 Population of Haywood County ................ 26 8 Haywood County Showing Location of Water Supplies and Discharge Permits ...................... 28 9 Haywood County Population: Distribution by Township, 1985.,:........ 29 10 Contour Map of Pigeon River Watershed Upstream of Canton...:........ 31 11 Profile of Pigeon River.. .... — ....... ....... 33 12 Generalized Soils Map for the Pigeon River Watershed.......:......... 34 13 Cropland in Haywood County, 1975-1985..................... 37 14 Coverage of Orthophoto Maps Used for Land Use Analysis.............. 39 15 Location of Urban Lands in Pigeon River Watershed Upstream of Canton ............. 41 16 Proposed Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities............... 42 17 Location of Agricultural Activities in Pigeon River Watershed Upstream of Canton ............................ 43 18 Location of Discharges and Sampling Sites ................. ........ 48 vi I l , LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Uncontrolled Nonpoint Pollution Loading Rates ........................... 5 2 Mean Concentrations of Pollutants in Median Storm Events: National Urban Runoff Program ................................ 5 3 Population of Western North Carolina Counties............... ...... .. 12 4 Authorized Construction in Western North Carolina ....................... 12 5 Number and Density of Waste Discharge Permits in Western North Carolina ................................................ 15 6 Growth"Management Authority Enacted by Counties in Western North Carolina, ... oo .......... ......... —,,,,,,,,. 23 7 Population.of'Haywood County by Towns and Townships ..................... 26 8 Population and Land Use in Cecil, East Fork and Pigeon Townships...................................................... 36 9 Land Use in Pigeon River Watershed...,.... ............................ 38 10 Pesticides and Herbicides Used in Haywood County.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 11 Summary of Organics Found During Pigeon River Monitoring ................ 51 12 North Carolina Communities Actively Participating in the Water Supply Watershed Protection Program ......................... 60 13 Techniques for Watershed Management in.Selected Counties in North Carolina., .... o— ....-..................................... 65 vii � z 4 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Only a few of the many watersheds that are used for public drinking water supplies in western North Carolina are adequately protected by public policy from the threat of degradation from improper management of urban development and the failure to adopt best management practices in agricultural and silvicultural operations. This report examines the nature and extent of risks to water supplies; it explores what powers are available to local governments in.North Carolina to manage the risk of degradation; and it reviews how those powers are being exercised. The nature of the risk is described first by examining water supplies in 24 counties in the western part of the'State. Special attention is then given to the Pigeon River watershed upstream of the Town of Canton in Haywood County. The report concludes with recommendations for further development of public policy at both the state level and in Haywood County. BACKGROUND Every year millions of visitors are attracted to the mountains of western North Carolina to enjoy their natural beauty and to take advantage of a variety of recreational opportunities. Many of these same people are choosing to make the area their permanent home, an option that has been -exercised by a large number of retirees. Improved access over new interstate highways and other road improvements, in hand with enhanced efforts toward economic development, have increased the number of jobs in this region that has long been classified as being economically depressed. While growth and development have brought many benefits to the area, they have.also brought many costs. Heavy traffic, construction activity, and unman- aged growth threaten the beauty of the natural landscape which . has attracted so many people to the area. These activities threaten not only the natural beauty of the region, but also the quality of some of the most productive public water supplies in the United States. 1 i 1 ) The threat to public water supplies is not limited to urban development, how- ever. During the. past 25 years a revolution has occurred in the manufacturing and use of agricultural chemicals, and western North Carolina has notescaped the potential for adverse effects that could result from transport of 'these chemicals into public water supplies through stormwater runoff. The mountainous terrain that is typical of much of the region limits the total volume of agricultural production, but the flood plains and terraces along many.of the streams are used intensively for a variety of crops. Furthermore, the proximity of agricultural operations to the streams and the frequent intense storms that occur in the region lead to direct runoff of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals into water supplies. The Pigeon River watershed upstream of Canton is illustrative of this kind of problem. In fact, contaminants can enter public water supplies from a variety'of sources as illustrated in Figure 1. They include: (a) the effluents'from indus- trial and municipal wastewater treatment plants; (b) effluents from small so- called "package" wastewater treatment plants that serve individual residences, subdivisions, or institutions; (c) stormwater runoff from agricultural and silvi- cultural operations, urban areas, and construction sites; (d) seepage from septic tanks, landfills, underground storage tanks and other subsurface waste disposal and storage practices; and (e) accidental spills of hazardous chemicals- during transport or storage of these substances. An overly simplified but widely recog- nized.classification system, puts all of these sources into one of two categor- ies; namely, "point" and "nonpoint" sources. Point sources are those such as effluents from treatment plants, that are discharged at known, easily;,pinpointed locations. By contrast, sources such as agricultural drainage enter streams at a large number -of diffuse 1 ocati ons - and- are' therefore referred to as nonpoi nt sources. The threat to public health from point.sources has been recognized by the public for over a century. David Howells, professor emeritus at North Carolina State University, uncovered the following account from the`Second Biennial Report of the Raleigh water supply for the year 1887-1888: "Raleigh's supply depends for its safety upon the permanency of the lively appreciation of danger at present evinced by ;: its health authorities." (p. 176). Continuing, "The public;. water supply should be guarded with special care by the local authorities, but in many instances these would be powerless' 2 Act J.vl ty Patterns VP Surface Runoff Groundwater infiltration FA Water Treatment Receiving Bodies of Water FIGURE 1. PATHWAYS 'FOR CONTAMINANTS IN SURFACE WATER SUPPLIES Exposed Population I! It i� without cooperation of the authorities of the State. This its shown by the action of Raleigh in,securing special legisla-'� ti on to prevent the pollution of its source of water supply.! Without such legislation, every public water supply in the State, located outside the corporate limits of a town, is completely at the mercy of every ignorant or wanton tres- passer." (p. 178). The State did adopt regulations in the late nineteenth century to protect,public' water supplies from the discharge of sewage upstream. Recognition of the risk from nonpoint sources, however, is of more recent origin. Rapid growth in and around Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, High'�Point and Winston-Salem have caused each of these cities to formulate management plans to protect their supplies from the effects of urban encroachment. The State of North Carolina has become an active partner in these.eff.orts- and is playing a leadership role. To some extent the concerns being expressed in North Carolina are typical of those nationwide. A 1983 book by researchers at the University of North Carolina E� at Chapel Hill recounted the evolution of water source protection (Busby, et al., 1983). Source protection became a basic tenet of practice after it became understood in the nineteenth century that diseases could be transmitted through water supplies.. Then, with improvements in water treatment technology,,, source . protection was seen as being less important until new light was shed on the topic by several studies in the late 1960s and early 70s. Among those studies were the 1969 report by -the Bureau of Water Hygiene of the U.S. Public Health Study, the reports of excessive cancer deaths among residents of New Orleans and'Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, and an array of studies on the quality of runoff from urban and agricultural areas. For the first time in 1972, in the amendments, to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 92=500), nonpoint sources were recognized as significant sources of pollution that must be addressed�!!by water quality management plans. Quantities and Effects of Land Use The quantities of pollutants from nonpoint sources and their concentrations in stormwater runoff can be quite significant. There are also important differences in the quantities generated by different types of land uses. Brovitz (1985, p.43B) compiled the set of loading rates shown in Table 1 from,a number of 4 ` Table 1. Uncontrolled Nonpo.int Pollution Loading Rates Lead coo Phosphorus Nitrogen Sediment lb/ac/yr lb/ac/yr lb/ac7yr lb/ac/yr tonlac/yr Agricultural and Residential Land Usel Single Family Residential Large Lot 0.5 duiac .14 32(est.) . .8 6.2 .09 1.0 du/ac .17 .92 .8 6.7 .11 2.0 duiac .25 181 .9 7.7 1.4 Medium. Oens i ty 3 du/ac .34 200 1.0 8.0 .16 Townhouse/Garden Apt. (10-20 du/ac) 1.04 350 1.7 13.6 .33 Cropland Tillage .04 193 3.5 16.6 1.8 Pasture 02 115 .5 6.3 .06 Forest .02 82' .l 2.7 .06 Idle .02. 100(est.) .2 3.3 .05 Commercial and Industrial Land Use Commercial2 3 5.59 981.3 3.68 24.8 1.32 Industiral (R&0) 4.0 50.0 2:2 7.9 Institutional4 4.0 50.0 2.2 7.9 .03 .03 Major Highways/Airports .3.59 981.3 3.68 24.3 1.32 Ooen Space3 0.01 1.3 _ 0.06 3.0 . .003 fall estimated loading rates in this category (Estate Singie to Idle Land) frcm Oak Hollow l:atersned Study (1984)'. 2Vinston-Salem NURP Study (nRCO '1983). .,Wasnington State Reoort (Horner and Mar 1982). 'Assumes Institutional = industrial (R&O) and Major Highway/Airport = Commercial du = dwelling unit Table 2. Mean Concentrations of Pollutants in Median Storm Events: National Urban Runoff Program (all concentrations in milligrams per liter) Land Use Type Parameter Residential 'lixed Commercial Nonurban. Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 10 7.8 9.3 Chemical Oxygen Demand, mg/l 73 65 57 40 Total Suspended Solids, mg/l 101 67 69 70 Lead, mg/l .144 .114 .104 .03 C000er, mg/l .033 .027 .029 Zinc, mg/1 .135 .154 .226 .195 jeidahl nitrogen, mg/1 1.900 1.29 1.18 .965 Nitrites and Nitrates as Nitrogen, mg/l .736 .558 .572 .543 Total Phosphorous, mg/l .383 .263 .201 .121 Soluble Phosphorous, mg/l .143 :.C56 .080 .026 5 studies reported in the literature. Much of that literature has focused on the problem of excessive nutrients in lakes and estuaries, and hence, estimates of phosphorous and nitrogen loads are frequently reported. Considerable attention has also been given to soil erosion and sedimentdamage in streams and lakes. Less attention has been given to heavy metals, but loading rates for lead are quite common. The estimates given in Table 1.support the observation that the quantities, of pollutants that are transported by stormwater runoff are not negligible, and that there are important variations in these quantities from one type of land use to another. Those variations are also reflected in results of the National Urban Runoff Program, given in Table 2, which show the,concentra- tions of several substances for the median storm event covered by that study. Public Health Implications Translating loading rates and ambient concentrations of contaminants into effects on human health is a task involving many uncertainties. These effects may be either acute or chronic. Acute effects, those that are realized shortly after the population is exposed, have been assessed by classical methods of toxicology and epidemiology. The Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences (1977) recommended the use of those methods to arrive at "no - observed -adverse -effect" concentrations for a long list of substances and organisms having acute effects on humans. That committee recognized the - limitati-ons. of research on health effects, however, and recommended,the use of safety factors in setting drinking water standards. The -committee's basic presumption for chronic effects is that there is no threshold level for contaminants below which health effects will not -occur: Effects of this kind, including cancer, are the result of long-term'exposure to low-level concentrations of a variety of chemicals where symptoms of -the disease may not occur for as long as 20 to 30 years after initial exposures. Assessments of risk from substances that cause those kinds of effects are based,largely upon animal studies where the subjects are exposed to relatively high doses. Although these experiments are generally recognized as being appropriate for:the study of health effects in humans, their results must be extrapolated to get predicted responses in animals at dose levels found in the environment, and those findings must be extrapolated from animal populations to human populations, the so-called. "mouse -to -man" extrapolation. Since the presumption is that there is no "safe" 6 level for these substances, the choice of a drinking water standard for these substances must be based on the concept of acceptable risk. As might be expected, assessments of chronic risks are subject to considerable uncertainty. Various models that are used for the extrapolations can yield results that differ by orders of magnitude. Some acute and chronic effects can be reduced through conventional water treatment processes, others cannot. One of the most disturbing facts about many synthetic organic chemicals is that the health effects remain unknown and their presence in drinking water is difficult to detect. These are the primary reasons for renewed attention to protection of the sources of drinking water. In 1962 the Advisory Committee to the Public Health Service recommended, ...the production of water supplies which pose no- threat to the consumer's health depends on continuous protection. Because of human frailties associated with this protection, priority should be given to the purest source. Polluted sources should be used only when pure sources are economically unavailable... The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has adopted the same rationale in regard to protecting water supply lakes and reservoirs. It stresses the importance of the sanitary survey and recommends that frequent surveys be made to locate and identify health hazards which might exist in the watershed. OUTLINE OF REPORT That line of reasoning is followed in this report. In Chapter II the nature and extent of threats to public water supplies are examined in 24 counties in western North Carolina. The status of watershed protection in those counties is also included in that discussion. A more detailed examination. of the problem in the Pigeon River watershed and Haywood County is presented in Chapter III. New initiatives have been taken at both State and local levels` to protect water supplies in North Carolina, and they are reviewed in Chapter IV. That discussion gives special attention to recent changes in the state stream classification system and related guidelines for watershed protection. Also included is an examination of the statutory authorities available to local governments upon which watershed protection policies can be formulated. That chapter concludes 7 with a review of policies that have been developed in six counties in North Carolina. The report concludes with a summary and recommendations in C haptOr V. CHAPTER.II PROTECTION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES IN. ON NORTH CAROLINA .Western North Carolina, as a part of the Appalachian region, has been thought of for many years as an economically depressed area, not subject to;'the kinds of urban development pressures that are facing the more rapidly -growing cities. and - counties in the Piedmont. Even in an era when that perspective may, have been more valid than it is today, there was far more pressure onthe quality of water resources of the area than could have been inferred by population densities and growth. Figures of that kind ignored the millions of non-residents who annually visited the area, one of the most attractive vacation regions in the'country. They, also ignored the thousands of non-residents who were building second homes in the area. In recent years the permanent population of all counties in the region has increased at rates that are approximately the same as those for the•State as a whole; several counties are among the fastest growing in the State.` This growth, like that in other parts of the State is posing a threat to the quality of public drinking water supplies, and a large number of cities, towns, and counties°in the area have adopted few, if any, public policies to protect their supplies. The increasing numbers of residences, industries, and accommodations for, visitors, are significant threats. With them come increased construction activity with off -site damage to streams from erosion and sedimentation. They also increase rates at which water=borne wastes are generated; they increase the volume of effluents from waste -disposal facilities; and they increase the problem of disposing of sludge from waste -treatment plants Increasing numbers is not the only factor affecting water quality, however. The topography of the region dictates that much of the urban activity is located near the streams where surface runoff and seepage from soil disposal systems flow directly into tributaries of water supplies. The same is true for agricultural activities. The increasing use of synthetic organic chemicals in homes, industries, and agriculture also increases the risk to drinking water supplies. This factor is not. 9 I ) I unique to western North Carolina, but it is a problem that deserves the attention of water managers and citizens alike. These threats are examined at two levels of detail in this report. A regionwide perspective is presented in this chapter, and a more detailed case study of the Pigeon River watershed is given in Chapter III. THE REGION AND ITS GROWTH The region of concern consists of the 24.counties in western North Carolina shown in Figure 2, all of which may be generally classified as being mountainous. The region is defined as containing all of the counties that wholly, or in sizable part, are in -the geologic Mountain Province of the State. Its total population in 1985 was.908,000, with individual counties ranging in size from 7,000 to 168,000. The average county populations was 37,800. As shown in Table 3, some of these counties actually lost population in the 1960s while the regionwide population increased by about 10 percent: In the 1970s every county in the region experienced growth in the population,as indicated in Figure 2, while the -region absorbed 125,000 new residents, an increase of 17 percent. Estimates of the 1985 population indicate that growth is continuing into the 1980s, albeit at a rate that.is more like the 60s than the 70s.,, Several counties in the region have grown very rapidly. The, population of Henderson County increased by over 18 percent in the 60s, then by 37 percent in the 70s, and another 13 percent from 1980 to 1985. Over that 25—year period, the population has doubled. The population of Watauga County has more than doubled during that period, with increases of more than 33 percent in each decade. Growth rates of that magnitude impose very heavy burdens on local governments if they are to properly manage growth to avoid a.variety of adverse effects of urbanization, degradation of water quality in streams being among them. With that growth comes construction activity. Even though growth has slowed somewhat in the 1980s, the annual rate of construction.activity reached about 14-,OOG units in 1985, and, as shown in Table 4, approximately one half of those were new single—family homes. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES Most.of the water supplies in the region which serve more than a few customers take their water from surface sources. A 1977 survey of public water supplies in 10 FIGURE 2. Annual Growth Rates, 1-0 70-80 Selected Counties in Western North Carolina LEGEND .5 to 1.0 1.0 to 1.5 1.5 to 2.0 2.0 to 2.5 2.5 to 3.0 3.0 to 3.5 Table 3. Population of Western North Carolina Counties ALLEGHANY ASHE AVERY BUNCOMBE BURKE CALDWELL CHEROKEE CLAY GRAHAM HAYWOOD HENDERSON JACKSON MACON MADISON MCDOWELL MITCHELL POLK RUTHERFORD SURRY SWAIN TRANSYLVANIA WATAUGA WILKES YANCEY TOTAL Population 1960 1970 1980 1985 7,734 8,134 9,587 9,692 19,768 19,571 22,325 23,423 12,009 12,655 14,409 14,996 130,074 145,056 160,934 168,281 52,701 60,364 72,504 75,548 49,552 56,699 67,746 70,245 16,335 16,330 18,933 20,207 5,526 5,180 6,619 7,026 6,432 6,562 7,217 7,189 39,711 41,710 46,495 47,905 36,163 42,804 58,580. 66,186 17,780 21,593 25,811 26,967 14,935 15,788 20,178 -23,072; 17,217 16,003 16,827 17,191 26,742 30,648 35,135 36,281 13,906 13,447 14,428 14,559 11,395 11,735. 12,984 14,388 45,091 47,337 53,787 56,941 48,205 51'14.15 59,449 60,827 8,387 8,835 10,283 10,699 16,372 19,713 23,417 25,581 17,529 23,404 31,666 34,173 45,269 49,524 58,657 60,802 14,008 12,629 14,934 15,575 672,841 737,136 862,905 907,754 TABLE 4. Authorized Construction in Western North Carolina 1983 1984 1985 No. of counties reporting 17 17 15 All units 9,800 11,400 13,300 Distribution by type (%): Single-family 53 50 53 Multi -family 11 15 14 Non-residential 10 12 12 Additions and alterations 25 22 21 12 Percent Change 1970-85 19.2 19.7 18.5 16.0 25.2 23.9 23.7 35.6 9.6 14.9 54.6 24.9 46.1 7.4 18.4 -8.3 22.6 20.3 18.3 21.1 29.8 -46.0 22.8 23.3 23.1 North Carolina identified 36 systems in the region that served more than 500 customers; 29 of them used surface sources exclusively (Mann, 1978), six used only groundwater, and one used a combination of surface and ground supplies. The North Carolina Division of Environmental, Management.now lists 50 surface water suppliers of all sizes in the region (see Appendix A), and those suppliers take water from 76 different sources. It is not surprising that in this region supplies are taken- predominantly from surface sources. As shown by the generalized geology of the area, illustrated in Figure 3, much of the region consists of relatively shallow layers.of soil and saprolite underlain by fractured bedrock consisting of granite and metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks. These crystalline rock aquifers have low porosity (void spaces); thus, they hold very little water. Wells drilled into aquifers of this type have relatively low yields, usually in the range of 10-25 gallons per minute, but if a driller is fortunate and happens to hit a water -bearing fracture, the yield may be.as high as 200 gallons per minute (USGS, 1985, p. 330). Wastewater Discharges The primary concern of study is: how well are these supplies protected? That question is not an easy one to answer without a detailed analysis of each of the 76 sources. There are some -general indicators, however, that provide some insights into the nature of the threat,. One of the most important of these it the location of municipalities, industries, institutions, and, in many instances, individual residences..who discharge wastewaters into streams that flow into public water supplies. The best data set for waste dischargers is the NPDES permits. Any person or public or private organization who discharges. wastes to a stream in the United States is required to have a permit to do so in accordance with provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-500) and its amendments, known as the Clean Water Act. These permits are commonly referred to as NPDES permits because they are part of the National Pol 1 u ti on Discharge Elimination System. The North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development has jurisdiction over the issuance of these permits, and 524 of them were -active in August of 1987. The distribution by county i s ,given in Table 5. 13 FIGURE 3. Generalized Geologic Ma-p of Western North Carolina :i� Table 5. Number and Density of Waste Discharge Permits in Western North Carolina No, of Permits Popula- No. of per tion, NPDES 100,000 County 1985 Permits People ALLEGHANY 9,692 5 52 ASHE 23,423 13 56 AVERY 14,996 22 147 BUNCOMBE 168,281 39 23 BURKE 75,548 25 33 CALDWELL 70,245 29 41 CHEROKEE 20,207 9 45 CLAY 7,026 2 28 GRAHAM 7,189 4 56 HAYWOOD 47,905 60 125 HENDERSON 66,186 49 74 JACKSON 26,967 24 89 MACON 23,072 21 91 MADISON 17,191 39 227 MCDOWELL 36,281 18 5.0 MITCHELL 14,559 10 69 POLK 14,388 10 70 RUTHERFORD 56,941 17 30 SURRY 60,827 36 59 SWAIN 1.0,699 8 75 TRANSYLVANIA 25,581 21 82 WATAUGA 34,173 30 88 WILKES 60,802 24 39 YANCEY 15,575 9 58 TOTAL 907,754 524 58 15 The statewide number of permits in August 1987 was 2,224 or about 22..2 per county. That is the same density as that for the western 24 counties. ' On a population basis, there are approximately 34 permits for every 100,000 persons for the State as a whole--58 permits per 100,000 persons in the 24-county area and 30 elsewhere. Thus, a person.in one of these counties is 90 percent more likely to be served by a discharging wastewater treatment system than a person living elsewhere in the State, a much more decentralized pattern of discharges to streams. Several of the counties within the region have an even more exaggerated decentralization of discharges. Madison, Avery, and Haywood Counties have more than 100 permits per 100,000 persons. While many of these permits have been issued to small dischargers such as motels, schools, and even to individual residents, the -degree of treatment provided in these small systems is. usually far less than that provided in centralized - facilities that are managed by trained operators with supporting laboratory services. Furthermore, the accumulation of discharges from several small discharges along a small stream may well lead to contraventions of standards, as is the case along Jonathan's Creek in Haywood County. Decentralization of wastewater treatment can pose a threat to public drinking water supplies when permits are issued to activities located upstream of those supplies. As shown in Figure 4, that is the case in.several supplies ,in western North Carolina. The largest numbers of those occur in Surry, Caldwell, and Rutherford Counties, and in the Yadkin.River Basin upstream of Wilkesboro and Jonesville. AGRICULTURE Because of the expanded use of a wide array of pesticides and herbicides and continued soil erosion, agricultural activities in these watershed are also of concern. Although this region is not the principal agricultural center of the State, it does include a significant amount of agricultural production. Approximately 13 percent of all farmlands in the State are located in this region, and they cover about 21 percent of the total area, less than the statewide figure of 33 percent. The mountainous terrain limits the amount of land that can be cultivated. In this region only 4.7 percent of the total area was in cultivation in 1982, while the statewide level was 16.5 percent. That figure is'highly 16 FIGURE 4. Water Supplies and Discharge Permits LEGEND Water supply watersheds Location of permitted dischargers V variable from county to county within the region as shown in Figure 5. Alleghany, Henderson, and Surry Counties are all above the 10 percent level. This area is more widely used for pasturelands than is the rest of the State. Within this.area, 8.7 percent of all lands are in pasture. That amount is much greater than 5.3 percent for the State. In some counties, as shown in Figure 6, as much as 25 to 30 percent of the land is in pasture. These facts would tend to place less importance on agriculture as a. source of contamination in mountain watersheds than elsewhere in the State except 'for the fact that the preponderance of'surface water supplies are in the western half of the State. Furthermore, as shown in the discussion of Pigeon River, agricultural activities in the region are carried out in close proximity to streams., The threat to public water supplies from agricultural chemicals should not be overstated. On the other hand, it should not be ignored as has been largely true in North Carolina to date. In a recent effort to construct a data base 'for national pesticide usage, North Carolina was listed as one of nine states that had no reports of agricultural usage (Gianessi, 1986). The only estimates that are available are those that are -being constructed from secondary data sources that combine crop statistics with expert opinion about application rates (Turner, DiGiano, and DeRosa, 1984; Oak Hollow Watershed Study, 1982). Specific kinds of agricultural chemicals that are used in these watersheds can be identified by agricultural experts in each county who have knowledge of both the particular types of crops that are grown in the watersheds and the types of herbicides and pesticides that are being used. The statewide estimates, of the amounts of -these chemicals that are used tend to focus on major crops such as tobacco, corn, and soybeans, some of which are produced in great abundance in this region. WATERSHED PROTECTION Public policy to protect the quality of public water supplies is not new in North Carolina, but it has received renewed attention in recent years. Initiatives have been taken at the local level, and a significant change occurred at the state 1 eve-1 in 1985. FIGURE 5. Percent of Counties in Cultivated Cropland % OF COUNTY LAND 0 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9- 9 to 12 12 to 15 FIGURE 6. Percent of . Counties in Pastureland % OF COUNTY LAND 0 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15to20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 Classification Status Details of state and local programs are given in Chapter IV. To appreciate the current status of water supply protection in Western North Carolina it is sufficient at this point in the discussion to describe elements of North Carolina's stream classification system. Prior to 1985, all segments of streams that were immediate.ly upstream of public water supplies were classified either A -I orA-II. The A -I classification was reserved for a few highly protected streams in the mountains that could be used for water supplies with minimal treatment: All other supplies fell into the A -II category. The 1985 change in classifications brought about a three -level classification described briefly. as follows: CLASS WS-I Water supplies which are in natural and uninhabited or predominantly undeveloped watersheds. Point source dis- charges are not permitted and local programs to control nonpoint source pollution are required. CLASS WS-II Water supplies which are in low to moderately developed watersheds. Permitted discharges are restricted to pri- marily domestic wastewater or industrial non -process waters specifically approved by the Commission. Local programs to control nonpoint source pollution are required. CLASS WS-III Water sup.ply segments with no categorical restrictions on watershed development or discharges. A detailed evaluation of point sources including toxic substances and implementation of a non -point source control program for the portion of the watershed under the community's control is recommended. To quality for WS-I or WS-II status, local governments having jurisdictions. over the tributary watersheds must have an approved program to reduce the impact of pollution from non -point sources. In the transition from the old classification system to the new one, all A -I classifications were automatically classified WS-I, and all others were classified WS-II.I: To upgrade classifications from WS-III to WS-I or WS-II, a formal request must be made by a unit of local government. That request triggers a reclassification process in which the State must determine -if all the required conditions have been satisfied. Unless a request of:that type.is made, the water supply remains in the WS-III category. 21 At present the 76 sources of surface water supplies in western North Carolina are classified as follows (NRCD-DEM, Dec. 1987): Current Classification No. of Sources WS-I 33 (all formerly A -I) WS-II 0 WS-III 44 Of the 44.sources currently classified as WS-III, the Division of Environmental Management, NCDNRCD, has estimated that these sources have the highest:potential classifications as follows: Highest Potential No. of Classification Sources WS-I 26 WS-II 9 WS-III 9 Thus, if these estimates are correct, 34 sources would have to be reclassified to achieve the level of protection that could be achieved under the State regulations. While this program is still relatively new, there are several signs that progress toward the goal of bringing all of these supplies to their highest potential classification will be slow. County governments are the key to that progress. because the watersheds lie predominantly outside the jurisdiction of cities that use them for water supplies. Cities and towns that use these supplies are more likely to act in their own interest to adopt the necessary controls on non -point sources and to restrict the location of waste dischargers to areas outside the watersheds. Counties, on the other hand, include constituents who do not benefit directly from such controls and who may resist imposition`of such controls. Of the.100 counties in North Carolina, 27 have no public water supplies that are extracted from surface sources. Watershed protection is not relevant in those counties, most of which are located in the coastal plain (protection of sole -source aquifers may be relevant, but that is another story). However, watershed - protection is relevant in the other 73 counties, but, as of August 1987, only 10 of them had shown an inclination to adopt the regulations necessary to bring them into compliance with WS-I and WS-II classifications. Of the 24 counties examined in this study, only two, Wilkes and Transylvania, are in the process of developing programs to upgrade the classifications of their 22 water supplies. A third, Haywood County, is awaiting. publication of this, report before considering further action. Four of these counties have no surface water supplies. County governments in the region have been reluctant to adopt growth management guidelines and regulations. The nature of these regulations is discussed in greater detail in Chapter III, but the categories include: (1) land - use plans; (2) zoning; (3) subdivision regulations; (4) local sedimentation and erosion ordinances; and (5) flood -plain regulations. The counties that have adopted these guidelines and regulations are shown i,n Table 6, and the statistics on them are revealing. Land -use plans have been Tabl a 6. Growth Management Authority Enacted by Counties•in Western North Carolina Land Sub- Sediment Use division & Erosion County Plan Zoning Regs Ordinance Alleghany x x Ashe x Avery x Buncombe x x Burke x Caldwell X. x Cherokee x Clay Graham Haywood x Henderson x x Jackson x Macon x Madison x McDowell x Mitchell Polk x x x Rutherford x x Surry x x x Swain Transylvania x Watauga x x Wilkes x x x Yancey x 23 F1 ood Plain Regs x x adopted by 17 of the 24 counties, but only six of them have adopted even partial zoning. Subdivision regulations have been adopted by only 7 of 24, and 'only two of them have enacted local sedimentation and erosion ordinances. Flood plain regulations are in force more widely. The widespread use of land -use plans is a logical first step, but they are largely of the nature of guidelines. They are not enforceable in and of themselves. The widespread use of flood -plain regulations. results in large part because of considerable financial incentives. They are a necessary prerequisite for residents of a county to qualify for federally subsidized flood insurance. The other types of growth management techniques are voluntary, they impose some restrictions on land development, and they have not been widely adopted'in these counties. CONCLUSION The extent to which watershed protection measures of this type have been adopted in these counties.may be appropriate to.the levels of development that have occurred on these watersheds in the past. With a few notable exceptions, point source discharges in most of these watersheds are such that the water supplies could still be classified as either WS-I or WS-II. However, all of these counties are continuing to experience growth, and there is little public policy to manage that growth to minimize its adverse impacts on water quality. Furthermore, a significant amount of agricultural activity is occurring within the watersheds that are used for public water supplies, and the potential risk from pesticides and herbicides used in that activity has gone largely unmonitored and unassessed. 24 CHAPTER III PIGEON RIVER UPSTREAM OF CANTON Specifics of the threats to public water supplies in western North'Carolina and the status of watershed protection (or the lack thereof) can be seen in detail in the case of the Pigeon River above Canton, North Carolina, in Haywood County. Although Haywood County is not growing as fast as a few of the other counties in the region, the -current situation there is typical of situations that can be found in many of the other counties. Growth is occurring without the benefit of much public policy to guide it, and while existing water supplies are still in relatively good condition, change is in progress, and supplies are vulnerable to the impacts of new developments in the watershed. This particular case also illustrates the special character of watersheds'in western North Carolina where - urban and industrial activities are located very close to tributary streams, and where surface runoff and groundwater seepage flow directly into the supplies. This chapter begins with a discussion of water supply related trends in Haywood County before proceeding to a detailed examination of trends in the Pigeon River watershed. It concludes with a discussion of public policies for managing growth in that watershed. HAYWOOD COUNTY Growth Haywood County is growing, not explosively, but it is growing. As shown in Table 7 and Figure 7, the population followed the trends for the region as a whole. In.the decade of the 1960s, Haywood County's population increased by a modest 4.8 percent from 39,700 to 41,700, but.it experienced an accelerated growth in the 1970s. In that decade it increased by 10.3 percent to 46,500, and since 1980 growth has continued at a lesser pace, 2.9 percent from 1980 to 1985 when its population reached 47,900. Water Supplies That population is served by a combination of public and private sources. Recent data on the mix of those sources is not available, but in 1974 it was estimated that about three -fourths of the population got their water from public 25 � � 4 Table 7. POPULATION OF HAYWOOD COUNTY BY TOWNS AND TOWNSHIPS Township Town 1960 1970 1980 eaver am 117TO 11-, -W 11-3T Canton 5,068 5,158 4,631 Cataloochie 116 107 56 Cecil 426 418 355 Clyde 2,620 3,086 4,448 Clyde 680 814 1,008 Crabtree 851 794 882 East Fork 1,295 1,362 1,551 Fines Creek 905 692 764 Ivon Duff 495 645. 668 Ivy Hill 1,470 1,779 2,356 Maggie Valley - - 202 Jonathan's Cr. 928 803 1,189 Pigeon 3,150 3,460 3,996 Waynesville 15,220 16,955 18,084 Waynesville 6,159 6,488 6,765 White Oak 266 141 149 Total 39,711 41,710 46,495 Source: US Bureau of the Census, Census of Population, 1980 50 49 48 4? 46 44 �a '11- 43 42 41 AO 39 38 1950 19J0 Ymar 1950 FIGURE 7. POPULATION= OF- HAY4JOOD COUNTY 26 sources -(Jackson, 1974, p. 115). These sources, located as shown in Figure. 8, include: Supplier Canton Pigeon River Maggie Valley Waynesville Sources Rough Cr. WS-III Campbells Cr. Allen Cr. Rocky Br. Classification WS-I (formerly A -I) WS-III WS-I (formerly A -I) WS- I (. 11 if )- The Town of Canton supplies not only its -own customers, but it also supplies Clyde and several water associations.. The Town of Waynesville also serves Hazelwood and the area around Lake Junaluska. Spatial Patterns of Population Although growth throughout the county has been moderate over the past 20-25 years, much of that growth has been concentrated near the water supply watersheds. As shown in Figure 9, the population of Haywood County is concentrated in the southern half of the county in Waynesville, Beaverdam..(Canton), Pigeon and Clyde Townships. Substantial growth has occurred in the Pigeon River watershed above Canton. Pigeon Township, located primarily i.n this watershed, experienced -an increase of more than 500 people, about 15 percent, in the 1970s. East Fork Township, also located in this watershed increased by nearly 200 people in that period. It is this development trend that has caused concern among the citizens and "elected officials in Canton. Wastewater Disposal As noted in Chapter II, the pattern of wastewater dischargers in.Haywood County is highly decentralized. There are 60 permitted wastewater dischargers in the county, giving the county one of the highest number of dischargers per capita in the region and in the state. The distribution of those permits by, types of generator is as follows: 27 Mc FIGURE HAYWOOD COUNTY LOCATION OF WAT AND DISCHARGE F 140 19 )n FIGURE 9. Haywood County Population: Distribution by Township, 1985 a % OF COUNTY POPULATION 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 Type of Generator No. of Permits Municipal 4 Commercial and institutional. 24 .Industrial 6 Motels 7 Mobile home parks 1 Residential 18 Most of these dischargers are located along the urban corridor from Waynesville to Canton and along US Highway 19 between Waynesville and Maggie Valley. This pattern of dischargers results from a combination of factors. Included among them are: (a) the failure of local governments to provide or extend sewer service to new developments; (b) the willingness of county government to issue building permits to activities not located on sewer systems; and (c) the willingness of state governments to issue -discharge permits to large numbers of individual dischargers. Fortunately, only a few discharge permits have been issued to activities located in watersheds used for public water supplies. Permits have been issued to four dischargers in the Pigeon River watershed, but another is pending. However, there is little in the way of public policy to protect the watershed from further degradation. The issuance of these permits, development trends noted earlier, and a widespread concern about industrial and agricultural chemicals led to a more detailed examination of this particular watershed. DESCRIPTION OF THE WATERSHED The watershed of the Pigeon River upstream of Canton, covering approximately 136 square miles, is one of the great natural resources of North Carolina. Its mountainous terrain, rimmed by the Blue Ridge Parkway on its southern border, affords spectacular views of over 50 miles., A large portion of the watershed lies within the Pisgah National Forest and the Shinning Rock Wilderness Area. It also contains a valley floor that is a highly productive.agricultural area. Topography As shown in Figure 10, elevations in the watershed vary from 2,600 feet above mean sea level at the intake to Canton's water supply to 6,540 feet at Richland Balsam on the Parkway. Most of the. urban and agricultural uses of the watershed 30 Lake Richland Balsam ucc�ii aaN FIGURE 10. CONTOUR MAP OF PIGEON RIVER WATERSHED UPSTREAM OF CANTON 31 = 399 30' -3!�P 26' — 399 22' 39' 18' are located below the 3,000-foot contour, an area of approximately 23 square miles or 17 percent of the watershed. The area between the 3,000 and 4,000-foot contour is about 49 square miles or 36 percent of the watershed, and between 4,000 and 5,000, 40 square miles and 29 percent of the watershed. There is approximately 23 square miles of elevations in the range 5.,000-6,000, and only 0.4 square miles above 6,000 feet. Over 80 percent of the land has slopes in excess of 30 percent, and the average throughout the watershed exceeds 25 percent. Despite the.generally steep terrain, the watershed does contain a relatively broad. valley floor with mild slopes. Just upstream of the .intake for the Canton water supply, the flood plain extends approximately 1/2 mile to the west'of the Pigeon River, and the flood plain and stream terraces extend nearly two miles to the east. Just upstream of.the confluence of the West and East Forks, the flood plains and terraces are approximately three miles wide. Then, upstream of that location, the stream valleys become much more narrow, and the slopes become much steeper. The profiles of the Pigeon River and its tributaries, in Figure 11, also illustrate the contrast in topography between the lower and upper portions of the watershed. For the first ten miles upstream of Canton, to points upstream of the confluences of the.West and East Forks, the streams have an average slope of 0.37 percent. Over the next six miles to points upstream of Lake Logan on the West Fork and near Cruso on the East Fork, the slopes are still. less than one percent. Then the slopes become increasingly steep as the streams approach their headwaters near the south rim of the watershed. Soils Soils in the watershed tend to vary with the topography. The Interim Soil Survey Report for Haywood County (1986), a portion of which is shown in Figure 12, shows that the Rosman and Dellwood series, classified as sandy loam and cobbly„ loarV sand, respectively, are the predominant soil types in the flood plains in the lower portion of the watershed while Saunook loam is quite common near streams in the -upper part. Terraces in the lower portion are predominantly loam'and clay loam in the Union and Braddock Series, while the steeper slopes represent foams from. several series, including Hayesville, Plott, Edneyville, Evard-Cowee, and Wayak. More detailed descriptions of these soils are given in Appendix B, and further details are given in the soil survey report. 32 4.8 M 4.4 J N 4.2 Q1 O 4 .0 rd QJ O 4- .3..s (') O W � 0 r 3.4 3.2 0 •r rd 3 W 2.8 2 .6 2.4 FIGURE 11. PROFILE OF PIGEON RIVER 4 8 12 Miles Upstream of Canton SOIL TYPE Rosman/Dellwood Ed n eyv i I I e/Eva rd/P I o tt Plott/Edneyville. Evard/Saunook Hayesville Braddock Richlar balsa FIGURE 12. GENERALIZED SOILS MAP' OF THE PIGEON RIVER WATERSHED UPSTREAM OF CANTON N The characteristics of these soils have several implications for the management of water quality. First, soils in the lower portions of the basin are low in clay content, well -drained, and they are relatively deep, commonly ranging in depth from 4 to 8 feet. Thus, they have a high potential for agricultural productivity, and as noted later, they are intensively used for that purpose. Erosion and agricultural chemicals in storm runoff from these areas can be a problem if they are not managed properly. Second., the soils in the steep slopes are generally stable where vegetative covers are maintained. Construction and other land -disturbing activities will reduce the stability, however, and the combination of intense storms and steep slopes will result in avalanches of debris and soil slippage (Brovitz, p. 90). Finally, in many areas where steep slopes are dominant, the soils are fairly shallow and.not well suited for on -site disposal of household and commercial wastewaters. Land Use The land is used for a variety of purposes. From the perspective of the watershed as a whole, the predominant category is forest. Approximately 90 percent of the 136 square miles (87,000 acres) is inside the outer boundaries of the. Pisgah National Forest, but a significant portion of that land is in private ownership, much of it held by Champion International, Inc. Approximately one half of the watershed, approximately 40,000 acres in the southern part, is closed forest, while 25,000 acres in the midsection has a 50 percent forest cover, and in the lower portion, the remaining 20,000 or so acres has a forest cover of 25 percent or less (Brovitz, p. 90). Population density over the entire watershed is quite sparse. Census tracts are not coincident with hydrologic boundaries so that exact counts of°the residential population in the watershed is not possible, but they are:sufficiently close to make a reliable estimate of between 5000 and 6000 persons.. As shown in Table 7, there were 5,902 persons in the Cecil, East Fork, and Pigeon Townships in 1980, and those townships include some sparsely populated areas.outside the watershed. A small portion of the Beaverdam Township also lies in the watershed. Regardless of the exact number, however, the density would fall in'the range of 35- 45`persons per square mile or one person for every 14 to 18 acres. The population did increase by 13 percent from 1970 to 1980. 35 Data compiled by the Haywood County Planning Department. (Table 8) indicate that there were approximately 2,600 housing units and 56 commercial and industrial establishments in the watershed in 1983. The number of housing units increased substantially during the 1970s when nearly 600 units were built, and the number continues to increase at about 50 units per year. With very few exceptions, waste from these units is disposed of in septic tank systems. If agricultural .land use in the Pigeon River watershed follows the more general pattern of Haywood County, it has changed very little since 1975 as indicated in Figure 13. There were 81,000 acres of farmland in Haywood County in 1982, about 12,000 acres of which was in cultivated cropland (US Bureau of the Census). Data from the North Carolina crop statistics indicate very little change in total cropland and only moderate shifts in the mix of crops. Within the Pigeon River watershed, about one-half of the land in the watershed is in farms, but a large portion of that, nearly 80 percent, is in woodlands (see Table 8). Approximately seven percent of the farmland is cultivated, and another 13 percent is in pasturelands. Thus, from the perspective of the entire watershed, there would appear to be little threat to the quality of Canton's water supply from nonpoint source discharges in the watershed. Table 8. Population and Land Use in Cecil, East Fork and Pigeon Townships 1970 1980 1983 Population 5-,74U 5= 5;, No. of Households 1,600 2,024 2,054 No. of Housing Units 1,783 2,362 2,580 Site -built 1,647 2,362 2,580 Mobile 136 348 426 Commercial & Industrial Estab. 29 48 56 Agriculture 1974 1978 1982 No. of Farms 622 631 641 Acreage 45,650 44,889 44,258 Woodland 36,660 36,028 35,561 Cultivated 2,600 2,549 2,522- Pasture 5,900 5,833 5,723 Idle & Other 490 479 452 12 IN E•� U 6 w o v 4 N O ..0 f-- L FIGURE 13. CROPLAND IN HAYWOOD COUNTY, 1975-1-985 1975 1980 Year 1985 Statistics for the entire watershed are quite deceptive in this case, however, because most of the urban development and agricultural activity is concentrated within the lower portion of the watershed just upstream of the water supply intake and near the streambanks. A very detailed analysis of land uses was made of the 14 quad sheets shown in Figure 14. Each of those areas has been aerially mapped by an orthophotographic quad sheet covering an area of 10,000 x 10,000 feet (2,296 acres). Each of them was interpreted for this study by personnel of the Haywood County Soil and Water Conservation District. Seven attributes were identified for each quad. They are: (1) the network of streams; (2) woodlands; . (3) urban areas, including residential, commercial, and institutional lands; (4) agricultural lands; (5) steep slopes (30 percent or more); (6) flood plain soils; and (7) prime agricultural soils. The interpreted quad sheets were then digitized using the MAPEDT software marketed by Resources Planning Associates, and the areas covered by each attribute was computed. Results of that analysis are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Land Use in Pigeon River Watershed (acres by quad sheet)* Prime Flood Wood Farm Plain Steep Stream Agri - Quad Land Land Soil Slope Urban Net culture 8632 1,970.6 144.9 234.3 1,431.7 75.6 22.1 3.2 8633 1,637.2 600.5 353.2 862.4 192.4 75.9 35.4 8634 764.1 284.8 50.9 210.1 8635 1,152.2 91.7 24.5 55.8 8644 1,028.7 500.2 253.2 834.5 269.4 66.1 181.2 8645 548.4 374.0 80.7 296.6 8646 859.0 97.6 9.2 23.8 8654 1,569.1 195.6 249.7 1,472.0 141.5 77.7 33.9 8655 951.9 258.6 48.6 49.8 8656 566.5 256.5 138.5 275.2 201.6 .40.7 68.1 8662 1835.4. 97.8 36.9 8.6 8663 1:383.2 127.4 44.8 18.4 8664 331.0 11.0 44.4 392.6 84.6 23.9 8.8 8665 307.2 13.4 6.6 2.9 14,904.5 1,708.6 1,273.2 5,268.3 2,310.4 608.6 996.4 *blank areas indicate the quad sheet's land use was not digitized. 38 Waynesvi Ile Canton ply ` L1J 1 tO .Y.w.- 46�' 10/.1,0 C 1 46 56 �f 35 5. 45� %r 55 %% i 65 p I s GA. 34 54 ; 64 n, 33 1 63 Un`� NA I 1 O NAaz C, 2 32 yam-` ' c •yy;....�,,e..cxg - :�"/ ik a.. �.� SH EAWO(•OD l''�.1W I IDIIFE,,- •�F .O,y � r.� �t. 7M A N A`OEMENT fA AR EA s � �i7o kno a.ac u�s.w ooa � I •!". y1>^ P vR ... FIGURE 14. COVERAGE OF ORTHOPHOTO MAPS USED FOR LAND USE ANALYSIS 39 It is apparent from these results that the most intensively used portion of the watershed is that area covered by the cross -hatched quads in Figure 14. These six quads cover 13,776 acres of the watershed, including 2,580 acres of very steep slopes (30 percent or more) and 365 acres of streams. Approximately 40 percent of the area is covered by woodlands. Urban activities cover a significant portion of the remaining lands, including 1,530 acres, and cultivated agricultural activities are also significant, account- ing for 840 acres, mostly in intensive vegetable production, particularly tomatoes. Since most of the population within the watershed reside in this area, densities are in the range of 225-275 persons per square mile or one person per 2-2.5 acres. The significance of urban development and cultivated lands in the watershed is magnified by the proximity of those activities to the mainstem of the Pigeon River. Locations of the urban activities relative to the river and its feeder streams are shown in Figure 15. Although an exact count of the housing units in that partic- ular area has not been made, the data on housing and population in the watershed and the spatial distribution of urban development suggest that the area shown in Figure 15 contains 1500-2000 units. All of those units, except for those inside the Canton sewer service area, are served by septic tanks. The wastewater facil- ities plan for Haywood County, prepared by a planning engineering firm in 1984, proposed an extensive wastewater collection and treatment system for that area (William F. Freeman Co., 1984). That system, shown in Figure 16, had an estimated construction cost of near $7 million. Very little of that system has come to reality. Locations of cultivated lands are shown in Figure 17. It can be noted that most of those lands abut the streams. Thus, stormwater runoff from these fields flow directly into the streams, and an analysis of an overlay of forested lands, cultivated lands, and the stream network revealed that in many instances there is little or no vegetative buffer between the fields and the streams. In those instances it is reasonable to expect a substantial transport of agricultural chemicals and eroded soil into the streams. 40 V LEGEND -61 Land with slope > 30% Urban activity LOCATION MAP West Fork East Fork FIGURE 15. LOCATION OF URBAN LANDS IN PIGEON RIVER WATERSHED UPSTREAM OF CANTON 41 Waynei LEGEND — proposed server lines 10 proposed treal.,ment plants o proposed pump stations West Fork East Fork FIGURE 16 PROPOSED WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT FACILITIES- 42 YI LEGEND Land with slope ? 30% Cultivated agriculture 1 r%f'A-mrNK1 IIAM West Fork FIGURE 17. LOCATION OF AGRICULTURAL -ACTIVITIES IN PIGEON RIVER WATERSHED UPSTREAM OF CANTON 43 East Fork POLLUTION SURVEYS Point Sources In addition to the analysis of activities in the watershed presented above, two surveys of pollution sources and instream water quality conditions have been made, one by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) of the NCDNRCD, and one by the staff of the Water Resources Research Institute_ during the conduct of this study. DEM conducted an investigation of the Upper Pigeon River on July 25, 1984, where ". . .particular interest centered around three dischargers --Pigeon Valley Rest Home, Royal Oaks Subdivision, and Bethal School" (DEM, 1984). A fourth permit has been granted since that study, a request has been made for a fifth one, and the Royal Oaks Subdivision has requested a modification to expand its capacity. The permits are described as follows: Facility Bethal School Pigeon Valley Rest Home Royal Oaks Subdivision Roy Galloway Residence Design Flow Receiving gals/day Stream 15,000 Bird Creek 25,000 Pigeon River 15,000 E. Fork Pigeon River 450 Garden Creek Their approximate locations are shown in Figure 8. In the 1984 survey, samples were taken from the effluent of the Pigeon Valley Rest Home and from the stream at those locations.. The in -stream sampling points were: (a) 500 meters above the intake of Canton's water supply; (b) 100 meters below the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork of the Pigeon River; and (c) the East Fork of the Pigeon River near Cruso, a location used to establish background water quality conditions. Water quality parameters that were measured at these locations included the conventional ones relevant to bacteria, oxygen balance, solids and nutrients. They also included a fairly standard list of 7 heavy metals (Cd, Ch. Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn). DEM found that all of the concentrations of the substances and organisms that they examined ". . .were below state water quality standards and only slightly above background 44 levels." They also concluded that the effects of the point sources on in -stream water quality were negligible. These results reflect what one would expect to find during dry -weather flows when the point -source treatment facilities are being properly operated. If the effluent volumes are within the limits specified in their permits, those discharges are small in comparison with stream flow from a watershed of that size. Pesticide Contamination However, as stated by DEM, the survey in 1984 focused primarily on the role of point sources, and, although the report does not include rates of stream flow at the time samples were taken, the usual procedure is to make such surveys during dry -weather, warm temperature conditions. Surveys of that kind cannot be used to assess the effects of nonpoint sources, most of which are activated by storm events. The possibility of contamination from pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic organic chemicals was considered to be the primary threat from nonpoint sources in this watershed. Most of the land uses that would generate significant quantities of nonpoint sources are located downstream of Lake Logan. Thus, their potential for causing excessive nutrient buildup in that impoundment would be small. The proximity of agricultural and urban activities to the intake was a matter of concern, however. The facts that a significant amount of cultivated farm land is in the watershed and that much of it is located near streambanks are sufficient to cause a concer-n about the potential for contamination from herbicides, pesticides, and other agricultural.chemicals. As noted in Table 8, there are 2,500 acres of cultivated croplands in the Pigeon River watershed upstream of Canton. Approximately 940 of those are found within the six quad areas in Figure 14 that are nearest the water supply intake for Canton. Tabular data on the kinds of crops grown on these lands is unavailable, but agricultural experts in Haywood County have indicated that tomatoes are the principal cash crop (West, 1987). Herbicides are applied to -them in May or early June and possibly again in mid -July. Typical herbicides are Lexam and Tillam. Pesticides are applied June through September. The Agricultural Extension Services advises weekly fungicide application and pesticide application as need, although most farmers will apply pesticides on.a weekly or biweekly basis. 45 Thiodan is a popular insecticide, which is applied along with the fungicides Manzate, Dyrene, and some of the copper compounds. Beans are also grown in the watershed. The major pesticides applied to beans are Dacthal, Jule, and Treflan. Strawberries are also cultivated. 2,4-D is applied to strawberries in March. Devrinol or Enide is applied in early July (usually July 4th weekend). Whichever of the above compounds was not used will be applied in late August or September. There are four nurseries close to the watershed which may grow between 30 to 40 crops. Various herbicides/pesticides may be used. Small amounts of tobacco are also grown in the watershed. These lands may receive applications of Devr.inol. In addition to the croplands, the watershed includes some 5,700 acres of pasture and hay which typically receive a springtime application of 2,4-D or Banvel in late March or early April. A second application is usual after the first harvest, usually around mid -June. Other organic compounds are also used at the several dairies and hog farms -in the watershed. Although a complete listing of all the chemicals used in the watershed is not possible, it would include the 31 substances listed in Table 10. That list was compiled from conversations with several agricultural experts in Haywood County. Just as a complete listing of all chemicals used in the basin is not feasible, neither is a complete quantification of the amounts of each that are used, the amounts that leave the fields and enter the stream, the amounts that reach the water intake, and ultimately the amount that is ingested by the citizens of Canton. Nonetheless, a partial assessment of the risk was undertaken by sampling at several locations throughout the watershed and subjecting those samples to broad -based chemical analyses. Site Selection and Sampling Procedure A discussion with the Agricultural Extension Service suggested that any time between mid -February and mid -October would be suitable for sampling of pesticides and herbicides. The types of pesticides/herbicides found might change throughout the growing season, but no particular sampling period would result in higher concentrations. A total of five sampling locations were established along the river, running approximately from the border of the Sherwood Wildlife Management. Area to the 46 Table 10. Pesticides & Herbicides Used in Haywood County Common Name Trade Name Use 2,4-0 2,4-0 systemic herbicide Anilazine Dryene foliar fungicide Atrazine Aatrex selective pre/post emergence herbicide Bacillus thuringiensis Dipel, Bactur, Thuricide insecticide var, kurstaki Benomyl Benlate BHC, gamma isomer Lindane Butylate Sutan Captan Captan Carba ryl Sev:En Carbofuran Furadan Chlorpyrifos Lorsban, Dursban DCPA Dacthal Dicamba Banvel Dichlobenil Casoron Diohenamid Enide Diuron Karmex, Drexel Endosulfan Thiodan EPTC+Safener Eradicane Fol pet PhaItan Glyphosphate Roundup Malathion Malathion, Sumitox Mancozeb + dinocap Dikar Maneb Manzate, Vancide Methomyl Lannate Napropamide Pebulate Phosphamidon Simazine Terbacil Devrinol Tillam Phosphainidon, Dimecron Princep Sinbar Trifluralin Treflan, Trefanocide, Treficon, Treflonocide Symate, Methyl Cymate, Methasan, Zimate, Zirbeck, Karbam White, Corozate, Fuklasin, Fuklasin, Zerlate 47 Ziram carbamate pesticide insecticide selective herbicide protestant fungicide contact insecticide contact insecticide' broad spectrum pesticide selective pre -emergence herbicide foliar and soil applied herbicide selective herbicide selective pre-energence herbicide photosynthesis inhibi- tion herbicide bread spectrum non- sys-temic insecticide herbicide protectant fungicide non -selective post - emergence herbicide non -systemic insecticide fungicide protectant fungicide carbamate pesticide pre -emergence herbicide pre -emergence herbicide oraanophosphorus pesticide pre -emergence herbicide photosynthesis inhibition herbicide pre -emergence herbicide protectant fungicide Crops corn, apples, hay strawberries tomatoes corn, tobacco corn corn, potato, apple corn, tobacco, potato, apple corn, tobacco, potato corn, tobacco, cattle, apple beans corn, hay tobacco, potato, strawberries apples tomatoes corn, hay, potato corn, apple, hay, potato corn, cattle tobacco, potato, apple ' tomatoes corn, tobacco, potato, apple tobacoo,apples tobacco, tomatoes potato corn, apples, hay apples, hay beans sweet potatoes FIGURE 18. LOCATION OF PESTICIDE SAMPLING POINTS water intake at Canton as shown in Figure 18. Sampling started in mid -May and ran for nearly six weeks. Every 10-12 days, a sample was collected from each of the five sites. Samples were collected on the 5th and 27th of May and the 6th and 16th of June 1987. Samples taken on May 27 were obtained during a rainfall event. For this situation, additional samples were taken approximately 8 and 16 hours later for sites #3 and #4, the sites most likely to receive agricultural runoff. All samples were grab samples; i.e., 4 liters of river water were collected at a given time at each location. The procedure was to fill a 4-liter glass bottle with a representative sample of river water. The bottles were labeled, sealed, and stored in a cooler with ice for shipment to a commercial laboratory where the samples were analyzed for organics. Sampling locations were chosen for two reasons. The first was to provide an overall impression of the water quality. Sites #1, #2, and #5 were chosen for this purpose. The second objective was to gain an understanding of the potential for synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) to contaminate the drinking water supply of Canton. From the existing land uses, herbicides and pesticides. appear to be the most likely SOC candidates. -Thus, stations #3 and #4 were chosen because they are near agricultural areas, and they are likely to receive direct field runoff. Three sites (#1, #2, and #5) were near locations chosen by the NC Division of Environ- mental Management, Water Quality Section, for the July 1984 water quality evaluation of the upper Pigeon River. Station #1: Site 1 was located about 100 feet above the bridge at Camp Hope on the East Fork of the Pigeon River, just above Cruso and above any substantial urban development or agriculture. It served as a control to provide water quality data on the river as it leaves the Sherwood Wildlife Management Area. Station #2: Site 2 was located just upstream from a bridge on unnamed road between Routes 215 and 110, located approximately one mile below the confluence of the East and West Forks. This site provided a summary of the water quality of the East and West Forks. Station #3: Site 3, located off a gravel road between Routes 215 and 276, was on a small ee er stream to the West Fork about one mile above the confluence of East and West Forks. This stream travels through a mostly agricultural district, and lies alongside several large unbuffered fields. It is likely to receive direct field runoff and thus provide an assessment of the potential for agricultural chemicals entering the drinking water supply downstream. Station #4: Site 4 is located off a gravel road parallel to Route 215, below a small cu vert. Site was on a small feeder stream to the Pigeon River about one mile below the confluence. This feeder stream also flows through a highly agricul- tural area with several unbuffered fields providing direct runoff. Station #5: Site 5 was located on the main stem of the Pigeon River just above the pumping station at a bridge on Route 215. It was the farthest downstream point sampled and provided the best assessment of the source water quality for Canton. Experimental Methods Samples were analyzed for priority pollutants using EPA's Method 625 for extractable organics. This method should detect most pesticides and herbicides if present in sufficient concentrations, as well as all but the most volatile organ- ics. This procedure used a methylene chloride extraction at a basic pH followed by a methylene chloride extraction at an acidic pH, then analysis by gas chromatog- raphy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Priority pollutants, if present, are identified by comparison with analytical standards. The priority pollutants are quantified to ug/l concentrations, within the limits of the analytical techniques. Non -priority pollutants can sometimes be identified by mass spectral library matching. Those compounds identified by library matching can only be approximately quantified. Standard quality control procedures, as defined by the EPA, are adhered to by Triangle Laboratories, Inc. The GC/MS conditions were as follows: The GC column was a J&W DB-5, 30m x 0.32 mm, with a 25 micron film thickness. The GC program held at 40 C for 3 minutes, increased to 300 C at 8 C/min, and then held at 300 C for 4.5 minutes. The GC was interfaced to the MS through a heated inlet held at 230 C. For the MS, 49 the ion source was heated to 180 C, and a mass range of 35 to 510 amu (atomic mass units) was scanned at 1 sec/scan. t s ples were analyzed for priority pollutants using EPA's Method 625 for extractable organics. Results are summarized in Table; 11. Three organic compounds were identified during the analysis. Another compound was found but could not be identified. No compounds were found for dates and/or stations not shown. Two of the compounds are known pesticides/herbicides. The concentrations of the organics are quite low, generally in the low parts per billion range. None of the compounds were priority pollutants, and therefore all the compounds were identified solely by library matching. Some caution should be exercised in drawing conclusions from these results, noting in particular that the uncertainty associated with the concentration levels is high because no direct comparisons with known standards were possible. One of the compounds, 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4-diamine, 6 chloro-N-ethyl-N' (1- methylethyl) atrazine, is better known simply as atrazine. It is a commonly used agricultural herbicide, and has been found in other surface waters in North Carolina that are adjacent to agricultural areas (Dietrich, et al. 1983). Its oral LD50 in mice is 1.75 g/kg and in rats is 3.08 g/kg. No apparent skin irritations or other toxic effects have been observed in humans (Merck Index, 1976). Another compound is Bis dimethyl carbamodithioato-S,S'-(T-4)-zinc, also known as Ziram, Cymate, methyl cymate, Methasan, Zimate, Zirbeck, Karbam White, Corozate, Fuclasin, Fuklasin, and Zerlate (Merck Index, 1976, School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 1987). Among other purposes it is used as an agricultural fungicide. - Its oral LD50 in rats is 1.4 g/kg. This chemical causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes (Merck, 1976). It is not obvious what a third compound, 4,4, thiobis-2-(1,1 dimethylethyl)- (5)-methyl phenol, is used for or where it might arise in the watershed. A brief review of the Chemical Abstracts suggests that it is an industrial chemical used primarily for its insulating properties. The apparent hydrocarbons could not be identified exactly. Likely sources for hydrocarbon contamination include road runoff or leaky underground storage tanks. Ac Tabl e 11 Summary of Organics Found During Pigeon River Monitoring Sample Concen- Sample Sample ttation Canpound Date Station (ug/L)** 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4-diand ne, 6 chloro-N-ethyl-N' (1-methylethyl) atrazine 5/27/87 (4:41) 3 �� " 5/27/87 (4:51) 4 60 It 11 It 11'. 5/27/87(21:58) 3 4,4 thiobis-2(1,1 dimethylethyl-(5)-methyl phenol 5/27/87 (4:41) (4:51) 4 16 1{ II 11 II It It It. 5/27/87(22:06) 4 13 It 6/06/87 1 8 6/06/87 2 6 .6/06/87 3 6 Bis din -ethyl carbcmodithioato-S,S'-(T-4)-zinc 6/06/87 2 7 6/06/87 3 4 r 6/16/87 3 u at u n 6/16/87 4 unknown hydrocarbon 5/27/87 (4:41) 3 8 unknown hydrocarbon 5/27/87 (4:51) 4 10 * Peak height less than 10% of nearest internal standard. No estimate:of concentration available. . ** Since none of these compounds are priority pollutants, concentrations are only approximate and should be of as order of magnitude estimates. 51 Discussion The first set of samples was taken on May 6, 1987, prior to the application of most pesticides/herbicides during the growing season. It is the only set of samples in which no organics were found. These results suggest that the pesticides found in later samples were from agricultural application. Further year -round - sampling should be conducted to confirm this hypothesis. The majority of positive findings occurred at stations #3 and #4, the small feeder streams to the Pigeon River. GIS mapping had indicated that these small streams drained agricultural areas and were most likely to receive agricultural runoff. +� W�.�e Cn o,w i The river f low is greatest here compared to all the sampling stations, and any organics would be significantly diluted. 0e s nh 'y e _1WRW However., the fact that these chemicals are found directly upstream of the drinking water supply indicates the need for caution and concern in the face of further industrial or agricultural development. WATERSHED PROTECTION Surveys of instream water quality conditions such as those undertaken by DEM and those undertaken by WRRI are simply snapshots of what conditions prevailed at the time they were taken. Even then they do not provide a complete picture of what was in the water. However, they do support the general conclusion that the watershed, in its present state of development, is in good condition, and there is little evidence to conclude that there is any significant and imminent threat to the consumers of Canton's water supply. The more disturbing observation is that public policy to prevent future degradation of this supply is minimal. The watershed is affected by continued urbanization, and there are existing requests for new and modified permits for the discharge of waste waters. Current state and federal regulations for pollution control have as objectives the protection of instream water quality sufficient to make the streams fishable and swimmable. Under the present WS-III classification, the state is obligated to issue_ permits to all dischargers who can satisfy generally applicable effluent limita- 52 tions and in -stream water quality standards. Qualifying dischargers could include industries and municipalities. Even under the more restrictive WS-II classifica- tion, the State would be obligated to issue permits to subdivisions and other non- industrial, non -municipal dischargers. The weakness in the WS-II classification is that each permit to discharge is evaluated by the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development on a case -by -case basis, and, for small to moderate -size dischargers, it is difficult to demonstrate by standard calculations that the effluent from any single discharge would have an adverse effect upon the health of those who drink from that supply. However, the cumulative effect of many small sources could be significant, not only because of their simple additive effects, but the development of new point sources also signals a change in land use and transportation activities from which significant quantities of nonpoint pollutants would be generated. Two events have occurred during the course of this study that illustrate why that weakness is of concern. The Royal Oaks Subdivision applied for a modification to its permit to increase the amount of discharge, and the National Park Service, which leases land to a complex near Mt. Pisgah on the Blue Ridge Parkway, applied for a permit to discharge waste to a small tributary to the East Fork of the Pigeon River. In the second of these two cases, the permit would allow the owner to replace a failing subsurface disposal system with a treatment plant that discharges to a stream. %n�ae5- r ajL-h Uca f �beac1 .h:e mope of this repor Yut.the burden of proof to show an adverse effect on the Canton water supply would be heavy in either case. The State intends to grant both requests: However, the present guidelines for WS-II classification offer little assurance that many such sources --new ones, expansions to existing ones, and replacement of subsurface disposal with surface discharges --would not occur in the future. Each such occurrence could be processed in the same manner as these two requests. The incremental discharge of each could have only a small marginal effect; however, the aggregate effect of many dischargers could defeat the purpose of the WS-II-classification. The Town of Canton recognized that weakness early in the history of the State's watershed protection program. In August 1986 the Town requested that the East and West forks of the Pigeon River above the existing point sources be classified WS-I with the remaining portion being WS-II. The Town was advised by the state to proceed with a request for a WS-II for the entire watershed and await 53 the completion of the present study to act on the WS-I classification. However, the request for a discharge permit by the National Park Service in November 1987 renewed concern among town officials, and they reactivated their earlier request (Hardin, Dec. 30, 1987). The timing of that request was inopportune, however, as the community was embroiled in the interstate controversy over the renewal of a discharge permit for Champion International, the major employer in the area. A story in the The Asheville Citizen (Morrison, February 7, 1988) pointed out that the Town was in the ironical position of requesting a higher level of protection upstream while supporting lower standards downstream. The story also stated that, after being informed of the National Park Service's intentions to build a waste treatment plant, Mayor C. W. Hardin convinced town officials to drop their demands for the WS-I classification. Nonetheless, concerns remain about the weakness of present guidelines for the WS-II classification. The emerging concerns about watershed protection and other development activity has prompted Haywood County to take several important steps that would affect development in the watershed. There are many other steps which could be taken. In one action the County adopted a Pre -Development Ordinance which became effective March 1, 1987. While that ordinance does not add any regulations affecting the kinds of development, it does require developers to demonstrate compliance with existing regulation before construction is initiated. In a second step the County adopted a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, effective as of January 15, 1988, which will affect new development in the watershed that is near the streambanks of the mainstem and East and West Forks of the Pigeon.River. A third step was taken in March 1988 by adopting an Erosion Control Ordinance that will take effect August 1, 1988. All of these actions flow from an increased awareness of the potential damage -from construction activities. Although the steps taken in 1986 and 1987 are significant, they would not protect the watershed from being extensively developed. The watershed is not zoned; the County does not have subdivision regulations; and there are no special ordinances to protect the quality of water in watersheds that are used as sources of drinking water. The wastewater facilities plan for Haywood County, shown earlier in Figure 16, could eliminate some of the seepage from septic tank drainage fields, but a collec- tion system of that extent would have -t least two significant adverse effects. First, it would p -mote greater and higher densities of development with an 54 attendant increase in pollution from urban stormwater runoff. .Second, that partic- ular plan calls for the concentration of residential and commercial wastes in two new wastewater treatment plants and three pumping stations, all of which would be subject to failure. Before any program for extending sewers into the watershed is undertaken, careful consideration should be given to the development of a compre- hensive watershed management plan. The powers that the county could exercise to enhance protection of the watershed are discussed in Chapter IV. While the evidence compiled to date may support the view that there has been little need for such regulations in the past, the evidence does point to changing circumstances where prudent and reasonable action is justified to preserve the quality of this valuable resource.for the future. 55 CHAPTER IV WATERSHED PROTECTION: CURRENT PROGRAMS IN NORTH CAROLINA Although there are numerous examples of good watershed management programs in other states, the experience in North Carolina may be among the better guides for cities and counties in this State who wish to initiate or improve programs to protect their public water supplies. Since 1980 state and local.governments in North Carolina have adopted a variety of growth management techniques to respond to the increasing levels of urban development in watersheds that are used -for public water supplies, and it is the purpose of this chapter to review the current statutory bases and current status of those activities. The review begins with a' discussion of the authority of local governments to regulate land use in general. The discussion then turns to more specific programs that have been targeted at watershed protection. MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Techniques that could be used as elements of a watershed protection plan cover a broad spectrum of possibilities, but they can be conveniently grouped into four categories: (1) regulatory measures - those involving the exercise of police powers to control offsite damage resulting from developmental activity; (2) acquisition of property rights - those involving the exercise of compensatory powers; (3) financial incentives; and (4) public education. North Carolinians have traditionally opposed the ,use of regulatory authority over land use decisions either at the State level or at the local level. However, as spill -over effects of private development on public and other private properties have become more widely recognized, concepts of zoning and development ordinances of various kinds have become more acceptable to a larger portion of the population. But the tension between regulation and the "taking" of private property remains high. North Carolina, like other states, derives its police powers to 56 promote public health, safety, and welfare from the fourteenth amendment, and in this State, local governments can exercise that power only if there is enabling legislation at the state level. However, there are also constitutional limits to the exercise of that power, and, of particular relevance to land use management, the regulations cannot be confiscatory, meaning the they may not render the land unusable or "take" it without just compensation. Other protections must also be satisfied; namely, due process and the avoidance of discrimination whereby two pieces of land having similar characteristics are treated differently. A court case has tended to heighten the tension between regulation and taking. In June 1987 the Supreme Court ruled (First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles, California) that there can be a temporary regulatory "taking" of property in cases of continued regulatory delay, and that in this instance landowners have a right to seek compensation. This ruling has had repercussions on the decisions of local planners in North Carolina. There is fear that more regulatory restrictions will be considered a taking and local governments will need to provide an avenue to pay compensation for temporary takings. At the very least, more landowners are likely to contest regulatory restrictions, leading to increased litigation. For this reason, some local governments have become hesitant in adopting additional regulatory restrictions. Opinions vary as far as the long-term effects of this case, but one knowledgeable expert states that he knows of no case in North Carolina that has held when a case resulted in a regula- tory taking and just compensation (Heath, 1987). Regulatory Programs Regulatory programs designed to protect important resource areas often rely on zoning, subdivision, sediment and erosion control, and flood control ordinances. These ordinances define special districts, or overlay districts, which specify permitted uses, prohibited uses, and design standards for development. Zoning Ordinances. Zoning by municipalities and counties (GS 160A, Art. 19; 153A, Art. 18) divides a political jurisdiction into districts, each with different restrictions on the type of land use allowed, and density of development. This method may be used to assign land uses to sites having the most suitable environ- mental characteristics. 57 Traditionally, zoning ordinances were set up to establish districts of varying densities and purposes in order to guide development. Typical provisions include requirements for the provision of services and reductions of hazards such as flooding. Lot sizes often vary depending on the type of water and sewer used, and if available, developments are generally required to connect to public water and sewer systems. Site drainage requirements may be. specified, and additional design standards may be set for flood prone areas. With the realization of the impact of development_ on public water supplies, additional provisions geared directly to controlling stormwater, erosion, and water quality are becoming more common. Watershed protection provisions include the use of natural, undisturbed buffers, low densities, limited impervious surfaces, use' restrictions, cluster development, conditional -use or special -use requirements, special districts, performance standards, and public sewage restrictions. Subdivision.Regulations. Subdivision regulations (GS 160A, Art. 19; 153A, Art. 18) control the division of raw land into buildable sites. Traditionally, a subdivi- sion ordinance included standards for public and private water and sewer, and* required information concerning the location of watercourse and drainage struc- tures.. Today, the ordinance may include watershed protection requirements such as drainage easements, grading, and on -site detention of runoff. These regulations may also encourage the dedication of stream corridors to provide buffers of natural vegetation between streams and development in lieu of a mandatory dedication of neighborhood recreational land. Sediment and Erosion (S & E) Control. Sediment and erosion control ordinances regulate the clearing, grading, excavation, filling, and other earth -moving activities to prevent increased soil erosion and sedimentation, flooding, and the obstruction of drainageways. North Carolina has a statewide S & E ordinance (GS 113A, Art. 4). Cities and counties have the option of adopting their own, more stringent version of this ordinance, but most who adopted their own ordinance have closely followed the model ordinance developed by the State. All ordinances require the preparation of S & E plans before land -disturbing activities can be initiated. 99 . , a Pre -Development Review Ordinance. Special legislation allows three counties - Haywood, Henderson, and Transylvania - to implement a Pre -Development Review Ordinance. Although this ordinance may be considered a first step toward the adoption of land -use regulation, no new land -use controls are authorized. It simply requires pre -development of plans to p-.-mote compliance with existing regulations. Flood Control. Flood damage prevention ordinances are intended to minimize losses due to flood damage. While these provisions are not geared directly to preserving the quality of drinking waters, they may decrease densities in floodway areas around streams and water bodies, and lessen the chance of sewage contamination from public or private systems. In addition, nonpoint source pollutant loading is directly related to stormwater and flood events. Discouraging development in flood plains will help to control nonpoint source pollution. Through these regulations, construction in areas prone to flooding must meet specific design standards, and water and sewer facilities must be placed to prevent contamination of flood waters and vice versa. Construction may be prohibited within some distance of streams, usually based on the 100-year flood level, effectively providing undisturbed buffers. In addition, the alteration of water- courses is not.allowed if it will increase the chances of flooding. Municipal and County General Ordinance -Making Power. In addition to the specific powers, municipalities and counties in North Carolina have general ordinance - making powers (GS 160A-174; 153A-121), but if ordinances adopted under those powers resemble those under specific powers, provisions of the specific powers may govern. Extent of Use. The extent to which local governments have used their specific powers for regulating land use has been summarized by the Division of Community Assistance, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Develop- ment (1985). Among the state's 100 counties, 78% have a land -use plan, 45% have zoning and 52% utilize subdivision regulation to guide development. This inventory also revealed that 18% of the counties have their own S & E control ordinances, 37% contain mobile home provisions, and 81% of the counties participate in the flood control program. Of North Carolina's 495 cities surveyed, 328 (66%) have developed 59 land -use plans, 349 (71%) have zoning and 232 (47%) contain subdivision regula- tions. In addition, 69 (14%) have established mobile home ordinances, 37 (8%) adopt a S & E ordinance and 244 (47%) participate in the flood control program. This survey indicates that approximately 1/2 of the state's counties have zoning and subdivision regulations. In the cities the use of zoning seems to be more popular than subdivision regulations. Cities have a lower participation rate in adopting mobile home, S & E, and flood control regulations. Currently, most water supplies are in rural areas under county jurisdiction, but as cities continue to expand due to increased development, this will change. Cities are gaining control over development decisions within the states, water supply watersheds, and it will become increasingly important that these towns ensure proper development. Eight counties have adopted specific watershed protection regulations, and two additional counties (Wilkes, Transylvania) are in the process of establishing' protection regulations (Holman, 1987). Eleven cities have, or are in the process of adopting watershed provisions. The participating towns and counties are presented in Table 12. Tabl e 12. North Carolina Communities Actively Participating in the Water Supply Watershed Protection Program COUNTY CITY/TOWN WAKE RALEIGH DURHAM DURHAM ORANGE CREEDMOOR FRANKLIN ZEBULON ALAMANCE CARY GU ILFORD GARNER RANDOLPH WAKE FOREST *WILKES *MEBANE *CHATHAM CARRBORO` *TRANSYLVANIA ROLESVILLE *Governments currently in the process of devising a protection program **July 1987 .0 Other Methods Activities of these and other communities need not be limited to regulatory actions, however. Among the other options are the acquisition of some portion of the property rights in'the watershed, the creation of financial incentives to encourage the adoption of improved management practices, and public education. The practice of acquiring all of the lands in a watershed, once common in New England, is financially feasible and advisable in only a few instances, but acquisition of all rights for some lands and partial rights for others might be appropriate in many instances. In fact, it is quite common for jurisdictions to make fee simple purchases of lands adjacent to reservoirs to protect them from shoreline developments and unauthorized access. Less -than -fee simple acquisition techniques have not been widely used in North Carolina to protect public water supplies. One particular form, negative ease- ments, probably deserve more attention than they have gotten. A negative easement, like all easements, conveys some specific right or rights to a second party while the title and ownership of all rights are retained by the first party. Negative easements prevent certain types of uses of privately owned land that would other- wise be permitted. Negative easements could be thought of as one form of financial incentive for watershed management because the landowner would receive compensation for not using the land in ways that would be detrimental to a, water supply. Simpler forms of financial incentives are also available, the most pertinent example being North Carolina's Agricultural Cost Share Program for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control. This program provides farmers with up to 75 percent of the cost of installing conservation facilities that reduce the flow of pollutants from nonpoint sources into water bodies. The program was begun in 1985 to provide assistance to farmers in 16 counties that were affected by the reclassification of streams to a "nutri- ent -sensitive" category. That program has now been extended to include the coastal counties and 16 counties in western North Carolina; it now covers approximately one-half of the State's counties. Annual appropriations;.in 1987 reached a level of $5.4 million for grants and $825,000 for technical assistance. One water supplier, the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA), has chosen to supplement that program for farms that are located within the two watersheds from which OWASA draws its supply. 61 NORTH CAROLINA'S STREAM CLASSIFICATIONS AND WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION GUIDELINES Recent changes have also been made in the state regulatory program for water pollution control to encourage watershed protection. Protection of public drinking water supplies has always been a basic tenet for North Carolina's water pollution control program, but until recently that program was limited to point source controls. For the first half of the twentieth century it was the only statutory justification for pollution control. In 1951 the state adopted a stream classifi- cation system that assigned each segment of every stream to one of several classes according to the "best and highest" use that segment was anticipated to be put. Under that system all surface water supplies were classified as either "A -I" or "A -II." The A -I category was reserved for those supplies collected from highly protected watersheds (such as national forests) for which the only treatment necessary was chlorination. Only a very small number of supplies fit that cate- gory, and all other surface water supplies were classified A -II. In the early 1980's, however, an extended public debate over a new water supply for the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (serving Chapel Hill and Carrboro) led to the observation that the A -II category did not draw proper distinction among water supplies that were subject to different levels of protection. One alterna- tive, B. Everett Jordan Lake, whose tributaries receive the effluents from numerous major municipal and industrial waste treatment facilities, fell into thesame category as the proposed Cane Creek Reservoir into which no domestic or industrial wastes were discharged. That debate, coupled with concerns about protection of Jordan Lake and the Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, led the Environmental Management Commission to revise the classification system in 1986. The revisions establish three levels of public water supplies; WS-I, WS-II, and WS-III. Class WS-I watersheds have no point sources; WS-II watersheds allow only domestic and approved non -process (cooling) water discharges. All others automatically fall into WS-III. The most innovative part of this process, however, is the added requirement that before any streams are classified WS-I or WS-II, local governments (counties and municipalities) must adopt protection programs for their watersheds to protect the supplies from contamination arising from nonpoint sources. All.but the pristine (previously classed A -I) waters were delegated to WS-III waters. If a water supply is eligible to receive a more protective WS-I or WS-II classification, M the governing bodies affecting lands that drain to that supply must request a reclassification and develop and adopt an approved watershed protection program. Guidelines. To provide guidance and consistency in the program, the NC Division of Environmental Management developed a set of guidelines for watershed protection. These guidelines call for one set of regulations to apply to the entire watershed and another set to apply to a "critical area" near impoundments on intakes. Development guidelines for entire watersheds include: (1) control of the first 1/2 inch runoff where any new development has a density greater than 12% impervious surface (40,000 sq. ft. per dwell- ing); (2) reservation of a 50-foot minimum undisturbed vegetative buffer along both sides of all perennial. tributaries; and. (3) an inventory of hazardous materials used and stored. The critical area includes an area adjacent to the reservoir or water intake location, and.extends one mile from the reservoir's pool elevation or intake point (1/2 mile if watershed is less than 100 square miles). Recommended guidelines include: (1) no sewer connections except to deal with specific problem areas; (2) limit the number of small businesses; (3) limit new development to 6% impervious coverage (80,000 sq. ft. or one dwelling per 2 acres); (4) reservation of a 100-foot minimum vegetative buffer around all reservoirs, and around the critical area portion of streams or rivers used as an intake; vegetative buffers should remain undisturbed and have no permanent structures; and (5) no industrial or commercial uses or their associated hazardous materials use or storage. The guidelines also specify that: (1) Special Use Provisions may be allowed for new developments not complying with the above requirements on a case -by -case basis, if special safe- guards are in place to protect against contamination; and (2) Development may exceed recommended impervious surface maximums (6% or 30%) as long as the first one inch of stormwater runoff is retained. 63 Existing and Proposed Programs DEM has identified 157 public water supplies, mostly in the piedmont and mountains, that are eligible for classifications as either WS-I or WS-II. Some of those supplies extend over two or more political jurisdictions so that more than one local program.is required to protect many of those supplies. As of August 1986, 30 local governments had inquired about the program. Of these, 18 have either adopted necessary local protection measures or are in the process of doing SO. Table 13 contains a summary of the measures adopted by each of the local programs for portions of the watersheds inside and outside of the critical areas. Details of these -programs for all of the 18 local governments are given by Moubry and Moreau (1987). Because most of the watersheds lie within county jurisdictions, descriptions of the county programs are included here in the following paragraphs. They include Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Guilford, Orange, Randolph, Wake, and Wilkes Counties. Alamance County. A watershed protection ordinance was passed by Alamance County in May 1987. It affects lands in the watersheds of the Lake Cammack and Stony Creek Reservoir, Cane Creek, Big Alamance Creek (which feeds into the proposed Lake MacIntosh Reservoir), and Quaker and Back Creeks (which feed into the proposed Graham/Mebane Reservoir). This ordinance establishes a Water Quality Critical Area (WQCA), defined as the land located adjacent to the shoreline of a water supply reservoir at normal pool level, extending to the shorter of a mile from normal pool level or the watershed ridge line. Industry is prohibited in the WQCA. Other uses (office, institutional, etc.) are limited to a 3,000 square foot floor area and 6% impervious surface area. Bona fide farms are exempt. The Board of Adjustment may' consider granting a variance if a site plan contains a maximum of 6% impervious coverage or retains/detains the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff falling on the property. In the outlying watershed area, control is limited to the establishment of 50 ft. stream buffers. There are no impervious surface standards, stormwater runoff containment, or hazardous materials requirements outside the WQCA. 64 TABLE 13. TECHNIQUES FOR WATERSHED MANAGEMENT IN SELECTED COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA Controls Applic- able to Other Controls Applicable to Critical Watershed Areas Areas Storage/Use of Defini- Hazardous Storm- tion Buffers Development Materials water N N b 47 N GJ r r-• N,C r cd U L U N L y .a y rC r 17 (d N td = \ O T E0 EC rM •N •0 = bm U i U L r Q U 4-30 CL r -0(0 N G +-)E 4-3 > +-) d S. +) S_ +•) 0 to (d E S. M+3 C = i \ Cn 4- (d 4- S- 0 Ln 4-3r a)N a) - H •r- S- r+ \ (0 a)= 04- a)NO 1 E I E NO Q.d 3 0 " O' OL 0 ON •r M �d •rr End E E _ E E = U •U d 4-3 C aQ = in 5-4- N> County/Comm. .-14- �4- Od zvl 3Q O+) �cn CD r,� CL �a rE �� 00 z� OC 00 OC t1 zr cn O N +3_ VIM CO Franklin x x x x x x x x x Alanance x x x x x x x x x x Wake Co. x x x x* *x x x Wake Forest x x x x x x x Zebulon x x x z x x x x x* *x x x Rolesville n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x* *x x x Garner x x x x x x x x - Raleigh x x x n/a x x x x x x x x Cary x x x x x x x Durham Co. x x x x x x x x x x x x x Durham City x x x x x x x x x x x x x Orange Co. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Carrboro x x x x x x x x x x Guilford Co. x x Randolph Co. x x x x x x x x x x x x Wilkes Co. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Creed oor x x x x x x x x x x Chatham Co x *x *x x x* *x *x KEY: DU = dwelling unit SWR= storm water runoff ISA= impervious surface area Sewerage provision may be written or informal policy x* *x: indicates that the first 1/2 inch must be retained.if ISA>12% *indicates proposed program or standard Haz Mat'l = hazardous materials 65 Chatham County. Although the Chatham County regulations adopted in 1987 do not constitute a comprehensive watershed management program, they do contain some'of the basic elements. These regulations affect development along many streams throughout the county, and they contain special provisions for certain types of developments near Jordan Lake. The regulations contain requirements that buffers be established along the Deep River, Cape Fear River, Rocky River, Haw River,.New Hope River, and B. Everett Jordan Lake (July 1987). One hundred -foot buffers are required along Deep River, Cape Fear River, Rocky River, Haw River and New Hope River, and B. Everett Jordan Lake. A 100-foot buffer must also be placed along all continuously flowing and intermittent streams for a distance of 2,500 feet upstream of their confluence with the river into which they discharge. .Buffers of 50 ft. are required along streams beyond the 2,500 foot distance. In both cases, the distance may be decreased if a developer demonstrates that a smaller area will be sufficient for water protection and aesthetics. Special provisions apply to bait and tackle shops (BATS) and industries that locate within a half mile of the Corps of Engineers property along Jordan Lake. BATS must be located on at least a one acre lot, cannot exceed 6% impervious surfaces, and must contain the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces. Manufacturing, warehousing, processing, and related uses must obtain Limited Industrial Conditional Use Permits. To qualify the minimum lot size is 2 acres, impervious surface areas may not exceed 6%, and the first 1/2 inch of rainfall must be contained on -site. There.can be no discharge of water and any hazardous materials or wastes must be disclosed for consideration in the permit review process. For all development in the county's jurisdiction, if the -mount of paved surfaces exceeds 4% of the site area, then the first 1/2 inch of stormwater must be contained (Megginson, 1987). Durham County. Durham County first adopted watershed protection measures in its Zoning Ordinance in May 1985. This ordinance regulates.;the development of lands in the Lake Michie, Lake Jordan, Little River, and Neuse River watersheds. The Critical Watershed District, is an overlay district consisting of two parts, a Water Quality Basin Area (WQBA) and a Water Quality Critical Area (WQCA). The WQCA includes land adjacent to the shoreline of a reservoir at normal pool level and extends to a point beyond either the ridge line of the reservoir water-. , shed or one mile from the shoreline of the reservoir, whichever is shorter. Restrictions in the WQCA include 80,000 square foot lots and the prohibition of industrial uses. Commercial activities are permitted but the use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials is not (Suggs, 1987). Fuel storage tanks must be kept above ground. Stormwater runoff is controlled in the critical area through impervious surface limitations or rainfall containment. For all developments the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces must be retained or infiltrated. Impervious surfaces may not exceed 6% of the total land area for a single develop- ment. Roof areas may be excluded from impervious surface calculations for residential developments if (a) roof runoff is directed across a vegetated surface and (b) the first one inch of storm water runoff is infiltrated. Impervious surface areas of 6-9% may be allowed through special permit. To receive a special permit in the watershed districts, a site must contain unique features to safeguard against stormwater contamination, including infiltration, retention, or detention of the first one inch of runoff from impervious surfaces. Public sewer is allowed in areas which drain into Class WS-II drinking water supplies, provided the system uses gravity flow to direct sewage outside the WQCA and the first one inch of runoff is retained or infiltrated. Public sewer is allowed in areas which do not drain into Class WS-II water supplies. Street design standards do not require curb and gutter installation. Buffers of 100 feet are required for all perennial streams, and streams in floodplains along both stream banks. This protection ordinance does not address buffers along reservoirs in general, but the 100-foot stream buffer requirement was applied to the Little River Reservoir. The Army Corps of Engineers bought for public use an area greater than 100 feet around the Falls of the Neuse Lake. This land includes wildlife areas used for hunting and fishing and a recreation area that includes a boat ramp and marina. In the Water Quality Basin Area (WQBA) there are no additional lot size restrictions, commercial activities are allowed, and industry is prohibited in areas which drain into Class WS-II segments of drinking water supply reservoirs. Industries which use, store, distribute, or produce hazardous substances in excess of stated threshold amounts must register the types and quantities of hazardous substances used. No facilities may recycle or dispose of toxic or hazardous wastes. Lots without public sewer require impervious surface areas of less than 67 15%, or 15-20% with special permit. If public sewer is provided, impervious surface areas must be less than 30%, or with a special permit 30-40%. Buffers of 50 ft. must remain along perennial streams and along streams located in flood plains. Privately owned discharging waste water treatment facilities must have the approval of the Environmental Management Commission. Industrial pre-treatment is allowed, and public sewer is to be encouraged where it is feasible. Franklin County. Franklin County's watershed protection program was adopted in January 1987 to protect the Tar River watershed. It relies on the incorporation of control standards in its zoning ordinance. The county has designated two water supply districts, R-40 and R-80. The R-40 district provides water quality protec- tion in the drainage basin of water supply watersheds outside the critical area. The minimum lot area is 40,000 square feet, and ground coverage by impervious surfaces is limited to 25%. The R-80 district was established to provide protec- tion in the water supply watershed critical area. Lots must be at least 80,000 square feet and have less than 12.5% impervious surface area. In both watershed districts, vegetative buffers of 50 ft. are required along both sides of perennial streams and on -site control of the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces is required. Industrial uses are permitted in the watersheds but the use, storage, and handling of hazardous chemicals or toxic substances is prohibited. Critical areas are not defined in the zoning ordinance, but they only include R-80 districts in place around the watershed of -the Franklinton City Lake (Heutz, 1987). Other sources of drinking water do not have "critical area zoning." R-40 districts are scattered throughout the county. Watershed areas do not have access to public water or sewage systems and must rely on septic tanks. Franklin's program includes four suggested control techniques: (1) the contain- ment of the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff; (2) a 50-foot minimum vegetative buffers along perennial tributaries; (3) denial of permanent structures in buffer areas; and (4) the prohibition of commercial activities.,:. The primary drawbacks to this watershed protection program are the lack of a consistent definition of critical areas and the lack of minimal standards in those areas. The critical area does not prohibit industrial uses or public sewage systems, and impervious surface areas may exceed 6%. Guilford County. Guilford County regulates the development of land in .portions of watersheds serving Burlington, Greensboro, and High Point. Its protection program includes a Watershed Critical Area Protection District (WCA) and Watershed Manage- ment Rating System (WMRS). In 1985 the county adopted a development rating system to control the quality of development throughout their watershed areas. The WMRS presents two options to developers: (a) retain the first 1/2 inch of runoff from impervious surfaces and include 50 ft. buffers along perennial streams; or (b) submit proposals for "rating." The rating system involves a checklist and point system whereby developments must earn 100 points by meeting certain standards including its land use zone, the percent of impervious surfaces, proximity to floodways, soil type, drainage, slope, land cover, runoff control, sewage system, and road design. Additional standards for critical working areas were adopted.in April 1987. The county's watershed critical area protection district (WCA) is an overlay district, extending to the ridgeline of the reservoir basin, or in the case of major streams feeding the reservoir, to the nearest identifiable feature which crosses the stream which is at least 2,750 feet upstream of the reservoir. The critical area generally extends to the shorter of the distance of one mile landward or to the ridgeline (Jenkins, 1987). The critical area is divided into 5 consecutive tiers, defined by their distance from the normal pool elevation. The first tier is the shoreline buffer area. Residential, commercial, and industrial uses are permitted in-the'WCA. Permissible densities vary between 16,000 sq. ft. lots to 200,000 sq. ft. lots over the 5 tiers depending on location and the type of sewage system used. Impervious surfaces range from 2.5% to 30%; they also .depend on location and the type of sewage system present. For all developments the first 1/2 inch of stormwater runoff must be controlled using one of the following methods: (a) on -site infiltration, (b) engineered infiltration measures (retention ponds and trenches); (c) detention structures; or (d) fee in lieu of construction where public retention structures are available. All structural designs must be approved by the County Soil Scientist, and a homeowner -association must be created to own and maintain runoff control struc- tures. Impervious surfaces may be increased by 10% in existing commercial and industrial areas if the owners control the first one inch of rainfall. .• � � J Guilford County attempts to reduce the risk of chemical spills by prohibiting certain uses within each tier. Fuel storage tanks and chemicals must be diked for the containment of spills. Dikes must be of'a volume to contain 100% of the tank's contents stored in the area and should have a leakage detention system. Under- ground storage tanks must be approved by the planning board. Extensive buffer area is provided in the WCA's "first tier." The first tier consists of lands within 200 feet of the normal pool elevation and lands within 1/2 to one mile upstream of the water intake structures. It is -in public ownership and remains undisturbed. Buffers are not provided along streams except where slopes adjacent.and parallel to natural streams and drainageways are greater than 15%. The county's_protection program contains provisions for preserving fragile areas, decreasing runoff from streets, and minimizing land disturbance. Fragile areas, including wetlands and flood plains, are protected by dedication or they may be held by a homeowners association, in a natural and undisturbed state. Drainage within developments is -provided by undisturbed open channels with specified easements whose widths depend on the level of flow during a 100-year storm. Clustering of development on the best soils and terrain of a site is encouraged. To reduce land disturbance and stormwater runoff caused by street construction, block sizes may be increased, curb and gutters may be eliminated, and roads must cross natural areas or stream buffers at approximately a 90-degree angle. Erosion control plans are required for nonagricultural -related land disturbing activities if: (a) more than one acre of land is disturbed; (b) soils are highly erodible and have a "k" factor greater than .36; (c) a pond or retention structure is installed; or (d) development will take place in Tier 1 or Tier 2. This ordinance contains many innovative techniques to provide surface water protection. It has sizable buffer (Tier 1) around reservoirs and intake struc- tures. Street design is flexible, and wetlands and floodplains are protected. On the negative side, the tiered approach is complicated and can be confusing. Furthermore, it permits development adjacent to reservoirs, and'it does not regulate hazardous substances in all tiers of the critical areas. Orange County. Provisions for watershed protection in Orange County were first adopted in November 1984 as a part of zoning, subdivision, and sediment and erosion control ordinances. This program establishes three di.stricts: Protected Watershed II (PW-II), Protected Watershed I (PW-I), and a Water Quality Critical Area (WQCA). 70 Standards for these districts apply to zoned portions of University Lake, Cane Creek, and the Upper Eno Watersheds. Bona fide farms are exempt. The Water Quality Critical Area (WQCA) is defined topographically. It is that portion of the watershed which drains directly into an impoundment or into trunk streams leading into an impoundment. With the exception of the critical area definition and reservoir buffers, all of the state's suggested guidelines are met. The width of buffers placed along streams and rivers is calculated as 50 ft. + (slope x 4 x 100). Reservoir buffers are not addressed in the zoning ordinance. The Soil and Erosion Control Ordinance of Orange County contains additional buffer requirements which apply solely to the University Lake Watershed. Intermittent streams flowing directly into University Lake and the area directly adjacent to the lake must have a buffer width of 100 ft. + (slope x 4 x 100). New septic tanks and their nitrification fields must be 300 feet from the edge of an impoundment or perennial stream. ,The Protected Watershed II (PW-II) district includes all land outside the WQCA. In this district, impervious surface areas must be less than 12%, if public sewer is unavailable and up to 30% with public sewer. Buffers along tributaries are 50 ft. + (slope x 4 x 100) with a maximum limit of 150 feet. This area includes Agricultural Residential (AR), Rural 1 (R1), Rural Buffer (RB) and PW-I zones. Residential lot sizes range from 40,000-80,000 sq. ft. Commercial and industrial uses require 80,000 and 200,000 sq. ft. lot sizes, respectively. Light industrial uses are allowed in the PW-I district. This district provides for limited industrial activities which do not use, produce, store, consume, or discharge hazardous or toxic substances in quantities equal to or exceeding amounts specified in EPA's "Hazardous Substances and Priority Pollutants." Randolph County. In July 1987, Randolph County's program established protection stan'dards for critical areas of watersheds. These standards apply to all municipal water supply watersheds including Lucus Lake, Lake Bunch, Lake -Reese, Sandy Creek, and the site for the future Randleman Lake. Density in the WQCAs is restricted to one dwelling unit per 80,000 square feet, and all commercial, educational, recre- ational, and institutional uses must have less than 3,000 square foot floor space or a limit of 6% impervious surfaces. Commercial activities cannot distribute, sell or store motor.fuels or hazardous materials, and industrial uses are prohibit- ed. No new underground fuel or chemical storage tanks are allowed. Public sewage 71 is prohibited unless there is a public health problem. Buffers of 50 ft. are required along all perennial streams in the watershed, and 100 foot buffers must be maintained around water supply reservoirs. Density in the outlying watershed area must be at least -one dwelling unit per 40,000 square feet. Variances may be granted if a site meets either of the following: (1) has less than a 6% impervious surface area, or (2) retains, detains, or infiltrates the first 1/2 inch of rainfall falling on the property. Bona fide farms are exempt from this ordinance. Randolph's program could be improved by prohibiting commercial activities in their critical areas. Wake County. Wake County has set aside R-40W and R-80W watershed districts with development standards to protect surface water quality. Critical watershed areas are zoned R-80W (80,000 sq. ft. lots) and the outlying areas are zoned R-40W (40,000 sq. ft. lots). They are applied'as follows: (1) Falls Lake Watershed has R-80W around the reservoir, and all land within 2,940 feet of the 100 year flood pool elevation. The remainder of the watershed is R-40W. (2) Jordan Lake Watershed is the same as that in Falls Lake. (3) In the Swift Creek Watershed R-80W applies to lands within 1,200 feet of Lakes Wheeler and Benson and all land within 600 feet of Swift Creek. The remainder is R-40W, with the exception of areas zoned for commercial, industrial, and mobile. home park uses. (4) All of the Smith Creek Watershed that lies in Wake County is zoned R-80W. Watershed restrictions were first adopted in March 1984, but they have since been revised. Wake has requirements for Consolidated Open Space Developments and Special Uses in their R-40W and R-80W districts. Impervious surfaces are limited to 30%- and any developments with impervious surface areas above 12% must contain the first 1/2 inch of rainfall. Means of control will include, in order of preference: (a) on -,site infiltration; (b) retention; and (c) detention. Post -construction maintenance of stormwater control measures and facilities lie with the property owner or a homeowners association as appropriate. All buildings in these districts must be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the edge of any undisturbed stream buffer or natural drainage area buffer. Drainage buffers of 50 72 feet are required along both sides of streams. Buffers along upper watershed drainageways (defined as a watercourse, channel ditch or similar physiographic feature draining less than 25 acres) must be at least 25 feet. Wake County's program does not address issues such as commercial and indus- trial development, the treatment of hazardous wastes, and their watershed sewer policy. Permanent structures such as docks, boat ramps, and piers are allowed in their vegetative buffers. Wilkes County and.the Town of North Wilkesboro. Wilkes County and the Town of North Wilkesboro are in the process of creating a joint watershed protection program for the Reddies River. The proposed program includes development standards in an R-80W district in the WQCA, and R-40W district in the remaining part of their watershed areas. North Wilkesboro draws their water supply from the Reddies River. Their-WQCA includes all lands adjacent to this river upstream from the water intake, -and includes land from the high water mark to the ridge line or one mile point, whichever is smaller. In this area, density is restricted to one dwelling unit per 80,000 sq. ft. Industrial uses are prohibited and commercial uses must include less than 3,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Impervious surfaces are limited to 6%, unless the first 1/2 inch rainfall from impervious surfaces is contained on -site. All roads must follow the contours of the site, cross streams at a minimum of a 60 degree angle, and the first 1/2 inch of runoff from roads must be retained. In the R-40 district, limited commercial and industrial uses are allowed, provided: (a) they do not use, handle, or store hazardous materials; (b) there is no land -application of industrial waste; and (c) pre-treatment of wastewater is not required. Density is limited to 1 dwelling unit per 40,000 sq. ft., and ISAs must be less than 12%. Throughout the entire watershed district, facilities are prohibited which handle, store, or dispose of toxic or hazardous waste as listed on the EPA hazard- ous materials list or determined by the governing body. Underground storage of gasoline is allowed as an accessory use if tanks are incased in a watertight vault. Buffers are required along the Reddies River and streams. A 200 ft. buffer must be maintained along the Reddies River, and the required stream buffer width is calculated as 50 ft. + (% slope x 4). Buildings must be set back a minimum of 20 73 ft. from all buffers. Only septic tank systems are allowed for waste disposal in the watershed areas. The proposed regulations appear to meet state guidelines for water quality protection in the Reddies River watershed. This ordinance is simple and easy to interpret. 74 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Findings from both the broad scale investigations of the status of water supply protection in 24 counties in western North Carolina in Chapter II and the more detailed analysis of the Pigeon River watershed upstream of Canton in Chapter III lead to several conclusions about the need for additional protection. The review of other watershed protection programs in Chapter IV, with the findings from Chapters II and III as background, lead to recommendations for action at both the State and local levels. The purpose of this chapter is to present those conclu- sions and recommendations. Special attention is given to recommendations for the Pigeon River watershed upstream of Canton. CONCLUSIONS The data and analyses presented in Chapters II and III could lead to a number of possible conclusions, but only a few are especially relevant to the discussion of the present status of watershed protection in western North Carolina and the need for improvements. The first should be comforting to those who are concerned about the present conditions of their public water supplies. There is little evidence either in this report or in other documents reviewed by the project staff during the course of this study to suggest that water suRp ties i_n the region are subject to such wi-d-e-spread degradation of sufficient magnitude so as_to constitute an imminent threat to publid health. Despite the minimal extent to which state and local governments have adopted -regulatory measures, good judgments about selections of locations for public water supplies have avoided the need for extensive controls to date. By choosing sites in areas that were not subject -to intense urban developments, nearly 90 percent of.the sources of drinking water in the region could qualify for either a WS-I or a WS-II classification. However, some supplies in the region do face possible contamination from upstream municipalities and industries, and more careful monitoring of upstream activities and contamination should be undertaken to maintain surveillance over the quality of those supplies. The second conclusion is less comforting. Very few of the counties have adopted growth management strategies that will be effective in mitigating the adverse effects of upstream urban, industrial, and agricultural activities. Growth 75 is occurring in the region; some counties are experiencing very high rates of growth. Even in some counties that are experiencing moderate growth, such as Haywood, that growth is tending to concentrate in public water supply watersheds. Third, -very little attention has been given to monitoring for the presence of synthetic organic chemicals from agricultural and industrial activities. A wide variety of pesticides and herbicides are being applied to agricultural and silvi- cultural, operations in the watersheds, but there is virtually no program in place to systematically identify which substances are being used, to report on the quantities of these substances that are being applied to fields and forests, or to monitor for the presence of these substances in streams and lakes that are used for drinking water. A fourth conclusion is that the impact of urban and agricultural activities in the watersheds of western North Carolina is magnified by their relatively close proximity to feeder streams. The mountainous terrain tends to confine these activities to the flood plains and terraces of stream valleys where surface runoff and seepage from subsurface disposal of wastes travel only short distances before reaching the streams. A fifth and final conclusion relates to the speed with which local growth' management measures are adopted. Strictly voluntary regulations, includi.ng zoning, subdivision regulations, and sediment and erosion control ordinances, are not readily adopted by local governments in.the region. By contrast, regulations to which financial incentives have been attached have been widely accepted over relatively short periods of time. Most notable among them are flood plain regula- tions and agricultural cost sharing programs. A similar conclusion was reached in a recent assessment of the local govern- ment role in nonpoint source pollution control in Virginia (Cox and Herson, November 1987). After reviewing programs in 18 counties and municipalities in Virginia, the authors.stated that at one end of the spectrum .some localities take the minimum action necessary to comply. Where a power is discretionary, as in the case of zoning, it is unlikely to.be exercised. When a program is mandatory,. . .it may consist largely of administrative formalities with little effective enforcement. . ." (p: 72). "Funding is a primary factor in local program effectiveness. Limited resources in many localities jeopardize effective implementation. While willingness and ability to fund.local programs may be difficult to distinguish in some cases, funding should not be overlooked as a potential problem." (p. 79). ►P. RECOMMENDATIONS These conclusions lead the project staff to make several recommendations.to address the shortcomings documented in this study. These recommendations are addressed to two different audiences: state government and Haywood County in particular. They are discussed in that order. State Government The most significant step that state government could take to enhance water- shed protection is to create -financial incentives for which local governments would' qualify if they adopt appropriate measures. Two popular forms of financial assistance, already in place, could be used for that purpose; namely, state grants and subsidized loans for water and sewer facilities and the agricultural cost sharing program. State government should give serious consideration to adoption of criteria that requires local governments to -enact appropriate regulations for ti watershed protection before they qualify for agricultural cost sharing and finan- cial assistance for water supply facilities. Adoption of sedimentation and erosion control ordinances, regulations to manage surface runoff, and measures to reduce the risk of contamination from hazardous chemicals should be given high priority. The second recommendation is that the Environmental Management Commission should remedy the inherent weakness in the present WS-II classification. Provi- sions should be added to place some form of limit on the number or volume of qualifying wastes that can be discharged into streams of that classification. Those limits should reflect the special concerns about public health associated with consumption of those waters. The third recommendation is that -state government should improve information about agricultural and industrial chemicals that are used in significant quantities in water supply watersheds. The lack of information on the use of herbicides and pesticides should be remedied. One step would be the creation of a reporting system for the quantities of these substances that are sold to retailers in each county. Another positive step would be to require industries and others who 'store or process significant quantities of hazardous chemicals that enter waste streams above public water supplies to disclose the use of those substances to managers'of 77 those supplies. Currently available analytical methods, such as those used.on the samples taken in the Pigeon River watershed, are inefficient and very costly.f or identifying the presence of unknown synthetic organic chemicals. The fourth step that should be taken by state government is to revise regu- lations for monitoring public water supplies that are taken from surface sources. These regulations should be revised to include a periodic assessment by water suppliers of potential sources of contamination that may exist within the water- sheds from which they extract their supplies as well as monitoring of the quality of water at its points of consumption. The fifth and final recommendation for State action is to enhance understanding among the public and professional planners and engineers of the physical, chemical, and biological processes that threaten the quality of drinking water supplies and of the costs, of protecting them. Public support, so vital to the success of these programs, can be sustained only if credible information about these processes and the cost-effectiveness of management programs is made more readily available to citizens and their elected officials. Some of these processes are well understood by the planners and engineers whose expertise is required to formulate and evaluate management programs. For example, watershed hydrology is reasonably well known and predictable. On the other hand, some aspects of these processes are not well understood, particularly the transport and chemical and biochemical reactions that affect the fate, of synthetic organic chemicals and their effects upon public health. Furthermore, there is little information about the costs on those who own, use, or develop land that is affected by management programs. Haywood County Good public health policy recognizes the fact that not all of the threats and their scientific details are completely understood. Protection against the unknown and against unpredictable events is a key factor in formulating health policy, and the evidence about what is known is sufficient to warrant the adoption of reasonable steps to protect the quality of drinking water:in Haywood County. The recommendations which follow recognize the fact that Haywood County does not now have zoning, subdivision regulations, erosion control ordinance; or flood plain regulations. The only controls that would affect development in the Pigeon River watershed and the other watersheds_in the county are minimal statewide regulations and the Pre -Development Ordinance which provides for county review of plans. 78 There are several modest steps that the county and the Town of Canton should take to enhance protection of the watershed of the Pigeon River upstream of Canton, steps that would not impose excessive costs on its residents. First, the County should initiate the process of reclassifying streams in the watershed from WS-III to higher levels. The actions necessary to satisfy requirements for adequate local controls on nonpoint sources must be determined by the Environmental Management Commission in consultation with the staff of the Division of Environmental Manage- ment (DEM) of the NCDNRCD. In concert with that activity, the Town of Canton and Haywood County should initiate the preparation of a watershed protection plan and related policies. Policies must be enacted to satisfy the guidelines for a WS-I or WS-II classifica- tion, but the plan should go beyond State guidelines. At a minimum, it should include the following elements: (1) delineation of water quality critical areas; (2) development of a water and sewer extension policy for the watershed; (3) formulation of development ordinances for the water quality critical areas and remaining positions of the watershed, including: (a) specification of limits on densities of development; (b) specification of standards for the management of stormwater runoff; and (c) specification of waste disposal practices. (4) identification of priority areas and techniques for the installation of Best Management Practices through the Agricultural Cost Sharing and other soil and water management programs; and (5) development of regulations regarding the storage of hazardous substances in the watershed. Guidelines prepared by DEM and the programs adopted by other counties, portions of which are discussed in Chapter IV, should provide useful guidance for some'of the elements listed above. The policies necessary -to implement the plan could be incorporated into one or more of several ordinances for which all counties in the State have enabling legislation. The most direct route is probably through a watershed protection ordinance that could be developed specifically for and applicable to the Pigeon River watershed upstream of the Canton water supply intake. Details of a proposed ordinance could be constructed with the assistance of DEM, the Institute of Government of the University of North Carolina at Chapel 79 Hill, and others. Examples of the provisions of these ordinances are also dis- cussed in Chapter IV. The Town of Canton in cooperation with Haywood County should enhance its program for monitoring the quality of its water supply. That program should include several elements. The Town should maintain an up-to-date information system on the characteristics of the watershed and activities that are occurring in it. That information should be used to periodically assess the status of possible sources of contamination in -the watershed, say every three years. Information in that assessment should include: (a) the location and status of septic tanks and underground storage tanks; (b) an inventory of pesticides and herbicides with estimates of the quantities used; and (c) monitoring reports on point source discharges. That assessment should also be used to guide the selection of param- eters -to be measured in samples of water taken at the point of consumption. Haywood County, through its Soil and Water Conservation District, should take an active role in promoting participation in the Agricultural Cost Sharing Program. Priority should be given to the installation of best management practices in water supply watersheds. Finally, local officials should prepare and implement a program of public. education on the nature of threats to public water supplies in the county and what steps are needed to reduce those threats. Although it is listed last in this discussion, it may be necessary to make this the first step toward implementation of more effective protection of these resources which are so vital to the continued health and prosperity of the current and future residents of Canton and Haywood County. M APPENDIX A. Surface Water Supplies in Western North Carolina Potential Drainage classi- area, County Supplier fication Sources sq. mi. Buncombe Asheville (2) WS-I(A-I) N. Fo.rk Swannonoa- 21.90 Burnett Res. WS-I(A-I) Beetree Cr.- 7.60 Beetree Res. Biltmore Est. WS-I Busbee Lake - 0.90 (Asheville) Sweeten Cr. Black Mountain WS-I(A-I) Dunsmore Cr. 0.60 Re-s. (Emg. )2 Montreat WS-I(A-I) Flat Cr. (Emg)2 1.00 Ridgecrest WS-I(A-I) L. Rattle- 0.50 Baptist Center snake Br. (Sec.)1 (Ridgecrest) Weaverville (2) WS-I(A-I) Ox. Cr. 0.40 WS-I(A-I) Eller Cove 0.50 Woodfin (2) WS-I(A-I) Laurel Fork 1.20 (Asheville) WS-I(A-I) Sugar Camp Fork 1.70 Burke Morganton (3) WS-I(A-I) Henry Fork 4.50 WS-I Warrier Fork 84.00 WS-III Catawba R. 510.00 Valdese WS-III Catawba R. - 1;090.00 Lake Rhodhiss Caldwell Granite Falls WS-III Catawba R. - 1,090.00- Lake Rhodhiss Lenoir WS-III Catawba R. - 1,090.00 Lake Rhodhiss Cherokee Andrews (2) WS-I Beaver Cr. 1.70 WS-I Dan Holland Cr. 1.50 Murphy (3) WS-I(A-I) Marble Cr. 0.90 WS-I(A-I) Brittian Cr. 0.40 WS-III Hiwassee R.- 420.00 Graham Fontana Village WS-III L. Tenn. R. - 1,571.00 (Fed. Govt.) Fontana Lake Robbinsville (2) WS-I(A-I) Burgan Cr. 0.30 WS-I(A-I) Rock Cr. 0.80 Tapoco, Inc. WS-I(A-I) Yellow Hammer Br. - 1.30 (Tapoco) Trib. of Cheo.ah R. AN Haywood Canton (2) WS-I(A-I) Rough Cr. 1.30 WS-II Pigeon R. 133.00 Maggie Valley WS-I Campbells Cr. 5.30 Waynesville (2) WS-I(A-I) Allen Cr. 13.00 WS-I(A-I) Rocky Br. 1.30 Henderson Hendersonville WS-I(A-I) N. Fork Mills River 11.70 (3) WS-I(A-I) Bradley Cr. 8.80 WS-II Mills R. 71.10 J.P. Stevens WS-I(A-I) #1 UT Lake Summit 0.29 (Tuxedo) Camp Mondamin WS-I(A-I) #2 UT Lake Summit 0.60 (Tuxedo) Jackson Sapphire WS-I Nix Cr. (Emg.)2 1.00 Sylva (3) WS-I(A-I) Fisher Cr. (2 intake) 1.60 WS-I(A-I) Dills Cr. 0.90 West Carolina WS-II Tuckaseegee R. 207.00 Univ.(Cullowhee) Macon Franklin WS-II Cartoogechaye Cr. 44.50 Highlands (2) WS-I(A-I) Houston Br. (Sec.)1 0.20 WS-II Big Cr. 4.90 Madison Hot Springs WS-I(A-I) Cascade Br. 1.10 Mars Hill WS-I(A-I) Big Laurel Cr. 1.00 (North Fork) Mitchell Spruce Pine (2) WS-I(A-I) Beaver Cr. 2.20 WS-I(A-I) Graveyard Cr. 0.70 Polk Columbus WS-I UT of Horse Cr. 0.80 Tryon (7) WS-I Big Falls Cr. 1.60 WS-I Colt Cr. 2.70 WS-I Little Falls Cr. 0.50 WS-I Vaughn Cr. (3-intakes) 0.60 WS-I Fork Cr. 2.20 Rutherford Cone Mills WS-III Second Broad River 220.00 (Cliffside) , Forest City WS-I? Second Broad River 92.00 Rutherfordton/ WS-III Broad,,River 261.40 Spindale Surry Dobson WS-II Fisher River 70.00 Elkins WS-II Big Elkins Cr. 34.50 Mount Airy (2) WS-II Stewarts Cr. 66.45 WS-II Lovills Cr. 33.05 Pilot Mountain WS-I Toms Cr. 29.20 :. Swain Bryson City WS-I(A-I) Lands Cr. 2.50 Transylvania Brevard WS-I Catheys Cr. 11.40 Watauga Appalachian WS-I Howards Cr. 0.33 State Univ. (Boone) Beech Mt. (3) WS-I Pond Cr. (2 intake) 1.00 (Banner Elk) WS-I Buckeye Cr. 2.80 Blowing Rock WS-I Brick House Cr. 0.55 (Flat Top Br.) Boone (2) WS-I(A-I) Winklers Cr. 0.80 WS-I S. Fork New R. (Emg)2 5.73 Wilkes N. Wilkesboro WS-I? Reddies River 95.00 Wilkesboro WS-III Yadkin River 370.00 Yadkin Jonesville WS-III Yadkin River 832.50 Yadkinville WS-II S. Deep Cr. 53.30 Yancey Burnsville (2) WS-I Bowlen Cr. 1.90 WS-I UT Bowlen Cr. 1.20 1..(Sec.) - indicates a secondary water supply source 2. (Emg.) - indicates an emergency water supply source 3. Extraction source that has more than one intake - latitude and longitude are for the downstream intake while the upstream intake can be from 100 feet to 10 miles upstream.of this location. MK •4uaoaad OL of 9 aap sadoLS •suLP4unoW UPLy -opLpddy uaay,4noS ayl jo sado Ls apLs pup sa6pLa daa-Is RaaA 04 6uLdoIs uo s L Lo.s pau Lpap L Lam Jo s4s Lsuoo sa Laas a L L LnkauP3 ayl : uo L;d Laosaa RuO4s `swpoL kLLanpa6 ;nugsa40-9LLLnX0uP3 a Lqp L Lpnp 4oN : uo L4p4a60A pup asa a Lqp L Lpnp -;ON : X; L L Lgpawaad pup a6pu Lpap •�uaoaad 9 o,4 0 woaj.sa6upa ado Ls pups kLggoo kLawaa4xa pup kLLanpa6 RLawaa-;xa uMoaq ys'LMo L Lak Sapp - s L say'0u L 39 Jo y;dap p o; Lp Laa-.pw 6u LkLaaPun ayl • 10 Lys sayou L TT Lupo L kpups au LJ kL Lanpa6 unnoaq ys Lkpa6 Sapp kaan s L aa�'p L aopjans ay4 RL Lpo Ldkl •sa Lggoo pup sa Lggad Jo ;ua4uo3 y6 Ly p anpy 4p44 sLpLaa4pw o-4 MoLLpys sL LLos ayl •suLpqunoW UpLyopLpddy uaag4noS ay4 u L su Lp Ld poo LJ uo s L Los a Lgpawaad kLp Ldua `Pau Lpap kLan Lssaoxa 4PgM9wos JO s4s Lsuoo sa Laas PooM L LaO ayl : uo L;d L.aosaa PaPooLJ klLPUOLsp000 `%£'0 `Pups RWPOL kLggoo pooMLLaO •au A p Lu L6a LA ,pup `ap Ldod Mo L LBR `Xao�o Ly awos 41 LM `pooM6op pup s jpo kq p941Pu Lwop `spooMpapy paxLw Jo s4s Lsuoo uo L4P4a6an Lpanq.pN • sa LgP4a6an pup ' `sa Laaaq `spapyoao yopad pup a Lddp `RP4 `u Lpa6 L Lpws `uaoo apn Lou L sdoa0 •aan;spd pup sdoao p04pn.L4Lno 6uLMoa6 ao� pasn s� a6paaop ayj. jo awos •Pa4s9aoJ aap sLLos asa41 Jo 4soW :uoL'4p4a6aA pup asa -RZ Lj Lgpawaad azpaapow _4ouna aop jans p Ldpa off. Mo Ls `.pau Lpap L LaM1 : R4 L L Lgpawaad pup a6pu Lpap •�uaoaad Sti o; 0 woaj a6upa sadoLS •suPJ LPLnnLLoo pup `sadoLs4OOJ `saopaaaZ y6Ly uo aap 494l • slooa au L L LpgsRao jo aan;x Lw p woa j kL4upu Lwop pan Laap wn Lnn L Loo ao wn Lnn L Lp u L pawaoJ 9941 • s L Los a Lgpawaad RI a�.paapow PUP `pau Lpap LLaM `daap Jo s4sLsuoo saLaas Ioopppag ayl :uoL;dLaosaa Papoaa `wpoL RPLo �oopppa8 NO1NVO 30 WVHlSdn 03HMAM �HH N039I d 3H1 30 SIIOS 'S XI0N3ddd Drainage and Permeability: Well drained; medium to rapid runoff; medium internal rainage; moderate permeability. Use and Vegetation: More than one-half of the soil is in forest type of white oak, ack oak, and northern red oak, hickory, maple, elm, poplar, locust, sourwood, and -some white pine and hemlock are associa- ted with this forest type. The undergrowth is laurel, dogwood, and rhododendron. Cleared areas are used for pasture, corn, small grain, hay, some fruit trees, burley tobacco, and vegetables. Evard-Cowee gravelly loam Description: The Evard series consists of deep, well drained, moder- ately permeable soils that formed in residuum from granite, gneiss, or schist. Slopes range from 2 to 80 percent. Drainage and Permeability: Well drained, surface runoff is rapid; permeability is moderate. Use and Vegetation: Forested to oak, hickory, white pine, and short - ea pine. Hayesville clay loam, -eroded Description: The Hayesville series consists of well drained soils on gentle s oping to very steep ridges and side slopes of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. They formed in residuum weathered from granite, gneiss and schists. Slopes are 2 to 50 percent. Drainage and Permeability: Well drained; medium to rapid runoff; medium internal rainage; moderate permeability. Use'and Vegetation: About one-half of the acres of this soil is in cultivation, the remainder is in forest of yellow -poplar, eastern white pine, northern red oak, pitch pine, shortleaf pine and Virginia pine. The understory is flowering dogwood, rhododendron, mountain laurel and sourwood. Cleared areas are used for cultivated crops such as corn, small grain, pasture, hayland, burley tobacco, vegetable crops and Christmas trees. Plott loam, stony Description: The Plott series consists of well drained soils on sloping to very steep ridges and side slopes of the Southern Appalac- hian Mountains. Slopes are 6 to 70 percent. ') 1 Drainage and Permeability: Well drained. Runoff is slow under forest cover and internal rainage is medium. Permeability is moderately rapid. Use and Vegetation: Most areas are in forest consisting of a dominant forest type of northern red oak with hi.ckory, sugar maple, yellow -pop- lar, black locust, hemlock, and eastern white pine as associated. On dry sites or the higher elevations, upland oaks, hickory, b'lackgum, red maple, yellow birch, black birch, and pitch pine are associated. Flowering dogwood, mountain laurel, and rhododendron are the dominant understory species. Approximately 20 percent of the soil is cleared and used for pasture, hay, corn, truck crops, and burley tobacco. Rosman, sandy loam, 0.3%, occasionally flooded Description: The Rosman series consists of well drained soils that formed in oamy alluvium on flood plains of mountain valleys. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Drainage and Permeability: Well to moderately well drained; slow runo ; moderate internal drainage; moderately rapid permeability. These soils are subject to occasional to frequent overflow. Use and Vegetation: Most of the acreage is cleared and in cultivation. e chief crops are corn, truck crops, hay, and pasture grasses. The remainder is in mixed hardwood and white pine. Saunook loam Description: The Saunook series co.nsists of well drained soils formed in oamy a luvium and colluvium in coves, on benches, fans and toe slopes in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Slope range from 2 to 30 percent. Drainage and Permeability: Well drained, medium runoff, and medium internal rainage; mo erate permeability. Use and Vegetation:, More than 75 percent is cleared. Cleared areas are used for orc ards, growing corn, tobacco, tomatoes, small grain, truck crops, ornamentals and pasture. Also, many areas are used for subdivision development. Woodland species include such species as yellow -poplar, eastern white pine, scarlet oak, red maple, white oak, northern red oak, eastern hemlock, black locust, and an understory of mountain laurel, dogwood, rhododendron, blackberries, and various ferns. :. Unison loam Description: Soils of the Unison series are deep and well drained. They are on mountain footslopes, alluvial fans, or stream terraces. Permeability of the soil is moderate. Slopes range from-0 to 45 percent. Mean annual temperature is about 55 F. Mean annual precipi- tation is about 40 inches. Drainage and Permeability: Well drained, medium or rapid runoff; moderate permeability., Use and Vegetation: About half is used for cultivated crops, pasture and orchards, sucT as corn, small grains, hay, fruit and vegetables. Most of the remainder is in mixed hardwoods, dominated by oaks, maple, poplar, hemlock and pine. Wayah loam, stony Description: The Wayah series consists of deep, well drained, moder- ately rap, ly permeable soil on ridges and side slopes at high elevations in the Southern -Appalachian Mountains. It formed in residuum weathered from acid crystalline rocks such as gneiss and granite. Slope ranges from 8 to 95 percent. Drainage and Permeability: Well drained; very little runoff where torest litter has not beEn disturbed; medium to very rapid runoff where litter has been removed; moderately rapid permeability. Use and Vegetation: Nearly all of this soil is in forest: In areas higher than a ou 5400 feet, red spruce and fraser fir are the dominant trees. -At the lower elevations, northern red oak, black oak, American beech, yellow birch, black cherry, sugar maple, eastern hemlock, and yellow buckeye are common trees. Common understory plants are service - berry, striped maple, American chestnut sprouts, silv.erbell, red maple, pin cherry, rhododendron, flame azalea, and blueberry. Common forbes are hay -scented fern, woodfern, New York fern, Soloman's-seal, yellow mandarin, and trillum. In many places, the climate is so severe that ice and wind damage prevent trees from reaching commercial size. In these areas, a windswept phase is recognized. Overall, little commer- cial forestry is practiced on this soil. A small acreage is covered by heath balds. These_balds are vegetated with rhododendron, mountain laurel, blueberry, flame azalea, hawthorn, and mountain ash. The main uses of this soil are for wildlife, and for recreational activities such as hiking, hunting, and scenic viewing. Source: Interim Soil Survey Report, Haywood Co., NC, 1986, by SCS, USDA in coop. with Haywood Soil & Water Conservation District, Feb., 1986. REFERENCES Theodore B. Brovitz, "Assessment and Management of Water Supply Watersheds in Western North Carolina," master's project, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University, 1986. Raymond J. Burby, Edward J. Kaiser, Todd L. Miller, and David H. Moreau, Drinking Water Supplies - Protection Through Watershed Management, Ann r or Science, Ann Arbor, MI, 1983. William E. Cox and Lorraine M. Herson, Control of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Virginia: An Assessment of the Local Role, Bu etin No. 158, Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Blacksburg, VA, 1987. Andrea M. Dietrich, David S. Millington, and Russell F. Christman, Specific Identification of Organic Pollutants in Haw River Water Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, WRRI Report No. 206, Water Resources Research Institute of The UNC, Raleigh, NC, 1983. Leonard P. Gianessi, "A National Pesticide Usage Data Base," summary of a report to the Office of Standards and Regula- tions, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cooperative Agreement CR 811858-01-0, Resources for the Future, Wash- ington, DC, 1986. Guidelines for Obtaining a Protective Surface Water Classification, NC Division of EnvironmentalManagement, Report No. 87-05, December 1987. C. W._Hardin, Mayor of Canton, letter to Paul Wilms, Director, NC Division of Environmental Management, December 30, 1987. Haywood County, NC - 201 Facilities Plan Report, EPA Project 370525-017illiam F. Freeman, Co., Hig Point, NC, June 1984. Milton Heath, Jr., Professor, Institute of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, comments at conference on watershed protection, sponsored by the NC Division of Environmental Management, Greensboro, NC', June 18, 1987. R. Heutz, Franklin County Planning Department, personal communi- cation, June 3, 1987. Robert Holman, Coordinator, Water Supply Protection Program, NC Division of Environmental Management, personal communica- tion, June 1987. David H. Howells, Professor Emeritus, NC State University, letter to Mr. Avery Upchurch, Mayor of Raleigh, December 19,.1987. Interim Soil Survey Report for Haywood County, NC, Soil Conservation Service, USDA, February 1986. N. M. Jackson, Jr.-. Public Water Supplies in North Carolina, Part 3. Mountains and Western Piedmont, prepare y t e Unite States Geo ogica Survey or t e North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, July 1974. V. Jenkins, Guilford County Soil Scientist Division, personal communication, June 24, 1987. L. T. Mann, Jr. Public Water Supplies in North -Carolina, US Geological Survey, a er Resources Investigations 78=1631 April 1978. K. Megginson, Chatham County Planning Department, personal com- munication, June 24, 1987. Merck Index, 9th edition, edited by Martha Windholf. Published y Merck & Co., Inc., Rohway, NJ, 1976. Clarke Morrison, "Clean Water Fund: 'All Live Downstream,'" The Asheville Citizen (Morrison, February 5, 1988) p. 6C. Mary Jo Moubry and David H. Moreau, Review of North Carolina's Water Supply Watershed Protection Program," Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC, March 1988. National Academy of Sciences, Safe Drinking Water Commi;ttee, Drinking Water and Health, Washington, DC, 1977. NC Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality'Section, "Upper Pigeon River Investigation,".July 1984. Oak Hollow Watershed Study, Department of Planning and Community Development, City ot High Point, NC 1982. Status of North Carolina Local Planning and Management, NC Dept. of Natural Resources and 7ommunity Deve opment, Division of Community Assistance, Raleigh, 1985. S. Suggs, Durham County Planning Department, personal communi- cation, June 8, 1987. Alvis G. Turner, Francis A. DiGiano, and Patricia M. De Rosa, A Survey of Potential Population .Exposures to Chemical Contam- inants Present'in Unprotected ur ace Water Supplies in North Caroina, Report No. 213, Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina, Raleigh, 1984. U.S. Geological Survey, "North Carolina Ground -Water Resources," National Water Summary, 1985. Steve West, Director, Haywood County Agricultural Extension Service, personal communication, June 11, 1987. F all -I . i DAIT V k v. A "! 5... 1.�_-IL_ _ •-''l �._ �_S:-_._.�.�_�.. ii E.l�.��ii.� i. .,_ �'...,.e �„_ �.. _.i..�._ fi... ... �':e �..A-i, �,,,-.. _. .r ..N._ v _._ Y R h. { ti i ` YA r 1 a 4, x 1 t 1 IM1 r xM A `i ��, .�P' � '+.. '•� ��`'�'. ..,:_� Il 1 1 T�-.^,..'1 "' v `m �,. _::� .�� r... I^n, r,, 4. M�. C %._ + , k._. .� 7 � n , } V Yq x� r i q ` �W x � el h'\ F ♦ t PP 1 a._ Sir -'F' � 'F. .. a ;I \.. V d1 I a,ry _ V � v x � v' rr W '7= 3 �. .'4✓ �, "*y,• y fir' C' r ' l' �. P w P X r N G I North Carolina Depar, ,'.,"�yy"� � 'y$y" � `y^ ,�i�^ wy $�^' gp+' g¢r` ]8 �Q+^ yq C '+n.,S'w'm.���w�;'�cck."•d C: s�. 'A V T�B R«r tl q� .F `k+...J �k! �5�..!:�n. � 4'.�A 7•A q ik 6 ALIPHATIC COMPOUNDS 3 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 187 as jormalin, a 35-40%-solution in water and methanol. --'This also_contatns `: solution (alkaline cupric tartrate solution). In alkaline solution hydrogen s varying amounts of impurities such as formal, formaldehyde `dimethyl acetal, Peroxide oxidizes it uantitatively' to a formate. q t H2C(OMe)z. Formaldehyde has a characteristic penetrating odor. Form x. 2. Reduction is also easy, CH10 --r CH°OH• aldeh de is also obtained in small yields but' in large amounts by the cps it 3. Polymerization Formaldeh ' de, readil chap es reveraibl Y ttc Polymers. Y Y g y into solid �{ oxidation of natural gas. It is also an important product of the non-cataly ymers. 'Paraformaldehyde, paraform, (CH2O) _, is obtained as as amor- high temperature oxidation of,butane (p. 18) in which it is_obtained..in aillute • Phou_s white_s61id b �. t' y_evapomtion:' of an aqueous solution •of CH2O. It, is ,water solution admixed with volatile organic compounds. By distillation Probably HOCH2(OCH2)„CHO.G. 2 Rapid condensation of •CH2O. vapors .can ri N under reduced pressure, water and the -other materials are removed at ® 'give a-trioxyniethylene, trioxane, m. 610, b. 11VIP which is a, definite 6-mem= re tiered ring compound.. 'It is crystalline and readily, soluble' in water, alcohol temperature at. which CH2(OH)2 i® stable. After this separation the pressu j is raised and CH2O distilled out dnd ethers' (DuPont). ', $ +z Formaldehyde is said to occur in air in minute amounts as a result of Its: ;l k formation during combustion processes' O CH \O Formaldehyde can also be produced by heating certain formates, r (HCO2)2Ca --* CaCO3 + 112CO (�Hll 1 t 2 C;Hs rf ..sit This again is dismutation, half of the formate is oxidized to carbonate and the . 0 I, 11� other half is reduced to formaldehyde. Treatment of formaldehyde solution with sulfuric acid In various was I'# There is excellent evidence 'that 'the first product formed from carbon gives several different of y dioxide by the chlorophyll of green plants is formaldehyde, st P �'axymethylenes of unknown molecular weight and ructure. All these polymers are readily converted to formaldehyde by heat.. CO2 + H2O —+ H2CO .+ 02°• "Paraform" candles are used for fumigating, part of the paraformaldehyde ii 4ka The ratio of oxygen given off b plant to the carbon dioxide absorbed hurg Y the P d has and part being depolymerized to formaldehyde. ' 4. 4. With baser. !i been found experimentally to be 1;1 (Willatatter):. The formaldehyde, being r a extraordinarily reactive, undergoes a variety of changes. If the living plant Concentrated strong bases cause dismutations (Cannizzaro). needs an oxidizer or a reducer, the formaldehyde can serve in either capacity, 2 H2C0 -} KOH —► HCO2K CHsOH changing to methanol and to formic acid or carbonic acid respectively. The R first of these changes is indicated b the presence of methyl derivatives in many This reaction is characteristic of aldehydes which have no alpha hydrogen, that a4'; plant products. .Most of the formaldehyde probably undergoes condensation, is, no hydrogen on the carbon next to the carbonyl group. P p p Y P Y g Y g P• , b. Dilute and weak bases cause aldol t e condensations as discussed under s the H from one molecule adding to the carbonyl group of another, to form y, .the behavior of formaldehyde in Tanta. YP successively glycolic aldehyde, glyceric aldehyde, and hexoses (pp 460-1, 486)• Formaldehyde supplies a very Preactive carbonyl group for aldol condense- E ..+y _ — Ott - .rid Y PP Y rs tions with a—H compounds such as acetaldehyde and isobutyraldehyde. !° o e With ketones and secondary amines it replaces the o —H atoms with the • group—CH2NIt2 (Mannich). Thus acetone with formalin and dimethyl- r amine gives condensation products which range from Me2NCH2CH2COCHs to € (Me2NCH2)sCCOC(CH2NMe2)1. 5. Alcohols in the presence of a trace of acid give formals, ethers of the S hypothetical hydrate of formaldehyde H2C(OH)2. i 1 case _ • """ , . appFRO. In common with other aliphatic aldehydes and in contrast to 112C0 -F 2 ROH —► H2C(OIi)2 -}• 1120 °st ketones, formaldehyde reduces ammoniacal silver solution and Feilling's ° Staudinger et al. Ann. 474, 145 (1929). E' ' I Levey. Chem. Inds. 50, 204 (1942). ' Sauter. Z: physik. Chem. B21,.186 (1933). ° Goldman, Yagoda. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 15, 378 (1943). °Walker, Carlisle. Chem. Eng. News al, 1250 (1943). Ann. Rep. Chem. Soc. (London) 1906, 83. 'Fry, Uber, Price. Rec. traq. shim, 50, 1061 (1931). - ----D-�- - -- --'--- ----------'----'------'------- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. GENERAL PAGE A. Purpose of Report 1 B. Description of Canton..Service Area 1 C. Present and -Future Water Needs 3 1. Current .Production 3 2. Current.Consumption 5 3. Projected Per Capita Water Usage 5 4, Projected Population and Land Use 7 5. Future Water Requirements 9 II. EXISTING WATER SYSTEM A, Supply 10 B. Treatment Facilities 12 C. Storage 18 D. Distribution System 21 III. FUTURE TREATMENT; STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS A. Treatment Capacity 23 B. Storage Requirements 24 C. Distribution System Expansion 26 IV. ALTERNATIVES FOR SUPPLY AND TREATMENT A. Rough Creek 28 B. Penland Street Filter Plant 29 V. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS A. Supply and Treatment 29 B: Storage 32 C. Distribution 32 VI, COST ESTIMATE FOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 VII. FINANCING AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 35 LIST OF FIGURES NO. TITLE 1 Average Daily Water Production by Month 2 Schematic.of Rough Creek Water Treatment Facility 3 Schematic of Existing Penland Street Filter Plant 4 Schematic of Proposed Sludge Disposal System 5 Existing and Proposed Distribution System 6 Required Treatment Plant Capacity 7 Proposed Improvements to Penland Street Filter Plant PAGE 4 13 15 19 22 25 31 IKi1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LIST OF TABLES TITLE PAGE Average Daily Water Production 3 Maximum and Minimum Daily Water Production 3 Ratio of Average Daily Flow to Maximum Daily Flow 5 Tabulation of Metered Water Customers 6 Residential, Commercial, Industrial Per Capita Consumption'Projections 6 Maximum Day and Peak Hour Per Capita Projections 7 Population Growth Trends, 1930-1970 7 Canton and Clyde Water Service Area Population Projections 9 Projected Water Requirements 10 Existing Distribution System Pipe Inventory 21 Locations of Future Water Line Extensions 27 Project Cost Breakdown 33 I. GENERAL A. PURPOSE OF REPORT The Town of Canton, North Carolina presently provides water to customers within her corporate boundaries, surrounding suburban areas and to the Town of Clyde located approximately three (3) miles to the west. Water treatment facilities operated by the Town are obsolete and in need of rehabilitation and expansion. The Rough Creek plant, which has a -capacity of 0.6 million gallons per day (mgd), is approxi- mately eighty (80) years old. Maintenance of finished water quality at this plant is a problem and it has been difficult to meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Waters Act (PL93-523) maximum con- taminant levels for turbidity. The Penland Street water filtration plant is forty-four (44) years old. Existing plant equipment and structures are i-n need of replacement and repairs and the plant capacity of two (2) mgd will be exceeded in the near future. Canton is the only source of public water -in the eastern section of The Haywood County Growth Corridor. In order for Canton to continue her commitment to provide water to her present and future customers in the eastern portion of the County it is necessary that the Town improve the water.treatment and distribution system. As the first step in meeting this responsibility the Town has developed this study to plan and guide the implementation of improvements required for modernization of the water system. B. DESCRIPTION OF CANTON SERVICE AREA The Town of Canton is located approximately 15 miles southwest of Asheville, North Carolina in Haywood County in the southern highlands of Southwestern North Carolina. The area is predominately mountainous, with broad mature valleys. Elevations range from 2,500 to 4,500 feet. Canton, the largest town in eastern Haywood County, lies approxi- mately 12 miles northeast of Waynesville, the County Seat. Canton's corporate limits encompass.2.1 square miles and has an estimated popula- tion of 5,500 people. The town lies in the eastern industrialized area of Haywood County which also includes the Towns of Waynesville, Clyde, Hazelwood and Maggie Valley. Manufacturing industries, located in these towns employ the largest segment of the work force in the county and account for approximately 37% of the present jobs -in the area. Industries include footwear, wearing apparel, furniture, rubber, paper and leather products. The Champion Paper Company, which is located in Canton, employs approximately 2,200 people which is approximately 38% of the total manufacturing jobs in Haywood County. - The Haywood County growth corridor, which comprises the water service areas of both the "Western" and "Eastern" systems served by Waynesville and Canton, as recognized by the overall economic develop- ment program for the seven county planning region has been the largest 1 hub of economic activity in Western North Carolina, west of Asheville, for a number of decades. It has, without significant outside stimuli, served as a strong and steadily growing job center for some 6,000 manu- facturing workers. Adequate water supplies to support these industries is critical to maintain and insure growth of this region's economic base. A study prepared by W—E. Freeman Associates of High Point, North Carolina, states that "a county -wide water system serving almost all of the County's population is a necessary step in Haywood County's future." The study indicates that the nucleus of the proposed systems would be the Waynesville and Canton water facilities. Haywood County is divided into two water service areas. The water system to the west is supplied finished water by the Town of Waynesville. This "Western System" consists of Waynesville and Ivy Hill Townships and includes the Town of Waynesville and Hazelwood, -the Lake Junaluska assembly grounds and the Lake Junaluska sanitary district. Waynesville is presently building a reservoir on Allen Creek, which will insure an adequate supply of raw water to meet the future needs of this "Western System" and has recently upgraded water treatment capacity to 8 mgd. Waynesville, in undertaking the construction of new treatment facilities and reservoir, has implemented the plan for providing for the present and future water needs of the "Western" section of Haywood County. The "Eastern System" is supplied finished water by the Town of Canton and serves Beaverdam and Clyde townships, including the Town of Canton and Clyde, the Green Hill and Phillipsville areas and several rural water associations. In planning to provide adequate finished water for the "Eastern System" in Haywood County, the Town of Canton proposes to increase the capacity of the Penland'Street filtration plant from 2 mgd to 4 mgd and to make improvements to the Rough Creek plant needed to adequately treat the 0.5 mgd produced there. Although the population of Canton has remainded fairly stable over the past four decades, significant population gains have accurred in the surrounding areas since 1960 due to residential development in unincorporated areas. The service population for the Canton system is presently estimated to be 8,800 people and is projected to be 13,100 people by the year 2005. Water demands are expected to increase from an average of.1.3 mgd to 2.3 mgd with maximum day demand to increase from 2.0 mgd to.3.9 mgd. The major water user supplied by the Town of Canton is the Champion Paper Company, which purchases 27% of the total water sold by the town. The importance of the Champion Paper Company to the economic stability of Canton is apparent when one realizes that they employ 2200 people and the population of Canton is 5500. 2 C. PRESENT AND FUTURE WATER NEEDS 1. Current Production Water is supplied to the Canton and Clyde distribution systems from two sources. The Rough Creek water plant collects surface water from the upper reaches of the Rough Creek watershed and produces an average of 0.514 mgd. The Penland Street water plant treats water from Pigeon River and produces an average of 0.764 mgd. Total average daily plant production is now approximately 1.3 million gallons per day. Table 1 lists average daily water production since 1973. TABLE 1 - AVERAGE DAILY WATER PRODUCTION gallons/day Year Rough Creek Penland Street Total 1973 518,000 599,000 1,117,000 1974 387,000 593,000 980,000 1975 531,000 616,000 1,147,000 1976 534,000 652,000 1,186,000 1977 551,000 714,000 1,265,000 1978 533,000 755,000 1,288,000 1979 514,000 764,000 1,278,000 Monthly and seasonal variations shown in Figure 1 reveal that peak demands can be expected to occur in July, August and September. Reported maximum daily.water production of 600,000 gpd at Rough Creek matches plant capacity. The Penland Street plant on the Pigeon River peaked at 1,572,000 gpd, which is near the 2.0 mgd capacity of that plant. TABLE 2 ' MAXIMUM & MINIMUM DAILY WATER PRODUCTION gallons/day Year Rough Creek Plant Penland Street Plant max. min. max.. min. 1973 611,000 321,000 1,512,000 329,000 1974 450,000 270,000 907,000 365,000 1975 602,000 311,000 1,518,000 382,000 1976 562,000 402,000 1,195,000 327,000 1977 577,000 265,000 1,359,000 465,000 1978 573,000 259,000 1,572,000 511,000 1979 600,000 376,000 1,167,000 330,000 Extreme variations in production at the Rough Creek plant result more from operating factors than from variations in user demand. Maxi- 3 m I& a 12 19 L] AVERAGE DAILY WATER PRODUCTION BY MONTH 6 ;z m m Q W Q U- LEGEND 1978 — — — 1977 1976--------- 1975 -•— — 1974 •--w......... 1973 —• —•-- z >- C7 F- F- > CU Q -j =3 a- v p W Q Q p z 0 CITY.'OF CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA WATER STUDY FIGURE I AVERAGE DAILY WATER PRODUCTION BY MONTH JANUARY, 1979 SCALE:NONE JOB NO. C440/5063 HARWOOD BEEBE Division of C-E Maguire, Inc. SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA mum use of the Rough Creek water supply is made because it -is less costly to treat, water quality is high and finished water can be fed by gravity into the distribution system. The plant is operated twenty-four (24) hours per day. Maximum water production occurs at Rough Creek during periods of high runoff and when raw water is at minimum turbidity levels requiring less filter shutdown for backwashing. Minimum flows occur during periods of drought and immediately following periods of heavy rainfall resulting in highly turbid raw water. It has been necessary to shut the plant down for as much as six hours to allow the influent turbidity to decrease to a treatable level. Variations in daily water production at the Penland Street water plant result from variations of production at Rough Creek and in varia- tions in user demand. Peak production at the Penland Street plant occurs generally during a drought period when the Rough Creek water shed is at minimum yield and when water demand is high. The Penland street plant is operated so as to produce all water needed in excess of that available from Rough Creek. Maximum daily water production from both plants peaked at 2,122,600 gallons in August 9, 1978. TABLE 3 RATIO OF AVERAGE DAILY FLOW TO MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW Avg. Daily Max. Max. Day Max./Avg. Year Flow (gpd) Day Flow (gpp) Ratio 1973 1,117,000 Aug. 23 2,076,000 1.86 1974 980,000 Aug. 13 1,279,000 1.31 1975 1,147,000 Sept. 5 1,984,000 1.73 1976 1,186,000 Sept.25 1,724,000 1.45 1977 1,265,000 Nov. 8 1,875,000 1.48 1978 1,288,000 Aug. 9 2,122,000 1.65 1979 1,278,000 Sept. 4 1,767,000 1.38 From the above it can be seen that the ratio of the maximum day flow to the average daily flow occuring during the last six years ranged from approximately 1.4 to 1.9 which is within the normal range for cities of comparable size within the United States. 2. Current Consumption. Monthly water billing records were provided for Canton by the Town of Canton Water Department along with a list of water customers by street location. Similar information was provided by the Clyde Water Department. The total number of metered service connections on the system is 3,243. The service population is estimated to be 8,573 people. 5 Residential Commercial Industrial School Total TABLE 4 TABULATION OF METERED WATER CUSTOMERS Canton Clyde Total 2500 540 3040 142 50 192 3 1 4 6 1 7 2651 592 3243 In addition to metered customers, the City of Canton provides water to churches, public buildings and civic organizations at no charge. These these taps are unmetered. The major industrial water customer is the Champion -Paper Company which uses an average of 215,000 gpd. Average consumption during the peak month of record was approximately 300,000 gallons per day. Champion Paper purchases approximately 27% of the water sold by. the Town of Canton. The Canton Laundry uses an average of 50,000 gpd. The Town of Clyde water usage is metered monthly with water usage averaging 300,000 gallons per day. Present per capita usage rates are estimated to be 150 gallons per person per day (gpcd). This figure represents total residential, commercial, industrial and unaccounted for water consumption. An analysis bf water billing records indicates that the total per capita consumption can be broken down into the following usage categories: Industrial 25 gpcd Residential & Commercial 77 gpcd Unaccounted for water 48 gpcd Unaccounted for water represents that water lost or not sold due to broken meters, filter backwashing, reservoir overflow, unmetered services, hydrant flushing, street cleaning, firefighting and leakage. 3. Projected Per Capita Water Usage. .The per capita use of water in. America cities has commonly increased approximately one per cent per year primarily because of a continuing increase in the standard of living. On this basis, the consumption of water for residential, commercial and industrial use on a per capita service population basis has been projected. TABLE 5 RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL=INDUSTRIAL PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION PROJECTIONS Year Gallons/Capita/Day 1977 (actual) 102 1980 104 1990 115 2000 127 2010 140 2020 155 2030 171 These figures do not include public use of water for fire fighting, hydrant flushing, street cleaning and service to public and civic organizations estimated to be 5 gpcd, or for system leakage estimated to be 27 gpcd. Assuming that public water use will increase at the same rate as residential consumption and that leakage in the system will continue to be approximately 18 per cent of production, we have projected the total percapita usage rates to increase to 175 gallons per person per day by the year 2005. Using the maximum day to average daily ratio of 1.7 to 1 and maximum day to peak hour ratio of 1.75 to 1, the follow- ing per capita projections. are made. TABLE 6 MAXIMUM DAY & PEAK HOUR PER CAPITA PROJECTIONS Avg. Daily Max'Daily Peak Hour Consumption Consumption Consumption Year gpcd. gpcd gpcd 1977 133 226 396 1980 136 231 404 1990 151 257 450 2000 166 282 493 2005 175 298 520 2010 184 313 547 2020 203 345 604 2030 224 380 665 4. Projected Population and Land Use. The historical population growth trends of Canton, Clyde, and Haywood County are presented in Table 7. TABLE 7 POPULATION GROWTH TRENDS, 1930-1970 Area 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Canton 5,117 5,037 4,906 5,068 5,518 Clyde 458 516 598 680 900 Haywood County 28,273 34,804 37,631 39,711 41,710 Source: U. S. Census of Population, 1930-1970 U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. It is evident that the population of Canton had remained fairly stable over the past four decades. Nevertheless, significant population gains 'have occurred in areas near Canton since 1960 due to development of new residential subdivisions in unincorporated areas. The population of Clyde has experienced moderate increases since 1930 as has the overall population of Haywood County. Most of the population increases in Haywood County have occurred in and around the municipalities of Canton, Waynesville, Clyde, and Maggie Valley. 7 In order to determine the current distribution of population, the study area was divided into fifty-two subareas and was based on an "Existing Land Use Map" prepared for this report. For each subarea the estimated number of dwelling units, the average number of persons per dwelling units, .and the total estimated population for each subarea was determined. This data and the existing land use map were prepared from information gathered using several sources: (1) the 1970 Census of Population; (2) population estimates prepared by the Southwestern North Carolina Planning and Economic Development Commission; and (3) popula- tion estimates prepared by the North Carolina Highway Department in the Canton Thoroughfare Plan. The accuracy -of this data was then evaluated and corrected where necessary during our land use field survey conducted in October of 1978. The total 1978 population of the study area is estimated to be 14,307 persons. The total estimated number of dwelling units in the study area is 4,895 units. Thus, the average ratio of persons per dwelling unit in the study area is 2.92. In order to estimate future water supply needs in the study area, future population projections were prepared for each of the fifty- two subareas and a projected land use map was developed. In the prep- aration of these projections several previously prepared population projections sponsored byother agencies were reviewed. Projections prepared by the N.C. Department of Natural and Economic Resources, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Southwestern North Carolina Planning and Economic Development Commission were reviewed in detail. Aside from study of these projections, other factors influencing future population growth were evaluated. These factors included: (1) past population and economic trends; (2) economic growth potential; (3) availability of housing; (4) likelihood of future in -or out -migration of population; (5) topographic constraints; and (6) other environmental constraints. It is estimated that the population of the study area will increase from 14,307 persons in 1978 to 16,620 persons by 2005. This represents an increase of 2,313 persons or 16.2 percent. By the year 2030 the study area's population -is expected to reach approximately 18,600 for an additional 12.1 percent increase. These projections reflect growth trends which are well in line with base population projections by the aforementioned three agencies. The projected future population growth of the study area will not be evenly distributed among the fifty-two subareas. Some of the subareas will experience fairly substantial population growth, with an accompanying increase in residential land use anticipated in these subareas. Those areas where the maximum population growth is expected are these areas situated adjacent to -the incorporated fringe of Canton. with good access to Interstate -Highway 40 and U. S. Highway 19/23. The majority of the subareas will likely experience moderate or minor population gains. Some of the subareas such as subareas in the already heavily developed part of Canton, should maintain a relatively NO stable population through the planning period. A few subareas, partic- ularly those in the mountainous rural regions will probably experience minor population gains. A summarization of the service area population projections are shown tabulated below. TABLE 8 CANTON AND CLYDE WATER SERVICE AREA POPULATION PROJECTIONS Projected' Year Population 1980 14,590 1985 14,830 1990 15,180 1995 15,590 2000 16,090 2005 16,620 2010 17,050 2020 17,900 2030 18,600 5. Future Water Requirements. The determination of future water requirements for the Canton and Clyde Service areas was made using population projections for each subarea and an analysis of.future development of the area as shown on the future land use map. Areas that are expected to experience the most growth in population or commercial development are the Beaverdam area north of Interstate Highway 40 for residential development, the developing commercial area west of Canton between Highway 19/23 and Old Clyde Road in the Harkins Street area, and along Highway 215 to the intersection with Interstate Highway 40. Other growth areas in the Canton area are south of the corporation limits along highway 110. The major area of development in Clyde is projected to be around the northern - section of Town and westward in the general vicinity of the connector intersections between Interstate Highway 40 and Highway 19/23. The area lying between Canton and Clyde is expected to increase.in population by approximately 500 persons by the year 2005. Analysis of subarea growth projections and consideration of factors'such as topography resulted in a determination of future population which could be expected to be connected to the water system. In the year 2020, it is estimated the 14,700 people will be connected to the system. This 'number is based on the assumption that 90 percent of the homes�in the subareas where water service will be provided in the future will be connected to the distribution system. Applying the projected connected population and the estimated future per capita demands developed previously, the future water supply requirements are determined and listed below. 0 TABLE 9 PROJECTED WATER REQUIREMENTS Gallons Per Connected Avg. Daily Max. Day Peak Hour Capita Per Day Population Demand Demand Demand Year (gpcd) MGD MGD MGD 1980 136 8,800 1.3 2.2 3.6 1990 151 10,600 1.6 2.7 4.8 2000 166 12,300 2.0 3.4 6.0 2005 175 13,100 2.3 3.9 6.8 2010 184 13,500 2.5 4.2 7.4 2020 203 14,700 3.0 5.1 8.9 II. EXISTING WATER SYSTEM A. SUPPLY 1. Rough Creek The Rough Creek water treatment facility receives its water by continuous draft from a small diversion dam immediately upstream from the plant. The Rough Creek water shed has been utilized by the Town of Canton for approximately eighty years as a source of water, and was before the construction of the Pigeon River plant the only source used to supply the Canton system. There are*no stream gage records available for Rough Creek above or below the diversion dam. The minimum safe yield of the Rough Creek supply by continuous draft is the low flow that would be available during a period of drought. Since there are no flow records for Rough Creek, this safe yield must be estimated. Analysis of low flow records for other streams in Haywood County indicates that generally the low flow that would be expected is approximately 0.20 cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage area. The water shed area tributory to the water treatment facility is.1.35 square miles resulting in a safe yield of 0.27 cubic feet per second or approximately 0.2 million gallons per day. In order to estimate the average yield of the Rough Creek water shed an analysis was made using water accounting methods. In this method we considered several factors which affect water shed yield including; soils types, water holding capacities of soils, land use and treatment, evapotranspiration, and rainfall data. Based upon these calculations and assuming average rainfall over the watershed, it is estimated that the average daily yield on a yearly basis is 0.8 million gallons per day. The water quality is excellent. The Rough Creek watershed is a protected watershed owned by the Town of Canton and is classified as A -I by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Class A -I is assigned to waters having watersheds. which are uninhabited and otherwise protected as required by the State Board of Health. In order to maintain.the Class A -I designation the Town must continue to 10 protect the water shed in accordance with Section .1200 of Rules Governing Public Water Supplies. Because of the timber harvesting program which has just been recently completed, water quality in regards to turbidity levels received at the Rough Creek plant have deteriorated, especially after rainfalls. Although this supply is classified as A -I, it requires filtration to remove high turbidity levels prior to disinfection. Since the Rough Creek water shed is owned by the City of Canton and is easily controlled, the water quality from this source should remain at its present high quality. At present Canton is taking an average of 0.53 mgd from Rough Creek. An economic analysis was made of the best method of optimizing the use of this supply. This study involved a detailed study of the construction of a storage reservoir to hold surplus water beyond the capacity of the treatment facility. However, this alternative was found to be too costly. It was determined that the most cost effective use of this supply can be made by continuous draft withdrawal and treatment of between 0.5 and 0.8 mgd. Since the total average daily demand for -water by Canton is estimated to be 2.3 mgd by the year 2005, Rough Creek has the potential for supplying up to thirty-five percent of the total water requirements of the area. 2. Pigeon River The Pigeon River drains an area of 133 square miles at the Canton water treatment plant intake. Flows have been gaged by the U. S. Geologic Survey continuously since October 1928 at a gaging station located 200 feet downstream from the Pigeon Street Bridge. The average daily flow for 50 years -of -record is 208 million gallons per day. The minimum flow of record is 17.4 mgd on September 7, 1954. Considerable regulation of low flow is caused by Lake Logan on the West Fork of the Pigeon River twelve miles upstream. This structure is owned and operated by,the Champion Paper Company which uses it to store water for drought periods. Champion Paper Company attempts to maintain a minimum flow of 40 mgd in the Pigeon River at their Canton- Pla.nt intake structure to be used as process water. During dry periods they release water from Lake Logan to maintain this flow. The Canton water treatment plant intake structure is located upstream of the Champion intake structure and thus benefits from this flow regulation. However, there have been occasions when the flow in the Pigeon River has been less than that required by Champion Paper Company. During these periods Champion has requested that the Town stop taking water for a period to allow the paper mill to maintain full production. The Town has been able to do this -because the Rough Creek water plant has been able to provide 0.5 mgd. This, along with elevated storage has provided water to the service area while the Penland Street Plant was out of operation. Since Champion, occasionally needs more water than is available from the river, and since the Town wishes to be able to continue to cooperate and assist Champion in their manufacturing enterprise to 11 the mutual benefit of both, it has been decided by the Town that the Rough Creek treatment plant must be available to provide water as a back-up to the Penland Street plant. T_he Pigeon River water quality is good. Its classifi- cation as an A -II stream by the Department of Natural and Economic Resources and the fact that it is presently a water supply allows the water shed to be protected by the rules and regulations providing for the protection of public water supplies. If these regulations are enforced, the water quality of the Pigeon River will not deteriorate. B. Treatment Facilities 1. Rough Creek., The Rough Creek water treatment plant takes water from the Rough Creek watershed by continuous draft from a diversion dam constructed across the stream channel. Treatment consists of chemical conditioning, clarification, pressure filtration, chlorination and fluorida- tion. The rated capacity of the plant is 0.6 million gallons per day (mgd). Treated water flows into the distribution system by gravity thru a six (6) inch cast-iron main approximately 15,300 feet in length where it discharges into the Spruce Street Reservoir. This line and reservoir were constructed approximately eighty years ago and the pressure filters were installed in 1950. A schmatic of the existing Rough Creek treatment system is shown in Figure 2. Raw water from Rough Creek flows by gravity from the diversion structure through a 10" line where alum, polymer and prechlorin- ation chemicals are applied. Chemical mixing occurs in this line as the raw water passes thru an in -line baffle fabricated by Town personnel. The chemically conditioned water then passes into a 25,700 gallon settling basin which has a surface area of approximately 450 square feet. Clarified water passes thru two 120-inch diameter steel pressure filters having sand, gravel and anthracite media after which chlorine is applied and finished water flows into the distribution system. Volume of water treated ranges from a minimum, approximately 200,000 gallons per day during drought periods to 600,000 gallons per day plant capacity. The pressure filters have a surface area of 157 square feet and at 600,000 gpd have a filtration rate of 2.65 gpm/sf. Generally, it is not recommended that pressure filters be operated in excess of 2 gpm/sf. At this rate, plant capacity would be 0.45 mgd. The average daily water production by these filters is approximately 550,000 gpd. Pressure filtration of water for municipal use has been restricted by many state health departments to treatment of well waters of high water quality. Operating problems result because the condition of the filter media cannot be checked visually. It is possible for the filter media to be disrupted by sudden variations in pressure on influent and effluent sides of the filter. Difficulties in operation have been experienced because of highly turbid raw water following rain storms which results 12 Diversion Domof - Coagulation Chemicals !a -Line Alum Mixer Polymer Chlorine k� Screen C\1d B o G G� Sedimentation Basin Backwash o _ Water c� Pressure Filters Backwash WateME r Chlorine Finished Water Schematic. of Rough Creek Water Treatment Facility TOWN OF CANTON , N. C., WATER STUDY FIGURE 2 HAR WOOD BEEBE , CO. Spartan. -burg, S.C. t� in clogging of media with mud balls. It is occassionally necessary to shut the plant down following rain storms to allow raw water turbidity levels to decrease before resuming operation. 'Maintenance of finished water quality from these filters is a problem, and -it has been difficult to meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (PL93-523) maximum contaminant levels for turbidity. A major operating problem at the Rough Creek plant is the lack of clean backwash water. Filters are backwashed by gravity from the water stored in the settling basin. During certain periods highly turbid water and poor hydraulics from the clarifier to the filters result in poor filter cleaning. The plant.operate`s on -a continuous basis, twenty-four hours a day. A caretaker lives adjacent to the plant and performs routine operation work of backwashing filters and flushing the clarifier. Town Water Department personnel visit the plant daily to take water samples and perform necessary maintenance tasks. Flow measurements of finished water are made on a recording meter on the discharge side of the filters. This meter is not working properly and should be repaired or replaced to insure that accurate flows are recorded. The Town has very recently installed a weir in the diversion dam so that records can be maintained on the volume of water passing this structure. They have also installed a rain gage so that accurate records of rainfall and total watershed yield will be available. 2. Penland Street Filtration Plant. The water treatment plant located off Penland Street on the north bank of the Pigeon River was constructed in 1936 and has a rated capacity of 2.0 mgd. It is a conventional rapid sand filtration plant taking a continuous draft from the Pigeon River. A schematic of the existing Penland Street plant is shown in Figure 3. The plant treats an average of 570,000 gpd and operates an average of ten to twelve hours per day, seven days a week. Water is pumped by low lift pumps from the Pigeon River intake structure into a rapid mixing unit where dry alum. and dru lime are fed by gravimetric ch-dmical'feed units. Raw water is measured in the raw water pump station discharge line by an orifice plate device and recorded on a totalizer near the flash mix unit. After rapid mixing, the water passes through the flocculation basin and into two rectangular clarifiers before passing to three rapid sand filters. Filtered water is discharged into a 100,000 gallon clearwell and is then pumped by high lift pumps into the Penland Street reservoir. Filter backwash is by gravity from a 50,000 gallon backwash water tank. A detailed description of the unit operations follows along with a description of operating and maintenance problems. The Town has under construction a new 100,000 gallon clearwell that will supplement the existing clearwell. 14 Wash Water Tank 01 Coagulation Cherriica7s Alum. Wash Water Finished..Water Caustic Polymer 1 Row Water CL2 Pump Sta. Finished Water r F:4 To Distribution in --� � - System Intake f7ash Mixing EFlocculdfors ludgg Sedimentation Wash. Water Rapid Sand Filters 2=100,000 Gal. Clearwe/ls Schematic of Existing Penland St. Filter Plant TOWN OF CANTON , N. C. WATER STUDY FIGURE 3 HARWOOD BEEBE , CO. Spartanburg, S.C. a. Raw Water Pumping Station - The pumping station has the following pumps in service: 1 - 960 gpm; original equipment 1 - 480 gpm; original equipment 1 - 960 gpm; installed in 1971 1 480 gpm; installed in 1971 These pumps have a total dynamic head of approximately 120 feet and pump thru a 12 inch cast iron main directly into the flash mixing unit. Flow rate into the flash mixing unit is designed to be controlled by a hydraulic valve located directly before discharge into the flash mixing unit. However, this valve is not working and should be replaced. The pressure relief valve on the discharge side of the raw water pumps should also be replaced. The pump room floor has been flooded on five different occasions due to floods on the Pigeon River. When this occurs it is necessary to lift the pump motors to a higher elevation by a lifting mechanism installed in the roof trusses. The raw water intake structure also has problems with clogging of river debris and the shear gate on the inlet pipe leaks and should be replaced. b. Flash Mix/Agitator - The flash mixer size is 6' x 6' x 10' and has a volume of 360 cubic feet and a detention time of 1.9 minutes at 2 mgd. It has a new 2 hp. lightning flash mix agitator. This unit and appurtenances are in good condition. C. Flocculator - The existing flocculator.is 47'-3" x 12' x 11' with a volume of 46,652 gal. and a detention time of 34 minutes at 2 mgd. The flocculation paddles and drive mechanism are in good condition and can be operated at variable speed. Concrete spalling along the water surface of the concrete side walls is taking place, but the overall structural condition is good. This tank is drained by . - gravity and discharges into the plant storm drain system which discharges into the Pigeon River. d. Clarifiers - The plant has two clarifiers with the following dimensions: L = 58 -6", W = 27', Sidewall Depth = ll'; a capacity of 129,961 gallons and a surface area of 1,580 square feet. At 2 mgd these tanks operate with a detention time of 3.1 hours and a surface settling rate of 0.44 gpm/s.f. Influent water passes thru a perforated baffle wall and exits over a wier having a length of 27 feet with an overflow rate of 26 gpm per foot. Sludge is withdrawn from these tanks approximately once a year by flushing with a fire hose to the storm drain system discharging into the Pigeon River. Shear gates are needed on the inlet ports to each clarifier so that they can be individually isolated. These ports are now being closed with sheets of plywood and wooden wedges. The clarifier overflow pipes also need new 1[. anchors as they are pulling away from their original mounts. There have been problems with clarifier short circuiting and problems have occurred in obtaining proper sedimentation of flocculated material. Sedimentation basins overflow continuously because of the inability to control the rate of raw water pumped. This results in wasted pumping costs and wasted chemicals. e. Chemical'Feed Equipment - Three dry chemical feed machines are in use, one for alum and two for lime. Feed rates are set manually from dosage rates determined from laboratory jars tests. These machines are worn out and it is impossible to accurately apply these two chemicals to the raw water resulting in the inability of plant operators to control flocculation. It is most important that this equipment be replaced with modern liquid feed equipment along with the proper instru- mentation to control chemical application. The installation of liquid chemical feed equipment will require the improvement of the plant access road to allow trucks to deliver the chemical in bulk. f. Filters - Three rapid sand filters, each having a surface area of 240 square feet (L = 15', W = 16') are operated for 50 to 90 hours before backwashing and can produce 2 mgd at a filter rate of 2 gpm/s.f. Good water quality has been obtained producing finished waters of low turbidity. Filter media consists of 24 inches of sand on 12 inches of stone. Filters are backwashed when the head loss through the filters increases to a predetermined maximum value. Each filter is provided with a Venturi type rate controller and all filter valving is controlled hydraulically. A Venturi type indicating rate controller is provided in the wash water main between the backwash water tank and the filters. This controller is a Westinghouse Infilco size no. 14312 and has been in service for five years. Plant operators indicate that considerable loss of head results from this controller and that backwash water rates are not sufficient when the wash water tank drops in elevations near the end of a backwash cycle. Mud balls and mud blankets develop around the edges of the filters indicating that this is possible as there is not sufficient agitation of the grains of the media to remove accumulated coatings. It is recommended that an auxiliary scour (surface wash) system be installed to improve filter cleaning. Filter media was changed in 1977. The bottoms of the filters have been reported by the operators to leak. This condition should be inspected and steps should be taken to repair these leaks. The condition of filter control valves should also be investigated for repair or replacement. Filtered water flows by gravity into a 100,000 gallon clearwell thru a 12 inch cast iron main. g. Clearwell - The 100,000 gallon capacity clearwell is a 40 foot diameter reinforced concrete structure with 12 inch side walls. This structure is leaking badly thru the sidewalls and requires immediate attention. It has in the past been coated by the Gunite process and has a coating of approximately three inches of cement mortar over the original wall surface. Water is leaking thru the original walls and has broken thru the Gunite coating. The Town has under construction a new 100,000 gallon clearwell. When this is placed into operation, the Town plans to repair the existing clearwell. 17 h. Backwash Reservoir - Backwash water is pumped by a 500 gpm pump from the clearwell into a 50,000 gallon washwater tank. Filter backwash is by gravity. -The structural condition of the washwater tank is similar to the clearwell and should be rehabilitated as soon as - possible. It is not possible to backwash the filters .if this tank is taken out of service. Studies should be initiated to determine the best method of increasing backwash rate so as to improve filter backwash efficiency. - J. Finish Water High Service Pumps - Finished water is pumped from the clearwell by two horizontal centrifugal pumps.having a capacity of 960 gpm and 480 gpm. These are the original pumps which were placed into service in 1936. Finished water is pumped thru a 12 inch cast iron main to the Penland Street reservoir. j. Instrumentation - Plant instrumentation is in need of modernization and replacement: Two main line water meters were - originally provided however, only the raw water meter is in operation and is in need of calibration. The finish water meter is not operational. In general, plant instrumentation is out of date and in need of modern- ization and should be replaced with equipment that will allow operators to better control the water treatment process. k. Waste Disposal - At present, both backwash water and clarifier sludge are Cis —charged Cis—chargedinto the plant storm drain system which flows into the Pigeon River. In order to meet water pollution control requirements the Town must provide for adequate treatment of these plant wastewaters in the future. Waste from filter backwash andclarifier sludge have different characteristics, primarily in the percent solids composition as well as in frequency of occurance. Filter backwashing occurs approximately every fifty to ninety hours per -filter with:a volume of approximately 40,000 gallons at a very low solids concentration. Clarifier discharge under present operations involves a once per year flushing of approximately 50,000 gallons of sludge per clarifier having a very high.solids.content. The recommended method of waste disposal proposed is to recycle the filter washwater to the raw water intake and thus back through the coagulation facilities and the filters. In this way, all waterworks sludge will be concentrated in the coagulation basins. Separate handling of the two wastes is then no longer necessary. In order to return the washwater to the inlet works it is necessary to construct an equilizati-on reservoir to provide storage for the large volume:of washwater used in a backwash. The water would then be returned at a controlled rate to the head of the plant. The clarifier sludge will then be flushed into the sanitary -sewer for disposal. A schematic of this system is shown in Figure 4. C. STORAGE The Canton and Clyde distribution reservoirs that provide storage and pressure elevated storage is 1,650,000 gallons. systems have three service for the system. Total ku 1 rn 0 z c m Raw Water PUMP Sla. lntoke r RECYCLED BACKWASH NEW .EQUALIZATIONi RESERVOIR WATER FOR, BACKWASH WATER P. ,Back Wash Reservoir 1 Sedimentation % 500,000 Gal. Basins r --- 1—i Reservoir Flocculator ---� �.� i 60 +% lash ---------- ---_J� ; Mixer �.,_ To Distribution `'---'--- : % _� System Gravity Clearwell Filters GRAVITY - SEWER CLARIFIER SLUDGE TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT- FACILITY Schematic of Proposed ' Sludge Disposal System - TOWN OF- CANTON , N. C. WATER STUDY FIGURE 4 HARWOOD BEEBE , CO. Spartanburg, S. C. 1. Spruce Street Reservoir - This 750,000 gallon ground reservoir is the oldest in the system and was constructed some time prior to 1910. It receives water from the Rough Creek plant thru a six inch cast iron line and has an overflow elevation of 2866.40 MSL. It is a rectangular concrete tank with a prestressed concrete roof slab which was installed in 1966. Dimensions are: L = 125 ft., W = 80 ft. and D = 10 ft. The tank feeds the distribution system.by gravity and overflows to waste. A booster pump draws from the reservoir to supply the Hy Vu Drive, Spruce and Phillips Street areas which are at or -above -reservoir level. Elizabeth and Elaine.Streets are also on the booster pump system. This booster pump runs continuously with recirculation to the reservoir. An altitude val-ve has been installed on the inlet side of the reservoir but is not operational. When in operation, the altitude valve will close when the reservoir is full and allow the high service areas to be pressurized by the Rough Creek line,.eliminating the need for the booster pump. Bypass piping around the reservoir is available. There is no water level indication instrumentation. The overflow elevation at this tank is five feet below the other two reservoirs. When the Rough Creek plant is not in operation or production is low due to drought conditions it is necessary to fill this reservoir from the Penland Street Plant. This requires pumping water across town with the plant high service pumps and can only be accomplished when the valve in the water line feeding Clyde is partially closed to increase system pressure on the Canton side. It is not possible to fill the Spruce Street Reservoir by gravity from the Penland Street reservoir because of head loss in pipe network between these two tanks. The feasibility of providing a more direct pipeline connection between the two reservoirs was studied to determine if it would be possible to fill the Spruce Street reservoir by gravity from Penland Street. The installation of a ten inch diameter main running from Old Clyde Road along Woodside Drive, crossing the river bridge and tying into the existing eight inch line in Beaverdam Street and then connecting to a new eight inch line in Thompson Street running directly to the Spruce Street tank is recommended to improve the system hydraulics_ to allow filling the reservoir. This improvement along with new high service pumps at the Penland Street plant with greater head will facili- tate filling the Spruce Street tank. 2. Penland Street Reservoir - This ground reservoir has a storage capacity of 500,000 gallons and is a circular reinforced concrete tank with -an overflow elevation of 2871.40 MSL. Tank diameter is 75 feet and sidewall depth is.15 feet. Water is pumped into this tank by the high lift service pumps located at the Penland Street filter plant and flows by gravity into the distribution system thru a 14 inch cast iron main. Operational problems exist at this reservoir because when the tank.is full no means is available to keep it from overflowing. Gate valves located at the tank cannot be closed because they stick shut and can't be reopened. This tank also leaks although it has been repaired on two previous occasions. There is no legal right of way across private property to gain access to this reservoir and access is across difficult, steep terrain. Efforts should be taken to obtain a clear 20 r 1/ legal right of way and to make the necessary improvements so the access may be readily available to plant operators and water department maintenance personnel. Gate valves should be replaced, and an altitude valve installed to provide shut off to the tank when it is full. 3. Clyde Reservoir- This is a 400,000 gallon reservoir located south of Highway 19/23 between the Towns of Canton and Clyde. It is a steel,ground tank fed —by a'12 inch line which connects to the distribution line running from Canton to service Clyde and has an overflow elevation of 2871A, the same as the Penland Street reservoir. This tank cannot be'completely filled from the Penland Street reservoir by gravity. It can be filled by use of an existing booster pump either manually or automatically via a pressure switch system. D. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The existing distribution system was studied to evaluate its ability to provide water volumes and pressures required by customers. A computer model of the existing system was developed and various operating conditions were studied to determine the distribution systems response to variations in demand. A map showing the location and size of existing water lines and system pressures is shown in Figure 5 . This map also shows the location of the treatment plants and storage reservoirs. Pressure contours are shown that will exist in the system under average daily flow conditions. The existing distribution system has a total of approximately 27 miles of pipe not including lines less than 4-inch diameter. Pipe sizes and lengths are shown below. TABLE 10 EXISTING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PIPE INVENTORY including Clyde Length Pipe Size Feet Miles % of Length 4 in. 10,470 1.93 7.4 6 in. 88,270 16.71 62.2 8 in. 30,920 5.86 21.8 10 in. 8,470 1.60 9.9 12 in. 2,600 0.49 1.8 14 in. 1,260 0.24 0.9 141,990 26.88 100.0 During the development of the computer model flow tests were run at three different locations simultaneously and measurements were made of all inflow into the system during the flow tests. The results of these flow tests were used in the calibration of the computer model and in the determination of Hazen - Williams coefficient "C" for frictional factors of the pipes in the distribution system. Cast iron lines in the 21 system were determined to have "C" values ranging between 95 and 105 depending on age. In general water lines located east of Pisgah Drive and south of Church Street were determined to have "C" values of 95, all others are 105. All asbestos cement pipe was determined to have a "C" value of 150. The existing distribution system has 35 major loops having pipe sizes of four inches or greater. Several significant dead end lines exist in the present system. Pressure and flowrates in the distribution lines were computed for the existing system for average daily flow, maximum day flow and peak hour flow. Areas of low pressure at points of high elevation are tabulated below. Pressure (psi) Avg. Daily Max. Day Peak Hour Low Pressure Areas Flow Flow Flow Star Ridge at Newfound St. 33.2 31.0 24.3 Blalock St. at Newfound St. 36.4 34.0 26.9 Flint St. at Newfound St. 37.8 35.3 28.1 Patton St. at High St. 35.5 33.2 26.1 Hill St. at High St. 36.8 34.4 27.2 Burrell St. at Wesley St. 44.5 40.2 27.5 Skyline Drive at Timberline Rd. 40.9 36.0 21.6 Areas of highest pressure occur at points of lowest elevation. There is 130 psi pressure at the intersection of Beaverdam Street and Fiberville Road and 125 psi pressure in the line serving the town garage. The system was checked for fire flows at four different locations by running fire demands at hydrants in the computer model. In general, water pressures adequate for fire protection are available in the system except at high elevations where low pressure conditions have been identified. The Insurance Services Organization (ISO) last surveyed the Canton system in 1970 and gave the Town a rating of 6. They indicated in their survey that of the available storage in the Canton system, 900,000 gallons would be available for fire fighting purposes. They have suggested that storage for a fire flow of 5,000 gpm for a duration of five hours should be considered in planning for future expansion and improvements to the system. This would require 1.5 million gallons available for fire protection in the future, or an additional 600,000 gallons in storage. III. FUTURE TREATMENT, STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS A. Treatment Capacity The total water treatment plant capacity that will be needed to meet the future water needs of the Canton area is projected to be 3.9 mgd by the year 2005. The following list shows required plant 23 capacity based on maximum day water demand expected to occur in future years. Required Treatment Service Capacity Year Population mgd 1980 8,800 2.0 1990 10,600 2.7. 2000 12,300 3.5 2005 13,100 3.9 2010 13,500 4.2 2020 14,700 5.1 Figure 6 shows graphically projected treatment plant capacity and demonstrates that the present total plant capacity of 2.6 mgd will be exceeded by the year 1986. If a drought should occur in the Rough Creek watershed existing plant capacity would be exceeded by 1984. The normal design period for water treatment facilities is twenty to twenty-five years. Using a design period of twenty-five years (year 2005), plant capacity should be increased to 3.9 mgd. Since plants are generally constructed in 0.5 mgd increments, plant capacity for the year 2005 should be increased to 4.0 mgd. In order to meet water quality standards it will be necessary to provide for complete water treatment including coagulation, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration and disinfection. B. Storage Requirements In determining system storage requirements it is necessary to consider the need for storage to provide for fighting major fires and for storage to meet peak demands. The selection of storage volume is also a matter of economics. The ideal recommended storage volume for Canton would be the sum of fire flow plus 25 percent of maximum day demand for equalization storage plus the average day demand for emergency storage. The minimum recommended storage available should be equal to the fire storage requirement plus -coincident draft. Insurance Services Organization has suggested that a fire flow of 5,000 gpm�should be available for fire fighting in the downtown area of Canton for a duration of five hours. This results in a storage volume of 1.-5 million gallons required for fire fighting. Considering that the maximum daily demand would be required to be met as coincident draft during the fire fighting period an additional volume of 5/24 x 2.2 mgd = 0.46 gallons would be necessary. This gives a storage requirement of 2,000,000 gallons for present conditions. Absolute minimum storage that should be considered would be equal to the average daily demand on the system. Tabulated below are recommended present and future storage requirements for the Canton System. 24 z a 3.0 2.3 t�-2A O co O OD- GO CID a) O a). a) a) Required Treatirient - Plant Capacity --� Present Actual Capacity 2.6 MGD,. With Good Yield From Rough Creek. This Will Be Exceeded'. By Year 1986 Present Actual Capacity 2.3MG0 With Drought At Rough Creek. This Will Be Exceeded By Year /984- 0 O YEAR N Required Treatment Plant. Gapn city TOWN OF CANTON , N_. C. WATER STUDY FIGURE 6 HARWOOD BEEBE., CO. Spartanburg, S.C. 25 TABULATION OF STORAGE REQUIREMENTS GALS. PRESENT FUTURE PRESENT NEEDS NEEDS AVAILABLE absolute minimum 1,300,000 2,300,000 1,750,000 recommended 2,000,000 2,350,000 ideal 3,100,000 4,800,000 It is recommended that in planning for system expansion that an additional 600,000 gallon storage capacity be provided. The new clearwell under construction will provide 100,000 gallons'of storage. An additional 500,000 gallon storage reservoir should then be planned for in the future to provide the additional storage. C. Distribution System Expansion A detailed analysis was made of the distribution system. New water lines necessary to provide water to new service areas have been determined and sized to provide necessary pressure during peak hour flows. Provision for improving the distribution system by looping and the elimination of dead ends should be considered in future line construction. Future water line extensions will be necessary as population increases and as additional industrial and commercial growth occur. Water line extensions necessary to serve projected growth areas are shown in Table 11 along with pipe size, length and present day estimated costs. The major improvement necessary in the distribution system at this time is the construction of a more direct connection between the Penland Street reservoir and the Spruce Street reservoir. This can best be accomplished by the construction of a 10-inch main in Woodside Drive from the existing 8-inch main at the intersection of Clyde Road, crossing the Pigeon River bridge opposite Rosewood Drive, and connecting to the 8-inch main at the intersection of Thickety Road and Beaverdam Street. An 8-inch main would tied into the end of the existing 8-inch main in Thompson Street and connect into the existing 8-inch line running directly to the Spruce Street reservoir near the intersection of Hy-Vu Drive. The construction cost for this improvement is estimated to be approximately $120,000. 26 TABLE 11 LOCATIONS OF FUTURE WATER LINE EXTENSIONS Estimated Location Length (ft.) Size (in.) Cost •(1980) Route 1613 (Beaver - dam) from Route 1616 to Route 1585 9,200 6 92,000 Route 1613 from Route 1616 north 1,500 4 12,000 Route 1613 - 4,000 6 40,000 Newfound Street Replace 2" with 6" 1,400 6 14,000 Route 1593 and 1594 to Church Street 2,600 6 26,000 Church Street 900 6 91000 Skyline Drive 600 6 6,000 Route 1847 3,300 6 33,000 Route 110 6,450 6 64,500. N. Canton Road 3,400 6 34,000 Thickety Road, Rt. 215 3,200' 8 38,400 Harkins Cove Rd. 750 8 91000 Waynesville Highway 2,300 8 27,600 Thompson Street 3,600 8 43,200 Woodside Drive 3,700 10 55,500 Loop Connection between Green Acres Subd. and .Green Hills Subd. 11800 4 14,400 Waynesville Highway. between existing 8" and 6" 1,700 6 17,000 Preston St. Connection 900 6 91000 Subtotal 544,600 Contingencies @ 10% 55,000 Total 599,600 27 - - _- IV. ALTERNATIVES FOR SUPPLY AND TREATMENT In planning for the capital improvements required to provide for the future water needs of the Canton and Clyde service areas it was determined that treatment plant capacity required by the year 2005 will' be 4.0 mgd and that existing plant capacity of 2.6 mgd will probably be exceeded sometime in the mid 1980's. It has been determined that the two sources of supply presently being used will have adequate yield to meet Canton's water needs in the foreseeable future. The average daily yield from the Rough Creek supply has been estimated to be 0.8 mgd with a minimum safe yield by continuous draft estimated to be 200,000 gallons per day. The safe yield of the Pigeon River is approximately 17 mgd and can be used as a continuous draft supply to provide all of -the -service area water requirements. However, the industrial process water needs of the Champion Paper Company have required that Canton occasionally stop pumping water from the Pigeon River for short periods of time during low flow conditions. When this occurs, system finished water needs have been met by withdrawing from storage and by the Rough Creek water plant. The Town of Canton has indicated that they want to continue the operation of the Rough Creek water plant so as to provide a back up to the Penland Street water plant and because the major growth expected to take place in the Canton is in Beaverdam section immediately adjacent to the Rough Creek plant. Since both the Pigeon River and Rough Creek supplies have been determined to be suitable in volume and quality and it has been deter- mined that both of.these supplies will be utilized, our analysis of alternatives has been aimed at the optimum utilization of both these sources. A. Rough Creek A study was made of the feasibility of constructing a reservoir on Rough Creek.in order to make maximum use of this supply. It was determined.that with a reservoir, an average daily yield of approximately .0.8 mgd could be expected at a total project construction cost of approxi- mately.2.0 million dollars. This would include construction of the dam, supplemental 6-inch finished water transmission line.and an 0.8 mgd filtration plant. Since 0.5 mgd is now being produced by continuous draft, this alternative was found not to be cost effective. In order to continue to produce water at Rough Creek the existing facility -.should be replaced with a plant that.is capable of reliably meeting finished water quality standards. The existing inadequate -treatment facilities consisting of clarification and pressure filtration.should be replaced. The least costly treatment facility that could be constructed at Rough Creek would be a prefabricated package water treatment plant. Since.these package treatment plants do not conform.to.the design criteria used for conventional treatment facilities, approval for use at Rough Creek would have to be obtained from state authorities. However, because raw water quality is good from the protected watershed, a package water plant should be able to provide suitable treatment. Because of the substantial savings available over .the cost of 4 conventional plant, a package plant is recommended. The size of this plant should be between 0.5 and 0.8 mgd depending upon which type is selected. B. Penland Street Filter Plant The capacity of the Penland Street filtration plant should be increased to 4.0 mgd which will double its present size. This capacity can be reached by high rating the present filters to operate at a filtra- tion rate of 4 gpm/s.f. However, because the existing plant is forty- four years old we believe that the Town would be"better served by a plant expansion that would provide new gravity filters. This would permit more flexibility of operation, permit future expansion and allow old plant structures to be maintained.and rehabilitated. V. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS A. Supply and Treatment In order to increase water treatment capacity to 4.0 mgd at the Penland Street plant.the Town has two options. It can high rate the existing plant to 4.0 mgd or it can expand the plant by adding new rapid sand filters. The least costly alternative would be to high rate the plant because the cost of new filters and enclosure building would be saved. We recommend, however, that the Town expand the existing plant by adding new filters because of the advantages to be gained in operational flexibility and maintenance. Another reason for not high rating the existing filters is because of their age. The Penland Street plant should be expanded and repairs and improvements in the existing plant should be accomplished to provide for a modern facility. The following improvements are recommended for the existing plant: 1. Raw water Pumping Station .a. improve screens at raw water intake structure b, replace/repai.r.shear gate .c. replace pressure relief valve .d. replace pumps and structural modifications e. replace hydraulic valve on force main at flash mixing unit 2. Flocculator a. structural repairs and modifications 3. Clarifiers a. provide new.shear gates at existing inlets b. repair overflow ports C. connect drains to sanitary sewer 4. Filters a, replace filter media b. inspect and repair leaks in concrete structure 29 C. install surface wash d. repair leaking filter gallery piping, controllers and valves 5. Clearwel1 a. repair existing clearwell structure 6. Backwash Reservoir a. repair existing backwash tank structure 7. High Service Pumps a. Replace existing pumps with pumps of greater capacity and greater head 8. Plant Instrumentation a. install modern instrumentation 9. Waste Disposal a. construct equalization reservoir, recycle pumping station and piping b. connect plant drain to sanitary sewer system 10. Provide New Liquid Chemical Feed Equipment 11'.. Modernize Laboratory and Equipment 12. Improve Plant Access Road Figure 7 shows a prelimi.nary site plan showing recommended improvements required at the Penland Street plant. The existing Rough Creek plant has inadequate flocculation, clarification and -filtration operations and should be replaced with a new plant. The construction of a "package" type filter plant.would be the least costly if authorization could be obtained from.state authorities. As an interim step, it is recommended that the Town construct a new clea.rwell and backwash pumping station that will provide clean backwash water for the pressure filters. The clearwell and pump station should be located so that they will be at the best functional location for utilization in future plant modifications. It is also recommended that a turbidity analyzer be constructed on the filter influent line so .that raw water can be automatically diverted to the creek when raw water turbidity exceeds a level that cannot be adequatel.y filtered. Loss of head indicators.should be provided on the filters. These improvements should be made in conjunction with an overall improvement program for the.Rough Creek Plant. OV B. Storage Improvements that must be made to the existing storage reservoirs are listed below. 1. Spruce Street Reservoir a. place existing altitude valve into operation b. provide new pump house C. provide water level recorder d. close air space between end walls and roof e. repairs to roof 2. Penland Street reservoir a. new altitude valve b. replace gate valves C. repair roof d. access road improvements 3. Clyde Reservoir a. install altitude valve C. Distribution The construction -of a more direct connection between the Penland Street and Spruce Street reservoirs should be made as soon as possible. This can be accomplished by the construction of a 10-inch main in Woodside Drive from the existing 8-inch main at the intersection of Clyde Road, crossing the Pigeon River bridge opposite Rosewood Drive, and connecting to the 8-inch main at the intersection of Thickety Road and Beaverdam Street. An 8-inch main would tied into the end of the existing 8-inch main in Thompson Street and connect into the existing 8- inch line running directly to the Spruce Street reservoir near the intersection of Hy-Vu Drive. VI. ­COST ESTIMATE FOR IMPROVEMENTS The estimated cost for the proposed improvements based upon 1982 estimated cost figures is $2,670,000. This cost includes con- struction cost, legal, administrative and engineering cost. Iv The breakdown of these costs is shown in Table-1-1- No cost is included for land acquisition at Rough Creek since it is not known at this time if that will be necessary. 32 A. TABLE 12 PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN CANTON, N. C. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ROUGH CREEK PLANT Prefab. Water Plant $ 195,500 Surface Wash Pumps 6,000 Backwash Pumps 10,000 Turbidity Meter & Controls 5,200 Interior Piping, valves, etc. 21,200 Air Compressor 2,200 Prefab. Bldg. 53,900 Electrical 10,000 Chlorination System 10,000 100,000 gal. Clearwell 120,000 Yard Piping 15,000 Instrumentation 10,000 Site Work 30,000 Sludge Lagoons 30,000 Contingencies @ 10% 52,000 Total Const. Cost Rough Creek 571,000 PENLAND STREET PLANT Rehabilitate Raw Water Pump Station $ 48,400 Rehab. Exist. Clarifiers 6,000 Exist. Filter Improvements 53,000 Repair Exist. Clearwell . 28,000 Repair Exist. Backwash Tank 15,000 Replace High Service Pumps 32,000 Modify Flash Mix 3,000 Modify Flocculator 95,000 New Clarifiers 203,000 New Filters 247,000 Interior Piping 126,000 Building Addition 154,000 Chemical Feed Equip. 72,000 Sanitary Sewer 28,000 Backwash Tank & Pump 87,000 Backwash Equalization Tank & Pump Station 133,000 Yard Piping 86,000 Site Work 43,000 Pavement 16,000 Chlorination'Facilities 41,000 Laboratory Modernization 11,000 Drainage & Retaining Walls 26,000 Contingencies @ 10% 155,000 Total Const. Cost Penland St. Plant 1,708,400 33 C. WATER LINES* .Woodside Drive 3,700 1.f..10" Thompson St. 3,600 l.f. 8" Contingencies @ 10% Total Const. Water Lines D. STORAGE IMPROVEMENTS, ACCESS ROAD, VALVES, LEVEL INDICATOR TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST ENGINEERING, LEGAL & ADMIN. TOTAL PROJECT COST 55,500 43,200 9,900 108,600 60,000 2,448,000 222_nnn $2,670,000 * Th.ese water lines are necessary to provide a more direct connection between th.e Penland Street and Spruce Street'reservoi.rs, See Page 26, 34 VII. FINANCING AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM The Town plans to seek grant monies that may be available through various federal and local agencies. The Southwestern North Carolina Planning and Economic Development Commission has been very helpful in advising the Town in developing a funding strategy for the proposed project. The Town plans to seek grants from the U. S. Department of Commerces Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and grants available through the North Carolina Clean Water Bond Act of 1977. The amount and source of funding that will be sought for this project are listed below: PROPOSED FUNDING PROFILE EDA Title 1 Grant (50%) $ 1,335,000 ARC Section 214 Supplemental Grant 600,000 North Carolina Clean Water Bond .Fund 367,500 Town of Canton Local Share 367,500 Total Project Cost $ 2,670,000 The Town is in the process of applying for these grants. 35 i N.C' 'PT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COf L C l 'COUNTY: y4tI'� tt", :fDEVELOPMENT RIVER BASIN" DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL iMANAGEMENT REPORT TOP ARO,jFRO, MRO, RRO• Wa i WSRO,TS WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM (DM 1) Other N1TY % r1 T LAB NUMBER 00008:f '! j r.' __ - 0 DATE RELIEVED: —l�r Time+ • Recd bv: fit From: Bus —:Courier -Other DATA ENTRY BY' CK: .= Shippe8 by: Bus, Courier, Other SAMPLE TYPE { 1', + `/+aAMBIENT aEMERGENCY_ ,SPLIT ❑COMPLIANCE DATE REPORT O: COLLECTOR(S): i J - �'h� 'S .} { . r BOD RANGE: SEED-, 08 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 li 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B DM1/Revised lO/82 4) � Station Number Date Begin ! yy/mr Time Begin Date End Time End Dept DM DB DBM Value Type Composite Sample Type rI A H L T 5 B C G GNXX BOD 10 m /I Chloride940 mg/1 NH as N 610 m /I Ni — Nickel 1067 u / COD High 40 m /I Arser10 u /I iaTota TKN as N 625 m /i Pb— Lead 10.51 u / COD:Low 335 m / Chi a: Tri 32217 u /1 NO *NO3as N 630 m /I Sb— Antimony1097 u /1 Coliforni Feca131 16 /100ml Chi a:Corr 32209 u /I PO as P 70507 rn /I Se— Selenium u /I Colifor :MF Total 04 /100m1 Pheo h tin a 32213 u /I P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn— Zinc 109 u /1 Tube ColifornrFeca131615 /100ml Color:True 80 Pt —Co P` Dissolved as P 666 mg/1 Coliform:Tube .Total 31505 /100ml Chromium: Hex.1032 ug/I A —Silver 1077 u /I Pesticides Specifically . Residue Total 0 m /I 11 Cyanide 720 /I Al — Aluminum 1105 u /•I Volatile 505 mg/1 Fluoride951 mg/I Be— Beryllium 1012 u /I � Scan Organochlorine Fixed 510 mg/1 Formaldeh de 71880 1m /l Ca— Calcium 916 mg/1 Scan Or ano hos horus Residue:S ended 530 m /I. Grease and Oils 556 m /I Cd — Cadmium 1027 u / Volatile 535 m /I Hardness:Total 900 m /I Co— Cobalt 1037 u /I Or anics Specifically Fixed 540 m /I MBAS 38260 m /I Chromium:Total 1034 u /I/I pH 403 units Phenols 32730 u CopperCu—1042 u /I .''`� Scan Base / Neutral. Extractables Acidityto H 4.5 436 m /I Sulfate 945 rn /I Fe— Iron 1045 u /I r`� Scan Acid Extractables Acidityto H 8 3 435 m /I Sulfide 745 m /I H—Mercur 900 u /I 2 Alkalinityto 8-3 415 m /I Specific Cond.95 uMhos/cm Li — Lithium 1132 u /I Special Anal sis Specifically 2 Alkalinityto H 4 5 410 m /I Biomass: Dr Wt. 573 g/M M —Magnesium 927 m /I �/' 2 TOC 8 m /I Biomass: Peri Ash Free 572 g�"�. /M MnMn—Manganese 1055 u /1 Scan Acid Herbicides _. Turbidity 7 NTU Chi a: Peri Fluro 82547 n 2 No — Sodium 929 m /I Scan Pur eables ~ Sampling Point Water Temperature(°C) D: . pH Conductance . 41 Alkalinity ' it D P.T % at25`C PH 8.3 pH 4.5 PH4.5 - - -- - -- ,A' --ter QVU ip-Division 6 2- 10 300 `� 400 94 --- - ""--- 82244 = -- 431 - - - _-= 82243-- Secchi(Meters) Air Temperature(°C) D.O.%Saturation Salinity%, Algae; Floating Mots Precipitation(in/Day) Cloud Cover;% Wind Direction(Deg.) Win Force Seventy Beaufort OCT A 19k 78 20 301 480 1325 45 32 36 1 Hr.Settlea a Dead Fis Turbidity Severity Odor,Atmosp ere Stream flow Detergent Su s - Oi Grease Floating Debris Sludge Severity Matter Reported by��. Checked by t . Supervisor Lab ORGANIC ANALYSIS Entered bY4:a�- Checked by C Date ih i_ is �� GC/MS/DS used lE B C EPT.- OF NATURAL" RESOURCES' & CO �1NITY' r'GUNTY ✓ 7`-i it t.l �.ti1 d l.l" F a�. OEY OPMENT .SLAB NUMBER 00008: RIVER BASIN: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATe RECIEVED:1-? ex Time REPORT TO: ,FRO. MRO, RRO, WaRO wiao. wsao.rs WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM�IDM1) ' I_Recd by"�`` ��....�/' -- ' t�.�--/ � From: Bu -Courier. Ocher Other^� Shipped 6y: Bus, Courier, Other SAMPLE TYPE DATA ENTRY BY,-. v c AMBIENT EMERGENCY .,. SPLIT COMPLIANCE DATE REPORTED: < - ;:2 COIIECTOR151: � '��`•r`Jn I � � _t BOD RANGE: SEED: STATION LOCATION: A "C' e0 j / C c; rj. O /Vl S i^ 10 7 e i - -J C4 - 16 CHLORINATED: - Station Number /�l�h; �-- Date Begin i yy/mmj/ Ci !J'- C��/ I'•� Time Begin •� Date En Time End Dept fDM pB DBM �j/ Type A H L Composite T S B Sample Type C G GNXX BODS 310 m /I r " Chlaride940 m /I '. - NH, as N 610 m /I - Ni - Nickel 1067 u / COD High 340 /1 -Arsenic: Tota u /I TKN as N 625 mg/l Pb- Lead 1051 u / COD Cow 335 mq/1 Chi a= Tri 32217 u /I NO 2 •N(3as' N 630 /1 Sb- Antimony 1097' u /I Coliform:MF Feco131616 /100ml Chi a:Corr ' 2209 u /I PO4 as P 70507-- m /I e- Selenium 1 u I Coliform:MF Total 04 /100ml Pheaphv tin a_32213 u 71 P: Total as P 665 nt /I Zn- Zinc 109 u /I Coliform:Tub• Feco131615 /100m1 Color: True 0 Pt -Co P`.Dissolvr.d as P666 m /I ' Coliform:Tube Total 31505 /100ml Chromium: Hex.1032 -- "`u /I , A - Silver 9077u /I Pesticides $ i{ic'a • .• ' Residue Total 500 - "' mg/1 v anide77Q - "In /I AI:--Alumiriuin1105-.- u /I - Volatile 505 mg/1 Ffuoride9 1 mg/I Be - Beryllium 1012 /I Scan Or anochlorine• r Fixed 510 mg/1 Formoldeh de 71880' _ m /I Co- Calcium 916 mg/1 Scan Or anophosphorus / f Residue -Sv5pended 530 mg/1 Grease and Oils 556 in /I Cd- Cadmium 1027 u / , Volatile 535 m /I Hardness:Total 900 in /I Co- Cobalt 1037 - uQ/1 Organics S aficall Fixed 540 m /I MBAS38260 'rn /I Chromium: oral 1034 u /1 H403 - 'units Phenoti 32730" u /I Cu-Co er 1042 "v /► $cdn Base / Neutral Eiitractables Acidic to H 4 5 436 mg/1 Sullate 945 m '/1 Fe- Iron 1045 u /1 Scan Acid Exfraclables Acidity to PH 8 3' 435 m /I Sulfide 745 m /I H-Mercur 71900 u /I Alkalinity Pci'pH 8 3 415 mg/l 2 Soecific Cond.95' uMhos/cm Li- (ithium1132 u /) $ ecial Analysis Specifically Alkalinity to pH4 5 410 m /I . 2 Biomass: Dr Wt. 573 g/M M -Ma nesium 927 mg /I TOC 80 m /1 2 Biomass Peri Ash Fme 572 g/M Mn -Manganese 1055 u /I Scan Acid Herbicides Turbidity 76 NTUi lChl 2 a: Peri Fluro 82547 mg/M No Sodium 929 I m /! C $can Pur ea6les 1 '�'.;?--r.._I !7.��!'.C•z-t�-S(_e v� l.� /%i %..�'L-v. c�i ��7-"i'/��+,`'.�'r�;r;'%✓_,-. /��$' ��_'_.f_yf...4_�_ �� ---- • Sampling Point PT 6 2 Water Temperature(°C) 10 D-0,pH 300 _ 400 Conductance �i Conduc % a' 94 - PH 8.3 Alkalinity PH 4.5 , 82244 431 - Acidity PH4.5 Water Qua PI,*EIr3jv '. rl 82243 82242 Secchi (Meters) ;:a Air Temperature('C) 120 D.O Y saturation 301 Salinity T_ 1480 Algae Floating Mats Severity 1325 Precipitation( In/Day) - - 45 32 Cloud Cover. a Wind Direction(Deg ) C SEP 36 yllin , Force eav w 37 11 Hr Setile❑ble .bto:rerlml/I/Hr: 00086 Dead FishTwbidily Severity 1340 Severity 1350 Odor:Atmosphere Seventy 1330 Stream flow Severity 1351 Detergent Suds Severity Severity 1305 1 Oi -Grease 0 Floatingr�� a Severitv W ern R 1345 Asheville; I 0't �9��iilYce� lorsh Caroling Reported Date `6 Checked by �. ORGANIC ANALYSTS Supervisor Entered byAtL- . Checked b qg Lab No. AnResults ____� GC/MS/DS used zk(t .1 lt4v� k State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community `1 P.1kx_&Yv_f2cv Development � 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ' S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Mr. Garrett Smathers Environmental -Management 11 Forest Hill Drive Canton, North Carolina Dear Mr. Smathers: September 13, 1985 Commission 28716 SUBJECT: Pigeon River Study Haywood County As a result of your request to have Division personnel sample the Pigeon River at the Town of Canton's raw water intake looking for the presence of contamination, the river at that location has been sampled five times. Ana- lytical results have been returned for the first two sampling runs and do not reveal the presence of any organic contamination. One of the samples was gath-- ered on April 23, 1985, during which Western North Carolina was experiencing prolonged dry weather. The other sample was gathered on May 10, 1985, follow- ing 24 hours of light rain. We will keep you informed as additional analytical results become available. Sincerely, Paul Wilms Division Director RPW:gv xc: Bill Stamey, Town Manager Darrell Herndon Forrest Westall Max Haner 1 }� P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 _^ �Uv u I' (� � An Equal:Opporrunity / Affirmative Action Employer 10T. OF NATURAL RESOURCES & Cd _ UNITY C(YihTY( ^ ! '� DEVELOPMENT LAB NUMBER 00008: cJ RIVER BASIN: i^. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT0 DATE RECIEVED� Time l .. REPORT TO:rARO, FRO. MRO L RRO. WaRO WiRO, WSRO, T$ WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM (DM1) Recd bv:/( � From: Bus �ourier)- Other ' Other Shipped by: Bus, SAMPLE TYPE DATA ENTRY BY: -- 1,-,` / CK: Courier, Other COLLIE TOR(S): h .r, ... J. "AMBIENT EMERGENCY ❑SPLIT ❑COMPLIANCE DATE REPORTED: L A TO Ems! � �C ` "' �: BOD RANGE: SEED: STATION LOCATION: <�) S J a T� I!' f Fll � i i C`:�tl ✓1 1 'l% CHLORINATED: REMARKS: n� ca + 4 ' `� '_2/ j k ci Y 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B C Station Number Date Begin yy/mm/ddl Time Begin Date End Time End Depth DM DB DBM Value Type Composite Sample Typa A H L. T S B C G GNXX BOD5 310 m /I Chloride940 mg/1 NH as N 610 m /I Ni - Nickel 1067 u / COD High 40 m /I Arsenic: Tota 1002 u /I TKN as N 625 mg/l Pb- Lead 1057 u / COD:Low 335 mg/Img/I Chi a: Tri 32217 u /I NO +NO3 as N 630 m /I Sb- Antimony 1097 u /I Coliform.:MF Feca131616 /100ml Chi .:Corr 32209 u /I PO4 as P 70507 mg/I, Se- Selenium 1147 u /1 Colifor :MF Total 31504 /100ml Pheo h tin a 32213 u /I P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn- Zinc 109 u /1 Coliform:Tube Feco131615 /100ml ,Color: True 80 �Pt-Co P'• Dissolved as P666 mg/ I Coliform:Tube Total 31505 /100ml Chromium: Hex.1032 u /I A -Silver 1077 u /1 Pesticides Specifically Residue Total 500 m /I Cyanide 720 m /I At -Aluminum1105 u it Volatile505 m /I Fluoride951 mg/I Be - Beryllium 1012 /i Scan Or anochlorine Fixed 10 m /I Formaldeh de 71880 m /I Ca- Calcium 916 m /I Scan Or an0 hos horns Residue:5 ended 530 m /I Grease and Oils 556 m /I Cd- Cadmium 1027 u / Volatile 535 m /I Hardness:Total900 m /I Co- Cobalt 1037 u /I Or anics $ ecificall Fixed 540 m /I MBAS 38260 m /I Total 7034 u /I H403 units Phenols 32730 u /1 -Chromium; Cu- Copper 7042 u /I Scan Base / Neutral Extractables Acidity to PH 4.5 436 m /I Sulfate 945 m /I Fe- Iron 1045 u /I Scan Acid Extracta6les Acidity to PH 8 3 435 nt /I ISulfide 745 m /I H-Mercur 00 u /I 2 Alkalinity to PH 8 3 415 m /I S ecific Cond.95 uMhos/cm Li - Lithium 1132 u /I Special Analysis Specifically 2 Alkalinity to PH45410 rn /I BiomossDry Wt.573 g/M M -Ma nesium927 m /I - TOC 68Q rn /I 2 Biomass: Peri Ash Free 572 % g/M ' Mn-Manganese 1055 u /I Scan Acid Herbicides — Turbidit 7 NTU 2 Chi a: Peri Fluro 82547 mg/M No Sodium 929 m /I Scan Pur eables f - Sampling Point Water Temperature(°C) D.O. pH Conductance of 25°C Alkalinity 4.54.5RE c' �f �_ l �8V E 1J PT PH 8.3 PH PH 6 - 2 _- __ -. _ 10 ___ -- - - 300 =� ---- --- - 400 - ' - - -- 94' -' - _ - 82244 - 431 - - - 82243 2 f A Secchi (Meters) Air Temperature(°C) D.O.% Saturation Salinity % Algoe:Floating Mats Precipitation(in/Day) Cloud Cover;% Wind Direc ion eg. Win Force Seventy Beaufort CC�� 198,+ 78 20 301 480 1325 45 32 36 m1r. 28 1 Hr. Settles a Dead Fish Turbidity Severity Odor;Atmosp ere Stream Flow Detergent Suds oil -Grease Floating. Debris Sludge Severity Matter(ml/I/Hr,) Severity Severity Severity Severity Severity Severity 1134G 1,1350 Western q,-' Onzl Office 50086 1330 1351 1305 11300 1345 DM1/Revised 10/82 8snevine, 1-4ut t t . � ,,. q Reported Checked by Supe rvisor7g=�' L Lab No. Date ORGANIC -ANALYSIS Entered by U Checked by" Analvtical. Results V GC/MS/DS used 1 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 4 'A 11Y� N. EPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES & CO 1NITY Try w �� DEVtiUPMENT RIVER BASIN: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPORT TO: RO FRO, MRO, RRO. WoRO WiRO, WSRO,TS WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM (DM1) Other Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other SAMPLE TYPE LLECTOR(S): Fyy,/Vc.f e—s 1:1AMBIENT EMERGENCY ' ❑SPLIT ❑COMPLIANCE BOD RANGE: SEED: STATION LO ATIO : P)'<'-dN lc CHLORINATED: REMARKS: -a` 1,- - - I - . .„ L - IV Station Number Date Begin yy/mm/ ! ps o, `o�� OO y zi Time Begin ( Date End Time End Depf D B DBM f� < / Value Type A H L Composite T S B Sample Type C G GNXX BOD5 310 m /I Chloride940 m /I NH,1 as N 610 m /I I Ni - Nickel 1067 u / COD High 340 m /I Arsenic: Tofa 100 u /I TKN as N 625 mg/I Pb- Lead 1051 u / COD:Low 335 mg/l Chi a: Tri 32217 u /I NO +NO3 as N 630 m /I Sb- Antimony 1097 u /I Coliform:MF Feca131616 /100ml Chl a:Corr 32209 u /I PO4 as P 70507 m /I Se- Selenium 1147 u /I Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100m1 Pheo h tin a 32213 u /I P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn- Zinc 109 u /l Coliform:Tube Feca131615 /100ml Color:True 80 Pt -Co P' Dissolved as P 666 m /I Coliform:Tube Total 31505 /100m1 Chromium: Hex.1032 ug/I jAg -Silver 1077 u /I Pesticides Specifically Residue Total 500 m /I Cyanide 720 m /I Al - Aluminum 1105 u /I Volatile 505 m /I Fluoride951 -mg/I Be- Beryllium 1012 u /I Scan Organochlorine 14 Fixed 510 m /I Formaldehyde 77880 m /I Co- Calcium 916 m /I $can Or anophos horns Residue:5 ended 530 m /I Grease and Oils 556 m /I Cd- Cadmium 1027 u / Volatile 535 m /I Hardness:Total 900 m /I Co- Cobalt 1037 u /I Organics $ ecificall Fixed 540 m /l MBAS 38260 .m /I Chromium: otal 1034 u /I H403 units Phenols 32730 u /I -Cu-Copper 1042 u /I Scan Base / Neutral Extractables Acidity to PH 4.5 436 m /I Sulfate 945 m /I Fe- Iron 1045 u /I Scan Acid Extractables Acidity to PH 8 3 435 mg/I Sulfide 745 m /I H-Mercur 900 u /I Alkalinity to PH 8.3 415 m /I 2 Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm Li - Lithium 1132 u /I Special Analysis Specifically Alkalinity to PH 4 5 410 m /I 2 Biomass: Dry Wt. 573 g/M M -Ma nesium 927 m /I TOC 8 _, m /I 2 Biomass: Peri Ash Free 572 9/M Mn-Manganese 1055 u /I " Scan Acid Herbicides Tur,biditv76 NTU 1 2 IChl a: Peri Fluro 82547 mg/M No -Sodium 929 m /I CScan Pur eobles ED Sampling Point PT 6 2 Water Temperature(°C) 10 D.O. 300 fH 400 Conductance at 25°C 94 Alkalinity PH 8.3 !PH 4.5 82244 431 Acidic UA}���IVISIOr1 PH 4.5 Water Qy CH 82243 82242 Secchi(Meters) 78 Air Temperature(°C) 20 D.O.%Saturation 301 Salinity%° 480 Algae; Floating Mats Severity 1325 Precipitation(in/Day) 45 Cloud Cover;%- 32 Wind Direction(De .) U6 !1V 36 in ue au �J 37 1 Hr. Settleable Matter (ml/IIHr.) 50086 Dead FishTurbidity Severity 1340 Severity 1350 Odor;Atmosp ere Severity 1330 Stream Flow Severity 1351 1 Detergent Su s Severity 1305 Oil -Grease Severity 1300 ` 6 Floating v�tllr' fR �' Severity 1345 ;NsheviHe� SI}�dgeg5eyeti)y c orth Carolina1315 DM1/Revised 101bl i 4 R E 7 8 5 1C 11 M I- 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 7 A B C N. EPT. OF NATURAL ,RESOURCES & CO COUNTY: y �� t, :�_5 o 0 d OE1 PMENT RIVER BASIN: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPORT TO: ARO, FRO, MRO. RRO, WaRO WiRO, WSRO, TS t- Other WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM (DM1) Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other SAMPLE TYPE 1NITY LAB NUMBER 00008: f i DATE RECIEVED: / "i h Time . Y4 Recd by: f'--- ' From: Bus'rCourier-Other DATA ENTRY BY: CK: �^ AMBIENT COLLECTOR(S): t' f :� r.l t' t P S . EMERGENCY s _ SPLIT COMPLIANCE DATE REPORTED: ' BOD RANGE: SEED: STATION LOCATION: ;! ' ! y =r d + c. t, r1.;tir„ ;) r ,-, T,e, �. a T., 7 1�= e CHLORINATED: Station Number Date Begin yy/mm/ ) Time Begin Date End Time End DBM Value Type Composite Sample Type -4 IDepth,-DM—DB A H L T S B C G GNXX BOD5 3io m /I Chloride940 m /l INHI as N 610 m /I Ni — Nickel 1067 u / COD High 340 m /I Arsenic:Tota 1002 u /l TKN as N 625 m /I Pb— Lead 1051 u / COD Low 335 mg/l Chi a: Tri 32217 u /I NO +NO3 as N 630 m /l Sb— Antimony 1097 u /I Coliform:MF Fecal31616_ /100ml Chi a:Corr 32209 -,u /I PO4 as P 70507 m /I Se— Selenium 1147 u /I' Colifor :MF Total 04 /100ml Pheo h tin a 32213 u /l P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn— Zinc 1092 u /l Coliform:Tube Feco131615 /100ml Colar:True 80 Pt —Co P`• Dissolved as P 666 m /I Coliform:.Tube Total 31505 /100mll Chromium: Hex..1032 ', u /i A — Silver 1077 u /I Pesticides Specifically Residue Total 500 _m /l ;- ._ C snide 720 �m /I Al —Aluminum 1105 u /l Volatile 505 m /l Fluoride951 mg/I Be— Ber Ilium1012 /I C Scan Organochlorine Fixed 510 m /I I Formaldeh de 71880 rm /I Ca— Calcium 916 ni /1 6+ Scan Or anopho5 horus + Residue:5 ended 530 m /I Grease and Oils 556 m /I Cd— Cadmium 1027 u g/: 'Volatile 535 m /1 Hardness:Total900- - in /l Co— Cobalt 1037 u /1 l0racinics Specifically Fixed 540 m /l MBAS 38260 ' Fri /l Chromium:Total 1034 u /I H403 units Phenols 32730 u /I ' Cu—Co er 1042 u /l Scan Base / Neutral Extracta6les —Acidity to oH 4.5 436 m /I Sulfate 945 'm /I Fe— Iron 1045 u /I l Scan Acid Extracta6les Acidit y to PH 8 3 435 mg/I Sulfide 745 m /I H—Mercur 900 u /I 2 Alkalinity to PH 8.3 415' m /i Specific Cond. 95 umhosAm Li — Lithium 1132 u /I $ ecial Analysis Specifically 2 Alkalinity to pH4 5 410 m /l Biomass: Dry Wt. 573 )9/M M9 —Magnesium 927 m /I - z TOC 8 m /l Biomass: Peri Ash Free 572 g/M Mn—Manganese 1055 u /l t-' Scan Acid Herbicides iTurbidity 76 NTU 2 Chl a: Peri Fluro 82547 mg/M No — Sodium 929 m /I a Scan Pur eobles r - -- -- � Sampling Point PT o Water Temperature(°C) D.O. pH Conductance at 25°C Alkalinity PH 8.3 pH 4.5 PH 4.5 R E l-.O8,3 - E D 63 2 10 300 _ _400 94 _ 82244 431 82243 Water Ou i i zCiv�sion- Secchi (Meters) Air Temperature ('C) D,O.% Saturation Salinity %, Algae; Floating Mats Severity. Precipitation(in/Day) Cloud Cover;% Wind Direction(Deg,) Wind Force 78 20 301 480 1325 45 32 36 ccBeaaufort �j R3 1985 1 Hr. Settleable Matter(ml/IIHr.) 50086 Dead FishTurbidity Severity 1340 Severity 11350 Odor;Atmosp ere Severity 1330 Stream 'Flow Severity 11351 i Detergent Suds Severity 1305 Oi -Grease Severity 1300 Floating Debris Severity 1345 Western Sludge Severity etional Offic'm DMI/Revised IU/tlL VMaea.ne' a+na+• v....,. Reported by�f Date R —al AC5 Checked by 4�LL; ORGANIC ANALYSIS Supervisor C, Entered by f Checked by Lab No. Anal tical.Results r I e 1 1 \ RECEIVED Water Quality Division �� GC/MS/DS used I - RECEAYEP MAR I 1 1986 Western-Ragionil Offir-O 6sheville, North Carolirw A t4 OIL utu 4-, ( cll� C/- C. �,Ldxw ;�L-/ dnhcLhL -A-4 (,Jo- 41le a4 t.,j 6t - A14 i