HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070214DWQ~ (~ (. I (,s (7 Date 2 f' 1 ~ d `7 - Who Reviewed: ~ ~Wl 7 Plan Detail7ncomplete - ~ ' ^ Pl~e provido a location map for tho projoct. [] Please $how all stream impacts including eli fill slopes, dissipatora, and bank stabilization on tho siteplan. Please show all wetland impacts including fill elopes on the site plan. • ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the alto plan. ^ please indicate proposed lot layout as overlays on the sito plea. • ^ please indicate tho location of the protected buffexs as .overlays on the site plan. ^ Please locate alI isolated or non-isolated wotlands, ~atrearns and other watora of the State as ovorleys on the site plan. ^ Please provido cross section details showing tho provisions for aquatic lifo passage. ' ^ Please locato any planncd•aewer Iinea on the site plan. ~ • ^ Pleaso provide the location of say proposed stormwater management practices sa required liy QC ^ Pleaso provide detail for the stormwatea~ managomeat practices ea required by C1C ^ Please epocify the percoat of project imporviouaness aroa based on tho estimated built-out conditions: ^ Please indicate all stormwat ~oytfalla on the site play. ^ Ploaso indicsito the diflbse flow provision measuros do the site plea. ^ Please indicate whothor or not the proposod impaats atreaay been conducted. ~ ' Avoidance,and/or l~i'inimizatton Not Provided ~ • • Tho Iabolai as on the plena door not appoar to be nxeseary. Please oliminate the . or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this p%~ec~t. , (] This Office belioz~es that the labeled on the plans as can be moved, or reconflgurod to avoid tho impacts to the .Please revise the plena to avoid thq impacts. .. . ^. This'Offico believos that the labeled on tho plans as• can be moved or r~nfigured to.:miniaiize the impacts tp'the ' Please revise the plaice to minimize tho impacts. ^ Tho stormwater discharges at tho location on the plans laboled will. not provide di~se flow through the buffer because . Please revise the plans and provido calculations to show that diffbse flow vVill be.aohieved through the entirebuffq~. If it is not possiblo to achieve.di$ilaeflow through.the entiro buffar'than it may bo necessary to' provide atormwata managansr~ir pracdcee that ranove nutrionts bdroro the stormwater can be discharged through the. buffer. .. . Other i - ^•. The application fee was insuf6eia~t•becauso over 150 feet of stream and/or ovor 1 acre ofwetland'impacts were requested. Pleaso provide ~ .This additional fee must be rexived beforo your application can be reviewed. ^ Pleaso complete Suction(s) on the application. - ~ ' ^ Pleasepmvido a signed copy of the application.' - ^ Please provide ,copies of the application, . copies of •the site plans and other supporting information: _ ^ • Please subnut electronic CAD files showing ~ ;.vie: ciaail to ian.mcmillari(r~ncmdii.net and CD: Mitigation • ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this projdct.' Pieaso provid'e's compensatory mitigation plan.• Tho plan must conform to tharequireanents in 15 A NCAC 2H •.0500 and moat be appropriate to the typo•of impacts proposed. • ^ Please indicato which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ~ . :. (~- l - 5 ~ i -~`F e ~6 sS ~'~~ -~ ~I1~-e- S Gtr ~ n ~ < d~e.~ -~ a v o ~ cl., s ~rn~ 5-K'~~ 1~P~~`". Cu~~-•~" Gross ~_n5 nmt- a~ I~-~- ~~.~P~.F.d~~,~ T o c~.~~ . c~a~O uc w' ' w~~~ ~ ~ - 3 (~-E-s nom.,, R-3 a ~ ~ hu ~~~fi~~.. P ~ „n~ -~s . R-~ fs ~ S ~ fie. ~,~~~. ~ ~ s ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ . a:~s ~ ~,~ ~ P P~~~ 7 7 s ~ X130 ~~ ~~~, ,. ~, ~' ~r ` ~- e ~, S ~ ~,~ W I l y„t ~'`'~~V~L `% ~1lyC~ li~~~ l V ~ v~