HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0031046_PERMIT ISSUANCE_20011217NPDES DOCYNENT,SCANNIN4i COVER SKEET NPDES Permit: NC0031046 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Compliance Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: December.17, 2001 Tizis document is printed on reuse paper -Ignore any content on t1ke reverse side Michael F. Easley i Governor r William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary —I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ��+�� Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph. D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality December 17, 2001 Faron D. Leigh Colonial Pipeline Company 411 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 Subject: FINAL -- NPDES Permit No. NCO031046 Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal Greensboro Guilford County Dear Mr. Leigh: This letter transmits your Final NPDES individual discharge permit for the above referenced facility. Please note corrected language from the draft regarding flow estimate methods [Permit A.(3.) through A.(7.)]. Please review this draft carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the information, conditions, and requirements contained therein for dischargers to water supply (WS) waters. The Division of Water Quality (the Division) has reviewed your application to renew the subject permit including your request to include discharge slab washdown and testing/calibration water at additional outfalls. The Division has no objections provided that the revised effluent limits at each outfall are not exceeded. As part of permit renewal, the Division has revised the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for permitting this and all bulk storage petroleum facilities and terminals in North Carolina. Permit renewal also included EPA -required Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) conducted on this facility's effluent data to determine the "reasonable potential" for identified parameters to exceed state and federal receiving -stream Water Quality Standards and criteria. This RPA has been applied individually to each outfall (001 through 006). The following summarizes important changes to your previous permit: • Re -designated UT Pond (up -gradient of Outfall 006) as "waters of the State" [ISA NCAC 02B.0228 (1)]. • Re -designated Outfall 006 as a downstream sampling point "D"; Monthly monitoring, no limits. • Added upstream sampling point "U", Monthly monitoring, no limits. The Division offers the following explanations for these and other permit changes and requirements. BTEX. The permittee is now required to monitor monthly for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene) parameters. Please note that this replaces the requirement for EPA Method 624. Benzene is limited because the RPA "maximum predicted" effluent level, based on submitted data, exceeds the "allowable concentration" for WS waters of 1.19 µg/L. Effluents not showing "reasonable potential" did not receive limits. ©Nn NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733.7015 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Colonial Pipeline Company Colonial Pipeline, Greensboro Terminal NPDES Permit NCO031046 Page 2 EPA Methods 624/625. Method 624 has been eliminated from facility monitoring because it did not detect compounds other than BTEX. However, because the majority of facilities now store, or have stored in the past, heavy -component fuels such as fuel oil and diesel, the Division has retained EPA Method 625 monitoring to detect naphthalene and related indicators of middle distillate compounds commonly found in these heavier fuels. Phenol. The Division calculated a total stream wasteload allocation of 0.025 lbs./day at the confluence of Long Branch and the East Fork of Deep River — the assumed beginning of High Point Lake Water Supply. This allocation was distributed equally among nine (9) current oil -terminal dischargers upstream; 0.003 pounds per day (lbs./day) per discharger. Using Colonial Pipeline's highest reported flow for each outfall, the RPA predicted "reasonable potential" at all five outfalls. Therefore, the 0.003 lbs./day was further divided equally among each of five (5) Colonial Pipeline outfalls as a phenol limit of 0.0006 lbs./day. These calculations are available upon request. Colonial Pipeline is instructed to continue to report phenol at the lowest possible practical quantitation level (PQL) available from your North Carolina -certified laboratory. MTBE is a gasoline component recently identified by the EPA as a potential human carcinogen. Therefore, monthly monitoring has been added to this and all oil terminal permits discharging to WS waters within the state. After collecting additional data, the permittee may request the Division to reduce the MTBE monitoring frequency (See Permit Special Condition A. 7.). Granting this request shall constitute a minor modification to the NPDES permit. It is anticipated that a Water Quality Standard or criteria will be adopted for MTBE during this permit cycle, therefore a limit may be imposed at next renewal. Considering Outfall 006 and Waters of the State. Outfall 006 is located on the main stem of an unnamed tributary (UT) to the East Fork of the Deep River. Outfall 006 monitors the effluent from approximately 12-acres of ponded water (the UT pond) created by Colonial Pipeline straddling this drainage. For several reasons this UT pond must be re -defined as "waters of the state," most importantly because the Permittee does not control the entire discharge area to the pond as required for designated "discharge channels" [15A NCAC 02B.0228 (1)). It is significant that the UT pond receives storm water from offsite as well as effluent from several other NPDES permitted dischargers upstream. While it is appropriate for Colonial Pipeline to use UT pond water for hydrostatic tank testing, concrete slab washdown, or other stated uses, it is not appropriate to return this water to the UT pond without first sampling and analyzing it for potentially introduced pollutants. Colonial Pipeline is therefore instructed to confine to a permitted outfall, all tank -testing water and/or uptake water such that it may be monitored prior to discharge to the UT pond, i.e. to "waters of the state." It also follows, with discontinuing the return of uptake water, Outfall 006 becomes a downstream and therefore "redundant" outfall to other UT pond discharges (Outfalls 001 through 005). Therefore, location 006 is hereby re -designated a downstream sampling point, "D". Downstream sample point D is to be monitored regularly and is unconfined by permit limits [See Permit A.(6), Instream Sampling and Monitoring Requirements]. Furthermore, to protect Colonial Pipeline from potential unauthorized releases upstream, the Division recommends that the Permittee also monitor upstream of the UT Pond [see A.(6.)]. Colonial Pipeline Company Colonial Pipeline, Greensboro Terminal NPDES Permit NCO031046 Page 3 If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days after receiving this letter. Your request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and must be filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. This permit is not transferable except after notifying the Division of Water Quality. The Division may require modification, or revocation and re -issuance of this permit. Please notice that this permit does not affect your legal obligation to obtain other permits required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or other federal or local governments. If you have questions, or if we can be of further service, please call Joe Corporon at (919) 733-5083, extension 597. Respectfully, Original Signed By David A. Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Enclosure: NPDES Permit NCO034046 Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section NPDES Unit:_A Point Source Compliance and Enforcement Unit Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Aquatic Toxicoloev Unit Permit NCO031046 • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Colonial Pipeline Company is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from outfalls located at the Colonial Pipeline Company 411 Gallimore Dairy Road Guilford County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary of East Fork of the Deep River within the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and W hereof. This permit shall become effective February 1, 2002. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on August 31, 2006. Signed this day December 17, 2001. Original Signed By David A Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission PermitNCO031046 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Colonial Pipeline Company is hereby authorized: 1. to continue discharging stormwater runoff, slab wash -down water, Prover-loopTM (or similar) calibration water, and hydrostatic tank -testing water (through Outfalls 001 through 005) from the existing Water -Pollution Control System consisting of gravity -drained diked secondary -containment structures and soil remediation landfarm; a system utilizing ponds, oil/water separators, and discharge control valves; servicing manmade confinements identified as: Confinement Size Oil / Water Outfall Area (Acres) Separator Number Fuel Oil Tank Area / Kerosene and Jet Fuel Area 22.2 2 001 Fuel Oil Tank -Manifold Area 7.4 1 002 Pump Area 2.2 1 003 Gasoline & Utility Tanks / Gas Manifold Area 35.9 1 004 Meter -Out Area 1.6 1 004 Oily -Waste Landfill / Meter -In Area 13.3 1 005 located at the Colonial Pipeline Company, 411 Gallimore Dairy Road, Greensboro, Guilford County, and; , 2. to discharge from said treatment facility through Outfalls 001 through 005 at specified locations (see attached map) into an unnamed tributary of the East Fork of the Deep River, a waterbody classified as WS-IV waters within the Cape Fear River Basin. Permit NCO031046 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT: CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Monthly. Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flows Episodic t Effluent Total Suspended Solids 45.0 mgfL Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 30.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Phenol 0.0006 lbs./day Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene I Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene Monthly Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthly Grab Effluent X lene Monthly Grab Effluent EPA 625 2/Year Grab Effluent MTBE3 Monthly Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit 4 Annually Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall be monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a. measure flow continuously; b. Rational Method -- calculate flow based on total rainfall per area including built -on area draining to the outfall (This method shall not be used at sites with large runoff -collection ponds); c. estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d. report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2. Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3. MTBE — see Special Condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE. 4. Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual [see Special Condition A. (S.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter µg/L = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether lbs./day = pounds per day The Permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. The Permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The Permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than 11 µg/L. Permit NCO031046 A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 002. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS : LIMITS MONITORING!ii Monthly;- Daily Measurement :. Avers e:--, . Maximum Fre ueuc n. Flows Episodic tTotal Sus ended Solids 45.0 m Monthl tOil andGrease2 30.0 mg/L Monthly t Phenol 0.0006lbs./da Monthl Grab Effluent Benzene Monthl Grab I Effluent Toluene Tol Monthl Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthl Grab Effluent ne Monthl Grab Effluent EPA 625 2/Year Grab Effluent MTBE3 Monthly Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit 4 Annually Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1) Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall be monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a. measure flow continuously; b. Rational Method -- calculate flow based on total rainfall per area including built -on area draining to the outfall (This method shall not be used at sites with large runoff -collection ponds); c. estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d. report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2) Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3) MTBE — See Special condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE 4) Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual (see Special Condition A. (S.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter µg/L = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether lbs./day = pounds per day The Permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace, amounts. The Permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The Permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than I 1 µg/L. Permit NCO031046 A. (3.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 003. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: . EFFLUENT.' ' CHARACTERISTICS -',.. LIMITS' MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly,,-, Average Daily ,. Maximum Measurement , Frequency . Sample Type Sample Location Flowl Episodic 1 Effluent Total Suspended Solids 45.0 m Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 30.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Phenol 0.0006 lbs./day Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 1.19 I Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene 11.0 Agn Monthly Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthly Grab Effluent X lene 88.5 Ag11 Monthly Grab Effluent EPA 625 2/Year Grab Effluent MTBE3 Monthly Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit 4 Annually I Grab I Effluent Footnotes: 1) Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall be monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a) measure flow continuously; b) Rational Method — calculate flow based on total rainfall per area including built -on area draining to the outfall (This method shall not be used at sites with large runoff -collection ponds); c) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d) report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2) Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3) MTBE — see Special Condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE 4) Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual (see Special Condition A. (8.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter µg/L = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether lbs./day = pounds per day The Permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. The Permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The Permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than 11 µg/L. Permit NCO031046 A. (4.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 004. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT: CHARACTERISTICS: ', LIMITS •• MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Monthly; ` Daily, Measurement Sample Sample ' Avera e - Maximum Fre uenc T e' Location Flowl Episodic t Effluent Total Sus ended Solids 45.0 m Monthl Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 30.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Phenol 0.0006 tbs./clay muntILIX Grab Effluent Benzene 1.19 1 Monthl Grab Effluent Toluene 11.0 1 Monthl Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthiv Grab Effluent X lene 88.5 I Monthl Grab Effluent 625 EPA 62 EPA 2/Year Grab Effluent Monthly Grab Effluent Annually Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit Footnotes: 1) Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall be monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a) measure flow continuously; b) Rational Method -- calculate flow based on total rainfall per area including built -on area draining to the outfall (This method shall not be used at sites with large runoff -collection ponds); c) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d) report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2) Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3) MTBE — see Special Condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE 4) Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual [see Special Condition A. (8.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter 11911, = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether lbs./day = pounds per day The Permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. The Permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The Permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than 11 µg/L. Permit NCO031046 A. (5.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS . Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Pennittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 005. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT .: ;;; CHARACTERISTICS ;>,.. LIMITS. ' . MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, Monthly' ' Avera a Daily Maximum Measurement Fre uenc Sample T Sample Location'. Flow1 Episodic t Effluent Total Suspended Solids 45.0 m Monthly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease2 30.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Phenol 0.0006 lbs./day Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene I 1.19 /I Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene 11.0 AgIl Monthly Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene Monthly Grab Effluent X lene . 88.5 I Monthly Grab Effluent EPA 625 2/Year Grab Effluent MTBE3 Monthly Grab Effluent Acute Toxicit 4 Annually Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. Flow — During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow shall he monitored with each discharge event and may be monitored in one of four ways: a) measure flow continuously; b) Rational Method -- calculate flow based on total rainfall per area including built -on area draining to the outfall (This method shall not be used at sites with large runoff -collection ponds); c) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; or d) report flow based on discharge pump logs. 2) Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3) MTBE — see Special Condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE 4) Acute Toxicity (Fathead Minnow, 24-hour), Annual [see Special Condition A. (8.)]. Units: mg/L = milligrams per liter µg/L = micrograms per liter MTBE = methyl tertiary butyl ether lbs./day = pounds per day The Permittee shall not discharge floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. The Permittee shall not discharge tank solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. The Permittee shall not discharge tank (or pipe) contents following hydrostatic testing unless benzene concentration is less than 1.19 µg/L and toluene concentration is less than 11 µg/L. Permit NCO031046 A. (6.) INSTREAM SAMPLING AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee shall collect instream samples and provide analyses as needed to evaluate the existing Water Pollution Prevention System. Such instream sampling shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee, as specified below. EFFLUENT; CHARACTERISTICS- LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly - Average Daily : Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Locationl Total Sus ended Solids Monthly Grab U,D Oil and Grease2 Monthly Grab U,D Phenol Monthly Grab U,D Benzene Monthly Grab U,D Toluene Monthly Grab U,D Ethyl Benzene Monthly Grab U,D X lene Monthly Grab U,D MTBE3 Monthly Grab U,D Footnotes: 1. Sample Location: U = Upstream; —75 feet above the influent pipe to the UT Pond located within the unnamed tributary (UT) to the East Fork of the Deep River (see Site Map). D = Downstream; immediately downstream of the UT Pond (formerly Outfall 006). 2. Oil and Grease — Where possible, the grab sample for oil and grease should be skimmed from the surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 3. MTBE — see Special Condition A. (7.) for other requirements relating to MTBE Permit NC0031046 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. (7.) MTBE MONITORING For the protection of public health, oil terminals discharging to waters classified as water supplies ("WS" waters) shall adhere to the following action plan: 1. Monthly monitoring for MTBE (except as modified under 2.) is required for the duration of the permit [See Parts A. (L) through A. (6.)]. 2. After a one-year Test Period of monthly monitoring or after twelve (12) discharge events have been sampled and analyzed, the Permittee shall review MTBE data. If MTBE is not detected, the facility may request the Division to reduce the MTBE monitoring frequency. Granting this request shall constitute a minor modification to the NPDES permit. 3. If MTBE is detected during the Test Period, the Permittee shall submit an MTBE Reduction Plan. This plan may include site -specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) or engineering solutions. A copy of this plan shall be submitted to: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 4. The Division anticipates that an MTBE regulatory criterion or Water Quality Standard will be established during the coming permit cycle. For the next cycle of permit renewals, i.e., 2006, the Division expects to apply this criterion or standard to MTBE data collected during this permit cycle. Should the Permittee's MTBE data indicate discharge in excess of this criterion or Water Quality Standard, an MTBE limit will be added to the permit monitoring requirements at renewal. Permit NC0031046' EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. (8.) ACUTE TOXICITY MONITORING (ANNUAL) The Permittee shall conduct annual toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in EPA Document EPA/600/4-90/027 entitled "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24-hour static test. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. The Permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the calendar year of the effective date of the permit. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test is TAE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Branch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re- opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. NPDES PERMIT DRAFT /FINAL FILE CONTENTS: Left side: ❑ New Tracking Slip. 21- Old Tracking Slip. Right side: ❑ Streamline Package Sheet ff� Draft Permit Cover Letter. 19'- Draft Permit ❑ Facility Map E5'�' Fact Sheet. ❑ Permit Writer's Notes M'�/Staff Report from Region EOld Permit E9-I�Permit Application. E r� Acknowledgement Letter ❑ Pertnittee Responses Waste Load Allocation CHECK LIST Permit No. �C)n 3 o� NPDES Permit Writer: (to region, only if stre lined) (add new policy [e ;summarize major anges to permit) (order: cover, s element, map, efflu t sheets, special conditions) (E-Map: Incl a facility; Outfalls; and D sample locations) (docume ermit writer's issues a d re -issue logic) (if not i acts Sheet -- chronology, strategy, DMR Review, RPA, etc.) (as appropriate -- not needed if streamlined) (Text, Effluent Sheets and Special Conditions) (New Permit or Renewal; any additional permittee correspondence) (for Renewal Application, from NPDES Unit) (to acknowledgement letter, if any) (reference date; recalculated for current action?) Note: Italics indicate special conditions not always required or applicable. ff Submitted to t4'T't-( E 3/FAA- -- for Peer Review: Date '(�r1 Peer Review completed by Date , \, f9�/Permi[Mailed E-Mailedt Regional Staff S'F�i/Jf Q%�i�l� by c�E Date 2/- Regional Office Review completed by 11!9 44C %V Date ��( fg Additional Review by Z� V SA initiated by � Date 206644 ❑ Additional Review completed by on: Date 12" Submitted to OorQk SrIt' 7�NdqM for Public Notice on : Notice Date at"updated blic Nou and V45 databases. Date Pate (t ] FINAL submitted to Dave Goodrich for signature on 0 Additional Review fo�. iSScJ�yS�t,F 1 1/f"� I �I INTRODUCTION DENR / DWQ / NPDES Unit c7 0 FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT o `V NPDES Permit No. NCO031046 c� 1 C) (?=D o Colonial Pipeline Company (herein referred to as Colonial Pipeline or the Permitt66)-i• quires .a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to dispose treated (wastewater -to the surface waters of the state. The Permittee's 5-year NPDES permit has expired and-they=have requested renewal from the Division of Water Quality (the Division). This Fact Sheet summarizes background information and rationale used by the Division's NPDES Unit to determine permit limits and conditions. This document also contains references to information sources relevant to this permit renewal (superscripted numbers in order of appearance, See References). FACILITY RECORDS REVIEW Facility Description. Colonial Pipeline (Table 1) operates the Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal, a petroleum pipeline -distribution and surface bulk -storage facility in Guilford County. This facility is permitted to discharge through six (6) outfalls (Table 2). The Permittee controls surface discharge utilizing a Water Pollution Control System consisting of settlement ponds, oil/water separators, and discharge valves. Stormwater drains by gravity from a soil-remediation landfarm and from diked containment areas (Outfalls 001 through 005). Discharge travels to a final settlement pond also used to recycle testing/calibration water (Outfall 006). This pond is built within an unnamed tributary (UT) and discharges indirectly to the East Fork of the Deep River (see 006 Discussion). Table 1. Colonial Pipeline — Water Pollution Control Svstem Facility Information A licant/Fac lity Name Colonial Pipeline Company /Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal nt Address 411 Gallimore DairyRoad, Greensboro 27409 Zlica lit Address Same .Permitted Flow (MGD) Six (6) Outfalls -- Not limited (see Outfall Locations) Type of Waste Industrial runoff wastewater. SIC Code 5171 WW Code Prim. 37: Second. 39; Main treat. Code 535_3 Facility/Permit Status Class I, Minor / Renewal Drainage Basin / County Cape Fear / Guilford Miscellaneous Receiving Stream UT of the East Fork of the Dee River Regional Office Winston - Salem Stream Classification ' WS-IV State Grid / USGS To o Quad' C 19 SW / Guilford, NC 303(d) Listed? Not listed Permit Writer Joe R. Corporon Subbasin 03-06-08 Date: 20Se 01 Drama e Area (s . mi J 1.0 H Summer 7 10 (cfs) ' 0.15K Winter 7Q10 (cfs) ' 0.20 30 2 (cfs) ' 0.20 Average Flow (cfs) 1.0-` IWC (%) ' i':Io Shr,t R ninmd -- NI'DI:S I'mint N(710� ', In.In 1'uec I al ;::., R" S. REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS TE: ID- 2D-0 I REGIONAL NPDES SUPERVISOR: DATE: Pact Shcct Rcnce ul -- ,NN)1--S NCUII? 1046 I';rx 9 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director October 10, 2001 MEMORANDUM To: t �e Spencer t&DENR / DEH / Regional Engineeq nston Wi-Saletn Regional Office From: Joe Corporon NPDES Unit Subject: Review of Draft NPDES Permit NCO031046 Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal Guilford County Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the draft November 9, 2001. If you have any questions on the draft permit, number or e-mail address listed at the bottom of this page. 1, • � ltti� NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES p3m^ a OCT 2 5 2061 ffSton-Salem 90 office /W/�JrVJ//JNJ/JJIW/W/WI�JI�JI�JIN/I/J/JJI✓V/�JIW/JJ/N/IW/JJNJ/JJ/✓J/JJrM/IW/JJ/WIW/�J/�JIWI�J/JJ/�J/�JNJIJ�/W AN/WIW IWNJIW/W/N/I�J/vVIWIJV/N///JIJJNV/WIN/IWI✓V//J/JJIJJIWIvVIWI�VI✓V/JJIN/WJ/vVWJIJV/W//JIJVI�JI�VI�VI�V RESPONSE: (Check one) Concur with the issuance of this permit provided the facility is operated and maintained properly, the stated effluent limits are met prior to discharge, and the discharge does not contravene the designated water quality standards. ❑ Concurs with issuance of the above permit, provided the following conditions are met: ❑ Opposes the issuance of the above permit. based on reasons stated below, or attached: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 733.5083, extension 597 (fax) 919 733-0719 VISIT US ON THE INTERNET 0 httpJ/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPOES Joe.Corporon@ncmail.net News & Record North Carolina, Guilford County Published by News & Record, Inc. Greensboro, North Carolina Affidavit of Publication W/W 10/19/2001 Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Ashley Bowles who being first duly sworn, deposed and says: 1. That she is the Publisher's Representative of the Greensboro News & Record, Inc. a corporation, engaged in the publication of newspapers known as "News & Record". oublished. issued and entered as second class mail in the Citv of Greensboro in said Countv and State. 2. That she is authorized to make this affidavit and swom statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the News & Record on the above listed dates. 3. That the said newspaper (or newspapers) in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the Generruj a te<s of North Carolina. Name NCDENWDWQ/NPDES Publisher's Representative DACERIE MCNEIL I� [NOTARY PUBLIC Swam to pnd subscribed before me, this 2001. ldfilVORD COUNTY, NC VW"On EXPlres 8.23.20p5 Notary Public My commission expires: August 23, 2005 Ad p Date Edition 1237831 d0/20/01 News& Record Class PO 400 NPDES Ad Copy PUBLIC NOTICE STATE 'Aq W 1237831 Date 10/18/2001 Time 3:00 PM PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTN CA ROUNA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/oPIA S UNIT 1612 MA L S ERVC E C ENTER RAIEIGN, NC 27699-1617 NOTFCATON OF INTENT TO ISSUEA NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT On the b asi s o f to orough gat review and amp gcation of NC General Se late 143.21. Pub Ic W. 92 500 and other We. ful ss TOade and re 0tio ns, the North Carolina nvlroo feclw 45 %; gone the pub - Ian date of lob Talmo. Itten comments regardl his the proposed permit will be ao cegted unti 30 dap after the ou Mh date oftnlsnotlmo. MI comments received prior to thatdate am, condderaf lnlhe Isal Oeternlnalbns rew qua the ye posed perm R. The DF rector al the NC divllon of Water Oddity maydeclde to hold a public meeting for the proposed permit sh ou io the DlNssn mceNe a significant degas of publicIntereg. 0yles Of the draft permltan0 aloe r su 000ding Information on Re used to determine can colons present In the draft permltae awlWole upon to- auestand payment of the co its of re pro do ctlon. Me II cam me nts and/or no test far In form atsn to the NC 0lrlgon of Water Q us Y b at the above address or cell Ma. Ch rbtle Jackson a t ( 919) y 33 5 08 3, soonest 538. Planes If lode tie NPut ES per colt no inner fettached) If any cam in onto. IIon. In retested person s me y al® visit the D"Itn of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury Street. Raleigh. NC p.m. to review estimation on fib. NPDES Permit Number LNC0031D46. Colonial Pipe Had Company. Greensboro Terminal, 411 Ca Ngnore DBIrYY Road Greensbo p, NC 27419 has apylWd for a Permit re newel for a te u Iffy Permit In Guilford County dscNargqlnyy treated wastewater Into UT of the East Fork of the Deep River In to Cape Fear River Basin, Currently total ph anal s, ben. zen e, tat done, Aylene, a nd oil A gease de water costly lion, Re This dlchwile may alrecs future al oca Ions In Ill par - tight ultha recurring dream. Ad shown is not actual print size DENR / DWQ / NPDES Unit FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES Permit No. NCO031046 INTRODUCTION Colonial Pipeline Company (herein referred to as Colonial Pipeline or the Permittee) requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to dispose treated wastewater to the surface waters of the state. The Permittee's 5-year NPDES permit has expired and they have requested renewal from the Division of Water Quality (the Division). This Fact Sheet summarizes background information and rationale used by the Division's NPDES Unit to determine permit limits and conditions. This document also contains references to information sources relevant to this permit renewal (superscripted numbers in order of appearance, See References). FACILITY RECORDS REVIEW Facility Description. Colonial Pipeline (Table 1) operates the Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal, a petroleum pipeline -distribution and surface bulk -storage facility in Guilford County. This facility is permitted to discharge through six (6) outfalls (Table 2). The Permittee controls surface discharge utilizing a Water Pollution Control System consisting of settlement ponds, oil/water separators, and discharge valves. Stormwater drains by gravity from a soil-remediation landfarm and from diked containment areas (Outfalls 001 through 005). Discharge travels to a final settlement pond also used to recycle testing/calibration water (Outfall 006). This pond is built within an unnamed tributary (UT) and discharges indirectly to the East Fork of the Deep River (see 006 Discussion). Table 1. Colonial Pipeline — Water Pollution Control Svstem Facility Information A licant/Facilit ;NameT,2 Colonial Pipeline Company /Colonial Pipeline Greensboro Terminal Applicant Address 1.2 411 Gallimore Dairy Road, Greensboro 27409 Facility Address ' Same Permitted Flow (MGD) Six (6) Outfalls -- Not limited (see Outfall Locations Type of Waste',,' Industrial runoff wastewater. SIC Code 5171 WW Code Prim. 37; Second. 39; Main treat. Code 535_3 Facility/Permit Status Class I, Minor / Renewal Drain'a a Basin / County Cape Fear / Guilford 'Miscellaneous Receiving Stream UT of the East Fork of the Deep River Regional Office Winston - Salem StreamClassification WS-IV State Grid / USGS Too Quad4 C 19 SW / Guilford, NC. 303(d Listed? Not listed Permit Writer Joe R. Co oron Subbasin 03-06-08 Date: 20Se 01 Drama a Area (s . mi. 1.0 a Summer (cfs) " 0.15 IO ( Winter 7Q10(cfs) ' 0.20 30Q2 (cfs) -1,7 0.20 Avers a Flow (cfs) ; 1.0 IWC (0/07 Pact Sheet. Renewal -- NPDES Permit NCO031046 Page I This permit became effective July 1, 1996 (expiring date March 31, 2001). To stagger the renewal workload, the Division extended the expiration date to August 31, 2001. t'Z On March 7, 2001, the Division received the Permit Renewal Application and it was acknowledged the same day. Table 2 Outfall Locations — 006 to be Eliminated (see Discussion) 001 002 003 004 005 '- 006" Latitude 36.04.18 36.04.11 36.04.25 36.04.19 36.04.02 36.04.25 Longitude 59.56.11 79.56.18 79.56.15 79.56.29 79.56.36 76.56.36 Outfall 006 Monitors "Waters of the State" — Discussion. Outfall 006 is located on the main stem of an unnamed tributary (UT) to the East Fork of the Deep River. Outfall 006 monitors the effluent from approximately 12-acres of ponded water (hereby designated the UT Pond) created by Colonial Pipeline straddling this drainage (see Site Map). For several reasons this UT pond must be re -defined as "waters of the state," most importantly because the Permittee does not control the entire discharge area to the pond as required for "discharge channels" [12A NCAN 02B.0228 (1)]. For example, the UT pond receives storm water from offsite plus effluent from several other permitted dischargers upstream. While it is appropriate for the Permittee to use UT pond water for hydrostatic tank testing or other stated uses, it is not appropriate to return this water to the UT pond without first sampling, analyzing, and reporting. In addition, Outfalls 001 through 005 discharge to the UT pond (after sampling) making 006 a downstream or "redundant" sample to the others. Location 006 should therefore be re -designated as a downstream sampling point — not an outfall, to be monitored regularly (without permit limits). Considering the potential for unauthorized releases upstream, the Division also judges it prudent to monitor upstream of the UT Pond. In summary, this renewal shall reflect discharge monitoring through five (5) outfalls only, re - designating one (006) as a downstream sample point, and shall also include upstream monitoring (see permit Site Map for locations). Considering any future up -take from the UT pond water, the Division recommends that the Permittee discharge up -gradient of a new or existing permitted outfall (other than 006) so that this effluent may be properly monitored prior to re-entering "waters of the state." Waste Load Allocation (WLA). The Division reviewed the WLA completed in May 1991 and developed effluent limits and monitoring requirements.' The Division judges these limits and monitoring requirements to be appropriate for this renewal with the exception of additions and deletions listed below (see PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY). Verifying Existing Stream Conditions. This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary (UT) of the East Fork of the Deep River, a Class WS-IV stream within the Cape Fear River Basin. East Fork of the Deep River is not listed as an "impaired" waterbody [not 303(d) listed].5 COMPLIANCE REVIEW Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) -- Effluent Data Review. DMRs were reviewed from January 1996 through July 2001.8 Discharges from Outfall 001 through 006 occurred episodically — non -discharge months were reported as "no flow." For flow maximums and average number of single -event discharges per month per outfall, see Table 3. Based on the Division's review of the DMRs, EPA 624/625 scans did not detect semi -volatile or volatile organic compounds other than benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX). For further discussion, see Permitting Strategy. Total suspended residue (TSR) levels (to 120 mg/L) occasionally exceeded recommended levels (40 Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO031046 Page 2 Total suspended residue (TSR) levels (to 120 mg/L) occasionally exceeded recommended levels (40 mg/L) at Outfall 006. Reported maximum flows were used to establish "reasonable potential" for each outfall (see RPA calculations). Table 3. DMR Data Review Summary Outfalls OQl . 002 '> 003= 004.. 005 006_4 Single -Event Flow Maximum per day (MGD) 4.5 Years Reported 0.1728 0.0288 0.0960 0.2592 0.2979 1.2629 Average Discharge Events Per Month 30 4.3 5 30 4.3 1.6 EPA Method 624 / 625 (Parameters other than BTEX) ND* ND ND ND ND ND Acute TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) "pass" I "pass" "pass" I "pass" I "pass" I "pass" * ND = not detected Notices of Violation (NOVs). No NOVs were issued to this facility during this permit cycle.10 Facility Inspections. The Winston-Salem Regional Office (WSRO) last inspected this facility on February 21, 1996. Due to staff shortages and regional priorities, this Class I Stormwater Treatment System has been assigned lower priority relative to other discharge systems, however starting .this permit cycle, the WSRO has scheduled regular annual inspections for this and all bulk -petroleum storage facilities in the Greensboro area.10 Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Test. The facility has passed its annual acute toxicity test at all outfalls (001 through 006) for the past six (6) years (1996 through 2001). PERMITTING STRATEGY Revised Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The Division of Water Quality has revised permitting strategies and SOP for this and all oil terminals in the state.6 A new document has been generated by the NPDES Unit entitled, "Standard Operating Procedures -- Permit Requirements for Discharges from Oil and Petroleum Storage Facilities" (based on a 1996 SOP). This document, hereafter referred to as the 2001 SOP, addresses issues and delineates monitoring frequencies and permit limits for contaminants commonly found at these facilities. Summary of Compliance Under 2001 SOP. Under the 2001 SOP, flow monitoring shall be changed from "monthly" to "episodic" (Parts L.A. ). This facility's effluent data shall be evaluated for compliance with acute toxicity, TSS, and oil and grease (Parts L.B. through LD.). In place of EPA Methods 624/625 monitoring requirements, and/or eight (8) chlorophenols specified in a previous permit, the Permittee shall now monitor monthly for total phenolic compounds only (Phenols -- Part LE.), as required for all WS (water supply) waters. Monthly monitoring shall include benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX -- Part !!/.A.). The Division shall also require monthly monitoring for MTBE (2001 SOP Part LL) considering WS waters.6 Footnotes to the Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements page shall reflect no direct discharge of tanks solids, tank bottom water, or the tank rag layer. Footnotes also stipulate no direct discharge Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDGS N('0031046 Page 3 of hydrostatic test water if benzene and/or toluene concentrations exceed their respective water quality standard (2001 SOP, Parts LG. and LH). Phenol — Monitoring and Limits Calculations. When combined with chlorine, phenol can cause taste and odor (organoleptic) problems in drinking water, and can also result in the tainting of fish tissues. Therefore, in accordance with SOP 2001, all dischargers to state water supply (WS) waters shall conduct monthly effluent monitoring for total phenol. Moreover, if analytical results suggest "reasonable potential," a phenol limit shall be included in the permit.6 A phenol limit magnitude depends on dilution. Ideally dilution would be calculated at the High Point Dam water plant intake where chlorine is introduced, but it is impractical at this time to measure dilution under lake conditions at the intake. Therefore, the Division calculated flow at the assumed headwaters of this water supply. Secondly, the Division used 1 µg/L (the aesthetic limit for phenol) to calculate a wasteload allocation in pounds per day (Ibs./day) at these headwaters. Finally, the wasteload allocation was distributed equally among phenol dischargers as a permit limit, only as each facility's data -set showed reasonable potential to exceed the water quality stream standard. Currently nine (9) bulk storage facilities discharge to either the East Fork Deep River or Long Branch. The confluence of these two drainages was assumed to approximate the headwaters of High Point Lake, the nearest downstream intake waterbody. For purposes of yield calculations, Long Branch was assumed to have a similar runoff coefficient as the East Fork of the Deep River. The Division used published 30Q2 flows from an EPA stream gauge (02099000) located on the East Fork Deep River near the confluence of the two drainages. The 30Q2 flow, not the 7Q10, was deemed appropriate because of the aesthetic standard for phenol. Flow Calculations: Given: Flow (30Q2) East Fork Deep River = 3.8 cfs (USGS Gauging Station) Drainage Area East Fork Deep River = 14.8 mix (USGS) Drainage Area Long Branch = 3.84 mil (measured from USGS topo) Total Drainage Area = 14.8 mix + 3.84 mix 18.6 mix Yield = East Fork Flow (cfs) East Fork Drainage Area (mil) = 3.8 cfs 14.8 mil 0.257 cfs/mix Therefore: Total Flow = Yield x Total Drainage Area 0.257 cfs/mix x 18.6 mix 4.7 cfs Wasteland Calculation: 4.7 cfs x 0.001 mg/L x 8.34 = 0.025 Ibs./day distributed among nine 1.55 dischargers = 0.025lbs./day 9 dischargers Facl. Shoat. Renewal -- NPD13S N(70031046 Page 4 0.003 lbsJday per discharger Note: this allocation will be distributed equally among all outfalls showing "reasonable potential" for phenol. Outfall 001 Phenol Limit Example: Maximum reported flow: Limit = Allocated wasteload Obs./day) 8.34 Ibs./MG = 0.003lbs./day x 1.00 8.34 0.1728 0.00208 mg/L 2.08 µg/L 0.1728 MGD (for Outfall 001) x 1.00 mg/L Maximum Reported Flow (MGD) Summary of Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA). The Division conducted the EPA -mandated RPA on Colonial Pipeline's reported data for six outfalls. The RPA compares the "allowable concentration" (based on water quality standard or criteria) the "maximum predicted" concentration based on data submitted (1996 through June 2001). RPA results for phenols and benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX), and oil & grease parameters are summarized per outfall in Tables 4 through 9. Table 4 Summary of Phenol RPA per Outfall Phenols ar OOOut_fall No.M 001 M 003 09.4 &95: OQ6 Single -Event Flow Maximum per day (MGD) 4.5 Years Reported 0.1728 0.0288 0.0960 0.2592 0.2979 1.3167 Number of Samples 54 45 46 53 43 16 Number of hits 21 11 8 13 9 4 Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 132.0 120.5 50.0 51.9 39.3 119.8 Calculated Phenol Limit / RPA Allowable Concentration ( ) 2.08 2.49 3.97 1.39 1.21 0.27 Max predicted greater than Limit? (i.e. Reasonable Potential) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 5 Summary of Benzene RPA per Outfall Benzene m, 1�a�t'_ ,QutfallNo -- ,` O.ls I ffo-O-2M WOWSOQ4 '"- 0005 006 Number of Samples 66 44 45 54 45 13 Number of hits ND ND 5 13 2 ND Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 5.17 5.41 25.6 245.1 16.3 10.1 Limit / Allowable Concentration ( ) 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 Max predicted greater than Limit (i.e. Reasonable Potential) ? No* No* Yes Yes Yes No* * Even though Max Predicted > Limit, no hits (at method PQL) = no RP. ND = not detected. Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDAIS N0003I046 Page 5 Table 6 Summary of Toluene RPA per Outfall Toluene iOQ'1; 002 i �"0031 ?00 i'� Number of Samples 10 10 10 10 10 8 Number of hits ND ND 2 3 2 ND Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 7.6 7.6 145.2 648.5 84.8 6.5 RPA Allowable Concentration ( ) 11 11 11 11 11 11 Max predicted greater than Limit (i.e. Reasonable Potential) ? No* No* Yes Yes Yes No* * Even though Max Predicted > Limit, no hits (at method PQL) = no RP. ND = not detected. Table 7 Summary of Ethvl Benzene RPA per Outfall Ethyl Benzene MHkVZkLMf,i ouieaurP." Q07 IN Jfq-Q-29jKQ-03M004 005 IL006 Number of Samples 10 10 10 10 10 8 Number of hits ND ND ND 1 2 1 Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 7.6 7.6 7.6 16.05 7.3 747.8 RPA Allowable Concentration ( ) 383 383 383 383 383 383 Max predicted greater than Limit? (i.e. Reasonable Potential) No No No No No Yes ND = not detected. Table 8 Summary of Xylene (total) RPA per Outfall Xylenes (Total) Qutfall NLo. OQl 0021 WO-073M 004 005 ` W0076 Number of Samples 9 9 9 9 9 8 Number of hits ND ND 1 1 2 1 Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 7.6 7.6 591.6 801.6 123.0 11,985 RPA Allowable Concentration ( /L) 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 Max predicted greater than Limit? (i.e. Reasonable Potential) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes ND = not detected. Table 9 Summary of Oil and Grease RPA per Outfall Oil and Grease .Ou_tfaIMU E& ---- 0OU 003.;,', Q03 . 0 4i MEN 0060 Number of Samples 55 45 45 55 45 8 Number of hits 15 12 11 13 12 2 Maximum Predicted Concentration ( ) 100.1 75.5 318.1 272.1 131.0 28.1 RPA Allowable Concentration ( ) 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 Max predicted greater than Limit? (i.e. Reasonable Potential) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No ND = not detected. Pact. Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NC0031046 Page (i PERMITTING APPROACH SUMMARY Due to the need to further evaluate this complex treatment system and its impact to the local environment, the Division has added upstream monitoring to, the current requirements. Renewal changes and justifications for DWQ/NPDES Unit's 2001 SOP are summarized in Table 10: Table 10 Permit Renewal Summary 'PA'RA+METsER� ; " l O TtI®N _ RENEW�"ALt DISC�iJSSION . t, 1 BTEX All outfalls Added to permit Monthly monitoring frequency (Benzene, Toluene, per SOP 2001 Eth (benzene X lene Benzene Outfalls 003, 004, Added limit due to "reasonable potential" and 005 Toluene Outfalls 003, 004, Added limit due to "reasonable potential" and 005 Ethyl Benzene Outfall 006 No change Limit indicated by RPA, but Outfall re -designated as instream sample point. Xylene (total) Outfalls 003, 004, Added limit due to "reasonable potential" 005 (also rp @ Outfall 006, but 006 re -designated as instream sample point) EPA Method 624 All outfalls Cut from permit no parameters other than BTEX detected EPA 625 All outfalls Monitoring remains at per SOP 2001 2/Year Phenol All outfalls Added perinit limit due to "reasonablepotential" MTBE All outfalls Monthly monitoring -- no Required for WS waters, per limit SOP 2001 Oil and Grease Outfalls 001, 002, Added limit 30 mg/L due to "reasonable potential" 003, 004, and 005 Instream monitoring U = —75 feet above U = added to permit -- D = UT pond redefined as UT Pond Monthly monitoring, no "designated waters of the State" D = downstream D = immediately limits U considered prudent (BPJ) to U = upstream below UT Pond D = continue Monthly evaluate influent to UT Pond. (previously Outfall monitoring, -- no limits , 006). Fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDFS NCO031046 Page 7 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: October 17, 2001. Permit Scheduled to Issue: December 10, 2001 NPDES UNIT CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Joe Corporon at (919) 733-5083 ext. 597. (e-mail: joe.corporon@ncmail.net) 7RENRECES 1. 2001. NPDES Permit Application Short Form C. for Colonial Pipeline Company, received March 7. 2. 1996. NPDES Permit NCO031046 issued to Colonial Pipeline Company, expired March 31, 2001. Copies may be obtained through The Division of Water Quality, Central Files, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 3. 2000. Active NPDES Permits List, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NPDES Unit, on the web at http:/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/NPDESweb.html. 4. 2000. Cape Fear Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, July. 5. 2000. 303(d) List of North Carolina Impaired Waters - Draft. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. Copies may be obtained through the Planning Branch, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina. 6. 2001 Standard Operating Procedures (Revised), 2001 NPDES Permitting Strategy, North Carolina Bulk Storage Oil Terminals, NPDES Unit, Natalie Sierra, July 30. 7. 1991. NPDES Waste Load Allocation Work Sheet, NPDES Permit NC0031046, conducted for Colonial Pipeline Company, modeled by Permits and Engineering Unit, May 16. 8. 1997-2001. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) for Effluent (DEM Form MR-1) submitted by Colonial Pipeline Company, January 1997 through July 2001. 9. 2001 Personal Communication from Jenny Rankin (WSRO) to Joe Corporon (NPDES Unit), Greensboro oil - terminal site visits and records, August 22. fact Sheet Renewal -- NPDES NCO031046 Page 8 now Facility Name = NPDES 4 = Qw (MGD) _ Average Q (cfs)= Colonial Pipeline Com an -- 001 NCO031046 0.1728 0 FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 5.2 Allowable Cw 1.2 d Dev. 0.6795 can 0.7 V. 0.9116 of data points 54 NO HITS Mull Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 5.17 µg/I Allowable Cw 1.19 µg/I T I I ID I I f i I v - Ih I I (I�n � I I Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1 1.19 µg/I NO HITS Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Feb-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-97 4 < 1.0 0.5 May-97 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 6 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 7 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-97 8 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-97 9 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-97 10 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-97 II < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 12 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 13 < 1.0 0.5 Feb-98 14 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-98 15 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-98 16 < 1.0 0.5 May-98 17 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-98 18 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 19 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-98 20 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-98 21 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-98 22 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-98 23 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-98 24 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 25 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 26 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-99 27 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-99 28 < 1.0 0.5 May-99 29 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-99 30 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-99 31 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 32 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-99 33 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-99 34 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-99 35 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-99 36 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-00 37 < 5 2.5 Feb-00 38 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-00 39 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-00 40 < 1.0 0.5 May-00 41 < 1.0 0.5 lun-00 42 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-00 43 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-00 44 < 5 2.5 Sep-00 45 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-00 46 < . 1.0 0.5 Nov-00 47 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-00 ' 48 < 1.0 Jan-01 49 < 5.0 Feb-01 50 < 5.0 Mar-Ol 51 < 1.0 Apr-01 52 < 1.0 May-Ol Jun-01 53 < 1.0 Jul-01 54 < 5.0 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 2.5 no data Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw(MGD)= 7QIOs (cfs)= lWC ('%) = Colonial Pipeline Company -- 001 NCO031046 0.1728 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw 7.6 Allowable Cw 11.0 Dev. 1.0328 in 1.7 0.6075 of data points 10 Mull Factor = 3.05� Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µg/1 Allowable Cw 11.0 µgQ Date n < Parameter = Standard = Actual Data Toluene 11.0 µg/I BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com any -- 001 NPDES N = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.1728 Average Q (cfs)= 0 FINAL RESULTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw 7.6 Allowable Cw 383.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.0328 Mean 1.7 C.V. 0.6075 Number of data points 10 Mult Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/1 Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µg/I Allowable Cw 383.0 µg/l Parameter = Elh (benzene Standard = 383.0 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5. Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com an -- 001 NPDES N = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.1728 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 /WC(%)= 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 7.6 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable Wda 0.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.0328 Mean 1.7 C.V. 0.6075 Number of data points 10 Mull Factor Max. Value 2.5 µgil Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µgil Allowable Cw 88.5 µg1l Parameter = x lene Standard = 88.5 µgil Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < LO 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Ian-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 001 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.1728 7Q10s (cfs)= 0 lWC(%)= 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Phenol Max. Pred Cw 132.0 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS Sul Dev. 10.4277 Mean 8.5 C.V. 1.2235 Number of data points 54 Mull Factor Max. Value 54.0 µg/I Max. Pled Cw 132.0 µg/1 Allowable Cw 2.08 µg/I Parameter = Phenol Standard = 2.08 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 10.0 5.0 Feb-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-97 4 < 10.0 5.0 May-97 5 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-97 6 < 10.0 5.0 Jul-97 7 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-97 8 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-97 9 < 10.0 5.0 Oct-97 10 _ 10.0 10.0 Nov-97 11 < 10.0 5.0 Dec-97 12 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 13 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-98 14 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 15 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-98 16 < 10.0 5.0 May-98 17 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-98 18 41.0 i 41.0 Jul-98 19 10.0 10.0 Aug-98 20 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-98 21 < 5 2.5 Oct-98 22 < 5 2.5 Nov-98 23 - 9.0- 9.0 Dec-98 24 < 5 2.5 Jan-99 25 < 5 2.5 Feb-99 26 < 5 2.5 Mar-99 27 < •5 2.5 Apr-99 28 22 _ i 22.0 May-99 29 8 8.0 Jun-99 30 6 6.0 Jul-99 31 < S 2.5 Aug-99 32 _ 21.2 21.2 Sep-99 33 45.5 45.5 Oct-99 34 _ 5 _ 5.0 Nov-99 35 < 5 2.5 Dec-99 36 < 5 2.5 Jan-00 37 13 13.0 Feb-00 38 5 5.0 Mar-00 39 10 10.0 Apr-00 40 14 14.0 May-00 41 54 54.0 Jun-00 42 10 _ 10.0 Jul-00 43 < 5 2.5 Aug-00 44 < 5 2.5 Sep-00 45 13 13.0 Oct-00 46 6.5 6.5 Nov-00 47 5.9 5.9 Dec-00 48 _ 13 13.0 Jan-01 49 < 5 2.5 Feb-Ol 50 < 5 2.5 Mar-01 51 12 12.0 Apr-01 52 < 5 2.5 May-Ol 0.0 Jun-Ol 53 14.5 14.5 Jul-Ol 54 < 5.3 2.7 no data Facility Name = NPDESJI= Qw (MCD) _ 7QJOs (cfs)= lWC (%) _ Colonial Pipeline Coman --001 NC0031046 0.1728 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 100.1 Allowable Cw, 30.0 d Dev. 6.2089 can 5.0 V. 1.2511 of data points 55 HITS 15 Mull Factor = 2.44 Max. Value 41.0 mg/L Max. Pled Cw 100.1 mg/L Allowable Cw 30.0 mg/L Parameter = Oil & Grease Standard = 30.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 5.0 2.5 Feb-97 .2 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-97 4 < 5.0 2.5 May-97 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-97 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-97 8 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-97 9 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-97 10 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-97 11 _ 5.0 __- 5.0 Dec-97 12 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 13 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-98 14 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 15 < 5.0 2.5 . Apr-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 May-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-98 19 < _ 5_.0 2.5 Aug-98 20 _ __ 6.0 __ 6.0 Sep-98 21 41.0 41.0 Oct-98 22 14.0 14.0 Nov-98 23 _� < 5.0 2.5 Dec-98 24 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 25 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 26 < -_-- 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 27 ---_-_5.2_- 5.2 Apr-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 May-99 29 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-99 30 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 31 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 32 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-99 33 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-99 34 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-99 35 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-99 36 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 37 _ 1 2. 0 _ 12.0 Feb-00 38 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-00 39 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 40 < 5.0 2.5 May-00 41 _ 6.1 6.1 Jun-00 42 _ 15.0 15.0 Jul-00 43 5.5 5.5 Aug-00 44 _ 6.6 6.6 Sep-00 45 9.9 9.9 MEN Oct-00 46 6.2 6.2 Nov-00 47 < 32.0 16.0 Dec-00 48 < 32.0 16.0 Jan-01 49 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-01 50 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-01 51 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-01 52 < 5.0 2.5 May-Ol Jun-01 54 < �_ 1.2_.0 6.0 Jul-OI 55 _ < _ 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = 002NPDES#=Qw MelineCom (MGD) =Average Q (efs)= FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 5.4 Allowable Cw 1.2 RESULTS Sul Dev. 0.6923 Mean 0.8 C.V. 0.8580 Number of data points 44 Mull Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/1 Max. Pred Cw 5.41 µg/1 Allowable Cw 1.19 µgA Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1.2 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < LO 0.5 Feb-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-97 4 < 1.0 0.5 May-97 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 Jul-97 6 _ < 1.0 0.5 Aug-97 7 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-97 9 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 10 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 11 < 1.0 0.5 Feb-98 12 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-98 13 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-98 14 < 1.0 0.5 May-98 15 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-98 _ Jul-98 16 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-98 17 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-98 18 < LO 0.5 Oct-98 19 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-98 _ Dec-98 20 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 < 1.0 1.0 Mar-99 23 < 1.0 1.0 Apr-99 24 < 1.0 1.0 May-99 _ Jun-99 25 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-99 _ Aug-99 26 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-99 27 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-99 28 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-99 _ Dec-99 29 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-00 30 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 31 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-00 32 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-00 33 < 1.0 0.5 May-00 34 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-00 35 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-00 36 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-00 37 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 38 < 1.0 0.5 no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge Oct-00 no discharge Nov-00 _ no discharge Dec-00 _ _ no discharge Jan-Ol 39 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-Ol 40 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-Ol 41 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-01 42 < 1.0 0.5 May-Ol no discharge Jun-Ol 43 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-Ol 44 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = 7QIOs (cfs)= /WC(%) = Colonial Pipeline Company -- 002 NCO031046 0.0288 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw 7.6 Allowable Cw 11.0 RESULTS Sul Dev. 1.0328 Mean 1.7 C.V. 0.6075 Number of data points 10 Mull Factor = 3.05 Max. Value 2.5 µg/1 Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µgIl Allowable Cw 11.0 µg/I Parameter = Toluene Standard = 110 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < LO 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com an -- 002 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.0288 Average Q (cfs)= 0 FINAL RESILTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw RESULTS Std Dev. 1.0328 Mean 1.7 C.V. 0.6075 Number of data points 10 Mull Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µg/l Allowable Cw 383.0 µg/I Parameter = .Eth Ibenzene Standard = 383.0 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Ian-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 002 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.0288 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 lWC(%)= 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 6.9 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable #/day 0.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.0000 Mean 1.8 C.V. 0.5455 Number of data points 10 Mult Factor = 2.76 Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 6.9 µg/I Allowable Cw 88.5 µg/I Parameter = x lene Standard = 88.5 µg/l Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com any -- 002 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.0288 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 IWC (%) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Phenol Max. Pred Cw 120.5 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS Sid Dev. 7.4090 Mean 6.5 C.V. 1.1483 Number of data points 45 Mult Factor Max. Value 47.0 µg/l Max. Pred Cw 120.5 µg/I Allowable Cw 2.49 µg/I Parameter = Phenol Standard = 2.49 µg/1 calculated Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 10.0 5.0 Feb-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-97 4 < 10.0 5.0 May-97 5 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-97 0.0 Jul-97 6 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-97 7 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-97 Oct-97 8 ]0.0 10.0 Nov-97 9 < 10.0 5.0 Dec-97 10 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 11 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-98 12 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 13 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-98 14 < 10.0 5.0 May-98 15 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-98 Jul-98 16 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 19 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 Dec-98 20 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 23 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-99 24 : _ 47.6 _ 47.0 May-99 Jun-99 25 5.0 _ 5.0 Jul-99 26 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 27 21.7 _ 21.7 Sep-99 28 24.6 24.6 Oct-99 29 5.0 5.0 Nov-99 Dec-99 30 5.4 5.4 Jan-00 31 5.0 5.0 Feb-00 32 5.0 5.0 Mar-00 33 5.0 5.0 Apr-00 34 5.0 1 5.0 May-00 35 5.0 5.0 Jun-00 36 7.0 7.0 Jul-00 37 5.01 5.0 Aug-00 38 5.0 5.0 Sep-00 39 5.0 5.0 no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge Oct-00 no discharge Nov-00 no discharge Dec-00 no discharge Jan-Ol 40 5.0 5.0 Feb-Ol 41 5.0 5.0 Mar-Ol 42 5.0 5.0 Apr-01 43 5.0 5.0 May-Ol no discharge Jun-Ol 44 11.0 11.0 Jul-Ol 45 5.1 5.1 Facility Name = NPDES#= Qw (MGD) _ 7QIOs (cfs)= JWC(%)= Colonial Pipeline Company -- 002 NC0031046 0.0288 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 83.7 Allowable Cw 30.0 itd Dev. 6.6643 vlean 5.4 "N. 1.2451 of data points 45 HITS 12 Mult Factor Max. Value 31.0 mg/L Max. Pred Cw 83.7 mg/L Allowable Cw 30.0 mg/L Parameter = .Oil & Grease Standard = 30.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-97 2 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-97 4 < 5.0 2.5 May-97 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 Jul-97 6 _ < 5.0 2.5 Aug-97 7 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-97 9 3.0 3.0 Dec-97 10 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 11 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-98 12 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 13 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-98 14 < 5.0 2.5 May-98 15 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-98 _ Jul-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 19 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 _ Dec-98 20 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 25.0 25.0 Mar-99 23 _ 5.6 5.6 Apr-99 24 _�, _ 30.0 30.0 May-99 _ Jun-99 25 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 26 _ 7.4 7.4 Aug-99 27 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-99 29 8.1 -___ 8.1 Nov-99 Dec-99 30 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 31 5.0 5.0 Feb-00 32 < ` 20.0 10.0 Mar-00 33 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 34 < 8.7 4.4 May-00 35 _ 31.0, 31.0 Jun-00 36 _ 5.0 5.0 Jul-00 37 5.0 5.0 Aug-00 38 5.0 5.0 Sep-00 39 _ _ 9.9 ! 9.9 Oct-00 _ Nov-00 _ Dec-00 _ Jan-01 40 _ 7.4 7.4 Feb-01 41 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-01 42 6.6 6.6 Apr-01 _ 43 < 5.0 2.5 May-Ol _ Jun-01 44 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 45 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = ra]PiVIincCom --L003NPDESN=Qw (MCD) = Average Q (cfs)= FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 25.6 Allowable Cw 1.2 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.5506 Mean 1.2 C.V. 1.3240 Number of data points 45 Malt Factor Max. Value 9.1 µg)1 Max. Pred Cw 25.6 µg1l Allowable Cw 1.19 µgA Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1.2 µg)I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 l < 1.0 0.5 Feb-97, 2 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-97 4 < 1.0 0.5 May-97 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 Jul-97 6 3.3 _ - _ -1.0 3.3 Aug-97 7 _ < 0.5 Sep-97 Oct-97 8 _ 1.3 _ 1.3 Nov-97 9 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 10 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 11 _ 4.4 4.4 Feb-98 12 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-98 13 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-98 14 < 1.0 0.5 May-98 15 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-98 Jul-98 16 _ < 1.0 0.5 Aug-98 17 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-98 18 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-98 19 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-98 < Dec-98 20 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-99 23 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-99 24 < 1.0 0.5 May-99 < Jun-99 25 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-99 26 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 27 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-99 28 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-99 29 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-99 < Dec-99 30 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-00 31 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 32 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-00 33 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-00 34 < 1.0 0.5 May-00 35 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-00 36 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-00 37 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-00 38 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 39 < 1.0 0.5 no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge m 1 Oct-00 no discharge Nov-00 _ no discharge Dec-00 _ no discharge Jan -Of 40 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-Ot 41 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-Ol 42 9.1 9.1 Apr-01 43 _ 2.6 2.6 May-Ol ___ _ no discharge Jun-01 44 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-01 45 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = 7QJOs (cfs)= lWC(%)= Colonal Pipeline Company -- 003 NCO031046 0.096 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw I Allowable Cw RESULTS Sld Dev. 6.2503 Mean 4.8 C.V. 1.3022 Number of data points 10 Mult Factor F 7.26 Max. Value 20.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 145.2 µg/l Allowable Cw 11.0 µg/I Parameter = Toluene Standard = 11.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 12.0 12.0 Jul-97 2 20.0 20.0 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Ian-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 003 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.096 Average Q (cfs)= 0 FINAL RESULTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw 7.6 Allowable Cw 383.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.0328 Mean 1.7 C.V. 0.6075 Number of data points 10 Mult Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 7.6 µg/I Allowable Cw 383.0 µg/1 Parameter = --Eth (benzene Standard = 383.0 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDLrI/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0:5 Jan-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 003 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.096 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 IWC (%) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 591.6 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable #/day 0.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 13.0288 Mean 6.3 C.V. 2.0572 Number of data points 9 Mull Factor Max. Value 41.0 µg/1 Max. Pred Cw 591.6 µg/1 Allowable Cw 88.5 µg/I Parameter = x lene Standard 1 88.5 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jul-97 1 _ 41.0 41.0 Jan-98 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 4 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 6 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 003 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.096 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 IWC (%n) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Phenol Max. Pred Cw 50.0 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 4.6040 Mean 5.2 C.V. 0.8917 Number of data points 46 Mult Factor Max. Value 23.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 50.0 µg/I Allowable Cw 3.97 µg/l Parameter = , Phenol Standard = 3.97 µg/l Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-97 4 < 10.0 5.0 May-97 5 _ 11:0 11.0 Jun-97 _ Jul-97 6 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-97 7 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 10.0 5.0 Nov-97 9 < 10.0 5.0 Dec-97 10 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 11 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-98 12 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 13 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-98 14 < 10.0 5.0 May-98 15 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-98 _ Jul-98 16 < 10.0_ 5.0 Aug-98 17 9.0 _ 9.0 Sep-98 _ 18 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 19 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 Dec-98 _ 20 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 23 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-99 24 _ 12.6 j 12.0 May-99 < Jun-99 25 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 26 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 27 23.0 23.0 Sep-99 _ 28_ 19.4 19.4 Oct-99 29 - 18_.6 _ 18.6 Nov-99 < Dec-99 30 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 31 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 32 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-00 33 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 34 < 5.0 2.5 May-00 35 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-00 36_ 5.0 5.0 Jul-00 37 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 38 5.0 5.0 Sep-00 _ 39 < 5.0 2.5 no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge no discharge Oct-00 40 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-00 _ no discharge Dec-00 _ no discharge Jan-Ol 41 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-Ol 42 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-Ol 43 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-Ol 44 < 9.0 4.5 May-Ol 45 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-Ol _ no discharge Jul-Ol 46 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES N = Qw (MGD) _ 7Q10s (cfs)= JWC (%) _ Colonal Pipeline Company -- 003 NC0031046 0.096 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 318.1 Allowable Cw 30.0 d Dev. 17.8162 ean 9.0 V. 1.9806 of data points 45 HITS II Mull Factor Max. Value 87.0 mg/L Max. Pred Cw 318.1 mg/L Allowable Cw 30.0 mg/L Parameter = 'Oil & Grease Standard = 30.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 5.0 2.5 Feb-97 2 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-97 4 < 5.0 2.5 May-97 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 _ Jul-97 6 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-97 7 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 5._0 2.5 Nov-97 9 _ _ _ _ 3_.6 3.0 Dec-97 10 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 11 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-98 12 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 13 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-98 14 < 5.0 2.5 May-98 15 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-98 _ Jul-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 19 8.0 8.0 Nov-98 _ Dec-98 20 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 21 15.6 15.0 Feb-99 22 _' 87.0 87.0 Mar-99 23 5.4 - _ - - 5.4 Apr-99 24 _ < 5.0 2.5 May-99 _ Jun-99 25 <" 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 26 _' 12.6 12.0 Aug-99 27 _ 65.0 65.0 Sep-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-99 29 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-99 _ Dec-99 30 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 31 5.0 5.0 Feb-00 32 _ 7.9 7.9 Mar-00 33 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 34 _ -59.0 59.0 May-00 35 _� _ 5.0 5.0 Jun-00 36 5._0 5.0 Jul-00 37 _ 38.0_ _ j 38.0 Aug-00 38 5.0 5.0 Sep-00 39 5.0 5.0 0 Da-oo Nov-00 Dec-00 ]an-01 40 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-Ol 41 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-01 42 < 14.0 7.0 Apr-01 43 < 5.0 2.5 May-ol _ Jun-01 44 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 45 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = MlineCom- 004NPDES#=Qw (MGD) =Average Q (cfs)= FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 245.1 Allowable Cw 1.2 RESULTS Std Dev. 7.9230 Mean 2.4 C.V. 3.2351 Number of data points 54 Mull Factor = 430 Max. Value 57.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 245.1 µg/I Allowable Cw 1.19 µg/I Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1.19 µg/l Date n < Actual Data BDLrI/2DL Jan-97 I _ 1.2 1.2 Feb-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-97 4 < 1.0 0.5 May-97 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 6 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 7 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-97 8 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-97 9 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-97 10 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-97 11 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 12 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 13 _ 12.0 12.0 Feb-98 14 _! I 1 3.7 Mar-98 15 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-98 16 < 1.0 0.5 May-98 17 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-98 18 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 19 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-98 20 2.2.-- j 2.2 Sep-98 21 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-98 22 < - 1.0 0.5 Nov-98 23 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-98 24 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 25 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 26 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-99 27 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-99 28 < 1.0 0.5 May-99 29 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-99 30 _i _ 3.4 3.4 Jul-99 31 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-99 32 57.0 57.0 Sep-99 33 < 26.0 13.0 Oct-99 34 < 5.8 2.9 Nov-99 35 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-99 36 < 4.3 2.2 Jan-00 37 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 38 < 2.1 1.1 Mar-00 39 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-00 40 < 1.0 0.5 May-00 41 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-00 42 _ _ 2.0 _ 2.0 Jul-00 43 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-00 44 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 45 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-00 46 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-00 47 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-00 48 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-01 49 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-01 50 1.7 1.7 Mar-01 51 _ < 2.9 1.5 Apr-01 52 < 1.0 0.5 May-01 _ discharge daily but r Jun-01 53 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-01 54 < 1.0 0.5 Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = 7Q/Or (cfr)= IwC(%)= Colonial Pipeline Company -- 004 NCO031046 0.2592 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw 648.5 Allowable Cw 11.0 RESULTS Sul Dev. 15.41 Mean 7.6 C.V. 2.0272 Number of data points 10 Mull Factor = 12.72 Max. Value 51.0 µg/l Max. Pred Cw 648.5 µgA Allowable Cw 11.0 µg/1 Parameter = Toluene Standard = 11.0 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 _ 3.0 3.0 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 _ 51.0 51.0 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 _- 8.5 -_ 8.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 004 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2592 Average Q (cfs)= 0 FINAL RESILTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw RESULTS Sul Dev. 1.3754 Mean 2.2 C.V. 0.6397 Number of data points 10 Mult Factor Max. Value 5.0 µg/1 Max. Pred Cw 16.05 µg/I Allowable Cw 383.0 µg/I Parameter = Eth (benzene Standard = 383.0 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 _ _ 5.0_ 5.0 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Ian-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 ' Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com an -- 004 NPDESN= NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2592 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 IWC (%) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 801.6 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable #/da 0.0 RESULTS Std Dev. ' 16.3563 Mean 7.4 C.V. 2.1971 Number of data points 9 Mult Factor Max. Value 51.0 µ9/1 Max. Pred Cw 801.6 µg/I Allowable Cw 88.5 µg/1 Parameter = x lene Standard = 1 88.5 Iggll Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 _ Jul-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 2 _ 51.0 j 51.0 Jul-98 3 < LO 0.5 Jan-99 4 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 6 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 004 NPDES N = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2592 7QIOs (cfs)= 0 /WC (%) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Phenol Max. Pred Cw 51.9 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS Sul Dev. 4.2905 Mean 5.0 C.V. 0.8581 Number of data points 53 HITS 13 Mult Factor Max. Value 25.8 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 51.9 µg/I Allowable Cw 1.39 µg/I Parameter = Phenol Standard = 1.39 µg/J calculated Date a < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-97 4 < 10.0 5.0 May-97 5 < 10.0 .5.0 Jun-97 6 < 10.0 5.0 Jul-97 7 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-97 8 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-97 9 < 10.0 5.0 Oct-97 10 < 10.0 5.0 Nov-97 11 < 10.0 5.0 Dec-97 12 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 13 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-98 14 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 15 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-98 16 < 10.0 5.0 May-98 17 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-98 18 < 10.0 5.0 Jul-98 19 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-98 20 6.5 6.5 Sep-98 21 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 22 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 23 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-98 24 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 25 9.0_ _ 9.0 Feb-99 26 _ < 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 27 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-99 28 _ 1 LO_ 1 11.0 May-99 29 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-99 30 _ 7.0 1 7.0 Jul-99 31 Aug-99 31 _ 1 21.7 21.7 Sep-99 32 25.8 25.8 Oct-99 33 _ 12.0 12.0 Nov-99 34 _ < 5.0 2.5 Dec-99 35 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 36 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 37 < i 8.0 4.0 Mar-00 38 5.0 5.0 Apr-00 39 _ < 5.0 2.5 May-00 40 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-00 41 < 6.0 3.0 Jul-00 42 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 43 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 44 < 5.0 2.5 no data Oct-00 45 <. 7.5 3.8 Nov-00 46 <; 8.4 4.2 Dec-00 47 c 9.2__ 4.6 Jan-01 48 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-01 49 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-01 50 < 5.0 2.5 Apr -Of 51 < 5.0 2.5 May-01 _ Jun-01 52 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 53 < 5.0 2.5 Daily discharge but Facility Name = NPDES # _ Qw (MGD) _ 7QJOs (cfs)= lWC(%)= Colonial Pipeline Company -- 004 NC0031046 0.2592 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 272.1 Allowable Cw 30.0 d Dev. I5.2097 can 7.7 V. 1.9875 of data points 55 HITS 13 Mull Factor = 3.20 Max. Value 85.0 mg/L Max. Pred Cw 272.1 mg/L Allowable Cw 30.0 mg/L Parameter = \Oil & Grease Standard = 30.0 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-97 2 - 2.0 2.0 Mar-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-97 4 < 5.0 2.5. May-97 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-97 7 _ 59.0 59.0 Aug-97 8 _i < 5.0 2.5 Sep-97 9 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-97 10 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-97 I < 5.0 2.5 Dec-97 12 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 13 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-98 14 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 15 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 May-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-98 19 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-98 20 _11__11.0_ __ 11.0 Sep-98 21 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 22 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 23 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-98 24 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 25 _� __ 85.0 85.0 Feb-99 26 _ 53 --5.0 5.3 Mar-99 27 < 2.5 Apr-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 May-99 29 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-99 30 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 31 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 32 _ 1.7_A 17.0 Sep-99 33 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-99 34 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-99 35 _1_ _ _5.5 5.5 Dec-99 36 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 37 _ _ 5.0 _ _ 5.0 Feb-00 38 _ 12.0 12.0 Mar-00 39 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 40 < 5.0 2.5 May-00 41 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-00 42 _ 14.0 14.0 Jul-00 43 < 5._0_ 2.5 Aug-00 44 _ 6,6 6.6 Sep-00 45 _ < 5.0 2.5 Oct-00 46 _' 27.0 27.0 Nov-00 47 15.0 15.0 Dec-00 48 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 49 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-01 50 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-Ol 51 _ 54.0 54.0 Apr-Ol 52 < 5.0 2.5 May-Ol 53 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-01 54 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 55 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = *Oi 5 NPDES # = Qw (MCD) = Average Q (cfs)= FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 16.3 Allowable Cw 1.2 RESULTS SO Dev. 1.0952 Mean 0.9 C.V. 1.1665 Number of data points 45 HITS 45 Mult Factor Max. Value 6.3 µg1l Max. Pred Cw 16.3 µg/l Allowable Cw 1.19 µg/I Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1.19 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Feb-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-97 4 < 1.0 0.5 May-97 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 _ Jul-97 6 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-97 7 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-97 9 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 10 < 0.5 Jan-98 11 < ! _ _ _1.0_ 4.9 _ i 2.5 Feb-98 12 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-98 13 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-98 14 < 1.0 0.5 May-98 15 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-98 Jul-98 16 _ < 1.0 0.5 Aug-98 17 < 1.0 0.5 Sep-98 18 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-98 19 < LO 0.5 Nov-98 _ Dec-98 20 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 22 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-99 23 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-99 24 < 1.0 0.5 May-99 _ Jun-99 25 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-99 26 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 27 _f _ __ 6.3_ i 6.3 Sep-99 28 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-99 29 < 1.0 0.5 Nov-99 Dec-99 30 _ < 1.0 0.5 Jan-00 31 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 32 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-00 33 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-00 34 < 1.0 0.5 May-00 35 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-00 36 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-00 37 < 1.0 0.5 Aug-00 38 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 39 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-00 No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge Nov-00 No discharge Deo00 _ _ No discharge Jan-01 40 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-OI 41 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-Ol 42 < 1.0 0.5 Apr-01 43 < 1.0 0.5 May-Ol No discharge Jun-01 44 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-Ol 45 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES N = Qw (MGD) = 7Q 10s (cfs)= lWC (%) = Colonial Pipeline Company -- 005 NCO031046 0.2979 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw 84.8 Allowable Cw 11.0 Sul Dev. 3.6092 Mean 3.0 C.V. 1.1951 of data points 10 HITS 2 Mult Factor = 6.52 Max. Value 13.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 84.8 µg/l Allowable Cw 11.0 µg/I Parameter= Toluene Standard = 1 11.0 1 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 _ 1.2 1.2 Jul-97 2 _i < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 _I 1.3.0 13.0 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com an -- 005 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2979 Average Q (cfs)= 0 FINAL RESULTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw 7.3 Allowable Cw 383.0 RESULTS Std Dev. 0.9911 Mean 1.9 C.V. 0.5135 Number of data points 10 HITS 1 Mult Factor Max. Value 2.8 µg" Max. Pred Cw 7.3 µg/I Allowable Cw 383.0 µg/I Parameter = Eth lbenzene Standard = 383.0 , µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=I/2DL Jan-97 1 '< 1.0 0.5 Jul-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 3 2.8- 2.8 Jul-98 4 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 ' 7 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 10 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi line Com an -- 005 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2979 7QlOs (cfs)= 0 lWC (%) = 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 123.0 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable #/da 0.0 RESULTS Sul Dev. 5.4910. Mean 4.7 C.V. 1.1655 Number of data points 9 HITS 2 Mull Factor Max. Value 18.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 123.0 µg/I Allowable Cw 88.5 µg/I Parameter = x lene Standard = 1 88.5 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 _ Jul-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 2 1 8.9 8.9 Jul-98 3 _ 18.0 18.0 Jan-99 4 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 6 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-01 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 9 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = al Pi eline Com an -- 005 NPDES # = NC0031046 Qw (MGD) = 0.2979 7Q]Os (cfs)= 0 lWC FINAL RESULTS Phenol Max. Pred Cw 39.3 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS SO Dev. 3.7541 Mean 4.7 C.V. 0.7913 Number of data points 43 HITS 9 Mull Factor Max. Value 18.8 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 39.3 µgll Allowable Cw 1.21 µg/I Parameter = ` Phenol Standard = 1.21 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 1 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-97 4 < 10.0 5.0 May-97 5 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-97 No discharge Jul-97 6 _ < 10.0 5.0 Aug-97 7 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-97 _ No discharge Oct-97 8 < 10.0 5.0 Nov-97 _ No discharge Dec-97 9 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 10 < 10.0 5.0 Feb-98 11 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 12 < 10.0 5.0 Apr-98 13 < 10.0 5.0 May-98 14 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-98 No discharge Jul-98 15 _ < 10.0 5.0 Aug-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-98 17 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-98 _ No discharge Dec-98 19 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 20 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 21 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 22 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-99 23 _ 16.0 _ _ j 16.0 May-99 -{ _ No discharge Jun-99 24 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-99 No discharge Aug-99 25 1 8.8 I 8.8 Sep-99 26 18.8 18.8 Oct-99 27 _ 16.9 1 16.9 Nov-99 _ No discharge Dec-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 29 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-00 30 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-00 31 _ 5.6 5.0 Apr-00 32 < 5.0 2.5 May-00 33 5.0 5.0 Jun-00 34 _, 5.0 5.0 Jul-00 35 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 36 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 37 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-00 No discharge j�we � Nov-00 No discharge Dec-00 _ _ No discharge Jan-01 38 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-Ol 39 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-Ol 40 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-Ol 41 < 5.0 2.5 May-01 _ No discharge Jun-Ol 42 7.0__ 1 3.5 _<. Jul-Ol 43 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES # _ Qw(MGD)= 7QIOs (rfs)= 1WC (%n) _ Colonial Pipeline Company --005 NC0031046 0.2979 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil A. Gmase Max. Pred Cw 131.0 Allowable Cw 30.0 Dev. 10.2392 in 6.8 1.4070 of data points 45 HITS 12 Mult Factor = 3.05 Max. Value 43.0 mg/L Max. Pred Cw 131.0 mg/L Parameter = Oil&Grease Standard = 30.0 1 mg/L Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 I < 5.0 2.5 Feb-97 2 _ _ _ _ 3.0 _ i 3.0 Mar-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-97 4 < 5.0 2.5 May-97 5 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 Jul-97 6 _ < 5.0 2.5 Aug-97 7 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-97 _ Oct-97 8 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-97 9 _ 2.0 .. J 2.0 Dec-97 10 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 11 _I 15.0 - 15.0 Feb-98 12 <_ 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 13 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-98 14 < 5.0 2.5 May-98 15 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-98 _ Ju1-98 16 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-98 17 15.0 1 15.0 _I__... _ Sep-98 18 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 19 _;_ _ _ 7.0, 7.0 Nov-98 _ Dec-98 20 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 21 I _ 41.0 'f 41.0 Feb-99 22 < _ 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 23 IP _ __ 5.3 � 5.3 Apr-99 24 < 5.0 2.5 May-99 _ Jun-99 25 13.0 13.0 Jul-99 26 _I < _ _ 5.0 2.5 Aug-99 27 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-99 28 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-99 29 < 5.0 2.5 Nov-99 Dec-99 30 _ 43.0 ( 43.0 Jan-00 31 34.0 34.0 Feb-00 32 _ 26.0 26.0 Mar-00 33 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-00 34 < 5.0 2.5 May-00 35 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-00 36 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-00 37 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 38 < 5_.0 2.5 Sep-00 39 I _ _ - 21.0 21.0 Oct-00 _ Nov-00 _ Dec-00 _ Jan-01 40 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-01 41 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-01 42 < 5.0 2.5 Apr-01 43 < 5.0 2.5 May-01 _ Jan-0I 44 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 45 < 5.0 2.5 No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge No discharge Facility Name = 006NPDES#=Qw MelineCo- (MGD) =Average Q (cfs)= FINAL RESULTS Benzene Max. Pred Cw 10.1 Allowable Cw 1.2 RESULTS Sul Dev. 0.8771 Mean 1.0 C.V. 0.9121 Number of data points 13 HITS 13 Mult Factor Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 10.1 µgtl Allowable Cw 1.19 µg/I Parameter = Benzene Standard = 1.19 µg/1 Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 No Discharge Feb-97 _ No Discharge Mar-97 No Discharge Apr-97 _ _ No Discharge May-97 I < 1.0 0.5 Jun-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Jut-97 No Discharge Aug-97 _ No Discharge Sep-97 _ No Discharge Oct-97 No Discharge Nov-97 _ _ No Discharge Dec-97 3 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-98 No Discharge Feb-98 _ 4 < 1.0 0.5 Mar-98 No Discharge Apr-98 _ No Discharge May-98 _ NO.Discharge Jun-98 5 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-98 No Discharge Aug-98 _ _ No Discharge Sep-98 6 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 No Discharge Nov-98 _ _ No Discharge Dec-98 7 < 1.0 0.5 Jan-99 No Discharge Feb-99 _ NO Discharge Mar-99 No Discharge Apr-99 _ _ No Discharge May-99 _ NO Discharge Jun-99 No Discharge Jul-99 No Discharge Aug-99 _ _ No Discharge Sep-99 _ No Discharge Oct-99 No Discharge Nov-99 _ No Discharge Dec-99 _ 8 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-00 No Discharge Feb-00 _ No Discharge Mar-00 _ No Discharge Apr-00 _ _ No Discharge May-00 _ No Discharge Jun-00 No Discharge Jul-00 _ 9 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 10 < LO 0.5 Sep-00 11 < 1.0 0.5 Oct-00 No Discharge m Nov-00 No Discharge _ Dec-00 No Discharge _ Jan-01 No Discharge _ Feb-Ol No Discharge _ Mar-Ol No Discharge _ Apr-01 _ No Discharge May-Ol 12 < 1.0 0.5 Jun-01 13 < 1.0 0.5 Jul-01 _ No Discharge Facility Name = NPDES # _ Qw (MGD) _ 7QIOs (cfs)= /WC (%) _ Colonial Pipeline Company -- 006 NC0031046 1.3167 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Toluene Max. Pred Cw 6.5 Allowable Cw I1.0 d Dev. 0.9258 can 2.0 V. 0.4629 of data points 8 HITS 0 Mull Factor = 2.60 Max. Value 2.5 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 6.5 µg/I Allowable Cw 11.0 µg/I Parameter = Toluene Standard = 1 11.0 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL May-97 I < LO 0.5 Dec-97 2 < LO 0.5 Feb-98 3 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 4 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-00 7 < 5.0 2.5 May-01 8 < 5.0 2.5 Facility Name = NPDES d = Qw (MGD) _ Average Q (cfs)= Colonial Pipeline Company -- 006 NCO031046 1.3167 0 FINAL RESULTS Ethylbenzene Max. Pred Cw 747.8 Allowable Cw, 383.0 d Dev. 15.2548 can 7.3 V. 2.0861 La points 8 I Factor = 16.62 Value 45.0 Pred Cw 747.8 vable Cw 383.0 Parameter = Eth (benzene Standard = 383.0 1 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL May-97 1 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Feb-98 3 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 4 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-00 7 < 2.5 May-01 8 _ _5._0 45.0 - 45.0 Facility Name = NPDES#= Qw (MGD) _ 7QIOs (cfs)= IWC(%)= Colonial Pipeline Company -- 006 NC0031046 1.3167 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS xylene Max. Pred Cw 11985.1 Allowable Cw 88.5 Allowable #/da 0.0 Dev. V 176.0972 64.2 2.7435 of data points 8 HITS 1 Mult Factor = 23.97 Max. Value 500.0 µg/I Max. Pred Cw 11985.1 µg/I Allowable Cw 88.5 µg/I Parameter = x lene Standard = 88.5 µg/I Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL May-97 1 < 1.0 0.5 Dec-97 2 < 1.0 0.5 Feb-98 3 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 4 < 5.0 2.5 Feb-99 5 < 5.0 2.5 Dec-99 6 < 5.0 2.5 Jul -GO 7 < 5.0 2.5 May-01 8 _j 500_0 ^ 500.0 Facility Name = NPDES # _ Qw (MGD) _ 7QIOs left)= IWC(%)_ Colonial Pipeline Company -- 006 NC0031046 1.3167 0 100.00 FINAL IIESULTS Phenol Max. Pled Cw 119.8 Allowable Cw 0.0 RESULTS Sod Dev. 7.1013 Mean 6.6 C.V. 1.0821 Number of data points 16 HITS 2 Mull Factor Max. Value 28.0 µgo Max. Pred Cw 119.8 µgo Allowable Cw 0.27 µgo Parameter = ; Phenol Standnrd= 0.27 ue/1 Date n < Actual Dam 0DI^12DL Jan-97 No discharge Feb-97 _ _ No discharge Mar-97 _ No discharge Apr-97 _ No discharge May-97 1 < 10.0 5.0 Jun-97 2 < 10.0 5.0 Jul-97 No discharge Aug-97 _ No discharge Sep-97 _ No discharge Oct-97 No discharge Nov-97 _ _ No discharge Dec-97 3 < 10.0 5.0 Jan-98 _ No discharge Feb-98 4 < 10.0 5.0 Mar-98 _ No discharge Apr-98 _ No discharge May-98 _ No discharge Jun-98 5 < 10.0 5.0 Jul-98 6 < 10.0 5.0 Aug-98 7 < 10.0 5.0 Sep-98 8 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-98 _ No discharge Nov-98 _ No discharge Dec-98 9 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 _ No discharge Feb-99 10 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-99 No discharge Apr-99 _ No discharge May-99 _ No discharge Jun-99 _ No discharge Jul-99 No discharge Aug-99 _ _ No discharge Sep-99 _ No discharge Oct-99 _ No discharge Nov-99 _ No discharge Dec-99 11 _ 7.0 j 7.0 Jan-00 _ No discharge Feb-00 NO discharge Mar-00 _ No discharge Apr-00 _ No discharge May-00 _ No discharge Jun-00 No discharge Jul-00 _ 12_I.0 _ 28.0 Aug-00 13 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 14 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-00 _ No discharge Nov-00 No discharge Dec-00 _ No discharge Jan-01 _ No discharge Feb-01 _ No discharge Mar-Ol No discharge Apr-01 _ No discharge May-01 15 <, 40.0 , 20.0 Jun-01 16 <1 _ 5.0_ 2.5 Jul-01 No discharge Facility Name = NPDESN- Qw(MGD)= 7QJOs (rfs)= 1WC (%) = Colonial Pipeline Company --006 NCO031046 1.3167 0 100.00 FINAL RESULTS Oil & Grease Max. Pred Cw 28.1 Allowable Cw 30.0 De, 2.1860 3.3 0.6582 to points 14 2 Factor = 2.84 Value 9.9 mg/L Pred Cw 28.1 mg/L vable Cw Inn mM. Parameter = Oil &Grease Standard = 30.0 mg/L Date n < Actual Data BDL=1/2DL Jan-97 No discharge Feb-97 _ NO discharge Mar-97 _ _ No discharge Apr-97 _ No discharge May-97 1 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-97 2 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-97 No discharge Aug-97 _ No discharge Sep-97 _ No discharge Oct-97 No discharge Nov-97 _ _ No discharge Dec-97 3 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-98 _ No discharge Feb-98 4 < 5.0 2.5 Mar-98 No discharge Apr-98 _ No discharge May-98 _ No discharge Jun-98 5 < 5.0 2.5 Ju698 No discharge Aug-98 _ _ No discharge Sep-98 6 < 5.0 2.5 oct-98 No discharge Nov-98 _ _ No discharge Dec-98 7 < 5.0 2.5 Jan-99 -_- _ No discharge Feb-99 8 9.9 9.9 Mar-99 No discharge Apr-99 _ No discharge May-99 _ No discharge Jun-99 _ No discharge Jul-99 No discharge Aug-99 _ _ No discharge Sep-99 _ No discharge Oct-99 _ No discharge Nov-99 _ No discharge Dec-99 9 6,6 � 6.6 Jan-00 No discharge Feb-00 _ No discharge Mar-00 _ No discharge Apr-00 _ _ No discharge May-00 _ No discharge Jun-00 _ No discharge Jul-00 10 < 5.0 2.5 Aug-00 11 < 5.0 2.5 Sep-00 12 < 5.0 2.5 Oct-00 No discharge Nov-00 _ No discharge Dec-00 _ No discharge Jan-01 _ No discharge Feb-01 _ _ No discharge Mar-01 No discharge Apr-01 _ _ No discharge May-01 13 < 5.0 2.5 Jun-01 14 < 5.0 2.5 Jul-01 - No discharge CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Dry Creek CPF02 16-13 C21NW7 C NSW Dry Creek CPF04 16-34-(0.3) D21SE7 C NSW Dry Creek CPF04 16-34-(0.7) D21SE8 WS-IV NSW Dry Creek CPF10 17-26-5-6 F20NW9 WS-III Dry Creek CPF07 18-17-(1) F23NE6 C Dry Creek CPF07 18-17-(2) F23NE6 WS-IV Dry Creek CPF13 18-20-13-3-5 F22SE1 C Dry Fork Creek CPFll 17-37-2 F21NE6 C Duck Pond Branch (Duck Pond) CPF13 18-20-13-3-1 F22SW6 C Duff Creek CPF22 18-74-29-2-(2) H26SE6 C Sw Duff Creek (Lake Tut) CPF22 18-74-29-2-(1) H26SE8 B Sw Duncans Creek CPF13 18-20-25 F23NW9 C Duncans Creek CPF14 18-23-18-1 F22SE7 WS-III Dunham Creek CPF14 18-23-16-2 F21SW6 WS-III Dutchman Creek CPF17 18-88-9-3-(2.5) L26NE5 SA HQW Dutchman Creek (North side of Intracoastal CPF17 18-88-9-3-(1) L26NE5 SC Sw HQW Waterway) Dutchman Creek Outlet Channel Dutchman Creek Shellfish Area Dye Branch East Branch Price Creek East Branch Price Creek East Buies Creek East Buies Creek CPF17 CPF17 CPF03 CPF06 CPF06 CPF07 CPF07 18-88-9-3-3 18-88-9-3-(4) 16-19-11-1-1 16-41-2-4-1-(1) 16-41-2-4-1-(2) 18-18-1-(1) 18-18-1-(2) L26NE5 L26NE9 C21SW2 D22SE1 D22SE1 F24NW4 F24NW2 SA HQW SA HQW C NSW WS-II HQW NSW WS-II HQW NSW CA C WS-IV East ork Deep River CPF08 17-2-(0.3) - T East Fork Deep River CPF08 17-2-(0.7) C19SW8 WS-IV CA East Mingo Creek CPF18 18-68-12-2-1 F24NE5 C Sw Elder Branch CPF22 18-74-24-1-2 H27NW7 C Sw Elizabeth River CPF17 18-88-9-2-(1) L26NE8 SA HQW Elizabeth River Shellfishing Area CPF17 18-88-9-2-(2) L26NE9 SA HQW Ellis Creek CPF16 18-44 H24SW8 C Ennis Pond CPF14 18-23-31 F23SE8 C Enoch Mill Creek CPF18 18-68-12-17 125NE8 C Sw Evans Lake CPF15 18-25 G23SE1 WS-IV Everett Bay CPF24 18-87-2 J29NW1 SA ORW Everett Creek CPF24 18-87-29 K27SW3 SA HQW Fairy Fair Creek CPF14 18-23-32-4 F23SE7 C Fall Creek CPF07 18-8 F22NE2 C Falls Creek CPF10 17-27 E21SW4 C Fan Branch CPF06 16-41-2-6-1 D22SE2 WS-IV NSW Field Branch CPF15 18-31-7 G21SE5 C Field Creek CPF20 18-68-22-2 J26SE1 C Sw First Silver Run CPF13 18-20-33 F23SE3 WS-IV Fish Creek CPF07 18-14 F23NW6 WS-IV Fishing Creek CPF23 18-74-35 I27SE5 C Sw Fishing Creek CPF23 18-74-59 J27SW4 C Sw Fishing Creek CPF17 18-88-1-4-1 L27NW1 SC Sw HQW Fishing Creek CPF17 18-88-8-4-1 L27SW2 SA HQW Flat Creek CPF09 17-24 E20SE5 C Flat Creek CPF14 18-23-15 G22NW7 WS-III Flat Swamp CPF23 18-74-33-4-1-2 128SE4 C Sw Flat Swamp Ditch CPF15 18-28-1-1 G23SE2 C Flyrod Lake CPF14 18-23-4 F21SW9 WS-III Folkner Branch CPF05 16-41-3-(1) D23SW7 WS-IV NSW Page 9 of 30 NC DENR - DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY .0311 CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN Classification Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Weaver Creek From a point 0.5 mile WS-IV NSW CA 08/03/92 16-41-12-(2) HAW RIVER Shaddox Creek DEEP RIVER (including High Point Lake at normal pool elevation) East Fork Deep River East Fork Deep River Long Branch Long Branch West Fork Deep River West Fork Deep River (Oak Hollow Reservoir) Hiatt Branch Hiatt Branch West Fork Deep River Boulding Branch upstream of mouth to New Hope River Arm of B. Everett Jordan Lake From dam at B. Everett WS-IV 08/03/92 16-(42) Jordan Lake to Cape Fear River (junction with Deep River) From source to Haw River WS-IV 08/03/92 16-43 From source in backwaters WS-IV CA * 04/01/99 17-(1) of High Point Lake to dam at High Point Lake (City of High Point water supply intake) From source to a point 0.4 WS-IV mile downstream of Guilford County SR 1541 04/01/99 17-2-(0.3) From a point 0.4 mile WS-IV CA * 04/01/99 17-2-(0.7) downstream of Guilford County SR 1541 to High Point Lake, Deep River From source to a point 0.5 WS-IV mile downstream of Guilford County SR 1541 04/01/99 17-2-1-(1) From a point 0.5 mile WS-IV CA * 04/01/99 17-2-1-(2) downstream of Guilford County SR 1541 to East Fork Deep River From source to a point 0.3 WS-IV mile downstream of Guilford County SR 1850 04/01/99 17-3-(0.3) From a point 0.3 mile WS-IV CA * 04/01/99 17-3-(0.7) downstream of Guilford County SR 1850 to dam at Oak Hollow Reservoir From source to a point 0.6 WS-IV * 04/01/99 17-3-1-(1) mile upstream of mouth From a point 0.6 mile WS-IV CA * 04/01/99 17-3-1-(2) upstream of mouth to Oak Hollow Reservoir, West Fork Deep River From dam at Oak Hollow WS-IV * Reservoir to Boulding Branch From source to West Fork WS-IV * Deep River 04/01/99 17-3-(1.5) 04/01/99 17-3-2 2B .0300 • cEieS COLONIAL PIPELINE COMPANY Table 2. DMR Data Review Summary I Outfalls 001 002 003 004 005 006 Flow (MGD) Arr4W O-A,� Re orted Maximum C, . ( Z f (o ©. 4 0.4 J+ 6 _69 %- f3 j ISE /ides. EPA Method 624 / 625 -- (Parameters detected other than BTEX) N Nib. p N t 6 T `, � p � � A � _ c�C TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) All "pass" All " ass" All "pass" All "pass" All "pass" All " ass" DMR Data Review Summary Outfalls QOl 002 003 004 005 006 Flow (MGD) R orted Maximum 0.62 O.OcGS2- l o.25Tj I ~ O • �(eq TSR (Six-er Annual Average) TSR (Sim Annual Maximum) EPA Method 624 / 625 -- (Parameters detected other than BTEX) �1 r(� T"� Z • t� T : • O T= (• Z TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) All "pass" All - ass" All " ass" All " ass" All " as. '' All "pass" le 2. DMR Data Review Summary Outfalls 001 002 003 004 005 006 Stwyaw Flow (MGD) Reported Maximum TSR (S Annual Average) TSR (Si%Qyew Annual Maximum) EPA Method 624 / 625 --(Parameters detected other than BTEX) D TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) All "pass" All "pass" All "pass" All "pass" All " All -pass" r-1-1 Table 2. DMR Data Review Summary 16t7? Outfalls 001 002 003 004 005 006 Flow (MGD) yZar Reported Maximum d 2-re 0. 03 0 • (nv.d • 8 �-6act - mu EPA Method 624 / 625 -- (Parameters detected other than BTEX) N11 N® Yt p 14 A .0 NA Q f �S AID AI Q 44 AJ A TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) All "pass" All "pass" All " ass" All "pass" All "pass" All "pass" Table 2. DMR Data Review Summary Outfalls 001 002 003 004 005 006 Flow (MGD) A,#,1p1Jgs. Reported Maximum (7 .l-2 1314 R8�9- D, OZ$� • 2`�'T�Z o -01 O T6it (Siryctr Annual Average) -T.%SR (fir Annual Maximum) EPA Method 624 / 625 -- (Parameters detected other than BTEX) JW N AkM 4 � ) r - B-! X =5'-1 tj�A TOX (Annual: 1996-2001) All "pass All " ass" All " ass" All "pass" All ` ass" All "pass" %►p a XO -�-vcr�Q T r 61076O 6•AfR-i I.316� NQbnsfo4Cp Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary FACILITY REQUIREMENT YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR August 16, 2001 Colonial Pipeline/001 Perm 24hr LC50 ac mono epis fthd (grab) 1897 >100 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NCO031046/001 Begin:7/1/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: 1998 >100- County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasia: CPF08 1999 >100-- PF: NA special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100 Order: 2000 Bt — >100 _ — -- •- — -- ._ _ 2001 >100 -- —- Colonial Pipeline/002 Penn 24hr LC50 ac moni epis fthd (grab) 1997 >100 — NCO031046/002 Begin:7/1/1996 Frequency: A NmComp: 1998 >100 — County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasim CPF08 1999 >100 _- — — -' -- — PF: NA special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(00/a):100 Order 2000 Bt — >100 2001 >100 — — Colonial Pipeline/003 Perm 24hr LC50 ac mcni epic fthd (grab) 1997 >100 -- NCO031046/003 Begin:7/1/1996 Frequency: A NonCor'rp' 199>t0o County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF08 1999 9 >100 PF: NA special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100.0 Order: 2000 Bt >100 _- — -- -- — -' — -- 2001 >100 — — — — — — -- Colonial Pipeline/004 Perm 24hr LC50 ac mono epis fthd (grab) 1997 >100 -- — NCO031046/004 Begin:7/l/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: /998 >100 _ County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbwm: CPF08 1999 >100 PF; NA special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100.0 Order: 2000 Bt — >100 - — -- -- 2001 >100 — _-- Colonial Pipelinef005 Penn 24hr LC50 ac monit epis fthd (grab) 1997 >100 NCO031046/005 Begin:7/l/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: 1998 >100-- County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF08 1999 >100 __ PF: NA Special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(0/0):100.0 Order: 2000 BI — _-- >700 — - —_ -- — -- -' '- -• 2001 >100 — _-- Colonial PipelinelM Penn 24hr LC50 ac monit epis fthd (grab) 1997 — NCO0310461006 Begim7/1/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: 1998 -_ — >100 — >100 County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF08 1999 -- >100 '- PF: NA special 2000 — — 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%):100 Order: 2001 >100 _ - — _ — -- — -_ >100 — Color -Tex Finishing Corp. Penn chr lim: 12% Y 1997 -- 94.57 NC0005487/001 Begin:l2/1/1999 Frequency: Q Feb May Aug Nov + Noncomp:Single 1998 — 85.54,62.37 — — 77.37 88.45 60.21 74.82 78.05 Rowan Region: MRO Subbasin: YAD04 1999 -- 66.80,82.37 80.90 9100 _ __ -� PF: 42573.05 Special 2000 Pass — — 92.83 -- -- >t0o — Bt . Bt 7Q10:1030 IWC(°/)U.64 Order: 2001 NR NR — Pass NRIPass - - Fail FaiI,NR Columbus W WTP Penn chr lim: 37 % Y 1997 Pass -- Pass NC0021369/001 Begin: l2/1/1998 Frequency: Q P/F +Mar Jun Sep Dec + NonComp:Single 1998 — -- Pass_ Pass Pass — -- Pass County: Polk Region:ARO Subbasin: BRD02 1999 — — _ Pass Pass Pass _ _- Pass PF: 0.8 Special 200 — -" Pass — -- Pass — -- Pass 7Q10:2.1 IWC(%):37.08 Order: _- 20011 — Pam Pass Pass — — Pass — Pass— — Pass Comm Scope IncJ001 Penn chr lim: 34% 1997 — NCO034754/001 Begin: Frequency: P/F + Feb May Augov + NonCo S' le gQ y 8 1998 H Fail — Pass "- -- Pass _. County: Catawba Region: MRO Subbasin: CTB32 1999 pass -- Fail Late Pass Pass -- Pass -- PF: 0.02 special — 2000 — Fail Fall NR Pass Pass — Fail N NRlLate Pass Pass 7Q10:0.06 IWC(%):34 Order: 2001 Fail,Fail NR Pass — -- Pass -- -- Pass -- Fail,Failt — -- Pass — — Comm Scope IncJ002 24hr LC50 ac moni epis fthd (composite sampling) 1997 H H H NCO034754/002 Begin:lON1997 Frequrncy:Q 1/calrnd.Q NonComp: 1998 H H H H H H H H County: Catawba Region: MEG Subbasin: CTB32 1 H — H H -" "- H H — PF: var special 7Q10:0.05 IWC(%)ura Order: 000 -- 2000 -_ -- H NR — H NR -- — H _- H — Bt Bt 2001 — -- H — H __ — H Comm Scope Inc./003 24hr LC50 ac monh epis fthd (composite sampling) 1997 NCO034754/003 Begin:10/811997 Frequency:l/calQ I/calendarQ NonCo mp: 1999 H H H Cowry: Catawba Region: MRO Subbasin: CTB32 1999 __ H H H H PF: var Special -_ 2000 __ _- _ H __ NR __ H - - H -' -- Bt Bt 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%)ra Order. 2001 — — _ H -_ — NR H - H -. --H Y Pre 1997 Data Available LEGEND: PERM = Permit Requirement LET = Administrative Letter - Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: Q- Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A- Annually; OWD- Only when discharging D- Discontinued monitoring requirement Begin = First month required 7Q10 = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cfs) +- quarterly monitoring increases to monthly upon failure or NR Months that testing must occur - ex. Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement PF = Permitted flow (MGD) IWC% = Instream waste concentration P/F = Pus/Fail test AC = Acute CHR = Chronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow; • - Ceriodaphnia sp.; my - Mysid shrimp; ChV - Chronic value; P - Mortality of stated percentage at highest concentration; at - Performed by D WQ Aquatic Tox Unit; bt - Bad test Reporting Notation: -- = Data not required; NR - Not reported Facility Activity Status: I - Inactive, N - Newly Issued(To construct); H - Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question; • = ORC signature needed 12 Colonial Pipeline Company Creating Excellence in Transportation Services FA#toN D. LEIGH Environmental Technician Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr. NCDENR/Water Quality/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Colonial Pipeline Company - Renewal Application NPDES Permit NCO031046 Greensboro Terminal Guilford County Mr. Weaver: Telephone: 336-294.9737 Facsimile. 336-292-6462 Colonial Pipeline Company requests renewal of the above referenced NPDES permit. Please find enclosed one original and two (2) copies of the renewal application. We have a total of silt (6) outfalls at this facility. We request that five (#'s 001, 002, 003, 004, & 005) of the six be permitted for storm water runoff, wash down slab water, and prover -loop calibration water. Although wash down slab water and prover -loop calibration water rarely involve enough volume to generate a discharge, we would like to have this potential source included in our permit. We also request that outfall #006 continue to be permitted for hydrostatic test water. Our operation does not generate sludge and/or solids and, therefore, we do not have a sludge management plan. I have included a copy of our watershed runoff— effluent flow with each application. Although I am not an officer of the company, I am the Operate in Responsible Charge (ORC) and the authorized agent (see attached) for this facility. If this renewal application requires additional signatures, please let me know. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact me at (336) 294-9737 or at the letterhead address. 'Thank you for your assistance with this renewal. Sincerely, Faron D. Leigh (J Enclosures MAR - 7 2001 :'Oi'iO URGE 6UNcii co: Jack E. Williams, Colonial Pipeline Company, Mid -Atlantic District Environmental Project Manager - w/enclosures 411 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27409