HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000488_Final Permit_19830508North= Carolina_- Department, o. Natural". Resources &community Deve#opment� James S. Hunt, Jr_, Governor Joseph W. Gr:msley, Secretary October 5, 1983 Colonel Wayne. A.. Hanson• Dis trice_. Manager, U_ S Army- Corps: of. Engineers. P':._ 0'_ Box-. 1890. Wilmington.•,_ North. Carolina. 28401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT' Robert F. Helms . D i recmr Teiepnone 919 733.7015 SUBJECT:. Permit. No 9562. U'.. S'., Army. Corps. of_ Engineers Wilmilgton_ District. Vista. Point. Recreation.- Area, -- Jordan - Land Application/Spray'Irrigation-, Wastewater.'Treatment,FAcility Chatham' County., Dear.- Colonel. Hanson: In accordance- with.your- application; received., July- 12,. 1983,..we- are- forwarding,- herewith- Permit- No.. 9562,.. dated. October' 5',_ 1983',..to:- U'-._S`-. Army- Corps: -of- Engineers fora the= construction_ and. operation of the subject, non -discharger type- wastewater: treatment- and. disposal facilities-_ facilities -- This permit'. shall- effective from°. the.- date- of- issuances until_ October 3T, 1988,_ and- shall. bep. subject: to the conditions° and_ limitations as: specified. thereirr_. If. any- pants,,. requirements-,. or- limitations contained. in. this, permit. are.. unacceptable- to: you, you_ have: the. right-. to: an. adjudicatory hearing before. a_ Bearing: officer: upon. written°i demand, to the: Director- within thirty- (30) days - following receipt of -this permit,..identifying.the specific issues to be con -- tended... Unless such-demand..is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please.be.aware that any future transfer of ownership and maintenance responsibility of these.facilities,. such as to the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and -Community -Development, must be approved by this Division by requesting permit reissuance, since this permit is non -transferable. Stand-by power" must: be• provided. for: the raw sewage: pump station. in. one of: three- forms: accetable to the- Division,, once. the_ portion- of - Jordan Lake adjacent, to': the` pump, stationu site. is. reclassified to A-II/B' or5B waters;. else,. this, permit shall_ become --voidable.. Con td _.. POLL UTIOMPRE VE'NTION PAYS: _ P' 0: Box 27687. Raleigh-, N. C_ 27611.768T A -Equal OAaortualtyAfflrmarlve-Actla r Er»playeB NORTH' CAROLINA - ENVIRONMENTAL.MANAGEMENT COMIKISSION MDEPARVIENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH P E.R M I T For the Discharge -of Sewage, industrial Wastes,. or Other Wastes In_ accordance. with the: provisions of_ Article. 2.1. of Chapter 143,. General. Statutes: of. North- Carolina as. amended., andother. applicable: Laws', Rules, and. Regulations= PERMISSION IS HEREBY' GRANTED: TO U.. S'_. Army Corps. of Engineers- Chatham County conatruction- and_ operation-. of: a. 2',.350 GPD non -discharge land,_ application_ spray irrigation type* wastewater` -collection: treatment- and. disposal facility consisting_ of" approximately 1,.056� 11neal-feet- of- 8-inch- gravity' sewer;_ 3,3M lineal feet of 3-inch di:"ameter:,. forcer main-,,.a-.40' GPM -:,pump: station with= dual -pump s.:and-high, water- alarm,_ a. 2105000.-gallons cap-- acity facultative, lagoon.- with. 1. HP" floating mechanical`..'aerator;. a:. 64,00&' gallon*'cap acity storage lagoon,. a_ chlorine: contact: tank with_ gas: chlorinator , d_ 68 GPM' irrigation pump- station- with- dual. pumps, and, auto -timer- shut-off controls,, approximately- 1.6 acres: of irrigation• area;. and. associated. irrigation:. pipings... sprinklers-,, and. appurtenances to serve: the= U_ S'- Army Corps: of- Engineers!' Vistas Point- Recreation Area. at. Jordan. Lake with no, discharge, of. wastewater- to the. surface waters- of_ thet State-,. pursuant. to the. application received July 12',. 1983,.. and. in; conformity with the. project plans„ specifications,- ands other.- supporting- data,. subsequently filed. and, approved by the-Department-of'Natural Resources and Community Development.and considered -.a part of this- permit_.. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 31,. 1988,. and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable.uniess the facilities are constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data. 2... This permit -is effective only with respect. to the nature and volume• of wastes described in_ the, application and- other-.supporting.:data.. 3.. The,. facilities shall be, properly-' maintained and. -operated at all.. times.. • Permit- No.. 4562 . Page: Two: 4.. The. sewage and wastewater- collected_ by this system -shall be -adequately pretreated in the aeration- lagoon and disinfection facilities prior -to being sprayed onto.the receiving irrigation area.- 5. Thia permit: is, not transferable.. 6._ This. permit. shall. become. voidable in the. event of failure or. the soil . to..adequately absorb the -wastes, and.may be -rescinded unless the facilities are- installed., maintained and. operated in a.- manner - which-. will. protect the assigned -.water quality standards of the- surface waters, and- prevent7 any contamination of the- ground waters- which will_ render- them-. unsatisfactory for normal use_. 7.- In -event the• facilities- fail to perform. satisfactorily including the- creation- of: nuisance conditions-, the-,Permittee- shall take. such immediate corrective: action as�may- be, required. by, this. Divisionr,w including the- construction., of; additional or -replacement wastewater treatment or - disposal facilities- 8... The--.Permittee: shall_ employ, aY certifiedwastewater. treatment- plant- operator: in. responsible. charge- of: the: wastewater- treatment facilities_. Such. operator. must- hold:. a. certificate:. of: the- grade at.. least-. equivalent, to. they cTassifi--- cation. assigned_ to- the: wastewater- treatment: faczlities-:by- the- Certification:. Commission_. 9.... Diversiou� or- by.-passing� of: the, untreated- wastewater: from, the_ treatment- facilities:- is.. prohib-ited - 10_ Monitoring. we°lls- shall, bet constructed_ and. sampling_ schedules. arranged as - required -by- the Division.. of Environmental. Management'.. 11.- Any monitoring- deemed. necessary by the- Division•. of Environmental Management- to- insure. surface_ and_ ground. water- protection. will. be- established:- and-- an- acceptable- sampling reporting_ schedule. shall be followed'_. 12 - Initially, the following, parameters- shall. be, monitored quarterly on the- groundwater. -monitoring wells and the results submitted to the Division's Raleigh•. Regional. Office:. a.-) Water level b.) 'Nitrates c..) Chlorides d..) BOD5 e..) pH f..) Total Phosphorus 13.. The:sludge generated from. these treatment facilities must be disposed of in: accordance- with.. General, Statutes 143-215.1 and. in a manner- approvab le by the- North. Carolina. Division of Environmental Management, and -shall be removed. from_the_aeration=lagoorr without damaging the lagoon's liner. 14.. Reports-- on- the, operations of the- facilities shall- be, submitted. to the- Raleigh•- Regional. Office: at- regular- intervals and. in such form: and. detail as_.may, be required by this ➢ivision-_. Permit No.- 9562' Page-. Two. One.(I) set -of approved plans - and specifications is being forwarded to you.. if_ you -.have• any questions or need. additional information concerning this matter,. please -contact -Mr; H.. Dale. Crisp,. telephone- No. 919/733-5083,. ext-.. 108 Sincerely yours. Robert. T- Helms. cc-:. Chatham.: County- Health Department_ Mr_ Eric_ Matzke-,_ P_. E Mr.. Forrest. R_ Westall Raleigh -Regional Supervisor Raleigh, Regional'. Manager Permit: No_ 9562_ Page. Three 15. A. suitable: year round vegetative. cover- shall be --maintained.. 16. Irrigation shall not�be.,performed during inclement weather - or - when the ground. is ina. condition that will. cause runoff. 17:. The Permittee-,. at -least- six. (6)- months, prior: to the. expiration- of. this Permit,. shall, request. its extension:- Upon receipt: of the. request„ the.. Commission. will review- the, adequacy -of' the facilities described therein,. � and. if-- indicated,., will. extend-- the: Permit: for- such period, of time- and.. under. such conditions and. limitations. as:. it may deem. appropriate._ 18... The application. rates. shall, not:. exceed. 0.A4 inch/acre/week_. � 19 .- Freeboard -.'in- the, aeration- and-. storage lagoons -shall not be less than two (2) feet --at any time-.- 20.- The: issuance of' thin. permit-- shall not: relieve, U.- S Army -Corps:. of Engineers: of the: responsibility for- damages to-� surfacer or. ground".wdters:.resultiag:. from: the, operation• of this, facility-.. 21.. The- facilities: shall be- effectively maintained- an& -operated as: a. non -- discharge, system --to. prevent:. thew discharge_ of; any- wastewater.- in to., then surface- waters- of the- S"tate._. :22., Noy type- of.waste- other --than: that- from the- Vista».Point-'Recr.eation=:.Area r = • faciliitiesr .shall. be.• sprayed onto:.the-:irrigation: area: 23.. No, traf fic.. or- equipment shall. be- allowed- on- the. disposal; area* except. while- . installation- occurs. or -while- no'rmah maintenance- is_ being: performed,:.' 24.. Nov. root or: leaf' crops- for- public- comsumption- shall be--' raised: on. these. sites. : 25.. Adequate: inspection•,., maintenance-,_ and_- cleaning shall. be:: provided by the;, Permittee•: to. insure- proper- operation of. the: subject. facilities.:.;. .. . 26.. The. minimum-. following. buffer- distances shall. be. maintained. from• the perimeter of the irrigation field wetted area: a..) 400 feet. to nearest existing residence. or place of public assembly b.) 150 feet to the property line c-.) 100 feet. to portable water supply well or -any surface.waters d..) 50 feet. to wet -weather drainage- area. e.) 200 feet to -any A -II classified.surface waters 27.. -S'tand-by power - must be- provided- for -.the- raw sewage: pump, station,in. one . of._ three ---forms. acceptable- to.•the. Division:-,- once, the_ portiorir.of_ Jordan- Lake- adjacent. to. the- pump, station. site. is. reclassified,to. A-I3/B or; B - _ waters;- else,this permit. shall. become- voidable _. _. y