HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001292 Ver 1_Complete File_20001006?Ty ?' AAlt o M d ? I WL?f l tIID4 ?74II??'? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Dear Sir: DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY PAYMENT RECEIVED 001292 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEASITE: WWW. DOH. DOT. STATE. NC. US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 1 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and Total impacts Site Cowardin Schafale & Weakley DWQ Acres Classification Classification Rating Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM I E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PFO 1 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS 1 C Piedmont/Mountain Bottom land Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC 1 * PF01 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.02 2* PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFOIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS1A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 rtm it - raiustrine bmergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PF01A - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSS1C - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFO1C - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS1A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site 1 in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Impact (linear feet) Channel Replaced (linear feet) Channel Net Loss (linear feet) Acres Impacted Section AC A Farm Pond 0.46 B UT to Clear Creek 377 377 C Clear Creek 492 492 D UT to Clear Creek 1230 551 679 E UT to Goose Creek 102 102 F UT to Goose Creek 138 138 SUBTOTAL 2339 551 1788 0.46 Section BA A Farm Pond 0.33 B UT to Mckee Creek 484 484 C McKee Creek 1083 1083 SUBTOTAL 1567 1567 0.33 Section BB A Farm Pond 0.57 B* UT to Reedy Creek 442 360 82 C* Farm Pond 0.32 SUBTOTAL 442 360 82 0.89 Table 2.-Continued- - - - ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area. NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-21 1 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, k William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer L APPENDIX A Permits and Ageements DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 1 ,I WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS ( P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 7, 2000 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, McKee Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (I-485) between Interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in full force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 2 1 NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 1 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 23-4 day of Lei- , 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, are agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETF'. WHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 BB); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS, WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow: 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for-3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOTs policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 1 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOT needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in tvro (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the worn on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for additional ten (10) years after completion of this project 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: ??•--- Title: (fLi f NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY: Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMEN-7 OF NS.PORTATION BY: ?(_AI STATE HIGHWA ADMINISTRATOR BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM SISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 1 W W ti' v,) Pr U iz• W -- - ? S r (1 Y+1 01?q{• 7 ) 31 1? 10,0 O ( t• i 16 W \\. f n. _? _ r r. 3 C Y ^ IV1- - ,_-..I LW L• O ?. ` f-' :- E- U c_t a O C , ' a O Cl w ( 0 CL o U `' ? w U ti a ?' U F ? c?a tZ f-. z 0 E, 0 o a x o ? W? o CL U z n ? U ? ro U ? cs. E- ? U 0 L:j w z W H 1 1 F w o? za o? U J? E O N O E O_ \I r 0 ? Fes,' ? ? . ti E-- 1?1 U ? o LO 1 F 7 r r O LJ o J O Lj ...1 ? w l: LO O t u -- W r!` l==1 f1 C N C) z. H u z? r -- u 2 a i- .a < tW? L• U Li 0 0 O a, u 0 MI bl U :n E 0 N O E - O r M L• Q M E-' i :!1 i I \ \ W? N\ I I I I I :I 4 ' b ?I I I 1 I I I I I? II I I I I? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ?l W/ :I pph l OI?' NIE I I I I I I O ? ? n z ? r? p C` U CA r? a, rx Lj f? c c ? o CL U _ O a ..: ,J r. cc U E? O u r~ 7 c`J W ,I~ V J l 1 = DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS 5m 010m MEZ?l SALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF 13 OD o? \ \\ lot c\ \ Y/ yl \\?N! ° DETAIL I SITE, n n - BSI \ \S R-2123 AC SITE D & E v Oar / 1 i j / g. / MATCHLINE 3 •-? •.7 DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS -,i ?O X _mff6p- SITE E DETAIL 5m 010m SALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET ? OF 13 - DETAIL III IS a O ) i Y ? ? i ?- 1 1? i A l 68 l ?y r A SITE I) j r , ------------ s ? 1 00 i 6 \ \ 11 ? 1 "?- ` %GE s \ ` 0 0, G r DETAIL IV a \ .?.? DENOTES PILL IN O -" SURFACE HATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ?9TC J;? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R- 2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 5SRHEEE3 Q qm SCALE AS SHOWN SCALE SHEET `} OF 13 A? 5m. 0 1 Qm SCAL NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 9 OF 13 `? MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V -? DETAIL VI c%cE SITE 1) _ i r r r ? r ?? i r BAFFLE WALL EACH END (TYP.) - - - - --------------- S' 0. o? O 80 DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII _.? .? DEMOTES PILL IN SUftPACE N'.ATCRS 5rn Q 1 Qm GALE - - I V? I I V I o I o I NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET J- OF 13 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 170m3 EXISTING GROUND Wl- `, 2:1 SIDE SLOPES i Q3 cl- ("r') CD N \ o " RETAIN EXISTING -- CHANNEL 2.7m BASE 0.30m BENCH _ 2,7m BASE WIDTH TAPER BENCH WIDTH 2.7m-6.4m BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1m x '2.7m RCBC DETAIL _ I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE i.Zm-/./M ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 44Um 3 ?. , ESTIMATED DRAINAGE D EXCAVATION = 90m3 2:1 SIDE SLC (TYP•) L TAPER - EXISTING CHANNE BASE WIDTH 2.1m BASE 2.1 m-3.1 m CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1)? 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL _ 1_: STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 650 m 3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL III : STA 17+99.1 -Y29- -mEiw- EXISTING GROUND - TI DTI --- bo E ? a 0.45 THK N E W/FILTER FAE ?' --2:1 SIDE SLC o T4 BASE WIDTH WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m E 11.5m Y CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL N NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 I ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4870m3 E w ri ? E cV TI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 780m3 VARIES T1 Tt IA --2:1 SIDE SLOPES E BENCH T3 T3 dT2 T2 L T4 T4 $ EXISTING GROUND *NY / 7\ TI 0 '??0.45m THK. o W/FILTER FABRIC T3 T2 2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 T4 o BENCH BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING BENCH WIDTH m Lo ?.-f3 bm CHANNEL BASE 13.Om Y O TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 2 AND _? OF 3 RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 640mj EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 460m3 VARIES VARIES T T1 TI __-- T1 $ E W N TRANSITION FROM OENmH d ?0.45m THK. E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES o W/FILTER FABRIC T2 T3 r3l T2 8 T4 -T4`--- RETAIN EXISTING a T4 T4 2:1 SIDE SLOPES CHANNEL 6.5m BASE BASfWI TH VARIES BENCH 9.Om-6.m 0.3m 8 NCH WIDTi I TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO IX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH Of NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 M?w_ SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET it F i3 Q) C) y T v) p N R-2123 AC NANCY BLACK NORELLI SITE F DD. 6960 PG. 325 sQ EST. S,Om TONS \ r CLASS q- RIP-RAP M/ 12 m FILTER FABRIC 15.000 I L T I A. .; 9.000 1 L T I E E C + + F EST. X3.5 m TONS CLASS I RIP-RAP V/ IS m' FILTER FABRIC 16. PROP. LAT. 'V' DITCH •33.000 SEE 01 CNLDETAIL B' EL SEE PRA 1 E ZZ_ E E E C F E N lT 6'4 W \ SERVICE RD. 'A' c PR R/V \ C \ HEADIIIALL _ --- __._.. ,SLIDE SI AAL L I P& -up E x 0.000 +. E I.s M \ 16.000 (AT) 400 \ \ E 11.250 IRTI \ DONALD DENNY ALLEN 00. 4060 PG. 113 O s DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS p +60.000 AM 23.000 IRTI 3y \ 0 3m HIGH fMIN. 1 EVERY 30m -/- ITYP. SEE STO. 1633.02 PROP. LAT. 0.6 1 SE[ DITCH DETA11 SE PROFILE 5m p10m IMPTR-,SSALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET -I Z OF 13 ? a? o N C ° E V L c U W m -y 00 (000 U ccy c c E Q o m CL z r U O a .- N M W C C 'C M M n _ W U w U ? OD w c 0 D = .. N LL 3: ^ o U) c 2 co - r m = Z v ii ?- Cl N Q) C L N L L U m o ? y C t (0 fC L ?. ?y O v N D i LL U) C Q U c a v o G c U Q x 3 w c g F- w h o 3 ? C CL (C E j N ~ C y c LO CO N O O C L ° O O LL j ?. N 7 y U N ` cn Q O 'E cr m 00 0 0 0 0 0 ( n 2 co co ( O ( O O O O O + + a C O 0 C O 0) c o O c o rn O O rn M t }' C l) M M tr er d p cn Z . -N Q[ 0 U 0 W w Q O H ti H V W "y O a Q w V H w w w I p N N H V W ti O a w m co w H V j S- :. f` ? f P y' ,X N -x r w Q V Lf) olr `T_.. O <r: q c-? CL , ? O U C) c) w ? 0 5 L' O _ Jam. Oc_, 0 i O co Q wou?Lw O U Q O U) W U jU00? LLJ LU ZCa?wa.0 = N LLI f d I .1 L ?1 a ? U) '~ N k 17 ll? J[L' •-? 6> > (51 - PILL IN WETLANDS ERR= IN SURFACE WATERS I FILL FILL IN WETLANDS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 3 0 F ?, i I M I '-" MM M (? cf) N O F-• N W *0 , S? oen ? _ - - Wooo s; - - - I - -Taft- 1 0 ? U a Li - O ° p LL O --- . w ba6'SSJ ' o0 O zf?Q0 ~ 7Zt- ,,oc n w 0 F- vOOF- U> w _ r _ Wppo'SS ?SO' -9ZC'G6r I '' i sl g g?l'• g: SO , So. I O W yZjJ? W I ,•, 7 Q r yl uU W ? 1 n 7 7 1 u I N Lt s 7^ 2 4 1 ? ) I ' ? I s V,EWr ? 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AND CARPENTER EY A S ISOM FILL r ER 510 P 866 . P ? . .01 26 l • Q14Da -35.0820 .J O ?5.0(l0m q = %? 000.451 Deo.1s•r ? R= t? f L? p ' bq'("'p I??J'?'(3• S • VARIAOLE 1110111 n° , %? i? $ C3 BASE DITCH CI' ' , '' -_- - N ? 1 m % EST. 1750m DOE SEE SEE DETAIL P --------- TIF FENCE TO -- -''----- ??- -- --- 1? + - 3 , WING11ALLS B u ------- - - R-212 WOVEN HIRE FENCE s - _ += SITE, C Q S aklN C ULORT ENO CULVERT 447+65.294 447+74.706 .-. s ?;; Iz+ f 1 CABLE -2GI181 ALSE SUIX r F A DETAIL R S 55' s ,J PROP. SHE A n {?+ ?( '' s.?' \p tcnel 7 • BfRM Q1TT a , +JF 5'y .3 •? . 12] * EXTRA DEPTH 71' ,, (? ri o 0 r-rrrT PROP. GUARDRAIL A33 S /'r r 4V FILL ABANDONED WOVEN M6i CHANNEL7 ? FENCE \`">'' r \' / ? 9' 1 C,\ 6i /? '/E ' ?Y 2G%B) EXTRA DEPTH WING WALLS \ 5 EST. ISm\. ?'. ?. ? ' S.I S D•p qL TRIL ??,/ CLA RAP ? .000m i? 7.61• . ?1---- ---------©--- .i EST. 65 METRIC T . - F a A.4 7 RIPRAP * \? AT m OFFSET IO _ 15m OFFSET -? TO. 665.01 M lom -35 65 C om i ? y OFFSET toF. ?. ,_`\.L TDE C? c? FILL ARANOONEO CHANNEL O bOU TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT EST 90m ' OFFSET t n . 1180.15') • CZ! SURFACE %%*.A,*l'Elt5 5m 0 10m 5CALC N.C. DEPT. OI' 7'l-UNSPORTATION DIVISION 01' I-IIGI-IWAYS NIF'CKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123) BA.) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OIJTER LOOP Si ir-El- 5 OF 6 v m ? U) U m E L v c U W N D o F- Q c _ u c E o m .. (D U ? w c C ' m Q a m I .N t x L ii w U w U U) -0 c S o s o 0 ? = a N U- 3: , M o U) ,. c co - ? L - Z v ? O C C: L N L L N U .. N O M m C m LL C = 2 U c N o d ° c c0 ' L _. 3 1 o w c g H w = n o 3 iL C m m a E m ? c N ?Q CO N C C Cl) M O O O O LL N ' N 7 ? U N 2cn c 0 0 05 i 0 co c 0 o o 00 v> ? o t N N w N h h •• O Z •- N Q c o U Q O H ;t O _ c--' ? L=] p O cn Cl e- CA . F- J ? O G'] CO ^ U _ Q w 0 U C/) u ?, a V00? a4 r,' a-- v ti w G• U w ti te a' a z w ? J ? w PY\ r (,)F C C? r f G "l LU a a Lu r PLAN VIEW R-2123 B13 MMQ? DENOTES 111.1. IN WE'f1.ANDS SCALE: 1'= 200' N.C. DEPT. O TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 1313) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2 of 8 N - C) O_ - l- CA 4 . O - O f JJ ? C7 ^? mot; -7 U n. 0 C/J l7 O w w O c?O?IUo? C) a, W U > o o a u. - ul w -0 ?i > O O kD Ln - O - o f-- tl) lA U t _' d ? t - Q z U? z d --- > u O (\l ) L l? ? V) ~ N ? i LL] w a C_) <) ?- ?S) t-0 U) All.-CX!FNl3Uf7(. COUNT) 5674-631 l'nRli` & RrClrf-ADON (7 R-2123 BB 0?1 SITE 2 writ 11 QQ__?G 53.241 m `' ' ' (!I J. 43') PROM D (174.)7') li = 2 x}11.8,11 ARC. - 7 i.;'(,11 WOVCN E FENCE 'CIIOfrll 4 t•',(r(1 • ( t? t ,\j _ - -- - - -- _ 1=1P C11C)ND = /, 2'23' L4 25.139 ---- }=-',-?'-`-------'- - - - --- -- --- ,;•?t. ---- - -. .. __ _ -- - ern .„_Ln/vf__rni'f.i7 3 o (;51, F () (11 / ELBOWS .? , C. '. , G(//ViDRMV )NV(.'1101i ; - \ /INA/l IN(:. -/'/r0/'0;(_D GUARDRAIL F ,UN11 TYI' \'l 1O';) 5) 7 4- G 31 ?YIR, E ONCE ( 2(;1 f 19.041 ,., 0 -C'_--) -??-- ?7.9(X) m •) _ .. - - - - -. _. _ .- - END SJJLD.IIF_RAI GUTTER N,9 N ' 0 o -L- S1" ,, 1r; f:, _-L- 0 - c) I_ N ( EN( D?NO'1'I ; PILL IN WETLANDS 1C.)U O -1.- l Q 06 Of / I r, YARO 107 f , ?) o 4 179(X/ nr A 41J, - LJFGIN ; . u WOVEN w14_ r- r- Ncr , 0 1013 n _ 2(71 r• ?1 L f ,1 . ---- ---- ------------ t/m/1- TYPE Xlll S )UIRCS J ;, r l4 flr? CS.lNf:. 3n C SI) 4 - 6 31 2 wy 1 0111, 109 14;-1-- --- - j-- _ - - t TRI 5 10 N. C. DEI'T.OF TRANSPORTATION DIN'ISION OF 111GHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY t)ItOJEC'I':8.t1G71(,10 ( R2125CC ) PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERL001' FROM SOU'1'Fi OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) S11i? (;'1' 'I Of? g C FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CIIARLOT'I'E OtJTER LOOP SHEET OF R L.,-k N ,11E R-2123 1313 SITE B FILL IN SURFACE WATERS 1 . .. J a N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Or IIIG11111ATS MECKLENIIURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED CIIAR1,0TTE OUTER LOOP srrrcr _I or 8 ?C PLAN VH.`.W M. FILL IN >URFACE WATERS `k• N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.1671601 M-21231111) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SIIFFIT T 0 1. 8 i N, R-2123 BB ----:t SITE C '??% v o U) c ° c E V L c W U N a _ N 0 0 F- Q O N v 75 s ? U c Cl) W U c (D Q .N c c L-- 3 XU w U rn U) CN T M LL ? C tp c a v o 0 O co LL U m `. Z LL - p O N C N L L y U .. N o ca ? tc0 N -_ Q C ? U c N o a 2 c I m 0 Z W c Q W = o f0 m a d v c N C O (?O t O O p LL N 7 N , cu) CU) C ° O O Cl O O O O V q O ' t .0 N N M 4 I n (O t ? 0 p h W w Z° (n 1c , Q [ ? U I L 1 1 Q ? O H rn N ArJ o Ito W a { 1 r .r o u 1? a SA le)1 ono 0 ¢ W V) LL. V) A 70- t- u W . C) a z V W M W cn ?Q w w N 4. J z ? E-' cn i, U E-, W CQ cn (,? U U ? U ? ?, -lam E-' O C1 a O ?/1 F" CY) OD z W o Q Z? O N O E .. ? C:? Q aR U C, 0 0 z W O / r / 41 V cj fW- w FW- N / U W U i i ul) LLJ i / / 4.i ./ o / z Q F- W LJ ? 3 '1 t}? r?y ?H 1--1 H "r•oo -L- zoo' G' BASE DITCH PLANNIN - ;? m (SCE PROFILC) 175' A51 Al Tit1AE rT ?T 'ULVE=R } _r`_ j,?, , r?wr f I N E=T 0 TONS STONE 3 SY MID- SOUT FABRIC F Y ATER YSTE? it C. F '-Do wood, 1 c?j O IrvR11I +. N? PROP, r 1 * *- CAT -1 - , - -7 -? - --- --'-- t CONC. PAS R-2123 CC SITE 1 To. 2GI WOODS w rv. r O rr \?[7LVELOPMEEN Z DE•!`OTES rIL1. IN 'ETL.ANDS ti 7- NO CC) in Uj T WOODS \ / ^? - - - - SCALE I" = 50' 4 TONS \t F/ ?0 I ' ?_ _ B STONE DF,1 .Of- Tim w ORT,k iloN T. 6 Sy t!'? DIV IS10N OI I1I(?II?VA1'5 P'ff V" TER FA 1` 1EC-KLENBUIZ(,' COUNTY _ TcMP. i'^ I VELOPM I?Ito?I c'r: t1.uc.? Ic,?o c 1(2125(--C CUL " y VERT" \ DRAIN. E?t'T. '°' SM' 1,.111"1' Of L,?S'1' C'i 1?1 R LO"I"I'[: OUTLET r-r8.59 -L- OU'll"RI_001) r lmm sou T1-1 / / ? ?/ % /` CORNER OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) '1'0 SOUI-11 O1. NC 47 7 / / I? U_ O 0 F- V O w w Qi M ATCH LINE A z, - , c, 3 _ A V HHw f 3 .; ... .... - ? o > Z ? - a ?D rx O 4. m o O Q D. O 1- a N 0 v v F- ? - . _ 6E H o a o 9 ( _i . W 0 LL z, .0 o t. U- 60.96 ? t W> w aF'N?z A fm O _ to Z L,, , zo ? / Ca o :D E- u a s w ..A w? . A w f-Vi V) u O w Zd t- cfnv 0, c ¢ i wJ W li?l l - LL. l U Z NO, N ] G n_ - z ( - -- _ W N .U W W n. J < -= -E n Y c40 14 CL ;3 ?? 6,• }. S C4 W i- 3r r _? ! I ?U f-? t 1 - \ R nom (``" 3 ..Z 1, ! ¢ F_ ! 3 l J _ u g r ? ? , /?/ 4 ` ! u, m V c) a 0 (n N `? tA- i ? \1 C ` µ 78• b' 29" E -1 - w 5 f- I ,n N - O V) Lj o w N I? k j,. C 7; w N- 1 t ?- .' . ?. OC an i / I ? ?1 ? v / cn 7 ?..6L .91 L _ _ i f 1 ' ? •l. •'• ? ' f I '1'.1 LJ I ? ?,CY _L s- ;? 4- •? .??':'• w ,rlc! t NIV8(l ' - 1 - I?IJIJfI_l ? I`?/ ? \ IJIJ lt1 `, ? SC9 MATCH LINE B _o ? 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[i. ? ?? can Cc. ? O r op Cc. O ;? ? Ca O o ? in u- 0 c; EO ?' O p ZO C.L. F iri .4' U O c? .. , (f) ? z c`'- _ U? ? O C.pOC?W 999 01 '// : I r ? 1 ti 0-4 c? U 23 (N3 W -? .VI 80 2h" MCP - ?N w V) lL - 2 ro vi W i W ?° - I- crf Z o yf NN Lo i N + /lll ?_cn r ZO :Y.0 m ° iN ? w ? z LiJ - c FZ 3 L`?J ?L l MATCH LINE D w _z J U Q U H D LL w J 00 + 6£91 00 + 8£9 L 00 + L£9 L 00 + 9£9 L . O to / io U >< CO U OD 00 + 5£9 O N p O t co ?0 Co z ., w o O V - u o UxE?+ 0 z w o 'q v? w 00 a ;O o O O , aO w W > WU w E" Ew., cn U Z GQ O a?cz,pd?F U per, a 0 0 z ? w P w a ? w u a ? V F .a z O V a a O w x > o ? O ? I W Z _ J U Q I C) LO co 1? 9L 1179[ 0 v co z 0 .. ?" x w T ci > u > v> C7 z u U ? O ?C U E„ U ° Lz co F" 0 O Z °p fs, 0 H Z7; ti.. c..' O O E" N D4 E-r U O 0 C W > U a r? G, , w z ? w a u ..1 N a u H .? z O u N '-' o x > 0 0 z 0 W W ., d z -' x 0 a cn V L U .t. u O x Z C7 ° O E-U FL 0 p W a0 o N N cs v LL , 0-7 .0 0 0 o ao .j , ; O H u w >N Wn > p w d o Ow Z OOF., Ci a 0. 0 0 w - z V) 00 + 999 1 2 V - O 0 O O l]1 J 00 + 999[ 0 o o 0 N A ?! W W ? W U a W U 00 + V59 ? z O u N O ? c1 6 0 0 CD (D 0 Un cD o •?' ]C > o MATCH LINE H 0 0 z' w o? ?~za o x m u ? X z? o 4= u o a? h ?wxx Ho oz z Wo° °o ?..o H oa"Hw w? W H?AZ= a o o ?w c i a, a a W x ? C ? If I 1 I 1 1 1 I q .r 1 ?'Z W 0 < w / Q m o -? Q / q CI ?W u L-J I q W U r? N O k? C!? w A v, O `n V \XX yr f^ z 0 N o a Q x CULVERT " 2' J,'?SE DITCH (;r` PRG,= ILE) C11: / V i _ F D CT- 1 \ 2 C i ;,T x t J, J v f? -?' 2 G I i CUO,?T ?.. ?--?-L- SIA 1) ,6+74.32 0 _F C ' 2' BASE 011.01-{ (SELE PROF LE) +00 -1_ ® htiNo'f'I:S ni.i- IN WATERS SCALP, V = 50' r? i R-2123 CC SITE C CULVERT OUTLET, 1 1 ?-/mot l ? K +50 -1-50 -L- N. C. DEPT. 01: TRANSPOR'I',?'I'ION D1\'ISION OF 111GI-MAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY r?rto?r C r': tl.UG71(.10 c R2125CC > PA IZ"1' OF CI 1 A R LO'I" I'E OUTEIRL001, FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (RO(-1:)' RIVER ROAD) TO SOU'I'II OF NC 47 (UNIVERSVI'li' BLVD.) SIII?I;'I' ?? O1. Is? NA1`11; A NI) ADDI(I;SS PARCEI. NO. OWNER'S NAMI3 ADDRESS 1 HOLCOMEIE, 1;'1" 1'A PATRICIA 12215 PLAZA RD. EXT. ,IAMI;S P. CHARLOTTE;, NC 28215 WILLIAM E- 2 hHD SOITTH 11'ATI'sR Sl'STI?MS INC. RPI) 1 SHEIRRILS FORD, NC 28673 3 NCDO'r WAS - REAL ESTATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT) 4 MARTHA HACKI:l' GRODZ,ICKE 12 RUTH F. STE'GALI. (ESTATE:) 13 MICHAEL D. (fir WIFE, JAMIE, S.) PRYOR 14 VERTIE BARNEITT STEGALI, 255 CHEROKEE RD. CHARLO'r'rr:, NC 28207 CI'O CATHIE R STARNES 2321 HIGH RIDGE CHURCH 111). I`IARSHVILLE NC 28103 12930 PLAZA EID. EIXT. CHARLOTTE?, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA IID. EXT. CHARLOTTE., NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U671610 (R2123CC > PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET jq, OF /a r O y C O c U L •J c U W N Q 0 C U c E o m L W cc o O LO rn O v CD E ? 0 - m 3 w?;L U o c U. (9 C O L N v? m C r L N ?. Z lL -- ? O N N j-- J_- L) U d o (CO y c L m (0 N L N O N V) 3 •• LL C - Q ? U c rn o a a c m ?o m r x v Z g 3 m m a m L 3 c y OD N r- Cl) M M O O O O O C N N f0 - r L 0 0 0 0 0 p LL N `-' > N 7 y U N 2 U) tto O N N t o r O o v ( O M t o t o rn m + t + M + + t m n h r ` L ? O H 4201f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT 1R. DikVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road PAYMENT 001292 Raleigh, NC 27607 RECEIVED ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Dear Sir: SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 2 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and Total Impacts Site Cowardin Classification Schafale & Weakley Classification DWQ Rating Acres Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS 1 C Piedmont/Mountain Bottom land Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC 1 * PF01 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.02 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSSIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFO1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS 1 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottom land Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 rLm i L - raiustrme tmergent Persistent Seasonally h I ooded/Satu rated PF01A - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSSIC - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFOIC - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS I A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site I in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styracijlua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123).Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Channel Channel Acres Impact Replaced Net Loss Impacted (linear feet) (linear feet) (linear feet) Section AC A Farm Pond B UT to Clear Creek C Clear Creek D UT to Clear Creek E UT to Goose Creek F UT to Goose Creek SUBTOTAL Section BA A Farm Pond B UT to Mckee Creek C McKee Creek SUBTOTAL Section BB A Farm Pond B* UT to Reedy Creek C* Farm Pond 0.46 377 377 492 492 1230 551 679 102 102 138 138 2339 551 1788 0.46 0.33 484 484 1083 1083 1567 1567 0.33 0.57 442 360 82 0.32 SUBTOTAL 442 360 82 0.89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Table -2. - Continued- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP' TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT, Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-211 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental-Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USAGE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer f :. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ( q N 1i I WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS i P.O. BOX 1890 y ? i, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 7, 2000 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, McKee Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (1-485) between Interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in frill force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Array District Engineer Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggctt Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 2 NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 1 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the -2,3-4 day of 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETF WHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 BB); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of_ the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS,- WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow: 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOT's policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOT needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for additional ten (10) years after completion of this project. 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: ,?-?-•_-- Title_ dtI E7r -?? F)L.'..e, --r NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY: ej?"? e. Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TR,?NSpORT/ATION BY: ?t1 STATE HIGHWA>i ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: SISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL A \?' V ? II),J J N, W t?f: I H ,f 1 1- 3 r I/ ? z " { rr '\ ru ? W ? I Q/ ?r lylle u.. 1??- I w 0 F. ? j u c a 0 O cn ?? U W ? 1 •_ H L- j U w ?• L, U 0 a "' Q w <. U O C Z L-.l I z o ,. U F• o ? x H ? o ? ? a o ? o a o z O ?_ ? ? w °° U ti H O a; ti. z W H Pte" f x zW J ?w o? za w? O N 77/ L:l mot; U •r, E 0 N O E _ O r n Lt. O N w C:l ?I O O ? Q U N /. 7 r M i- Q L7 r p / a ? Lj LL) w a L O z , 1 v ?rj r Q z m ? F c` 0 ° cn w ems' ?-1 a. til d ?ll r- L•J Q U :n E 0 N O - E - O r 1\ 1 \ 1 1 1 1 W1 I I 1 I I jb'I I ItrI ? it I I I I I? I II I I II I I I I I I I I I /IZ'16• I I I I 1 I i I I W ' :l Qlt of NIE I I? I I I I 7. O 0 p 'L V CL 7 N GLI 1 U Q, 0 Fr U C o y ? U C. N z E- m ;z J F O z u ca U E 0 N O E _ O M L. 0 r V) cti \ ez.ooD IIT O rn '90,000 \ \ \ Fill IN ABANDONED 3 4 PROP. LAT. 0.6 BASE OtTCH? ' t/-1 1J 000 ILTI } + \ CREEK - EST. 225 m . \ SEE OITCN OF TAIL E * SEE PROFILE 00 \ a\ -77.000 +60.000 m PROP. BASE 0I7C11 p? .. 62.443 ILT F'-+ • IKEI •/ ? 64.335 ILTI n CL. IP RAP C SEE DIRTCH DETAIL 'J' -EST. 113 m TONS CLASS m 4 R I P PRAP ? I FABRIC •96.500 /EST. 110 m TON A S 9 LT R , +57.095 59.175 IITI •/ m FABRIC FI E 55.000 ILTI ... on) "0.000 IN PROP- 9.000 ILTI R-2123 AC ,C 76 `e SITE C - F OP FENCE / Z -- Tr 395M0 BEG[ / y AHE J' 1 73 SHOULDER F ieo'D FUL •10.DO05P tG BERM GUTTER / I AOOM11 ELBO - - I 'F ?? r 9CA F - r I- - -? CAT-I %soup - I 1 el --- SPECIA . BERM GU E ( _ ---y-, L GI 0 T 7 o Ec °r LOTTE 09E8 LOOP o .° 75 ING CHAR r BOt O V b 7 w Pc -57. BEGIN CULVERT m !9B '-94.201 - I ' END CU i V ~ _ / CAT-i I t -L-BA5ELINE PoC 399-40.000 -L- PX 99.40.000 016- PROP. .17 - - I SS F'/ / / ;Tq. BERM DITCH \ E / ¦/ CL. B RIP RAP OP - FENCE ------ SEE RDrr. STO. 240.01 $ ? ND vRDP \ F Ppop R/• FENCE F 72 -----.---------- A I --- PR P._?7_ LAi,_ p 6 AeE DITCH F, CH"OETAIL 'G' C X90.000 I SEE 01T SEE PROFILE 55.000 IRTI ° S l?f ? b t .000 I E OIiCN 57•095 55.000 IRTI S , G, 5S.000 IRTI PROP. BASE DITCH W? -49.000 • ou1LEr •/ N L s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 0 110m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 ABLE SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF (3 DETAIL I Zs' siTE I). p SITE E ?- , xo DETAIL \ r C, \ 5. r R-2123 AC S 1'T E D BSc c 0 ?q ; k 13 ? i i s DO MATCHLINE 3 i •-? •? DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATCRS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 00 110m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALSCALE AS SHOWN SHEET OF 13 l?. e x f ; .,,,, •, • S? DETAIL III , ` o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij + ; v1 ? 68 , -?, % 0? I -s- F 1 \ G ? S ? `?_,? `? ` , may, --_.__.__'- -`--__- \ '•' ? . S PIIOP ? (?, _r G -------- (1 C - 1 • S 0 ` ? 0 •o ILL E '?? ` E G r DETAIL IV ' . .? DENOTES FILL Its SURFACE N'ATGRS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R- 2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 5?n p Qm SCALE AS SHOWN SCALE SHEET `} OF 13 A9 C \ p kl?l ovol *4b"I 10* %* DETAIL V 5m. 0 1 Qm SCAL NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ?r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 9 OF 13 MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V In ? \ 1 DETAIL VI BAFFLE WALL - , 1 EACH END (TYP.) SITE, 1) - - " ' ? ------------ . -? - --- --- 0- ? o I O + I O Oo DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DINOTES PILL IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY SURFACE WATefts STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5?n Q 1 Qm OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE MEW SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET -t OF ?3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND- EXCAVATION = 1700 EXISTING GROUND--7 //\IXCAVATION = 90m3 T 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TyP•) RETAIN EXISTING -- CHANNEL 2.7m BASE um BASE WIDTH ""I CV 0 r? 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) i L TAPER EXISTING CHANNEL BASE WIDTH 2.1m BASE 2.1m-3.1m Z./m-6.4m BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1m x '2.7m RCBC DETAIL I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE GROUND 1uj y CV N CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF 1) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL 11 : STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 440m 3 MATED DRAINAGE DITCH ESTI 7 EXCAVATION = 650 m 3 r111l?\ly1<` 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH TAPER BASE WIDTH 1.2m-2.7m CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL M : STA 17+99.1 -Y29- -Apw- NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 w_ E CV T EXISTING GROUND TI -- 0 0.45m THK. W/FILTER FABRIC ----2:1 SIDE SLOPES BASE WIDTH?--WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE 11.5m Y CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 4g70m3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH , V EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 78Om3 VRIES 7\ T1 / T1A ` T1 jl 0.45m THK. Up 0 E T 2:1 SIDE SLOPES E BENCH 03 o W/FILTER FABRIC W. N , 04 T2 T3 T3 0. m VT21T3 T3 Tn3L T7 11w T2 2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 T4 g T4 T4 BENCH BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE E CHANNEL BASE m -?3 0m L r 13.Om Y O TYPICAL between CULVERTS CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL V , SEC M-M DETAIL VI SEE CSRS 2 AND OF 3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 40 EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 460m3 VARIES VARIES T T1 T1 T1 on -- _E r N TRANSITION FROM E BENCH d 0.45m THK. E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES ci . m o W/FILTER FABRIC ^. T2 T3 T3 T4-T?-. RETAIN EXISTING 8 X2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 T4 CHANNEL 6.5m BASE a BASE WITH VAKS BENCH 9.0m-6.5m 0. m Y B I CH WIDTH TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO EX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 m9iw- SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET it F 13 ? o /Jk N 11-2123 AC NANCY BLACK NORELLI SITE F DB. 6960 PG. 325 6d \ M "i POT '8'60-000 SRV. RU. 'A' r I W60.000 EST. I3•5 m TONS CLASS I RIP?AP ' EST. 510 m TONS ¦/ 75 m FILTER FABRIC \ CLASS IPi P M/ 12 m9 FI RLTER FABRIC y -26.000 • fi`j -22.000 16.000 ILTI -77.000 PMr. LAT. 'Y' DIT04 15 PR?ILE .000 ILTI 6 9.000 (LT) PA + 9.000 IL TI E E E E E E E E ?r PPO . • A6'E' STgtE l IN: C } a C _ ` ----- '- N /T 6'4 W SERVICE RD. 'A' ? E \ . X +00 16.000 IRTI 1 \ 250 tgTl \ E + 60 000\ _ . PROP. LAT. 0.6 PP[[ STCy AM \ 27.000 IgTI SSEE DITCH EE PROFILEETAI 0.3m HIGH IYIN.1 EVERY 70m -/- ITYP. SEE STD. 16]7.02 DONALD DENNY ALLEN DO. 4060 PG. 173 j? O r s a DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE u'.1TERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 0 loom OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCAL SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 12 OF 13 .0 0 C VO/ c E L 0 c W U U) a2i ) c°0p U u c E Q o m ._. CL CD L M U Q' ?2 O kn N M W '0 c C to r- M 'IT i w C N E 3 cu wc w U OD Q fA c 0 r o 0 D =a-- N lL 3 ? O C = .C m .. Z Z7 N C ' C C L ? L L y U ? ? v N o CY) N N c m m L io o a? U) c - Q U c m o a 0 c m 2 U) 0 .. ? Z (j W y ='a o 3 m ca CL a? L c cv (00 o 10 o m 0 0 ° c _ - = L O O U- d ' > N 7 y U _N N Q o c o ? 0 0 0 O O O O O C) coa o c o C O o o o 0 00 C D 0 0 co 0) CF) + 0 f ? 0 0 0 0 0 rn M M C l) it r- t d 0 Z cn C - , Q m U IL JIL L Q < O - H r." V ti H U W ti O a U w W cn ...w w p N 1 U W ti a z w r? w H Z. O <t; q C? CA Off-?i W OU (OD <14 Oc, U? wouUC Q v 0 ?Ll W F a ? U j v00 zQ??ao N w J v r) 1 w Q v V) NI h N\ ` `? dej s ? v. PO / ? ao of I FPS ?1Hf-?ON m c ?'p I \ n? CM I-1 f q Tc-:.i ?B - FILL IN WETLANDS ERR R = FILL IN SURFACE WATERS I FILL IN WETLANDS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 3 OF h ,."OSIS, -yZ['66r O R i of f 0 uW 2 W J M (? :9 ?So' ' SO' ?o• 9= p ?Wy? 7 O Wy . NN / NU(vN' rc a 1 1 ? J 9 zo 25 • n •4? ,.? <,. . o a 4? g A of •e bJ a W O 1 1 W o ''{ 1` 11 r t•itr ioa - oc ? ? `N'? k a oQQ lr 6 ... J K R W W OW UNa n WUn l? of R ¢ a u i aW _J? --q{ ZL 10 to s I I Z n I I Q ? C) Off.~N 41 I ? Q ?N. ' z3o?o 1 U c I I LL - -d ?? ----- -Tou- ? Q Woos O N fi; apWt-?Q'-) U O W U > W W ? ' _ - I Cl) a S$I LO't o W JWI ? °O 1 'S W ,? ? u u9 }.{ I (`, I a o ? ? ? +h? I ! ' yW???WF i ---I \\ >nNW ? Z ? Si moo{I ? g 10• I °? '' g W I i ? ? •. I ?. . I F ? ' Yin ? I ?40 f •\'.S 4 Jf? W1 {o' I I Wcf { 490' 7 JJ I'? UC. IU?i EmN.frNNW 11 pK lW 1 IjW I Jm I?IW UW.OY I ' O o r I J '? , g 1 ? zo, 3 r? .9;' }31q•, :l, 'ltn 11 + SV13 •w,o°St )? / St r Ma{t ?- 00P' 9'C J a J W IL . I <zl { Iv 0i 1 9 1 0 I 1 '? . , o 1? o ? I I .c I r1 1 ? {? 1 +' Jam. Eo I .a F 1 n w s I Y F O C0 ,? z C A N ?0 I? I 3 0- - I o - .s ` IWISMAGL EAS[HENT A EST .80 METRIC TONS lu / ?p CL. 'r RPRAr c^ IDO SM FILTER FADIK ?RIC J S. iOm PER sTO. e6e.d LFILIER 7 (180.45') L AOAIAOIIED f EST. 20 METRIC TONS CNAN4EL EST. IeOM3 FILL .? ?• CL. T RIPRAP 15 SM FILTER FABRIC PER STO.860.01 jIQ 0 o? e (IS is !c ti / a I _ VARIABLE 'WIDTH ~ ?\ S BASF. (NTC11 o p Y EST. 135Dm? DOE (? ?\ s •l SEE OFIAB, r T • _ s ° R-2123 BA SITE C _ • - S E kIN CULORT C-. ?C? 447+65.294^ • - ? s 124 _ /. S • A `T \ 2dI81 -\--FALSE SUMP S DETAIL ¦ SS In- PROP . SN0(IL R 4 = BERM GUTT .S \Q?. 173 EXTRA DEPTH 315mm I'D S r?--T-r4^ PROP. GUARDRAIL '') FILL ABANDONED WOVEN WRIEY r /. '?fy, 2GN81 CIUNNELN FFNCE `\ E„?.r ? EST. ISm TR Y, EXTRA DE ??`\•?? ? / ?•• E ''p?,pp d(3?, .0008, oA \.CLASS; 8' RAP /' . 47 m OFFSET 45M OFFSET -- IOM m _ r IOm 55m OFFSET 0.45'1( TOE TOE W FILL ABANDONED Lj CHANNEL TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT EST 90m ' ? ING WALLS W PTH 1 F EST. 65 METRIC T - CLW 'rRPRAP 40 SW'FI[TfTrFlRbft ?I I TO. 068.01 L olc „( . s p uetse'I lot Co C? LD (n / rS%611, I 45M O OFFSET + (IB0.45'1 OCI - . .? L)er:0TI'5 RILL IN sunr?ce u.,?cns 5m 0 10m 5QALE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 017 I•IIGI-IWAYS MI::CKLI NBLMG COUNTY PROJECT: 8. 1671601 (R-212- BA.) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE 01Jl'EI( LOOP S?IELT 5 OF 6 CO v JOAN L. CARPENTER, JR. AND SVZNEY A. CARPENTER Z6 S:) QIg r ??:3 LJ lil 71F FENCE 10- - --- V „ - WINGWA(.LS - WOVEN HIRE FENCE -'-T-` rROP. J END CULVERT 447+74.706) OPOSED ?- CAOLE GUID AIL f? v o c ° c E U t ? • c U W c H U v c E Q o m CL a) r LO o r Q N wC) w N Q v LL c c o r o LL ?: ,- o c m c cu .? Z I.L fl O N 01 C C C O t0 L L L d y U v m o c c ? L l9 ? L - } y O N N ? v ? L L N C c C U C N o d °- c ? m O x z w c g _' o 3 m m CL N L C to m N C C C7 M t O O p U- N > N D m U N 7 N c O f6 O 0 0 O L O O N 2 Co 00 00 C O N LL + + + t t N W N I - r - 04 F 04 M ? N O «_- m Z .- 0 4 Q m U H z O_ _ i^ p s p CA ca-? E-?1W ??. O-0 U LL "o 0 ?OC?coQ0 0 V) Ll ' ' W 0 ~ V) W 0 cn rn CSI U ?! W ti O rx a z if) W ? yr Q ? W H \ ? F AS \?? ? W h I U Q W V O. / Q - _ w 'J nI 0 I. D ? l V PLAN VIEW U R-2123 BB MUM DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS SCALE: 1'= 200' N.C. DEPT. O TRANSPORTATION DIVISION O HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP S I I F E T 2 0 F 8 5674-631 •?i s %,I > l r .'y ' } A/CK/ /N/31/liG C UN/ PARK')- R RFCR AFION r .' • ' r , r R-2123 1313 (01, it ?- 4?- -'G I -ril 1. r 3') r ,; 1 PROM D \ 53.71 m ?;Q?` (174f)7') li = 2 1}11.}1,11 AR(: 7 1.;'(,)1 WOVEN E rENCE :'CI101(I) ?1 i'',(1'O- ' I / t.;' ' ? ' , (II•J.95'1 }Z =,'3F11.F3? f' ? t rip C 1101"o = S 21-3 25.131 - -- co )G - - -4 :'?-?'-- --' - - -- - - - - . ; rl. _ ---- `ri) nr (1 l_AN1 Tel'/_ R ,? r , (? 3 (:til? "I'llO1Vs I I' / G(lARMAIL ANC1101%; - - I10AI/ INC. 1111 (3110ly- 1=D GUARDRAIL. UNl1 TYl' ' ,\'l 5674-631 NR, E f NCE . ':2C;1 1- a ?,--1- --- -I --1-.1 e' C) ?7 l_7 X00 END SHM I7F-RAI GUTTER Ns J v. c? O r -L- S7 c.,. FN ( --FAIL DE1J0'i'f ; DILL IN WL'rL?NDS (l (1 I - JARL( 07 F v r , I)EGlN ' (: ) N. (,. DE. 01 TRANSPORTATION WOVEN WII E F?NU ; 1 0(f IM ISION OF HIC;CIWAYS n ) 2(71 (`) IECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: B.U6 1(,11(1 ( R2123CC ) = I "7 R AI L C1 /0/R llNl1 1 TYPE Xlll s.'.' ?V PART Of-' EAST CCiARLOTTE ' 14 ,IN S(1( (1st, OUTI;RLOOh mmm SOUTH } irk r F. S 56 4 631 ? ? ?.., .i.l ) OI SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER log ) WIs1,Il01V5 n(;ROAD) TO SOL1T11 Or NC •49 ?4'L,r;-c?t? - - _--- /. - ----- ([?NIVERSI'I'1" C1'r?" IjC,V'D.) SlIFFIr 11 OF 8 FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 1313) PROPOSED CfIARLOT-f'E OUTER LOOP SHFET 5 OF R R ,,,k N VJ I R A • r _ R-2123 1313 SITE 13 , -?--- U LANE 510 m I r> , ! g Q ? g rrrnrnsr? cuAnna j l? 1: y ?? ; J lA ! 1 y; y •- ?' Q F . ;.ma ; , Moon, NUUnS 8 e t 1'1 r -T , a 71 E , ? o y ? `L\'7111 .7 1}I ? ? N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF II1G[MrAYS MCCKI.CNBURG COUNT" PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED FILL IN SURFACE WATE RS CHARLOTTE, OUTER LOOP simET 6 or 8 PLAN V114.W c ?NO/i71 tN t i. 3fx _ -- - ??-b' ' „ JS?'fr???? eve---- _ - _?? 8 i J ~ (r M Vlt e 4f ?.g w D Op ?' ? r 1 ? r r F 'n ? X It -d lT a GIN T AMA • 1 4n? v ?? TII ??"' Cam. »' rir ,? -? {} F.4 •'?? ,rte ? O R-2123 BB ----:x m. x '?x? - {---- - - --- -- ,x. tax SITE C X", OYFIx _ r ' FILL IN SURFA('E W/1TCRS N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.1671001 (R-21231311) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP T S[tiI !,T OF -° O O c . . 0 ° c E c L c U W U) N N O o Q c c E z r. W U ?'`? ch C N = E Q .. •'? M w C LL w U c0 N N M LL c cv c 0 v o 0 O N lL c t m Z LL o N 0) C L N t L m o f° (1) c m . } U O j ? L L ? C c G U c v? o C C d O c m n cu Z r Z w c - in Cl 3 c m c m m z c 0 c0 ? ? "a C-4 Cli A c C Uq - C D = N L O O C) N 7 ? U N 2 in rn c ° O o 0 0 0 0 0 U) v v 0 v co N N M U) w w 1 - c o n 7 s t ' T ' T ' T ° (n Z ?c V Q O O U Q O I - rn N k 0 1e?? u U O o w r ? G S? all Q L0. W ?F- in on 3 9 h H u w. p s a z C7 w 00 rt W H o a,? N C) w W c/? 3 Q 3 V) w w U H w N O ?. C O X O a! Q O V) C7 U U :4 E z- o oUx C:? 5 ?D F- O p o Q' p E r w O c ?, z z ? 0 ? 00 000 N 0 CL Cf) Do C cl , W ti F" ?' Ga Q p O !:. 00 0-, U C. z / r I` / O t? 4 / G f?os ?4i / ?- fW- Fw- U W V) C? /I / / Q Q W F- W W ? 3 FH rLl H U H -1-00 -L- 200' 6' 13ASE OITC1-1 PLANNINC 175 M jc m (S? Pf70FILE) _ r-AT _ TRfJ\T>wE fT 'ULVERT -?-_ ra, , li??? _ 1 IN ET L 5 ????? , i0 )Tnt 71 ?j ??? a • '?1 ? ??c) `? - ?1 C1 - / v - t??)'t?-,?? ,,C?Z) ?t 0 TONS STONE - 1, - 1 - ?' 3 SY / - - MID- SOUTH F ?. Tt FABRIC 0 - VAT ER YSTEM -?+r - ,? - _ , . -f- I C. o. CR ILA cam, % na f. o F ?0 1 - W000s O r _ PROP C'..t._----T---.T___-.1 T L r _ CAT-1 - _ _ -- - ?--? D-7 CONC. PAV R-2123 CC 1 _o` SITE 1 ~ r 1A N S!T T? r 2GI <) ' _ x (?; •'p..?7;n••.0 .., :r ..?.I,.,?:, x?/\/? \11 ? 111 ? 1 i _vA_ WOODS rv. w CC) L O in rc? - \?DL-VELOPMEN -' / LA (t?'3 CC 7_ •ti.. ?,r ? - I/ ? / DENOTES rILI. IN WETLANDS N O / CC) ifs uj W000S / SCALE r" = so' F? 4 TONS F/ B STONE 1)FP1'.01' '111kANSl)01t r.vi,ION DID ISION OI' HIGHWAYS 7. G Sy .? ,. . 7ER FA ?` f ??? ?O/^1 / r?'r ?(L'( [?LI:NIZU[Z(; COL1N'1'1' / ?. I NELOPM PROJr:c r: 8AJG iTE>P. ci?0 ( rt2125cc DRAIN. CULVERT \ ESM'T. PART Of I?AS'1' rf l.? R LOT"I'L' OUTLET / v/ / ? ra.59 -E- ?? OU'I'[;1-L001) nkom SOUTf-I ` / / ? / / ,r` cOR,IEK OF SR 2802 (ROCKY R[VER ROAD) '1'0 SOUTII Of- NC 49 o ` vi/ ? ? ? ?) / 7 tLIN1VI;R5I'['1" (-'I'I'I" IZL?'UJ / '~ / / LL. 0 z 0 H U O w w MATCH LINE A z (, 3 ,; l. E. U F x w .. ? fir' E p f- > _ _- _-_ 1-_ N C7 U o V ?p V ] `'1 ? ? 1- ? ? C7 0 ? O F 6C9 1 O p OD C zq• 31' Q 1.1 It J '.9 b' I_ fs1 j ti (r t w «A w? zo ?, A u a a p a ?- Q - cc z 3 w c"1 LnQ? 1" Nm 15 W w 1- to 1- U, u O 43 -, c to cn m 0 ` W U ln' ?' - N oC Z ) O = I LLJ J h01b _ .- _y n•tN CL ?r , S E +p 3r1< 6,• W b w U 11 erg(- 3 J r.Z l U Cl) W g r' or µ¢„ W zzz f A' ?- mao t? ?J^J tA- r ` 78' b' 29" ? fy O. o (n s/ o= o r N N rj 1. U CA H OC Ij - _ _ > w r 04 Q A' ?rX t r ( 7'.' w d Q w ?- _ •r11?lII?II ? .•fi• ? I ,r - - r-l «fiL.91 L if l r >. 3r- i. Zi r 1 ? NWAl ' - (\ / 1?111Jf1_1 ? .1Z I NIJ 1t1 ? t ? MATCH LINE B o -- w ? U Q c Ems. ? Z '- 5 - ? .. C4 C'i OCL? p 0;• Z? UoU0U a• C7 F- d F• U AG c. :D a E-' O o a! a, U) F- L '-' W O o v, 2 coO?o Li O O ..] F p? ci E W I- V) W'? W o U c. C. 0 C4 W z ? B n 921 w II (-" s N it) W Q J N U N 111 . CA 0( d L, 4A - c:1 J NWA C \ z w ?- 0 _ o 10'96L M ..ly .61 i I- ul ?.. MATCH LINE A r ?9 ? ) t N l3tlt• ` Q lil ? I - ? U ? O 1?_ I o Nm? ILJ N I- N 1- ? ? w w a. U , u B ) 0 '? p f ? I t \\ J t Z t ? 0 Q. . \ ? b ?NNn.? lA, l1 _ ? r Q I-- ? S ? v N N _ z J MATCH LINE C Ci _ tt, i - - r, --?--s zo 01, N gt79 11 U 0 IN t a. Nnj..zt- N lL r" ? O m ) o ?',M t? ti? „Q L I ` L w W 4 C -ID 10 L ?I t.. ti. _ ? s! o 517'9 , Q?a J rt ?- \ MATCH LINE B 1 z w O y O '? o CD U 0 U ? E L ? C7 O O E- C Cal Gc. O z W 0 0 z °o o 20 o 0 0w.1. p -? cl q O ? cz. Q A .? o U a ? o O ? z O:D a cn C7 U Z ? "? F^ rz ?D :? rn [z. O W O° O (/) w O rwl. F- p O F W O E- ?;; ".C U catl;? w? ??NdZ Q A C O O U c, C. W z MATCH LINE D , mas cr z0 D a r o W _ U) \ + a p I ? ¦ O J _ ?l L+ O S 9 L s l F 099 +vva o >- I Jnj .,Z l t CL M r Q l zo ?, w I N MATCH LINE C o Z u n gG91. z 0 , U . H E, c ?? zr Ox O C ?; ;.• O'r V) Q U o U p U F cn W o v z O v °? ao O 0 p 0 O C-4 E, LL, J GUj ti E" EW., v? Q z Q ?] O ?D CJ a aO z m w H Ln MATCH LINE D z w ?xw ci U J Z F c _9 O>Z'-1 o x ?o a x o rz ? ? o ?, Q 00+6£96 ?x o 2 F a ?. U ? cn F w O o c~n cz U. Lc, O F 0. 10 O w CY, 03 o? WoaF??z ?F a .. w 0 O U a a 0 ? w = z cn U _ F- 00 + 8£96 w J 00 + L£9 6 w? w .a U 00 + 9£96 cn d ..a u z N U F O w x > / iD U >< CO U ooh 00+5£96 C) O N C) O U') co 0 0 / CD (D (D I LL I W _z J U ?- I 0 t t79[ 0 v (D z O u w ? ? a w T o H? z ° ? a z ? > CL. cn C) z U ° U O U O U F- O O oo 0 F" v, w u C j w> W ti F x ?, ? A z? . ao U O C a ? 0 w o o w ?F W z ? k-? 0 w .a H .? z O u O x > 0 0 MATCH LINE H 7. O O ? z? ?o ?z 00 D U z F- O U x 0 F:1 z .a U W ti U U c? c? a 06 F u w ti O MATCH LINE G z 0 -- W ?' F zw o F ? z ,,, j ::)- z? c 0 -4 0 V) a z V _ U c U - w rG O U f-' GL- a ^ N C4 0 Lt. ? U O ?., F. O p O W O o 0 `a H E-TWO . H ? w W u y F" H? A z N W >_ A 0 0 Ci a a 0 o 1 - z N 00 + 9991 Z U -- p 0 0 0 W J ?] 00 + 5591 0 o o 0 N A ?I W ? W U ..? W a u 00 + b991 z O U H O w 0 0 o (D x o MATCH LINE H 0 0 c c -? ,? c O .. W ? o, _ 1 o r r E- V) P" U '`? W CA cn C7 U ., x ? D4 E., U Z.? o O?FU a W ^? w a 0 H O ?q ? W a0 c ? ? u, ?F.,0 J H pa ? EO"WO W? W H u"i A Z= U Q a a 0 0 w ? c X11 1 f 1 1 ' i 1 I p 1 A L1J < w I Q 1 m o -? r ? o T -? , w U rr a `' ? o (J W W r ,A 0 c? o r; Z x C w W D v, O ?A U v, ..1 -c; N z 0 N 0 a 0 CULVERT / 2' DASE D!TCH (ter` rRG;=1LE) VV• rJCT-1 a:i ? r 2 G I i - I • 2GI y 106 )P- CY) //':.: \ -? R-2123 CC UI 0 SITE C - - 1756+; ti.32 \ ?? CULVERT 105 ?i /` OUTLt= f / t r.?.:?• ? .-??y?- ??.?-? mot) 2 DASE 01 1 \,A ?- (SEC PROFILE) +50 -?- 0 /// OgCI< ChLE?< OF 'I'RANSPOR"I'.1.'I'ION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TfKKLLNUURG COUNTY pRNo'rL••s vit.l. iN SUNVACE WATERS l'jkojEC'1':8AJG7lG10 ( R2125CC P:1lt"I' OF CII/1RLOT'CL OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH SCALE V = 50' Of SR 21302 MOCKY RIVER I_ ¦=/"t7=r ?- - -? ROAD) TO SOUTH Of. NC 47 (IINiVI;RS1'I'?" CITY BLVD.) sr 1I: r;-r' I? or lu N]I R N,A?11: AND M)DIO'SS PARCEI, NO. OWNEWS NAME ADDRESS I HOLCOMI%E' I:TTA PAT1tICIA 12215 PLAZA RD. EXT. JA?11;S P. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 WILLIAM I:. 2 MID SOt1TIi WATl;lt s)'sTiiMs INC.'. ItFD 1 Slil?RRILS FORD, NC 28073 3 NCDOT (WAS - REAL ESTATE: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT) 4 MARTHA HA('Kl;)' GRODZICKI 12 RUTH F. STI;('.A1,1, (ESTATIi) 13 MICHAEL D.(& WIFE JAMIE S.) PRYOR Id VERTIE BAItNI-rr STEGALL 255 CHEROliEI3 RD. CH A It LOTTE, NC 28207 CIO CATHIIs F. STARNES 2321 HIGH RIDGE, CHURCH 111). AlARSHVILLI? NC 28103 12930 PLAZA It D. EXT. CHARLO'rTI:, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA RD. EXT. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.UG71G10 ( R2123CC ) PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET f7 OF /a 'a -5 o N C O E V M r c W U U) 2 7a-) o U (? c f co .. o a ? L a U W c o rn `n Q cv ? 0 -- 3 c= L w U o W w s o r _ a (q LL C) C .?. _ 16 Z LL O N C L L L U U v a) o m y c m o c y } 2 N c U o rn o ? a -°? ? ro N L V) Q m X> > ? C W w w _' a 3 C m m 0. E a) F- y C co O N O r` O M O M O M C N - L O O Cl O O p LL N > N w N U N 7 (n w O C O c LO LO o m O N (%) + O O N t o L O f - c o LL to • m - + v + + ( D + M + N L M + O m + (D I - ti r ` r - ( D c o f - 1 .- •• O fn Z N M " t t o Q m U D Q O H STATE er°i. I? ? 'rt STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT 1R. GOVERNOR September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 PAYMENT RECEIVED DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Dear Sir: SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification y9 (WQC #3049) were issued for the s ese ermits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and th DW on Jul 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 2 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123)?Wetlan% communities, Quality Analysis, and Total impacts ? Site Cowardin Schafale .& Weakley DWQ Acres Cl assification Classification Rating; Impacted Section AC I * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC I* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.02 2* PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFO1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS1A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 PEM 1 E - Palustrine Emergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PFOIA - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSSIC - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFO1C - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS1A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site 1 in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gutn (Liquidambar styracif ua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Catpinus caroliniaea), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunes serotina), and green ash (Fraxituts pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncos effusits), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (1ficrostegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodencb-on radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Impact (linear feet) Channel Replaced (linear feet) Channel Net Loss (linear feet) Acres Impacted Section AC A Farm Pond 0.46 B UT to Clear Creek 377 377 C Clear Creek 492 492 D UT to Clear Creek 1230 551 679 E UT to Goose Creek 102 102 F UT to Goose Creek 138 138 SUBTOTAL 2339 551 1788 0.46 Section BA A Farm Pond 0.33 B UT to McKee Creek 484 484 C McKee Creek 1083 1083 SUBTOTAL 1567 1567 0.33 Section BB A Faun Pond 0.57 B* UT to Reedy Creek 442 360 82 C* Farm Pond 0.32 SUBTOTAL --------------------------- -- 442 -------------- 360 ----- ------- -------- ?- ------ ------ -8----- 4 Table 2. Continued ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creels Mitigation Site Long Creel. TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-211 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.541 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. 5 It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer APPENDIX A Permits and Ageements 91 1V ? fjti t \\ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PO. BOX 1890 . i WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 7, 2000 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager ti Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation r. Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creck, ivlcKce Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (I-485) between Interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All otlier conditions of your permit and pet->mit modifications remain in frill force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, `James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggctt Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. Jolui Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 2 NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 1 416199 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 73-4 day of Lrl , 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. ar, agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETM- WHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 8B); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS, WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow; 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOT's policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOT needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for additional ten (10) years after completion of this project. 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: ??.---- Title: CLU NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY:/?1Li" Title: - -A ? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFT NS?ORT/ATION BY: ? _ AA -- STATE HIGHWA`Y` ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: STANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPENDIX B Permit Drawings \ r, •? A \ Fy U W _F Z I 1 7 , x Z? i -to a ?fe ?f• L ?f ?:1•?• +?e• j s .1 , F CIO \\ `j r ?lie o. C{ . xs 3 W H zn :l. O ? ;. U n. O r- t C?l F' o t- ¢ O 0O v ?. O w CL o U q U .?' U O a U Fe - x r z o ,. F. H z U - a ° CL cn x U O U w W o U z o U 4 °° O Cl. H v z d W H x z? _Lj Vm F U °c Z o? 77 O/z W U E 0 N O E _ O r CO U. O N E? ca W O ?? • ti r ? U cJ O u 7 V W t :z ? Q LL) ? -f z - c:l W D? tr?l' t"'1 i-H a? d ?l 0 ;L a E- m N z? -u z a i- .. 3 ? V) w N U o u C" ?- z? 0 w I D N 0 hl al Q U :n E 0 N O - E - O i 1 1 1 1 1 4 \ W\ W\ it N ? 1 1 I I I I I :I =1 b?l el r FI I ? I I I i I? I II I I II I I I I I I I i ?IL'16• I I I I I I I 1 I I 11 WI a ?. OI "IE I? •s•e I I is z o _ ? :n ? rJ p ?- U C a cx E- C o C. 7 z o ? z U ? rJ ?. U ?. (? o ? Q Z `n LW 1 0 2 z J (c. F 0 z u .a U E 0 N O E 0 y ? Q ? t S \ 0 2.000 I L T I ?c,/ Q •• C] `? • C T ? \•, ?;> ? PROP. LAT. 0 6 OA?E DITCN? \ ` \ FILL IN ABANDONED 1[1 + . 3 y -99.000 1 t t. \ CREEK - EST. 225 m , SEE DITCH DETAIL E' 77.000 ILTI SEE PROFILE \ \ +21.000 ??,?' PROP. BASE DITCH +60.000 62. 43 ILTI c (lTl 0 11 E w/ 64.335 A ? X 1 ' ` V RIP RAP CL . 1 ' ' • ?.?. j '. ?•?. ' O C V1 SEE DITCH DETAIL J ` -EST. T.3 m TONS •? CLASS RIP RAP ? -? 1 w/ 10 m FILTE ? FABRIC 419.500 5 /CEST. LASSI'e' RIPDR P { ? +57.095 9.175 ILT) . w/ A m FILTE FABRIC 55.000 ILT 1 .••..on R-2 1 23 AC l I '?L.yt..,' +r O. coo _ I VAUP- y4 9.000 (0) - 76 ICE - SITE C ., 5 - 4 FENCE 2 F ! ? > M t .1 60EBEGI BERM CUTTER 0.0005P ! 2GJ 1 r F tE0.0 FUL LA + 00 I oo'i`? E . //? _ = , I. o 4 w J 41FORM - - - .- -.- CAT-1 1 11??p5 SPEC ^ I BERM CUT E SAECIAL ? D 7 0 0 7 ?LOTTE OUTER LOOP H lNC 75 C NN eot L o 7 4 a m a AlE M J- •57.09s • BEGIN CULVERT J98-57.095 +94. 01-( It END CU /s I rY •" cn O -c T • ro?s?,`? - CAT-1 // Jt T' + \ s -L- BASELINE POJ 399-*0.000 / -- P0C Y3-40.007 • \N6 ?/ ` S +E0.135 L- I SS?% / / 1 PROP. ?T. BERU DITCH J T E - / CL. S RIP RAP IF - - - - SE OP SEE ROwT. STD. 20.01 FENCE N F !ISL•?9 - END R , - OP. P/w mi// S 72 FENCE F nF PR i O ----- _-- --- _- scs - ? cc I A t PR AT. T6 RAA$E OfTCN c i 000 SEE PDITC ROFILEEiAIL 'C' A 55. 55.000 IRT) f .dt.000 SE DITCH +57.095 P 55.000 IRTI 55.000 IRTI .D. W/ •69.000 PROP. BASE DITCH w OUjLET w/ •^ s s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 0 0 m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 1 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET _5 OF 13 00 x rn n, /\ SITE E DETAIL 11i byt k DETAIL I sITr, n . / lop VC s%7 . j n "I If If °0 X I MAICHLINE S i •-_ . DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE µ'Al"CRS mff?p_ 5m 0?10m 5SALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET _6 OF 13 R-2123 AC SITED & E ////// MNICHLI : loe ? -' ! Ise c / / i' 66 I'll y?A- DETAIL V 5{n Q l 9m SCAL 00 1 K `` ' `?p DETAIL IV k a . ' DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE HATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R- 2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 7 OF 13 / DERAIL III cS , a J o ' o Co. + / I ' ? V t J 0 A SITE n ?? - -------- ---------- `=-----__-_- __ _ _ r 1 S ? s 6 s, / h9 DETAIL V 5m 0?l Om SCALE mm?? Al MATCHLINE 1 NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ? MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEEP 8 OF 13 lqzId , 419 ?9TCti MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V -? DETAIL VI a O \ SITE I) - - , 7j- DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII .? . f DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS 5E2 1 Qm SALE 1 1 r ,r 1 ? t al s A- -------- s IU ?St t? BAFFLE WALL EACH END (TYP.) I v I i O + I o I o I . I NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET -L OF ?3 EXISTING GROUND / T C /% ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 170m3 EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 9Qm3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES rE (Ty',) o N RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL 2.7m BASE 2. m BASE WIDTH 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) I L TAPER EXISTING CHANNEL BASE WIDTH 2.1m BASE 2.1 m-3.1 m /.im-d.4m BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (213.1 m x *2.7m RCBC DETAIL I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE EXISTING GROUND w 4: 1 CN o ' CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAL 11 : STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 440m3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 650 m 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH _ JTAPER BASE WIDTH 1.2m-2.7m CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL III : STA 17+99.1 -Y29- A?w_ EXISTING GROUND T1 TI N T E ol0.45m THK. ``' E' x W/FILTER FABRIC O?C ' Vo ?;; 2:1 SIDE SLOPES 4 6 14 BASE WIDTH WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE 11.5m Y CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4g70m3 N E w r.; > E cV ESTII,lATED DRAINAGE DffCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 780m3 VARIES T1 T1 - - I f ? 'V'--2:1 SIDE SLOPES E BENCH 0.3m I ` 3 _ T3 TZ T2 T4 T4 i5 EXISTING GROUND 7\ i T1 i? ----t T4 T4 BENCH BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING BENCH WIDTH -?- CHANNEL BASE E ?- Y m ?30m U-) 13.Om 0 TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 3 AND ? OF ? 0.45m THK. W/FILTER FABRIC T2 RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH = 460m3 VARIES EXCAVATION = 46 Omz D(RS G GROUND EXCAVATION T T1 Tt Tl r? °c E ,? - -- ?, 0. 00 ro a 0.45m THK. N --TRANSITION FROM BENCH > 1 O, > E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES ?; 0. m o? o< W/FILTER FABRIC T2 T3 T3 TZ T3 g T4 -T4 -- RETAIN EXISTING .nx-2:1 SIDE SLOPES CHANNEL 6.5m BASE ? T4 T4 ?C SE_w[?TH VARIES BENCH 9.0m-6.5m 0.3m Y B NCH WIDTH TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO IX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH Of NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 Ir-7w SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET it F I3 o 7Ej N C D E c u U ( L c W U cc) U) O (D - (D U C U C E ` Q O (o ., IL Q) r U Q' U') ° r- V W me D - - M M t? - Q ` WW - L W U 3: O O Q .-. U) -0 co co C 0 v o 0 U) LL U C ? L Z LL ' O _N Q) C O (0 L ? L t v U U ? a? ? o o C : a? c9 n - ( 0 L U N LL C U C N C) Qa ° c ro co t > a? 0 X . Z W c W _ N - O ? LL c (a CL (9 E m F- c to c o o co - C C) O O .C O O N LL > N 7 N U .N ` Cn U) Q C D O rv O O 0 0 0 0 0 (n O (D CO (D (D O O O O l1 + N + O + - + CC) + CO + O + O It + co o fh co Q) O O Q) M IT M Cl) M •t l?t I - 6 .- N Q m U ? W lL Q cn Z O F- ti p M CV C ?! i W U W J O a Q U ? ,? w 0 a v ? I I r fv ry I•. \ J f PS t ?'? Nb?t fillbp of 6; ? h _ I m? u r. ? Q1 --Y 7- 0 CL, W ? ? cn `t; ? ? E -• u U 'COD t 0 E LL O Oc-, - O 7 wO UQO Pj -1 Q C/) O ? W H U '_ v 0 0 ? W zGaa .a0 c= _R -4tv- 1). cyi R .-4 c 6> - FILL IN WETLANDS PILL IN SURFACE WATERS I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF I41GIlWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 'L OF h PILL IN WETLANDS \ ? 1 W I ?L K p!1 ¢ l? ? ?4 ?5 1 E-• ? N W OC'0,f-•N W N ,.? I QczJ?? a`" ; z3o?o I U c:;. /¢r LL 0 O W?a?ss -' I E; z O ?- tip ,. W U Cav?U?0W W • I WOO w ?I U > rr _ rwopn ., mi3 t ? w000'SS Q: ; ?So. I -9ZC"66r ? S ml'. So. W ?I Fps Z c `•l I r 2 rtI U Uhl ll I 3 77 rt o Z I ($ a o zs ?.{ 4 ENW = ?i I `? I... .... •1 yl\ M1.71 JN ? W Y > U"ooil cr. Z N `n t W ? I WUVI ?? IL v. cc No ?? y/ y1W n Nle Q2 ?hNn U 1 Is y? 1\I' 7N{Ny0 /?] N, I FUm IUO m??.JrrW ! 11 - QK 11?J N2j ?•N' l) l l Vp I? O.W I "•a0 r"WUW,OY .?I ' $ W vl j ??? m ? a? _ .20. , 1 .. I ? ??N.21r-.J/?1,, Tir+?•..) ?!, .? / ,. o ? 20• 3 ?.._. SIII .0.1001 }3f?p1 ?!. '1l?.LII '2Y1n•?SS?I] unu00S? . ?/'?j/ ? ?? toll tv" wit 'qQ6" U1 ?` ? ,,,JJJ n e ! g N • ° 0- IZ p•01 i - 9 ( I j?R.•!' 1i 2-01 I I ,Yi! I? ' cc1 as-? a fi I? s `1 a Q r O l O rl df 1 I _ 60 Z I ^l F- •?? - - - o zo ?00 9000. J Z i 2 v> W pO.Or S1 ?. JU 9 S 2 1 r I Y• L7 V L L to C) cli a J O U I l I __ _" n i 1 DL LL r 1" K ._ g r .• I p w zo 'A 1 F . i co t X- A3 .n I n wu r ?` `J I $ N cr T , ?l P ram O o Qs w ? ? o r ??. • t_ znzi;? EASEMENT n V Q EST. 80 METRIC TONS CD CL. T PrnAr F Q' ' r ABRIC 100 SM FILTER V ?q • W? PER STD. 065.01 ETALT 4T.1 um S ADRK FILIER (180.15.1 FILL AOAIA704ED CIIAH?EL EST. A > S f EST.20 METRIC TONS CL. r RIPRAP JOIN L. CARPENTER, JR. AND 180m3 FILL iT 15 Su FILTER FABRIC r? PER STD. 568.01 5{gt1EY A. CARPENTER O `3 2 ? pl, y"o t . ' ?87.g00 55 Wa (100.4 1 . = G •5LgOQ SS.000m W - , k H r . / ? ---?-- U F7 --I1 l•J --- y s '\a VARIA13LE WIDTH BASE tXI C', -? i 611 • G? ?.'= --- EST. 135OmI DOE -`---- 1- 5 Q SEE DETAIL P TIE FENCE TO ------------ `? - _? l= WtNGWALLS -_ WOVEN WrEf FEJICE • c , s 1" R-2123 BA SITE C 3 + ?© db'GIN CULVERT END CULVERT r ?C 447+65.294 447+74.706 0 ` . __ .s 124 L:/ PROM ED 1 CAME Ux .. n 2cl • ! Q `T S ALSE SUUI DETAL 111 55' ,J i s ?' •? 'J PROP. SIIOUtt R? ??•? ':.1•S?Q? ^ 2GX81 y DERV GUTT[ ( _•f1 . , II] EXTRA DEPTH 3T5,, \ p(• A ?J• $ ` S PROP. GUARDRAIL I'J rr 0> •/. FILL A8AHODNED ri' WOVEN win"" I ,[??\ S \?I •/, 2C 81 CHANNEL FENCE EXTRA OEPTH 551. ISm I A' /E ;q \ s• (r .000m .1 '1'? .?.13M 1'IJ! 6RIC8 \?!: --- - \•? 41 m OFFSET 45m OFFSET/..,' IOm "LJ, IOr% ? cl _ a' i 55m OFFSET S ?! C ( ff 60 '.4 TOE TOE Li f:1 1^ FILL ADANDONEo C4IANNEL 45m TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT EST 90m • OFF 5 TIE FENCE TO - ` RING WALLS F EST 65 METRIC TON. - Cl-ASS_T RPRAP r 40 Su F'CT TO. 568.01 3 0m ' .,,T ,,1, ?5 65 . s ?p ue2se•1 „? \ E IF CO ? O `9 Z SET + 1180.45•! ° . .? DENOTES FILL I!, SURFACE WATERS 5m 0 10m _ kf? 5CALC N.C. DEPT. 0 Z'IOINSPORTAJ-ION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NIL CKLENI3URG COUNTY PROJECT: S. 1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SIIEEI- 5 0I= (? .0 0 N N C o E L co U c W U o h- Q co C O m .. a. L ? U ?n o l ?n W f- - N ? C ) Q co . W W U W 7 17 c 0 V C3 0 j LL U) - 0 C 7 m 5 L ? v O N O C ' o m ca L L O W U .. W m o c Y' m ? - L m C ? U c y o d ° c cu ?o U x Q ? W c F- w c - o ? jL c ° ` - m d E (D M a U)i rn C m m ca (13 F O O O O j L > N 7 N U N 7 (n C O O 75 O O O O H O ` 00 co 00 o N v t N t + N + M + qT IT "'' O Z N Q co U Q (n O H O_ _ i^ Ca f, ri 0 7:- IT, 0-0 ? U 0 -LL ?. xjj r O 0 :..SnUa O GQ 06 Q OO O W U _I w V) r, • ?•? Ca C/) LW > 0 0?? _ C) 0 U) p Cam) C1 u C? W 0 a Lf) w "' z r1--y J V ? ? v( I Q W I \ ? Ft+S \?? Cn \ ch OI h N C,. W (- i E W I o U ? Q W V P..- - `n O , Q --T- w 'J V °l I l ?IJ Lu PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1'= 200' U v R-2123 BI3 DENOTES PILL IN WETLANDS I/ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION O I-IIGIIWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP S?iE 2 OF 8 - N / - ; - ) 0 ?O_O (D v?-¢ oil, .? -- U O o q 00 ?-~zz?;w ?0?U?p4 C?c'i?'GWO,LI U> w 0 0 ZQ?a.a.0 OJ L - W W v) -0 0 0 ? -o C3 w - f - o z o O Cpl -? v? - U 1 1 O ?: id _ i I I I o L7 0 C_) Q ta) t-0 L? U) Afl.CKll-N13U1tG COUNII 5674-631 'n PARK i R. REC1i( ADON 1126 R-2123 BB ? ? t' t S IT E, 2 QQ- ?G ', rlT !. 73'1 /T?,Q3`7 PROFO D 537.4/ m :-R = 2 1111J1,11 ARC = 1 S.2t,lt i.3.-r%'4 m VVWEN E r-ENCE I+ + ?'r (17467'1 .,CIIOItfI i• ;n'r) 1= / a.;' ?' , rIT 1.95'1 _, '?381.8 ' = 25. ?I E11 CIId}zf) = 5 I2-23• E !t t• li'Midi iur 25.139 +- r 3 (T C'S 1' -- - -- --- - / i > Ii1,Il01VS t OIIIRI ` GUMDRN? ROAII "'.IN(. PROPO SED GUARDR/VL UNl1 T>'I' LANCH,0C11()1?' ?1?o") 5674-631 NCE lu o o -L- _-?- ---- o ?? 7.7.900 nr n NS v' o r ) o 0 c) FN t r 7 rn C o _ (. ? 0 - )Qr' car, t, r I c ` n C) C 107 10 r) )r ? L) 0 71 9(X) . n) ( . ? r . i ? ?? (9/.5.1'1 • , ? O v ? r) OL-GIN L FENCE V WOVEN WR U 1 013 ,T (lN11• TYPE Xlll llr? /4 FS, INC. 3rl(1 CS1> ` lJ 56 (4-G31 C3 1 ?- ENO SIILO.l7E17Al GUTTER -L- Sl EN[ Drrro rr ; FILL IN WET LANDS -Wh ILD. L. A48 ?TRI 5 10 N. C. r)EPT.Or-. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Or- HIGHWAYS MECKLI?NBURG COUNTY - y?- PR0JEC'I':8.L1G71610 ( R2123CC } PART OF EAST' CfrARLO'I'TE Ou'rI;RLom) (Rom SOU'ri-I Of- SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH Of NC 49 WNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) s r l l: r;'r 11 o v 8 FILL IN SURFACE WATERS C ? 2 . N.C. DEPT. OF 'T'RANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHART.OT"I'E OUTER LOOP SHEET 5 OF 2 V P ll.P? N V )C IL; W R-2123 1313 SITE B FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OIL HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED CNIARI,OTTP, OUTER LOOP s11EET 6 or 8 PLAN VIEW il "PE w O, Z -q1.9 1 it d( F • 71 r7-z- iUEGIM PC .Y C -'T721?• ?`q.O?'NOrTli4?/NES H/ '-` '? (1 r ra . ? S• R-2123 BB ----:t _---- -- ---- - ?'l y ---- SITE C I c ------------ J?, r FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 M-212313D) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP r Sliiil;'I' ? 01. g z H < 00 U) m M W U) = - CL Z N O LO LO F- LL S O O CL U) W J U U Z -w, W O W U) U- S o. (n co cu O (0 > m t :3 U) U) q 'It 0 q- CC) CD co t- co h 0 ? a? C) u?i C ° ? E c W U ? 0 0 Q ? c c ? o ca `. a? L U ? W c"o c W v W U W U ? ? C', co Q .-. (n 'O N ? ? C a L O o o c ? r m .. Z .a o N ? L L U ? v U aj aD o m ? ccv m - ? ? N a) v nnn /// C ? U c o - o a g ? • M ca y O X W C F... W _ N - ? O a co E (u a) ~' c -O N N 1 C CD L O O O N ? O U N_ 1.O. O cfl 0 O O 0 0 0 LL + N t N + CO + - + LO Z .- N Q m U Q (n ? O Q n- 04 O Z eo rn U ?o a { .r o z W sR 7511 ? ono 1 r>>r? w ??o Q C? w fW-- (n LL. V) J h^ w ? W cj) r S tIl 7501 F- U W pf a z C7 w O c] c i cn U. mac:. FO a ; O r,cfl C ? Z o w p o (n ?- v1 N - O? o C. O W C Cl O E, ?O O QA z r / V V w ? U r / ::D Q 2 LLI /• ./ D / Q O W F- W r ? m c e U F- w W F. r N l•9, rat H H +00 -L- 200' G' DASC DITCH PLANN114 175 Lo (SEE PROFILE) _ cY, ,c - (/o_, ASI r Tt IRFAIUC (r v 4 r Ilk ULVERTZ, IN CT , /_5 ? ? u ?_ ? d 0 TONS (Ef ` STONE 3 SY MID- SOUZ? -?- r r FA13RIC J - _ V AT ER YSTEM F 7- it C. -I' F '? 0 1 YrooOS O ?Ir?RG, ?_ .. f _ PROP LA- T_--T_--L L?--L_-.T 7_-_7 2 CAT-1 - 7 T r- CONC. PAI R-2123 CC SITE 1 . ..? •...•.i. .Y X? / 1 ? 11' ? ? I of 2GI ;- WOODS LJ-J LNELOPMEN DENOTES PILL. IN WETLANDS U m 4 ? tn\ YIOOOS \ 4y F _ SCALE 1" - 50' F Ie v p,' G - - r F F. h TONS / ?. N. C. i)EPT.01. TI(AN51,ORION 0 STONE 1)1VIS10N OF HIGHWAYS T. G SY ? TER R FA MECKUNBURG COLIN'I'Y ^ VELOPM 1'1(0J1--C'1': u.LIG71610 c R2125CC T1-MP. 17 (TRAIN. PA Wl' Of' EAST' Cf f.1 IZ L0'I"I'L CULVERT ESM'T. OUTLET / i'4;7 ?' / ?r,(1.59 -L- OU'CI?RL001) I-ROM SOU'1'1-1 jf` COMER 01: SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) '1'0 soul,11 or Nc 47 J. CITY BL U) 0 0 ?? ?LA \^ << / 51-11;1;'1' Z O1.- I? r, 0 z O E- Q U O w M ATCH LINE A z --1- p ,. w aq .. „ o ? > u Z > W n ?? z ::) c ? 0 P p o ° 0 p 6E9 ( ` - - - o o co o - 0 o o ZZ: it 31 C4 Q" tj LL: ,) - 0 0 4 - Cr. o F CQ x w? J N L zo`''o' ? \ ci a 4 s ° O o I zI A A w - -- a, z x - w - J ? w U co O 43 (A h- 0. c V) V) N o Lj 4 ? r w O < ? - - cx p nc z , z n LL = _ I -. 71 f? oi,n nYN CL W z ?ON(? no-- Y r tU 8:2.2) zzz R]PO I ? ) t1 278' b' " 9 E N 1- .- N I 4• t i i?q cY. - 'N SE9 n: Q. f - ? W l T v ' k x 0>-(3 t ? ? '7_• ? ? NIV21C7 ? -- ? ? 1?fJ1Ul_1 N 21.11.1(1:) \ iJIJ.1El 1 z . L2' C Q W 11 w (Y m v] w --a N cL 3 w 3 w w u LL. F - 5 w w H O 7 til A MATCH LINE B o -- ?xwtQ t ?„ ;. u r u 0, z o 4 x a co R. x t7t79 zU U o U 0 x c7 -o H o O E°-pO 0 co E° Li U- U) . W a 7) w U 9 ,. I- U, V) W E- Z tki C14 C4 Q •c CR R; 0 O ff, W LA U G. ?• W z x B n G.ta II 9 z• ?, v? c: _ J CA 0 N t U tlr 1 L1 FL F :J C C z w 4 N 0 w 0 f)z V7 9 10-96Z ?. MATCH LINE A 1 • ?c Z ? ( ) D \ NIV2 l3t?t•Jn ..Z ? .t ?-• I I 1 ? B f ? O N Q. U I ? \ O (n v ? O N _ NIV2Ja b ? 1.1 U- _ ? L U li r ? - U x u N N z MATCH LINE C - - '. o - F H e o z (n v ? ~ c1 ? , ?? U o U 0 U? F w - ?, z?D w 0 o a' in w ( 07 .w.?. O ci ?O .w 0 f:4 F" :4 ZO Aj v o ?.? ? A 2? -2? rc 9L Q ?" o ? F- ca o ?- N c? Irma cn ;) Nni „z i 03 ? o m ? P ;h1c a 3-Z Z: V) 13 I W W 4 `?. , 1-{ ??- .94 ,0 t z f .., L 5t79? N / 1 MATCH LINE B U O Z .,.J spa' ca O a p C Q N O N- o U 0 U F ?D ro O ro H EO p w O 07, O 00 O O Fo ?.U p? F'c:a cap > w ti w a aQ ?ooo:DW U c. w z ? MATCH LINE D , X FIS f ' rr c Zo _ ? 99 !. J w _ = w r a d LJJ o O _ a- 0 O \ k? 099 ,- _ ,2? - a= IvvQ liJ I MATCH LINE C z u / U a a .. - w 999 _? X z lh W ho Ir r ? -{ - - -? --? 0 al t t i. w 13 G A ? ? cly t NN ZO { N n t" l> MATCH LINE D z ° w E-> U> Z ?; ?O?z.j z a O c a0 wuw 2 vaiCx7 ? ? x??'OH U 00 + 699 ? z x ° o H U F O p W O o `a tc. 'I- z O W W> W ti? H `n ? z u; `W U a a 0 0 p = z U 00 + 899 6 w 00 + L99 6 0 P4 w \ U a 00 + 9m. H a z ? N U .., Er O W x > o O CD C) xm _ U @ 00 + 5991 N O O O O ? M C O (D UD LL 0 w n; v W FOFm -,U> Z ?- F- ?p, z .a = 0 0 0 ?. 0 b C, x U 00 + ?t?9 L -C o u cs. z ? w 0 o c"n Ls. O Q co 0 G; ?0.10 F W U O C j U> UtiF•Ew„v,QZ I ACa Off. ?000 a?V U p, 0. W z ? 00 + CV9 L U H H U- w J 00 + Zb9 L 0 A? k? ca 00 + L179L u u z O U w N W 0 w z > ° o 1 = \ 00+O79L FU- Q 0 0 0 0 V cf) N 0 0 CD CD CD CD I z 0 ,. W ?R.. w H .? z x J cO. O C '? O >- O p U DC cn C7 o U O U H C) 00 6t7 Q E-O b woa"'Nw a U t,4 U O C W V) M w > U E- A O ;D w O O 0 Z F CIO U a W z ? 00 + M79 L 00 + Lt79 L M C) L w J W W Q: tV 00+9t9L N Q W U E? ..a z ? O U N LL ..w 0 Z o U Q C) 0 0 LO v o 0 (D CD o_ E-, U F ?w ?o ° a- z? o ?- o z" a u ou y cz, C7 ?. chi) ?o ?- E.U CD MATCH LINE H Ho a w [I. p oco 0 r.- 0 .0 F- O .-1c+ Hw ^ ? A> u w w O ? w F- . ?Z a U w 0. 0 0 00 + £59 L w N z O U L.L 00 + Z99[ w 0 00 + L99L ca ..a ? w ? w U w < / 0 U O w 00 + 0591. > ? O LL O o •n o cD (0 c0 O O MATCH LINE G o. o z o W ? C% E-' U F•E-> U> E, c, 0::)-z..a -J 0 V) a cn C7 U `U .`c U F :? U o O o F V 'D 04 r! o W o O cc. 0 ? ca F, W O cry U ?U ? Ca > N A?WO?F .?z' U A a a 0 0 w 1 ? - z 00 + 999 1 2 v -- r p 0 0 0 w J 00 + 9991 r- 0 o 0 o N W W • U ? W U Q: N 00 + V99 ? z O U o W 0 0 > c0 ° o MATCH LINE H o ° z. o ? W rzCs x ? ? ,? =,- ? u? x w A 0" z C'4 V) ?. O O 00 ?C7 V o UOUxE.. "o U WO Z W CO R. O 00 O O W - W> ti H ?, A Z caA O p U a a 0 0 W W 'VU 1 1 1 I 1 1 ? r 1 ,n ?l? J f ?'2 w Q 1 m U o ..? N p T ? / W U I ~ J 4 / f[.-?• w d o Rte' r W p ?...J R,1 U / CI FO •r; C., 7. a: V/ ..1 F z 0 N o ? O x CU`Lr 2' 9„-E DITCH I SEE DRGF1' E) F DCr-1 Iv ?- % - 2 G I 2GI Ex. G,P7t1 p 1 OF, 0') L0 c f? R-2123 CC VV?{{? SITE C J ^ GEGI`; CVL`T? SI" 12 CULVERT- / OUTI- 1' • 1 p ?? - i _ _F +50 -L- 2' BASE 01 i•C1-Ir? +50 -L- (SEC PROFILE) %) - cl, +oo -I- N. (:. I)(;I?'f'. OF ''IZ A NS1?UR'I'A'I'ION ttl,.7 DIVISION Of. HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY ® m.,rjo•rrs r•ii.i. iN SURFACE WATERS PR0JI'(:'I':8.L1671GJ0 ( R2123CC ) P.M(T O CILMILOT E. OU'I'[;I(LOOf) I-.IZOI`I SOUTH SCALE V = 50' Of- SR 21302 (ROCKY RIVER I.O. JL-i:I=I71=d --- ? IMAM TO SOUTH OF NC 47 RINIVEIRSITY (;I'I')" BLVD.) Sf il:l:'I' 1 Of. l?? l \\\ I-CO 205' / \?\ -t-00 " i 20: 1 tip; 175' u ,,: 00 2' DA' DITCH I (SEEP ;OFILE) ? `??? \ /• S ? ? I?i?? 17 r?n"'r'.'°t t'.C'Trj-,`'T? .7,{"'rT c;, r / /?. 1 l"' ?- ??-... ?r ?t. EST. 2 TONS p / R-2123 CC 7 CLASS 0 STONE 00 'ST If Sy SITE D ? < FkTER FAoM ?r 300' UNIFOrm TAP"4 0'-12-) r r r r r r r r_- 'I' ? ? I T -r- CULVERT BEG. CULVERT -L- srA q °?- . (b / cr'c 2GI CULVERT 7 - A 1798 t 48 (. r. ? h1iN0'fl;ti 111.1, IN Sllltl-'n(:fi W.1'1'Ii1tS i o+ r SCALE P = 50' N. C. I)HIT.O TRANvowr 'PION 2 SONS / DIVISION 01' HIGHWAYS 0 STONE . SY MECKLENBURG COUNTY EAORIC 1 G F Pfk0JEC'l':8.L;G7l6I0 ( R2123CC > ?' vuc PAR'T' OI" EAST Cl'1/'MLOTTE oU•rt:RLOoi,, rRom soU'rl-I ?--„SE DITCH - OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER \ FILL ABANDONED- ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 47 CREEK OED r (UNIVERSITY CI'T'Y BLVD.) { SI11;I;'I' ?b 0 f.' IS 1< R OPIE' R'>T Y C) VV N Ei[k NAME' AND ADDRESS PARCEL NO. OWNI.R'S NAME ADDREISS 1 HOLCOM111.,1's'I'TA PA'rmCIA 12215 PLAZA RD. E. T. JAMES 11. CHARLO'r'1'I., NC 28215 WILLIAM E. 2 MID SOUTH ?VATI:It siwrl?TIS INC 3 NCDO'r (1VAS - REAL E3STATI. PLANNING 8• DI.VL'LOIPME'NT) 4 MARTHA HACKI.S' GRODZICK1 12 RUTH I'. ST1sGAI,I, (ESTATE) 13 MICHARL D. M WIFE, JAMIE; SJ PRYOR Id VI.RTIL' 11AItN1.'I"r STEGAIA, RFD I SHE.RRILS FORD, NC 28673 255 CHEROKCst. RD. CHARLOTTE-, NC 28207 CI'O CA'rHII; F. STARNE-S 2321 HIGH RIDGE, CHURCH RD. MARSIIVILLI. NC 28103 12930 PLAZA RD. I.A'r. CHARLOTTE;, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA. RD. EXT. CHARLOTTE- NC 28215 a? C) N c O N E t c c U W O (q D 5 F U U C Q O (o L N N (n O) w m . c 'D (D O ^ O U2 C) - Q N CU E r C v w U w a O Q n o c LL D C O L _ d v U) LL > U) Cl C O O ? L Z v D O N M C D O m m Q L L L a) C) m v U O L L C ? c G U c ?, C) o 0 ? ? > i / U) Q X > v > z w c F- W U) - ? O C CL (6 E j a) H C y co N rl m co (h O Cl) O O O V c C N - m L O O O O O O (D LL > ro 7 N U ?`1 7 u) 65 `n O O tz ( n O E N _ U) + O O N LO o r N Ll (n Cl) '- + + r + (D + m + (n m ((7 + rn + (D ti r- n ti (D O h w ° .- N cr) v LO Q m U O (n Z O WPTSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: Mr. John Domey Dear Sir: DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY I z 001292 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WESSITE: WWW.DOH. DOT. STATE. NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 2 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and Total impacts Site Cowardin Schafale & Weakley DWQ Acres Classification Classification Rating Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PFOI A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 021 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS I C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC 1 * PFO 1 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottom land Forest 17 0.02 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS 1 C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFO1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSSIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 rtm i t - raiustrine Emergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PF01A - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSS 1 C - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFOIC - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSSIA - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site 1 in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Impact (linear feet) Channel Replaced (linear feet) Channel Net Loss (linear feet) Acres Impacted Section AC A Farm Pond 0.46 B UT to Clear Creek 377 377 C Clear Creek 492 492 D UT to Clear Creek 1230 551 679 E UT to Goose Creek 102 102 F UT to Goose Creek 138 138 SUBTOTAL 2339 551 1788 0.46 Section BA A Farm Pond 0.33 B UT to Mckee Creek 484 484 C McKee Creek 1083 1083 SUBTOTAL 1567 1567 0.33 Section BB A Farm Pond 0.57 B* UT to Reedy Creek 442 360 82 C* Farm Pond 0.32 SUBTOTAL 442 360 82 0.89 4 Table 2. Continued - Section -- CC C------------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------------------------ A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the Tune 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accountine of the Lone Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT- DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-211 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. 5 It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer U APPENDIX A Permits and Ageements ?•???{???.4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PO. BOX 1890 i; WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 7, 2000 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, McKee Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (I-485) between interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in full force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 1 NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY i 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 23 -4 dad, of 4-J-1 , 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETFWHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 BB); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of. the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS,_ WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow: 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOT's policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 4 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOI needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 0 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for additional ten (10) years after completion of this project IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: ?-?-- r Title: Cat+ F 7 -?-? FJ L e ? APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY: Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T NSPORTATION BY: STATE HIGHWA\` ADMINISTRATOR ISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPENDIX B Permit Drawings C W o?f A W H ? U W n z" I r. ? m L ' n -I7'. i 1 \ r U Lk W E°y W H - it Z , r ?"` //J ?If 716 J> 3r 0 F cn -• .?! :? f-• I V 'r CA C a O O O ?- ° v w L O O W U q ,r, O a a; ? U L•a I z o ,. U a C F Z o ° ? o CL x w _ Q 10 a? ?? ???1 F Q ? r ? N a U U ? 14 / U o-e4 0 U C L] CL z I z "' r 150 PCV - a S SMOG 17 iN A'1? 00? rv ? N zx ^ J J ? e 01, Z V) 1 o O om of 1 ? ? NI 40 0 1 _ I 1.? ? f I do t ? 'Q c I I ? I ? I w R; U E 0 N 0 E _ 0 FA- h O -? F ?n -- F- U C I O Q r' O O 7 a I. ? ?. CX) p L:1 c? = L. V Ll-l f-' (n t!' A.` N 0 z J F m zV J i- ?- J c:. u? W F U u p ? F- 0 w j ° v' M I bl U E 0 N O - E_ 0 \ 1 1 1 i\ J\ ul` it r sl s?. I I I I :I ' *I b ?I PI FI I ^? I i I O_ U 0. O O .? Z N . ) n r? L` f:j E- I p 'L ? cO ? I u ¢ II U ? U I I 7, I? I I I I z I ? I ? I a I I I z° I ? I I ,? Z I ???t? W I 1"'? f NI N' I I v 6'i I ? I ? I I ? U E O N O E O r L O . ? •?\'? X10.000 ? Tee y \ \ 02.000 ILT)f+. 4 O CIN +qo. GOO \ FILL IN ABANDONED 3 y ? PROP. LAT. 0.6 BASE DITCH iJ.000 ILTI\ \ CREEK - EST. 275 m .1 SEE DITCH DETAIL E' ? SEE PROFILE to +27.000 +60.000 m PROP. BASE 017CH O•S' • 62.443 (LT) • 111E1 R/ 64.335 (LTI CL. I RIP RAP L U SEE DITCH DETAIL 'J' C -EST. T i 3 TONS q CLASS RIP RAP •/ 10 m FILTE / FABRIC / +96.500 /EST. 1(p8 m TON CLASS R +37.095 5).175 IlT) FABRIC ml FILTE 55.000 (LT) -•^on1 ) +40.000 R-2123 AC I I?PRUP 9.000 I L T) 76 1CE L SITE C 1 F Op FENCE / t .-- -_ A 73 390-40 BEG[ -- SHOULDER i F I y 100.0 FUL +t0•? \ OERY GUTTER ?pnm; E?Bp• ZG --- CAT-1 I .. o -...? ."-•- 0.1 SPE IA I . C L 2G BERM GU E .......". 7{ I SPECIAL I? r o 0 7 0 1 l o . o .Y /IRL07TE OUTER LOOP 75 N S ING " 'C H L eo o V b 7 N Ac •57.095 BEGIN CULVERT .199 194. / ~• ° -------- I ----- „ END CU I h I G C - CAT-1 I /? \ 1^n r -L-B.ISEUNE 399-40. 000 -L- PUC 99-V.000 3N*, L S +0 .13 - - I ? PROP. ;T9. BERM DITCH -) E •/ CL• 8 RIP RAP OB ------ - 5SEE ROMT. STD. 240.01 ? - FENCE - ND Pq S ??? \ F P'top R/r FENCE 7 F 2 ----------------- ---------. _ A I I PROP. AT, ,6 BA DITCH C +90.000 I SEE DITCH DETAIL 'G' SEE PROFILE _ A 55.000 IRT) -41 000 SS . I +37 E DITCH .0)5 55.000 (RT) 55.000 IRT) W •+•) 000 PROP. BASE DITCH W? • out Er •/ NI a DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5mm 10m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 ?rAI F SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF 13 00 o? ? Jd ?.9 ' A- DETAIL I 's SITE I). SITE E DETAIL IV . `' K `.//G ?y! ?c \ ` ? 1F \ IS .\S r R-21.23 AC SITE D & E O?90 i 2 / I' / i / °0 x J MATCHLINE 3 = DENOTES FILL IN a%m SURFACE WATERS mEiwl 5m 010m SCALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 6 OF 13 .ool P DETAIL III ' ? 1s o o i / O) v< t lk 68 66 \ I SITE I) ?\ -----__;:---?_-:--= -_? ------ ------------ - - - - ?? --------- -_-__ -- - - \, 1 I T S _ - 6 \ .\ 00 1 1 1 'o 1 E? I E ? \ v r DETAIL IV ' . DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION J ;A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 5?n Q 1 Q m SCALE AS SHOWN SCAL SHEET `} OF 13 / / / o / C) C 1 A ?`1 o I&I Tcyl/? 4/ lb* 6,t* O DETAIL V 5m. 0 1 Qm SCALE ? \AK \V MATCHLINE 1 NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION h' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 8 OF 13 EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 170m 3 lc* r G CHANNEL 2.7m BASE 2. m BASE WIDTH BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1 m x '2.7m RCBC DETAIL I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE w 1.1m-L.im ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 44Om 3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (rn'•) LTAPER \1 - EXISTING CHANNEL BASE WIDTH 2.1 m BASE 2.1m-3.1m CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL 11 : STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 650 m 3 EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 90m3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES ,E MID) RETAIN EXISTING 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL JL: STA 17+99.1 -Y29- -h"- w E ?ri N EXISTING GROUND -__0.45m THK. W/FILTER FABRIC 2:1 SIDE SLOPESI BASE WIDTH]`-WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE 11.5m Y CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET Ic' OF 13 9& ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4g70m3 E N 4.1 d ? ? E CV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 78Om3 VARIES TI T1 /A ? --2:1 SIDE SLOPES E BENCH _ T3 T2 0. m T2°S k T3 -s T4 T4 g 72 EXISTING GROUND 7\ Tf -._.0.45m K. W/FILTER FABRIC _ _T3-- TT \ 21 J T4 UN o M H BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING BENCH WIDTH rr Lo _--w--gym - CHANNEL BASE 13.Om Sc 0 TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 2 AND ? OF ? RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH 71, ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 40 EXISTING GROUN[ EXCAVATION = 460m3 VARIES VARIES T T1 Ti - T1 00 - _E r W C; TRANSITION FROM OENmH 0 0.45m THK. E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES o W/FILTER FABRIC ^. T2 T3 T3 T2 8 x-2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 A"" RETAIN EXISTING a T4 T4 CHANNEL 6.5m BASE WAS WIDTH VART _ BENCH 9.0m-6.5m 0. m Y B NCH WIDTH I TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO EX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET it OF i3 40 0 N C ° M E U L .. . c W U ? N d 00 c0 ? U (? c c Q o m .? L U a. W C C O LO LL") ? M N ?t M U E 3 iz w? w U cD 4 U) _ o Q' C O L O O = a -- LL E2 .. C O (9 L ? - Z v LL ? O _N C (0 L O L L O ? v d o m y c N L (p U) LL 9? Q N C _ C L U c a o ? a °-? 3_. w Z g =? o 3 L_ m co a E a? F... c c v w o co co _ c o 0 L O O LL d v > > N 7 N U N O Q C .O ' o R' N L 0 c o C D ( DD O 0 0 0 L co a ? co c o O t o + co O c o M O O C n Cl) tr C l) C l) C O er ' ?r - ° Q (q Z r- N Q mU O W LL O H C ti U W O a U w Q w V) M Cpl Cpl f-? U W ti a z w m w H A m fr fV dvj r ? v? o ? rv ?I ?I I m? \ hl I? CU _Y rv UJ Q v V Oil T O <r: Ca 0 ri m t? QD U' O uU w o Q O qC/), o? W F - U j U o o LIJ W N w J d r \ \ ~ FPS V o Nb ?? ?? 6 0• r? P. ? w m ? .t• N c'n T .ri ?c . 6') - FILL IN WETLANDS ERR= IN SURFACE WATERS I F-1 LL .49 FILL IN WETLANDS I W , r or z M W Cr) J- N N C I z3 "o x o I ?Uo? I w ?? r` .r. LL sl r) O G? oo O azwE-;Qo- U> V o0?D W j --9 )0• `? zC1?aaO = is?'oau ? ?Z ? ? - - ?•? fn u1000'sS Q: ?So• 9ZC 66r 1 '' i sl SO' $?I SO I o (C, J W I '. ?Op n Rsl u_ u9 ?! I U r/ I •, \ ? dl ?Wj, W ? z S:) Wwoot bo'l oo* rW-•y 1 Nf,.J .. ?Y CO' CO' I WU••{ 9 O•-•rl' J W E o { y/ pp I W?F6 r ?J ?dlVN ,• ? .1? I ? I? ? ?: W IU?O FW{.I W.O? ? ii K t? m' e 20 1 I ..._"???' 111 /!(/1 U W 144 ' ° g' n I iG?3 / ?!',r,. W D? 20 O ?tV S1r.97J,e• :SSVI-J-009 '0 v la }? __ ? :JLJIrt: t$daW S? ,* i?a J irk 1 Y 0 ' ?• 9?? 1 %j? I((/ . • VIVT1tNkLLlJr?A 0 1 ? I Y . 1. 1 (L ° 4 ft l 1 --2o' ° ° 1 I t i I J Qa t W w rt I l ,{ I 1 1.01 5. V--- Z'i ' m V co Z C4 ??1C? lOd? o noo m? ! 20 _ Ir vo, \y l) WU? a ? \, I ?? - '^ ? T E UI I 91? uS. ••? 50 ?_sn• .. r ?i? .l.n Q ? Q Q w o TONS WITH SEE DETAIL'r 1LT.1 \ TER FABRIC ?I / FILL AOAIAONE CHANNEL EST. IeOM% FILL V, AINAGL `W\ EASCIIENT EST. 80 METRIC 70/TS CL. *r RI`RAP )DO SM FILTER FABRIC 1'ER STD. 9F.9.q 3?t,a00B?m 1180,451 FST. 20 METRIC TONS ^cl.. T I PRAP 15 SM FILTER FABRIC PER STD. 968.01 •SZ.D90 l:' ?5.000m ° VAgIABLE WIDTH o, • OASf. M1C11 S EST. 13"' DDE sl? SEE OF TAt r A - 1 s T A e ° R-2123 BA SITE C S [&IN CULORT CIN 447+65.294 ?' .'f \? 2C1 IBM s f . .; I ,/' -0 S < t PROP. 511011L R =3` cl &I T1F rFHCE TO '- ??- ___ WNCWALLS u -WOVEN MIRE FENCE rROr, END CULVERT 447+74.706 {.y `CrROPOSED At =-: FALSE SUMP DETAIL W .? A BERM GUTi a ?\ ?jfT 2ono, \"i?s ??.127 EXTRA DEPTH JTSmm 1 'p(+ `--rgOP. GUARDRAIL ?i j (.??'? (;?%f S \? r ,•rr FILL ABANDONED ` ;_3 CIIANNELT , ? ' WOVEN wIR FENCE \`'X ?: r?\ 'h -' (, {; E?r ( ?`Y 2cx0) EXTRA DEPTH ` ET7. ISm\ r ' ? ESd.Ap iRIL yRy CLASy' RAP ?' .000m 'i 7.61•t^ ? A • (^ ?? [ --(???I??1-Q --- --_-'_-?-_- _---__.a.1.SM F'A BTtIQf ?? ? :"?L i 4T m OFFSET lay 45m OFFSET/` .?, ^1 ?. wm -- I' lJ Ssm T Off SET ? OE TDE FIL L ABANDONED CHANNEL TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT EST 90m' CC) Q Q' JOIIN L. CARPENTER. JR. AND SV( NEY A. CARPENTER z6 Q WING WALLS F EST 65 METRIC CI.A.55 T RPRA kKr s OD (D /.?. ,,rr?? M yg??,sm LJ o ? :boom OFFSET + Ib0.?5'1 OO .-1. UEr:OTES PILL IN SurirncE u.,?Eris 5m O 10m 5.QALC N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 017 HIGHWAYS MF'CKLI NBMG COUN'T'Y PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SIIEI=T 5 OF 6 ? c o N ° cm E L c W U ? o 1- U v c E Q o m .r CL L d) U c c ?n o M W ? ? ? W ee?? 0 v ° cn m C L Z v lL ? O N C C C O N m m t L a o m c 0 L t0 ? ( o } L L U C C L U C u? o a g c ? ? N L v x Z O M m a E 3 N c to C l O N C C ) I? _ L o O p » N N U N 20 0 m o 0 0 °L O ° - CO C O C O ( D N N ( D N + h r ? ' IT .. p fn Z N Q m U Q O H O_ _ IT, i--p OV) OU O 100 H U LL 0 x x O O wSr--Ua- ?O W cono t?p U ?-. r~? Llcnw0W W /:. U j U00 o F W U) p 1, M ?I U ?! W ti O a W z w Cn W ? Q LWLI \ ? F n5 \?? cn °I c? '- '-- w I J `W V In O. _ W 'Jl a o ? I ' I nl -? v:I PLAN VIEW BRUM DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS SCALE: 1'= 200' Lul R-2123 B N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2, OF 8 _ - ) - ? l O ?? t 1 o (L .) .-. U n-. O C,6 Q O n p lij -j c? )z wCL.H u?w???D LL w ll ) 0 f Vr Ln o II - LJ lL -- Q F- z UI ¢ o - 3 cal v? LL) N - ?1) U ? ? LLl c ?L U 0 U7 - M AII. CN 1181301 iG COUN I > I'/UiK`; lv RFCU AII(1N +. ' ?S 3l R-2123 BB SITE, 2 53.7.41 m (174G7'1 .,( 2\111.8111 `•Ant(1 . I7 if,i(i?I SOUIULS /!OAILS, 5674-631 11 _ t. 6 l i ?,U3`? PROPS D ? 'r.f..fi'4 m WOVEN E FENCE r l r 1'i', /17!95') IZ = 381.8 C t` CIP CIf0RO 2'23' I. 25.134 1 06 ' I ? f 1 _ ? 1 ( B f 'SI f (? 3 1 ? r '1'rr f' /1?1,1MWS r i ; - GUARDRV? r /NCI I01 XI = i UNIT TY w7R, E -FNCC - r 2r;1 o,? \\t a ?? - k , n ---- ?? ? , ?7 x(10 m ' 0 (01.54 ) 1 NS c? o ' ?c_'c) c) FN c (! (1 f) 11 ? C? 1, f c r f1 (? ?? 107 'O f 1 (.1 O (1 f O M c 1' _ ? ? C, ?? , - • , ? rrll ?,1 I (? v f) DE GIN { , ' WOVEN WIRL rrNcr Y , o , - tots I ARORNL ? t cl IO/? -------- UNIF TYPE X111 , f. r 14 flr? FS.INI:. S0( cS11 56 4-63IV FI.1 - M, c` ( • f t opt ,., , (• j __ `IAN !tii;. `?1I1/llil `? I/OAt/ '..INC. ?'? - PROPOSE[) GUARORNL 56744,31 T r -ENO 51ILO. IT RAI GUTTER -L- 57' ENI DI-7140TI-S PILL IN WE'T'LANDS -1. _ I - -IARL( ILO. 'A 4 TRI 5 10 N. C. I>(:i)'1'.O( '1'RANSI?ORTA'I'ION DIVISION OF FIIGUMAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY - - - I'TZOJE-C'I': 8.UG71G10 ( R2123CC > PART Or EAST CHARLOTTE OUTEIRLOOP FROM SOUTH Or- SR 2802 MOCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH Or NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CH'A' BL 'D.) - Srlrr;r rl or• 8 FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141CYIIWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 I313) PROPOSED CIIARLOT"f'l OUTER LOOP SHEET 5 OF R PL.,k,N 11 IE,14% R-2123 1313 SITE B FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N. C. DEPT. Or TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Or HIGHIVAYS MECKLENBUTIG COUNT" PROMCT:8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP sIIEE•r _6 or 8 PLAN V114'.147 _? OEj NO 17,/ ' 'lN£S H/L L -' i.C FILL IN SLIRFACT WATERS y _ C nn,u \ - - m R-2123 13B ----:t SITE C o% kr r r r ? r , r r r N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 1-11GI-IWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PIIOJECT:8.1671601 (R-21231111) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE. OUTER LOOP r SHEET ? OF 6 ? m o N c o c E L v c c U W N c Z) o 0 U 3 c c E Q o m L W c c ' to c2 LO Cl) Q o _ N 'C co . w= LL Ill CY) M Q (n - N N c 0 v o 0 O N LL <n m , . o c .2 s f0 Z LL 'D o N rn I c ' E c 0 o m m ? L L N U v N O m c m 2 } O j LL. C Q Cc U C N o a *= c = Tt m m m L N O x ., 2 c W _ W _ N - v O Co -m a E m ~ C N N p N c - c In .- tp = O O O LL j 7 N 7 N U N 2 ?n rn c 0 co 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 v v O v co LL N N f M - LO co c o r l- w r -. w o cn Z r C V Q m U Q O F - rn N k 0 r 1 SA )?)7 .y X))Y) w Lu LL. ?-- w V) C/) 3 F- w -p o.SC a z 0 w co u w O C4 a D W D w w v) 3 oG m d U F- ? N / E'" cn -, U F w > U Ca > 0 C4 -,e 0 .. z U C U r' L-' CL C7 vii ?^ O C4 F O F. O cr) U. O7 0 " I C L: N 40 N H - p j C' L1 FU, i4 U caaj U a ? ? z z o ? r ?• V J`? loos ?4. / Qq- Q) ?l fW- fw- U W V 0 LLJ LLJ Y/ / Q W LU 3 r„'1 yH H r -1.00 200' G' E3ASE DITCH PLANNIN 175' L0 -(SEE: PROFILE) titrA r / J -I- 'ULVCRT ?lUlr>wE `^ I r rr CT _ " ?? ?' ? .??>?? . r?? ?.. , .. -711 /v• ? ?)'? , ?? o Toms `r" 'r?=' ?j, - STONE t 3 SY / _- _ - MID- SOUTH s- _?- ''? ??11• FABRIC Y AT ER YSTEA F z ci,? . _ , . -I- I C. _ ?A 1.,_ ?tr?Rlii ?. r F D0 1 - WOODS 0 2 1 _ PROP, CAT-1 -T_---T==- CONC. PAS R-2123 CC P??- SITE 1 ;, x?? I r 4 r I vl 2GI 2 3'. WOODS, lil ?w /\ rD• ( r N CD ELOPMEN 7,? DENOTES f'IL1. Its' WETLANDS LL U m -j U-) \ ` WOODS \ / ry SCALE I~ = 50' ? I.?-¦-TrtJ->r 1?? F r v O?, "G 4 TONS F/ N. C. DI;PT.O(" TRANSPORTATION 0 STONE 1) / T Sy DIVISION Or IliGIMAYS ?r TER FA. R Tll CKLLNllURG COUN'T'Y TEMP. I -VELOPM t?ito?rC r: u.uc„Ir,ID c R2I23CC ' orArN. PA Wl' OI 1..15'1' CI 1 A R LO"1"I'E CULVERT ESM'T. 'v OUTLET / ?'? / ? 60.59 -L- ?? oU•I'I;RLOOI) ntom SOUTH / / = ? / / /f? CORNCR OF SR 2802 MOCKY RIVL'R ROA D) 1'O SOtITI I Of NC 49 c) / or ctrN1VI:R5I"I'?" (-l'I'?' 11L?'D.) 1?': -^?/.• i SF11:1.'1' 2. OF IPs 0 z O 1- U O w w zzz 4 J ? ? N moo v? IJ^J LL ? ` .? ' 78' b' 29" E V x I o c`n- s/`0't • All (3 CA l -F - l _ N 3 `;U LL. w LL. -66 .91 L - f~f 7 f?I 3r ? ?v' f u I ?• (1 _ I I,? (? llllfJfl_I "Zi 1419 30 qcq MATCH LINE A ...........??1.. Env, U E~ H w U Q 1 .r :- ( U p C'-4 0 o _ - 1 cn C? U V ? ? F- U x I. ` - 1- ?x c7 0 ?0 U o --e 6E9 = 1- ?.. z z W w o o N ?. U. C'4 - \ II 7`- Z9 31 E E t.4 O c W L. gII.96' - ? } W ? W •-, E' ?-, cn A z cn ? ? In L ? J, ? \ ?? A A ? ? ? ? Cs. O ? f••. w ?A w0 zo /? A v 04 04 000 w - F- < a, Z, y N (n ?• ?Q W - v? LL) LIA I- o OF U O c N0 U LL. c) ?? - - 1 oC Z , ?- O oL LL NN.V Q , _ n?c?i 2 no.- \ J 3 w uo W 1 W. MATCH LINE B 0 U Edw. ]c w ?i ?.>?> C 2 OO O G p C? vO ;,. Z C7 ° V Oa. O H V "9 L , ? w F- , D a 2 ?' W O o c`n p 0 o O N Eo. w 0 a? u ?NA> I- Ul U) W ? W ?, ? Ee; z V) UI CR -e U r- ?• W w:s z B n N N F+•1 H ^. ..1 in -O N N U ?IJ `t N 'I1 d L?" 3 N W :I NIWAI ? z N F 0 _ z _ o 10.96Z M ..Z i XN U) U) ro _? .. _ MATCH LINE A E\sl l3rl rrn ..Z 1 ( z tilt, I 1 , I ,? ? -? . _ U t O w N m to to 1 ..... ' ln N (n U B N O I N r t Q. lL Q w O N O ? .o? t liJ Lt_ ? n t1 r ) ?b9 ? _ Z. ? 0 S U ? ..Z), .61 ? S1 ? t` i .. W Y MATCH LINE C W o () - vi F- il V' ,??, C7 U O Fem. U V) 14 U. F-. O o •r c- cf) 0 (C,4 p W ,. > k'n Q O E cn A z z o N9' V 1 Ca G ,t! Li. O 7 F, 00 8t79 = = u a ooC w W a / \\ al / '`' ? \?y W WNW V) Nnj ,Z 1. LZ .- U o m ii V) AV )(1- 3-Z r . ~ z i ? o Qe? ii 10 ..41 ?a w 'of z 9t9? ? ?. .00L - c O 4 J r) \ .01 MATCH LINE B a c, C4 cn N ., ?• FU U U H U ~O E~ 0 U rn (40 : W ° co p Gr. O Z w o 0 0 co E,.., Q' O O F' W. U > Q?woF. e! 0p 0p Ocz W u r? c. w z MATCH LINE D , v- F- rlr z o. Lij 59 L r a_ L•' r n ^ W _ V) m + °a p ?-? O .-.-1 \ cr a: 's? `-- L, - 17, 0591, _ ?- o lv80 rl ? 1 zo N MATCH LINE C z u n ?7. O T ?O?zco .14 U U o U 0 U T ? C7 O F. U F- O a? W aO o cn F z W 0 0 ao O `n O ° O 0 c E- W F"F.v?iQ>c4- G? Ga O :D c_ O F, 4-,? / u a °.°°C rho / / --- \ t -?-- o U / ., / \ L 2M, MCP ?j w l- In _ - z Lj? (tp H Z I- W U- n V) crf cn 7- VI/ V) Lf) Ln '+ r W ! NN ZO -3ZO a co 7. L: LiJ ? ? 3 c l1J ? > 4 MATCH LINE D z LLJ o xw?o °??z z ? x? z •-' x p x J ::) ccn fz. ax p x goy, uvv?UxF U 00 + 6£96 x c? °? p F u F. O W A" c+ O F pa°ov?ct. F 0 o-)" p F w o O a;„>? Q, W o Z ci a a00 = z N U H 0 00 + 8£9 6 LL w J 00 + L£96 w a \ .wa 00 + 9£9 [. U • ,.a u F ? z N u F- 0 W x > in U Xm _ U o°fr 00+5£96 @) O O N C) O LO (Y) (D O (D (D LL I W z J 2 U Q I 0 co L 1? 9? b9[ 0 z ? > z ' ' o . ? C, 4 CL- o Vic` ? ? ? ? 0 ca . 0 0 F 0. y w u O C p? - >C, w> c ti o E-• x ? v? ca o z? Q a o o w o ? o? w z ? w ..a .a N F .a z ? o u o m > .°n o 0 0 o c ^ ? _t. O w ?Ol ? .. ? s F ?? x w A wo?z? oa o a ?V)a-o Z.x U ? O ? F. U FO a? ? WOc`nvF?iw O " F" w 0 Z.W1 E-+ p 0 00 0 O W U W P; , G? WOaFv'az A x w ?F U a a o o O a W x ? c ?U I 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 ?'2 I i 0 1 < / Q 1 m n Q ?, 1 r w 3 o W o ?? w w ?* N 0 Z a w? w A v, X O ?C U v, ..a F O N o fs: Q x CULVERT 2' DASE DITCH i G: / (ter` PPG, ILE) - r? ????t DCT-1 s:i 1;J l 1 (? R-2123 CC SITE C t. ` CULVERT ouTL?r 7A?k -.x a+'t--L-'w'?".'"??„Q, Mr •.rJ=i:?'--2 )-1 -- iA i- 2' BASE VI 1 CI-t / r t^ (SEE PROFILE) \ 1 P-4CK C1:L-E1< +00 -I_ N. C. I>I;I'T. OF 'I'RA NSI,ORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENUURG COUN'T'Y ® M•:Non."s ni.i- IN sunr•.,CE WATI:as I,ItOJI?C'1':8.t(071G10 ( R2125C-C P A I L "1' OF I„ 1 S "1' C I I /1 R L 0'1" 1' L'' OU'I'I;RLO01, 1.1toTI SOUTH SCALE 1^ = so' 01: SR 21302 (RO(7KY RIVER I_ A=/-?7=>r ?- - -? ROAD) '1'0 SOU"I'11 OF NC 47 (t?N1VI?RSI"1'?" CI•I'?- IlL?- D.) srlr l I' I? or lu NAME' kND .?I)D1tI;SS PARCEI, NO. OWNER'S NAME; ADDRESS I HOLCOMEIE, ETTA PAT111CIA 12215 PLAZA RD. EXT. JAl1135 P. CHARLOTTE:, NC 28215 WILLIAM E. 2 MID SOUTH WATl;lt S1'STI?MS INC. RFD I SHERRILS FORD, NC 28073 3 NCDO,r (WAS - REAL ESTATE PLANNING t1 DEVEI,OPMENT) 4 MARTHA HACKED' GRODZECKI 12 RUTH F. STE(:A1,1, (ESTATE:) 255 CHEROE:EEs RD. CHAR m-TI:, NC 28207 CI'O CATHIE F. STARNES 2321 HIGH RIDGE CHURCH RD. MARSHVILLI? NC 28103 13 MICHAEL D.(& WIFE JAMIE, S.) PRYOR Id VERTIE BARN1;TT STEGALL 12930 PLAZA RD. EIXT. CHAR1.O'r'r1;, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA It D. EXT. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U671610 ( R2123CC ) PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET 17 OF 18 C) N C O E c m U L c W U co 2 N O Q (p C U c E o m ` . a. ? U W c c o CN ? rn LO L rn cD _ E O (D W U W v W U O c LL w m ov ? a cn U- ._ o U) ., c Z v ? o N rn I C • C c o m L L L L) U .. N O -0 ? c fD ? t m V Z S O a`) N > L L In C C G U c N o d ° c m L ) o u 'm ? W W ° 3 ii ° ` - ca a N L c N O M r- co co M ' O C C O O M O O LO O N - _ u L 0 0 0 0 0 p N U- > N 7 ? U N ` () O O ( LO O m EO N N t O O N N L O h 00 ) _ + C l Cl + + + < + CO ? h f ? ! ? ( D C O h I ? d 0 fn Z .-- N C l) ? t Q o o C ) o Q F F- O H I, r y OCT t WE'Ir1:k*v(*,, wd "- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA "y DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Dear Sir: 001292 DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY ? -v C D rn c r-n r7l SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WESSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 2 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and i otat impacts Site Cowardin Schafale & Weakley DWQ Acres Classification Classification Rating Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PF01 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB I PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS 1 C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC I * PFO 1 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottom land Forest 17 0.02 2* PF01 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFOIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS I A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 rt?m i t? - ralustrine Emergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PFOIA - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSSIC - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFOIC - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS1A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site 1 in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercu.s sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (C'arex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Impact (linear feet) Channel Replaced (linear feet) Channel Net Loss (linear feet) Acres Impacted Section AC A Farm Pond 0.46 B UT to Clear Creek 377 377 C Clear Creek 492 492 D UT to Clear Creek 1230 551 679 E UT to Goose Creek 102 102 F UT to Goose Creek 138 138 SUBTOTAL 2339 551 1788 0.46 Section BA A Farm Pond 0.33 B UT to Mckee Creek 484 484 C McKee Creek 1083 1083 SUBTOTAL 1567 1567 0.33 Section BB A Farm Pond 0.57 B* UT to Reedy Creek 442 360 82 C* Farm Pond 0.32 SUBTOTAL 442 360 82 0.89 4 Table 2. Continued Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-21 1 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. 5 It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, _ J William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USAGE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr: Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY q ,I WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 7, 2000 Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager '\ Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, McKee Creek, Clear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (I-485) between Interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in full force and effect. If the pennitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggctt Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 2 I NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the -,73-4 day of 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, are agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETFWHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 BB); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, t 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS, WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow: 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOT's policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOT needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for additional ten (10) years after completion of this project 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: Z116JI, c••-•_- Title: clt+ F 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION e444k e. BY: Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFT NSPORT?ATION BY: ?(-At-- STATE HIGHWA% ADMINISTRATOR SISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL W A W H l?. N U W H r., n Z ? ? r 1 LL b t r U 17: ti I Lr, w F 1 _ I z. Z I?I r3 _ t i i i _ u ?c lob S,, 3 o?- u^ lv? ?- . ? w \? ?p?` lly?`y 3t: o _ ! U a . ? (3 U i? r Cl ' z m p U ai L O CL CJ a U E- z O U z ? u M H H O ? ? E~ O 11 t t 1 E-? N ' 11 I 1 r U D ti O U v w CL x r T50 PCP ue SM0913 /N a?'17 00? / z? 8 Or J? `n °z c tA Cf) "? J ?1 I 1 I 1 •? 1 U •r, E 0 N O E O I I I I I IJ IN Iw I? •'IN I I I f? ?a k r .- o \ C) \ 1 rn 0 M ?1 q ((? Cl J J I W 41 ()_ NI I V N I LA O I n? I ? I N H .. r , t Pt P ' Tf ?1 N.Inr? o•Ir } } t n <? 1 O L' ? Q _N Q ? Lj Q ..l u U :ell w w C? P. ( e t U O N Iv LJ w •Li mot; o z N z. N zu z tv;,? 3 U U N LL) O U. O o? 0 h? NI. U :n E 0 N O l E O r M L Q M E- v i s, 1 I 1 1 1 1 .1 1 Y1 J1 J` i? I I I I I :I r <I b ?I PI / r i i II. I I I I I? II I I I II I/ I I I I I I I I r?2'16? I I I I I I I I 1 I ;l W l Y/ alb Ol "IE I I? I I I z O Lr) E O = ?D O G Z /??.r Z C7 z O Z U O 0. U a ?. U z. rA W V) U r,, O N O N r+ Qtr v ? 17 O F, F co O U O Z ? U 0 z z a 0 x u U V) E 0 N O E O r L• c r w Z ? ? +18.000 } U \ 02. 000 1 L T 1 Q all "s. 000 \ ?F ILL IN ABANOIDNED 7 -l ? PROP. LAT. 0.6 BASE DITCN? ' 73.000 1L71 y \ \ CREEK - EST. 225 m .? SEE 01 TCH OFTAIL E SEE PROF ILf. to \ \ a\ +27.000 • 1E1 +60.000 PROF'. BASE DITCH 114 ?oL • . 67.443 tLTI 11/ 64.)75 (LT; CL. RIP RAP ?- V SEE D1 ITCH DETAIL 'J' --EST. 7.3 A m TONS C ' CLASS RIP RAP Mi le m FILTE "I m I FABRIC +96.SOO ° /ES7. 1.8 m TON / 5 YLAIS 9 m PON 9.175 1LT1 +57.095 m F fAflRIC 55.000 ILTI -•^un1 1 +•40.000 FpP :O - 9.000 1 L I I R-2123 AC I C / '` 76 - ?1 S 1 Te C DP F _ FENCE 1 : J9e+e0 BECI ANE -_ J 73 M ?F F 180.0 FUL R U L D UT OTEIDO TEa ,/ • 26 I I E G ? .? 111 r - o r _,_- - - CAT-1 SPEC RU C B T „ _. 't E U E I L SPECIA ^ ? D T ' , / a o 0 7 c ° 11 J LUTTE OUTER LOOP 75 SP ING AR o CH BO 7 N PC 396-57.095 • BEGIN CULVERT J98-!7o.095 ° '94. O/ - I "• END CU ti all I F?---_ CAT-1 I t -L-BASELINE POC.399-40.000 -L- P0C 99-40.070 S +d .1 - - I E i i / PROP. ;T9. BERM DITCH -? M/ CL. R RIP RAP ? - FENCE SEE ROVY. STO. 240.01 S ?? ND PR 72 FENCE F \ F PRO? R/ ------------------ A I PR P_? AT, p 6 8A DITCH P I F AI •G• L C +90.000 I SEE 01TCH DETAIL DET SEE PROFILE A 55.000 IRT1 ? S tOf ? I E DITCH +5T.095 b1.000 55.000 1871 P D, 55.000 IRTI PROP. BASE DITCH W? +s9.ooo . OUT Er ./ NI s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Y MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 00 110m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF 13 DETAIL I SITE, 1), o SITE E ,- X ?o DETAIL I \ r - R-2123 AC SITE D & E C! s N , u O (y i MATCHLINE 3 i •7 •.7 DENOTES rILL IN WRFACE WATERS 5m 0?10m SCALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 6 OF 13 / 1100 DERAIL III i x co i / S8 O O C SITE n \ s? - '? -----_===?---------- --?- ---- _ ?-- - 1-4 . r --- ------- `:. 00 1 i M -A G r DETAIL IV a •-? DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE %V.kTBRS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R- 2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 - 5m SCALE AS SHOWN SCALE SHEET q OF 13 / / / / o 5m. 0 1 Qm SCALE / NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION p DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 \ SCALE AS SHOWN 1 SHEEP 9 OF 13 MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V -? DETAIL VI a SITE D - - , a ' - - -h"- BAFFLE WALL v v? O O O DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII -T L)EI,:0TES FILL IN SURFACE N•.,`•Crts 5rn Q N m SALE EACH END (TYP.) Apt. S ter- '-? . I NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET _I.__ OF 13 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 170m3 EXISTING GROUND C14\;? 2:1 SIDE SLOPES ^ ?0 (TYP.) ° c14 o RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL 2.7m BASE 0.30m BENCH L_.1 2.7m BASE WIDTH TAPER BENCH WIDTH 2.7m-6.4m BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1m x '2.7m RCBC_ DETAIL 1: STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE EXISTING GROUND / w cv ^\/ ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 90m3 .-r 2:1 SIDES SLOPES (11r•) TAPER EXISTING CHANNEL BASE WIDTH 2.1m BASE 2.1m-3.1m CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1) 3.1m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL 11 : STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 440m3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH ?xEXCAVATION = 650 m 3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH TAPER BASE WIDTH 1.2m-2.7m CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETWL I : STA 17+99.1 -Y29- h"- EXISTING GROUND TI `oo -" "-- E _ °° THK. 0.45m V) 1 o W/ FILTER FABRIC E t; / ---2:1 SIDE SLOPES 8 0T4 BASE WIDTH WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE Y 11.5m CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4870m3 E W r•i ? E cV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH - EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 760m3 VARIES T1 T1 1 ? 'qw--2:1 SIDE SLOPES _E BENCH T3 _ T3 C+ 0. m T2 T4 T4 EXISTING GROUND / / / TI // '.45m THK. W/FlLTER FABRIC L _ T-3 T4 T4 ,a BENCH BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING BENCH WIDTH 0 3m +-L3 Om CHANNEL BASE 13.Om *t Y O TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 2 AND ? OF 3 RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 640rrt3 EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 46Om3 VARIES VARIES /7" T Ti T1 TI 00 - E ?- I ' N TRANSMON FROM E BENCH o 0.45m THK. E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES c,i 0.3m o W/FlLTER FABRIC I _ T2 T3 T3 T? $ X2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 T-`-" - RETAIN EXISTING i5 T4 T4 CHANNEL 6.5m BASE BASE WITH VAUS_ BENCH 9.0m-6. m 0.3m B NCH WIDTH I TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO EX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 WW- SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET I I OF _I3 C) ,?. N R-2123 AC NANCY BLACK NORELLI SITE F DB. 6960 PG. 325 6d \ SRV. R0. 'A' BASEL POT 16-0.000 - S U. 'A' 18-60.0w EST. 43.5 m TONS CUSS 1RIP-RAP EST. S10 m TONS \ CLASS 1' RIP-RAP M/ 12 m FILTER iA •/ 7S m. FII TER FABRIC ORIC 422.000 1 ne. o00 16.000 ILTI 433.000 PRCP. AATT. 'V' DITCH SE OPR(F IL[E7A11 8' 4 5.000 00 4LT i 9.000 ILTI 1 6 9.000 ILTI PRO .• 7 E E SLOE _VjAKELIIf C E W E E E E E C + F - Al 7 N 17-16'45..T W SERVICE RO. 'A' PR R/W \ C HEADWALL 440.000 400 +. E l`s \ 16.000 IRTI 11.250 1RT1 \ E \ . p +60.000 Y \ I3.000 IRTI ? PROP. LAT. 0.6 ETAI SEE C? S AN SEE ILE 0.3m HIGH (MIN.? EVERY 301n +/- 1TYP. SEE STD. 1633.02 DONALD DENNY ALLEN DB. 4060 PG. 113 O \ s ? s s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS 5m p10m CL NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 12 OF 13 v m o y C c E L . U . c U W ) 00 (D (D Q c c E - 1 O fC ... 1 1 L ° ? N M W c c O LO M ? y C , N E M I Q 3 . co- w v w U Q cn 00 U. C 0 L O O N Ll. .? N O In ? = L Z LL p O N rn I C a r- L ca L L m o m y c o L m c H LL N C - Q C L U c m o C G a O c M m x v O z W c w N - O 3 c E m ~' c c 'a cco 0 `° co - c o 0 _ co L O O LL (D > N 7 y U N cn c O O c fl r O 0 0 0 0 0 0 8( f) c o 00 c 0 ( 0 O O O + + + + + It 0 0 O - 0 0 0 0 O) 0) + 0 0 O f - 0 0 O) O O 0) M C ") M M et ? N O ? Z . - N Q m U 0 W l i Q F - O H i ti H U W 0 Ca w U CA I w w o NN h ? dVj S c I 0 rv p M r? r? H U W H7 O w m ?! 44 o Ny 71 .:, \\6? oo m w H V) A W Q V m l \ ?? m 1 O c-? O C) . U ° tt E C ? ? O 0(2, D???. O w O? U Q 0 - O Ca , \j w H U'v00? a 4 0 W W zCa a ,aa. N w J { N R r? ? w Vl ?c F? ? G z /? - J - PILL IN WETLANDS R;x= FILL IN SURFACE WATERS I FILL IN WETLANDS f W I 4 Q I z 41 , I • I OA pq ? ?, °1• Q W I ?' cMv H I 0?'F1N W a ; z30 0 Uc> LL O -W ? _ - -- - - - 0 lJ q o?~ Q G. ??U O o (h?e0 - JWooo L • ?. O 0 QO?0w f- vf- W 00 ?' -- t- as O 2 fs/ 000Z ? -_ - cn W000'SS ?:'"-; ISO' I a -9ZC66r I '' ? rl SO' ? I ° u J W I . ? '•? I ` I 3 ?RI y N" C4 W ? I ? 4 4. /I l I \`QJ I WlW? R s? W-00?I g to' QWW I fj U I ? Q i Q Q -I p, I •N •WQ EO' y? . ?y? ' ??M11 ?p 8E 7 •'. 9 ` 7,NJ1 {{?yy 1\0?? ? ?R I 1*11 cuO IN? Em /h \N .-?? `\\\1 R ?UrvN • l lW 1? • M1 71W lum F.W dW\O? I !\ O 1 1 Col 1 C, talk U f6 ZO' 1 I '? ? ay/1,1:1 , At .e;?? fPw' ssvv"uoost w 9 z0 Sf. ?? ? ? r ?JL911 1 p_L , 1 1 ?• ry • A• Vt31'1 ? 9.01 0-71Z 2*01 to {, ?f II ' Q vi o p \? qL a 4 1 °n I 1\ ww o C, aft WoW o 1 ` A 1 I N ?? - - LO to i ..l E. ..? 00• S _V_ d1l 900•-- F.1C? 10d I { a o - 0 LL \? i'. a s C O fn ppp,,, •? p?C 1. QQ J $ yQ1 ,1 I L? Vl 20 000 N _ I F sW oN3, _ ° ff? /0 I? O _ ?y N `I Win a ? ? `J a T jI g E - usp ?? 1?- i ANAC? EASEMENT qJ Q v Est, 60 METRIC IONS Co CL. 'r RIPRAP p- 100 SM FILTER FAPJK Q' TRIO TONS PER STD. ere.01 WRAP 111TH RIC SEE OETA('r ILT.1 FILTER FABRIC 1160.5'1 66.01 FILL ABANDONED 1 EST.20 METRIC TONS cHA11NEl EST. 3 ! CL. 'r nPRAP JOIIN L. CARPENTER, JR. AND 1901-1 FILL ?- ?All r IS SU FILTER rAnIBC SPNEY A. CARPENTER PER STD. $611.01 t 0 26 ?.? t • 1 Qq0 ? •SZ.09Q U+' S.Ooom q? " I III ? .? ? /? W t t ' _J O_ --- cc? 0 VARIABLE W10711 y /a 5 !.3 BASF. T%TCN EST. ITSOm/ DOE Sly SEE D(TAIL r T1r rFNCE 70 '_- - ----- --------- - ' 1= WINGWALLS o 0 m • _ ` ° R-2123 BA WOVEN , WOVEN WIRE FF.UICE SITE C PRDr. :1' t-4 .1 }C? OkIN CULORT END CULVERT ? t f? ?r-'s 447+65.29( 447+74,706 ^ o - < s' n? -PROPOSED . •-? • «- CABLE A. • . S \ 2q IB) FALSE SLRAP A Ci C'? S DETAIL R 55' ,J - j f PROP.sNoi)L BERM PUTT R s\Qi ^ •f / p i?127 20801 EXTRA DEPTH \ '1 0 o N B !? ?' $ 45 PROP. GUARDRAIL ,( i TIE F FILL ABANDONED r`l• ROVEN IIIREr'; may., %I CIIAHNEL \ iEKE \`"l ? \ a. \f,/, 2C%BI WALLS WING BALLS n EST. I 151- .\' •[) ./ \ • ? E&7',ba u Tfil` 11.3 EXTRA DEPTH .0001- 0`\ _ { B. `, ?` -_ CLAS ,? RAP F EST. 6S METRIC T - ---- f ~' I' '-- D %O Ssf TER'ft1 t \, ?? V UT m OFFSET IOM 45M OFFSET- TD. 666.01 IOm 3 •17?Q40. 65501- -35 - r - L III F . p 1182.561 i \ 0 r' ? ?J 55m OFFSET tdL 00 -pl r US'IC? 10E Li FF In - ^ \? f j FILL ABANOOWD L: CHANNEL M 0 TEMPORARY DRAINAft EASEMENT ST 901- ' OFFSET + IbO . 12 -? . DIN'OTES rILL I!: SUrIrnCL u.,TClts 5 5m?0y?10m .aQALC N.C. DEPT. OF TfUNSPORTATION DIVISION 017 IJIGI-1WAYS 1v F'CKLI NI3URG COUNTY PROJECT: S. 1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SlIFFT 5 OF 6 ? o of c U° E L ` • c W U (n o Q u ? E o m CL (D r U c Un o ,n ti w c: v co w v 3 W U i c Q U) D i w S 0 v ° o 3 - Q C/) m .. C Z lL 'D o N C , 0 ti L L L N ? O ?y LL N N . C U c rn o ? a °-c ? m ' N L 3: .' w Z Q W = o 0 3 LL C CL E (D - a? ~ C N (C) I C ' ) CO N C : ' )7 CC " M C F§: O O O O N 7 N U N 2 U) 05 c ? 0 io ° o 0 oL O o 65 LL 00 0+0 0+0 c o N N C 14 t - r - 04 04 M ' It d iT) ° Z r N Q I m IL ) ? J ~ H ;Z O_ r- ra ? p CA ? ???-' E- r? l=1 U c wx^'?x O O ?O W coM0 u_pwU? -a H / Z 2 a, a, O CO p U ?! w ti O a z H F AS \°'? \ ?n _ol h a h \ v) / r . W ? W H ' H w f I ? U 4 Sam- --? V) O. CL. H w A ' I n ? Lul PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1'= 200' R-2123 BB DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS I/ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGIIWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2 OF 8 t, t { 1' •?; r. JQUII(L J lIVAI L. J, M AII:CNICNl71/1?6 C)1/NI) 5674-631 ' PARK R RT Cl i( /1 T lON 1 r ? 7 R-2123 BB Y, °, (011 (P S IT E 2 ^' cn ' it I -L.F_ r r , J_J.16.,) n1 Wt'r'11 1 _ r t_: i QQ.- 6 ri7 r.13') l i 039 PROM D 5374/ m r I.f._f 7 m ( (174.1;7') li - 2 ?ii1.8i ,11 ARC = 7 i.; (,J1 W(1VEN E FENCE , I \_ I ?'C{Inf((1 ?l t''-1(1'(1-' I / i.;' I 8? , rll•1.95'1 _ '3FiLF3, f ` R ? 25. 4 - - Elf CII(7fiU - 5 2'23' [. 25.139 ?,(, Co 6) (t-r,-, r , ',Ixllrl '1 G(I`M nRAI? ANCl /Of % : - --- 110All ' . IN('. I ' Ph of 'O S L D GU/1RORNL NUNII- TYl'? X/ 1 oS 5G74 631 w1R, E •FNCE 2(71 - -) a •1,--(-- - -I T77) o -L- L P7.9(X) In C) c y) ( 01.54') ?- CND SIILD. /7C/7A( GUTTER N5 t () (-) O f- -L- ST r c.>. N --EN[ DI-; TILL IN WETLANDS IC.)o C , JAR( 107 (O' ?) ( ) `I N, e O - ) - t - - C, r, O ?13.G5S A fill 1 /1111.900 fit l) f) / ((,1';x) <<' . v WOVEN wIIC FFNCf N. C. DEPT-OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Of 1IIf;i11VA?"S r) O 1013 r) "„ N) e ?e 2(71 4A, MECKLENBURG COUNTY c??t) Il,a -t-i- - PR0JE-CT:8.LJG716I0 ( R2123CC 71- ) IAROR/VL Cll0/1= j•' UN17- TYPE X111 s.',' r? PAit"1' Of-' EAST CHARLOTTE ;]UN?C ( Own.'Iti-om) n mm SOUTH 14 /Irk CS. IN . 502 CSP 56 4-631 r,• ,.( ) OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER CI r 1 W,/ 1;1,11OwS ?.? ROAD) TO SOUTH Of NC 49 r , (, '?r 1.. j 1 ??' `' - --- - - (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) 0 T., FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF 'T'RANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141CYI-IWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 5.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CI-IARLOT7'1L OUTER LOOP SHEET OF R E V i/ 3 I R-2123 1313 SITE B , ; /M1 \ 51 CL LWE O J 0 m Yll A r/mrnsr? ru 0, / E y1 , { Ilk 'q y E WOOD" WOOD S ~ `' r 0 e j G D ( 00 ' v? 9 .rl. ? I ?• I r j/ i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Or [IIGIINAI'S MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED FILL IN SURFACE WATERS CHARLOTTE, OUTER LOOP sIIErT 6 o1. 8 PIL.A N V1P '"J FILL IN SLJRFA(--E WATERS .c m H R-2123 BB - - - t SITE C N. C. DC PT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671001 (11-2123BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHHEIT r 01, g -?'oo- ENO/?T/TC /iy?S f//((S ? o N c ° c E U L .. c U W cn c o 0 Q C c m o v CL L a) U LU O N ' M M W O C C Q •N E v 3 w cL?" w 3 rn Q in 'a N M LL c C O L O O O U U) .. C ? L m . Z O N rn I c ' c c o m = N L L y U .. m O f° c m . L L ? C c L U c rn o C L d ° c c m ? d L x v Z w c QJ ?- W N - O 3 c ?° m a N L c ? N ? v Ie`j C C ? !fl = O O O LL N > N 7 y U N 2U) 65 0 o C m o O o 0 0 0 U) v v o v c o LL + + + + + N C V C l) - l A w a o h c o f l- (D (q Z C V Q m U Q O 1 - rT (14 k O sR vi 1j r)lr? W ?¢w f- ? Q v? V) f ?1 L 2eo1 F- u w CS LA. z 0 w co H U w O 0 z w Iz O ? U: ? m t -rte,' V FO F" > u , ?c? ? e u Q u 0 UX U , (? ? T O F ^ HO b ?' F^ N O p z O O c c' F ?. O ? w N p C a O :D CI- o U O O z i i 4p / V f?- [w• 1 U w i ? i 0 ? z i i i / 0 ?w w v, 3 H Q U F- w ? W ? 3 ? H z 1-i H oo -L- 200' G' BASE OITCH PLANNIN 175 L0 - r m (SEE PROFILE) CY) T- /? tistt -I- 'ULVERT _ iv?i tuE ` I m ET c ri r(/='q.?i?-1`?!?'k 0 TONS STONE 1, 3 SY / - - MID- SOUTH - =h- ?T SIT: ,r C F FABRIC - YSTEM F - Y A I ER cR F woo0S O PROP( CAT- 1 - T L - _ ?? _i - --- _ ?--, CONC. PA` f\j R-2123 CC SITE 1 „?- r ., r I.III i C.? Tr, O r I:' ;yS?? ' v 1yr {t`IU, 7?1? / / _ EC 2GI 0 WOODS w \6 10 - \lUIVELOPDAcN J ^ ti / W _ 0 7 Z ` ?'`J?/°\ / DENOTES rILI. IN WETLANDS ?O / U m li C ?^ io- r 3 WOODS \ / ry - - - - SCALE I" = SO• F 4 TONS \c F/ ?p 0 STONE N. c. I)(:,I?I'. 0( ''lt A NSI?ORTA'I'ION 1 T. G Sy DIi ISION 01' HIGHWAYS TER FAR MLCKLLNBUlV3 COLIN-1'1- TEMP. y/ VCLCPM 1'R0JI C1':(I.UG71(i10 ( (t2123(--C > DRniN. 1?.11t"1' 01 EAS"1' C11.1RL0'T°['L' CULVERT ? ESM'T. b' / ti OUTL - ar0.59 -L- OU'1'1;RLOOI) 1--ROM SOU'CH / / ? / / A` COR,IER OV SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER k ??p1 ,?O' ROAD) '1'0 SOUTH O(- NC •49 BLVD.) W- 0 7- 0 F- Q u O w w cC MATCH LINE A z w 3 a ,;t.. Ham, u HFwuA W , ci v, R. 1 ?n c? U U 0 V x E.? ? p 1.. U .o K91,N o6 O? H W C Z \ r1 7`. 2y 31 F, Z7; W O c, Q _ W li. J ,c ) 8.96' Cw w O a E' Z ? a O A w zo /. A v aO a w Iw- Qy - - ?r 7, aC C'4 bi W O LLJ !- vi h (7r D u j c N V) (f) U Q ?w3W o 4? - C? U Ul _ I N OC Z ) G 0 LLJ z ( - - OF ( W GA ly- NNtV ?• J _ F? h01b dl? CD tV CL ?? 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CO x CO U @oOf 00+M p O N CD O (D (D w w a d w d V d "' H .a z d O U N '-' H a a O w x > ? O O p _ z o ,. ?'zwTo U > oat cn 0 zy(?ouOO 0 0 .? -- F' O ca w C cr `r' FO o cn c r CL. z 06 00 F W O 0.m w u Cam,,>? U w > w E- z D Ga i 0 0 cz O F U ?R aOOa w z LL w z J 2 U F-- Q 00 + 8t79[ 00 + Lt79L F- w J W 00 + 9t79 L vVi .a ? U N E? z ..a ? O U cr o C ? 0 0 (cc)) ? o 0 0 ?xw ?co H u vii C7 U U ti U E ., Q o O ? E- U MATCH LINE H F- 0 L:- w ? cIJ U) oz :D 0 C,4 o ? o o .0 w u °. >- a Q> w o _ z U 00 + 0591 U a a 0 w N z 0 U H U- 00 + Z99 ? w J k? 00 + ?99L P=4 w a ? w V' V "a U / z U N O w 00 + 059 ? > 0 0 co rl_ 0 (D 0 LO o .n o .-? co (D (D MATCH LINE G o c z H? 0? V U z? F- O L. z 00 H- W , o? c U .. w C ol ,. ° ? > z ? 0 a o 0 0 U p U F- U .o ? 4 z o W 0 C W OG .. cV U W ti F F ? a z rYll On" pm, W a ? W U ..? .a F. z O U F a x O m ac > vC9 O 0 0 MATCH LINE H o .. c 0 .. W o F > U, F- Z H u 0 z .? 'e a? O a o 0 ?" v? C7 U U F? 4 I~ C7 O V 0 F4 0 N 9z. pq W O o VF?i R, .0 J EH p0"f-?WO a W; U " F" H ? A Z= U a a 00 a W \ C \ Q ?U 1 1 ?'2 I 1 1 1 r 1 0 1 n - r., 1 R2 W p 1 < a r Q r m 0 o •r! r ? r o ? ? c? r 7 a U r H w L-J r ?;, S o W rl a r w w o cv F?-! CGS Z a W o 'r `n U \Xx F- z 0 N LY, 0 CULVERT / 2' DASE DITCH (51L -)RG(711 E) V DCT-j ? I lI -? _ L? 07'J'' 't) 2GI --------------(4 t X. G?h7H p )-? 0 1 ?`• ?? _ --;: -? R-2123 CC SITE C ?175G+74.32 C(.)LV(.-RT 0 UTL L I' / - •aaae.a?`sc`:y-r-"w"-?ra.?rr '' ?t???::•-_j= i T?-.?-,????,, ?` ? tl,'? ? ?` ?i?`;/ ? f-•?: t) +50 -L- '7-5 2' EASE Oli'CI( +50 -L- (SEE PROF LE) ? N. C. 1)EPT. 01 '1 'RA tqs 'ORT,1,MoN tt3,,? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY ® ni:No'rrs ni.i- iN SURFACE wnTEM PR0JI?(--1': 8.U6i 1G1O ( R2125CC ) PART OF l'AST CIIARLOTTE OU'I'ERLOOP i-.tko I SOU'T'1'1 SCALE 1^ = So' 01' SR 21102 MOCKY RIVER I_ - -?7=r ?--'-MEMO* ROM)) To SOUTH OF NC 47 (UNIVI'l(SI. Y CITY BLVD.) sill-FIT ol., Is? l 205' / FGO •+-00 -L- \ 20' B3 SE DITC;; 175' ,.., / 0 2' DA,: DITCH 1 (SEEP ;OFILE 7 ?r -Y- 0r EST. 7. TONS F O R-2123 CC = cL,\ss o sroNE ; E`er 00 7 L SST •: SY SITED D <; WER FAURIC LL Of 300' UNIFORM TAPER 0'- 1 2' AAA -- - I_-?^;- BeC. CULVERT -L_ STA 1798+ 15.46 ?. tr ' ? ?I y 2CI 7 - A 1/98-1-4 .48 twti •rrs Fn.l. IN SUrtrA(:r•. WATERS m SCALE V = 50' N. C. D(;PT.OF TRANSPORTA,rioN T. 2 TOr1S / DIVISION OI' HIGHWAYS } C ?` 11 STONE k" .?,T 4 Sy MECKUNUURG COUNTY C? I,F r=ADRIC - IP? PrtoJEC'i':8.UG71610 c R2123CC 1 i? ???ltc PART OF EAST CiIARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH ?' SE DITCH _ OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER FILL ADANDOr1ED- It0AD) TO SOUTH OF NC 47 „ CREEK DEDA ?c '' (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) ( ??ro F ?, , ?`' slll?Frf 16 of IS NAME' AND ADDIZI?SS PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME; ADDRESS 1 HOLCOMIII-", B'E'TA PATRICIA 12215 PLAZA RD. EIXT. JAMES 1). CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 WILLIAM 1:. 2 MID SOUTH II'A,m-lIt Sl"STIsMS INC. RFD 1 SHERRILS FORD, NC 28073 3 NCDOT (WAS - REAL, 1'sSTA'I'E PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT) 4 MARTHA HACKI;l' GRODZICKI 12 RUTH R STEGALL (ESTATE:) 13 MICHAEL D.(& WIFE JAMIE S.) PRYOR 14 VERTIE BARNETT STEGALL 255 CHEROKEE RD. CHARLOTTE, NC 28207 C/O CATHIE F. STARNES 2321 HIGH RIDGE CHURCH 111). TIARSHVILLE NC 28103 12930 PLAZA RD. EXT. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA RD. 11EXT. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.UG71610 ( R2123CC ) PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET )'? OF 16 v o v c i i E U L ._. c W C) N N N O Q (p C U C E O M L 2 U W c c ° -j r °) to `n (D W U m E 0 v W U W W U o Q' C 00 L D _ . . N _ iL U) a c . t m Z p O N_ _ C C C O f0 N ? L L _ NUS., m o m c L N 2 o d z ?. y N N .. ? LL N C - Q C L U a c ur o s .;,- c Z) m > N L U) 0 M X>. > ? c W w N -? ° E 0 m c y C co O C N r l - O M M O M C O N (p L O O O O O p »> N 7 N 7 N 2 U) O C LO O cu OE N • - t 0 0 ) N L o L O r c o LL ? A ' M t - + + C + O M U t M 7 L O t O t ( O t ? t ? 1 ? I ? ( D t 0 1 ? ? 0 (n Z ? - N M `c t ic o U 0 Q H STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA :r OCT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR September 22, 2000 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Dear Sir: DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY PAYMENT RECEIVED 001292 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH. DOT. STATE. NC. US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 2 I TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and i otai impacts Site Cowardin Schafale & Weakley DWQ Acres Classification Classification Rating Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PF01 A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA 1 PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSSIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC 1* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.02 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFOIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS1A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 rtm i t: - raiustrine hmergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PF01A - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSS 1 C - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFO1C - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS 1 A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site 1 in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fill column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Impact (linear feet) Channel Replaced (linear feet) Channel Net Loss (linear feet) Acres Impacted Section AC A Farm Pond 0.46 B UT to Clear Creek 377 377 C Clear Creek 492 492 D UT to Clear Creek 1230 551 679 E UT to Goose Creek 102 102 F UT to Goose Creek 138 138 SUBTOTAL 2339 551 1788 0.46 Section BA A Farm Pond 0.33 B UT to Mckee Creek 484 484 C McKee Creek 1083 1083 SUBTOTAL 1567 1567 0.33 Section BB A Farm Pond 0.57 B* UT to Reedy Creek 442 360 82 C* Farm Pond 0.32 SUBTOTAL -------------------------------------------- 442 ------------------ 360 ----------------- 82 ------------------ 0.89 --------------- 4 Table 2. Continued ------ ------------------------------------------------ Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 D Back Creek 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 TOTAL 8197 4 ------------------------------------------------------- 330 2710 299 510 3849 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that matches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT ` DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-211 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer IN REPLY Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REFER TO March 7, 2000 Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, 1VIcKee Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (I-485) between interstate Highway 85 and Idlewild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in full force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer 1' \ V Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 I NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 23-4 dad, of 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETF'. WHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 BB); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS, WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow: 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOTS policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOI needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for c-- additional ten (10) years after completion of this project 4 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: Title: C?t+ F 7t.?c?.,Y F)?? NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY: 'e- Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMEN' OFT N . f ORT?ATION BY: STATE HIGHWA% ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: ISTANT GENERAL W N? y??h') ? ?__'I H ,?{ 1 U '" z ? -- - i o I to I ? ' ' C aJ is a, ,+ r YI ` ?( ??.'•. J'P 'Opt 3106 W o 0-4 lie JAIr 1?' I w /, 0 F-• + F to I U CA a O ° cn r? ?D U W a. IX C?l W ° 7 ? W -• co ?. L V O U W IW, a '{: U E- ? z O F U a ? a U ? U U ? Z CL r 1$0 p?P Q SNOB I) iN ?? 00? H ? ? z / a F , o" w ? o N a\ ? J i ? i a U E 0 N O O r O O r , LJ O f, LJ La r L a" •' F' O : ; U .. W W LA A. f? 0 0 z H cv za -- u z U V) u O LL F zz O G1 : 1 V) O M I bI J Q U :n E 0 N O - E - O m L- 0 M E- :ri 1 111 + I ? 1 I? I 1 11 /• 1 ? 1 X1 O 1 -+ s ?q 1 0 ? 'l ?1 l a 1 ? I I '•c. •l I 1 I I b ?I I ?I / l S'01 ?/ ? ••I Z 1 I I I I l? II I I I I? I I I I I I I I ??Z'16• I I I I I I I I I .l W I :l ;It of N?E I I r 6 S''d i I I 1 I i ;71 O O ? I Q O L1 CL T I-LI u? U ry L-1 7 CID FF ? U ? O Z ? U N o z F- m 2 J yL W t- 0 z u U E 0 N O E _ O r L. Q r v=i i Q '!? ? era^??, " ? J, t y ? .1e.ooo ? , ? 2 ?? \ e 2.000 I L T I O O \ - \ j . Q? f BA;E DITC? 000 \ FILL IN ABANDONED 7 y ?" PR07`. LAT. 0.6 N e -1 . l tea` CREEK - EST. 225 m .1 SEE OITCN OFTAIL E' c, 7J.000 (1.11 ly SEE raoFiLE ca 2 PROP. BASE DITCH -27.0001Li1 +60.000 G IN?Ej n 61.775 IMTI o C l. RIP BAP C S ' ' EE DITCH DETAIL J --EST. T17 m TONS m4 FILRAP / M%A le 'PTE ? ? a 1 FABRIC / ° /EST. 118 m TON. / •96.500 p A S l R T R +57.095 - 5).17173 ILTI ¦/ 4 m F FABRIC I TE 55.000 Ml i l .. •,.oR 1 7 +10. 000 _ "NPNO - 9.000 I L T I R-2123 AC ' . 76 1CE <- - ?, - SITE C F OP FENCE 7SOM0 BECI / ?-- ANiL 73 Tr SHOULDER / F 1eo.0 FUL .10• SP 1 BE RM CUTTER IODIti1 ELEO? 20 r M/ / ? L11 •t JC I ? - / ? S _- CAT-1 1 _ . - o f 1 '---.• - ----' ;1 H Etitj`Q --? B e ' UT E ISPEC -- IP7CIAL '1t O II tt o 0 0 7 ° I 7TE OUTER LOOP o 7 L0 s lNc AR I.L- CH o 80% N - U b CLINE PC -57,o95 - BEGIN CULVERT J98-57.095 X94. 0l - I "• ° If END CU I V ~ _ „ O -_C. ett ? Fr, ??? CAT-1 I / / \ t -L-BASELINE PQ •399-10.000 0 s +e .175 - - I S7A/ IL PROP. ;Ty. BERM DITCH RM/ CL. 8 RIP RAP SL - FENCE ---- / SEE ROrr. STD. 210.01 S -- NO PR 72 FENCE F F pROP• R/I y -----------.-? --- I A PR AT, eAS T N c -10.000 I SEE DITCH DETAIL '0' SEE PROFILE 55.000 in T) A S f I E DITCH 557•095 +61.000 55.000 (AT) P 1 55.000 IRTI 01 PROP. BASE DITCH W/ ;! ODO • OUT ET R/ ?I a s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION _ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH 5m 0 10m OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 01 ALE SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF 13 00 a)o? e? ?Jd I/ \ SITE E DETAIL ° DETAIL I SITI? I) . ,? , yl oOx a MATCHLINE 3 ?•-j •-S DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS mffRiiS 5m 010m SALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 6 OF 13 Is? SITE D&E/// R-2123 AC ?S DETAIL III Is + r Y co r Cp; r f` b8 SITE n a , 4 . 1 T r - - - - - - - - - - - - r -00 114 0 G X/ r DETAIL IV •? •.T DENOTES PILL IN SURPnCE W.1TERS NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ;A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 Stn R_. Qm SCALE AS SHOWN SCAT F SHEET `l OF 13 / / ?. / / / o / o c ? ? ?9TCti lb* `%* 5m 0?10m S.CALE MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 8 OF 13 MATCHLINE 1 DETAIL V -? DETAIL VI SITE 1) - - ° ° O° DETAIL VII lrrn== #Tm?- DETAIL VIII -Mgw- i .._ .? DENOTES PILL IN SURFACE WATERS 5S Q 19M WEEEE3 SCALE i BAFFLE WALL EACH END (TYP.) s / Ln NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET OF 13 EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND _ -T i,v. .2:1 SIDE SLOPES (Ty'-) RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL 2.7m BASE ??Z:?m BASE WIDTH L./m-0.4m ' BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTLINE ISTING GROUND CW j N 0 1 0 N 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH TAPER BASE WIDTH 1.2m-2.7m CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL _IL: STA 17+99.1 -Y29- h"- NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROD: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 170m 3 CD ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 9Om3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TyP•) i TAPER BASE WIDTH 2.tm-3.tm EXISTING CHANNEL 2.1m BASE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL __ L: STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 440m 3 7//rn??r?EXCAVATIONDRAINAG6500 ESTIMATED DI TCH w E M ? E_ N T EXISTING GROUND T1 --- - .45rn THK. 7v4,---2:1 W/FILTER FABRIC SIDE SLOPES BASE WIDTH?WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE 11.5m Y CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4870m3 T1 E W rrj E1 ? 17 T2 T3 T3 C14 T4 T4 BENCH I -BENCH H ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 78Om3 VARIES T1 2:1 SIDE SLOPES _E BENCH N oy-s 1? T2 RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 2 AND ? OF 3 DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 460m3 VARIES EXCAVATION = 46 Om3 D(RSEIS G GROUND T T1 Ti _T1 00 _ E r' W N TRANSITION FROM E BENCH o __0.45m THK. E 2:1 SIDE SLOPES c•i 0. m o W/FILTER FABRIC T2 T3 T3 TZ $ "*--2:1 SIDE SLOPES T4 Tom-- RETAIN EXISTING a T4 T4 CHANNEL 6.5m BASE BASK WITH VAT IIES_ BENCH 9.Om-6. m 0. m 8 NCH WIDTH I TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO EX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET II OF I3 EXISTING GROUND-."""",",, i 7 / T1 i? 0.45m THK. W/FILTER FABRIC T2 ? '??- T2 X2:1 SIDE SLOPES 6 T4 T4 "? BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE 13.Om Se 0 CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET ? O N R-2123 AC NANCY BLACK NORELLI SITE F DB. 6960 PG. 325 6d \ SRI. RD. ' A' BAS% POT 18*60.0 0 A' I • SRV. RD. '60, EST. A.II m TONS CLASS I RIP-TP . EST. SIO m TONS \ CLASS q' RIP-RAP M/ 12 m FILTER FA BRIC ¦/ TS m FILTER FABRIC + • fi`, +22 0 «2e.ooo 16. 000 (LT) PPOP. LAT. 'V' D 1101 . 00 15 000 T «33.000 SEE DITCH DETAIL EE PROFILE SkE B' B. . IL + 9.000 ILTI I a 9.000 ILTI . PRO E E PT STAKE 111E C } E E E 1.1 E E E C ~- N (T 6'4 W SERVICE RD. 'A' e a \ r H PR R/M C --- EADWALL ?•--?_ \ - _-- --.- L -- \ ?_ E rt ? +A0.000 + E !,s \ _ ? 16.000 IRTI 1250 IRTI \ E \ ? P[ M S +60.000 \ 23.000 IRTI ! PROP. LAT. 0.6 SEE DITCH DETAI P S 0. 3tm HIGH IMIN.1 EE ROFILE EVERY 30m +/- ITYP. SEE STD. 1633.02 DONALD DENNY ALLEN D8. 4060 PG. 113 O \ J ri J r? ? s DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE W-4,TERS IMETR?- 5m 0 10m SCALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET I Z OF 13 .n O C N j c E t 0 - c W U ? N y 00 (OD Q c c ? o m ... CL a) X- L) LO O (n r N M W c c M M c Q •N W 3 w U w Q co (D 00 W s0s o 0 D U) LL c ? r tv _. Z iL -- ? o N 13) C L N = •C v y U ? ? v a? o ca m c co } ? U o n/ a) V1 tL N C - Q U c h o a ? c • ? ca U) z c w _ W N - ? O 3 a m m E S a) c c v U) 0 000 c O _ - m z ° i o U- a? v t N 0 U) Q O 5 O O ( D O a 0 c O ( o O O O O O O S (n (n C) LL + O + O + r + CO . O O O> + co O f ? co O 0 0 O) M d M eM M V r •- O (n Z r N Q O D U W l L Q O I - I O <r; q c 0LLI °o -? cn U ?-- p u a. w ZCan a,0 H W U LO O U ti ? w w M r rv . w dvj s ? v?\ ?\ J! FPS ?,• cn 0 °° O N ? _ I N -Y R ra *1' cn '~ N F? 4----- ", l i --77- _ql-t - FILL IN WETLANDS ERR= SURFACE WATERS I FILL IN FILL IN WETLANDS Y+1 W M W N ? 1.6.•091, wZoo•66 -g2C66r Y WZ 0 1• 0 i V ?l r Q? ?1 Q 9F NdR'?c ' a k, . 1 Y ' y O J c J K' I a W ?LC V W 70 ? a :a D.a s?_n_ de_ - ` - i 1•iC? 1 aa O ? J EE m y LL? W O W ? B \ ~y Z W uz ? • ? m? OW O N a WUI1 • Jo , u I I ? p ?, F-• N W LLI I ? Q I I z3o?o U o GOO". 1 r) Q G] 00 O ' O cn r "; I ; , ';I... W O a U Q U) F- u Cu0 0 D w 0• I a ' - g?l'• D SO ooo ( p W JWI • C ~ " n ? N O (/ I ?.i •J I 1 W?WH r yyII W N ? yZ _ S? to, ?..looc I ? ? o. 10 tc I ? ) ? I Nix . , ? ? a I I I ? 1 co $ N` r CIW4 l d NJ e e 11? 1/? uo 413 ?U9 .-f?-rW 11 J ( EN..INNN I W EEJm FiW VW?O .I I cx ?? fa 1 ?' to- ry I J ?? 1 =-Au1?=1 zo ( n sw .e; 43r° :: r, ??w l + S w",009 ` + l 9 01 - 1 l I ? 20 f I l ?. -e el • . " ;11 Iz ? 9 a ;? (L o 1 ?? + ? I ? ' ', 'A I 1 A 1 1 1 _ _ 1 o 1 1 I_ ?' z z zo' zo L:1 _ oo• ' ' ecoo' J _ _ 1 t t 11 ? i 2 yt 1 a - ? < yI. ¢t O o IO' . co J U. ) nI ' ? n I -- --10• ? zo ip W il i .lY , r • p( I ? / t' I .; EASEMENT ? t: T EST. 80 METRIC TONS 4 CL.'r RI`RAP fit I 100 SM FILTER FAnI(IC TRIC TRAP TONS WIT" Ip 00? PER STD. 11611.01 ? RIC SEE OfTAIL'P IL T.1 \ I a, S. Ziom 11110.5'1 FILTER FABR C 68.01 FILL ABANDONED EST. 20 METRIC TONS CNAIMEL EST. 1 F s Ct. r nIPRAP is sw A 0111C 180m ILL P ER STD. 86e.01 • • l:1 . _ pp g s a0 t? -53 oo om . (iBD.AS•1 = = L? ueo.+s•1 _ ------- -- -__ ---- R- u NO S -------- VARIABLE WID714 BASF. OITCN ?__-- rr 1 =: ' I - e '\ S . 17SOm ODE ES -- L? SEE O(TAL P _--"--- m 4,1 TTF FENCE 70 1 TiF rF Ll5 e • • ` ` 2123 BA ° R , - L . SITE C CID Q Q JOIIN L. CARPENTER. JR. AND SPNEY A.CARPENTER qg 1.) .o sc ?, 62 ----------------- H ° WOVEN 118(f FENCE L _ ,l-rnor. s ?0 7 0 - 447+65.294 447 +74.706 o 'W • ( !` S ?"I'.: " 12? ff l:? SED -C ? _ •--?- . ,_ AB I.[ AL Jti • A `? f\ ALSE SLIMP DETAIL 11 5s' PROP. SHOIIt R = BERM CUTi 1 ?C 4 ' " ! ` s ? 2C%B) O _ ? t ' i • ? .127 E%TRA DEPTH ]TSImI }(' S PROP. GUARDRAIL cN ? ,•?•? r vs ?c3 ' •/••' FILL ABANDONED ('j' WOVEN NIR NNEI FENCE ? r/? r E a It -'Q'/ 2CI81 T \ EST . RAP CLAS , EXTRA DEPTH • , ; , ii : • 47 m OFFSET lom 45m OFFSET ?t y 101 /` q' 10 m 0 55m OFFSET E S t TOE .+s•1p no ? w FF - n S' FILL ABANDONED l . TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT CHANNEL EST 90m ' 2CIIB1 /? O5 OFF TIE FENCE TO - ' WING WALLS F EST. 65 METRIC T - C1.A$,S 7 RPRAP 51J"FTETER'TA ?l T TD. 666.01 .3 qq - 6 ? t q T„ T 5 50 m J ?? ae2.5e 1 01) C? .000m SET + 1180.151 DINOT1:5 PILL IN SURFACE "',PEES 5m O 10m 5.QALC N.C. DEPT. OF-IJUNSPOWFATION DIVISION 017 HIGHWAYS M1_:CKLI NBURG COUNTY PROJEC"T: S. 1671601 (R-2123) BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SI Ir-_L1 5 0 r- 6 D o N C j o c U C V c W U m ~ U v c E o m t c' c Un o Cl) W E ° - Q .?? _ WULL.. ' It W U a c 7 u . co S o t o 0 N U- ?? .? o U C ' L m Z ? o N C: C ' a C L N t L U v ( D m o 0 c r m 2 o d t } N N 3 v U) c - Q U c N o a ° C ' car U) o x .. Wc g W ° 3 LL, c m a m E CD c N co M CD Cl) N O C C _ C O O O LL N ?' > N 7 y U N 7 (n C ? O m O O O O U) O 05 00 c o OD C D N v t N c t D + N t h r + - w p tnZ ? N Q m U J Q H O F - ? C7 E'^ r? 0 ~ 0 POO U c7 (- ?o ti Ow..???OUA- 0 . 0 cQ 06 0 O ?OWU??-l r-, QV Ei 0u w oo I-- w > ?D _ zQ ?0 CO Crl ti M U ?! W ti O a: a w w z " . F- w ? I H I \ ? FAS \h' N °I C? N I `' U Pon?- O. Q _ w 'J l 0 m o _ I I D ?- 19 PLAN VIEW mzmm DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS SCALE: 1'= 200' I U ?. R-2123 B1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 7- of 8 _ N ___ ? ?) 1 O O O 1L ? ? U U O ?? co Q ?zw0 to 0 -j u Q -!?w U WOO? fD zla? c?.a?,0 <Z)O - w W i cr) 0 0 o cn - - u 1.1) i l LJ O - f- - cn o F.. z 00 Q o z N -a v? - I z c? tt) cal ?i) ?A) f- U) ti }•,,Arl.CXtrN13Ul%'G COUNI) 5674-631 ' PARK'; & RVCRf ATION 3/ t: ti r?? R-2123 BB SITE,, 2 i.2100-11 l'I?Of'0 O ?3?4/ m (/J?}67'1 IZ = 2 il4L14,11 ARC / i.;'(rll 1 f. f '4 m WOVFN E FENCE 'It r i'r '•'C1I01Zf) 4 i''.wn ' I / (/!1!.95'1 }Z _ ?381.8 ( - - ?,-- --` - - -- - - - -- [:If CI l M) - s 2-23' L _ l !-- -- N viii,, iiii?r•. f r CO )c) 1 1 - --- -- _ _ - -- F = ??-? ?- - -- - - - 1 r' - - - - -- - - ' `?(l nJ LANE T /1/'1. R v Ir i t) 3 (1 (:5p - - -- -- ? ' /-?'rrr , J ('?' 1 / I;I,IIO1VS ( • , `COI///i/ `? ?' _ G(.IN?DRN? ?/1/Vr.llr)l? : -\ Il()All INC. - /'HOl'0 ;(_ D GUN70IlNL )UN11- TYI' X/ 56744,31 }tY R, E fNCF -I 2(7I 1_/ a h--l-- -l ---1--.1 C, 7.X10 m x91.54') - ENO SHLOJIFRAr GUTTED NS v' c) t' -L - S1' ' <? r) FN c ENI i)i- FILL iN WETLANDS ?C,?> t, _l. - Oh (1ll r+ le) n -- - r) IOt ' (111 -1 RL( 16 (' 107 fl (, Cl ?li.GSS ?» r !ILO. A 48, ; i) v r) orGliv (.) `r - Q WOVEN wIJE_FFNCr N. C. I)EP"I'.OF TRANSPORTATION (? - c) r(:?, J,'?' I)I\'ISION OI IImuvAl'S ?n E e 2G1 MECKLENBURG COUNTY )" r_',,i -t--- - - PROJEC'I':8AJG7l(x10 ( R2123CC ) lA/7/IRAIL Cl lO/l = J r UN11- TYPE X111 AlPAR'r OI 11, 5"1' CHARLOTTE I., r ]UIRU; ?' ti OUTEIRLOOP FROM SOUTH l4 f ll? F. 5, 1N(:. 3(1( CSI' 10 ) w? OF 5R 2802 (ROCKY RIVER x_56 4-31 0 ROAD) TO SOUTH Or NC 49 r r 1 (1 (1 l 1r ,., ,/ (UNIVERSITY CITY BL\,'D.) ---?--C 1--,/4' >'? -- t--<- -? - Si I I- I:'I' ' I 0 f. 8 FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF 'TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-21231313) PROPOSED CI IARLOT~fl? OUTER LOOP SHFET OF R R-2123131 3 SITE 6 ------- ?; - ,,, ----------- - ?? -- ---- r T u- - - --- - \ ' Sb m U W/E rMr'05rWAnna j 1 . ?g sti ; y •I C ; trk g HOODS HOOD S u' Q U) 9.1 G i 05 (D / ? ? d r 1,-?-I • `! N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DI VISION Or HIGIIIA'AYS MECKLENBURG COUNT" PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED FILL IN SURFACE WATERS CIIAltl,OTTE. OUTER LOOP slirr•r 6 or 8 I[? 1, A N V I I IV R-2123 BB ----:t SITE C ' o? N I k' I I I I I I 7t, FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Or HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1071601 (R-212311D) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP S111;1'sT T 01: g o y C O N E L . U . C W U N O U c? c c Q o m ... s uu a) N M ?n Cr) Q •N t9 3 wv?` w U _ rn c c? cli M cv o 0 0 cq i? C ? L f 0 ..°- Z LL -' p O N O1 C L L v U ? v d m o w m m m °v ?. w h 3 Q c U U c w o a g c ? ° w 3 z Q W = o 3 ? c m m a m s H c N co t C C to - lo O O p N 7 rj N U) C O O i0 O 0 0 0 0 0 U) V It 0 It OD LL + t + t t N N c 7 r- l !) co 0 0 r O n O Z (n I -lc l c o ) Q n r O H rn N O 1??4 W 'ti CL? a { .f D u " ?l)r? w D ¢ w c Q V)v=i3 S w v, ?%? A 1801 F- u w 0 a, z 0 w W ?,Z), <r ¢a w w v, 3 ? c LLJ ¢ Q w w u f- w V) / ms E- cn :- U E - LO Ll 0. c (A 0 z u „ CD U ti U ?., c7 ; vii c^ o m . E- O 0 r, i N O 00 . 0 0 ao ci O `n O F' O E. U v? u H ? ?n ca Z - v U ?'. C. O O C y H V) o ? r ~ O / V / ¢ ? ,n H u 3 w D / Y/ / Ca ¢ uj w w 3 A ??i H t ( oo -L- 200' 6' RASE ()ITCH PLANNIN 175 co _(SM PROFILE) RFAIMF (T I N I?ET - ` i • -----(J-? /?%-5'y???77???? ? . ?p )?(fit 7r t? ?G?. _ pr? 0 TONS fit, s (?? s r?`? STONE 3 SY / K MID- SOU7? _ F FABRIC ? F 1,17 YSTEM - Y ATER 't it C. A U- cl- F ?(?a 1 - w0o0s 2 PROP CAT-1 -- L I:J _-----t OTE - _ - ?---- 1-? A: ?-? CONC. PA` R-2123 CC SITE 1 _a ., ?_-- _- GIN " m - ? ?:.'Q'/:n?'.v.?-J•?? .r ??I. 'YY??° x??\?/ 11 ? I I ? I I vl 2G1 WOODS LJ b€r m Qua O ? ? ? / ?\\ ?iJr JJ• { LVELOPMEN LAJ 7-' DENOTES FILI. IN'' WETLANDS U co Un W wooD' / N SCALE I" = 50' m -m-m MEOW --mom" F 4 TONS \t F 9 STONE )VIM1? ?j?0 N. C. w.l),1'.Oi, 'I•RAwwORTATION T. 6 Sy Dll ISION 01" HIGHWAYS TER FAR TILCL?:NI3URV.3 COIiN'I'1' ( TEMP. I ELOPM 1'it0JI (.'I': u.U671(,10 ( R2I23CC > CULVERT DES 1?l T. b' / / t?:1 tt'I? of r?.RS t (71IA11-071"I'E OUTLET / ?'? / ? 64.59 -L- OU'I'FRLOOP I-ROM SOU"i'H / / ? / /f` CORNER OI' SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) '1'0 SOIJI'll Of'- NC 49 /?) / 7 (IINIVi'.R5I'1'?" CA'I'Y BLVD.) \ "% / 01 ; m Ll.. W 0 0 F- W Q U U 0 u¢. J L, rx MATCH LINE A z U H = w Q U ?; _ - I_ I - In c ? x C? ° U 0 Fes- E- U U . W o 0 , CL V) o ' W _ a 11 7" ' 299 c 4 f- w tLj LL: W? uQ a a o o ?W -A ?' - A w w V) O 1- Ul I- OF ?W3W o Ld? N t ?r i S cr Z > ? 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Cif ??- •' i \ i? ?''?'?y,-.-a.?:a.'??ry,?err,;, '• ?i?^i?:`?li'..: l?l`?^%n'?c,._. tir „ 2' BASE Dli-Ot-i (SEE PROs= ILE) ` -,-C o -1_ ® mwo•ri s rn.i. iN SURFACE WATERS SCALE 1" = 50' R-2123 CC SITE C ?` - It •. Lo 1 CULVIRT / F OUTLE 1- N. (:. D1.11T.01 'I'RANSP R"I'ATION DIVISION oil- HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY l'R0J1 C'I':8.LJ(r71G10 ( R2123CC PAM' Of- f'AS"I' CIIAI{LOI-M oU'nuu-OO(, I-1{OI`( SOOT("( Of' SR 21102 (ROCKY RIVI=It ROAD) 'J'O SOU'l-11 Of-' NC 49 ({?NIVI;RSI'C?" CI'1'7' IlL?'[.).) I slll:I,"I' I? of. 1S? NAB IE AND ADD10-SS PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAhIE ADDRESS I HOLCOMIM E.T I'A PA,nuCIA 12215 PLAZA RD. .ZANIES 11. CHARLOTIT"s, NC 28215 WILL1A hl I's. 2 MID SOtTTH IVAT1:R S1-ST1:MS INc. RF1> I SHERRILS FORD, NC 28073 3 NCDO'I' (WAS - RI-"Al, ESTATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT) 4 MARTHA HACKEY GRODZICK1 12 RUTH R STEGALL (ESTATE) 13 MICHAEL D.(& WIFE JAMIE S.) PRYOR Id VERTHE, BARNI;'I'T STEGALI, 255 CHI;ROKI:E RD. CHARLOTTE, NC 28207 C/O CATHIE F. STAItNES 2321 HIGH RIDGE, CHURCH RD. TIARSHVILLE NC 28103 12030 PLAZA RD. EXT. CHARLOrri-,., NC 28215 13000 PLAZA 1t D. I31'I'. CHARLOTTE, NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT:8.UG71G10 ( R2123CC ) PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET 17 OF 16 r o vii c c E U L ` c W U _ O O H Q v c E o m ?. a L m U C-4 Lo cy) W ccv o C rn LO co " 0 Q t; m E . 3 wc?" w U O LL. o c LZ ,. o C O ? - L ? LL ? O _N 0) C .. C O M CU M L L L N aW v N o m y c C L ip ? f L y. ` O N v n? N N N )? V) C - Q ? C L U c vi o d ° c ? m ? m s cs?., Z w c Q ~ W - n o 3 c ° a- E 3 c y co N ? M co co O C C O Cl O O N ?= O O O O O O LL N N 7 ? U N v ? O c I LO n O 76 O 05 N t O O N L O t o op Ll vi v + c + t + + c o + + CO V - r - t o ( O h h CO" O [ i il -t Q m U I L Q 0 . . I L - UU-.4,p ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA j DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAPON,P?','?'-j =`` JAMES B. HUNT 1R. _ DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY September 22, 2000 PAYMENT Department of Environment and Natural Resources RECEIVED Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: Mr. John Dorney 001292 Dear Sir: SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION FOR THE EAST CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, TIP NO. R-2123. On June 18, 1996 and December 18, 1995 respectively, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Individual Permit (Action ID #199504596) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC # 3049) were issued for the subject project. These permits were modified by the USACE on August 4, 1999 and the DWQ on July 30, 1999. Since the modified permit expired on December 31, 1999, the NCDOT applied for permit extensions in a letter dated December 17, 1999. The USACE extended the completion date for the project to December 31, 2003 in a letter dated March 7, 2000. A copy of this letter is attached. However, since the DWQ received the letter after January 1, 2000, the original WQC expired and it became necessary for NCDOT to apply for a new WQC. The purpose of this letter is to obtain a new WQC for completion of this project. WETLANDS As described in the March 12, 1999 permit modification application, jurisdictional wetlands not identified in the original permit were discovered on sections AC and CC. There have been no changes in project design or jurisdictional impacts since the 1999 WQC permit modification. However, section AB is complete, therefore, a permit is now required for section AC, AD, BA, BB, and CC. Table 1 shows the wetland communities, quality analysis, and acres of impact for each section of the project. The wetlands sites permitted via the 1999 modification are indicated with and asterisk. Section AD is not listed in the Table since there are no wetland or stream impacts for this section. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27899-1548 2 TABLE 1. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Wetland Communities, Quality Analysis, and Total impacts Site Cowardin Schafale & Weakley DWQ Acres Classification Classification Rating Impacted Section AC 1 * PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 28 0.16 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.05 SUBTOTAL 0.21 Section BA I PEM 1 E Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 24 0.88 2 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 48 0.83 SUBTOTAL 1.71 Section BB 1 PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 46 1.30 2 PSS1C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 37 0.30 SUBTOTAL 1.60 Section CC 1* PF01A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.02 2* PFOIA Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 17 0.08 3* PSS I C Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 30 0.24 4* PFOIC Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 32 0.12 5* PSS1A Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest 16 0.13 SUBTOTAL 0.59 TOTAL 4.11 FEE i E - raiustrine rmergent Persistent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated PFOIA - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded PSSIC - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PFO1 C - Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous Seasonally Flooded PSS I A - Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification The wetland vegetation was basically similar for the wetlands in all sections except for site I in section AC and site 1 in section BA, both of which are located in a pasture and comprised of herbaceous vegetation. The remaining sites are either wooded or scrub-shrub and are dominated by sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), and various oaks (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. The shrub species included all the tree species, ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous and vine layers contain seedling tree and shrub species, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), microstegium (Microstegium sp.), and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The "Acres Impacted" column in Table 1 reflects total impacts due to permanent fill and mechanized clearing in wetlands. The total for the project is 4.11 acres. Drawings have been provided for the sites in Sections AC, BA, and BB. The impacts on each section are itemized in the summary sheets however, the mechanized clearing impacts are included in the permanent fll column. Method III mechanized clearing will be used throughout the project. 3 Drawings are not available for Section CC. The original wetland files were misplaced. NCDOT attempted to relocate the wetland boundaries, however they had already been filled by the road construction project. Some of the filling activities did occur after January 1, 2000. Therefore, the 0.59 acre of impact resulting from Section CC is being applied for after-the-fact. SURFACE WATERS Table 2 lists the acres of impact and the linear feet of channel loss for each site. The "Acres Impacted" column includes permanent fill and excavation of ponds and totals 1.68 acres. The total channel loss for the project is 8197 linear feet. However, 911 linear feet will be relocated on site, resulting in a net loss of 7286 linear feet of stream channel. The station number for each site is listed on the summary sheets in the permit drawings. Besides the additional wetland impacts, there are additional impacts to surface waters that were not accounted for in the original permit; two crossings of perennial streams on section CC and one crossing of a perennial stream and a farm pond on section BB. These are also indicated in Table 2 with an asterisk. The stream crossings on section CC were omission errors in the original permit while the stream and pond on section BB will be impacted due to a grade change at the intersection of the proposed highway and SR 2803 (Plaza Road Extension). All the impacts are detailed in Table 2. TABLE 2. East Charlotte Outer Loop (R-2123) Surface Water Impacts Site Water Body Channel Channel Channel -Acres Impact Replaced Net Loss Impacted (linear feet) (linear feet) (linear feet) Section AC A Farm Pond B UT to Clear Creek C Clear Creek D UT to Clear Creek E UT to Goose Creek F UT to Goose Creek SUBTOTAL Section BA A Farm Pond B UT to Mckee Creek C McKee Creek SUBTOTAL Section BB A Farm Pond B* UT to Reedy Creek C* Farm Pond 0.46 377 377 492 492 1230 551 679 102 102 138 138 2339 551 1788 0.46 0.33 484 484 1083 1083 1567 1567 0.33 0.57 442 360 82 0.32 SUBTOTAL 442 360 82 0.89 ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Table 2. Continued --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section CC A* Crosire Creek 330 330 B* UT to Crosire Creek 2710 2710 C UT to Back Creek 299 299 D Back Creek 510 510 SUBTOTAL 3849 3849 TOTAL 8197 911 7286 1.68 * Were mitigated for in the July 1999 modification MINIMIZATION As was committed to in the March 7, 2000 application and subsequently permitted by the WQC, NCDOT will relocate the unnamed tributary to Crosire Creek between the proposed roadway and the adjacent hill. Due to the narrowness of this area, NCDOT is limited in the techniques available to this relocation design. However, NCDOT was able to create a design that snatches the existing grade of the existing creek and has provided low flow channels in the areas wide enough to accommodate them. The design is shown on sheets 3 - 14 of 18 of Section CC. While NCDOT realizes that this relocation does not provide the same functions as the existing stream and cannot be considered equitable onsite mitigation, NCDOT believes this effort does warrant reducing the mitigation ratio for this particular stream to 1:1. MITIGATION The Long Creek Mitigation Site was utilized to compensate for the 6.75 acres of wetland AND surface water impacts identified in the original permit. It was also used to compensate for the additional 0.80 acre of wetland impact that was authorized in the June 1999 permit modification. A full accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site is provided in Table 3 Table 3 Accounting of the Long Creek Mitigation Site Long Creek TIP TIP TIP` TIP TIP DEBIT "DEBIT> DEBIT DEBIT DEBIT Mecklenburg Co. Habitat Acres at Start: R-21 1 R-2123 (Orig.) R-2248 (AB,AC) U-2506 R-2123 (Mod.) Acres Remaining SPH Rest/Crea 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 Total 42.9 7.2 15.0 2.54 9.8 1.6 6.76 After taking into account the minimization efforts described above, 3194 linear feet of surface water impacts required off-site mitigation. NCDOT entered into an agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to provide the stream mitigation. A copy of that agreement is attached. No mitigation was proposed for the 1.68 acres of farm ponds that are being impacted by the project. It is requested that these activities be authorized through a renewal of the modified WQC 3049. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1194. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. Steve Lund, USACE-Asheville, NCDOT Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Hefner, USFWS Mr. B. G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer IN REPL Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PO. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 Y REFER TO March 7, 2000 Action ID No. 199504596, TIP R-2123 AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, CC Mr. William D. Gilmore, Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: A In accordance with your written request of December 17, 1999, the completion date of your Department of the Army permit issued on June 18, 1996 and subsequently modified on August 4, 1999 to place fill material into 5.19 acres of surface waters and 7.55 acres of wetlands in and adjacent to Stony Creek, Mallard Creek, Reedy Creek, Crosire Creek, McKee Creek, Ciear Creek Goose Creek and Stevens Mill Creek to facilitate the construction of the East Charlotte Outer Loop (1-485) between Interstate Highway 85 and Idlcwild Road near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is hereby extended until December 31, 2003. All other conditions of your permit and permit modifications remain in full force and effect. If the permitted work is not completed on or before the date herein specified, the authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically further extended, will cease and become null and void. Sincerely, James W. DeLony Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer 0 0 V-1 Copies Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA Attention: CAM04 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Hennessy Division of Water Quality-Wetlands Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 I NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY 4/6/99 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROJECT: R-2123 AC, BB, CC THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the -2,3-4 dad, of 1999, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of North Carolina. hereinafter referred to as DOT, and the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as WRC; WITNESSETN WHEREAS, DOT has prepared and adopted plans to make certain highway constructions and improvements under Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC, Mecklenburg County, said plan consisting of the construction of the 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) from south of NC 218 to north of NC 51 (R-2123 AC); from south of SR 2808 (Camp Stewart Road) to south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) (R-2123 8B); and from south of SR 2802 (Rocky River Church Road) to NC 49 (the Project); and, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE, and other resource agencies have expressed concern regarding the expected primary and secondary impacts on streams and tributaries due to channel relocations and culvert installations associated with the construction of said Project; and, . 2 WHERAS, DOT has agreed to perform certain stream enhancement mitigation at a 1:1 and/or 2:1 ratio to address these concerns and meet the permitting requirements for the construction of Project R-2123 AC, BB, CC; and, WHEREAS, DOT has requested WRC to undertake the planning and implementation of the agreed to off-site stream enhancement mitigation that cannot be provided at any other approved DOT mitigation site; and, WHEREAS, WRC has agreed to perform said mitigation subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follow. 1. WRC shall be responsible for developing a mitigation plan for 3194 linear feet of off-site stream enhancement mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the Project. Streams selected shall be in Goose Creek River Basin located in the Yadkin River Basin. Typical enhancement measures may include, but not be limited to, stream bank stabilization and/or re-vegetation, installation of fish habitat structures, fish stocking, and fencing livestock out of the stream or constructing managed livestock watering facilities. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the COE. All work shall be in accordance with DOTS policy and procedures and subject to DOT's review and approval. 2. DOT shall be responsible for purchasing and obtaining all easements or sites needed to implement the approved mitigation plan at the required ratios. WRC 3 shall help identify the preferred mitigation areas but shall not be involved in securing said easements. 3. WRC shall be responsible for all physical stream restoration activities as set out in the approved mitigation plan. All work shall be subject to the review and approval of DOT and comply with federal and state guidelines and procedures. 4. WRC shall complete work set forth in this Agreement within five (5) years from the date of execution of this Agreement or within three (3) years of the date of receipt of the easement, whichever is later. In the event DOT needs an extended period of time to obtain the necessary easements, the period of time for WRC to perform the mitigation tasks shall be adjusted. 5. DOT shall pay WRC for said mitigation work as set out above at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per linear foot of stream restored up to a maximum amount of $159,700 (3194 linear feet). Reimbursement to WRC shall be made in two (2) payments. The first payment of $79,850 shall be made upon execution of this agreement and within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from WRC. The final payment of $79850 shall made upon completion of 3194 linear feet of restoration, and acceptance of the project as complete by DOT. Reimbursements for each installment shall be made upon receipt of an invoice and appropriate documentation from the WRC, and approval of said invoice and documentation by DOT's Manager of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch and the Fiscal Section. A final invoice must be submitted within one (1) year of completion of said work. 4 6. WRC shall maintain all books, documents, papers accounting records, and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this Agreement. Further, WRC shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection and audit by the DOT's Fiscal Section. 7. WRC shall be responsible for meeting the established success criteria of the mitigation plan. DOT shall be responsible for all costs associated with any required maintenance for a period of five (5) years after completion of the work on a costs plus basis. WRC will be responsible for required maintenance for c- additional ten (10) years after completion of this project 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of DOT and WRC by authority duly given. WITNESS: BY: ?-.- Title: CL+ Fe} APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION BY: ez"k 'e- Title: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMEN-7 OF NSpORT/ATION BY: ?l- STATE HIGHWA,` ADMINISTRATOR SISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 1 'l 'I ' CI? l) x.11, W til r 4 cP, r W ??4 I 1 U 'z 1' T w _- _ ? ICI o - ?' - ? n. ? .a W U h 111 ?Iti,•1?? .?,>?(?;?: ? n R, w u .. I W r.1 0 F- { '? V) r f! : - f- % U '? c 1 a O O l O In +? 0 U ( ? w O ? O 0 oU ?.-. ? U q .i O a C ? U E- L-1 Z O E.., ? E? U cv a O CL D U x ? p O ..C c-Ua .c O U ti O w O ?; U C. z d W H CA (---d z? aF u, 3 W N < z°cz o? 77 U E 0 N O - E _ O M L• O N w O L_ '?" ? C 1 O F . 17 r _ Li j w p E- V z r 0 z u ? F z? r - u z E- 11 w (- < LU O U. F° O ? o t!' 1- a h? a I d ?l l LV Q U :n E 0 N O - E - O r z O U a. V) O cli o x Lo < z o `=L O E-' O O z V °° O 1 11 ? I ? I U a? ? U 1 I I ? I I I 7, ? ? \11 /• , I .11 r i o ,\ I 2 W1 O I O J1 na _ + I fil s v I H I II c? i I Z I ? ? o I I I ?® I 4 'I rt 6 I IE ?7 I° -J L'S*d el 8;1 FI I L-1 u? U E Co N O E O 73. 000 ILTI UD + PRQP. BASE DITCH `' C* E "I I RIP RAP '?.' SEE DITCH DETAIL 'J' .?j 17 n +96.500 .095 59.17175 ILT1 000 ILTI .,.-n) > R-2123 AC IIMPRO - tCE SITE C UP - FENCE / SNOULDERE61 BERM GUTTER / F i 951 0 ?jF CAT-1 e?1 e ?.? +-18.000 i°e d 82.000 ILTI Q \,, o FILL IN ABANDONED t, ?" PROP. LAT. 06 RA;E DITCH CnEE¢ - EST. 175 mJ ?? SEE 01 iCH DEiAIL E' SEE PROFILE +27.000 .000 C 62. uJ (LT) +60 64.]75 ILTI n ?t^ a --EST. T.J m TONS C CLASS 9RIP RAP ¦/ Ie m FILTE FABRI C /EST, 11B m TOR. / M/A4S m4 FILTER FABRIC +40.000 9.000 (LT) / 76 / 1 F t FUL AHE 1 7J F I 1e0.a .10.OO 1 ooi^ E?Sov tc RMSFP? -?- h?•-- BER GUT E _ ER LOOP L4C14ARLOTTE? CIIr Ila SPECIA 1 SP 74 0 0 ?? sP41I SA PC -57.095 BEGIN CULVERT6 1 )99+57. I X94. / I END CU /j I o N O e11 I %l___ CAT-1 s -E 8ASEL77FE POC.399-+0.0.70 i? -L- Pt7C 99-40.000 \ E s +6 .1J - - I o"L i i PROP. ;Tq. BERM DITCH k/ CL. 8 RIP RAP a - FENCE --- Ski SEE RDMr. STD. 240.01 ND PROP S ?'^ 7P- FENCE---F 11 __ C AIL 'G' c / y0.000 I SEE OITCH DEETT A 55.000 IRTI SEE PROFILE v l?f ?0 +181.000 I SE DITCH 437.095 55.000 IRTI PD, 55.000 IRTI _9.000 PROP. BASE OIiCN W? . OUILEr w/ ?I Tn L11 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS jmp?w I 5mo lom SALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 5 OF 13 °o o? 5 G \ r \ °. DERAIL I sITE, n . SITE E vs DETAIL I! _ r R-2123 AC SITE D & E (° 15 i n ? ell °oxa MATCHLINE 3 LKiE DENOTES PILL IN sursr•ACE WATC11S mffwl 5m 0?- 10m SCALE NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 6 OF 13 i e .o ?' _- - ,',' •?5? ; d DETAIL III c; / ilk 68 O C hS ?`\ A - SITE n ?---= j= = - _ _--??' 14- - -? ` G PRA / -- c ` -r I 1 0 6 \ \ 1+ o G r DETAIL IV ° .? .? DENOTES rILL Its O -' -- - SURFACL W.11•rrts NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY DETAIL V STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R- 2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 5?n Q qm WEE= SCALE AS SHOWN SCAL SHEET `T OF 13 O / / o / k 5m, 0 1 Qm SCALE 14>1 r / NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN MATCHLINE 1 SHEET 8 OF ?3 lk* EXISTING GROUND N i aLq W .- 0 EXISTING GROUND - 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TyP•) RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL 2.7m BASE 0.30m BENCH ? 21m BASE WIDTH TAPER BENCH WIDTH 2.7m-6.4m BASE DITCH AT INLET OF (2) 3.1 m x * 2.7m RCBC DETAIL I : STA 2+32.2 -RPA- EXISTING CHANNEL OUTUNE GROUND W cV I 0 0 N ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 170m-' ?ICV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH ` EXCAVATION = 90m3 \?f 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (Ty'-) L TAPER EXISTING CHANNEL BASE WIDTH 2.1m BASE 2.1m-3.1m CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT at INLET OF (1) 3.1 m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL 11 : STA 2+61.3 -RPA- ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 440m3 ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 650 M3 2:1 SIDE SLOPES (TYP.) EXISTING CHANNEL 1.2m BASE WIDTH TAPER BASE WIDTH 1.2m-2.7m CHANNEL RELOCATION at INLET OF (1) 2.7m x 2.7m RCBC DETAIL -IL: STA 17+99.1 -Y29- mffg?- NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 10 OF 13 EXISTING GROUND TI \Tc ti E ? 0.45m THK. N \ , W%FILTER FABRIC E 17 ; o ?' x-2:1 SIDE SLOPES - T o T4 BASE WIDTH WIDEN EXISTING CHANNEL 3.7m BASE 11.5m Y ° CHANNEL at 1-485 OUTLET DETAIL IV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION = 4870m3 v) E w ? ? E CV ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION = 780m3 VARIES T1 r_ TI / --2:1 SIDE SLOPES E BENCH L T3 C-4 0. m T4 T4 g T2 EXISTING GROUND L--4 T4 T4 BENCH BENCH WIDTH RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE BENCH WIDTH m -?' .0m L 13.Om 0 TYPICAL between CULVERTS DETAIL V , SEC M-M SEE CSRS 3 AND ? OF 3 0.45m THK. W/FILTER FABRIC T2 2:1 SIDE SLOPES D RETAIN EXISTING CHANNEL BASE CHANNEL at SRV-E- INLET DETAIL VI ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTING GROUND EXCAVATION - 40 EXISTING GROUN[ EXCAVATION = 460m3 VARIES VARIES T TI T1 T1 w E BENCH o 0.45m THK. E TRANSITION FROM 2:1 SIDE SLOPES C•; 0. m o W/FILTER FABRIC ' T2 T3 T3 TZ T4 "T`'?--- RETAIN EXISTING x-2:1 SIDE SLOPES a T4 T4 CHANNEL 6.5m BASE B+4S WITH VARI.ES_ BENCH 9.Om-.m 0.m Y B NCH WID I TAPER 13.Om BENCH 0 13.Om WIDTH TO EX BASE CHANNEL at SRV -E- OUTLET TYPICAL downstream of SRV -E- CULVERT DETAIL VII DETAIL VIII NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 MET SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET I I F 13 Q) o ? . ? / N R-2123 Ac NANCY BLACK NORELLI SITE F DB. 6960 PG. 325 6d \ SlN, R0. 'A' BAS' INE POT /6.60.0170 SAV. RU. 'A' T 16.60.001) EST. 'J,S P' TONS CLASS I RIP?IAP ' ' \ EST. 51 m TONS CLASS 0q' RIPP M/ I2 m FILTER FA / 7S m A FfLTER FABRIC BRIC y ' ?'s, +22.000 15 -26.000 16.000 ILTI +73.000 PRQ'. LAT. 'V' DITOI SEE DITCH DETAIL D' EE PROFILE SkE .(00 ILT 9.000 ILTI I 6 9.000 ILTI . E SRO .• '? ?? nAKE LINE C E } E S E E E E E C ?- N /r 6'4 W SERVICE RD. 'A' e r PR R/M \ } C F HEADWALL _- - - _- M 0.000 16 000 CRT + E {? f . ) 11.250 IRTI + 60 000\ _ . PP[[ TTLM AM \ 27.000 tRil PROP. LAT. 0.6 \ SEE PROF O.lm HIGH IMIN.1 EVERY 30m «/_ ITYP. ILE SEE STD. 1633.02 DONALD DENNY ALLEN DO. 4060 PG. 173 j? •b IKE DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE W.ATERS 5m Q 10m NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY STATE PROJ: 8.U671613 (R-2123AC) CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP FROM SOUTH OF NC 218 TO NORTH OF NC 51 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET I L OF 13 D o N c O c 0 L . . c W U Cl) c m c00o co0o U U c Q o m - CL L 0) U a. O lA ? .- Cl) N 'IT M W C c 'D _ M r Q •?' Cc E 3 w C LL lu W U W 4 U c ?2 co m o L ° o N LL Un C ? L m Z LT- "D O N t7) I C ' C c o m _ M « L C U?.r m o y c 0 L N ? f L) 75 ? N c - Q U c rn o C C d O c -4-- m Z L Z W ca m CL E? ? c to o - C 0 6 O = m L o O LL. CD U ,N Q Q O O O O O O ( D 0 U) CD 0 0 C D C D O O O O ` + + + 0 00 O - O D 0 0 O O) + 00 't fl - M 0 ) 0 0 0) M M M d 0 Z • N Q m U I R Q H O H r.- r. /' ti H U W ti O a z U ? ?' ua ~ w ?" I H w ~ ? ? \ 1 h N? `tea / I `? Jb? S ? c v? I \ .?, R ? _ -- . ?, 1 f A 0 N `L--- q ?? ?? N H V w ti7 a z c? w ???.?. F?.: ?:: r n?;?. `?/ ? . ? \ ~ f PS •. '? '<?:'•?. o ??.:?? ? o Nye! ? ?? ? r ?MHf b?N A ?_ 6? ??? ? _? ?? ,,? - \ ?i, l \ rv? ??I ?' C r. ,? ?__ 47 ?C ? O \ _J ? a ? ? ? ? `?. w N ?, w Q V o?r I O ? , ;- ?; <t, q ?? ? ?. ?i r ??E-' ? W O ? ? ? E? ? ? ? ? - ? ? - GO O Q i- ,? u ??w wo - ...?? , Qci:???(? F-- U j U 0 0? ?aa W = zCa O LL, J rv R-2123 BA SITE I 12/ I m &,4u m X c?1 _vr? Fi I o I Q o ? I I SITE A r _ I q Tc? `?I 2 O x. Q. FILL IN WETLANDS m l/75 ` FILL IN SURFACE WATERS I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141GIlWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET 2 OF h FILL IN WETLANDS GQ pq M W N ? Lwoou 1yO00•SS -IW61.r W 0 ¦ r F ? aa g N ? J ),-wn a Q J -I ?•?nti>?+?'"`? o as 10, n x.01 S1 a,_ ;1{? lod --- L 1 $ gy J$ Pt, o W u ON? i ? r ?n NU?^ ^ Z o ? I ` ?I 4?• V JO ' ? 1 "' lo• I .- t ? I a I Z I Q ? CO Or,4 LL I Q I z30 o I I ~ LL p ?Wooo sly - -- -- --? °?'- a?. O O q oo O =i„? azwHQ? ?- ,v O O (ya 1- so. - S? I ? W JW p? ? C W n Jwl U NUV l) I 9 4 I (-, ? I al?? ? +h, I ! I yWy??lW.- ? ? I si 11N1?c1\l: \ to- NIX w 3 I I ?g a 1 g'Wa co I i ?`n 4o?s I d ? W.,.; 4 y , W J ? ? I ? 1 U? IN? mnN?N? '•I •I r N7 I ?I m 1? ? EEN??JNNW ?? 1 4~ 1 Jm 1\IWC?W?OY 'll W 0 9 j Nall PI SNI.9;? 43111. :.L '1fwSl? IYXlssvl9 uw0o o Z o o i vc • I ` LL 1 + O .4 ? ? Tt I W! I I w LW 10 I _j 1 -l 40 U In m ¢ 1 f U F CO O U. Z C O I N w I ? N i? - o I t 23 C) f4AU r` Kr EASEMENT EST.00 METRIC TONS CL.'P RIPRAP 1rABRIC IDO STD. 868.0 TRIO TDNS PER IPRAP WIT" • . RIC SEE DETAL'P IL T.I \ a, FILTER FABRIC 1100.4511 60.04 FILL ABANDONED EST. 20 METRIC TONS CIIAN4FL EST. f '_• 1 CL. T RMRIAP 100ml FILL ?• al1 15 SM FILTER rABRIC PER STD. 060.01 ? • T Q00 t •5 090 l:_I' ??000 ? ? _ 5.000m 000.45.1 r = 1.1 1100.451 O 0 _--- J VARIABLE WIDTH ?` § • BASF dTCII _ m p y - ES7.I350m'bDE SEE DETAIL P TIF rFNCE TO m • 1 ` ° R-2123 BA 404 i SITE C T-A 1Q Clo Q Q' JOIIN L. CARPENTER, JR. AND SQZNEY A. CARPENTER Z6 S:? A W ` v ----------- `Y 0 0 ;-WOVEN WIRE FENCE ------_L - - ,-PROP. • - + - ??- 1161GIN CUL}f>,cRT ENO CUIVf_RT 447+65.294 447+74.706 0 ' _ ?' S 124 - _• 4 CABLE 0.E AL S • - • IGI IBI "' ` A Ci C!` S ?./ DUAL R J SS - ? f ?• PROP. SIWXA n ?)?• ???' ,`,? \p 2c0a1 • BERM CUTT (j} - •1F t.n•,s ??. 127 EXTRA DEPTII ]TSmm *c+ S c PROP. GUARDRAIL . FILL ABANDONED r WOVEN WIR?y?ir r"%I .` ? r \I ,/ 2GXB1 CHANNELT , ??? FENCE EXTRA DEPTH sT`?n?m\G)? €£A;?rriw'`Yafls? 1.641 r \ t ,. N;js---------------- EST. 65 METRIC TOW. F - -?-" ---- F' r RIPRAP - (UASS 40 SII?rCTERY* • • \ S, 47 m OFFSET W>m - 45m OFFSET To. 866.01 t 1 10 qq 3 / ?5650?in J ! `/ ueisel -55m OFFSET d " 00 TOE TOE Li T ?r:Si/? I FILL ABANOOHF.D ? to ? -?r? TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT ST 90m ' OFFSET -?^ S[T + 1100.451 00 .-Z .? DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE W'ATEItS 5m 0?1.?Om 5-GALE N.C. DEPT. 017 TIUWSPORTATION DIVISION 017 HIGHWAYS MI CKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 3.1671601 (R-2123) BA) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP sl-AEI-T 5 01-- 6 ? z o N C o m E L c c U W U) D o ?- U c c0i E Q o cv CL L (D U w c c LO o ,n Z; V) r CU 3 w v u w Q a v c n v C O L O O Cl) ii 0 v? m ?. c r .c m .? Z ? O N rn I C ' C o co _ N L L v y U ? a? o c v - ? 2 75 '6 E 4) 0 3: LL C U c N o a ° c U W? g W 3 m m CL E to m N O C c Cl? M N _ __ r L O O ° N LL 3 N :3 (D ' o N 2 cn o5 c 0 o O o 0 Ol n O LL CO 0 0 a 0 c 0 N + + + N o N h 1 - C'4 I T N C l) "t V o Q Z (q ? N Q m U ~ O F O_ _ p F, (1, [.? CA 0 IT,0?p ? O o f-- 0 - LL- t?x^'r- x 0 Oc.?J'-U?'- ? 0 06 0 z wO U0a? 1- ( Ca % ' ti a w w v > U 0 0 _ !Yl U ?! w ti O a w w z J w ? w I F\ ? F AS \?? ? _oI h U F' ? ? N r H H '- w I U ? '' w V J a/ w ryl •, o, r t PLAN VIEW ME= DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS SCALE: I'= 200' Lu U ?. R-2123 B N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF-HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET X OF 8 ?' pl _ (1> O - J - CA cn f-- 1? (7 `r Q (a oo Q u 0 1 V L? v) L--1 r- U J W 0 0 O ) W _ F- l1J W t.i 7 O O t ? - O o cn tl) i It U z o - -<) u O t!1 ? V) ? o <y o l1J Q I I I I ? ul L) (,? l l U kA) t () w l _1_l U) SOUIIIES IIOHL-' Aft-C"I ENIJURG COUNT 5674-631 ( R-2123 BB 'O o, S 1'1' F, 2 53 -P % Ll,Q3'l PROPO D (174f)7') I11.f1 11 APC = 7 1.")(111 m WOVEN E FENCE L :'CIIOfZfI q t•'-,n'rl-' I I S.;' W-1.951) l ` - -? - -• \? - -- - EIP CHEST l) = S 2'7-3' L ?Tli? 'ia" _iiF;• :r:,' ;,c, 25.134 1 1 0) 1 - - ' - --- -- -- 1_ANF- rAl'/. /7 1 , () 3 () (;SIB GUAAnl7N? )/1NCIIOR : - ---\ 10A (1 ';. lN(:. --111,010')L) GUARDRAIL ,UN11 TYl' 1'l 0'") SG74 G31 wNR, E - ENCE 2(;l - I_ --I- '?, C) ?_7.9(X1 m ? ? ? - - -- ?, (? (> (91.54') - END 5llLa wl?Al GUI TER NS v c? (l -L- 57 1_-N c ENf DI-71,10'IT-S FILL IN WETLANDS ) O C ' I C) O L - (1 ) 07 55 111-0. ? 9(X) ?n A411, ? /q/ . ' WOVEN W11 E FfNCr N. C. DEPT-OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF IIIGHIVAYS 0 1013 ? 1:, 11„ ?-, e - 2(-,r :?}?? " MECKLENBURG COUNTY ? ? y ' lnRnRnl c`? cl roll =_- f •? ? ,:/ -)-,- . , - r PROJECT: 8.U671610 ( R2I23CC > (lNl1' TYPE- XI// PART Or r,?s-' CHARLOTTE ?S -? ) )UIRE5 ) •', ?' 1 Ou•rr•.rtLOOI) rrtorl sovTH * 14 56 r ;, INC. 4-631 3(1(? (' sl> ' `•i.( Or' SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER 09 ?' ROAD) TO SOUTH Or NC 49 -- -----. (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) O rl 5'I') l SHF.I."T OF 0 FILL IN SURFACE WATERS N.C. DEPT. OF 'TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123 BB) PROPOSED CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP SHEET OF R A A? N R AJI E14' . . 3 R-2123 1313 SITE B T d rirnrnsrunana _ ' fl1 N , I ? , _ {, , E ? ? a ? 1• ? i I ? I woo()', woon E s ~ e r _ ?u ° ?b ?`.??l s a S ? &i G \7 1 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DI VISION OIL 111GI BVAYS M1iCK1.ENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 (R-2123BB) PROPOSED FILL IN SURFACE WATERS C11Ai2LOTTP. OUTER LOOP sIIEE•r 6 Or 8 IC1'ILAN Rl'f IN C H/L IS. LN. f)w YJ 31, D ?# C i?F to ?- 01 0 -,9l I O z 1F T O -?fLT n It c T T K --3 ? \ !\ GIN l'?K:ll L/? ? 1 r ? ICS ?. n`. = LLT- r l ? F A IM i c R-2123 BB ----•< SITE C X", 1r b a r i ------------ ,n 1 ; B C 1 ' - i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.1671601 M-21231111) PROPOSED FILL IN SURFACE WATERS CHARLOTTE OUTER LOOP r Sill"FIT ? OF 9 0 m 0 N c m E 3 L •? c U W 0 p U c m Q o 7 a) L x U c c LO ch LO M W _ Q •? c9 3 - U- w w U ? rn (D N c N LL w f0 c ov o 0 C) D a - " N LL 3 .-. o c =z ? o _N C C O m cc U ( D N O CF) mom 0 - f .r- M o d }. ?y y N L L V) C C G V c rn O d ° c • ? m .. C z W LLJ lL C co m a N L c N O C C14 C N C c LO r- - m M w. L O O O d v U- > N 7 1j N 2U) C 0 co o 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 o o vv v + N N M - i O ( D c o r -- c o h '' (n Z • -N Qm U Q O H Cr) N 0 s sot ?e??, N s oa wU.t- V)V) 3 SA a° F- U -? pf? 04 a. , z 0 w m F- U w O ly. 0 z w ?r 0 ?w w v, 3 w 3 N w w U f- Q v, LL. V) / ;G E-. ? ? U F ? w Q F- _14 z .? ?c? u o ? o u ? x Ho p o F- -? z W CIL O o v, c N O O E-. W ci o c_l O U C. O O ?' U z O / ti V/* s 8 V 0 u ?/ Ca / ? ('-- (w- , U W i ? N i 0 I LLJ / / / I ./ ? o --l w LLJ 3 H z H H Z -1-00 -L- 200' 0 G' EASE DITCH PLANNIN 175' m -(S1 PROFILE) co - -- (O - ( v T)TFAT>AE IT 'ULVIRT 11 f \ ? P-1 0 TONS 3,1??lr?Y,?.?? << STONE l,\ 3 SY / _- , MID- SOU1 FABRIC ? F _ " Y AI ER YSTEM cn?J?-r %-- :;? _ -I" I C cam, , 7- w F '-I?o I - WOODS (2 trvR?ii ?- N? PROPI I - \ Li..L__ CAT-1 ? - T -*- T._- CONC. •? - T- - T_= r-=?-= PA, R-2123 CC '' \ ? ` I"a SITE 1 ;w?•Et'icG,''•17CE3C•'?.? WOODS W rfl. J m N L I ?\ iJ J. ' 1I O cn1 tD ELOPMEN J = / LA - N} ?Z_ ?? DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS O U co tL C r? / ?o' /? in W t? WOODS / w SCALE 1" = 50• 4 TONS F/ 0 STONE N. C. DFI'T.01" 'r'RANSI'ORTATION B G Sy DID 'ION O1- 111GHWAYS T. FA \ ?Q ?- - MLC-Kl- .NIIURG COtIN'I'1' TEMP. ELOPM PR0JF(--1': U.U671G10 ( 12,2123CC ) pi',?\ IN. CULVERT \ ESM'T. 11:1,1Z'1' OF I- AS"1' CI IA R I.O"I'"I'Cs OUTLET ?r8.59 -L- Oull,-RLO01' I-Itom 50U'rr-I ifs CORNER OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER-3(] R O A D) 'J'O SO M' 11 01 NC 49 v ?? ?? ? ^}??f / 7 (T?N1??r?IZSI'C?" ('r'1'?' IlL?'bJ / l l I F3 O z O F- Q U O w w rx m W LL) u? U Q w V) I 6£9? W i1 Q A wo O W o1 (7C Z - z , th, wN.V r. p1.U ",t C4 a- W3m): 'o "r, =T- no.- C ?o n ar zXX mwo J ' J ? 1 1 7B* 6' 29" E s _ J I ? I N f• o N -? I t c l- ? ?r N r I F,? 1 I ? -6r, .9$ L C l \_ 11 r ?• lr?r ? r•(YY?4?I (Y. - ?)IiJ S£9? , M ATCH LINE A z - (1 .3 kit.. 1. , u I- x x W G ........... - - - .- E- , u z L - - I u H .? a c? c? ...1 0' 0 !) • It ? , ( t ' 0 x o rz ?- o . z O `i•2 C-I `? , ;3 u C7 x ° N p F. > :? , - "- - 1 ?.. O o, W W w O O o 0; H u a lJ l? J ,(? 911.96' s I ' ?W U W W O a W E' ? ?• ? a a O ° x t- A - - cc: N m l., _ = z ? N In W U w O r - - - O CL LLJ U' Q r J W _ ?? _ 3 NoV r.z l 6 r U_ .t S x k Ld - DI \ ?fy ri ?O O}- U } \ f. N (n cl? - , ? to N - • ? I I I I 1 ? ,,? r r I ' V v 1 1 7 ; A - 4 Z mwol - 1311 MIA . Z I N WIL111`.) \ . N19 it] "V I W ¢ w " LLJ U V W Q m .] u: W ?uu r "" 1 CG k1 LLJ Q ? 3 3 W u Q r u LL. H tA N z w 0 lZii ca MATCH LINE B o -- w ? I E. N U z -'oxz? ?t' :D co x t79 zx c, u0 OoF.U c:, EC U. a, P4 --1 0 F- 0 V) L `J W o N L. U. O O O N w 0 f-" 7 1.4 w OG .. W '? W -+ ? (~ V) Z Q -?Off. .e 0O 0O W U C. G• W z B n N N O W ?i + 9z. w .. N ? U III vl ?t III t? .113 f? N U N ` z V ? A _ o Z 10'96Z M ..l_f61 i MATCH LINE A ? y z ) \ ? NIV2 4 1 l3tJt•1(1 .Z U ?, I O li_ I ? W N Cil IP e^j W . . N 1- fn 1- . 1. W :s W B ? l t ? v 0 u?. Q 0 cn 0 ? o N ? ? ___. ? ? . NIV2 b NNn? ? ? y .0 t ? ? V l?l lt_ , r I• --'1 (V 11 ? ? ? ? i ux?' w i z MATCH LINE C ° F?z?Yo v, C7 U U cat - o O U In LA _ H O E?- 00 ?, ;.4 ° o?? N 8t79 ° ° w 43 u I / \ \ V) o WHO N J .Z I. J: 0 76 II o to z? , QY? d 10 J3 h1 a 3-` r I? V)Q N W w4 3 -ID C o L z 9t79 ;ooL O CA I '? t 0 l MATCH LINE B a' JV', p E' > U > z o z a 3 ?, ci cn a.. O x p cai(7 U "C U U ? w :D m PLz• cL N O [- O p 'C p, cn f-z W O O O o ,-J'. F-? p -) `? p a ? W U .. > Z? C1 Q G. O p R= W W z s MATCH LINE D , •t 0: zo _ d Ln L m _ a ? n J + I (n ?? i 0 5 9 l s l F 099 _ o iv8a )nA .Z L' Q J ' z0 MATCH LINE C o z u 0 z 0 LLI U Q E- v7 x O F E- , U P,: :D co ON R» m cn C7 U U i E C7 ° O [?- U F. o W :D w O o v7 0O W? E: p C° ms w0 E- c? „ , q4 Z U A a° O C 599 ?? m x z Z r. ? 1 i ' I / I, o co C99 L \ qI ?a, ' ZM,t MCP W h V - 2 " L0 lL w ? ro ? n V) Z `O N N (/) \ `n z0 :37,0 m ?W I`? 7 MATCH LINE D LL W Z J 2 U Q r U H H U- w J 00 + 2t79 L 00 + L179 L 00 + 9179[ 0 0 cfl co O E'" ? ?„ U ? Z W d ° : z ? cn C7 U U r U E-' zy o 0 o Z ?. u ?o co ,, V F- O A z @ w O o F , L i OOZ E cr. WO ? F . n CO W a r w u O C u; ,• ; w> U w W ti E-, V Ca z G p U 0 a 0 cz. 0 0 :D F, w z w ?.4 k-24 W ..1 Q W U ..1 V Q u z o u N o w x > o 0 0 0 ?? U v V? U ? H MATCH LINE H Ho a ;? w ° 0 Ll o ? ?. o ? -1 H * .j " w ? a u W w _ A a a ° ° o?? E- 00+c59L u w z cn 0 U F- U- 00 + Z99L w J b ?T 00+ 1991 Pm4 w Q w u V) U .? N ? / O U N '" O W 00+0991 x > 0 0 0 (D 0 LO o •? o MATCH LINE G 0 0 z 0 ?N a 0 c? z? Ems- O ?- z 00 HV) o? 0 U Z C) C7 O z U U 'c ? a o - ^ ? a l a ? U cn w E.. a ? p u O ? ? oo ? o o za o? m F F. U 00 y" oC ???, 0 ul y w a 4 w U ? H ? z ? O U c? rz O w °n o 0 0 MATCH LINE H r o .. o c p ,. W GG .a Oa ? c? ???0 vai C?7 ? ? V ? b4 x F?.-? E- 0 wO zOpoGo 0 On0 O J E-+ p -? `~ E c W ti F" H N A Z= U A a a 0 0 a w x I 1 1 1 1 1 q I A ti V O U 0 Q co o r o T W c? r 1 o?C / t---! w U / 1s, B o W w w N W zx C!? ? ? W W o 'r .A U \Xx .a F- z O N_ 0 Q x w CULVERT / 2' J,%SE D!TCH C? 1-3 3: 1 C0 2' 0,4,SE DITCH (SEE PROFILE) -.,-Go -I- 78 ; ® hl?No,rlts rn.r. IN sr11tl At't? w.vrvits SCALE I" = 50' R-2123 CC SITE C Lo CULVERT 0 U TL E-1- tr N. C. DEVT. 01- TRA NSI'oR"C,1.'I'10N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TIECKLENUURG COUNTY llJ(0JI (-I': 8.v(p 1(.10 ( 1(2123CC PART 01: E' A ST CI 1,11MOTTE own-lRLOOI, I-imm SOUTFI OF SR 21302 (ROCKY RIVER 1(0,1 U) To SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVI?RSITY I'I'I" 111., VD.) srrr;r;?I' I? or• Ig r PROX1131[--l"RT Y 0?l'Nif?l« NA?ti; AND .? I)URI:SS PARCEL NO. OWNEIt'S NA?11; 1 HOLCOMBE, 1;'1" E'A PATRICI A ,IA?II:S 1'. NVILI,1A1.1 I;. 2 MID SOU'T'H WATl;lt s)'s'n.,ms IN(, 3 NCDO'r (WAS - REAL ESTATE PLANNING K DEVELOPMENT) 4 MARTHA HACKI;I' GRODLICKI 12 RUTH R STE'GALL (ESTATE) 13 MICHAEL D.(& WIFE JAMIE S.) PRYOR 14 VERTIE BARNETT STEGALL ADDRESS Is1T. 12215 PLAZA 10). CHAItLOTT1;, NC 28215 ltl-'D I SHEIRRILS FORD, NC 28L73 255 CHEROKEE RD. CH A R I,O'1" rE, NC 28207 CIO CATHIF F. STARNE.S 2321 HIGH RIDGE, CHURCH It[). 1?1ARSHVILLE NC 28103 12930 PLAZA RD. EXT. CHARLOTTE',, NC 28215 13000 PLAZA RD. 1;1'1'. CHARLOTTE', NC 28215 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U671610 ( R2123CC > PART OF EAST CHARLOTTE OUTERLOOP FROM SOUTH OF SR 2802 (ROCKY RIVER ROAD) TO SOUTH OF NC 49 (UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD.) SHEET f7 OF 18 90, '0 a O C .. 0 ° c E c L c U W a? o U C c E o Q fD L U N LO O 0) N O O C D F- 'G C N ' ; E r O Q 3 u m w U w w U o Q v in 0 v LL o U) c t E tv Z Z ii -- •p O m N C L N L L N U v ? v N o CY) cc y c _ L (0 f0 L ` }. O N to > •? > Q C ~ U c v? o ? n -°C ? ?o CO z w c w - O ? c E?? t? co N r - M M M C O C O O O O N N L O O O O O p lL N v 3 U N 2 U O O t C U') o O E N O t O O N L O V) r - 00 _ M _ +) t t t M + (D ti ?- r r r r r r t ' D C - O h r «° Z .- N M V Q m U 0 Q F -