HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001043 Ver 1_Complete File_20000811State of North Carolina Department of Environment 1kT T and Natural Resources ' A Division of Water Quality 4 ; W W James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor NCDENP Bill Holman, Secretary v Kerr T. Stevens, Director August 11, 2000 Iredell County DWQ Project No. 00-1043 Morgan Ford Road, SR 1843N, Love Valley, NC APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Mr. Douglas R. McNeal, Assistant District Engineer NCDOT, Division 12, District 2 124 Prison Camp Road Statesville, NC 28625 Dear Mr. McNeal: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to improve Morgan Ford Road (SR 1863N) in Iredell County. The project should be constructed in accordance with your application dated 7 August 2000 (received 9 August 2000). After reviewing your application, we have decided that this project is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3289. This certification corresponds to: the Nationwide Permit Number 14 issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, Mould Acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your pfoje `inclu&g (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water.Supply W-ft rshed regulations. This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 permit, unless otherwise specified in the Water Quality Certification. The following additional conditions will be required: • Any culverts required for this project shall be installed in such a manner that the original stream profile is not altered (i.e. the depth of the channel should not be reduced by a widening of the streambed). • All work shall be performed during low flow conditions. • The presence of equipment in the channels must be minimized. • Mowing of existing vegetated buffers is strongly discouraged, so that they may be utilized for storm water sheet flow. • Use of rip-rap for bank stabilization is to be minimized; rather, native vegetation is to be planted when practical. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application (unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If the proposed fill is in excess of 150 linear feet of stream length or 1 acre of wetlands, compensatory mitigation will required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ycu must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed above. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition that conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 671.4 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. It you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9646. Sincerely, Attachment / Stevens Pc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Central Files ?O L - C, ,. PAYMFNT RECEIVED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 7, 2000 124 Prison Camp Road Statesville, N. C. 28625 Mr. Robert Johnson, Office Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office ~ 9 10(1(1 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, N. C. 28801-5006 001043 UP W R Ut.LITY SECTI^^' Dear Mr. Johnson: The North Carolina Department of Transportation Maintenance Unit, proposes the following project for your issuance of a Section 404 permit. We believe this project can be accomplished under NWP #14, Road Crossings. COUNTY: Iredell LOCATION: Morgan Ford Road, SR 1863N, Love Valley, NC STREAM: Rocky Creek DESCRIPTION: Paving and Upgrading SR 1863N, Morgan Ford Road with new culverts and new alignment in several locations. Class C waters involved. No troutwaters, wetlands, nor HQW involved. Less than 200 CY of fill material below normal highwater. With a copy of this letter, we are also requesting a concurrence letter from the Wildlife Resources Commission, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and NCDENR. A concurrence letter from the State Historic Preservation Office is included for your review. We have attached a site location map, and a sketch of planned activities. A strinsent erosion and sedimentation control program will be implemented during the project construction and every effort will be made to complete work in a timely manner. Our personnel are available to assist with your evaluation of this project, if necessary. Should you have any questions, please call me at (704) 876-3947. mcerely, Attachment: Do as R. McNeal Division 12, District 2 Assistant District Engineer Mr. Robert Johnson, Office Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office August 7,2000 cc - Mr. Ron Linville, WRC Mr. Brian Cole, USF&WS Mr. John Dorney, NCDENR File 'I el DEM ID: ? 0 •1 - 4;':) CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT # 14 ) PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATIONS APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS.OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND ( 1 ) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET), SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2. MAILING ADDRESS: DIVISION 12, DISTRICT 2 MAINTENANCE UNIT 124 PRISON CAMP ROAD STATESVILLE, N.C. 28625 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS,( INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME) - Morgan Ford Road, SR 1863N, Iredell County 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME) IWORK) 701-876-3947 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. #. DOUGLAS R. MCNEAL ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER 124 PRISON CAMP ROAD STATESVILLE, N.C. 28625 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE) : COUNTY: Iredell NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Love Valley, N.C. SPECIFIC LOCATION, (INCLUDING ROAD NUMBERS, NAMES, LANDMARKS, ETC. Morgan Ford Road, SR 1863N 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM / RIVER: Rocky Creels and Rocky Creek Tributary RIVER BASIN: Yadkin River Basin -2- 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II ) ? YES( ) NO (X) IF YES, EXPLAIN: Class C 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)? YES ( ) NO (X) 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES ( ) NO (X) IF YES„ PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF THE PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF CERTIFICATION): 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE. YES ( ) NO (X) IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: 11.85 Acres (NCDOT RIGHT-OF-NAY) 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: NONE 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: N/A FILLING: EXCAVATION : FLOODING: OTHER: DRAINAGE: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED). PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION): NO CHANGE LENGTH BEFORE: FT. AFTER: FT. WIDTH BEFORE (BASED ON NORMAL HIGH WATER CONTOURS FT. WIDTH AFTER: FT. AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: FT. AFTER: FT, (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: X CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHERS: Replacement and extension of pipes. -3- 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? N/A WHAT IS THJE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? N/A 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS : 8 %i: X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY: Work consists of upgrading existing unpaved road with areas of new alignment to current paved road standards. This work will include use of bulldozers, pans, backhocs, rollers and pavers to upgrade existing alignment and construct new alignment. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Upgrade and pave existing road. 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE AND MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND) N/A 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND / OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAYBE THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED : Auzust 4, 2000 (ATTACH RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: June 1, 2000 - No impacts 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES (X) NO ( ) IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES ( ) NO (X) b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE. YES ( ) NO ( IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARING HOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003 - TELEPHONE NO. 919-733-6369 -4- 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIALS INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1" = 50' OR 1" = 100' OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. - b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. c. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE : WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO : 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY) A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 2 Z m 6wi-i 8 ?- ? / AGENT'S SIG A DATE AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.) Narrative Morgan Ford Road SR 1863N 1. Extension of existing 18" R.C.P.. The USGS maps shows a tributary in this location, however there is no running water at the time of inspection. 2. The existing bridge over Rocky Creek is to remain with no improvements. 3. Replace and extend 20 foot an existing 54" CMP with an 81" x 59" C.M.A.. This location will have riprap on the upstream side of pipe for 5 feet with none in the stream bed. Also a headwall will be installed. 4. Extend an existing 81" x 59" C.M.A. twenty feet. This location will have riprap on the upstream side of pipe for 5 feet with none in the stream bed. Also a headwall will be installed. 5. Replace existing 24" perched pipe with a 24" R.C.P @ grade. This pipe will be extended 20' to allow for shoulders. Mors-,,7 I' a4 zc? 5L ISG 3 Al (n6 live .,Afer) c?xt.Mal exts+,..(N is" QcP zo ?? S) ?n r K Q jZo??CY Grp PX?S'?'jnOJ 3ri?9Q C a? >, R?P?9uc CxiS}?n?SyiJC.A?. p??Ptc.,? Zd?c.?i Q1l © Bi..X54?` cnnA Zo L F. &Y5o ex4cnd ex, r^S 814x57" CMA Zo cF &y5° G) I I rcP6+? lp+*+'+,nJ Pe?cJi?? ripe Z'I" CMP w.ik Zq" R.G.P. & gr4Ae /4 s -x 41t (J?c lf,<+ensfzj-, S frC4 m bq n ks A'1 j y. Microsoft TerraServer Print Page http://tcrraserver.microsoll.comlprintimage. asp?S=12&T=2&X=632&Y=4980&Z=17&W=1 I.lc?s?-?:af ir,fr;?r:? ?l-kilcr? ???rr? 0 5 km E of Love Valley, North Carolina, United States 01 Jul 1991 IMusGs \'? IF WC) R 29$7 l _ ! ti r I 11 IN '7? 000 Y4/ {._. 1 y _??' J •ti Tk Jar -? , " ,'. l 1% V 1-1 0 ff?f - •?C7 1 r4:. --s I? jt.It S 5 -?j ?-; 11 f 1 47 I ? f> % 1:1 ol r /'- I V it I?r ?? ? ss`y????!!? 7???1?,?1/}ft ?'? I ft??- _ ?Jf l?! '???•_?lf,??? ? r ?} ' , _ i ?. f / _ Ir ! ? 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Ago r ?s. tr es+ `? \ _ /Arm.• 3-3 ` OMSION Or HIGHWAYS - GIS UNIT 'e'l HARMONY ] - ' ?...? -, 1' •' r\ 'J / =7 a For. uo 3+ DEPA OF TFAN7ION i FE .• a J ,e.9. 2 \ \ ` "? - / ?` y 'rEOERAI HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ISTRATi$TRATION a ] •i'? ,y • 1 / ,1- 9 gam: - .. _ 3• - _ '.n i_T \ ?? /• 4A S/ ..J' ?J.i-J `.f+Kw'`.e - - -?`°, a ;n - M? /'\? • vi ?s?,v ?? 6., - _ - -0.n R\\?/?`L-'\1 n. ) f J d ,4` N.. H.s.? •J ' u`. A ?. - ?` _ • • _ -_ ..m t - /l?J ZZ, a'/lk ?IOVErVALLEY - r_ Ao! Lim - v - r ] I". D1,5Tfl l =T EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN SR /843 /!! IREDELL COUNTY DATE o 7 / loo DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WO. CP'dfCC`f*T7 -SA Road N a m e County d From ?t1/• 7 k-R.'?6?94 Width Stalced ^R/W Width Proposed Improvement Ca t e (07- Q s"- 5c?11e 1" = 100' 7L 00 _? 9 +oo Q ' Q 7;00 P. h ' I I o i .o l8" R C F 12"x lokl' I O ' I -I- Q ' -00 1 tSo , -? .S w`?L /s X8,x G , + 14-00 Q O; op 1861 w Zo +oo too GXZOx5*' 0 / l -r 60 /r On 1,Z; oo /04-00 i i 4 h -I ? I I I 1 I I I I I _I I I I I -I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I -I - I I I /8'= R•C.P 19T 00 l7-?-oo /64-84 /, TOO / 3 4-O<D //?-oo q6+0,1D G I - 7 )(6 X 6' I I .fir I Q -? - 9 -goo h ? I I I I - - I 8'x8 x6' Z7tSo ?7,,Lov -I - I I o ' I 00 I I . Q I 1 I -I C?l Q? I + So I -I - I I I !v Xlo X ?a' ?; - C? x'00 I I I -L ,L-+ I Q ? I I I I -I - I !o'x8x?' -? Zo+?p I C. P TOT Q? a'4 7"XG' 0 '24+00 7xax? 3E--z' Y ? 9roo ?? yE I I I I .3 Troo I I • a ' I is I I I I I I O ' , h ' I , , I /8 = R C P. ? s 5 t3S -, -'00 I , I I Q I h t , I -y 'R. p 31foo D ? . I. ?I I 7'x (o 'x ' 6 76 f- oo _?Btoo /l f0 64-f or: ?L7L on /8" R C.P. 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G W q (n U 2 O F- LL ?0O z W (f) C_ 111 LO O J Q ~ d F- O 'r W W m J U) F- o - c? W W _ L V) W - 0 CC O - WJ = -- W J _ <-- W m J O L L O W L O II-' i ?. \ ? ? I` I i I I I 7 < F- r - O _ I FI yT LL VJ r- i I i F- p 'w U wV -`?.- Tn W j iLi 7,0, ^ W; f i wl ?; ri CIO1 > I W' Li Q ?C C IfV f a) d w LL f L L-JJ O Q? LL J +T? L_ ?C? i- C S Q (? s L w (=j Cr Q E-- U-) UZ E. D N VI-21 - March, 1993 IP 7 ?? ?'lZ Feder Aid it /J,/A County J CONCURRENCE FORM FOR PROPERTIES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Irief Project )n '30 Ab IW* (W , representatives of the ? North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) . Federal Highway Administration (FHwA) r/ North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Other viewed the subject project at A scoping meeting Historic architectural resources photograph review session/consultation Other dl parties present agreed there are no properties over fifty years old within the project's area of potential effect. there are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criterion Consideration G within the project's area of potential effect. ? there are properties over fifty years old (list attached) within the project's area of potential effect, but based on the historical information available and the photographs of each property, properties identified as /- /?_ are considered not eligible for the National Register and no turther evaluation of them is necessary. L--"- there are no National Register-listed properties within the project's area of potential effect. ligned: 3 , 30.00 ,epresen tive, NCDOT Date "HwA, for the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency Date ? 3adv :ep _sentativ , SHPO Date ate istoric Preservation Otficer Date If a survey report is prepared. a final :opy of this form and the attached list will be included. >x_ PAYMENT .,; RECEIVED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. Box 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID McCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY 124 Prison Camp Road Statesville, N.C. 28625 August 7, 2000 Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental Management NCDENR 4481 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N. C. 27607 Dear Mr. Dorney: g0.1043 l ^9 The North Carolina Department of Transportation Maintenance Unit has requested from the US Army Corps of Engineers the issuance of a Section 404 Permit for the following project: County: Iredell Location: SR 1863N, Morgan Ford Road Stream: Rocky Creek and tributary Please review the attached Pre-Construction Notifications Application and make any comments back to the Corps and myself. Should you have any questions, please call me at (704)-876-3947. Attached is a check for $200. to cover the cost of the Water Quality Certification. 'nc rely, Dougl R. McNeal Division 12, District 2 Assistant District Engineer cc: File