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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970288 Ver 1_Complete File_19970401a-
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment
and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Wayne McDevitt, Secretary
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director
1 ? •
July 9, 1998
Halifax County
DWQ Project # 970288
T.I.P. No. U-2720
APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification, WRP
Mr. Bill Gilmore, P.E., Manager
Planning and Environmental Branch
North Carolina Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 25201
Raleigh, NC, 27611-5201
Dear Mr. Gilmore:
You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill in 3.0
acres of wetlands for the purpose of constructing the Old Farm Road Extension (NC 125)
in Halifax County, as you described in your application dated March 21, 1997. After
reviewing your application, and in consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number
3100. This certification allows you to use Regional Permit 198200031 when the Corps of
Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits
before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion
Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations.
This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise
specified in the General Certification.
This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your
application and as conditioned in this Certification. If you change your project, you must
notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new Certification. If
any portion of the right-of-way is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this
Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all
Compensatory mitigation is required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). We
understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order
to provide the restoration component necessary to compensate for wetland impacts. In
accordance with 15A NCAC 2R.0500, this contribution, combined with debiting of 15.0
acres of wetland preservation from NCDOT's Company Swamp Mitigation Bank, will
satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h).
Division of Water Quality - Non-Discharge Branch
4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper
July 9, 1998
Halifax County
DWQ Project # 970288
T.I.P. No. U-2720
According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h) 3.0 acres of wetland restoration will be required.
You are required to forward payment (made payable to: DENR - Wetland Restoration
Program) to the Wetland Restoration Program prior to the construction of this project. Mr.
Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions
concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. For accounting purposes, this
Certification authorizes the fill of 3.0 acres of riparian wetlands in the Roanoke River
and subbasin and 3.0 acres of riparian wetland restoration is required, along with
15.0 acres of wetland preservation at Company Swamp. Please be aware that the
Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to
one-quarter acre increments [15A 2R .0503(b)].
If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an
adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter.
To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North
Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447,
Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding
unless you ask for a hearing.
This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of
the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-
t eston Howard, Jr. P
cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers
Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office
Raleigh DWQ Regional Office
Mr. John Dorney
Central Files
Ron Ferrell, Wetland Restoration Program
July 9, 1998
Halifax County
DWQ Project # 970288
T.I.P. No. U-2720
In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500, NCDOT, DWQ Project #970288, is authorized to
impact 3.0 acres of wetlands of the State of North Carolina as indicated below for the purpose of
constructing the Old Farm Road Extension (NC 125) in Halifax County (T.I.P. No. U-2720). All
activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted in accordance with the
conditions listed in the attached certification transmittal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION IS
LOCATION: Old Farm Road Extension
COUNTY: Halifax
As required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506, and the conditions of this certification, you are required to
compensate for the above impacts through the restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation
of wetlands and surface waters as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact or
degrade waters of the state.
Note: Acreage requirements proposed to be mitigated through the Wetland Restoration Program
must be rounded to one-quarter increments according to 15A 2R.0503(b).
3.0 acres of Class WL wetlands
3.0 acres of riparian wetlands
0.0 acres of non-riparian wetlands
0 acres of Class SWL wetlands
One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements is
through payment of a fee to the Wetland Restoration Fund per 15A NCAC 2R.0503. If you
choose this option, please sign this form and mail it to the Wetlands Restoration Fund at the
address listed below. An invoice for the appropriate amount of payment will be sent to you upon
Signature Date
P.O. BOX 29535
RALEIGH, NC, 27626-0535
(919) 733-5083 ext. 358
P-JYJ .?
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October 18, 1999
State Project: 9.8043045 (U-2720) Contract No.: C105235
F. A. Project: N/A
County: Halifax
Description: Old Farm Road Extension from NC 125 to South of US 158 in Roanoke Rapids
State Construction Engineer
FROM: Wendi L. Oglesby, PE
Division Construction Enginee
SUBJECT: Approved Preconstruction Conference Minutes
We are transmitting an approved copy of minutes covering the preconstruction conference for the above
project, which was held on September 29, 1999. These minutes were approved by the Contractor, PLT
Construction Company, Inc., as recorded.
c W. R. Brown, PE J. M. Lynch, PE
Cecil Jones, PE W. D. Johnson
J. E. Grady, PE Willie Bryant
C. W. Brown, PE, RLS T. M. Sherrod
W. L. Moore, III Haywood Daughtry, PE
D. A. Pridgen T. L. Turnage
A. L. Hankins, PE D. W. Jernigan, PE
City of Roanoke Rapids B. A. Mills
Corps of Engineers NC Power
NC Natural Gas Warren Walker, PE
Jackson Provost, PE NC DEHNR
John Williamson, Jr. Aydren Flowers
Lloyd Johnston, Jr. Harold Pittman
Corps of Engineers US Fish & Wildlife
NC Wildlife Resources Commission TO Cablevisions
Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District
Post Office Box 3165, Wilson, North Carolina 27895-3167
Telephone Number (252) 237-6164 FAX Number (252) 234-6174
State Project: 9.8043045 (U-2720)
F. A. Number: N/A
County: Halifax
Description: Old Farm Road Extension from NC 125 to South of US 158 in Roanoke Rapids
The preconstruction conference for the above project was held in the Wilson Division office on
September 29, 1999, with the following persons in attendance:
Sim A. Wooten, Jr. PLT Construction Company, Inc.
Brian Morris PLT Construction Company, Inc.
Billy Williams Brewer Plumbing
Greg Nelson S. T. Wooten Corporation
Tom McCartney US Fish & Wildlife Service
David Cox NC Wildlife Resources Commission
John Hennessy NC DENR (Div. of Water Quality)
Eric Alsmeyer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Eddie Witort NC DOT - Geotechnical Unit
Mike Parker NC DOT - Right of Way (Utilities)
Charles Mullen NC DOT - Traffic Control
Sonya Sykes NC DOT - Traffic Control
Ted Sherrod NC DOT - Roadside Environmental
Mickey Renfrow NC DOT - Division 4 Right of Way
Dennis Jernigan NC DOT - Resident Engineer
Jimmy Deal NC DOT - Asst. Resident Engineer
T. R. Wrenn NC DOT - Construction
D. L. Sherrod NC DOT - Construction
D. B. Manning NC DOT - Construction
J. M. Long, Jr. NC DOT - Construction
Andy Pridgen NC DOT - Division QA Supervisor
Ms. Wendi Oglesby, Division Construction Engineer presided over the Conference. She asked those
present to introduce themselves and their company affiliation.
Brian Morris will act as Project Superintendent and Traffic Control Coordinator for the Contractor.
Danny Sherrod will act as Project Inspector for the roadway and Traffic Control Coordinator for the
DOT on this project. Mr. Tommy Wrenn will be Project Inspector for the structure on this project
for the DOT.
Ms. Oglesby reminded everyone that the Contract was award on September 24, 1999. No work can
begin on the project until the contract is properly executed.
The Contractor stated he would like to begin erecting signs on the project the end of next week
(week beginning October 4`h). One of the first operations will be clearing and then begin work on the
sewer line. The earth work operation and sewer line operation will have to be coordinated.
Mr. Wooten with the Contractor, asked if the Resident Engineer could locate all stationary
construction signs and give him a list of signs that are needed, if possible, by the end of this week.
Mr. Jernigan advised this could be done. Mr. Wooten advised, it takes ULCO about 2 or 3 days to
locate their facilities.
In regard to signs, Charles Mullen with the Traffic Control Unit advised that the plans show the large
signs being used on this project in lieu of the standard type signs. Due to some recent discussions,
concerning types of signs for use on smaller projects and high profile/high traffic projects, it has been
surmised that the standard signs be used on this type of project. Therefore, it is requested that the
Contractor use the signs shown in standard drawings for -Y- lines on all roads for this project in lieu
of the larger -L- line signs shown in the plans.
The Contractor presented his progress schedule and he was advised it would be checked and he
would be advised if satisfactory. By copy of these minutes we are advising the Contractor his
progress schedule has been checked and approved as submitted.
A letter naming persons authorized to sign supplemental agreements was presented.
At this point, she called on Mickey Renfrow to cover the right of way for this project.
Mr. Renfrow advised he presented letter to the Resident Engineer with copy of right of way
agreements. All right of way and easements necessary for the construction of this project has been
acquired. There are no Section 200 Series items within the right of way of this project. There is no
known asbestos contamination, underground storage tanks, or any known soil contamination within
the right of way of the project.
He also cautioned the Contractor to contain his operations within the right of way or construction
limits of the project. Should the need arise to perform work outside these limits, written authorized
from the property owner shall be acquired prior to performing the work.
Mr. Dennis Jernigan covered pages 72-74 of the contract. The Special Provisions covering the
requirements for sewer line construction on this project. The existing utilities belong to the Roanoke
Rapids Sanitary District and the Contractor shall provide access for the owner's representatives to all
phases of construction. All new sewer lines shall be tested for water tightness as stipulated.
The Contractor advised that Brewer Plumbing. Company would perform this utility construction. Mr.
Jernigan advised the City of Roanoke Rapids has requested a change, in that an additional 200 mm
gate valve box be added during the waterline construction. He advised the Contractor that there is no
pay item for the 200 mm gate valve box, only 300 mm. He asked that the Contractor submit a price
for this item.
The following utility companies have facilities that are in conflict with this project.: NC Power;
Carolina Telephone; NC Natural Gas and TCI Cablevision. Mr. Jernigan advised, to his knowledge,
there are no problems with utility conflicts.
Ms. Oglesby asked Mr. Ted Sherrod with our Roadside Environmental Unit to cover the items on
pages 75-81 of the contract relating to Erosion Control.
Beginning on page 75, Mr. Sherrod reviewed the kinds of seed and fertilizer and the rates of
application of seed, fertilizer and limestone. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to
be used shall be determined by the Engineer. All rates are in kilograms per hectare.
All areas adjacent to lawns must be hand finished to give a "lawn type appearance", and the lawn seed
mix stipulated shall be applied to these areas. Mr. Sherrod advised he was not aware of any lawns
adjacent to the project.
On cut and fill slopes 2:1 or steeper add 35KG Sericea Lespedeza January 1 - December 31.
Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20.
Temporary Seeding - As stipulated.
Fertilizer Topdressing - Fertilizer used for top dressing on all roadway areas except slopes 2:1 and
steeper shall be 10-20-20 grade and applied at the rate of 560KG per hectare. Fertilizer used for
topdressing on slopes 2:1 and steeper and waste and borrow areas shall be 16-8-8 grade and applied
at the rate of 560KG per hectare.
Supplemental Seeding - No centipede seed will be used in the seed mix for supplemental seeding.
The rate of application may vary from 28KG to 85KG per hectare; however, the actual rate per
hectare will be determined by the Engineer prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be
notified in writing of the rate per hectare, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply
Mowing - The minimum mowing height on this project shall be 100 MM.
Specialized Hand Mowing - As outlined.
Temporary Diversion - As stipulated.
Waste Areas and Borrow Sources - Payment for temporary erosion control measures, except those
made necessary by the Contractor's own negligence or for his own convenience, will be paid for at
the appropriate contract unit price for the devices or measures utilized in borrow sources and waste
areas. Mr. Sherrod asked if the Contractor plans to use commercial borrow pits, as there is no pay
item in the contract. Sim Wooten advised, at this time, he did not know.
Mr. Sherrod asked the Contractor if he has previously had a project with the PI requirements and Mr.
Wooten advised they have.
Sodding (Centipede) - Sod handling and placement should be a continuous process of cutting,
transporting, and installing without appreciable delays. Sod shall always be installed within 48 hours
after being cut and shall be watered immediately following installation. This supersedes the 5 days
noted in the Specifications.
After rolling, it shall be watered thoroughly so that the underside of the new sod pad and soil
immediately below the sod is completely wet. Tamping will be required.
The Contractor shall be responsible for watering required to maintain the liveability of the sod until
final acceptance. Watering requirements are noted in the contract.
Mr. Sherrod advised the Contractor shall obtain a certificate or limited permit issued by the NC
Department of Agriculture stating that the sod has been found to be free of injurious plant pests.
On page 79, Mr. Sherrod called attention to the 2°d paragraph under "Soil Preparation" regarding
requirements for soil samples to determine the soil PH and advised the Contractor to adhere to the
Observation Period - The Contractor shall maintain responsibility for the sod for a 60-day
observation period beginning upon satisfactory completion of all work required. The Contractor shall
guarantee the sod under his Payment and Performance Bond. At the end of the 60 day observation
period, the sod furnished and installed on the project must be in a living and healthy condition. The
Contractor shall replace any sod that is not in a living and healthy condition during the 60 day
observation period at no additional cost to the DOT.
On page 82, Mr. Sherrod advised there is some planting and replacements of plants that is to be done
between October 15 thru March 31.
He advised the Contractor there is some fumigation and soil temperature requirements on this project.
Holland Landscaping will perform erosion control work on this project.
Mr. Sherrod advised there is a set of clearing and grubbing erosion control plans and a final set of
erosion control plans for the Contractor's use. He asked the Contractor to use these and to also keep
on top of erosion control measures.
Sim Wooten advised there are two different pay items for watering, one for "sodding" and one for
"planting" (Line Code Items 138 & 144). Mr. Sherrod advised this is in error, as there should only be
one item to cover watering. Mr. Sherrod advised he appreciated the Contractor calling this to the
DOT's attention.
There were no further comments and/or questions concerning erosion control items.
Quality Management System for Asphalt Pavements - Mr. Andy Pridgen, Division QA Supervisor,
covered pages 16-34,and 43 thru the top of page 47 and the bottom of 47 and 48 of the contract
pointing out the following:
Section 609 of the Specifications have been deleted in entirety and replaced with the specifications
noted in the contract. All provisions of Division 6 of the Standard Specifications shall apply,
excepted as modified in the contract.
Mr. Pridgen asked if the Contractor would be performing paving operations. He was advised Rose
Brothers would do the paving on this project.
He asked what type of density testing would be used. The Contractor advised he does not know at
this time.
Mr. Pridgen advised there is very little patching on this project; however, if it is over 80 tons all QMS
requirements shall apply to any patching work performed.
On page 18, Mr. Pridgen pointed out that failure of the Contractor to fully comply with mix
verification requirements shall result in immediate production stoppage by the Engineer, and normal
production shall not resume until all mix verification sampling and testing, calibrations, and plant
inspections have been performed and approved.
The Contractor shall provide at least one certified Asphalt Technician Level I at each plant site and he
shall also have a QMS Roadway Technician with each paving operation at all times during the
placement of asphalt.
On page 20, Mr. Pridgen reminded the Contractor should his testing frequency fail to meet the
minimum frequency requirements as specified in the current HMA/QMS manual, all mix without the
specified test representation shall be considered unsatisfactory. If the Engineer allows the mix to
remain in place, payment will be made at 50 percent of the contract unit bid price for the mixture.
On pages 29 thru the middle of page 34, Mr. Pridgen pointed out testing and sampling procedures for
nuclear density and cored samples and reductions for failure to meet testing requirements.
Mr. Pridgen asked if Rose Brothers would be performing milling work. Mr. Wooten advised that
PLT would do this work. Mr. Pridgen asked if Rose Brothers would take the milling materials back
to their plant for recycling. Mr. Wooten advised this has not been discussed and at this point he did
not know what the disposition of this material would be.
Mr. Pridgen called attention to a letter from Mr. Sanderson dated March 4, 1997 sent to all asphalt
Contractors regarding paving and noted that the DOT would be adhering to the requirements
He also called attention of a letter dated August 18, 1997, for Mr. Sanderson, regarding asphalt
determination, sampling and testing. He advised the Resident Engineer to make sure we get
verification cores when using core sampling. This is a FHWA requirement that we apply to all
projects, whereby 10% sampling is done independently from the Contractor. These are random
Final Surface Testing - Asphalt Pavements - Mr. Pridgen reviewed this Special Provision calling
attention to the following:
Type of straightedge to be furnished and operated by the Contractor to determine and record the
longitudinal profile of the pavement on a continuous graph. Final surface testing is considered to be
an integral part of the paving operation and is subject to observation and inspection by the Engineer.
Proper procedures for use of the straightedge were pointed out. The Contractor was reminded, at the
completion of each day's testing, he should evaluate the graph and submit to the Engineer within 24
hours after profiles are completed. The Resident Engineer will furnish results of the acceptance
evaluation to the Contractor within 48 hours after receipt. The Engineer shall retain all graphs.
Mr. Pridgen asked if there were any questions regarding acceptance and/or corrective actions as
noted in the Special Provisions. There were none.
Asphalt Bases and Pavements - As stipulated. Certified Weight Certificates shall also include the
DOH's job mix formula number, if the ticket is to be issued for asphalt plant mix.
Non-Strip Additive - No direct payment for non-strip additive.
Dust/Asphalt Cement Ratio for Asphalt Plant Mix Pavements - As stipulated.
Retained Tensile Strength Ratio, TSR - As stipulated.
Mr. Pridgen advised that the proposal form for this project does not have "Tack Coat", and just
wanted to point out that the maximum rate of tack coat has increased from 0.04 to 0.07 gallons per
square yard.
Certified Weight Certifications - The certified weight certificate shall also include the DOH Job Mix
Formula Number, if the ticket is to be issued for asphalt plant mix.
Mr. Pridgen advised the Contractor should he have any questions to please contact him.
At this point, Charles Mullen referred to Intermediate Contract Time Number 1 regarding holiday
schedule and lane closure restrictions.
There is a tie in at NC 125 and the DOT did ascertain the possibility of this being handled in one day's
time. All guardrail, delineation and pavement markings should be completed before traffic is turned.
There is a large pipe at new alignment and part is to be put in and the remainder can be finished after
traffic is turned on -L- and ditches completed and then the remainder of pavement can be completed.
Starting on page 1 of the contract, Ms. Oglesby stated the Special Provisions that were not
specifically cover will be shown as stipulated.
Contract Time and Liquidated Damages:
Date of Availability - October 11, 1999
Contract Completion Date - June 1, 2001
Liquidated Damages - $800.00 per calendar day
Ms. Oglesby pointed out when observation periods are required by the Special Provisions, they are
not a part of the work to be completed by the completion date and/or intermediate contract times
stated in the contract. Should an observation period extend beyond the final completion date, the
acceptable completion of the observation period shall be a part of the work covered by the
performance and payment bonds.
Intermediate Contract Time Number I and Liquidated Damages - Contractor shall not close a lane of
traffic on NC 125, detain and/or alter the traffic flow on or during holidays, holiday weekends, special
events or any time when traffic is unusually heavy, including the schedule listed in the contract.
The time of availability for this intermediate contract time will be the time the Contractor begins to
install traffic control devices for daytime and nighttime lane closures according to the above.
Completion time for this intermediate contract time will be the time the Contractor is required to
complete the removal of traffic control devices for the daytime and nighttime lane closures and
replace traffic in a two-lane, two-way pattern.
Liquidated damages for this intermediate contract time are $500.00. per hour.
Major Contract & Specialty Items - As stipulated.
Price Adjustment - Asphalt Cement for Plant Mix - The base price index for asphalt cement for plant
mix is $137.20 per metric ton.
Fuel Price Adjustment - The base index price for DIESEL #2 FUEL is $0.1390 per liter.
Response for Erosion Control - As stipulated in the contract.
Ms. Oglesby reviewed "Method of Measurement", pointing out the following:
The quantity of responses for erosion control to be paid for will be the actual number of times the
erosion control Contractor moves onto the project to perform work related to any of the items listed
and provided Items a thru e apply.
Mr. Wooten asked for a clarification as it relates to response times. He stated in other parts of the
State the Contractor is being paid for any response times made on the project for erosion control.
Mr. Sherrod advised that is not the intent, as it does not pay for routine erosion control measures that
are to be done as needed during construction phasing. Mr. Wooten advised he did not agree. Mr.
Sherrod advised he would talk with the Raleigh Environmental Unit to try and get a statewide
perspective regarding this Special Provision. He advised he would get back with the Resident
Engineer as soon as possible with an answer. Ms. Oglesby emphasized that erosion control is to be
done as needed.
Schedule of Estimated Completion Progress - The Contractor was advised if he anticipated
accelerating the progress shown, he should submit a request, and approval would have to be obtained
should he want payment for performing work beyond that progress noted. In the fiscal year 2000,
38% of the work is scheduled to be completed, in the fiscal year 200140% is to be completed and
22% in the year 2002.
Minority and Women Business - MBE and WBE goals for this contract are established at 10% for
MBE's and 5% for WBE's. The contract was awarded with a good faith effort of 2.9% for MBE's
and 2.8% for WBE's participation.
Beginning on page 6 thru the middle of page 15, Ms. Oglesby covered these Special Provisions,
pointing out the following:
Page 11, Ms. Oglesby called attention to the first full paragraph regarding substitution of MB or WB
firms after award of the contract.
She called particular attention to the reports and certifications that are to be submitted by the
Contractor to the Resident Engineer.
The Contractor presented letter naming their Company EEO Officer, Mark Proctor and Minority
Liaison Officer, Sim A. Wooten, Jr.
Partial Payments - As stipulated.
Domestic Steel Products - The Contractor was advised he can use only 0.1 % of the contract amount
or $2,500.00, whichever is greater, of foreign steel in the project, except fasteners which will be
domestically produced.
Ms. Oglesby called particular attention to the third and fourth paragraphs, noting the Contractor is
required, before each steel product is incorporated into the project or included for partial payment on
a monthly estimate, to furnish the Resident Engineer a notarized certification certifying that the
product conforms to out lined requirements. The Resident Engineer shall then forward the
certification to the State Materials Engineer for approval. On each purchase order for steel products
the Contractor shall note they were processed in the United States. Separate files will be kept on
steel products for verification.
Metric Documentation - All quantities on bills of lading and all other paperwork shall be in Standard
Metric Units. The DOT will not accept any quantities on bills of lading and other paperwork which
are in English unit only. The DOT will allow this information to be submitted with both units of
measurement being shown.
Metric High Strength Bolts - As stipulated.
Guardrail Offset Blocks - As stipulated.
Plant Pest Quarantines - Ms. Oglesby advised the Contractor to abide by the requirements noted in
the contract.
Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials - As outlined
Pavement Marking General Requirements - As outlined in the contract. Ms. Oglesby asked who
would be performing pavement marking on this project. The Contractor advised Clark Pavement
would do pavement marking.
The Contractor was reminded that the subcontractor shall have at least one member of every
pavement marking crew working on the project shall be certified by ATSSA Pavement Marking
Division and certification shall remain current throughout the crew members wok on the project.
Drainage opening in solid pavement marking lines should be spaced every 100 feet.
Flowable Fill - The Contractor has the option to use (a controlled low-strength material) flowable fill
as a substitute for conventional fill material. If this option is used, the Contractor shall adhere to
requirements stipulated herein. The Contractor was reminded that he would have to submit a job mix
Invert Elevations - As stipulated. If the proposed invert elevations are adjusted during construction
based upon actual conditions encountered, the Contractor shall have no claim for an extension of time
for any reason resulting from this information. Mr. Jernigan advised the Contractor, since they will be
using precast, he highly recommends that Jimmy Long be given time to do staking before the
Contractor orders.
Aggregate Production and Concrete Brick & Block Production - The Contractor was reminded he
should use a producer who utilizes the new QC/QA program, which is in effect on the date of the
Fine Aggregate - As stipulated.
Shear Studs - As stipulated.
Recruitment of Department Employees - The Contractor is reminded that he shall not recruit DOT
employees for employment. However, should the Contractor employ a DOT employee, he may not
perform any work on a project that he has been involved in as an engineer or a technician during
employment with the DOT. Any person employed by the Contractor and assigned to a project who
has previously been involved in the project as a DOT employee shall be removed from the project at
the written request of the Engineer
Failure of the Contractor to comply may be justification for disqualifying the Contractor from further
Coal Fly Ash in Embankments - The Contractor does not plan to use on this project.
Metric Roadway Standard Drawings - The existing "hard" metric sign dimensions should be replaced
with the new "soft" metric sign dimensions as shown in the chart on page 55 of the contract.
Subsurface Information - Subsurface Information is available on this project.
Clearing and Grubbing - Method III
Shoulder and Fill Slope Material - The top 6" (150 nun) of shoulder and fill slopes shall be
constructed with soils capable of supporting vegetation. Ms. Oglesby reviewed types of soils, and
P.I. requirements. All soil is subject to test and rejection by the Engineer. Stones and other foreign
material 2" (50 mm) or larger in diameter shall be removed.
Mr. Wooten asked if topsoil undercut on the project could be used in shoulder and fill slope. Mr.
Sherrod advised the DOT is looking at revising the P.I. criteria. If the Resident Engineer so deems
we will do testing. If it is acceptable with the Resident Engineer it is okay to utilize this material.
Contractor shall obtain material within project limits or approved borrow source.
Select Granular Material - As stipulated. Shall be used over the previously placed fabric for soil
stabilization and construction in water. The select granular material shall meet one of the
requirements listed at the top of page 58. It shall be paced one meter above soil stabilization fabric
and/or water level. Above this level, normal Coastal Plain borrow may be utilized.
Fabric for Soil Stabilization - As outlined. Ms. Oglesby reviewed type of protection for fabric
during shipping and storing. Contractor shall furnish a Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 Material
Asphalt Plant Mixtures - ACBC shall be placed in trench sections with equipment outlined.
Reinforced Bridge Approach Fills - The Contractor is to be guided by the special provisions and all
work shall be done in the presence of the Engineer or Inspector. The Contractor shall furnish letters
of certification from the manufacturer with each shipment of the fabric and geomembrane attesting
that the material meets the requirements of this project; however, the material shall be subject to
inspection, test, or rejection by the Engineer at any time.
Removal of Existing Pavement(Metric) - As outlined in the contract.
Structural Timber and Lumber - As stipulated.
Guardrail End Delineation - As stipulated.
Iron Castings - As stipulated.
Guardrail Anchor Units, Type 350 - Contractor has the option to fizrnish any one of the guardrail
anchor units noted in the contract.
Department Furnished Signs - As stipulated
Remove and Dispose of Existing Signs and "U" Channel Posts - As stipulated.
Ms. Oglesby covered this portion of the contract, with the following being pointed out:
S. T. Wooten Corporation will perform the structure work.
Bents 1 & 2 centerline joint and bent control offset is 80 mm.
Reinforced Concrete Deck Slab - As stipulated. On page 85 Ms. Oglesby called attention to the 4th
paragraph, advising that the membrane curing compound method will not be allowed. A curing
medium consisting of burlap under polyethylene sheets or another material approved by the Engineer
shall be placed on the deck and kept moist for a minimum of 7 curing days. The burlap or other
approved curing medium shall be wet when placed on the deck. Water shall be applied to the curing
medium through soaker hoses or another method approved by the Engineer. Water shall be applied in
amounts to keep the medium moist but will not be allowed to flow or pond on the deck.
The Contractor advised they would probably go with metal decking forms in lieu of concrete deck
panels. A written request will be submitted thru the Resident Engineer.
Optional Fabricated Metal Stay-In-Place Forms -As stipulated.
Drilled Piers - As stipulated. The Contractor was reminded that a Preconstruction Conference shall
be scheduled with representatives of the Contractor, Resident Engineer and Soils, Foundation Section
and any other significant persons to discuss construction details, testing, and inspection of the drilled
piers prior to beginning work. This section will be covered at that meeting.
On page, 98 Ms. Oglesby called attention to the last paragraph regarding concrete placed with the
wet method, and the Contractor shall adhere to requirements stipulated herein. A DOH
representative shall be present during the test and the concrete producer shall notify the DOT at least
72 hours prior to the test.
Driving Steel Piles - Ms. Oglesby advised after the steel piles have been driven to specified bearing,
the Contractor may drive the piles to grade in lieu of cutting off the piles provided the additional
length of the pile to be driven does not exceed 1.524m.
Grooving Bridge Floors - On skewed bridges, the floor surface shall be grooved no closer than 50
mm measured perpendicular to the joint centerline and no further than 460 mm from the expansion
joint measured along the bridge. Between expansion joints on horizontally curved bridges, the
grooving operation shall be periodically adjusted such that adjacent grooves are separated by no more
than 75 mm along the outer radius of the bridge floor.
Ms. Oglesby asked if there were any questions regarding any of the structure items.
Mr. Mullen asked if membrane curing method is something the DOT is getting away from in
construction. He was advised that we do not use curing compound on deck pours, as that method
has been changed. If it were used, the membrane curing would have to be removed prior to
thermoplastic markings being placed across the bridge deck.
Mr. Sherrod asked what method the Contractor will use for containing silt at drill shaft. The
Contractor advised they will look at the situation in the field and will determine if the silt bags or
basins will be used.
There were no further questions at this time.
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable permit conditions during construction of this project.
Eric Alysmer covered this section of the contract.
He advised this is a General Permit.
There are two type of mitigation as noted in the Special Provisions at the bottom of page 129 and the
top of page 130. Mr. Alsmeyer advised that written confirmation has not been received from
NCWRP, and written confirmation is needed prior to beginning work in the wetlands. Ms. Oglesby is
to contact Michael Wood with the NC Project Development Unit concerning this matter.
Mr. Alsmeyer advised that representatives with the US Army Corps of Engineers would possibly visit
the project to make sure all conditions are being adhered to. He stressed to the Contractor, should he
not be in compliance, the Corps of Engineers will shut down his operations.
The Contractor shall contain his work within the footprint in the permit. The Contractor cannot
perform work beyond that footprint without approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Borrow or spoil area is not in jurisdictional areas. However, if the Contractor is unsure of an area, he
should stop work immediately, check with the Engineer, who in turn with contact the Corps of
Engineers to make a determination.
Contractor should keep up with sediment and erosion control day by day. After a storm the
Contractor should check all erosion control devices and correct any problems, especially in wetlands.
The 401 Water Quality Permit is approved to place fill in 3.0 acres of wetlands for the purpose of
constructing this project in accordance with the DOT application. Mr. Hennessy with DEHNR
advised he would just like to reiterate the importance of erosion control in the wetland areas.
There was no further discussion regarding permits. Ms. Oglesby asked if anyone had any further
Mr. Jernigan advised the Contractor that he is doing a good job getting required submittals in;
however, he should make sure all are submitted in sufficient time so there will be no delays.
He also stated there is 300mm pipe to be used for the storm drainage and the DOT would like for this
to be changed to 375mm on the storm drainage. The Contractor advised this would be fine.
Sim Wooten asked a question regarding use of other materials in lieu of ABC under the pipe. He
advised in certain situations ABC will not hold up. Mr. Jernigan advised, if we get into a questionable
situation where the ABC would not be appropriate we would look at the situation at that time.
Greg Nelson with S. T. Wooten Corporation, asked if it would be permissible for them to send their
submittals directly to the Resident Engineer, with a copy to PLT. He was advised this would be
There being no further comments and/or discussion, the conference was adjourned.
April 1, 1999
'! A
Mr. Eric Alsmeyer
Raleigh Regulatory Field Office VJ (,
US Army Corps of Engineers `(?
6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120
Raleigh, NC 27615
Dear Mr. Alsmeyer:
Subject: NCDOT Project #U-2720
Halifax County
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North
Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is willing to accept
payment from the North Carolina Department of Transportation
(NCDOT) for wetland impacts associated with the subject project in
accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the
NCWRP and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Based on information
supplied by the NCDOT in a memorandum dated March 26, 1999, the
impacts associated with the subject project are as follows: 3.0 acres of
wetlands. Assuming a 2:1 ratio for compensatory mitigation, the
NCWRP will provide the amount and type of required mitigation in
Cataloging Unit 03020102 of the Tar-Pamlico River.
If you have any questions concerning these projects or need
additional information I can be reached at 919-733-5219.
Ronald E.-Ferrell
Program Manager
Wetlands Restoration Program
cc: John Dorney, Wetlands/401 Unit
David Robinson, NCDOT
P.O. BOX 29535, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535
PHONE 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496