HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070429 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070322Z ~ ~ ~~ Who Reviowad.` ~`~.I DWQ~ ~L~b ~- ~? ~ ~`~ ~ Dade ~ ~~ -~ ~ - . ~• ? Plan Detail7ncomplete - ^ Pleasaprovide a location map for the project. ' • ^ Please show alI stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the alto plan. ^. Please show all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. • • ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site p1aa. `' P ,(_ ~,~5 r l L~la.~s ~~ s(`~`r please indicate proposed lot layout as overlays on the site plan. ~~ ~ Yl.~ ~`~ ~ ~ a~ ~„~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~,~ ~ .~. ^ .Please indicate the locatign of the protected buffos as mverlays oa the site plan. ~,y~ ~~-~~~.~.~~_ ~ or nos-isolated wetlands, •strearns and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. ~~ ~~\m~ ^ Please locate a1I Isolated ~ ~~~ . ~ ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. Q.~ ~ . ~ i ~ ~ ^ Please locate any planned•sevoez linos on the site plan. ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwafar management practices as required 6y LPC . ^ Please provide detail for the atonnwater management practices as troqulred by ClC ~ . ^ Please specify the percent of project iinparviousness area based on the estimatedbuilt-out conditions: Please indicate all stormwatea~,ot}tfalls on the site gta~. ^ Ploaao'indioato the diflbso flow provision measures do the site plea. ^ Please indicate,whother~ar not the proposed impacts already bears ooaductod. . • Avoidance,and/or A~inimizatbn i'~ot Provided ~ , . . . ^ • The labeled as __,_ on the plena does not appear to bo necessary. Pleaseeliminate the . or provide additional • information ~ es to wriy it is necessary for this pro,~eat. , . ~ . • .~^ This Office believes that the labeled on tke plans as. can be moved, or reeonfigurod to avoid the impacts to the . Please revise tl~o plans to avoid thq impacts., • . , •, ^ This'0fl3co baliovbs• that the . •labeled on the plans as• can be moved or rocem$gured to ;minimize flee impacts ~ the • . Please revise the pleas to minimize the impacts. ~ . The gtormwater discharges ~at the location on the plena labeled will.not provide diS~se flow through the buffer because . Please xevise the plans and providp calculations to show that difliise flow wiri bo.aehievod tihrough the ontlrebutfer. Ifit is not ~osaible to achieve.difl`bse flova through.the entire buffer'thon it may bo neeeseary'to' provide stormwaxer rasnagom~at practices that ranove nutrients :before the stormwatcr can be discharged through the. buffer. ~ , . Otlier ~ • ~ .. ^•. The application fee was insuffleient because over' 1S0 feet of stream and/or over 1 acre ofwotland'impacta wore requested. Please . ~ . provide $ .' This additional foe must bo rocxivac~ before your application cea be reviewed. ^ Please complete Section(s) on the application. - ~' .. ^ Pleaseprovide a signed copy of the application.' ~ . • ^ _ Pleaseprovide ~ copies of the application, . copies of•the site pleas and other supporting information: ' _ ^ ~ Pleasasubmit electronic CXD files showing ~ ;.viQ email to isn.mcmillan®ncmdil.not and CD: Mit[gation . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ .. ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provide'a cpmpaisatory initigatiot~ plan.. The . plan must conforra•to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 213 •.0500•and musri be appropriate to the typo•of impacts proposed. ' ^ Please indicate~which~404 Permit the USAGE would use to authorize this project. ' . •