HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003450_Annual Report_20200717 T'o'w n of 'Wallace 316 EAST MURRAY STREET • WALLACE, NORTH CAROLINA 28466 • PHONE: 910-285-4136 Tti�tiv rat IVAttgrf`C TOWN COUNCIL MAYOR TOWN CLERK FINANCE OFFICER 00 Francisco Rivas-Diaz O Charles C.Farrior,Jr. v/anetta Carlton Jackie Nicholson Shameshia Fennell ___ TOWN MANAGER William Jeffrey Carter TAX COLLECTOR TOWN ATTORNEY Laurence Bergman Frank Brinkley J.Christopher Martin Anna Heath Jason Wells RECEIVED JUL 17 2o2a TOWN OF WALLACE �C�EQ/�WR/NPDES COLLECTION SYSTEM REPORT PERMIT#WQCS00121 FY: 2018-2019 The Town of Wallace currently has a collection permit#WQCS00121 that consists of approximately 60 miles of sewer lines and 23 lift stations. The Town purchased a sewer modeling system to run for all new connections. The wastewater collected in our system is treated at our 5.42 MGD wastewater plant (permit# NC 0003450). The Town of Wallace receives wastewater from the Town of Teachey, Town of Greenevers and Town of Burgaw. General Maintenance: A. Lift stations are checked one time daily seven days a week. Stations with SCADA or auto dialer are checked once a week. B. Approximately.6 miles of collection lines cleaned annually. C. Lift stations are cleaned as needed by a contract Vac truck. D. All lift stations have electrical back-up hookups and bypass pump connection. E. Two generators in stock and 7 by-pass pumps in stock. F. All outfall lines are mowed twice annually. G. Pump run times are logged in daily. H. Thirteen (13) lift stations have SCADA. I. Seven (7) have auto dialers. plga,ant... prozprouz FAX:910-285-5135 • EMAIL: mail@wallacenc.gov • WEB: http://www.wallacenc.gov The Town of Wallace is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ri FOG Ordinance: See attached report Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO)—Few were reported but none met the criteria for official notification. (Courtesy call just to inform regional office) High Priority Lines: Inspected weekly Emergency Response: The Town responds to all emergency responses within one (1) hour of notification. We have equipment on hand to repair if needed, standby pumps if needed, vac truck (contractor if needed), electrical contractor if needed, and spill clean up materials if needed. We currenly have dialers on all lift stations that were required at the time of start up. Alarms are at all lift stations and are checked weekly to ensure operation. ORC Information: Andy Raynor is the Town's ORC for the Collection System. He has a Grade 4 and license #988755 and the backup ORC is Ricky Raynor. His is also a Grade 4 and his license number is#988754. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me at 910-285- 2812 (office) or my cell 910-665-2063. Sincerely, Brent Dean Public Services Director Attachment: FOG Ordinance Pipe Inventory List of lines cleaned . . gun2-53L-°) LD WEIEce, L.s,, Otis, Grea.ses Con.ral . Ord-f.illnce RECEIVED JUL 17 1010 NetWO/DVVR/NPDES (FOG) . • TOWN OF WALLACE FOG Pats,'Oils, arid d Grease) Control Ordinance L. Scope and Purpose 'o aid in the prevention of sanitary sewer blockages and obstructions from contribution and ;cumulation of fats, oils, and greases into such sewer system from industrial or nnmercial establishments,particularly food preparation and serving facilities. Definitions Fats, Oils, and Greases. Organic polar compounds derived from animal and/or plant urces that contain multiple carbon chain triglyceride molecules. These substances are tectable and measurable using analytical test procedures established in 40 CFR 136, as ty be amended from time to time.All are sometimes referred to herein as "Grease" or `Teases". Grease Trap or Interceptor. A device for separating and retaining waterborne gases and Grease complexes prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and entering the itary sewer collection and treatment system. These devices also serve to collect `Ieable solids, generated by and from food preparation activities,prior to the water ting the trap and entering the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system. Grease )s and Interceptors are sometimes referred to here in as "Grease Interceptors". Cooking Establishments. Those establishments primarily engaged in activities of Raring, serving, or otherwise making available for consumption foodstuffs and that use of more of the following preparation activities: Cooking by frying(all methods), [Jag(all methods), grilling, sautéing,rotisserie cooking, broiling(all methods),boiling, Lolling, roasting, toasting, or poaching. Also included are infrared heating, searing, ,ecuing, and any other food preparation activity that produces a hot, non-drinkable food luct in or on a receptacle that requires washing. Non-Cooking Establishments. Those establishments primarily engaged in the aration of precooked foodstuffs that do not include any form of cooking. These include lot limited to cold dairy and frozen foodstuffs preparation and serving establishments. {i.nimum.Design Capability. The design features of a Grease Interceptor and its y or volume required to effectively intercept and retain Greases from grease-laden waters discharged to the public sanitary sewer. 7ser. Any person(s), individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, dzation,public corporation or group upon whose property the building or structure Ming the food service establishment is located. Owner(s) shall also include the r(s) of a food service establishment who may lease the building, structure, or a portion )f, containing the food service establishment. This includes anyone located outside of Jwn's jurisdictional limits that contributes causes or permits the contribution or discharge Of wastewater into the POTW, including persons who contribute such wastewater from mobile sources, such as those who discharge hauled wastewater. 7. POWT Staff, (P OWT Staff)Public OwnedWastewater Wallace.Treatment staff shall consist of Town of Wallace employees authorized by the Town of 8. Hydraulic Load. At a minimum shall consist of all one, two, three and four compartment wash sinks filled to seventy-five percent(75%) capacity and being drained simultaneously,prerinse sink operating at maximiTTn flow,plus any dish or glass was machine or other drainage fixture nnit being operated at maximum rated performance levels. C. Food Service Establishment Permit Req iiTremem.t 1. Grease Interceptor Requirements: All permitted food service establishments are required to install, operate, and maintain an approved type and adequately sized grease interceptor necessary to maintain compliance with the objectives of e Town of WallacTs e, Dup1ilCountce. p grease interceptors must meet the requirements of and/or State of North Carolina plumbing Code. 2. Implementation: All new food service establishment facilities are subject to grease interceptor requirements. •All such facilities must obtain prior approval from the Puic Works Director for grease interceptor sizing prior to submitting plans for building permit. All grease interceptors shall be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Existing facilities with planned modification in plumbing improvements will be subject to comply with the grease interceptor requirements. These facilities must obtain approval for a from the Public Works Director for grease interceptor sizing prior to submitting plans buildingpeiluit. ' (All existing food service establishments, determined by the Public Works Director to have a reasonable potential to adversely impact the Town's sewer system will be notified of their obligation to install a grease interceptor within the specified period set forth in the notification letter.) 3. Variance from Grease Interceptor Requirements: Grease interceptors required uthorizes under this Ordinance shall be installed TTnless alternativel Works technology ology and the installation of an indoor grease trap or otherpretreatment determines that the installation of a grease interceptor would not be feasible. The food service establishment bears the burden of demonstrating that the installation of a grease interceptor is not feasible. The Public Works Director may authorize the installation of an indoor grease trap where the installation of a grease inexbceptor is not feasible due to space lie°es the installation of a grease constraints or other considerations. If an establishment interceptor is infeasible,because of documented space constraints,the request of an alternate grease removal device shall contain the following information: a. Location of sewer main and easement in relation to available exterior space outside building. b. Existing plumbing at or in a site that uses common plumbing for all services at that site. (Alternative pretreatment technology includes, but is not limited to, devices that are used to trap, separate and hold grease from wastewater and prevent it from being discharged into the sanitary sewer collection system. All alternative pretreatment technology must be appropriately sized and approved by the Public Works Director.) Fee simple. a. Permit.to install must be obtained from Wallace Public Works prior to installation of any grease interceptor device. All interceptors must be in compliance with the Town's FOG Control Ordinance Section 2.0. b. Pennit to operate grease interceptor device will be issued once approval is given by Wallace Public Works Director and Duplin County Health Department. Discharge Limitations No User shall allow wastewater discharge concentration from subject grease rceptor, grease trap or alternative pretreatment technology to exceed that in accordance L the Town's Sewer Use Ordinance Section 2.3 and Town's Fog Control Ordinance ion E. crease Interceptor Requirements: • 1. Grease interceptor sizing and installation shall conform to this Ordinance. 2., Grease interceptors shall be constructed in accordance with design approved Le Public Works Director and shall have a minimum of two compartments with fittings ;ned for grease retention. 3. Grease interceptor shall be installed at a location where it shall be easily sible for inspections, cleaning, and removal of intercepted grease. The grease ;eptor may not be installed in any part of the building where food is handled. Location grease interceptor must meet the approval of the Public Works Director. 4. All such grease interceptor shall be serviced and emptied of accumulated content as required in order to maintain Minimum Design Capability or effective ie. These devices should be inspected at least monthly by user. Users who are ed to maintain a grease interceptor shall: a. Provide for a minimum hydraulic retention time in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code (or other applicable plumbing code used by local agency). and sludge pocket as required. • b; Remove any accumulated grease cap Grease interceptors shall be kept free of inorganic solid materials such as grit,rocks, gravel, sand, eating.utensils, o ethis picket and thereby towels,rags, etc.,which could sett reduce the effective volume of the device. 5. The user shall maintain a written record of inspection e in peg ran by maintenance for three (3)years. All such records will be made available for representative of the Town of Wallace during all operating hours of user. 6. Sanitary wastes are not allowed to be connected to sewer lines intended for grease interceptor service. 7. Except as provided herein,for a period of one(1)year following adoption of interceptors this ordinance, although installation of grease will be required to be installed, no enforcement actions will be taken under this Ordinance foor ef failure o d an oe limits etion of grease discharges from grease interceptors. If, during Y impact onr the a sewer main(s) occurs that causes a sewer or failure of theeIlanitaryt that ser collection environment is realized and that said overflowgrease system to convey sewage can be attributed in part or i ro whole to enforcementaccumulation ti no of s y ) the Town of Wallace will take appropriate in the sewer mains , ) against the stipulated in the Town's Sewer Use Ordinance, Section 8 (Enforcement), g generator or contributor of such grease. 8. Access manholes,with a minimum diametere of 24 inches, shall be provided access manholes shall extend at over each grease interceptor chamber and sanitary tee. Thor least to finished grade and be designed end maintained ly to pre ce t s tt er finflo t inspection, infiltration. The manholes shall also have reaactivities. Manhole covers must be traffic rated acilit grease removal, and wastewater sampling if lace within any parlang areas. Manhole covers are to be of a weight class of less than p 100 pounds. F. Grease Trap J[�egni,reniernts 1. Upon approval by the Public Works Director, a grease trap complying with the provisions of this section must be installed in the wast where grease leading from sii ykb drains, and other fixtures or equipment in food service establishments that can effect line stoppage or introduced into the drainage or sewage system in quantities hinder sewage treatment or private sewage disposal. 2. Grease Traps sizing and installation shall conform to the Uniform Plumbing • Code or other applicable plumbing code used by local agency. ease trapshall be installed which has a stated rate flow ofmoret an 3 No � (20) gallons e per minute, p fifty-five (55) gallons per minute,nor less than twenty specifically approved by the Public Works Director. • • 4. Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating conditions by periodic :moval of the accumulated grease. No such collected grease shall be introduced into any :ainage piping, or public or private sewer. 5. No food waste disposal unit or dishwasher shall be connected to or discharge to any grease trap. 6. Wastewater in excess of one hundred-forty(140) degree Fahrenheit/(60) gree Cellulous shall not be discharged into a grease trap. 7. Except as provided herein,for a period of one (1) year following adoption of s ordinance, although installation of grease traps will be required to be installed,no .orcement actions will be taken under this Ordinance fox failure to achieve limits on ase discharges from grease interceptors. If, during this one year period an obstruction of ewer main(s) occurs that causes a sewer overflow to the extent that an impact on the ironment is realized and that said overflow or failure of the sanitary sewer collection tern to convey sewage can be attributed in part or in whole to an accumulation of grease he sewer main(s), the Town•of Wallace will take appropriate enforcement actions, as elated in the Sewer Use Ordinance, Section 8 (Enforcement), against the generator or tributor of such grease. • Grease Interceptor Maintenance,Record Keeping, and Grease Removal Users shall install grease Interceptors as required by the Town of Wallace. Grease Interceptors shall be installed at the User's expense, when such User operates a Cooking Establishment. Grease Interceptors may also be required in non-cooking or cold dairy and frozen food service establishments and other industrial or commercial establishments when they are deemed necessary by the Wallace Public Works Director for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing Grease. No User shall allow wastewater discharge concentration from subject Grease Interceptor to exceed 100 milligrams per liter. All Grease Interceptors shall be of a type, design, and capacity approved by the Town of Wallace and shall be readily and easily accessible for User cleaning and Town inspection. All such Grease Interceptors shall be serviced and emptied of accumulated waste content as required in order to maintain Minimum Design Capability or effective volume of the Grease Interceptor, but not less often than every thirty(30) days. Users who are required to pass water through a Grease Interceptor shall: a. All oil and grease, water and solids separators (grease traps)required in this section shall have a capacity and design tS' esi gn in compliance with the following equations: 1) Restaurants: (S)X(20)x(F R/12)x(LF)=capacity in gallons S =number of seats in dining area RR =number of hours open LF =Ioading factor: • 1,2'7 Recreational areas 0.8 Main highways 0.7 Other highways 2) Hospitals,nursing homes,other types of kitchens with varied seating capacity: M x(5)x(L)F)=capacity in gallons M=meals per day loading factor 1.0 With dishwasher 0.5 Without dishwasher Except that no grease tap shall be smaller than 750 gallons,no single and where requirements exceed separator shall be larger than 3,000 gallons 3,000 gallons multiple units shall be used.In cases of certain. 1 ge q quantities es of d restaurants or establishments with potential to discharge large ons per seat may be grease and oil, capacity requirements greater than taps may be approved by the required. prepackaged or manufactured.� �from review. Town with proper engineering ppbut at accumulated Grease cap and sludge pocket as required, b. Remove any ( intervals of not longer than. 3 0 days the Users expense. Grease thin' Y grit,as rocks, Interceptors shall be kept free of inorganic g shells,towels,rags, etc which could gravel, sand, eating utensils, cigarettes, settle into this pocket and thereby reduce the effective volume of the Grease Interceptor. c. Operate the Grease Interceptor in a manner so as ttolmaintaineved. C nd dt nde such shall that attainment of the grease limit is consistently mean any wastewater sample taken from said Grease Inter opt r s shall a be subject to terms of numerical limit attainment previously established business desires,because Greasf e Interceptor,opt space the request constraints, an alternative to an out-of information:for an alternative location shall contain the following i. Location of Town sewer main and easement in relation to available exterior space outside building. ii Existing plumbing at or in a site that uses common plumbing for all services at that site. d. Understand and agree that: The use of biological additives as a Grease degradation agent is not permissible. Understand and agree that: The use of automatic Grease removal systems is e. by the Director,the conditionally permissible,upon prior written approval Lead plumbing Inspector of the Town of Wallace, and the Duplin shall operate tm Deparent of Health. Any establishment using this equipment the system in such a manner that attainment of the e is ease wast stenelyatehieved. er discharge limit, as measured from the unit'soutlet, f. Understand and agree that: The Director reserves the right to make determinations of Grease Interceptor adequacy and need, based on review of all relevant information regarding Grease Interceptor performance, facility site and building plan review and to require repairs to, or modification or replacement of such traps. 2. The User shall maintain a written record of trap maintenance for three (3)years. All such records will be available for inspection by the Town at all times. 3. No non-grease-laden sources are allowed to be connected to sewer tines intended for Grease Interceptor service. cess manholes, with a minimum diameter of 24 inches, shall be provided over each tuber and sanitary tee. The access manholes shall extend at least to finished grade and lesigned and maintained to prevent water inflow or infiltration. The manholes shall also e readily removable covers to facilitate inspection, Grease removal, and wastewater .piing activities. Manhole covers must be traffic rated if place within any parking areas. thole covers are to be of a weight class of less than 100 pounds. FOG Variance 1. The Town of Wallace Public Works developed a variance study to allow preparation and service establishments an avenue to provide substantial evidence so as duce maintenance of the grease interceptor as required by the Town of Wallace FOG cane. 2. A food preparation/service establishment can apply for a variance to the luled service requirements of the Town of Wallace FOG Control Ordinance. A food ration/service establishment that believes the service schedule of once every thirty .s excessive, and feels that the grease interceptor service frequency can be extended, ut violating the FOG Ordinance can apply. Food preparation/service establishments vish to use biological or chemical additives for the removal of fats, oils, and grease grease separation device or a plumbing system may also apply for a variance to the e schedule. a. A copy of the Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request Form can be obtained from the Town of Wallace and completed. The request form must be signed by the food preparation/service owner(s). b. Read, understand, and agree with the Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance(SeeAppendixA),and the Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request Form,(SeeAppendixB). j . I c.,•,Mail•a completed Town of Wallace Gjreasie Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request Form to: Town of Wallace Public Works Department Pretreatment Section P.O.Box 84• Wallace,NC 28466 • d. The Town.of Wallace will review all variance request the and conta var act the food preparation/service establishment accepting request. The food preparation/service establishmentcmay ontacae authorized a grease by the Town of Wallace to begin the variance study procedure interceptor service provider to schedule a grease interceptor cleaning. e. The food preparation/service establishment must cnttacctth o of e grease Wallace Public Work Department two (2) working daysprior interceptors schedule cleaning. f. Additional monitoring events or pollutants may be required uired if Val lde necessary by the Town of Wallace Publicdays. � 1 studies shall not exceed a period of ninety (90)) and all sampling i minimum of three (3) site samples are collected p will After aartm_ent g• c Works De results are obtained,the Town of Wallace Public p analyze all data. After all data is reviewed by the Tow t the foownty will submit in writing the results of the variance study only requesting said study. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect On the day of ,2005 FIRST READING: ,2005. SECOND READING: ,2005. PASSED this day of 2005. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: li ��,� 2005. APPROVED this day of , . N- -D---- Cam` . ,. ,��sCi_ y of the Town of W ,�,". 0�s- � � �` ,;„•f•-1 OR, ;/ C (Seal) City Clerk .',r..,- -`. A Fµ... .,..�.av s , _� ;, ATTEST: r,, .fit; ;:iiip" ' •- :;',r••-• Published the day .' : <<s•:,;:;.,_.,•_• .'-r7 • .-. •.t••'k APPENDIX A • • . Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Varriaace A variance to the scheduled service requirement of the Town of Wallace Fats, Oils, and Grease Control Ordinance is to provide specific ha5ges o theed scheduling to give foodf grease interceptor maintenance and servicing. Said variance preparation/service establishments an avenue�provide d plies to the scheduling ence so as to reduce maintenance of the grease interceptor. of grease interceptor servicing. .All other requirements of the Town of Wallace ain in eSt.wer Use Ordinance,FOG Control Ordinance, and any other requirements eff Fees Food preparation/service establishments shalle ucomplete n�m���andT Town a�writtace nk explanation ease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request for the need to vary from the FOG Control Ordinance. All establishmentst Town of Wallace has variance shall agree to conform to the variance study procedures, the right to discontinue the variance study at any time the grease it wopts r discharge adversely affects the sanitary sewer collection system and trea e Upon evaluation of pertinent conditions relative to ogrr e��interceptor service �iD-elude an initial variance issues;Fees associated with the request f variancests request re uest fee of$195.00,which includes estimated reimbursement costs will be with Town of Wallace personnel an expenses. e studyeAll samsis ples analyzed by associated with each sample collected during the variance contract laboratories will include the cost of analysis bytheTown mini tof Wallo e at fee. he of food preparation/service establishment will.be billed ease interceptor service the en variance study. The Town of Wallacewal not ng%�ox the initial variance request schedule variance until the Town receivespayment fee, all wastewater analysis costs, administrative fees and any v inc_sts c are non red by the Town of Wallace as a result of said study. All fees associated with Pretreatment staff"' will log all study findings on the Town of Wallace al Interceptor Variance Study Sheet and submit a copy to the f preparation/service establishment after each grease interceptor inspection. Discontinuation of Variance Study At any time after a variance is granted and e� following occurs,back to requirements set forth by the Town of e food preparation/service establishment shall revtWallace FOG Control Ordinance. • Grease interceptor FOG concentrations exceeding limits set by Town of Wallace FOG Control Ordinance. ▪ Grease interceptor discharge adversely affects the sewer collection system and treatment works. Page 1 of 3 • Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Solids accumulation is greater than 20 percent(20%) of the total water depth from ,cease interceptor's interior floor to the static or working water level, at any point within the Tease interceptor. FOG accumulation is greater than or equal to three (3) inches at any point within the rease interceptor. Facility significantly increases food service production, seating capacity, or menu :lection. Facility that employs the use of a garbage disposal or food pulper that is connected to e grease interceptor. Causes or contributes to a sanitary sewer blockage or overflow. Change in ownershi . Variance is non-transferable P and only applies y pph s to the facility stated the variance approval Ietter granting a grease interceptor service extension. nditions and Schedules .food services establishments requesting variance to the FOG Ordinance shell conform he following conditions and schedules. 1. Food re p paratzon/servrce establishment owner(s)^shall complete a Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request Form and • provide the Town of Wallace, written explanation as to the need of service schedule variance. 2. Food preparation/service establishment owner(s) agree that any request for variance is considered and implemented under the discretion of the Town of Wallace and can be denied for any reason. 3. Food preparation/service establishment shall conform to the pumping schedule set by the Town of Wallace during the variance study. Failure to follow pumping requirements will result in variance study discontinuation. 4. Food preparation/service establishment agrees to the pumping schedule after the variance study is completed, even in the event, the Town of Wallace requires a service schedule greater than once every thirty(30) days. • 5. Food preparation/service establishment shall contract and arrange with a grease interceptor service provider a pumping schedule that will meet the conditions of said variance. 6. Food preparation/service establishment shall contact the Town of Wallace Public Works,Pretreatment,two (2) working days prior to the scheduled interceptor cleaning: Page 2 of 3 Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance • Food reparation/service establishments that desire to all information e use of al or 7. P chemical treatment shall provide the Town of dosing schedule, and supplied by the manufacturer of type, solution makeup, service agreements. All Food preparation/service establishments 5to atina hmetain using biological or chemical treatment shallrequired service set by the Town of Wallace FOG Ordinance or Town of Wallace Variance Study. 8. During the variance study, all limits and conditions FOG d dOrdi andapply. All violatviolations of the FOG Ordina�a n will be addressed after the variance study. P 9. Food reparation/service establishment agrees to pay the initial variance request fee,wastewater analysis costs,aresult administrative conducting the variance s incurred by the Town.of Wallace as study. The To wn of Wallace will not be responsible for any FOG discharges, odor or blockages during or after the variance study. ent Staff shall consist of Town of Wallace employees or individuals authorized Pretreatra by the Town of Wallace. company, association, society, corporation, Owner(s)A ,Any person(s), individual, faun, or structure containing the group upon whose property the building of a food public corporation or gr p p food service establishment is located. Owner(s) shall also include l a portion thereof, containing service establishment who may lease includes building, located outside of the Town's the food service establishment jurisdictional limits that contributes causes or permits thecontribution o s b h on orwast discharge is h r m mobile persons who wastewater into the POTW,including wastewater. sources, such as those who discharge Page3 of . APPEN ix It Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service Schedule VailaTatCe Rec nest Forma ease interceptor service schedule A food must co p preparation/service thiestablishment form to Aland sub it°requests a to the Town of Wallace Public Works variance must completeNC e artna.ent-Pretreatment Section P.O.Box 849 on act,the Pretreatment Section 8466.If there are any questions concerning t(910) D p this form,please feel flee to c 285-2812 or(910) 285-4136. 1. Company Name a) Facility Name: b) Corporate Name: 2. Facility Address:. Street: City: State: Zip: 3. Business Mailing Address: Street: City: State: Zip: 4. Facility Contact:Name: Phone: Fax: - E-mail: phone: Fax: E-mail: Corporate Contact:Name: from the Town of W apace Fats, Oils, and 6. Written explanation for (Attach Separate the need to varyetter) Grease Control Ordinance. 7. Food preparation/service establishment hours of operation: A)Months of operation: B) Days of operation: C) Hours of operation: Wed: Thurs: Fri:_____.Sat:t: Sun:__- 8. Total number of employees at food preparation/service establishment: Shift#1:__Shift#2:—Shift#3 9. Provide information on Grease Separation Device(s): (Attach additional sheet if necessary) Location: Size(capacity): Manufacturer: Model#: • Page 1 of 4 Town of WYVallaes Grease Interceptor Service Schedule Variance Request Form. Location: Size (capacity): Manufacturer: Model#: 3iological/Chemical Treatment used in plumbing system: YES NO S, attach all information.supplied by the manufacturer of type, solution make up, g schedule, and service agreements. :ovide Maintenance/Service Information: ency of service: ;onducts service: y describe how maintenance is conducted: ease interceptor service company information(pumper,renderer, biological, etc.): any Name: ;t Name: :ne as it appears on Water/Sewer Bill: City: Service Address: State: Zip: lug Address (if different): City: State: Zip: all major equipment used for food preparation, (ie: grills,flyers, woks, etc.) include d capacities if a. licable: Page 2 of 4 • .Town.of Wallace GrMe Interceptor Service SScheduilLeVariance .erne JForrni. 16. List kitchen fixture locations,intended use, number of compartments, size, (ie: prerinse, 1-2-3-4 conipaittnent wash sinks, can wash,prep sinks, dishwasher, garbage disposal, etc.) Size Item No. • Location Intended Use Compaq.-tments 24x24x12, (ex. wash, (ex. 1,2,3,4) ex 10gpm) 1 2 3 4 5 • 6 7 8 9 10 11 17. Does your facility contain grill and/or fryer exhaust hoods? YES NO IfSYESyE how often do you have cleaned: If YES,briefly describe how the hood system is cleaned and how the wastewater is disposed: 18. Total seating capacity: • 19. Does your facility ever utilize catering or off-site food preparation companies to provide meals? YES----NO If YES, are any of the kitchen sink fixtures utilized for the washing of soiled dish/cook ware? . YES N0, 20. Are there any other companies permitted to use your kitchen facilities? YES NO If YES,please list company/person(s)name: 21. Submit a copy of the breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner Menu along with this variance request form. 22.provide an up to date copy of the indoor and outdoor plumbing plans,these plans floor drains, grease removal equipment, sinks, should include facility sewer connections, � �� be acceptable restrooms, etc. Blue prints are acceptable; a to scale hand drawn copy may P in some cases. • Page 3 of 4 Town ofVilailliatee Grease Interrceptox•service schedule Variance)<'z6tyuestForm _ AUTHORIZE)REPRESENTATIVE VE STATEMENT a completing this survey, I (Print) understand and hereby gree to the teams and conditions of the Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Service chedule Variance and the Town of Wallace Grease Interceptor Grease Interceptor Service chedule Variance Study Procedure. certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under iy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified .rsonnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry 'the persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering e information,the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, .curate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false. formation, including the possibility of fine/or imprisonment for knowing violations. nature of Authorized Representative Date • nted Name of Authorized Representative • • i Page 4 of 4 • Is a nd,,Gr ?jise (FOG) 'r ent FOG from Damaging Your Come and the EnvilronMeni; ;� ,,. Fats, oils, and grease aren't just bad for your arteries and your waistline; damage home G,}� sewers too. Sewer overflows and backups can cause health hazards,,,� cause of all sewer overflows interiors, and threaten the environment, The second leading .,; is grease blockages, Grease can get into the sewer from household drains as well as .,, • - ni!i;;,,; from poorly maintained grease traps in restaurants and other businesses, • s grease come from? . know grease is a byproduct of cooking. Grease is found in such things as: its . g oil '•t;,tt',:tst:• and margarine :°�: ,.Y;,~,,,=w^1.:. craps •.:i.r- :`' .:4i:'. ±`;;o o. goods • - :'.^;"•EA.%,T,t iir-t` 3 and soups )rodLlcts d never grease is washed into the plumbing system usually through the kitchen sink, ent down the houldin only -down the drain. Many people are unaware pouring n the sewer line and cancause problems in grease temporarily. Grease'then moves further gr n ease When gets into a sewer line it sticks to the insides of the pipes (both e°esultsrcan be:property and ets). Over time, the grease will build up and eventually block the entire pipe. sewage overflowing into homes, yards or/and streets pensive and unpleasant cleanup that often must be paid for by the homeowner ale contact with disease-causing organisms ;cease in operation and maintenance costs by the Town, which causes higher sewer bills for -hers. . a can do to help . r pour grease down the sink drains and toilets, juice can, empty milk carton). Place the small amounts of grease into anon-reease before disposal able container g the trash, ', liner in the refrigerator to harden the gr pots, utensils, and cooking surfaces, 'e washing,•scrape grease and food scraps from plates, a area e disposals do not keep grease out of the plumbing system. Never put gr that cl own disgasolve olge g g )sals. Be cautious of chemicals and additives (including soapsand d it a�eclog the sewer lines, 3e, Some of these additives simply pass grease down pipes where lore information, please call 910-285-2812 . rRUiC riiONS FOR i1SIINO THE ._ _ 3E DER Formation • provide you with suitable wastewater disposal, your home is served by a low pressure sewer system. ollects all solid materials and effluent from the house. The solid materials are then ground to a small le for pumping as slurry with the effluent water. The grinder pump generates sufficient pressure to flurry from your home to the wastewater treatment receiving line and/or disposal plant. Ise r system is capable of accepting and pumping a wide range of materials, Regulatory agencies the following items should not be introduced into any sewer, either directly or through a kitchen )sal unit: • Seafood shells Diapers, socks, rags or cloth Kitty litter Plastic objects (toys, utensils, straws, etc.) me Feminine Hygiene Products you must never introduce into the any sewer: • Strong chemicals Flammable material Lubricating oil Cooking grease or oil Is Food debris Beauty Aids (Q-Tips, cotton balls, etc.) re )r pump cannot dispose of wastewater without electrical power. If electrical power service is keep water usage to a minimum. -e9Alarm r pump has been manufactured to produce an alarm signal in the event of a high water level in the • alarm signal is to provide adequate warning to the user that service is required. During the interim I arrival of an authorized service technician, water usage must be limited to the reserve capacity of • . I � I