HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131282_Meeting Minutes_20100129C ON STATE Oh NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLEY EAVES PERDUE GOVERNOR January 29, 2010 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: File EUGENE A. CONTI, JR. SECRETARY Kristine A. O'Connor. P.B. Project Planning Engineer =_- Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Minutes of Concurrence Point 4A.Meeting, Proposed NC 32 Connector from US-44 to?lthe Inteisection of NC 32 and NC 94. Washington-County, WBS No.'345,, 8.1.1, Federal Aid No. STP-00.0 52), TIP Project No. P-3620 a?, :. A Concurrence Meeting was. held on January, 24, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. in the Transportation Building Board Room'in?Raleigh. In attcn$ancc were: Ron Lucas Fedctal Highway Administration BillBiddlecome U.S.'ArrnyCorpst6fEngineers Chris Militscher U.S. Environmental' Protection Agency Gary Jordan,', ` ii U. S. Fish ;& Wildlife Service Fritz Rohd'c ? ?r National Marine Fisheries Service Renee Gledhill Eerlcy `"U?N C Deputment of Cultural Resources Cathy Brittingham N:C. Division of Coastal Management Jim l loadle:-" N.C. Division of Coastal Management David Wainwright.., m,,1 ,,, N.C. Division of Water Quality Travis Wilson N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Bob Capehart NCDOT-Division I K.J. Kim NCDOT-Geotechnical Engineering Unit Galen Cail .' . NCDOT-Hydraulics Unit Charles Cox NCDOT-PDEA Rob Hanson NCDOT-PDEA Kristine O'Connor NCDOT-PDEA Missy Pair NCDOT-PDEA Greg Thorpe NCDOT-PDEA Ed Lewis NCDOT-PDEA-I-IEU-Public Involvement & Community Studies Tris Ford NCDOT- PDEA-FIEU-Comnwnity Studies Elizabeth Lusk NCDOT-PDEA-Natural Environment Unit MAILING ADDRESS: Ne DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE1 w VNCDOT.ORG LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC f Chris Manley NCDOT-PDEA-Natural Environment Unit Chris Rivenbark NCDOT-PDEA-Natural Environment Unit Mark Staley NCDOT-Roadside Environmental Unit Gary Lovering NCDOT-Roadway Design Ron McCollum NCDOT-Roadway Design Brenda Moore NCDOT-Roadway Design Rckha Patel NCDOT-Roadway Design Thomas Stoddard NCDOT-TIP Development Unit Bcnjctta Johnson NCDOT-Transportation Planning Branch Kerry Morrow NCDOT-Transportation Planning Branch :V4., Meeting Purpose: This was the fifth meeting in the NEPA/404 Merger 'Rrocess for R-3620. 'f'ile purpose of the meeting was to gain concurrence on Point _;4A - Avoidance & Minimization. sle, _1 Introduction: i Bill Biddlecome opened the meeting with an introduction of attendees. Kristine O'Connor gave an overview--of, TIP Project R-3620 via PowerPoint presentation:, :Kristine briefly reviewed^the project history, the preferred alternative (Alternative _l) carried forward from the Concurrence Point 3 meeting held orinOctober:15 2009, and the avoidance and minimizatio'rnmeasures associated with this'altemative. Discussion: I,U • Chris, Militscher wanted-to know,Jf1NCDOT had a ballpark estimate of how much wetland-impacts were reduced by shifting Alternative 1 to avoid wetlands aWand by using 3:+l fill slopes,in-wetland areas. Kristine O'Connor responded that -",-NCDOT does not.have a,quantifiable number for this since the alignment has been. shifted multiple times throughout the planning process. Additionally, the fmalfill height has not yet been set, so the exact location of the slope stakes has notyettbeen determined. , • David Wainwright asked when NCDOT would know for certain whether or not guardrail will be required since the use of guardrail will change shoulder widths and possibly increase wetland impacts. Gary Levering replied that when the final grade is set, this would set the height of the fill, and this is the criteria NCDOT uses to determine whether or not guardrail is required. Bill Biddleconnc noted that he was under the impression that guardrail would be required in all wetland areas because it was not possible to clear 30-feet out for the Clear Recovery Zone, which means that wetland impacts would always be less when using 3:1 fill slopes with a four (4) to six (6) foot fill height. Rekha Patel confirmed that guardrail would be required in all wetland areas. Galen Cail stated that if the fill is shallow enough (less than 3 feet) it would be possible that there would be fewer impacts with 4:1 fill slopes as opposed to 3:1 fill slopes and guardrail 2 because of the additional shoulder width required for guardrail. He added that NCDOT would use whichever combination provided the least amount of wetland impacts. • Bill Biddlecome stated that Kristine O'Connor had previously discussed with him why there was not a comparison of the impacts to wetlands for undercutting versus raising the grade available at today's meeting. Since final surveys are not completed at this point, it would be premature to estimate how much undercutting would be required to construct this facility. He requested that NCDOT provide these wetland impact comparisons at the Concurrence Point 4B meeting. Charles Cos noted that NCDOT would provide these numbers once the final surveys become available. ? r ', • Chris Militscher requested that the concurrence form bc,reorganized to show the strict 404(b)(1) avoidance and minimization measures separately from the NEPA avoidance and minimization measures. .Kristine O'Connor revised the form to reflect this change and also added another bullet per Cathy Brittingham stating that there would be no impacts to CAMA AGCs fin the selected alternative. • At this point, Bill Biddlecome stated that"'tfie,?Unitcd States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) would' concur with "approving the avoidance and minimization measures for this project. The remaiiiifig,agencies also concurred that sufficient avoidance and minitniZRion'had been conducted. Concurrence: The team agreed-to the following avoidance/minimization measures: I - Avoidance, T., _ Complete avoidance of the streams and wetlands is not possible due to the presence of these resources throughout the project study corridor. Each alternative had some wetland and stream impacts. Minimization • Alternative 1 has been shifted so that the fewest number of wetlands and streams would be affected along this alignment. • NCDOT will employ 3:1 fill slopes in all wetland areas. • No ditches will be utilized in wetland areas throughout the project unless undercutting is readdressed at a later date. • There will be no impacts to Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs). ;; 3 .r • The project will have limited control of access on the new location portion and partial control of access on the existing location portion. Limited control of access will only allow connections to the facility at interchanges or at-grade intersections and no private driveway connections will be allowed. Additional Issues • Alternative I will not displace any residences. • Alternative l avoids adverse impacts to properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (Rehoboth Methodist Church and the farm on NC 32). • Alternative 6 was developed to the west of, Alternative I in the hopes of minimizing the number of wetlands impacted. However, Alternative 6 actually had a greater number of impacted- wetlands, so it was removed from consideration at the Concurrence Point.2A meeting in October 2008. • Eight (8) foot shoulders (the minimum allowed by AASHTO) will be designed for this facility. If guardrail becomes necessary, the shoulders will be widened to 1 I feet. 1 '"'T - • Once final geotechnical surve'y's,areecompleted, the issue of undercutting can be readdressed prior to the CP 4W meeting • NCDOT.will examinethe use of grass swales with non-erosive velocities at the wetlands; preformed, scour holes-, energy dissipators and pipe equalizers. Stonnwatcr'basins -though., probably not necessary for this project, will be designed at a later date if required--. Concidgion: c? Concurrence among;-attending team members was achieved. Actions to be completed by NCDOT before the next concurrence meeting'include: • Provide a,quantifiable comparison of the impacts associated with undercutting and the impacts associated with raising the grade. If any recipient of the meeting notes would like to add comments or feels that a continent is erroneous or needs to be expanded, please feel free to contact Kristine O'Connor by phone at (919) 733-7844 cxt. 311 or by email at kaoconnorb vncdot. gov. 4