HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8981211_Historical File_19981201December 1, 1998 DETAILED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF STORM WATER TREATMENT Krystal Villas is a townhome project planned for the spring of 1999. The project is located south of NC 58 in the interior of Emerald Isle. The Daisywood Townhome project located immediately adjacent on the north side, emptied into a canal classified as SC, but the runoff from this project will be contained entirely on the site. The project will be located on Janell Lane. The Emerald Isle planning board requires all development of the project be completed before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. No changes from the approved plan are permitted without Planning Board approval. Once the plan is approved, no further changes may be made as enforced by the Emerald Isle Building Inspector. After the Home Owner's Association is in place, no individual may be permitted to build so much as a dog house. The restrictive covenants which were used for Daisywood Townhomes will be used for the Krystal Villas townhomes. A copy is enclosed herein. The Krystal Villas development plan provides for building the following impervious items: 1. Residential building with wood decks and walkways 2. Parking area 3. Street entrance 4. Dumpster sites All runoff from the project is sheet flow which is directed from the center of the parking lot, both directions, east and west. The flow is gradual, at less than 1 % slope. It empties along the parking lot into a grassed (sodded) swale, and follows the swale into the 404 wetlands area which is located south of the parking lot. The swale runs from the parking area to the bottom of the swale. The vegetated Swale is in contact with the runoff for approximately thirty (30) feet. There will be a three foot high berm erected at the southwest corner of the property. It is a measure which may never need to be used, because of the ability of the soil to percolate. There will be a silt fence erected on the western edge of the berm to prohibit any movement of sand from the berm. After construction, the berm will be seeded to ensure vegetation. There is little chance of siltation into the 404 wetlands south of the proposed Krystal Villas, but in the event of siltation, it shall be removed with a backhoe or manually if necessary to the present grade. pw-e�,- ohn P. McLean File:Krystal.Mrm Uvvuc BANKS WA FER C OMPAN Y 0 - - - - -i- - - ?00.00_ . 30.42 EAST RAW EXT. MALLARD DR. E E D L AWRENCE S. SPELL 88/0 EMERALD DRI V E EMERALD ISLE, N.C. r a/ cr a 4-a c eoo.,eV DR/ Vt .60' R/W) REF.' M. 8 8 Pt; 52 Pc14TIDN CF SECTION 6, COWMERCIAL fH4opo?T Y, SL18DIVISION OF BLOCKS 300, 3/0 AND 320 REF-'0.8. 5/0 FG 72 /OO' 50' 0 /00' 2001 jX SCALE IN FEET e O PRCPER, Z SPEG L , PROPERT i. McL E,4 /V PROPER T y SPELL EST. John P. McLean Engineering Associates December 1, 1998 Mr. Greg Stutts Water Quality - DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Dear Mr. Stutts, 106 Manatee Street Cape Carteret, N.C. 28584 Tel: 252-393-2219 FAX: 252-393-2463 E-mail: ladymcl@bmd.clis.com DEC 0 3 1998 Enclosed herein you will find referenced plan, application and other materials noted below. The project is scheduled for construction early in 1999. As we discussed yesterday, we plan to capture all storm water runoff on this tract, and have prepared no curbs, only sheet flow to the parking lot ends. I feel it is not really practical to direct storm water runoff directly south (over the walkway and under the proposed residences. Rather, you will note, I've directed the run off to the parking lot ends, and eventually southward to the wetlands earlier discussed. Please review and comment when you have had time to examine the plan. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Lean enclosures: Plan 2 copies Form SWU-101 (General Application) Form SWU-104 (Low Density Supplement) Check for $ 225 Copy of Nationwide 26 Permit Sample calculations cc: Emerald Isle Planning Board Larry Spell Fi1e:Yaysta1 W aterQu9ity US. ARAIY CORPS OF ENGINVAS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action id. Comity{6* 'r -EMAIL pEIt14ijT (RLG10NALAND NXTIONNViDE) VERDICIk TION + ,1 �e j{dd{e3S � llo �_ . - � i i � .t. - d1'- :lklin3 � �5+�'�•e�t TblephacLt 12 size and Location of MIM-t +;water body, roof nWe/nutnVr, to•Hn, etc, . .0 �.+t � L3esCt'iptt[�nofRetinity � Anpticsbt• Uw: ,Lr9ecUon 404 (Clan Water Act, 33 U.&C.1340 (cheYkall tRt1t apply) —$Ktson s{l {Kier+ and Harbor �1cf csf t699]• Authodalion: ll�e onnl General pernrit Number. a6 _�iati awitlep�tmittturnber. Your workIsouthorizcdky d)iaRcgional Or, 0eralIRG") or Nariomyide permit (I RvPJ providcd h ir• aecoil, pli14td in strict ac:ardart� will the attacttCd c0nditio>ts astd your submincd plan.=. IF pour aeuvity is TSSajCCt t0 S"d"11 404 Qf Section 404 binci: flbave is checked), ltrfom beginning wnrk you must also rocefze � Sccnan at51 •Kate+ quality certll"trati;a from the AI.C. Di riY[an Of 15n++iroumcntal Managtmetit. telrphvne (919) 733-1785. rot carry ft&vity "ithiu itte twenty toa?tat caundes. befatt beginning work you must Cnntatt Lh5 hf.C. dts+isinn 0f Coasts �itagcmeAt, tel9plt�r� {91q} 733.2293• violation of the conditions Pleast tea dand cwPfall y comply with the attached ronditi�as 0f ee o as or work rhtt; of th�RGF or dia N WP reft"A: ed above may aub�3ect the per"ttce to a stop work Or r, tr5t4rarion ardor, undlnr appmpriatc legal Actinn. Tlit! Ucpujmettt of ihr-Amy gCpOr; lWVverificot;on dotsot eel iftteetnaytslitred tons �r t�napytopr �tG ~tote 8n}�4t1 utequked red"'tal,Stnlr. car iacalapp�a�Fpr�+ttz. The per�tt Add total ago vies Wore t$inhing work. Itthete air n cattra�t the amps Rcr �1 Katy �tcla! spetillyd 5rlow. diti+ans nF the ��cneral i'srrtut car l+taticmwide p&MiL p1cost C�rp� i�egutalory Official 'Iklephone 01ra1aast Bate of Vetitication 1" " 5�}[{s}l (piATS, �'3Fi.0 SKETCH. %VETLAND DUINYATION FOR144"a �[t0f6C 3 Pf AN-,, ETC.,1fU5� hr- xvnliw I)D +list ypLLOW [ME) COPY (]F TV'S f{3R.Di, C4� 1tEQlfIR#?D �►R At��,ii 413LE, y�� Wate of North Carolina pepwr�tme�} cif Environmef !, Health and i`Iriturol Reso= Dl*ioh o1 Coastal f�lancgernefit fcme$ B. Hunt, Jr., Gnve!MVI ,Jcnalhtarti E, liowFs. S-3cretary ■-�- l�cu*r N� 5chacter, Director February 8, 1995 Mr. Lawrence 5. Spell t3 o emerald 1Dfive Emerald L,le, NC 2094 1Z1:: W 96gM, Nation -We Permit Applicatioa for 9n Hctivity 104194111 the Town ed E�oterald Isle, Carremt Courny. fieat f&. Snell., 'Celle North CO01iha UIv1510D 4f Coastal AtanCen+rnt hM M iaswcd thK a�g)ye referenced application fnr a M-31ionwide Permit dated 1)ecember 10, 1995, pursuant t.) Section 3477 of Or CnA,;tat ZOO �7nnag011ef t AO of 1917 ss amettde�l. 13sisat ap.Jit our mviei ,eve have determined that the proposed activity is comi�feot u-M the North Carolina Cgaital 1 lEgc'atent Pwgratn provided the fjAO ing cjnditians are lnet: 1. The activity described in the above tcferenced arptin3Coll q;$21inCz tg r" &8 On& r)Fthe Natlonwido NIMits dwribtd in D CPR Part 33D with the exception of Numbers 17, 21, 24, ind 34 which wete found ln,,Qa*temt with thG North Campine Caaitsl Manageient PWgM. 2. A 401 Watrr QusliLy certincation is receivrcl, where required, from the Korth Cantina I]isrieioct of EflArvomeoW ?4f' ozemartt. J, As required by tote Emerald tste Land Use Plan, no port1Qn of ally '&PIftnk 9f pa'$age V,y3tmwt ggpm snay he l+txlal W itt pity OW wuth td area. Th4 letter dM riot relieve YOU of the responsibility to Insure that Al other State allftriaati4t) anktf'?r pei-nsit requirements are met PA)t tp impllmentativa of tha prt+ject. Please teel fce-� to rc'ntact me st (919) 726r'(021, if yntf have any queatlans or need fuaffier ss;istance. �EPcerely, C1rirk $.lanes � y" Vistrict Manager �t Pmogh P, Pate, It. tvwe Denton, Con siswncy CoordLuator 1Viimington ti1slrict Engineer; AM; CESAW-COT John E3nrney, DEbf,7tdlelth Larty 13atdwtn, Land Management Group, tnc. P.Q. Svx 7Ni. 3ddl Arcrtcic! St.. Htct�heact C�Fy. l�orlh Cttr�v "l g7 Ca ader11 ix f�lephone914-; a7[r23 FP][4t4247.31 Aniacty per+�mllyAfFftltrre kiisn IrMIU4r 50'6tOOY*d110tPL0 .a-umni pnr+vl