HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088471_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2016North Carolina Division of Environmental Health rl�,l Terry L. Pierce, Director Public Water Supply Section Division of Efiv&onmehU Hea16 Jessica G. Miles, Section Chief September 28, 2007 Mr. Tom Roberts Aqua North Carolina, Incorporated 202 MacKenan Court Cary, North Carolina 27511 . 16,7u t-AA".tt , ow Q S a e o North Carolina Michael F. Easley, Governor Department of Environment and Natural Resources William G. Ross, Secretary Re: Plan Approval Requirements Bishop's Ridge Subdivision PWSID# 02-34-197, Forsyth County Dear Mr. Roberts: On August 15, 2007, Ms. Rose Pruitt of the N.C. Division of Water Quality and I visited the above referenced community water system. The purpose of this visit was to verify the removal of the greensand filtration equipment in Well House #1. Inorganic chemical samples were collected from Well #1 and the entry point to the distribution system (E01) to be analyzed for iron, manganese, and pH. The results of the samples were in compliance with the State Drinking Water Parameters (copies enclosed). Our records indicate that plans and specifications for the water system serving Bishop's Ridge Subdivision were approved under Division of Environmental Health serial number 93-02545, datedAugust-26, 4992, (copy -enclosed):-- These -plans' -called- for -the--continuous application- of - chlorine at both of the wells along with the addition of Aqua-Mag sequestering agent at Well #1. Currently, the treatment equipment at Well 91 consists of the continuous application of chlorine. The treatment equipment at Well #2 consists of the continuous application of chlorine and caustic soda to the drinking water. Therefore, this office is requiring that as -built plans and specifications for the treatment equipment in both of the well houses be submitted by October 31, 2007. Please note that this rule infraction was brought to Mr. Gary Moseley's attention in my letter of June 16, 2006 (copy enclosed). An administrative penalty request will be forwarded to the Protection and Enforcement Branch on November 1, 2007 if the revised plans and specifications are not submitted to the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Another option would be to operate the water system per the approved plans. Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 One Telephone 336-771-5000 ♦ Fax 336-771-4631 NOrthCarohna http://ncdrinkingwater.state.ne.us/ naturally An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Tom Roberts September 28, 2007 Page Two If you should have any questions concerning this matter, or if I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (336) 771-5074. Sincerely, Tamara S. Taylor Environmental Engineer PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION \TST Enclosures cc: Jessica G. Miles, Chief, Public Water Supply Section Bob Midgette, Protection and Enforcement Branch. N.C. Utilities Commission, Public Staff Water Division Forsyth County Health Department ®s� P��nitt9�d.0 _I�gvflS�®n; ®f" ate° Quality Gary Moseley, Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Gary R. Moseley Aqua North Carolina, Inc. of ENR 4163 Sinclair Street �dAR 0 7 2007 Denver, NC 28037 �nstcn•Salem R.eglonal Office Dear Mr. Moseley: February 22, 2007 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources , Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality r:1a i }i' I FEB 2 6 26% 1 pFRrzLE1GW REGIONAL OFFIGF Subject: Receipt of permit application NPDES Permit NCO088471 Bishops Ridge — Well #1 Forsyth County The Division received your permit application on February 20, 2007, along with your fee payment of $715.00 check #2332. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. They will contact your Authorized Representative if further information is needed about this project. While we do not expect severe delays in handling your request, be aware that your application is one of many that are being currently reviewed. If you have any additional questions concerning the subject application, please call (919) 733-5083, extension 363. Sincerely, Carolyn Brya NPDES Unit cc: Central Files NPDES Unit 1�I�te itrrtal�Offce-/ai�ar��QnaliSeetio \JJ S NoAhCarolina lvatura!!rff North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NPDES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS (This form is best filled out on computer, rather than hard copy) Date: 08/15/2007 County: Forsyth To: NPDES Discharge Permitting Unit Permitee: Aqua North Carolina Attn. NPDES Reviewer: Agyeman Adu-Poku Application/ Permit No.: NCO088471 Staff Report Prepared By: Rose Pruitt Project Name: Bishop's Ridge Well 91 SDC Priority Project? (Y/N) N If Yes, SQC No. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check ail that apply): New ❑ Renewal ❑ Modification 2. Was a site visit conducted u1 order to prepare this report? M Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: 08/15/2007 b. Person contacted and telephone number: Paul Nelson c. Site visit conducted by: Rose Pruitt d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or M No. 3. Keeping BIMS Accurate: Is the following BIMS information (a. through e. below) correct? M Yes or M No. If No, please either indicate that it is, correct on the current application or the existing permit or provide the details. If none can be supplied, please explain: Discharze Point (Fill this section only if BIMS or Application Info is incorrect or missing) (If there is more than one discharge pipe, put the others on the last page of this form.) a. Location OK on Application 0, OK on Existing Permit 0, or provide Location: b. Driving Directions OK on Application 0, OK on Existing Permit 0, or provide Driving Directions (please be accurate): c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number OK on Application ❑, OK on Existing Permit 0, or provide USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude/Longitude OK on Application ❑, (check at http://www.topozone.com These are often inaccurate) OK on Existing Permit 0, or provide Latitude: Longitude: e. Receiving Stream OK on Application 0, OK on Existing Permit 0, or provide Receiving Stream or affected waters: a. Stream Classification: b. River Basin and Sub basin No.: c. Describe receiving stream features and downstream uses: For NEW FACILITIES Proceed to Section C Evaluation and Recommendations (For renewals or modifications continue to section B) NPDES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS B. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES AND WASTE(S) (renewals and modifications only) 1. Describe the existing treatment facility: 2. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. Operator in Charge: Certificate # (Available in BIMS or Certification Website) Back- Operator in Charge: Certificate # 3. Does the facility have operational or compliance problems? Please comment: Summarize your BIMS review of monitoring data (Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; Current enforcement action(s)): Are they currently under SOC, ❑ Currently under JOC, ❑ Currently under moratorium ❑? Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, SOC, JOC, etc. been complied with? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 4. Residuals Treatment: PSRP ❑ (Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens, Class B) or PFRP ❑ (Process to Further Reduce Pathogens, Class A)?_ Are they liquid or dewatered to a cake? Land Applied? Yes ❑ No ❑ If so, list Non -Discharge Permit No. Contractor Used: Landfilled? Yes ❑ No❑ If yes, where? Other? Adequate Digester Capacity? Yes ❑ No ❑ Sludge Storage Capacity? Yes ❑ No ❑ Please comment on current operational practices: 5. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please explain: C. EVAL UATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: has the facility evaluated the non -discharge options available? Give regional perspective for each option evaluated: Spray Irrigation: Connect to Regional Sewer System: Not available Subsurface: Other Disposal Options: 2. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application: Request to withdraw permit application submitted. Green sand filters which were the source of the discharge have been removed from this facility. Ok to withdraw application. FORM: NPDES-RRO 06/03, 9/03 2 I NPDES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3. List any items that you would like NPDES Unit to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Recommended Additional Information Reason 4. List specific Permit requirements that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Recommended Removal Reason PW—ithdraw application Green sand filters removed from facty 5. List specific special requirements or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Recommended Addition Reason 6. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review and approval of required additional information by NPDES permitting office; ❑ Issue; ® Deny. If deny, please state reasons: Source of discharge, green sand filter backwash, has been removed from this facility. Reminder: attach inspection report if Yes was chec*d for 2 d. 7. Signature of report preparer: Signature of WQS regional st Date: ,() 7 FORM: NPDES-RRO 06/03, 9/03 3 United States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved. E P ^H Washington, D.C. 20460 OMB No. 2040-0057 Water Compliance Inspection Report Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 I NI 2 15I 31 NCO088471 Ill 121 07/08/15 117 181 CI 191 sI 20III Remarks 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA --------------------------- Reserved ---------------------- 67I 169 70I I 711 I 721 NJ 73I 174 751 I I I I I I 180 1—I—I Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date POTW name and NPDES permit Number) 10:00 AM 07/08/15 Bishops Ridge - Well #1 Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date Creedmoor Dr NCSR 4411 Rural Hall NC 27045 11:00 AM 07/08/15 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Officiallfitle/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Gary Moseley,4163 Sinclair St Denver NC 28037//704-489-9404/704489940 No Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Other Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Rose Pruitt WSRO WQ//336-771-5000/ Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page # 1 NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type 3I NCO088471 I11 12I 07/08/15 1 17 18ICI Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Visited site with Tammy Taylor with Public Water Supply. Met operator Paul Nelson with Aquasource at the site. Inspection revealed that 4 green sand filters had been removed from the premises and the effluent pipe was capped off at the facility building (inside). Reminded operator that if the filters were reinstalled that a NPDES permit would be needed. Page # 2 ., p4kWHHs,�4kM-a x1'a:.fs"'�IeYo+'� o � f t r y f it rl Re: FR)': Bishop's Ridge Subject: Re: FW: Bishop's Ridge From: Tammy Taylor <Tammy.Taylor@ncmail.net>_ Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 13:32:46 -0400 To: "Spencer, Cheri L." <CLSpencer@aquaamerica.com> CC: Rose Pruitt <Rose.Pruitt@ncmail.net> Cheri, I just spoke to Rose Pruitt. Right now, we both have August 15, 2007 or August 17, 2007 open. We would prefer the appointment to beat 10:00 am. Just let me lalow which day you would like to meet. Thanks! Tammy Tammy Taylor NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office NC Div of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 \ Voice: (336) 771-5074 l� FAX: (336) 771-4631 r 4- On 8/3/2007 8:55 AM, Spencer, Cheri L. wrote: Good Morning Tammy, 400 Here is the email I promised. Hope you enjoy your days off. Cheri Cheri L Spencer Field Supervisor Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 325-105 Habersham Rd. Nigh Point, NC 2726o Phone - 336.889.6318 Fax - 336.889- 7691 clspencer@aquaamerica.com isoICI �(1191L�4 U� �_ From: Campbell, Reid A. Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 11:00 AM To: Spencer,. Cheri L. Cc: Melton, Michael A.; Sasser, Edward 0.; Harwood, Michael S.; (Rose.Pruitt@ncmail.net) Subject: Bishop's Ridge Cheri, 1 of 2 8/8/2007 7:59 AM Re: FW�Bishop'sRidge s` We need to expedite the filter vessel removal from Bishop's Ridge. In discussions with NC DWQ this morning they would like to inspect the well house in just over two weeks to confirm that the vessels have been removed and that there is no need for the NPDES permit. Can you coordinate a joint inspection between the regional DWQ (Ms. Rose Pruitt) and PWSS during the week of August 6th? Eddie, Can you send a letter to the NC PWSS P&S Group asking to modify our approved plans for this water system? Thank you Reid Campbell, P.E. Regional Manager, Compliance Aqua North Carolina 202 MacKenan Court Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 467-8712 x 39 email: racampbellCaquaamerica.com Tammy Taylor <Tammy.Taylor(cDNCmail.net> WSRO NC DENR j 2 of 2 8/8/2007 7:59 AM Print Preview http://maps2.co.forsyth.nc.us/geodata/printPreview.aspx?PrintOptDa... Forsyth Comity, NC Block Lot Property Address Additional Lots PIN Tax Jurisdiction Anx Taxable Owner Name I Taxable Owner Name2 'Taxable Owner Address Taxable Owner City St Zip Taxable Deed Bk-Pg Taxable Deed Date Taxable Deed Stamps New Owner Name I New Owner Name2 New Owner Address New Owner City St Zip New Deed Bk-Pa 4952DO59 New Deed Date Creedmoor Dr New Deed Stamps Map Number 624902 6920-75-5532 W/P Forsyth County Suburban (Rural Hall) FID Land Value $5,400 N Dwelling Value HEATER UTILITIES INC Commercial Value Industrial Value 4163 Sinclair St Misc Imp Value Denver, NC 28037-0000 Total Value $5,400 2073-1121 Acreage 0.92 6/18/1999 Sq Ft Living Area es $6 Gross Sq Ft (Com) Year Built (Res) Year Built (Com) Census Tract 28.07 Zoning RS30 Sale Price 1 of 2/12/2007 2:06 PM Bishop's Ridge Subject: Bisht 9y's Ridge From: "Camp ell, Reid A." <RACampbell@aquaamerica.com> Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 11:00:11 -0400 To: "Spencer, Cheri L." <CLSpencer@aquaamerica.com> CC: "Melton, Michael A." <MAMelton@aquaamerica.corn>, "Sasser, Edward O." <EOSasser@aquaamerica.com>, "Harwood, Michael S." <MSHarwood@aquaamerica.com>, <Rose.Pruitt@ncmail.net> Cheri, We need to expedite the filter vessel removal from Bishop's Ridge. In discussions with NC DWQ this morning they would like to inspect the well house in just over two weeks to confirm that the vessels have been removed and that there is no need for the NPDES permit. Can you coordinate a joint inspection between the regional DWQ (Ms. Rose Pruitt) and PWSS during the week of August 6th? Eddie, Can you send a letter to the NC PWSS P&S Group asking to modify our approved plans for this water system? Thank you Reid Campbell, P.E. Regional Manager, Compliance Aqua North Carolina 202 MacKenan Court Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 467-3712 x 39 email: racampbell@aquaamerica.com 1 of 1 7/23/2007 11:03 AM Re: return #2252 Subject: Re: return #2252 From: Agyeman Adu-Poku <Agyeman.Adupoku@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 13:55:18 -0400 To: Rose.Pruitt@NCmail.net Well they said they don't need the green sand filtration any more so they will not be backwashing any more. I guess DWQ will have to make an announced inspection. Rose Pruitt wrote: any particular reason? These folks have about 25 unpermitted facilities they need permits for. I'm concerned that they are not being straight forward and understand that there have been recent firings and resignations of top level management at this company because of poor performance. Rose Pruitt NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771-5000 FAX: (336) 771-4630 On 6/21/2007 1:25 PM, Agyeman Adu-Poku wrote: It's for NC0088471. The permittee requested the application be withdrawn. Thanks Agyeman Rose Pruitt wrote: I got a copy of the permit app return for #2252 but I'm not clear on which app this was for. I have two sites for this company that I am about to prepare staff reports for, NCO088471 and NC0088501, is it for either one of these? Rose Pruitt NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771-5000 FAX: (336) 771-4630 Agyeman Adu-Poku <aayeman.adupolcu(c�,ncmail.net> Environmental Engineer Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality-NPDES Unit 1 of 1 6/21/2007 2:07 PM /?074 Mr. Gary Moseley Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 4163 Sinclair Street Denver, NC 28037 Dear Mr. Moseley: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality June 13, 2007 RECEIVED Deot. of ENR JUN 19 2007 Winston-Salem Regional Office Subject: NPDES Permit pp ica 10 Return # 2252 Forsyth County In accordance with the Division policy, we must hereby return the attached NPDES permit application received on February 20, 2007. After a preliminary review by the NPDES staff, the Division received an application withdrawal request dated June 11, 2007, from Aqua North Carolina. If you wish to reapply for an NPDES permit, please complete the NC Form C-WTP and include appropriate fees before resubmitting the application form. Submit the completed application form to the attention of Agyeman Adu-Poku. If you resubmit the application form within sixty days of this letter, the application fee you submitted previously will be credited to you. Should you have any questions about the NPDES permitting process, contact Agyeman Adu-Poku at (919) 733-5083, ext. 508 or the address listed below. Sincerely, Susan A. Wilson Supervisor, NPDES Western Program cc: NPDES File Wil �.t� Salem 12teg=i�ona�l'®f� :fi; e�/�-urrface ifil�ater�Protection�S;,ection; Central Files o e NhCarolina AmUM4 North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service hitemet: www.ncwateEguality.org Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper �oF W A rFq p �_ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 'C Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality May 29, 2007 RECEIVED N.C. Pc-- a; ENR Mr. Gary Mosely Aqua North Carolina, Inc. MAY 3 n 7W 4163 Sinclair Street Denver NC 28037 Winston-Salem Regional Office Subject: Engineering Alternative Analysis (EAA) Permit NCO088471 Bishop Ridge — Well # 1 Forsyth County Dear Mr. Mosely: The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your Engineering Alternative Analysis (EAA) for the Bishop Ridge Subdivision. The Division concurs with the conclusions and recommendations of the EAA. The EAA you submitted is sufficient to meet the Alternative Analysis requirements for a new discharge. The Division will now move forward to drafting of the new NPDES permit. The draft permit will be published in a local newspaper in your area. The entire permitting process may take between 60 and 120 days. If the draft permit causes significant protest from local citizens, governmental organizations, and/or environmental groups, a public hearing may be scheduled and issuance of the final permit may be further delayed. In some cases the Division may modify or deny the request for a new permit based on public hearing results. I am, M IM1� t M� � k and recommendations regarding this disc arge. you nave process, feel free -to contact me at phone number (919) 733-5083 extension 508. Sincerely, Agyeman Adu-Poku Environmental Engineer NPDES Western Program cc: NPDES Unit Winston-Salem Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc./ I Thurman Horne, P.E. 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124-8567 North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-2496 N"o�°0nCarolina dvat MAY Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Norm t_arouna' vision of Environmental /dealt= 1��► - Terry L. Pierce, Director - Public Water Supply Section Division of Environmental Health Jessica G. Miles, Section Chief Mr. William G. Langley, P.E. 4712 Properity Church Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28269 Dear Mr. Langley: State of North Carolina Michael F. Easley, Governor Department of Environment and Natural Resources William G. Ross, Secretary RECEIVED hi.c. Dapt. of ENR IlEV�1R .j 209 tl!insEon•Salom Regional office Re: As -Built Water. System Improvements Bishop Ridge Subdivision Forsyth County We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the referenced and offer the following comments: 1. Plans shall include a project vicinity map. 2. Plans shall include wells layout site plans and Wells # 1 backwash discharge point and receiving stream or creek. Project cannot be approved until NPDES permit have been obtained. 3. Filter backflow flow rate is generally twice or greater of service flow rate with approximately 15 to 20 minutes for proper backwashing. Will the existing system have adequate backwash water supply? Feel free to contact us at (919) 715-3231 if we may be of service. Toni (3/ Gh'E, P.E. Technical Services Branch Public Water Supply Section TCC: db cc: Lee G. Spencer, Regional Engineer Forsyth County Health Department Gary Moseley 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634 Telephone 919-733-2321 ♦ Fax 919-715-4374 ♦ Lab Form Fax 919-715-6637 http://ncdrinkingwater.state.nc.us/ NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 22, 2007 Gary R. Moseley Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 4163 Sinclair Street Denver, NC 28037 Subject: Receipt of permit application NPDES Permit NCO088471 Bishops Ridge — Well #1 Forsyth County Dear Mr. Moseley: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality The Division received your permit application on February 20, 2007, along with your fee payment of $715.00 check #2332. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. They will contact your Authorized Representative if further information is needed about this project. While we do not expect severe delays in handling your request, be aware that your application is one of many that are being currently reviewed. If you have any additional questions concerning the subject application, please call (919) 733-5083, extension 363. Sincerely, Carolyn Brya NPDES Unit cc: Central File _„ , R :�S1 Raleigh Regional Office/Water Quality Section oy` NCarolina Xaturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled1100% Post Consumer Paper ', Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Ms. Susan Wilson Supervisor, Western NPDES Program Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699 - 1617 Subject: NPDES Permit Application Existing Well Backwash Discharge Aqua, North Carolina, Inc. Bishops Ridge Subdivision Forsyth County Dear Ms. Wilson: 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124-8567 704-788-4455 Fax: 704-788-4455 February 14, 2007 Attached are four (4) copies of an application for permit signed by Aqua North Carolina, Inc., four (4) copies of the Engineering Alternatives Evaluation (EAA) and a check for $ 715 (application fee.) This application is for a permit for the continued discharge of backwash from existing green sand filters installed on a potable well which serves the Bishops Ridge Subdivision, located outside the Rural Hall, N.C. town limits. The EAA contains a map which indicates the existing location. This is an existing groundwater well that filters water through a series of green sand filters before the water is distributed to the Bishops Ridge community. The filters are "backwashed" with water approximately once every three days and approximately 1,680 gallons of water is then discharged into the nearby stream. This has been in service for a number of years and we are not aware of any environmental concerns over this discharge. We appreciate your consideration of our application for permit. If you have any questions or if there is anything we need to discuss, please call me (704-788-4455.) FF,3 9, C: Tamara S. Taylor (NC Public Water Supply Section) Gary Mosely Mike Melton NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants Mail the complete application to: N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit Number INCOO ,ffz/Z If you are completing this form in computer use the TAB key or the up — down arrows to moue from one field to the next. To check the boxes, click your mouse on top of the box. Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Facility Name Bishops Ridge - Well # 1 Mailing Address 4163 Sinclair Street City Denver State / Zip Code NC/28037 Telephone Number (704)489-9404 Fax Number (704)489-9409 e-mail/Address GRMoseley@aquaamerica.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same as above ❑ Street Address or State Road Creedmoor Drive (NCSR 4411) City Rural Hall State / Zip Code NC/27045 County Forsyth 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, consultant or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Mailing Address 4163 Sinclair Street City Denver State / Zip Code NC/28037 a ,r Telephone Number (704)489-9404 FED ) 0 2007 �( 4 Fax Number (704)489-9409 J I 4. Ownership Status: Federal ❑ State ❑ Private ® Public ❑ Page 1 of 3 C-WTP 03/05 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants 5. Type of treatment plant: ❑ Conventional (Includes coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, usually followed by filtration and disinfection) ❑ Ion Exchange (Sodium Cycle Cationic ion exchange) ® Green Sand Filter (No sodium recharge) ❑ Membrane Technology (RO, nanofiltration) Check here if the treatment process also uses a water softener ❑ 6. Description of source water(s) (i.e. groundwater, surface water) Groundwater well 7. Describe the treatment process(es) for the raw water: Green sand filtration using potassium permanganate. Chlorine added for disinfection. 8.. Describe the wastewater and the treatment process(es) for wastewater generated by the facility: Wastewater discharge is the backwash of the green sand filters. Discharge rate is approximately 1,680 gallons, once every three days. 9. Number of separate discharge points: 1 Outfall Identification number(s) 001 10. Frequency of discharge: If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: 2 11. Plant design potable flowrate 0.0418 Backwash or reject flow 0.0017 Continuous ❑ Intermittent MGD MGD Duration: approx. 20 min. 12. Name of receiving stream(s) (Provide a map showing the exact location of each outfall, including latitude and longitude): an unnamed tributary to Rough Fork (Roanoke River Basin) Page 2 of 3 C-WTP 03/05 02/09/07 14:33 HORIZON ENGINEERING & CONSULTING 4 7044899409 NO.772 P05 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants 13. Please list all water treatment additives, including cleaning chemicals, that have the potential to be discharged. potassium permanganate chlorine 14. Is this facility located on Indian country? (check one) Yea. ❑ NO Z 16. Additional Information: Provide a schematic of flow through the facility, include flaw volumes at all points in the treatment process, and point of addition of chemicals. >� Salida Handling Plant 16. NEW Applicants Information needed in addition to items 1-I5; _ New applicants must contact the NCDENR Customer Service Center. Was the Customer Service Center contacted? ® Yes ❑ No a Analyses of source water collected D Engineering Alternative Analysis Discharges from Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis plants shall be evaluated using a water quality model. 17. Applicant Certification I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the beat of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulotions of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, fora similar offense.) { ftr"of3 C-WTP03/05 02/16/07 10:08 HORIZON ENGINEERING &,CONSULTING --� 7044899409 NO.774 P03 Attachment AL. Local Grovernr;nent Review Form Gener IL,St;�rucr Q•�s,rw North Carolina Gffleral Siatvre 141 13-I ;c`Of'allow, input fron•. local govcrnmen rs in cht:rsuance of NPhLS Pr;lnlli for non-rnullicipfd domr.Suc wa:ucur;feer rrea(Cf�ciir, EQilltieL Sprtcifjc-4v, the Envlroitmentid Managementinm Coassion -;E-'vfC) may not act on an apphc: d,41 fr,c a stew Hein-muf1ictrial d0l:ua-1;1iC 14*15tewatcr disich-itrF;e facility untU it 11a.4 received a writ%ri aratcmenf frorn each city arld n colwiry anvernmcnr hanp, juaidtlartion over any pan of the lands on which the Proposed fAcihry and its appwreriances are ro be located. 71711c wnuen „(,1tLmen( a•h,ll docvrr,riw Whether the: r_ify or County 11-ts a zOriir;g or subdivision Ordinance in cffccr and f!1f Y1fCf1 an rndinance aS in effect) VJ11Cdler The proposed facility is consisTent wit11 The ordinance The EMC shnU nor applove, a p&rmiT tipplir-ation for ayt• fnciliTy' \vhrch Tr city or counry l,ad drecrn-uned re be inconsisrent with zoning or arcltino,tcxi tillesr rite apprr..,v«l of such applmarion. is dererrninrd ro have sutcuvide significance Ind is in the bcst interear of dic Erzi-P. iStriiCLlonR ro_the jljzlicaXq: PTIor tc, .Lrl)miT ing an ftn-plicition fr,r a NPDL•S Pcrinly for a proposed fnc`iliry, nc� appliearlt Shall rrriuest div both the t-mub ' ciry and counr; government coilipkic rhis form. Tile ;1ppLcanr mist ■ Submit x cvlyy of the j+ctnvt .rpplicnt';cti iwil !I,., wf trrctt rwdur..t fox 11tix tort t ro be complcrcd} cc the clerk n( nce city and the counte by cerrilit.d r-nail, recurs receipt rc9ue�ttcl ■ If uchr,t (us bosh) local Fovcrnmcnr(',; kZll;s; 10 11:ri1 111c camplctcd form, fie. r.:vtdcncod by the poornsirk o,i cart =Tified _T riiall catd(s;, -within 15 da}'s after recci\irg a/lJ :',g„ing Eor tkic ccrofwd mail, the applicant may subnur ncc applicatir,n to the \PDES 1;nit. ■ As evidcrice ro the Commission that rh2 locul �avcinmellr.,s:; failed to msonrid wirhan 15 days, the apphtant shall submit a copy of ncc cecrified snail cud -along \\if91 a notnllGrd 4:1'Wr Starinq; t1)ar rlia::ucal govertlrneslt'(a) failed to respand within The 15-day period, 2 ctioa; to xhc L_orai Governme_n,I: The ntmifhy ory and; i;: COUnN l;uvel:nrnen( whicl•1 a11a} hRvc or har, jurisdicdon over tiny parr of dw 1-arid on Which die proposedi fzr_ilir, es) it-3 .ylpurreaian: cs ttrr- i-o be .located ig required to complerc and return rids foini ro the applicantltirhrn'15 dot's of ;C,,eipt. ; pie fprm mus( be .r�traci asld r.araT-;--j. Nime of local governmcnr _ FO L t3 Y1:11 Does the city/cp'timry have ju,i+dM ion O.Cl: a„y r.1;It( of rare );iItd 011 tt-!tsclt the prul-joscd fxciliry and iti uppurtcna=6 are to be ' located% Yes (wj do [ ] if no, please "ipr1 this forr:t, have it norar ,.cd, :a_d reruin it to rhr'• ap' plicant. .Does die cirr/county. have in ct.ftcc a Zoning or s!1f dlvtaion ordinance? ley I If there is a zoning of subdivision w iriance iri ciTcrc is the elan for Lit prorJGspd fjciiaf - ConsisU:ntvAth the ordiadtice? I,'c9 f � No [V� D.trc 2'/ 15 / 07 Sib�slarurc .,, ;Gary Manager/Countvger} 7,. t State of North C3r.4j�na_ County nt° _For syrh —.� On this--_ 5 dap of _-Fabr% ary _._ ?00 . _7 , persui•i:rl(t- appeared before me, Tltc Said name J. Dudley Watts ,Trr0 The known area knoa-i1 to me to be the person described in and who executod rite foregoiflg doctrme:llr and hc. (or nc�`. 1Vlri)uw1c-1ged diw lie (or site} c`ttcured the slime and being di,dv sworn by rase, made oath rhat flits Mmenr rri die foreg--,i:re r,pcumem, air, tnic'. � Myl:omiTiissiou expires' d6 _ ;S,lEniuure of 1'kltary feu IMI ,� l � .t4L.A No asy 1 ublic (Official Seal) 'mar®rA KIMavtER i TM GO M a °kQ bo� ftt Mts+ CJoau.mem', Veretarr June 23, 2005 pckpe 8 of S, NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants Mail the complete application to: N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit Number INCOO gy7/ If you are completing this form in computer use the TAB key or the up - down arrows to moue from one field to the next. To check the boxes, click your mouse on top of the box. Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name Facility Name Mailing Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number s Fax Number e-mail Address Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Bishops Ridge - Well # 1 4163 Sinclair Street Denver NC/28037 (704)489-9404 (704)489-9409 GRMoseley@aquaamerica.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same as above ❑ Street Address or State Road Creedmoor Drive (NCSR 4411) City State / Zip Code County Rural Hall NC/27045 Forsyth 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, consultant or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Mailing Address 4163 Sinclair Street City Denver 6F State / Zip Code NC/28037 _ Telephone Number (704)489-9404 FED 2 0 100 / i Fax Number (704)489-9409 4. Ownership Status: Federal ❑ State ❑ Private ® Public ❑ Page I of 3 C-WTP 03/05 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants 5. Type of treatment plant: ❑ Conventional (Includes coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, usually followed by filtration and disinfection) ❑ Ion Exchange (Sodium Cycle Cationic ion exchange) ® Green Sand Filter (No sodium recharge) ❑ Membrane Technology (RO, nanofiltration) Check here if the treatment process also uses a water softener ❑ 6. Description of source water(s) (i.e. groundwater, surface water) Groundwater well 7. Describe the treatment process(es) for the raw water: Green sand filtration using potassium permanganate. Chlorine added for disinfection. 8.. 'Describe the wastewater and the treatment process(es) for wastewater generated by the facility: Wastewater discharge is the backwash of the green sand filters. Discharge rate is approximately 1,680 gallons, once every three days. 9. Number of separate discharge points: 1 Outfall Identification number(s) 001 10. Frequency of discharge: Continuous ❑ Intermittent If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: 2 Duration: approx. 20 min. 11. Plant design potable flowrate 0.0418 MGD Backwash or reject flow 0.0017 MGD 12. Name of receiving stream(s) (Provide a map showing the exact location of each outfall, including latitude and longitude): an unnamed tributary to Rough Fork (Roanoke River Basin) Page 2 of 3 C-WTP 03/05 02/09/07 14:33 HORIZON ENGINEERING & CONSULTING -> 7044899409 NO.772 IP05 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - WTP For discharges associated with water treatment plants 13. Please list all water treatment additives, including cleaning chemicals, that have the potential to be discharged. Potassium permanganate chlorine 24. Is this facility located on Indian country? (check one) Yes Q No Z 15. Additional Information; > Provide a schematic of flow through the facility, include flow volumes at all points in the treatment process, and point of addition of chemicals. Solids Handling Plan 16. NEW Applicants Information needed in addition to items I-I5, > New applicants must contest the NCDENR Customer Service Center. Was the Customer Service Center contacted? ® Yes ❑ No > Analyses of source water collected > Engineering Alternative Analysis as Discharges from Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis plants shall be evaluated using a water quality model. 17. Applicant Certification I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document riles or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regul4tions of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed S25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than S years, or both, for a similar offense.) fte 3 of 3 C-WTP 03/05 02/16/07 10:08 HORIZON ENGINEERING & CONSULTING -> 7044899409 NO.774 IP03 Attachmenr A. Local Government Review Form Gene' tL tut' Qv 7CaV NorTIl Cut(bnit Gffleral SIanlre 141•-21'�.l i*c'(ti) allows rnpm frorr. local govcrnrnents in tht:::suance DE NPhT;S l>r:,:c,r Cor nail-rnutlicirlll domestic w.uut vurer trcalolctir. fracihtiOL Sp,:c;hc}tly, The Environmental Management Co:nm,ssion () :vlC) May not act on an appjjrar;n4j fr,r a nc!1' 71:Jn--nu2L`clrjal d,+t'1es67! •zrastewatcr diachuE•e facility tuttil it hap icceivl:d a writrwi statcman, Crom cacti ciiv and c4iavity grxerllmCni havinc, jur;*Ail,;trnn over any part of the lands on which the proposed Nclhry and irs appurtemaaccs are ro be located. "Flic u�riTtec :,r,iteale at �ilall dpcurnene wllctlict thr: airy or county hai a zeivug or subdivision ordinance in effecr end (if suUh an ntditllnce is in cffcct) the proposed faclvy is consistent with the ordinance The MvfC shal} nor applove , po-rnlir application for a:jc• foc:lity wl:rch a City or counq- has deternuncd to be inconaisrent wirh zoning or mbdi'%iscioil orrlxn:+nc:ci 11111asr the appznv41 of such upplicar:ion. is dereaninrd ro have sratcv ide significance and is in the bast iilterear of the InstructionR to -Chic Aji cast: P:1or ro slcl.,irlicTin� an ar:i4ition f,„ a NPD)r$ Pcrirlr fot a proposed Facility, the appheant shall rcriuost riisr both the nearbl• cinr al)d coun': 901•errltntnt coilyl&rc rLs -Corr-.. Tie opplacanr must ■ Sub:tut it copy of the rermir applicettlon (w11 a \VlirrCll raquc't io; 1111p tone ro be completed) ro the clerk of chc Ctry and the cou::hr I)y cestititA -nail, retum receipt rc9ae�.trcl ■ If eithat (,ut both) lm.gl povzriltticnr(s. kail;;i; 10 •,»;lit 111C completed Lorin, it>, evtClunccd by ilia posrmsirk on tine certified _T mail card(s;, within l it dot's after iecci,u:g and t-igiung for viic ccrufwd roe ui, the applieam rnav subn r ncc application to dlc \PDES Unit. ■ As evidence to the Commission that di? local 1v0vc>nmenr.;s? failed to respond L6rhin 15 days, the applicant shall submit a copy of thr cccrified mail rnrd ;along «irh a 11001t1wrd icri;;r stawl,;; 6)ar dji -, local govertlrrient(a) failed to respand within the 15-dal• period, irasttncrion3to ,,c. 7Yara1 Govcrntnent: 'Chc marl!- C11V in•d; a: cntLnN l;aver-riment which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of tic 1ur:d on Which t11c prepost"d f-Icuir. o) it9 tti I,e located is required to complete and return this ioini to the applicant v-irhin'15 da,•s of :c'ccipt. ,ale Corm ma:: be .r,�n-tcd anti N-Ameoflocal govemmcnr Fotext:li CC)uT�t�^ Does the city/c unry have jurisdLcrion o,-cr ariy r.r1ct Of rlLe ),},td on tall:el, the prQpovcd filcilily and itY appurtcninces are to be located% Ycs (� \o [ ] if no, please slpil this 1.`0=i, haze it sera', led, au:d rerun n it to tha: applicant. Doc,5 the Lrykounty alive to -freer a zoning OT 5'A1diV1S10r3 prdlnince? Yeti I S j i �'[i [ ] if there is a zoningoi subdivision aiAiriance iri cffcct is the elan for the ptOprKd facr14t3- consisuentwith the ordinance? Ycs [ [ \ o [ V, DrtrC 2'/ 15 / 07 5iarure ,. _ ;(',ITy ibinnager/Counrv�ger— ) 'op, 1 , Srate of North Caro] inn County of TForsyr.h _ _� on this—.,— 15 da}' of...^ j_bruary_ '1007 , peraoriiilly appeared before me, chc Said name J Dudley Watts ;! ram^ _ TO file krwtljli as-:.1 l noac-%% to me to be the person described in and who executrd the forugoitlg docutncnr and hx (or slw• ec:h:w,v1c,1ged'Brit 11,: (o: sale) t.m!eLlred the sjille and being dull' sworn by me, made oath chat the s rt.ftl'nr Ira the fore 411t-! r•1pc111tler1r air, tole'. 1 1VIy Connnissiou expires l' _ d6 %_ (Signature �. . No ar? Public (Official Seal) WrCM Brit KIM LER wnxw u�r. capN GOOMM eadro4, Z= Grjidwic z, Dc� rtm.enl Va n iri a• ,tun': 2.3, 7005 page 8of6, Existing Wastewater Discharge Alternatives Evaluation Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Bishops Ridge Subdivision Rural Hall, N.C. REcFlvEa Forsyth County N.C. Dtl..*. of ENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Applicant Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 4163 Sinclair Street Denver, N.C. 28037 Ph: 704-489-9404 Contact: Gary Mosely Facility Bishops Ridge Wells # 1 Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Creedmoor Drive (NCSR 4411) Rural Hall, N.C. 27045 Ph: 704-489-9404 Contact: Gary Mosely Prepared by: J. Thurman Horne, P.E. Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 Ph: 704-788-4455 Date: February 10, 2007 -Ok Existing Wastewater Discharge Alternatives Evaluation Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Bishops Ridge Subdivision Rural Hall, N.C. Forsyth County Applicant Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 4163 Sinclair Street Denver, N.C. 28037 A Ph: 704-489-9404 Q�` yE Contact: Gary Mosely ' YJ"�prd L j✓^ygp9OG'U j��ev� Facility Bishops Ridge Wells ## 1 nuu^rar�e��e�V_ Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Creedmoor Drive (NCSR 4411) Rural Hall, N.C. 27045 Ph: 704-489-9404 Contact: Gary Mosely Prepared by: J. Thurman Horne, P.E. Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 Ph:704-788-4455 Date: February 10, 2007 FED 2 0 2CO/ 2 Table of Contents Page Section 1: General...............................................................................3 1.01 Introduction: ................................................................... 3 1.02 Scope: ........................................................................... 3 Section 2: Background Information........................................................3 2.01 Project Area: ................................................................... 3 2.02 Site Characteristics: .......................................................... 4 2.03 Receiving Stream Characteristics........................................4 Section 3: Existing Utilities ................................................ 4 .................... 3.01 Public Facilities: ............................................................... 4 3.02 Private Facilities:...........................................................4 Section 4: Alternatives For Service.........................................................5 4.01: On site surface and/or subsurface disposal .........................5 4.02: Wastewater Reuse: ........................................................ 6 4.03: Surface Water Discharge................................................6 4.04: Combination of Alternatives.............................................6 Section 5: Summary and Conclusions: ................................................... 7 Section 6: Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities: .............................. 7 Appendix A Cost Analysis of Alternatives Appendix B USGS Location Map and Aerial Photo Appendix C Possible Route for Connection to POTW Appendix D Possible Locations for Subsurface Land Disposal Appendix E Possible Locations for Surface Land Disposal Appendix F SCS Soil Maps and Soil Descriptions Appendix G Summary of Analysis of Well Water Constituents Appendix H Existing Process Flow Schematic Appendix I Residuals Management Plan Appendix J Local Government Review Appendix K Chemical Analysis of Raw Water Supply Section 1: General 1.01 Introduction: Aqua North Carolina, Inc. (Aqua NC) currently owns and operates an existing well water system serving Bishops Ridge Subdivision (Bishops Ridge), located southeast of Rural Hall, N.C. in Forsyth County. Well,#1 of the water system uses an assembly of green sand filters in the treatment of groundwater prior to distribution to the Bishops Ridge community. These filters are backwashed, using potable water, approximately once every three days. This backwash is a relatively small volume of approximately 1,680 gallons. The discharge exits the well house via a 1" PVC pipe and is released into an intermittent stream that is an unnamed tributary to Rough Fork in the Roanoke River basin. The well has a good overall history of compliance with water supply regulations, but is required to obtain an NPDES permit for the continued operation of the existing backwash discharge. The Bishops Ridge water system currently has 66 customers. Well # 1 is approved for 29 gpm. No expansion of this well is planned and the current two well system is sufficient to serve the subdivision. Whereas this well is limited by its current yield capacity and since this capacity is being utilized, there is no potential for any population increase to affect the existing rate of water use or backwash discharge flow. The review of this source and the consideration of alternatives is being made with inclusion of consideration of the guidance contained in "Permitting Strategy For GreenVnd Filtration Water Treatment Plants - January 2004") 1.02 Scope: The scope of this project is limited to the investigation and evaluation of alternatives for treating and/or disposing of the existing green sand filter backwash from Well # 1 at Bishops Ridge Subdivision. This includes consideration of the feasibility of continuing the existing discharge and options for eliminating the existing discharge. Section 2: Background Information 2.01 Project Area: The existing service area is limited to the Bishops Ridge Subdivision. All homes are single family residences. There are no commercial or industrial customers. All wastewater is typical backwash from green sand filters. The existing discharge coordinates are: Longitude:-80.2628689 W Latitude: 36.2310664 N 4 2.02 Site Characteristics: The subdivision is located in a rural portion of Forsyth county, outside any municipal limits and remote from public water and/or sewer. The nearest existing sewer is approximately 1.6 miles away. The general area has soil characteristics which are limited to the possibility of on site treatment and disposal. Terrain is generally rolling but has been graded level at the existing well site. 2.03 Receiving Stream Characteristics: The receiving stream is intermittent in nature and is an unnamed tributary to Rough Fork which is Class C waters. The receiving stream is obviously a zero flow stream (7Q10 and 30Q2 = 0) but since the wastewater discharge is not oxygen consuming, discharge into the zero flow stream should be allowable under state procedures. This receiving stream has no known outstanding features or characteristics that should preclude the continuation of the existing discharge. There are no known endangered or threatened species and these are not threatened or impaired waters. Section 3: Existing Utilities 3.01 Public Facilities: The nearest existing public sewer is located approximately 1.6 miles northwest of the existing well at the junction of Academy Street and Simmons Road. The distance that would be required for sewer force mains to be installed would be approximately 8,000 ft. This would be the route that appears to be the most practical from an engineering perspective to take advantage of following existing highway right of way and have minimal impact to adjacent property owners. This sewer is operated by the Town of Rural Hall. The Town Manager of Rural Hall was consulted on February 9, 2007 and he has advised that this is the nearest location of available sewers and that the Town has no plans within the next five years or beyond to extend service any closer to the Bishops Ridge vicinity. 3.02 Private Facilities: There are no known existing private sewer utilities within any reasonable proximity of Bishops Ridge that would be available for consideration as a possible alternative. 1A Section 4: Alternatives For Service 4.01: On site surface and/or subsurface disposal: Subsurface Disposal: Appendix E contains portions of soil survey reports that provide insight as to the suitability of the soils for subsurface disposal. As described in the report, these soils are mainly Hiwassee soils with characteristics that are somewhat limited to very limiting with respect to the potential for subsurface disposal. Subsurface disposal requires buffers and land for the drainfields as well as equal areas of suitable soil, be available and maintained as a repair/replacement areas that are simply not available for individual on site disposal. The only practical possibility for subsurface disposal would be to construct a subsurface disposal system on lands acquired beyond the 100 foot buffer required to protect the well. This would necessitate that additional lands be acquired that are not now owned by Aqua NC. Some attempts have been made to explore this possibility but have been unsuccessful. An area of approximately 1/4 acre that adjoins,the current welt lot was investigated but the property owners were not interested in selling. Given the limitations described in the attached soil survey, it is doubtful that this is a viable option. A full and extensive soils investigation of potential sites would be necessary to confirm if useable areas are available. In keeping with the state guidance for alternatives evaluation, the cost effectiveness of this alternative is further evaluated to determine if a detailed soils analysis is appropriate. The costs associated with this option are estimated in Appendix A. fjThis option would require that the existing discharge be conveyed to an acquired ,site having sufficient area for subsurface disposal and a suitable reserve area of ;equal size, and that these areas include adequate buffers from property lines, 'homes, wells, etc. Surface Irrigation: Disposal by irrigation requires storage capacity for periods of inclement weather when application is not allowable. Therefore consideration of this as a possible alternative must also include the provision of storage of the backwash waters during periods of inclement weather. As noted earlier, the soils surveys for this area has determined this to have limited to severely limited potential for on site subsurface disposal. Consideration of this alternative is based on an assumed allowable application rate of 0.20 inches per week which is based on a typical range of 0.15 to 0.25 inches per week for this geographic area and the soil conditions generally described in the soils survey. Storage requirements for this area are typically in the range of 45 to 90 days. For purposes of this assessment, a storage requirement of 60 days will be assumed. Whereas all of the area currently owned by Aqua NC is within the required 100 foot buffer zone, the only possible alternative for on site disposal, either by subsurface or surface application, would require the acquisition of off site properties for disposal. Considering the relatively benign nature of the current discharge it is not expected that any additional treatment would be required for surface application. Although the additional cost of conveyance and the additional costs for on site disposal should readily be recognized as a significant cost increase as compared to the alternative of continued discharge, an estimate of the costs for this alternative is included in Appendix A for comparison. The evaluation is based on a very conservative assumption that the nearest available lands that could be reasonably used would actually be available. A comparison of the costs were made first, using the best (lowest cost) reasonable assumptions. It would obviously be necessary to perform a more detailed site investigation and ascertain if the property owner would consider allowing these lands to be acquired for this purpose. 4.02: Wastewater Reuse Options for reuse of wastewater for this area are essentially nil. Reuse is usually associated with non -potable uses such as irrigation. This becomes potentially more viable if there is a need or outlet for reuse such as irrigation of a golf course. The volume of this discharge is very low and would have little attraction as a source for recycle purposes. This area does not have a golf course, nor are there any other viable options for reuse associated with the subdivision or in the surrounding area. 4.03: Surface Water Discharge This is the current method of wastewater disposal. There is no anticipated need to add any new facilities for additional treatment. An estimate of the costs for the continuation of this alternative is included in Appendix A for comparison. 4.04: Combination of Alternatives Alternatives to discharge that may be technologically feasible, such as connection to the nearest public sewer, subsurface disposal and/or surface irrigation, could not be employed in conjunction with the current method of disposal (surface water discharge) and yield any reduction in capital expenditures. The evaluation of alternatives shows that these alternatives are clearly not viable due to the overwhelming magnitude of associated cost. Combining one of these alternatives while continuing the periodic discharge, yields no reduction in the cost for non -discharge alternatives and merely increases the overall costs. There would be no reduction in capital costs for any of these alternatives and the operating costs for combining surface discharge with either of the other alternatives would be greater than for any single alternative that might be selected. In short, whereas the conclusion that continued surface discharge is the only viable option due to the overwhelming differential in capital and operating costs, any addition of an additional alternative would merely make the cost differential worse. Section 5: Summary and Conclusions: As can be seen from a comparison of the net present value of the various alternatives, there is a wide difference between the cost estimate of the option of continuing discharge and options to eliminate the discharge. Compared to the cost of the next most cost effective and reliable alternative (subsurface disposal) the estimated Net Present Value is approximately 1,621 % greater. This represents a difference of $3,205 NPV per customer. In light of the financial impracticality, it is not necessary to further pursue whether connection is politically acceptable to the POTW, or whether land based disposal options are workable. By far, the most practical and cost effective alternative is the continued discharge of the relatively benign filter backwash waters. Section 6: Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Based on the findings of this evaluation, it has been concluded that the most economical and practical alternative is to continue discharge to surface waters. Appendix A Cost Analysis of. Alternatives Note: Cost estimates based on, National Construction Estimator, Means Building Construction Cost Data, consultation with contractors and the engineers experience. 10 1. Surface Water Discharge at 1,680 GPD Flow Rate: Whereas this is the existing method of disposal and considering that no additional treatment is expected as a consequence of any forthcoming permit, there are no estimated additional capital costs. The only anticipated increase in operation and maintenance costs are those associated with the collection, analysis and reporting of effluent discharge samples as required by an LAPSES permit. Capital Cost: Total Capital Cost = Operation & Maintenance Cost (Present Value, 20 year life, 5.875% interest): Annual Cost Operation & Maintenance ($ 100/mo. X 12 mo/yr) Total Annual Cost = $ 1,200 PV Annual Cost = $ 13,905 Total Net Present Value = $ 13,905 $ 0.00 $ 1,200 11 2. Connection to POTW Sewer System at junction of Academy Street and Simmons Road: Install new lift station to collect discharge and convey by force main along existing high way right of way to junction with existing municipal sewer. Distance = approx. 8,000 LF Lowest elev. = approx. 800.0 Highest elev. = approx. 990.0 Lift station Avg. flow = 1,680 gpd gpm Peak flow = 2.5 x 1.2 gpm = 3 gpm Pump Design Use 1" Sch. 40 PVC, approx. 8,000LF FH @ 3 gpm = 0.68 ft/100 ft = 54.4 ft. SH = 190 ft (approx.) Use TDH = 250 ft. Use dual effluent pumps (rated at 250 ft. TDH at 3 gpm) OSI P201512or approved equal Capital Cost: Item: Y 1"-force main sewer Air release Pump Station Manholes Tap Fee Road Crossings Creek Crossings Metering Station Tie to exist. MH Erosion control Surveying Electrical Legal Engineering Quantity: Unit Cost: Cost: 8,000 LF $ 8 $ 64,000 4 Ea. $ 2,500 $ 10,000 1 Ea $ 45,000 $ 45,000 1 Ea $ 1,800 $ 1,800 1 Ea. $ 3,000 $ 3,000 2 Ea $ 5,000 $ 10,000 3 Ea $ 5,000 $ 15,000 1 Ea. $ 30,000 $ 30,000 1 Ea $ 1,000 $ 3,000 LS $ 15,000 $ 15,000 3 days $ 1,500 $ 4,500 LS $ 5,000 $ 5,000 LS $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Sub -total $ 211,300 15 % 31,695 Total Capital Cost = $ 242,995 12 Operation & Maintenance Cost: Local government sewer fee Annual sewer charges = $ 2.208/100 CIF $ 2.208/100 CF x 1,680 gpd/7.48 gal x 122 day/yr _ $ 605 Annual electrical charges = $ 125/month X 12 mo/yr = $ 1,500 Annual sample analysis charges = $ 100/mo. X 12 mo/yr = $ 1,200 Annual repair and maintenance = $ 100/mo. X 12 mo/yr = $ 1,200 Total annual costs = $ 4,505 (Present Value, 20 year life, 5.875% interest) Present Value Annual Cost = $ 52,200 Total Net Present Value = $ 295,195 13 3. Land Based Disposal: 3A. Subsurface Disposal: Based on the soil survey information and the engineers field observations, the soils in this area appear to be limited to severely limited as a medium for subsurface disposal. In the event that it was found to be apparently a cost effective alternative, an in depth site specific soil investigation would need to be done to confirm that the soils could in fact be used. However, for the purpose of comparing the potential alternatives within the scope of this evaluation, it will be assumed that a typical low design loading rate would be workable. Therefore, it will be assumed that a loading rate of 0.10 gpd/sq. ft. is acceptable. Therefore, based on the design flow, the area required for subsurface disposal is: 1,680 gpd / 0.10 gpd/sq. ft.= 16,800 SF Whereas it is required to maintain an equal size area as a reserve for future repair, the required area is 33,600 SF. Assuming a roughly rectangular field (340 ft x 100 ft.for the initial drain field plus repair and In order to maintain the required 50 foot buffer to property lines), the minimum estimated land required is 88,000 SF or 2.0 acres. Capital Cost: Item: Quantity: Unit Cost: Cost: 4" sewer drain in 3' trenches 5,600 LF $ 12 $ 67,200 Site Clearing 2.0 acre $ 6,500 $ 13,000 Land 2.0 acres $ 20,000 $ 40,000 1" FM 250 LF $ 8 $ 2,000 Pump Station 1 Ea $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Surveying 3 days $ 1,500 $ 4,500 Soils Investigation 1 day $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment LS $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Erosion control LS $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Electrical LS $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Legal LS $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Engineering Sub -total 15% $ 155,700 23,355 Total Capital Cost = $179,055 14 Operation & Maintenance Cost (Present Value, 20 year life, 5.875 % interest): Annual Cost O & M of drain field, Pump station and force main = $ 2,500/yr $ 2,500 Annual electrical charges = $ 125/month X 12 mo/yr = $ 1,500 Total Annual Cost = $ 4,000 PV Annual Cost = $ 46,349 Total Net Present Value = $ 225,404 UR 313. Surface Irrigation: Surface irrigation preliminary design is based on an assumed allowable application rate of 0.20 gpd/sq. ft. and a required storage basin for 60 days design flow. Based on the design flow of 1,680 gpd, this results in an estimated disposal area of 8,400 SF. Allowing a recommended 50% repair area, the required total area is 12,600 SF. Assuming a roughly rectangular field (415 ft x 415 ft.for the initial spray field plus repair and in order to maintain the required 150 foot buffer to property lines), the minimum estimated land required is 172,225 SF or approximately 4 acres. Capital Cost: Item: Quantity: Unit Cost: Cost: 100,800 gal. storage basin (1) $ 19,500 Surface irrigation system 8,400 SF $ 0.35 $ 2,940 Monitoring wells 4 ea $ 4,000 $ 16,000 Land 4 acres $ 20,000 $ 80,000 Fencing 2,000 LF $ 6.00 $ 12,000 2" FM 300 LF $ 8.50 $ 2,550 Manholes 1 Ea $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Pump Station 1 Ea $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Surveying 3 days $ 1,500 $ 4,500 Soils Investigation 3 days $ 1,500 $ 4,500 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment LS $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Erosion control LS $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Electrical LS $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Legal LS $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Sub -total $ 199,590 Engineering 15 % 29,940 Total Capital Cost = $ 229,530 (1) Storage: Excavation 625 cu. Yds. @ $ 6.00/yd = $ 3,725 Compaction and Lining 4,500 SF @ $ 3.50/SF = $ 15,750 Sub -total = $ 19,500 16 Operation & Maintenance Cost (Present Value, 20 year life, 8% interest): Annual Cost O & M of spray field, Pump station and force main = $ 3,500/yr $ 3,500 Annual electrical charges = $ 250/month X 12 mo/yr = $ 3,000 Annual sample analysis charges = $ 100/mo. X 12 mo/yr = $ 1,200 Total Annual Cost = $ 7,700 PV Annual Cost = $ 89,222 Total Net Present Value = $ 318,752 18 Appendix B USGS Location Map and Aerial Photo w Longitude:-80.2628689 W Latitude: 36.2310664 N Bishops Ridge Subdivison - Well # 1 Existing Discharge Location USGS Map - Rural Hall, N.C. Quadrangle 2 F S N Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Scale: 1 "= 200Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 0' Map for GIS User Location of My Location 1:4J37 Rural Hall 7.5-minute Quadrangle Index snap NC SPCS E: 496070.3, N:275961.9 meters (NAD83) Long:-80.2628689 W, Lat: 36.2310664 N (NAD83) Bishops Ridge Subdivison - Well # 1 Existing Discharge Location Aerial Photo - Rural Hall, N.C. Scale: 1 '= 340' I Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 =yi�� �°" ��{' 19 Appendix C Possible Route for Connection to P®TW i--l�"�� "O" I . 1, ' — _ �o •1 � .'�.."- � C -' '{.+ `I :,il �']'Dy,B'i �..`•':�6h0. '=$9Z •���• Cam% OCR qt .10 '140 .'j'i ?1)y J{r=u��s,,, �qi• ,Ill'�,,,•(�,• �.,i.+�„fJt I � � V, •l rr ' sue' ^,'; 1 1 .f"',r f , ' �',•�ii If 0/� ^I _-SOD Pam- f'.g920 W _ ,M ty . .t., d M 00 !L .r ,� • .- f` Off':•- fCi •per., Y.. ."t-m 'FsrVf ' io'-v, e Bishops Ridge Subdivision - Well # 1 Horizon En-gineering & Consulting, Inc. Possible Connection to Public Sewer Location 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 Topographical Map - Rural Hall, N.C. Scale: 1"=1,000' 20 Appendix D Possible Location for Subsurface Land Disposal 23.73AC,,- 2 4P. to 2 603,41 3.61CA IR ge cite - .126,44 -65 102'.0, 204 8.54AC Z' 72A&' 2-81AC 27 H 10,OAC I op 0 Possible Subsurface Disposal Area Bishops Ridge,Subdivison - Well # I Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Possible Subsurface Disposal Location 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 Rural Hall, N.C. Scale: 1 "=290' oil Appendix E Possible Locations for Surface Land Disposal Bishops Ridge Subdivison - Well # 1 Possible Surface Disposal Location Rural Hall, N.C. Scale: 1" = 508' W Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 as Appendix F SCS Soil Maps and Soil Descriptions z Bishops Ridge Subdivison - Well # 1 Horizon Engineering & Consultin_q, Inc. 2510 Walker Road SCS Soils Map - Rural Hall, N.C. Scale: 1 "=420' Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 ''"'"la ,� 1�� ;1 Q:. ". :._a Sewage Disposal Forsyth County, North Carolina [The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation. The numbers in the value columns range from 0.01 to 1.00. The larger the value, the greater the potential limitation. The table shows only the top five limitations for any given soil. The soil may have additional limitations] Map symbol and soil name Ch: Chewacla Wehadkee, undrained Co: Congaree Wehadkee, undrained EnB: Enon Picture, undrained Pct. Septic tank absorption fields Sewage lagoons of map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features 85 Very limited Very limited Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00. Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 zone zone Seepage, bottom 1.00 Seepage 0.50 layer Slow water 0.50 movement 5 Very limited Very limited Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 zone zone Slow water 0.50 Seepage 0.50 movement 80 Very limited Very limited Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00 Depth to saturated 1:00 Depth to saturated 1.06 zone zone Slow water 0:50 Seepage 0.50 movement 5 Very limited Very limited Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 zone zone Seepage, bottom 1.00 Seepage 1.00 layer Slow water 0.50 movement 90 Very limited Somewhat limited Slow water 1.00 Seepage 0.32 movement Slope 0.32 2 Very limited Very limited Slow water 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 movement zone Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to soft bedrock 0.42 zone Seepage 0.18 Depth to bedrock 0.78 USDA Natural Resources Tabular Data Version: 8 Conservation Service Tabular Data Version Date: 01/19/2007 4 Page 1 of 4 Sewage Disposal Forsyth County, North Carolina Pct. Septic tank absorption fields Sewage lagoons Map symbol of and soil name map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features EnC: Enon 85 Very limited Very limited Slow water 1.00 Slope 1.00 movement Seepage 0.32 Slope 0.01 HIB: Hiwassee 85 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Slow water 0.50 Seepage 0.50 movement Slope 0.32 HIC: Hiwassee 85 Somewhat limited Very limited Slow water 0.50 Slope 1.00 movement Seepage 0.50 Slope 0.01 HIE: Hiwassee 80 Very limited Very limited Slope 1.00 Slope 1.00 Slow water 0.50 Seepage 0.50 movement HmB2: Hiwassee, moderately eroded 90 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Slow water 0.50 Seepage 0.50 movement Slope 0.32 HmC2: Hiwassee, moderately eroded 90 Somewhat limited Very limited Slow water 0.50 Slope 1.00 movement Seepage 0.50 Slope 0.01 PaC: Pacolet 80 Somewhat limited Very limited Slow water 0.50 Slope 1.00 movement Seepage 0.50 Slope 0.01 PaD: Pacolet 85 Very limited Very limited Slope 1.00 Slope 1.00 Slow water 0.50 Seepage 0.50 movement USDANatural Resources Conservation Service Tabular Data Version: 8 Tabular Data Version Date: 01/19/2007 Page 2 of 4 Sewage Disposal Forsyth County, North Carolina Map symbol and soil name Pct. of map unit Septic tank absorption fields Sewage lagoons Rating class and Value Rating class and limiting features limiting features PaF: Pacolet 75 Very limited Very limited Slope 1.00 Slope Slow water 0.50 Seepage movement PcC2: Pacolet, moderately eroded PcF2: Pacolet, moderately eroded WIF: Wilkes 85 Somewhat limited Slow water movement Slope 85 Very limited Slope Slow water movement 85 Very limited Depth to bedrock Slope Seepage, bottom layer Value 1.00 0.50 Very limited 0.50 Slope 1.00 Seepage 0.50 0.01 Very limited 1.00 Slope 1.00 0.50 Seepage 0.50 Very limited 1.00 Depth to soft bedrock 1.00 1.00 Slope 1.00 1.00 Seepage 0.18 USDA Natural Resources Tabular Data Version: 8 Conservation Service Tabular Data Version Date: 01/19/2007 Page 3 of 4 Sewage Disposal This table shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect septic tank absorption fields and sewage lagoons. The ratings are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features that affect these uses. "Not limited" indicates that the soil has features that are very favorable for the specified use. Good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. "Somewhat limited" indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use. The limitations can be overcome or minimized by special planning, design, or installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected. "Very limited" indicates that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use. The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclamation, special design, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Numerical ratings in the table indicate the severity of individual limitations. The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00. They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the use (1.00) and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). "Septic tank absorption fields" are areas in which effluent from a septic tank is distributed into the soil through subsurface tiles or perforated pipe. Only that part of the soil between depths of 24 and 72 inches or between a depth of 24 inches and a restrictive layer is evaluated. The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect absorption of the effluent, construction and maintenance of the system, and public health. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), depth to a water table, ponding, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, and flooding affect absorption of the effluent. Stones and boulders, ice, and bedrock or a cemented pan interfere with installation. Subsidence interferes with installation and maintenance. Excessive slope may cause lateral seepage and surfacing of the effluent in downslope areas. Some soils are underlain by loose sand and gravel or fractured bedrock at a depth of less than 4 feet below the distribution lines. In these soils the absorption field may not adequately filter the effluent, particularly when the system is new. As a result, the ground water may become contaminated. "Sewage lagoons" are shallow ponds constructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the solid and liquid wastes. Lagoons should have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embankments of compacted soil. Nearly impervious soil material for the lagoon floor and sides is required to minimize seepage and contamination of ground water. Considered in the ratings are slope, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), depth to a water table, ponding, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, flooding, large stones, and content of organic matter. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a critical property affecting the suitability for sewage lagoons. Most porous soils eventually become sealed when they are used as sites for sewage lagoons. Until sealing occurs, however, the hazard of pollution is severe. Soils that have a Ksat rate of more than 14 micrometers per second are too porous for the proper functioning of sewage lagoons. In these soils, seepage of the effluent can result in contamination of the ground water. Ground -water contamination is also a hazard if fractured bedrock is within a depth of 40 inches, if the water table is high enough to raise the level of sewage in the lagoon, or if floodwater overtops the lagoon. A high content of organic matter is detrimental to proper functioning of the lagoon because it inhibits aerobic activity. Slope, bedrock, and cemented pans can cause construction problems, and large stones can hinder . compaction of the lagoon floor. If the lagoon is to be uniformly deep throughout, the slope must be gentle enough and the soil material must be thick enough over bedrock or a cemented pan to make land smoothing practical. Information in this table is intended for land use planning, for evaluating land use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, ' estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil between the surface and a depth of 5 to 7 feet. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the information in this table. Local ordinances and regulations should be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. USDA Natural Resources Tabular Data Version: 8 Conservation Service Tabular Data Version Date: 01/19/2007 Page 4 of 4 23 Appendix G Summary of Analysis of Well Water Constituents 24 Appendix H Existing Process Flow Schematic Four Potassium Permanganate Feed Tanks (One each to each green sand filter) To Bishops Ridge Community Water System Chlorine Addition to filtered water Four Green Sand Filters (In parallel) Well Water Backwash Discharge to unnamed tributary to Rough Fork Bishops Ridge Subdivision— Well # 1 Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Existing well System - Process Flow Diagram 2510 Walker Road Rural Hall, NC Scale: NTS I Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124 February 10, 2007 25 Appendix I Residuals Management Plan 26 Residuals Management Plan Prepared by: J. Thurman Horne, P.E. Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Residuals Mannement Plan: The proposed continued surface water discharge will have no impact on existing residuals management. There are no wastewater treatment facilities. The nature of the operation (backwashing of green sand filters) is such that only minor amounts of solids (less than 30 mg/1) are released with the discharge. There is no generation of any grits, sludges or residuals for removal or disposal. This project does not increase or alter the amounts of sludge produced or impact the current methods of disposition. 26 Appendix J Local Government Review 27 A copy of the permit application and the local government review form has been faxed and mailed by certified mail to the County Manager. A copy of the response will be forwarded immediately upon receipt. Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 2510 Walker Road Mt Pleasant, N.C. 28124 Ph.: 704-788-4455 Fax: 704-788-4455 To: Mr. Dudley Watts County Manager From: J. Thurman Home, P.E. Date: February 10, 2007 Fax Fax No.: (336) 727-8446 No. of pages: 7 (including cover) Subject: Local Government Review Bishops Ridge Subdivision - Well Water Backwash Discharge Message: Mr. Watts, Please review the attached letter and documents Please call me if you have any questions or need any additional information (704-788-4455.) Thanks! Vff A L Ln E=l Postage —0 Certified Fee ru Postmark C3 Return Receipt Fee I-lere M (Endorsement Required) C3 [Restricted Delivery iFee C3 (Endors..ent R.qu d) -0 CO ;?AlT7 r- Total Postage & Fees L$ ru Sent To —0 ulfQe 113 , or PO Box No. —2, .................. City, State, ZIP+4 Horizon Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Mr. Dudley Watts County Manager Forsyth County 201 N. Chestnut St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Subject: Request for Local Government Review NPDES Permit Application Existing Well Backwash Discharge Bishops Ridge Subdivision Forsyth County Dear Mr. Watts: 2510 Walker Road Mt. Pleasant, N.C. 28124-8567 704-788-4455 Fax:704-788-4455 February 9, 2007 Attached is a copy of an application for permit signed by Aqua North Carolina, Inc. This application is for a permit for the continued discharge of backwash from filters installed on an existing potable well which serves the Bishops Ridge Subdivision, located outside the Rural Hall, N.C. town limits. I have also attached a map to indicate the existing location. As part of the application process, the state requires that we notify the local government and ask that they complete the attached form which indicates whether the local government has a zoning or subdivision ordinance and whether the continued discharge is consistent with that ordinance. This is an existing groundwater well that filters water through a series of filters before the water is distributed to the Bishops Ridge community. The filters are "backwashed" with water approximately once every three days and approximately 1,680 gallons of water is then discharged into the nearby stream. This has been in service for a number of years and we are not aware of any concerns over this discharge, other than that the state has advised that we must apply for a permit. As the state has instructed, we are trying to file this application as soon as possible. Therefore, we would certainly appreciate anything you can do to expedite review of this attachment and return of the signed form. If you could sign and fax a copy of this back to me (fax: 704-788- 4455) on Monday or Tuesday, it would be very helpful and we would certainly appreciate it. I would still like to receive a copy by mail as well if possible. We apologize for the necessity to ask for this assistance but I hope that you can appreciate our dilemma. If you have any questions or if there is anything we need to discuss, please call me (704-788- 4455.) Sincerely, Burman orne, P. E. Attachment A. Local Government Review Form General Statute Overview, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(6) allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non -municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically, the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) may not act on an application for a new non -municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect and (if such an ordinance is in effect) whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning or subdivision ordinances tuzless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best interest of the State. Instructions to the Applicant: Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility, the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete this form. The applicant must: • Submit a copy of the permit application (with a written request for this form to be completed) to the clerk of the city and the county by certified mail, return receipt requested. ■ If either (or both) local government(s) fail(s) to mail the completed form, as evidenced by the postmark on the certified mail card(s), within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail, the applicant may submit the application to the NPDES Unit. • As evidence to the Commission that tie local governments) failed to respond within 15 days, the applicant shall submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s) failed to respond within tie 15-day period. Instructions to the Local Government: The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized. Name of local (City/County) Does die city/county have jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located? Yes [ ] No [ ] If no, please sign this form, have it notarized, and return it to the applicant. Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ] If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect, is tie plan for the proposed facility consistent with the ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ] Date State of County of Signature (City Manager/County Manager) On this day of , personally appeared before me, the said " " to me known and known to me to be the person'described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that lie (or she) executed the same and being duly sworn by me, made oath that the statements in the foregoing document are true. My Commission expires .(Signature of Notary Notary Public (Official Seal) EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 8 of 8 28 Appendix K Chemical Analysis of Raw Water Supply 1 20 C, 7 1 (j 14 FA 7 0 4 4 'C'S 3 4 0 S [A 002/00, IS 07 08:342a O-ru ' Vjjj7jingtovNC 29401 A Divisioll (910) 763-979?�IFax: (910) 343-9686 N-EVV W-ELL 'fNORGANIC CjrFjqlCAL ANALYSIS (ATER SYSTEM ID 4: C2-34-197 .amc of Water Systems.- Bishops Ridgc _=.Pie -fype,., 0 Source for Plan Re'view ,O,Cltion %Vberc Cal]Erzted: We bead 01 ,oc-afion Code; WEI :011eCted)3y;,8',jy'Swung , 'put".-Tiflo Aag R�jts to (water systern reprzseowllve): qaryAmentr011T Renter Ufilides, Inc- VO ROT 859 DeiaveV, JJC 28037 *31721 D &t_0 Dffi!�� �Uli 1 (Sgcay A-V Ov PM) 2_ (, 1) 489-9404 (704) 489-9409 _ .j�� � �5F%ff 0 )USAWLEN—V.J Otvt.'f -9NSATISFACTORY ALLOWAaLF- LIMrr* tiunlou COIF r-C NT AM I-N ANT L N 1.0 Utu IA 001 0.10 L-j DNO Tuxtidity 170 mv/fL IIl -- ! mg/L•Baxii= O.Go MgA', M mgA, j Cadrni=!!� Ol 4M L. I Cal Ljurn 101 1.0 rfigil 1016• 5 . a 0.100 mgv" Copper 170 lN2 ....... C`Lum d0040 m4.0d0 --mg---/-L-.- -- — Fluoride 0.100 ME— .. . ..... o300-gL 0-075 mgam mg/L -70 m 00-j=mFg/L Du..w002 lm*&LL ogazrw I- -- 04 rWL 1035 Mercury100. Con=tr_A1% not N! tons for &n(l COj , )PU;,,,� aad, 1 of 3 11 02/13!2007 10:14 FAX. 704489941C19 t joo3,�003 r • •- 1a 07 09:Uck UT-Itf Wilmington, NC 28401 1J i? t%Tl+tis �JC►i Jtra?�t (910) 7�73.9793IFrrx. (910) 343-9688 NALYSTS (ccousia i�1 rtr,iz^. BZj, a:Gar� �:��iaa ny�xic Lv, m1., p:irxS fac pIms r+.w4kMr rsa:'..at. 'CATER SYSTEM IJD 0: 02-34-197;�-----�- L,acation C:odc WEI �I A1i liA3 2:57 FM(sPdH AM or PW. � (t�'C1L`rY'Y7 a-..anncx+s..s�"' •,.wa•-:,.a,.:air.�u�=�e.r w, _ _• ,A-RATOJRY ED 9: 37721 — OWASLF. �134��ZF�iJ rS2•.t QLlANTiPI�D r t L �O a;.rca� r vtir rti:i�a•`+'S B3-L, coNrAk2�9LTL L1A�� CON7AMrINAN-T I cOL'1'• CODE Mae] 170 MOD MRL � - __ �_.._--..-..• � _m. 1036 I Nock_ _ _, _ _.._ C - .a 1ofl �._ --.... Nitrate 163 1.OG rti"'T, i m 00 ni&q 109 0.10 ni?17 ?, 1041 Nitrite . ;.._ ..•- _ ._ _...................... m 0.050 raga, 1045 I Seicmum 170 0.010 rn� r, :^ 1.'' �.._ .__U:os.-_-_....... - mom' 0.100 reagfl, Silver - -- m ...._ NIA .....__.....r--........._....._.. _ 13, �.0 m� _ .. NIA ` Z055 Sulfa[e if mg/L Acidity 157 1.0 kr � j_`j 1b68 rngll. 170 i.dt}i inglf, 10`74 Antinony �, 1 0.004 mgA, 107mg/L 4 Bety1'riaria L70 0,00� mp-- O.UO2 m 1095 li�allium 170 J,001 ri gj- . 0.854 mg/L 5.0 mg/'--. 1 1095 Zinc 12 19 5 0 m�iL 15 units 1905 Color usit� • � 179 mg/L NIA _ 15 ToW Fwdaws _... • 1 .... _ - 7.36 units 41 t •0 i'� 1-35 19 ..... i 1� to ]dlrl 1427 1 0 raigfL ... _. — m � ._r. 500 O+agg/L 1930 t "fatal Dissolved leg ao,o Solids tngjL u�p. _..-- A Note: GonctntM iolls for Lead and CoKCr Ar&- €aCrlo-- lc� 11104 MCi S. Y,.`¢AS E Lobvr tort' LQV #: 311-7911 13-.00 FM ��yy�� ��yy�7�pf}tmdlr AAl ar +SO• COTS; > 1Z27X3G8 221OW D27 3 an 'aka �s� a.s _'lt p�Ta9 1�it it , 49.P lugtiGhe was 0.25p ri 2 of 01. 002 - • . . . - �� •. u1f�aFr