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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4200702_Geotech Report_20200708 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Lewisville Community Center Lewisville Clemmons Road Lewisville, North Carolina February 5, 2020 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Lewisville Community Center Lewisville Clemmons Road Lewisville, North Carolina February 5, 2020 Prepared For: Town of Lewisville 6510 Shallowford Road Lewisville, NC 27023 Prepared By: 5400 Old Poole Road Raleigh, NC 27610 Stewart Project No.: F20001 .00 Stephen Woods, GIT Geotechnical Field Professional Donald W. Brown Jr., PE, LEED AP VP | Practice Leader, Geotechnical & Construction Services NC PE License No. 28422 Stewart License No. C-1051 2/5/2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 1 2 PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 2 2.1 Project Understanding ........................................................................................ 2 2.2 Site Location and Description .............................................................................. 2 2.3 Geologic Area Overview ...................................................................................... 2 3 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ...................................................................................... 3 3.1 Field Testing ..................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Laboratory Services ........................................................................................... 3 3.3 Subsurface Conditions ........................................................................................ 3 3.3.1 Ground Cover ......................................................................................... 3 3.3.2 Fill ........................................................................................................ 4 3.3.3 Residuum .............................................................................................. 4 3.3.4 Weathered Rock ..................................................................................... 4 3.3.5 Rock ..................................................................................................... 4 3.3.6 Groundwater .......................................................................................... 5 4 ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 6 4.1 Site Grading ...................................................................................................... 6 4.1.1 Subgrade Preparation .............................................................................. 6 4.1.2 Groundwater Management ....................................................................... 6 4.1.3 Difficult Excavation ................................................................................. 6 4.1.4 Fill Selection and Compaction ................................................................... 6 4.2 Foundations ...................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 Design .................................................................................................. 7 4.2.2 Construction .......................................................................................... 8 4.3 Seismic Design Considerations ............................................................................ 8 4.4 Flexible Pavement .............................................................................................. 8 4.4.1 Design .................................................................................................. 8 4.4.2 Construction .......................................................................................... 9 Appendix A Site Vicinity Map Boring Location Diagram Appendix B Boring Snapshot Boring Logs Legend to Soil Descriptions Appendix C Site Photographs Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 1 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Stewart has completed a geotechnical exploration for the proposed 1-story community center in Lewisville, North Carolina. This Executive Summary is provided as a brief overview of our geotechnical engineering evaluation for the project and is not intended to replace more detailed information contained elsewhere in this report. A summary of our findings, opinions, and recommendations is provided below. • The current plan for this project includes a 1-story building, 12,120± SF community center. • A total of 14 soil test borings were performed for this geotechnical exploration. Borings were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 8.4 to 29.7 feet below the existing grade. o The subgrade soils encountered at the boring locations consist of fill and residual soils. The soil profile generally consists of Silty SAND (SM), Clayey SAND (SC), Lean CLAY (CL), and Sandy SILT (ML) with lesser amounts of Fat CLAY (CH), and Elastic SILT (MH) also encountered. o Weathered rock (gneiss) was encountered in four borings at depths ranging from approximately 4 to 24.5 feet below the current grade (el. 901.5± to 918± feet). o Auger refusal on hard rock was encountered in three borings at depths of approximately 8.4 to 29.7 feet below the current grade (el. 896.3± and 913.6± feet). o Groundwater not encountered during this geotechnical exploration. • The site meets the criteria of Seismic Site Class D. • The use of conventional spread footings and slab-on-grade is recommended. The owner/designer/contractor should not rely solely upon the summary above. This report should be read in its entirety prior to implementing the recommendations in the preparation of design and construction documents. Stewart should be retained to perform sufficient services to determine plan/specification compliance with the recommendations in this report. Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 2 2 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Project Understanding The current plans for the project include the demolition of the existing house and construction of a new community center. The new center will be a one-story, 12,120± square foot structure with an asphalt paved driveway and parking area. Maximum column loads for the building will be 125 kips. 2.2 Site Location and Description The site is located on Lewisville Clemmons Road in Lewisville, North Carolina. The subject site is situated on what was once private (residential) property, immediately adjacent to an existing park. The site is mainly comprised of farm fields with an old single-family structure and gravel driveway near the center of the property. Please refer to Figure A1 in Appendix A of this report for an aerial site vicinity map. Photographs of general site conditions are included in Appendix C of this report. According to the Forsyth County topographical data, the site slopes downward from north to south with a relief of approximately 18 feet. 2.3 Geologic Area Overview The project site is located in Forsyth County, Lewisville, North Carolina, which lies within the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. Review of the Geologic Map of the East Half of the Winston-Salem Quadrangle, North Carolina-Virginia (compiled by G.H. Espenshade, D.W. Rankin, K. Wier Shaw, and R.B. Neuman, 1975) shows that the rock below the site is generally comprised of gneiss (bc). Based on our local experience, differential weathering of parent bedrock often results in highly variable subsurface conditions over relatively short horizontal and vertical distances. Furthermore, suspended boulders, discontinuous rock layers/lenses, rock pinnacles and/or zones of weathered and/or fractured rock are commonly encountered within the residual soils in this region. SITE SITE Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 3 3 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 3.1 Field Testing The subsurface conditions below the site were explored with a total of fourteen soil test borings (borings B-1 thru B-14). The boring layout is illustrated in Figure A2 in Appendix A of this report. Borings were advanced to depths of approximately 8.4 feet to 29.7 feet below the current ground surface. The soil test borings were performed by M&M Drilling with a truck-mounted B-57 drill rig using 2¼-inch (ID) hollow-stem, continuous flight augers in general accordance with ASTM D6151. Sampling operations were conducted in general accordance with ASTM D1586. At predete rmined intervals, soil samples were obtained with a split-barrel sampler (standard 2-inch O.D.). The sampler was rested on the bottom of the borehole and driven to a penetration of 18 inches (or fraction thereof) with blows of a 140-pound automatic drop hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. Of the 18 inches, the number of hammer blows required to achieve 6 inches of penetration is recorded for three consecutive segments. The sum of the blow counts for the second and third 6-inch segment is termed the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) resistance, or N-value. The N-values presented on the Boring Logs and Boring Snapshot are the actual, field-recorded blow counts and do not include correction factors for hammer energy or overburden soil pressures. All of the borings were backfilled with auger cuttings (soil) immediately after drilling for public safety. 3.2 Laboratory Services The soil samples obtained during the drilling operations were placed in labeled containers and transported to our laboratory where they were visually-manually classified in general accordance with ASTM D2488 and logged by a member of Stewart’s geotechnical engineering staff. The Boring Logs are included in Appendix B of this report. All soil samples will be stored for two months before discarding. 3.3 Subsurface Conditions The following is a subsurface description of a generalized nature, provided to highlight the major soil strata encountered. The stratification of the subsurface materials illustrated on the Boring Logs and Boring Snapshot represent the conditions at the actual test locations; therefore, variations should be expected between borings. Stratigraphy boundaries only represent the approximate depth/elevation of a noticed material change but the transition between material types i s typically gradual. The soil types are based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Please note that the ground surface elevations in this report, including those shown on logs and other illustrations in the appendices, were interpolated from the provided topographic survey and should therefore be considered approximate. If greater elevation accuracy is necessary, the boreholes should be surveyed by a professional land surveyor. 3.3.1 Ground Cover A thin veneer of surficial topsoil was encountered in 12 out of 14 borings. The thicknesses of the topsoil ranged from approximately 3 to 8 inches at the boring locations; however, deeper pockets could be encountered in unexplored areas of the site. In fact, it is not uncommon to encounter 10 to 12-inch thick topsoil layers on farmland such as this. Please note the term topsoil is used to describe the organic-laden surficial material as mentioned above. No organic or nutrient testing was performed for this exploration; therefore, the topsoil should not be assumed capable of establishing or maintaining vegetation of any kind. Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 4 Borings B-10 and B-11 encountered both asphalt and gravel with thicknesses of approximately 3-3.5 inches and 3-5.5 inches, respectively. 3.3.2 Fill Fill soils were only encountered in borings B-10 and B-11, extending to depths of approximately 3 feet and 5.5 feet below the current grade, respectively. The fill material encountered was classified as medium dense Silty SAND (SM) and medium stiff to stiff Sandy Clay (CL). The SPT N-values recorded for the fill material were between 7 and 11 blows per foot (bpf), generally indicating a moderately compacted condition. 3.3.3 Residuum Residual soils, which are the product of in-place physical and/or chemical weathering of the parent bedrock, were encountered below the fill soils noted above or the surficial topsoil layer. The residuum encountered across the site generally consists of an upper zone of soft to very stiff Sandy CLAY (CL) and loose to medium dense Clayey SAND (SC), underlain by medium stiff to very stiff Sandy SILT (ML) and loose to very dense Silty SAND (SM). Lesser amounts of stiff to very stiff Elastic SILT (MH) and Fat CLAY (CH) were also encountered in a few borings. The SPT N-values within the residuum range from 4 to 56 bpf. Ten of the 14 borings were terminated in residuum. Given the past use of this property, it is important to point out that farming/agricultural operations can often disturb the upper 12-24 inches of soil profile by cultivation/plowing or other farming activities. Such activities can lead to loose/soft soil conditions and pockets of elevated organic content. Since a large part of the site is situated on farmland, it is reasonable to assume that areas of soft/loose or organic-laden soils could be present. Furthermore, farming practices sometimes lead to low spots in fields that hamper surface drainage and collect surface water. Ponding of surfac e water typically leads to areas of elevated soil moisture content and/or water-softened ground. 3.3.4 Weathered Rock Weathered rock (WR) is a transitional geomaterial between the parent rock and soil. For engineering purposes, weathered rock is defined by SPT N-values of 50 bpf with 6 inches or less penetration. Weathered rock was encountered in four borings at depths ranging from approximately 4 to 24.5 feet below the current grade (el. 901.5± to 918± feet). The weathered rock was classified as gneiss, which generally sampled as Silty SAND (SM). 3.3.5 Rock Rock is defined as material of sufficient hardness to refuse mechanical drilling equipment. Rock was encountered in borings B-1, B-2, and B-4 at depths ranging from of 8.4 to 29.7 feet below the current grade, respectively (el. 896.3± and 913.6± feet). Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 5 3.3.6 Groundwater Groundwater measurements were attempted immediately after auger removal. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the 14 borings. The groundwater conditions represent the conditions at the time of the exploration. Fluctuations in groundwater levels are common and should be expected. Common factors that influence groundwater levels include, but are not limited to, soil stratification, climate/weather, nearby bodies of water (lakes, ponds, etc.), underground springs, streams, rivers and surface water discharge. At the onset, as well as continually throughout the construction process, the contractor should monitor groundwater levels if determined to be detrimental to the project. Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 6 4 ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Site Grading 4.1.1 Subgrade Preparation All vegetation, topsoil, root mat, and any other unsatisfactory or deleterious materials should be removed from the limits of new construction. Such material should be considered unsuitable for reuse as structural fill. Areas of the site to receive fill or directly support new construction should be rolled/compacted and then proofrolled. For building pads and fill areas, we recommend proofrolling with a tandem-axle dump truck weighing between 10 and 20 tons. Proofrolling should occur immediately prior to fill placement, or after reaching final grade in cut areas, and must be in the presence of Stewart so that recommendations can be provided for areas that rut, pump, or deflect excessively. Proofrolling should not be performed on frozen or excessively wet subgrades. If subgrades are exposed to precipitation or freezing temperatures, the area should be re-proofrolled to verify its condition. We expect that the existing surficial soils in the area of borings B-13 and B-14 will be unstable during construction due to its soft/wet condition. This area will likely require undercutting and replacement to provide adequate support for future pavement. We anticipate undercutting in both areas will be on the order of 24 inches deep. If this area is to receive several feet of fill to reach finished grade, in-place densification and possibly a bridge lift may also be viable alternatives to stabilize the area. Given the fine/clayey nature of the onsite soil, the exposed surface soils are likely to become unstable rapidly in the presence of excess moisture (water) and construction traffic loading. This will likely be exacerbated by the presence of mica in the soil. Therefore, proper site drainage should be maintained during earthwork operations. If not, the accumulation of water could result in co nstruction delays. Common approaches to reduce wet weather delays include grading the area so that surface water flows away from the excavation, sealing exposed soil surface with a smooth-drum roller prior to precipitation events, and forming temporary ditches, swales, berms or other surface water diversion features. We also recommend limiting construction traffic during and after wet weather. 4.1.2 Groundwater Management Based on the absence of groundwater in the borings during this geotechnical exploration, we do not expect that it will impact the proposed construction. If isolated zones of perched groundwater are encountered at shallower depths, conventional sump and pump techniques from the point of seepage are expected to be adequate. 4.1.3 Difficult Excavation Based on the WR elevations in borings B-1 (el. 918± ft), B-2 (915± feet), and B-5 (917.5± feet), difficult excavations could be encountered during relatively shallow excavations around the building pad (e.g. sewer line trenches). This material will likely require hammering to facilitate removal, but at a minimum the use of large excavators with rock teeth. 4.1.4 Fill Selection and Compaction Any material utilized as structural fill should not contain rocks greater than 3 inches in diameter or greater than 30% retained on the ¾-inch sieve. Structural fill material should not contain more than 3% (by weight) of organic matter or other deleterious material. Structural fill should exhibit a Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 7 Maximum Dry Density (MDD) of 90 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) or greater as determined by the Standard Proctor Compaction Test (ASTM D698). We recommend that the Plasticity Index (PI) for structural fill soil be 25 or less and the Liquid Limit (LL) 50 or less, as determined by Atterberg Limits testing (ASTM D4318). The onsite SILT (ML), Silty SAND (SM), Clayey SAND (SC), and lean CLAY (CL) will meet the criteria. Reuse of the fat CLAY (CH) and Elastic SILT (MH) encountered onsite should be limited to 3 feet or greater below the finished subgrade in areas outside of the building pad. The water content of the structural fill should be maintained within ±3% of the material’s optimum water content as determined by the Standard Proctor Compaction Test (ASTM D698); however, slight deviation from this can sometimes be tolerated depending on the grading plan and type of material being placed. Such deviation should be considered by the engineer representing the owner’s material testing firm. When using large, ride-on compactors, fill should be placed in loose lifts measuring 8 to 10-inch thick. Lifts should be thinned to 6 inches when using smaller, Rammax-type compactors and 4 inches for sled and jumping-jack tampers. Structural fill should be compacted to 95 percent of the soil’s maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698, except for the upper 12 inches of the finished subgrade which should be compacted to 98 percent of the same standard. It is recommended that the placement and compaction of structural fill be monitored by an engineering technician from Stewart. Field compaction testing should be performed in accordance with ASTM D1556 (Sand Cone Method), ASTM D2167 (Rubber Balloon Method), ASTM D2937 (Drive Cylinder Method), and/or ASTM 6938 (Nuclear Method). 4.2 Foundations 4.2.1 Design Based on a maximum column load of 125 kips and the site preparation recommendations provided in this report, we recommend the use of conventional shallow spread footings to support the proposed structure. In designing the foundations, we recommend the parameters provided in the Table 1. Table 1: Spread Footing Design Parameters Parameter Value Net Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity, psf 2,500 Minimum Bearing Depth, in. 18 Minimum Wall Footing Width, in. 18 Minimum Column Footing Width, in. 36 Estimated Post-Construction Settlement, in. Total Differential 1 or less ½ or less Moist Soil Unit Weight, pcf 120 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient1 2.77 Ultimate Friction Factor (tan δ) 0.30 Notes: 1. We recommend that a safety factor of at least 1.5 be used to determine the soil’s allowable passive resistance and the soil’s allowable friction. Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 8 4.2.2 Construction It is preferable for spread footing excavations to be performed using a bucket with a flat cutting edge (no teeth) to reduce disturbance of the exposed bearing soil. Regardless, footing bottoms should be tamped with a jumping-jack or sled compactor prior to the foundation inspection and placement of reinforcing steel. Footings should be clean of loose material and debris and protected from disturbance. This includes protection from surface water run-off and freezing. If water is allowed to accumulate within a footing excavation and soften the bearing soils, or if the bearing soils are allowed to freeze, the deficient soils should be removed from the excavation and rechecked by Stewart prior to concrete placement. When concrete cannot be placed immediately, we recommend placing a mud-mat to protect the bearing soil. Foundation bearing soils should be checked by Stewart during construction to verify satisfactory bearing conditions (i.e. materials and strength). This typically involves using a ½-inch diameter, T-handled probe rod for an overall qualitative assessment throughout the foundation excavations, followed by strategically- placed hand auger borings and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (ASTM STP-399) testing for quantitative evaluation. DCP testing should be performed in accordance with and completed prior to stone, steel, or concrete placement. Unsuitable soil detected during this evaluation should be repaired as recommended by Stewart. 4.3 Seismic Design Considerations Per the 2018 NC State Building Code, the design of a structure must consider dynamic forces resulting from seismic events, regardless of their likelihood of occurrence. As part of a generalized procedure to estimate seismic forces, the code assigns a Seismic Site Classification (letter designation of Class A through F) based on the subgrade soil/rock conditions within the upper 100 feet of the ground surface at the subject site. Based on our review of the SPT N-values, we recommend designing for a Seismic Site Class “D”. The following bulleted items briefly discuss our qualitative assessments of the other seismic-related issues. Detailed quantitative analyses for these items were not included in our Scope of Work and are not considered necessary at this time given the development plans and the subsurface conditions encountered. • Liquefaction Hazard – Risk level is low – The soils encountered were of sufficient fines content and/or density to render them not readily liquefiable during the design earthquake. • Slope Stability – Risk level is low - Based on the grading plan, neither tall nor overly steep cut/fill slopes are planned for construction. • Surface Rupture – Risk is low – No active faults underlie the site. 4.4 Flexible Pavement 4.4.1 Design For this project, we have assumed that the asphalt-paved parking lot and driveways will be subjected to a wide mix of traffic. Based on the traffic assumptions shown, the site soil conditions encountered in the borings, an assumed CBR of 4, and the site preparation recommendations herein, we recommend the minimum pavement sections in Table 2. Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, NC Page 9 Table 2: Recommended Minimum Asphalt Pavement Sections Course Light-Duty Thickness, in. Heavy-Duty Thickness, in. Surface (S9.5C) 2 4 Aggregate Base (ABC) 6 8 Traffic Assumptions 500± automobiles per day 500± automobiles per day 5± delivery trucks per week 1± garbage truck per week 5± school/activity buses per week The flexible pavement design above is based on the standard 20-year design life and the NCDOT/AASHTO design methodology. All materials and workmanship used during construction should conform to the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, current edition. 4.4.2 Construction The pavement recommendations above are predicated by the assumption that the subgrade soils are suitable for pavement support and have been properly moisture conditioned and compacted to a uniform and stable condition. Experience has shown that most pavement failures are caused by localized soft spots in the subgrade or inadequate drainage. Proofrolling observed by an experienced engineer or technician will reduce the likelihood of weak spots in the subgrade. For finished subgrades in paved areas of the site, as well as the compacted stone base, we recommend proofrolling with a tandem-axle dump truck weighing between 30 and 40 tons. Proofrolling should occur in the presence of Stewart so that recommendations can be provided for areas that rut, pump, or deflect excessively. Proofrolling should not be performed on frozen or excessively wet subgrades. If subgrades are exposed to precipitation or freezing temperatures prior to paving, the area should be re-proofrolled to verify its condition. The aggregate base course should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the stone’s maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T-180 (modified Proctor). Asphalt shall be placed with appropriate lift thicknesses and achieve the proper compaction for the mix(es) used, as specified in the latest edition of the NCDOT HMA/QMS manual. The pavement sections provided herein do not account for construction traffic (dump trucks, concrete trucks, Lulls, etc.), which is typically very heavy. If construction traffic is allowed to operate on paved surfaces, damage should be expected. Operating construction equipment on an early placement of base/intermediate course, and then placing a final surface lift at the end of construction, is not an appropriate approach unless the pavement is designed accordingly. This common practice only masks underlying pavement issues. In light of this, we recommend that paving operations be scheduled for the end of construction when heavy construction traffic will be less. APPENDIX A SITE VICINITY MAP BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM SITE ©2020: All documents including computer files and drawings prepared by Stewart are instruments of professional service intended for one-time use. They are subject to copyright and other property right laws and shall remain the property of Stewart. They are not to be copied, modified, or changed in any manner whatsoever nor assigned to a third party without prior written permission of Stewart. Note: All test locations are approximate (unless otherwise reported) and intended for illustration purposes only.5400 OLD POOLE RD RALEIGH, NC 27610 T 919.380.8750 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 NORTH SITE VICINITY MAP Lewisville Community Center Lewisville Clemmons Road Lewisville, North Carolina Project No.: F20001.00 Scale: NTS Prepared by: DB Date: FEB 2020 Figure No.: A1 B-10 B-11 B-7 B-6 B-8 B-9 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-5 B-4 B-3 B-2 B-1 ©2020: All documents including computer files and drawings prepared by Stewart are instruments of professional service intended for one-time use. They are subject to copyright and other property right laws and shall remain the property of Stewart. They are not to be copied, modified, or changed in any manner whatsoever nor assigned to a third party without prior written permission of Stewart. Note: All test locations are approximate (unless otherwise reported) and intended for illustration purposes only.5400 OLD POOLE RD RALEIGH, NC 27610 T 919.380.8750 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 NORTH BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM Lewisville Community Center Lewisville Clemmons Road Lewisville, North Carolina Project No.: F20001.00 Scale: 1 IN = 100 FT Prepared by: DB Date: FEB 2020 Figure No.: A2 APPENDIX B BORING SNAPSHOT BORING LOGS LEGEND TO SOIL DESCRIPTIONS 895 900 905 910 915 920 925 930 895 900 905 910 915 920 925 930 9 50/0.2' 50/0.3' AR 917 11 7 50/0.3' 6 AR 915.2 8 13 56 15 7 18 914.5 10 9 6 6 17 43 50/0.1' 50/0.1' 50/0.0' AR 906.2 18 20 50/0.4' 50/0.3' 11 18 913.6 6 9 6 8 8 31 911.3 13 19 51 50/0.0 921.2 12 9 8 7 920.2 12 20 12 15 915 8 7 16 17 920.2 11 6 12 10 915.8 4 18 10 8 913.8 8 8 9 17 910.1Elevation (ft)LITHOLOGY GRAPHICS Topsoil / Organic Layer Lean Clay (CL) Silty Sand (SM) Weathered Rock (WR)Clayey Sand (SC) Silt (ML) Asphalt Gravel Fill - Lean Clay (CL) Fill - Silty Sand (SM) Fat Clay (CH) Elastic Silt (MH)PROJECT NO.: F20001.00 BORING SNAPSHOT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER LEWISVILLE, NC The borings in this snapshot are arranged in alphabetical order and do not represent a profile or cross section of the subsurface conditions. B- 1 B- 2 B- 3 B- 4 B- 5 B- 6 B- 7 B- 8 B- 9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-14 0.7 3.0 4.0 8.4 3 4 5 19 50/0.2' 13 5 50/0.3' 50/0.0' 1 2.5 3.5 4.2 6 7.3 8.4 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY MEDIUM DENSE, TAN-ORANGE, MOIST, SILTY SAND WEATHERED ROCK - GNEISS, SAMPLED AS TAN-ORANGE, SILTY SAND AUGER REFUSAL NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC DATA BORING ENCOUNTERED AUGER REFUSAL AT 4.4 FEET ON FIRST ATTEMPT AND WAS OFFSET 10 FEET AND REDRILLED AS ILLUSTRATED ABOVE. CL SM WR SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 921.3 919.0 918.0 913.6 9 50/0.2' 50/0.3' 50/0.0' 917 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/17/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 8.4 ft CAVE-IN 5 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.922 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 1 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.5 3.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 11.3 2 6 5 3 3 4 4 5 50/0.3' 3 3 3 50/0.0' 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.3 8.5 10 11.3 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - STIFF, ORANGE-RED, MOIST, CLAYEY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND ROOT FRAGMENTS MEDIUM STIFF, ORANGE, MOIST, SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA LOOSE, ORANGE, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA WEATHERED ROCK (LENS)- GNEISS, SAMPLED AS ORANGE, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA RESIDUAL - LOOSE, ORANGE, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AUGER REFUSAL NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC DATA BORING ENCOUNTERED AUGER REFUSAL AT 7.4 FEET ON FIRST ATTEMPT AND WAS OFFSET 8 FEET AND REDRILLED AS ILLUSTRATED ABOVE. SC ML SM WR SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 921.5 919.0 916.5 915.0 914.0 910.7 11 7 50/0.3' 6 50/0.0' 915.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/17/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 11.3 ft CAVE-IN 6.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.922 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 2 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.7 3.0 8.0 20.0 3 4 4 5 8 5 5 14 42 8 9 6 3 3 4 9 12 6 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 13.5 15 18.5 20 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - MEDIUM STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH TRACE ROOTS MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE, RED-TAN, MOIST, CLAYEY SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS, ROCK FRAGMENTS MEDIUM STIFF TO VERY STIFF, BROWN-RED, MOIST, SANDY SILT, WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SM ML SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 925.3 923.0 918.0 906.0 8 13 56 15 7 18 914.5 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 20 ft CAVE-IN 11.5 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.926 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 3 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 3.0 5.5 17.0 24.5 29.7 3 4 6 3 5 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 5 6 11 13 17 26 6 48 50/0.1' 50/0.1' 50/0.0' 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 13.5 15 18.5 20 23.5 24.6 28.5 28.6 29.7 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - STIFF, RED, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA LOOSE, RED, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA MEDIUM STIFF TO VERY STIFF, ORANGE-RED, MOIST, SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA DENSE, GRAY, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH SOME ROCK FRAGMENTS AND MICA WEATHERED ROCK - GNEISS, SAMPLED AS GRAY, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AUGER REFUSAL NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SM ML SM WR SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS 7 SS 8 SS 9 925.7 923.0 920.5 909.0 901.5 896.3 10 9 6 6 17 43 50/0.1' 50/0.1' 50/0.0' 906.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 29.7 ft CAVE-IN 19.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.926 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 4 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.4 3.0 6.5 13.0 20.0 3 12 6 5 8 12 10 50/0.4' 37 50/0.3' 6 6 5 6 8 10 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.4 8.5 9.8 13.5 15 18.5 20 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - VERY STIFF, RED TO GRAY, MOIST, SANDY CLAY WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS MEDIUM DENSE, GRAY-RED, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS WEATHERED ROCK (LENS) - GNEISS, SAMPLED AS GRAY, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA RESIDUAL - MEDIUM DENSE, TAN, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SM WR SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 923.6 921.0 917.5 911.0 904.0 18 20 50/0.4' 50/0.3' 11 18 913.6 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 20 ft CAVE-IN 10.4 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.924 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 5 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.5 5.5 8.0 20.0 2 2 4 3 4 5 2 2 4 3 4 4 9 5 3 5 9 22 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 13.5 15 18.5 20 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - MEDIUM STIFF, ORANGE, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH TRACE MICA MEDIUM STIFF, ORANGE, MOIST, SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA LOOSE TO DENSE, TAN TO BROWN, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL ML SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 921.5 916.5 914.0 902.0 6 9 6 8 8 31 911.3 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 20 ft CAVE-IN 10.7 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.922 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 6 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 3.0 8.5 2 5 8 5 9 10 22 31 20 50/0.0 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - MEDIUM DENSE, RED, MOIST, CLAYEY SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS AND MICA MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE, RED-TAN TO TAN, CLAYEY SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC SC SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 925.7 923.0 917.5 13 19 51 50/0.0 921.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 8.5 ft CAVE-IN 4.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.926 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 7 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 3.0 10.0 3 5 7 2 4 5 2 3 5 3 3 4 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY MEDIUM STIFF TO STIFF, RED, MOIST, CLAYEY SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL ML SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 924.7 922.0 915.0 12 9 8 7 920.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 4.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.925 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 8 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.6 3.0 5.5 10.0 2 4 8 7 9 11 3 5 7 5 7 8 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH TRACE MICA MEDIUM DENSE, RED, MOIST, CLAYEY SAND WITH TRACE MICA MEDIUM DENSE, RED, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SC SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 919.4 917.0 914.5 910.0 12 20 12 15 915 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 5.0 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.920 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B- 9 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 0.8 5.5 10.0 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 7 9 5 7 10 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 ASPHALT (3.5 INCHES) GRAVEL (5.5 INCHES) FILL - MEDIUM STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH TRACE MICA RESIDUAL - MEDIUM DENSE, TAN-ORANGE, MOIST, CLAYEY SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 924.7 924.2 919.5 915.0 8 7 16 17 920.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 4.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.925 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B-10 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 0.5 3.0 5.5 8.0 10.0 4 4 7 2 3 3 3 5 7 4 4 6 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 ASPHALT (3 INCHES) GRAVEL (3 INCHES) FILL - MEDIUM DENSE, ORANGE, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA, CLAY AND ROCK FRAGMENTS RESIDUAL - MEDIUM STIFF, RED-BROWN, MOIST, SANDY LEAN CLAY WITH TRACE MICA STIFF, BROWN-GRAY-RED, MOIST, SILTY FAT CLAY WITH TRACE MICA STIFF, ORANGE, MOIST, SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC SM CL CH ML SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 919.7 919.5 917.0 914.5 912.0 910.0 11 6 12 10 915.8 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/20/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 4.2 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.920 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B-11 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.6 3.0 5.5 10.0 WOH 1 3 4 8 10 2 4 6 2 4 4 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - SOFT, BROWN, WET, SANDY LEAN CLAY VERY STIFF, RED, MOIST, SANDY CLAYEY ELASTIC SILT WITH TRACE MICA MEDIUM STIFF TO STIFF, ORANGE, MOIST, SANDY SILT WITH TRACE MICA BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL MH ML SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 918.4 916.0 913.5 909.0 4 18 10 8 913.8 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/17/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 5.2 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.919 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B-12 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.4 3.0 10.0 2 2 3 3 7 25 5 11 12 16 7 12 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - MEDIUM STIFF, RED, WET, SANDY LEAN CLAY MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, RED-TAN, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND ROCK FRAGMENTS BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC CL SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 919.6 917.0 910.0 5 32 23 19 915.2 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/17/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 4.8 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.920 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B-13 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 0.3 10.0 2 3 5 2 4 4 3 4 5 9 10 7 1 2.5 3.5 5 6 7.5 8.5 10 TOPSOIL RESIDUAL - LOOSE, RED AND BROWN, MOIST, SILTY SAND WITH TRACE MICA AND CLAY BORING TERMINATED NOTE(S): GSE INTERPOLATED FROM FORSYTH COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC SM SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 914.7 905.0 8 8 9 17 910.1 DRILLING METHOD H.S. AUGER AUGER SIZE 2-1/4 INCH (ID) HAMMER TYPE AUTODRILL RIG B-57 DATE DRILLED 1/17/20 LOGGED BY S. WOODS BORING DEPTH 10 ft CAVE-IN 4.9 ft GROUND SURFACE EL.915 ft TIME OF DRILLING: WL DRYDRILLING CONTRACTOR M&M DRILLING CAVE-INAFTER DRILLING: WL DRY DEPTH (ft)SPTBLOWCOUNTSSAMPLE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PL LLWC MATERIAL DESCRIPTIONMATERIAL TYPEDEPTH (ft)TYPEID NUMBERELEVATION (ft) FINES CONTENT (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90N-VALUE (bpf) SPT N-VALUE (BPF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 WL / CAVE EL (ft)Note: SPT Blow Counts are per 6 inches of penetration unless otherwise noted. PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING LOG: B-14 LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE B- 1 1/17/2020 922 8.4 DRY DRY 4 918 8.4 913.6 B- 2 1/17/2020 922 11.3 DRY DRY 7 915 11.3 910.7 B- 3 1/20/2020 926 20 DRY DRY B- 4 1/20/2020 926 29.7 DRY DRY 24.5 901.5 29.7 896.3 B- 5 1/20/2020 924 20 DRY DRY 6.5 917.5 B- 6 1/20/2020 922 20 DRY DRY B- 7 1/20/2020 926 8.5 DRY DRY B- 8 1/20/2020 925 10 DRY DRY B- 9 1/20/2020 920 10 DRY DRY B-10 1/20/2020 925 10 DRY DRY B-11 1/20/2020 920 10 DRY DRY B-12 1/17/2020 919 10 DRY DRY B-13 1/17/2020 920 10 DRY DRY B-14 1/17/2020 915 10 DRY DRY Note: Blank cells indicate not encountered or not measured/recorded. Refer to the individual boring log and report for additional details BORING SUMMARY TABLE Depth (ft) Weathered Rock El. (ft) Depth (ft) El. (ft) Auger RefusalBoring Depth (ft) Ground Surface El. (ft) PAGE 1 OF 1 After Drilling GW El. (ft) Depth (ft) El. (ft) Time of Drilling GW Depth (ft) Borehole ID Date Performed LOCATION LEWISVILLE, NC PROJECT LEWISVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NO.F20001.00 CLIENT TOWN OF LEWISVILLE PROJECT NUMBER: F20001.00 PEAT PLASTICITY INDEX (%)CH Cu>6 AND 1<Cc<3 Cu>6 AND 1>Cc>3 ORGANIC GRAVELS WITH FINES >12% FINES CRITERIA FOR ASSIGNING SOIL GROUP NAMESMATERIAL TYPES COARSE-GRAINED SOILS>50% RETAINED ONNO. 200 SIEVEGROUP SYMBOL WELL-GRADED GRAVEL POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL SILTY GRAVEL CLAYEY GRAVEL WELL-GRADED SAND POORLY-GRADED SAND SILTY SAND CLAYEY SAND LOW PLASTICITY (LEAN) CLAY LOW PLASTICITY SILT ORGANIC CLAY OR SILT HIGH PLASTICITY (FAT) CLAY HIGH ELASTICITY SILT ORGANIC CLAY OR SILT UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION (ASTM D-2487) LEGEND TO SOIL DESCRIPTIONS SANDS AND FINES >12% FINES CLEAN SANDS <5% FINES CLEAN GRAVELS <5% FINES OH & MH "A" LI NE CL-ML ML & OL FINES CLASSIFY AS ML OR CL FINES CLASSIFY AS CL OR CH SANDS PTFINE-GRAINED SOILS>50% PASSESNO. 200 SIEVESILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT>50 GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC CL ML OL CH MH OH SOIL GROUP NAMES & LEGEND SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT<50 >50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSES ON NO 4. SIEVE >50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO 4. SIEVE GRAVELS PENETRATION RESISTANCE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 - 1 2 - 4 5 - 8 9 - 15 16 - 30 31+0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 MATERIAL TYPES ENCOUNTERED ONSITE PLASTICITY CHART LIQUID LIMIT (%) FINES CLASSIFY AS ML OR CL FINES CLASSIFY AS CL OR CH PI>7 AND PLOTS>"A" LINE PI>4 AND PLOTS<"A" LINE LL (oven dried)/LL (not dried)<0.75 PI PLOTS >"A" LINE PI PLOTS <"A" LINE LL (oven dried)/LL (not dried)<0.75 Cu>4 AND 1<Cc<3 Cu>4 AND 1>Cc>3 PRIMARILY ORGANIC MATTER, DARK IN COLOR, AND ORGANIC ODOR INORGANIC ORGANIC INORGANIC HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS CL Asphalt Fat Clay (CH) Lean Clay (CL) Fill - Lean Clay (CL) Fill - Silty Sand (SM) Gravel Elastic Silt (MH) Silt (ML) Clayey Sand (SC) Silty Sand (SM) Topsoil / Organic Layer Weathered Rock (WR) * NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES TO DRIVE A 2 INCH O.D. (1-3/8 INCH I.D.) SPLIT-BARREL SAMPLER THE LAST 12 INCHES OF AN 18-INCH DRIVE (ASTM-1586 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST). SAMPLE TYPES DRY MOIST WET SAT TRACE FEW LITTLE SOME ADDITIONAL ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS, & SYMBOLS Split Spoon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER LEVEL AT TIME OF DRILLING REQUIRES WETTING TO REACH OPTIMUM AT OR NEAR OPTIMUM REQUIRES DRYING TO REACH OPTIMUM SATURATED, NEARLY LIQUID < 5% 5 - 10% 15 - 25% 30 - 45% UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH (KSF) VERY SOFT SOFT MEDIUM STIFF (FIRM) STIFF VERY STIFF HARD CONSISTENCY BLOWS/FOOT* SILT & CLAY (RECORDED AS BLOWS PER 6 IN.) SAND & GRAVEL BLOWS/FOOT*RELATIVE DENSITY VERY LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE DENSE VERY DENSE CAVE-IN LEVEL WATER LEVEL AFTER DRILLING 0 - 0.25 0.26 - 0.50 0.51 - 1.0 1.1 - 2.0 2.1 - 4.0 4.0+ 0 - 3 4 - 9 10 - 30 31 - 50 51+ SPT BPF PL LL MC SS AP WL USCS WOH WOR EOD FIAD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWS PER FOOT PLASTIC LIMIT LIQUID LIMIT MOISTURE CONTENT SPLIT SPOON AUGER PROBE WATER LEVEL UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM WEIGHT OF HAMMER WEIGHT OF RODS END OF DAY FILLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER DRILLING/DIGGING APPENDIX C SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Site Photographs Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, North Carolina Photograph 1: Looking northeast towards the existing structure from near B-3. Photograph 2: Looking southwest from the northwest corner of the existing building. Site Photographs Lewisville Community Center – Lewisville, North Carolina Photograph 3: Looking west across the sports field in the northern portion of the site. Photograph 4: Looking south from near B-8 towards the farm fields.