HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960247 Ver 1_Complete File_19960313State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director A I T ?.v C)EHNR March 22, 1996 Surry County DEM Project # 960247 DOT Project # 6.742510 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W. O. Atkins N. C. Dept. of Transportation P.O.Box 558 Elkin, NC 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: You have our approval to place fill material in 0.01 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of improving SR 2208, as you described in your application dated 8 March 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3026. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 3 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733- 1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Sincerely, r Pstp Ho ard, Jr. P.E. 960247.1tr Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NO 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 509/6 recycled/100/. post consumer paper STArf 'f ISSUED l .Rm g6 47 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JP- GOVERNOR S ECRETARY P. 0. Box 558 Elkin; North Carolina 28621 RECEIVED March 8, 1996 MAR 13 1996 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Mr. Ken Jolly, Office Manager U. S. Armv Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite -105 Raleigh. North Carolina 27615 Re: Project No. 6.742510 - Grade,, Drain; Base, and Pave - SR2208 (J. B. Greene Road) Surrv Countv; NC. Dear Mr. Jolly The North Carolina Department of Transportation District I Maintenance plans to Grade, Drain; Base and Pave SR2208 Q. B. Greene! to improve safety for the traveling public. (11 Sta. 25+75 there is an existing 30" RC Pipe which will be replaced with 40` of 36" CMP. (21 Sta. 42+00 there is an existing 81" X 59" CMP with End Walls which will not be replaced. These locations involve unnamed streams which are tributaries to Whittier Creek and Fisher River. These are nerpendicular crossings We are reauestina a 404 Nationwide Permit (#3 Maintenance) from your agency: I am sendina a sketch with the proposed erosion control plan along with a marked county map. By copv of this letter I am asking Ms. Stephanie Goudreau; North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Mtn. Region Coordinator to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit Request. This work does not involve designated Trout Water. Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act from the Division of Environmental Management. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. 0. Atkins. PE District Engineer WOA/ib Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke; PE, Division Engineer R. M. Freeman. PE. County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, PE, Regional Enaineer DEHNRJ Neil Trivette. Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau. Mtn. Region Coordinator. WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit DEM (7) 960247 btft 10 f ACttON t b i NAtioNWlbb Pt MIT hEQUEsTPb (t'hoVIDE HAtIONWfbE I?ERftft f 3 JOINT POW4 fOft ffhfitONWfbt t'i;ltrllts TIlAt Rboulhb NOTIpfchtfblt to t0p (?Oftt,§ Of k"dIht9 9 HAtioNWfbt lptpItITS T11AT hEQUittb ht'hLtchttbN 1`0tt thctib# 401 CERTit tChtf6h Wft,NfkdtoN bisthicT PwiimEER Cbttr?S bt ENGINEERS bf:PfiltfMeNT OP tIlE APHY P.d; NbX 1890 WttlitNr fioN, Nd 28402-11390 AT T" f CESAW-CO-b f6l6j?h6he (911) 251-4511 4rnTt" QuAttfY f'LANNiNO blvittott oF' ENVItioNMENThL MnNAcEt1ENt NC bEPAhtf4ENt bb 1ENVIhONMENT, 11EALfll, AND "AtuhnL hbSovhcss P.O. bOX 29535 n?\LtfClt, Hd 1192'6-05 5 htTN t MO. JOt>N bohNEY Tel' photie (919) 7J3-5083 bNE ttt COPY of ttftS cotfhLE7`EU htPLIchTIoN S1foULb 81 S1 t4l' TO T11E CORPS OF ENdfNi?f±f15. SEvEN (7) coPfPs SHOULD t3E SENt to tttp N.C. btv2stoN of NvttloNttEtlThL t-MMGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. t : oWNi rzs Nh1tE f N C • 04- Aq ei w ,y% 2. b?tNitzS hbbhESS? {?D, ,Qo?G SSBy C//?'?',c/ /?/of.i fi?C??92D,L?'N/? ZB?Z/ 3. bwNtnS PHONE NumueR tltomee ! ( oRk) f 9149 e,35- 4 2l- 4. it hPt LtCAhLE f AGENT'S NAME bR RESPONS18Lb CohPOMtk OFFICIAL, hbbRESS, MONO 140MERf 14,), 0, /9 'S 5. LOCATION OF WORK (MUST hTThClt HAP) . coUNT'Y ! NEhNtST tOWN On CITY. 4 VA 5701 5f?ECtFIC LOCATION ( INCLUDE hOAD NUMBERS, LnNoHAWI\S, tte.) f .S,' Z 2.0 B F.e a Ai N C Z(. B o s.2 /oo NE?r 2 L c v c L C,e ass 6, Milk OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER! btl) l/,'77/?trk C kE61r 7. tttVbft `bnsLNf I//? bh','1.I 8. fS t11IS PROJt;CT LOCATED IN A WATERSttED CLASSIFt,EO hs tllOUT, SA, tlQW, OhW, WS Ij bh Os I17 YES ( I NO (XI 9. (fh'itr ANY SECtION 404 t'ERHITS bEEN PREVtOUSLY hEQUESTf b tort USE ON TltIS t noPEttfitf YES ) NO CX) It YES kXPLAIN. 10. 1?b•tfWt TEb TOTht, NUlltlFR OE' ACRES OF WAttfiS UP tt1E t).§.; fNCLUDINO t4 tLhNbS ; LOChTED ON PROJECT S I TE i L. CSl 7^- 14,q C, /D e?q C,e E 7/8/92 -2- 11: NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT! _ + FILLED : G GSS DRAINED: -? FLOODED: 'Q EXCAVATED TOTAL IMPACTEDi GCSS Ty?9No,/OAL. G,e?9dC 2i4 i N, 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS)! E /? 1ND /??c SR 2 2 0 6 Q , G RrcN ?oA e? :'N S?ie%,/ 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED IFIORY.: ynlP,evvc s/,?/=c% e/ 14H4 4,44, '542200 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. /9// ; fr 1916N6 -7 4-5 .'sT ? /• G ? rh E'NT 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARIIIE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES (X) NO ( J RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMF5 SHOULD 8E FORWARDED TO CORPS: 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHIPO) REGARDING THE. PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN TIIE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO (X) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEMt A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? ?ig?/rl ?/? Ule?} P. IF APPLICABLE, WITAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? Gye?.Aaa'? ad. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE Request for WRC Comment 021 a OOT pt-o,ject_ Comment fot- a 404 Nationwide hermit in the 25 trout counties (aptfi?calion package attached) Comment for a letter- of approval to work within the "trout buffer zone" (detailed ;sedmentation & erosion control plans are attached) Return comments to: bj (). ?fLj )s? aJiST ENG 5 N 0, D 2 rY)1 n17 o f T IL A. io ik CAI AC 2-U21 Comment for C?it<igorical Exclusion, ,Atid to be "utilized also for a 404 NW trout county requirement at a future date (CV And supporting documentation 'attached) Other requests: FRO,,'-?JON CONFROT.., D EJAI LS AND SPECIFICATIONS Xs, -,I -? 0 g std. #__ -- Descrintipn- -- - - 1630.03 Temporary Silt Fence -- - ---?rf--+++-- 1630.05 Temporary Sift Ditch - ---T SD 1605.01 -T'ef-iporary Diversion - - "' - 1622.01 -Vemporary Slope Drain ._-- 1630.01 Silt Basin Type--A 1630.02 Silt Basin I-ype--B 1633.01 Temporary Rock Silt. Check 1 ype-A 1633.02 -Temporary Rock Silt Check 1-ype-E3 1634.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A 1634.02 Temporary Rock Sediment [dam Type-E3 3 1 A l - p A? ) 16 5.0 ype- rap Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment I , 1635.02 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-B 1636 01 . Rock Silt Screen 1630.04 Stilling Basin _ [[, Flock Inlet Sediment Tral 1632-01 1 ype-A A c[, A 1632.02 1 p e E3 1632.03 MT/JRY r ? 1 'l.. ?-,? ?'' a \ A \ i \I,- ? reir ( ? . ? 1 / /`?:-" / /. ?I _ I f?dTP ,> ? ? ... - ?j ? • r tv; / IT ' I I I - 1 r/ FIAT I{OCK d J \ 'i r h'? ) _` c IuWNCI " d. h I \ / t ' ' 'i IOf, 1 PT 4 iotisT I 1 `l I 1 _: ???' - ` ) • I cr.; I I" INC.) I;fx,. .\ 1tY VIE V ' "NERTOyM 1 ,, fj P r 1Nl? FOREST-Hlcnf.wn / _ / )u " V N)vlNCl l u? i; '? F- IJc:.4,. \ \ /rod. LN! i ? ?.r• WL 1 ? <F 1J ,?1 p? 3 "? 1?/ ' "J C??.\1 ? \ J? )I?.. / ?I r a•?- I/. 1 I 7 "/ ?) 1(1 "/?\ ~_- __ --.__ I Iw X13. l ? :yl-` - ? 'b_?? J :> ? 1 .q9 <y ... 1 ? yy td^'.t ?'?., - ear f.. •?•?- 4 l f URNS R 12 c • ? G, ... ????? az:.'4 T T - da ?..I .ate :7:1 I ' Uw I STOTT L! 2SI1\ .I_ @.L_. •' _. Y 10, ? ? .Y. \ K,il'] - ? ?_'_ 55 ?C eer ?' ?' ? ?,A.A NN .•J .- I? / ? I ZZA, .7 p _ I v 1v fl ' _ Crd • I. \ MOT MOUNIAJN 1 ?7 y ,dl I ?? .,y «.. RrvEg4 ;a. .c Gil fem. 0 3z?, ,,t ? °v- __ ? rr> - Y .1 V. FI: 01 <r irr. r'r" ?,-+(?1^ N '..? F IY Cr...l Ft Ev. '.waif ICJ 474 I ` I ?'p -1 ?? as ? I t 1 {? C ,, IFS ? y i T FORSYTH CO, T` Y Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as dit.c:,hi lne is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemenred as soon as practical. n --'SRS 1lwti,tys SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! DITCH LINER -- -- - - -- -- STATION - - --- -- - - - - - STATION - - - -- - :._.. - - RT/LT ------ - - - --- ...----------- --------- ' TYPE LINER REQUIRED-----! l x--04 ------------ 8T &T I j I - J l 00 ---- 6 --- ?r? R T/ L r - J / -------- ---- -- Cl 7-0 ID tQ?---- I ---31+00 --- 147 ----- , - -MAT _: 3? t&i--- b ?r M , ??_t_ 04 4 l _ U 1 ___LT - I 1 R_/-P RAJT ' t I ' JT I 43 tQ0 R)ILT ' "- 4-4 0 4 7 ?? ??T LT ' i? ,r?; -- ----- ------------ I I I , 1 1 3 f OO a --OO S 4 N + Qk- O O 4 a' W W W ` i v Cn U? U7 d O O Q ?J 4? O O O 0 n n t0 o, S1A . O J- P)O a .?? ?, r,--L moo„ , a q IZII,, j 'mot u cy V 3? x 16 T ?2. --- -? :0 J _ -__ MA 7-C l l 1 L_ I NE o r o ,, g i-oo }nQ m ? Q oo? QQ _ 'r- O Ci? Cl- ' O C Q ` Q Cl- 5 +o0 . 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