HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000488 Vista Point 070820 Staff RptDocuSign Envelope ID: 081CD29C-9AB0-4AAA-B621-4CF2E8786C1B
Division of Water Resources
July 8, 2020
To: Aquifer Protection Section Central Office
Attn: Chloe Lloyd
From: RRa
Raleijzh Regional Office
Chatham County
1. Was a site visit conducted? ® Yes or ❑ No
State of North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Regional Staff Report
Application No.: WQ0000488
Permittee: Vista Point
Regional Log -in No.:
a. Date of site visit: June 26, 2020
b. Site visit conducted by: Ray Milosh
c. Inspection report attached? ® Yes or ❑ No
d. Person contacted: William Baker and their contact information: (919) 218 - 6410 ext.
e. Driving directions:
1. Facility Classification: Is this correct? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If no, please explain:
2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If no, please explain:
3. Are site conditions (soils, depth to water table, etc.) consistent with the submitted reports? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, please explain:
4. Do the plans and site map represent the actual site (property lines, acreage, wells, etc.)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, please explain:
5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, please explain:
6. Are the proposed application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, please explain:
7. Are there any setbacks conflicts for proposed treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas.
8. Is the proposed or existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program:
9. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B)
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1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
ORC: William Baker -Certificate #:1003671 Backup ORC: Craig Autry Certificate # 991564
2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal
system? ® Yes or ❑ No - If no, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items
3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately
assimilating the waste? ® Yes or ❑ No - If no, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items
4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance
boundary, new development, etc.)? ❑ Yes or ® No - If yes, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items
5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes or ❑ No - If no, please explain below in Section IV. Review
6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ® Yes or ❑ No - If no, please
explain below in Section IV. Review Items
7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A
If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program below in Section IV. Review
8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No
If yes, provide comments below attach a map showing conflict areas.
9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No - If no, please
explain below in Section IV. Review Items
10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain below in
Section IV. Review Items.
11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A
If no, please complete the following (ex and table if necessary):
Monitoring Well
O / //
O / //
O / //
O I /I
O / //
O / //
O / //
O / II
O / //
O / II
12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., NDMR, NDAR, GW)? ® Yes ❑ No or ❑ N/A
Please summarize any findings resulting from this review below in Section IV. Review Items.
13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No
If yes, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items.
14. Check all that apply:
® No compliance issues ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC
❑ Notice(s) of violation ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium
❑ Notice(s) of deficiency
Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.)
15. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
If no, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items.
16. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit?
❑ Yes ®No❑N/A
If yes, please explain below in Section IV. Review Items.
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1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No
If yes, please explain:
2. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request:
Item Reason
3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued:
Condition Reason
4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued:
Condition Reason
5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office
❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office
❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information
® Issue
❑ Da%421& o,tate reasons: )
6. Signature of report preparer:
`D223119ME 9 4
Signature of APS regional supervisor:
Date: 7/8/2020 B2916HAB32144F...
Staff of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR), Water Quality Regional Operations Section inspected the subject
wastewater irrigation system on June 26, 2020. I wish to thank William Baker for his help during the inspection. The
purpose of the visit was to conduct a compliance inspection of the system as part of the permit renewal process.
The site was not visited in person. All records were reviewed. The ORC answered questions about the operation and
condition of the facility.
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The facility is closed due to the corona virus.
All lift stations have new pumps, controls, power supplies and telemetry installed. The lift station alarms, controls,
floats and alternating relays are checked weekly even though the facility is not in use. The pumps, alarms, controls,
floats are reportedly in working order. The lift station by the bathhouse was raised in 2019 to prevent it from flooding.
There is a small float operated pump station with an alarm for the building at the WWTP.
The facultative wastewater lagoon had a freeboard of 2.9 ft and the storage lagoon had a freeboard of 3.6 ft. The berm
mowed and is surrounded by a locked fence. Sludge was last removed from the lagoon in February, 2014. The aerator
is reportedly in working order.
A tank of liquid chlorine and pump are kept in the building on site. The chlorine is injected into fresh water which runs
through a pipe into the wet well. The pumps, controls, floats and valves are reportedly in working order.
The effluent meter is reportedly in working order. A flow rate/pressure indicator is also present and can be used to
detect clogs or breaks in the sprayfield.
The sprayfield is reportedly in good working order. Sprayheads clog and are cleared frequently. A stand of tall loblolly
pines is growing in the sprayfield. Paths are cleared to allow viewing of every sprayhead. The sprayfield is surrounded
by a fence with a locked gates and warning signs. The system is operated manually. The wastewater carries no odor.
All maintenance records, NDMRs, NDARs, soil tests, water quality tests are generally complete and on time. Records
were not received n November 12019. The ORC will resubmit them. The last soil test was August 2019. Treatment
efficiency is good, duckweed is not much of a problem and there is no odor at the wwtp or the sprayfields.
On the day of the inspection the facility appeared to be operating in compliance with permit conditions.
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