HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140153_Renewal Notification Letter_20170407Energy, Mineral &
Land Resources
April 7, 2017
John Hardison
Southern Concrete Materials Inc
2580 Old Hendersonville Hwy
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Subject: NPDES General Permit Renewal and Electronic Reporting Requirements
Southern Concrete Mat -Haywood
NPDES Permit Certificate of Coverage (COC) Number: NCG140153
Dear NPDES Permittee:
The NCG140000 General Permit expires on June 30, 2017. Our records indicate that your annual fees
are up to date; therefore, your coverage will be automatically renewed unless you submit a rescission
request for this permit. If you no longer need this permit, a rescission form can be found on our website
The new General Permit NCG140000 is scheduled for public notice in May 2017. At that time, the
proposed general permit will be available for public comment on our website. This notice process
should conclude in June, so that the new general permit can be issued effective July 1, 2017. Upon
issuance of the final general permit, your coverage will be renewed, and we will send you a new
Certificate of Coverage (COC) with the new effective and expiration dates.
In conjunction with this renewal process, two items require your action no later than May 31, 2017:
(1) You must review your permit Contact information and notify us of any changes.
(2) You must submit outfall information on-line for this site in preparation for electronic data
monitoring report (eDMR) requirements.
Permit Contact Information
Please review the permit contact information enclosed. Ensure that Owner Affiliation and Permit
Contact are accurate, and that e-mail addresses are provided wherever possible. Your new COC will be
mailed to both of these contacts once the General Permit is renewed.
Nothing Compares_
SState of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
919 707 9200
To update contact information for your permit: You may simply e-mail us changes to contact
information, unless there is a change to the Owner Affiliation. Because Owner Affiliation is the person
legally responsible for the permit, we require a hard copy of the signed Owner Affiliation Change Form
(enclosed) to make this change. (A change in company Name or Ownership requires a different form, so
please contact us if necessary.) Changes to other contacts can be e-mailed to Laura Alexander at
Submitting Outfall Information for E -Reporting
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule in December 2015. The rule requires NPDES regulated
facilities to report certain information electronically, instead of filing written paper reports. EPA is
phasing in the requirements of the rule over a 5 -year period. The first phase requires regulated entities
to submit Data Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically starting on December 21, 2016.
While that deadline has passed, EPA is aware that NC is working on expanding the State's eDMR System
(currently available to NPDES Wastewater Permit -holders) to include Stormwater Program DMR
reporting. As soon as eDMR is available for your permit, we will notify you. In the meantime, we must
collect information about the discharge outfalls at your facility to prepare the system to flow data to
EPA as the new federal rule mandates.
To submit outfall information to DEQ: You must go to the following website and enter the
discharge outfall number, type of discharge, receiving water information, representative outfall status
information, and other details no later than May 31, 2017. The website will walk you through all steps.
The website is: https://deg.nc.gov/about/stormwater-program/stormwater-outfall-collection
The reissued general permit will include new electronic reporting requirements. For more information
on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, visit http://www2.epa.gov/compliance/final-national-
pollutant-discharge-elimination-system-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule. For more information on
electronic reporting to NC DEMLR, visit http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-
resources/stormwater/ereporting-rule or contact Bethany Georgoulias at (919) 807-6372 or via email at
'ecda,fg �eo�aucias
Bethany Georgoulias,
DEMLR Stormwater Program
Cc: Stormwater Program Permit File
Asheville Regional Office / DEMLR Stormwater Program
Nothing Compares--,_,_
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
919 707 92 00