HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200859 Ver 1_Yadkin_USFWS_20200505_Full_Submittal_20200629 hdrinc.com 440 S Church Street, Suites 900 & 1000, Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 (704) 338-6700 May 5, 2019 Mr. Byron Hamstead U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project Stanly and Union Counties, North Carolina Dear Mr. Hamstead: HDR, on behalf of our clients Union County Public Works (Union County) and the Town of Norwood (Norwood), requests review and comment on potential impacts to threatened and endangered species and migratory bird species that may result from construction activities associated with the Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project (Project) located in Stanly and Union Counties, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). Project Description Union County and Norwood propose to install approximately 39.8 miles of water pipeline, as well as a water treatment plant. The Project will supply Union County with drinking water to meet rising demands, and will provide Norwood with the ability to upgrade their water supply system. The Project will extend from an area near Lake Tillery in the Town of Norwood in Stanly County toward Monroe in Union County and will be installed using an open-cut trenching method across all stream and wetland features. Impacts associated with construction activities will be temporary in nature and all contours will be returned to pre-construction levels. Stream and wetland crossings will be performed in the dry and surrounding construction areas will be stabilized via sediment and erosion control devices. The proposed Project will require a Clean Water Act Section 404 Nationwide Permit 12 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Charlotte Regulatory Field Office for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional surface waters. Description of Study Area The Study Area consists of approximately 1,106.36 acres of land including forested and herbaceous land, single family residences, agricultural fields, planted pines, and roadside rights-of-way, (Site Photographs). Land use in the vicinity of the proposed Project consists of residential, industrial, commercial, agriculture, and undeveloped forested lands. Desktop Review HDR conducted a desktop review of protected species likely to occur on in the vicinity of the Project site. Species addressed include those listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or those with critical habitat designated under the ESA. Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 2 HDR consulted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) database, which summarizes species and trust resources under the USFWS’s jurisdiction that are known or expected to be on or near the Study Area (see attached IPaC Resources List). The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) data Explorer database was also queried for a list of federally protected species with potential to occur within in the proximity to the Project site (see attached NCNHP Project Report NCNHDE- 10390). Lastly, updated species lists for Stanly and Union Counties were obtained from the USFWS’s website https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc_counties.html (species lists were updated on June 27 2018). Table 1 presents a summary of species that are federally protected on all resource lists in Stanly and Union counties. Table 1. Federally Protected Species for Stanly and Union Counties, North Carolina County Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status1 Record Status Habitat Description Habitat Present in Study Area Vertebrate Stanly Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGEPA Current Nests at tops of large, mature trees near large rivers, lakes, and marshes containing small animals, fish, and carrion. Yes Stanly Northern long-eared bat Myotis septentrionalis T Probable/ Potential Hibernates in caves and mines during winter; roosts under bark, in cavities or crevices in trees and snags during summer. No - hibernacula; Yes - roosting trees Invertebrate Union Carolina heelsplitter Lasmigona decorata E Current Cool, clean, well-oxygenated water with stable, silt-free stream bottoms. No Plants Union Michaux’s sumac Rhus michauxii E Historic Sandy or rocky, open, upland woods on acidic or circumneutral, well-drained sandy or loamy soils; sandy or submesic loamy swales and depressions in the Sandhills region; disturbed areas such as maintained roadsides and utility rights-of-way. Yes Stanly/ Union Schweinitz’s sunflower Helianthus schweinitzii E Current Areas with poor soils in forest openings, grasslands, or disturbed areas such as roadsides and utility rights-of- way. Yes Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 3 1 BGEPA = Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act E = Endangered. A taxon “in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. T = Threatened. A taxon “likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.” 2 Current = the species has been observed in the county within the last 50 years. Probable/Potential = the species is considered likely to occur in this county based on the proximity of known records (in adjacent counties), the presence of potentially suitable habitat, or both. Historic = the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago. The NCNHP Data Explorer query revealed that one occurrence of a federally protected species (Schweinitz’s Sunflower EO ID 13021) has been documented within a one-mile radius of the Study Area, but records indicate that occurrence has been destroyed. The query also revealed two natural areas and one managed area within the Study Area, as well as five natural areas and two managed areas within one mile of the Study Area. The IPaC database indicated that no critical habitat for the species listed in Table 1 was identified within the Study Area. Migratory bird presence was also included in the query. The query results revealed eastern whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferous), Kentucky warbler (Oporornis formosus), prairie warbler (Dendroica discolor), prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus), and wood thrush (hylocichla mustelina) as Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC). BCCs may breed in the Project Area within the specified timelines listed in the IPaC resource list. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was returned in the query due to their protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and is not a BCC. IPaC also showed that no National Wildlife Refuge lands or fish hatcheries are located in the Study Area. Field Reconnaissance Results HDR biologists conducted on-site surveys within the Study Area on August 8th and September 19th, 2018, and September 24th, 2019 to verify the presence or absence of potential habitat and possible individual of federally protected species listed above in Table 1. A summary of habitat descriptions and the presence/absence of habitat within the Study Area for federally protected species is provided below. Vertebrates Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) [Federally Protected under BGEPA] USFWS Recommended Survey Window: October 1 – May 15 Habitat Description: Bald eagles occur throughout much of the continental U.S. and Canada. The species frequently builds their nests in live pines or cypress trees near large bodies of open water and may congregate around fish processing plants, dumps, and below dams where fish congregate. Nests typically measure 6 to 8 feet deep and 6 feet in diameter, and are cone shaped. Bald eagles are opportunistic feeders and consume a variety of prey, which may be self-caught, scavenged, or robbed from other bird species. The threat to this species is attributed to disturbance and destruction of foraging and nesting habitat by urban and residential development (USFWS 1978). Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 4 No individuals of bald eagles or nest were observed; therefore, no impacts to this species are anticipated. Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) [Federally Threatened] USFWS Recommended Survey Window: May 15 – August 15 (summer); January 15 – February 15 (winter) Habitat Description: The northern long-eared bat (NLEB) is found across much of the eastern and north-central U.S. and all Canadian provinces from the Atlantic coast to the southern Northwest Territories and eastern British Columbia. The species’ range includes 37 states. White-nose syndrome, a fungal disease known to affect bats, is currently the predominant threat to this species. The NLEB has two distinct seasonal habitats. Winter habitats include caves and mines, and summer habitats consist of roosting singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or crevices of both live and dead trees. On rare occurrences this bat has also been found roosting in man-made structures such as barns or sheds. The NLEB emerges at dusk to fly through the understory of forested hillsides and ridges feeding on moths, flies, leafhoppers, caddisflies, and beetles, which they catch while in flight using echolocation. The bat also feeds by gleaning motionless insects from vegetation and water surfaces (USFWS 2015). Mature trees (greater than 12 inches in diameter) that exhibit exfoliating bark (i.e., hickories and oaks) and dead tree snags were observed within the forested portions of the Study Area and may serve as potential roosting habitat; however, the site was reviewed in accordance with the NLEB Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species (SLOPES) between the USACE, Wilmington District, and the Asheville and Raleigh U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Offices, and it was determined that the Project is located outside of the designated areas and/or 12-digit federally designated hydrologic unit code (HUC) watersheds. As such, activities associated with construction within the Project limits do not require prohibited incidental take and the proposed Project meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule; any associated take is exempted/excepted. As established in the NLEB SLOPES, this Project does not require prohibited intentional take of the NLEB and it meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule. Additionally, according to the NCNHP Data Explorer report, no known habitat including hibernacula and/or maternity roost trees has been documented within or in close proximity to the Study Area. Invertebrates Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) [Federally Endangered] USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Year-round; March 1 – September (optimal) Habitat Description: The Carolina heelsplitter requires cool, clean, well-oxygenated water. It prefers stable, silt-free stream bottoms and generally occurs where the stream banks are well- vegetated with trees and shrubs. Historically, the Carolina heelsplitter was found in several locations in North and South Carolina. Known populations for the Carolina heelsplitter in Union Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 5 County occur only in the Goose Creek and Duck Creek watersheds within the Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin (USFWS 2011). According the NCNHP Data Explorer report, there are no known populations of the Carolina heelsplitter within the Study Area. A known location of designated critical habitat, outside of the Study Area, was observed to reference the preferred habitat conditions prior to conducting reconnaissance surveys. In general, on-site streams are moderately degraded and exhibit erosion, incision, and high sediment levels which are limiting habitat factors for this species. No mussels of any species were observed and no suitable habitat for Carolina heelsplitter is present within the Study Area. No impacts to this species are anticipated. Vascular Plants Michaux’s sumac (Rhus michauxii) [Federally Endangered] USFWS Optimal Survey Window: May – October Habitat Description: Michaux’s sumac is endemic to the inner Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont regions, and grows in sandy or rocky, open, upland woods on acidic or circumneutral, well-drained sands or sandy loam soils with low cation exchange capacities. The species is also found on sandy or submesic loamy swales and depressions in the Sandhills region as well as in openings along the rim of Carolina bays; maintained railroad, roadside, power line, and utility rights-of-way; areas where forest canopies have been opened up by blow downs and/or storm damage; small wildlife food plots; abandoned building sites; under sparse to moderately dense pine or pine/hardwood canopies; and in and along edges of other artificially maintained clearings undergoing natural succession. In the central Piedmont, it occurs on clayey soils derived from mafic rocks. The plant is shade intolerant and, therefore, grows best where disturbance (e.g., mowing, clearing, grazing, and periodic fire) maintains its open habitat (USFWS 1989). Michaux’s sumac’s preferred habitat and soil types were present in localized areas along roadside and utility right or ways and edges of the upland hardwood forests throughout the Study Area. No individuals were observed. Therefore, no impacts to this species are anticipated. Schweinitz’s sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) [Federally Endangered] USFWS Optimal Survey Window: late August – October Habitat Description: Schweinitz's sunflower is endemic to the Piedmont of North and South Carolina. The few sites where this rhizomatous perennial herb occurs in relatively natural vegetation are in xeric hardpan forests. The species is also found along roadside rights-of-way, maintained power lines and other utility rights-of-way, edges of thickets and old pastures, clearings and edges of upland oak-pine-hickory woods, Piedmont longleaf pine forests, and other sunny or semi-sunny habitats where disturbances (e.g., mowing, clearing, grazing, blow downs, storms, frequent fire) help create open or partially open areas for sunlight. The species is intolerant of full shade and excessive competition from other vegetation. Schweinitz’s sunflower occurs in a variety of soil series, including Badin, Cecil, Cid, Enon, Gaston, Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 6 Georgeville, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Misenheimer, Secrest, Tatum, Uwharrie, and Zion, among others (Figure 3A - 3N). It generally grows in shallow sandy soils with high gravel content, shallow, poor, clayey hardpans, or shallow rocky soils, especially those derived from mafic rocks (USFWS 1991). Schweinitz’s sunflower’s preferred habitat and soil types were present in localized areas along roadside and utility rights-of-way and edges of the upland hardwood forests throughout the Study Area. A nearby reference population of Schweinitz’s sunflower was visited prior to the field investigation to familiarize HDR biologists with the species. No individuals were observed in the Study Area during field investigations. Therefore, no impacts to this species are anticipated. Effect Determination Based on the desktop review of the USFWS county lists, IPaC database, the NCNHP Data Explorer Report, and the subsequent field survey for the presence or absence of potential habitat, Project-related activities will have no effect on the bald eagle, Carolina heelsplitter, Michaux’s sumac, or Schweinitz’s sunflower. The Project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect, the NLEB but meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule and any associated take is exempted/excepted. We respectfully request that you review the Study Area and the attached information to determine if there may be any adverse impacts to federally protected species or migratory bird species. If you have any questions or require additional information after your review of the enclosed materials, please contact me at (980) 337-5004 or Anthony.Nardo@hdrinc.com. Respectfully, Tony Nardo Environmental Scientist Attachments: Site Photographs Figure 1A – 1E. Project Location Figure 2A – 2G. USGS Topographic Quad maps Figure 3A – 3N. Soils Map USFWS IPaC Resources List NCNHP Project Report NCNHDE-10390 cc: John Shutak, PE – Union County Public Works Tracy Randazzo, PMP – HDR Tyler Leben, PE – HDR Eric Mularski, PWS – HDR Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 7 References U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2017. Endangered and Threatened Species and Species of Concern by County for North Carolina. Updated June 27, 2018. (https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc_counties.html) _____. 2015. Threatened Species Status for the Northern Long-eared Bat with 4(d) Rule. April 2015. (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-04-02/pdf/2015-07069.pdf) _____. 2011. Fact Sheet for Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata). December 2011. (https://www.fws.gov/asheville/pdfs/CarolinaHeelsplitter_factsheet.pdf) _____. 1991. Schweinitz’s Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) Determined to be Endangered. May 1991. (https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/federal_register/fr1852.pdf) _____. 1989. Determination of Endangered Status for Michaux’s Sumac (Rhus michauxii). September 1989. (https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/federal_register/fr1601.pdf) _____. 1978. Determination of Certain Bald Eagle Populations as Endangered or Threatened. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, W ashington, D.C. (https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/federal_register/fr183.pdf ) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 8 Photograph 1 – View of Schweinitz’s Sunflower reference population (taken Septmeber 9, 2019) Photograph 2 – View of Schweinitz’s Sunflower reference population (taken Septmeber 9, 2019) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 9 Photograph 3 – View of Study Area, (Facing Southeast) Photograph 4 – View of Study Area, (Facing Northwest) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 10 Photograph 5 – View of Study Area (Facing Southeast) Photograph 6 – View of Study Area (Facing Southeast) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 11 Photograph 7 – View of Study Area (Facing Southeast) Photograph 8 – View of Study Area (Facing Northeast) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 12 Photograph 9 – View of Study Area (Facing Northwest) Photograph 10 – View of Study Area (Facing South) Yadkin Regional Water Supply Project May 5, 2019 Page 13 Photograph 11 – View of Study Area (Facing South) Photograph 12 – View of Study Area (Facing East) UNION CO UNTY PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\01A_YADKIN_VICINITY.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10 /2019 FIGURE 1A PROJECT V ICINITY(CLIENT LOGO) 0 0.5Miles O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Union Stanly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: Esri, Op enStreetM ap contrib uto rs, and the GIS User Co mmu nity LEGEND Study Ar ea NC Stud yArea Map Ind ex A Stanly, Union, and Anson Counties Location Map Nam e:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80.4 40563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\01B_YADKIN_VICINITY.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10 /2019 FIGURE 1B PROJECT V ICINITY(CLIENT LOGO) 0 0.5Miles O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Union Stanly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: Esri, Op enStreetM ap contrib uto rs, and the GIS User Co mmu nity LEGEND Study Ar ea NC Stud yArea Map Ind ex B Stanly, Union, and Anson Counties Location Map Nam e:Yad kin Regional Water Sup pl y P roj ectApplicant:Union County Public Wor ks a nd the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties No rth Ca rolinaDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,10 6.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80.4 40563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY STANLY COUNTY ANSON COUNTY PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\01C_YADKIN_VICINITY.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10 /2019 FIGURE 1C PROJECT V ICINITY(CLIENT LOGO) 0 0.5Miles O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Union Stanly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: Esri, Op enStreetM ap contrib uto rs, and the GIS User Co mmu nity LEGEND Study Ar ea NC Stud yArea Map Ind ex C Stanly, Union, and Anson Counties Location Map Nam e:Yad kin Regional Water Sup pl y P roj ectApplicant:Union County Public Wor ks a nd the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties No rth Ca rolinaDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80.4 40563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY ANSON COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION CO UNTY PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\01D_YADKIN_VICINITY.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10 /2019 FIGURE 1D PROJECT V ICINITY(CLIENT LOGO) 0 0.5Miles O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Union Stanly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: Esri, Op enStreetM ap contrib uto rs, and the GIS User Co mmu nity LEGEND Study Ar ea NC Stud yArea Map Ind ex D Stanly, Union, and Anson Counties Location Map Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY ANSO N COUNTY ANSON COUNTY MONTGO MERY COUNTY PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\01E_YADKIN_VICINITY.M XD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 1E PROJECT V ICINITY(CLIENT LOGO) 0 0.5Miles O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Union Stanly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: Esri, Op enStreetM ap contrib uto rs, and the GIS User Co mmu nity LEGEND Study Ar ea NC Stud yArea Map Ind ex E Stanly, Union, and Anson Counties Location Map Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° BAKER SQUADRANGLE WATSONQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02A_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 2A USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle A YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° WATSONQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02B_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 2B USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle B YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° WATSONQUADRANGLE OLIVE BRANCHQUADRANGLE STANFIELDQUADRANGLE OA KBOROQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02C_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 2C USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle C YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° OAKBOROQUADRANGLESTANFIELDQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02D_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 2D USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle D YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° OAKBOROQUADRANGLE STANFIELDQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02E_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/1 0/2019 FIGURE 2E USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle E YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° AQUADALEQUADRANGLEOAKBOROQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02F_YADKIN_TOPOGRAPHI C.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 2F USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle F YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° AQUADALEQUADRANGLE MOUNT GILEAD W ESTQUADRANGLE ALBEMARLEQUADRANGLE MORROW MOUNTAINQUADRANGLE PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\02G_YA DKIN_TOPOGRAPHIC.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9 /10/2019 FIGURE 2G USG S 24K TOPOGRAPHIC Q UADRANG LE(CLIENT LOGO) 0 2,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USA Topo Maps GIS Service - Copyr ight:© 2 013 Nationa l Geo gra phic Soc ie ty, i-cub ed LEGEND Study Ar ea USG S Topo gra phicQuadrangle G YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY CmB CmB TbB2 TbB2 BdB2 TbB2 BdB2 ChA BdB2 ScA TaB BdB2 TbB2 TbB2 TbB2 MhA BdB2 BdB2 ScA BdB2 CmB BaB TbB2 BaB CmBScA CmB BaB BdB2 TaB TaB CmB BaB BdC2 BdB2 CmB TaB ChA TbB2 BuB BdB2 GoC TbB2 ScA BaB TbB2 W GoC TbB2 TaB TbB2 TaB GsB TbB2 TaB BaB GoC GsB WyB CmB BdB2 MhA BaB TaB MhA W BaB W BaB BaB TbB2 TbB2 GoC CmB W MhA TbB2 W TaB W GsB ChA BdC2 ChA GoC WCmB W W GsB ScA W W BdC2 W CmB BdC2 CmBChA BdC2 CmB TaB TaB BdB2 W BdC2 CmB CmB PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03A_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3A NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) A YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesMhA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam s andy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam s andy loam, 10 to 45 perc ent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY CmB TaB TbB2 CmB TaB ChA TbB2 ChA ScA CmB TbB2 TaB BdB2 BdB2 TbB2 BdB2 TbB2 BdB2 BaB TbB2 TaB TbB2 TaB TaB ScA TaB BdC2 CmB TbB2 TaB TaB TaB TaB ScA TbB2 TaB BdB2 TbB2 BdB2 TaB BdB2 BdB2 BdB2 TbB2 TaB MhA BdC2 BaC BdB2 GsC BdB2 TaB TaB TbB2 TbB2 BdB2 BaB W BdB2 TbB2 BdC2 BaB TbB2 TaB TaB BdB2 TaB BdB2 TaB BdC2 BdC2 BaB TbB2 TbB2 TbB2 BdB2 CmB TbB2 BaB BdB2 W TaB TaB BaB BdC2 W CmB BdB2 BaB TaB BdB2 TbB2 BaB BaB BaB BaB W Ba B TaB TaB MhA BaB BaB TaB MhA TaB BaB BaB BaB W GoC GoC BdB2 BaB W BdB2 BdB2 BdC2 ScA BaCBaC WyB W W MhA BdC2 CmB W W BaB W TbB2 TbB2 TaB W TbB2 TaB TaB TaC CmB TbB2 BdB2 PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03B_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3B NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) B YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesMhA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam s andy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam s andy loam, 10 to 45 perc ent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY W ScA BdB2 BaB TbB2 BdB2 TbB2 BdC2 BdB2 TbB2 TbB2 BaB BaB BdB2 ChA ChA BaB CmB TbB2 BdB2 BdB2BdB2 BaB TbB2 GoE TbB2 BdB2 W BdB2 GoE BdB2 BaC BdC2 GoE GsC BdB2 BaC TbB2 BdC2 TbB2 GsC BaBGsB CmB BaB GsE BdB2 BdC2 GoE TbB2 GoE BdC2 TaB BaB BdC2 BaC BdB2 TaB BaC BaB ChA BaB GsC GsE BdB2 BaB GoE GoE GsE ChA Bd B2 CmB BaC BdB2 GsE BdC2 GoE BdC2 ChA BdC2 BuB GsB GsC ChA DAM BdB2 BaC BdC2 GsE BdC2 BdC2 BuB BdC2 BdB2 GoE GsC BdB2 W W W ChA GsC CmB CmB BdC2 ChA ChA CmB WBdC2 GsC CmB GoC ChA CmB CmB CmB ChA BdC2 GsC GsE Bd B2 W GoE W ChA BdB2 BdC2 CmBTbB2BdB2 BdC2 W BdC2 BdC2BdC2 BdB2 BdB2 BaB TaB BdC2 ChA PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03C_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3C NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) C YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesMhA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam s andy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam s andy loam, 10 to 45 perc ent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY BaB BaB BdB2 BdC2 TaB BdB2 BdB2 GsB BaC BaB BdB2 CmB GsC BdB2 BaC BdB2 BdB2 GsC GoE GsE BaB BdB2 BdB2 BdB2 GsC TbB2 TbB2 CmB BaB ChA GsCCmB GsC BdB2 GsC GoE CmB GsE TbB2 ChA BaB ChA BaB BaC BaC GsC GsB BdB2 BdB2 GsB GsB GsC BdB2 BdC2 BaC BdC2 BdB2 TbB2 GsC ChA TbB2 GsC GsB BaB TbB2 BdB2 BaC GoC BaC BaB GsE ChA GsE BdC2 BaB ChA GsC GsC TbB2 CmB BaB TbB2 BaB ChA BdC2 TbB2 BaB CmB BaB TbB2 GsB CmB W GsC W W BdC2 GsE CmB GsE ChA BdC2 GsC GoE ChA GsE GsC GsC ChA TbB2 BdB2 BaC BdC2 ChA BaC GsB W ChA BaC BaBTaBBdB2 Bd B2 BaC TbB2 BaC GsC GsC PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03D_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3D NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) D YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy c lay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent s lopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent s lopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest s andy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesMhA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam sandy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam sandy loam, 10 to 45 percent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY CmB BaB BaB BdB2 TbC2 GsC BaB GsBBaB PaE2 BaB BaC TbB2 BaB BaB BdB2 TaB GoE ChA TbB2 BaC TaB WyC GoC BaB MhA CeB2 TaC CmB BdC2 ChA BaB BaB GsC BdB2 BdB2 WyB BdB2 MhA BdB2 TaC BdB2 BaB TaD BaC TaB W TaC BdB2 GsC BaB GoE PaE2 TaB ChA BaC BaB BaB GsC BaB GsE GsB BdB2 GsC GsC WyB BaC MhA BdB2 BaB BaB BdB2 TaB CmB GsB BaB TaB BaB GoE GsB GsC TbB2 GoC BaB WyB BaB TaB BdC2 GoC W GoC BaB BaB GsC MhA BdB2 W BaB GsB BdB2 GsC W GsB GsBBaB BaC CmB BaC BaC BaC MhA BdB2 MhA BdC2 GsB GoE BdB2 BdC2 BaB ChA CmB W CmB BdB2 BdB2BaC BdC2 BdB2 BdC2 W GsC GoE BdC2 PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03E_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3E NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) E YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy c lay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent s lopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent s lopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest s andy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesMhA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam sandy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam sandy loam, 10 to 45 percent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY CmB CmB BdB2 BaB CmB GsC TaB GsB GsB BdB2 BaB BaB GsC TaC MhA GsE TaB BaC ChA TbB2 TbB2 TbB2 BdB2 BaC BaB TaB BaB GsB GsE GsB BaB BaB TaB TaB CmB BaB GoC BaB BaB GsC GsCBaB BaB BaB TbC2 WyB GsB GsC BdB2 BdB2 BaC BaB TaC MhA GsB BaB BdB2 GsB BdB2 GsB BdB2 BaB GsB GsB TbB2 GsB GsB CmB BuB BaB BdB2 BaB MhA BaB TaC TaB BdB2 BaB BdB2 TaB BaB BaB W GsB BdB2 BdB2 Bd B2 MhA BaB TbB2 BdB2 GsB BaB BdB2 BdB2 BaB BdB2 MhA MhA BdC2 CmB GsB BdB2 TbB2 W TbB2 TbB2 GsB GsB BdC2 GsE GsB BaB W TaB BdB2 W BdB2 Bd B2 ChA GsC MhA GsC GoC WyC BdB2 W GsC ChA GsE W BdC2 BdB2 W Bd B2 GsB BaC CmB GsC BdC2GsC BaB W GsCGoE GsB GoE ChA PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03F_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/201 9 FIGURE 3F NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) F YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesMhA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam s andy loam, 4 to 10 percent slopesTbB2–Siloam s andy loam, 10 to 45 perc ent slopesW–WaterWyB–Wynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY CmB BaB BaB GsB BaB BdC2 BaB GsC GsB BaB GsB BaB GoC GsC MhA BaB BdB2 BaB BaCBaB BdB2 BuB GsB CmB MhA BaC GoC GsC GsB GsC GsC BdB2 TaB BaC BdB2 GsB BaC BaCBaB BaB BaB GsB BaB GoC GsC GsB CmB GsE BaB BdB2 BaB BdB2 GsE GsB GsC GsB BaB BaB BaC GsB GsB BdB2 CmB BaB BaB BdB2 GsB GoC BaB MhA GsBGsB BaB GsE BdB2 GsB MhA BaB BaB GsB BaB BdB2 W CmB GsB BaBW GsC BdB2 BaB W W GsB ChA BaC BaC GsC CmB CmB GsC BaB BdB2BdB2 GsE GsE BaC GsB W GsE GsC W BaB GsE BaB GsB CmB BaB GsB PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03G_YA DKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/1 0/2019 FIGURE 3G NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION COUNTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) G YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine s andy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine s andy loam, 15 to 45 perc ent slopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex , 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex , 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex , 8 to 15 percent slopes , moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex , 15 to 25 percent slopes , moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie s andy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes , moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesMhA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 8 to 15 perc ent s lopesScA–Rhodhiss sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent s lopesTaB–Siloam s andy loam, 4 to 10 perc ent s lopesTbB2–Siloam s andy loam, 10 to 45 perc ent s lopesW–W aterWyB–W ynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° UNION CO UNTY STANLY COUN TY GsC GsB BaB GsB GsC GsE GsB BaB BaB BaC GsE GsC GsC GoE GsB BaB GsC GsC GsC GsE BdB2 GsE GsB GoC GsC BaB BaB GoE BaB BdB2 BaB GsB GsC ChA BaC GsB GoE GsB GsB GsC TaB GoE GsB GoC ChA GsE CmB BaB GoE GsC BdB2 BdB2 BaB GoE GsC GsC GsC GsE BaB GsC GsC BdB2 GsE BdB2 GsE W ChA ChA GsC GsC BdC2 GsE CmB CmB GsC GsC CmB CmB GsB BaC BaB W GsC CmB W BdB2 W GsC CmB GsB GsC GsE GsE GsE BaB ChA GsB GsC GoC BaB GoF GoF GoF BaD BaD GoF GoF GoF BaB GoC OaA GoF BaD BaD MhBGoC BaB BaD CoA CoA OaA GoF GoCGoC BaB BaDBaB OaA GoC BaB GoF BaF BaD W BaD OaA BaD BaD BaB GoF GoF BaF BaD BaB BaB GoC GoC W CoA BaD OaA CoA GoCBaB BaD BaD MhB BaD BaB BaD GoCGoC BaD GoC GoF CoA MhBGoC CoA OaA PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03H_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3H NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF UNION AND STANLY COUNTIES NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) H YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Clifford sandy clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedBaC–Codorus loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes , frequently floodedBdB2–Dan River loam, 0 to 2 perc ent slopes, frequently floodedBdC2–Devotion fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopesBuB–Devotion fine sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesChA–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopesCmB–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopesGoC–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedGoE–Fairview-Poplar Forest complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsB–Nathalie sandy loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesGsC–Poplar Forest sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, moderately erodedGsE–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesMhA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesScA–Rhodhis s sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopesTaB–Siloam sandy loam, 4 to 10 perc ent slopesTbB2–Siloam sandy loam, 10 to 45 percent slopesW–W aterWyB–W ynott gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopes On-Site Soils (UNION COUNTY) BaB –Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesBaF–Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesBbB–Badin-Urban land complex , 2 to 8 perc ent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land complex , 8 to 25 percent s lopesCoA–Congaree fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon c obbly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesEcD–Enon c obbly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesEnC–Enon very c obbly loam, 4 to 15 perc ent slopes , very stonyGmC–Georgeville s ilt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopes, ex t remely boulderyGmF–Georgeville s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes, ex tremely boulderyGoC–Golds ton very channery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopesGoF–Golds ton very channery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesHeD–Hiwas see gravelly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesKkB–Kirksey s ilt loam, 0 to 6 percent slopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesMhB–Mis enheimer c hannery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oak boro silt loam, 0 to 2 perc ent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus channery silt loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesTbD–Tarrus channery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus channery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus channery silty clay loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopes , moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land complex , 2 to 8 perc ent slopesW–W ater On-Site Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY UNION CO UNTY MhB GoC GoC GoC GoF GoC GoF GoC GoC BaD BaB GoF BaB GoC OaA GoF KkB BaB GoC GoC BaB BaB BaD KkB KkB MhB BaB GoC BaB BaB BaB GoF MhB GoF GoC GoC GoC GoC BaB BaD GoF BaB BaD GoF MhB BaF BaD BaB BaD BaB BaB GoF MhB BaB BaD BaB BaD BaB GoC KkB GoF BaB BaB BaB BaB BaF MhB BaB GoC GoF GoC GoC BaB BaD BaB BaD BaB BaB BaB BaD KkB GoC GoC BaB BaB KkB KkB BaB GoC GoC BaB BaD W BaD BaB GoF BaB BaB W GoF BaB MhB GoC KkB BaF BaDGoC BaD OaA BaB BaF BaF BaD BaD BaB MhB W W BaD GoC KkB BaD BaD BaB GoC BaB GoC MhB BaB W GoC BaB GoC BaB KkB BaB W BaB Ba B MhB GoF GoC BaB KkB BaB Ba B GoC KkB GoF KkB GoC PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03I_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2 019 FIGURE 3I NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) I YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 8 to 15 perc ent s lopesBaF–Badin c hannery s ilt loam, 15 to 45 perc ent s lopesBbB–Badin-Urban land complex , 2 to 8 percent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land complex , 8 to 25 percent slopesCoA–Congaree fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 perc ent s lopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon cobbly loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesEcD–Enon cobbly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, very s tonyGmC–Georgeville silt loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes , extremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville silt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes , extremely boulderyGoC–Goldston very channery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent slopesGoF–Goldston very channery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesHeD–Hiwassee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesKkB–Kirks ey s ilt loam, 0 t o 6 percent slopesLgB–Lloyd gravelly loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesMhB–Misenheimer channery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oakboro silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesTbD–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land complex , 2 to 8 percent slopesW–W ater On-Site Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY MhBKkB GoC MhB BaB GoC BaB KkB GoC MhB GoC KkB GoC Ur KkB BaB GoF BaB BaB GoC GoF GoCOaA GoC BaB GoC BaB BaB GoC GoC BaB GoF GoC GoC BbB BaB MhB KkB BaD BaD GoC BbB BaB GoC KkB BaB GoC GoC GoC BbB KkB MhB BaD GoC GoC BbB MhB BaB TdB BaD BaB BaB BaB BaB BaD BaB BaB BaB BaB BaB BaB BaB MhB BaB MhB BaB GoC BaB GoC BaB BaB BaB BaB GoC GoC BaB BaD GoC GoC GoF GoC GoCBaD BaB GoC GoF BaB BaB BaB BaB KkB BbB BaB BaD GoC BaB BaB BaB BaB BaB GoC GoC BaB BaB BaB GoC GoC GoC BaB GoC GoC GoC MhB W BaB BaD GoF BaB BaB BaB BaD OaA OaA BaD GoF BaD GoF BaD GoC GoC KkB KkB GoF GoC BaD KkB KkB OaA BaD GoF GoC GoF W GoC KkB BaF Ba B W BaB BaB KkB KkB BaD KkB KkB GoF GoCKkB GoC BaD W KkB KkB GoC PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03J_YADKIN_SOI LS.MXD - USER : EKOCH - D ATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3J NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) J YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesBaF–Badin c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesBbB–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 8 to 25 perc ent slopesCoA–Congaree fine s andy loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon c obbly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesEcD–Enon c obbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, very stonyGmC–Georgeville s ilt loam, 4 to 15 perc ent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGoC–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopesGoF–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesHeD–Hiwassee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesKkB–Kirksey silt loam, 0 to 6 percent s lopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesMhB–Mis enheimer channery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oak boro silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus c hannery s ilt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesTbD–Tarrus c hannery s ilt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus c hannery s ilty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus c hannery s ilty clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes , moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 percent slopesW–W ater On-Si te Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY ANSO N COUNTY GoE BgD W ShA BgB BgC BgDGoE GoC GoF GoC GoC BaB Ud GoC Pt GoFGoF GoC GoF GoF W GoF BaD OaA BaB GoF BaD BaB OaA GoC GoC KkB BaB GmC W BaB BaB KkB GoF GmF Ba B CoA GoF OaA BaB GoF GoC GoF BaB GoC KkB OaA BaD BaB GoF GoF Ba B GoF BaD GoC GoC GoC BaB GoC BaB GoF GoC BaD GoF MhB Ud GoF GoC BaB HeB BaD BaD BaD BaB KkB BaB BaD BaB EnC BaB BaB BaD GoF GoC W BaD BaD W GoC BaB BaB BaB GoC GoC BaB BaB GoC BaD GoF GoC GoC OaA BaB GoC GoC BaD MhB BaB BaD DAM BaD BaD BaD BaD Ud TbB BaD BaB CoA GoC BaB GoF OaA GoC W BaD W MhB BaD BaB W W OaA BaDBaB GoC W GoC GoC GoC GoF GoF W GoCBaD GoC GoC OaA MhB BaDBaD PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03K_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3K NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7), Stanly Coun ty,NC (201 7), and An son Cou nty, NC (2 017) LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) K YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesBaF–Badin c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesBbB–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 8 to 25 perc ent slopesCoA–Congaree fine s andy loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon c obbly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesEcD–Enon c obbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, very stonyGmC–Georgeville s ilt loam, 4 to 15 perc ent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGoC–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopesGoF–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesHeD–Hiwassee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesKkB–Kirksey silt loam, 0 to 6 percent s lopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesMhB–Mis enheimer channery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oak boro silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus c hannery s ilt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesTbD–Tarrus c hannery s ilt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus c hannery s ilty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus c hannery s ilty clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes , moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 percent slopesW–W ater On-Si te Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY KkB MhB GoC TbB GoC GoC GoF BbB GoF TbB TbB BaD KkB GoC KkB GoC GmC GoC GoC TbB TbD TbB GoF MhB GmF TbB GmC GoC MhB TbB GmC GoF BaB BaB BaB BaB OaA TaF BaB BaB GoCTbB MhB BaB BaB TbB BaB MhB GoC GoF BaB KkB TbD KkB BaD KkB OaA TbB GoF BaB GoF BaB BaB BaD GoC TbD TbD BaB GoC GoC BaD GmF GoF BaB GoC TbD BaB GoC GoC GmF GoF GoC GoC BaB TbD BaB KkB BaD GoC MhB BaB BaB BaB GmC GmF TbB GoC BaB MhB GoF EnC TbD MhB GmC GoC BaB GoC BaB GoC MhBMhB TbD Ud TbB BaD TbB BaB BaB GoC GoC BaB W BaD BaD BaD GoF MhB GoC MhB MhB BaB TbB GoC BaB BaD BaB BaB GoC BaB GoC GoF BaD MhB GoC BaD BaD BaD W OaA BaB BaD GoC KkBTbD BaB BaB BaB KkB MhBBaB GoF GoC MhB MhB TbD BaB KkB BaB W BaB BaB W BaD MhB W W TbD BaB GoC W BaB OaA Ba B GoF W GoC W BaD GoF GoC OaA W BaB BaB MhB BaB GmF GoC PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03L_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/201 9 FIGURE 3L NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) L YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery silt loam, 2 t o 8 perc ent slopesBaD–Badin c hannery silt loam, 8 t o 15 perc ent slopesBaF–Badin c hannery silt loam, 15 t o 45 perc ent slopesBbB–Badin-Urban land c omplex , 2 to 8 percent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land c omplex , 8 to 25 percent slopesCoA–Congaree fine s andy loam, 0 t o 2 perc ent slopes , frequently floodedEcB–Enon cobbly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopesEcD–Enon cobbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes , very stonyGmC–Georgeville silt loam, 4 t o 15 perc ent slopes , extremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville silt loam, 15 t o 45 perc ent slopes , extremely boulderyGoC–Goldston very c hannery silt loam, 4 to 15 perc ent s lopesGoF–Goldston very c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 perc ent slopesHeD–Hiwass ee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesKkB–Kirk s ey silt loam, 0 to 6 percent slopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesMhB–Misenheimer c hannery silt loam, 0 t o 4 perc ent slopesOaA–Oak boro silt loam, 0 to 2 perc ent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus channery s ilt loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesTbD–Tarrus channery s ilt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus channery s ilty c lay loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus channery s ilty c lay loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopes, moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus -Urban land complex, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesW–W at er On-Site Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY BaD GoC GoC MhB OaA OaA TdB BbB Ud GoF EcB GoC Ud BaB EcB BaD GoF EcB BaD OaA EcB BaB EcD BaB TbB EcB BaB BbB BaB EcD TdB TcB2 EnC MhB TcB2 EcD BbB TbB BbD GoC GoC BaD GoF GoF BaB BaD KkB MhB TcB2 BaD BbB BaD BbB GoC EcD GoC GoF GoF EcB BaB BaB GoF Ur TcD2 EcB EnE BaD TcB2 MhB KkB BbD EcD GoFBaB TcB2 BaB BaB GoF GmF BaD TdB BaD BaB BbD TbB EnC BaB GoF EnC BaF TbB BaD TbB EcD BaB EnC GoF BaD BaF BaB BaB GoC GmC TbB TcB2EcB BaD KkB GoC BaB MhB BaD GoC BaB W BaD EnE TbD BaD TbB TbB GoC EcB EcB GoF TcB2 BaB TbB TbB TbB BaB TbB GmC EcBMhB EcD EnE BaD BbD EcB MhB EcB GoF BaB BaB BaB BaD TcB2 BaF GoF BbD MhB EcD KkB BaD BbD BaB W BbD BaB TbB EcB EcB EcD BaB W GoC TbB BaB GoC GoC GoF BaD TcB2 GoC BaB W BaB GoC W BaD KkB EnC BaB EcD KkB BaB GoF TcB2 TbB EcD BaB TdB LgB GoF GoF EnE BaB TcB2 BaDKkB EcB TbB GoF BaB BaB MhB BaB GoF BaD BaD BaD GoF BaB BaB MhB BaB MhB GoC W GoF BbD W BaB GoC Ba B GoF GoC GoF TbB EnC EnC BbD EcBMhB BbD TbD GoC GoC EcB BaF GoC EcB BaB GmC BaB GoF BbB PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03M _YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3M NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) M YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesBaF–Badin c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesBbB–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 8 to 25 perc ent slopesCoA–Congaree fine s andy loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon c obbly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesEcD–Enon c obbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, very stonyGmC–Georgeville s ilt loam, 4 to 15 perc ent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGoC–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopesGoF–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesHeD–Hiwassee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesKkB–Kirksey silt loam, 0 to 6 percent s lopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesMhB–Mis enheimer channery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oak boro s ilt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesTbD–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes , moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 percent slopesW–W ater On-Site Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° STANLY COUN TY MONTGOMERY COUNTY W TdB BaD BaD BaD BbD BbB GoF TcB2 BaD BbD BbD BaD EnC EcB EnC BbB EnC BaD OaA HeD EcD UrBbD Bb B TcB2 BaD TcB2 BaD TbB Ur TcB2 TdB TcB2 EnE TcD2 BbB BbD TcB2 BbD BaF BbD GeB EnE EnE OaA BaD TcB2 BaD BaB TcB2 TdB EcD TdB BbB EcD TcB2 BaD TdB TdB EnC EnE EcB BaF BbD Ud TcB2 BaD BaD BbB W TcB2 TdB TcB2 GoF W TcB2 KkB TcB2 BaB BaD EcB TdB BbB W GoF GoF BaD BaD TdB BaD BaF KkB GoF BbD EcD TcB2 TcD2 BaF BbD GmC TcB2 W TcB2 GoF BaB BbD BbD OaA KkB GoF GoF TbB BaD EnC EcD BbD BaB BaD GoC W BaB BaB TbB BaDBaD TdB W GmC W BaB GoF TcD2 TdB GmC W TcD2 PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTS\3096_UNIONCO\10051744 _YRWSP_PROGRAM_MANAGEM ENT\7.2_WORK_IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOCS\MXD\PJD\03N_YADKIN_SOILS.MXD - USER: EKOCH - DATE: 9/10/2019 FIGURE 3N NRCS SOIL SURVEY OF STAN LY COU NTY NC(CLIENT LOGO) 0 1,000Feet O PR ELIMINA RY JURISDICTIONAL DETERM INATIO N Union St anly Anson Cabarrus DATA SOUR CE: USDA NRCS S oil Survey o fUnion Coun ty, NC (201 7) an d Sta nly County,NC (201 7). LEGEND Study Ar ea So il Map Units Hydric Rat ing Hydric (1 - 32%) N YADKIN REGIONAL WAT ER S UPPLY PROJECT Map Ind ex BaB –Badin c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent s lopesBaD–Badin c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesBaF–Badin c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopesBbB–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesBbD–Badin-Urban land c omplex, 8 to 25 perc ent slopesCoA–Congaree fine s andy loam, 0 to 2 percent s lopes, frequently floodedEcB–Enon c obbly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesEcD–Enon c obbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopesEnC–Enon very cobbly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, very stonyGmC–Georgeville s ilt loam, 4 to 15 perc ent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGmF–Georgeville s ilt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopes, ex tremely boulderyGoC–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 4 to 15 percent s lopesGoF–Golds ton very c hannery silt loam, 15 to 45 percent s lopesHeD–Hiwassee gravelly loam, 8 to 15 perc ent slopesKkB–Kirksey silt loam, 0 to 6 percent s lopesLgB–Lloy d gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent s lopesMhB–Mis enheimer channery silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopesOaA–Oak boro s ilt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes , frequently floodedTbB–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 2 to 8 perc ent slopesTbD–Tarrus c hannery silt loam, 8 to 15 percent s lopesTcB2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately erodedTcD2–Tarrus c hannery silty clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes , moderately erodedTdB–Tarrus-Urban land c omplex, 2 to 8 percent slopesW–W ater On-Site Soils (STANLY COUNTY) Name:Yadkin Regional Water Suppl y Proj ectApplicant:Union County Public Works and the Townof NorwoodLocation:Stanly and Union Counties North Caroli naDate:09/06/2019Study Area:1,106.36 acresCenter Coordinates:-80 .440563°, 35.066787° IPaC: Explore Location Page 1 of 11 IPaC Information for Planning and Consultation U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC resource list This report is an automatically generated list of species and other resources such as critical habitat (collectively referred to as trust resources) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) jurisdiction that are known or expected to be on or near the project area referenced below. The list may also include trust resources that occur outside of the project area, but that could potentially be directly or indirectly affected by activities in the project area. However, determining the likelihood and extent of effects a project may have on trust resources typically requires gathering additional site - specific (e.g., vegetation/species surveys) and project -specific (e.g., magnitude and timing of proposed activities) information. Below is a summary of the project information you provided and contact information for the USFWS offices) with jurisdiction in the defined project area. Please read the introduction to each section that follows (Endangered Species, Migratory Birds, USFWS Facilities, and NWI Wetlands) for additional information applicable to the trust resources addressed in that section. Location Stanly and Union counties, North Carolina Local office Asheville Ecological Services Field Office t. (828) 258-3939t� 1B (828) 258-5330t� 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801-1082 http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/countyfr.html https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 lPaC: Explore Location Page 2 of 11 Endangered species This resource list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an analysis of project level impacts. The primary information used to generate this list is the known or expected range of each species. Additional areas of influence (AOI) for species are also considered. An AOI includes areas outside of the species range if the species could be indirectly affected by activities in that area (e.g., placing a dam upstream of a fish population, even if that fish does not occur at the dam site, may indirectly impact the species by reducing or eliminating water flow downstream). Because species can move, and site conditions can change, the species on this list are not guaranteed to be found on or near the project area. To fully determine any potential effects to species, additional site -specific and project -specific information is often required. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action" for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an official species list from either the Regulatory Review section in IPaC (see directions below) or from the local field office directly. For project evaluations that require USFWS concurrence/review, lease return to the IPaC website and request an official species list by doing the followin 1. Draw the project location and click CONTINUE. 2. Click DEFINE PROJECT, 3. Log in (if directed to do so). 4. Provide a name and description for your project. 5. Click REQUEST SPECIES LIST. Listed Species '- and their critical habitats are managed by the Ecological Services Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the fisheries division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisherlesz). Species and critical habitats under the sole responsibility of NOAA Fisheries are not shown on this list. Please contact NOAA Fisheries for species under their jurisdiction. 1. Species listed under the Endangered Species Act are threatened or endangered; IPaC also shows species that are candidates, or proposed, for listing. See the listing status page for more information. 2. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. The following species are potentially affected by activities in this location: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 INC: Explore Location Page 3 of 11 Mammals NAME Northern Long-eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9045 Clams NAME Carolina Heelsplitter Lasmigona decorata There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. htt s://ecas.fw5. ov/ec /s ecies/3534 Flowering Plants NAM E M' h ' S Rh h Threatened STATUS Endangered 0 STATUS is aux s umac us mic auxii Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5217 !�p Schweinitz's Sunflower Helianthus schweinitzil Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws,g vo /ecp species/3a49 i Critical habitats Potential effects to critical habitat(s) in this location must be analyzed along with the endangered species themselves. k--%% THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS AT THIS LOCATION. Migratory birds Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 1 and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?. Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. 1. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 INC: Explore Location Page 4 of 11 Additional information can be found using the following links: • Birds of Conservation Concern http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/managed-species/ birds-of-conservation-concern.php • Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project-assessment-tools-and-guidance/ conservation-measures.php • Nationwide conservation measures for birds http://www.fws.gov/migratocybirds/pdf/management/nationwidestandardconservationmeasures.pdf The birds listed below are birds of particular concern either because they occur on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) list or warrant special attention in your project location. To learn more about the levels of concern for birds on your list and how this list is generated, seethe FAQ below. This is not a list of every bird you may find in this location, nor a guarantee that every bird on this list will be found in your project area. To see exact locations of where birders and the general public have sighted birds in and around your project area, visit the E-bird data mal2ping tool (Tip: enter your location, desired date range and a species on your list). For projects that occur off the Atlantic Coast, additional maps and models detailing the relative occurrence and abundance of bird species on your list are available. Links to additional information about Atlantic Coast birds, and other important information about your migratory bird list, including how to properly interpret and use your migratory bird report, can be found below. .1 . N %00� For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, click on the PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY at the top of your list to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. NAME BREEDING SEASON (IFA BREEDING ..................................................................................... SEASON IS INDICATED FOR A BIRD .......................................................................................... ❑N YOUR LIST, THE BIRD MAY ..................................................................... BREED IN YOUR PROJECT AREA ........................................................................ SOMETIME WITHIN THE ............................................................. TIMEFRAME SPECIFIED, WHICH IS A VERY LIBERAL ESTIMATE OF THE .................................................................................... DATES INSIDE WHICH THE BIRD .................................................................................... BREEDS ACROSS ITS ENTIRE ............................................................................ RANGE. `BREEDS ELSEWHERE" ................................................................................... INDICATES THAT THE BIRD DOES ......................................................................................... NOT LIKELY BREED IN YOUR ............................................................................ PROJECT AREA.) .......................................... Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Breeds Sep 1 to Jul 31 This is not a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) in this area, but warrants attention because of the Eagle Act or for potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1626 https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 INC: Explore Location Page 5 of 11 Eastern Whip -poor -will Antrostomus vociferus Breeds May 1 to Aug 20 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Kentucky Warbler Oporornis formosus Breeds Apr 20 to Aug 20 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor Breeds May 1 to Jul 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Breeds Apr 1 to Jul 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC} throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Breeds May 10 to Sep 10 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. A r� 1 Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus�Breeds elsewhere This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. � Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina I Breeds May 10 to Aug 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Probability of Presence Summary The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read and understand the FAQ "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. Probability of Presence ( ) Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4-week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: 1. The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 lPaC: Explore Location Page 6 of 11 example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. 2. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability of presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. 3. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. To see a bar's probability of presence score, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. Breeding Season ( ) Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time -frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort (1) N % V Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid celI(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. To see a bar's survey effort range, simply hover your mouse Cursor aver the bar. No Data ( ) A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. SPEC ES �O Bald Eagle Non -BCC Vulnerable (This is not a Bird of Conservation Concern .............................................. (BCC) in this area, but ............................................ warrants attention ...................................... because ofthe Eagle .......................................... Act or for potential ....................................... susceptibilities in ................................... offshore areas from ......................................... certain types of ................................ development or .............................. activities.) ..................... ]AN probability of presence breeding season survey effort — no data FEB REAR APR MAY IUV JUL AUG SEP OC- VOv DEC https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 lPaC: Explore Location Page 7 of I I Eastern Whip -poor- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---- will BCC Rangewide (CON) (This is a Bird of .C.o.n.s.e.rva.ti�n..E.�.n.ce.r.n. .. . .. . .. ..... .. (BCC) throughout its range in the ......................... continental USA and Alaska.) ................ Kentucky Warbler 4- — -4 -4-- 1 I 1 j5___ — BCC Rangewide (CON) .... ............. ........................... — (This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Ala Prairie Warbler —+++ BCC Rangewide (CON) {rhis is a Bird of Co ... ....... ti concern {BCC] throughout its , range in t ' he cantlnen[ l USA and Alaska,) Prothonotary 4 F 1 4 j I 11 1 1 P I + + -I- — 4- Warbler BCC Rangewide (CON) .. ..... ... (This 1.s.a..Bird of Conservation .--.6-ncern range -i-n-the . pand -nen - tal U -SA-.-....- Alaska... and . ............. 0 r I Red-headed +411 A I k tj- I I I I woodpecker BCC Rangewide (CON) (This -is"a BIr'd_ of . ............ ................................. Conservation Concern (B_cc) throughout its range in the continental USA and . .... ............. ............. Alaska) . .... ...... Rusty Blackbird 1 +4-+4- 4- +4-4-1- +4-4--4- 4-+4-- 4-1- BCC Rangewide {CON] V— (This Is a Bird of ..... ...... .. .......... Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its .......................................... ran g�aj * n ­ the * ' ' contin USA and Alaska.) ................ Wood Thrush + -4- 4-+ +4- ++++ . . . . +++-4- + + + BCC Rangewide (CON) 'III lip' "I' Bird(This is a of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska.) ................ Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 INC: Explore Location Page 8 of 11 Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures and/or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCCI and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network AL �N . The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey: banding._and citizen_science_datas-ets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 1 Okm grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the AKN Phenology Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location?,� The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets . Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering, migrating or present year-round in my project area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year- round), you may refer to the following resources: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds Bird Guide, or (if you are unsuccessful in locating the bird of interest there), the Cornell Lab of ornithology NeotropicaI Birds guide. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 2. "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non -BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non -eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 lPaC: Explore Location Page 9 of 11 Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information, For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Lorin0,�4 g. What if I have m on eagles list? g Y If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. oe Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report �ON\ The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ' What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cells) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. Facilities National Wildlife Refuge lands Any activity proposed on lands managed by the National Wildlife Refuge system must undergo a 'Compatibility Determination' conducted by the Refuge. Please contact the individual Refuges to discuss any questions or concerns. 11.I�e77�1e7�►[�1e7�1�LeliA�1�DL����1:IG�[�Z���I[�7�� https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 lPaC: Explore Location Page 10 of 11 Fish hatcheries THERE ARE NO FISH HATCHERIES AT THIS LOCATION. Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal statutes. For more information please contact the Regulatory Program of the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Please note that the NWI data being shown may be out of date. We are currently working to update our NWI data set. We recommend you verify these results with a site visit to determine the..acXuaI extent of wetlands on site. This location overlaps the following wetlands: FRESHWATER FORESTED/SHRUB WETLAN❑ PF01A PSS1A PF01C FRESHWATER POND PUBHh LAKE L1 UBHh RIVERINE R2UBH R4SBC R5U8H A full description for each wetland code can be found at the National Wetlands Inventory website Data limitations The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identified based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on -the -ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classification established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verification work conducted. Metadata should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or field work. There may be occasional differences in polygon boundaries or classifications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 IPaC: Explore Location Page 11 of 11 Data exclusions Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial imagery. Data precautions Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may define and describe wetlands in a different manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas shoufid seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and prop rietaryjurisdictions that may affect such activities. �o� Foy https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/location/5JNGKKLDDNGZRLAUGPIPPX3AVU/resources 10/2/2019 NCNHDE-10390 October 4, 2019 Johanna Velasquez HDR Inc 440 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 RE: Yadkin_YRWSP; 10051744 Dear Johanna Velasquez: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. These results are presented in the attached ‘Documented Occurrences’ tables and map. The attached ‘Potential Occurrences’ table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one-mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one-mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally-listed species is documented within the project area or indicated within a one-mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. Also please note that the NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Clean Water Management Trust Fund easement, or an occurrence of a Federally-listed species is documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rodney.butler@ncdcr.gov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Intersecting the Project Area Yadkin_YRWSP Project No. 10051744 October 4, 2019 NCNHDE-10390 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Freshwater Bivalve 19715 Lampsilis radiata Eastern Lampmussel 2002-05-21 E 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S3 Natural Community 30090 Dry-Mesic Oak--Hickory Forest (Piedmont Subtype) ---2011-04-26 B 2-High ------G4G5 S4 Natural Community 3144 Dry Basic Oak--Hickory Forest ---2010 B 2-High ------G2G3 S2S3 Natural Community 30092 Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Piedmont Subtype) ---2011-04-26 B 2-High ------G3G4 S4 Natural Community 31133 Piedmont Alluvial Forest ---2011-04-26 BC 2-High ------G4 S4 Natural Community 31139 Piedmont Levee Forest (Typic Subtype) ---2011-04-26 C 2-High ------G3G4 S3S4 Vascular Plant 13737 Baptisia alba Thick-pod White Wild Indigo 2007-05-01 BC 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S2 Vascular Plant 17248 Boechera missouriensis Missouri Rockcress 1956-04-07 H 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G5 S1S2 Vascular Plant 2635 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1992-10-02 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 10422 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1991-07-26 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 166 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1989-09-13 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 12775 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1991-07-26 C 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Page 2 of 8 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Vascular Plant 10423 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 2007-09-13 C 2-High ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 28570 Primula meadia Shooting-star 1975-04-13 H 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S2S3 Vascular Plant 10837 Symphyotrichum concinnum Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster 1956-09-24 F 3-Medium ---Threatened G5T4 S2 Vascular Plant 9741 Symphyotrichum concinnum Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster 1987-09-22 F 3-Medium ---Threatened G5T4 S2 Natural Areas Documented Within Project Area Site Name Representational Rating Collective Rating Long Creek Slate Slopes R3 (High)C4 (Moderate) New Salem Branch R5 (General)C5 (General) Managed Areas Documented Within Project Area* Managed Area Name Owner Owner Type NC Division of Mitigation Services Easement NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services State *NOTE: If the proposed project intersects with a conservation/managed area, please contact the landowner directly for additional information. If the project intersects with a Dedicated Nature Preserve (DNP), Registered Natural Heritage Area (RHA), or Federally-listed species, NCNHP staff may provide additional correspondence regarding the project. Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/content/help. Data query generated on October 4, 2019; source: NCNHP, Q3 Jul 2019. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 3 of 8 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Yadkin_YRWSP Project No. 10051744 October 4, 2019 NCNHDE-10390 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Amphibian 11637 Ambystoma talpoideum Mole Salamander 2002-01-31 E 4-Low ---Special Concern G5 S2S3 Dragonfly or Damselfly 26059 Gomphurus septima Septima's Clubtail 2008-05-13 BC 5-Very Low ---Significantly Rare G2 S3 Dragonfly or Damselfly 31241 Gomphurus septima Septima's Clubtail 1989-04-28 E 4-Low ---Significantly Rare G2 S3 Dragonfly or Damselfly 33735 Somatochlora georgiana Coppery Emerald 2004-Pre H?5-Very Low ---Significantly Rare G3G4 S2? Freshwater Bivalve 19715 Lampsilis radiata Eastern Lampmussel 2002-05-21 E 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S3 Freshwater Bivalve 19515 Toxolasma pullus Savannah Lilliput 2009-05-13 E 3-Medium ---Endangered G2 S2 Freshwater Bivalve 29558 Villosa delumbis Eastern Creekshell 2009-05-13 E 3-Medium ---Significantly Rare G4 S4 Freshwater Bivalve 16905 Villosa vaughaniana Carolina Creekshell 2016-06-01 E 3-Medium ---Endangered G2G3 S3 Freshwater Fish 9284 Moxostoma robustum Robust Redhorse 1992?X 3-Medium ---Endangered G1 S1 Natural Community 30090 Dry-Mesic Oak--Hickory Forest (Piedmont Subtype) ---2011-04-26 B 2-High ------G4G5 S4 Natural Community 3144 Dry Basic Oak--Hickory Forest ---2010 B 2-High ------G2G3 S2S3 Natural Community 30091 Dry Oak--Hickory Forest (Piedmont Subtype) ---2015 B 2-High ------G4G5 S4 Natural Community 30092 Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Piedmont Subtype) ---2011-04-26 B 2-High ------G3G4 S4 Natural Community 31133 Piedmont Alluvial Forest ---2011-04-26 BC 2-High ------G4 S4 Page 4 of 8 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Natural Community 31134 Piedmont Alluvial Forest ---2011-06-08 C 2-High ------G4 S4 Natural Community 27166 Piedmont Basic Glade (Typic Subtype) ---2008-09-04 B 2-High ------G2 S2 Natural Community 27144 Piedmont Cliff (Basic Subtype) ---2008-10-14 B 2-High ------G2?S1 Natural Community 31139 Piedmont Levee Forest (Typic Subtype) ---2011-04-26 C 2-High ------G3G4 S3S4 Vascular Plant 13737 Baptisia alba Thick-pod White Wild Indigo 2007-05-01 BC 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S2 Vascular Plant 29697 Baptisia alba Thick-pod White Wild Indigo 2011-06-08 C 2-High ---Threatened G5 S2 Vascular Plant 26251 Baptisia alba Thick-pod White Wild Indigo 2008-06-03 C 2-High ---Threatened G5 S2 Vascular Plant 17248 Boechera missouriensis Missouri Rockcress 1956-04-07 H 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G5 S1S2 Vascular Plant 26192 Boechera missouriensis Missouri Rockcress 2008-05-12 BC 2-High ---Special Concern Vulnerable G5 S1S2 Vascular Plant 26193 Boechera missouriensis Missouri Rockcress 2008-05-13 BC 2-High ---Special Concern Vulnerable G5 S1S2 Vascular Plant 3305 Eurybia mirabilis Piedmont Aster 2011-06-08 A 3-Medium ---Significantly Rare Throughout G3 S3 Vascular Plant 23358 Eurybia mirabilis Piedmont Aster 2008-04-22 B 2-High ---Significantly Rare Throughout G3 S3 Vascular Plant 26189 Eurybia mirabilis Piedmont Aster 2008-05-13 B 2-High ---Significantly Rare Throughout G3 S3 Vascular Plant 12805 Eurybia mirabilis Piedmont Aster 2008-09-04 B 2-High ---Significantly Rare Throughout G3 S3 Page 5 of 8 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Vascular Plant 26188 Eurybia mirabilis Piedmont Aster 2008-05-12 B 2-High ---Significantly Rare Throughout G3 S3 Vascular Plant 2635 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1992-10-02 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 10422 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1991-07-26 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 11742 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1992-10-02 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 166 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1989-09-13 F 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 12775 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 1991-07-26 C 3-Medium ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 10423 Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower 2007-09-13 C 2-High ---Special Concern Vulnerable G4 S3 Vascular Plant 13021 Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's Sunflower 1957-09 X 3-Medium Endangered Endangered G3 S3 Vascular Plant 23351 Paspalum dissectum Mudbank Crown Grass 1957-09-17 H 3-Medium ---Endangered G4?S2 Vascular Plant 28570 Primula meadia Shooting-star 1975-04-13 H 3-Medium ---Threatened G5 S2S3 Vascular Plant 29698 Primula meadia Shooting-star 2011-06-08 C 2-High ---Threatened G5 S2S3 Vascular Plant 10837 Symphyotrichum concinnum Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster 1956-09-24 F 3-Medium ---Threatened G5T4 S2 Vascular Plant 9741 Symphyotrichum concinnum Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster 1987-09-22 F 3-Medium ---Threatened G5T4 S2 Vascular Plant 26289 Tradescantia virginiana Virginia Spiderwort 2008-04-22 C 2-High ---Threatened G5 S2S3 Natural Areas Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Site Name Representational Rating Collective Rating Long Creek Slate Slopes R3 (High)C4 (Moderate) YAD/Crooked Creek Aquatic Habitat R3 (High)C4 (Moderate) New Salem Branch R5 (General)C5 (General) Page 6 of 8 Natural Areas Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Site Name Representational Rating Collective Rating Polk Mountain R3 (High)C4 (Moderate) Baucom Bluff R4 (Moderate)C4 (Moderate) Managed Areas Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Name Owner Owner Type Three Rivers Land Trust Easement Land Trust for Central North Carolina Private NC Division of Mitigation Services Easement NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services State Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/content/help. Data query generated on October 4, 2019; source: NCNHP, Q3 Jul 2019. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 7 of 8 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Page 8 of 8