HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940687 Ver 1_Complete File_19940727a N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP W TO: REF. N OR ROOM, BLDG. • ? ? FROM: I REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR. INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: 1 ICJ [i li"' X661 1 da.. SLATE' o ? ?? M.sun ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP NSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 July 18, 1994 District Engineer Army Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir/Madame: R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY SUBJECT: Rowan County, Replacement of Bridge #101 on SR 2134 over Church Creek; State Project No. 8.2631801; Federal-Aid Project BRZ-2134(1); TIP No. B-1369. Attached for your information are three copies of the project planning report for the subject project. The project is being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). Therefore, we do not anticipate request' individual permit but propose to proceed under a ation ide Permit in accordance with 33CFR 330 Appendix A -23) issued November 22, 1991, by the Corps of Engineers. provisions of Section 330.4 and Appendix A (C) of these regulations will be followed in the construction of the project. (Categorical Exclusion) will apply to this project, and are providing one copy of the CE document to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management, for their review. We anticipate that 401 General Certification No. 2734 If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Robin Little at (919) 733-3141. .Sincerely, B. 0'Qu' n, P.E. Assis nt Manager Planning and Environmental Branch PHONE (919) 733-7384 FAX (919) 733-9428 M C BJO/rml Attachment cc: w/attachment Mr..Steve Chapin, COE-Asheville Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr..John Dorney, NCDEHNR, DEM Mr. John Parker, NCDEHNR, DEM w/out attachment Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. John L. Smith, Jr., P.E., Structure Design Unit Mr. Tom Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design Unit Mr. D. B. Waters, Division 9 Engineer Mr. Byron Brady, P.E., Project' Planning Engineer Mr. Davis Moore, Planning and Environmental Branch Rowan County, SR 2134 Bridge #101 over Church Creek State Project 8.2631801 Federal-Aid Project BRZ-2134(1) B-1369 6 9?' Date - 9- 6,4 Date -rvA-- CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS moo. C.D. Adkins M ager of Planning and Research Branch, NCDOT 7C%;??- Kenneth Bellamy Division Administrator, FHWA L7 Rowan County, SR 2134 Bridge #101 over Church Creek State Project 8.2631801 Federal-Aid Project BRZ-2134(1) B-1369 Bridge No..101 is included in the Federal-Aid Bridge Replacement Program. The location is shown in Figure 1. Since no substantial environmental impacts are anticipated, the project has been classified as a Federal "categorical exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b)(9). I. Summary of Recommendations Bridge No. 101 should be replaced at the existing location as shown in Figure 2. The recommended structure is a 105 foot long bridge with a clear width of 24 feet. Only a limited amount of approach work is necessary. The floor elevation of the new structure should be approximately the same as the floor elevation of the existing bridge. Traffic should be detoured along existing roads. Estimated cost, based on current prices, is $166,000. II. Existing Conditions SR 2134 is classified as a local route in the Statewide Functional Classification System and is not a part of the Federal-Aid System. The paved secondary road serves a rural area of Rowan County near High Rock Lake (see-Figure 1). Only scattered development exists in the project area. Land use is predominantly woodland except for an occasional farm or vacation cottage. In the vicinity of the bridge, SR 2134 has a pavement width of 16 feet 10 inches with 4 foot shoulders. The bridge is located in a 1000 foot tangent section between a 12 degree curve located about 300 feet to the south, and a 6 degree curve apprximately 100 feet to the north of the bridge. Vertical alignment is good. Each approach is on a downgrade toward the creek. Speed limit in the project area is not posted. The current traffic volume of 500 VPD is expected to increase to approximately 800 VPD by the year 2006. The projected volume includes 1% TTST and 2% dual- tired vehicles (DTT). The existing bridge (see Figure 3) was constructed in 1935, rebuilt in 1978, and consists of a creosote timber floor on steel I-beams supported by timber caps, and piles on end bents, and a concrete interior bent. Overall length is 741-8". Clear deck width is 13 feet, 2 inches. The posted weight limit is 15 tons for single vehicles (SV) and 20 tons for truck-tractor semitrailer (TTST). -2- Bridge No. 101 has a sufficiency rating of 48.8 (structurally deficient) compared to a rating of 100 for a new structure. One accident due to the narrowness of the structure was reported during the period from January, 1982 thru April, 1985. No school buses cross the subject bridge. The water level beneath the structure is dependent on the level of High Rock Lake (See Figure 4), which is formed by a dam across the Yadkin River. The dam is owned by Aluminum Company of America which uses the facility to generate power for its Baden plant. The normal pool elevation of High Rock Lake causes about a 5 foot water depth at the bridge site. It is normal practice for the water level to be lowered during the winter months, in which case Church Creek flows at normal stream levels. III. Discussion of Recommended Improvements The recommended replacement structure is a. 105 foot bridge, with a deck elevation approximately the same as the existing bridge. The clear deck width should be 24 feet in accordance with current Bridge Policy. Both the recommended 105 foot bridge and a 4 @ 12' x 11' reinforced box culvert were considered for the replacement structure. Alternate cost studies indicate that with comparable hydraulic capacity, the bridge would cost about $10,000 less than a box culvert. In addition, the bridge would be less environmentally disruptive, and would be easier to construct with High Rock Lake at normal pool elevation. The bridge is recommended. The drainage area at the existing bridge site is approximately 18.3 square miles. The size of the structure may be increased or decreased as necessary to accommodate peak flows as determined by further hydrologic studies. The small volume of traffic can be effectively detoured during construction by utilizing SR 2168 and SR 1002 as shown in Figure 1. Approximately 3.1 miles of additional travel will be necessary for the average vehicle affected by the closure. Additional road user costs incurred by motorists are estimated to be approximately $63,000 during the 200 day closure period. Detour roadways and bridges are adequate to accommodate affected traffic during the construction period. The road closure and recommended detour are acceptable to the Division Office. Provision of a detour structure at the site (estimated cost $78,000) is not recommended due to the low traffic volume and the availability of a suitable detour route. IV. Alternatives Utilizing the existing roadway and replacing the bridge in its current location results in the most economical and least disruptive replacement scheme; therefore, other locations were not considered. Two replacement alternatives were considered for the project, as follows: -3- • Alternate 1 - Replacement of the structure at the existing location with 350 feet of approach work in order to widen the south approach to 2 lanes. Construction of a temporary detour on the east side for maintenance of traffic. The detour roadway would be approximately 450 feet in length with 9 degree curves for a design speed of 30 mph. The temporary detour structure would be an 85 foot bridge. Three-way stop signs would be used at the north approach to the detour (See Figure 2). Alternate 2 - Replacement of the structure at the existing location with 350 feet of approach work in order to widen south approach to 2 lanes. Detour traffic via SR 2168 and SR 1002 during the construction period. The "do-nothing" alternative would eventually necessitate closure of the bridge. This is not desirable due to the traffic service provided by SR 2134. Rehabilitation of the old bridge is not feasible due to its age and deteriorated condition. Alternate 2 is recommended. V. Estimated Cost Based on current prices, the estimated costs of the studied alternates are as follows: Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Structure Roadway Approaches Structure Removal Temporary Detour Engineering and Contingencies Right-of-Way $114,000 $114,000 21,000 21,000 5,000 5,000 78,000 0 33,000 21,000 10,000 5.000 Total $261,000 $166,000 VI. Environmental Effects The project is expected to have an overall positive impact. Replacement of an inadequate bridge will result in safer traffic operations. The project is considered to be a Federal "categorical exclusion" due to its limited scope and insignificant/ environmental consequences. The bridge replacement will not have a significant adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications. -4- n No businesses or homes are to be relocated. Therefore, no adverse impact on families or communities is anticipated. No significant adverse effect on public facilities or services is expected. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. The project is located in the Metropolitan-Charlotte Interstate Air Quality Region. The ambient air quality for Rowan County has been determined to be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Since this project is located in an area where the State implementation plan (SIP) does not contain any transportation control measures, the conformity procedures of 23 CFR 770 do not apply to this project. The project will not significantly increase traffic volumes. Therefore, its impact on noise levels and air quality will be insignificant. Noise levels could increase during construction but will be temporary. If vegetation is disposed of by burning, all burning shall be done in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D. 0520. This evaluation completes the noise and air quality assessment requirements of FHPM 7-7-3 and no additional reports are required. SR 2134 crosses Church Creek, a tributary to High Rock Lake, southeast of Spencer. Church Creek is within the Yadkin River basin and has a watershed of approximately 18.3 square miles. At the point of the bridge crossing, the stream is greatly influenced by water level management in High Rock Lake. At the time of the site visit (January 1986), the lake level was very low (estimated 6 to 8 feet below full pool) and the stream was flowing within its apparent preimpoundment channel. The stream is a typical shallow piedmont stream and has a bottom comprising numerous rocks and stones up to one foot in diameter. The assessment was made following recent rain, and the water was flowing at a moderate rate and was slightly muddy. Small ditches flow into Second Creek on each side of the bridge. The North Carolina -Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Planning Branch has classified Church Creek as Class A-II. Stream classification ratings are assigned "on the basis of best usage in the interest of the public". Class A-II streams are "suitable for raw water supply requiring conventional treatment" (15 North Carolina Administrative Code 2B.0200 and personal communication, Aldridge Renn, NCDNRCD, DEM). The bridge is located in a low density residential and agricultural area of Rowan County. Land use north of the stream/bridge intersection is single family residential and small farms. The southwestern quadrant is forested. A main arm of High Rock Lake extends through the bridge, and the shoreline is forested and occupied by single family residences including both permanent and summer homes. The vegetation immediately adjacent to the stream is ruderal, exhibiting a high degree of disturbance by man. Vegetation within the right of way includes various species of grasses, japanese honeysuckle ( Lonicera japonica. ), greenbrier ( Smilax spp.), winged elm saplings ( Ulmus alata ), cross vine ( Anisostichus capreolata ), and numerous weedy annuals. On the north side of the bridge outside of the right of way are large upland oaks ( uercus nigra and Q. laurifolia ). as well as tulip -5- ft. poplar ( Lireodendron tulipif era ). The lake bed has no emergent or submergent vegetation. Figure 3 provides an overview of existing environmental conditions. The stream channel comprises no submerged or aquatic vegetation and would fall within U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetland Inventory category of riverine (system: riverine, subsystem: lower perennial, class: unconsolidated bottom, subclass: cobble/gravel/mud, water regime: permanently flooded, water chemistry: 'fresh) as described in Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin et al. 1979). The adjacent vegetation is upland. Terrestrial wildlife habitat in the immediate vicinity of the bridge is poor because of lack of food and cover; however, various small mammals such as gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis ), raccoon (Procyon lotor ), Virginia opossum (Didelphis marsupialis ), and cottontail rabbit ( Sylvilagus floridanus) likely occur in the area. Birds such as cardinal ( Richmondena cardinalis mockingbird ( Mimus. polyglottus ), and bobwhite ( Colinus viriginianus ) use habitat as is present, and reptiles such as box turtle ( Terrapene Carolina ), rat snake ( Elaphe obsoleta ), and copperhead ( Agkistrodon contortrix ) are typically common in the habitat described above. The stream provides habitat for characteristic fish listed on Table 1 (B-1369). Because of its location in the upper end of an arm of High Rock Lake, Church Creek is a popular fishing spot when the reservoir is at normal pool level. Typical sport species present include largemouth bass ( Micro terus Salmoides ), white bass ( Morone chrysops ), sunfish ( Le omis spp.), and catfish Ictalurus spp.). The shallow flats of the lake probably provide spawning areas for the sport fish. The existing good water quality contributes to maintaining desirable conditions downstream in High Rock Lake. During this study contacts were established with the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program regarding the presence of rare, threatened, or endangered species or other unique natural features. Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service literature ( Endangered and Threatened Species of the Southeastern United States) was also researched regarding- endangered and threatened species protected by the Federal government. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission utilizes the Federal list as a guideline for protecting endangered and threatened animals. The project area has no known occurrences of unique species or features. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources was contacted 'to assess whether any known historic or archaeologic resources would be affected by the project. The site has no known cultural resources, and it is unlikely that any resources will be affected by replacement in the existing alignment. Because of the probable use of the area by spawning fish, and to take advantage of the midwinter draindown at the site, construction of the foundation embankment and slope protection should be planned during the midwinter months. Construction activities should be coordinated with Mr. Don Baker, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Construction of the bridge at the site will minimize conflict with the channel in the project area. Possible impacts will be restricted to some limited sediment debris after project completion. Likely adverse impacts can be minimized through -6- I-- the employment of silt basins, berms, silt curtains and other erosion control measures required of the contractor and specified in the State approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program. Overall environmental impacts are expected to be negligible as a result of this project. The approximate limits of the 100-year floodplain are about the same as normal pool and shown in Figure 4. The proposed structure is not expected to adversely affect existing floodplain conditions. Rowan County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Regular Program. The planned replacement with a crossing design of similar conveyance to the existing structure will be consistent with the intent and requirements of the zoning regulations. A permit will not be required from the Corps of Engineers since the Nationwide Section 404 permit provisions of 33 CFR 330.5(a)(23) are applicable, and the provisions of 330.5(b) and 330.6 will be followed. Since the bridge is to be replaced in its present location, the project is exempt from the Farmland Protection Policy Act. On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that no serious adverse environmental effects will result from implementation of the project. N N iJ M m d a ?p G O a L ro N Z s1 C 41 ro N L L M C L U w c? z z .r F a? U r x x x x . i l En a, QI W ` x x x x r n .4 rl v b rn x x x x x x x x x x x 1 N m C) U) N I c0 a 1 +J OaN M x x x x X x x X X X X x J C 1 U CL ? J L+ r ?pp 8 LM X x x X X X k X x x 8 3 do :3 C 0) X X x x x x x X X X X V; O _ I--' 'O 'OtJ? k. U x .ti `x Ln x x x ID CN y In x U rN-I X X x x x x x x x rT. d ° a N I ro - U 19; - En U) co m a O h U2 •.i N U) 4J V 0 Ch Q) N 1 + a ro-H N C G .-? co (a ?l 'A 0 :3 fa U r' p?= N N M R 'C r pa N $4 C H 7 7 C W? 7 -1 (a y y U fu cc JJ a U7 r1 -I U U vv ro O N N N -4 N W ?+ N y 0) a G S ., d 41 E . 4 m +J N U a N N M ro ? W Sa U t 0 a 7 c Sr N N N 4 u to .? N (p? ro ro 0) q _q a N ro N iJ N O ro rI N a 45 -4 :3 c w ? U N Li M I. ~ E 2 R w 8 C ? ? ? N X ro C C 1.? S 1 O D U 1 pp C 3 N C E N G U O U 1.i L+ • U Q C C O M G O O C a.1 2 .r .•? k yJ t1 4q1 y C O O li++ ?z?? ?w cs?wla z u? v rz?E N NIH44 V a x J ro U iJ •H ro cv a a la to N Er y W N ' r S4 • C y N f C N G N U . CL aly It r . + •. w 4 Sa u i N c ?ro •• tSaCCL U d 1 a N 2 N . 0 ? y, ? ?roU NNW'OI.1C Cm2t aU N •? ?` d p. U t. W N L d i1 3a U C L L •? C •H N $.I J.7 Sa R1 r 'C ,Cro W ro X •rC+ t + N N } X • c C . Z mmyys+ 41CQ -1, .1 . . ' •.+ . 0 b•1 0 0 U ?-IC U Ut ONtNfaproC y ro 2 N rl 7 ?+ L d N a E w -4 G N N N ro N U •r l q y rtf 3.1 a U 03 r•I N N C '? •'? ro ro U 'O C d •.+ •'+ E 3 L C Y N N ?c O N ? 1 ? --i 41 y d C i+ U 1] C, W ro U •.a •14 .,? ?1.C d •?+ O .u N C L (p >,•H 0 4.) rl p L1 N W a (0 A c 3 L Y U) _.x C N d G •.i N i s C4 J 1 la i 4 ) 4 41 N S4 0 •i 8 Q) F p (0 -4 I C J r p C . - p s C, %• 4i R l4 -4 C w G -4-I N 3 C .C C 7 y fU N ? n -q t ? N F' N C C 1, o S ? ' L M 4 o ) o im c • 3 s 9 m 0 $`3 u 1 ti % g ro ' Ci C 7 a G U3 C A z . U 3 n R . 13 .] a z cc C .) 2 R 40 2208 38 FqU ?!t! ; - URBAN 13 EXT. 2120 S . 5 •6 / BDY. 2 120 Bethel p 2173 i' Ch. 1% .4 1\ i 2207 i ?s rPe? r 2220 85 h 2172 'i 2168 /r ?- Cr. .9 1.0 2120 `?. 1915 2171. Duke. 10 2229 ,0 ; 1•I 2125 ?- G{a 2168 2228 \ ., 2204 Ik:1 2170 r JL. (0 ?/. 3 2169 J 8-1369 ?? `? • r--?1 BRIDGE No.101 2188 ?. - 1002 ^ qS 1915 ? / 2219 14 /168 B 2167 ??. 221 -IN 6 v :6 `? ,/`•r/?/? -- 2134 1.1 2205 5i 2218.*, Union 2166 G{CC ??2165 2213 22 i1 ? 22 Ch. cb "3 2235 .17 3 2217 / *0 2129 •) = I5 2212 clo N .7 2130 Providence 2189 22'. h Ch.1.2' A - 0 2179 - a 1002 FAS` s 2164 •5. 2132 2133 2134 2136 .2 unn A ?o qS 1.2- \ 2193 'w 100- 0 1002 S 2135 6 2309 2134 f 1.0 S l9 2138 F"9S fl --- 2309 1 C? 7 RECOMMENDED DETOUR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH ROWAN COUNTY BRIDGE No. 101 ON SR 2134 OVER CHURCH CREEK B-1369 3/86- 0 mi. I FIGURE I . / 3 ?' ?t a r -' ?• 1 C? f y ' 4x y??' ?7r f'A , x tJ , s c - J _ I r W I* ?V7 T 4 ¢ j t r r r•„ Go 1 U) („oz A : Y' CR. tA, -n 71 ? , " ?".41? s' i; , " , III I "I ' A F. co it, jo z 1 ? . 3+ V30 M ?, { r 71. .1 Li. ?'? > 3 f u 't 61, ??'? >?. 'r •? j { r 11`E w ? 41 ^ W 1^' f t rYt 14" Bridge No. iul Rowan County B-1369 ft x r•- -. ?A ; •y- ?' A s Looking North x - Looking South f ?* Fig. 3A Bridge No. 101 Rowan County B-1369 /' 7 fyjiF?/ / 1 f }Y: t Sid` Viers High Rock Lake at Low Water Fin '2R '--! _rmvidenee. ` 1 _ w1 14 . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH ROWAN COUNTY .BRIDGE No. 101 ON SR 2134 OVER CHURCH CREEK B-1369 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 3/86- FIGURE 4 .nSWEo i:t_L?? VLD • al' e ,,.e.,, JAN 9 COASTAL IONS RESOURCES State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Parks and Recreation 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor Dr. William W. Davis S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director January 20, 1986 Mr. Rhodes Robinson Coastal Zone Resources, Inc. 1001 West Highway #1 Suite 603 Jupiter, Florida 33477 Dear Mr. Robinson: I have reviewed the locations of the 10 bridge replacement projects, in the North Carolina Piedmont, on which you..-requested information. The Natural Heritage Program has no record of rare species or natural areas of concern near any of the projects. We have no information from these sites. Sincerely, Michael P. Schafale NC Natural Heritage Program MPS/mjw P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 276117687 Telephone 919.7334181 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer . STATt o EGi D .?` FEB 1 0 1986 COASTAL ZOryE RESOURCES North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James G. Martin, Governor Division of Archives and History Patric Dorsey, Secretary William S. Price, Jr., Director January 31, 1986 Mr. Rhodes Robinson, Vice President Coastal Zone Resources, Inc. 4505 Franklin Avenue Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Re: Replacement of Ten Bridges: B-1152, B-1153, B-1012, B-1235, B-1240, B-1159,.E-1237, B-1332, B-1369, B-1374, Multicounty, ER 86-7701 Dear Mr. Robinson: Thank you for your letter of January 13, 1986 concerning the above projects. According to our files, temporary site #A11513 is.located immediately to the east of bridge No. 43 (B-1012) in Alleghany County. Unfortunately, little information is available beyond location for this site. However, the area around this bridge is considered to have a high probability for . the location of archaeological sites. We therefore recommend that B- 1012 be surveyed to relocate and assess•All-513 as well as locate any other sites that may be in the vicinity. There are no recorded archaeological sites within the proposed project areas for the remaining nine bridges. If the replacements are to be located along the existing alignments, it is unlikely that significant archaeological resources would be affected and no investigations would be recommended. If, however., any replacements are to be on new locations, we request that a map(s) be forwarded to this office indicating the location of the new alignment(s) in order that we may.evaluate the potential effects of the replacements upon archaeological resources. In addition, we are unable to provide comments on the possible effects of the undertakings upon significant historic structures without addi- tional information. Please forward to this office photographs of the bridges in their surroundings, and information concerning dates of construction for the bridges. We will complete our review of these replacements upon receipt of this information. 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919) 733-7305 Mr. Rhodes Robinson January 31, 1986, Page Two The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR.Part 800, and to Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhance- ment of the Cultural Environment." Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comments, please contact Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely,. David Brook, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw RErrri it n IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 January 21, 1986 Mr. Rhodes Robinson Coastal Zone Resources, Incorporated 4505 Franklin Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Mr. Robinson: FES 1 0.. 1-986 COASTq RESOUR ONE Reference your letter of January 13, 1986, regarding your plans to assist Rimley-Horn and Associates, Incorporated, in bridge replacement study for the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The U. S. Coast Guard has Federal regulatory responsibility for bridges pursuant to Section 9 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899; and therefore, your proposed bridge replacements should be coordinated with the Fifth Coast Guard District in Portsmouth, Virginia. We, the Corps of Engineers, will be concerned with the placement of any dredged or fill material in waters or wetlands to effect construction of causeways or approaches. This limited regulatory jurisdiction is in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The site plans you furnished with your letter are not sufficiently descriptive for us to determine whether we will have regulatory jurisdiction. We will appreciate the opportunity to review more detailed, construction plans as they become available. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Cliff Winefordner, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 343-4631. Sincerely, a W. tlis ie Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished: Commander Fifth U. S. Coast Guard District 610 Federal Building 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23705 United States Sod Department of Conservation Agriculture Service Federal Building, Rm 535 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC 27601 March 12, 1986 Ms. Pamela B. Townsend Structural Analyst Rimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 901 Jones Franklin Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 RE: Letter dated 1/21/86 requesting soils information for 10 bridge replacement studies. Dear Ms. Townsend: We have not yet completed the land evaluation process for the soils that will be affected by these projects. We, therefore, are unable to complete Part IV of Form AD 1006 for these projects. We are returning all aerials and general location maps to your. Sincer ly, C G nett State Conservations Enclosures r n v :?1 lO The Soil Conservation Service .J is an agency of the Department of Agriculture 04 C O r 414 ILO of I BIZ 1 2 + 1 $pWAAr March 17, 1986 TELEPHONE 704-636-6750 - Ms. Pamela Townsend Kemley-Horn & Associates Box 33068 Raleigh, NC 27606 Dear Ms. Townsend: This letter is to acknowledge your request by phone March 13th for information concerning bridge use in Rowan County. For the two bridges being replaced in Rowan County, the impact on our school buses is as follows: Buses can be detoured around Emanual Church Road by way of Rockwell Road. Emanual Church Road has four buses crossing this bridge. There are no buses-crossing Church Creek Bridge. No problem has been created with the bus routes. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, Gilberf D. Dyson/f Transportation & Safety ROWAN COUNTY K BOARD OF EDUCATION POST OFFICE BOX 1348 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA 28145-1348 ng f+. ATt W..._ n 1 ,11 Aj North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James G. Martin, Governor Division of Archives and History Patric Dorsey, Secretary William S. Price, Jr., Director March 19, 1986 Mr. Rhodes Robinson, Vice President Coastal Zone Resources, Inc. 4505 Franklin Avenue Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Re: Replacement of ten bridges, B-1152, B-1153, B-1012, B-1235, B-1240, B-1159, B-1237, B-1332, B-1369, B-1374, Multi-county, ER 86-7701 Dear Mr. Robinson: We have received photographs of the above referenced bridge projects from Mr. David Modlin at the Planning and Research Branch, North Carolina Department of Transportation. We are returning the photographs to him, along with a copy of this letter, as requested. The only project with which we have concerns is B-1235 in Iredell County. Our files indicate that the bridge to be replaced-is in the vicinity of Redmond's Mill, which is located on the east bank of Rocky Creek, on the west side of NC 115, .4 mile south of the junction with SR 1597. Now abandoned, the mill was built in the 1880s on the site of an early nine- teenth century forge. The mill is not listed in the National Register, nor-has it been determined eligible. The photographs of bridge B-1235 indicate the existence of the Cole Redmond Store, which may be associated with the mill. The mill structure does not appear in the photographs and we have no way of knowing exactly how close it is to the subject bridge. However, based on the information provided, the bridge is to be replaced in the same location, with no demolition of the store proposed. If this is the case, we do not feel that there should be impacts upon the mill or the store, especially since the detour will be on existing roads. We simply would like you to be aware of the existence of the historic resource. Please notify this office if plans for this replacement change. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800, and to Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhance- ment of the Cultural Environment." 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919) 733-7305 Mr. Rhodes Robinson March 19, 1986, Page Two Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comments, please contact Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, David Brook, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: C. D. Adkins -David Modlin (Enclosures/photos) Commander Federal Building U.S. Department of Transportation ? °• 'e'.. Fifth Coast Guard District 431 Crawford Street r„? t Portsmouth, VA 23705 United States Staff Symbol: ( oan ) RFC ? ?,,- Phone: Coast Guard Q?.? 804-398-6222 VAR 1 16591 -r? ?t?r i9gb'+ Mar h_. 1986 ASj ?? •' CO 7-AL :. r_1 J- RFSOUROei ONE t 7 1. Mr. Rhodes Robinson Coastal Zone Resources ,-? 1001 US Highway 1 ????.• -? ?;??? Suite 603 Jupiter, FL .33458 Dear Mr. Robinson: This is in response to your letter of February 19, 1986, requesting advice as to whether Coast Guard permits will be required for the replacement of 10 bridges. The bridges are across non-tidal streams in the western part of North Carolina. We have reviewed your request and the decision has been made that these streams are not navigable for bridge administration purposes. Therefore, Coast Guard bridge permits will not be required for the replacement of those bridges. The fact that Coast Guard bridge permits will not be required does not relieve you of the responsibility of compliance with any other State or Federal agency that may have jurisdiction over these streams. Sincerely, If7ain MO THAN Ca II.S. Coast Guard C , Aids to Navigation Branch y di ection of the Commander Fifth Coast Guard District 1 _ •._ i _ _. ., sJ_ _? ,_ I `? 1 t J . I1 .? 1 . `; _ ? _ '__ _ ? I_. ,. , ;t`- _t ?? ? '? , • / 1 - - j i i\ J? l ?•"\.. ( 77 1 - 1 I - ? ' ? . I € _ ? , --? _ i--1}}} r I i 111- I - I I-. 1 _ _1 i I ? f ? _ . _ - , , w- , ? f }. , I Q , 1 ' 111 E I ? ? _ -- - ? ? , i I 71 I I? I,? ` ? , _. r z ? I 1 I I t -1-? J_ I - - . . R . T I •. i i I I • I _ I - , i _ . - , a I { .c . I , - q ff ? 1 11 1 I - ,. T -7 -1 4 I I i?? 1 I , I J I -" 1 ;T - r 1 S s o + o W z o0 Ln i .o?, _ ° Oo n +98.70 212,54' N87-09'42T • K L i ? . w ?J1 PT 11+30.00 j 1 U t? ti r I L% _?- IF E c? ( K- t I 11 x r m . ? rn? 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