HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140046_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20190501STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT N0. /v /y I DOC TYPE L& HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS D06 DATE ❑ a bl 1 0 5 0 l YYYYMMDD May 1,.2019 Ms. bebra.-Tunstall. Qity:pf:1 incolnton:WWTP P.O. Bdx 617 Lincolnton,,NC 28093 Bear Ms. Tbristall, I am Vriting.ypu in.responseto the Notice of Violatio'n. tedeivea fTbm:office' AtedAviii.30,2019 -.: . .. . ... . . I Ypur- :d in:. regards, to: the - unpermitted process wast ewater'being:.'discharge into the.City of Lincolntoii's sewer system. The reason for:this:Aischarge is that back on November 3, 2 6,1:1:t Concrete: Supply,received permission on from Clay Harrel� n "Ab'Wo.l '' rked With:the:City 6f.Lin cohiton',' io discharge water from the . 0 .. plantdirectly to the'.City's'sewer;system:He said ihat'it was find..withhitiiand'tht"blarit'. As rp . pr6seinitadv'e;q'fthe City of LincoInton.we took him at his-wordthat we:were:61lowed'-to do. so. If he had ed.uslhat:h�: was ii0t the:de6idi'g�pAqy,.:ofth&.p. andischarge; in dem Oiffiitfi�p-)(-6c6s;! .. d the... requirements.w.e.wou'ld have. -gladly taken tbe:appropr.late step s.',. To prevent further -occurrences, as of March 19,.2019.. we stopped.dischargifigAo the City of Li'nOlnton's . sewer's'stein. We started,treating h ' i t e-processwateUforpH and.allowed.it to ais6barge:from our site as . .... permitted by out North - Carolina Industrial Stormwater permit. We have &&fed an : d are :awaiting delivery and instailation.ofa Co1base.d. � .pH adjusting; sy"Stem... Once installed, we will determine to either, maintain our offsite discharge in: ance.witg.6ur.is'S'uid�-Nofth.,'Cafoliiia Indust6al. Stormwater perrdit or :.o btain a discharge.perrnitf iom the City.cif tincolnton:into thescwer:system Please understand -.that we are.detennined to prevent that this: can be acc6m6lishe&'W'ith bett& training, c( Sincer I j;lni;e Alexander. En'vir'o:=eiAaFWnag&r -Concrete-8uppty- " Office::104-302 49JO ,o[situatiOnjiom arising ,again. We feel ition, and f6llbw up.vith:our istaff. Watson, Edward M From: Debra V. Tunstall<debratunstall@ci.lincolnton.nc.us> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 2:24 PM To: Watson, Edward M; Parker, Tony R Cc: Donald A. Burkey; Robert W. Pearson; Todd Elmore Subject: [External] Concrete Supply Company Attachments: D00052419-05242019091854.pdf Mr. Watson, Attached are documents of the City's communications with Concrete Supply Company, Lincolnton Plant. On March 26th, I visited the Concrete Supply Company and collected various samples from their Clearwell. The pH and temperature of their process wastewater were 11.92 Standard Units and 26 degrees Celsius respectively. During this visit, I asked the plant manager, Gary Hunter, if they check the pH in their Clearwell. His response was no and informed me they were given permission to discharge their process wastewater into the City's sewer system. Upon questioning him, of whom they received permission from I was handed a piece of paper with words of seeming authorization, but no signature (page one). I handed the plant manager an Industrial Waste Survey Form and asked him to fill it out and return it to me. The updated IWS. form was on my desk the following morning (pages two and three). On April 30th, after receiving the lab results from the March 26th sample collection, I revisited this plant. During this visit, I explained I was there to collect more samples and recheck their pH. The pH and temperature of their Clearwell were 11.83 Standard Units and 24.9 degrees Celsius respectively. I also handed the plant manager the results of their March 26th samples and a Notice of Violation for discharging their process wastewater into our plant. This NOV was based on a 2014 IWS form showing a volume between 2500 to 3000 gallons of process wastewater staying in their concrete process and zero amount discharging into the City's sewer system (lab results -pages four through twelve), (NOV- pages thirteen and fourteen), and the 2014 IWS (pages fifteen and sixteen). During this visit, the plant manager informed me that the operation manager was in route and wanted to talk with me. Gus Segura, operation manager, informed me they no longer are discharging into the sewer and was going to install a pH unit and apply for a permit. When I asked what they are doing with their water I was told the water goes into a holding area, to allow for solids settling, then the water is discharged on the ground near their basins. As I stood inches from where I was told the water was being discharged, I pointed and asked this field? Gus replied yes and explained they could continue to discharge on the ground, which is authorized by their storm water discharge permit if their request for an industrial user permit is denied. I left the Concrete Supply Company and reported my findings to my supervisor. An Industrial User Permit Application was also emailed to Gus upon returning to my office. The following day. I received a reply to their NOV via email (page seventeen). I also learned the City had concreted their sewer line entry point, approximately on March 26". to prevent further discharging into our sewer system. On May 2211cl, I received the lab results from the April 301h, sample collection (pages eighteen through thirty-one).This sample collection included Volatile Organic Compounds-6241625. Both sample collections were reviewed and their results are noted to be non hazardous to the City's wastewater treatment plant. During both visits, I explained to the plant manager that our Sewer Use ordinance prohibits any wastewater discharge with a pH of 12.0 or more Standard Units. The above information addresses the findings of what resulted in both laboratory documentations and written communications with the Concrete Supply Company. Let us know of any other concerns you would like for us to address. Regards, Debra V. Tunstall Pretreatment Compliance Technician K 11 /312011 TALKED WITH CLAY HARRELSON SUPERINTENT WITH CITY OF LINCOLNTON . ABOUT PUMPING OUR PIT WATER INTO THE SEWER LINE BESIDE OF WASHPIT .. HE SAID IT WAS OK AND FINE WITH HIM AND THE SEWER PLANT. TIME :10:55 AM 11-3-11 ROBERT RICHARD LEADMAN , LINCOLNTON PLANT City of )E.incolaton Ind ustrriad Waste Survey Short Form This ,form has been sent to your business to determine types and sources of wastewater that are entering the Ci of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Punt. This form must be completed in accordance with Division 2, Section 8.62 of the City of Lincolnton Sewer 'Lise' Ordinance. The Sewer 'Use. Ordinance can be examined during normal businesSL hours at the address listed at the end of this form. If you have any question or concerns while completing the form please contact: Debra Tunseall at 704-736-8960. Please provide the following information about your business: Name of Business: L c.i cl- Mailing Address: PO I301, J .2 7 ?- : L /Wf/l [ .2 y Physical Address: � S City/State/Zip Code: Z'j rt Telephone: �_3 SJ �' ^_ Fax: Contact Person at Facility: Cury Telep1one: Number of Employees: Number Shifts & Work Days/Week: 1S�1.'f� _-��cl� What Standard industrial Classification (SIC) Code(s) do you report under: Briefly describe your business include products manufactured or services performed: //(a1LJ�4CA, Ie f-ek1 /' .A fc,fc':�6W`L..f< Please list all water uses and approximate volume used in gallons per day for each use; including facility washdown water. Water Case Volwrie Used (gallons per da Process: L— �, f C �6, / err ,A 4 ,,,.,"- S `� Contact Cooling Water / Cooling Tower Dischar e _A/X Boiler Blowdown: Facility Washdown / Clean Up: /Jl� Domestic fbathrooms, cafeteria): 3 Total: Sal -Our-SeverUse_Ordinance_requims-that"an.Authorized-RMeo tive of the User sign Ali reports to the City of Lincoffitou. Authorized Representativeis defined as a Person responsible for the Principle Business decisions or other. policy decisions for the facility_ IWS Short Form Filoname: IWS Short Fonn RoVision Date: September 1.1993 City of Unceinton Industrial Waste Survey Short form To the Best of my knowledgethe information on this form is true and accurate, SignatSignatureDate 3 Title 6-f /hl,- - Mane jF Return this completed form within 15 days to: Debra Tunstall QV of LincoInton W'WIT Post Office Box 617 LincoInton, NC 28093 Failure to return this form is enforccable in accordance witli the City of LincOlnL011 Sewer e-W,-,r Use Ordinance and may include fines or suspension of service. The City of LincoInton Sewer Use Ordinance can'be viewed at: City of Lincalnton Public, Service Center 128 Matz Avenue Linoolnton., NC 28092 Sincerely, Debra Timstall Pretre.a.tmenc Compliance Technician IWS Short Form Filemme.- M3.3hoxt Form Revision Date: September 1, 1993 11/3/2011 TALKED WITH CLAY HARRELSON SUPERINTENT WITH CITY OF LINCOLNTON . ABOUT PUMPING OUR PIT WATER INTO THE SEWER LINE BESIDE OF WASHPIT .. HE SAID IT WAS OK AND FINE WITH HIM AND THE SEWER PLANT. TIME :10:55 AM 11-3-11 ROBERT RICHARD LEADMAN , LINCOLNTON PLANT City of Uncoluton �J I ndustriag Waste Survey Short Form This form has been sent. to your business to deteranine types and sources of wastewater that are entering the Cijy of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment plant. This form must be completed in accordance with Division 2, Section 8.62 of the City of Lincolnton Sewer Use Ordinance. The Sewer Use Ordinance can be examined during normal business, hours at the address listed at the call of this form. If you have, any question or concerns while completing the form please contact: Debra Tunstall air704-736-8960. Please provide the folloA ing information about your business: Name of Business: _ �� C, -,feS,,,. A 1'.6 Mailing Address: Q 130 S�2 y C.. rX.n,t Physical Address: CitylStateVZip Code: 4/1 9.1 Telephone: 3 S 3 �' Fax: JAY/ 0 _ — Contact Person at Facility: �,-u vrt f �� Telephone:--7,9c/- S Y ad Number of Employees: _i�_ Number Shifts & Work Days/Week:�lky5- What Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code(s) do you rcgiort under: Briefly describe your business include products manufactured or services performed Ali *1.T°CTv/g-...... 'rf[L Ah A &A ale Please list all water uses and approxiimiate volume used in gallons per day for each use; including facility washdown water. Water Use Volume Used (gallons per day) Process: C� C�.9�, / C `111_ _ Contact Coolie Water / Cooling Tower DisChar e fib Boiler Blowdown: Facility Washdown / Clean Domestic Q2athrqoms,cafeteria : 3 Total:( - _dux SeweUe_Orclivance requires that-an.Authorized Repretatye of :the User sign allreports to the City of Lincolnton. Authorized Representative is defined as a Person responsible for the Principle Business decisions or other. policy decisions for the facility. NVS Short Form Filename: IWS Short Form Revision Date: September ],1993 City of Ult9c(?inton Industrial Waste Survey Shoat .Fora To the Best of my knowledge the information on this form is true and accurate, 12- ..... Date 3 — 7- / l 7 Retur€t this completed form within 15 days to;. Debra Twzstall QV of Lincolnton �VWTP Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton,NC 28093 Failure to return this form is enfiorecable in accordance with the City of Lincolnum Sewer Use Ordinance and may include fines or suspensioiz of service. The City of Lincointon Seaver Use Ordinance can he viewed at: City of Lincolnton Public Service Center 128 Motz Avenue Lincolnton, NC 28092 Sincerely, Debra Tunstall Pietreatment Compliance Technician r IWS Short form Filename: IWS Short Farm Revision Date: September 1, 1993 INVOICE Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. Invoice # 2019- 0245 Date: 4/2312019 A.O. Box 2W Lenoir. NC 28645 Phone; 0287280149 Fax: 8287280131 Client: City of Lincointon WVVTP Bill To: City of Lincointon WVVTP PO Box 617 PO Box 617 _ Lincointon, IBC 28093 Lincointon, NC 28093 PO NUMBER � LAB REF. ID I TERMS LAB CONTACT PROJECT NAME 173 Net 10 Days 1 Steve Johnson Sample Name Concrete Supply TARGET NAME Ag by ICP QUANTITY 1 UNIT PRICE $10.00 EXTENDED PRICE $10.00 As by ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 BOD Cd bit ICP Cr by ICP Cu by ICP 1 1 1 1 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.D0 Cynaide 1 $35.00 $35.00 Hg by Cold Vapor 1 $35.D0 $35.00 Mo by ICP NI by ICP 1 1 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Oil & Grease 1 $35.00 $35.00 Pb by ICP 5b by ICP i 1 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Se bu ICP 1 $%00 $10.00 Total Nitrogen 1 $40.00 $40.00 Total Suspended Solids 1 $15.00 315.00 Zn by ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 Please Remit: $300.00 Upon submission of samples, buyer agrees that Involces are due at time of delivery. Open accounts are due 20 days following the involve data. A finance charge of 1.5 % per month will be impaled on all past -due accounts. When relinquishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs, buyer agrees to pay all collection and attorneys fees If the account becomes deliquent. Blue Ridge Labe reserves the right to deny all QC and support documentation for ail open accounts which are greater than 60 days. Additionally, Blue Ridge Labs also reserves the right to Inform the appropriate local, state or federal agency that all support documentation Is not available due to the failure to the above Invoice terms. Data used for compliance purposes will be rendered Invalid for reporting until the account Is cleared. Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincolnton W WTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 26-Mar-19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL #: BR ,2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00745 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Parameter Ag As Cd Cr Cu Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Zn Hg biueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Result MQL, Unit Method Analysis Time Analysis Date Analyst k 0.001 mg/1 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ * 0.01 mg/I 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ * 0.0002 mg/I 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ * 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ 0.014 0.001 mg/i 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ 0.069 0.001 mg/l 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ * 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2419 KCJ * 0.01 mg/l 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ " 0.01 mg/I 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ 0.013 0.01 mg/1 200.7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ 0.113 0.001 mg/1 200,7 1994 16:03 4/2/2019 KCJ * 0.0001 mg/l 245.1 1994 14:14 4/18/2019 KCJ Reported By: S. J.706hnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 1 of 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: Attention: City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 26-Mar- 19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL # BRL-2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00746 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply blueridgelabsienoir@gmall.com Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Emit Method Time Date Analyst N2+N3 3.68 0.08 mg/I SM 19 4500-N 16:14 4/17/2019 KCJ TKN 6.02 0.5 mgA SM 19 4500-N 11:09 4/ 16/2019 KC J Reported By: S. . Johnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 2 of 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: City of Lincointon WWTP PO Box 617 Lincointon, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 26-Mar-19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00747 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Parameter Fats, Oil & Grease Result MQL 9.5 1 Reported By: blueridgelabsienoir@gmaii.com Analysis Analysis Unit Method Time Date Analyst mgll 5520B 2001 14:23 4/12/2019 KCJ S. K Johnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 3 of 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-01.49 Client : City of Lincointon WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey. Date Received: 26-Mar-19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00748 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Parameter Result MQL Cyanide 0.010 0.005 Reported By: blueridgeiabsienoir@gmail.com s Analysis Unit Method Time mg/l 4500-CN-E 1 16:36 Analysis Date 4/1/2019 S. g4ohnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 4 of 6 Analyst KCJ Blue .Ridge Lacks PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 biueridgelabslenoir@gmall.com Client: City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 26-Max-19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00749 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst TSS 9.4 5 mg/l 2540D 1997 17:03 3/26/2019 KCJ Reported By: S. J.4ainson, D.R Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 5 of 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NYC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 26-Mar-19 Report Date: 23-Apr-19 Sample Date: 26-Mar-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0173 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-00750 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Parameter BOD-5 day blueridgeiabsienoir@gmail.com Analysis Result MQL Unit Method Time 151 2 mg/I SM 5210B Analysis Date Analyst 3/27/2019 WtrTech Reported By: ' S. I do son, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Lintit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 6 of 6 ArVi.VLGUIU/It1U lU:l0 Am rAA vo, r. UUI/UUZ unri 0mCK LARNInc. POST OFFICE BOX IM - A6 PINEWOOD PLAZA DR. GRANITE FAILS. NORTH CAROLINA 28634 (828) 3s "444 SAMPLE Blue Ridge Labs 0750 PFRMIT V ADDRESS: Blue Ridge Labs P.O. sox 2040 Lenoir NG, 28645 COL.L.EC"ON DA M— S126J3019 COLLECTION 77ME: 10:33 RECEIVED DA7M 3/2&2019 RECEIVED 77AIE_ 15:55 REPORTED: 414/2019 LOG 1D: 1003-377 REPORTED BY: NC C£RTEM LAB # 5U Tauy GraBB, Lab Supoxviw r NPDS.Reporting Crroundwate.r kk Blue Ridge dabs, Inc. P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir,,NC 28W Telephone (928) 728-0149 Fax (828) 728-0131 . Chain of Custody Sanitary LmA i) Hazardous Waste Industrial or QC .Non State Reporting UST/Trust`Fund Reporting Bi,l To: 1� Prrojea Name: j PO Number. j 1 Iee Present: Y N Field Preservatives Lab Check Tamp RRMM Field Check liw�Y Sulfide ',Chlor Check N.' I Field . Y N Chlor PorA Re ' he Date; Time: Re ved By: Date: Time: fpon submission ofsamples, client agrees that invoices are due at the time work is completed. Open accounts are due 20 days following invoice date. A finance 4 mge oft.$% per month will be imposed on all gaslue accounts. Then relinquishing maniples to Blue Ridge Labs (BRL), buyer authorizes BRL to perform only the anabmw indkamd above and -also agmes to pay collection and atnomey feefthe accountbeemnes delinquent Blue Ridge Labs Serves the right to deny documentation far any work where.payutont has not been made, in effect rendering that data unsupported for regulatory purposes. BRL cannot gtttaantee "any regulatory mrtJt my will net ept any work tbmiMcd, therefore it is the d icnes respotrsibilto request on this form appropriate tests. NC DENR Certified Lab #275 Lincointon NC Gary Hunter Concrete Supply Company PO Box 5247 Charlotte, NC 28299 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Industrial User Name: Concrete Supply Company Date of Notification: April 30, 2019 This Notice of Violation is being issued for discharging unpermitted process wastewater into the City's sewer system. On Tuesday, March 26, after receiving information from the state, I visited your plant to test your process wastewater. During my visit, I collected various samples and checked the pH of your process wastewater. Prior to leaving your plant, I left another Industrial Waste Survey Short Form and explained that the pH value of your process wastewater read 1192 Standard Units.1 also explained that the City's pH limit for our permitted industrial users range between 6.0 and 9.0 S.U. The City of Lincolnton Sewer Use Ordinance states a pH of 12, entering our sewer system is prohibited. Prior to this visit, the only documentation on file was a 2014 IWS form, which shows your process wastewater, 2500 to 3000 gallons, stays in the concrete process. This form does not reference any of your wastewater entering our sewer line; however the updated IWS form, received on March 27`�, does reference a volume of 5698 gallons of process wastewater entering our sewer lines from your Clearwell. Any wastewater entering the City's sewer line without authorization is considered an unpermitted discharge. Prior authorization is needed from. the City of Lincolnton before any process wastewater can enter into our sewer system. Unknown process water dischgrm—can be detrimental to the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant, and are not allowed to be discharged into -the City's sewer lines. A'written response to this Notice of Violation is due within 15 days from the date of notification above. Your written response should outline reasons for noncompliance and the corrective actions taken to achieve compliance. Failure to correct this violation will lead to escalated actions by the City.of Lincolnton, which includes fines and/or suspension of service: Notice of Violation written response due date: May 15, 2019 Sincerely, Debra V. Tunstail Pretreatment Compliance Technician City of Lincolnton Industrial Waste Survey Short Form This ,form has -been sent to your business to determine types and sources of wastewater that are entering the !Ck of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant. This form must- be completed in accordance with Division 2, Section 8.62 of the City of Lincolnton Sewer Use Ordinance. The Sewer Use Ordinance can be examined during normal business. hours at the address listed at the end of this form. If you have any question or concerns while completing the form please contact. - Debra TunstaH at 704-736-8960. Please provide the following information about your business: Name of Business: �, r r�-�, �� , (,y CO.-, C L c Mailing Address: �. 0 Physical Address: City/State/Zip Code: _ L r ,, ce 16 +IVY, a ` O -7,;L --- Telephone: 'i - _ 1 ? d a no Fax: ? u y 'T1 y - G S-d Contact Person at Facility:_R,�,q- Telephone: -7 air S"- 7 3 Yy Number of Employees: �] _ Number Shifts & Work Days/Week: Z Q�V_,s What Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code(s) do you report under: Briefly describe your business include products manufactured or services performed: 1� (C • _ h r _ cl� C w f � 1/C ¢h • •S� r �'i cl-c-> /:ar Otam f f: _Y�. 1 f O &t y 9 5 Ncc�r� Please list all water uses and approximate volume used in gallons per day for each use, including facility washdown water. Water Use Volume Used (gallons per day Process: r SUd ge6�� S dq* ' u-J'i tor,wk, eft �-- Contact Coo1jag Water / Cooling Tower Dischar e Boiler Blowdown: --- Facility Washdown / Clean Up: Sib C) Domestic(bathrooms, cafeteria): 13 cw Total: 3 3a �S �n Cwt►aiL. iDimSewer—USe-Ordinance-requires-that_an Authorized -Representative -of the User -sign -all --reports 'to the City of LificoIntom Authorized Representative is defined as a Person responsible for the Principle Business. decisions or other policy. decisions for the facility. IWS Short Form Filename: IWS Short Form Revision Date: September 1, 1993 City of Lincoluton Industrial Waste Survey Short ]Form To the Best of my knowledge the information on this f6rm is true and accurate, Signature Date f_ f f c O l rY _ _ Name (Print) -o 4,- _4c<y+61 _ _ Title Retur. n thas.completed forms within 15 days to: Debra Tunstall City of Lincolnton WVTP Post Office Box 617 Lincolntop, NC 28093 Failure to return this form is enforceable in accordance with the City of Lincolnton Sewer Use Ordinance and may include fines or suspension of seraice. The City of Lincolnton Sewer Use Ordinance can be viewed at: City of Lincolnton Public Service Center 129 Motz Avenue Lincolnton, NC 28092 Sincerely, Debra Tunstall — Pretreatment Compliance Technician IWS Short Form - Film&=: IWS Short Form { Revision Lisle: September 1, 1993 E k INVOICE Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. Invoice # 2019- 0336 Date: 5/22/2019 P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir. NC 28645 Phone: 8207280149 Fax: 8287280131 Client: Citv of Uncointon WWTP 6111 To: City of Llncolnton WWTP PO Box 617 PO Box 617 _ Lincolnton, NC 28093 Lincolnton, NC 28093 PO NUMBER LAB REF. ID TERMS LAB CONTACT PROJECT NAME 298 Net 10 Days Steve Johnson Sample Name Concrete Supply Co. TARGET NAME Ag by ICP As by ICP Cd bu ICP QUANTITY 1 1 1 UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Cr by ICP - 1 $10.00 --- $10.00 Cu by tCP i $10.00 $10.00 EPA 625 ABN Summit 1 $245.00 $245.00 EPA-624 Fig by Cold Vapor Mo by ICP 1 1 1 $155.00 $35.00 $10.00 $155.00 $35.00 $10.00 NI by 1CP 1 $10.00 $10.00 Pb by ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 Sb by ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 Se bu ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 ~ Zn by ICP 1 $10.00 $10.00 Please Remit: $646.00 Upon submission of samples, buyer agrees that Invoices are due at time of delivery. Open accounts are due 20 days following the invoice date. A finance charge of 1.6 % per month will be Imposed on all past -due accounts. When relinquishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs, buyer agrees to pay all collection and allomeys fees if the account becomes deliquent. Blue Ridge Labs reserves the right to deny all QC and support documentation for all open accounts which are greater than 60 days. Additionally, Blue Ridge Labs also reserves the right to Inform the appropriate local, state or federal agency that all support documentation Is not available due to the failure to the above Invoice terms. Data used for compliance purposes will be rendered invalid for reporting until the account Is cleared. Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Client : City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample ID: LS[D-2019-01180 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Analysis Time Analysis Date Analyst Ag 0.015 0.001 mg/1 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ As * 0.01 mg/l 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Cd « 0.0002 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Cr 0.023 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Cu 0.032 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ MO * 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Ni * 0.001 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Pb * 0.01 mg/l 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Sb + 0.01 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Se 0.093 0.01 mg/I 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ Zn 0.176 0.001 mg/l 200.7 1994 15:13 5/20/2019 KCJ lig * 0.0001 mg/1 245.1 1994 12:16 5/8/2019 KCJ Reported By: S. X j6hason, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page I of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincolnton W WTP PO Box 617 Lincointon, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 SRL #: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample W: LSID-2019-01181 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. blueridgelabslenoirOgmail.com Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Analysis Time Analysis Date Analyst 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11.14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,1,1-Trichloroethane * 5 ug/I EPA-624Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane * 5 ugll EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,1,2-Trichloroethane * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit I,1-Dichloroethane * 5 ug/I EPA-624Exp 11:14 5nl2019 Summit 1, 1 -Dichloroethene * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11.14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,2-Dichlorobenzene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,2-Dichloroethane * 5 ug/i EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,2-Dichloropropane * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,3-Dichlorobenzene * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5nl2019 Summit 1,3-Dichloropropylene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11.14 5/7/2019 Summit 1,4-Dichlorobenzene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 2-Butanone * 50 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether • 10 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Acrolein * 50 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5nl20 i 9 Summit Acrylonitrile * 50 ug/1 EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5l7/2019 Summit —Benzene — 5— —ug/l—EPA-624-Exp----H- -]4­97/2019 -Summit — Bromoform * 5 ug/I E A-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Reported By: S. J. n, D,R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 2 of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Client.- Attention: Date Received: Report Date: Sample Date: BRL #: Lab Sample ID: Client Sample ID: City ofLincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Mr. Donald Burkey 30-Apr-19 22-May-19 30-Apr-19 BRL-2019-0296 LSID-2019-01181 Concrete Supply Co. Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst Carbon tetrachloride * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5nl2019 Summit Chlorobenzene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Chiorodibromomethane 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Chloroethane * 5 ug/1 EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Chloroform * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5nl2019 Summit cis-1,3-Dichloropropene * 5 ugli EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5nl2019 Summit Dichlorobromomcthme * 5 ugll EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Ethylbenzene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit m,p-Xylene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/712019 Summit Methyl bromide + 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Methyl chloride * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Methylene chloride * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5l7/2019 Summit MTBE * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Naphthalene 5.93 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit o-Xylene * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit TBA * 50 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit eT trachlaroethene * S ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 �5/7/2019 Summit Toluene 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Reported By: S. J. son, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. SIC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 3 of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabsienoir@gmail.com Client : City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Buricey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL 4: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-01181 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst trans-1,2-Dichloroethene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/712019 Summit trans-1,3-Dichloropropene * 5 ug/I EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Trichloroethene * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7i2019 Summit Trichlorotluoromethane * 5 ug/1 EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Vinyl chloride * 5 ug/l EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Xylene, Total * 5 ugA EPA-624 Exp 11:14 5/7/2019 Summit Reported By: S. Json, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certlflcate No. 275 Page 4 of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample LD: LSID-2019-01182 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst 4,6-13initro-o-Cresol * 0.0693 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit 4-Nitrophenol * 0.0396 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Acenaphthene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Acenaphthyiene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Anthracene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzidine * 0.0842 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzo(a)anthracene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzo(a)pyrene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzo(b)fluroanthene * 0.0099 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzo(g,h,i)perylene * 0.0149 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Benzo(k)fluoranthene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Bis(2-chlorocthyl)ether * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether * 0.005 mgfL EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthafate * 0.0792 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/20I9 Summit - -"--'— Butyl } ph-thalaae —0:0099 — —mgU EPA=625:1 A/—'22:05- ---5/6/2019—'-- Summit Ch I oronaphthalene, 2- * 0.00 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22.05 5/6/2019 Summit Reported By: S. JI$Wnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 5 of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Bax 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincointon, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL #: BRL-20I9-0296 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-01182 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. blueddgelabslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst Chlorophenol, 2- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, 4- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Chrysene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Di-n-butylphthalate * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Di-n-octylphthalate * 0.0297 mg/L EPA-625.I A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene * 0.0495 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dichlorobenzidine-3,3' * 0.0594 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dichlorophenol, 2,4- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 Al 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Diethylphtha late * 0.005 mg1L EPA-625.1 Al 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dimethylphenol, 2,4 • 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Dimethylphthalate * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Din itrophenol, 2,4- * 0.0792 mg/L EPA-625.1 Al 22:05 5/612019 Summit Dinitratoluene, 2,4- * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 Al 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit - ina rt ole; 2; - touen D 0:005 ___ m _ � EP;d► -625 1 A/�22:�5 __..._....— -- 5/6/2019 Summit Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2- * 0.0 8 m EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Reported By: , ?/ S. J.Whnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 6 of 8 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincolnton WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-01182 Client Sample ID: Concrete Supply Co. bluerldgela3bslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Analysis Parameter Result MQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst Fluoranthene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Fluorene '+ 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Hexachloroben7ene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Hexachlorobutadiene * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0594 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Hexachloroethane * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene * 0.0139 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit ]sophorone * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit N-Nitrosodimethylamine * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit N-Nitrosodiphenylamine » 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Naphthalene + 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 Al 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Nitrobenzene • 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Nitrophenol, 2- + 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit p-Chloro-m-cresol * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit Pentachlorophenol * 0.0248 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit - Phenant rene * O.f105 _ _ ing/L EPA-625.1 Af 22:05 5/6/20i9 gummit Phenol * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.I A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit love Reported By: S. J. nson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 7 of 8 Blue .Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : City of Lincointon WWTP PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Mr. Donald Burkey Date Received: 30-Apr-19 Report Date: 22-May-19 Sample Date: 30-Apr-19 BRL #: BRL-2019-0296 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2019-01182 Client Sample ED: Concrete Supply Co. Parameter Pyrene Pyridine Total Cresols Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- Reported By: blueridgeiabsienoir@gmail.com Result MQL Unit Method Analysis Analysis Time Date Analyst * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit * 0.0198 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit * 0.0248 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit * 0.005 mg/L EPA-625.1 A/ 22:05 5/6/2019 Summit S. J: Jolt'(dbn, D.R. Wessinger ' * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 8 of 8 Sienrrnif Enyir•onnfemal Technolo fes, Inc, T �T-�M9 g Analytical Report 4 r' 3310 Win & Y P �t111::r r I t , It .:r , Gryahoga.Falls, 01du 44223- (consolidated) r: r r r+ ::.;;:.:•.::',r,:,- T'EL: (330) 253.8211 FAX.(330) 253.44$9 WO#: 19050258 fNebsife: lufy:',imru sef rk cony Dale Reported: 5/9/2019 CLI•F,NT: Blue Ridge Labs. Inc. Collection Date: 4/30/2019 12:32:00 PM Project: 1181 /1182 Lab W: 19050258-001 Client Sample [D 1182 Matrix: NON -POTABLE WATER Analyses Result PQ.L Qual Units D>' Date Analyzed SVOC BNA METHOD 625.1 SEMI -VOLATILE ORG. COMPOUNDS BY GC/MS {EPA 626.1) 1,2,4-Trlchiorabenzene NO 0.00495 12-Dlchlorobenzene NO 0.00495 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine NO 0.0198 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NO 0,00495 14-Dichlorobenzene NO 0.00495 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol NO 0.00495 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 0.00495 2,4-Dimethylphenol NO 0.00495 2,4-Dinitrophenol NO 0.0792 24-Dinitrotoluene NO 0.00495 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NO 0.00495 2-Chloronaphlhalene NO 0.00495 2-Chlorophenoi ND 0.00495 2-Nitrophenol NO 0.00495 3,3'-Dich10robenzidine NO 0.0594 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol NO 0.0693 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.00495 4-Chlarophenyl phenyl ether NO 0.00495 4-Nitrophenol ND 0,0396 Acenaphthene NO 0.00495 Acenaphthylene NO 0.00495 Anthracene NO 0.00495 Benzidine NO 0.0842 benzo(a)anthracene NO 0.00495 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.00495 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene NO 0.0149 Benzo(k)Buorenthene NO 0.00495 Benzo(b)fluoranthene NO 0.00990 B"ss(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.00495 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether NO 0.00495 Bis(2=cMDroisdpTrsppl}�t ND'------0:00495� Bis(2-a1,hy1hexyl) phthaWe ND 0.07994 Butyl benzyi phthalate NO 0.00990 Chrysene NO 0.00495 Qualifiers: r; Wae above gmnvtetion rangy M 14wl Integration Cued to detatnme vex rapom PL Pgmn umi RL Reponlag Daemon Lima E625 SW3510C Analyst:9JH mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 516/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/612019 10T5:00 PM mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05M PM mg1L 5 516/2019 10',05'.00 PM mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/612019 10;05:00 PM mglL 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 Pita mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 51612019 10:06:00 PM mglL 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mglL 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mglL 5 5i6i2Ui9 10:05:00 Pith mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg1L 5 5/61201910:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5I61201910:05:00 PM mg1L 5 516/201910:05:00 RM mg1L 5 515/2019 10:05:00 PM 516/2019 10:05:00 PM !llgrL J 10:05:no f f.1 ✓IV L.V 1 V mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM H Holding limes for preparation or analyse exceeded ND Not Detected R RPD outfide acgoed rccovery bmits W Samplacommw impanture s out of limit xs spaified at restcode Original Page 5 of 39 * ;x , Simmu! bmironmemal Technologies, Inc, pf !N ; r �` 21;ts-r 3310 win Si. Analytical Report Cti'rahagaralls..Ohio 44223 (consolidated) TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: t9050258 i['ebsife: Jr '.ivirt}rsertek.conr Date Reported: 5/9/2019 CLIENT: Blue Fl idge Labs, Inc. Collection Date: 4/30/2019 12:32:00 PM Project: 1181/1 182 Lab ID: 19050258-001 Client Sample ID 1 182 Matrix: NON -POTABLE WATER Analyses Result PQL Qual Units Dr Date Analyzed SVOC BNA !METHOD 625.1 E625 SW3310C Analyst: BJH SEMI -VOLATILE ORG. COMPOUNDS BY GCIMS (EPA 625.1) Di-n-butyl phthalate NO 0.00495 mg1L 5 51612019 10!05:00 PM Di-n-octyl phthalate NO 0.0297 mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene NO 0.0495 mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Diethyl phthalate NO 0.00495 mglL 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Dimethyl phthalate ND 0,00495 mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Fluoranthene ND 0.00495 mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05 00 PM Fluorene NO 0.00495 mg1L 5 516/2019 10:05:00 PM Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.00495 mg1L 5 516/2019 10:05:00 PM Hexachlorobutadiene NO 0.00495 mg/L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Hexachlorocyclopentadiene NO 0.0594 QC+ mg1L 5 5/612019 10:05700 PM Hexachloroethane ND 0,00495 mg1L 5 51612019 10:05:00 PM indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO 0.0139 mg/L 5 516/201910:05:00 PM Isophorone NO 0.00495 mg1L 5 51612019 10:05:00 PM N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine NO 0,00495 mg1L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM N-Nitrosodimethylamine NO 0.D0495 QC+ moll- 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM N-Nitrosodiptienylamine NO 0.00495 mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM Naphthalene ND 0,00495 mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Nitrot>enxene ND 0.00496 mglL 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM p-Chloro-m-cresol NO 0.00495 mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM Pentachlorophenol NO 0,0248 mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM Phenenthrone ND 0.00495 mg1L 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Phenol NO D.00495 mg1L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM Pyrene NO 0.00495 mg/L 5 5/612019 10:05:00 PM pyridwe mill O.W98 mg/L 5 5i612Oi910:05:0GFM Cresols, Total ND 0.0248 m91L 5 5JB12019 10:05:00 PM Sum 2-1~luorophenol 19.7 10- 140 m %Rec 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Sum Phenol-d6 17.5 10 - 140 %Rec 5 5/6/2019 10:05:00 PM Sum Nitrobenzene-d5 45.8 15 - 314 %Rec 5 516/201910i05:00 PM Sum, 20Tiibromophenol 68.9 10 -185 %Rec 5 5/61201910:06:00 PM Sum 2-Fluorobiphenyl 51.4 25.4 - 158 %Rec 5 5/6/2019 113:05:00 PM - —Su - erp enyT=d'f4 -- 68:3 _ 3337- 151�-- �-o]aRec ---._ — 5 5/612049 10:05:00 PArI Qu>aiitlers: a t'rlue abu+e quantaation mnZe M Manual Itrcegralwn usad to dcterrmne area «sponst PL Permit Limit ELL Reporting Dcteaion tuna 11 HoMry lima for preparation ar analysts escecded ND Not Detected R RI'F outside uapted recovery [volts %V Sampie contauer temperaturo is out of limit as spm:iried at testcoda Original Page 6 of 39 " Surnmit DIVO'OrNtlertlal Teclrrrolo reS, MC. �� M l g Analytical Report y ,,f rm �t 4 1 y " 331 Q Wirt Sr. ;yrlr .'.ara;. ' -;a: cr •:: Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio 44213 (COMAdated) w.r !` •?':; : =att•'t'::ir`: TEL (330) 153-8111 FLI: (330)253 4489 WO#: 19050258 Webslre: lute.;' ivn7v,selreJkcQnr Date Reported; 5/912{119 CLIENT: Blue Ridee Labs. Inc. Project: 1181/1 182 Lab ID: 19050258-002 Client Sample ID 1181 Analyses Collection Date: 4/30/2019 12:32:00 PM Matrix: NON -POTABLE WATER Result PQL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BY GCIMS (EPA. 624.1) E624 Analyst: RMT VOC BY GCIMS (624.1) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane NO 5.00 pg/L 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM 1,1,1-Tdchloroethane NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7I2019 11:14:00 AM 1,1,22-Tetrachloroethane NO 5,00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM 1,12-Trichloroethane ND 5.00 µg1L 1 5/712019 11:14:00 AM 1,1-Dichloroethane NO 5,00 µg/L 1 517/201911:14:00AM 1,1-Dichloroethene N0 5.00 µg/L 1 5/7/201911:14:00AM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.00 pg1L 1 5/712019 11:14:00 AM 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.00 pg/L 1 51712019 11.14:00 AM 1,2-0ichtoropropane NO 5.00 µg/L 1 51712019 11:14:00 AM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NO 5.00 µg/L 1 5I712019 11:14:00 AM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO 5.00 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Benzene NO 5,00 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Bromodichloromethane NO 5,00 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Bromofotm NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:011 AM Bramomethane NO 5.00 pg/L 1 517/2019 11;14:00 AM Carbon tetrachloride NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Chlorobenzene NO 5.00 pg/L 1 51712019 11A4:00 AM Chlaroethane ND 5.00 pg/L 1 5/712019 11:14:00 AM Chloroform NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5I7/2019 11:14:00 AM Chloromethane NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 1 i:14:00 AM Toluene ND 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Dibratnochloromethane NO 5.00 µg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Ethylbenzene ND 5.00 pg/L 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM rn,p-Aylene ND 5,00 pg1L i &T20t9 i i:14:00AM Methylene chloride NO 5.00 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Naphthalene 5.93 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM o-Xylene NO 5.00 pg1L 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM Tetrachloroethene ND 5.00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM trans-11,2-01chloroethene ND 5.00 µg/L 1 5M2019 11:14:00 AM Trichloroethene ND 5,00 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM _ 0MfMDT0Tethane —ND 5,Cf0 pg/L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM y i;;yl chtosirta t�C 5.00 pg1L 1 5i712010 11:14:00 AM 1,3-Dichloropropylene NO 5.00 pglL 1 5/712019 11:14:00 AM Acrolein NO 50.00L+QC+pg1L 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM Qualifierm E Value shovequasttitationrange H Holding times for prepartironoranalysisnceeded N1 'Manual Jntegmtion used to determine area rtspotne ND Na Deteqed PL Permg Limo R RPD outside accepted.recav" limits R L Rcponing Detection Limit W SarnOt container temperature 4 out of limit as spocirud a tcatwde Original Cage 7 of 39 r'Y a Sionnift Errvironntentol Technologies, Inc. �� :,° � � _ � � g� Analytical Report ' �,y f r v � a� 3310 Win St. i :% Tt.,ar. _,trt.a , c....-; :.,,. ,. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio-14223 {consolidated) ,".-::r ;:': '- _}' _';,•., TEL: (330j 153-8211 Fitt: (330) 253 a489 WO#: 19050258 Websife: )wjwi.ivtrtv.serrekCour Dwe Reporied: 5/9/2019 CLIENT: Blue Ridge Labs. Inc. Project. 1181 /1182 Lab ID: 19050258-002 Client Sample ID 1181 Collection Date: 4/30/2019 12:32:00 PAI Matrix: NON -POTABLE WATER Analyses Result PQL Qual Units DI" Date Analyzed VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BY OCIMS (EPA 624.11 E524 Analyst: RMT VOC BY GC1MS (624.1) MTBE ND 5.00 pg1L 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM Acettonitrile ND 50,0 pg1L 1 5l712019 11:14,00 AM Acrylonitrile (2-propenendrile) NO 50.0 pg/L 1 51712019 11:14:00 AM teft-Butyl alcohol ND 50.0 pg/L 1 51712019 11:14:00 AM 2-Butanone ND 50.0 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM 2-CEVE ND 10.0 pglL 1 51712WO 11:14:00 AM cis-1,3-Dichioropropene ND 5.00 pglL 1 51712019 11:14: 00 AM trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.00 pg1L 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Xylenes, Total NO 5.00 pg/L 1 5R12019 11:14:00 AM Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 70 - 130 %Rec 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Surr: Dibramotluoromethane 103 70 -130 %Rec 1 517/2019 11:14:00 AM Surr: Toluene-d8 100 70 - 130 %Ree 1 5/7/2019 11:14:00 AM Qualifiers•. E Vah¢Abovt"ffiltuion rags M Manual fMcgtation used to determine arts response PL Parrit Ltnn RL Reporting Do"Aton Limn H How;t simec frn psepunian or anhl lk etettdcd Y V ND NotDttecttd R eD outside accepted recomy limns tt' $ampk coru4net toWeraturu n out of lesn as specified at testcode Original Page 8 of 39 Blue Ridge Labs, Inc. P.O. Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 Telephone (828) 728-0149 Fax (828) 728-0131 Chain of Custody NPDS Reporting Groundwater Sanitary Landfill Hazardous Waste Industrial or QC Non State Reporting UST/Tr11st`Fund Reporting Report To: Bi To - of of Liacolnto MOQ� W T l v-aS& CFV► Project Name PO Number: Ice Present: Y N Field Preservatives Lab Check Sample ID Sample Type Date Time Time & Temp HR.MM °C Field Sulfide Check Y N Field Sulfide Present / Removed JY N Resid Chlor Field Check Y N Field Dechlorination Y N pH Resid Chlor PorA Temp °C Sampler Initials Analysis Requested � FFFI_ Time: Upon submission of samples, client agrees that �nvoiees are due at the time work is completed. Open accounts are due 20 days Owing invoice date. A finance charge of 1.5% per month will be, unposed on all pedue accounts. When relinquishing samples to Blue Ridge Labs (BRL), buyer authorizes BRL to perform only the analysis indicated above and.also agrees to pay collection and attorney feef the acapunt.beeomes delinquent Blue Ridge Labs reserves the right to deny documentation for any wort where payment has not been trade, in effect rendering that data unsupported fix regulatory purposes. BRL cannot guarantee that any regulatory authority will accept any work submitted, tbarefore it is the die(►t's responsibility to request on this form appropriate tests- NC De R Ccrtified Lab 4275