HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030436_MONITORING INFO_20190224-ZjZ D STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. IV Cc, b Jc) I -3 DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE o� 01 / a a a v YYYYMMDD Stormwiater Dischiirt c ivionitnrirll; ftE�J)ort for North Carolina Division of Fnergy, Mineral and Land Resources Gc}ner;iI f'crrniZ Ivo. 1\1C:(.1()30000 [)atc Submitted CERT-IF"ICA'T'E OF COVERAGE NO. NCG03 U If � SAMPLE: COl.I.f:CI IUfV Yl:ni(_—, .0 •c� — SAMPLE PERIOD Jmi-lane Jul Oec f-ACILrrYNAME ��,lc•.L��.�-r-!�.r:�'�:...---- I...1, .�.I v-- Cr)LJN-rY _ + - ...-------- Or vj viorrthlv'_ 3�Ll�h r ------- DISCHARGING(rrr(�rrilal I'cl' SON COLLECT'NG SAMPLES � > ) � 1. 4n 'i'C) C;t./15S (7fttU lfQvy I rout LABORATORY-C. _L-�/� �f ��C1� {`.3r� Cert. fd --- -_ [ �il.t_rr� flaw f ..�W;itc r �;sr!�I�iy � t:urrsrncnts on sample collection or analysis: REC I't .i.r•e.�--�-ht.CE___.��r�_�__�CA.�}�r�.S�-ry��_l.�n 1 �' t FEB 2 4 n PI.i:o1I _;!: H1I ivll:lld ti.;, ' :1 'I(: N HN I',rrt A: Stormwiiter Benchrnrirks and Monitorin{; Results CENTRAL FiLE:= ; S CTIOr r No clrschorrrc this i Nnra-Polar 0&6/ Date Sample 7.4-hour rainfall pl-1, 7uc;u l crxic: i Chrtfall No. 1 a -total Suspended Solids Total Copper -total Lead �l-atal lint. -total Pc�trcales,in Collected mount, Standard units (mo/dd/yr) IrrchesA 1(ydrac,arrrcrrrs benchmarks_ 100 mt;/L or 50 mg/L's f.0 -- 9.0 0.010 nig/L 0.01'i rnr,/I. I O,a"1,G m{;/I- a5 rnr;/r. - - — - -------- ---- -- - - _ ----- - - - - --- - -- -- - --- -- - ..------- -- - .._ . _... - ---- -- - - - PurumeterCode 46529 C:0530 `00,100-�'-- 0_1119-` Oa051 01094 MU12 7ls.i r't i Monthly sarnplin; (instead of serni-annual) must begin with the second consecutive henchrnark exceedance for the wlmr pial mneter at the silrme cac,t!ird. Z For smi-IpUng periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge mons torin{; rcport with a checkrnark hare. ' The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites rntay be ell{ late far a v!l Ii Ver of th(c rain gau{;c r0(luirc'rr1er}t. ' See General Permit, Section B, rable 1 to identify the especially sensitive receiving woler cl<nssifications where tt,e more protective I)enchrnark zipMies. Tc t d Toxic Org;a 1i::s sampling is applicable only for those facilities which perform metal finishing aperatior,s, rnanufi3cture 5e1nic0nduct0rs, rnanufactul U electronic crystals, or manufacture cathode r<ry tubes. For purposes of this permit the definition of Toti,l -toxic Organics is th�jt definition c.ont,iir7crci in thcr I:!'F1 Lffluent Guidelines for the facility subject to the requirement to sample (for metal finishing use the clefinitior ras found in 110 CFR 4,33.:11; for senriconcluctor nManufachlr-e use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469.12; for electronic crystal manufacture t.rse the cefinition as foun(I in 40 ('J_R �169.77_; and far c,athodcl r �y tube manufacture use the definition found in 40 UP /169,31)- Pet ill t Date: 11/1/7.( V.-(5/31/2011 SWU-2,15, last reviseu 11/1/201.8 Pag(2 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent nianag;ement plan into the Stormwater Pollution Preven6an Plan nmy so cci tify, and rile for 110 rrtuclitof inf; r:iay be waived. The solvent mananement plan Shall include a list of the total toxic organic compounds used wrncd the other dements listen in the Gone I Pern'rit. For thosC° ft3cilities electing to ernploy the TTO monitoring waber, the discharger shall sign the (allowing= certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responshle for managing comphance with the permit monitoring; rLctulrCnent far tofaE tnxiC organics j l TO), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping of concentrated toxic organics into the stnrrnwatw or areas which are �:xposecl to rainfall or storfnwaCr'•'u iCff has occurred since filing; the last discharge monitodng report I further certify that this fac_ Ry is imMemwWrIg the all the pmvisim s of this solvent romlgement plan included in the Stormwater Pollution Proventlon Plan." r 11 �_ Name (irr'ih� name) Title (Print titiel-- -----T--'"r' ,r ) Signature y (i Dalt) Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection Lint[ BDl_, <PQt., Non det a, KID, or other similar rron r�ur7rerica! format. When results are below the applicable limits they must be reported in the format,."�XX.rnf;Aj where: XX is the numerical value of the cieter,don limit, reporting limit, etc, in mg/L. Plr:tr:: If you repoM crwmpJe vahie hi excess of the benchnmrk, you roust implement Tier a, Tier 2, or Tier 3 n sponsen .See [; merM lqua it text. Wit i3: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring, Results: only for facilities averagirtg > 55 gal of new c)ii per month. No r:iscf olge this period?' Outfal f o Date Sample Coll CuV 2ri-how rainfall arnount, flew Motor Oil or Non -Polar CAG/ Total Total suspended (mo/dd/yr) inchl Hydraulic Oil Usage Petroleum Hydror.arbcrns solids lir.rrclrrnur•!cs f'rrrarnetcr Cndr. Footnotes from Part A also apply to Part 11 .._�.—_ 46529 mg;/L or `.i{f iiif;/l.•i !Note: If you report a sompt value in excess of the benchrnrrr;k, you must iorplement Tier .1, Tier 2, or Wr 3 responses• See General I'c onit text. Permit Date: 11/1/2018-05/31/2021 last revised ;l3/t/1C1.lfl Page 2 of FOft_E_'_ART A AND fWT B MONITO-RIK-1 RESULTS: A GENCHMI R!: i-X(TIDANCE TRIGGERSTIER 1 REQUIRFMENTS, SE-1- N_-RM[TPAR_[ 11 SEC FloN 13. US i N A ROW VO RTH C- SAM [ PAkAM ["IT11 ATTI lim' SAM [ 0U*I):ALL1PlII G, G F VVI ['k 2 11 14U I k LM I'Wi', St' 1' 1) F'. kN4 IT PART II SECTION B. • TILK 3: HAS YQ()R I:ACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE 13[:NCHMARK EXCEEDENCLS FOR TIME SAME PAkAMETH AT ANY ONE W H�AH._? YFS VrNo E.1 IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACT FDTHE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE? YES �1'No �7_-j Ri:(Iii0(%IAI.01-1-ICECONTACT NAME: .-T -j.- Alluil fit) LI I (�L/ C�qp (lit r I "�Lo 30day Lj_�LL_ _qi ------------ 0 oiscjlur' S� r'(ISC 0 1�� I CP tlfs) to: Oivision of W-,it(.,r C,.u:dj'.y /ittn: DWQ Cuntral'Fi crc i.lj l I KW Service Contl�r RidLsit;h, North 2761)9-161 CHI IHCA HON FOR AH'I "I Celtify, under penalty Of 1,-iw, that this CioCument and all attachments were prepared Linder my direction or supervision in accordance with a System cicsif lwd to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and OV,)ILIDtO the information submitted, Based on n)y inquiry Of the J)QrSon or persons who malizi,"'e the systcill' 01, thcs(persons direct I i i (,.!�poiv�i ble forgathering din information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knovilCdf'(' C,11d h010, Lr'LI(2, L_)CaffItQ, PlId I airi a.vare that there. are :'ifcliNcant Penalties for submitting false information, inciuchng the possibility of fines anti imptisomm2m, for knowing violations." Sit,iiature of 11 mnittee Peewit Date: 11/1/2018-GS/31/2021 gh -1 bo4u . - ­4� ------ - Dote, - SWU-2,15, last revised 11/1/2018 of 3