HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC202467_NOI Signed Certification_20200612NC0 Notice of I n te-n t W".411 C &" t H1,,.-, afl o n F c,1i r ti t„ DlrecUons- Print this form, complete, scan and upload -to theelectronic NOI. Then, mail the original form to the NC; DE:Mt k Storrnvir. er Program (with $100 chc.-ck if paying b�� cher?) at. - Division of Energy, Nlineral & Land Rr•3;ources s torrnwate-qr Program, 512 N. Salisbury Stree,; , V' Floor (Office 640K) 1612 Mail Service! Center Raleigh, NC 2' 699-1.6:t2 00 NOT MAIL THIS OR PAY11A. N ' €P.'i'rK,. YOUR APPUCAT�IOIN 'HA.,.!i, Per NC General Statute 143-215.69 (1), any faerson who knowingly makes any.•fcalse statement, representation, or c:ertiflcation in any application, record, report; pion, or, crtlr€>r docurnent filed or required to be rnaintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article .. , shall .he quilty of a Class 2 rnisdemocynor which rncx1 include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ( 1t1,Ci[iC7). Under penalty of law, I certify that (check all boxes to indicate your Ck� I am the person responsible -for the c o nstrk.iction acaJvities of this pr•ojecl, for 5ati;aftijing ti o requirements of this permit, and for any civil or criminal pl-ffl- i s Eiacurr'ed clue to vialati�jras ca'='tl,is per 'nit. The information submitted in this NOI is, to the best of nay knowledge and belief, true:, accurate, and complete based or) my inquiry of this parson or per-,ons who roanage the system, o thos'�! per*, ins directly responsible for gathering the inform.'.)'! ion. Cl I will abide by all conditions of the NG,O1C7000 eGg ix_-jieaC Parts€t, and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plana iXl If the approved Erosion and Sediment Controi Plan s not compliant with Part 11 {Storrnw�;'(--xr PcalluE:i,;ar. Prevention Plan) of the NQG010000 General Permit, I will nonetheless ensure•that: all conditions of Part 11 of -the permit are met on the project at all times. N] I hereby request coverage under the NQ-.-'010Q' 0 _Permit. and understand that co ier•age under this permit will constitute the permit regrrirerrre nts for the discharge(s) and is enforce able in the s`earne rnaanner as an Individual permit, Name of Project: Sycamore Cove Subdivision Legally Responsible Organizational Entity: !CV Ventures, I..I..:M Legally Etesponsible Person: David Day Title of Legally Respo;asible Person: Owner *Signature?: f [p - t3 atc� • *Print Name and Title of Signed if Autho °.ed Individual Differs from Permittee: Phone dumber: (828) 775-2430 *IMPORTANT NOTE. This form must be signed by a responsible corporate officer brat owns or oprCate. th,, construction activity, such as a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president, or a manager that is authorized in accordance with Part IV, Section 8, Item (6) of the NCG010000 permit. For more information on signatory requirements, see Part. -IV, .section 8, Iaern (6) of the i1.r(:GO1(000 permit.